Alt-Tuning Curious with Ariel Posen

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @nicholasdecaluwe706
    @nicholasdecaluwe706 Рік тому +7

    Ariel is so inspirational. He has such a unique voice to his playing. And he is such a nice guy when you meet him

  • @bleeknoir
    @bleeknoir Рік тому +3

    Let’s have the AP Argo. The Argonaut has been a total game changer for me.

  • @mcole158
    @mcole158 Рік тому +1

    Great show!! +1 on the mini AP Argo!

  • @kalkidasofficial
    @kalkidasofficial Рік тому +3

    Ariel is my guitar hero, hands down! It was amazing seeing him play live and be part of one of his guitar clinics, truly amazing guy and guitar player. Come back to Miami soon Ariel! 🙏

  • @Benz2112
    @Benz2112 Рік тому +5

    I went out to see Ariel live back in 2021. He wore a Castedosa trucker hat and deprived the crowd of that quaff. Great show as always.

  • @scottheins
    @scottheins Рік тому

    As someone who works in the photo/video world in addition to music, I really appreciated the conversation about film set environments. Independent musicians and freelance/contract talent and crew in the film world have a LOT in common when it comes to working conditions and could really learn from each other!

  • @Youtubemademeaddahandle
    @Youtubemademeaddahandle Рік тому

    I agree with Ariel. for me a fuzz 's worth ends when it exceeds the position of a pre-gain. That little bit of intro texture before a blooming (pre-amp) overdrive is a unique addition.

  • @backlinebeat
    @backlinebeat Рік тому +1

    good interview. Ariel is a cool dude. Interviewed him last year, and met him at his show in Vancouver. The show was great as well.

  • @Stonesandtones
    @Stonesandtones Рік тому

    I've only recently taken a real dive into alternate tunings and slide, it's kicking my butt, makes me really appreciate someone like Ariel who pulls it off with such perfection

  • @avenue6.554
    @avenue6.554 Рік тому +1

    Great show again, guys. I’ve got my tickets to see AP later this Fall. He’s always awesome live. Cheers

  • @whodunitpros8555
    @whodunitpros8555 Рік тому

    Best movie set I worked on was a Mormon movie with all Mormon crew. No caffeine, no hangovers, happy competent people, it was great!

  • @WhitAnderson70
    @WhitAnderson70 Рік тому +4

    "great hair, great personality and great tone. All you need." Damn, I am thin on all accounts!

  • @Berndaddie
    @Berndaddie 11 місяців тому

    A lot learned here all around. Awesome!

  • @MrYorchns
    @MrYorchns 10 місяців тому

    Super cool episode 👏🏻

  • @TemporallyYours
    @TemporallyYours Рік тому +1

    Appreciate the episode as always, but ya didn't put any of Ariel's links in the description!

  • @GavinStroup28
    @GavinStroup28 Рік тому +3

    Great podcast guys!!!

  • @r0flgal0re
    @r0flgal0re Рік тому

    Big Wreck are SOOOOOO good

  • @kalkidasofficial
    @kalkidasofficial Рік тому +2

    Yeah Zach! Make the AP Argo reality! 🔥🔥🔥

  • @-b0j-
    @-b0j- Рік тому

    Love AP’s playing and approach to song writing. Also, I’d dig a AP Argo Mini FoSho!

  • @AlbusBand
    @AlbusBand Рік тому

    I remember that guy….in that place…loved spending some time together. Hopefully you’ll be there in January and we’ll get together again. Loved the video and LOVE YOUUUUUU!?!?!

  • @adambakercollege
    @adambakercollege Рік тому +2

    Shout out, Big Wreck!!
    By the way... you can't copyright words, only logos.

    • @TribalGuitars
      @TribalGuitars Рік тому

      Word can be, and are, copyritten! Go try to publish and distribute any literary work under 75 years old. Books, movie & TV scripts, greeting cards beyond generic "Get well soon", "Congratulations", etc, and song lyrics, all fall under copyright.
      Logos, brand names, catchphrases and mottos, and even colors and color combinations, can be trademarked, which is what the issue is with Mythos. Tiffany blue is trademarked. Yellow and white stripes is trademarked by Giorgio of Beverly Hills, and Mcdonald's had to pay them a shitload of money every year to put it on the inside of their fries boxes.
      There is a Mythos new age band that exists, but no one's going to confuse the two entities. From what I saw they don't even have a standard logo from year to year, album to album. There's also a Greek beer, podcast, video game title, and restaurants, none of which are confusing the public compared to the others, all with trademarks the US govt issued.

  • @Youtubemademeaddahandle
    @Youtubemademeaddahandle Рік тому

    Playing with a jazz loving horn band lead me to set up a guitar for open Eb. But, I need to play in Bb, C, Dm, Fmaj, etc. I guess I need to wait for an Eb song that won't let me go.

  • @Youtubemademeaddahandle
    @Youtubemademeaddahandle Рік тому

    If the lyrics I add to a melody don't inform me as to something I either must have known but wasn't sure how to say or didn't realize I could reach this level of understanding then, these are not the lyrics for this song. They may surface at a later date over another melody.

  • @MikeMara
    @MikeMara Рік тому +1

    Zach does have nice touch on guitar. Dude is a really good player. I haven't seen him play in person.. But it's like.. seems like his timing is relaxed in the pocket, and all the notes are dark and detailed.

  • @TribalGuitars
    @TribalGuitars Рік тому

    Amazing video, guys! Seriously!
    As far as the UA SD-1 vs. the Boss SD-1 thing Zach brought up. I am not a trademark lawyer but I have run into this a few times doing some consulting for various things. UA is making a microphone, so it's a totally different product and logo. So there's no confusion to the public, deliberately or otherwise No one's confusing it with the Boss SD-1 pedal in any way. Much the same with Ford Gum & Machine and Ford Motor Company, when Ford Gum used to have a similar script. They were different enough and no one's confusing the products, versus that lawsuit-era Ibanez acoustic Rhett has where it's very much intended to confuse the public. The same happened with Ross being told by MXR to cease and desist their pedals because they looked too close to MXR's product. No one should be making Strat clones under the name "Tender" with a spaghetti-type logo.
    I'm thinking of starting a channel and the UA mic is definitely on my wish list.

  • @jloiben12
    @jloiben12 Рік тому +3

    I’d like a super nano Argo

  • @guillermomurillo5854
    @guillermomurillo5854 Рік тому +2

    Great chat guys! Really enjoyed this. Ariel is a total class act. And... AP Argo all the way!!!

  • @Youtubemademeaddahandle
    @Youtubemademeaddahandle Рік тому

    I started as a sheet music reading piano player and never tried rearranging. I internalized the pieces and played to that developing sound. I never tried to play along with a recording. When I bought myself a guitar and realized the guitar parts on a recording were not available to me I had to teach myself by ear. So, I was then required to play along to a recording to learn anything Later, I began to transcribe from one instrument to the other and develop different arrangements which fitted the instrument being played. Now, it must hit the ear first - even if I pretend not to know the tune. I really want to play with others and react to what I hear them doing.

  • @back2space909
    @back2space909 Рік тому

    Great guy

  • @dancher7640
    @dancher7640 Рік тому +1

    Ha! I was listening to a Kevin Breit album right before I watched this video! The world should know this phenomenal player with a singular approach to melody and harmony.

  • @briankron1377
    @briankron1377 Рік тому

    Am I high or is this episode not available on Spotify?

  • @StevenAnthonyGuitar
    @StevenAnthonyGuitar Рік тому

    When will this episode be added to Spotify? I saw the video appear on UA-cam right before I left to see Ariel live in Cologne on Wednesday, been waiting for it to appear on Spotify as well ever since. I know I can check it hear as well, but I would have to keep UA-cam running on my phone. Since I listen to these at night with earbuds and my newborn trying to sleep in the same room, Spotify keeps my screen off 😉

  • @briankron1377
    @briankron1377 Рік тому

    I actually also have an idea for Mythos, but the opposite of Ariel's mini Argo idea. I'd love a 2 knob Golden Fleece (in a larger footprint). I love the tones from the lower setting on the GF, but I can't get it to a usable volume without an EQ pedal. Would definitely love a bigger one with the gain and volume decoupled and on separate knobs!

  • @thomasdiorio4441
    @thomasdiorio4441 Рік тому +3

    I want an AP Argo, bad!

  • @chrisquinn9104
    @chrisquinn9104 Рік тому

    Z. What’s the difference between a Zonk and a MKI? I thought they were the same, but I haven’t looked at the schematics in a while

  • @jsams3
    @jsams3 Рік тому +1

    Count me in for an AP Argo 🤙🏻

  • @Youtubemademeaddahandle
    @Youtubemademeaddahandle Рік тому

    If you are trying to write for the approval of others, it is helpful to know by which rules your efforts may be judged. Write within those rules but allow for inspiration to throw the occasional wrinkle. The more rules you employ the better will be your judgment about which to set aside. Your style develops from you preferred deselection sets.

  • @rvree9378
    @rvree9378 Рік тому

    Sounds like you need to make a Ariel Posen dual fuzz + OD. Maybe something called the AP mushmellow. Argo going into a bluesbreaker circuit.

  • @acaceres5788
    @acaceres5788 Рік тому

    As a fellow Ariel, when people genuinely care enough to ask me how to say my name I tell people to pronounce it the same way as they would pronounce the letters R, E, L, and if they can do that I'm happy. I still personally pronounce it a little different (rolling the R), but the approximation is close enough and its the effort that counts. But yeah, for the most part I roll with however people say it haha

  • @Youtubemademeaddahandle
    @Youtubemademeaddahandle Рік тому

    Zach's viewpoint on playing electric may seem counterintuitive but, how better to judge a potential pedal idea which does not rob "tone" when inserted. That way a pedal design can be then tweaked for a specific advantage with lesser risk of negative "effects" (pun intended).

  • @WTF-Cubing
    @WTF-Cubing Рік тому +2

    Easier way to pronounce his name:
    But in traditional guitar player fashion, make it complicated 😅

  • @whodunitpros8555
    @whodunitpros8555 Рік тому


  • @paulmatulevich3623
    @paulmatulevich3623 Рік тому

    Mick Taylor is rubbing off on Rhett

  • @telecasteroil
    @telecasteroil Рік тому +2


  • @stevegamiello6476
    @stevegamiello6476 Рік тому

    Come on Ariel, Film crews get paid too much? They get paid well but they break their asses and put up with a lot of BS to make a living. Long Hours, no life, producers would like to work you 20 hours a day if they could. There's no job security. You can make a good pay check this week and be unemployed for two or 3 weeks. And you know how grueling it is. It's not an easy life. I know, I did it for 40 years. Now I'm retired and enjoying life and listening to your music and watching Rhett's channel

  • @admarhermans1
    @admarhermans1 Рік тому

    Great conversation!
    I play bass. But, I absolutely love guitars. IMO guitars sound great in E-flat or D in a band setting.
    But, going lower on guitars than that (with bass and keys/synths in a band)?
    I’m not a big fan of that, whatever te style of music is, for me.
    What the ‘heavier people’ are doing on down tuned guitars in a full band context, does not make the music any heavier for me. In the contrary. Sounds sucks most of the time.
    You can’t go any heavier as Malcolm and Angus..., now van you?
    I love subs, but I rarely go there myself on bass outside ‘effect sounds’ with pedals and my Hipshot D-tuners on most full scale basses or even my 5-string. I use them (faking old synths), and like them sparingly. For me, that’s really the territory the synths are ruling, crushing the PA.
    I love that crushing sounds, but both guitars and electric bass are really mid instruments.
    So, for me, guitars in E-flat or D are great!! Even better than in standard tuning! But, lower: no!!