I've listened to a lot of Christian dating/courting sermons or seminars but this is the very first I hear "my wife is not made for me. She was made for God and to have a relationship with HIm. I was not made for my wife. She's not there to complete me. I was made to have a relationship with God." Thank you so much for this message. And praise God for using you.
Also the Bible literally says the woman was made for man. 1 Corinthians 11:9. As well as in Genesis Genesis 2:18 (NKJV) And the LORD God said, “[It is] not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” This is literally saying that woman was created for man, to be a helper to him bc it's not good for men to be alone. OH! How modern women have lost/forgotten how to be their husbands helpmates. She's there to "complete him", not complete his life or fulfill him tho. Ofc she was also created for God bc it pleased Him to create women. We were made by Him, for Him and through Him. The man has never been created for the woman. "In tune" with each other, compatible; maybe. Maybe God created us with someone whos character would be compatible but not someone specifically. I don't really believe in "the one that was specifically made with me in mind" I believe there's multiple ppl that could be a great fit for me. I also believe that "the one" is just a way to say the one that's most compatible/most likely to have the best and longest marriage, "the one" you're gonna marry type of thing.
@@joanne8790 if one was to wait till every part of their life was whole and completely healed in Jesus, then you'd be waiting a long time to get married, no one is perfect, it's a life long journey
This also hit me.. "In dating relationships, in love, you're not looking for someone who needs to be rescued. You're not looking to be the savior of somebody-- you're looking for a PARTNER for LIFE, not a project that you're gonna rescue."
"Marriage can't change your loneliness." Completely true. Single, then married, 16 years later, abandoned, single again now with 4 kids. I'm closer to God than ever and feel less lonely than ever, single without a spouse, but closer to God. I really appreciate this talk.
I think "marriage can't change your loneliness" means that when you're married, you're still vulnerable to this feeling of loneliness because you and your spouse don't have a good relationship.
I really needed this podcast. Lately I’ve been crying multiple times a day over how scared I am about being forever alone. I’ve been so desperate in matching with guys on dating apps, but I never feel satisfied. I really need to stop making a relationship an idol and wait on the Lord’s timing. Thank you, The Porch.
@AnimeStargrl15 the comments on "For the woman who has never dated" by youtuber Emily Wilson were so uplifting, so I'm passing it on. ApplyGodsWord has great articles too on seasons of singleness and where to go/what to do while you're in them too! May you find peace, comfort, and JOY ♥
Girl!! I would also recommend the book "The meaning of marriage" from Tim Keller, it changed my perspective on singleness and marriage to a more godly purposeful one in God! Highly recommended!! God bless you!!
@@amandamilobooks Apply God’s Word is the closest to scriptures christian dating channel ever. Have been watching it for years and it has helped me a lot to ditch bullets, walk away from people that weren’t equally yoked. Sometimes I would watch his videos and be upset because I knew a certain person wasn’t for me and wasn’t supposed to date them. And I didn’t date them and today I am so grateful for this channel. It’s been helping me a lot in my waiting season.
I just want to say that no matter how much I run and hide, God always finds me. And I'm always left in awe at the lengths that he will go to bring me back no matter how much I push him away. This video just found me at the exact right time
After a couple of years being a Christian, finally, this week I started to feel God really love me and think I am extremely valuable to him! Not because I am better than I was or if I can be a good believer but because he knows me and understands why I am who I am today. This is the first time, I feel I am important to him. Not because if I keep my good behavior or doing services in church, but because he saves me. He knows my stories and all my weakness. He is the only living water. Don’t value yourself short!
Even though I already knew I’m not ready to date lol I wanted to watch this to remind myself since their are times were I feel like I like someone and want to give into just being with them, it won’t work, no matter how nice they may seem or harmless, if it’s not Gods will it won’t work.
We are complete in Christ! But God gives many people the blessing of marriage as a gift! A rare few are given the gift of celibacy, so that they can live single for undistracted Kingdom work. And finally there are some who are not chosen for marriage. They are not gifted with celibacy and they do not have the ability to find a spouse. They must cling to Christ and surrender their desire for a marriage relationship.
@@ciarababcock5450 It’s not easy but find all you need with Jesus, in the Word (He is the word), in prayer & fasting, worship. Your desire to date and marry is good but your desire for God should be greater, even in that relationship. The more you fill yourself with God the more your eyes lock on Him and if God sends someone your way you’ll know because your so focused on God that you won’t fall for anything less than a man of God filled with the Holy Spirit! Understand nothing will satisfy or fill you but Jesus and then pursue Him, that’s how I would keep my head up! Hopefully that helps! If not ignore it 😅 Keep your head up and eyes on God and God willing the spouse will come, keep praying and surrendering it to the Lord!
@@ciarababcock5450I've told myself time and time again; it's better to be alone, than to be with the wrong man. Trust God. He may be working, shaping, & molding you, as you wait on Him!
This is a truly moving sermon and one of the few where I purely heard God speaking His truth through you instead of feeling judged. I feel inspired and ready to commit myself to God more closely instead of looking for a relationship without Christ at the centre. Thank you for this. God bless!
2:30 How I met my wife 3:15 Intro 5:40 You are single, and you are not ready to mingle 8:16 Jesus talks with a Samaritan Woman, John 4:4-26 17:00 #1 You are Dating Delusional 22:00 1 Corinthians 7:28 - Concerning Married Life 23:50 You know they are not the one God says you should date (Jeremiah 17:9) 25:01 The delusion of "The One" 26:40 The delusion of being sexually compatible 27:40 The delusion that chemistry matters more than character 29:10 #2 You're dating Dehydrated 30:00 Marriage won't change your loneliness 31:50 Approach dating as a whole person 32:40 Online examples of being relational thirsty 34:55 Maybe I married the wrong person 37:39 #3 You are dating damaged 39:00 Forgiveness 39:29 Colossians 3:13 41:50 Begining to heal 43:22 Prioritizing Pursuing Jesus 44:49 Marriage Promise and Preparation 46:04 Conclusion
I made the mistake in my early youth to do what I wanted instead of waiting for gods timing and that relationship ended so badly. This time I’m focused on making my relationship with god better, becoming a better person, better servant of god, and to become the kind of wife to my future mate that god wants me to be.. and while I’m doing all that I am going to trust that god will bring my furniture husband into my life when he thinks it’s the right time!
This was amazing. Lately I've been on an emotional roller coaster trying to find my value in love with another person. While I've continued to use God's strength in his word and what he has shown me to bring about a relationship, I started to lose my realization for how special the relationship I share with God is. Because of this video, I was also brought back to what I skimmed over so much, with realizing our worth as people made by The Most High, that we shouldn't sell our selves short but instead walk in authority with respect for the price that we were bought for . Thanks. Much love
Powerful sermon! 🙌🏼 I’ve surrendered my love life to the Lord. Nothing is better than God writing your love story :) I’m patiently waiting on God’s perfect timing & will, for my Kingdom spouse. 😊🙏🏼❤️
Yes girl! I pray Lord that YOU will remain the focus and that you heal us with your grace! Set us free from unforgiveness and let us see your goodness in your time! Write our stories and do it all for your glory.
That intro was chaotic 😂😂😂 “We should change that rule.” -the guy that isn’t paying for the food and didn’t contribute to the seating arrangement plans
I'm so glad I stumbled on this channel,I'm so blessed and encouraged to not compromise anymore. I can't thank The Porch enough. More Grace and Blessings 🙏🏽
I just finished watching this video because David’s words spoke so clearly to me since I realized I have been dating delusional and dehydrated. I actually cried at the end when he talked about Jesus stating despite our past and what we do he still loves us. This was an amazing sermon and wish I hear these words tonight when I was 16. Thank you for this beautiful message tonight and I look forward to watching more of your videos God Bless 🙏🏻🤍
I feel most single people struggle with this. I try to deny my desire for a relationship, but it pops up in my mind a lot, and I pray that God helps me through this situation every day.
What an amazing sermon about dating ❤. I lost my late husband about 4 years ago now. We have been together for 17 years before he passed. I have learned so much during that marriage and it is very true that marriage is very challenging. No infidelity between us but have we not given the time to get to know each other prior to our marriage it could easily break our vows. Do not believe in fairy tales. It only gets challenging as soon as you get married because part of your individuality will die. Now, that I’m single again, I am healing and getting to know myself as an individual. I am definitely taking this singleness as a treat to be a whole person again so my future husband will meet me at my best version in Christ and not my past baggage ❤…god bless you all..
When I think of "the one", I don't think of the one that was made specifically for me, rather the one that imma marry, the one that I'm compatible with, the one that's has the best outcome of having the best marriage and glorifying God the best(only God knows, so ask Him! Proverbs 3:4-5). The one that has everything I'm looking for, the one that's gonna be a helper to me. I'm waiting for "the one". I understand there's not someone specific tailored for us and a "soulmate", I actually learned that through time w Jesus and talking with Him, He told me that and said I could choose whichever one when asking about which woman I should pursue, A or B
@Soupkid24 it has been in vain. I don't mean to sound entitled. I'm just disappointed. Something that was supposed to be beautiful is now nothing more than a heavy black cloud of shame and humiliation.
Remember Hannah? She waited for years to have a baby but instead of being bitter and resentful of God she put a smile on her face and continued to trust in God’s perfect timing. Maybe God is waiting for you to do the same. He wants you to be complete in Him only otherwise you’ll make your relationship an idol in your life and that often leads to an unhappy marriage that you will mostly regret. Trust in God’s timing and He give give you a man you won’t regret and make all those lonely years worth the wait
"How many times have you heard a man say, if I only had more money I could do things my way? But little did they know it's so hard to find one rich man in ten with a satisfied mind!". R. Zimmerman 79
@@vilindaveronica5703 sometimes they can even pretend to be everything great but then when you marry them they are a monster sometimes there are red flags and sometimes there aren't until you marry them and I have seen that way too many times!
I’m going to put this here and I hope this helps whoever is reading- forgiveness is a mental choice. It doesn’t mean what they did was right, or that you have t be happy with what they did. Take it to God and mentally forgive them and your resentment will reduce. You can choose to forgive someone and still be upset x
This teaching has so many good quality aspects to follow and adhere to. Overall its so good. But no human is perfect and sadly there are things in this teaching that are not biblical. most of it is thats the good news. But here’s what I really would like to share…. Firstly God is at liberty to provide a person with ‘the one’. The definition of the one here I use loosely, because in reality Christ is the ONLY ONE for us. I agree we are not made for our spouses. Of course not. But that doesnt mean in the same breathe that God does not hand pick spouses for us. The scriptures prove instances where God has specifically called two people into a marriage. There does need to be consent to that though, of course. Starting with Adam and Eve, Moses and Zipphorah, Abraham and Sarah - these two would not have the story they have of Sarah was Jane or Abraham had been Bob, their characters, personalities etc were dependent on the story’s outcome - not random, Rebecca and Issac - no need to explain, Mary and Joseph, these two are my favourite God hand picked match. Joseph was destined to be Jesus’ ‘step dad’ His earthy Dad, from a line that was handpicked by God, not random, Mary was handpicked among women on earth at that time to be the mother of the Messiah - not a job for any random woman, these two were brought together by God - not random. You yourself were chosen by the Father, this is scripture, Jesus says to His father ..the ones you have given to me. The father has chosen each member of the body - the Bride. Yes a person can choose from among a crowd, but clearly for those who understand the fathers heart deeper and believes by faith, then yes He will provide the one; but be prepared to wait on the Lord. That route is not for the faint hearted but the outcome will be worth waiting for. I could go deeper but here isn’t the time or place. Really just want to start a different conversation in peoples hearts because this idea there isn’t the hand picked person, is damaging. I could tip the theories on these ‘sliding door’ statistics and beliefs on their heads and probably will one day…. Second thing is about the reluctance to marry a couple f one of them is still broken. The scripture calls a husband to love his wife as Christ loves the church. God marry’s His bride - unites with us - while we are broken, and through that marriage he helps restore us. The idea two people shouldn’t marry if they have dysfunction is unrealistic. We are all human and humans have brokenness. Of course theres a level of brokenness that should be healed prior to marriage, but the example given in this sermon doesn’t qualify and the clean yourself up fully before coming into union idea simply is unbiblical, in fact God calls two people together to marriage who will often bring weaknesses to the relationship that will help refine each other, iron sharpen iron. Again im not talking about the boundary of dysfunction where marriage wouldn’t be recommended, but holding onto things isnt a reason not to marry a person. Lord, help us if Jesus required a level of health n our souls that this sermon is suggesting before we engage in union. I’m not berating this sermon at all, Quite the opposite, its strong and of good quality, but like every preacher this one isnt perfect. But what a good teaching he’s delivering overall. One with listening to, learning from, paying attention to, but always cross your teachings through Jesus before absorbing everything humans deliver. With all the best intentions, pastors sometimes make mistakes xx Hope its ok to share those perspectives, again no disrespect to the teacher, the ministry is A Class x
just date already, don't put it off, do something different, meet new people, live, try something different......I put off dating for more than 10 years.......ACTUAL dumbest thing iv'e done in my whole life, missed out on many a romantic time.. sure it didnt work in the end, wasnt meant to be, but gosh you gotta try something, try to make something work
several pieces of this message seemed extremely similar to the sermons "how to date" by Ben Stuart and "Dehydrated Dating" by Rich Wilkerson Jr. at some points word for word. would be kind of you to give them credit!
I didn't know how damaged I was until I stepped out and had an affair on my wife... The damage I've caused to someone I loved, it is something I wouldn't wish for, not even on my enemy. I dont want to be damaged anymore, I dont want to hurt another soul, so I am on my hands and knees, asking for forgiveness and deliverance. Only he, Jesus, can grant me freedom.
Butterfly you feel mean danger 🤣 not romantic feeling. I remember hearing someone said one I believe it was a Dr. When first date someone your brain is like on drugs. This why I said I walk in love with eyes open and want see red flags before I get marry. I always told God before I get marry. I want be ready with Jesus and complete with Him. I am wanted be heal and deliver before Marriage. I wanted be to 100% with God the Father Jesus and Holy Spirit. Or be single and live for Jesus.
@ThePorch Love the messages, but does anyone else have issues with the sound, cutting out, seems like after each pause, the next several words do not come through the sound, you see the lips moving, but you have to watch intently to attempt to read the words in those moments...
Catholic Church is full of legalistic religious principles. Believe and seek the word of God, regardless of what the church thinks. Best of luck to you friend!
Don’t expect anyone to respond but just been with my girl for a month and everything has been fine but i just got a random feeling in my gut. not that’s she cheating or anything and we get a long great. i just don’t know if it’s telling me im not fully ready or what and i don’t wanna just leave and hurt her but i also can’t keep going on with that feeling in my stomach
1. We may be complete in Christ spiritually, but as mankind, we are to be completed in relationship with one another. As a man, you are to be completed by being married to a woman. 2. God saw Man's singlehood and said "it was not good" and gave him a wife to be completed to be made whole. Not another man to fulfill his loneliness or singlehood. 3. You are not married to a "partner" but to a role. Don't turn your marriage into a business. 4. The only disqualifications for marriage is to marry someone that is not equally yoked. Everything else is a preference. 5. If you are a man with no future, no job, or nothing going for themselves you are in no position to date. 6. If you are a woman with no plans to submit to leadership under a man, you are in no position to date. 7. Dating is simple, don't complicate it.
What a cheek to think you can bring people to someone elses wedding who invited just YOU unless they specify an option for plus 1. The wedding couple usual pay exorbitant ammounts of money per person for venue and catering, its very presumptuous to feel you should get to bring friends to make it "more merry". The weding is to celebrate those two people coming together i marriage not just a free party. But feel free to invite as many people to your own marriage party 😂
Hey everyone, maybe someone can help me I've looked everywhere for the message David keeps referring too in this message name "anti-suppressants" can anyone help me find it? thank you!
Is it wrong for the person you’re dating with the intent on marriage to have a lot of friends of the opposite sex? I don’t agree with it but he says they’re friends and would help anyone. Thanks for your feedback.
Why would you assume that this woman is of ill repute? In Bible times, women had no rights and certainly were not allowed to initiate divorce. This woman didn’t choose to be in the situation she was when Jesus encountered her. And the reason she was alone, and deserted and rejected was likely a cultural one, such as being unable to bear children. Perhaps her situation was similar to the one described by the Pharisees, where they challenged Jesus about the resurrection. Jesus came to her with an offer to exchange her cup of brokenness for His cup of living water. Oh, how I love Jesus.❤
I'm sorry Sr but if you can't be yourself that just doesn't sound like a proper relationship to me. There is no reason I shouldn't be able to be myself and just be a better version of myself and be in a relationship and or Married at the same time.
41:29 this reminds me of something my father once said: “in a fight between 2 nice box players, the one who can resist more to the punches will probably win the one who’s better at punching than resisting!” For context: he was literally talking about that topic, so I’m not (in any ways) saying for you to continue with a partner who punches u lol… What I’m saying is that this reminded me of what my father said bc I’m constantly working on my overall skills, including forgiveness (as humans should)! Learning that forgiving has nothing to do with walking hand tied, kissing or hanging around with people who did something bad to me (in different levels), it has to do with me trying my best to resemble more to Christ! Eventually I’M GONNA FAIL bc I’m a human with free will, and I will certainly fail in forgiving someone, but I can try my best and ask for God’s guidance in what’s not humanly possible for me (He didn’t die for us for no reason… So we will constantly have to rely on Him with several issues)! God bless you!
I agree I would prefer it if arranged marriages were the norm. I’m completely serious. I don’t want to date. I want to marry. Right away. What’s the point of dating? Marriage is where you get to know each other. Marriages don’t sustain on feelings, they are sustained by choices and responsibility. That’s why I am so ‘bad’ at dating. Because of the weird expectations of ‘getting to know someone.’ This is how I am: “do you want to get married?” If yes, let’s get married, if no, goodbye! But most women want to ‘get to know you,’ which I just don’t understand. You’ll never know someone fully. Comparability is a worldly myth. Pick a Christian if you are a Christian. That’s the only compatibility I care about. If that’s too late, stick it out, as the Bible says.
Silly, not a person on earth is ever ready for dating or marriage. No one is ever ready. Only ignorant people date or get married. "oh yeah I got this." how arrogant can you be?
I've listened to a lot of Christian dating/courting sermons or seminars but this is the very first I hear "my wife is not made for me. She was made for God and to have a relationship with HIm. I was not made for my wife. She's not there to complete me. I was made to have a relationship with God." Thank you so much for this message. And praise God for using you.
Amen, but at the same time "you can be made for each other" in the some sense of being compatible , etc
1 isn't a whole number. 1 is never enough, unless You're the apostle Paul or some other gifted individual....it's never the norm
Also the Bible literally says the woman was made for man. 1 Corinthians 11:9. As well as in Genesis
Genesis 2:18 (NKJV) And the LORD God said, “[It is] not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
This is literally saying that woman was created for man, to be a helper to him bc it's not good for men to be alone. OH! How modern women have lost/forgotten how to be their husbands helpmates.
She's there to "complete him", not complete his life or fulfill him tho. Ofc she was also created for God bc it pleased Him to create women. We were made by Him, for Him and through Him. The man has never been created for the woman. "In tune" with each other, compatible; maybe. Maybe God created us with someone whos character would be compatible but not someone specifically. I don't really believe in "the one that was specifically made with me in mind" I believe there's multiple ppl that could be a great fit for me. I also believe that "the one" is just a way to say the one that's most compatible/most likely to have the best and longest marriage, "the one" you're gonna marry type of thing.
@@joanne8790 if one was to wait till every part of their life was whole and completely healed in Jesus, then you'd be waiting a long time to get married, no one is perfect, it's a life long journey
@@jesuschristiskingandsavior461 Good job brother, was about to do what you did
This also hit me.. "In dating relationships, in love, you're not looking for someone who needs to be rescued. You're not looking to be the savior of somebody-- you're looking for a PARTNER for LIFE, not a project that you're gonna rescue."
"Marriage can't change your loneliness." Completely true. Single, then married, 16 years later, abandoned, single again now with 4 kids. I'm closer to God than ever and feel less lonely than ever, single without a spouse, but closer to God.
I really appreciate this talk.
If you have four kids, you are not alone.
You need peer fellowship!!!
I think "marriage can't change your loneliness" means that when you're married, you're still vulnerable to this feeling of loneliness because you and your spouse don't have a good relationship.
God bless you. Amen
I really needed this podcast. Lately I’ve been crying multiple times a day over how scared I am about being forever alone. I’ve been so desperate in matching with guys on dating apps, but I never feel satisfied. I really need to stop making a relationship an idol and wait on the Lord’s timing. Thank you, The Porch.
@AnimeStargrl15 the comments on "For the woman who has never dated" by youtuber Emily Wilson were so uplifting, so I'm passing it on. ApplyGodsWord has great articles too on seasons of singleness and where to go/what to do while you're in them too! May you find peace, comfort, and JOY ♥
Girl!! I would also recommend the book "The meaning of marriage" from Tim Keller, it changed my perspective on singleness and marriage to a more godly purposeful one in God! Highly recommended!! God bless you!!
@@amandamilobooks Apply God’s Word is the closest to scriptures christian dating channel ever. Have been watching it for years and it has helped me a lot to ditch bullets, walk away from people that weren’t equally yoked. Sometimes I would watch his videos and be upset because I knew a certain person wasn’t for me and wasn’t supposed to date them. And I didn’t date them and today I am so grateful for this channel. It’s been helping me a lot in my waiting season.
I just want to say that no matter how much I run and hide, God always finds me. And I'm always left in awe at the lengths that he will go to bring me back no matter how much I push him away. This video just found me at the exact right time
God is good
This pastor is spittin’ GOLD & dropping dating gems - this message could save a lot of Christians from heartbreak and divorce.
After a couple of years being a Christian, finally, this week I started to feel God really love me and think I am extremely valuable to him! Not because I am better than I was or if I can be a good believer but because he knows me and understands why I am who I am today. This is the first time, I feel I am important to him. Not because if I keep my good behavior or doing services in church, but because he saves me. He knows my stories and all my weakness. He is the only living water. Don’t value yourself short!
Even though I already knew I’m not ready to date lol I wanted to watch this to remind myself since their are times were I feel like I like someone and want to give into just being with them, it won’t work, no matter how nice they may seem or harmless, if it’s not Gods will it won’t work.
They don't complete me because I'm complete in Christ.
Thank you for this. I’ve been having a hard time accepting my singleness. How do you keep your head up? On year 3 of this
We are complete in Christ! But God gives many people the blessing of marriage as a gift! A rare few are given the gift of celibacy, so that they can live single for undistracted Kingdom work. And finally there are some who are not chosen for marriage. They are not gifted with celibacy and they do not have the ability to find a spouse. They must cling to Christ and surrender their desire for a marriage relationship.
@@ciarababcock5450 It’s not easy but find all you need with Jesus, in the Word (He is the word), in prayer & fasting, worship. Your desire to date and marry is good but your desire for God should be greater, even in that relationship. The more you fill yourself with God the more your eyes lock on Him and if God sends someone your way you’ll know because your so focused on God that you won’t fall for anything less than a man of God filled with the Holy Spirit! Understand nothing will satisfy or fill you but Jesus and then pursue Him, that’s how I would keep my head up! Hopefully that helps! If not ignore it 😅 Keep your head up and eyes on God and God willing the spouse will come, keep praying and surrendering it to the Lord!
@@ciarababcock5450I've told myself time and time again; it's better to be alone, than to be with the wrong man. Trust God. He may be working, shaping, & molding you, as you wait on Him!
This is a truly moving sermon and one of the few where I purely heard God speaking His truth through you instead of feeling judged. I feel inspired and ready to commit myself to God more closely instead of looking for a relationship without Christ at the centre. Thank you for this. God bless!
Forgiving yourself is super important too!!!!!! But maybe the hardest…
2:30 How I met my wife
3:15 Intro
5:40 You are single, and you are not ready to mingle
8:16 Jesus talks with a Samaritan Woman, John 4:4-26
17:00 #1 You are Dating Delusional
22:00 1 Corinthians 7:28 - Concerning Married Life
23:50 You know they are not the one God says you should date (Jeremiah 17:9)
25:01 The delusion of "The One"
26:40 The delusion of being sexually compatible
27:40 The delusion that chemistry matters more than character
29:10 #2 You're dating Dehydrated
30:00 Marriage won't change your loneliness
31:50 Approach dating as a whole person
32:40 Online examples of being relational thirsty
34:55 Maybe I married the wrong person
37:39 #3 You are dating damaged
39:00 Forgiveness
39:29 Colossians 3:13
41:50 Begining to heal
43:22 Prioritizing Pursuing Jesus
44:49 Marriage Promise and Preparation
46:04 Conclusion
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!!!!
Thank you!
Thank you 🙏🏽
I made the mistake in my early youth to do what I wanted instead of waiting for gods timing and that relationship ended so badly. This time I’m focused on making my relationship with god better, becoming a better person, better servant of god, and to become the kind of wife to my future mate that god wants me to be.. and while I’m doing all that I am going to trust that god will bring my furniture husband into my life when he thinks it’s the right time!
Feels like Jesus spoke to me through Him. Thank you for this message. This is indeed the answer I have been looking for!
This was amazing. Lately I've been on an emotional roller coaster trying to find my value in love with another person. While I've continued to use God's strength in his word and what he has shown me to bring about a relationship, I started to lose my realization for how special the relationship I share with God is. Because of this video, I was also brought back to what I skimmed over so much, with realizing our worth as people made by The Most High, that we shouldn't sell our selves short but instead walk in authority with respect for the price that we were bought for . Thanks. Much love
Powerful sermon! 🙌🏼 I’ve surrendered my love life to the Lord. Nothing is better than God writing your love story :) I’m patiently waiting on God’s perfect timing & will, for my Kingdom spouse. 😊🙏🏼❤️
Beautiful!! Amen🙌🙌🫶
Yes girl! I pray Lord that YOU will remain the focus and that you heal us with your grace! Set us free from unforgiveness and let us see your goodness in your time! Write our stories and do it all for your glory.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you
That intro was chaotic 😂😂😂 “We should change that rule.”
-the guy that isn’t paying for the food and didn’t contribute to the seating arrangement plans
I'm so glad I stumbled on this channel,I'm so blessed and encouraged to not compromise anymore. I can't thank The Porch enough. More Grace and Blessings 🙏🏽
I just finished watching this video because David’s words spoke so clearly to me since I realized I have been dating delusional and dehydrated. I actually cried at the end when he talked about Jesus stating despite our past and what we do he still loves us. This was an amazing sermon and wish I hear these words tonight when I was 16. Thank you for this beautiful message tonight and I look forward to watching more of your videos God Bless 🙏🏻🤍
I love this intro to Jesus… even though I’m not dating the thought of Jesus pursing this women I feel Jesus pursing me… ❤😭😭
The Porch is amazing. I am constantly challenged by the topics and stories you share. Thank you!
I struggle with this. I need to heal. I want to grow in Christ.
I feel most single people struggle with this. I try to deny my desire for a relationship, but it pops up in my mind a lot, and I pray that God helps me through this situation every day.
How's your journey been? It's been a year hoping to hear great news🙏
What an amazing sermon about dating ❤. I lost my late husband about 4 years ago now. We have been together for 17 years before he passed. I have learned so much during that marriage and it is very true that marriage is very challenging. No infidelity between us but have we not given the time to get to know each other prior to our marriage it could easily break our vows. Do not believe in fairy tales. It only gets challenging as soon as you get married because part of your individuality will die.
Now, that I’m single again, I am healing and getting to know myself as an individual. I am definitely taking this singleness as a treat to be a whole person again so my future husband will meet me at my best version in Christ and not my past baggage ❤…god bless you all..
You will never be truly ready to start doing anything. Figure it out after you start doing anything
When I think of "the one", I don't think of the one that was made specifically for me, rather the one that imma marry, the one that I'm compatible with, the one that's has the best outcome of having the best marriage and glorifying God the best(only God knows, so ask Him! Proverbs 3:4-5). The one that has everything I'm looking for, the one that's gonna be a helper to me. I'm waiting for "the one". I understand there's not someone specific tailored for us and a "soulmate", I actually learned that through time w Jesus and talking with Him, He told me that and said I could choose whichever one when asking about which woman I should pursue, A or B
I needed to hear this, thanks for sharing this message for it was so timely.
I'm so glad i waited 27 long lonely years, staying "clean" and "pure" for marriage and I have absolutely nothing to show for it. Great. Awesome.
You seem bitter, do you believe you’ve been staying pure in vain?
@Soupkid24 it has been in vain. I don't mean to sound entitled. I'm just disappointed. Something that was supposed to be beautiful is now nothing more than a heavy black cloud of shame and humiliation.
What happened to you? Are you a man or a woman?
Remember Hannah? She waited for years to have a baby but instead of being bitter and resentful of God she put a smile on her face and continued to trust in God’s perfect timing. Maybe God is waiting for you to do the same. He wants you to be complete in Him only otherwise you’ll make your relationship an idol in your life and that often leads to an unhappy marriage that you will mostly regret. Trust in God’s timing and He give give you a man you won’t regret and make all those lonely years worth the wait
“Butterflies fly away!” 😂😂😂😂
Amen.🙏 I have never listened to Christian dating sermons and this is very encouraging and what is the most important thing before start dating.
"How many times have you heard a man say, if I only had more money I could do things my way? But little did they know it's so hard to find one rich man in ten with a satisfied mind!". R. Zimmerman 79
If you marry an abusive person who refuses to get help, that is not the right person. A toxic marriage almost killed me.
@@vilindaveronica5703 sometimes they can even pretend to be everything great but then when you marry them they are a monster sometimes there are red flags and sometimes there aren't until you marry them and I have seen that way too many times!
Thanks for this sermon!
It helped me see things a bit more clearly and wisdom based.
Marriage will fix your last name but not your identity🤲🏻
I need this .God bless you man of God for this sermon
First time listener and I just want tonsay, "Praise God. What a wonderful message."
This was so helpful in planning my women’s study!
Amen in Jesus'Name 🙏. Thank you Pastor David
Phenomenal Word to All The Singles.. Devine Knowledge is Power, in CHRIST JESUS!!! Thank you
Powerful Sermon! Praise the Lord, Jesus!
Amen for us all single females
Best advice ever. Thank you!
I’m going to put this here and I hope this helps whoever is reading- forgiveness is a mental choice. It doesn’t mean what they did was right, or that you have t be happy with what they did. Take it to God and mentally forgive them and your resentment will reduce. You can choose to forgive someone and still be upset x
This helped me so much., I’ve been doing life all wrong .. Ty for your Godly advice. ❤
I'm preparing for my promise. 💗💗
this was so needed!
This teaching has so many good quality aspects to follow and adhere to. Overall its so good. But no human is perfect and sadly there are things in this teaching that are not biblical. most of it is thats the good news. But here’s what I really would like to share…. Firstly God is at liberty to provide a person with ‘the one’. The definition of the one here I use loosely, because in reality Christ is the ONLY ONE for us. I agree we are not made for our spouses. Of course not. But that doesnt mean in the same breathe that God does not hand pick spouses for us. The scriptures prove instances where God has specifically called two people into a marriage. There does need to be consent to that though, of course. Starting with Adam and Eve, Moses and Zipphorah, Abraham and Sarah - these two would not have the story they have of Sarah was Jane or Abraham had been Bob, their characters, personalities etc were dependent on the story’s outcome - not random, Rebecca and Issac - no need to explain, Mary and Joseph, these two are my favourite God hand picked match. Joseph was destined to be Jesus’ ‘step dad’ His earthy Dad, from a line that was handpicked by God, not random, Mary was handpicked among women on earth at that time to be the mother of the Messiah - not a job for any random woman, these two were brought together by God - not random. You yourself were chosen by the Father, this is scripture, Jesus says to His father ..the ones you have given to me. The father has chosen each member of the body - the Bride. Yes a person can choose from among a crowd, but clearly for those who understand the fathers heart deeper and believes by faith, then yes He will provide the one; but be prepared to wait on the Lord. That route is not for the faint hearted but the outcome will be worth waiting for. I could go deeper but here isn’t the time or place. Really just want to start a different conversation in peoples hearts because this idea there isn’t the hand picked person, is damaging. I could tip the theories on these ‘sliding door’ statistics and beliefs on their heads and probably will one day…. Second thing is about the reluctance to marry a couple f one of them is still broken. The scripture calls a husband to love his wife as Christ loves the church. God marry’s His bride - unites with us - while we are broken, and through that marriage he helps restore us. The idea two people shouldn’t marry if they have dysfunction is unrealistic. We are all human and humans have brokenness. Of course theres a level of brokenness that should be healed prior to marriage, but the example given in this sermon doesn’t qualify and the clean yourself up fully before coming into union idea simply is unbiblical, in fact God calls two people together to marriage who will often bring weaknesses to the relationship that will help refine each other, iron sharpen iron. Again im not talking about the boundary of dysfunction where marriage wouldn’t be recommended, but holding onto things isnt a reason not to marry a person. Lord, help us if Jesus required a level of health n our souls that this sermon is suggesting before we engage in union. I’m not berating this sermon at all, Quite the opposite, its strong and of good quality, but like every preacher this one isnt perfect. But what a good teaching he’s delivering overall. One with listening to, learning from, paying attention to, but always cross your teachings through Jesus before absorbing everything humans deliver. With all the best intentions, pastors sometimes make mistakes xx Hope its ok to share those perspectives, again no disrespect to the teacher, the ministry is A Class x
Thank you for this
Thank you for this 🌕
I bet a lot of people broke up or called off the engagement. But it’s for the best❤
Powerful , inspiring and encouraging Sermon. Praise God for letting me hear this message. ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏💫💫💫 xxxx love from Glasgow
THIS IS SO GOOD wow. amen.
He’s spittin
This was good!
I was listening to this guy and didn't know he was a Christian at first. Then i was like there's no way he's not one the way he's talking
This was so good ❤
Beautiful reading 🙏
#4 me seeing this video 1 yr later on my timeline .
Sounds like you gotta be absolutely perfect with no flaws to get married. 🙄 great, good to know. Must be nice for all those perfect people.
just date already, don't put it off, do something different, meet new people, live, try something different......I put off dating for more than 10 years.......ACTUAL dumbest thing iv'e done in my whole life, missed out on many a romantic time.. sure it didnt work in the end, wasnt meant to be, but gosh you gotta try something, try to make something work
several pieces of this message seemed extremely similar to the sermons "how to date" by Ben Stuart and "Dehydrated Dating" by Rich Wilkerson Jr. at some points word for word. would be kind of you to give them credit!
I noticed this as well, loved their messages also
Ty!!! 🥺
Does anyone know what happened to JD Rodgers? I haven't seen him in 2 months
I was literally just wondering the same thing I pray he is okay
He moved a while back.
I didn't know how damaged I was until I stepped out and had an affair on my wife... The damage I've caused to someone I loved, it is something I wouldn't wish for, not even on my enemy. I dont want to be damaged anymore, I dont want to hurt another soul, so I am on my hands and knees, asking for forgiveness and deliverance. Only he, Jesus, can grant me freedom.
I want to prioritize my God before anything else...
Heavy ❤
Disney discipled a whole generation fs!
✝️Repent from your sins🙏, turn to God before it’s to late⏰, for tomorrow is not promised ❤️
Amen! 🙌🙌🤧
Butterfly you feel mean danger 🤣 not romantic feeling. I remember hearing someone said one I believe it was a Dr. When first date someone your brain is like on drugs. This why I said I walk in love with eyes open and want see red flags before I get marry.
I always told God before I get marry. I want be ready with Jesus and complete with Him. I am wanted be heal and deliver before Marriage. I wanted be to 100% with God the Father Jesus and Holy Spirit. Or be single and live for Jesus.
@ThePorch Love the messages, but does anyone else have issues with the sound, cutting out, seems like after each pause, the next several words do not come through the sound, you see the lips moving, but you have to watch intently to attempt to read the words in those moments...
I am in Catholic church, do you think I can watch this channel
Man you better watch this sermon and listen to what God's saying to you
The stuff I’ve seen is pretty generic and biblical..
Catholic Church is full of legalistic religious principles. Believe and seek the word of God, regardless of what the church thinks. Best of luck to you friend!
Yes. Jesus is not a religion, He’s an experience.
Don’t expect anyone to respond but just been with my girl for a month and everything has been fine but i just got a random feeling in my gut. not that’s she cheating or anything and we get a long great. i just don’t know if it’s telling me im not fully ready or what and i don’t wanna just leave and hurt her but i also can’t keep going on with that feeling in my stomach
1. We may be complete in Christ spiritually, but as mankind, we are to be completed in relationship with one another. As a man, you are to be completed by being married to a woman.
2. God saw Man's singlehood and said "it was not good" and gave him a wife to be completed to be made whole. Not another man to fulfill his loneliness or singlehood.
3. You are not married to a "partner" but to a role. Don't turn your marriage into a business.
4. The only disqualifications for marriage is to marry someone that is not equally yoked. Everything else is a preference.
5. If you are a man with no future, no job, or nothing going for themselves you are in no position to date.
6. If you are a woman with no plans to submit to leadership under a man, you are in no position to date.
7. Dating is simple, don't complicate it.
How do you heal from your parents giving you up for adoption and then dying. I’ve been struggle with this since I was a baby
Give it to the Lord. He knows your pain, my sister :)
I can’t find the antisuppresants sermon you mentioned. Can someone help me find it?
If you are on the fence about dating, watch this video
Mysterious is shady! Lol
Do you agree?
I don't agree with this why was Adam not provided with a choice then?
What a cheek to think you can bring people to someone elses wedding who invited just YOU unless they specify an option for plus 1. The wedding couple usual pay exorbitant ammounts of money per person for venue and catering, its very presumptuous to feel you should get to bring friends to make it "more merry". The weding is to celebrate those two people coming together i marriage not just a free party. But feel free to invite as many people to your own marriage party 😂
That’s good one !!!
And if a man is strong enough then he'll take care of anyone
I kissed waiting goodbye
Women that fit the criteria are married /in a relationship. The ones that are single don't want you. This doesn't seem to work for me at all.
Hey everyone, maybe someone can help me I've looked everywhere for the message David keeps referring too in this message name "anti-suppressants" can anyone help me find it? thank you!
Is it wrong for the person you’re dating with the intent on marriage to have a lot of friends of the opposite sex? I don’t agree with it but he says they’re friends and would help anyone. Thanks for your feedback.
Red flag
Big red flag
Why would you assume that this woman is of ill repute? In Bible times, women had no rights and certainly were not allowed to initiate divorce. This woman didn’t choose to be in the situation she was when Jesus encountered her. And the reason she was alone, and deserted and rejected was likely a cultural one, such as being unable to bear children. Perhaps her situation was similar to the one described by the Pharisees, where they challenged Jesus about the resurrection. Jesus came to her with an offer to exchange her cup of brokenness for His cup of living water. Oh, how I love Jesus.❤
What were the scriptures, and why are we so dating delusional?! HELP!💔💔💔💔
I'm sorry Sr but if you can't be yourself that just doesn't sound like a proper relationship to me. There is no reason I shouldn't be able to be myself and just be a better version of myself and be in a relationship and or Married at the same time.
25:14 !!!!
41:29 this reminds me of something my father once said: “in a fight between 2 nice box players, the one who can resist more to the punches will probably win the one who’s better at punching than resisting!”
For context: he was literally talking about that topic, so I’m not (in any ways) saying for you to continue with a partner who punches u lol… What I’m saying is that this reminded me of what my father said bc I’m constantly working on my overall skills, including forgiveness (as humans should)! Learning that forgiving has nothing to do with walking hand tied, kissing or hanging around with people who did something bad to me (in different levels), it has to do with me trying my best to resemble more to Christ! Eventually I’M GONNA FAIL bc I’m a human with free will, and I will certainly fail in forgiving someone, but I can try my best and ask for God’s guidance in what’s not humanly possible for me (He didn’t die for us for no reason… So we will constantly have to rely on Him with several issues)!
God bless you!
Uh I'll be the judge of that...thus ain't got nothing to do with that
The new testament is basically very bias towards singleness. If your'e married, live as if you aren't. singleness seems favored compared to marriage.
Dating isn’t even Christian.
Not everyone can get an arranged marriage these days, let’s be realistic, these are different times and we must stay biblical either way.
I agree I would prefer it if arranged marriages were the norm. I’m completely serious. I don’t want to date. I want to marry. Right away. What’s the point of dating? Marriage is where you get to know each other. Marriages don’t sustain on feelings, they are sustained by choices and responsibility. That’s why I am so ‘bad’ at dating. Because of the weird expectations of ‘getting to know someone.’ This is how I am: “do you want to get married?” If yes, let’s get married, if no, goodbye! But most women want to ‘get to know you,’ which I just don’t understand. You’ll never know someone fully. Comparability is a worldly myth. Pick a Christian if you are a Christian. That’s the only compatibility I care about. If that’s too late, stick it out, as the Bible says.
@@michaellemmenYou'd be divorced within 6 months.
Silly, not a person on earth is ever ready for dating or marriage. No one is ever ready. Only ignorant people date or get married. "oh yeah I got this." how arrogant can you be?