Kripp has the absolute worst diet & no one should take his nutritious advice seriously. He drinks shit tonnes of orange juice which is highly acidic & he is ALWAYS suffering from acid reflux (heartburn & burping) because of it.
He is right you know, what makes you fat is a caloric surplus. While food with a lot of suger such as candy, sodas and stuff like that is very caloric dense, suger in itself isn't what makes you fat, it's the fact that your body takes more calories than it burns and the surplus gets stored as bodyfat for later use.
You're right but also totally wrong. He said sugars don't make you fat, which they 100% do. He thinks that Fats make you fat, which they don't (compared to sugars). Then he compares the sugars in an apple to that of popsicles, but sugars in apples are combined with such high amounts of fibre that it is broken down much easier than that from popsicles. He then says if you eat apples all day until you're full, you won't get fat, which is wrong, because as you said about caloric deficits/surpluses, if he's sitting on his ass all day expending 0 energy and burning little to no calories, he will definitely enter a caloric surplus and gain weight. So he's wrong, you will gain weight by gorging on apples 24/7 without moving.
Very roundabout way of saying too much sugar makes you fat. Good job. And Kripp seems to have no idea what the difference between carbohydrate, sugar and fat is.
Well hes right at the point that sugar does not make you fat, but fat doesnt make you fat either. Its all caloric plus. you can pretty much eat sugar only, as long as you stay around ur cal/day lvl you wont gain weight. On the other hand you lack other nutrients wich will make you ill, but hey, at least ur not fat... right?
No actually, there is a different from calories, different calories do different to your body. Sugar makes you fat because its sucrose, and that contains fructose and gluctose, the fructose is quick energy that if cannot be used immidiately gets converted into fat for energy storing purposes. And while the gluten is in your system and is getting removed by insulin, the body won't remove fat. There was a guy that went on a diet where he ate the average amount of sugar that a person in the UK eats everyday (and he usuall had a no sugar (sucrose) diet). And he gained massive amounts of weight espicially around the belly in just two months. He didnt eat junk food och candy, just stuff like low fat products which have added sugar to make up for the taste. And he was eating the same amount of calories as before, but sugar instead of fat kinda. So which calories you eat actually makes a difference. Here is the movie:
+Wierl hmm.... welp there was an experiment where forgot who but he only ate 10 twinkies a day and he still lost weight in the end. I don't really think people get the point of Kripp. He literally said that to HIM, it doesn't make sense that it would make him fat, he's a damn tall ent, tall and lanky.
Would be really really hard but it is still doable. Every glucose molecule can be converted into a 6-chain fatty acid (usually the body does 12-20 at a time) and as long as u keep eating u can just perpetually build up fat.
different biology. cows eat grass and get fat if we eat the same amount we dont get fat (in fact we cant even digest grass), point is herbivores and carnivores gain fat differently based on their biology. Which is why we cant digest unprocessed grass, and many other vegetation, without getting sick. Final point is that we are carnivores by nature and kripp is wrong :)
Bro there are so many sugars. The sugars he talked about are the ones in apples for example. Fiber counters out the glucose spike. And if you eat a low fat high carb vegan diet, sugar will not make you fat. Eating more calories than you burn is how you become fat. Calories in and calories out, buddy.
As you said, by saying sugars, you were refering to carbo hidrates. In an apple there are essential natural sugars (like sucrose, which is a dissaccharide made of 1 glucose and 1 fructose). Now if you were to eat only apples you would be rich in sugars but lack other essential nutrients like fats, vitamins (liposoluble), proteins and minerals. Lets presume you have all those nutrients and you eat only apples. If you were to only eat and not do anything else, your body would store the sugars instead of "throwing them away" (our body were made to hold any bits of sugar we have to higher our chance of survival). There are a lot of ways to store or use sugars, but essentialy - your body would store a tiny amount of that sugar in the form of glycogen and the rest in the form of triacilglicerides (TAG which are made of 3 fatty acids, which are formed when glucose/fructose/galactose is degraded into acetil-CoA and those molucules are patched together, having at the end a glycerol) and those "sugar stores" make you fat.
two twins took a test, one had a low carb (sugar) diet, and one had a low fat diet, they both lost weight, and the low carb guy actually lost more basically your body uses sugar for energy, but it cannot store energy as sugar, it stores it in other forms, including fat, when you eat sugar, your body uses all the sugar it needs for immediate use, then it stores the rest in other forms
hes right, but not because of "natural sugars" fruit juices are shit for you, because they dont have the natural fibers in the fruit to go with the sugars. While im not sure how,but fibers cancel carbs.
Kripps idea of what sugar is, is not what the majority of people think sugar is. He isnt necessarily wrong, he just really failed to communicate himself.
Okay very simple explanation for anyone that cares to learn about their health, of course if you don't already know this. If you eat more calories than you consume by living/moving, your body turns what you ate into fat. A bit more complex explanation is : What you eat, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, gets digested and turned into glucose/glycogen or Fat and ATP. ATP is often called the currency of biological energy, it's a reactive molecule that release energy when it's broken, energy that is used by the cell to do all kind of stuff. I'd recommend watching crashcourse on the subject, he's a link if you want to go further : If you really want to get it all, watch the whole series and even then you won't remember it all but it gives a good base.
That doesn't mean you gain weight by eating sugar. If you listened to him he said that a carbohydrate-based diet doesn't gain you weight t if you don't have any fat intake.
That's wrong though. Excess sugar is not stored as fat in liver... It's stored in adipose tissue = excess sugar can and will convert to body fat & increase your weight. Moderation is the key. Even protein will convert to fat if you have a high caloric surplus.
Fat isn't directly transferred to your body fat, its first broken down just like sugar, the energy you dont use is used to make you're bodyfat as a mean of storage. FailFish It's not like You consist of fish-oil and bacon. :D
He is actually right. Its about the total amount of calorie intake per day. You can only eat sugar and still lose wight but its not that benifitial cuz it doens fill you up very well. The only only real reason people say that u get fat by candy is because it has alot of calories in it
Sugar = carbohydrates. Kripp knows what he's talking about. Carbohydrates are used first for energy, and you would only get fat if you stored up a lot of fat by also eating a lot of fats, which are used second, before proteins. People get fat generally because they never allow the fats that they consume to be burned into energy because they have a steady stream of carbs being used for energy, and the fat beings to stockpile. If a person doesn't eat any fats, they won't get fat, and eating a shit ton of carbs is perfectly fine, which happens to be what a lot of vegan diets look like.
So he's kind of right. The main problem is carbs + fat content foods really. If you limit yourself to a certain amount of carbs or a certain amount of fat content you can actually lose weight pretty drastically. That's how Vegan/Vegetarian works and on the opposite side of the spectrum Paleo/Keto works.
He's right. Unfortunately when people hear "fruit has sugar" they think of the White stuff, this is wrong. The reason it's hard to gain fat from fruit is because of all the fibre in it. It's a long boring science.
He is right though... Fructose as a sugar is quite good for you compared to the rest. However it's nots healthy to only eat sugar as you are practically starving yourself of things your body needs.
Well Kripp is right because fruit calorie/weight ratio is pretty much 1:1 and they are purely made out of sugar and water. Also sugar wont magically tarnsform into fat if you dont get calorie surplus
It is almost impossible to gain fat/weight from having natural sugars(fruits and veggies), which also come along with fibre, water and other nutrients. You'd prolly have to eat a shit tonne of fruits or veggies to even gain the tiniest amount of fat. The one that really makes you gain fat/weight much easily is the processed sugars within sweets and highly-processed foods from, like, idk, a fast food chain.
I think you dont understand what insulin sensitivity is, It's a good thing. The higher it is, the lower insulin your body needs to regulate the sugar in the blood
I think a bit of context is needed here. A man who plays videogames all the day eats 30 popsicles in one night. And he doesn't go to the gym or something.
Yeah,eating maany apples and generally mostly sugars at some point will make you fat. They got almost only fructose,but fructose has also impact on insulin. Having your insulin high at all times promote fat storage. Besides,you can fuck your insulin resistance and then the whole point of following a vegan diet to be '''healthy'' is ruined. Reconsider your nutritional habits Krip. Fats are very healthy if you choose to eat healthy fats in moderation. And there even some vegan options,nuts for example. Great sources of zinc,magnesium and antioxidants.
what the fuck was kripp even trying to communicate here? is he a fucking alien in a meatbag suit? is this some fucking alien language which we havent deciphered?
well hes right and hes wrong. Sugar by itself shouldn't really make you fat if you aren't eating carbs with it. However, you will get fat eating just sugar by itself if you live a stagnant life-style (as a hearthstone streamer)
Wow, people in commentsection actualle don't believe him...he's right though. Please guys, look up the caloric equivalents of fat and carbs...1g fat is about 3g of sugar. So sugar is actually not that bad. Of course, no matter what you eat, if you give your body more calories than it uses up, you are going to gain weight. It's really that easy...
you are ignoring the metabolic differences between fat and sugar though. Just because fat and protein are more energy dense, doesn't mean they make you fat more easily than sugar.
it's true that sugar doesn't make you fat though, it's literally just calories in, calories out. PHYSICS. Fat is better than sugar though, from a health perspective.
OhMyDog Hey Kripp, it's your dog, Dex! I just wanted to let you know that some more of my fur fell out today. Maybe it's that "vegan" diet you've been putting me on? Anyways, I love you, and wish you would stop playing that card game all the time and talk to me and Rania sometimes. Sorry, that's a lot to ask, I know you need money to buy us more "kale" or whatever. Anyways, good luck on your "Heart Stone"! OhMyDog
Because the sugars we get from fruit are broken down into glucose, used by cells. They have to be broken down to use them; as well as that, fruits are mostly carbohydrates (both starch and sugar, both broken down into glucose), with water being the only other big component of ANY fruit type, from berries to achenes to pommes.
Kripp, ur body can turn glucose into fatty acids. And I do know a fat vegan. I is possible, not about what u eat is about how much u eat... unless u have vitamin deficiencies, you need those.
Kripp makes sense sorta. Carbs turn to sugar eventually but you need to exercise to burn the excess off otherwise you can gain weight. I think he just worded what he said strangely but still he is kinda off
Sugar does not make you fat. Fact. The reason eating sugar may cause you to become more fat is because, pscyhologically, eating a lot of sugar makes you feel more hungry causing you to eat more food than you need to. That makes you become more fat.
* eats bag of candy watching this random clip *
Wow, great moves WizardPoker, proud of you
dank bonus clip mate 8/8
Did you make this in a rush? This video has the worst editing of all of your vids and looks like it was viewed through a screen door.
I always watch my videos through a screen door
Kripp has the absolute worst diet & no one should take his nutritious advice seriously. He drinks shit tonnes of orange juice which is highly acidic & he is ALWAYS suffering from acid reflux (heartburn & burping) because of it.
and pepsi or whatever that black soda was
Also sugar makes your liver turn it into fat if you eat too much. And I'm pretty sure he is already prediabetic.
Yeah my father actually works at Crown Metal packaging. They make can basically. And he tells me that orange is the worst soda/pop for acids by far.
i almost only drink coca cola and i have no problem with acid reflux at all, although it also contains acid, so.. probably incorrect
toast brot sure bro, keep drinking your coke. Whatever you wanna believe.
He is right you know, what makes you fat is a caloric surplus. While food with a lot of suger such as candy, sodas and stuff like that is very caloric dense, suger in itself isn't what makes you fat, it's the fact that your body takes more calories than it burns and the surplus gets stored as bodyfat for later use.
why doesn't the Android version have +1 option?
You're right but also totally wrong.
He said sugars don't make you fat, which they 100% do. He thinks that Fats make you fat, which they don't (compared to sugars).
Then he compares the sugars in an apple to that of popsicles, but sugars in apples are combined with such high amounts of fibre that it is broken down much easier than that from popsicles.
He then says if you eat apples all day until you're full, you won't get fat, which is wrong, because as you said about caloric deficits/surpluses, if he's sitting on his ass all day expending 0 energy and burning little to no calories, he will definitely enter a caloric surplus and gain weight. So he's wrong, you will gain weight by gorging on apples 24/7 without moving.
That's true, but I don't think he actually sees it like that. He says you could basically eat all the (natural) sugars you want, and not get fat.
Very roundabout way of saying too much sugar makes you fat. Good job. And Kripp seems to have no idea what the difference between carbohydrate, sugar and fat is.
So what you're saying is... sugar *does* make you fat.
Well hes right at the point that sugar does not make you fat, but fat doesnt make you fat either. Its all caloric plus. you can pretty much eat sugar only, as long as you stay around ur cal/day lvl you wont gain weight. On the other hand you lack other nutrients wich will make you ill, but hey, at least ur not fat... right?
I know it's hypothetical, but that's not physically possible to maintain. Without carbohydrates or proteins he would die.
+Brickcellent The question here is not if it's healthy, it's just if it makes you fat.
No actually, there is a different from calories, different calories do different to your body. Sugar makes you fat because its sucrose, and that contains fructose and gluctose, the fructose is quick energy that if cannot be used immidiately gets converted into fat for energy storing purposes. And while the gluten is in your system and is getting removed by insulin, the body won't remove fat. There was a guy that went on a diet where he ate the average amount of sugar that a person in the UK eats everyday (and he usuall had a no sugar (sucrose) diet). And he gained massive amounts of weight espicially around the belly in just two months. He didnt eat junk food och candy, just stuff like low fat products which have added sugar to make up for the taste. And he was eating the same amount of calories as before, but sugar instead of fat kinda. So which calories you eat actually makes a difference. Here is the movie:
fruits and vegetables are the best source of all nutrients apart from some that animals are supplemented with, such as b12. next.
+Wierl hmm.... welp there was an experiment where forgot who but he only ate 10 twinkies a day and he still lost weight in the end. I don't really think people get the point of Kripp. He literally said that to HIM, it doesn't make sense that it would make him fat, he's a damn tall ent, tall and lanky.
Sugar doesn't make you fat, TOO MUCH sugar makes you fat.
yep, but you cant actually stomach enough fruit to get to that level
is that a challenge?
+Andrew Ryan Let's make it a challenge
Would be really really hard but it is still doable. Every glucose molecule can be converted into a 6-chain fatty acid (usually the body does 12-20 at a time) and as long as u keep eating u can just perpetually build up fat.
To Kripp, the BRACHIOSAURUS was a massive vegan dinosaur and that thing ways at least 50 tons.
Yours Truly, Spidameh
well played
different biology. cows eat grass and get fat if we eat the same amount we dont get fat (in fact we cant even digest grass), point is herbivores and carnivores gain fat differently based on their biology. Which is why we cant digest unprocessed grass, and many other vegetation, without getting sick. Final point is that we are carnivores by nature and kripp is wrong :)
Guess Kripp concentrates all of his brain power towards Hearthstone, and none towards science... Feelsbadman
O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U-
JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A-
E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-
JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA
Play around swipe ? no, stream snipe ? yeah
Bro there are so many sugars. The sugars he talked about are the ones in apples for example. Fiber counters out the glucose spike. And if you eat a low fat high carb vegan diet, sugar will not make you fat. Eating more calories than you burn is how you become fat. Calories in and calories out, buddy.
vegan logic
As you said, by saying sugars, you were refering to carbo hidrates. In an apple there are essential natural sugars (like sucrose, which is a dissaccharide made of 1 glucose and 1 fructose). Now if you were to eat only apples you would be rich in sugars but lack other essential nutrients like fats, vitamins (liposoluble), proteins and minerals. Lets presume you have all those nutrients and you eat only apples. If you were to only eat and not do anything else, your body would store the sugars instead of "throwing them away" (our body were made to hold any bits of sugar we have to higher our chance of survival). There are a lot of ways to store or use sugars, but essentialy - your body would store a tiny amount of that sugar in the form of glycogen and the rest in the form of triacilglicerides (TAG which are made of 3 fatty acids, which are formed when glucose/fructose/galactose is degraded into acetil-CoA and those molucules are patched together, having at the end a glycerol) and those "sugar stores" make you fat.
two twins took a test, one had a low carb (sugar) diet, and one had a low fat diet, they both lost weight, and the low carb guy actually lost more
basically your body uses sugar for energy, but it cannot store energy as sugar, it stores it in other forms, including fat, when you eat sugar, your body uses all the sugar it needs for immediate use, then it stores the rest in other forms
hes right, but not because of "natural sugars" fruit juices are shit for you, because they dont have the natural fibers in the fruit to go with the sugars. While im not sure how,but fibers cancel carbs.
Kripps idea of what sugar is, is not what the majority of people think sugar is. He isnt necessarily wrong, he just really failed to communicate himself.
Okay very simple explanation for anyone that cares to learn about their health, of course if you don't already know this.
If you eat more calories than you consume by living/moving, your body turns what you ate into fat.
A bit more complex explanation is :
What you eat, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, gets digested and turned into glucose/glycogen or Fat and ATP. ATP is often called the currency of biological energy, it's a reactive molecule that release energy when it's broken, energy that is used by the cell to do all kind of stuff.
I'd recommend watching crashcourse on the subject, he's a link if you want to go further :
If you really want to get it all, watch the whole series and even then you won't remember it all but it gives a good base.
Kripp is actually pretty naive, damn...
he looks pretty fat to me
he is actually pretty skinny, he just has a very big head
But Kripp is right
Long story short: excess of sugar is stored in your liver as fat
Kripp, pls
That doesn't mean you gain weight by eating sugar. If you listened to him he said that a carbohydrate-based diet doesn't gain you weight t if you don't have any fat intake.
That's wrong though. Excess sugar is not stored as fat in liver... It's stored in adipose tissue = excess sugar can and will convert to body fat & increase your weight. Moderation is the key. Even protein will convert to fat if you have a high caloric surplus.
BenuKenobi excess sugar is partly stored in the liver tho. But ye, it... cycles.
Fat isn't directly transferred to your body fat, its first broken down just like sugar, the energy you dont use is used to make you're bodyfat as a mean of storage. FailFish It's not like You consist of fish-oil and bacon. :D
hey everyone, there are different types of sugars, carbs are sugars. bread is sugar, fruit is mostly sugar
Lol caught someone in chat saying "800 pounds? Are we talking about a hippo?". Dunno who you are sir but you made me chuckle, kudos to you fam
He is actually right. Its about the total amount of calorie intake per day. You can only eat sugar and still lose wight but its not that benifitial cuz it doens fill you up very well. The only only real reason people say that u get fat by candy is because it has alot of calories in it
kripps is partially right. sugars in fruits also have fibre which makes them not unhealthy.
has nothing to do with fat though
Mattan That's a separate discussion
Not unhealthy? Grammar FailFish
Praise the Sun EleGiggle
You eat, it is converted to energy, what energy isn't used is stored as fat to be used later.
Sugar = carbohydrates. Kripp knows what he's talking about. Carbohydrates are used first for energy, and you would only get fat if you stored up a lot of fat by also eating a lot of fats, which are used second, before proteins. People get fat generally because they never allow the fats that they consume to be burned into energy because they have a steady stream of carbs being used for energy, and the fat beings to stockpile. If a person doesn't eat any fats, they won't get fat, and eating a shit ton of carbs is perfectly fine, which happens to be what a lot of vegan diets look like.
So he's kind of right. The main problem is carbs + fat content foods really. If you limit yourself to a certain amount of carbs or a certain amount of fat content you can actually lose weight pretty drastically. That's how Vegan/Vegetarian works and on the opposite side of the spectrum Paleo/Keto works.
He's right. Unfortunately when people hear "fruit has sugar" they think of the White stuff, this is wrong. The reason it's hard to gain fat from fruit is because of all the fibre in it. It's a long boring science.
True about the conclusion, but Kripp's explanation is not really accurate, and using it to justify other sugar intake is bad.
"I'm talking about carbs not sugar" oh boy...
He is right though... Fructose as a sugar is quite good for you compared to the rest. However it's nots healthy to only eat sugar as you are practically starving yourself of things your body needs.
Well Kripp is right because fruit calorie/weight ratio is pretty much 1:1 and they are purely made out of sugar and water. Also sugar wont magically tarnsform into fat if you dont get calorie surplus
well there's a huge differnce between sugars and carbs, he should've been clear about that from the begining
wow.. my intelligence just went POOF
It is almost impossible to gain fat/weight from having natural sugars(fruits and veggies), which also come along with fibre, water and other nutrients. You'd prolly have to eat a shit tonne of fruits or veggies to even gain the tiniest amount of fat. The one that really makes you gain fat/weight much easily is the processed sugars within sweets and highly-processed foods from, like, idk, a fast food chain.
Well if you make those friuts into juice its actually pretty easy.
They keyword there is fibre. Without it "natural" sugars can and will make you fat.
Does sugar in apples and such still lead to pre-diabetes and diabetes or does the fiber completely negate that?
Just looked it up, and they still can. Rip Kripp. Cause of Death: Diabetes
Actually, sugar from fruits makes your insulin sensitivity go up. On the other hand fats make it go down
Andres Vallar Thanks for the reply, and the carbs in fruit convert to sugar and increase insulin sensity as well, right? Excess carbs in general, mhm?
I think you dont understand what insulin sensitivity is, It's a good thing. The higher it is, the lower insulin your body needs to regulate the sugar in the blood
I think a bit of context is needed here. A man who plays videogames all the day eats 30 popsicles in one night. And he doesn't go to the gym or something.
New adventure speculation boys!
Yeah,eating maany apples and generally mostly sugars at some point will make you fat. They got almost only fructose,but fructose has also impact on insulin. Having your insulin high at all times promote fat storage. Besides,you can fuck your insulin resistance and then the whole point of following a vegan diet to be '''healthy'' is ruined. Reconsider your nutritional habits Krip. Fats are very healthy if you choose to eat healthy fats in moderation. And there even some vegan options,nuts for example. Great sources of zinc,magnesium and antioxidants.
No wonder he streams for a living.
what the fuck was kripp even trying to communicate here? is he a fucking alien in a meatbag suit? is this some fucking alien language which we havent deciphered?
wow reckful lost to a vegan at blizzcon and he missed lethal :(
can't believe reckful missed lethal @ blizzcon & let this dum win >:(
The super content in apples/fruits is called sucrose so yes there is sugar but not the sugar chat is thinking
well hes right and hes wrong. Sugar by itself shouldn't really make you fat if you aren't eating carbs with it. However, you will get fat eating just sugar by itself if you live a stagnant life-style (as a hearthstone streamer)
actually it's partly true xD
Artificial sugar and natural sugar aren't the same m80.
It depends on the type on sugar (Glucose, fructose,...), but suger you don't use gets converted into fat.
which part ? :D
you mean its true that sugar (or basically carbs... am i right) doesn't make you fat? (i mean how could it.. it's called sugar .. not... FAT)
soulseek2 nah it's not true. Your body can turn sugar (or carbonhydrates call it as you want) into fat. They can be converted into each other.
2:32 "Vegans are made of sugars"
well Kripp is made of PJSalt
He has a point, you need to eat twice as much sugar as fat to get the same amount of calories.
Lov your vids man.
If vegans are made of sugar why is Kripp always so salty?
Sugar makes you fat? Nooo. Seriously? Nooo. Se-ri-ously? Nooo.
Kripp is proof that anyone can play hearthstone at a high level.
Where are you Skipperino Kripperino?
Wow, people in commentsection actualle don't believe him...he's right though. Please guys, look up the caloric equivalents of fat and carbs...1g fat is about 3g of sugar. So sugar is actually not that bad. Of course, no matter what you eat, if you give your body more calories than it uses up, you are going to gain weight. It's really that easy...
you are ignoring the metabolic differences between fat and sugar though. Just because fat and protein are more energy dense, doesn't mean they make you fat more easily than sugar.
It's better to be sweet than salty.
it's true that sugar doesn't make you fat though, it's literally just calories in, calories out. PHYSICS.
Fat is better than sugar though, from a health perspective.
he is right about the fruits. apple, mango, grapes etc are full of sugars but they are good sugars (natural like he said) the rest is just bs
Well, its not all wrong. Natural sugar does work that way but not artificial sugar.
Then again, eating too much of one thing is never healthy
Plain sugar doesn't make you fat on it's own. This is pretty basic biology.
Excess sugar gets converted into fat. This is pretty basic biology.
OhMyDog Hey Kripp, it's your dog, Dex! I just wanted to let you know that some more of my fur fell out today. Maybe it's that "vegan" diet you've been putting me on? Anyways, I love you, and wish you would stop playing that card game all the time and talk to me and Rania sometimes. Sorry, that's a lot to ask, I know you need money to buy us more "kale" or whatever. Anyways, good luck on your "Heart Stone"! OhMyDog
It's almost like there is natural sugar and processed sugar FailFish
natural sugar is like coca leaves, processed sugar is concentrated like cocaine, go figure
Regardless, the reasom you don't get fat from fruit is because they have FIBER.
Natural and synthetic sugars both contribute to diabetes. both are fine in moderation.
Yes, you can get diabetes from plant matter. Rice is a huge contributing factor to diabetes.
Because the sugars we get from fruit are broken down into glucose, used by cells. They have to be broken down to use them; as well as that, fruits are mostly carbohydrates (both starch and sugar, both broken down into glucose), with water being the only other big component of ANY fruit type, from berries to achenes to pommes.
Sugar doesn't make you fat. Eating too many calories makes you fat.
The Ending was awesome
i think we all need ghost pepper after reading these comments
Damn, couldn't skip the kripp
Makes such an extreme choice to be a vegan and he knows nothing about nutrition..
Kripp, ur body can turn glucose into fatty acids. And I do know a fat vegan. I is possible, not about what u eat is about how much u eat... unless u have vitamin deficiencies, you need those.
sugar doesnt make you fat, fat makes you fat and so does carbs thats such a big mis conception about things in foods
freelee and durianrider talk that shit too and they call themselves experts
Good think I eat like 2 apples a day. I love them
all people FailFishing while he is talking about FRUIT ... so many triggered NA OpieOPs LUL
Is that it?
I dont know why im subscribed to kripp with this logic FailFish
Kripp makes sense sorta. Carbs turn to sugar eventually but you need to exercise to burn the excess off otherwise you can gain weight. I think he just worded what he said strangely but still he is kinda off
... Must be a slow news day for wizardpoker
lol, sugar from fruits and stuff is natural/good for you, but not sugar sugar from lollies XD
short on content then
God damnit, Kripp. For someone who pretends to be intellectual, something like this really kills the illusion. How embarrassing.
Let's try that vegan diet OpieOP
Well, he meant carbs, but yeah
Sugar does not make you fat. Fact.
The reason eating sugar may cause you to become more fat is because, pscyhologically, eating a lot of sugar makes you feel more hungry causing you to eat more food than you need to. That makes you become more fat.
Nope, body will convert excess sugar into fat.
Wizard poker. Bring back ms paint outro
That ending WutFace
but he's right
I'm not sure what's more painful to watch, the video or the comments in the comment section...
smh this vegan isn't getting his beans and peanut butter, I can tell
he's not wrong but High blood pressure is a thing, too much sugar in your blood stream can make you diabetic
Or else vegans could drink a diet of pure Monster energy drinks, and that would make them the hardest mofos on the planet and everyone would be vegan
If he considers corn syrup to be sugar, then yes sugar makes you fat
Kripp is right, not gonna delve into it
Sugar literally the #1 cause of obesity rolf
your literally a dumbass rofl.
Kael your literallya d bumass rufl
Dino Spumoni do a quick google search bro. your actually clueless.
Kael litrally dumass rolf
This channel has gone to a fitness and health channel. Nutrition experts wannabe are everywhere in the comments
He’s absolutely right though.
NA Education EleGiggle
NA education EleGiggle
He's Bulgarian, and later moved to Canada
he means carbs - which don't make you fat.
***** brainwashed by the meat, dairy and dietary industry. Congrats.
Ever met a fat vegan? all they eat is carbs.
my head hurts
Kripp resident sleeper
Oh damn, that bonus clip was dank af xD gr8 1 m8 I r8 8/8
Processed sugar is bad for you. Even a lot of natural sugars isn't good lol.
if u eat apples its actually got water and fibre though, so its not a problem
Yeah, but that's because of the fibre - if you remove it, say, via making apple juice, it's suddenly very easy to get fat with apples.
Diet advice from a vegan EleGiggle
kripp is a godly troll
you disappoint me kripp "natural sugars" pff
all the shit i eat is ghost pepper
you need to switch to carolina reapers
0 nutritional education:(
its the white sugar that harms u,not the fructoise.. talkin about apple sugar wtf lol :D
this fool confusing complex sugars and simple sugars
He is right though