Sometimes wives feel entitled to attention from their husbands regardless of what’s going on. She needs to understand that the man is working. There is a place and time for things but you don’t call your husband many times per day knowing that he is working. That’s ridiculous
@karencook7383 most people working at fast food places are teenagers who are usually high, texting, or just talking because they feel the work os beneath them. That's why your order takes forever. I would know, I've worked at quite a few across the country. DeSean seems like he takes the work he does seriously and does his job well considering they're both dressed well and she's wearing nice jewelry. He didn't need to throw fast food workers under the bus, but he wasn't wrong either.
Wow that first guy is a complete nightmare. He says “She’ll do whatever I want, but I want her to know what I want without asking.” She’s done 23 years of this. WOW
the wife of the first couple was so insightful in pointing out the maternal bond. and yet she stayed in that marriage for 23 years. don't wrestle with him, run!
The first guy is a narcissist. He thinks others owe him attention. He sees people as pawns. No good partner ever says “I can get her to do whatever I want.” He lacks empathy. He’s in denial about his vulnerability, he lies about what’s upsetting him to avoid accountability, but yet makes the counseling session all about him not getting what he wants and complaining about how it’s effected him. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ hope she gets out.
@@justspeaktruthPlease explain to me exactly HOW the lady in the first clip is acting narcissistic? I am interested to know what evidence you used to draw that conclusion.
This episode gives great insight on the burdens therapists carry on a daily basis. We never think about how much of a mental load their job requires them to carry and how it may effect them
Facts! I'm glad you and others can see this truth. And for the person who said we choose this job. Yes that's true. But doesn't make it less true of the mental load we carry.
That first man is a prime example of a sociopathic narcissist. He says all of these asinine things because he believes he is always in the right and he is the smartest person in the room…in any room. When he nitpicked on the choice of words being used (‘devastating’) it wasn’t due to a fixation on perfection the way they were discussing it. It was because narcissists look down on everyone and most of the things we say to them, they consider it to be stupid. He thought she used the wrong descriptive word because she didn’t grasp what was happening because shes dumb and he’s smart (in his mind). Same thing when the therapist said that what his partner said was profound and he immediately devalued it and tried to ruin the moment for her because nobody can say anything intelligent besides him of course. What she said was actually profound in a way. They really should explore how he was raised and how his mother interacted with him. His partner needs to run for then hills though. These sociopaths never change and they enjoy creating a trail of victims behind them. They’ll always be content with themselves because they refuse to delve into their deep-rooted thoughts, which would ultimately reveal their self-hatred. One of the most frustrating personality types to deal with.
Okay, but we only saw them once. He may begin to understand what's being asked of him - to stop having things on his own terms only - when he realizes that someone (Lady Therapist) may hear what he's saying and what he won't acknowledge he's saying. The only thing we really know about him is that he agreed to go to therapy.
Na you're just like the wife who is missing the entire point. He said he wasn't devastated because devastated is a different level than disappointed You're focusing on your emotions rather than what's going on. He's saying that what she's doing is like giving him a gift that he doesn't want, and then expecting him to be happy about it. She doesn't understand him at all and just wants to do what makes HER happy thereby making HER the narcissist in this scenario And yes, that's a "maternal" relationship is completely off the mark because you don't have sex with your mother. She's just diverting attention away from the fact she doesn't want to have to do chores around the house aka wifely duties
Okay, I won’t deny he’s pretty awful. But these blanket diagnoses of people like this is why most people shouldn’t or couldn’t be a therapist. This ends up missing any nuance and shuts you off from trying to understand any aspect of someone outside of the dotted list of what makes up the diagnosis. He has problems, many of them, but blanket calling him a sociopath solves nothing. And let’s not miss the complacency she has in the relationship as well. She is very self aware and knows he is problematic, but she chooses to stay for whatever various complex reasons. It’s couples therapy so Dr. Orna has to understand all of these nuances and how they intertwine, otherwise her therapeutic sessions may do more harm than good. Calling him a sociopath does more harm than good.
Mau is an awful husband, and has the personality traits of a narcissist. Annie should have run for the hills a long time ago, life is too short. He is draining the life out of her and she deserved much better than him, he's hopeless unless he gets treatment.
The two women who were discussing having a baby…the woman who wanted the baby needs to realize that this is not her “healing”…at all. This is her using having a baby as a way to force herself out of her depression without actually working through it. If you’re needing to have a child in order to give yourself a reason to keep it all together, like she said, then that is not healing and her partner was right in saying that she didn’t want to bring a child in just to fix something. Yes, a baby can help with mental health (or post partum can actually worsen it) but if that’s your main reason to have a baby than it’s not healthy. She needs to work through her depression first before pursuing a pregnancy. It’s a tough situation though,I hope she finds a way 🤗🤗
She has zero self control. Communication is her way or the highway and when she doesn't get what she wants, she punishes him with disconnection (now I'm not going to share with you because I didn't get what I wanted before)
Dr. Kirk Honda has a podcast and youtube channel called Psychology in Seattle where he watched and made his own commentary on this episode (he was a couple's therapist for like, 20+ years or something) and it's FASCINATING. So happy the full episodes are on youtube, I'm completely obsessed with this!!!
Having gone through couples therapy, I have insight to this. By the time a couple gets into therapy it is almost over. That first guy is an ass. He wants a mind reader, and he is lazy.
The first woman seems smart and kind. I don’t know what her issues are, but being in a relationship with a prick like that for 23 years, there must be a few. I feel she would be way better off doing therapy for herself, working on self-value and healthy boundaries.
Holy bejizzo. That first guy is why I'm on the fence about marriage 😂 how about I throw the glass of water that I failed to accurately anticipate in your face 😈
I’m so surprised the therapist reaction to her calling the second couple/ husband 20+ times a day while he’s working. I don’t know anyone who would answer more than one call a day from their spouse and still be as productive. Work is not just for fun and on your schedule unfortunately- your there to do a job and he seems to even love the job he’s doing. I do not think this is a problem on his end whatsoever and she needs to work through why she needs to speak to him constantly and distract him while he’s doing something that empowers him/ gives him pride.
Everyone is different and each couple has to find their best win/win. Even if I didn't like my job, I would definitely withdraw and set FIRM boundaries if someone called me at work more than a few times a day especially if they got mad I couldn't answer.
@@woundedwombmindoflilith278 absolutely agree! When you first start working with someone, you have to build rapport. Just because the therapist doesn’t address something right away, it doesn’t mean they are condoning the behavior.
My ex is Mau and Allen rolled in to one. I don’t even know how I survived. Watching “him” on screen like this was eye opening and validating, because when you’re in the middle of all the gaslighting it’s hard to step back, breath and see all the bs for what it is. Instead, you get trapped in a pattern of answering to all their nonsense as if it would get anywhere. They just want to keep you confused and believing there might be love, there might be a solution, if you just work hard enough or change this or that, etc….but there is no love and there is no work to do, they are who they are and suck peoples souls like dementors. People like them should literally be charged with a crime and go on an offenders list. Psychological abuse is the worst kind. People here are questioning how either of them are still with them, but the problem is they usually start out as seemingly wonderful partners and the victim falls in love, then believing they are still good people, when things go wrong, the victim thinks it must be something they’ve done and coercive control tactics begin slyly over time and erode the self. This partner becomes the good and the bad cope and the victim learns that if they want the good, they do what the partner wants (but it feels like you have control, not that they’re controlling you). You slowly over time think the only thing you can change is yourself and not any outside circumstances. Trauma is like that. I had my ex watch this episode, and he had no clue he was watching himself and even commented on how annoying Mau was. It was fascinating. They’re so sucked in to their own experiences they can’t self reflect on how they affect others or even care how they affect others. They’re a black hole sucking in others souls, love, happiness trying to fill the void of what they never received as a child, unable and unwilling to build it for themselves. Many of you probably think you could never be end up with someone like this, but you absolutely can because they mirror you or who they think you want them to be, they play the long game and it isn’t until your life and hearts are completely entangled that they reveal their full self and you gotta claw your way out of the relationship for your own sanity, but it destroys your life either way. That’s the dillemma. Some people think it’s less destructive to stay with the devil they know and not destroy what’s left that’s good about their life. It’s a hard decision to make.
I’m struggling to understand how the first man has been with a partner so long. Something in me wants to like him (why?) but he looks for perfection and refuses to see anything that isn’t perfect and it kind of makes him come off arrogant
Same. And I think it would work better than trying not to hurt anyone's feeling. First couple, the husband is the problem, second couple the woman, the couple who wanted a child, the woman who wanted a child to heal is wrong. And as far as I read the comments every one thinks the same. Just cut the bullshit and don't complicate the matter that is easy to see and understand. Most of them need reality check.
I am just discovering this show. The focus that Dr. Orna brings to each session is amazing. But her intensity for the word for word back and forth between all of these people is even more astonishing. She is so dialed in, I am paying more attention to her dialogue and remedies than I am to anything the couples are quibbling about. I am just on season 1/episode 3 where it is obvious there is a tremendous lack of maturity, a great deal of selfishness, a lack of self awareness, and way too much controlling behavior taking place. May only God and Dr. Orna help them....
you should check out Dr Hondas reaction to this series! Its so interesting to consider what/how orna is likely thinking when she's conducting these sessions
My guess with the 20 calls couple. She's not calling to check in with her boo about small talk. She's undermining his job because it gets more atrention than she does. She's a social person that won't accept that he's a productivity person and decides to lash out by distracting him when it's most inconvenient. He brings work home with him and doesn't make her feel like a priority. Which is irritating because she can be boxed out when he's on the job but his job can cut into their quality time. She either let it slide figuring maybe it was a temporary demand of the job that would happen coccasionally at the first signs of him bringing work home. Or she disapproved of it passively but didn't make it a deep discussion of a boundary she wanted to set.Or maybe she did draw the line but he doesn't know how to not bury himself in work or he's convinced himself of work's importance long ago before ge met her and he uses that rigid mindset to dismiss her frustration. At least that's part of what's going on
Desean deserves a better, level-headed partner who appreciates him. His partner has anger all over her face, she’s so utterly aggressive and egocentric. Calling ANYONE 20 times a day is psychotic and I’m shocked the therapist didn’t acknowledge that and moved on like it’s acceptable behavior. Also, his partner acted like a complete child saying oh welll that’s ittt, the moment passed so now I don’t wanna share my story! Huh?soooo…now that he’s free from work, you’re no longer interested right? There’s no drama there right? It seems like she’s just pushing his buttons because he’s very calm and she enjoys drama, to be frank. There are some people out there who think that fighting is necessary in a relationship, their warped mind thinks it’s passion and without it, they’re bored. It sounds ludicrous to sane folk but ..these people exist. She was infuriating to listen to. He seemed like such a lovely man and she walks all over him. These types of people are just gross in nature and need therapy for themselves, not couples therapy.
There are plenty of people who would love a call 20 times a day. Would I? No. But just because a behavior is abnormal or undesired to us doesn’t make it pathological or wrong. Not saying she is in the right, or had no fault in the matter. But I wouldn’t venture to call her psychotic.
@@4dcab it's psychotic if your husband is begging you in the most polite manner to try to avoid interrupting 20 times while he's trying to keep his job, and it makes it even crazier that when he finally gets home and he want to pay 100% attention to you, then you turn around and say... "I'm not interested now"
Im addition, 14:58 Her sole purpose in calling is to make sure he's actually at work and not out f ucking around. Cause when he's home, that assures her that he's home with her and not out, that's why she's always asking What's he doing. Wth do you think hes doing at work Bish! 🗣HES WORKING!!! I see right through it. She's insecure as hell. 😒
With the lady that’s trying to fix the relationship with a baby and trying to fill a void in her relationship with a baby. Is not a good idea. The responsibility of a relationship is way better than caring for a child because when that child comes into a world a cruel world and you have a cruel relationship... no. Don’t do that to something innocent just because you are broken inside. This is why couples adopt animals to get the somewhat! Experience of a child.
A pastor I used to work for would keep them away from her desk so if someone started crying, she'd have to walk away for a moment to get them, in purpose.
Oof, ok, having a baby in hopes that it’ll somehow fix your depression is… one of the worst reasons to have a baby. Like… that’s a lot of put on someone. If she were to acknowledge ‘that’s how I was feeling and that’s why maybe I let the fight get out of control’ that’d be one thing, but to say that her partner wanting to stick to the original timeline is “impeding her healing” and a “betrayal” is INCREDIBLY manipulative.
The first guy...the one who says he's so easy to deal a narc. She goes bananas trying to please him, and he just keeps moving the bar. He is likely the sole reason she went out on a sexual limb, then when she finally got to where he's likely been pushing her to be, then he acted like she was not paying attention and not giving him what he wanted. Poor lady. God, help her please.
that first marriage is a form of self harm for the woman… when she stops hating herself and stops believing she deserves to be punished, she will drop him like a bad habit. 🤷🏽♀️
The lady who states that if we arent gonna have sex i dont want to be married is my hero.. Keep it real... Why would you want to be together once the attraction is gone? ... I think most people make the mistake of settling for less than what they want.. And just goes downhill from there... Until you end up with 2 people who cant stand each other and stay together because breaking up is just 2 much work... So they stay together and unhappy
Can anyone please tell me why they only show 5 minutes or each couple. It’s like right when we get to the source of the issue, they move onto another couple. This is my first time tuning into this show. Thank you!
Oh dear god as a man I can not relate to this guy (the first couple) at all. I hope this is not typical of men in couples therapy. I'd very much doubt it is.
Now you know when an experienced therapist laughs and looks at you that watch they’ve pegged you for what you are and know the sessions will be exhaustive work.
In my opinion (and maybe I'm wrong) about the second couple, everything I understood is that his wife wants to convince herself that she is more important to him than work. And all these extra conversations are just so that her subconscious will understand that she is more important to him. This is also the reason that when she gets home she no longer bothers him because she has no way to test his love for her at home.
Couples Therapy: You got issues get it over with break up, sometimes that's easier then causing those around you to suffer more then just a break etc.
It seem like all three couples are settling for things that are non-negotiable to each other. Unfortunately these things should of been ironed out years ago for some of them again they push down their needs and want to continue a facade
New episodes streaming only on SHOWTIME. Try 30 days free! Sign up at
I clicked through but i only get offered a 7 day free trial. What gives? This comment is misleading.
@@LloydSmithsonian Completely misleading. My guess is that the offer was reduced over the past year, unfortunately.
What an area this man is
As soon as he said, "I'm the easiest person to get along with" I knew he was about to show how complicated he is.
He’s not complicated, he’s just selfish and exhausting 🙄
@@angiedoe597I literally thought to myself “gosh he is EXHAUSTING”
I can be easy going, or difficult. Incompetence drives me insane in adults.
I have gotten old and grumpy 😠
I thought the same thing! Just another little boy!
That first dude is driving me nuts 3 minutes into it. This lady deserves a medal for remaining married to this dude for so long.
Not as nuts as the lady calling dude at work 20 times a day and saying, “why haven’t you answered the phone”, in a negative tone. That lady Is wack
I literally felt myself being triggered watching him.
Seriously !!!!
Jesus. 7 minutes in and that guy makes me wanna rip my hair out.
First guy was only on for like 8 mins and I feel exhausted. How did this woman handle 20 years????
He’s a nightmare! I wanna kill myself just listening to him
She settled, period! So sad…
Right!! 20 yrs.. within 8 minutes I was wishing to punch him in his throat
She has needs being met somehow here.
The first 8 minutes now I need therapy. 😒😩
Desean is hilarious. And such a gentlemen even when disagreeing. “Maybe she called to connect???” He pauses.....”WE HAD JUST SPOKE.”
Sometimes wives feel entitled to attention from their husbands regardless of what’s going on. She needs to understand that the man is working. There is a place and time for things but you don’t call your husband many times per day knowing that he is working. That’s ridiculous
@@kerrybyrd2179desean is dismissive and it’s not like a work at Wendy’s. I’ve been to Wendy’s they look quite busy he sure puts himself on a pedestal
@karencook7383 most people working at fast food places are teenagers who are usually high, texting, or just talking because they feel the work os beneath them. That's why your order takes forever. I would know, I've worked at quite a few across the country.
DeSean seems like he takes the work he does seriously and does his job well considering they're both dressed well and she's wearing nice jewelry. He didn't need to throw fast food workers under the bus, but he wasn't wrong either.
I must admit .. I almost busted out laughing when he said that.
I feel the therapist went gentle on the wife because Dessean pointed out some problematic behavior of her calling him at work and yelling.
Wow that first guy is a complete nightmare. He says “She’ll do whatever I want, but I want her to know what I want without asking.” She’s done 23 years of this. WOW
He wants a magician??
Here from the daddy gang
Me too! Lol
Hey same
Sameee lol
Same 🤣🤣
The first guy looks youthful and well rested compared to his wife. I have a feeling he’s draining the life out of here
He’s a vampire. 😂🤦🏻♂️
Like a vampire. 🧛🏻♀️
He has no cares
He is the narc
He's there for her light. For her star. He doesn't give a crap about her.
the wife of the first couple was so insightful in pointing out the maternal bond. and yet she stayed in that marriage for 23 years. don't wrestle with him, run!
The first guy is a narcissist. He thinks others owe him attention. He sees people as pawns. No good partner ever says “I can get her to do whatever I want.” He lacks empathy. He’s in denial about his vulnerability, he lies about what’s upsetting him to avoid accountability, but yet makes the counseling session all about him not getting what he wants and complaining about how it’s effected him. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ hope she gets out.
The woman is just as narcissistic as he is so they are perfect for each other.
Wow 💪🏽
@@justspeaktruthPlease explain to me exactly HOW the lady in the first clip is acting narcissistic? I am interested to know what evidence you used to draw that conclusion.
@@ChristianOne they’re douchebags in real life, people who knows them and worked for them said
Alex Cooper sent me lol 😂
Me too! I had to watch the first couple 😬😂
Same lmao
Same 😭
The first guy is a nightmare
he hates himself
I’ve never hated a guy so deeply so quickly.
A complete narcissist. Entirely
How can anyone stay married to the dude in first couple minutes ??. The woman needs a gold medal.
I’m 4 minutes in and all I can think is “block him”
Same 🤣
This episode gives great insight on the burdens therapists carry on a daily basis. We never think about how much of a mental load their job requires them to carry and how it may effect them
I couldn’t do it.
Facts! I'm glad you and others can see this truth.
And for the person who said we choose this job. Yes that's true. But doesn't make it less true of the mental load we carry.
@@WhyG626 Adulthood is a difficult place for you to be in, isn't it.
As a therapist, I can relate so completely with this. "Have I served them? Did I miss something?"
Therapist need therapy too 😅
That first man is a prime example of a sociopathic narcissist. He says all of these asinine things because he believes he is always in the right and he is the smartest person in the room…in any room. When he nitpicked on the choice of words being used (‘devastating’) it wasn’t due to a fixation on perfection the way they were discussing it. It was because narcissists look down on everyone and most of the things we say to them, they consider it to be stupid. He thought she used the wrong descriptive word because she didn’t grasp what was happening because shes dumb and he’s smart (in his mind). Same thing when the therapist said that what his partner said was profound and he immediately devalued it and tried to ruin the moment for her because nobody can say anything intelligent besides him of course. What she said was actually profound in a way. They really should explore how he was raised and how his mother interacted with him. His partner needs to run for then hills though. These sociopaths never change and they enjoy creating a trail of victims behind them. They’ll always be content with themselves because they refuse to delve into their deep-rooted thoughts, which would ultimately reveal their self-hatred. One of the most frustrating personality types to deal with.
Okay, but we only saw them once. He may begin to understand what's being asked of him - to stop having things on his own terms only - when he realizes that someone (Lady Therapist) may hear what he's saying and what he won't acknowledge he's saying. The only thing we really know about him is that he agreed to go to therapy.
Na you're just like the wife who is missing the entire point.
He said he wasn't devastated because devastated is a different level than disappointed
You're focusing on your emotions rather than what's going on.
He's saying that what she's doing is like giving him a gift that he doesn't want, and then expecting him to be happy about it. She doesn't understand him at all and just wants to do what makes HER happy thereby making HER the narcissist in this scenario
And yes, that's a "maternal" relationship is completely off the mark because you don't have sex with your mother. She's just diverting attention away from the fact she doesn't want to have to do chores around the house aka wifely duties
@@fleepss2407 you sound just like him😂
Okay, I won’t deny he’s pretty awful. But these blanket diagnoses of people like this is why most people shouldn’t or couldn’t be a therapist. This ends up missing any nuance and shuts you off from trying to understand any aspect of someone outside of the dotted list of what makes up the diagnosis. He has problems, many of them, but blanket calling him a sociopath solves nothing. And let’s not miss the complacency she has in the relationship as well. She is very self aware and knows he is problematic, but she chooses to stay for whatever various complex reasons. It’s couples therapy so Dr. Orna has to understand all of these nuances and how they intertwine, otherwise her therapeutic sessions may do more harm than good. Calling him a sociopath does more harm than good.
thanks for my psych response gang. u a real one ☝
My favorite is the black man. He's reasonable and a true gentleman.
Me too! I loved his demeanor
soooo true
He has a name 😮 it’s not the black guy. That sounds pretty…
Mau is an awful husband, and has the personality traits of a narcissist.
Annie should have run for the hills a long time ago, life is too short. He is draining the life out of her and she deserved much better than him, he's hopeless unless he gets treatment.
The two women who were discussing having a baby…the woman who wanted the baby needs to realize that this is not her “healing”…at all. This is her using having a baby as a way to force herself out of her depression without actually working through it. If you’re needing to have a child in order to give yourself a reason to keep it all together, like she said, then that is not healing and her partner was right in saying that she didn’t want to bring a child in just to fix something. Yes, a baby can help with mental health (or post partum can actually worsen it) but if that’s your main reason to have a baby than it’s not healthy. She needs to work through her depression first before pursuing a pregnancy. It’s a tough situation though,I hope she finds a way 🤗🤗
Poor little human so much pressure without being born yet. Next one to go to therapy.
No shit.
thank you Alex cooper for showing us this masterpiece
Even if you need that connection, there are still boundaries that need to be respected. (regarding calling 20 times).
Exactly. That's insane! A lot of women do this. Thinking it's cool. This is not peace nor trust at all.
@@MrBrown-rm9zlI'd go crazy if somebody would call me 20 times within 8 hours...
Literally! The therapist was coddling the wife and not holding her accountable for how the wife talks to him
She has zero self control. Communication is her way or the highway and when she doesn't get what she wants, she punishes him with disconnection (now I'm not going to share with you because I didn't get what I wanted before)
Dr. Kirk Honda has a podcast and youtube channel called Psychology in Seattle where he watched and made his own commentary on this episode (he was a couple's therapist for like, 20+ years or something) and it's FASCINATING. So happy the full episodes are on youtube, I'm completely obsessed with this!!!
I wish he would review more 😭
What’s the name of the podcast episode
Yesss! This was recommended to me from Dr. Honda!
Yes 👍🏽 dr Honda is awesome
+1 for psychology in seattle podcast
I'm sorry but Deshauns wife seems to want an unemployed person who has time to sit there and chit chat with her all day. Kind of unreasonable.
Right n then when he loses his job over it she'll be tellin him he's not a man cause he can't provide for her....
Yeah I feel bad for him. She needs get a hobby.
He cheated on her that's why she's acting insecure 🙄
@@show_me_your_kitties I hadn’t gotten to that part! Oh no. No I don’t like that
@Show Me Your Kitties No he didn't
I really appreciate the dialogue with her supervisor.
I am a couple’s therapist and Dr. Orna is amazing!
Having gone through couples therapy, I have insight to this. By the time a couple gets into therapy it is almost over. That first guy is an ass. He wants a mind reader, and he is lazy.
i knew it was bad when i saw him in the flip flops
Thank you wife #1 for saving other women from him😊 You are a hero.
The first woman seems smart and kind. I don’t know what her issues are, but being in a relationship with a prick like that for 23 years, there must be a few. I feel she would be way better off doing therapy for herself, working on self-value and healthy boundaries.
Give this wife a medal, an award, for putting up with this weirdo of a husband where nothing is good enough for him. Ick!
This show is the only reason why I have Showtime 🤩
Not even shameless ?
Watch all of them
Holy bejizzo. That first guy is why I'm on the fence about marriage 😂 how about I throw the glass of water that I failed to accurately anticipate in your face 😈
Oh my GOD Mau makes my brain just light in FIRE *flips a table* gollyyyyyyy. 2:34??? I literally can’t
By 3:20 I threw my phone down. This is HELL
I’m so surprised the therapist reaction to her calling the second couple/ husband 20+ times a day while he’s working. I don’t know anyone who would answer more than one call a day from their spouse and still be as productive. Work is not just for fun and on your schedule unfortunately- your there to do a job and he seems to even love the job he’s doing. I do not think this is a problem on his end whatsoever and she needs to work through why she needs to speak to him constantly and distract him while he’s doing something that empowers him/ gives him pride.
Everyone is different and each couple has to find their best win/win. Even if I didn't like my job, I would definitely withdraw and set FIRM boundaries if someone called me at work more than a few times a day especially if they got mad I couldn't answer.
@@woundedwombmindoflilith278 absolutely agree! When you first start working with someone, you have to build rapport. Just because the therapist doesn’t address something right away, it doesn’t mean they are condoning the behavior.
💯💯💯‼️ you couldn't have said it more perfectly
@@christianone6611ll thats what he did!! He said she breaks that rule all the time.
She has severe abandonment issues. Prob BPD.
My ex is Mau and Allen rolled in to one. I don’t even know how I survived. Watching “him” on screen like this was eye opening and validating, because when you’re in the middle of all the gaslighting it’s hard to step back, breath and see all the bs for what it is. Instead, you get trapped in a pattern of answering to all their nonsense as if it would get anywhere. They just want to keep you confused and believing there might be love, there might be a solution, if you just work hard enough or change this or that, etc….but there is no love and there is no work to do, they are who they are and suck peoples souls like dementors. People like them should literally be charged with a crime and go on an offenders list. Psychological abuse is the worst kind. People here are questioning how either of them are still with them, but the problem is they usually start out as seemingly wonderful partners and the victim falls in love, then believing they are still good people, when things go wrong, the victim thinks it must be something they’ve done and coercive control tactics begin slyly over time and erode the self. This partner becomes the good and the bad cope and the victim learns that if they want the good, they do what the partner wants (but it feels like you have control, not that they’re controlling you). You slowly over time think the only thing you can change is yourself and not any outside circumstances. Trauma is like that. I had my ex watch this episode, and he had no clue he was watching himself and even commented on how annoying Mau was. It was fascinating. They’re so sucked in to their own experiences they can’t self reflect on how they affect others or even care how they affect others. They’re a black hole sucking in others souls, love, happiness trying to fill the void of what they never received as a child, unable and unwilling to build it for themselves. Many of you probably think you could never be end up with someone like this, but you absolutely can because they mirror you or who they think you want them to be, they play the long game and it isn’t until your life and hearts are completely entangled that they reveal their full self and you gotta claw your way out of the relationship for your own sanity, but it destroys your life either way. That’s the dillemma. Some people think it’s less destructive to stay with the devil they know and not destroy what’s left that’s good about their life. It’s a hard decision to make.
That's really sad. Glad you got out.
After watching this I think I'll stay single, and I love the black guy he was such a gentleman and I'm sorry he was right
“The black guy” lolll 😂
He has a name 😮 Lord take the wheel
Yes he was. I feel sorry for him having to deal with that bat of a wife
OK but why doesn't Sarah care as much about taking care if her partner as much as she does this baby that doesn't exist yet?
It's probably good that I'm not a couples therapist because I would likely raise the national divorce rate a point or two in my first few weeks.
I’m struggling to understand how the first man has been with a partner so long. Something in me wants to like him (why?) but he looks for perfection and refuses to see anything that isn’t perfect and it kind of makes him come off arrogant
Whew!!! He seems like a full blown narc.
He's a talented lay.
He is egotistical
Apparently I could never be a therapist because I’m immediately cutting through all the bullshit. 😂
Same. And I think it would work better than trying not to hurt anyone's feeling. First couple, the husband is the problem, second couple the woman, the couple who wanted a child, the woman who wanted a child to heal is wrong. And as far as I read the comments every one thinks the same. Just cut the bullshit and don't complicate the matter that is easy to see and understand. Most of them need reality check.
Imagine the therapist going on Call Her Daddy 😅😍
It's happening!!
She is, this Wednesday!
The first guy is a narcissist. His wife nails him each time and he is so into himself that he looks like a self-centered child.
He was severely neglected as a child which many times can cause narcissism.
The Therapist is so patient and empathetic to the first guy I would have lost it and choked😂😂😂
I am just discovering this show. The focus that Dr. Orna brings to each session is amazing. But her intensity for the word for word back and forth between all of these people is even more astonishing. She is so dialed in, I am paying more attention to her dialogue and remedies than I am to anything the couples are quibbling about. I am just on season 1/episode 3 where it is obvious there is a tremendous lack of maturity, a great deal of selfishness, a lack of self awareness, and way too much controlling behavior taking place. May only God and Dr. Orna help them....
you should check out Dr Hondas reaction to this series! Its so interesting to consider what/how orna is likely thinking when she's conducting these sessions
Would you kindly share the gist- why is he behaving that way
My guess with the 20 calls couple. She's not calling to check in with her boo about small talk. She's undermining his job because it gets more atrention than she does. She's a social person that won't accept that he's a productivity person and decides to lash out by distracting him when it's most inconvenient. He brings work home with him and doesn't make her feel like a priority. Which is irritating because she can be boxed out when he's on the job but his job can cut into their quality time. She either let it slide figuring maybe it was a temporary demand of the job that would happen coccasionally at the first signs of him bringing work home. Or she disapproved of it passively but didn't make it a deep discussion of a boundary she wanted to set.Or maybe she did draw the line but he doesn't know how to not bury himself in work or he's convinced himself of work's importance long ago before ge met her and he uses that rigid mindset to dismiss her frustration. At least that's part of what's going on
this was such an insightful response
Desean deserves a better, level-headed partner who appreciates him. His partner has anger all over her face, she’s so utterly aggressive and egocentric. Calling ANYONE 20 times a day is psychotic and I’m shocked the therapist didn’t acknowledge that and moved on like it’s acceptable behavior. Also, his partner acted like a complete child saying oh welll that’s ittt, the moment passed so now I don’t wanna share my story! Huh?soooo…now that he’s free from work, you’re no longer interested right? There’s no drama there right? It seems like she’s just pushing his buttons because he’s very calm and she enjoys drama, to be frank. There are some people out there who think that fighting is necessary in a relationship, their warped mind thinks it’s passion and without it, they’re bored. It sounds ludicrous to sane folk but ..these people exist. She was infuriating to listen to. He seemed like such a lovely man and she walks all over him. These types of people are just gross in nature and need therapy for themselves, not couples therapy.
There are plenty of people who would love a call 20 times a day. Would I? No. But just because a behavior is abnormal or undesired to us doesn’t make it pathological or wrong.
Not saying she is in the right, or had no fault in the matter. But I wouldn’t venture to call her psychotic.
it's psychotic if your husband is begging you in the most polite manner to try to avoid interrupting 20 times while he's trying to keep his job, and it makes it even crazier that when he finally gets home and he want to pay 100% attention to you, then you turn around and say... "I'm not interested now"
I agree completely lol but he needs to put his foot down and check her ass. I think she wants a man to put her in her place.
Im addition, 14:58 Her sole purpose in calling is to make sure he's actually at work and not out f ucking around. Cause when he's home, that assures her that he's home with her and not out, that's why she's always asking What's he doing. Wth do you think hes doing at work Bish! 🗣HES WORKING!!! I see right through it. She's insecure as hell. 😒
With the lady that’s trying to fix the relationship with a baby and trying to fill a void in her relationship with a baby. Is not a good idea. The responsibility of a relationship is way better than caring for a child because when that child comes into a world a cruel world and you have a cruel relationship... no. Don’t do that to something innocent just because you are broken inside. This is why couples adopt animals to get the somewhat! Experience of a child.
8:00 min in, my god. This guy is a piece of work. I am shocked.
How could that therapist, NOT have a box of tissues available at all times!?! That’s a prerequisite before a patient even walks in the door, hello?!?
A pastor I used to work for would keep them away from her desk so if someone started crying, she'd have to walk away for a moment to get them, in purpose.
Enjoyed it! It needs to be
Alex cooper .... thank you for another show addiction.
What are her other show recommendations that you’ve watched?. Thanks in advance!
Dammit. I thought this was season 2 free episode! This series is ABSOLUTELY NEEDED RIGHT NOW
Oof, ok, having a baby in hopes that it’ll somehow fix your depression is… one of the worst reasons to have a baby. Like… that’s a lot of put on someone. If she were to acknowledge ‘that’s how I was feeling and that’s why maybe I let the fight get out of control’ that’d be one thing, but to say that her partner wanting to stick to the original timeline is “impeding her healing” and a “betrayal” is INCREDIBLY manipulative.
I watched this on my flight yesterday. Mau is absolutely ridiculous even in the last episode 5 .
He is a Malignant Narcissist. Nothing will change.
First couple.. I can’t believe that woman has stuck with him for 23 years! She must be SO damaged and depleted
BRUHHHH what the.... the first dude omg
Daddy gang where you at????
The first guy...the one who says he's so easy to deal a narc. She goes bananas trying to please him, and he just keeps moving the bar. He is likely the sole reason she went out on a sexual limb, then when she finally got to where he's likely been pushing her to be, then he acted like she was not paying attention and not giving him what he wanted. Poor lady. God, help her please.
You nailed it -- this man is a classic narcissist. He is also quite hostile and uncaring. Exhaustinf.
the second lady is insanely needy. if we didnt have phones what would she be doing?
I would be so surprised if Mau didn't work in finance. All the finance guys I know are Mau. It's astounding.
That first guy needs to go find a mummy role play who will change his diaper and give him a bottle 🍼
that first marriage is a form of self harm for the woman… when she stops hating herself and stops believing she deserves to be punished, she will drop him like a bad habit. 🤷🏽♀️
She's been with him for 23 years!!! Pray for her!
Chilleeeeee as a therapist, the first couple… yeah. I would go straight to sleep after a session lol
Thank you Father Alex for sharing this show with the daddy gang 🙏🏽😌
The lady who states that if we arent gonna have sex i dont want to be married is my hero.. Keep it real... Why would you want to be together once the attraction is gone? ... I think most people make the mistake of settling for less than what they want.. And just goes downhill from there... Until you end up with 2 people who cant stand each other and stay together because breaking up is just 2 much work... So they stay together and unhappy
11:23 😂😂 she misses him!! She just want to TALK TO HIM! 😂😂
They need to make a show of couples watching the show together, and then arguing with each other about what they’re watching.
NO! Haven't you had enough of that already?!
First couple. He’s the ultimate narcissist… ref Dr Ramani !!!!
Love the closing song … Who is it by?
Damn Cooper you got all of us 🤣
To imagine that the first guy is someone's workmate or boss is a complete nightmare
him saying I KNOW its on the first page : he knows it but he doesn't accept it. emotionally he refuses it.
Can anyone please tell me why they only show 5 minutes or each couple. It’s like right when we get to the source of the issue, they move onto another couple. This is my first time tuning into this show. Thank you!
Oh dear god as a man I can not relate to this guy (the first couple) at all. I hope this is not typical of men in couples therapy. I'd very much doubt it is.
That first guy IS EXHAUSTING!!! I had to fast forward
Annie, how dare you not read my mind?!
Alex Cooper aka Daddy Gang!! Thank you! Excited to watch! ❤️
In honor of Father Cooper, I'm here.
He wants a butler what? A glass of water without asking? Get ur own fkin water!
Now you know when an experienced therapist laughs and looks at you that watch they’ve pegged you for what you are and know the sessions will be exhaustive work.
First guy needs to never be with anyone.. in this universe
alex cooper sent me dr orna kept me ty bothhh
In my opinion (and maybe I'm wrong) about the second couple, everything I understood is that his wife wants to convince herself that she is more important to him than work. And all these extra conversations are just so that her subconscious will understand that she is more important to him. This is also the reason that when she gets home she no longer bothers him because she has no way to test his love for her at home.
I love this show! Thank you.
Couples Therapy: You got issues get it over with break up, sometimes that's easier then causing those around you to suffer more then just a break etc.
Pleade post more full episodes like this!
Dominique, totally agree.
Daddy gang where u at lmao
The first guy is NOT Mr Amazing 😂😂😂
I would get showtime just for this show
The first guy wants a concubine, a servant, not a wife. Why would anyone marry him? He’s impossible to communicate with.
I enjoyed this waay too much lmao
How did the first woman stay with that guy for so long if he’s always been like that ???
0:31 I HAVE HELLA BIRTHDAY STUFF!! Lawd bless my man
It seem like all three couples are settling for things that are non-negotiable to each other. Unfortunately these things should of been ironed out years ago for some of them again they push down their needs and want to continue a facade
I am inlove with this show so much🥰
The way he puts her down. OMG. She didn’t settle. She is in a toxic relationship with a narcissist.