1 john 5:7-8 sounds less trinitarian and more oneness (eg oneness pentecostal or monarchal modalist). Trinitarian implies distinct personhood, but many lay trinitarians accidentally explain the trinity as oneness rather than actual trinitarian.
Seeing all those little changes in the margins and to the text itself was so much more impactful than just reading about them, thanks for all your diligent research and hard work in making these videos!
As an ex-Catholic it was fascinating learning how early Christians struggled with trying to figure out who Jesus was. It seems strange to me that god decided to live on earth to preach and yet didn't think it important to document his ministry so everyone and for all time would know how he wanted humans to live.
I grew up RomCat and went to a private catholic school in NYC and was taught about the existence of other religions in such a mocking tone that my deconstruction was almost completely narrated by my former indoctrinaters(sic). The blatant plagiarism, hypocrisy, and lack of anything resembling reality was highlighted so clearly. Having the first story of a supposedly miraculous guy such as Jesus only written many years after he lived, died, and lived (also bringing many dead back to life with him) seems just so dumb now.
@@ryshow9118 And now it's not just Catholic indoctrination - Americans seem to be mesmerised by people who profess religious belief and credit them with access to some profound truth about how to live - while watching them so often actually being swindlers, serial adulterers, fraudsters and on occasions even murderers.
@@tomschmidt381 Jesus was a poor illiterate Aramaic-speaking uneducated Nazarean villager, and tekton (wood worker, brick layer). A mortal man. He was a quick-study apocalyptic preacher and an overzealous Jewish nationalist. Knowing no Greek and being unlettered, over 30+ years, Jesus wrote NOTHING in the Bible.
Yes, despite his miraculous deeds, apparently the ability to write down his all-important eternal message for humanity was one that Jesus did not possess.
It is wild how much time, effort, and energy goes into sustaining various sacred myths around the world, especially since we require more and better evidence for even the most mundane questions (is my mechanic honest, is google maps made up or real, etc).
Thomas thank you for making this awesome content, it is so simple, high quality, and informative. You, Darkmatter2525, and NonStampCollector are horsemen of skeptics Animations! Please continue making this awesome content!
@@HolyKoolaid dude it's not the Christian fault. Go look at the mess that happened with the whole lucifer thing where in king James vision it's son of dawn but now it's moring star in newer prints. Someone been changing Christians bibles and lying about it. The same way they will try to change the fact we are spirits to just being a body thus brain instead of mind is what wholes the memories of a person not the brain. Because the spirit has a mind and the body has a brain. We are souls which means spirit and body combination look it up. We are spirits housing a body.
@@davidhoward4715 Also, I think a number of those myths were intentionally changed versions of similar myths in other traditions, in an effort to proclaim their own tradition to be better or mightier than the other.
@@MrAndyhdz Who is claiming that they are "Master of the Universe"? If you need a reason for the world going to crap, look no further - Greed, Conservatism, and Religion. How's that for a trinity?
I am no longer religious, but I grew up Mormon and they have always believed the holy trinity to be 3 seperate entities. Its interesting how some of mormonisn is more logical than catholicism, and yet some of it is reaaaaally out there.
@@HolyKoolaid Thank you, I know how much effort you put into making your channel accurate. Someday, all our efforts will have influence, and people will stop being slaves to religions that divide us all.
I've grown to love the final phrase "Dare to be curious" more over time. It is through our curosity that we expand our knowledge and gain deeper insights into the world around us! Well done, @HolyKoolaid 😀
There are also the big discrepancies. Like that most scholars claim only 7 of the Pauline epistles were written by one person, presumably Paul, and 6 are forgeries. Or the original ending of Mark which ends with the women running away and telling no one. Or the woman caught in adultery in John, which I understand is not in our earliest copies.
@@YECBIB Hahaha. “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction; jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving, control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” -Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
There's obviously more than just this, but my biggest takeaway from this is, "The KJV is the most purposefully altered of all versions, and it was so that the worst people can have any excuse they would ever want to be the worst."
@@suicune2001 It's not as if they read their own version either. Even when they try to cite a passage from it, at least of half the time, it ends up being different from it actually says.
@@DavidRichardson153 Yep. Matthew 15 alone changed my ENTIRE view of Jesus and I was never really attached to the religion even though I grew up in a Christian household. But I do remember being told how impossibly nice he was. To see him confirm Yahweh WANTS us to unalive children, not wash our hands, not worry about what we eat, and then call a desperate woman begging on her knees a racial slur blew my mind. 😱😱😱 What little feeling of mysticism I had left was gone.
Hey Thomas! Love your videos like this, but I wanted to invite you on my podcast to discuss your video from 1 month ago. I am a big fan of anytime we can use just one scripture to show a simple but powerful point against christianity. I did send you an email, but now I'm being that annoying guy reaching out here, in case your email is as behind as mine.
That section of verse from Acts 8:37 is the reason my dad, a Southern Baptist pastor was so staunchly against the NIV. He thought the NIV left out the bit about Jesus being the Son of God when it likely wasn't in there to begin with!
@@HolyKoolaid You might not be a scholar like the experts, but you know where to find the relevant information and how to process it. No matter what, I think you're awesome and unique and valuable and always worth listening to.
If I may make a suggestion for a follow-up video, perhaps mention how Goliath's height was supposedly changed from initially being a bit less than 7 feet tall to well over 9 feet tall.
And then there is that embarrassing bit about Goliath being killed multiple times and by different people. e.g. "the brother of" is not in any original text, apologists inserted to cover their embarrassment.
Reminds me of the comic strip where a new monk is copying text and finds an error. He goes through the archives, back to the original text and he starts banging his head on the table, "CELEBRATE! It said CELEBRATE!"
Please don’t deconvert! This video isn’t meant to tell anyone that the Bible is inherently wrong, just some funny mistakes the translators put in by accident. There are many reasons to believe the Bible, so please don’t!
@@3up3rn0va Just because you have an abusive family who were coincidentally Christian doesn’t change anything about faith; if the family was Atheist, you wouldn’t try to flee to religion, would you?
Wonderful video. Have heard of some of these alterations before but it is another thing to see actual examples. As many of your videos, very concise and clear. Thanks for your work.
Mark 16:9-20 is pretty well known to be an addition and is even acknowledged in modern bibles as such. And it's easy to see why: If chapter 8 was the original ending and it ends with "Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid." then obviously some later scribe read that and thought to himself, "Well gee, if they never told anyone then how do we know about it?" and decided to "fix" the problem. The fact that we do not have even a single original manuscript from which any bible is based on, but only much later copies of copies of copies etc then how can in any way know what the original words were? And why would God not make sure that those original words were preserved AS-IS?
I just wanted to point this out. But you already did 👍 And I don't know, I came across about an alleged alteration in John 14,13-14 13 And whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it. Verse 14 is different some translations. In some of them we are asked to ask Jesus directly, and in some other texts this is is different.
Why would an omnipotent, omniscient, all-wise, all-knowing god choose to pass on essential information using ... LITERATURE, written in languages that only a fraction of the human race could understand, when most people were illiterate, and that required copying by hand, distribution by pre-industrialized people, translation into hundreds of languages (with all the attendant problems that accompany it), and, most of all, INTERPRETATION by imperfect human beings? It makes no sense. If God is / was truly omnipotent, he could have simply downloaded all the information directly into our brains, thereby making His will known to every human being on Earth. Notice this doesn't subsume free will, since we'd still be free to ignore His moral laws, just like many of us ignore our better judgement now. But our brains couldn't handle all that knowledge! some Christians argue. Again, an omnipotent God could make our brains so that they COULD absorb it all.
Quite simply, God is a racist prick. He couldn't give a toss about the native peoples of the rest of the world, only his chosen brown friends of the middle east And then came the biblical editing to push the agenda of whoever held the quill (or the scribe by the balls)😊
Some would argue that he has indeed implanted morality and compassion for others into our minds, and we still choose to ignore it and act selfishly and cruelly. But it is an interesting point about very long term preservation of knowledge. How could critical information be preserved, not just for years or centuries, but for millennia? Even now: hard drives and tapes decay in pretty short order, computer systems change and records become unreadable, paper books rot or are lost (as this video points out), stone erodes, languages change and die out. So what is left? You can impart the stories and truths to a living people, who will recite it to their children and steep their culture in it. The languages will change as the people do, but the story and the truths will remain. I think if God is truly playing the long game with the human race, he knew what he was doing.
I'm thrilled to see you back and creating top-tier content again! If you're reading this, are you planning to continue The Story of Life playlist? Episode 3 announced an upcoming episode 4 that never followd up. Personally, I would love to see more episodes on The Story of Life. It was so well delivered and I often share those videos with others because it's the most concise and insightful way of explanation towards abiogenesis I've ever encountered. It would be great to see a continuation of that series.
I moved away from Catholicism a few years ago and managed to get through the post-conversion depression (thank goodness!). But the recent difficulty I'm finding is my parents doubling down on their belief, and are relentlessly trying to convert me back. They have good intentions but it's a frustrating dynamic to have with two people you're very fond of. There's a conflict in my mind wherein I'm pleased they have their community around them and the comfort they get from practising their faith, particularly given they are now of a certain age, but sometimes I just want to point out the issues I see with the religion so they realise my soul doesn't need saving from the eternal fires of hell. Wondered if anyone has or is experiencing anything similar.
People who are in a cult always think they are doing right by trying to make you part of it. My father was cross with me when I stopped attending church but, died losing his faith, face down in his bible, realizing the lies he was told that weren't actually in the scripture. So, if more people actually read what they say they believe in, there would be less zealots in the world.
Grew up Presbyterian, and at age 16 I started realizing that it all didn't make sense. I grew up in a very religious area and I was an outcast for my lack of not believing anymore. My parents refused to consider it for a long time that I didn't believe it anymore. Not just my parents but most of my family are religious which makes it very hard to speak my mind anytime religion comes into the conversation. Everyone is allowed to state their beliefs and views on religion they are allowed to claim ridiculous, false theories but if I ever try to bring to light that they are wrong or there might be some inaccuracies. I am attacking their faith and an asshole. My parents are getting older and more zealot in their beliefs, part of me wants to leave them alone and avoid all conversations of religion with them. However, sometimes I feel like I am suffocating because they will say stuff, especially to my kids, brainwashing them and I can never say anything without being bad. Not being able to have a voice in your own family feels terrible.
Yes, best to avoid religious conversations - it's a lost cause. Your children are your priority. To counteract your parents opinions to your kids, encourage stories and watch films about Greek,Roman, Asian etc, mythology - which were originally a blend of historical events and superstitious religious beliefs anyway. European Fairy, Egyptian tales, etc About 12, l was reading lots of Poe and books such as The Odyssey, Frankenstein, etc. I was taught in RC schools by priests and nuns so considered disruptive 😅 At 18, got my 1st passport so that l could travell to see all the countries that had the architecture, statues, artworks, locations, that l read about in these books. Literally, would look for professions that allowed me to do this - Croupier, flight attendant , courier , etc . Hope this helps somewhat.
After being nagged by my parents to return to church I quipped "Church is a great place to pick up chicks but its too early in the morning on a Sunday." The badgering stopped.
There were several councils of Church officials that worked to establish a final, official version of the Bible, and some were summoned by or sponsored by rulers like Constantine, who had political motives in text selection and correction.
it's incredible how much people want to lie to themselves just to be able to indulge in whatever they want for hedonism. it's literally fiction you're writing here from the da vinci code author.
Once again, terrific job. You've covered a lot of changes already (although as you said, there are plenty more). The biggest change not mentioned in this video (imo) is the ending of Mark. I wrote a (too long) comment on your last video about how that particular change is what started me as a then-missionary down the path towards eventually seeing Christianity as the man-made religion that it is, but suffice to say knowing that the earliest written gospel originally ended with three mourning women taking the word of a random man that the reason Jesus' body was missing was that he'd risen from the dead, followed by those women fleeing the scene in fear and "telling no one" what they'd seen changes a lot. No eyewitness accounts of Jesus being alive after having been crucified, for one thing, is a pretty big change (and if those accounts had actually occurred, it makes zero sense they would have been omitted from a book whose sole purpose was to document Jesus' life/death based on a desire to support/spread Christianity). So the changes to the end of Mark and their potential influence on the whole basis of Christianity would be my recommendation. I mean, if really thinking through the consequences of those changes was enough to start a pentecostal missionary down the path towards reconsidering Christianity as a whole, maybe it could reach some other Christians, too. I also think it helps that this change in particular is so well documented as to actually be noted as a footnote in certain popular versions of the Bible (including the NIV). This could help some Christians give it more weight than other changes, since they can look it up in their own Bible rather than taking the word of a random non-Christian in a YT video. Obviously they could do their own research to validate all the other changes you've mentioned, but some may need that initial support from information found within their actual Bible to get them started down the path of looking up those other things. Regardless, I love and appreciate the work you're doing. It's so important. Thank you for sharing what you know in such an easy-to-understand format.
My favorite obvious change to the bible is 2 Samuel 21:19 which says that Elhanan slew "the brother of" Goliath, according to the KJV and also about half of modern versions. Other more honest versions leave out "the brother of", making an obvious contradiction by having Elhanan -- not David -- the person who slew Goliath, because our oldest texts didn't contain this phrase. So why this difference in the text? It's probably because Elhanan was the guy who slew Goliath. The story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 contains some continuity errors that suggest it was later added to make David look better. For one, it's weird that Saul has no idea who "this youth" David is or who his father is (1 Samuel 17:55-58) given that he knew both just the chapter before (1 Samuel 16:18-22). Secondly, it's super weird that David carried Goliath's head to Jerusalem to Saul (1 Samuel 17:54, 57) given that the capital was not currently Jerusalem but in Gibeah (1 Samuel 15:34) because _they hadn't conquered Jerusalem yet._ That city wasn't even taken back by the Israelites until after David becomes king in 2 Samuel 5:6-7
Thank you I’m not an atheist but do enjoy your content. I think it’s important to remind us that the Bible was written by faulty humans and not dropped directly from heaven.
There's a Mel Brooks video about the -15- 10 commandments. Apparently there were originally 15, but he dropped a tablet, leaving only 10. Check out his History of the world, part 1. 🙂
The kind of religious people who think the Bible has never been changed/altered; are the people who also think: Jesus spoke English, was a white European looking guy, and that he loved America (a country that wouldn’t exist for almost 1,800 years on a distant continent he had no concept of). The cognitive dissonance is strong with such people. 🙄
This might be a new change, but I've seen a few versions change Deuteronomy 22:28-29. The main change being they don't say it's rape, but they lie together unmarried. I'm guessing this just a new change and not something that was changed a long time ago.
I think it's a translation change, rather than any change to the Hebrew at any point. There is a characteristically hefty footnote in the NET translation that explains the two different ways of interpreting it.
Many years ago I read "Misquoting Jesus" by Professor Bart D. Ehrman, and have recommended and even gifted it many times since. Thank you so very much for the video.
One infamous (but funny) edition you didn't include was Myles Coverdale's 1535 Bible, aka "The Bug Bible". Apparently Psalms 91 reads "Thou shall not nede to be afrayed for eny bugges by night".
Just discovered your UA-cam channel thank you my dear friend! Keep up the great and necessary work. It took 3 full years at a theological college for me to work out I had to walk away. Outside the tight narrow, claustrophobic confines of Christianity I discovered a bright beautiful world that had always been waiting. I remember hearing someone once say that, like the addict; “ we need more and more of what doesn’t work” it takes a good deal of courage to even begin to see that! Even more to walk away and podcasts like yours are so important and helpful in making this transition!
I like it how «the father, the WORD and the holy ghost» have become «the father, the SON and the holy ghost»... At least in French, it's «le père, le fils et le saint esprit». Notice how, in the Greek manuscripts, there are no separation between words, all the text is single case and there is zero punctuation.
@HolyKoolaid Matthew 28:19 (Baptismal Formula) was not original to the text of Matthew, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." The phrase in the text "In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" was inserted in the 4th century.
Did you not just watch the video giving clear proof that the Bible is an untrustworthy document? How, then, should anyone take its fairytale threats of hellfire seriously?
@@HolyKoolaid Haha! yeah, I think so? Now I'm questioning my listening ability hahaha! In Modern Greek it's "ikí". I prefere it! Coz hey, it's the only one that's still around. But either way, great video man :)
My favorite will always be from the Vulgate: Is 14: 12-14 "How art thou fallen from Heaven, o Lucifer, o Son of the morning. How art thou cut to the ground, that didst lay low the nations." This line here is the justification for the fall of Lucifer and the war in heaven. But its not the original line. The "Lucifer" part was either added or replaced the mentioning of The Day Star of Babylon, either its king or its deity Helel, whom Isaiah was condemning in the text. But St Jerome had a purported beef with a Bishop named Lucifer, who was against his vernacular translation of the scripture, so he subbed in his rival's name and started a heavenly rebellion. To this day I check every bible I come across to see how they translate this line. Aside from KJV, which has Lucifer in it, all the other ones either reference Day Star or have a note mentioning that the line is often misattributed to Lucifer when it refers to Helel. Oxford Study Bible, Jerusalem Bible, the "Good New Bible" I read as a kid- ALL of them call this change out. Srsly, this is the only time Lucifer is ever mentioned in a chunk of bibles. They usually call him "HaSatan," which can mean adversary OR accuser. He is not named. This is what being a teenage satanist taught me- Lucifer is not HaSatan. And the story of the fall that's been repeated to me since I was a kid? Either pulled from non-canonical Enoch, or is openly talking about Iblis, which is from Islam.
When christians claim that the bible is perfect and inerrant, they should be asked "Which bible?" The one with 66 books? The one with 73 books? The one with 81 (or 82) books? Or the one with 84 books? Hard to claim a book is inerrant when there are literally a dozen different versions of it, some 20% longer than others. So, which bible is inerrant? And, evidence please.
@@davidhoward4715 I have found that 99% of the apologists and christians I talk to have not read the bible, beyond whatever was spoonfed to them by some minister. I read the bible cover to cover, and have read it, less the 'begats' twice more. I think the best way to deconvert any rational, thoughtful christian is to get them to read the whole bible.
When I was a kid I realized that my family thought the Messiah would come someday save everyone at the end of time but my friends families thought the Messiah was already here and dead but would come back to save everyone at the end of time. Some thought God had one part but my other friends thought three. They all seemed pretty sure of it, but they never could tell me why time would need to end, or how they knew it would. -- I got in trouble a lot for asking questions. 😁😅🤣
This video should’ve been titled, “10 Times the New Testament Was Changed.” We need another, longer series of videos on the times the Old Testament was changed.
Not sure many people have read Robert G. Price's (not Robert/Bob M. Price) book Deconstructing The Gospels, where he shows OT verses used to craft NEW stories in the NT. One of the most interesting I found was the bit about the clearing of the temple. As Price says, this incident is in all four gospels, and many secular scholars think this probably actually happened, even if Jesus was just an ordinary dude. This incident is used as a major part of why the authorities decided to execute Jesus. In other words, this is one of the most vital plot points to move the story forward. The problem is that the temple grounds consisted of about 35 football fields worth of space, filled with thousands of venders, pilgrims, priests, animals, and TEMPLE GUARDS who were stationed there for the express purpose of preventing any such disruptions. Jesus would have been able to only turn over a few tables before he would have been summarily cut down by a guard's sword. Nor could this have been a band of zealots, as they ALL would have been slaughtered, as violent and peaceful protests had happened at other times. Price points out Hosea 9, where it appears Mark got his inspiration: 10: Like grapes in the wilderness, I found Israel. Like the first fruit on the fig tree. 15: Because of the wickedness of their deeds, I will drive them out of my house. 16: Ephraim is stricken, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit. Mark wraps the cursing of the fig tree (as symbolic that the time of the temple cult was over - out of season - and no longer "bore fruit," around the story of the clearing of the temple. (Jesus curses the fig trees, goes psycho on the temple grounds, comes back past the withered fig tree.) But if this event, the overturning of the tables, never happened, what was the initial reason to kill Jesus? (It was only under questioning that Jesus did not deny he was King of the Jews so that can't be the initial reason.)
fabulous! Here's my favorite Matthew 24:15 “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoso readeth, let him understand)" - how did Jesus know it was going to be written? Makes it sounds like someone was following him around and writing down the utterances.
@@KentuckyBrad dude there’s like 50 different version of the Bible saying different things in circulation today you can just go to a Bible store and figure this out
It is a very nice video, I liked it. However, we should keep in mind that errors in later copies don't exclude the belief that the NT of the Holy Bible never was God's actual words originally, only that copies were made by imperfect (and often selfish) humans. Noone alive heard what the Evangelists or Our Lord Jesus have actually said. Or what the Evangelists or their follower-scribes originally wrote down. Of course not. And the earlier surviving copies also date much later after all the apostles have died. And today Christianity is split into a gazillion different branches and sects. Non Christian religions have also heavily "borrowed" from it. And today too many versions of the scriptures exists, not only because of different translations made into different languages over two millennia.
I would love a video on how common man made religions are to others. Like Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, budism, ect- Like whats the differences or similarities in most :0
You are right with everything, except calling Islam man made. Unlike the Bible, the Quran is the same. The early Muslims memorized the whole book as it was revealed and it was recited daily, if someone tried to change it people called him out and set it straight. All of this is documented. U can google it yourself bro.
the gospels have the same level of antiquity as any other greco roman biography written around jesus' time. islam formed from a christian sect that downgraded jesus to a prophet by the name MHMD (messiah) and then it snowballed into its own thing. hinduism and buddhism have no historical biographical basis
The biggest most glaring example that you had missed was when Martin Luther published the bible for the masses. He left out seven entire books intentionally. And one passage about entering into heaven "by faiths and works" Luther had changed to "by faith alone" So yeah, as soon as you get to the KJV which was preceded by Luther's version....you see editing on a massive scale. Why? Because of Henry the VIII. It was politically expedient.
I studied church history in seminary when I was still a Christian. It was eye opening to learn about all of the division and uncertainty of all the religious groups especially when it came to determining the relationship of God the Father to God the Son and God the Spirit. Some thought father and son were equal. Some thought son was under the father. The virgin mary was a doctrine that came about to protect the divinity of Jesus. If Jesus had a human mother, could he be divine? It makes sense when you study it in history and how it developed.
Lol. Then ho will you kniw the true word of god when everything have been fabricated? It means religion isna myth a fairytale created by humans. God didn't created humans. Humans created God.
I am not sure if it is true, but might be worth looking into ... I had heard the part of the bible that says 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live' was King James interpretation of the original 'Thou shalt not suffer a poisoner (or murderer) to live', depending on the language ... 'witch' was added because of Jame's obsession with witches and he always thought witches were out to get him
Let's not forget that Christ cults existed as far back as 300 BCE and Constantine knew about them. Saying his mother was Christian...yeah, umm, WHICH one of the Christianities? As soon as Constantine declared the new State Religion he needed a few things...namely to wipe out the other Christianities and their texts and their followers. Caligula was part of the previous dynasty and had claimed to be the son of a Roman god. (didn't set welll with the conservative Priest class of the time) So then...well Caligula needed to have a Paul to bridge the gap between this Jewish leader cult and Roman mythology and Roman ways. And voila, "The writings suddenly appeared." And then we have The Flavian Popes (the first popes) and also other branches like the Ethiopian Branch...as this thing already had a few hundred years to take off. The number of things written for the conveniences of the Romans is astounding. Then we had the Bible Contents Decided by Committee. Yup. The "inspired word of god" was decided by committee. They cherry picked and argued over what would be in it. Then declared it a heresy to have a different opinion. Then they executed the heretics for thought crimes and word crimes. It's almost like every passage is written in shed innocent blood because of the ambitions and egos of men. Just 6 changes is a laughably short list of changes to this supposed unerring word of their god. The entire thing was concocted in controversy. And the people promoting it didn't have faith in the "truth" because if they did they would not have slaughtered anybody who disagreed with them and would not have burnt all the documents they could. You can be sure that the reason we don't find any first century or very many second century documents is because, well, Rome was everywhere and they were BURNT. There were too many people doing their own thing and having their own beliefs and ... as with all religions....people making a bunch of shit up to suit their desires.
If you liked this video, you'll love my Nothing Fails Like Bible History series:
Best series ever ;-) So visually appealing and well informed. I used your talking avatar as inspiration for my channel! Do you accept paid promotions?
I like Apostate Alladin. Perhaps Thomas focuses on christianity as that has been the religion he was brought up in. Same goes for AA.@SuperM89
So the Ebionites were right?
Great final production Sir Thomas Sir! Kind thanks.
1 john 5:7-8 sounds less trinitarian and more oneness (eg oneness pentecostal or monarchal modalist). Trinitarian implies distinct personhood, but many lay trinitarians accidentally explain the trinity as oneness rather than actual trinitarian.
Seeing all those little changes in the margins and to the text itself was so much more impactful than just reading about them, thanks for all your diligent research and hard work in making these videos!
There were no changes
@@YankeeDoodle2 make a video and show your proof
@@YankeeDoodle2you just saw some clearly presented to you and this is what you say? Damn you are lost
your Bible critique videos are so much easier to actually store in my long term memory than bland monologuing. Thank you for the quality videos.
As an ex-Catholic it was fascinating learning how early Christians struggled with trying to figure out who Jesus was. It seems strange to me that god decided to live on earth to preach and yet didn't think it important to document his ministry so everyone and for all time would know how he wanted humans to live.
I grew up RomCat and went to a private catholic school in NYC and was taught about the existence of other religions in such a mocking tone that my deconstruction was almost completely narrated by my former indoctrinaters(sic). The blatant plagiarism, hypocrisy, and lack of anything resembling reality was highlighted so clearly.
Having the first story of a supposedly miraculous guy such as Jesus only written many years after he lived, died, and lived (also bringing many dead back to life with him) seems just so dumb now.
A couple of notebooks would have been useful....
@@ryshow9118 And now it's not just Catholic indoctrination - Americans seem to be mesmerised by people who profess religious belief and credit them with access to some profound truth about how to live - while watching them so often actually being swindlers, serial adulterers, fraudsters and on occasions even murderers.
Jesus was a poor illiterate Aramaic-speaking uneducated Nazarean villager, and tekton (wood worker, brick layer). A mortal man.
He was a quick-study apocalyptic preacher and an overzealous Jewish nationalist.
Knowing no Greek and being unlettered, over 30+ years, Jesus wrote NOTHING in the Bible.
Yes, despite his miraculous deeds, apparently the ability to write down his all-important eternal message for humanity was one that Jesus did not possess.
"Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone" is an obvious one. Great video, BTW, and great to have you back making them.
Ah yes, the pericopae adulterae is one of the most famous examples.
@@HolyKoolaid The adulterated adultery.
Second this one
Thank you for saying "Let _him_ " instead of "Let _he._ " (Personal pet peeve.)
@rloomis3 One of mine, too. And it's a misquotation.
The fact that a holy all-knowing and seeing god, would sit idly by and watch ppl tamper with his so called words baffles me.
I used to believe this for over 20 years, now I can't believe I couldn't see how obviously man made it really is.
Being brainwashed with bullshit sometimes works.
Same here.
@@gleanerman2195 Indeed. Luckily it can be reversed.
It is wild how much time, effort, and energy goes into sustaining various sacred myths around the world, especially since we require more and better evidence for even the most mundane questions (is my mechanic honest, is google maps made up or real, etc).
The Bible never been changed.... But congratulation now you believe the nothing atheism gives to you and to your life. You are so lost.
Thomas thank you for making this awesome content, it is so simple, high quality, and informative. You, Darkmatter2525, and NonStampCollector are horsemen of skeptics Animations! Please continue making this awesome content!
Thank you for the kind words and the donation. It means a lot and helps more than you know.
@@HolyKoolaid dude it's not the Christian fault. Go look at the mess that happened with the whole lucifer thing where in king James vision it's son of dawn but now it's moring star in newer prints. Someone been changing Christians bibles and lying about it. The same way they will try to change the fact we are spirits to just being a body thus brain instead of mind is what wholes the memories of a person not the brain. Because the spirit has a mind and the body has a brain. We are souls which means spirit and body combination look it up. We are spirits housing a body.
It's as if the Bible is just a human inspired and human made collection of stories that mix facts and fiction.
Much of it was "borrowed" from earlier fables. Noah's Ark is one example.
@@James_Knott This is a simplistic interpretation. The stories of Noa and Utnapishim are derived from the same cultural tradition.
@@davidhoward4715 Also, I think a number of those myths were intentionally changed versions of similar myths in other traditions, in an effort to proclaim their own tradition to be better or mightier than the other.
That's what all religious texts and preachings are...Made Up tales that may have a few historical facts tossed in.
@@SparkypumpsThat’s needlessly harsh. Why?
Religious people in general don't seem to hold honesty in high regard...
Modern Bibles are accurately copying the oldest manuscripts. I would say honesty is not an issue is it??
No, they don't, even when one of their laws specifically says not to lie!
Why was my reply deleted? I said if biblical scholars saw those mistakes and corrected them in future translations how is that being dishonest?
@@MrAndyhdz There are mistakes that where not corrected and that's more important.
@@Sparkypumps Damn, that's actually in there? The bible get's gayer and gayer.
It most definitely has been changed because can we all say it together? God did not make Man In His Image. Man made God and / or Gods in His image.
Keep thinking you're the master of the universe as our world goes to crap around us.
Truer words have never been said.
@@MrAndyhdz keep making up arguments that nobody posited to argue against as you continue to avoid the evidence that contradicts your beliefs.
@@MrAndyhdz If the world is going to crap, what the hell is your God doing?
@@MrAndyhdz Who is claiming that they are "Master of the Universe"? If you need a reason for the world going to crap, look no further - Greed, Conservatism, and Religion. How's that for a trinity?
I am no longer religious, but I grew up Mormon and they have always believed the holy trinity to be 3 seperate entities. Its interesting how some of mormonisn is more logical than catholicism, and yet some of it is reaaaaally out there.
I cant wait to get more wisdom, bring it on Holy Koolaid
"Of all human pursuits , the pursuit of wisdom is the most perfect , the most sublime ,the most useful , and the most agreeable" - Thomas Aquinas
Remember, "Original Sin" is knowledge. Fuck (metaphoricall) anything that tries to keep you stupid to its actions.
Thank you so much.
@@HolyKoolaid Thank you, I know how much effort you put into making your channel accurate. Someday, all our efforts will have influence, and people will stop being slaves to religions that divide us all.
I've grown to love the final phrase "Dare to be curious" more over time. It is through our curosity that we expand our knowledge and gain deeper insights into the world around us! Well done, @HolyKoolaid 😀
There are also the big discrepancies. Like that most scholars claim only 7 of the Pauline epistles were written by one person, presumably Paul, and 6 are forgeries. Or the original ending of Mark which ends with the women running away and telling no one. Or the woman caught in adultery in John, which I understand is not in our earliest copies.
Great examples. The long ending in Mark will be in part 2 of this series. :)
@@HolyKoolaid You might need to do a series: "The Few Times The Bible Was Actually Right."
@@johnnehrich9601What about comparing historic events to the Bible? Stick with New Tesiment. Much easier.😅
The Bible is the most vetted book in History. It's inspired by the Holy Spirit. ✝️
@@YECBIB Hahaha.
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction; jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving, control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
-Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
There's obviously more than just this, but my biggest takeaway from this is, "The KJV is the most purposefully altered of all versions, and it was so that the worst people can have any excuse they would ever want to be the worst."
And there are KJV purists who won't read any other version. -_-;
@@suicune2001 It's not as if they read their own version either. Even when they try to cite a passage from it, at least of half the time, it ends up being different from it actually says.
@@DavidRichardson153 Yep. Matthew 15 alone changed my ENTIRE view of Jesus and I was never really attached to the religion even though I grew up in a Christian household. But I do remember being told how impossibly nice he was. To see him confirm Yahweh WANTS us to unalive children, not wash our hands, not worry about what we eat, and then call a desperate woman begging on her knees a racial slur blew my mind. 😱😱😱 What little feeling of mysticism I had left was gone.
30k+ changes 😮
Always pleased to see one of your videos drop man
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for your kind words and for your generosity.
Hey Thomas! Love your videos like this, but I wanted to invite you on my podcast to discuss your video from 1 month ago. I am a big fan of anytime we can use just one scripture to show a simple but powerful point against christianity. I did send you an email, but now I'm being that annoying guy reaching out here, in case your email is as behind as mine.
Hey Brandon, I'm glad you followed up, because somehow your email got lost in my inbox. I just found it and will shoot you a reply shortly.
@@HolyKoolaid That will be awesome to see you and Brandon collaborate!! Love both of your channels!
Great team up!!!
@HolyKoolaid I would love to see you guys work together for a video or two. I'm a big fan of you both!
@@HolyKoolaid Make it happen please😭😭😭😭😭
Thank you for your continuing scholarship!
That section of verse from Acts 8:37 is the reason my dad, a Southern Baptist pastor was so staunchly against the NIV. He thought the NIV left out the bit about Jesus being the Son of God when it likely wasn't in there to begin with!
A good example of fundamentalists cherry-picking versions to support their own beliefs.
So what was the original, closest, like before the changes?😅
Thanks! It's so great to see pictures of the codices.
You're welcome. I'm glad you appreciated the video. Thank you for your donation.
Your knowledge and the work you do never ceases to amaze me.
I don't know a whole lot. I'm just good at simplifying and communicating the things I learn from the actual experts in various fields.
You might not be a scholar like the experts, but you know where to find the relevant information and how to process it. No matter what, I think you're awesome and unique and valuable and always worth listening to.
interesting. I'd love for this to be a series where you go through a lot of the significant alterations.
Read Ehrman's _Misquoting Jesus._
Part 2 is in the works.
If I may make a suggestion for a follow-up video, perhaps mention how Goliath's height was supposedly changed from initially being a bit less than 7 feet tall to well over 9 feet tall.
Goliath in the bible is a 10th century Philistine.
But the bible dressed him as a 8th/7th century Greek Hoplite
@@fordprefect5304That's a down grade 😅
And then there is that embarrassing bit about Goliath being killed multiple times and by different people. e.g. "the brother of" is not in any original text, apologists inserted to cover their embarrassment.
Right on. Thanks for sharing.
Reminds me of the comic strip where a new monk is copying text and finds an error. He goes through the archives, back to the original text and he starts banging his head on the table, "CELEBRATE! It said CELEBRATE!"
Your videos have helped me in my deconversion. Thank you
Please don’t deconvert! This video isn’t meant to tell anyone that the Bible is inherently wrong, just some funny mistakes the translators put in by accident. There are many reasons to believe the Bible, so please don’t!
And mostly Kjv stuff, but it’s quite an old translation anyway.
@@CatfoodChronicles6737 nah I’m good I had an abusive family
@@3up3rn0va Just because you have an abusive family who were coincidentally Christian doesn’t change anything about faith; if the family was Atheist, you wouldn’t try to flee to religion, would you?
Yes, part 2 please! It is extremely fascinating to see how the texts got tempered with. Keep up the good work!
Wonderful video. Have heard of some of these alterations before but it is another thing to see actual examples. As many of your videos, very concise and clear. Thanks for your work.
Mark 16:9-20 is pretty well known to be an addition and is even acknowledged in modern bibles as such. And it's easy to see why: If chapter 8 was the original ending and it ends with "Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid." then obviously some later scribe read that and thought to himself, "Well gee, if they never told anyone then how do we know about it?" and decided to "fix" the problem.
The fact that we do not have even a single original manuscript from which any bible is based on, but only much later copies of copies of copies etc then how can in any way know what the original words were? And why would God not make sure that those original words were preserved AS-IS?
I just wanted to point this out. But you already did 👍
And I don't know, I came across about an alleged alteration in John 14,13-14
13 And whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.
Verse 14 is different some translations. In some of them we are asked to ask Jesus directly, and in some other texts this is is different.
Another excellent video, HK.
Glad you enjoyed it
Another great video! Good stuff!
Great videos! Thank you.
Well done! Clear, concise, illustrative! And the motive, too.
Excellent video thanks. Keep up the good work.
Phenomenal information!
Why would an omnipotent, omniscient, all-wise, all-knowing god choose to pass on essential information using ... LITERATURE, written in languages that only a fraction of the human race could understand, when most people were illiterate, and that required copying by hand, distribution by pre-industrialized people, translation into hundreds of languages (with all the attendant problems that accompany it), and, most of all, INTERPRETATION by imperfect human beings? It makes no sense.
If God is / was truly omnipotent, he could have simply downloaded all the information directly into our brains, thereby making His will known to every human being on Earth. Notice this doesn't subsume free will, since we'd still be free to ignore His moral laws, just like many of us ignore our better judgement now.
But our brains couldn't handle all that knowledge! some Christians argue. Again, an omnipotent God could make our brains so that they COULD absorb it all.
Quite simply, God is a racist prick. He couldn't give a toss about the native peoples of the rest of the world, only his chosen brown friends of the middle east
And then came the biblical editing to push the agenda of whoever held the quill (or the scribe by the balls)😊
Some would argue that he has indeed implanted morality and compassion for others into our minds, and we still choose to ignore it and act selfishly and cruelly.
But it is an interesting point about very long term preservation of knowledge. How could critical information be preserved, not just for years or centuries, but for millennia? Even now: hard drives and tapes decay in pretty short order, computer systems change and records become unreadable, paper books rot or are lost (as this video points out), stone erodes, languages change and die out. So what is left? You can impart the stories and truths to a living people, who will recite it to their children and steep their culture in it. The languages will change as the people do, but the story and the truths will remain. I think if God is truly playing the long game with the human race, he knew what he was doing.
If he's all powerful, he has the ability to exercise or withhold his own power, no?
I'm thrilled to see you back and creating top-tier content again!
If you're reading this, are you planning to continue The Story of Life playlist?
Episode 3 announced an upcoming episode 4 that never followd up.
Personally, I would love to see more episodes on The Story of Life. It was so well delivered and I often share those videos with others because it's the most concise and insightful way of explanation towards abiogenesis I've ever encountered. It would be great to see a continuation of that series.
The “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” bit didn’t show up until the 12th century CE.
According to Wikipedia (German) its the 5th century. Where did you find 12th?
Great video! And that quote at the end from Carl Sagan is something I'm definitely saving! Looking forward to a part 2!
I moved away from Catholicism a few years ago and managed to get through the post-conversion depression (thank goodness!). But the recent difficulty I'm finding is my parents doubling down on their belief, and are relentlessly trying to convert me back. They have good intentions but it's a frustrating dynamic to have with two people you're very fond of. There's a conflict in my mind wherein I'm pleased they have their community around them and the comfort they get from practising their faith, particularly given they are now of a certain age, but sometimes I just want to point out the issues I see with the religion so they realise my soul doesn't need saving from the eternal fires of hell. Wondered if anyone has or is experiencing anything similar.
People who are in a cult always think they are doing right by trying to make you part of it. My father was cross with me when I stopped attending church but, died losing his faith, face down in his bible, realizing the lies he was told that weren't actually in the scripture. So, if more people actually read what they say they believe in, there would be less zealots in the world.
Grew up Presbyterian, and at age 16 I started realizing that it all didn't make sense. I grew up in a very religious area and I was an outcast for my lack of not believing anymore. My parents refused to consider it for a long time that I didn't believe it anymore. Not just my parents but most of my family are religious which makes it very hard to speak my mind anytime religion comes into the conversation. Everyone is allowed to state their beliefs and views on religion they are allowed to claim ridiculous, false theories but if I ever try to bring to light that they are wrong or there might be some inaccuracies. I am attacking their faith and an asshole. My parents are getting older and more zealot in their beliefs, part of me wants to leave them alone and avoid all conversations of religion with them. However, sometimes I feel like I am suffocating because they will say stuff, especially to my kids, brainwashing them and I can never say anything without being bad. Not being able to have a voice in your own family feels terrible.
Yes, best to avoid religious conversations - it's a lost cause. Your children are your priority.
To counteract your parents opinions to your kids, encourage stories and watch films about Greek,Roman, Asian etc, mythology - which were originally a blend of historical events and superstitious religious beliefs anyway.
European Fairy, Egyptian tales, etc
About 12, l was reading lots of Poe and books such as The Odyssey, Frankenstein, etc.
I was taught in RC schools by priests and nuns so considered disruptive 😅
At 18, got my 1st passport so that l could travell to see all the countries that had the architecture, statues, artworks, locations, that l read about in these books.
Literally, would look for professions that allowed me to do this - Croupier, flight attendant , courier , etc .
Hope this helps somewhat.
After being nagged by my parents to return to church I quipped "Church is a great place to pick up chicks but its too early in the morning on a Sunday." The badgering stopped.
What a hot mess that collections of "books is, but as always good job and thank you.
Fascinating. Thank you.
I see an increasing emphasis on belief as the Bible goes on.
The research into this topic was absolutely massive. I am impressed by all of this.
There were several councils of Church officials that worked to establish a final, official version of the Bible, and some were summoned by or sponsored by rulers like Constantine, who had political motives in text selection and correction.
Constantine, was a brutal warlord? Or simply trying to define his faith? Who knows?😊
@@hackman669The Bible was created in AD 382, long after Constantine.
it's incredible how much people want to lie to themselves just to be able to indulge in whatever they want for hedonism. it's literally fiction you're writing here from the da vinci code author.
Over a thousand years of lies and corruption being laid bare before the eyes of the world via the internet. It's beautiful.
Good work sir!👊
Excellent video!
Once again, terrific job. You've covered a lot of changes already (although as you said, there are plenty more). The biggest change not mentioned in this video (imo) is the ending of Mark. I wrote a (too long) comment on your last video about how that particular change is what started me as a then-missionary down the path towards eventually seeing Christianity as the man-made religion that it is, but suffice to say knowing that the earliest written gospel originally ended with three mourning women taking the word of a random man that the reason Jesus' body was missing was that he'd risen from the dead, followed by those women fleeing the scene in fear and "telling no one" what they'd seen changes a lot. No eyewitness accounts of Jesus being alive after having been crucified, for one thing, is a pretty big change (and if those accounts had actually occurred, it makes zero sense they would have been omitted from a book whose sole purpose was to document Jesus' life/death based on a desire to support/spread Christianity).
So the changes to the end of Mark and their potential influence on the whole basis of Christianity would be my recommendation. I mean, if really thinking through the consequences of those changes was enough to start a pentecostal missionary down the path towards reconsidering Christianity as a whole, maybe it could reach some other Christians, too. I also think it helps that this change in particular is so well documented as to actually be noted as a footnote in certain popular versions of the Bible (including the NIV). This could help some Christians give it more weight than other changes, since they can look it up in their own Bible rather than taking the word of a random non-Christian in a YT video. Obviously they could do their own research to validate all the other changes you've mentioned, but some may need that initial support from information found within their actual Bible to get them started down the path of looking up those other things.
Regardless, I love and appreciate the work you're doing. It's so important. Thank you for sharing what you know in such an easy-to-understand format.
Love you videos! Thank you!
Well done.
My favorite obvious change to the bible is 2 Samuel 21:19 which says that Elhanan slew "the brother of" Goliath, according to the KJV and also about half of modern versions. Other more honest versions leave out "the brother of", making an obvious contradiction by having Elhanan -- not David -- the person who slew Goliath, because our oldest texts didn't contain this phrase.
So why this difference in the text? It's probably because Elhanan was the guy who slew Goliath. The story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 contains some continuity errors that suggest it was later added to make David look better. For one, it's weird that Saul has no idea who "this youth" David is or who his father is (1 Samuel 17:55-58) given that he knew both just the chapter before (1 Samuel 16:18-22). Secondly, it's super weird that David carried Goliath's head to Jerusalem to Saul (1 Samuel 17:54, 57) given that the capital was not currently Jerusalem but in Gibeah (1 Samuel 15:34) because _they hadn't conquered Jerusalem yet._ That city wasn't even taken back by the Israelites until after David becomes king in 2 Samuel 5:6-7
Sounds like a whole video wrapped up in that convoluted story. Bring it on!
so sneaky that the evil christians would hide this and try and wipe it off the internet
Fantastic video I loved getting to see the old documents that was so helpful!
Thank you I’m not an atheist but do enjoy your content. I think it’s important to remind us that the Bible was written by faulty humans and not dropped directly from heaven.
There's a Mel Brooks video about the -15- 10 commandments. Apparently there were originally 15, but he dropped a tablet, leaving only 10. Check out his History of the world, part 1. 🙂
Then you are not a true christian, you should believe it is the true word of god.
The Bible was definitely written by faulty humans. That is evidence that we shouldn't believe it.
@@gleanerman2195 Only by your definition of a "true Christian."
@@kevinmorin7674 The works of Tacitus were written by a faulty human. Should we dismiss the "Histories" and the "Annals"?
Thank you for posting the video. Your videos make me think.
The kind of religious people who think the Bible has never been changed/altered; are the people who also think: Jesus spoke English, was a white European looking guy, and that he loved America (a country that wouldn’t exist for almost 1,800 years on a distant continent he had no concept of).
The cognitive dissonance is strong with such people. 🙄
Sounds like the Council of the Unwise.😅
Christians have to be simpletons to blindly believe words that make no sense.
That's a long list of consequential assumptions bro
Huh. This is an interesting video. I'm actually really glad I came across it! Great upload!
What a shame god's perfect message has to be fixed so many times by imperfect people. Will watch 2x
you are into a cult, called atheism, get out.
Just wanted to say that this video is fantastic. Got sent here by the algorithm. You deserve a lot more views! 👍
This might be a new change, but I've seen a few versions change Deuteronomy 22:28-29. The main change being they don't say it's rape, but they lie together unmarried. I'm guessing this just a new change and not something that was changed a long time ago.
This sounds like fundamentalists fiddling with the text to justify their own prejudices.
I think it's a translation change, rather than any change to the Hebrew at any point. There is a characteristically hefty footnote in the NET translation that explains the two different ways of interpreting it.
Many years ago I read "Misquoting Jesus" by Professor Bart D. Ehrman, and have recommended and even gifted it many times since.
Thank you so very much for the video.
I think what God meant to say was ...
Nice job, thanks!
One infamous (but funny) edition you didn't include was Myles Coverdale's 1535 Bible, aka "The Bug Bible". Apparently Psalms 91 reads "Thou shall not nede to be afrayed for eny bugges by night".
Just discovered your UA-cam channel thank you my dear friend! Keep up the great and necessary work. It took 3 full years at a theological college for me to work out I had to walk away. Outside the tight narrow, claustrophobic confines of Christianity I discovered a bright beautiful world that had always been waiting. I remember hearing someone once say that, like the addict; “ we need more and more of what doesn’t work” it takes a good deal of courage to even begin to see that! Even more to walk away and podcasts like yours are so important and helpful in making this transition!
I like it how «the father, the WORD and the holy ghost» have become «the father, the SON and the holy ghost»... At least in French, it's «le père, le fils et le saint esprit».
Notice how, in the Greek manuscripts, there are no separation between words, all the text is single case and there is zero punctuation.
So the lesson of the day is that very rarely are things removed, rather they get added.
@HolyKoolaid Matthew 28:19 (Baptismal Formula) was not original to the text of Matthew, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." The phrase in the text "In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" was inserted in the 4th century.
Who inserted it?
Source please? That is good info if true and properly supported.
Nope. That’s a myth made up by oneness Pentecostals.
Great job. Well researched and brilliantly delivered. Highlight some very important issues. I’m sure I’ll bring them up in conversation!
Saved through Christ only-no exceptions or Lake of Fire 🔥
Did you not just watch the video giving clear proof that the Bible is an untrustworthy document? How, then, should anyone take its fairytale threats of hellfire seriously?
Very well done! Thank you for using modern pronunciation!
Wait... I did? I thought the modern Greek pronunciation of εἰκῇ was more like (ehkey) and I was going with the Koine Greek... 😳
@@HolyKoolaid Haha! yeah, I think so? Now I'm questioning my listening ability hahaha! In Modern Greek it's "ikí". I prefere it! Coz hey, it's the only one that's still around. But either way, great video man :)
You haven't heard the word of the gods until you hear the Bible in its original klingon 😂
Error 404
Disappearance protection
My favorite will always be from the Vulgate: Is 14: 12-14 "How art thou fallen from Heaven, o Lucifer, o Son of the morning. How art thou cut to the ground, that didst lay low the nations." This line here is the justification for the fall of Lucifer and the war in heaven. But its not the original line.
The "Lucifer" part was either added or replaced the mentioning of The Day Star of Babylon, either its king or its deity Helel, whom Isaiah was condemning in the text. But St Jerome had a purported beef with a Bishop named Lucifer, who was against his vernacular translation of the scripture, so he subbed in his rival's name and started a heavenly rebellion. To this day I check every bible I come across to see how they translate this line. Aside from KJV, which has Lucifer in it, all the other ones either reference Day Star or have a note mentioning that the line is often misattributed to Lucifer when it refers to Helel. Oxford Study Bible, Jerusalem Bible, the "Good New Bible" I read as a kid- ALL of them call this change out. Srsly, this is the only time Lucifer is ever mentioned in a chunk of bibles. They usually call him "HaSatan," which can mean adversary OR accuser. He is not named.
This is what being a teenage satanist taught me- Lucifer is not HaSatan. And the story of the fall that's been repeated to me since I was a kid? Either pulled from non-canonical Enoch, or is openly talking about Iblis, which is from Islam.
Nice evenhanded summary, thank you
The ending of Mark... That should take a while to unpack
Love your work
When christians claim that the bible is perfect and inerrant, they should be asked "Which bible?" The one with 66 books? The one with 73 books? The one with 81 (or 82) books? Or the one with 84 books?
Hard to claim a book is inerrant when there are literally a dozen different versions of it, some 20% longer than others. So, which bible is inerrant? And, evidence please.
Well clearly the one that God placed in their local Christian book store that now sits on their mantle place.
@@HolyKoolaid Thank you for helping me with that confusion. I wanted to make sure that I bought the right bible that I was never going to read.
Each one claims their own version is correct. Just as each Muslim claims his own version of the Koran is the correct one.
@@petercollins7730 As an atheist, I have made it my responsibility to read the Bible. I don't criticize anything I have not bothered to research.
@@davidhoward4715 I have found that 99% of the apologists and christians I talk to have not read the bible, beyond whatever was spoonfed to them by some minister.
I read the bible cover to cover, and have read it, less the 'begats' twice more. I think the best way to deconvert any rational, thoughtful christian is to get them to read the whole bible.
Keep up the good work.
I've been looking into Mormonism a little bit and talk about having to change things, hahaha!
very interesting stuff.. thanks
When I was a kid I realized that my family thought the Messiah would come someday save everyone at the end of time but my friends families thought the Messiah was already here and dead but would come back to save everyone at the end of time.
Some thought God had one part but my other friends thought three.
They all seemed pretty sure of it, but they never could tell me why time would need to end, or how they knew it would.
I got in trouble a lot for asking questions. 😁😅🤣
This video should’ve been titled, “10 Times the New Testament Was Changed.” We need another, longer series of videos on the times the Old Testament was changed.
Not sure many people have read Robert G. Price's (not Robert/Bob M. Price) book Deconstructing The Gospels, where he shows OT verses used to craft NEW stories in the NT. One of the most interesting I found was the bit about the clearing of the temple. As Price says, this incident is in all four gospels, and many secular scholars think this probably actually happened, even if Jesus was just an ordinary dude. This incident is used as a major part of why the authorities decided to execute Jesus. In other words, this is one of the most vital plot points to move the story forward.
The problem is that the temple grounds consisted of about 35 football fields worth of space, filled with thousands of venders, pilgrims, priests, animals, and TEMPLE GUARDS who were stationed there for the express purpose of preventing any such disruptions. Jesus would have been able to only turn over a few tables before he would have been summarily cut down by a guard's sword. Nor could this have been a band of zealots, as they ALL would have been slaughtered, as violent and peaceful protests had happened at other times.
Price points out Hosea 9, where it appears Mark got his inspiration:
10: Like grapes in the wilderness, I found Israel. Like the first fruit on the fig tree.
15: Because of the wickedness of their deeds, I will drive them out of my house.
16: Ephraim is stricken, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit.
Mark wraps the cursing of the fig tree (as symbolic that the time of the temple cult was over - out of season - and no longer "bore fruit," around the story of the clearing of the temple. (Jesus curses the fig trees, goes psycho on the temple grounds, comes back past the withered fig tree.)
But if this event, the overturning of the tables, never happened, what was the initial reason to kill Jesus? (It was only under questioning that Jesus did not deny he was King of the Jews so that can't be the initial reason.)
fabulous! Here's my favorite Matthew 24:15 “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoso readeth, let him understand)" - how did Jesus know it was going to be written? Makes it sounds like someone was following him around and writing down the utterances.
The Bible has had over 1000 different versions each modifying itself into the nonsens with is now… from already a buncha nonsense.
That's just a lie
@@KentuckyBrad dude there’s like 50 different version of the Bible saying different things in circulation today you can just go to a Bible store and figure this out
Never forget the BIG one..the Council Of Nicea, which removed the "reality" and put in the "supernatural " in that book of myth
When I was a kid I asked my catholic parents to explain the holy trinity. All I got was" it's like 3 in one oil "
Hell yeah!
You are truly an amazing scholar and help to shed light on the biblical "truth ". Thank you.
It is a very nice video, I liked it.
However, we should keep in mind that errors in later copies don't exclude the belief that the NT of the Holy Bible never was God's actual words originally, only that copies were made by imperfect (and often selfish) humans.
Noone alive heard what the Evangelists or Our Lord Jesus have actually said. Or what the Evangelists or their follower-scribes originally wrote down. Of course not.
And the earlier surviving copies also date much later after all the apostles have died.
And today Christianity is split into a gazillion different branches and sects. Non Christian religions have also heavily "borrowed" from it.
And today too many versions of the scriptures exists, not only because of different translations made into different languages over two millennia.
Always love the videos and that closing music is WONDERFUL!! 💙💙💙
I would love a video on how common man made religions are to others. Like Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, budism, ect-
Like whats the differences or similarities in most :0
You are right with everything, except calling Islam man made. Unlike the Bible, the Quran is the same. The early Muslims memorized the whole book as it was revealed and it was recited daily, if someone tried to change it people called him out and set it straight. All of this is documented. U can google it yourself bro.
the gospels have the same level of antiquity as any other greco roman biography written around jesus' time. islam formed from a christian sect that downgraded jesus to a prophet by the name MHMD (messiah) and then it snowballed into its own thing. hinduism and buddhism have no historical biographical basis
Well done, sir.
The biggest most glaring example that you had missed was when Martin Luther published the bible for the masses.
He left out seven entire books intentionally.
And one passage about entering into heaven "by faiths and works"
Luther had changed to "by faith alone"
So yeah, as soon as you get to the KJV which was preceded by Luther's version....you see editing on a massive scale. Why? Because of Henry the VIII. It was politically expedient.
I studied church history in seminary when I was still a Christian. It was eye opening to learn about all of the division and uncertainty of all the religious groups especially when it came to determining the relationship of God the Father to God the Son and God the Spirit. Some thought father and son were equal. Some thought son was under the father. The virgin mary was a doctrine that came about to protect the divinity of Jesus. If Jesus had a human mother, could he be divine? It makes sense when you study it in history and how it developed.
The trinity is a pagan concept..
Wisdom only comes from God of the Christian Bible- no exceptions. ✝️
Lol. Then ho will you kniw the true word of god when everything have been fabricated? It means religion isna myth a fairytale created by humans. God didn't created humans. Humans created God.
I am not sure if it is true, but might be worth looking into ... I had heard the part of the bible that says 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live' was King James interpretation of the original 'Thou shalt not suffer a poisoner (or murderer) to live', depending on the language ... 'witch' was added because of Jame's obsession with witches and he always thought witches were out to get him
In that case I hope the witches won. 😅
Great research!🌿🌸
Let's not forget that Christ cults existed as far back as 300 BCE and Constantine knew about them. Saying his mother was Christian...yeah, umm, WHICH one of the Christianities? As soon as Constantine declared the new State Religion he needed a few things...namely to wipe out the other Christianities and their texts and their followers. Caligula was part of the previous dynasty and had claimed to be the son of a Roman god. (didn't set welll with the conservative Priest class of the time)
So then...well Caligula needed to have a Paul to bridge the gap between this Jewish leader cult and Roman mythology and Roman ways. And voila, "The writings suddenly appeared."
And then we have The Flavian Popes (the first popes) and also other branches like the Ethiopian Branch...as this thing already had a few hundred years to take off.
The number of things written for the conveniences of the Romans is astounding.
Then we had the Bible Contents Decided by Committee. Yup. The "inspired word of god" was decided by committee.
They cherry picked and argued over what would be in it.
Then declared it a heresy to have a different opinion. Then they executed the heretics for thought crimes and word crimes.
It's almost like every passage is written in shed innocent blood because of the ambitions and egos of men.
Just 6 changes is a laughably short list of changes to this supposed unerring word of their god. The entire thing was concocted in controversy. And the people promoting it didn't have faith in the "truth" because if they did they would not have slaughtered anybody who disagreed with them and would not have burnt all the documents they could.
You can be sure that the reason we don't find any first century or very many second century documents is because, well, Rome was everywhere and they were BURNT. There were too many people doing their own thing and having their own beliefs and ... as with all religions....people making a bunch of shit up to suit their desires.
I'm amused at how you make up history to condemn a made-up book.
"Christ cults existed as far back as 300 BCE and Constantine knew about them"???? Seriously? 300 BCE? I don't think so.
bro invented his own lore