Everything Wrong With Genesis 20 in the Bible

  • Опубліковано 25 лип 2020
  • Remember Genesis 12? Well then you're about to sense some deja vu.
    **Be sure to check out the rest of this series**
    Playlist: • Everything Wrong with ...
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    Thank you to Yanely Del Rosario for providing captioning help!
    The music is "First" by Text Me Records.
    I was using the NIV Bible: www.biblegateway.com/passage/...
    Featured image via Shutterstock: www.shutterstock.com/


  • @alinastanescu4430
    @alinastanescu4430 4 роки тому +112

    Abraham:"Wanna see me give my wife to rulers to get money?"
    Also Abraham:"Wanna see me do it again"

    • @zidneya
      @zidneya 4 роки тому +9

      Abe this is Gawd. I the omniscient all knowing Gawd wanna test you to find out what you'll do. Don't worry it's simple. All you need is a dagger and your son.

    • @tommyjohnson9402
      @tommyjohnson9402 4 роки тому

      U.@Steven bent1

  • @jackbarman7063
    @jackbarman7063 4 роки тому +103

    Notice how even when it’s the “bad guy” and his wives, it’s the women who are the ones who can’t conceive, it’s never considered that men may sometimes be the ones who are “barren”

    • @scoobydoop
      @scoobydoop 4 роки тому +14

      Yep...misogyny runs all the way through the bible. Some terrible stuff.
      Where are the feminists who should be tackling this?
      No, they won't attack the bible and get all the christians mad, that would hurt there cause.

    • @pirbird14
      @pirbird14 4 роки тому +10

      @@scoobydoop Feminists have taken on the Bible. ffrf.org/shop/books-lit-35/ffrf-books-23
      And we're not afraid of Christians. We piss them off about abortion all the time.

    • @mant8vaei314
      @mant8vaei314 4 роки тому +6

      andy jack they actually do men just love to avoid Feminists and call them a burden to society without listening to them

    • @verdammdeaggsd7736
      @verdammdeaggsd7736 3 роки тому +4

      @@vivacristorey4728 but whenever God "fixes" that, he always fixes the women.
      There is no infertile man in the bible, just lots of women who are barren.

    • @verdammdeaggsd7736
      @verdammdeaggsd7736 3 роки тому +4

      @@vivacristorey4728 no. That's exactly my point. The bible ALWAYS says it's the woman who can't bear children. The men are always fine because they can have children with other women just fine.

  • @metroidmayhem8463
    @metroidmayhem8463 4 роки тому +63

    Now this is what I had in mind when people recommend that I read the bible.

    • @goldenalt3166
      @goldenalt3166 4 роки тому +14

      Every time I actually bother to check on an apologetics claim, I find the reality is even worse than I thought it was.

    • @VernonChitlen
      @VernonChitlen 4 роки тому +1

      @@goldenalt3166 Nothing like your believing your ancestor is a mindless, perfectly blind, stupid, warm little pond?

    • @goldenalt3166
      @goldenalt3166 4 роки тому +5

      @@VernonChitlen One huge difference is I've never spent a dime nor minute based on my belief in common ancestry. But the other is when I follow up on those claims, they don't turn out to be huge exaggerations.
      The truth of the bible is that it's a collection of forgeries and folklore and theology collected and redacted by believers. Anything else you've heard is an exaggeration.

    • @andrewstoddard6717
      @andrewstoddard6717 4 роки тому +5

      @@goldenalt3166 you forgot plagiarized.

  • @jeff-8511
    @jeff-8511 4 роки тому +60

    Abraham can’t help him self trying to pimp his sister/wife

    • @travisbic
      @travisbic 2 роки тому +1

      My take away from this is prophet and pimp are basically synonymous.

  • @terminatah500
    @terminatah500 4 роки тому +50

    Pimping my wife who is my half sister not once but twice now and we only at chapter 20

    • @aurorafrost288
      @aurorafrost288 4 роки тому +1

      @@harveywabbit9541 Yjr Dog Star, Sirius? Surely you can't be serious.

  • @andrebrown8969
    @andrebrown8969 4 роки тому +69

    No wonder they did not teach this in sunday school, I would have been like, What? How? Why?

    • @stevewebber707
      @stevewebber707 4 роки тому +6

      I find it amusing when some Christians criticize some bible stories directed at children as inaccurate. Kind of glossing over that accurately teaching the bible would undermine the efforts in indoctrinating them.
      Considering the size of the bible, it's probably impossible to avoid some cherry picking in what bible stories are used. But when they selectively edit the content of those stories, the motives are very suspect.

    • @andrebrown8969
      @andrebrown8969 4 роки тому +6

      @@stevewebber707 Sunday school was important. They know kids ask questions and can see bullshit quickly. That is when you break them into conforming into the way you want them to think.
      They were very careful about they took from the bible to share with us. And even when you had quizzes, you were which areas to focus on.
      They knew most people do not read the bible much.

    • @danacampbell8331
      @danacampbell8331 4 роки тому +6

      @@andrebrown8969 Right. I asked the preacher if communion wine really turns into the blood of Jesus. He said it did. "So I can take communion, get my stomach pumped and blood will come out?" He stared at me then said, "Yes."

    • @stevewebber707
      @stevewebber707 4 роки тому +6

      @@andrebrown8969 Some kids see bullshit quickly. It can get a lot harder for them when the person pushing the bullshit sincerely believes it. And the teacher is likely a trusted member of their social circle that has been assigned credibility in their knowledge and trustworthiness. Heck much of the time it's their own parent pushing it.
      It certainly is disturbing to think of children being indoctrinated when they don't have the critical faculties to evaluate what they're taught.
      However, to play devils advocate, it is right and appropriate for parents and teachers to teach what they believe to be true and accurate. I think where things can go wrong quickly is in how they are taught , and yes I'm glossing over the parents/teachers believing it for now. The process of learning needs to have children thinking about what they are taught, both with curiosity, and critical analysis. When, or if they include ideas that the bible should be unquestioned, that is no longer any form of legitimate teaching.
      Pressuring children to conform to a status quo, and stunting their critical thinking skills is one of the more despicable acts I can think of.

    • @shriggs55
      @shriggs55 4 роки тому +5

      @@andrebrown8969 They are very careful about what they take from the bible to share with themselves,also.

  • @user-kj4wz3vp1j
    @user-kj4wz3vp1j 4 роки тому +129

    Truly this is the most blessed Bible study

    • @shriggs55
      @shriggs55 4 роки тому +2

      I cried as he read it!

    • @williamoldaker5348
      @williamoldaker5348 4 роки тому +2

      I second that.

    • @pr7049
      @pr7049 4 роки тому +2

      He is incoherent and very emotionally against christianity, but he himself said that "you should ask a believer for their understanding of the book", but then he talked about the friday worshippers. Please watch Shamounian channel and follow his advice. Ask about this book there. He will surely take time and answer.You are wellcome👍😌⚠️

    • @louisburns4237
      @louisburns4237 3 роки тому +1

      This man doesn't know what he is talking about. You can't understand the Bible without the Spirit of God. The Bible isn't written for unbelievers. In fact Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
      1 Corinthians 2:14. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
      Let me prove to you people that's applauding this nonsense. I'm not going to say much, but will leave y'all with few nuggets. Now I know you people have been hearing about the Elite this. The Elite that. And I know you have heard many people talking about martial law right? You've been hearing people say, that I'm not taking no vaccinations because it's the Mark of the Beast. Well you don't have to fear that at all. You need to fear Catholisim. I have posted everything below. Now you research it and prove me wrong. Remember, history repeats itself. Now all the things going on in those times and today are all done because the fall. So when God changed covenant to, was changed to repopulate the earth by sex. But is was not by sex in the beginning. I'm the beginning Adam had domion over everything on the earth. Adam was spoken into existence. And Adam was supposed to repopulate the earth by speaking it into existence. Adam was a miniature God. But because of what transpired in the Garden of Eden, the covenant had to be changed. If it had not been changed nobody would be saved. And so the covenant was changed, and under that change. The earth had to be repopulated by sex and every human being born by sex has a sinful nature in them and until you repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you'll die with that same nature. That nature is a sinful nature. Psalms 51:5. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
      Revelation 13:The Mark of the Beast
      16. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. In case you Athiest and his cheerleaders didn't know. This 666 is the Pope. Google his crown and see what it tells you.
      Also Revelation 17:1
      The Woman on the Beast
      1. And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: 2. With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
      3. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
      5. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6. The Woman on the Beast
      1. And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: 2. With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
      3. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
      The Mystery Explained
      7. And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
      8. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 10. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 11. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
      13. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
      u sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 10. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
      11. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
      12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 13. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
      Notice in this chapter. Church in the Bible is typed as a Woman. Many waters are people. Notice how this woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones, and pearls having a golden cup in her hands filled with the abomination and her filthiness of her fornication. Research the Pope and church and see what he wears and see all the gold, jewels and pearls, and his attire. The Roman Catholic Church has 1.2 billion worshipers.
      Notice how it says. 6. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. How many Christain did the Roman Catholic Church killed and tortured in the Middle Ages and the Dark Ages? Roughly 50 to 60 million Christains because they wouldn't worship Catholisim. Who was it that flee to the US from Europe for freedom of worship? They were under persecution from the Roman Catholic Church.
      Notice in verse 8.
      It says this beast ascends out of the bottomless pit, and then go into prediction, and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
      Now verse 9. It's says the seven heads are the seven mountains on which the woman sitteth on. Research The Roman Catholic Church and see if it sits on 7 hills.
      Now pay close attention to
      1 Corinthians 2:14
      Now when Revelation Chapter 13:16-18 comes to pass. Remember I showed you these mysteries, and know it's to late for you. But my prayer is that you all catch the vision and turn to Christ. God Bless you all.

    • @shriggs55
      @shriggs55 3 роки тому +17

      @@louisburns4237 Even without the "spirit" you can see enough holes in the Bible to sink the Titanic.Contradictions,inconsistencies,atrocities,absurdities,bad/wrong science,false prophecies,and bad advice,etc,etc.The "natural man" can see these things but the "spiritual man"can't.It all looks ass-backwards to me.

  • @collingalanos1783
    @collingalanos1783 4 роки тому +28

    The "copy and paste" method of writing originated with the book of Genesis.

  • @MatthewCaunsfield
    @MatthewCaunsfield 4 роки тому +37

    I never knew about this bit of repetitively!
    Almost as if the Bible is a collection of cultural stories that were retold and changed over the years before being reassembled...

    • @marcdecock7946
      @marcdecock7946 4 роки тому +5

      Like Noah had a flood and so did Gilgamesj? Or gods punishing you if you look back...

  • @Velata
    @Velata 4 роки тому +29

    Here's a question: How long did Abimelek keep Sarah for? How did he know that the women in his household all of a sudden became sterile after he took Sarah in? I mean... it's easy to know when you're pregnant. But it's not easy to know when you are -not- pregnant. Are the women in Abimelek's household continually pregnant so a break looked suspicious? Or did he keep Sarah in his household for at least a couple of months and didn't even touch her?
    Biologically, this thing makes no sense!

    • @Velata
      @Velata 4 роки тому +4

      @@harveywabbit9541 Hello, I have no idea which mythology you are trying to infer. As far as human biology is concerned there's only a monthly cycle of fertile period and no specific annual cycle. The wife of Osiris is his sister Isis. The wife of Brahma is Sawasrati. If the source material (Judaism, Egyptian myths and Hinduism) do not conflate their deities with stars and astrological periods, I do not believe we should, either. That's nearly cultural appropriation, isn't it?
      Besides, what does that have to do with Abimelek and the women in his harem?

    • @kalakarjambavi9644
      @kalakarjambavi9644 3 роки тому +1

      The only person having brain here other than me .

  • @koivunen2489
    @koivunen2489 4 роки тому +24

    Sarah: the ultimate GMILF.

  • @cfltheman
    @cfltheman 4 роки тому +10

    I can't wait until chapter 26 where the same story is told again, with different characters.

  • @zecuse
    @zecuse 4 роки тому +24

    We've clearly lost the omniscient and omnibenevolent qualities. How long before we lose omnipotence, or did I miss that?

    • @atheistjoshua3154
      @atheistjoshua3154 4 роки тому +4

      I’d give him time before he gets to the first chapter in Judges or Revelation.

  • @OneJey
    @OneJey 4 роки тому +11

    "In her youthful 70s" lmao

  • @giganotosaurus845
    @giganotosaurus845 4 роки тому +15

    I think AronRa describes it best :
    How religion reverses everything.

    • @giganotosaurus845
      @giganotosaurus845 4 роки тому +1

      @Vladimir_Bone Spur_tRump kinda

    • @atheistjoshua3154
      @atheistjoshua3154 4 роки тому +5

      I love Aron Ra! He does a phenomenal job at debunking the stories of the Bible.

    • @giganotosaurus845
      @giganotosaurus845 4 роки тому +6

      @@atheistjoshua3154 yup but so does this channel

    • @atheistjoshua3154
      @atheistjoshua3154 4 роки тому +4

      @Ssjg gogeta
      Indeed! I do hope he covers Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Those books are vile.

  • @TheSteveTell
    @TheSteveTell 4 роки тому +11

    Very tame chapter compared to the insanity that was Chapter 19.

  • @dj33036
    @dj33036 4 роки тому +14

    I like how they believe things they see in a dream.

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      Not dreams.. It's called the point between sleeping and waking..

    • @scottstollery2191
      @scottstollery2191 4 роки тому +6

      @@teilangpassah5095 Ok, I like how they believe things at the point between sleeping and waking.

  • @xadielplasencia3674
    @xadielplasencia3674 4 роки тому +24

    God: You will die.
    Abimelek: But I have not done nothing.
    God: ... Y-Yes, o-of course... Hmmm... That was all part of my plan.

  • @unglaubiger5645
    @unglaubiger5645 4 роки тому +49

    You lied to me, so please have some slaves, cattle and money.
    Makes totally sense

    • @ralfhaggstrom9862
      @ralfhaggstrom9862 4 роки тому

      Er spinnst ! ...............

    • @Gicrus
      @Gicrus 4 роки тому +5

      They're paying him to leave

    • @nalim27
      @nalim27 3 роки тому +2

      @@Gicrus If he will use whip against Abraham, then he will leave too and much quicker. I'm watching this series from start - I never read Bible before.
      So far (till Genesis 20) I learned those moral things:
      1. If your god forbit something to you then don't do it
      2. Slavery is ok
      3. Threating womans like things is ok, including your daughters
      4. Lying is ok
      5. Incest is ok
      6. Drink wine and do stupid things as druken is ok
      7. If someone do something bad to you it is ok to do 7 times or even 77 times worse revenge. And it is no problem if your revenge affect innocent people that are just nearby.
      8. If you meet stranger(s) then give him food, bath and offer them bed

    • @markbellew7178
      @markbellew7178 Рік тому

      Almost like todays modern church pastor tells them a lie and the people give them 10 percent of their earnings

    • @thejuiceking2219
      @thejuiceking2219 9 місяців тому

      probably since they're too scared of what his sugar daddy God might do if they didn't, Abraham is that bratty kid at school who does what he wants and you just have to suck it up because his mother's head of the board

  • @altasheridan7815
    @altasheridan7815 4 роки тому +16

    It's taken twenty chapters but finally with Abimelech we get someone who nhas a sensible reaction to Yahweh's mob boss tactics. He still caved but at least he showed some sense first

    • @shriggs55
      @shriggs55 4 роки тому +4

      Why didn't God know that Abraham lied to Abimelech? And why did he feel he had to put Abimelech through the grinder for something he did not do or know? Was he messin with Abimelech's head just for kicks and by so doing,scaring him shitless? This is bullying on steroids! All this would be beneath the most awesome creator of the universe-you would think?? No wonder no one liked(and likes)Yahweh!

    • @shriggs55
      @shriggs55 4 роки тому +2

      @Zeal! Imagine a parent(Christian preferably) being told by god here in modern times,that their children and grandsons up to the 3rd and 4th generation would be punished for that father's sins! Do you think they would be eager to do god's will after that? Yep.God's "justice"in motion! And this one really gets to me,-God decides to punish David-David mind you-for his sinning with Bathsheba,so,besides killing his baby boy with a slow lingering death-he has David's wives taken out in broad open daylight and raped! And what did David do after it is all over? He puts those raped wives under house arrest for the rest of their lives! Well,it was said,that David was a man after god's own heart,so-that figures.It was also said that god is no respecter of persons-and yet,David and Bathsheba were supposed to be stoned to death for their sins.So god,seeing all this was going to happen ahead of time-makes an exception with David.Well,anyhow,I guess I got on a rant here.My bad.

    • @marvinsteven3874
      @marvinsteven3874 3 роки тому +1

      @@shriggs55 As a Christian who never heard of that part of the bible. I'm more than disturb and see why many are leaving religion. Heck I even went from Conservative to Progressive Christianity

  • @shellygordon6976
    @shellygordon6976 3 роки тому +4

    As a child I had so many issues with these things. None of it made sense or felt "righteous." To hear this from someone else is so wonderful. The response to all my questions was always to have faith because there was a bigger plan that we were not capable of understanding. I also grew up fearing that God was watching me at all times, so as a small child even going to the bathroom was horrifying. Thank you for going over all of this and making it so easy to listen to, and even laugh about. By the way, Gen ! thru at least 20 at this point in one day....please keep it going.

    • @pocketspider7839
      @pocketspider7839 2 роки тому +2

      Hi, you perfectly described my experience, why is making questions before believing such a huge taboo? They really needed to inflict the fear of making questions before anything else or this religion would not hold up at all. That's really shady stuff and child me was way more damn scarred and traumatized than I thought. ;u;

    • @johnsmith-tq5zn
      @johnsmith-tq5zn Рік тому

      My 12-year-old self felt remorse for feeling angry at God when I read the Old Testament. Now I laugh at how gullible I was. I was mad at a fictional character.

  • @bunmiiseyemi5836
    @bunmiiseyemi5836 4 роки тому +11

    You sir are a legend!! Thanks for keeping me entertained during this Quarantine. Very insightful 👌🏾

  • @tshepokgwele1789
    @tshepokgwele1789 4 роки тому +14

    15 likes before the video even premieres lol, I see we've got some hardcore fans here 😂😂😂

  • @DoctorZisIN
    @DoctorZisIN 4 роки тому +8

    This reminds me of the mormon religion. They are fond of using their book of mormon as proof that Joseph had to be a prophet to write a book like that. But if you read it, a huge part of it is bible stories re-told with the names changed.

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      The same religion that promotes women right. Children right. Animals right and human right... Before Christianity women were either prostitute s or children breeders.. Children were sold. Left for dead or sacrifice.. Animals were sacrifice .sold.mutilated . Hunted for fun.. Idol worship needed consistent sacrifice s which are expensive and illogical... If Christianity wasn't made for all... You wouldn't even have the freedom to write about... I'd dare you to draw a cartoon of Mohammed in a mosque or t. V shows . Or satanism which drinks baby blood

    • @DoctorZisIN
      @DoctorZisIN 4 роки тому +3

      @@teilangpassah5095 Yeah, Christianity is super-progressive... compared to Islam. Human rights come from secular philosophers, like the Greeks who invented democracy hundreds of years before christians even existed. Learn your history. And as far as Christianity and human rights, the New Testament characters, including Jesus say that nobody is to deny the law of the Old Testament, and that includes slavery, no rights for women, animal and human sacrifice and the killing of innocent children ordered by god. Learn your bible.

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      @@DoctorZisIN so what's the point of him getting born. Grow up.. Get humiliated.. Tortured get killed in the most gruesome manner just so we can all go back to doing the same things... Please use your brain cells

    • @DoctorZisIN
      @DoctorZisIN 4 роки тому +1

      @@teilangpassah5095 Brain cells? OK, let's play a little game. To see if Christian doctrine makes any sense at all, answer a simple question: Is Satan good or evil?
      Spoiler: There's no good answer. If Satan is Evil, so is god. Allowing evil when you have the power to stop it, is evil. And if Satan is good, god is a liar because the bible calls Satan evil. See, it doesn't make sense. If you "use your brain cells", as you call it, you can clearly see it's all nonsensical mythology.

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      @@DoctorZisIN is God a nanny or super man... And your not 5-6 years old that God should always be there to wipe after you went poopy... You are an adult human who have little brain matter.. You should get the hint by the name it self is Satan good.. No .. He's not see I told you you use your brain cells

  • @seDj64
    @seDj64 4 роки тому +7

    Ever looked into the documentary hypothesis? It's an interesting way of critically studying the Bible's literature that explains why there are so many doublet/triplet stories and inconsistencies. Basically it's because the bible was originally two separate texts compiled into one and then another two compiled into one written by different people with different politics/spiritual emphasis. Its fascinating and well worth a google search.

  • @therealworld5597
    @therealworld5597 4 роки тому +9

    Greetings from West Africa (Ghana)

  • @giganotosaurus845
    @giganotosaurus845 4 роки тому +9

    And here I thought Genesis 16 was immoral. Outchi. 😢

  • @zidneya
    @zidneya 4 роки тому +7

    Christianity: Pagans embrace the holiness of sexuality as a central religious principle therefore making them obscene.
    Also Christianity: who else wants to give it a try with this 90 year old woman? Good old Abe receiving gifts from fate/God of it, isn't that nice?

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      Christianity came into being after Jesus ascension.. Not Abraham.. Abraham brought an end to expensive and illogical pagan practices... Would you do a weird dance.. Under darkness.. Made children. Animals. Sacrifice s.. Treat women as children breeders before getting a pizza... And what if you have to do this for every pizza order... Would you do it... No you would not because it's stupid vand expensive and well illogical...

    • @zidneya
      @zidneya 4 роки тому +6

      @@teilangpassah5095 Prostituting your sis brought an end to pagan practices? To stop treating women as children breaders? So the God who let his son sacrifice on a cross is gonna stop sacrifices? Hahahahahaha 😂 Would I do a stupid cross sign before facing anything remotely uncomfortable? Would a do a stupid prayer before eating a pizza? Would I teach my children to demonize any other belief that it isn't Christian? Would I worship some statue in a cross, a fish or other stupid Christian symbol or picture? Of course not because it's stupid, vane and illogical as well, and that's why I ain't Christian. Oh yeah that's right, when foreign religions follow their customs its wrong when you guys do it, it's okay.

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      @@zidneya tell that to your children when they don't wanna respect or love you..

    • @zidneya
      @zidneya 4 роки тому +2

      @@teilangpassah5095 So only by Christianity you can achieve respect or love from your children? My mother was a devoted Christian who hated me for being an atheist? You think I respected her? My cousins and nephews are non religious? Do all the congratulations and gifts they send me in my last birthday were a sign of disrespect? Hahahahahaha 🤣, and what makes you think I wanna have kids Einstein? Oh noooo my imaginary kids don't respect me? I better ground them! Go to your imaginary room and think of what you've done!

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      @@zidneya she's not true Christian.. True Christian s have only love... And very very acute awereness of self. Others. Environment.. How do you know maybe she herself was hated by her mom or dad.. Every body is hurting.. Let's heal with unconditional love of God.. Vis jesus

  • @GeneralArmorus
    @GeneralArmorus 4 роки тому +12

    Next stop: killing Isaac, after that some long-winded chapters

    • @FriendlyAtheist1
      @FriendlyAtheist1  4 роки тому +4


    • @GeneralArmorus
      @GeneralArmorus 4 роки тому +2

      @@FriendlyAtheist1 The movie is almost over. Then begins the netflix spin-off series for the fans.

    • @nicolasandre9886
      @nicolasandre9886 4 роки тому +4

      *Almost* killing Isaac. Remember it was only a prank. Unlike for Jephta's daughter. But that's for later.

    • @GeneralArmorus
      @GeneralArmorus 4 роки тому +2

      @@nicolasandre9886 Ouch. That's SPOILERS!

    • @nicolasandre9886
      @nicolasandre9886 4 роки тому +2

      @@GeneralArmorus : whoops, my bad 😀

  • @jandavidsernaesquerra3443
    @jandavidsernaesquerra3443 4 роки тому +9

    You can certainly say this man is gifted as a teacher.
    Thank You for your great work.
    I have a question are you planing on doing this with the whole bible?.
    That would be great to see

  • @ingebygstad9667
    @ingebygstad9667 4 роки тому +7

    Soooo.... God made the king's household infertile _without_ their notice, the moment he took Sarah. And the entire story seems to be about 30 hour long or so, so when he _returns_ Sarah, he makes them able to have children again? And the king pays Abraham a hefty sum and for eff's sake..... FEELS GUILTY??? And god again shows what kind of god he is.

    • @danacampbell8331
      @danacampbell8331 4 роки тому +3

      Yeah. People definitely notice if they don't get pregnant in a day or two. Something's off!

    • @shriggs55
      @shriggs55 4 роки тому +2

      Yeah,and notice that when the king gives the goods to them,among those goods are many slave girls/women.I feel sorry for those slave girls if Abraham and Sarah treat them like they did Hagar!

    • @shriggs55
      @shriggs55 4 роки тому +1

      @Steven bent1 Talk about sequestered! After God had David's wives raped in"broad open daylight,"-David puts those same wives under house arrest for the rest of their lives! With no sex with their king and husband,David-and-no children.

  • @theuncluded6220
    @theuncluded6220 4 роки тому +3

    Please do the ENTIRE bible like this!

  • @gabi4205
    @gabi4205 4 роки тому +1

    I'm hungover right now and watching your "Everything wrong with genesis" series. Thanks for getting me through this rough time!

  • @HetaliaGirl1
    @HetaliaGirl1 4 роки тому +5

    Abraham and Sarah did it again???

  • @pegyhill9333
    @pegyhill9333 4 роки тому +8

    God seems like that unfair teacher in school that never admits they’re wrong cause they think of themselves as so perfect

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      But He is perfect ... Can you count the number of your hair... He can

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      @@scottstollery2191 before the baldness too there was hair before the balding happen

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      Your are still breathing when your asleep.. God never rests. He knows you.. Your name.. Who you are.. Every thing.. He knows your heart.. Just ask him

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      @@scottstollery2191 God doesn't exist within the time real. He is eternal.. Only we mortals. Taking physical shape of woman and man.. Lives with in a time realm and physical form. Dies.. Hence we are all but temporary

    • @exillens
      @exillens 4 роки тому +3

      @@teilangpassah5095 Counting hair just makes one really good at counting.

  • @awakefromthewatchtower8055
    @awakefromthewatchtower8055 4 роки тому

    Your bible translation is spot on! Hopefully you can do all the bible!!

  • @grapeshot
    @grapeshot 4 роки тому +4

    I don't know how anybody can worship such a monster.

  • @rameshdevarapalli3128
    @rameshdevarapalli3128 4 роки тому +2

    Sir Please do video's regularly
    Thankyou for your videos

  • @mikeaskme3530
    @mikeaskme3530 4 роки тому +1

    Sounds like Abraham was running a offline version of a craigslist add.

  • @TheElectra5000
    @TheElectra5000 4 роки тому +4

    Wow. God, Abraham and Sarah had a good scam going. Beware if some old guy knocks on your door and goes "hey, look at my sister, you like?"
    Also, her youthful 70's... :D :D :D

    • @shriggs55
      @shriggs55 4 роки тому +2

      You don't understand.God did not just give these characters long-ass life-expectancies -but he made them all look like models and movie-stars until as late as 900 years old-without makeup! After that,they were on their own.I read that in the back of the Bible somewhere.

  • @fredleonard1547
    @fredleonard1547 4 роки тому +1

    I love your series mate..
    Especially your Genisis talks.
    Proves to me also its just a good old story

  • @KennyFromPhilly
    @KennyFromPhilly 4 роки тому +1

    Sweet baby Lucifer! I needed a good laugh today today after the horrifyingly depressing news this crazy Monday (8/3)!
    Thanks, Hemant, you always make me laugh out loud with these insanely creepy stories from Genesis!
    Cheers, Kenny from Philly

  • @marcdecock7946
    @marcdecock7946 4 роки тому +5

    Everytime I hear the stories from the bible I'm so happy I descend from a fish that crawled onto the dry land.

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      A fish that evolved to have emotions then have enough brain cells power to know about trigonometry built the pyramid and made God

    • @marcdecock7946
      @marcdecock7946 4 роки тому +2

      @@teilangpassah5095 After we made god we also evolved a bit further. I think the bible is evidence that 2500 years ago morals were not as far evolved as they are today.

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      @@marcdecock7946 is that fish gay also 🙈🙉🙊

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      @@scottstollery2191 isn't homosexuality evolutionary... I was just added to this okay... I don't care bout the flesh.. I want to know bout energy.. Our energy or spirit

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      @@marcdecock7946 morally we weren't evolve d.. How can we evolve morally.. It's not a physical thing .. Like cuttle fish and chameleon.. Ours is not of the body or flesh but of the spirit. The energy

  • @mr2atara
    @mr2atara 4 роки тому +1

    Is that God admitting that he violated free will?
    "... I have kept you from sinning against me. That is why I did not let you touch her..."

  • @GeneralArmorus
    @GeneralArmorus 4 роки тому +7


  • @p.bamygdala2139
    @p.bamygdala2139 4 роки тому +2

    The ads before this were for conspiracy theorists and pyramid schemes (Aug 3, 2020). I thought that was weird.

  • @musicgarryj
    @musicgarryj 4 роки тому +1

    Just discovered your amazing and hilarious channel! Subscribed.
    Two questions:
    1) When you've finished the BIble, any chance of you also covering the apochryphal books that were left out..... The Book of Enoch, The Gospel of Judas etc: all the Dead Sea Scrolls stuff? That would be very interesting!
    2) ..and THEN: will you have the balls to give the same treatment to The Qur'an ??? Hope so! lol :)

  • @tshepokgwele1789
    @tshepokgwele1789 4 роки тому +20

    The Bible, what a mess 😂😂😂

    • @flowerboy821
      @flowerboy821 4 роки тому

      You're a mess until you get right with Jesus 🙃

    • @tshepokgwele1789
      @tshepokgwele1789 4 роки тому +3

      @@flowerboy821 that's right buddy, do anything to divert attention away from the Bible lol, with books like genesis it makes it really embarrassing doesn't it 😂😂😂

    • @flowerboy821
      @flowerboy821 4 роки тому

      @@tshepokgwele1789 well actually, Genesis is a historical fact. And I don't get what's so funny... Cause those laughing emojis won't do you any good when you're standing face-to-face with God on judgement day, repent and follow Jesus

    • @tshepokgwele1789
      @tshepokgwele1789 4 роки тому +2

      @@flowerboy821 lol, you're right, the laughing emojis won't help but this will lol, lmao, Lmfao.
      Historical fact you say? 😂😂😂 The arc was historical fact?, wow, that's a weird thing to say, was your history teacher addicted to heroine?

    • @flowerboy821
      @flowerboy821 4 роки тому

      @@tshepokgwele1789 nope, but you also know what else is a fact? That Jesus died for your sins, that we have other historical documents outside the Bible that confirm and attest to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that we have independent sources stemming from Jewish, Roman, pagan, secular, and Christians, and it's logically impossible to have independent sources from a vast majority of people, most of whom who didn't know each other, to fabricate the same story, you know that's a fact too right? And you know what else is a fact? That you can accept Jesus as today as your Savior, and if you don't, you'll face judgment. Ponder on those facts 📠

  • @williamoldaker5348
    @williamoldaker5348 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you so very much for this series. Your content sir is spot on and joy watch. The cringiness of the Bible is perfectly represented in your videos.

  • @blackice9088
    @blackice9088 4 роки тому +4

    Creationists lie to everyone, what's their excuse for that?

  • @jsparlin1
    @jsparlin1 4 роки тому +3

    never though bible study would be so enjoyable. used to hate sunday school..guess it's in the delivery

  • @xaayer
    @xaayer 3 роки тому +1

    I always thought hat the reason Abimelech's wives were barren was because of Sarah being with him, not because Sarah was barren. He paid Abraham to go away in my interpretation. Abraham essentially was keeping Abimelech's wives ability to conceive hostage until Sarah was returned.

  • @skeptictruth9355
    @skeptictruth9355 4 роки тому +3

    Is there anything in Chapter 20 about Abraham adding a second feather to his pimp hat? At this rate he could have a full headdress!

  • @scottlouissmith2382
    @scottlouissmith2382 4 роки тому +4

    I love this!!! Can't wait till you dive into the new testament. And by the way, why are the books of the new testament not in correct order? Oh yeah, to make Paul look good! They need to change the name to pauluanity!🤣🤣🤣

    • @exillens
      @exillens 4 роки тому +1

      If there were no Paul epistles there'd be no NT, so you're right

    • @mischarowe
      @mischarowe 4 роки тому +1

      I hope he doesn't stop at the end of Genesis, but I think he doesn't have plans to go too far.

  • @davidmoran4675
    @davidmoran4675 4 роки тому +2

    When I first read this I figured it was the same story but from a different group, and it eventually wound up being stitched in as a separate story.

    •  Рік тому

      It's probably from the Elohist source (E) while the first one is from the Yawehist source (J)

  • @atheistjoshua3154
    @atheistjoshua3154 4 роки тому +5

    Exodus 20:14
    “”Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery”
    Exodus 20:16-17
    “ Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.”
    Abraham did not follow the Ten Commandments if it was supposed to be essential. He tricked Abimelek into thinking Sarah is single by saying she’s his sister but then Yahweh proceeds to punish him for Abraham FUCKING deceiving the pharaoh when Abraham should’ve been the one to be chastised for nearly tempting him into coveting his wife. WTF!

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      How can he... He came before Moses you moron

    • @atheistjoshua3154
      @atheistjoshua3154 4 роки тому +2

      Moses is the author of Genesis. It’s also in the Torah as well. Whether or not the Ten Commandments happened yet, lying is still not right!
      The Bible has no solid integrity and truthfulness as it claimed itself to be.

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      Noah is the author of genesis

    • @atheistjoshua3154
      @atheistjoshua3154 4 роки тому +1

      @Teilang Passah
      Where’s the Biblical or Historical proof that Noah is the author of Genesis? How did Noah even witnessed the experiences of his descendants? Plus, my Bible said “The First Book of Moses: Genesis”.
      Even if an anonymous person behind the Moses account wrote Genesis, it confuses me about his witness in those events before Exodus.

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      @@atheistjoshua3154 enoch. Methuselah witnessing.. Noah was methuselas son or grandson.. Somewhat between that

  • @QueenBoadicea
    @QueenBoadicea Рік тому +1

    I saw a 1997 film titled "The Chambermaid on the Titanic". A foundry member spends one night with a strange woman on the doomed ship. When the ship sinks and he survives, he imagines that she died and invents a love affair with her. The story grows in the retelling so that he's taking his act on the road. Then one night he sees the chambermaid in the crowd. When he rushes after her, he meets her husband. The pair had a confidence scheme going: the wife would pretend that she was meeting friends but couldn't connect with them. She'd ask to stay in a gentleman's cabin and then have sex with him. While he slept, she would ransack his belongings, steal anything valuable and then disappear. But the foundry worker was poor and had nothing worth taking. The husband sneers at him for being a loser since he didn't even sleep with his wife.
    That's what his grand love affair turned out to be: the sordid machinations of a pimp and his thieving whore of a wife. That's what I got from hearing that Abraham pulled this scam--I mean, scheme--twice. Maybe the first time Sarah was innocent. But the second time? This had become a routine that she and her husband pulled off to get men to give them worldly goods. What other explanation could there be for her going along with this deceit a second time? Given that Abraham later goes on to sleep with his wife's maidservant, get the slave pregnant and then send mother and child Ishmael into the desert with just a loaf of bread and jug of water and then try to sacrifice his second son Isaac, you get the impression that this is one awful couple and they are truly nasty parents.

  • @alfbrews
    @alfbrews 3 роки тому

    Brilliant, this is captivating !

  • @thatbirb4743
    @thatbirb4743 4 роки тому +2

    And here we go again.

  • @scottmacgregor4622
    @scottmacgregor4622 4 роки тому +2

    I wish when I was a kid being force fed this nonsense in school, we had someone like the Friendly Atheist to counter all of the BS that was being hurled towards me.

  • @sz5811
    @sz5811 4 роки тому +2

    Can’t wait till u get to Ezekiel 23

    • @sz5811
      @sz5811 4 роки тому +1

      Zeal! Bruh it has a lot of pedophilic verses for example Ezekiel 23:20-21

  • @zoranocokoljic8927
    @zoranocokoljic8927 4 роки тому +2

    Not to mention that Exodus 21(?) explicitly says: "Thou shall not marry your father's daughter"

    • @zoranocokoljic8927
      @zoranocokoljic8927 4 роки тому +1

      @@harveywabbit9541 Well, bible says that Adam and Eve were FIRST two people, but it doesn't say they were ONLY two people created. (Just an exercise in sophistry, don't take it seriously) My point was that Abra(ha)m did what god explicitly forbid people to do. True, it was before the commandments were given, but if morality is objective and comes from god it should not change, since god doesn't change either

    • @zoranocokoljic8927
      @zoranocokoljic8927 4 роки тому +1

      @@harveywabbit9541 Only fools and horses work

  • @bbhrdzaz
    @bbhrdzaz 4 роки тому +1

    Genesis had multiple authors, telling the same story. The editors saw fit to include the different versions as they were written. Just look at the repetitiveness of Genesis 1. I believe scholars say there are 3 distinct authors (or plagiarists).

  • @kennymartin5976
    @kennymartin5976 4 роки тому +2

    Is it just me, or are Abraham and god running the world's first protection racket!?

  • @J.L.Media.
    @J.L.Media. 4 роки тому

    So much insane shit still to come in Genesis. Will you continue on afterwards?

  • @iart2838
    @iart2838 2 роки тому +2

    Most insane book, how did become a source of holiness??????

  • @alfredoperez1710
    @alfredoperez1710 3 роки тому

    If I know something is 100 % wrong I will never ever talk about it on my entire life.

  • @hocuspocus123
    @hocuspocus123 2 роки тому +1

    How are the religious not ashamed of this narrative?? Seriously??
    All this insest, deceit, jealousy, cowardness, genocides, lies, abandonment, the list goes on. These shady characters should be our role model and we should worship their murderous God. Yup

  • @heavymeddle28
    @heavymeddle28 4 роки тому +1

    Maybe it's just because I smoked a lot yesterday night. Maybe I had one shot too many. It could even be possible that I had a temporary syntax error or I might go so far to think I had a sudden malfunction in my brain but I had a vision. I think there was a god in my life yesterday. My wife didn't demand that we go to bed at the same time yesterday

  • @frenchinfocus
    @frenchinfocus 4 роки тому +5

    Why does god always say " do a,b,c or you'll die instead of saying....do it or take you? Do the soul not go to him when the people die?

    • @goldenalt3166
      @goldenalt3166 4 роки тому +1

      Yeah, I thought it was just moving souls to another place. Why call it death? Oh right, they haven't invented the heaven/hell thing yet.

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      Do you always take the doctor s advice

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      It's cleansing of heavenly sanctuary and earthly sanctuary... We are all energy beings.. We all have negative and positive energy inside us that influence the cosmos... Earth is a soul cleansing sanctuary aka Jesus and buddha were the only 2 who got it... We need pain and suffering to cleanse us all of negative energy before moving on to the next phase.. Called Eternity

    • @goldenalt3166
      @goldenalt3166 4 роки тому +1

      @@teilangpassah5095 Is there any practical evidence of this?

    • @teilangpassah5095
      @teilangpassah5095 4 роки тому

      @@goldenalt3166 well in sanskrit there is the evidence of this place call Hell and the tortures that takes in hell.. All the gods and goddess es are not free from its judge ments... But if these gods and goddess es are powerful enough to be worship by people but why not free from the fires of hell.they they themselves cannot create a path out of it then who has the path. There is also a talk about krishna tellingv arjun about a certain blood sacrifice..... If you can make a connection.. Why would Jesus say he is the only way.. The only light the only truth.. Why not any others..

  • @cjdennis149
    @cjdennis149 4 роки тому +1

    Oh no! Last chapter! How will I learn the Bible now?

  • @radonrodan8332
    @radonrodan8332 4 роки тому +1

    People who wrote genisis:i ran out of ideas...
    Other person or brainstrom:i have a idea just rewrite chapter 12 and the person will sleep with Sarah will not be pharoh.
    After finishing the book
    PWG(short for people who wrote genesis):hay anyone want this book it is the "true" word of "god",this is all true,with real people and places,this is not a lie or scam!!
    the people who do join the religion make it spread.
    PWG:that was easy!?
    2000 yrs after its making
    Hemant makes videos about it.

  • @shaunw9270
    @shaunw9270 4 роки тому +11

    Repent ! It's all true.
    Joke 😂😂😂😂

    • @margaretbarrett6087
      @margaretbarrett6087 4 роки тому +6

      Shaun W Every word of the bible is true! - but when the words group together to form sentences, that’s when the crap begins.

    • @shaunw9270
      @shaunw9270 4 роки тому +2

      @@margaretbarrett6087 I stand corrected lol 😊👌

  • @Claudi333
    @Claudi333 4 роки тому

    Hey guy! Be the force be with you!!!

  • @GarlicGrinder9
    @GarlicGrinder9 4 роки тому +1

    10 minute squad!!

  • @katherineg9396
    @katherineg9396 4 роки тому +1

    And this guy is the Patriarch founder of three religions? You really pulled one over on them Abe!

  • @markbellew7178
    @markbellew7178 Рік тому

    My question is when Abraham is referred as being a prophet what prophecy did Abraham make?

    • @youtubestudiosucks978
      @youtubestudiosucks978 8 місяців тому +1

      That constantly changing your name and moving away is a good way to get rid of loan sharks who want their money back

  • @bikiniluvnguy1
    @bikiniluvnguy1 4 роки тому +2

    I'm a Christian, and I watch this to see what he has to say. I'm not afraid to listen to differing views, as we all should be.

  • @scienceexplains302
    @scienceexplains302 4 роки тому

    HemantMehta, Your reliance on the English may have mislead you in the case of Gen 20:11. “Surely there is no fear of Elohim”. Elohim could refer to Yahweh or to a pair or panel led by Yahweh. Even Genesis 1 wavers as to how many gods Elohim refers to). So It is not clear that Gen 20:12 means they fear no gods.
    It could also be an allusion to henotheism: the locals, and apparently Abraham, think that Abraham’s god/s have no power there. If Abe thought Yahweh also ruled over Abimelek, Abe would not try to live a lie, and order Sarah to lie, to protect himself.
    I am enjoying this series of videos a lot, though.

  • @montymartell2081
    @montymartell2081 2 роки тому +1

    That's always been one of my arguments the Bible is made out of a bunch of fireside stories that were told late at night has entertainment and people were so dumb they believed it this is a comedy

  • @alquemist7532
    @alquemist7532 4 роки тому +1

    I get it. Abraham is running a scam with god. Tempting wealthy John and then blackmailing them. What I am confused about is how is Lot related to abraham? Chapter 19 was about lot and his incestuous daughters. Suddenly chapter 20 is back to abraham and his old tricks, excuse the pun.

  • @isamayoge8736
    @isamayoge8736 4 роки тому +2

    Her youthful 70s

  • @karlaboerger3619
    @karlaboerger3619 4 роки тому +1

    Friendly Atheist you better make the movie and make funny this part of the bible very hard.

  • @Paullyell
    @Paullyell 4 роки тому

    Im an atheist and i notice mistake in this. Abemalack did not call out god cause god was just warning him that he sould give sarah back to her husband or he will be a dead man. Cannot believe anyone noticed this.

  • @18wheeler77
    @18wheeler77 4 роки тому +2

    Lmfao!! Good stuff.

  • @Le_Confuzzlement
    @Le_Confuzzlement 2 роки тому

    Interesting how god told Abimelek that he has kept him from "sinning against him." Meaning that god chooses which human actions to take offense at and which are ok. Stealing another man's wife? Not ok. Rape, murder, and incest? Perfectly fine

  • @puirYorick
    @puirYorick 2 роки тому

    ...and then this one other time at Band Camp...

  • @allenmarkham
    @allenmarkham 4 роки тому

    Sorry to say but once again this doesn't play on myTube. Works on UA-cam however.

  • @scoobydoop
    @scoobydoop 4 роки тому +1

    About time, someone reading the bible clearly and with explanation, and showing how bad it is.

  • @a-jam8937
    @a-jam8937 3 роки тому

    Why did I read "She is my sister" in Borat's voice?

  • @RGC_animation
    @RGC_animation 2 роки тому +1

    And Abraham was supposed to be the good guy

  • @54blewis
    @54blewis 4 роки тому +1

    Sounds like a holy shake down to me

  • @gradientO
    @gradientO 4 роки тому +3

    Waiting for Genesis 38

    • @mischarowe
      @mischarowe 4 роки тому +1

      Oh yes. **Mimes pulling out before ejaculating** 😅

  • @joshuakerkhove9291
    @joshuakerkhove9291 2 роки тому

    I'm glad I wasnt the only person who saw the correlation between Gen 6,12, and 26. It makes me seem less crazy. Did you notice in Gen 6 that after their first Bonnie and Clyde conquest, Abram and Sarai changed their names to Abraham and Sarah before repeating their deceit in another town, against another rich ruler? Probably well aware that word of their b.s. would get around. So sure, come up with an alias like criminals still do today, in hopes that you wont be discovered. But "God" changed their names, so it's biblically ok to be a crook.

  • @verdammdeaggsd7736
    @verdammdeaggsd7736 3 роки тому +1

    Abraham: "It was a test whether you fear God because you slept with my wife"
    Other guy: "But I didn't. I didn't even touch her yet. Also, you said she's your sister."
    Abraham: "True, but she is also my wife. And now give me all your shit"
    Other guy: "Oh yeah you're right, my bad bro, take what you need"

  • @HouseOfZion
    @HouseOfZion 7 місяців тому

    Isaiah 55: 8 -9 🙏✝️🌻

  • @balorana3061
    @balorana3061 3 роки тому

    With this story and the Pharoah story both of the people Sarah was with had to be "healed". Sounds like she was carrying an STD at this point.

  • @benjaminfranklin8412
    @benjaminfranklin8412 Рік тому

    My kingdom and me

  • @WholeheartedlyHomestead
    @WholeheartedlyHomestead 2 роки тому

    You're really good at finding the stories about man's flaws, I'm confused about how you're using this to find God's flaws though... You gotta keep context in mind, if you're looking for man's mistakes in scripture you'll find many! God's good in this story! Keep reading, but maybe clear your mind of what you WANT to see and just read what it says. It's an amazing read! If you really want to have your mind blown, look into the Barasheet prophecy 🤯 I'm convinced no mere man could've written the Torah (first 5 books).
    I find it interesting how atheists spend so much time devoted to God's Word. Maybe their spirits are just longing for truth but their fleshly pride won't allow them to admit it. Our flesh is truly our worst enemy. We are a self sabotaging creation! God's word shows us all these human errors so that we can be mindful to avoid them in our own lives. Why would anyone want to tear apart a book that is literally capable of shutting down the human errors that lead us to death. Lust that leads to sex trafficking, greed that leads to economic suppression, hate that causes division, and even ignorance that leads to all sorts of issues in our lives! God's Word actually provides us with a very wholesome, family oriented, natural way of life. I'm not going to tell y'all to go to church, I'm going to veg that you read God's Word and see for yourself what God's trying to tell us. He has promises waiting for us and He shows us how to receive them. I was given an amazing testimony of healing, He brought my paralyzed diaphragm back to life! I've dived into His Word and started applying it and it's like my life is moving forward for the first time ever! He's healing me body, my mind, emotions, household, EVERYTHING. The closer I get to Him and the further I am from being apart of this world the more healing I find.
    I know I'm just a random person on here, but what God did for me He is willing to do for you, all He asks is that we turn back to Him. Don't rely on your understanding of western Christianity, that's not what the bible is about, go see for yourself... There's a wonderful channel on here, she breaks down each chapter and keeps it in context, here the link over this chapter ua-cam.com/video/oIMq45uyB6k/v-deo.html

  • @spidertheateo4344
    @spidertheateo4344 Рік тому

    My problem with this whole part of the Bible is why should I Egyptian care