Up to date 8th April 2023, macro for quest with writing something: /micon Interject /s Mol coffee break free kupo nuts dream bigger his whiskers, snae ling Please, Feo Ul, I need you O loveliest of branches, please grant me your succor! Amid the Flowers /s Tataru Anogg Uhm Ala Lali-ho Sushena Kenn Gyuf coo everything will be fine Itomaki Ismella rekindle the flames of hope With the Wind High as Honor Now Fall /s I have a favor to ask Pretty Please, Emet-Selch Y'shtola carrot of happiness You misunderstand. I come in peace. Greetings and salutations! Well met! /s Noughts and Crosses my friend Your god is come Ellie! la-hee inspection GRRR! allin tuta Suzume come hells or high water Egg Hunt tuktu going my way Doubt the truth /s Guydelot Deftarm! Fray! Beaver Gaia Don't give up! Wake up! Lad Kenn smoked fish from Isari Is anyone around here? Wings Unbending Hail fellow well met!
If you struggle with lag spikes, some battle effects macros can save you from crashing. /battle effects party off /battle effects self off /battle effects others off /pet size small ( effects how you see scholar/ summoner pet) /nameplatedisp other 3 ( turns off PC names) You would also need a macro for your normal settings^ great for big hunts and Alliance Raids.
the job change one in the /gs line if you add the glam you like for that job after the gearset number you can also further customize the look of each job no matter that they all use the same gear (ie /gs 3 12 3 being the job you're changing to 12 being the appearance you want it to have)
Just thought I'd share a couple of Macro's which were inspired by this video So I use 2 mount macros (1 for multi seat and my mount roulette), 1 has Sprint and Peloton and the other has Peloton and levelsync (because sprint works in combat and Peloton dosn't so sprint can be used during pulls. I also incorporated Company Chocobo stances: /merror off /micon Sprint /ac Mount Roulette /ac Sprint /ac Peloton /companionaction Defender Stance /merror off /micon Lunar Whale mount /mount "Lunar Whale" /levelsync on /ac Peloton /companionaction Healer Stance This one is basically combining two of your macro's into one /joy motion /party Hiya Everyone! /ac Royal Guard /ac Defiance /ac Grit /ac Iron Will /ac Kardia /em is giddy with excitment! /battlestance motion /party
Add swiftcast and you can do it on the move too: /micon "Soul of the SUMMONER" item /snap motion /gearset change 8 /ac Swiftcast /ac "Summon Carbuncle"
I am black mage main too.. and that Aetherial Manip you made, is a godsend to me. Trying to click on someone last minute and THEN click the icon takes WAY TO LONG, this is faster. Also, I find healers are usually in the best spot too.
For my Aetherial Manipulation, I use a priority system First is my target Second is focus target Third is the fourth party member. In 8-man content, usually you don't want to zip to where the tank is, so I go where the healer goes. It does have some issues though. If I'm not close enough to my first priority, it'll just try again with the next, and that can cause some unexpected outcomes.
Love Macro 1, I've gotten a little creative with it and use it for all of my jobs. Also I would have never used Macro 5 if I didn't see this vid first. I am so happy that I came across this vid and will definitely start using it.
/micon "Soul of the Warrior" item Changes the Warrior icon to the soul crystal glamour for HUD when using job changing macros work with any job you have their job crystal unlocked
Hi, Those are very good macros tyvm for sharing, especially the last one, this is my fav: I use levesyn on with Dismount, target enemy /levelsyn on /ac "Dismount"
I saw a macro the other day that looked very useful. It will either mount up, sprint, or use peleoton depending where your at or what job your on/what you can use where your at.
Thx for this vid. I took macro 5 and altered it slightly to use in 24 man raids. I set tank as focus and then auto follow so I'm always with my group. Before it was a pain because every time you phase/teleport it cancels focus. This meant you would have to click on tank>R click on tank HP>then set as focus. This became tedious while trying to stay mobile
Oh, a useful macro for ninji might be /ac Shukuchi /ac Shukuchi That way you go right to target if you have one or right to targeting mode if you don't. You could also use to go to focus target.
This is video has a lot of wonderful QoL, thank you! Don't know how I didn't find this sooner. And funny thing is just yesterday I did a roulette (I'm a healer main) and noticed the BLM constantly jumping to me, and I wondered how they were to quick. It must have been a macro'd manipulation which is brilliant.
For island sanctuary, I use a class (not job), so something I've already got past 30, say, Archer instead of bard. I have a whole gear set and hotbar list, glamour, etc for Archer, so I have a clean set up. I also do this for a class I want to RP with or just have a bunch of emotes on my hotbar instead of abilities.
I set up two hotbars to be un shared (mine are 8 and 7 cause 10 and 9 are for something else) and put my Single target rotation abilities on one bar, and my AoE on the other, leaving space in the 9th slot on each for two macro, the first macro swaps hotbar 1 for 7 and goes on 8, the other swaps hotbar 1 for 8 and goes on 7. That way I can hit one button to switch from "AoE mode" to "Single Target Mode" The macro look something like this: /Macroicon [first Attack of single target combo] /hotbar copy "current" 7 "current" 1 /Macroicon [first Attack of AoE target combo] /hotbar copy "current" 8 "current" 1 Then I set those hotbars size to like, 60 so they take up nothing for screen space. and make them slightly transparent(I don't wanna hide them encase I ever have to edit them on the fly, like if they remove an ability or something.) Now I never fumble my rotation by hitting like, an AoE skill when I need a single target, or vice versa, it's also frees up bar 2 for buttons I need regardless of AoE or single, like raid buffs and tank invulns. Oh, and not a macro, but under actions>general their is a button you can put on your hotbar for duty actions like the one you need in lakshmi. And I believe system>keybinds>system has an option to bind level sync to a button called "general duty action" or something, but I don't know if that works on controler or not.
Ok, now that's a great idea using macros to swap your single target and AOE abilities on the hotbars. Way easier than having to hold key combos when wanting to do AOE. I might have to play around with this.
One of my favourite macros is my 'lazy rez'. it's a targetless rez that hits a priority list, beginning with the other healer, then the tanks, then the dps in descending order. So if someone dies i can swiftcast, then rez without having to scroll the party window.
@@starlight55971 sure thing~ bit of a long macro, but you'll also need to arrange your party list on healers as Tank, DPS, Healer. Peiority is tank 1, tank 2, healer, DPS 1,2,3,4 /ac "Raise" /ac "Raise" /ac "Raise" /ac "Raise" /ac "Raise" /ac "Raise" /ac "Raise" /ac "Raise" /micon Raise And of course for other healers, substitute Raise for your class's equivalent.
@@tessajalloh3914 I usually have a "fast rez" macro for my healer jobs with tank prioritized. /ac "Swiftcast" then /ac "Raise" followed by the rest of the group.
Macro 10 is a lifesaver, but I use /merror off /macrolock /micon "Aetherial Manipulation" /target /ac "Aetherial Manipulation" /nexttarget Targets the Focus Target I set at the start of the fight (usually a healer), poofs to them, and retargets the thing I was fighting. Only really use it in Savage tho
you can strip this down by adding your target to the aetherial manipulation line. So it would change to /ac "Aetherial Manipulation" That way it will send you right to your focus target without switching targets at all, improving your uptime by a few miliseconds.
I use mouse over for aetherial manipulation. Basically i can over the mouse in a player in game or have it hovered above a certain player in the party chat and i'll dash to them without targeting. Macros are ultimately unreliable in combat, but this skill is one of those where it's super bothersome to target someone, measuring if it's safe or not then actually pressing the skill.
Thank you for making such great videos. You have helped me through several issue in FFXIV! Looking around I didn't see the mentioned "Tribal" macro anywhere. Did I overlook it?
For macro number one, i added this command to change button into your soul stone for better aesthetic: /micon "Soul of the Xxxxx" item Xxxxx = your job Example: /micon "Soul of the Dark Knight" item
Awesome qol macro's. Still need to buy snap emote, sadge me. Glam weapon macro awesome! Crafting groundwork, sometimes only 1 is needed. So the second 1 in the macro then wastes precious seconds. And that tribal quest macro XD, so funny and soooo usefull!
Simple macros that announce actions to the group are very helpful. Actions like superbolide, living death or healer raises help let the group know what's going on with the other players and how to respond in kind.
I main blm. You can change the partylist so the healer is always in the 2 and 3 slot, If you are in a light party it will be healer first then tank, I have a macro for slot 2 and 3
/bm /groundsit /automove /automove This lets you have the glowy weapon and then automatically stands you up The only probable issue is that you must face the camera in the same direction you want your character to face or you'll turn yourself around
I know that this an older video. But if I may make a suggestion: Could you put the macros in the description or a pinned comment we would able to copy and paste them?
Does anyone know a good video or website for introduction to macros? I've finished Endwalker but never seen anything about macros in the game and have no idea where to start.
@@BunBossFFXIV I know I sound clueless sometimes, but I never intended to play this game. I have no intetest in MMOs, but love FF, so thought I should try a few hours of the FF14 free trial, just to see what it's like. 1200 hours later I'm crying through Endwalker and thinking "I quite like this game, I should read the instructions", so I am no longer a sprout but very much a noob.
Nice! What's the macro to automatically say something in the chat when you use a certain spell or skill? It's like to say something silly like "IT'S MORBIN'TIME" everytime I use the limit breaker or something.
/ac "[SpellYouWantToUse]" /p It's morbin time Though, don't need to have /p as it works with whatever chat you got active. remove the brackets though and replace with the ability you want, keep the quotes Example /ac "Superbolide" /p GLORY TO GARLEMALD! You can also create picture macros e.g a Moogle
Definitely going to use the one for the Tribal quests - I'm working my through all of them. I'm on controller and it is such a pain to have to readjust to type out a stupid phrase 🤣
I had a friend of mine do this exactly so that she can teleport to me; she struggles with movement and mechanics a lot (not just when she plays BLM), and I'm usually her guide. She just focus targets me so that a) she gets the marker to see where I am at all times (without me marking myself for those times I'm too self conscious to mark myself for the whole group), and b) so she can use this macro to dash to me.
Just a quick note for the glowing weapon macro, u can just do /bm /sit It doesn’t need to be ground sit. I’ve been using this macro since the 2.X era and I love it!
I would love to use macros but idk if it's server lag or what but they just don't work Half the time. Especially annoying when it was a tank invuln macro like for living dead to announce i was using it only for the invuln to never actually activate lol
Great video some useful macros, but no copy/paste for the macros kinda kills the whole experience and just leaves the viewer frustrated in the end. Not the vibe you are looking for i'm sure
Don't put emotes in macros without adding 'motion' to the end. Seriously, no one wants their chat spammed with "Character snaps their fingers" everytime you change jobs.
Hi me again, check this macro for Reaper one button jump forward/backward: /merror off /macroerror off /action "Hell's Ingress" /action [off] /action "Hell's Egress"
Ya know, these macros are great and all... But what macro can someone use to make people avoid them like the plague? Something that screams, "Stay away!" Ideas?
Assuming you don't have a pic to text extractor, such as in Windows Power Toys, but have OneNote Windows + S Paste into OneNote Right click pic, select Copy text from image Cleanup as needed, paste into game Profit?
I am ashamed to be a BLM main. I wish i would have known about Macro 10 a year ago, would have probably saved me from soooo many unnecessary death in dungeons
Macro 8: /s lali-ho, High as Honor, Wings Unbending Uhm Ala. free kupo nuts Now Fall With the Wind. Beaver shouts la-hee Amid the Flowers, his whiskers are snae ling. Itomaki. coffee break
cuz it was too hard for uploader to ctrl+c > ctrl+v , here is the tribal macro. /s lali-ho, High as Honor, Wings Unbending Uhm Ala. free kupo nuts Now Fall With the Wind. Beaver shouts la-hee Amid the Flowers, his whiskers are snae ling. Itomaki. coffe break
Tribal Quest macro (Number 8) /s lali-ho, High as Honor, Wings Unbending Uhm Ala. free kupo nuts Now Fall With the Wind. Beaver shouts la-hee Amid the Flowers, his whiskers are snae ling. Itomaki. coffee break
Macro 8, I copied it from the chat window in the video, and added "Your god is come" for the Arkasodara tribe. Not sure if I got it all, but that's what was in the chat window. Video said they would include the text but I don't see it, so here is what I typed out: lali-ho, High as Honor, Wings Unbending Uhm Ala. free kupo nuts Now Fall With the Wind. Beaver shouts la-hee Amid the Flowers, his whiskers are snae ling. Itomaki. cofee break Your god is come
Up to date 8th April 2023, macro for quest with writing something:
/micon Interject
/s Mol coffee break free kupo nuts dream bigger his whiskers, snae ling Please, Feo Ul, I need you O loveliest of branches, please grant me your succor! Amid the Flowers
/s Tataru Anogg Uhm Ala Lali-ho Sushena Kenn Gyuf coo everything will be fine Itomaki Ismella rekindle the flames of hope With the Wind High as Honor Now Fall
/s I have a favor to ask Pretty Please, Emet-Selch Y'shtola carrot of happiness You misunderstand. I come in peace. Greetings and salutations! Well met!
/s Noughts and Crosses my friend Your god is come Ellie! la-hee inspection GRRR! allin tuta Suzume come hells or high water Egg Hunt tuktu going my way Doubt the truth
/s Guydelot Deftarm! Fray! Beaver Gaia Don't give up! Wake up! Lad Kenn smoked fish from Isari Is anyone around here? Wings Unbending Hail fellow well met!
That awkward moment when everyone in the hunt train uses a follow macro and no one moves.
Omg that would actually be funny haha
If you struggle with lag spikes, some battle effects macros can save you from crashing.
/battle effects party off
/battle effects self off
/battle effects others off
/pet size small ( effects how you see scholar/ summoner pet)
/nameplatedisp other 3 ( turns off PC names)
You would also need a macro for your normal settings^ great for big hunts and Alliance Raids.
the job change one in the /gs line if you add the glam you like for that job after the gearset number you can also further customize the look of each job no matter that they all use the same gear (ie /gs 3 12 3 being the job you're changing to 12 being the appearance you want it to have)
Nice add!
@@DefeatMedia ty
Just thought I'd share a couple of Macro's which were inspired by this video
So I use 2 mount macros (1 for multi seat and my mount roulette), 1 has Sprint and Peloton and the other has Peloton and levelsync (because sprint works in combat and Peloton dosn't so sprint can be used during pulls. I also incorporated Company Chocobo stances:
/merror off
/micon Sprint
/ac Mount Roulette
/ac Sprint
/ac Peloton
/companionaction Defender Stance
/merror off
/micon Lunar Whale mount
/mount "Lunar Whale"
/levelsync on
/ac Peloton
/companionaction Healer Stance
This one is basically combining two of your macro's into one
/joy motion
/party Hiya Everyone!
/ac Royal Guard
/ac Defiance
/ac Grit
/ac Iron Will
/ac Kardia
/em is giddy with excitment!
/battlestance motion
The summoner macro will be a life saver,I'm always forgetting to summon my carbuncle when I change to it
Add swiftcast and you can do it on the move too:
/micon "Soul of the SUMMONER" item
/snap motion
/gearset change 8
/ac Swiftcast
/ac "Summon Carbuncle"
@@ashbyarmo Oh that sounds good, I'll give it a go
I am black mage main too.. and that Aetherial Manip you made, is a godsend to me. Trying to click on someone last minute and THEN click the icon takes WAY TO LONG, this is faster. Also, I find healers are usually in the best spot too.
For my Aetherial Manipulation, I use a priority system
First is my target
Second is focus target
Third is the fourth party member.
In 8-man content, usually you don't want to zip to where the tank is, so I go where the healer goes.
It does have some issues though. If I'm not close enough to my first priority, it'll just try again with the next, and that can cause some unexpected outcomes.
Love Macro 1, I've gotten a little creative with it and use it for all of my jobs. Also I would have never used Macro 5 if I didn't see this vid first. I am so happy that I came across this vid and will definitely start using it.
/micon "Soul of the Warrior" item
Changes the Warrior icon to the soul crystal glamour for HUD when using job changing macros work with any job you have their job crystal unlocked
Hi, Those are very good macros tyvm for sharing, especially the last one, this is my fav: I use levesyn on with Dismount, target enemy
/levelsyn on
/ac "Dismount"
give it try
I saw a macro the other day that looked very useful. It will either mount up, sprint, or use peleoton depending where your at or what job your on/what you can use where your at.
Already shared that one 😅🤣 it’s the sprint macro updated one
That last macro gave me an idea for making one for shirk when tank switching
Damn! I love your glams! Thx for the video btw.
Thank you :D
Thx for this vid. I took macro 5 and altered it slightly to use in 24 man raids. I set tank as focus and then auto follow so I'm always with my group. Before it was a pain because every time you phase/teleport it cancels focus. This meant you would have to click on tank>R click on tank HP>then set as focus. This became tedious while trying to stay mobile
Omg genius!! I’m totally doing that
Oh, a useful macro for ninji might be
/ac Shukuchi
/ac Shukuchi
That way you go right to target if you have one or right to targeting mode if you don't. You could also use to go to focus target.
Imagine going through an entire level 90 dungeon realizing you never had tankstance on.
Haha it usually just gets to the first mob lmao before everyone starts yelling at me 🫣😅😅😅
This is video has a lot of wonderful QoL, thank you! Don't know how I didn't find this sooner. And funny thing is just yesterday I did a roulette (I'm a healer main) and noticed the BLM constantly jumping to me, and I wondered how they were to quick. It must have been a macro'd manipulation which is brilliant.
For island sanctuary, I use a class (not job), so something I've already got past 30, say, Archer instead of bard. I have a whole gear set and hotbar list, glamour, etc for Archer, so I have a clean set up. I also do this for a class I want to RP with or just have a bunch of emotes on my hotbar instead of abilities.
I set up two hotbars to be un shared (mine are 8 and 7 cause 10 and 9 are for something else) and put my Single target rotation abilities on one bar, and my AoE on the other, leaving space in the 9th slot on each for two macro, the first macro swaps hotbar 1 for 7 and goes on 8, the other swaps hotbar 1 for 8 and goes on 7. That way I can hit one button to switch from "AoE mode" to "Single Target Mode" The macro look something like this:
/Macroicon [first Attack of single target combo]
/hotbar copy "current" 7 "current" 1
/Macroicon [first Attack of AoE target combo]
/hotbar copy "current" 8 "current" 1
Then I set those hotbars size to like, 60 so they take up nothing for screen space. and make them slightly transparent(I don't wanna hide them encase I ever have to edit them on the fly, like if they remove an ability or something.)
Now I never fumble my rotation by hitting like, an AoE skill when I need a single target, or vice versa, it's also frees up bar 2 for buttons I need regardless of AoE or single, like raid buffs and tank invulns.
Oh, and not a macro, but under actions>general their is a button you can put on your hotbar for duty actions like the one you need in lakshmi. And I believe system>keybinds>system has an option to bind level sync to a button called "general duty action" or something, but I don't know if that works on controler or not.
Ok, now that's a great idea using macros to swap your single target and AOE abilities on the hotbars. Way easier than having to hold key combos when wanting to do AOE. I might have to play around with this.
On controller you can use R3 and L3 on macros 98 & 99 in the settings
One of my favourite macros is my 'lazy rez'. it's a targetless rez that hits a priority list, beginning with the other healer, then the tanks, then the dps in descending order. So if someone dies i can swiftcast, then rez without having to scroll the party window.
Care to share it?
@@starlight55971 sure thing~ bit of a long macro, but you'll also need to arrange your party list on healers as Tank, DPS, Healer. Peiority is tank 1, tank 2, healer, DPS 1,2,3,4
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/micon Raise
And of course for other healers, substitute Raise for your class's equivalent.
@@tessajalloh3914 I usually have a "fast rez" macro for my healer jobs with tank prioritized. /ac "Swiftcast" then /ac "Raise" followed by the rest of the group.
That BLM Aetherial is actually pretty useful. Makes me wonder why I never thought about making one XD
😻😻 I love that one!
For controller players: you can assign macro 98 & 99 to your L3 and R3 buttons! I use sprint and levelsync macros on those buttons. Very handy!
I play both console and pc this is life saving ty so much
Your welcome 🙏😻
Macro 10 is a lifesaver, but I use
/merror off
/micon "Aetherial Manipulation"
/ac "Aetherial Manipulation"
Targets the Focus Target I set at the start of the fight (usually a healer), poofs to them, and retargets the thing I was fighting. Only really use it in Savage tho
you can strip this down by adding your target to the aetherial manipulation line.
So it would change to /ac "Aetherial Manipulation"
That way it will send you right to your focus target without switching targets at all, improving your uptime by a few miliseconds.
@@tessajalloh3914 I did not even think of that (and have no idea why NOW UA-cam is notifying me that you commented >.>)
I appreciate it :)
I use mouse over for aetherial manipulation. Basically i can over the mouse in a player in game or have it hovered above a certain player in the party chat and i'll dash to them without targeting. Macros are ultimately unreliable in combat, but this skill is one of those where it's super bothersome to target someone, measuring if it's safe or not then actually pressing the skill.
So many quality of life macros. They definitely are a game changer. Thanks for including these, it will make my life easier.
Of course demon♥️♥️♥️
Thank you for making such great videos. You have helped me through several issue in FFXIV! Looking around I didn't see the mentioned "Tribal" macro anywhere. Did I overlook it?
For macro number one, i added this command to change button into your soul stone for better aesthetic:
/micon "Soul of the Xxxxx" item
Xxxxx = your job
/micon "Soul of the Dark Knight" item
Awesome qol macro's. Still need to buy snap emote, sadge me. Glam weapon macro awesome!
Crafting groundwork, sometimes only 1 is needed. So the second 1 in the macro then wastes precious seconds.
And that tribal quest macro XD, so funny and soooo usefull!
depends on stats. pentameld only needs 1. base gear might need 2
this is perfect for weekly deliveries below 80. just too bad we can use them in auto crafter
I'm definitely gonna have to start using that fate level sync macro, that seems very handy
Oi make sure to like this video and give me any more macros you want me to share with the world!
I can't seem to find the text for the Tribal Quests
Good ones for tanks are the callout when they invuln, and healers when they are rezzing. Usually do it in Party chat with the chime or danger bongos
Simple macros that announce actions to the group are very helpful. Actions like superbolide, living death or healer raises help let the group know what's going on with the other players and how to respond in kind.
I'm not seeing the information you said you would post for macro #8. Was it posted?
I had similar to the SCH/SMN ones, but i like yours better minus the /emote so. much thanks
i was today years old when I learned you could make macros in ff14... yes, I'm very new so this isn't super sad, but i really appreciate this video!
Ahhhh do it!! They are so great for added convenience
Some of these are nice QoL, but none of them are "MUST USE" macros.
lol i was looing for the 10th macro and i was so glad when it popped up and thought it might not be there xD
I will say with Macro 9 - this with "Tank stance on" is very good. I am adding "Turn tank stance on in my "Hello" emote" you put here good idea.
May I know what glamor youre using for the viera white pants set?
ooo I am not sure, Ill have to double check
I main blm. You can change the partylist so the healer is always in the 2 and 3 slot, If you are in a light party it will be healer first then tank, I have a macro for slot 2 and 3
This lets you have the glowy weapon and then automatically stands you up
The only probable issue is that you must face the camera in the same direction you want your character to face or you'll turn yourself around
autowalk isnt a command, i think you mean automove
@@Juniiii edited thank you
Some of these I knew, some of these I thought sbout making , and some of these are new and necessary, especially the BLM one
Ty, esp for the last one. Used it as a base for gathering and using Sneak, Prospect, and Triangulate (use wait 1 in-between skills)
I know that this an older video. But if I may make a suggestion: Could you put the macros in the description or a pinned comment we would able to copy and paste them?
could you do a list of unique or unknown Micons? I always see a bunch on videos but never see what to type to achieve it
Thanks! I’m not even lvl 60 yet but most of these look great. please sir, can we have some more?
Does anyone know a good video or website for introduction to macros? I've finished Endwalker but never seen anything about macros in the game and have no idea where to start.
I can make one just for you rob :)
@@BunBossFFXIV I would really like that too :)
@@BunBossFFXIV I know I sound clueless sometimes, but I never intended to play this game. I have no intetest in MMOs, but love FF, so thought I should try a few hours of the FF14 free trial, just to see what it's like. 1200 hours later I'm crying through Endwalker and thinking "I quite like this game, I should read the instructions", so I am no longer a sprout but very much a noob.
Nice! What's the macro to automatically say something in the chat when you use a certain spell or skill? It's like to say something silly like "IT'S MORBIN'TIME" everytime I use the limit breaker or something.
/ac "[SpellYouWantToUse]"
/p It's morbin time
Though, don't need to have /p as it works with whatever chat you got active. remove the brackets though and replace with the ability you want, keep the quotes
/ac "Superbolide"
You can also create picture macros e.g a Moogle
@@nekotranslates Thank you so much!
@@BunBossFFXIV Hey I came back to ask how to add pictures?
Definitely going to use the one for the Tribal quests - I'm working my through all of them. I'm on controller and it is such a pain to have to readjust to type out a stupid phrase 🤣
Everyone going to ignore the warrior class change Macro is called Paladin?
Haha I had switched my gear numbers and just didn’t change it back for the video haha
Yes it's not a big deal, but by doing these you can avoid the hassle and save a lot of time. As usual, thanks for sharing 😍
Thank you I think?
For my aetherial manipulation I have it set to go to my focus target. I usually pick a healer
Oh nice, I like that too!
I had a friend of mine do this exactly so that she can teleport to me; she struggles with movement and mechanics a lot (not just when she plays BLM), and I'm usually her guide. She just focus targets me so that a) she gets the marker to see where I am at all times (without me marking myself for those times I'm too self conscious to mark myself for the whole group), and b) so she can use this macro to dash to me.
Just a quick note for the glowing weapon macro, u can just do
It doesn’t need to be ground sit. I’ve been using this macro since the 2.X era and I love it!
Right! I just had it this way so I keep it lmao 🤣
I think I'm missing something. If your tank stance is already on, and you use your "Hi" macro, it will actually switch it off?
ok I may have to add summon to my sch/smn macros lol
and that hi in dungeons macro is FIRE
Can there be a marco to SNAP and then make your weapon glow? that would be awesome.
Omg that would be awesome actually!
Do you have a video going over pvp macros for the controller?
Oh that’s very specific, actually I don’t, I wonder what I could do for that? I’ll look into it!
Thanks a Million!
Teach me your secrets, Mr 🐰
How do you get those 2 buttons with the golden frame?
The /bm /groundsit doesn't work for me ;-;
Is there an update for the titel and minion? Apparently I'm too stupid to find it, but I'd love to know :D
I would love to use macros but idk if it's server lag or what but they just don't work Half the time. Especially annoying when it was a tank invuln macro like for living dead to announce i was using it only for the invuln to never actually activate lol
Are the macros posted in a drive or pastebin somewhere? Would be really helpful to be able to copy and paste.
Hi bro, im back to the game coz of Dawntrail, I just notice that adding: /micon "Sit" emote, it looks better
/micon "Sit" emote
2:10 where did you got these glasses ?
can you link a text file with all the macros?
How do I get my assigned icon for the job I'm playing as part of my macro, plz?
Great video some useful macros, but no copy/paste for the macros kinda kills the whole experience and just leaves the viewer frustrated in the end. Not the vibe you are looking for i'm sure
As of now you are the only feeling that vibe. None of these macros are not all difficult and are two lines. I think the people will be okay 👌
shiny weapon doesn't work on mounts idk what people are talking about
I think I actually show it working in the video?
That /bm macro dont work for me :/
how do you use custom icons?
It’s the micon command
Don't put emotes in macros without adding 'motion' to the end. Seriously, no one wants their chat spammed with "Character snaps their fingers" everytime you change jobs.
meh. i turned off emotes in chat years ago
Samsies haha
Hi me again, check this macro for Reaper one button jump forward/backward:
/merror off
/macroerror off
/action "Hell's Ingress"
/action [off]
/action "Hell's Egress"
/action [on]
/micon "Hell's Ingress"
The BLM Macro also works as SGE with Icarus. But aside of 4 Player easy Content i wouldnt recommend it.
oo love it for sage too! I use it in trials all the time i:D
Ya know, these macros are great and all...
But what macro can someone use to make people avoid them like the plague?
Something that screams, "Stay away!"
You can turn ‘enable chat’ off in the settings 😏
that snap emote is the most ungodly annoying thing that ever got populated. i hate that.
Why not put the macros in ur description? Its really annoying typing over macro 8.
Assuming you don't have a pic to text extractor, such as in Windows Power Toys, but have OneNote
Windows + S
Paste into OneNote
Right click pic, select Copy text from image
Cleanup as needed, paste into game
Do any of these work for PS4 consoles?
They work for everyone! :)
You can even assign macro 98 & 99 to your L3 and R3 buttons! I use sprint and levelsync macros on those buttons. Very handy!
@@BunBossFFXIV Are you sure about that?
I just want a macro that allows me to turn on and turn off names of NPCs Not everything Just turn on and off NPCs thats it
Yeah it’s not snapping. It’s just changing the gear for me
More plz
7.00 dollars for a snap emote is kinda wild
I am ashamed to be a BLM main. I wish i would have known about Macro 10 a year ago, would have probably saved me from soooo many unnecessary death in dungeons
Yeah, nice. Came to learn how to macro and nothing was explained thanks.
More macros pls
Yay! FIrst comment :D
“MUST USE”? Some of these are completely pointless
Macro 8: /s lali-ho, High as Honor, Wings Unbending Uhm Ala. free kupo nuts Now Fall With the Wind. Beaver shouts la-hee Amid the Flowers, his whiskers are snae ling. Itomaki. coffee break
Useless poser macros though
cuz it was too hard for uploader to ctrl+c > ctrl+v , here is the tribal macro.
/s lali-ho, High as Honor, Wings Unbending Uhm Ala. free kupo nuts Now Fall With the Wind. Beaver shouts la-hee Amid the Flowers, his whiskers are snae ling. Itomaki. coffe break
My follow macro for hunt trains is as follows
/ac "Mount Roulette"
/gaction jump
Full lazy mode xD set to L3
Love this!
Tribal Quest macro (Number 8)
/s lali-ho, High as Honor, Wings Unbending Uhm Ala. free kupo nuts Now Fall With the Wind. Beaver shouts la-hee Amid the Flowers, his whiskers are snae ling. Itomaki. coffee break
You should mod your FFXIV
I cannot fathom using a controller when u have a mouse and keyboard.
Macro 8, I copied it from the chat window in the video, and added "Your god is come" for the Arkasodara tribe. Not sure if I got it all, but that's what was in the chat window. Video said they would include the text but I don't see it, so here is what I typed out:
lali-ho, High as Honor, Wings Unbending Uhm Ala. free kupo nuts Now Fall With the Wind. Beaver shouts la-hee Amid the Flowers, his whiskers are snae ling. Itomaki. cofee break Your god is come
Is there a way to set up the first macro but hide the emote text
Oh yea just delete the snap line that’s all