Hey guys! Just wanted to remind everyone to be respectful in the comments, especially towards Todd. Todd was extremely kind to be willing to not only be part of the experiment but allowing us to share the results online. Behind the scenes he was a pleasure to work with. He's also incredibly disciplined and worked his ass off to achieve his results. Lastly, keep in mind that he was dieting for his bodybuilding show. At the time of our final measurements/results, he was just 4 weeks out from his competition. For those unfamiliar, these last few weeks are BRUTAL. It turns you into a walking zombie, regardless of if you are using gear or not. I would be acting the exact same way if I was in his shoes. So please, let's remember there's a real human being on the other end of the computer screen :) . Thanks guys! Hope you enjoyed this one.
Guys, don't be harsh on Todd. The guy was on a diet. 7% bodyfat. It automatically makes you more tired and irritated (high cortisol levels). It might come off a bit weird but this is mostly due to the stress you experience in a diet.
Im currently trying to diet down (calorie deficit) and like you said my cortisol levels are super elevated. It causes me to have crazy sleep disturbances and I don’t lose ANY weight at all. I don’t understand how the hell people workout intensly on a calorie deficit and elevated cortisol levels.. i feel like im not eating much and cant lose weight because my cortisol is so high it’s interfering with the fat burning process.. i dont understand wtf im doing wrong. Im taking phosphatidylserine which helps but still
Well maybe Bodybuilding should reconsider what is a top athlete. This "sport" in general is fairly sick. Without damaging your health long term you can't even think of competing there.
Dropping a comment in gratitude to Brandon for taking it so seriously out of respect for everyone watching. Lots of people will find these results encouraging. If you're reading this you did great man!
So that math wasn't exact. It's close to zero but there was a little bit of fat gain. He gained 5lbs of weight from 149lbs to 154lbs while his bodyfat PERCENTAGE remained the same. So while he did gain 5lbs of weight about 13.5% of that was from fat. The exact numbers for body fat are Before: 149lbs x 13.6% = 20.264lbs of fat After: 154lbs x 13.5% = 20.79lbs of fat Net Fat Gain = 20.79lbs - 20.264lbs = 0.526lbs of fat So overall, he gained just over half a pound of fat which is very little but not quite zero. Obviously, this is napkin math and it's a very small amount of fat but I wanted to point it out as I think it's an important distinction to keep in mind.
No disrespect to Todd or anyone working with steroids, but I'd rather look like Brandon than Todd. Todd had acne, scars, dysmorphia, 2.5 hours at gym. Brandon was smiling, playing tennis, still looking better than 90% of male population.
most roid guys look so ugly and smell bad too, roid guys on the internet are different from those irl . i have met a guy who has increased 15kgs lean mass just abusing roids and his body is completely out of proportion, huge shoulders mediocre biceps and very small pecs . not only that but this is just the tip of the iceberg of the problems hes about to face in life. NATURAL GAINS are supreme
Most people on roids don't even look like they're on it because they hop on too early and never learnt how to train and diet first. Or their genetic response to it is just subpar.
A book that changed my life in ways that I never could imagine is "Secret Testosterone Nexus of Evolution".Drop whatever you're doing right now and go find that book. Trust me after I implemented things from the book my testosterone levels went beast mode
Thing is, they have found that one cycle of gear can have lifelong lasting effects. So he's probably good now. Will have more androgen receptors and everything
That's normal for many Asians to be lean while eating a lot at the same time. I'm from India and I have genes from the Indian mountains. From birth, I have had massive calves, great shoulders, long biceps, and a lean body with abs. Although my forearms are small, they have great separation and insertion. I have never been to the gym in my life, but recently, for over a year, I started going to the gym and gained significant lean muscle mass. My body started looking muscular and lean at the same time and my calves never loose muscles. However, I don’t go to the gym regularly. Even when I stop going to the gym and maintain a good diet, my abs remain visible, no matter how much junk I eat. After 2-3 weeks, my body naturally returns to its lean form. So it's all about genetics...
Also think a nature of being young. I'm 59 gone from 98Kg to 85Kg while maintaining and growing some muscle. Probably eat 30% of what a ate playing rugby or being really active when younger. Not interested in huge muscles, just strong muscles, and no muscle loss, so don't have to do crazy eating regimes which i think are unhealthy for me. Should get a dexa scan as want some protective, beneficial fat , easy to pinch some fat when sitting on belly/kidneys , inner thighs- Apparently you have to be really lean to squeeze very little , definitely grown some muscle as gym will grow lats, traps, pecs, delts ,biceps and triceps as don't get same workout day to day life
The calculation is wrong. If you put on muscle only, your body fat percentage would drop. Body fat percentage staying the same means you have more fat and more muscle while keeping the ratio the same. This is not calculating bone mass increase.
Yes but these numbers are too small to be reliably measured. 148lbs/13.6% BF -> 153lbs/13.6% BF is 0.7lbs of body fat,or 0.4% of total body weight, which is going to be within the margin of error.
Yeahh thats what I'm always thinking. A 3% bodyfat bodybuilder can have as much fat as a 10% bf natty because they have so much more muscle and water in their bodies. I wonder which is more important, total bodyfat in KG's or % when talking about "healthy" levels? Does it matter if a guy builds so much muscle his BF drops without losing any fat 🤔
You mean lean body mass, not muscle. Muscle also has fat in its composition so it would not be as linear as that. DEXA scans are not very good as a tool to measure muscle mass, since they only separate the body in 2 different masses (lean body mass and fat mass)
he said he gained 10 lbs with bf staying the same, which equated to 5lbs of muscle gained. Which really could be less when you factor in water retention.
bout 2 years ago when i was 41 i noticed i became pre diabetic and gaining alot of weight fast. my weight got up to 225 and im 5'9. Doctor tested my test level and they where very low. So they started my on Test Cyp. Best thing i could of ever done! Now my weight is 160 and no more pre diabetes. I shredded 65 lbs- 70lbs in like 8 months. Not to mention i don't work out to much. but it gave me the same body type i had at 21 . I would like to mention if you do start on test make sure you do cardio to keep that heart healthy.
Cool experiment. When both hit that double biceps at 10:09 Todd’s nipples seem a lil swollen, or maybe it’s just me. I would love to hear a lil bit more of the sides of using gear from his experience and what is he gonna do as PCT etc
To me Todd proved how gear impacts you mentally. Body dysmorphia was real while Brandon seemed always really chill and had a nice transformation too. Stay natty folks.
Lol dude he was cutting. Have you never been on a diet before? He looked downright spry and alert compared to what im usually like just cutting down to 15% lmao.
This was exemplary. I didn't expect there to be an honest review of gear vs. non-gear on youtube. Kudos to all involved, especially Todd, you guys really went all the way to provide some good evidence on what is achievable - both natty and on juice. Stellar content.
One have double the amount of BF than the other. One is a caloric surplus whereas the other one in a serious deficit. You can't be happy at 7% training 2hrs and cardio 1hr every day
What would have been fascinating to see would have been cardiovascular and blood work before/after results focusing on things like blood pressure, resting heart rate, and perhaps even cholesterol. Steroids can be pretty harsh on a lot of things and I'd be curious to see how Todd's results would have changed in even 100 days. Fantastic video...thanks for making it and kudos to both athletes for their willing participation too.
Todd was doing hella cardio, that won't fix hormonal issues (arguably he's getting lean enough to aggravate them) but the massive difference in cardio for such a long time period would no make this a fair comparison. This entire comparison is fraught with issues.
Видео по своей научности туфта. Я как учёный биолог могу утверждать, что научная ценность равна 0. Во-первых, потому что координально разный уровень тренированности. На новых атлетов работают любые программы тренировок, а например рекордсмен мировой будет выходить к одноповторному максимуму около 1 года, т.е Никаких тренировок в отказ он делать не будет, а это научный факт, что сила мышц напрямую связана с их размером. Во-вторых, нам дали почти 0 информации по условиям замеров, есть такой же научный факт, что постоянные тренировки вызывают отёк в мышцах и не настоящее их увеличение. Т.е перед замерами нужно 2 дня покоя, например! Поэтому можно предположить, что разница между атлетими в равных условиях будет ещё значительнее, возможно в разы
Huge respect Jeremy and to Brandon and Todd for taking part. For me I would never touch gear because there is no rush and the health risks are simply not worth it. Diet, a good workout plan, plenty of sleep and consistency are all you need to change your body and life for the better.
@@donpfiefle nah its not , he press 150lbs in total with 151lbs BW. i can say its his 100% BW press. pressing 100% BW in 3 month is uncommon for sure. whether it because of his gene or his training with jeremy but its 100% uncommon.
@@albarthomas hmm, I guess. I think a lot of it just comes down to new lifters half-assing it when they start. I was pressing 80s for 10-11 at 148bw when I started after 3 months.
@@donpfiefle saying that brandon has a jacked gene is arguable. but this "training properly" you said, im afraid that's not a common thing for newbie. lets say only 2 out of 10 did that , so by the percentage its uncommon. not to mention the starting point is different for everyone , this brandon already lean in day 1. while many people have no noticeable muscle when they start. so this brandon with his starting body and jeremy as PT and diet manger. can only have that much result. so how often regular person who go to gym will have the same result ?
Yo, natural lifter gained 5 POUNDS of muscle in 100 days? Regardless of what Todd put on (which was also gnarly), that's way beyond what I expected was possible natty. Amazing job, Brandon.
2:00 thats not a tricep pull down thats a reverse bicep curl if anything because your grabbing it palms up so its just a bicep curl with the tension reversed.
Insane transformation by both men. Well done to you guys. Awesome video and thanks for taking the time to do the experiment and show the world the difference.
Todd at the end looked like he was lobotomized. Regardless, I wish him luck in his endeavors in professional bodybuilding and thank him for being apart of the experiment. It was very informative. Also thanks to Branden (Great gains!), and of course Jeremy, and his crew behind the scenes. Edit: My comments weren't making fun of Todd, just an observation of the toll dieting, training, steroids, and a low body fat percentage can take on someone. Maybe the editing of the video also played a part on how the audience perceived him after his transformation. Regardless, he made amazing progress in the 100 days and I hope he gets the results he is looking for in his next bodybuilding show.
I think its safe to say Todd ain’t hopping off any time soon. The look of pure disbelief at the end when he heard he was 7% bf speaks magnitudes. Probably put on more muscle in the last 100 days than the last year.
09:48 todd doesnt seem happy with the result. Its a shame because he really made amazing progress but I have a feeling the body dysmorphia is stopping him from recognising that.
It's funny how people interprete his reaction just through their own subjective lense. Another top comment said basically the opposite: "9:45 the moment when Todd decided to extend the 100 day experiment to 10.000 days"
I've been in the gym my entire life. Always pushing hard. 6 months ago I got put on TRT by my doctor and went from 180-215 in 6 months. Every lift went way up. Dealing with tendinitis in my elbows now though.
I’m listening to all the caveats - newish lifter, hadnt taken creatine before, other guy was on a deep cut, and am like “ehh the results are going to not be that representative”. And then those fucking results were still so insanely good for juice holy shit
Actually you are right and wrong A new lifter will always make amazing results, this is not something you can compare Take a new guy and a guy that train 10 years who do you think will gain the most clean muscle mass in 100 days? Of course the new guy
@@vital123ish oh that was totally my point. The natty guy had everything going for him - as shown by the really impressive gains he made. But holy fuck the guy on gear dropped over 10% body fat AND GAINED 13lbs of muscle in a matter of months. Fucking insane
@@vital123ish you misunderstood, all these factors, but the steroids, were in the new guys favor and he still lost in numbers. Makes you think what would've happened if the guy on gear was a skinny newby before.
Excellent experiment and comparison! I would really like to see the same experiment with other sets of individuals, just to expand the group size. This is great stuff!
Incredible muscle gain. Got some gyno and chest acne. The worst part is even though he put on a lot of size, he was not happy and was even surprised he got bigger. Surely, body dysmorphia was present.
Yea But I disagree with Jeremy saying that he respects Todd's choice to go on the Juice ... Why would I respect a choice that's harms someone aka anabolics
Really love the information and concept, But! 5:48 is wrong, 300kcal++ is as much building muscle as 500kcal++ no matter at what level you are, as a natural Athlete
Because he's pushing into super low bodyfat, not because of the roids. He already had body dysmorphia before steroids, that's why he took them lol. Most mentally healthy people don't do steroids in the first place
he's on a show prep. everyone is absolutely miserable. also a severe calorie defecit actually reduce free test, so mentally he's even more miseable. once he's back on regular calories, he'll be better.
Yeah this is basically useless. Theres no real takeaway from this apart from "big guy on steroids gains lots of muscle and small natty guy gains some muscle" (which we all already know). Would've been interesting to see same weight and height, with same gym experience.
@@ItsSardine na, there is a takeaway. Even with newbie gains and and a Instructur on a bulk you can't outgain a steroid user on a diet. That is insane totally insane and should hammer into everybodies mind that you do not follow advice from people on gear.
You, Jeff, and Mike as emphasizes the stretch portion being the most important for growth. Jeff's new study says there's no difference. I am excited to see what your study is going to be
He's not into research. Jeff wasn't the main person executing the studies and had researchers with PhDs and years of research experience. So no one person especially without prior experience can't handle a completely new study from scratch
Jeff's new study involved experienced lifters. I think these guys are a bit less experienced and lengthened partials work better for relatively untrained lifters.
You're mixing the two up! In Jeff's study it was about doing lengthened partials, which means just 50% of RoM in the lengthened part to see whether it makes a difference versus full RoM training. Here it wasn't about training in the stretched position vs. full RoM, but about setting up the exercise in a way that the tension of the weight is highest in the stretched position. That's a difference. It's "Stretched position vs. full RoM" (Jeff) and "Highest point of tension in the stretched position versus low tension in the stretched position" (Jeremy).
Nah theres no difference in just doing half rep lengthened vs full ROM. Exercises that have the most stretch are best, then you wanna do full range and then half reps in the lengthened position to failure
Thank You Todd for participating in this experiment, i have respect to people being honest about being on gear. Gym's are full of fake "natty" guys and only thing which need to change is honesty.
are we not going to mention what todd was on? was it test only? what was the test dose? did he take an AI? hcg? did he add in orals? additional injectables? if he did, were they wet or dry compounds? (probably dry tho). how powerful were the add-in compounds? this is pretty important information. if he was taking fucking tren it's very easy to recomp on that, but what if it was a test only cycle? what if his test dose was a trt dose? why didn't you include this information?
i only mention the AI bc it looks like he has a bit of gyno at the end of the vid. that being said, it looks like he has a bit of gyno pre-cycle anyways? can't tell. bloodwork would've been nice too.
I completely agree with you. These videos are always like this which makes them a lot less useful. It is not the same a 250mg test dose than a 1g test dose with tren. They never show the amounts so people don't try to replicate it but it is annoying still.
Brandon looks like a hard gainer. Great results, but I'd like to see you try the same experiment with an easy gainer. Someone like me for example, I can look at a pile of weights and start gaining size.
Really happy to see an honest discussion of steroid use. Saying steroids is bad and leaving it at that is like saying drugs are bad and leaving it at that. not helpful to be so afraid of looking at specifics. Of course, no drugs is better than drugs. But denying that they have effects and refusing to look at what those effects are makes it very difficult for people to make informed decisions. Good job! No great job!
I think how Todd was feeling that last weigh in day is important to show - steroids work wonders but they come at a cost to your body and your mental health. Factor in that he was probably starving and also spending most of his time working out, and the rest of his time thinking about it, puts into perspective the true cost of hopping on steroids vs taking the slower path.
Jeremy you do a great job with your videos arguably the best in the business. I have great respect for both of these guys. Not many people are willing to put themselves up to scrutiny on social media and youtube. This was an eye opener for me. I'm 57 and work my ass off in the gym using much of your knowledge and get discouraged by many of the guys who make me look fragile at 5'11" 194 14% bodyfat. Maybe some of these guys are on gear or maybe not...but I feel better thinking they are lol. Thanks for your channel and looking at how many subscribers you have I'm glad to see how successful you are. Much deserved my man!
I think Jeremy probably could have said a lot more with this video and probably tried to, but just couldn't to avoid pissing off the steroid mob (who are busy in the comments pointing out that being at 7% body fat is the reason Todd was acting like that, and definitely not because of steroids). By not making a clear value judgement, Jeremy allowed an honest conversation to take place, however, which is a public service. Thanks 🙏
Said Nathan who definitely was at 7% BF before. Look at top bodybuilding competitors. They are blasting all the time, only time they are zombies is few weeks prior to the show.
Idea for video: my brother is 6’8” and over 400lbs. I am 6’1 with very long arms. How about a super sized video to give large / odd sized people alternatives to chest machines, pull ups, and other exercises that are not practical for people outside the “norm”.
Great vid, IMO, his cycle (what/how much) should have been shared. It wasn't and I understand why however, for new lifters/younger folks, they might see this and just think, that's it, gear and jump on something/anything in an excessive amount not knowing that Todd hypothetically was only on 300 test a week and not blasting potentially more harmful substances. Just my thoughts, cheers.
@@xumu4 not really, theres guys on legit trt (they are actually hypogonal) doing 100mg a week that blow up with acne, and theres bodybuilders doing 1g and nothing. Everyone responds differently.
@@cenciende9401 without sharing this information is kinda useless. Was he doing a small blast of testosterone or was he using deca as well. Etc. "Steroids" doesn't give enough information to give an accurate comparison. Useless video looking at Todd.
Exactly. He should have covered that in the video. Muscle mass increases much faster than your tendons gain strength and repair. A lot of juicers will experience tendon tears or issues because of this. Tendons need more time to adapt.
Whey protein isn't magic, it's just a meal replacement. If you're fine with eating an extra meal instead, then that's likely even better they whey. But most would rather not, or don't want the extra calories.
for thoes idiotic comments how todd acts like npc and this... he is at 7% body fat! low calorie diet + intense cardio with weightlifing session. so he is very tired, his body preserve energy.
Sent this to my straight female best friend and both her and I (gay man) agreed Brandon's (natty guy) body looked more attractive anyway. Of course, it's better to lift for your own enjoyment and fulfilment and not for other's validation, but if you were thinking of using steroids just to attract a partner, you're very mistaken.
Lol there is no way to know which body is juiced if you are on less gear. You would think those insta influencers would be out of job of it was this easy to know whose naty or if enhanced physiques looked bad for that matter.
I have a hard time dieting after a week let alone 3 months... cranky as heck, brain fog, unstable emotions... plus hour cardio & 2 hr weights daily? Good job Todd.
Leave Todd alone. He may just suffer body dysmorphia. We’re seeing a snippet that’s edited. All the people commenting about the negative side effects of steroids haven’t got a clue. I had no negative effects, no roid rage, no acne etc. My life improved. The advice I’d give is try and raise your test naturally first, but getting enhanced when your older will fix most problems.
Yeah sure medical equipment worth hundreds of thousands of dollars isn't as good at measuring fat % as your random nobody's eyes are by looking at a youtube video. Sure buddy.
@@briand6558I remember 6 years ago I went down to around 10%,I was all over the place mentally, can't even imagine how is for those guys going to 5-6%😅
another idiot comment. low calorie diet + cardio every day with weightlifing session. 7% body fat, body acts like is close to dying and preservre energy
Crazy low body fat %, an hour of cardio a day + 2 hours of lifting, AND steroids which do affect mental performance. Todd is cooked rn. If he hops off the cycle and gets back to a 12% BF he will feel better.
10:26 Brandon is significantly taller than Todd, that means that to have a realistic comparison, you should've accounted these results in relative values instead of absolute. This way you could have displayed a more realistic comparison.
An eye opener to say the least. I always qoute my clients, if you're not gonna go pro competitive pls stay away from gear. Sharing this to my bro who is working out to better himself. Good work Brandon! and hats off to Todd who went ghost mode after 2 months and boom.
Hey guys! Just wanted to remind everyone to be respectful in the comments, especially towards Todd. Todd was extremely kind to be willing to not only be part of the experiment but allowing us to share the results online. Behind the scenes he was a pleasure to work with. He's also incredibly disciplined and worked his ass off to achieve his results. Lastly, keep in mind that he was dieting for his bodybuilding show. At the time of our final measurements/results, he was just 4 weeks out from his competition. For those unfamiliar, these last few weeks are BRUTAL. It turns you into a walking zombie, regardless of if you are using gear or not. I would be acting the exact same way if I was in his shoes. So please, let's remember there's a real human being on the other end of the computer screen :) . Thanks guys! Hope you enjoyed this one.
Tell him he needs jaw surgery at the very least to fix his apnea that he likely has
Please let Todd know how I respect his transparency.
@@VargVikernes1488 shut up.
@@VargVikernes1488 relax armchair theorist, you don't understand highschool science let alone medicine
@@kiyoponnn it's OK, you can fix your jaw too with surgery - no need to cope
Guys, don't be harsh on Todd. The guy was on a diet. 7% bodyfat. It automatically makes you more tired and irritated (high cortisol levels). It might come off a bit weird but this is mostly due to the stress you experience in a diet.
Bingo! Most dont understand though.
Im currently trying to diet down (calorie deficit) and like you said my cortisol levels are super elevated. It causes me to have crazy sleep disturbances and I don’t lose ANY weight at all. I don’t understand how the hell people workout intensly on a calorie deficit and elevated cortisol levels.. i feel like im not eating much and cant lose weight because my cortisol is so high it’s interfering with the fat burning process.. i dont understand wtf im doing wrong. Im taking phosphatidylserine which helps but still
Well maybe Bodybuilding should reconsider what is a top athlete. This "sport" in general is fairly sick. Without damaging your health long term you can't even think of competing there.
Todd is a legend for being open and volunteering to do this 🔥
Fk it i volunteer to do anabolics with help of doctor😭 its so unfair that they can grow like that
He seem really in bad mood at the end.
the side affect arent worth it 😂.
As long as you are strong and healthy thats what matter
Dropping a comment in gratitude to Brandon for taking it so seriously out of respect for everyone watching. Lots of people will find these results encouraging. If you're reading this you did great man!
Can’t tell you how important it is to have a buddy lift with you and encouraging you along. You do so much more with someone there.
5lbs of muscle with 0 fat gain?!!! That is insane. The bulk couldn’t have gone any better.
Noob gains are the closest thing a natty can experience to being on the sauce
What is the insane ? Im actually gain 2.6 kg of weight and 1.3 kg muscle mass with -0,2 of fat gain. Now im sitting with 10% body fat.
Except the calculation is wrong... See other comment
@@Satrrrrr what was the other 1.3kg made of LOL
So that math wasn't exact. It's close to zero but there was a little bit of fat gain. He gained 5lbs of weight from 149lbs to 154lbs while his bodyfat PERCENTAGE remained the same. So while he did gain 5lbs of weight about 13.5% of that was from fat.
The exact numbers for body fat are
Before: 149lbs x 13.6% = 20.264lbs of fat
After: 154lbs x 13.5% = 20.79lbs of fat
Net Fat Gain = 20.79lbs - 20.264lbs = 0.526lbs of fat
So overall, he gained just over half a pound of fat which is very little but not quite zero. Obviously, this is napkin math and it's a very small amount of fat but I wanted to point it out as I think it's an important distinction to keep in mind.
7% body fat. Congratulations, Todd, that takes some insane decipline. Both of those guys killed it.
That!s nowhere close to 7%.
@@borko883 Thats what im saying
have You noticed Todds skin after all?
Not its not impressive because hes on gear
what discipline? if dude was at 19% bodyfat... and gear made him go down to 7%... he didnt change anything
No disrespect to Todd or anyone working with steroids, but I'd rather look like Brandon than Todd. Todd had acne, scars, dysmorphia, 2.5 hours at gym. Brandon was smiling, playing tennis, still looking better than 90% of male population.
Bruh nailed it. Consistency is easier by having a lifestyle like Brandon and ofcourse your longevity will also improve.
most roid guys look so ugly and smell bad too, roid guys on the internet are different from those irl . i have met a guy who has increased 15kgs lean mass just abusing roids and his body is completely out of proportion, huge shoulders mediocre biceps and very small pecs . not only that but this is just the tip of the iceberg of the problems hes about to face in life. NATURAL GAINS are supreme
Totally agree, pretty sure Todd is out of it bc of the hefty diet though. Most people don’t take well to 7% body fat and are like that pre-competition
Most people on roids don't even look like they're on it because they hop on too early and never learnt how to train and diet first. Or their genetic response to it is just subpar.
6:26 you had me wiping my screen from those dots on the white part haha
Me too. I literally stood up and walked over to wipe it off.
D: same i was like, what the hell is that, it doesnt go away
same lol i just had to touch it lol
..mh .. I probed it with the mouse cursor first before lifting a hand .. lazy or smart .. u decide :-D
A book that changed my life in ways that I never could imagine is "Secret Testosterone Nexus of Evolution".Drop whatever you're doing right now and go find that book. Trust me after I implemented things from the book my testosterone levels went beast mode
Bot, with bot subs and bot-Likes.
the moment when Todd decided to extend the 100 day experiment to 10.000 days
“Hmph… Guess I’m doing this for the rest of my life”
On hood
Thing is, they have found that one cycle of gear can have lifelong lasting effects. So he's probably good now. Will have more androgen receptors and everything
@@Ryan-wx1bi source?
Brandon eating at a surplus and gaining 5lbs of muscle without any fat at all is crazy
Dude is active as fuck to not gain body fat percentage.
That's normal for many Asians to be lean while eating a lot at the same time. I'm from India and I have genes from the Indian mountains. From birth, I have had massive calves, great shoulders, long biceps, and a lean body with abs. Although my forearms are small, they have great separation and insertion.
I have never been to the gym in my life, but recently, for over a year, I started going to the gym and gained significant lean muscle mass. My body started looking muscular and lean at the same time and my calves never loose muscles. However, I don’t go to the gym regularly. Even when I stop going to the gym and maintain a good diet, my abs remain visible, no matter how much junk I eat. After 2-3 weeks, my body naturally returns to its lean form. So it's all about genetics...
winter bulking season started early for him, hopefully he keeps it up
Also think a nature of being young. I'm 59 gone from 98Kg to 85Kg while maintaining and growing some muscle. Probably eat 30% of what a ate playing rugby or being really active when younger. Not interested in huge muscles, just strong muscles, and no muscle loss, so don't have to do crazy eating regimes which i think are unhealthy for me. Should get a dexa scan as want some protective, beneficial fat , easy to pinch some fat when sitting on belly/kidneys , inner thighs- Apparently you have to be really lean to squeeze very little , definitely grown some muscle as gym will grow lats, traps, pecs, delts ,biceps and triceps as don't get same workout day to day life
The calculation is wrong. If you put on muscle only, your body fat percentage would drop. Body fat percentage staying the same means you have more fat and more muscle while keeping the ratio the same. This is not calculating bone mass increase.
Yes but these numbers are too small to be reliably measured. 148lbs/13.6% BF -> 153lbs/13.6% BF is 0.7lbs of body fat,or 0.4% of total body weight, which is going to be within the margin of error.
Yeahh thats what I'm always thinking. A 3% bodyfat bodybuilder can have as much fat as a 10% bf natty because they have so much more muscle and water in their bodies.
I wonder which is more important, total bodyfat in KG's or % when talking about "healthy" levels? Does it matter if a guy builds so much muscle his BF drops without losing any fat 🤔
You mean lean body mass, not muscle. Muscle also has fat in its composition so it would not be as linear as that.
DEXA scans are not very good as a tool to measure muscle mass, since they only separate the body in 2 different masses (lean body mass and fat mass)
he said he gained 10 lbs with bf staying the same, which equated to 5lbs of muscle gained. Which really could be less when you factor in water retention.
It actually dropped by 0,1%.
bout 2 years ago when i was 41 i noticed i became pre diabetic and gaining alot of weight fast. my weight got up to 225 and im 5'9. Doctor tested my test level and they where very low. So they started my on Test Cyp. Best thing i could of ever done! Now my weight is 160 and no more pre diabetes. I shredded 65 lbs- 70lbs in like 8 months. Not to mention i don't work out to much. but it gave me the same body type i had at 21 . I would like to mention if you do start on test make sure you do cardio to keep that heart healthy.
Cool experiment. When both hit that double biceps at 10:09 Todd’s nipples seem a lil swollen, or maybe it’s just me. I would love to hear a lil bit more of the sides of using gear from his experience and what is he gonna do as PCT etc
Its called gyno
And look at his chest and back. He gained so many pimples and the other guy not
Huge respect to Todd for participating in this video. All the best in your endeavours and f*ck the haters lol.
To me Todd proved how gear impacts you mentally. Body dysmorphia was real while Brandon seemed always really chill and had a nice transformation too.
Stay natty folks.
And you just assumed that by watching a 1 minute clip, not knowing the person at all
and what happened to his balls and stuff
@@masterofalltrades_his baIIs are on vacation bro
jeremy is not natty
Lol dude he was cutting. Have you never been on a diet before? He looked downright spry and alert compared to what im usually like just cutting down to 15% lmao.
imo the low bodyfat makes the mood worse than the steroids, we're not meant to be heavy with under 8-10% bodyfat. that explains Todd's restlessness
This was exemplary. I didn't expect there to be an honest review of gear vs. non-gear on youtube. Kudos to all involved, especially Todd, you guys really went all the way to provide some good evidence on what is achievable - both natty and on juice. Stellar content.
Interesting discussion 😮
Looked like Todd lost all happiness whereas Brandon was so full of life
Can't lose all happiness in life if you've already lost all happiness in life. 😎
@@nicka5040 felt
He was dieting for a show. You can tell by how gaunt his face was at the end.
One have double the amount of BF than the other. One is a caloric surplus whereas the other one in a serious deficit. You can't be happy at 7% training 2hrs and cardio 1hr every day
yeah that was super odd, guy should have been happy af???
What would have been fascinating to see would have been cardiovascular and blood work before/after results focusing on things like blood pressure, resting heart rate, and perhaps even cholesterol. Steroids can be pretty harsh on a lot of things and I'd be curious to see how Todd's results would have changed in even 100 days. Fantastic video...thanks for making it and kudos to both athletes for their willing participation too.
Todd was doing hella cardio, that won't fix hormonal issues (arguably he's getting lean enough to aggravate them) but the massive difference in cardio for such a long time period would no make this a fair comparison.
This entire comparison is fraught with issues.
Видео по своей научности туфта.
Я как учёный биолог могу утверждать, что научная ценность равна 0.
Во-первых, потому что координально разный уровень тренированности. На новых атлетов работают любые программы тренировок, а например рекордсмен мировой будет выходить к одноповторному максимуму около 1 года, т.е Никаких тренировок в отказ он делать не будет, а это научный факт, что сила мышц напрямую связана с их размером. Во-вторых, нам дали почти 0 информации по условиям замеров, есть такой же научный факт, что постоянные тренировки вызывают отёк в мышцах и не настоящее их увеличение. Т.е перед замерами нужно 2 дня покоя, например! Поэтому можно предположить, что разница между атлетими в равных условиях будет ещё значительнее, возможно в разы
Huge respect Jeremy and to Brandon and Todd for taking part. For me I would never touch gear because there is no rush and the health risks are simply not worth it. Diet, a good workout plan, plenty of sleep and consistency are all you need to change your body and life for the better.
Brandon’s transformation was insane
8:03 his left bicep is a lot smaller than his right bicep. I have the same problem. But both have the same strength
It is probably because he is a tennis player it is usually like that
Kudos to Jeremy and both the other guys for running the experiment
brandon's got the jacked genes, regulars don't just go to gym for 3 months and bench press dumbells at 75 for a 3x10
No, that's pretty common for males if you're training properly lol
@@donpfiefle nah its not , he press 150lbs in total with 151lbs BW. i can say its his 100% BW press. pressing 100% BW in 3 month is uncommon for sure. whether it because of his gene or his training with jeremy but its 100% uncommon.
@@albarthomas hmm, I guess. I think a lot of it just comes down to new lifters half-assing it when they start. I was pressing 80s for 10-11 at 148bw when I started after 3 months.
@@donpfiefle saying that brandon has a jacked gene is arguable. but this "training properly" you said, im afraid that's not a common thing for newbie. lets say only 2 out of 10 did that , so by the percentage its uncommon. not to mention the starting point is different for everyone , this brandon already lean in day 1. while many people have no noticeable muscle when they start.
so this brandon with his starting body and jeremy as PT and diet manger. can only have that much result. so how often regular person who go to gym will have the same result ?
@@donpfiefle nah
Yo, natural lifter gained 5 POUNDS of muscle in 100 days? Regardless of what Todd put on (which was also gnarly), that's way beyond what I expected was possible natty. Amazing job, Brandon.
This isn't that surprising for newbie gains. Slightly better than average for like 1 year training age.
2.2kg in over 3 months doesnt seem much to me actually
@@PinkeySuavo thats because you are clueless on how much muscle can be gained by advanced lifters.
@@Gerald-DLM is he advanced though?
2:00 thats not a tricep pull down thats a reverse bicep curl if anything because your grabbing it palms up so its just a bicep curl with the tension reversed.
Thank you, Jeremy! This was great to see. I'm team Brandon, for sure. Amazing healthy gains, and a great transformation
The level of research and dedication Jeremy puts in his videos and clients is commendable
Insane transformation by both men. Well done to you guys. Awesome video and thanks for taking the time to do the experiment and show the world the difference.
Brandon saw huge gains! Only at a glance you can tell the difference. Great video - thank you for keeping it honest
This helped me realize what I’ve been doing RIGHT which is why it is taking timee thank youuuu!!
Todd at the end looked like he was lobotomized. Regardless, I wish him luck in his endeavors in professional bodybuilding and thank him for being apart of the experiment. It was very informative. Also thanks to Branden (Great gains!), and of course Jeremy, and his crew behind the scenes.
Edit: My comments weren't making fun of Todd, just an observation of the toll dieting, training, steroids, and a low body fat percentage can take on someone. Maybe the editing of the video also played a part on how the audience perceived him after his transformation. Regardless, he made amazing progress in the 100 days and I hope he gets the results he is looking for in his next bodybuilding show.
Yeah, that's not steroids, that's what hunger and 7% bf do to you. Unless you guys want to compete, don't go that low.
@@sherr1306Thats Not real 7percent but Hes lean
@@ew-zd1thHe literally got scanned dog wym
@@Tom-td6ic which method
hes def not at 7%, maybe 10
I think its safe to say Todd ain’t hopping off any time soon. The look of pure disbelief at the end when he heard he was 7% bf speaks magnitudes. Probably put on more muscle in the last 100 days than the last year.
Hard to blame him as a competitor with insane gains and slimming body fat at the same time...
09:48 todd doesnt seem happy with the result. Its a shame because he really made amazing progress but I have a feeling the body dysmorphia is stopping him from recognising that.
It's funny how people interprete his reaction just through their own subjective lense. Another top comment said basically the opposite:
"9:45 the moment when Todd decided to extend the 100 day experiment to 10.000 days"
Aren't they saying basically the same thing? Both comments acknowledge that Todd isn't happy with his results.@@Alex-sr7op
bro brandon looks like a fckin beast + the fact he does high intensity sports sessions is great 💪💪
I've been in the gym my entire life. Always pushing hard. 6 months ago I got put on TRT by my doctor and went from 180-215 in 6 months. Every lift went way up. Dealing with tendinitis in my elbows now though.
I like the natty! What a change. So happy for you Brandon! 💪🏻🏋🏻♂️🔥
I’m listening to all the caveats - newish lifter, hadnt taken creatine before, other guy was on a deep cut, and am like “ehh the results are going to not be that representative”. And then those fucking results were still so insanely good for juice holy shit
Right?! I’m surprised there aren’t more comments like this. Dude was on a cut and put on that much muscle. Insane.
Yea I'm still not getting on but can see why people do.
Actually you are right and wrong
A new lifter will always make amazing results, this is not something you can compare
Take a new guy and a guy that train 10 years who do you think will gain the most clean muscle mass in 100 days? Of course the new guy
@@vital123ish oh that was totally my point. The natty guy had everything going for him - as shown by the really impressive gains he made. But holy fuck the guy on gear dropped over 10% body fat AND GAINED 13lbs of muscle in a matter of months. Fucking insane
@@vital123ish you misunderstood, all these factors, but the steroids, were in the new guys favor and he still lost in numbers. Makes you think what would've happened if the guy on gear was a skinny newby before.
Stay natural boys.
@@hanskazan7403ok Todd💀
why the fuck do you care what other adults do?
@@hanskazan7403 Classic moron response
Excellent experiment and comparison! I would really like to see the same experiment with other sets of individuals, just to expand the group size. This is great stuff!
This is a great video showing the Raw results and Truth💯👌☕️
thanks jeremy im hopping on bc of this 😊
Incredible muscle gain. Got some gyno and chest acne. The worst part is even though he put on a lot of size, he was not happy and was even surprised he got bigger. Surely, body dysmorphia was present.
too many juiced influencers :S
@@XTHREEFIGURESX So you got any better explanation, Mr. Expert?
@just_some_bigfoot_hacking_you dude he was 7% bf, with that low of a bf anyone would be tired and expressionless aswell
If you pay closer attention, he already had gyno. He got leaner so it was easier to see, but also maybe gained a bit more in gland size
10:42 Conlusion summarized in one quote. Thank me later.
Yea But I disagree with Jeremy saying that he respects Todd's choice to go on the Juice ... Why would I respect a choice that's harms someone aka anabolics
@@jtlast9600 Risks are simply not worth it like he said.
@@kko123100stay small lil bro
@@evansoppa7416 Small but healthy and strong.
@@jtlast9600 because it is his choice not yours or Jeremy's to make
That personality shift is terrifying holy fuck! Hope that was more down to his strict diet and only temporary.
Good experiment! In real life! Congrats Jeremy!
Im always so impressed with your content
I am already here, 50sec is crazy
I love your educational content a lot
Great video!
Both men did great!
It proves you gotta do the work and have the meals in check.
Great job guys!
Really love the information and concept, But!
5:48 is wrong, 300kcal++ is as much building muscle as 500kcal++ no matter at what level you are, as a natural Athlete
Really good video guys!
Todd lost more personality than body fat, whilst simultaneously gaining more mental health issues than muscle!
Best comment
Because he's pushing into super low bodyfat, not because of the roids. He already had body dysmorphia before steroids, that's why he took them lol. Most mentally healthy people don't do steroids in the first place
he's on a show prep. everyone is absolutely miserable. also a severe calorie defecit actually reduce free test, so mentally he's even more miseable.
once he's back on regular calories, he'll be better.
He was a total zombie
It would've made alot more sense if they were both in the same weight class & height...
Yeah this is basically useless. Theres no real takeaway from this apart from "big guy on steroids gains lots of muscle and small natty guy gains some muscle" (which we all already know). Would've been interesting to see same weight and height, with same gym experience.
@@ItsSardine na, there is a takeaway. Even with newbie gains and and a Instructur on a bulk you can't outgain a steroid user on a diet. That is insane totally insane and should hammer into everybodies mind that you do not follow advice from people on gear.
You, Jeff, and Mike as emphasizes the stretch portion being the most important for growth. Jeff's new study says there's no difference. I am excited to see what your study is going to be
He's not into research. Jeff wasn't the main person executing the studies and had researchers with PhDs and years of research experience. So no one person especially without prior experience can't handle a completely new study from scratch
Jeff's new study involved experienced lifters. I think these guys are a bit less experienced and lengthened partials work better for relatively untrained lifters.
You're mixing the two up! In Jeff's study it was about doing lengthened partials, which means just 50% of RoM in the lengthened part to see whether it makes a difference versus full RoM training. Here it wasn't about training in the stretched position vs. full RoM, but about setting up the exercise in a way that the tension of the weight is highest in the stretched position. That's a difference. It's "Stretched position vs. full RoM" (Jeff) and "Highest point of tension in the stretched position versus low tension in the stretched position" (Jeremy).
@@Voidermusic Exactly! Thank you :)
Nah theres no difference in just doing half rep lengthened vs full ROM. Exercises that have the most stretch are best, then you wanna do full range and then half reps in the lengthened position to failure
Thank you for this wonderful videos!
Thank You Todd for participating in this experiment, i have respect to people being honest about being on gear. Gym's are full of fake "natty" guys and only thing which need to change is honesty.
are we not going to mention what todd was on? was it test only? what was the test dose? did he take an AI? hcg? did he add in orals? additional injectables? if he did, were they wet or dry compounds? (probably dry tho). how powerful were the add-in compounds? this is pretty important information. if he was taking fucking tren it's very easy to recomp on that, but what if it was a test only cycle? what if his test dose was a trt dose? why didn't you include this information?
i only mention the AI bc it looks like he has a bit of gyno at the end of the vid. that being said, it looks like he has a bit of gyno pre-cycle anyways? can't tell. bloodwork would've been nice too.
I completely agree with you. These videos are always like this which makes them a lot less useful. It is not the same a 250mg test dose than a 1g test dose with tren. They never show the amounts so people don't try to replicate it but it is annoying still.
Stupid vid
I think I'll be sticking being natty for rest of the life
Interesting video
Yep, 1 minute in and you have already watched the whole video 😂
Great job with the video 👏
Brandon looks like a hard gainer. Great results, but I'd like to see you try the same experiment with an easy gainer. Someone like me for example, I can look at a pile of weights and start gaining size.
Honestly Brandon already had top natty genetics at 13% bf and being lean….most of us average guys are like Todd at 19% bf
agreed, even 90% of gym goers is on 15%-20% bodyfat. only the top 10% is lean with muscle.. thats probably 2% of the population
He was just super active at a sport that involves cardio
@5:48 did anyone else see the black dots on the white background and start trying to wipe down their monitor?
Puff puff Pass homie
10:04 oh gawd.. That back and chest... They're just a bunch of little volcanoes hahaha
i love this chanel
Really happy to see an honest discussion of steroid use. Saying steroids is bad and leaving it at that is like saying drugs are bad and leaving it at that. not helpful to be so afraid of looking at specifics. Of course, no drugs is better than drugs. But denying that they have effects and refusing to look at what those effects are makes it very difficult for people to make informed decisions. Good job! No great job!
I think how Todd was feeling that last weigh in day is important to show - steroids work wonders but they come at a cost to your body and your mental health. Factor in that he was probably starving and also spending most of his time working out, and the rest of his time thinking about it, puts into perspective the true cost of hopping on steroids vs taking the slower path.
Jeremy you do a great job with your videos arguably the best in the business. I have great respect for both of these guys. Not many people are willing to put themselves up to scrutiny on social media and youtube. This was an eye opener for me. I'm 57 and work my ass off in the gym using much of your knowledge and get discouraged by many of the guys who make me look fragile at 5'11" 194 14% bodyfat. Maybe some of these guys are on gear or maybe not...but I feel better thinking they are lol. Thanks for your channel and looking at how many subscribers you have I'm glad to see how successful you are. Much deserved my man!
Brandon can also walk around feeling healthy and good, see his family, drive a car, without wondering when he will get hit by a stroke.
Todd can also walk around knowing hes not 300 lbs of pure fat and being a clueless idiot.
I think Jeremy probably could have said a lot more with this video and probably tried to, but just couldn't to avoid pissing off the steroid mob (who are busy in the comments pointing out that being at 7% body fat is the reason Todd was acting like that, and definitely not because of steroids).
By not making a clear value judgement, Jeremy allowed an honest conversation to take place, however, which is a public service. Thanks 🙏
Said Nathan who definitely was at 7% BF before.
Look at top bodybuilding competitors. They are blasting all the time, only time they are zombies is few weeks prior to the show.
@@MrHardzio4Fun No he was at 19% BF before. Did you even watch the video.
@@gtguy181 Are you sure that random from YT comments was in the video?
@@MrHardzio4Fun yea dude. It's in the video lol. Omg look at 9:30
@@gtguy181 Did you watch it? There is no Nathan in this video..
I think you misunderstood something.
Idea for video: my brother is 6’8” and over 400lbs. I am 6’1 with very long arms. How about a super sized video to give large / odd sized people alternatives to chest machines, pull ups, and other exercises that are not practical for people outside the “norm”.
Wish they put in more numbers in this of how much they were lifting before and the routine
Great vid, IMO, his cycle (what/how much) should have been shared. It wasn't and I understand why however, for new lifters/younger folks, they might see this and just think, that's it, gear and jump on something/anything in an excessive amount not knowing that Todd hypothetically was only on 300 test a week and not blasting potentially more harmful substances. Just my thoughts, cheers.
Looking at the chest, back acne and gyno - it is much more than 300 test, more like 100 tren and 500 test
@@xumu4 not really, theres guys on legit trt (they are actually hypogonal) doing 100mg a week that blow up with acne, and theres bodybuilders doing 1g and nothing. Everyone responds differently.
Your thoughts are wrong, no information which would encourage using it should be shared
@@cenciende9401 without sharing this information is kinda useless. Was he doing a small blast of testosterone or was he using deca as well. Etc. "Steroids" doesn't give enough information to give an accurate comparison. Useless video looking at Todd.
You can check 10:37 he said testosterone, I think this could be the normal 250mg weekly trt dosage
9:44 Todd acting a npc
Yeah I was like "what kinda reaction is this". Dude looked confused
He was tired from cutting weight…
he is on diet low calories, and 65min cardio per day.
I don't think there was a number Jeremy could have given him that would have satisfied him. But dude also looks exhausted!
@@FirstnameLastname-pe5ib did you just quote yourself?
i can smell the coach greg video incoming
With his squinty eyes, hands all over the screen and his high pitched pissed off parrot voice.
@@RyanMiahH 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ah damn i already commenting the same thing but you were early than me damnit
@@RyanMiahH someone commented Greg is a chihuahua trapped in a bodybuilder's body and its my fave description of him hahahaha
That's all his content is and he's become a multi millionaire from it.
GREAT video man, hands off, incredible.
Excellent experience!! Thank you very much for sharing.
Easy come, easy go.
He can train every day...until he tears a tendon or two!
Is what would happen if you have no idea about training
@@eryk4030 even with proper training, taking steroids greatly increases the risk of tears
Exactly. He should have covered that in the video. Muscle mass increases much faster than your tendons gain strength and repair. A lot of juicers will experience tendon tears or issues because of this. Tendons need more time to adapt.
@@robertmusil1107 A lot is stretching it, if you don't ego lift and do stupid things its rare to experience it on gear.
He's torn his mental health
Wow. Thank you Jeremy, this is the push i needed. Going to start looking around for gear today!
Jeremy please do a Whey protein vs No Whey protein. Or interview people at the gym if they use them. I need to know!!!!
Whey protein isn't magic, it's just a meal replacement. If you're fine with eating an extra meal instead, then that's likely even better they whey. But most would rather not, or don't want the extra calories.
Méga banger vidéo!! We want more like this with steroids and natural over 365 days!!!
for thoes idiotic comments how todd acts like npc and this... he is at 7% body fat! low calorie diet + intense cardio with weightlifing session. so he is very tired, his body preserve energy.
Right !!!!
Find a pair of twins to run this experiment. Infinitely better. Still, nice video
Sent this to my straight female best friend and both her and I (gay man) agreed Brandon's (natty guy) body looked more attractive anyway. Of course, it's better to lift for your own enjoyment and fulfilment and not for other's validation, but if you were thinking of using steroids just to attract a partner, you're very mistaken.
Yup, juiced bodies usually look unpleasant
Lol there is no way to know which body is juiced if you are on less gear. You would think those insta influencers would be out of job of it was this easy to know whose naty or if enhanced physiques looked bad for that matter.
How much does your friend weigh? I genuinely want to know as it changes a person's view on other people's physical attractiveness.
Wild. 2nd time I’ve watched this. Great video!
I have a hard time dieting after a week let alone 3 months... cranky as heck, brain fog, unstable emotions... plus hour cardio & 2 hr weights daily? Good job Todd.
Leave Todd alone. He may just suffer body dysmorphia. We’re seeing a snippet that’s edited. All the people commenting about the negative side effects of steroids haven’t got a clue. I had no negative effects, no roid rage, no acne etc. My life improved. The advice I’d give is try and raise your test naturally first, but getting enhanced when your older will fix most problems.
Yeah that’s it I’m hopping on gear.
nartural guy is insane
This is really awesome, shedding light on both situations.
This is an amazing video and such a great experiment. Great job.
There's no way he's 7% BF in the end
We didn't see his legs or glutes they might be shredded, also. It's obvious he doesn't hit abs
Plus on stage he'll look full, he's just depleted as heck
Yeah sure medical equipment worth hundreds of thousands of dollars isn't as good at measuring fat % as your random nobody's eyes are by looking at a youtube video. Sure buddy.
@@cenciende9401 DEXA vs MRI papers
Maybe 9%, the scans can be wrong sometimes
10:05 Not the same man anymore.....
At all! His demeanor is so different and his skin is not the same. He has acne on his chest and the back 😮.
Bro did the steroids also burn his brain huh, why he acting so listless lol
7% bf will do that. One of the reasons no one stays that low
@@briand6558I remember 6 years ago I went down to around 10%,I was all over the place mentally, can't even imagine how is for those guys going to 5-6%😅
@@briand6558 there are plenty of fitness youtubers/influencers that stay close to that year round and act normal, maybe hes not used to it
another idiot comment. low calorie diet + cardio every day with weightlifing session. 7% body fat, body acts like is close to dying and preservre energy
Crazy low body fat %, an hour of cardio a day + 2 hours of lifting, AND steroids which do affect mental performance.
Todd is cooked rn. If he hops off the cycle and gets back to a 12% BF he will feel better.
10:26 Brandon is significantly taller than Todd, that means that to have a realistic comparison, you should've accounted these results in relative values instead of absolute. This way you could have displayed a more realistic comparison.
An eye opener to say the least. I always qoute my clients, if you're not gonna go pro competitive pls stay away from gear. Sharing this to my bro who is working out to better himself. Good work Brandon! and hats off to Todd who went ghost mode after 2 months and boom.