I worked for a United Methodist church for way too many years. The people there were wonderful, but the situation there was dismal. The church leadership lied about membership numbers for years until it was impossible to hide the losses; there was a strong spirit of anti-intellectualism emanating directly from the bishop, resulting in Bible illiteracy among younger members; each and every sermon included a plea for money. What drove me out finally was the antisemitism coming from church and denominational leaders who were seeking currency as card-carrying liberals. Today I pray for the good people who remained to try to salvage the church, but I am ashamed that I remained simply for the sake of a job.
I understand the reluctance to leave a job - been there, done that. Glad you finally got out. Keep praying for those still trapped in these churches. And pray especially that the leadership would repent from their sin and truly put their faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ.
John - thanks for recording and posting these. It bings a smile to my face and joy to my heart to hear you proclaim the glories of Christ and the gospel, in the midst of such a dumpster fire in the UMC. Your humility, graciousness and speaking the truth are something I want to strive to emulate. May the Sovereign God use all this so His glorious grace would be magnified. (A prayer that I know will be answered)
Thank you so much. We live in such a lost world and unfortunately many churches are leading more to the lake of fire. Please keep me in your prayers and especially pray for the lost and deceived in the church and in the world. God bless you.
I left in 1991, as a 16 year old boy, when after my conversion (in a Baptist revival) I tried to stay UMC for about a year for my family’s sake. I kept reading my Bible and realizing the UMC was as biblically operated as any country club.
I left the Baptist Church after 60 years and became a Methodist...I was worn out with feeling I had been beaten by what I shouldn't be doing every Sunday for years. Plus my Pastor was telling the story of Noah and informed us there were dinosaurs on the Ark. Had to be as the Bible doesn't date the world old enough for the scientific eras when dinosaurs actually lived. The Baptist Church and evangelical christians have begun worshipping the Bible not God and I had to find someplace that understood my Christ cannot be confined to a book and that 1.5 hours of preaching will not convince me to "accept Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour" You get that alot and once u are Baptized they move on looking for the next convert.
Not just the LGBTQ+ movement, but accepting women as pastors which is also an abomination (1 Corinthians 11:3-12). The UMC is an apostate church. People are leaving the American Episcopal Church for the same reason.
@@richa0254 Agree complete. Methodist for more than 35 years. Love the "open hearts, open minds, open doors" policy, intellectual history-and-science-based sermons by a former professor of theology, and an unbeatable traditional music program.
My church was UMC, and we left for the first reason you gave. It was hard to believe anything the leadership would tell us when they wouldn't even follow the discipline! Now, we have never been happier! Leaving the UMC was truly the best decision for our church!
So glad to hear you got out and I pray you have found a true church. So many "ministers" lied when they made their vows and then rose into leadership. Keep praying for the lost and deceived that they repent and believe the gospel.
I miss the days of the Old UMC !! We were a Bible believing Church at one time and look at it now. Like you said these pastors are having their congregations sleep walking into Eternity and most likely Damnation !
I was baptized and married in the same UMC Church. My first son was baptized and then we moved. What I saw happen to a church with 2000+ members is tragic.
The Holy Bible is the Holy Bible, period. We practice Christianity guided by "The Good Book." You do not get to pick and choose what part you will follow and others that you will ignore. On the issue of LGBTQ+, the Holy Bible, Old Testament the Book of Leviticus 20:13, makes the question of homosexuality clear, Crystal Clear!
40 year ago this happened in a methodist in a small town in Tennessee, many of them came to a Presbyterian church, they wanted to " redirect " the church to their likings. Well the elders convinced them to find another church, the elders asked the reverend to leave, I considered him as a friend and talked with him for may hours, he was an army Chapin, preached to inmate, always at the hospital to pray for the ill.
I really thank the Lord for His unending love to me, since birth I am a methodist.my faith as Christian is already rooted.i know what are teachings of the UMC.I will never leave the UMC.What matter most us i know the truth and i know what is good and bad.i know that God is my God. I will never put my faith to people..l will always hold on my faith forever.Remain faithful to the UMC forever.
Amen. It shows we must always remain vigilant that the church follow the Bible and not drift. Satan is always trying to infiltrate and destroy the church. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
At 1 time Methodist tent meetings were, in a large way, responsible for bringing civilization and spiritualization to the old West frontier. What a sad ending for Methodists?
I left the UM church because of the fact that they weren't following their own rules. I had been a lay speaker and preached a message on personal salvation, was asked to not preach that message again.
This is possibly one of the best overviews of the situation, but would like to add to it. The church was far more focused on internal politics and worldly issues than it was doing any type of God's work. It simply evolved into another platform for a toxic, town hall meeting that fostered divisiveness that is so pervasive in our current world. Our church went GMC and just like that, membership started growing and by no small amount. People not only wanted to practice their faith, but wanted to be part of a bigger, successful group of people making a difference. And more so, you hear no lamenting of the UMC nor is politics or divisive topics even mentioned.
Thank you. I just returned from the PCUSA general assembly and watched as they spent almost an entire day on the "evils" of fossil fuel and the dangers of climate change. So glad your church got out. I've heard great things about the GMC. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
We attend a small rural UMC. As such, the congregation and the pastor tend to ignore the really extreme stuff coming out of the higher levels (even if it's slowly becoming normal rather than extreme). I'm beginning to work towards Certified Lay Speaker status in hopes of having opportunities to preach the legit Bible gospel. One can preach that Jesus saves even in the midst of what is becoming a modern-day Corinthian church.
UMC PK, here. As a young child in the 1970's, my Dad was assigned a 6 year post in the East Ohio Conference as a district superintendent. I remember attending annual conference with him at Lakeside, OH every Summer. Several times, I listened to him and many others at the microphone relentlessly fight against changing the UMC Book of Discipline in favor of performing same sex marriages, ordaining homosexuals, etc. It's now come to fruition throughout the UMC, and I subsequently left the UMC many years ago to attend a thriving Bible focused church. It saddens me that this entire scenario has now completely played out in our public school systems, colleges and universities, court systems, all levels of government and many other areas of our lives. The local UMC church which is a mile from my current house, Hopewell United Methodist Church, is a small, but thriving membership of about 30-40 people. The congregation has tithed significant monies for a church of its size and I believe also owns the church building itself and the land that it sits on. They have been fighting against a lesbian UMC bishop and will likely ultimately lose. For those of you in the Silent Majority who have chosen to stay quiet and/or leave while also choosing to not spread the Gospel, judgment is coming. If you are truly a believer, spreading God's Word does not make you a bigot or a phobic. As a believer, you are, in fact, called to do so. Thanks for the video.
@@biblewalkwithjohn Dear Bible Walk: I was church organist for five churches, two of which were Methodist Churches. Though Catholic which I disavow, I played well over 500 services at the Moravian, 2nd Presbyterian, Hungarian Magyar, Methodist, and subbed at the Episcopalian. I retired and went to the Methodist for services as laity after 20 years. Everything you said is very accurate. I am now very disappointed in the Methodist Church. I am appalled at the new resolution and yes, I have prayed for all. This apostasy depicts the "falling away" of II Thessalonians. God Bless You.
Hi John. I dont understand why/how the book of discipline wasnt followed in so many ways so many times. There is no point to having it if it isnt going to be followed. However now that churches want to disaffiliate the BOD must be followed. You cant pick and choose what/when the BOD is followed. The BOD was formed upon certain biblical principles which the have decided no longer apply. They have treated their churches with a total lack of caring and respect. Send us your money. Do as we say. You can not leave. Doesnt act like much of a Christian organization to me.
Amen. It's hard to see the corruption that has taken place. While I can't judge their souls, I do believe that many have either left the faith or were never Christians in the first place. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit. Keep praying that God would bring repentance and faith and revival. God is able to do great things! God bless you.
@@biblewalkwithjohn I am a member of a small rural Methodist country church. We didn't disaffiliate in the initial process due to cost so we are now in with a group of churches in a legal process hoping to pay a lesser amount so we can leave. My fear is this process will go nowhere and I will be forced to leave the church I've been in all my life. They are wonderful people with traditional values. But i just cannot be a part of what it has become.
@@Trukwachr Please pray and consider if you can get enough people who want to disaffiliate alongside you to start a new church plant.. If you lose your building, your properties or lands it is far better to lose things than your soul. I've encouraged people to leave the United Methodist Church .. Look into the global Methodist Church,the Wesleyan church,free Methodist Church, congregational Methodist Church, primitive Methodist Church, independent Methodist Church or any other Wesleyan arminian emphasis church that doesn't affirm that progressive Christianity affirming teaching and narrative.
My husband and I live in MD and we've been United Methodists our whole lives. We are 56. Essentially all the UMC churches in our area chose not to disaffiliate, so we left. It wasn't as hard as we thought it would be. We joined a wonderful Baptist church that teaches directly from the Word of God every week. We have met wonderful people and are now part of a weekly small group. We are now growing together as Christians and holding ourselves and each other accountable to the faith and scriptures. As far as the church we left, it isn't doing very well. People are leaving because the pastor shared that to him, the Bible was just a book written by men and shouldn't be trusted as God's Word. Those that stay are not being moved by the Holy Spirit and I suspect aren't true followers of Christ. We are living in sad times. Pray for those people who are being misled.
Purcell UMC closed by the denomination in 2018. It was done in a very mean and hateful manner! My wife and I were greatly disrespected by a Female member of the clergy.😢 We were both heartbroken 💔. Then we were not allowed to disaffiliate, and the church property was taken by the denomination and sold. We who supported our church financially, even taking out a loan on our home, were not allowed back on the church property till it was sold. I absolutely agree that these churches are APOSTATE 😮. I would LOVE to have a conversation with this nice gentleman.
My wife and I used to be heavily involved with the Emmaus and Chrysalis walks. It was 72 hours of learning about all of God's love for us. We cannot do that anymore as we left the UMC. We saw it was pointless because the denomination wasn't enforcing the rules already in place. The conference only removed the rules since they weren't following them anyway. We started a new Global Methodist Church, but we don't advertise it's a Methodist Church.
Praying for you both. It's painful to leave a church. So glad you were able to start a GMC. I pray for this church that it may be faithful to the gospel and win the lost. Even though the UMC is lost, may God raise up new generations of faithful Christians and pastors. Christ is still King!
“I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power." - John Wesley
So often they are like Pilate saying, what is truth? Comforting lies will become very uncomfortable when they stand before God in judgment. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
John speaks the truth. I left the Methodist Church back in the 90s because of the rainbow crowd taking over. All of us have rights but it doesn't give one group the power to change doctrines of the Bible to serve their needs.
I left as a teenager, thinking every church was as hypocritical as the UMC churches in the cities my Dad's company transferred him to. From '64 to '74, in four churches across three states... I NEVER heard the Gospel spoken clearly... Just mealy-mouthed "God loves you, so live your life" bunkum. It took eleven more years and almost committing suicide before I actually met the Lord Jesus and gave myself to him.
I was a part of the United Methodist church. I was a conservative in a district that became very liberal. My congregation wanted to leave, but the cost was positive and leaders made it impossible. . Most of the congregation became discouraged and left, and i couldn't remain with a clear conscious. Im now left with no congregation, wishing i had left sooner. Most conservative denominationscant believe im conservative. A traditional conservative methodist is still different a conservititive Baptist or Presbyterian, etc. I'm left for the moment meating with about 30 in my garage with no denomination backing feeling like an outsider.
I'm so sorry. I got out years ago but it is a difficult decision and hard to find a path forward. I'm praying for you. I don't know much about it but you might check out the Global Methodist Church. I've heard a lot of good things but I haven't done adequate research yet to completely endorse it.
When a church becomes property and becomes financially enriched it is no longer a true gathering place for worship and fellowship. A Church needs to grow based on its ministry and biblical principles, teachings and values. The church I attend is small and teaches strictly according the the Holy Scriptures and does not come with an à la cart menu to pick and choose at one’s leisure. I’ve always believed the greater the membership the more income or tithes.
Riches are so deceptive. Many churches start out good but once they become wealthy, they worry about the money instead of the gospel. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
Yes. One day each and every one of us will have to give an account. About how THEY abandoned others and left them to try to fend off the rising tide. many jsut left for their own convenience. God wants us to persevere and many did not. They left a vital church doing God's will and have a part in it's decline. What would Christianity look like today if early Christians abandoned each other AND DID NOT STAY AND FIGHT.
John: Thank you - your faithfulness to Yahshua (Jesus) The Word of YHWH Made Flesh is heart warming. How appropriate: the cemetery as the backdrop for this most sobering message of folks being led into the lake of fire (millions?) by the leaders of the UMC who are lying about male and female created He them.
Thank you for commenting. Yes, so many are being led into darkness and hell by "ministers" in the UMC. Please keep praying that the lost will be saved and that people's eyes may be opened.
Do you remember the Catholic priest scandal? It wasn't confined only to the Catholic church. When I discovered that the United Methodist church I grew up in was shuffling a minister/predator from town to town in an attempt to hide his "problem," I could no longer remain a member. That is why I left.
My ancestors were Methodists. John Wesley would not be welcomed in the United Methodist Church today and even in 2010 and even before. I got a 1987 United Methodist Cookbook and those 1980s Iowan United Methodist were still like John Wesley. Unlike today. But in rural areas United Methodist Churches would still preach the Gospel faithfully and witness it even today. But they been the minority in United Methodist Church for a long time and the problem started with the formation of United Methodist Denomination. That formation to begin with compromised Methodists on some Biblical doctines. The formation made their leadership and Churches less interested in the Bible and more in being a social club that talks about God but don't preach the Gospel much. Focus went from helping getting people into heaven to just feeding and clothing them and join our club. Methodists in 1700s into 1800s were forerunners of starting churches that were on fire for God. Since the Baptists of 1900s have spread the Gospel more and help get more people saved by a overwhelming margin.
Amen. I'm at the SBC convention right now and see a passion for the lost being saved that I never saw in the United Methodist. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
Dear Pastor, This whole thing is very disturbing to me. I am a Roman Catholic and have been longer than you have been alive, and thanks to God, I will die as one. I am certain that most Catholics take no pleasure in what has happened to the Methodist Church, even to the SBC. Don't lose heart. I have been saying for about 15 years now that the times they are a'changing and for the good. I see it more and more in many different ways. Stand up for what you believe in and don't let the mob and the media force you to take a knee. There is only one Person that requires your loyalty. God bless you and the faithful Methodists who maintain their Faith. Peace of Christ.
Thank you. Yes, I believe that God is bringing changes, and his church will never fail - even if it goes through some hard times. Keep praying for the lost and deceived that they may repent before the day of judgment.
I left a Methodist Church in 2015 because they allowed openly gay people to teach Sunday School and allowed gay people to read books to children in the Sanctuary. The Holy Spirit convicted me to leave, and I am glad I did so. These people had no shame and none of them sought Jesus, who could have changed their nature if they had surrendered to Jesus.
Our Methodist church disaffiliated because we could no longer support the UMC's doctrine. It had become very unscriptural, to the point of being apostate. We wanted Christ and His truth as our standard. Pray the UMC will return to that truth, and stop misrepresenting God and His Word.🙏🌿⛪
They left because the United Methodist Church promoted politeness to the extent of cowardly cowardly behavior by priest. They didn’t stand up against, and they didn’t promote righteousness. They didn’t speak against sexual and morality. They didn’t stand up for the love of God.
A Methodist minister in North Carolina said he became a pastor because it was like being a camp director. He said nothing about having a calling to lead people to Christ. He is very arrogant to people outside of his church when he comes to new community foolishly thinking they don't know who he is. Churches he pastors are glad when he leaves because he pouts and give the silent treatment if doesn't get his way, his sermons are boring and obviously rehashed, has asked for more money, and membership has fallen. He always has a scowl on his face that makes him look like he smells something thus making him unapproachable. He thinks all this is okay because he likes NC barbecue which should make him a regular acceptable guy. No fruits of the Spirit with him.
So said to hear. There are many who enter the ministry because it looks like an easy job. But the Bible has warnings that those who teach/preach will be judged more harshly. We've let far too many wolves into the ministry. They are there only for sheep barbecue. Keep praying for the lost and deceived. I pray you have found a good church that teaches the Bible.
They left because the United Methodist Church promoted politeness to the extent of cowardly cowardly behavior by priest. They didn’t stand up against, and they didn’t promote righteousness.
Many thousands of people who have had near death experiences, and whose souls have had a brief glimpse of the other side, come back knowing the there is no organized religion in the afterlife. They also have life reviews where they actually judge themselves on their actions, not some vengeful entity. As for Jesus, whose name was actually Yeshua, he was simply an enlightened teacher who spoke out against the legalism of the other Jewish sects. It was Constantine and the Roman Catholic church who turned him into a supernatural god. The name Jesus even means "Hail Zeus", changed to incorporate the pagan beliefs. I believe that what humans call God is simply the entire miraculous universe. Also, according to other NDEs, the universe is made of of only intelligence and LOVE, a simple but profound concept.
I grew up Methodist (1950's and 1960's). By and large, it was an entirely different atmosphere back then. The majority of folk in my congregation were serious Christians -- in faith, belief and practice. Sermons were solidly Biblically based. Changes --- and NOT GOOD changes --- began seeping in the 1960's, particularly. My observation (and I am by no means the text-book authority!) is after the 1968 merger, the United Methodist Church began its "slippery slope" descent into apostasy, in earnest. And things have ONLY become worse every year since. I may have grown up (Wesleyan) Methodist; but today NOBODY could pay me enough money to go back to a United Methodist congregation! [John and Charles Wesley, and their disciples, must the rolling over in the grave!]
Amen. They may be even doing back-flips because rolling over isn't enough. Keep praying for the lost and deceived and that God would work a miracle in the church.
Ha-Ha. There are so many things wrong in this world. Keep praying that eyes may be opened and people repent, believe the gospel and obey Christ's command.
You can talk all day about churches leaving for some other reason than LGBTQ acceptance, but that’s how the crises began in 1972, when the book of discipline was amended to exclude queer folk. And it was not an interpretation of scripture but the personal animus of one elder to a gay candidate for ordination. The crises expanded when the restrictions were expanded to marriage, appointments and donations, but you lie when you try to make it something other than acceptance. Queer folk rejoiced after the general conference because the church body finally accepted them as created. Yes, something you will never understand unless you attempt to know us, is that our Lord and Savior put us on this earth LGBTQ. Not only does God want us to live as created, but to worship and love as created. A disagreement with this reality is the basis for the disruption of the church body Michelle She Hers
The Bible is not about accepting yourself as you are but changing to be made fit for the presence of God. Feelings are not a good basis for deciding truth. The Bible is clear about this subject. Praying for you that you repent and believe what the Bible teaches.
@@biblewalkwithjohn so, in your view, all GLBTQ Methodists need to attend some conversion/reformation therapy for the UMC will accept them, is that it? A far cry from UMC's pitch that "we welcome everyone". Such hypocrisy......
Well I got out becuz I felt I was tied in chains and not free to shout, dance and worship the Lord. Dancing , shouting, is prohibited in a Methodist Church and yet the Bible tells us that King David danced before the Lord and in the book of Psalms and I don't understand why they don't believe in dancing while playing a tambourine. I'm sorry but I like to worship the Lord in my own way . I'm used to shouting, moving my feet from side to side. The Pastor is a woman. Her relatives are in charge of the Church. I have never in my life have I seen that they pick up an offering in a Bible Study. And their Bible Study is programmed to last about 30 minutes as if they came to agreement to say well let's make the Bible Study short the important thing is to "pick up the offering". It started at 7 and the leading of the Bible church service lasted till 7:30 and we were out of there by 8:00 .
The United Methodist Church left God. Why would I follow it. Why would I support an organization or a church that did not follow Jesus. The UMC will continue to decline while the Global Methodist church continues to grow.
As the saying(modified) goes: from you keyboard to God's ear! I know there are still some churches trying to get out. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
Did dicipleship class at church. The entire class was devoted to debunking the bible. I knew then that the church was being used as a tool to turn people from God.
So sad to hear. I just attended a University class on the Old Testament, supposedly taught by a faithful Orthodox member whose sole premise was that it was all made up after the Jews returned from Babylon. Keep praying for the lost and deceived that they repent and believe the gospel.
John Wesley was mightily used by God, the church has slowly gotten away from the original vision and biblical values, i love the warm fellowship that umc has always possessed though
I’m a retired Pastor who chose to remain in the UMC. I leave judgment to God. I don’t believe that I am in an apostate church or I should repent. Love endures and hopes. I believe in a God that would have made it possible for all to be welcomed in order for them to hear the Word of God weekly and repent as needed. I don’t believe that you are in any position to judge the body of Christ.
Yet we are called upon to exercise judgment based on the word of God. Churches should welcome all people to hear the word of God - but that word of God states that unless you are born-again, including leaving behind your sinful lifestyle, you will go to hell. Praying for you.
Fact about Jesus return. He in the Bible told his deciples he woul return "in their life time" Paul who never met Jesus but 20 years later . Became a christian and wanted to keep the movment groing. Realizing the deciples were getting old and, starting to die. Paul started writting God was talking to him to explain the delay. 2000 years later. Still no return.
If pple genuinely oppose gsy or homosexuality as an immoral behavior how comes they dont think much about divorce and sex before marrage. Double standard and not honest say what u want but to have ur neighor wife or husband is also in the same book of the bible that they use against homosexual.
You are right in that the church has been weak on fornication and adultery and looking the other way. Of course, there is also no groups advocating for ordaining fornicators and adulterers. Double standards don't negate standards, they just call us to be more faithful. Keep praying for those lost in sin.
@@biblewalkwithjohn yes. Mess up badly by the way its obvious no need for advocasy for such as u mention because society think its a lesser sin infact pple with multiple sex partner especially males are cheer up “ you the man with them girls”. On the other hand gay pple are bash so hard everytime i guess to keep the other side not talk about. But u are perfectly right we need to pray against in
If. There is a god(and there is no tanga le proof of) why is he not using all of that almighty power he had in the Bible. To come down to earth and do it?
The oldest Methodist church west of the Mississippi River is in Opelousas, LA I liked the pastor who gave a good sermon the day I visited. BUT, the carpet shampoo from the carpet runners in the aisles made me sneeze over and over. I am allergic to household chemicals and was sorry I couldn't attend again.
There are still some ministers preaching the gospel. Sorry that you had a bad experience with the fumes. I understand. My wife has allergies like that too. Praying for you.
I’m so sorry. I hate to say but this is what happens when you follow doctrines of men like Luther or Calvin instead of the ancient Church founded by Christ himself and His Apostles. If you look at Luther and Calvin Protestants are even far from their beliefs like Christ Presence in the Eucharist and Mother Mary’s perpetual virginity. You just become further and further confused and compromise more and more of the faith delivered by Jesus Christ. I pray for all my Protestant brothers and sisters to renounce the teachings of men, repent and come Home to Jesus Christ.
People should seriously dive into Scripture and understand the original words within their ancient cultural settings, to truly understand the Word of God. You'll be surprised how lovingly inclusive our religion actually is, and how the conservative archaic, and often draconian, teachings are based largely in ignorance and mistranslations. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is enough to save you. (Or for the Catholics, good works too). God bless all of you, please pray for me as I will for you.
Matthew 7 where this is found continues. A few verses later Jesus tells us to "not cast our pearls before swine." This implies a command to judge. In fact, the entire chapter is about making right judgments. Praying for you.
I’m sorry you don’t understand the theology of John Wesley. You obviously have God and the scriptures all figured out and in a neat little box. Good for you. But for us United Methodists, we are engaged in developing a closer relationship with God. We use scripture, experience, reason and tradition in our life long journey. A “ methodology” (which is why people called them Methodists) that John Wesley developed. It appears you are more of a fundamentalist and prefer to believe what someone else, who gave you their interpretation of scripture, says and means. Your belief in a vengeful God of judgment was never in line with Methodist beliefs in a loving God of Grace. I would suggest that your leaving the United Methodist Church is not because we changed but because you never really understood who we are. I wish you well. I am confident you will have no problem finding others who want you to tell them what God is all about. The people of the United Methodist Church don’t see Christianity the same way. We are on a quest to constantly understand and improve our relationship with God and God’s creation. We see God as being so vast that is going to take us more than a sermon, a study or even several generations. In fact, it’s a never ending process. But we are blessed to be united together in this journey.
It's sucks because you can't keep a preacher no more than eight years at most four years is mosley the limit than its srue we thank you now were sends you to another chruch to hire another preacher . I feel bad for there kids do the umc board not care enough about there workers family housing in some chruches ain't free . Baptize is the true way to go to haven and the preach stays more than either 8 or 4 years
The blood of Christ covers those who have put their faith in him and been saved. The actions of many of these leaders show they are not of Christ but of the devil. Praying for you that you turn to Christ before the day of judgement.
@@biblewalkwithjohn While I appreciate your offer to pray for me, what would make me more Joyous if you would join me in a prayer to seek the Father's guidance and wisdom over disagreement between the brethren of Christ. A prayer that the Lord Jesus shows us his truth, and overcomes any incorrect beliefs that either of us may hold. And that He increased our faith so we can go about our Father's business.
@@billsattic In the context you seem to ask, evidently the answer is yes according to Paul: Ro 7:15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[c] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. 21 So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! It is the Father's job to teach, correct and discipline His child, it is faith in the Father's ability to do this that so many seem to be lacking and want to resort to ways of the world to do this for Him. It appears like Paul does struggle with things in this way, but continues to run the race, being able to put aside those issues when he needs to, and also admits it to show the grace of our Lord Jesus.
You pray for me . And I will send documented facts we know now. Question . Why are there many completly different acounts of what transpierd at Jesus tomb in the Gospels?
Quick answer. Eyewitness accounts always differ unless they have been rehearsed beforehand. Ask any police officer. Even though they differ, they do not contradict each other. As for your other comment about Jesus returning "in their life time," this is not what he said. Please read the New Testament for yourself. Still praying for you.
@@biblewalkwithjohn That makes zer o sence one mary then mary and salowmay then mary and mary magdolin.Who was the witness who wrote it down? you guy's talk about the Bibl like a stenogrepherv was following every one around . It is all made up,
Now you will say . Well in the old hebrew translation. This word meant this or that. Or if you look in some verce it will negate that. Circulare thinking telling you . Oh if you read someting they will tell you, how you are reading it wrong. But if you want "truth" read the Bible lol. You are so generationally indoctrinated since they driped water on your head.
Amen. The Scriptures are the only infallible guide to our faith. We need to be obeying all that Christ has commanded. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
Yet God is real and one day we will stand before him to answer for our lives. Praying for you that you find repentance and faith in Jesus Christ before that day arrives.
Amen. Once they ignored what the Bible says and said it just contained the word of God instead of being the word of God - the door was opened to pick and choose. And they picked and chose the evil. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
I left years ago because I didn’t hear the plan of salvation there. I became a Christian in college, not in the church I grew I in.
So many churches had pastors who were universalist. Keep praying for the lost and I praise God you heard and received the Gospel in college.
I worked for a United Methodist church for way too many years. The people there were wonderful, but the situation there was dismal. The church leadership lied about membership numbers for years until it was impossible to hide the losses; there was a strong spirit of anti-intellectualism emanating directly from the bishop, resulting in Bible illiteracy among younger members; each and every sermon included a plea for money. What drove me out finally was the antisemitism coming from church and denominational leaders who were seeking currency as card-carrying liberals. Today I pray for the good people who remained to try to salvage the church, but I am ashamed that I remained simply for the sake of a job.
I understand the reluctance to leave a job - been there, done that. Glad you finally got out. Keep praying for those still trapped in these churches. And pray especially that the leadership would repent from their sin and truly put their faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ.
The constant drone of asking for money to 'run' the church is the sign of desperation. Churches that ask for money for missions are succeeding.
John - thanks for recording and posting these. It bings a smile to my face and joy to my heart to hear you proclaim the glories of Christ and the gospel, in the midst of such a dumpster fire in the UMC. Your humility, graciousness and speaking the truth are something I want to strive to emulate. May the Sovereign God use all this so His glorious grace would be magnified. (A prayer that I know will be answered)
Thank you so much. We live in such a lost world and unfortunately many churches are leading more to the lake of fire. Please keep me in your prayers and especially pray for the lost and deceived in the church and in the world. God bless you.
I left in 1991, as a 16 year old boy, when after my conversion (in a Baptist revival) I tried to stay UMC for about a year for my family’s sake. I kept reading my Bible and realizing the UMC was as biblically operated as any country club.
Amen. The UMC lost their way some time ago. Praise God you were saved. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
I left the Baptist Church after 60 years and became a Methodist...I was worn out with feeling I had been beaten by what I shouldn't be doing every Sunday for years. Plus my Pastor was telling the story of Noah and informed us there were dinosaurs on the Ark. Had to be as the Bible doesn't date the world old enough for the scientific eras when dinosaurs actually lived. The Baptist Church and evangelical christians have begun worshipping the Bible not God and I had to find someplace that understood my Christ cannot be confined to a book and that 1.5 hours of preaching will not convince me to "accept Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour" You get that alot and once u are Baptized they move on looking for the next convert.
Not just the LGBTQ+ movement, but accepting women as pastors which is also an abomination (1 Corinthians 11:3-12). The UMC is an apostate church. People are leaving the American Episcopal Church for the same reason.
@@richa0254 Agree complete. Methodist for more than 35 years. Love the "open hearts, open minds, open doors" policy, intellectual history-and-science-based sermons by a former professor of theology, and an unbeatable traditional music program.
Watching 30 seconds of footage from the convention is all I would need to get far away.
Amen. General conference was a sea of blasphemy. Keep praying for the lost and deceived that they repent and believe the gospel.
You need 4? They quit believing the Bible was the Word of God
So true. Keep praying for the deceived. Christ is Lord!
My church was UMC, and we left for the first reason you gave. It was hard to believe anything the leadership would tell us when they wouldn't even follow the discipline! Now, we have never been happier! Leaving the UMC was truly the best decision for our church!
So glad to hear you got out and I pray you have found a true church. So many "ministers" lied when they made their vows and then rose into leadership. Keep praying for the lost and deceived that they repent and believe the gospel.
I miss the days of the Old UMC !! We were a Bible believing Church at one time and look at it now. Like you said these pastors are having their congregations sleep walking into Eternity and most likely Damnation !
Amen. Keep praying that they will repent and turn to the Lord. There are so many deceived by Satan.
I was baptized and married in the same UMC Church. My first son was baptized and then we moved. What I saw happen to a church with 2000+ members is tragic.
The Holy Bible is the Holy Bible, period. We practice Christianity guided by "The Good Book." You do not get to pick and choose what part you will follow and others that you will ignore. On the issue of LGBTQ+, the Holy Bible, Old Testament the Book of Leviticus 20:13, makes the question of homosexuality clear, Crystal Clear!
Amen and Amen! Keep praying for the lost and deceived in this church. God still works miracles. Christ is king!
That and in the NT, Romans and 1 Corinthians.
@@gruntled7621 Yes, and Jude 1:7 makes the end very clear.
Which version of the good book?
40 year ago this happened in a methodist in a small town in Tennessee, many of them came to a Presbyterian church, they wanted to " redirect " the church to their likings.
Well the elders convinced them to find another church, the elders asked the reverend to leave, I considered him as a friend and talked with him for may hours, he was an army Chapin, preached to inmate, always at the hospital to pray for the ill.
So sad to hear this. Problems in churches have been going on for so long. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
I really thank the Lord for His unending love to me, since birth I am a methodist.my faith as Christian is already rooted.i know what are teachings of the UMC.I will never leave the UMC.What matter most us i know the truth and i know what is good and bad.i know that God is my God. I will never put my faith to people..l will always hold on my faith forever.Remain faithful to the UMC forever.
Say it again girl!
At one time the Methodist were the cutting edge of Christianity but for over 100 years now mostly it wasn't anymore, with a few local exceptions.
Amen. It shows we must always remain vigilant that the church follow the Bible and not drift. Satan is always trying to infiltrate and destroy the church. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
At 1 time Methodist tent meetings were, in a large way, responsible for bringing civilization and spiritualization to the old West frontier. What a sad ending for Methodists?
So true. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
I left the UM church because of the fact that they weren't following their own rules. I had been a lay speaker and preached a message on personal salvation, was asked to not preach that message again.
I hope you have found your way into a GlobalMethodist congregation.
This is possibly one of the best overviews of the situation, but would like to add to it. The church was far more focused on internal politics and worldly issues than it was doing any type of God's work. It simply evolved into another platform for a toxic, town hall meeting that fostered divisiveness that is so pervasive in our current world. Our church went GMC and just like that, membership started growing and by no small amount. People not only wanted to practice their faith, but wanted to be part of a bigger, successful group of people making a difference. And more so, you hear no lamenting of the UMC nor is politics or divisive topics even mentioned.
Thank you. I just returned from the PCUSA general assembly and watched as they spent almost an entire day on the "evils" of fossil fuel and the dangers of climate change. So glad your church got out. I've heard great things about the GMC. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
We attend a small rural UMC. As such, the congregation and the pastor tend to ignore the really extreme stuff coming out of the higher levels (even if it's slowly becoming normal rather than extreme).
I'm beginning to work towards Certified Lay Speaker status in hopes of having opportunities to preach the legit Bible gospel. One can preach that Jesus saves even in the midst of what is becoming a modern-day Corinthian church.
UMC PK, here. As a young child in the 1970's, my Dad was assigned a 6 year post in the East Ohio Conference as a district superintendent. I remember attending annual conference with him at Lakeside, OH every Summer. Several times, I listened to him and many others at the microphone relentlessly fight against changing the UMC Book of Discipline in favor of performing same sex marriages, ordaining homosexuals, etc. It's now come to fruition throughout the UMC, and I subsequently left the UMC many years ago to attend a thriving Bible focused church. It saddens me that this entire scenario has now completely played out in our public school systems, colleges and universities, court systems, all levels of government and many other areas of our lives.
The local UMC church which is a mile from my current house, Hopewell United Methodist Church, is a small, but thriving membership of about 30-40 people. The congregation has tithed significant monies for a church of its size and I believe also owns the church building itself and the land that it sits on. They have been fighting against a lesbian UMC bishop and will likely ultimately lose. For those of you in the Silent Majority who have chosen to stay quiet and/or leave while also choosing to not spread the Gospel, judgment is coming. If you are truly a believer, spreading God's Word does not make you a bigot or a phobic. As a believer, you are, in fact, called to do so. Thanks for the video.
It was a long struggle. Even though we lost the UMC, I'm convinced that God is not defeated!
Thank you for this video.
My pleasure. Keep praying for that they would turn to Christ in repentance. Judgment awaits all who are without Christ.
@@biblewalkwithjohn Dear Bible Walk: I was church organist for five churches, two of which were Methodist Churches.
Though Catholic which I disavow, I played well over 500 services at the Moravian, 2nd Presbyterian, Hungarian Magyar,
Methodist, and subbed at the Episcopalian. I retired and went to the Methodist for services as laity after 20 years.
Everything you said is very accurate. I am now very disappointed in the Methodist Church. I am appalled at the new resolution and yes, I have prayed for all. This apostasy depicts the "falling away" of II Thessalonians. God Bless You.
Hi John. I dont understand why/how the book of discipline wasnt followed in so many ways so many times. There is no point to having it if it isnt going to be followed. However now that churches want to disaffiliate the BOD must be followed. You cant pick and choose what/when the BOD is followed. The BOD was formed upon certain biblical principles which the have decided no longer apply. They have treated their churches with a total lack of caring and respect. Send us your money. Do as we say. You can not leave. Doesnt act like much of a Christian organization to me.
Amen. It's hard to see the corruption that has taken place. While I can't judge their souls, I do believe that many have either left the faith or were never Christians in the first place. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit. Keep praying that God would bring repentance and faith and revival. God is able to do great things! God bless you.
@@biblewalkwithjohn I am a member of a small rural Methodist country church. We didn't disaffiliate in the initial process due to cost so we are now in with a group of churches in a legal process hoping to pay a lesser amount so we can leave. My fear is this process will go nowhere and I will be forced to leave the church I've been in all my life. They are wonderful people with traditional values. But i just cannot be a part of what it has become.
Please pray and consider if you can get enough people who want to disaffiliate alongside you to start a new church plant..
If you lose your building, your properties or lands it is far better to lose things than your soul.
I've encouraged people to leave the United Methodist Church ..
Look into the global Methodist Church,the Wesleyan church,free Methodist Church, congregational Methodist Church, primitive Methodist Church, independent Methodist Church or any other Wesleyan arminian emphasis church that doesn't affirm that progressive Christianity affirming teaching and narrative.
My husband and I live in MD and we've been United Methodists our whole lives. We are 56. Essentially all the UMC churches in our area chose not to disaffiliate, so we left.
It wasn't as hard as we thought it would be. We joined a wonderful Baptist church that teaches directly from the Word of God every week. We have met wonderful people and are now part of a weekly small group. We are now growing together as Christians and holding ourselves and each other accountable to the faith and scriptures.
As far as the church we left, it isn't doing very well. People are leaving because the pastor shared that to him, the Bible was just a book written by men and shouldn't be trusted as God's Word. Those that stay are not being moved by the Holy Spirit and I suspect aren't true followers of Christ. We are living in sad times. Pray for those people who are being misled.
No backbone, sad. So much for being bible-based..
Purcell UMC closed by the denomination in 2018. It was done in a very mean and hateful manner! My wife and I were greatly disrespected by a Female member of the clergy.😢 We were both heartbroken 💔. Then we were not allowed to disaffiliate, and the church property was taken by the denomination and sold. We who supported our church financially, even taking out a loan on our home, were not allowed back on the church property till it was sold. I absolutely agree that these churches are APOSTATE 😮. I would LOVE to have a conversation with this nice gentleman.
My wife and I used to be heavily involved with the Emmaus and Chrysalis walks. It was 72 hours of learning about all of God's love for us. We cannot do that anymore as we left the UMC. We saw it was pointless because the denomination wasn't enforcing the rules already in place. The conference only removed the rules since they weren't following them anyway. We started a new Global Methodist Church, but we don't advertise it's a Methodist Church.
Praying for you both. It's painful to leave a church. So glad you were able to start a GMC. I pray for this church that it may be faithful to the gospel and win the lost. Even though the UMC is lost, may God raise up new generations of faithful Christians and pastors. Christ is still King!
Wow! Thanks!
Thanks so much. Keep praying for the lost and deceived and that good pastors will have the courage to leave regardless of the cost.
“I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power." - John Wesley
John Wesley's fears came true. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
UMC, amongst others, plays to the new world view where truth takes a back seat to comforting lies.
So often they are like Pilate saying, what is truth? Comforting lies will become very uncomfortable when they stand before God in judgment. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
John speaks the truth. I left the Methodist Church back in the 90s because of the rainbow crowd taking over. All of us have rights but it doesn't give one group the power to change doctrines of the Bible to serve their needs.
Amen! The Bible must be our authority. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
Thanks so much for speaking the truth.
Thank you. Keep praying for the lost and the deceived in these churches. Christ is king!
I left as a teenager, thinking every church was as hypocritical as the UMC churches in the cities my Dad's company transferred him to. From '64 to '74, in four churches across three states...
I NEVER heard the Gospel spoken clearly...
Just mealy-mouthed "God loves you, so live your life" bunkum. It took eleven more years and almost committing suicide before I actually met the Lord Jesus and gave myself to him.
I was a part of the United Methodist church. I was a conservative in a district that became very liberal. My congregation wanted to leave, but the cost was positive and leaders made it impossible. . Most of the congregation became discouraged and left, and i couldn't remain with a clear conscious. Im now left with no congregation, wishing i had left sooner. Most conservative denominationscant believe im conservative. A traditional conservative methodist is still different a conservititive Baptist or Presbyterian, etc. I'm left for the moment meating with about 30 in my garage with no denomination backing feeling like an outsider.
I'm so sorry. I got out years ago but it is a difficult decision and hard to find a path forward. I'm praying for you. I don't know much about it but you might check out the Global Methodist Church. I've heard a lot of good things but I haven't done adequate research yet to completely endorse it.
You speak truth.
Thank you. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
When a church becomes property and becomes financially enriched it is no longer a true gathering place for worship and fellowship. A Church needs to grow based on its ministry and biblical principles, teachings and values.
The church I attend is small and teaches strictly according the the Holy Scriptures and does not come with an à la cart menu to pick and choose at one’s leisure.
I’ve always believed the greater the membership the more income or tithes.
Riches are so deceptive. Many churches start out good but once they become wealthy, they worry about the money instead of the gospel. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
Yes. One day each and every one of us will have to give an account. About how THEY abandoned others and left them to try to fend off the rising tide. many jsut left for their own convenience. God wants us to persevere and many did not. They left a vital church doing God's will and have a part in it's decline. What would Christianity look like today if early Christians abandoned each other AND DID NOT STAY AND FIGHT.
John: Thank you - your faithfulness to Yahshua (Jesus) The Word of YHWH Made Flesh is heart warming.
How appropriate: the cemetery as the backdrop for this most sobering message of folks being led into the lake of fire (millions?) by the leaders of the UMC who are lying about male and female created He them.
Thank you for commenting. Yes, so many are being led into darkness and hell by "ministers" in the UMC. Please keep praying that the lost will be saved and that people's eyes may be opened.
Do you remember the Catholic priest scandal? It wasn't confined only to the Catholic church. When I discovered that the United Methodist church I grew up in was shuffling a minister/predator from town to town in an attempt to hide his "problem," I could no longer remain a member. That is why I left.
My ancestors were Methodists. John Wesley would not be welcomed in the United Methodist Church today and even in 2010 and even before.
I got a 1987 United Methodist Cookbook and those 1980s Iowan United Methodist were still like John Wesley. Unlike today.
But in rural areas United Methodist Churches would still preach the Gospel faithfully and witness it even today.
But they been the minority in United Methodist Church for a long time and the problem started with the formation of United Methodist Denomination. That formation to begin with compromised Methodists on some Biblical doctines.
The formation made their leadership and Churches less interested in the Bible and more in being a social club that talks about God but don't preach the Gospel much. Focus went from helping getting people into heaven to just feeding and clothing them and join our club.
Methodists in 1700s into 1800s were forerunners of starting churches that were on fire for God.
Since the Baptists of 1900s have spread the Gospel more and help get more people saved by a overwhelming margin.
Amen. I'm at the SBC convention right now and see a passion for the lost being saved that I never saw in the United Methodist. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
Honor God. Study His word. Leave any church that corrupts God's word. Church leaders are fallible.
I and my family converted to the Roman Catholic Church. Thank God.
Dear Pastor, This whole thing is very disturbing to me. I am a Roman Catholic and have been longer than you have been alive, and thanks to God, I will die as one. I am certain that most Catholics take no pleasure in what has happened to the Methodist Church, even to the SBC. Don't lose heart. I have been saying for about 15 years now that the times they are a'changing and for the good. I see it more and more in many different ways. Stand up for what you believe in and don't let the mob and the media force you to take a knee. There is only one Person that requires your loyalty. God bless you and the faithful Methodists who maintain their Faith. Peace of Christ.
Thank you. Yes, I believe that God is bringing changes, and his church will never fail - even if it goes through some hard times. Keep praying for the lost and deceived that they may repent before the day of judgment.
I left a Methodist Church in 2015 because they allowed openly gay people to teach Sunday School and allowed gay people to read books to children in the Sanctuary. The Holy Spirit convicted me to leave, and I am glad I did so. These people had no shame and none of them sought Jesus, who could have changed their nature if they had surrendered to Jesus.
Glad you got out. These churches seem to glory in their shame. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
Our Methodist church disaffiliated because we could no longer support the UMC's doctrine. It had become very unscriptural, to the point of being apostate. We wanted Christ and His truth as our standard. Pray the UMC will return to that truth, and stop misrepresenting God and His Word.🙏🌿⛪
They left because the United Methodist Church promoted politeness to the extent of cowardly cowardly behavior by priest. They didn’t stand up against, and they didn’t promote righteousness. They didn’t speak against sexual and morality. They didn’t stand up for the love of God.
A Methodist minister in North Carolina said he became a pastor because it was like being a camp director. He said nothing about having a calling to lead people to Christ. He is very arrogant to people outside of his church when he comes to new community foolishly thinking they don't know who he is. Churches he pastors are glad when he leaves because he pouts and give the silent treatment if doesn't get his way, his sermons are boring and obviously rehashed, has asked for more money, and membership has fallen. He always has a scowl on his face that makes him look like he smells something thus making him unapproachable. He thinks all this is okay because he likes NC barbecue which should make him a regular acceptable guy. No fruits of the Spirit with him.
So said to hear. There are many who enter the ministry because it looks like an easy job. But the Bible has warnings that those who teach/preach will be judged more harshly. We've let far too many wolves into the ministry. They are there only for sheep barbecue. Keep praying for the lost and deceived. I pray you have found a good church that teaches the Bible.
Only 4?
Ha ha! Yes, there were more reasons, probably as many as the churches that left. Keep praying for the lost and deceived. Christ is king!
May GOD bless you Pastor John for speaking the Absolute Gospel Truth! Too bad the Apostate one's have closed their ears to Biblical scriptures 😮.
They left because the United Methodist Church promoted politeness to the extent of cowardly cowardly behavior by priest. They didn’t stand up against, and they didn’t promote righteousness.
The um is so different than episcopal. It's the same service. There is no identity. It want to go through the backdoor of Rome. It's so sad
Many thousands of people who have had near death experiences, and whose souls have had a brief glimpse of the other side, come back knowing the there is no organized religion in the afterlife. They also have life reviews where they actually judge themselves on their actions, not some vengeful entity. As for Jesus, whose name was actually Yeshua, he was simply an enlightened teacher who spoke out against the legalism of the other Jewish sects. It was Constantine and the Roman Catholic church who turned him into a supernatural god. The name Jesus even means "Hail Zeus", changed to incorporate the pagan beliefs. I believe that what humans call God is simply the entire miraculous universe. Also, according to other NDEs, the universe is made of of only intelligence and LOVE, a simple but profound concept.
I went to a wedding at a Methodist church and there was a lesbian "pastor" giving the ceremony, I knew then that they had left the fold.
I live by the words of Jesus Christ, NOT the apostles letters. Love one another …
I grew up Methodist (1950's and 1960's).
By and large, it was an entirely different atmosphere back then.
The majority of folk in my congregation were serious Christians -- in faith, belief and practice.
Sermons were solidly Biblically based.
Changes --- and NOT GOOD changes --- began seeping in the 1960's, particularly.
My observation (and I am by no means the text-book authority!) is after the 1968 merger, the United Methodist Church began its "slippery slope" descent into apostasy, in earnest.
And things have ONLY become worse every year since.
I may have grown up (Wesleyan) Methodist; but today NOBODY could pay me enough money to go back to a United Methodist congregation!
[John and Charles Wesley, and their disciples, must the rolling over in the grave!]
Amen. They may be even doing back-flips because rolling over isn't enough. Keep praying for the lost and deceived and that God would work a miracle in the church.
I been going to church in Rensselaer in souders llc
Someone posted online that the acronym LGBTQ means: Let's get Biden to quit. LOL.
Ha-Ha. There are so many things wrong in this world. Keep praying that eyes may be opened and people repent, believe the gospel and obey Christ's command.
You can talk all day about churches leaving for some other reason than LGBTQ acceptance, but that’s how the crises began in 1972, when the book of discipline was amended to exclude queer folk. And it was not an interpretation of scripture but the personal animus of one elder to a gay candidate for ordination. The crises expanded when the restrictions were expanded to marriage, appointments and donations, but you lie when you try to make it something other than acceptance.
Queer folk rejoiced after the general conference because the church body finally accepted them as created.
Yes, something you will never understand unless you attempt to know us, is that our Lord and Savior put us on this earth LGBTQ. Not only does God want us to live as created, but to worship and love as created.
A disagreement with this reality is the basis for the disruption of the church body
She Hers
The Bible is not about accepting yourself as you are but changing to be made fit for the presence of God. Feelings are not a good basis for deciding truth. The Bible is clear about this subject. Praying for you that you repent and believe what the Bible teaches.
@@biblewalkwithjohn so, in your view, all GLBTQ Methodists need to attend some conversion/reformation therapy for the UMC will accept them, is that it? A far cry from UMC's pitch that "we welcome everyone". Such hypocrisy......
The Methodist to Roman Catholic Pipeline is also a thing.
Well I got out becuz I felt I was tied in chains and not free to shout, dance and worship the Lord. Dancing , shouting, is prohibited in a Methodist Church and yet the Bible tells us that King David danced before the Lord and in the book of Psalms and I don't understand why they don't believe in dancing while playing a tambourine. I'm sorry but I like to worship the Lord in my own way . I'm used to shouting, moving my feet from side to side. The Pastor is a woman. Her relatives are in charge of the Church. I have never in my life have I seen that they pick up an offering in a Bible Study. And their Bible Study is programmed to last about 30 minutes as if they came to agreement to say well let's make the Bible Study short the important thing is to "pick up the offering". It started at 7 and the leading of the Bible church service lasted till 7:30 and we were out of there by 8:00 .
The United Methodist Church left God. Why would I follow it. Why would I support an organization or a church that did not follow Jesus. The UMC will continue to decline while the Global Methodist church continues to grow.
As the saying(modified) goes: from you keyboard to God's ear! I know there are still some churches trying to get out. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
How sad that people replace religion with politics! Shame on them!
Because they are putting their feelings first and their priorities in their feelings before Jesus preach it pastor tell it like it is AMEN.
Amen and thank you. Keep praying for the lost and deceived. They need to repent and believe the gospel.
Did dicipleship class at church. The entire class was devoted to debunking the bible. I knew then that the church was being used as a tool to turn people from God.
So sad to hear. I just attended a University class on the Old Testament, supposedly taught by a faithful Orthodox member whose sole premise was that it was all made up after the Jews returned from Babylon. Keep praying for the lost and deceived that they repent and believe the gospel.
A bunch left the N. California Presbyterian church bec they became too liberal. PCUSA collapsed.
John Wesley was mightily used by God, the church has slowly gotten away from the original vision and biblical values, i love the warm fellowship that umc has always possessed though
UMC left their first love, the infallible and inerrant Word of God.
I’m a retired Pastor who chose to remain in the UMC. I leave judgment to God. I don’t believe that I am in an apostate church or I should repent. Love endures and hopes. I believe in a God that would have made it possible for all to be welcomed in order for them to hear the Word of God weekly and repent as needed. I don’t believe that you are in any position to judge the body of Christ.
Yet we are called upon to exercise judgment based on the word of God. Churches should welcome all people to hear the word of God - but that word of God states that unless you are born-again, including leaving behind your sinful lifestyle, you will go to hell. Praying for you.
Sheep's and Goats, which one are you? 😮😮!!!
Sheep's and Goat's , which one are you 😮?!!?😮
What Bible is this (so called clergymen) reading 😮???
UMC left The Gospel of Jesus for the gospel of the world. So, us members Worship The LORD not the Woke abomnation leading people to Hell.
Amen. Idol worship of the world is a constant temptation. Only the Lord is worthy. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
Fact about Jesus return. He in the Bible told his
deciples he woul return "in their life time"
Paul who never met Jesus but 20 years later .
Became a christian and wanted to keep the movment groing.
Realizing the deciples were getting old and, starting to die.
Paul started writting God was talking to him to explain
the delay. 2000 years later. Still no return.
If pple genuinely oppose gsy or homosexuality as an immoral behavior how comes they dont think much about divorce and sex before marrage. Double standard and not honest say what u want but to have ur neighor wife or husband is also in the same book of the bible that they use against homosexual.
You are right in that the church has been weak on fornication and adultery and looking the other way. Of course, there is also no groups advocating for ordaining fornicators and adulterers. Double standards don't negate standards, they just call us to be more faithful. Keep praying for those lost in sin.
@@biblewalkwithjohn yes. Mess up badly by the way its obvious no need for advocasy for such as u mention because society think its a lesser sin infact pple with multiple sex partner especially males are cheer up “ you the man with them girls”. On the other hand gay pple are bash so hard everytime i guess to keep the other side not talk about. But u are perfectly right we need to pray against in
It's not just the gay issue, it's everything else that rides along with it.
Amen. I was associated with the UMC for a number of years. It was a constant struggle. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
@@biblewalkwithjohn speaking of bigotry....................
I am Almost ready to leave my Marengo united Methodist Church because they are bashing on trump and political garbage
If. There is a god(and there is no tanga le proof of) why is he not using all of that almighty power he had in the Bible. To come down to earth and do it?
Praying for you. If he came right now, you wouldn't be saved. He waits because he wants to give you time to repent.
The oldest Methodist church west of the Mississippi River is in Opelousas, LA I liked the pastor who gave a good sermon the day I visited. BUT, the carpet shampoo from the carpet runners in the aisles made me sneeze over and over. I am allergic to household chemicals and was sorry I couldn't attend again.
There are still some ministers preaching the gospel. Sorry that you had a bad experience with the fumes. I understand. My wife has allergies like that too. Praying for you.
People left the UMC over there right to own slaves . Today people leave the UMC so they can have more than one wife . 🤔
1. Gay pastors 2. Female pastors 3. lying pastors 4. ignoring the truth.
I’m so sorry. I hate to say but this is what happens when you follow doctrines of men like Luther or Calvin instead of the ancient Church founded by Christ himself and His Apostles. If you look at Luther and Calvin Protestants are even far from their beliefs like Christ Presence in the Eucharist and Mother Mary’s perpetual virginity. You just become further and further confused and compromise more and more of the faith delivered by Jesus Christ. I pray for all my Protestant brothers and sisters to renounce the teachings of men, repent and come Home to Jesus Christ.
Absolutely, when you stop following the Bible it is no longer a Christian church…which means it turned into a den of sin
Amen. Keep praying for the lost and deceived. Judgment day always comes before you expect it.
People should seriously dive into Scripture and understand the original words within their ancient cultural settings, to truly understand the Word of God.
You'll be surprised how lovingly inclusive our religion actually is, and how the conservative archaic, and often draconian, teachings are based largely in ignorance and mistranslations. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is enough to save you. (Or for the Catholics, good works too).
God bless all of you, please pray for me as I will for you.
So many never read the Bible. While I disagree with some of what you say, I will be praying for you and appreciate your prayers as well.
Too much judgement in this video. Judge not, Pastor John.
Matthew 7 where this is found continues. A few verses later Jesus tells us to "not cast our pearls before swine." This implies a command to judge. In fact, the entire chapter is about making right judgments. Praying for you.
I’m sorry you don’t understand the theology of John Wesley. You obviously have God and the scriptures all figured out and in a neat little box. Good for you. But for us United Methodists, we are engaged in developing a closer relationship with God. We use scripture, experience, reason and tradition in our life long journey. A “ methodology” (which is why people called them Methodists) that John Wesley developed. It appears you are more of a fundamentalist and prefer to believe what someone else, who gave you their interpretation of scripture, says and means. Your belief in a vengeful God of judgment was never in line with Methodist beliefs in a loving God of Grace. I would suggest that your leaving the United Methodist Church is not because we changed but because you never really understood who we are. I wish you well. I am confident you will have no problem finding others who want you to tell them what God is all about. The people of the United Methodist Church don’t see Christianity the same way. We are on a quest to constantly understand and improve our relationship with God and God’s creation. We see God as being so vast that is going to take us more than a sermon, a study or even several generations. In fact, it’s a never ending process. But we are blessed to be united together in this journey.
Posted the reply again .
It's sucks because you can't keep a preacher no more than eight years at most four years is mosley the limit than its srue we thank you now were sends you to another chruch to hire another preacher .
I feel bad for there kids do the umc board not care enough about there workers family housing in some chruches ain't free .
Baptize is the true way to go to haven and the preach stays more than either 8 or 4 years
What sin that was committed here that the blood of Christ does not cover? Is this a case of the eye saying to the hand I don't need you?
Are you kidding me?
The blood of Christ covers those who have put their faith in him and been saved. The actions of many of these leaders show they are not of Christ but of the devil. Praying for you that you turn to Christ before the day of judgement.
@@biblewalkwithjohn While I appreciate your offer to pray for me, what would make me more Joyous if you would join me in a prayer to seek the Father's guidance and wisdom over disagreement between the brethren of Christ. A prayer that the Lord Jesus shows us his truth, and overcomes any incorrect beliefs that either of us may hold. And that He increased our faith so we can go about our Father's business.
Do we just keep on sinning because Jesus covered it?
@@billsattic In the context you seem to ask, evidently the answer is yes according to Paul: Ro 7:15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[c] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.
21 So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!
It is the Father's job to teach, correct and discipline His child, it is faith in the Father's ability to do this that so many seem to be lacking and want to resort to ways of the world to do this for Him. It appears like Paul does struggle with things in this way, but continues to run the race, being able to put aside those issues when he needs to, and also admits it to show the grace of our Lord Jesus.
You pray for me . And I will send documented
facts we know now. Question . Why are there
many completly different acounts of what transpierd
at Jesus tomb in the Gospels?
Quick answer. Eyewitness accounts always differ unless they have been rehearsed beforehand. Ask any police officer. Even though they differ, they do not contradict each other. As for your other comment about Jesus returning "in their life time," this is not what he said. Please read the New Testament for yourself. Still praying for you.
@@biblewalkwithjohn That makes zer o sence one mary then mary and salowmay then mary and mary magdolin.Who was the witness who wrote it down? you guy's talk about the Bibl like a stenogrepherv was following every one around . It is all made up,
@@biblewalkwithjohn Jesus Matt 16:25 Some of you standing here
shall not taste death Until they see the kingdom of God. Luke 9:27 PLAIN
Now you will say . Well in the old hebrew translation.
This word meant this or that. Or if you look in some verce it
will negate that. Circulare thinking telling you .
Oh if you read someting they will tell you, how you are reading it wrong.
But if you want "truth" read the Bible lol. You are so generationally
indoctrinated since they driped water on your head.
there is to many NEW bibles being printed, 50 plus versions , REPENT and go to the K J V bible !
The problem is so many never read and believe any Bible. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
🇨🇦 The united church of canada is all but dead😢✝️
why dont you all quit following the pope and start following Jesus Christ? start with the TEN commandments
Amen. The Scriptures are the only infallible guide to our faith. We need to be obeying all that Christ has commanded. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
@@biblewalkwithjohn but youre only obeying part of the commandments
Pot luck dinners, boring as can be, people are too old, and the Jesus thing is getting just too easy to see thru.
Once we see the real glory of Jesus Christ in the Bible, many of the things in the church fall flat. Praying for you.
@@biblewalkwithjohn what will praying do exactly?
Religion poisons everything.
“Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool.”
Yet God is real and one day we will stand before him to answer for our lives. Praying for you that you find repentance and faith in Jesus Christ before that day arrives.
Show me the evidence that your god is real.
@@eyeguy51 ‘“An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given“
It is always about money 💰 🤑 and power!
Amen. They have traded the righteousness of God for the wealth of the world that will be burned up. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.
Because the church abandoned the Bible and their congregations. Instead of worshiping God they turned to worshipping people!!
Amen. Once they ignored what the Bible says and said it just contained the word of God instead of being the word of God - the door was opened to pick and choose. And they picked and chose the evil. Keep praying for the lost and deceived.