Maybe it's the new haircut, but I swear Jeff is looking MASSIVE right now, I guess he was not kidding when he said he'd push to his natural limits this year!
Best Exercise For each Shoulder Head with it's Dumbbell Alternative : Front delt : Machine Shoulder Press - 5:49 Alternative : Db Overhead Press - 5:25 Side delt : Cable Lateral Raise - 7:57 Alternative : Lean-in db Lateral Raise - 2:41 Rear delt - Reverse Cable Crossover - 11:58 Alternative : Bent Over Reverse Db Flye - 11:36 Keep grinding mates 👍
I always thought that if someone looks good with a buzz cut, then they are set. No need to worry about styling or much maintenance. Just out of bed, regular morning hygiene, and you're ready to go.
S - Cable lat raise (No 1 Exercise for Side delts (Lateral)) - Cable 'Y' Raise - Behind the back cuffed cable lat raise - Reverse Pec Deck - Reverse cable crossover (No 1 Exercise for rear delts (Posterior) A+ - Machine Shoulder Press (No1 Exercise for front delts (Anterior)) - Atlantis standing machine Lat Raise A - Lean-in DB Lat Raises - Rope face pulls - Seated DB Overhead Press - 'Arnold Style' Side lying DB raises B+ - Standing BB overhead press B - Standing DB lat raise - Bent over reverse DB Flye - Seated machine lat raise - Lean-away DB Lat Raise - Super ROM DB lat raise - Seated BB overhead press - Upright rows C - Banded Lat raise D - Front raises (of any kind)
One topic that i think should be covered and would be a really nice idea for a video is "Rest", what to do after a workout, what "rest" actually means and what should we do the next days, like "we should not use the muscle trained during the workout" or what exaclty should we be doing or would be recommended. Also when will i be recovered from the previous workout and i can train again? Everybody has a different interpretation of it. There are a lot of videos about how to do a workout, but "rest" isn't acknowledged much even if it's foundamental for muscle growth.
no need to overcomplicate rest, just rest the muscle group for 48hours that's why "workout split" exist, what to do after workout? eat your protein and little bit of carbs if you want to be lean simple as that
I like the overhead press (3:50) because it it mimics everyday movements, thereby improving overall shoulder strength and stability. Since it’s a compound movement, it also activates your core, helping with balance and posture.
@@Kreenick he's not completely wrong. he's talking about bodybuilding / muscle size / hypertrophy. I love the overhead press but i lift for strength and athleticism. It's S+ tier for strength, but not body building. You dont need to train practically or athletically to have big muscles.
Keep up the amazing videos! I love when u reveal ur personal favorite for each area, “front delt”, “side dealt” and “rear delt” keep doing that for the other videos.
Best exercise for each head Anterior (front) head - A tier - 5:49 machine shoulder press Lateral (side) head - S tier 7:57 cable lateral raise Posterior (rear) head - S tier 11:58 reverse cable crossover
Overhead press is a important exercise for shoulder functionality. Pressing something overhead is a natural movement. It improves your mobility, thoracic extension, scapular upward rotation...
I recently started doing the side lying lateral raises and I'm loving them. The weighted stretch is so much better, the tension at the bottom position and the stimulus-to-fatigue ratio is excellent too. That latter point has become important to me since I'm not trying to brace and stabilize my full body when I just want to isolate my side delts. Save the fatigue for bigger movements. Same reason I switched from heavy standing bicep curls to preacher or seated curls.
@@pucek365 Kid, I've been lifting heavy for over a decade. I do my barbell compounds, heavy weighted calisthenics. I'm in my 30s and fatigue management becomes an issue when you get older. We're talking about side delt isolation here for crying out loud. I'm not gonna waste energy on a purely aesthetic lift that has little to no carryover to anything real. But go ahead and blow your load ego lifting and swinging around the big dumbbells on your lateral raises. I'm sure everyone is very impressed.
Yeah they’re amazing, i would do them more if it wasn’t unilateral, cos im exhausted by the time i get to side delts in my workout haha but it is S tier ime
I feel this more in the rear delts, and i've been doing it as the dumbell version of the cable crossover, lying down on the bench with chest up, and arms across the body at neck height- seems like it should be the best tension at the stretch compared to being on your side
1) I find adding (fractional)plates to BB Overhead presses A LOT quicker and energy preserving than having to change Db's and getting them in starting position. 2) Standing presses might trade a bit direct hypertrophy for the good sake of shoulder health eq long term gains. *Although the standing up can be limiting, one can argue the 'use it or lose it' paradox to be huge. In fact most folks have never done real overhead presses. Meaby standing incline partials at best.
@@DanVann1 lmao the stick will lose his mind if he reaches that point in the video. We're in for a Lord of the rings 3 hour movie for this 14 minute video
i can hear it now. "Holy buckets!! DB Lateral raises in b tier?!" I like how we as a lifting society have decided that the front delt gets enough work from the bench press alone but the rear delts can't possibly be trained well enough from rows and pullups.
I mean like, most people I see who don't do direct rear delt work don't have big rear delts, but most people ive seen who don't directly hit front delts still have pretty good front delts
@@arthurdavis4558 The front and sides are just larger proportional parts of the shoulder. Obviously the rear delt is going to be smaller by comparison.
When I see stuff like this from gymfluencers you always need to take it with a grain of salt. Sure it might not be optimal but how much difference are we talking about? Perhaps like 3 percent better? Even they don't know. What I do know is that if you have a full time (plus) job that isn't something like professional bodybuilder then those DB lat raises move up to S tier as you can get them the F done and move on faster than anything else. For people that have limited time (or willpower to spend that time) some of the gymfluencer advice needs to be modified. (I do give credit for Jeff for mentioning the time factor).
"Mamas gonna be home in about 15 minutes, we gotta get through this one quick." -Pauses the video before the first lift, rants for 30 minutes. -spends half of the video trying to skip to the right parts of the video, only to get interrupted by ads. -still the best fitness video of the week.
Hey Jeff, A nice que I use for the rear pec deck (if the machine allows) is to cross my legs over the center bar, allows me to lock my core in and really focus on that muscle connection with the rear delts. Give it a try next time your on one.
11:45 is a perfect example of how people get too caught up in what the science says as opposed to real world results. Jeff says : "Oddly enough my rear delts always get really sore from these" But then he puts them in B tier simply as "because there is not enough tension in the stretch " So despite feeling them work really effectively on the target muscle (really sore) they get essentially dismissed as the science at current is all about that stretched position over all else when it comes to exercise selection lol
Yeah, I totally agree. For decades every fitness expert laughs at someone not doing proper pull ups (--> over the bar). Now they are supposed the great kings for maximising the stretched position and minimising useless over the bar movement...
It seems like a common theme is that if there's a cable variation, it's much better due to constant tension. I'm always far more sore with any cable workout than dumbells/barbells so this checks out. Of course my gym has multiple cable machines that are down for repair.... fml
No its moreso that with cables you can always manipulate the resistance profile to be more lengthened bias, its not constant tension its just that dumbbells can have the issue of 0 tension in the stretched position
11:28 with face polls to engage my rear delts. I like to put extra forward stretch on and really pull from the lower part of my shoulders. I find that hits the rear delts
If and when you do this tier list on the glutes, I would love to see you talk about the glute pushdown (on the assisted pull-up machine). IMO it is a good exercise as it gets a deep stretch, is easy to set up, and good for beginners. However, I am curious about how to feel about the actual movement in how it relates to glute activation
I like dumbbell step-ups with a box at or above knee height for even easier setup and really good stretch. For beginners, I've had them grab on to something to help a bit with their arms or jump up and focus on the eccentric.
@@ItsmekvnathleanX, popular fitness UA-camr that really recommends/emphasizes the importance of doing facepulls, his channel is worth checking out if you’ve never seen it
Best Shoulder day routine to hit all dem heads: Sets to failure try to get 10-15 reps, unless going for strength shoulders grow well in this range. BB Wide grip overhead press: 3 sets DB Close grip overhead press: 3 sets BB Upright row: 3 sets DB Arnold press: 3 sets DB Front raises: 2 sets Cable side raises: 2 sets DB rear raises: 2 sets Some do traps on shoulder day but I do them on back day.
Some of the best content on training on UA-cam for sure! At 58 years old I look for practical information, not magic, secret formulas, and hacks. Science based and referenced is my go to here. Train till your 90+
I'm personally looking for the information on magic myself. Being able to implement a supernatural aspect to my workout routine would definitely do wonders for my gains.
Hi Jeff, why did u choose to include barbell OHP in your paid program instead of the machine or dumbbell? I’m curious because of the positives you stated about the latter two. Thanks! 🙏
even if you do 3 exercises from the B or even C tier, stay consistent, and keep good technique and slow down on the negative, you will have more gains than someone who does A or S tier exercises sparingly and without any grace or smoothness in their movement.
The whole point of this video is to make more effective use of the time we do have in the gym. I used to do front raises, but after this video, no more. Jeff is one of the best weight training UA-cam instructors around. You could just watch his channel and ignore the rest.
hey jeff. as a fitness enthusiast and trainer for over 15 years now. i really wanted to let u know how much your channel stands out and, in my humble opinion, is really the best ive seen. keep it up and enjoy your succes
A book that changed my life in ways that I never could imagine is "Secret Testosterone Nexus of Evolution".Drop whatever you're doing right now and go find that book. Trust me after I implemented things from the book my testosterone levels went beast mode
I love these. I am learning so much!! I have the basic anatomy down from Nursing school so this is just connecting mega big dots for me. I love the visuals / picture of 3 heads on deltoid and the science along with the tier. I am taking notes and made a new program for me to try tomorrow. Thank you so much. I like your current look also.
you can also do the cable raises with a V-grip. you can grab the lower one and the upper one pushes against your arm, slightly over your wrist. this eleminates the wrist as a limiting factor and makes it quite stable :)
I really like this rating system that you've got going on, props, brother! It's been a while since I've been to your channel just because DR.Mike has been checking all my boxes, but I'm back! I appreciate you and all that you do for this community.
oh, PS.I bought Stephanies for women first , then I bought your new The muscle ladder for my husband who is currently reading it. He is talking about it so much and asking questions ( he is new to lifting other than cardiac rehab) so I had to buy your book early before I totally finished Steph female transformation info. At least I can figure out what hubs is asking me. I really like it also. I found these utubes and watching. showed them to hubs and he is going to watch after he reads book. He is a kindle fan. I am breaking him in slow to current methods like utube. :) thanks for taking the time to do these !
1. Not all muscles benefit from the stretch because they either can't be stretched (like the popliteus for example) or because they have too many sarcomeres in series that don't allow them to reach the descending limb length to experience passive tension, the shoulders are one of them. This just means that making the exercise stretch-based creates extra fatigue with LESS benefit. 2. Constant tension doesn't matter 3. The reason dumbbell lateral raises are better is because the most tension is at the top, which is better in this case. After all, the side delts have the best leverage to abduct the arm from 75-90º. The reason we want to place the most tension on a muscle when it has the best leverage is because of neuromechanical matching, which is simply where the nervous system matches the recruitment of mechanically advantaged fibers to a certain movement aka the central motor command will allocate more motor unit recruitment to the muscles that are best at completing the task required based on their leverages or internal moment arm for a given part of the movement. Therefore, dumbbell lateral raises are S-Tier and Cable Lateral Raises are C/B-Tier Edit: I've learned more about the delt. The deltoid is made up of seven sub-regions which are all selectively activated based on their individual leverages, meaning that you want multiple different lateral raise variations. So cable at wrist height, cable at floor, dumbbell raises, try to get as many resistance profiles as you can. If I could only choose one it would still be dumbbell, though
Popular fitness influencers have no knowledge, yet still spread misinformation about training principals: importance of high training volumes, muscle stretching, chasing "feel of the muscles" and other bullshit.
I don't know about all that, but I do know that dumbbell lateral raises are S-tier. I also know that I can't get any real stretch on my side delts because my torso blocks humeral adduction. Surf the rack from the biggest dumbbells you can handle for 10 clean reps on down to 5s. Don't skip the 8s and 12.5s if you have them. Do that for 2 sets, and that's your side delt workout. 3 sets for extra credit.
I'll give you one for F-tier (straight G-tier even): the "bus driver"... You can't even tell what it trains but it regularly pops up in T-nation or M&S articles as a "finisher".
I really like this series you're doing. It helps people like myself who don't have a whole lot of time to invest research into this stuff to essentially get a cheat sheet for each muscle. Thanks Jeff!
Jeff Nippard is 100% correct. His videos are amazing. I do all his S rated exercises for each body part and my growth has been amazing. No point watching other UA-cam videos
I do this one exercise I call “incline Y-raise”. You sit on an incline bench and do a Y-raise with dumbbells. It’s the same biomechanically as a cuffed side raise. You get a big stretch and some tension in the stretch and it really lights up my delts.
Just got back into working out after 2 years. Was looking to mix up my workouts and these tier list videos have been amazing. I tried the Revere Cable Crossover absolutely destroyed my rear delts in a good way😆
I tried, and for me lateral rise dumbell or cable kept me fail to lift before i even felt my side delt, and today i try barbel upright row, and it amazing as isolation, made me feel more side delt before i hit shoulder press
Shame to see a lack of accessories from olympic weightlifting: Behind the neck press and push press: completely removes the pecs from the equation and is a lot more stable because of the lack of front rack Behind the neck snatch grip press: actually much easier to get in position (a lot of people squat with arms wide if they have poor shoulder mobility) and it massively removes triceps as a prime mover, very side delt focused and includes some trap activation Snatch Grip Pendlay row: More of a rear delt and trap exercise compared to regular pendlays, very easy to progress and has a very good stretch if you let your shoulders start rolled forward at the bottom.
@@vstllwrong when it comes to the behind the neck press, if you can do them they may as well be objectively better, you improve mobility, target the side delts more, and can get more out of less weight. Literally just a better version of the standard ones.
@@vstll ok? First of all that’s not worse, it’s likely better since the stimulus is still high and fatigue will be lower, secondly, doing 2 side delt exercises would be better than one. Mobility also gets better from doing behind the neck press.
@@vstll Because you take pecs out of any prime mover role, the reduction in weight is in line with the reduction in total muscles used which is perfectly fine.
I do Rope face pull while lying on a bench, with the cable above me. Saw it from Sam. With the added stability, it's one of my favourites for rear deltoids.
I did cuffed behind the back cable lateral raises for the first time yesterday and I loved them! I suggest anyone to try them. This exercise would benefit people with rotator cuff injuries; the reason being, since your wrist is in a cuff it is much easier to move your wrist and arm around to find a comfortable spot for your shoulder.
Maybe it's the new haircut, but I swear Jeff is looking MASSIVE right now, I guess he was not kidding when he said he'd push to his natural limits this year!
"natural" 🤣
It is the cut 😂😂😂 when I get a haircut my friends say that I look bigger or my head looks small
@@JackVIIVIIVII he's been training twice the time you're alive and he's short. Of course he's fucking natural
@@JackVIIVIIVIIyes, natural.
He's def not@@genericnickname1
Jeff looking TUFF with that buzz cut
you should try buzz cut too...youll look even better
And he looks huge
Yooo Jesse
These best of videos are so useful thank you so much. Especially with dumbell variations for us home gym people.
Best Exercise For each Shoulder Head with it's Dumbbell Alternative :
Front delt : Machine Shoulder Press - 5:49
Alternative : Db Overhead Press - 5:25
Side delt : Cable Lateral Raise - 7:57
Alternative : Lean-in db Lateral Raise - 2:41
Rear delt - Reverse Cable Crossover - 11:58
Alternative : Bent Over Reverse Db Flye - 11:36
Keep grinding mates 👍
Preciate it brother🙏
Thank you man hope you are good 🙏🏻❤
You are doing gods work
You’re the Goat
Tier list with timestamps
Jeff's Favorites for:
Anterior (Front) 05:48 Machine Shoulder Press
Lateral (Side) 07:57 Cable Lateral Raise
Posterior (Rear) 11:58 Reverse Cable Crossover
S Tier
07:57 Cable Lateral Raise
08:52 Cable Y-Raise
09:05 Behind-the-Back Cuffed Lateral Raise
10:26 Reverse Pec Deck
11:58 Reverse Cable Crossover
A+ Tier
07:06 Atlantis Standing Machine Lateral Raise
A Tier
05:48 Machine Shoulder Press
02.43 Lean-In Dumbbell Lateral Raise
05:24 Dumbbell Overhead Press
06:23 'Arnold Style' Side Lying Dumbbell Raise
11:00 Rope Facepull
B Tier
03:50 Overhead Press
01:40 Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raise
02:58 Lean-Away Dumbbell Lateral Raise
03:13 Super ROM Lateral Raise
05:10 Seated Overhead Press
07:38 Seated Machine Lateral Raise
09:55 Upright Row
11:36 Bent Over Reverse Dumbbell Flye
C Tier
09:36 Banded Lateral Raise
D Tier
06:45 Front Raises
The saviour✋🏾
The haircut took him from "according to this meta-analysis" to "because I said so" 💀
Back guy ahh meme
Stole from the back guy
Holup his writing is fire 📝🔥
Jeff absolutely rocking the buzzcut, love it
He took too much creatine. He's cooked.
Bro's looking like Kai Sheps
it doesn't look very good
I always thought that if someone looks good with a buzz cut, then they are set. No need to worry about styling or much maintenance. Just out of bed, regular morning hygiene, and you're ready to go.
@@24KWills I'm glad that I'm not the only person who thought this. I saw the thumbnail and thought "I CAN'T HIT MY PROTEIN!"
We got CJ Jeff Nippard before GTA 6!
Nah that's crazy
More like Jessie Pinkman lol
You just had to follow the damn tier list CJ
Jeff Pinkman
White CJ
0:38 I would give this exercise a nein out of ten.
Underrated comment
All hail mike 🗣️
Super based.
S - Cable lat raise (No 1 Exercise for Side delts (Lateral))
- Cable 'Y' Raise
- Behind the back cuffed cable lat raise
- Reverse Pec Deck
- Reverse cable crossover (No 1 Exercise for rear delts (Posterior)
A+ - Machine Shoulder Press (No1 Exercise for front delts (Anterior))
- Atlantis standing machine Lat Raise
A - Lean-in DB Lat Raises
- Rope face pulls
- Seated DB Overhead Press
- 'Arnold Style' Side lying DB raises
B+ - Standing BB overhead press
B - Standing DB lat raise
- Bent over reverse DB Flye
- Seated machine lat raise
- Lean-away DB Lat Raise
- Super ROM DB lat raise
- Seated BB overhead press
- Upright rows
C - Banded Lat raise
D - Front raises (of any kind)
Seated BB and Db press are better than Any machine shoulder press IMO.
You're the man, the comment I was looking for
real 1
Yea! Our Ymca has a reverse Pec Deck machine. I am excited to try it out once we can dig out from the snow.
bro shaved his head and gained 15lbs of muscle
What a haircut does to a man
What gear does ?
His head looks small in turn his physique looks bigger
New chapter
He gained weight, not sure about 15 lbs muscle though.
Man looks like he went on an RV in the desert with his chemistry teacher
hahahaha bro nice comment but i must say he looks nothing like Jesse Pinkman
@@The.Knockerdude you dont gotta comment just to show off you got the reference
@@The.Knocker Because this chemistry teacher makes the best steroids instead
"Yoooo Mistah White, pass the whey, bitch!"
"Babe you haven't done your ball squeeze cuffed lateral raises yet"
😂 lol
My training :
5:49 (front)
5:25 (front)
7:57 (side)
7:06 (side) change with dumbell
8:53 (rear)
10:26 (rear)
One topic that i think should be covered and would be a really nice idea for a video is "Rest", what to do after a workout, what "rest" actually means and what should we do the next days, like "we should not use the muscle trained during the workout" or what exaclty should we be doing or would be recommended. Also when will i be recovered from the previous workout and i can train again? Everybody has a different interpretation of it. There are a lot of videos about how to do a workout, but "rest" isn't acknowledged much even if it's foundamental for muscle growth.
no need to overcomplicate rest, just rest the muscle group for 48hours that's why "workout split" exist, what to do after workout? eat your protein and little bit of carbs if you want to be lean simple as that
@@joshuasinlao4164 exactly!!! ppl love to get lost in weeds
cardio is also good to include for rest days just to be active like yoga,martial arts,running,swimming,bicycling
We need a glute video featuring Dr. Mike Israetel 😩
hey love your videos
You mean 'glute exercises tier list', right
Can't wait for Bugehagen's 5 parts 60 hours version of this video
That's where the real science based bro science happens
Yep skipping this one and getting the info straight from the horse’s mouth
Science says if you horse cock massive weight, you will be bigger than Nippard. 🤔
He's gonna lose it when he finds out OHP isn't in S+ tier and I am all for it.
I love Jeff's approach to literally take Everything into account ; He looks so theoretical but actually makes it good for the practical
It really works for me . I am so analytical in my approach to all things it works....I can absorb it this way
i get why science based lifters are critized but if once you got enough theory you just go into feeling mode in the gym I think it doesnt make any bad
Buff Jesse Pinkman
Good one
Jeffy Pinkman
Science bitch!
Omg yes 😂
Never thought of that
I was not expecting buzzcut jeff but I'm all here for it, and the return of the series!
I'm all in on it, and I'm here for it. I'm definitely not all here for it but I like the meld of phrases there
Stay strong and heal quickly, Jeff. You have so much support and love in your corner.
Biceps tier list. pls
I think he already did that
just do curls bro
Spoiler alert: it's a curl
Curls curls curls
3 sets of Incline seated curl to failure twice a week you literally don’t need anything else for hypertrophie
I like the overhead press (3:50) because it it mimics everyday movements, thereby improving overall shoulder strength and stability. Since it’s a compound movement, it also activates your core, helping with balance and posture.
Yea I do them as a front delt exercise...It feels rlly good and Its manly af
It’s an S tier shoulder exercise imo
Yeah Mr. Nipples is completely wrong
@@Kreenick he's not completely wrong. he's talking about bodybuilding / muscle size / hypertrophy. I love the overhead press but i lift for strength and athleticism. It's S+ tier for strength, but not body building. You dont need to train practically or athletically to have big muscles.
@@Kreenick wrong how?
Keep up the amazing videos! I love when u reveal ur personal favorite for each area, “front delt”, “side dealt” and “rear delt” keep doing that for the other videos.
0:38 history class kicked in so bad
With the new haircut, got me side eyeing this video
Mein furiur
this needs more likes LMAO
God bless uncle H
Best exercise for each head
Anterior (front) head - A tier - 5:49 machine shoulder press
Lateral (side) head - S tier 7:57 cable lateral raise
Posterior (rear) head - S tier 11:58 reverse cable crossover
Laying cable lateral raise is a tier above standing cable lateral raise.
Overhead press is a important exercise for shoulder functionality. Pressing something overhead is a natural movement. It improves your mobility, thoracic extension, scapular upward rotation...
Did anybody notice the lady with 3D delts in the background at 8:27 ?
Tshirt my man
I know her, shes called anna var
S tier
You dropped this, Queen 💉
I recently started doing the side lying lateral raises and I'm loving them. The weighted stretch is so much better, the tension at the bottom position and the stimulus-to-fatigue ratio is excellent too. That latter point has become important to me since I'm not trying to brace and stabilize my full body when I just want to isolate my side delts. Save the fatigue for bigger movements. Same reason I switched from heavy standing bicep curls to preacher or seated curls.
Right on! The difference between the lying raises and standard is massive.
Pencilnecks everywhere...
@@pucek365 Kid, I've been lifting heavy for over a decade. I do my barbell compounds, heavy weighted calisthenics. I'm in my 30s and fatigue management becomes an issue when you get older. We're talking about side delt isolation here for crying out loud. I'm not gonna waste energy on a purely aesthetic lift that has little to no carryover to anything real. But go ahead and blow your load ego lifting and swinging around the big dumbbells on your lateral raises. I'm sure everyone is very impressed.
Raising the cable to hand height for my cable lateral raise has been a game changer. Thanks Jeff!
Openning youtube and see a freshly new video is really satisfying
It’s drugs basically
6:22 The "Arnold lying side raise" is actually called the Powell Raise.
Great rear delt builder too
@@razz444 Yeah I do them with the arm at 90° with the torso. Milo didn't even include them in his tier list. Really slept on exercise.
Yeah they’re amazing, i would do them more if it wasn’t unilateral, cos im exhausted by the time i get to side delts in my workout haha but it is S tier ime
I feel this more in the rear delts, and i've been doing it as the dumbell version of the cable crossover, lying down on the bench with chest up, and arms across the body at neck height- seems like it should be the best tension at the stretch compared to being on your side
Arnold got that move from Serge Nubret
1) I find adding (fractional)plates to BB Overhead presses A LOT quicker and energy preserving than having to change Db's and getting them in starting position.
2) Standing presses might trade a bit direct hypertrophy for the good sake of shoulder health eq long term gains. *Although the standing up can be limiting, one can argue the 'use it or lose it' paradox to be huge.
In fact most folks have never done real overhead presses. Meaby standing incline partials at best.
I was just looking to get more shoulder gains, thank you jeff!
Can't wait for Dr. density, Mr. sizzle, stik the Rick del Hagen's response video
Can't wait for his reaction to the cuffs, if he actually gets that far into the video
@@DanVann1 lmao the stick will lose his mind if he reaches that point in the video. We're in for a Lord of the rings 3 hour movie for this 14 minute video
@@thegoldfish123 😂 exactly
Dogs are snoring, doorbell ringing, pump is juicy. Oh yeah, it’s Ricky time
Jeff These are great please keep em coming for each isolate part and hopefully down the line a tier for compound moves!
Best Playlist on you tube keep going
i can hear it now. "Holy buckets!! DB Lateral raises in b tier?!"
I like how we as a lifting society have decided that the front delt gets enough work from the bench press alone but the rear delts can't possibly be trained well enough from rows and pullups.
Love the fact that every few comments is about Sticky Ricky
I mean like, most people I see who don't do direct rear delt work don't have big rear delts, but most people ive seen who don't directly hit front delts still have pretty good front delts
@arthurdavis4558 some muscles are just easier
@@arthurdavis4558 The front and sides are just larger proportional parts of the shoulder. Obviously the rear delt is going to be smaller by comparison.
When I see stuff like this from gymfluencers you always need to take it with a grain of salt. Sure it might not be optimal but how much difference are we talking about? Perhaps like 3 percent better? Even they don't know. What I do know is that if you have a full time (plus) job that isn't something like professional bodybuilder then those DB lat raises move up to S tier as you can get them the F done and move on faster than anything else. For people that have limited time (or willpower to spend that time) some of the gymfluencer advice needs to be modified. (I do give credit for Jeff for mentioning the time factor).
I've never subscribed to a channel on the first video. Never... yet, until now. Congratulations and thanks a lot
I can hear Bugenhagen in the distance
@@rhyde can't wait! Holy BUCKETS!
The machine higher rated than the OHP tho…
@@No-way-way yeah he's not gonna like that!
Thank you for being a friend 🎵🎶 😂
Holy Buckets! Where is Sticky Ricky!?
Thank you for being a friend! 😂
Doctor Density Rick de la stick
Can't wait to watch him talk for 7 minutes explaining the first 8 seconds
@@urgamecshk more like 15
"Mamas gonna be home in about 15 minutes, we gotta get through this one quick."
-Pauses the video before the first lift, rants for 30 minutes.
-spends half of the video trying to skip to the right parts of the video, only to get interrupted by ads.
-still the best fitness video of the week.
I can already sense the 5 hour trilogy filled with golden tidbits on how to get Jacked, Stacked, Succulent and Dense
Hey Jeff, A nice que I use for the rear pec deck (if the machine allows) is to cross my legs over the center bar, allows me to lock my core in and really focus on that muscle connection with the rear delts. Give it a try next time your on one.
11:45 is a perfect example of how people get too caught up in what the science says as opposed to real world results.
Jeff says :
"Oddly enough my rear delts always get really sore from these"
But then he puts them in B tier simply as "because there is not enough tension in the stretch "
So despite feeling them work really effectively on the target muscle (really sore) they get essentially dismissed as the science at current is all about that stretched position over all else when it comes to exercise selection lol
Yeah, I totally agree. For decades every fitness expert laughs at someone not doing proper pull ups (--> over the bar). Now they are supposed the great kings for maximising the stretched position and minimising useless over the bar movement...
Am i crazy to think that not all exercises need an exaggerated “stretch”?
@@carlosolivares6969 no
Soreness does not translate to gains
@@PearlGods muscle soreness does, tendor or joint doesnt
It seems like a common theme is that if there's a cable variation, it's much better due to constant tension. I'm always far more sore with any cable workout than dumbells/barbells so this checks out.
Of course my gym has multiple cable machines that are down for repair.... fml
No its moreso that with cables you can always manipulate the resistance profile to be more lengthened bias, its not constant tension its just that dumbbells can have the issue of 0 tension in the stretched position
Your life is hard.
@@petergianakopoulos4926 Shut up, peter
@TheDragonageorigins I got you good hihi. Don't feel bad. Exactly, Peter. I don't hide behind internet names.
@@petergianakopoulos4926 I'm not sure why you feel the need to act hard on the internet, but your angst isn't working here. Please go outside.
Waiting for the biceps tier list video, I swear man I already feel the difference by changing my workout plan to what Jeff recommends ❤
nothing better then coming back home to a jeff nippard tier list video
11:28 with face polls to engage my rear delts. I like to put extra forward stretch on and really pull from the lower part of my shoulders. I find that hits the rear delts
If and when you do this tier list on the glutes, I would love to see you talk about the glute pushdown (on the assisted pull-up machine). IMO it is a good exercise as it gets a deep stretch, is easy to set up, and good for beginners. However, I am curious about how to feel about the actual movement in how it relates to glute activation
Shit because there's no bracing. A leg press with good foot position will always be better.
I like dumbbell step-ups with a box at or above knee height for even easier setup and really good stretch. For beginners, I've had them grab on to something to help a bit with their arms or jump up and focus on the eccentric.
Just do squats and deadlifts it isn't that hard
@@xx-----------xx873 Or maybe just do what you enjoy enough to keep coming back, instead of what gym bros deem mandatory
So keen for a glute break-down, I'm not at a gym though, so hoping I can translate to home workouts with JN approach!!
11:33 22 Missed calls from Jeff Cavaliere
watched jeff c's face pull technique video like 12 hours before this and cackled a bit watching jeff n's technique here.
Who’s that
@@ItsmekvnathleanX, popular fitness UA-camr that really recommends/emphasizes the importance of doing facepulls, his channel is worth checking out if you’ve never seen it
Best Shoulder day routine to hit all dem heads:
Sets to failure try to get 10-15 reps, unless going for strength shoulders grow well in this range.
BB Wide grip overhead press: 3 sets
DB Close grip overhead press: 3 sets
BB Upright row: 3 sets
DB Arnold press: 3 sets
DB Front raises: 2 sets
Cable side raises: 2 sets
DB rear raises: 2 sets
Some do traps on shoulder day but I do them on back day.
3:26 a variation of these are nice, I'm talking about Lu raises.
Unfortunately Jeff wasn't aware of the Lu raise when making this video. It's a great movement that also trains the traps
Lu raises are underrated
jesse pinkman really found his real passion !!!
Some of the best content on training on UA-cam for sure! At 58 years old I look for practical information, not magic, secret formulas, and hacks. Science based and referenced is my go to here. Train till your 90+
I'm personally looking for the information on magic myself. Being able to implement a supernatural aspect to my workout routine would definitely do wonders for my gains.
Hi Jeff, why did u choose to include barbell OHP in your paid program instead of the machine or dumbbell? I’m curious because of the positives you stated about the latter two. Thanks! 🙏
Because skipping the OHP is some pencil neck shenanigans
@@urgamecshk Was the question not "why did you choose barbell over dumbbell or machine for the OHP"?
Not sure which program that is, but he always includes multiple substitutions so you can use different equipment, depending on what you have.
@@davorzdralo8000 it's the beginner hypertrophy one
even if you do 3 exercises from the B or even C tier, stay consistent, and keep good technique and slow down on the negative, you will have more gains than someone who does A or S tier exercises sparingly and without any grace or smoothness in their movement.
The whole point of this video is to make more effective use of the time we do have in the gym. I used to do front raises, but after this video, no more.
Jeff is one of the best weight training UA-cam instructors around. You could just watch his channel and ignore the rest.
🔥 just sign up for 3 months at the local gym , I’m 43 it’s mandatory go time. New sub.
hey jeff. as a fitness enthusiast and trainer for over 15 years now. i really wanted to let u know how much your channel stands out and, in my humble opinion, is really the best ive seen. keep it up and enjoy your succes
Editor: how many Ronnie Coleman clips should we put in this one?
Jeff: yes
Not funny.
@@petergianakopoulos4926 great, thanks for your feedback
5:25 Dumbell overhead push , 5:49 machine shoulder press , 8:00 Cable lateral rise , 8:56 cable y rise , 10:28 reverse pec deck, 11:02 rope facepull
A book that changed my life in ways that I never could imagine is "Secret Testosterone Nexus of Evolution".Drop whatever you're doing right now and go find that book. Trust me after I implemented things from the book my testosterone levels went beast mode
We need a Biceps tier video!!! Been waiting for that one so long!
I love these. I am learning so much!! I have the basic anatomy down from Nursing school so this is just connecting mega big dots for me. I love the visuals / picture of 3 heads on deltoid and the science along with the tier. I am taking notes and made a new program for me to try tomorrow. Thank you so much. I like your current look also.
you can also do the cable raises with a V-grip. you can grab the lower one and the upper one pushes against your arm, slightly over your wrist. this eleminates the wrist as a limiting factor and makes it quite stable :)
I really like this rating system that you've got going on, props, brother!
It's been a while since I've been to your channel just because DR.Mike has been checking all my boxes, but I'm back!
I appreciate you and all that you do for this community.
oh, PS.I bought Stephanies for women first , then I bought your new The muscle ladder for my husband who is currently reading it. He is talking about it so much and asking questions ( he is new to lifting other than cardiac rehab) so I had to buy your book early before I totally finished Steph female transformation info. At least I can figure out what hubs is asking me. I really like it also. I found these utubes and watching. showed them to hubs and he is going to watch after he reads book. He is a kindle fan. I am breaking him in slow to current methods like utube. :) thanks for taking the time to do these !
Damn! I _literally_ just got done shoulders and was wondering when this would drop. If I had just waited 30 minutes!
Im glad i found jeffs channel its like finding a subject that you actually like
man these videos are the best please finish the tier list for all muscles
1. Not all muscles benefit from the stretch because they either can't be stretched (like the popliteus for example) or because they have too many sarcomeres in series that don't allow them to reach the descending limb length to experience passive tension, the shoulders are one of them. This just means that making the exercise stretch-based creates extra fatigue with LESS benefit.
2. Constant tension doesn't matter
3. The reason dumbbell lateral raises are better is because the most tension is at the top, which is better in this case. After all, the side delts have the best leverage to abduct the arm from 75-90º. The reason we want to place the most tension on a muscle when it has the best leverage is because of neuromechanical matching, which is simply where the nervous system matches the recruitment of mechanically advantaged fibers to a certain movement aka the central motor command will allocate more motor unit recruitment to the muscles that are best at completing the task required based on their leverages or internal moment arm for a given part of the movement.
Therefore, dumbbell lateral raises are S-Tier and Cable Lateral Raises are C/B-Tier
Edit: I've learned more about the delt. The deltoid is made up of seven sub-regions which are all selectively activated based on their individual leverages, meaning that you want multiple different lateral raise variations. So cable at wrist height, cable at floor, dumbbell raises, try to get as many resistance profiles as you can. If I could only choose one it would still be dumbbell, though
Popular fitness influencers have no knowledge, yet still spread misinformation about training principals: importance of high training volumes, muscle stretching, chasing "feel of the muscles" and other bullshit.
@@SmartSavage finally someone understands
I don't know about all that, but I do know that dumbbell lateral raises are S-tier. I also know that I can't get any real stretch on my side delts because my torso blocks humeral adduction.
Surf the rack from the biggest dumbbells you can handle for 10 clean reps on down to 5s. Don't skip the 8s and 12.5s if you have them. Do that for 2 sets, and that's your side delt workout. 3 sets for extra credit.
genuinely some of the most helpful gym content i’ve found, would love biceps next!
I'll give you one for F-tier (straight G-tier even): the "bus driver"... You can't even tell what it trains but it regularly pops up in T-nation or M&S articles as a "finisher".
5:50 machine shoulder press
I really like this series you're doing. It helps people like myself who don't have a whole lot of time to invest research into this stuff to essentially get a cheat sheet for each muscle. Thanks Jeff!
Buzz goes crazy 🔥
1:03 I was listening to this minimized, and for some reason my immediate thought was of a super yoked snake.
Jeff Nippard is 100% correct. His videos are amazing. I do all his S rated exercises for each body part and my growth has been amazing. No point watching other UA-cam videos
With how good these tier videos are, you should make a book compiling all of those!!!
he quite literally is, right now.
2:32 yeah...from dumbbell laterals 🥴
A dumbell's weight in roids
Give money for ukraine please
Waiting for the Bugenhagen reaction.
It's already there and it's pure gold (Dr. Density is right though)
@@MichaelS.Gazzaniga Still not finished though. Waiting for the rest.
@@hessiankyojin Yeah, me too. Can't wait to see his reaction when he sees the S tier full of cable exercises.
Criminal to be this early... muscles are HARD in anticipation of Daddy Jeff's ultimate tier-list series. Boulder Shoulder Time!!!
What about pull ups / weighted pull ups
How about Arnold Press?
It was told many times that is bs
@@swixu_v1 but it's part of Jeff's full body program
is that mike van wyck at 5:18😭😂
Lol I was going to mention it
Loll good eye
I do this one exercise I call “incline Y-raise”. You sit on an incline bench and do a Y-raise with dumbbells. It’s the same biomechanically as a cuffed side raise. You get a big stretch and some tension in the stretch and it really lights up my delts.
Hey man love your work. Lots of love from INDIA 🇮🇳!!
Like for Jeff going completely bald and disguise as Bane for Halloween
Just got back into working out after 2 years. Was looking to mix up my workouts and these tier list videos have been amazing. I tried the Revere Cable Crossover absolutely destroyed my rear delts in a good way😆
3:49 I might start doing there
Sheesh within a min gang
I tried, and for me lateral rise dumbell or cable kept me fail to lift before i even felt my side delt, and today i try barbel upright row, and it amazing as isolation, made me feel more side delt before i hit shoulder press
Shame to see a lack of accessories from olympic weightlifting:
Behind the neck press and push press: completely removes the pecs from the equation and is a lot more stable because of the lack of front rack
Behind the neck snatch grip press: actually much easier to get in position (a lot of people squat with arms wide if they have poor shoulder mobility) and it massively removes triceps as a prime mover, very side delt focused and includes some trap activation
Snatch Grip Pendlay row: More of a rear delt and trap exercise compared to regular pendlays, very easy to progress and has a very good stretch if you let your shoulders start rolled forward at the bottom.
Behind the neck exercises are garbage
@@vstllwrong when it comes to the behind the neck press, if you can do them they may as well be objectively better, you improve mobility, target the side delts more, and can get more out of less weight. Literally just a better version of the standard ones.
@@chonkeboi if you want to target side delts you do lateral raises, doing behind the neck makes you do less weight than normal
@@vstll ok? First of all that’s not worse, it’s likely better since the stimulus is still high and fatigue will be lower, secondly, doing 2 side delt exercises would be better than one. Mobility also gets better from doing behind the neck press.
@@vstll Because you take pecs out of any prime mover role, the reduction in weight is in line with the reduction in total muscles used which is perfectly fine.
Vote for hamstrings 👇🏻
Yes please
I do Rope face pull while lying on a bench, with the cable above me. Saw it from Sam. With the added stability, it's one of my favourites for rear deltoids.
I will be watching Basement Bodybuilding response
We will all do that!
lots of things wrong in this video. should be good
12:24 Jeffs face! 😂😂
Its called working out and going to failure ? Ever heard of it I guess you haven’t
I did cuffed behind the back cable lateral raises for the first time yesterday and I loved them! I suggest anyone to try them. This exercise would benefit people with rotator cuff injuries; the reason being, since your wrist is in a cuff it is much easier to move your wrist and arm around to find a comfortable spot for your shoulder.
11:05 pinkies up, lads
I saw this as soon as it hit this time stamp 😭