As a Christian I think all Christians should watch this video and others like it. someone cannot claim to be seeking truth if you refuse to listen and consider the opinions of people with opposing beliefs.
Mathematician of Oxford, John Lennox, raised in Northern Ireland, studied at Cambridge, speaks at Harvard Medical and Oxford Union, 'Socrates in the City'; raised Christian around the time of the Iron Curtain/Soviet Union, his Christian parents handed him the book, 'Communist Manifesto' and told him to read it before he goes out there into the Universities and such, we need to know what others think, it is of great significance. All while not being shaken in our faith. Everyone has their beliefs, even the atheists.
@@theyellowshoe That's wickedly selfish. . Like the children of Israel. . . My experiences of God being the absolute reality are the confirmation for me; my studies in validating the reality of my King are for others, because as a Christian, we are each called to study and called to gently approach the lost, also walking in the power and demonstration of the gospel. .
Xistianity in a nutshell; here is What Vaishnava Saint wrote about Christianity: "Some philosophers say that because of the first living entity's sin, all the other living entities are imprisoned in the material world. Later, punishing Himself for their sins, God delivers the living entities." "Deliberating on the virtues and faults of this world, some moralistic monotheists concluded that the material world is not a place of pure happiness. Indeed, the sufferings outweigh the pleasures. They claim that the material world is a prison to punish the living entities. If there is punishment, then there must be a crime. If there were no crime, then why would there be any punishment? What crime did the living entities commit? Unable to properly answer this question, some men of small intelligence gave birth to a very wild idea. God created the first man and placed him in a pleasant garden with his wife. Then God forbade the man to taste the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Following the evil counsel of a wicked being [a snake], the first man and woman tasted the fruit of the tree of knowledge, thus disobeying God's command. In this way they fell from that garden into the material world filled with sufferings. Because of their offense, all other living entities are offenders from the moment of their birth. Not seeing any other way to remove this offense, God Himself took birth in a humanlike form, took on His own shoulders the sins of His followers, and then died [was crucified]. All who follow Him easily attain liberation, and all who do not follow Him fall into an eternal Hell. In this way God assumes a humanlike form, punishes Himself, and thus liberates the living entities. An intelligent person cannot make sense of any of this!" Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his book, Tattva-viveka. Plz watch
@samo istina , the answer to your question is simply that true Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with Jesus Christ, and discipleship. Nor do the evils done by people who do not adhere to God's word yet call themselves Christians have anything to do with Jesus himself. Don't judge atrocities and wrongs of those who claim him, consider only what Jesus stood for, and his plan for salvation. Because I call myself Norwegian does not make me Norwegian. By the way, in case you haven't been keeping up on the news, there haven't been any Christian horrors for about 600 years... and even then, we're talking about Catholics, which aren't even real Christians. Unless you want to count the horrors being done to us...
WildPhotoShooter And how is his "death" a sacrifice if he's supposedly "immortal"? What was actually sacrificed? Not his life! More like a 3 day slight inconvenience.
Love that. So true. Logic just isn't there. And knowing how many planets, stars, suns, moons, and galaxies there are -- ??? Oh so did God only make the planet earth orrrrr... ?
Do you ever wish that the world was not so messed up? Do you know why it is? Why is there death, suffering, and war? Did we all simply 'evolve' that way? Is the universe like a cruel jokester, giving you dreams of the heart that will never see fulfillment? Does the universe trick you in your earlier days, with dreams of love and romance, fun and adventure, only to give you a 9-5 job that you don't like? Yet, heaven will be perfect. People won't even have bad breath there! No one will ever lie to you or steal from you. Doesn't that sound great? Yet, do you see the problem? If you have lied and stolen, you are not worthy of heaven. You would be left outside with other lying thieves. God is love and eternity without love is hell by definition! Yet, Christ died on a Cross. The suffering He endured is the antidote, the cure, for all human suffering. Heaven will be great. I hope you won't miss it! Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
@Josef Jackson You people really don''t understand a lot about this "God".He is waaay more cruel than this,you need only spiritual wisdom to fully understand him,to understand why he is this cruel
OP, why did you have to title this video something so inflammatory? You've made such a beautifully articulated argument completely inaccessible to any Christian willing to be vulnerable enough to open their mind to a different world view. How about "Sam Harris presents arguments opposing religion, Notre Dame"
@Todd Wood Do you mean invasion, robbery, wife-beating, slavery and delusion? Taking the words of an evil ancient plagiaristic book written by people who glorify massacre and pillage makes you look really intelligent. What kind of LOSER gets his pathetic self-esteem from threatening others with his imaginary friend? And btw your English sucks. What do you mean by "he will won't"?
@Todd Wood Don’t you see the irony in what you just said? He calls god evil, which you evidently disagree with, but then you can’t wait to see him “kneel before god”, making him sound spiteful, vengeful and....what’s the word.....evil
@Todd Wood Are you not seeing the point that it’s not the ones who live we should focus on, we should already expect that from an “oh so mighty god”, but the ones who die violently or in avoidable situations that should be looked at. Did you not listen to the point? Why would a god create a world where you can die so young, if that means your souls goes to hell? Why would he create a world where you are able to not believe in him, then punish you in eternity forever for it? Also, shouldn’t that then prove the non existence of a god? If he allows millions of these women, with free will, to abort their children, then he’s clearly not real. Add to that the fact that a human with autonomy choosing to execute a pregnancy is much different from children dying from disease with no control, when god is the one doing it to them. Add on top even more that the bible states the world is only 6000-8000 years old, but we know that’s false, then everything after that is too
Mr. Grrr BAHA I was expecting a brainwashed Christian to emerge from the woodwork to defend their genocidal overlord. No baptisms to perform today? Gotta keep indoctrinating people to fill up those church coffers.
Mr. Grrr BAHA, another bible thumping idiot from Tennessee. I’m licking my chops in anticipation for this one. So let’s address your argument one point at a time shall we? 1. Your opening salvo (slow witted moron) I would rate about a 3. Pretty weak tea when you’re being intellectually obliterated. It’s almost as if you have no actual coherent argument.... oh..... wait..... 2) I never mentioned the Bible as I do not acknowledge it’s moral authority on any topic, making it irrelevant to any reasonable discussion. 3) You have not made a point of any kind other than to hurl insults. 4) Your spelling is atrocious.
Mr. Grrr yes indeed, I simply restated a point that Dr. Harris made, with quotation marks to underscore the fact that that is indeed his argument. I’m intelligent enough to make my own arguments, unlike you. I don’t need to recycle the material of others. I simply enjoy a well stated argument, and wanted to highlight what I thought was a good point.
Mr. Grrr without evidence, making your statement as baseless and shallow as you. I am indeed salivating over the chance of intellectually destroying you, and devouring what remains of your fragile religious psyche over the next few days. Cower in fear my ignorant, bible thumping friend, the internet was not large enough to prevent our meeting, and now I am going to savor every moment of torture and mental anguish that I inflict on you. #Iamgreaterthanyourgod #youcanrunbutyoucanthide
As a christian, i love hearing opposing views. It's important to be open minded, that's how i went from atheist to a christian in the first place. You need to have your views challenged so you can find your own belief. The more opposing views i face, the more i research religion, history, science. The stronger a christian i become.
@stephs4647 I really only started reading the bible out of curiosity at the time, as I'd never done so before. What really pushed me into believing it was the real history supporting the resurrection. What Josephus and Tacitus wrote (historians from the 1st century) their writings give credibility to the gosepls. Also what happened to the Apostles. The fact that they were willing to be put to death for believing what they did. To me, is just clear evidence that what they saw was the truth.
A massive argument that non believers will say is that christianity is just something made up for power and control over people. When in reality, the apostles (and early church leaders for that matter) were persecuted for their belief, they gained no power at all, they suffered for what they believed. All of this just adds credibility that Jesus came back from the dead. The fact that the apostles, early church leaders and early Christians were persecuted and put to death for what they were saying. Let's not forget that christianity was illegal in the roman empire for its first 400 years
@@specterx2135 Absolutely! Unfortunately we mostly live in a society of echo chambers and believing in things just because someone else does and vice versa, i'm finding a lot of people have beliefs and they can't really explain why they believe it. That doesn't just go for religion but lots of things in general. Also i respect your belief too, you looked at our world and came to your own conclusion, which is really what i'm advocating for
You should rename this video to "Sam Harris - Issues with Christian Morality". No Christian is going to watch this if it is called "demolishes Christianity".
Not a great point. Lots of Christians have read this and responded. Sam Harris isn't trying to convert people?? Maybe Christians want to convert, or maybe they just want to respond. Do you only listen to threads that you agree with?? Don't do that. You'll only just re-enforce what you already believe. That's easy. To listen only to the choir.
***** i think Sam Harris would be very pleased if anybody in the audience would adapt his ideas. Why does he go out, prepare, and spend the time to leave his family, travel, appear, and speak if he doesn't hope to have an impact on people's ideas and turn them away from something he considers, I think he said, evil? Dawkins and especially the late Hitchens are/were certainly straight forward about these intentions as well. It may not be their only intention, but it is certainly a big part of it. Some Christians try to convert others, of course, , but many just blend in with everybody else. .I am glad that I am at least, as you say, , enlightened enough to know that people who see things differently than I do may not necessarily be asinine.
The sheer amount of different religions and people that believe in them automatically tells you that you're most likely wrong no matter which one you believe in.
I feel like god know by our heart who is real or fake. So many people.. Good people burn in hell because they believe in one of many religions is kinda weird for me tbh. But I believe God has a plan but we have to not divide ourselves
God's word was written by about 40 different people from several different walks of life over several hundred years and all have the same message. The messiah was prophesied over 300 times and Jesus fulfilled all of those prophecies.
@@zachsaccount323 if you don't believe Jesus's life is a fact then you must also not believe in anything you see in front of you right now. You don't believe ANY of the other historical figures on the planet existed. Or you are plain stupid like you.
@@samuelunderwood5286 I haven't heard of any Crusades in the name of Atheism, haven't heard of any century-long Witch hunts where they rounded up any intelligent people they could and killed them off. I'd say atheism is easily more peaceful than any religion.
@@InVinoVeratas Lmao. Haven't heard of Marxism? How about Hitler? Two can play this bullshit game of just picking out the worst things an ideology has inspired, and pretending it is the absolute rule.
God: 'Knock! knock' Homo sapiens: Who's there? God: God, open the door! Home sapiens: Why ? God: So that I can protect you. Home sapiens: From what? God: From me if you dont open the door!
I grew up poor and christian, my family always said to "fully rely on god" they all have mental health issues, stayed poor for a long time no matter how many times i prayed it away, until i left the religion, and now im putting things in my own habds and getting my life together
Just because people claiming to be Christians didn't act like it doesn't mean it doesn't work. It's like saying brushing your teeth doesn't work cuz you saw ppl with stinky breath, but they only brushed for 15 seconds.
Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit for they will inherit the kingdom of heaven. Im not leaving this comment trying to be rude I would encourage you to read the book of job as it really helped me understand that whether you're rich or poor on earth that it doesn't matter in heaven.
God feeds the birds every day, but he does not drop worms into the bird's mouths. You can rely fully on God, but you do have to put in work to rely on God.
Jesus is always just over the horizon, just around the corner, oh he’ll be here soon if we just keep sending him money for bus fare, and keep praying…here he comes, ok maybe not, but he’s so close. Just send some more money….hes gonna be here when he gets his car fixed…..
+daibon Ten Nah, Jesus would be pretty interesting, he walked on water, upset the social norms. It'd be neat to go back in time and talk to him. I'd have to learn Hebrew though.
I was at a party when someone approached me to tell me they heard I suffer from Asthma and that they had cured others through prayer. I told them I had already tried that and they responded that I had done it wrong. So I asked them who they cured and they said people who had cancer, people who had tumors. I asked them if they had ever prayed back a lost arm or leg, or even a finger or an ear. Had they ever heard of anyone doing this? or was it only those conditions from which people can recover from on their own which could be healed by prayer? She did not speak to me again after that.
My dad died of cancer. My mom is a Witness. She probably prayed he would get better many times. He did not. He got worse and worse and passed away in August of this year. God did nothing. He doesn't care. He doesn't exist. She devoted her whole life to him, just for him to repay her like this. How can a "loving" god do that? Its just terrible.
The Bible says that God only answers the prayers of the righteous that are born again through the Holy Spirit and the resurrection of Christ Jesus. You haven’t left religion for lack of it being true, but for your carnal desires. You forsaking him is for the purpose of pursuing evil desires without restraint or consequence. But if I was going to the electric chair and told the judge “well I don’t believe in justice or the electric chair” I would still be executed. Take it from someone who made the same mistake of denying God and paying the price, it is not worth it. God is the only one who can satisfy you, with a joy incomprehensible in the satisfaction of eternal life in Christ Jesus. It is so foolish to go to war with the only one who can save us from hell. Repent and turn away from your sin, and put your faith in Christ Jesus who took the punishment for your sin and you shall be saved.
assuming that you believe in God (which i do to) we have to respect the fact that he’s not condemning people because the number 1 question people have is why do bad things happen to good people and that’s a respectable question, if we argue and condemn each other we’ll never get them to be saved in Christ
"At no fault of their own, they were born into the wrong culture". This has been one that stuck with me for a long time. How could a god place someone on earth by his own power and will, and then condemn them for being placed in a culture that didn't worship him? Just goes to show how shortsighted that God would be Edit: Since many people don't want to read the comments I'll give a breakdown of my argument. (1) If God sees people who never know of him as saved, source it from the Bible. If you can not, it's nothing more than a personal belief. (2) Why doesn't God show himself to all humanity so they know of his existence and aren't left to blind faith? God has the ability to show himself, as is shown with Paul (Saul) on the road to Damascus and the Pentecost I believe in the book of Acts, so why doesn't he show himself to all of us? The fact he chooses not to shows how little he knows of humanity or cares about all men equally - speaking as though that God does exist. Hearing about Christianity is no different than hearing about Islam, or Judaism, or any other religion. Feelings and experiences? We all have those. Even atheists. So the "Holy Spirit" doesn't add up. Humanity would need to see in order to know and in order for his judgement to be just. Double edit: In the first statement I mentioned "being placed in a culture that didn't worship him" not "being placed in a culture that has never heard of him." In one of the debates in this thread I've emphasized that if God can condemn someone for rejecting him after only hearing of him, he does not truly understand humanity. Human beings are primarily a product of their upbringing as well as their learning. Hearing about the Christian God is no different than hearing about Allah. Learning about each is no different either. We only have accounts of God through the Bible and then many orthodox religions have supposed visitations by him. In either case, if the Christian God exists, according to the Bible alone he has the ability to show himself. Why would he not show himself to everyone so they could KNOW his existence - and not only believe? Many cultures are taught another God, others are more secular, and even in Christian societies there are those who learn about evidence and see the lack of evidence for the Christian God. How would a just God capable of showing himself justify this? All it seems like is laziness if that God exists, yet since he has made no attempt to show himself - speaking as though that God does exist - in almost two millennia, how can he condemn those who have rejected him only after hearing of him? Do you see the issue? This God would not be just nor would he understand humanity. Additionally, many people who do good and intend good would be damned for rejecting what they've only heard of while many who have done terrible things and have no regard could be saved only by suddenly believing in him, despite their terrible actions with the affixed outcomes. Again, this God is not just and his mercy would also not be full in allowing those who were good to suffer just because they didn't believe in him.
@Prime_Matrix The Ten Commandments have no relevance to what I said and I'm lost as to why they were brought up. Also curious where your holy book says they are judged by works alone with no faith as it's pretty clear you are saved by grace through FAITH, and not of yourself as it's a gift from God. I've never heard of any other Christians outside of Mormonism (and maybe Catholicism) that believe you can be given a chance after death to accept God and I've never heard that it's judgement through works alone, not having faith in Christ. TL;DR (1) Ten Commandments have no relevance to my comment or perspective. (2) You're the first person that I've ever heard claim you can be saved by your works alone while not having faith in Christ and the only person I've heard say that salvation doesn't come through following your religion.
@Prime_Matrix Wrong, according to the Bible you have except Jesus in order to gain salvation, if you are born into another culture you will never know about Jesus, therefore never being saved.
Islam says if the message does not reach a group of people then they will not go to Hell. If however they are aware of Islam but don't seek their own knowledge and path to it then they are doomed.
@Prime_Matrix Jesus: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me." It's pretty clear through a full reading of the Bible and referral to the overall picture of it that to be saved, one must believe in Jesus' sacrifice as a perfect human being who kept all the Old Testament laws and Ten Commandments. If people just got to heaven by being good, it would erase the need for Jesus altogether, but also would erase heaven because people can't keep all the laws and be "Good" in a perfect God's eyes.
@@morningstoke Exactly. Plenty of other world religions claim that it's through doing good and following works, but Christianity and the Bible state that it's through faith in the only man who could be completely good (Jesus). So theoretically, according to the Bible, we would be saved by works if we could follow the 10 Commandments and the old laws... but so far Jesus was the only one who reportedly did that
If God wasn't real, then how would people have free will? Huh?If this world was created by a singularity that brought about a big boom, then we wouldn't have rationalization or reasoning. Did ya ever think about that Sonic?
@@CrackerJohnson887 if god was real, prove it. We know something doesn’t exist until we can prove that it exists. If god exist, we wouldn’t have free will because everything was determined by god in the beginning.
. If you were talking about some other youtuber's opinion, then you could say, "Well, I think..." But we are talking about the ETERNAL, ALL-POWERFUL, CREATOR of the universe. Who says, "Can the gods of the other nations (religions) tell you the future? No! They are mere lifeless idols." But I..." and then He proceeds to give us over one thousand prophecies in the Bible to demonstrate that God's word can be trusted. He also adds over one hundred scientific facts in scripture in all fields of science that were written down, thousands of years BEFORE the great scientists of the world would discover them. For example, up to a few hundred years ago surgeons used to wash their hands in basins of water, until they discovered it became a bowl of germs. They started using running water. The Bible instructed the use of running water thousands of years earlier. Soldiers used to die from disease, until they finally figured out to do their toilet business outside the camp. The Bible thousands of years before this, instructed the Israeli soldiers to take a small shovel outside the camp and bury their waste. Doctors used to drain blood (blood-letting) from sick patients, but thousands of years ago the Bible said, the life is in the blood. It wasn't until a couple hundred years ago, that oceanographers discovered mountains rising off the ocean floor, but the Bible thousands of years ago spoke of these mountains. The Bible says, "It is God who spreads out the stars." Astrophysicists now say the very fabric of space is spreading out taking the galaxies along for the ride. Up until about five hundred years ago, astronomers thought there was about 4,000-5,000 stars. But the Bible in Genesis compares the number of stars to the grains of sand along the seashore. Astronomers now say there are at least twice as many stars as sand on all the beaches of the world. Albert Einstein in his paper on relativity stated that matter, energy, space and time itself all had a beginning. But thousands of years earlier in Genesis chapter one the Bible says, "In the beginning (a reference to time having a beginning) God created the earth (matter) the heavens (space) and said let there be light (energy). I don't want to make this so long people won't read it, but you can go any Christian bookstore and find books on the hundreds and hundreds of fulfilled prophecies, in the Bible. There were 256 totally fulfilled prophecies concerning the birth, life, ministry, and death of Christ alone. So, God in HIS word has told of science thousands of years in advance of it being discovered by the great scientific minds of the world, He has spoken prophetic utterances that have come true, over and over again, in a literal, not metaphorical sense, again, to demonstrate His authority. He is God, we are His creation. This is His world, His universe. He is sovereign. Look, it's a great deal; surrender to His only means of forgiving our sins and reconciling ourselves to HIM, Christ dying on the cross, and reap eternal life, eternal peace, eternal health, and eternal joy. OR reject His offer of pardon and receive your just punishment. I choose Jesus Christ.
You are not saved by your works because of the sin of Adam. But Jesus, the creator of the universe, gave you a chance to be in the kingdom with Him. We live in a fallen world because of what Satan did. You are not doomed. You have the choice to believe or believe in the culture that this guy is saying. I will tell you your creator wants a relationship with you. He is the only way. Seek answers in the Bible and Jesus will give you answers.
I wrestled a lot with these kinds of questions and turned my back on God, but then something occurred to me. If one day I appeared before a righteous, just and holy God, a God who truly is love and whose wisdom & understanding is infinite, then maybe, just maybe, my reasons for discounting his justice & authority would be shown to be completely unfounded and based on lies, whilst I would know in my heart of hearts that His judgements are valid & righteous. Too many atheists rail against Christian theology without having the first inkling of who the true God of the Bible really is.
This sounds like a tweaked version of Pascal's wager, which is not a valid argument, but maybe you're implying something different. Regardless, the descriptions of the biblical god are neither just or holy. It takes only the understanding of a child to know that owning other people, freely beating them (to death if you choose) if they are not of your race, is a bad thing. The obvious racism in that biblical slave-owning construct is shadowed by the sheer grossness of being allowed to own and even murder another person. Seriously, a child would know that's wrong...but bible god declares it to be morally acceptable in his eyes. Gross, awful, disgusting, immoral, sick!!!!!! So much grossness with the god of the bible. It's a horrific book, really. And before you discount this atheist for not "having the first inkling of who the god of the bible really is", know that I've read Genesis to Revelation straight through at least 9 times, as well as countless hours of studying it when I was a Christian. I'm also one class away from holding a masters in biblical theology from a conservative bible-believing Christian university (I left the faith before completing the degree). I've served on staff at two different evangelical churches, leading bible studies and participating in mission trips around the globe. Christians are the ones who tend to be ignorant of who god is according to the bible - studies have shown that avowed atheists tend to know the bible better than Christians. That seems to match my experience as well. But in the unlikely event that you do appear before a righteous, just and holy god who truly is love with infinite wisdom and understanding I think you'll be ok. If I could forgive you for whatever "sins" you've committed then I think that god you're describing should be able to pull it off as well. But that wouldn't be the bible god. And to Sam Harris' point, there is absolutely no evidence that such a god exists. Thus I left Christianity and no longer waste my life pandering to an imaginary being just like I stopped worrying about the monster under the bed when I was a child.
@@Morale72 The Bible literally starts with God punishing all women with a painful childbirth for just Eve's blunder. So apparently, the wages of sins are generational in God's eyes. It gets progressively worse from there. Quran, Bible....tomato, tomahto. Same shit, different sewer.
I started thinking this exact same way about religion after as a young man my best friend and I were standing in MY kitchen and eating sandwiches for lunch I made that I was ABSOLUTELY going to hell because I didn't go to his church. My BESTFRIEND told me this to my face and believed that too his core...
@@eyezerocool as someone raised religious, it was probably meant as a warning, so that chase would repent and be able to go to heaven. Telling someone they're going to hell doesn't mean I want them to, it means I think they will unless they change something, and I really want them to go to heaven. It's somewhat traumatizing as a child, believing all your friends are going to hell, and it's completely your fault, if you aren't able to convince them to repent and be saved.
You won’t go to Hell because you don’t go to church, I’m sorry that you were mislead. God doesn’t live in the church, it’s just a way to get to know Him, and even churches can mislead, I get closer to God at home LOL
@@samuelpayne896 You def won’t go to hell because you don’t go to church, but you will if you want nothing to do with God your whole life. He’ll give you your wish on earth and after you leave earth.
@@ShredwardWizardhands Are you kidding me? Sam harris is a very talented man, but he did not 'serve' William. In fact, I believe william won the debate over all due to the fact that craig was able to refute most of sam harris assertions(which multiple have been debunked), and sam harris was constantly back peddling, repeatign what he was saying over and over agian without dealing with Lanes arguments.
I was just watching football on TV and, to paraphrase Harris:- Given all that God does not accomplish in the lives of others, the notion that He would choose to help you win a sports contest is obscene. Yet so many sportsmen and women seem to believe that He does.
the funniest is when UFC fighters thank god for their win after a fight. Yeah god is helping you to beat the living shit out of another man lol. there people dying from horrific diseases around the world and gods #1 priority is your fucking UFC match lol... total narccististic morons
They don't thank god as such for winning something. They are being humble by saying I thank god and family and friends and the coach and the supporters stating that they didn't do it alone but with the help of everyone. If you get my point. Arrogance is bad with or without religion
God created you with free will precisely because he loves you and every other human. If you don’t want to live your life with god, despite how much god wants you to, you don’t have to. And when you die he will not force you to be with him for eternity because you didn’t want to be with him for a couple decades of your life. The Bible also said the kingdom of god will be filled with those who never heard the name of Jesus. Because they didn’t get the choice to trust in Christ.
@@Wendys___ Ah the free will argument. So god created us with free will, which means he created free will, and then punishes us for it? Not only that, but this implies that if we truly have free will god is not all powerful, because free will and an all power diety cannot exist simultaneously. And regardless, if he gave us free will, that means he gave us the ability to be and cause evil. So god has both set us up for failure and intentionally caused humans to suffer. Either that or god is not all powerful and the assumptions you have to make to "prove" god start falling apart beyond that. Hope this helps you reach truth!
@@KobandBandito god intentionally limited his power to create us in his image, with free will, and with the purpose to love. Humans used that free will to rebel against him and give into temptation. He didn’t create a bunch of robots forced to love him because that love would be meaningless so he gives you a choice. Choose not to love and accept him and he will respect your decision.
@@Wendys___ Well you've now created a fallacy. If god gave us free will, and also limited his own power, he cannot do both. Because if we have free will he is not omnipotent but if he limited his own power he then is omnipotent. He cannot do both at the same time. And even so, he also thus created temptation and the ability to be tempted. He set us up for failure and then punishes us for that. What kind of a god should be worshipped when he is like that?
@F-35B LIGHTNING II fighter jet. #BlueLivesMatter nope But every creationists is a moron. By definition. And that retard craig has his "doctorate" from a defunked school.
I don't agree that christianity is unreasonable… I am a blood bought, born-again Christian. But according to your worldview, why is it wrong to be illogical? What standard do you have to say I should follow the laws of logic and non-contradiction?
As a christian, i believe that most negativity comes from other believers and the way they are being taught the bible. I still love all of you regardless of what you are, think, do, say. And im not just saying that in hopes of getting into heaven or anything like that, i truly believe in being kind and just no matter what.
I feel like that’s a little reductive because the negativity from the other believers just shines a light on the flaws within the Bible like that he was cool with little children being mauled by a bear for mocking a bald man but that’s just one example
@@Casiusrogers what not reading books does to a person. You’ll believe anything anyone on the internet tells you huh? You watch a movie halfway while you’re at it too. I feel like the only reason people don’t respect the Bible is because they don’t know how to read Shakespeare. It’s just too high level
+azman6119 I mean in face of all the evidence or lack of their ideas don't die, there is no tapout or anything. like zombies... they just keep coming back at you. lol
As someone who has been trying to connect with God lately, unfortunately it seems I talk to an empty room or hear crickets. This man put into words how I've always felt. I could ad more but don't want to get carried away on 30 minute type fest.
James 4:8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you. Sometimes god might feel very distant but those might be the times he is working the hardest in your life
I used to be atheist and I would love and agree with people like this man… then I read the Bible. Don’t just come up with a simple thought like “why do bad things happen” and dismiss religion but actually think about it and see what the Bible says about it
I don't believe in God, however I understand how people can tap into our source or that voice instilled in us that seems to be born with certain knowledge. Similar to animal instincts
@@noah7477 Well, s/he's not entirely wrong. 6th Century Atheists were asking for evidence before the theists, possibly the Islamic invasion, slaughtered them. For clarification, "prakriti" is an old word for material energy. Sankyha Sanatana Dharma: Samkhya gave the following arguments against the idea of an eternal, self-caused, creator God: If the existence of karma is assumed, the proposition of God as a moral governor of the universe is unnecessary. For, if God enforces the consequences of actions then he can do so without karma. If however, he is assumed to be within the law of karma, then karma itself would be the giver of consequences and there would be no need of a God. Even if karma is denied, God still cannot be the enforcer of consequences. Because the motives of an enforcer God would be either egoistic or altruistic. Now, God's motives cannot be assumed to be altruistic because an altruistic God would not create a world so full of suffering. If his motives are assumed to be egoistic, then God must be thought to have desire, as agency or authority cannot be established in the absence of desire. However, assuming that God has desire would contradict God's eternal freedom which necessitates no compulsion in actions. Moreover, desire, according to Samkhya, is an attribute of prakriti and cannot be thought to grow in God. The testimony of the Vedas, according to Samkhya, also confirms this notion. Despite arguments to the contrary, if God is still assumed to contain unfulfilled desires, this would cause him to suffer pain and other similar human experiences. Such a worldly God would be no better than Samkhya's notion of higher self. Furthermore, there is no proof of the existence of God. He is not the object of perception, there exists no general proposition that can prove him by inference and the testimony of the Vedas speak of prakriti as the origin of the world, not God. Therefore, Samkhya maintained that the various cosmological, ontological and teleological arguments could not prove God. And the 11th Century Charvaka philosophy of Nastika (Statement of No Lord) Sanatana Dharma: Fire is hot, water cold, refreshingly cool is the breeze of morning; By whom came this variety? They were born of their own nature. This also has been said by Brhaspati: There is no heaven, no final liberation, nor any soul in another world, Nor do the actions of the four castes, orders, or priesthoods produce any real effect. If a beast slain as an offering to the dead will itself go to heaven, why does the sacrificer not straightway offer his father? If offerings to the dead produce gratification to those who have reached the land of the dead, why the need to set out provisions for travelers starting on this journey? If our offering sacrifices here gratify beings in heaven, why not make food offerings down below to gratify those standing on housetops? While life remains, let a man live happily, let him feed on butter though he runs in debt; When once the body becomes ashes, how can it ever return again? If he who departs from the body goes to another world, why does he not come back again, restless for love of his kinfolk? It is only as a means of livelihood that brahmins have established here abundant ceremonies for the dead- there is no other fruit anywhere. Hence for kindness to the mass of living beings we must fly for refuge in the doctrine of Carvaka.
Christianity is fake but God is Real!!! All organized religions are fake ... but occult religions like your local freemasonic lodge is real... However, the members of the lodges are greatly deceived!
@F-35B LIGHTNING II fighter jet. #BlueLivesMatter yeah you can. I left one too. I legitimately ran away in the middle of the night at the age of 13. I had never once even been off that property before. Leaving a cult doesn't mean your're going to just go to the leader and ask if you have his blessing and permission to leave. Most people just "leave".
@F-35B LIGHTNING II fighter jet. #BlueLivesMatter well if that's the case then you should keep your feelings to yourself. You obviously have flawed thinking abilities and don't take a lot of facts into consideration...namingly the fact that I never said the cult was derivative of christianity or atheistism so if you want to assume something I said is bullshit or not then you should probably ask more questions first.
@F-35B LIGHTNING II fighter jet. #BlueLivesMatter I'd love to know of cults which believe in not believing. Atheism would be a conclusion that follows. Also, what do you mean when you say "you can't leave a cult"? People have said that above. Documentaries showcase the lives of people leaving cults, the struggles they've had to endure. Maybe you're making a point that isn't literal. If so, what is it?
I was just told by a group of Christians that good things happen in their lives because of God. When I asked them about the Holocaust or other horrible events in history, they said it’s the evil people’s doing based on free will. I came here for a dose of sanity.
@@TryHARD-du9hj Yes, you did. And your God will applaud your cute effort to spread the Truth to idiots and happily burn generations of billions of people for eternity. What a loving God.
If you were talking about some other youtuber's opinion, then you could say, "Well, I think..." But we are talking about the ETERNAL, ALL-POWERFUL, CREATOR of the universe. Who says, "Can the gods of the other nations (religions) tell you the future? No! They are mere lifeless idols." But I..." and then He proceeds to give us over one thousand prophecies in the Bible to demonstrate that God's word can be trusted. He also adds over one hundred scientific facts in scripture in all fields of science that were written down, thousands of years BEFORE the great scientists of the world would discover them. For example, up to a few hundred years ago surgeons used to wash their hands in basins of water, until they discovered it became a bowl of germs. They started using running water. The Bible instructed the use of running water thousands of years earlier. Soldiers used to die from disease, until they finally figured out to do their toilet business outside the camp. The Bible thousands of years before this, instructed the Israeli soldiers to take a small shovel outside the camp and bury their waste. Doctors used to drain blood (blood-letting) from sick patients, but thousands of years ago the Bible said, the life is in the blood. It wasn't until a couple hundred years ago, that oceanographers discovered mountains rising off the ocean floor, but the Bible thousands of years ago spoke of these mountains. The Bible says, "It is God who spreads out the stars." Astrophysicists now say the very fabric of space is spreading out taking the galaxies along for the ride. Up until about five hundred years ago, astronomers thought there was about 4,000-5,000 stars. But the Bible in Genesis compares the number of stars to the grains of sand along the seashore. Astronomers now say there are at least twice as many stars as sand on all the beaches of the world. Albert Einstein in his paper on relativity stated that matter, energy, space and time itself all had a beginning. But thousands of years earlier in Genesis chapter one the Bible says, "In the beginning (a reference to time having a beginning) God created the earth (matter) the heavens (space) and said let there be light (energy). I don't want to make this so long people won't read it, but you can go any Christian bookstore and find books on the hundreds and hundreds of fulfilled prophecies, in the Bible. There were 256 totally fulfilled prophecies concerning the birth, life, ministry, and death of Christ alone. So, God in HIS word has told of science thousands of years in advance of it being discovered by the great scientific minds of the world, He has spoken prophetic utterances that have come true, over and over again, in a literal, not metaphorical sense, again, to demonstrate His authority. He is God, we are His creation. This is His world, His universe. He is sovereign. Look, it's a great deal; surrender to His only means of forgiving our sins and reconciling ourselves to HIM, Christ dying on the cross, and reap eternal life, eternal peace, eternal health, and eternal joy. OR reject His offer of pardon and receive your just punishment. I choose Jesus Christ.
Anyone who claims that they are not religious and then makes judgments about religious topics (e.g., the deity of Christ, the existence of God, the morality regarding adultery, the truthfulness of the Bible, and so on) has made a religious statement. Though they may “claim” to be irreligious, they reveal that they are indeed religious when they attempt to refute another religious view.
@@persephoneharrison3439 i am not at all religious and you are so wrong but you are wrong about a lot of things. Jesus was not god but a myth and wanted non-believers to burn in eternity!!!!!!!!!!! This is worse than abortion. If a person wants to accept that there was a supreme being there is nothing in the cosmological argument to indicate that the being would have any of the properties of humans. Scientists and mathematicians have no evidence to show whether the universe began from something or from nothing. God could fall under the Big Bang Theory but then God doesn't in any way need to be moral or like us or even good or could be good or evil in combination. There are hundreds of questionable moralities and dogmas found in the Old and even New Testaments. Upholding slavery or condemning billions of moral people to eternal damnation seems like a horrible thing to do.
We are not even close to proving there is any kind of god much less a Christian god and evidence that points to there being a god unless you just mean "the original creator or Big Bang creator". You reject all gods but one; I reject all bases of science and intuition. what is good about faith based on no scientific or good evidence? There is no important free will not because of imaginary god but because OF GENETICS AND ENVIRONMENT TAKING UP THE FREE WILL SPACE.
@@persephoneharrison3439 "Anyone who claims that they are not religious and then makes judgments about religious topics (e.g., the deity of Christ, the existence of God, the morality regarding adultery, the truthfulness of the Bible, and so on) has made a religious statement." A person can be non-religious and make judgements about what the Bible claims. ( or what the Quran, Torah, Hindu Vedas, etc claim) Though they may “claim” to be irreligious, they reveal that they are indeed religious when they attempt to refute another religious view." Only if they have not rejected every religion.
@@ItalophoneMan im not gonna waste my time proving something to you when your the same as every generic christian, you will just deny what i say and be so ignorant like very christian is, you might also be delusional like some ive talked to, they talk nonsense and one of the main things is saying irrelevant and stupid things eg "your mom cheats on your dad" and then they say "i won the arguement" acting like saying a untrue thing wins them an arguement on a completely diffrent topic
My dad keeps telling me "God is real you should rely on him to listen to you to bring the burden off your shoulders" and that he's going to "help me with my situation living with a devil person (aka my narcissistic mother)." I've been abused for years and nothing has happened. My dad was never involved in my life.
I think you are misunderstanding what that means my dear. God allows us free will because he will not force himself on us. So for good to exist evil will also unfortunately exist.. Pain and suffering is going to be part of this earthly life. God can't physically help you, but he can emotionally help you. For that you need to pray and let him speak to you- by reading his word ❤
Sin leads to hell, keep focused, the devil is on earth to destroy your soul. But God wants to give you everlasting Joy. But our sin is keeping this from happening. You must stop sinning and turn to Jesus Christ he is your only hope. He can save you from eternal suffering under the Earth, where hell is hot.. Not everyone who calls me their Lord will get into the kingdom of heaven. Only the ones who obey my Father in heaven will get in. Matthew 7:21.....
Alan Lloyd they aren't my beliefs child. But even if they were, I wouldn't expect someone of your intelligence to understand metaphysics. Get out, my son.
+Nikolas Stoebick metaphysics is just a fancy term for bullshit abstract speculation that makes weak minded people feel comfortable and warm/fuzzy inside.
I watched the whole thing and I am Christian. His issue is not Christianity. His issue is that misteachings in theology cause ignorance in Christians. I grew up in an environment of mistaught theology. This man is not some "evil blasphemous monster." He is just hurt. You can hear it in his voice. He is hurt by the failures of those who are supposed to guide him in a Christ-like way. If Christians actually loved with the moral compass of Christ, we would have won over a lot of people long long ago.
First time I have listened to this man . He explains this so well. I agree with him as well. I was raised scared to death of a vengeful god. I am thankful for speakers who have the ability to speak this rationally.
@@mohamedelhaddade6371 Were all dying. We will return to a state of nothingness, like before you were born... If anything somebody who believes this is their only life is more open to making the most of it
@@itzwooky9256 maybe we are reincarnated, there are many instances of reincarnation, like with the case of Dorothy Eady, not claiming it's true like how an ignorant Christian claims gods real, but just that there's a possibility
@@jordanwilliams2557 there's a possibility there's an old lady walking around a distant moon. Anything we can imagine can be considered possible, but yeah as you say not in the religious way. But we need make sure we're honest about how we get from possibility (anything we can imagine) to probability. We can say we don't know about reincarnation but look at it this way... If it was real, it would be pointless. I could be reincarnated but what good is that when I don't remember? For all intents and purposes its has 0 practical application. If I cant remember who I was in a previous life I wouldn't in the next. So to me I'm living now, which is already the default position. But with no memory or continuance reincarnation would mean nothing if it was true. You get what I mean? Somebody could say ah but you might of been a frog in a previous life for example, if I don't have a memory of this then essentially it's just a story that says, there was a frog, now there is you. There are tons of frogs and I can't relate to any of them. If rein arnatuon was more like an anaesthetic and you had continuance of your knowns afterwards (barring complications obviously). You'll wake up and remember who you are, who you were. I could imagine anything. But it only becomes possible when there is some evidence of it. The flying spaghetti monster for example. Nobody takes that seriously or even thinks its possible, e ause we simply have no evidence whatsoever. Not even a trail of pasta sauce lol sorry for going on just felt like I was failing to explain properly. I just mean I mind seeing doesn't make it a possibility. First sign of it being true is what makes it an actual possibility Im other words if don't even know we're reincarnated, what good is it? If each one of my lives never experiences the other then all I've been is 3 different independant people (if I'd been reincarnated twice before)
Of cause Hell doesn't exist. Only nitwit atheists think this is what Christians believe, but it isn't. Hell is not a place. Hell is where bad people is and Heaven is where good people is. Its those present at a place which makes the place good or bad, not the place itself. Hell is a state of mind and anywhere you have people like Sam Harris, Hitler, Harvey Weinstein and Kenneth Copeland.
@@havstjej8797 But apparently he's not helping billions who are experiencing constant torment. He just couldn't be bothered to help countless children that are dying left and right. He apparently makes people suffer from mental illnesses, disabilities, constant financial troubles because he just can't be bothered to help them. Only certain individuals.
@@Memu_ We were given free will, money was made up by humans and so is worthless to God, but also humans can be very rotten such as if someone is dying, if the patient doesn’t have enough green paper, then they die due to lack of available treatment. For the diseases without treatments, here are probably ways to prevent them as simple as washing your hands after using the toilet. God gave us free will, sent us to this world. It’s up to us to choose the right path.
@@Bob-yy2oz God will judge base on Faith and I stand on that, bc it’s the truth. This is why God judges u based on Faith in Jesus or not: 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝟏- If a good judge will look at a heinous criminal who committed genocide, rapes and murder, and say to Him, “ The wages of your crimes is the death sentence, this is what’s due to you” “There is no I’m sorry in the court of law” 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝟐- Bad judge will look at the same heinous criminal and say “well if your sorry, then sure, your free to go, because I love you” 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭: in 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝟏 the judge is more just than loving, that’s what a judge is for “right” judgement.. In 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝟐 the judge is more loving than just. loves more than disciplines. we are that heinous criminal, for if we commit one sin we are guilty of them ALL. - The only way for God to be perfectly just and perfectly loving… the answers found in the cross. Your conscience will bear witness to u on judgement so every sin you committed will be accounted for without excuse, so the perfect judgment is hell forever, but Jesus said “come to me all you who are weary and burden, and I will give you rest. take my yoke upon you and learn from me, but I am gentle and humble and heart and you will find rest for your souls. for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” And I’m telling you as a kid surrounded by demons, all I wanted was rest, I was tormented day and night, I looked for truth, and then I found Jesus, he showed me His love, His love is real, and that quote couldn’t be more true.. indeed rest was given. And given abundantly🕺🏽❤️🙏🏽
@@Bob-yy2oz If you had read the bible, you would know that he did that. Its well documented in the Old Testament. But as men do, they rejected God's Commandments. So he made it even easier. He made it as simple as humanly possible to get into Heaven. You just have to accept in your Heart that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died for our sins and rose on the third day. Its quite a very simple request. Any human can do that regardless of where they are born or how they grew up. He gave us a choice. Your choice will have a consequence. I wonder when you are in eternal darkness being violated in every way possible will you reflect on this. You see in Hell, there are people just like you. And Hell is not like you see in the movies -fire and brimstone. What it is, is complete eternal darkness with people just like you and far worse. There are no morals, no laws, there is nothing to stop anyone from doing anything to you just to hear you scream agony. People only get pleasure from making others suffer. Very much like some people here are. I truly pity you. You are in for a very rude awakening. I could tell you how I know. But you have already chosen what you want to believe.
But didn't Yahweh create everything? Didn't he create us, give us all a script to live by with a predetermined ending (Heaven/Hell)? He chooses and knows who will believe in him or not, cus it's in our scripts? And if we deviate from that plan of his, he just gets mad at us for not doing what he wants us to do? 🤔🧐 He already chose FOR us, according Romans 9, already destroying the argument about choice/free will.
@@kingartemiz2xxx786 God didn't give us a script to live out. That is where you are mistaken. Rules were given in the Old Testament but Man could not/ would not follow those rules. So then he gave His Son and you choose to believe or not. Nobody is forcing you as you have already chosen not to believe. God didn't make that choice for you. You are making the choice. God can and will guide you , but he will not force his plan on you. What he will do and does do is let you bear the consequences for your decisions as a father can do with a child to teach them a lesson. You are doing your best to make it more complicated than what it is.
I was raised catholic and ever since I can remember I always questioned why babies fresh out the womb are born with sin. And the answer I always got did not make sense. We’re taught to pray for the sick to get better but why do they die? Why can’t we question god? I had family that were good god fearing church going praying everyday people and yet the worst things happened to them including death. But we’re told it’s gods will and he has plans. That’s a cop out answer for something religion can’t explain.
Well I don’t think the Bible ever said your not going to suffer for believing in god I think it said a bunch of times that you are going to suffer a lot
"What is wrong with spending and eternity in hell?" There is no point in hell, this is what is wrong with it. Why would a god burn regular folks for an eternity in flames? Nobody knows.
@@Considerthisplease Nothing scientific about it, if it is fact there would peer reviewed research to accompany it. There is nothing there to support it "scientific claims", and I used that term loosely. Living Waters is corrupt, its God is the almighty $. It is amazing how a group that believes in God lies so easily and you promote that lie.
And God (Our Lord) Commandments (laws) are exactly just and righteous. If we break those Commandments (impossible to NOT break) and don’t ever Repent (turn away from our sins like lust, hatred, idolatry, fornication, etc) we will go to Hell!
As this guy is so strongly trying to disprove the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the word of God to not infallible, he's actually further proving that it is the true and sovereign word of god, his disbelief in what he is pumping into the world is simply prophecy: 1 John 4:3 [3] But if someone claims to be a prophet and does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus, that person is not from God. Such a person has the spirit of the Antichrist, which you heard is coming into the world and indeed is already here.
@UCcfKXLqaiPMfWzj6hkIwCMw I disagreed with a lot. Here is my rundown of the speech: 1 suffering exists because we had our chance at a life free of suffering but we disobeyed God and listened to the devil instead, also much suffering js inflicted by other humans, and God chooses not to stop that cause he gave us free will 2 the first like 3 minutes of this was him just pulling on heartstrings with dumb points 3 jerimiah 29 3 - "you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" people who aren't born into Christianity can still find it, that's what I did, his example of India is dumb. There are Christians in India and people in India still can find God. Its only on like an isolated island where it really matters, plus I saw a good argument, you go to hell if you reject God but if you never knew about God then you haven't yet rejected him. Plus people in acinet times were monotheistic even tho their cultures were polytheistc, likearistotle and I believe also plato 4 He didnt create the isolation of Hindus, he put humans, or rather people moved to India and they created Hinduism and he didnt engineer their deaths, necessarily. His plans are unknowable and I am not going going speak for Him, I also think that God doesn't involve Himself too much in the world as it isn't meant to be amazing, we forsook a life without suffering, He let's us live on this world and hopes we find Him 5 you have to repent for your sins, if you only repent on death row your gonna be there for a while. Also you have to truly belive in God if that man truly believes, then his death penalty is being payed for by Jesus, he is being allowed to forfeit the punishment because God in human form takes it instead 6 it has a lot to do with moral accountability, but the problem is, is that every human in the eyes of God is bad, name someone you know who has never: Used the Lords name in vain Lied Stolen Looked at a women and lusted for her These things show that everyone is bad compared to God, so the reason why only Christians go to heaven is because they are the only people whose debts are being payed, its not just about Him being egotistical 7 lol. An atheist who probably believes in subjective morality talking about morals. 8 God is indeed mysterious and many of his plans are unknowable 9 I don't necessarily believe that everytime something good happens to me that it is God 10 I don't think crimes like witchcraft are imaginary, many of those things about slavery are taken out of context or badly translated and ect 11 What God does is good and what He says to do is good 12 retarded but classic 'sky daddy' argument 13 about the muslim things, God never commanded to kill civilians and ect or to kill yourself and killing is also wrong 14 it about blind faith you idiot, but we do have the records of his miracles,also he had to perform miracles then to get peoples attention so they would listen to what he was teaching that was new, also miracles happen today 15 if you even believe in evolution, you can still say that God planted the seeds for human life and knew that we would eventually evolve, you can't explain something coming from nothing in your stupid ideology tho. 16 Christianity is not a cult of human sacrifice. Humans aren't allowed to kill other humans, we can't sacrifice and that is not what God wants, "for God so loved the world that he gave his one beggoten son so that all who believe in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life". John 3:16 God loved the world, so He have his son (who is as much God as human) To pay for the sins, like someone who admits to your crimes in order to protect you, or someone who pays off your fine, there is no sacrificing, going by that you could say that anyone who hurts themselves for your protection are human sacrifices, no one would say a soldier protecting his country is a human sacrifice they are just a good person, and if you donthink that if the definition of a human sacrifice then saying that Jesus died as a human sacrifice wouldn't even be a bad thing. After this much of the same, more and more strawmaning and talking about morals.
Exactly. Many Christians can't defend their position using facts, evidence, and logic. Only faith. So when you question their beliefs or point out flaws and contradictory facts to their belief, they become uncomfortable, irritated, and sometimes angry. The irony is, they believe that what they believe is the absolute truth. So I'm puzzled why their "truth" has a hard time standing in the face of questions and doubt. They want to get the last word in most debates and get pissy if they can't. Faith can move mountains but it can't stand in the face of doubt? That in itself speaks volumes about their beliefs.
Another thing to consider about the serial killer scenario: if the victims hadn't repented and accepted Christ before or during the moment of their death, then by that definition they would go to Hell while the killer who raped and murdered them would go to Heaven for repenting. A grotesquely disturbing double standard indeed. (Some Christians will argue that those who had never known about the gospel would go to Heaven because they couldn't have known it, but yeah. Even so, that would still be a perverse double standard to an extent.)
This illustration actually points out the beauty of God's love, mercy and forgiveness: That no matter how far gone in sin you are, there is never any way to escape God's love and redemption! How beautiful is that! Because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for you and me on that cross, serial killers (which through our sin nature we all have the potential to do horrible things, even on this scale) can be saved and go to heaven. I, who have MANY shortcomings in my own life can not escape God's love for me. That is the beauty of this religion. And, as for the victim in this scenario, this is an illustration of really two things 1) your works/being a "good" person can not get you to heaven...only the free gift of salvation through faith in the Lord can. (this is why it does not matter how far gone we think we are, because God can reach any of us if we simply just accept His invitation.)- - -side note- this is by no means an excuse for doing sinful things that go against God, but rather hope for the situations where we do fall into sin patterns and need to know that we are forgiven and LOVED!!! The second point I want to mention in the case of the victim in this scenario is this: God doesn't promise us that we will be alive tomorrow. This acts as really, a wake up call for the unsaved that you can be gone at absolutely any moment, so where does your eternal fate lie? [ I would like to clarify that this response was not intended to be disrespectful in any way. Just a defense against your argument, (me being a Christian). ] If you read this, I want to thank you for seeing my opinion and taking the time out of your day. :) If you leave with anything, leave with this: GOD LOVES YOU SO MUCH!!!!
No it’s your belief. The sin in the world causes it. God doesn’t cast out anyone who believes in him. That’s the beauty. A monster can be saved even though a good man who didn’t believe can’t. It’s your choice God put it out there
@@brinceleste8985 One question to consider though, is, would people who have never heard of anything about Christianity and died never having been a Christian go to Hell because they were unsaved, or would they would go Heaven because they were never given a fair chance to hear the gospel? I understand where you're coming from since I myself used to be a Christian up until a few years ago, I was simply expounding on Harris's example of the scenario
@@HybridGib well if you read the Bible you’d know as a Christian it’s your job to spread the word, and that God is seen throughout everything in the world. The thing being I can’t really give you a solid answer but the ticket to hell is blasphemy and that’s when the spirit of God calls you to be saved and you deny Him. I believe that if you have never heard anything about Jesus and God then He will show mercy because you didn’t deny Him but I could be entirely wrong.
One of my arguments that there is proof of God . When you look at natural beauty, mountains, forests. It gives you a different feeling of peace and fulfillment (touches the soul) that you can't get from looking at a beautiful car . Interestingly enough , things like jewelry actually give you a feeling of greed, especially if you own it.
C.S. Lewis “The Problem of Pain” is a really good book to read if you are intrigued on what he is saying about God being either not all powerful or not all good. Highly recommend to both Christian’s and non Christian’s
The author C.S.Lewis had first and surname unlike Mark, Paul, Matthew, Luke or John and probably never started his book "according to" also the title of book written in book of C.S.Lewis unlike the title 'Bible'
Currently reading that book. Lewis is perhaps one of the most qualified authors to write a book about the topic, both as a former atheist and a great sufferer.
Most atheists think that a human being can be good enough without God/Jesus wisdom (laws, commandments), but they do not want to quit ALL their bad addictions to be really good humans, as the Creator wants us to be, and they do not want to love (care about) the others as they love (care about) themselves, as the true Christians do. Their idea of good is way too low than what it should be, and that is why so many people are still far from Heaven (they do not recognize their bad deeds).
that in itself is a flawed belief, there is no logical reason to believe that self improvement requires a creator or higher power, self improvement is to look into ones self and make a decision for one own
After hearing the truth about/from God/Jesus, only those who want to use freedom for evil are opposing to Divinity, feeling their freedom restricted, the really good humans being happy to receive the confirmation for their love of / striving for goodness, wisdom, justice... perfection, as Jesus Christ has told us: *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48 Unfortunately, too many people have refused over history, and too many still refuse nowadays, to follow this.
The question is: Why so many are opposing to the main advice from Jesus Christ: to strive always for goodness, wisdom, justice... perfection? *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48 Most probably, because just as it is easier to destroy something useful than to make/build something useful, in the same way it is easier to be evil=stupid than to be good=wise.
It's weird to think a God of creation.. which became human to give you a way to out of your sins... has no power to graft someone into the family of God because someone has never heard the gospel of Jesus
Someone who hasn’t heard the gospel doesn’t just go to hell, they’ll be judged off their moral laws, how they lived their life. God judges those who knows the law by the law, and judges those who doesn’t know the law by their own morals, by the way they lived. Not everyone has heard the gospel.
@@kingdavid1828 every person in the entire world will hear the gospel.. John 14:6.. if you don't believe this... then the Bible is a lie. Jesus is the gate! John 10..
Me The title should have said, Sam Harris demolishes particular denominations of Christianity. Not Christianity itself since many denominations do not believe what Sam Harris is saying. He is particularly arguing against Dr Craig beliefs.
@S I study basically on my own, from what I remember watching this video over a month ago is that Harris talks about Hell. So Hell being made up by the Catholic Church just got shifted over with Martin Luthor at the split of Christianity. But sects like Jehovah Witness, Seventh Day adventists and some others do not believe that Hell is for humans. The Bible is CLEAR> Hell was created for the Devil and his followers (Fallen Angels). Never was hell ever a place for humans that is why no Jewish person believes in it even though the Christian Religion comes from their writings. You would think they would understand their own texts. People that are chosen to live in the next life are resurrected and those who are not, die forever. They no longer exist. Think about it, how can God wipe away every tear when you know your loved ones are burning in hell forever? it makes no logical sense. If you have questions or scriptures that confuse you I can clear it up easy. let me know.
S here’s the thing about Purgatory. Jesus referred to death as a sleep. They were 12 people that died throughout the Scriptures that were resurrected and not one of them mentioned anything about where they went. The Scriptures are clear that we lay in the ground dead until God resurrects us. But since the church thought that something had to happen when you died you had to go somewhere immediately. So they invented purgatory for a place to go until the end days. But you’re right it’s far more logical than living 20 years And then being put into hell for eternity LOL
I must say he makes some amazing points and he does it in such a way where he isn't confrontational as quite a lot of atheists are when trying to make a point. I will admit, I get confused because I consider myself a believer in God but I am a believer with so many questions that never seem to get answered. I've been part of several church groups and none of which worked out for me. I always felt as if I could not be myself, I felt judged and I felt almost as if the other people in the group were fake. They seem to be showing their perfect side and on their best behavior. I try, as a believer to fit it with them but I simply don't. I once told a fellow "Christian" that one of my hobbies is brewing beer and he went on this rant about alcoholism and how he doesn't drink and he made me feel like I was doing something wrong yet, he was overweight, he drank a ton of coke and ate a lot of fast food. It was a clear case of holier than thou and this wasn't the first time. I have made friendships with people in the past never asking them whether or not they believed in God because that didn't matter to me. What mattered was that they were kind and yet, some of my fellow "Christians" can't get 2 sentences in when meeting someone new before asking them if they attend a Christian Church. Why is that? That seems to be a case where they are judging them but isn't that something we as "Christians" are told never to do? I am just confused because I see both sides.
I think you and me lived the exact same life I shortly learned after living on my own that the only reason why I was a Christian was because I was raised to be scared of this imaginary place where I would be tortured for eternity if I didn’t believe it no matter how good of a person I am. I now believe religion is so that death seems less scary
I ve been thinking about religion for now at least 15 years. One thing I know is that religion has this way of explaining things that are unexplainable. A lot of people can’t live with the fact that you cannot explain something. For example, where do we go when we die. We ll never know , it is impossible. But religion answers it. Most of the religions I d say since I don’t know every religion. You may have to consider the fact that somethings can’t be answered. And if u struggle with that, keep on the easier path, that is believing in the religions we created, to explain our questions.
@@roadmanpussio4562 It sounds like you do believe in God but can't understand why someone like myself, has questions based on the arguments of someone who doesn't believe in God. You also didn't bother to address my statements about my fellow "Christians" either. I made great, true and honest points about how they seem to judge you and they do. I have had much better engagements with people when the topic of faith is never even brought up.
@@rodrigobonetto3850 I think you're directing this at me, if not disregard. I am not sure what your response is directed at. I was talking about my fellow Christians themselves and the interactions that I have with them in comparison to the interactions that I have with non Christians. Again, I am not sure if you were replying to me but if so I have no clue what you mean based on what I was saying.
@@BarkPeeler14 Brother or sister, I cannot tell; I appreciate your desire and willingness to share the Word of God. Very simply, this is my understanding: The fact that God, in sovereign grace, now either bestows, or assures, all His saving benefits before allowing the individual to do aught for Him seems perhaps too good to be true; but it is true, and, until this fact is recognized, the Christian will not be able to walk with God intelligently from the true grace-motive. Will it do? χάρις ὑμῖν καὶ εἰρήνη ἀπὸ θεοῦ πατρὸς ἡμῶν καὶ κυρίου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ
i grew up in a christian household, didn't take too long into my teenager years to begin thinking logically in relation to topics like this and just the overall world we live in to start thinking in a senseful way like this man. this is the power of logic
I got some logic for ya... At one point there was nothing. Then, out of nowhere, two very complex particles of matter and antimatter collided at a mind-boggling rate of speed [where the energy reach those speeds came from is still unknown] and BOOM... the Big Bang, followed immediately by 'inflation' to produce the universe(s) as we know it today. Very logical. 🤡🤡🤡
what? the most logical explanation would be that there is a god. purely logical view would be: u see how much purely utterly evil things are going on this world, so by equal and opposite law there must be some one on the opposite side. thats pure logic. no matter what that is for u, but there is something every person believes in. it’s inevitable.
@@lu502k i never said there isn't a god. i'm sure there's some sort of higher being in a way or two but it's definitely not the one that many religions worship
@@mts7274 How about the logic of: "God sacrificed himself to himself to save us from himself." Also, where did god come from, what did he create the universe from, and explain how.
@@LastBastian God was there before everything, before the universe. Doesn't really tell you where God came from, why would he, he's supposed to be the highest power. The bible does say that God is the highest in the universe though.
Yeah, God has good intentions, but if God's definition of good is vastly different from most of humanity's definition of good, what's the point of even saying that?
@@rampagingswine9475 first off take your mask off buddy. You obviously are very scared. God is loving but you are the one who chooses to turn your back on your holy father
@Rollie55 The Old Testament records God killing multitudes of people, and some people want to believe this makes Him a murderer. The misconception that “killing” and “murder” are synonymous is partially based on the King James mistranslation of the sixth commandment, which reads, “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13). However, the word kill is a translation of the Hebrew word ratsach, which nearly always refers to intentional killing without cause. The correct rendering of this word is “murder,” and all modern translations render the command as “You shall not murder.” The Bible in Basic English best conveys its meaning: “Do not put anyone to death without cause.” And lots of the Old Testament is still relevant, it’s just certain laws that aren’t needed to be followed anymore. Most of these are clarified pretty clearly in the Bible
@@whiskey1142 And what? I'm only saying. A lot in Lord of rings are inspired in actual myths, and the whole deal about a unmoved mover god was also implemented in his work.
I think personally that in both the cases made for and against Christianity, there is often a rather strange perception that either party has of the religion. The Bible other than other religious manifests is pretty much open to some degree of interpretation. And I find it odd that people in modern day societies would still choose to take every word literally, as if they would be reading a scientific report, when in fact, they are reading a highly complex and symbolistic peace of philosophy and stories intertwined. I do not think that believing in hell is still sensible today, for example. However, Christianity is not designed to be interpreted in such a narrow sense. In 1 Corinthians 15, 42-50 it is clearly stated that the resurrection is not meant to be physical, but affecting your entire being, the latter consisting of the soul and body's transcendant true shared nature, which exists in an alternate plane of existance. This realization of one's true self is a shared fact with Buddism and Platons philosophy, as it applies to both the philosophic world of the ideas behind things as well as the finding of yourself via meditation etc. in Buddism. The Bible states, that in order to achieve this act of self-realization, one must practize the act of threefold love: Love all others, love yourself, love God. This practice, if theoretically realized by all, would create a kingdom of God on earth, which was Jesus' intention. And wether or not you want to call it that, or rather utopia, wether you want to call your true self the Holy Ghost or not, these things hold some certain truth in them, which does not have to be religious. Christianity is one possible approach to manifesting these truths through symbols in order to make them more understandable
*listen up. Religious fools* Smart people in ancient cavemen times put god/gods in a cave. We entered the cave and it was empty. They lied! Smart people put god/gods on mount Olympus. We climbed. The top was empty. They lied!!! Smart people put god/gods were no one can see, touch or hear. We found logic. THEY LIED!!!!!
@@blast2686 - Well for One Thing, "Lord" Zeus never actually Said He was "The Way", and Atheists who bash Religion only Think in Terms of Christianity. I mean seriously You lot Think All Religions offer Salvation. But Since When did Zeus ever do that? You also equivocate. Just because Zeus is called a god doesn't make Him the same sort of Thing as The God of The Bible And I am not saying that as I Have The One True God. Even as an Atheist, who is Viewing this as Mythology, within the Context of the Myths from the Cultures, Zeus is a Contingent being who did not Create The Universe, and wasn't even the original god, or even part of The First Generation of Generation of gods. The Olympians were born of The Titans, who themselves were produced by Gaia and Uranus,. Uranus was also Gaia's son, and Gaia is The Daughter Of Chaos. None of them are Creators, and None offered Salvation in their Respective Religions. The gods are also not Supernatural. Please don't Tell me that by definition gods are Supernatural. That's simply not True. The gods are actually Personifications of Natural Forces, the Spirit that Animates them. They are not beings who Live separately from The Natural World in a Supernatural World. Then there's The Fact that The Greeks had no Real Concept of an Afterlife where The Saved go to Heaven or the Damned to Hell. Everyone pretty much went to The Same Place, Hadese, or The Underworld. Sure, some were given Unique Penalties or sent to Tartarus, but You had to especially Anger the gods for that t Happen and it wasn't based on Morality so much as Favouritism. So were The Elysian Fields. They were open to the Honoured Dead whom the gods showed Favour to, not Moral or Good People. Most were just Their Demigod Children. But hey,., its still a better Religion than Christianity because Christianity Sucks, Right? But Honestly Salvation wasn't something The Greek Paganism had in General and never Claimed to. So You're asking why a Natural Force of Order and Thunder and Weather can't be our Saviour. Its rather absurd when You Think about it. what Soul Zeus save us From exactly? Zeus Fornicates and Grins and Lies and Cheats. And yes I Know, Yahweh is worse and Murders Babies and all. But Atheists overplay that God is a Tyrant Card, and Really You Lot never Present an Honest View of God in The Bible. God's not the Visits Munster You make Him out to be. And He's not Hypocritical Either. You Just choose to Re frame, Distort, and Misrepresent what The Text says. Reducing Noah's Flood to God Murdering everyone, and making sure to say this Includes Pregnant Women and Innocent babies, isn't what The Flood was About. Just Like God "Ordering Genocide" is actual about War and was how All Wars were Fought in The Period. Of course You will say You Hate All Religions Equally and just Focus on Christianity as its Te Most Popular, too. But You'll also say Zeus is "Way cooler" than Jesus or Yahweh. So, its a Scam.
It's simple because he's speaking very simply on an extremely complex topic. Odd that somebody speaking the English language without stuttering is 'goosebump' inducing to you.
J R You’re the type of person that would spur a comment like the one above. First off, thanks for pushing the intent of the comment further in the same direction..Though, you’re most-likely too “simple” to realize what you did’s 4PM central on a Wednesday, your boss would not be happy to know you’re showing your ass on the internet...apply this passion to something useful...idiot
@@lsutigers324 simmer down there, pal. Don't act like you were playing 4D chess, you're just easy to please. And not everyone lives in the same time zone as you. Maybe if you were less of an 'idiot' you'd get that.
@@JR-hi9bu noticing that all religions are man-made and false is not a complex topic. Many people throughout the ages have noticed this. If your views can't stand up to close scrutiny and being phrased simply, then they're not worth defending.
@@schmetterling4477 Yeah, so witty, so intelligent, what a " gotcha", bc nobody could ever imagine, how God could create a place like hell where he wouldn't be. You are easily impressed, I'm assuming still an adolescent. Small things amaze small minds.
@@harleydavidson1014 No, an omnipresent god can not create a place where he is not present. So if god is omnipresent, then he is not omnipotent and vice versa. The only logical solution to an omnipresent and omnipotent god is the empty set. But why are you so desperate to prove that you don't understand logic, anyway? This is not a test and you didn't have to fail it. It was your own choice to fail, right now. Do you enjoy failing? ;-)
@@fernandodicaprio5750 by Christians that don't want to wake up to facts..... Christians... ppl who said that its wrong to kill were responsible for sooo many deaths and hardships among the ppl of world back in the 1600's.. its only recently these things stopped because of the technology that we have in today's world... so u trying to say that you could have life and joy... praise god and eat your stomach full.. but the children in India can't.. what about Africa.... ppl who trying to live innocent and peaceful lives can't because they go through so much torture... so its a selection thing now... all the underage girls who getting raped, killed and thrown in the bush praying to god before their final moments and nothing happened... how do you explain that
Probably, definitely Islam. But Hinduism and Judaism aren't as tyrannical and power hungry as Christianity or Islam. You don't hear about them as much because they keep to themselves more often
Hinduism doesn’t care for imposing itself onto others and take over the planet in gods name. You do you. This fundamental thought is missing in other religions.
Why? It's garbage that glosses over the vast amounts of theistic thought that dunks on such superficial 'bad things happen God must be a real meanie lol'
God is not mean people now deserve to be punished are punished. ... in fact God sent his only son to die on a cross to save us from our sins... people ruined God’s name
Caden Evans I can only imagine you didn’t listen to the video at all. This is part of his speech, but he uses this to set up a larger discussion about how warped morality becomes when you use the bible and divine command theory. What’s more, he points out how there seems to be a blind spot in believers when evaluating good things and bad things. All good things are obviously gods blessings and fortune, while all bad things are some misunderstood part of some greater plan of gods that we can’t understand. This allows believers to justify any part of gods behavior that doesn’t align with his supposed good nature. Here’s a bombshell idea, perhaps god doesn’t exist and isn’t doing anything for anyone, and things just happen. Some things benefit us, and some things don’t, and there is no need to conjure up a deity, an agency that is responsible for both
There is only one God and if you don’t believe in him... you will be cast in the fiery lake of hell for eternity and Christians can have no good things happen to them in their whole entire life but God has a plan for us, and that plan is to be in heaven with him.
@@eddyeldridge7427 Christianity in my opinion is more focused about the human condition and culture. Science is what I use to explain the world I live in, and the probability of something happening.
What’s all this business about “disproving god”? I am not aware that his existence has ever been “proved” in the first place. The existence of a god still remains an unsubstantiated and unproven claim.
Pyrochyde So because people die means there is no God? Oh lol. Last I checked we all die. Notice he's talking about the children who die in this world. Not the 98 year olds. Also note he only points out the negatives of the world. Nothing of the good that happens daily. But to confirm because bad things have happened in the history of time that means there is no a God because if there was nothing bad would happen lol. And finally note that he's talking about young children dying, I'm not sure I don't know this guy but i might guess that this guy is pro choice. which is pretty ironoc if he is..
@tokyoghoulsucks That's why I don't believe in religions. I simply follow Christ and what he's said. I'm christian. Everything else in the world is nothing more than congregations of people and rules. And to say the world is not of design? That's almost comical. You wouldn't say a complicated computer program is of randomness and chance, because you know that'd be ridiculous. Yet you are going to say DNA is of chance and randomness, which is 100x more advanced and complex than any computers we have today? And that's just DNA. I can go on all day. Those who pretend God does not exist are putting on an act. They either don't want to believe because they're afraid of what they don't understand or they're mad at God for reasons/think hes tyrannical so they think saying they don't believe in him makes him go away. It's not that simple
Over the years the humans have invented over thousand gods for their entertainment, comfort, subjugation, and control of large groups - often human-like and very similar in their story lines (because there were no facts and the "authors" were usually heavily plagiarizing material from earlier stories) - but some different, expressing regional and societal differences. BUT there is one thing that is common no matter what the location, what the group, what the language, who the individual, to how many gods the commitment was, and when invented in the past 200,000 years: there is ZERO REAL EVIDENCE for the existence of any of them. Although the gods appear in books, paintings, building architecture, music and people's imaginations and dreams, in reality, they are all made-up make-believe, so imaginary. Frankly, leprechauns are a million times more likely to actually exist than any of the gods - including the now famous Flying Spaghetti Monster, with his Magic Wand.
lauc62 So because people die means there is no God? Oh lol. Last I checked we all die. Notice he's talking about the children who die in this world. Not the 98 year olds. Also note he only points out the negatives of the world. Nothing of the good that happens daily. But to confirm because bad things have happened in the history of time that means there is no a God because if there was nothing bad would happen lol. And finally note that he's talking about young children dying, I'm not sure I don't know this guy but i might guess that this guy is pro choice. which is pretty ironoc if he is..
@@HalfBreedCreations God created man and woman in his own image. Together they make up God. To put it simply, they are simply manifestations of God in the physical.
Would you want a God who elects someone who thinks someone like Craig is a good representative or someone greater and less fallible than Sam Harris as a result of standing on the shoulders of giants and only improving on Sam Harris without his judgemental approach?
You are placing the actions of man on God. Man has free will, a gift from God. We can't blame God for our decisions. We can instead blame our nature as human beings. Just because a decision other than your own was made you believe it was bad. Millions agree with you, millions disagree. People will always fall short, truely. I lean on God, this gracious eternal being, not as his robot carrying out his plot, but a free spirit experincing what he created for me. Regardless of who is in power, God will carry us through
I believe in God for other reasons that logic has yet to explain. However, I do not identify with any religion because of how harmful it was and is to other people and how much wars and division it has caused. Religion has also pushed the world back hundreds of years.
as an atheist, i respect this so much. I respect the idea of believing in god but no associating with a specific religion like christianity, because religions have so many flaws it’s crazy
@@sanjaygudi6515 thats sin. God is everything Good, such as love, happiness, joy, excitement those all come from god. Death and destruction and bad things come from Sin and Satan. Dont worry I had the same question once
@@Lazarus3 It is always said by Christians that God is Omnipotent,Omniscient,Omnibenevolent and Omnipresent basically GOD is one above all, I know this because I heard it first hand also because I studied at a Christian school. The question is how come God is having a hard time removing Evil,Destruction,Suffering,Diseases. Doesnt that contradict everything about him?
Ever wondered where Tolkien got the idea? Don't think Middle Earth has the concept of judgement before getting into Valinor though, since only immortal creatures really went there.
@@jacobs8598 Based on your question, then why think someone with authority over you has the truth? (since you think we (meaning everyone) can never know the truth)
@@jamesshepherd9390 from my 1 reply, you created a whole scenario in your head to make yourself seem like a “winner” LOL. You have some real mental issues little buddy. Time to take a break from the internet 😂
Issue 1, the point of christianity is not to safeguard blablabla... It is to educate people on why we are seperated from benevolent God)(we do wrong, wicked, sin) and how we can stop doing those things to keep our souls after death. His 2 - we experience loss of children and other tragedy bec is shapes us and builds our perseverance. GOD MAKES, no caps, everything right on the last day. He is repeating points with his children dying rhetoric.
Wont let me edit, continued Tennis without the net Obviously this man isnt applying his same logic to both sides, if christianity is playing without the net atheism is without the court
(this faith is perfection of narcissism) Another lie, God loves everyone. God hates wickedness, sin, narcissism doesnt allow everyone the same standards to follow. God does. God is ultimate justice
(God doesnt do good things to others) lie. Every good thing is from God. Even good things the wicked gain. Its fair. He also repeats his child rhetoric. Lol😅 he really thinks that argument works
Final. There is no evidence (scientific) for or against God. So to find out if God exists we must ask ourselves if there is a reason we would be on earth and God would not be here. Then we would take the answers to that question and would see if logic says that it is true or if logic says the other side is true. It is very logical that we would be separated from God because God must be benevolent for him to exist. If you want to go study a little bit of Theology and then come back it would save me from typing a book so God is benevolent and God loves us enough to give us a chance to keep our souls by putting us on Earth the only caveat is that we must prepare our soul to be able to face God and not be destroyed because of benevolent God Must Destroy sin or evil if it becomes face with it Just sitting with the logic on both sides neither side wins until you apply the Bible I was an atheist for my entire life until I read the Bible a few years ago the Bible actually provides all of the logic needed to be able to prove that God does exist and it tips the scale into God's favor
It seems more idiotic to ignore the blatant message that there is a creator or at least that death which doesn't take away the body but takes away something, that it's more to that and that if we escape short, unpredictable life by death then if there is a life afterward how would we get out of this??
This earthly life is short because it is mainly a test for our immortal soul (a new chance to be back accepted into Heaven, actually the last chance, due to the signs of the last times).
@@RobotNinjaDestroyer There’s arguably more evil than good in the world, especially with the evolution & social corruption argument. Also Christianity’s definitely not an argument for good things happening. That can be scientifically explained through evolution predisposition, environmental, & social influences. Which is much more consistent, non hypocritical, non absurd, & always seeking the proper truth of our existence with properly observed & testable claims to gather evidence unlike Christianity claims to do. Science has overwhelming evidence to support evolution, determinism, perception, social & environmental influences, religious geographical location, Big Bang Theory, etc. Christianity has not even the slightest sheer overwhelming evidence to support their claims. Believe what you want but the Bible isn’t reliable once you see the hypocrisies, contradictions, absurdities, tragedies, & illogical claims it makes. There are hundreds of problems in the Bible that Christians never question or be appalled by.
I don't mean to start a big debate or the sort, nor upset people. Giving my side/view the best that I can think to articulate atm. I'm a Christian and I watch stuff like this to challenge and strengthen my faith. That said i'd like to defend and make some points naturally for anyone interested. Quick note:im not all..but ill repeat what i've heard and or thought of. The Bible is an anthology or collection of his divinely inspired word. Why should he lie of anything to us that are faithful to him? Hence involvements and mentions of darker and bad subjects such as slavery or mass deaths. That said, God is working in a world we broke by falling for Satan. He could've started over but why would a perfect being have to restart anything he made? No, instead he'll show his power and strength of good over evil by working to save us. Now Hell, that's not meant for us. It was made for Satan and the other fallen angels that followed him. it was not originally intended for humans. I dread the subject of dead children as any sane person should, and Job is the only thing that makes sense to me atm admittedly, and one other thing. I heard of Job as means to express sometimes life just rhyme or reason. Maybe God is trusting us to care for Creation and is letting us be on our own at times. But that's prayer..why we pray, to ask for help when we need it because I find religion to be about the relationship with God. Back to the children and other horrible stuff including the man's mention of unfortunate circumstance for those across the world born into the wrong religion. That's part of being Christian, to spread the gospel, word and love of Jesus Christ. HIs son he sent and let die to then rise again. As salvation for us. That's one definite constant of the Bible: giving us outs, second chances, and offerings of salvation. The Old Testmanet has many instances of guiding followers away from sin and evil and death.Why he kills people, well some may be evil while the others-admittedly I don't know. Not in reference to events of the Old Testament anyways. But it's still included in scripture. It's not like we or God cover it up though if that's anything. Again I don't know. Still learning. With Jesus though, that's everything we need now until the end. The scapegoat, the way out, our path to redemption. Yes the Bible was sacrificial throughout. Animal sacrifices mostly and only that to my recollection other than Jesus. Even then there's none of that today that im aware of(not literally atleast) It's easy to look at bad, it's addicting. There is a through line message and consistency of God constantly guiding us though. But it's a relationship and we have to be willing to receive and act in faith. This next bit is a comfort and 'cheat', I say in times of doubt that it's a bit silly to try to understand God. So it wouldn't make sense for fallen creatures such as us to be able to fully comprehend/and or appreciate his version of good and perfection. I may be wrong in a lot of what I've said though, pointing that out again. I just wanted to add something to this discussion.
"He could've started over but why would a perfect being have to restart anything he made? No, instead he'll show his power and strength of good over evil by working to save us." Beautiful
you are so good in being able to admit you don’t know! so many people cannot simply say those words- you have great humility! what turns me away from these things a lot of the time is the pride that comes on both sides sometimes, so your words are refreshing. God is proud!
I thought these were excellent thoughts, and as a Christian I agree with most of what you said. One thing about Hell, though that I think a lot of people don't understand is Hell is not a place that God "created." God didn't create Hell for satan or the angels or humans, Hell is simply where God is not present. God is Love, Joy and Goodness. If an angel or human chooses not to follow God, he is separated from Love, Joy, Goodness, and all of God's virtues which is the absence of God, or Hell.
Do you ever wish that the world was not so messed up? Do you know why it is? Why is there death, suffering, and war? Did we all simply 'evolve' that way? Is the universe like a cruel jokester, giving you dreams of the heart that will never see fulfillment? Does the universe trick you in your earlier days, with dreams of love and romance, fun and adventure, only to give you a 9-5 job that you don't like? Yet, heaven will be perfect. People won't even have bad breath there! No one will ever lie to you or steal from you. Doesn't that sound great? Yet, do you see the problem? If you have lied and stolen, you are not worthy of heaven. You would be left outside with other lying thieves. God is love and eternity without love is hell by definition! Yet, Christ died on a Cross. The suffering He endured is the antidote, the cure, for all human suffering. Heaven will be great. I hope you won't miss it! Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
This single point killed my faith: if abortion is so wrong because all humans have souls and all souls go to heaven, hell, or purgatory, then where do the murdered 10 week olds go. And if they did something so awful in the womb and go to hell or purgatory, why do others get the chance to repent and be forgiven, but they do not. And if they go to heaven, wouldn’t abortion be an act of mercy. If a person went out and killed a million good-willed Christians, they would all go to heaven. Therefore, murder is an act of kindness, based on the beliefs of Christianity,
Wow, speaks volumes of your faith. You don't see how wrong and Non scriptural this belief is.? This guy is a joke. He even compared Muslims to Christianity. What? Lol!
A 10 week old baby doing something sinful in the womb, are you okay? Abortion shouldn’t even be carried out in the first place and I’m sure God has great mercy on his beautiful children that have been killed for the parents convenience.
Matt Giordano you obviously don’t know scripture well. The little children killed from abortion and the ones killed outside the womb don’t go to hell. They’re too young to grasp the concept of salvation and deny it. They go to heaven
Chris Whitehead I understand that I may have worded this poorly and I want to preface this with the fact that I am a non religious pro lifer. Nevertheless the point I am trying to make is why should that baby be given the opportunity to spend eternal happiness in heaven based off of a mother’s poor choice. That baby could have very well been a Satanist but since he did not have the capacity to either accept or deny the faith he spends eternal life in heaven rather than eternal torture in hell. Edit: Therefore doesn’t the concept of Heaven/Hell seem radical because a mothers bad decision causes a good outcome for the child’s soul. I would like to reiterate that I believe abortion is wrong and this hypothetical situation proves the contradictory structure of the Christian Heaven/Hell system
F04MUSIC that hyperbolic point was used to accentuate the paradox of the Christian afterlife. Also, you are not getting the point of the hypothetical . I am sure your God would have great mercy on that baby but what if that baby was going to end up being a serial killer and that mothers abortion saved him from eternal life in hell.
I believe the enormous fear of death causes normally rational people to believe irrational things for their own comfort. I have always argued that it was hard for me to believe in a god that created me with a complex brain but then would persecute me for using that very brain to question everything. I think most religious people are religious because of hope, however, a person can still have hope without religion. I hope there is some sort of afterlife where I can continue to be surrounded by loved ones, but I am not certain of anything. I am at peace with my beliefs (or lack there of) but I will continue to research and educate myself as much as I can AND, I will continue to hope. I wish everyone that same peace with their own beliefs.
@@misstell7645 question his existence, question the validity of the Bible based on science, etc etc. bible pushers always have to have a way to make things fit for their own conscious
@@barackobamium4536 God says that because we have sinned against him and against each other we must face the price for it, which is death. God, in his grace, became fully human in the body of Christ and suffered as a human just like we do. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was God paying the price for the punishment we deserve for sinning. sinning in the Christian faith just means seperation from God. our actions drive us away from God. Hell is the result of being separate from God upon our death. Hell is the eternal separation from God. this isnt a hard topic to understand, but it is clear by your framing of Jesus that you either are intentionally being bad faith (pun not intended) or just dont understand the concept of grace, salvation and sacrifice.
@@gman1915 The Bible is anything but a boring book. It's the pure word of God and, along with beauty, miracles and wisdom, it also includes a lot of bad things because it is the truth about people which is sometimes ugly but nothing is hidden. The Bible also contains history, poetry, prayer, parables, proverbs and prophecy - words to live by and words to believe and be saved for all eternity if you put your faith in Jesus Christ whose words are satisfying for their insights and vision into human nature and the need for repentance.
1 Corinthians 2:14 The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.
*Frollo when singing about his lust for the Gypsy Esmeralda* : "Now Gypsy, it's your turn! Choose me or your pyre, be mine or you will burn!" *God/Jesus to us* : "Now mortals, it's your turn! Choose me or the lake of fire, be mine or forever burn!"
Nah, it's more like Parent: "My beautiful child, please, please, please put down the crack pipe and lay off the meth. It will destroy you, and it breaks my heart to watch you do that to yourself" Kid: "Bugger off, where is your evidence? You are such a square and a loser. What kind of parent are you that you would destroy everything that I love about my life!? That's why you have no friends except those weird square hetero straights-ville types. I am suffering NONE of the effects you claim. I have never felt better.I know I can stop whenever I want, and it's just your silly, pointless, made up rules that are cramping my style. Later, dude."
@@bolshoefeodor6536 If your god was so omni-benevolent and loving, why did he deterministically engineer this conversation between the parent and the kid and make hopeless people drug addicts? I'm an ex-Muslim and I'm tired of buckos like you trying to corroborate Christianity when in reality it's total baloney like all other Abrahamic religions.
“Perfection of narcissism” perfectly said. Will bend over backwards to damn the rest but save oneself. Total delusion to think you are the one person that had it right and everyone else is damned to hell.
Your argument doesnt make sense because the core believes of Christianity is love, and trust in Jesus wich is actually the opposite of narcisme. Besides that.. The argument goes both ways doesnt it? John 3.16
@@gameaddictgonewild777 you wackjobs have a twisted idea of love. Why should you trust Jesus over millions of other deities humans made up over the course of history?
As a Christian I think all Christians should watch this video and others like it. someone cannot claim to be seeking truth if you refuse to listen and consider the opinions of people with opposing beliefs.
Mathematician of Oxford, John Lennox, raised in Northern Ireland, studied at Cambridge, speaks at Harvard Medical and Oxford Union, 'Socrates in the City'; raised Christian around the time of the Iron Curtain/Soviet Union, his Christian parents handed him the book, 'Communist Manifesto' and told him to read it before he goes out there into the Universities and such, we need to know what others think, it is of great significance. All while not being shaken in our faith. Everyone has their beliefs, even the atheists.
don't need to. God is real, end of story.
@@theyellowshoe That's wickedly selfish. . Like the children of Israel. . .
My experiences of God being the absolute reality are the confirmation for me; my studies in validating the reality of my King are for others, because as a Christian, we are each called to study and called to gently approach the lost, also walking in the power and demonstration of the gospel. .
@@thegutsyninja8851 When we glance at the Genome, we see a giver of highly complex information. The works of creation reveal His handiwork.
@@theyellowshoe did u not watch the video?
Change the title, please. I want my christian friends to at least start watching this.
Actually I'm Christian, and I love watching these types of videos. Cause it gives me the viewpoint of the person who thinks I'm wrong
samo istina right ?🤣
Xistianity in a nutshell; here is What Vaishnava Saint wrote about Christianity:
"Some philosophers say that because of the first living entity's sin, all the other living entities are imprisoned in the material world. Later, punishing Himself for their sins, God delivers the living entities."
"Deliberating on the virtues and faults of this world, some moralistic monotheists concluded that the material world is not a place of pure happiness. Indeed, the sufferings outweigh the pleasures. They claim that the material world is a prison to punish the living entities. If there is punishment, then there must be a crime. If there were no crime, then why would there be any punishment? What crime did the living entities commit? Unable to properly answer this question, some men of small intelligence gave birth to a very wild idea. God created the first man and placed him in a pleasant garden with his wife. Then God forbade the man to taste the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Following the evil counsel of a wicked being [a snake], the first man and woman tasted the fruit of the tree of knowledge, thus disobeying God's command. In this way they fell from that garden into the material world filled with sufferings. Because of their offense, all other living entities are offenders from the moment of their birth. Not seeing any other way to remove this offense, God Himself took birth in a humanlike form, took on His own shoulders the sins of His followers, and then died [was crucified]. All who follow Him easily attain liberation, and all who do not follow Him fall into an eternal Hell. In this way God assumes a humanlike form, punishes Himself, and thus liberates the living entities. An intelligent person cannot make sense of any of this!"
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his book, Tattva-viveka.
Plz watch
@samo istina , the answer to your question is simply that true Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with Jesus Christ, and discipleship. Nor do the evils done by people who do not adhere to God's word yet call themselves Christians have anything to do with Jesus himself. Don't judge atrocities and wrongs of those who claim him, consider only what Jesus stood for, and his plan for salvation. Because I call myself Norwegian does not make me Norwegian.
By the way, in case you haven't been keeping up on the news, there haven't been any Christian horrors for about 600 years... and even then, we're talking about Catholics, which aren't even real Christians.
Unless you want to count the horrors being done to us...
Clever Username Same here!
Christianity -
The belief that God sacrificed God to God to save God's creation from God.
God must have known that Jesus was going to be resurrected, so where was the sacrifice ?
And here's where to send your check...
And how is his "death" a sacrifice if he's supposedly "immortal"?
What was actually sacrificed?
Not his life!
More like a 3 day slight inconvenience.
Love that. So true. Logic just isn't there. And knowing how many planets, stars, suns, moons, and galaxies there are -- ??? Oh so did God only make the planet earth orrrrr... ?
I would love if this guy debated with Cliffe Knechtle
As a christian, Cliffe is NOT a debater. He’s a preacher, BIIIIG difference.
@@d3vd4s I didn’t say he was a debater I’m just saying it would be cool if he debated with this man
Do you ever wish that the world was not so messed up? Do you know why it is? Why is there death, suffering, and war? Did we all simply 'evolve' that way? Is the universe like a cruel jokester, giving you dreams of the heart that will never see fulfillment? Does the universe trick you in your earlier days, with dreams of love and romance, fun and adventure, only to give you a 9-5 job that you don't like?
Yet, heaven will be perfect. People won't even have bad breath there! No one will ever lie to you or steal from you. Doesn't that sound great? Yet, do you see the problem? If you have lied and stolen, you are not worthy of heaven. You would be left outside with other lying thieves. God is love and eternity without love is hell by definition! Yet, Christ died on a Cross. The suffering He endured is the antidote, the cure, for all human suffering. Heaven will be great. I hope you won't miss it! Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
@@kenshiloh Amen may God be with you always ☦️
@@kenshiloh cause and effect, simply put 8s why
Rename this. I hate titles like this. This is a well thought out speech. Celebrate it. Don't make it a competition.
Amen good sir.
Tell the original poster that, not the comment section
@Josef Jackson You people really don''t understand a lot about this "God".He is waaay more cruel than this,you need only spiritual wisdom to fully understand him,to understand why he is this cruel
It was certainly no competition. Harris wiped the floor with that fucking evil prick.
OP, why did you have to title this video something so inflammatory? You've made such a beautifully articulated argument completely inaccessible to any Christian willing to be vulnerable enough to open their mind to a different world view.
How about "Sam Harris presents arguments opposing religion, Notre Dame"
The balls that he said this at Notre Dame. Huge props
@Todd Wood Oh you religious lunatics. So annoying yet so entertaining.
@Todd Wood Do you mean invasion, robbery, wife-beating, slavery and delusion? Taking the words of an evil ancient plagiaristic book written by people who glorify massacre and pillage makes you look really intelligent. What kind of LOSER gets his pathetic self-esteem from threatening others with his imaginary friend? And btw your English sucks. What do you mean by "he will won't"?
@Todd Wood Don’t you see the irony in what you just said? He calls god evil, which you evidently disagree with, but then you can’t wait to see him “kneel before god”, making him sound spiteful, vengeful and....what’s the word.....evil
@Todd Wood I’m guessing you didn’t actually watch the video
@Todd Wood Are you not seeing the point that it’s not the ones who live we should focus on, we should already expect that from an “oh so mighty god”, but the ones who die violently or in avoidable situations that should be looked at. Did you not listen to the point? Why would a god create a world where you can die so young, if that means your souls goes to hell? Why would he create a world where you are able to not believe in him, then punish you in eternity forever for it? Also, shouldn’t that then prove the non existence of a god? If he allows millions of these women, with free will, to abort their children, then he’s clearly not real. Add to that the fact that a human with autonomy choosing to execute a pregnancy is much different from children dying from disease with no control, when god is the one doing it to them. Add on top even more that the bible states the world is only 6000-8000 years old, but we know that’s false, then everything after that is too
“A god that visits misery on others of a scope and scale that would embarrass the most ambitious psychopath.”
And psychopaths tend to be much more ambitious than non-psychopaths too.
Mr. Grrr BAHA I was expecting a brainwashed Christian to emerge from the woodwork to defend their genocidal overlord. No baptisms to perform today? Gotta keep indoctrinating people to fill up those church coffers.
Mr. Grrr BAHA, another bible thumping idiot from Tennessee. I’m licking my chops in anticipation for this one. So let’s address your argument one point at a time shall we?
1. Your opening salvo (slow witted moron) I would rate about a 3. Pretty weak tea when you’re being intellectually obliterated. It’s almost as if you have no actual coherent argument.... oh..... wait.....
2) I never mentioned the Bible as I do not acknowledge it’s moral authority on any topic, making it irrelevant to any reasonable discussion.
3) You have not made a point of any kind other than to hurl insults.
4) Your spelling is atrocious.
Mr. Grrr yes indeed, I simply restated a point that Dr. Harris made, with quotation marks to underscore the fact that that is indeed his argument. I’m intelligent enough to make my own arguments, unlike you. I don’t need to recycle the material of others. I simply enjoy a well stated argument, and wanted to highlight what I thought was a good point.
Mr. Grrr without evidence, making your statement as baseless and shallow as you. I am indeed salivating over the chance of intellectually destroying you, and devouring what remains of your fragile religious psyche over the next few days. Cower in fear my ignorant, bible thumping friend, the internet was not large enough to prevent our meeting, and now I am going to savor every moment of torture and mental anguish that I inflict on you. #Iamgreaterthanyourgod
As a christian, i love hearing opposing views. It's important to be open minded, that's how i went from atheist to a christian in the first place. You need to have your views challenged so you can find your own belief. The more opposing views i face, the more i research religion, history, science. The stronger a christian i become.
Could you share what helped your conversion? My bf doesn't believe but he's curious and asking questions
@stephs4647 I really only started reading the bible out of curiosity at the time, as I'd never done so before. What really pushed me into believing it was the real history supporting the resurrection. What Josephus and Tacitus wrote (historians from the 1st century) their writings give credibility to the gosepls.
Also what happened to the Apostles. The fact that they were willing to be put to death for believing what they did. To me, is just clear evidence that what they saw was the truth.
A massive argument that non believers will say is that christianity is just something made up for power and control over people. When in reality, the apostles (and early church leaders for that matter) were persecuted for their belief, they gained no power at all, they suffered for what they believed. All of this just adds credibility that Jesus came back from the dead. The fact that the apostles, early church leaders and early Christians were persecuted and put to death for what they were saying.
Let's not forget that christianity was illegal in the roman empire for its first 400 years
As an atheist, I couldn't agree more. I always like to find things to challenge my own belief system. (BTW I 100% respect your religious beliefs)
@@specterx2135 Absolutely! Unfortunately we mostly live in a society of echo chambers and believing in things just because someone else does and vice versa, i'm finding a lot of people have beliefs and they can't really explain why they believe it. That doesn't just go for religion but lots of things in general. Also i respect your belief too, you looked at our world and came to your own conclusion, which is really what i'm advocating for
Legend has it that this speech is what started the Notre Dame fire.
Legend has alot of things.
Mr. Grrr what does Sam Harris strawman?
Woah that was 5 months ago already!
@Justin Credible Damn it I thought I had a good joke there
You should rename this video to "Sam Harris - Issues with Christian Morality". No Christian is going to watch this if it is called "demolishes Christianity".
great point
***** of course you don't.
Anything that will help get rid of imaginary fantasy religion beliefs is a good thing for mankind. 6000 years of war is enough.
Not a great point. Lots of Christians have read this and responded. Sam Harris isn't trying to convert people?? Maybe Christians want to convert, or maybe they just want to respond. Do you only listen to threads that you agree with?? Don't do that. You'll only just re-enforce what you already believe. That's easy. To listen only to the choir.
***** i think Sam Harris would be very pleased if anybody in the audience would adapt his ideas. Why does he go out, prepare, and spend the time to leave his family, travel, appear, and speak if he doesn't hope to have an impact on people's ideas and turn them away from something he considers, I think he said, evil? Dawkins and especially the late Hitchens are/were certainly straight forward about these intentions as well. It may not be their only intention, but it is certainly a big part of it. Some Christians try to convert others, of course, , but many just blend in with everybody else. .I am glad that I am at least, as you say, , enlightened enough to know that people who see things differently than I do may not necessarily be asinine.
The sheer amount of different religions and people that believe in them automatically tells you that you're most likely wrong no matter which one you believe in.
But there all worshipping the same idea meaning there all correct
I feel like god know by our heart who is real or fake.
So many people.. Good people burn in hell because they believe in one of many religions is kinda weird for me tbh.
But I believe God has a plan but we have to not divide ourselves
Idk, the pagans ones are all the same only with different avatars for different culture and customs, same with the abrahamic ones.
@@chumforty533 yeah? Which one's that?
Watch this:
God's word was written by about 40 different people from several different walks of life over several hundred years and all have the same message. The messiah was prophesied over 300 times and Jesus fulfilled all of those prophecies.
Exactly how do you know this for a fact?
@@observer4916 if that's not a fact, then nothing that's not in front of you is a fact.
It's history
@@Heeect00rrr you just said a whole lotta nothing
@@zachsaccount323 maybe you ought to stop playing video games all day and read a book or something
@@zachsaccount323 if you don't believe Jesus's life is a fact then you must also not believe in anything you see in front of you right now. You don't believe ANY of the other historical figures on the planet existed. Or you are plain stupid like you.
My gf: I’m pregnant
Me: How? We didn’t even have sex yet
Gf: It’s gods child
Me: *understandable, have a great day*
Christianity in a nutshell.
Lol. This actually makes Christianity look original, which is not true. Christianity would be so much fun if it actually came from a lie of a wench.
The alternative to lying was get stoned to death. One religions insanity spawning a new insanity/religion.
What about Islam
"It is not only tiresome when otherwise intelligent people speak this way, it is morally reprehensible"
Right. Including atheism.
He should be saying this to himself he made no real point or defended his world view what does his view provide i wonder
@@samuelunderwood5286 I haven't heard of any Crusades in the name of Atheism, haven't heard of any century-long Witch hunts where they rounded up any intelligent people they could and killed them off. I'd say atheism is easily more peaceful than any religion.
Lmao. Haven't heard of Marxism? How about Hitler?
Two can play this bullshit game of just picking out the worst things an ideology has inspired, and pretending it is the absolute rule.
Be careful people. There is actually zero value in this quote here. Satan relies on your insecurities to consider this ridicule meaningful
God: 'Knock! knock'
Homo sapiens: Who's there?
God: God, open the door!
Home sapiens: Why ?
God: So that I can protect you.
Home sapiens: From what?
God: From me if you dont open the door!
This is gold.
Holy shit this is spot on.
😂😂😂😂 Funniest comment
God: 'Knock knock open the door'.
You : why?
God : So that I can protect you.
You : From whom.
God : From you.
I grew up poor and christian, my family always said to "fully rely on god" they all have mental health issues, stayed poor for a long time no matter how many times i prayed it away, until i left the religion, and now im putting things in my own habds and getting my life together
Just because people claiming to be Christians didn't act like it doesn't mean it doesn't work. It's like saying brushing your teeth doesn't work cuz you saw ppl with stinky breath, but they only brushed for 15 seconds.
Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit for they will inherit the kingdom of heaven. Im not leaving this comment trying to be rude I would encourage you to read the book of job as it really helped me understand that whether you're rich or poor on earth that it doesn't matter in heaven.
God feeds the birds every day, but he does not drop worms into the bird's mouths. You can rely fully on God, but you do have to put in work to rely on God.
prayer without works is dead btw
Jesus is always just over the horizon, just around the corner, oh he’ll be here soon if we just keep sending him money for bus fare, and keep praying…here he comes, ok maybe not, but he’s so close. Just send some more money….hes gonna be here when he gets his car fixed…..
I have a feeling that in private gatherings, Sam Harris is funny as hell.
H. Davis he proberly does other things. I mean, he writes books..
+motonegros I can only imagine lol It would sure be interesting
+daibon Ten Nah, Jesus would be pretty interesting, he walked on water, upset the social norms. It'd be neat to go back in time and talk to him. I'd have to learn Hebrew though.
+Samuel Zelter Aramaic. Not Hebrew.
+motonegros he's funny as hell right now, the Lord of the Rings comparison - ha ha ha
I was at a party when someone approached me to tell me they heard I suffer from Asthma and that they had cured others through prayer. I told them I had already tried that and they responded that I had done it wrong. So I asked them who they cured and they said people who had cancer, people who had tumors. I asked them if they had ever prayed back a lost arm or leg, or even a finger or an ear. Had they ever heard of anyone doing this? or was it only those conditions from which people can recover from on their own which could be healed by prayer? She did not speak to me again after that.
Haha! Praying for healing and then the opposite happens. But don’t question gods will. He has plans. What a crock! Prayer does absolutely nothing.
My dad died of cancer. My mom is a Witness. She probably prayed he would get better many times. He did not. He got worse and worse and passed away in August of this year. God did nothing. He doesn't care. He doesn't exist. She devoted her whole life to him, just for him to repay her like this. How can a "loving" god do that? Its just terrible.
@sus2087 I'm sorry for your loss
The Bible says that God only answers the prayers of the righteous that are born again through the Holy Spirit and the resurrection of Christ Jesus. You haven’t left religion for lack of it being true, but for your carnal desires. You forsaking him is for the purpose of pursuing evil desires without restraint or consequence. But if I was going to the electric chair and told the judge “well I don’t believe in justice or the electric chair” I would still be executed. Take it from someone who made the same mistake of denying God and paying the price, it is not worth it. God is the only one who can satisfy you, with a joy incomprehensible in the satisfaction of eternal life in Christ Jesus. It is so foolish to go to war with the only one who can save us from hell. Repent and turn away from your sin, and put your faith in Christ Jesus who took the punishment for your sin and you shall be saved.
Miraculous healing is for those who believe. No, it doesn't work for all, only those who believe.
Those who can’t argue with logic and facts replace it with emotion
assuming that you believe in God (which i do to) we have to respect the fact that he’s not condemning people because the number 1 question people have is why do bad things happen to good people and that’s a respectable question, if we argue and condemn each other we’ll never get them to be saved in Christ
@@Theologicereally stupid question
Ironically, this man is a huge hypocrite himself who uses emotions to shape his message.
And emotionalism is the worst religion
@@Theologice I do not believe in the same god you do
Before watching this I was a christian... after watching this I am still a Christian.
Ok? No one gives af💀
@@axlescogido3713 literally all the comments are telling christians to watch the video
@@Luka-lf2cz no one’s trying to convert you or take away your religion. Most people want you to see the inconsistencies in your religion.
@@axlescogido3713 If they are trying to show me the inconsistencies of my religion that would mean they are trying to convert me.
@@Luka-lf2cz no it’s not. It’s just disproving points y’all try to use on us.
"At no fault of their own, they were born into the wrong culture". This has been one that stuck with me for a long time. How could a god place someone on earth by his own power and will, and then condemn them for being placed in a culture that didn't worship him? Just goes to show how shortsighted that God would be
Edit: Since many people don't want to read the comments I'll give a breakdown of my argument. (1) If God sees people who never know of him as saved, source it from the Bible. If you can not, it's nothing more than a personal belief. (2) Why doesn't God show himself to all humanity so they know of his existence and aren't left to blind faith? God has the ability to show himself, as is shown with Paul (Saul) on the road to Damascus and the Pentecost I believe in the book of Acts, so why doesn't he show himself to all of us? The fact he chooses not to shows how little he knows of humanity or cares about all men equally - speaking as though that God does exist. Hearing about Christianity is no different than hearing about Islam, or Judaism, or any other religion. Feelings and experiences? We all have those. Even atheists. So the "Holy Spirit" doesn't add up. Humanity would need to see in order to know and in order for his judgement to be just.
Double edit: In the first statement I mentioned "being placed in a culture that didn't worship him" not "being placed in a culture that has never heard of him." In one of the debates in this thread I've emphasized that if God can condemn someone for rejecting him after only hearing of him, he does not truly understand humanity. Human beings are primarily a product of their upbringing as well as their learning. Hearing about the Christian God is no different than hearing about Allah. Learning about each is no different either. We only have accounts of God through the Bible and then many orthodox religions have supposed visitations by him. In either case, if the Christian God exists, according to the Bible alone he has the ability to show himself. Why would he not show himself to everyone so they could KNOW his existence - and not only believe? Many cultures are taught another God, others are more secular, and even in Christian societies there are those who learn about evidence and see the lack of evidence for the Christian God. How would a just God capable of showing himself justify this? All it seems like is laziness if that God exists, yet since he has made no attempt to show himself - speaking as though that God does exist - in almost two millennia, how can he condemn those who have rejected him only after hearing of him? Do you see the issue? This God would not be just nor would he understand humanity. Additionally, many people who do good and intend good would be damned for rejecting what they've only heard of while many who have done terrible things and have no regard could be saved only by suddenly believing in him, despite their terrible actions with the affixed outcomes. Again, this God is not just and his mercy would also not be full in allowing those who were good to suffer just because they didn't believe in him.
@Prime_Matrix The Ten Commandments have no relevance to what I said and I'm lost as to why they were brought up. Also curious where your holy book says they are judged by works alone with no faith as it's pretty clear you are saved by grace through FAITH, and not of yourself as it's a gift from God. I've never heard of any other Christians outside of Mormonism (and maybe Catholicism) that believe you can be given a chance after death to accept God and I've never heard that it's judgement through works alone, not having faith in Christ.
TL;DR (1) Ten Commandments have no relevance to my comment or perspective. (2) You're the first person that I've ever heard claim you can be saved by your works alone while not having faith in Christ and the only person I've heard say that salvation doesn't come through following your religion.
@Prime_Matrix Wrong, according to the Bible you have except Jesus in order to gain salvation, if you are born into another culture you will never know about Jesus, therefore never being saved.
Islam says if the message does not reach a group of people then they will not go to Hell. If however they are aware of Islam but don't seek their own knowledge and path to it then they are doomed.
@Prime_Matrix Jesus: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me." It's pretty clear through a full reading of the Bible and referral to the overall picture of it that to be saved, one must believe in Jesus' sacrifice as a perfect human being who kept all the Old Testament laws and Ten Commandments. If people just got to heaven by being good, it would erase the need for Jesus altogether, but also would erase heaven because people can't keep all the laws and be "Good" in a perfect God's eyes.
@@morningstoke Exactly. Plenty of other world religions claim that it's through doing good and following works, but Christianity and the Bible state that it's through faith in the only man who could be completely good (Jesus). So theoretically, according to the Bible, we would be saved by works if we could follow the 10 Commandments and the old laws... but so far Jesus was the only one who reportedly did that
As an Atheist, I personally think the world would recieve the ultimate plot twist if the North Korean's chosen religion had it right xD
Wdym atheist? You've fought TONS of gods throughout your games. Chaos, Gaia, Solaris, Ect.
Not all athiest are marxist or communist, look at milton Friedman he is a athiest
If God wasn't real, then how would people have free will? Huh?If this world was created by a singularity that brought about a big boom, then we wouldn't have rationalization or reasoning. Did ya ever think about that Sonic?
@@CrackerJohnson887 if god was real why would he GIVE us free will? We have free will due to our brain, go to school dude
@@CrackerJohnson887 if god was real, prove it. We know something doesn’t exist until we can prove that it exists. If god exist, we wouldn’t have free will because everything was determined by god in the beginning.
"No matter how good you are, you are doomed" thanks for summing-up our universe and our reality.
Humans are scary with their beliefs.
If you were talking about some other youtuber's opinion, then you could say, "Well, I think..." But we are talking about the ETERNAL, ALL-POWERFUL, CREATOR of the universe. Who says, "Can the gods of the other nations (religions) tell you the future? No! They are mere lifeless idols." But I..." and then He proceeds to give us over one thousand prophecies in the Bible to demonstrate that God's word can be trusted. He also adds over one hundred scientific facts in scripture in all fields of science that were written down, thousands of years BEFORE the great scientists of the world would discover them. For example, up to a few hundred years ago surgeons used to wash their hands in basins of water, until they discovered it became a bowl of germs. They started using running water. The Bible instructed the use of running water thousands of years earlier. Soldiers used to die from disease, until they finally figured out to do their toilet business outside the camp. The Bible thousands of years before this, instructed the Israeli soldiers to take a small shovel outside the camp and bury their waste. Doctors used to drain blood (blood-letting) from sick patients, but thousands of years ago the Bible said, the life is in the blood. It wasn't until a couple hundred years ago, that oceanographers discovered mountains rising off the ocean floor, but the Bible thousands of years ago spoke of these mountains. The Bible says, "It is God who spreads out the stars." Astrophysicists now say the very fabric of space is spreading out taking the galaxies along for the ride. Up until about five hundred years ago, astronomers thought there was about 4,000-5,000 stars. But the Bible in Genesis compares the number of stars to the grains of sand along the seashore. Astronomers now say there are at least twice as many stars as sand on all the beaches of the world. Albert Einstein in his paper on relativity stated that matter, energy, space and time itself all had a beginning. But thousands of years earlier in Genesis chapter one the Bible says, "In the beginning (a reference to time having a beginning) God created the earth (matter) the heavens (space) and said let there be light (energy). I don't want to make this so long people won't read it, but you can go any Christian bookstore and find books on the hundreds and hundreds of fulfilled prophecies, in the Bible. There were 256 totally fulfilled prophecies concerning the birth, life, ministry, and death of Christ alone. So, God in HIS word has told of science thousands of years in advance of it being discovered by the great scientific minds of the world, He has spoken prophetic utterances that have come true, over and over again, in a literal, not metaphorical sense, again, to demonstrate His authority. He is God, we are His creation. This is His world, His universe. He is sovereign. Look, it's a great deal; surrender to His only means of forgiving our sins and reconciling ourselves to HIM, Christ dying on the cross, and reap eternal life, eternal peace, eternal health, and eternal joy. OR reject His offer of pardon and receive your just punishment. I choose Jesus Christ.
You are not saved by your works because of the sin of Adam. But Jesus, the creator of the universe, gave you a chance to be in the kingdom with Him. We live in a fallen world because of what Satan did. You are not doomed. You have the choice to believe or believe in the culture that this guy is saying. I will tell you your creator wants a relationship with you. He is the only way. Seek answers in the Bible and Jesus will give you answers.
@@charlesesposito7465I’m not sure how you watched this video and read the Bible and still recommend it. I too advice him to keep reading the Bible
@@charlesesposito7465 crazy talk.
I wrestled a lot with these kinds of questions and turned my back on God, but then something occurred to me. If one day I appeared before a righteous, just and holy God, a God who truly is love and whose wisdom & understanding is infinite, then maybe, just maybe, my reasons for discounting his justice & authority would be shown to be completely unfounded and based on lies, whilst I would know in my heart of hearts that His judgements are valid & righteous. Too many atheists rail against Christian theology without having the first inkling of who the true God of the Bible really is.
So go on
Read the Bible
I got disgusted by It, maybe you'll be luckier
@@emanuelepilan8029 same thing here
@@emanuelepilan8029 what on earth disgusted you, you sure you weren't reading the quran?
This sounds like a tweaked version of Pascal's wager, which is not a valid argument, but maybe you're implying something different. Regardless, the descriptions of the biblical god are neither just or holy. It takes only the understanding of a child to know that owning other people, freely beating them (to death if you choose) if they are not of your race, is a bad thing. The obvious racism in that biblical slave-owning construct is shadowed by the sheer grossness of being allowed to own and even murder another person. Seriously, a child would know that's wrong...but bible god declares it to be morally acceptable in his eyes. Gross, awful, disgusting, immoral, sick!!!!!! So much grossness with the god of the bible. It's a horrific book, really.
And before you discount this atheist for not "having the first inkling of who the god of the bible really is", know that I've read Genesis to Revelation straight through at least 9 times, as well as countless hours of studying it when I was a Christian. I'm also one class away from holding a masters in biblical theology from a conservative bible-believing Christian university (I left the faith before completing the degree). I've served on staff at two different evangelical churches, leading bible studies and participating in mission trips around the globe. Christians are the ones who tend to be ignorant of who god is according to the bible - studies have shown that avowed atheists tend to know the bible better than Christians. That seems to match my experience as well.
But in the unlikely event that you do appear before a righteous, just and holy god who truly is love with infinite wisdom and understanding I think you'll be ok. If I could forgive you for whatever "sins" you've committed then I think that god you're describing should be able to pull it off as well. But that wouldn't be the bible god. And to Sam Harris' point, there is absolutely no evidence that such a god exists. Thus I left Christianity and no longer waste my life pandering to an imaginary being just like I stopped worrying about the monster under the bed when I was a child.
@@Morale72 The Bible literally starts with God punishing all women with a painful childbirth for just Eve's blunder. So apparently, the wages of sins are generational in God's eyes. It gets progressively worse from there.
Quran, Bible....tomato, tomahto. Same shit, different sewer.
I started thinking this exact same way about religion after as a young man my best friend and I were standing in MY kitchen and eating sandwiches for lunch I made that I was ABSOLUTELY going to hell because I didn't go to his church. My BESTFRIEND told me this to my face and believed that too his core...
Sadly he doesn't sound like a good friend if he can stomach that happening to you from such a being in my opinion.
@@eyezerocool as someone raised religious, it was probably meant as a warning, so that chase would repent and be able to go to heaven. Telling someone they're going to hell doesn't mean I want them to, it means I think they will unless they change something, and I really want them to go to heaven. It's somewhat traumatizing as a child, believing all your friends are going to hell, and it's completely your fault, if you aren't able to convince them to repent and be saved.
You won’t go to Hell because you don’t go to church, I’m sorry that you were mislead. God doesn’t live in the church, it’s just a way to get to know Him, and even churches can mislead, I get closer to God at home LOL
Similar situation happened to me. It was HORRIBLE
@@samuelpayne896 You def won’t go to hell because you don’t go to church, but you will if you want nothing to do with God your whole life. He’ll give you your wish on earth and after you leave earth.
I don't know who Dr Craig is, but he just got served.
William Lane Craig
Served? More like refused service :)
Oh yeah, it was the verbal equivalent of Mike Tyson clubbing a baby seal repeatedly until its dead on the ice.
@@ShredwardWizardhands Are you kidding me? Sam harris is a very talented man, but he did not 'serve' William. In fact, I believe william won the debate over all due to the fact that craig was able to refute most of sam harris assertions(which multiple have been debunked), and sam harris was constantly back peddling, repeatign what he was saying over and over agian without dealing with Lanes arguments.
William lane Craig is a lying fraud I really hate people like him
I was just watching football on TV and, to paraphrase Harris:- Given all that God does not accomplish in the lives of others, the notion that He would choose to help you win a sports contest is obscene. Yet so many sportsmen and women seem to believe that He does.
the funniest is when UFC fighters thank god for their win after a fight. Yeah god is helping you to beat the living shit out of another man lol. there people dying from horrific diseases around the world and gods #1 priority is your fucking UFC match lol... total narccististic morons
@thekingchrissyg thanking a bullshit god for nothing? brilliant!
@@tommyboy1986 Also Jesus commanded us to love each other and to not fight with people yet the fighters are still thanking him lol
They don't thank god as such for winning something.
They are being humble by saying I thank god and family and friends and the coach and the supporters stating that they didn't do it alone but with the help of everyone. If you get my point.
Arrogance is bad with or without religion
I stopped capitalizing "He Him God" etc.
If he doesnt exists, he doesnt get a capital letter. If I was talking about Gandolf I wouldnt capital "he".
"It's a very strange sort of loving God who would make salvation depend on believing in him on bad evidence" wow 8:46
God created you with free will precisely because he loves you and every other human. If you don’t want to live your life with god, despite how much god wants you to, you don’t have to. And when you die he will not force you to be with him for eternity because you didn’t want to be with him for a couple decades of your life. The Bible also said the kingdom of god will be filled with those who never heard the name of Jesus. Because they didn’t get the choice to trust in Christ.
@@Wendys___Free will lol didn’t he knows everything so he knows Juan are going to hell before he created him, you are an fool
@@Wendys___ Ah the free will argument. So god created us with free will, which means he created free will, and then punishes us for it? Not only that, but this implies that if we truly have free will god is not all powerful, because free will and an all power diety cannot exist simultaneously. And regardless, if he gave us free will, that means he gave us the ability to be and cause evil. So god has both set us up for failure and intentionally caused humans to suffer. Either that or god is not all powerful and the assumptions you have to make to "prove" god start falling apart beyond that. Hope this helps you reach truth!
@@KobandBandito god intentionally limited his power to create us in his image, with free will, and with the purpose to love. Humans used that free will to rebel against him and give into temptation. He didn’t create a bunch of robots forced to love him because that love would be meaningless so he gives you a choice. Choose not to love and accept him and he will respect your decision.
@@Wendys___ Well you've now created a fallacy. If god gave us free will, and also limited his own power, he cannot do both. Because if we have free will he is not omnipotent but if he limited his own power he then is omnipotent. He cannot do both at the same time. And even so, he also thus created temptation and the ability to be tempted. He set us up for failure and then punishes us for that. What kind of a god should be worshipped when he is like that?
I’m guessing the guy not clapping on the far right of the table at the end is Dr. Craig
He brung all them papers, Sam only got a cp.
he is not a Dr. it is an insult to the title to call the retard Dr
@F-35B LIGHTNING II fighter jet. #BlueLivesMatter i got masters in computational fluid dynamics
@F-35B LIGHTNING II fighter jet. #BlueLivesMatter nope
But every creationists is a moron. By definition. And that retard craig has his "doctorate" from a defunked school.
Pratyush Dam That’s an idiotic statement, there is plenty of reasons to believe in God; you’re delusional.
You can't reason with them because their beliefs go against reason. That's how it all works
It doesn't, he's spouting so much shit😭
@@Light86637 You`re in denial.
@@whatwhat3432523 not at all, im centrist right leaning and its a w position
"Them" is ambiguous, it could refer to either side of the debate. Who do you refer to as "them"?
I don't agree that christianity is unreasonable… I am a blood bought, born-again Christian. But according to your worldview, why is it wrong to be illogical?
What standard do you have to say I should follow the laws of logic and non-contradiction?
Does anyone see Ben Stiller? Just me?
Lol yes
Ha ha yes
I really thought it was Ben Stiller and checked out the video
Mixed with Seth Green.
As a christian, i believe that most negativity comes from other believers and the way they are being taught the bible. I still love all of you regardless of what you are, think, do, say. And im not just saying that in hopes of getting into heaven or anything like that, i truly believe in being kind and just no matter what.
Do you love Hitler
I feel like that’s a little reductive because the negativity from the other believers just shines a light on the flaws within the Bible like that he was cool with little children being mauled by a bear for mocking a bald man but that’s just one example
@@Casiusrogersso what you’re saying is “people are mean therefor god isn’t real” kinda difficult to talk to atheists at this point
@@StringyStringCheese what I was saying is that god sending a bear to maul children for making fun of a bald man is not the vibe is all
@@Casiusrogers what not reading books does to a person. You’ll believe anything anyone on the internet tells you huh? You watch a movie halfway while you’re at it too. I feel like the only reason people don’t respect the Bible is because they don’t know how to read Shakespeare. It’s just too high level
He just destroyed Dr. Craig's whole life in 11 minutes lmao
to doctor Craig's fanbase and himself they are like zombies they never die
....damn sure did eh ?
+azman6119 I mean in face of all the evidence or lack of their ideas don't die, there is no tapout or anything. like zombies... they just keep coming back at you. lol
+Alberto Quinones faith = delusion
As someone who has been trying to connect with God lately, unfortunately it seems I talk to an empty room or hear crickets.
This man put into words how I've always felt. I could ad more but don't want to get carried away on 30 minute type fest.
Everything this man said about Christianity is a fallacy, so of you have any questions, shoot
James 4:8 draw near to god and he will draw near to you. Sometimes god might feel very distant but those might be the times he is working the hardest in your life
I used to be atheist and I would love and agree with people like this man… then I read the Bible. Don’t just come up with a simple thought like “why do bad things happen” and dismiss religion but actually think about it and see what the Bible says about it
I don't believe in God, however I understand how people can tap into our source or that voice instilled in us that seems to be born with certain knowledge. Similar to animal instincts
@@joel-uy7bc hes not there take your pills dawg
Sam Harris=21st century philosophy
William L Craig=6th century philosophy
Stephen Yin
Sam Harris = 5th Century atheism
W. L. Craig = 21st Century Christian Apologetics
i dont get it
@@akosikuyzak 5 century atheism?
@@noah7477 Well, s/he's not entirely wrong. 6th Century Atheists were asking for evidence before the theists, possibly the Islamic invasion, slaughtered them. For clarification, "prakriti" is an old word for material energy.
Sankyha Sanatana Dharma:
Samkhya gave the following arguments against the idea of an eternal, self-caused, creator God:
If the existence of karma is assumed, the proposition of God as a moral governor of the universe is unnecessary. For, if God enforces the consequences of actions then he can do so without karma. If however, he is assumed to be within the law of karma, then karma itself would be the giver of consequences and there would be no need of a God.
Even if karma is denied, God still cannot be the enforcer of consequences. Because the motives of an enforcer God would be either egoistic or altruistic. Now, God's motives cannot be assumed to be altruistic because an altruistic God would not create a world so full of suffering. If his motives are assumed to be egoistic, then God must be thought to have desire, as agency or authority cannot be established in the absence of desire. However, assuming that God has desire would contradict God's eternal freedom which necessitates no compulsion in actions. Moreover, desire, according to Samkhya, is an attribute of prakriti and cannot be thought to grow in God. The testimony of the Vedas, according to Samkhya, also confirms this notion.
Despite arguments to the contrary, if God is still assumed to contain unfulfilled desires, this would cause him to suffer pain and other similar human experiences. Such a worldly God would be no better than Samkhya's notion of higher self.
Furthermore, there is no proof of the existence of God. He is not the object of perception, there exists no general proposition that can prove him by inference and the testimony of the Vedas speak of prakriti as the origin of the world, not God.
Therefore, Samkhya maintained that the various cosmological, ontological and teleological arguments could not prove God.
And the 11th Century Charvaka philosophy of Nastika (Statement of No Lord) Sanatana Dharma:
Fire is hot, water cold,
refreshingly cool is the breeze of morning;
By whom came this variety?
They were born of their own nature.
This also has been said by Brhaspati:
There is no heaven, no final liberation,
nor any soul in another world,
Nor do the actions of the four castes,
orders, or priesthoods produce any real effect.
If a beast slain as an offering to the dead
will itself go to heaven,
why does the sacrificer not straightway offer his father?
If offerings to the dead produce gratification
to those who have reached the land of the dead,
why the need to set out provisions
for travelers starting on this journey?
If our offering sacrifices here gratify beings in heaven,
why not make food offerings down below
to gratify those standing on housetops?
While life remains, let a man live happily,
let him feed on butter though he runs in debt;
When once the body becomes ashes,
how can it ever return again?
If he who departs from the body goes to another world,
why does he not come back again,
restless for love of his kinfolk?
It is only as a means of livelihood
that brahmins have established here
abundant ceremonies for the dead-
there is no other fruit anywhere.
Hence for kindness to the mass of living beings
we must fly for refuge in the doctrine of Carvaka.
@@nichoudha how does this prove a god exists?
“Study one religion and you’re a zealot for life.
Study all religions and you’re a zealot for an hour.”
-heard Dawkins say it once
Christianity is fake but God is Real!!! All organized religions are fake ... but occult religions like your local freemasonic lodge is real... However, the members of the lodges are greatly deceived!
This brought me out of a cult
@F-35B LIGHTNING II fighter jet. #BlueLivesMatter yeah you can. I left one too. I legitimately ran away in the middle of the night at the age of 13. I had never once even been off that property before. Leaving a cult doesn't mean your're going to just go to the leader and ask if you have his blessing and permission to leave. Most people just "leave".
@F-35B LIGHTNING II fighter jet. #BlueLivesMatter you absolutley can.
@F-35B LIGHTNING II fighter jet. #BlueLivesMatter well if that's the case then you should keep your feelings to yourself. You obviously have flawed thinking abilities and don't take a lot of facts into consideration...namingly the fact that I never said the cult was derivative of christianity or atheistism so if you want to assume something I said is bullshit or not then you should probably ask more questions first.
@F-35B LIGHTNING II fighter jet. #BlueLivesMatter I'd love to know of cults which believe in not believing. Atheism would be a conclusion that follows.
Also, what do you mean when you say "you can't leave a cult"? People have said that above. Documentaries showcase the lives of people leaving cults, the struggles they've had to endure. Maybe you're making a point that isn't literal. If so, what is it?
The Jones wow that’s amazing man! you should share your story and i would listen
I was just told by a group of Christians that good things happen in their lives because of God. When I asked them about the Holocaust or other horrible events in history, they said it’s the evil people’s doing based on free will. I came here for a dose of sanity.
This world is cursed from the devil. God didn't intend for it to be like this
@@TryHARD-du9hj Jesus bro. There is no God. Even if there is, he/she wouldn't be the one in your little brain and imagination.
Well I tried
@@TryHARD-du9hj Yes, you did. And your God will applaud your cute effort to spread the Truth to idiots and happily burn generations of billions of people for eternity. What a loving God.
@@haruarin He doesn't want to and he won't if you accept his salvation. I'll go on and on
I always find it hilarious when Christians make fun of other religions for being "crazy"
If you were talking about some other youtuber's opinion, then you could say, "Well, I think..." But we are talking about the ETERNAL, ALL-POWERFUL, CREATOR of the universe. Who says, "Can the gods of the other nations (religions) tell you the future? No! They are mere lifeless idols." But I..." and then He proceeds to give us over one thousand prophecies in the Bible to demonstrate that God's word can be trusted. He also adds over one hundred scientific facts in scripture in all fields of science that were written down, thousands of years BEFORE the great scientists of the world would discover them. For example, up to a few hundred years ago surgeons used to wash their hands in basins of water, until they discovered it became a bowl of germs. They started using running water. The Bible instructed the use of running water thousands of years earlier. Soldiers used to die from disease, until they finally figured out to do their toilet business outside the camp. The Bible thousands of years before this, instructed the Israeli soldiers to take a small shovel outside the camp and bury their waste. Doctors used to drain blood (blood-letting) from sick patients, but thousands of years ago the Bible said, the life is in the blood. It wasn't until a couple hundred years ago, that oceanographers discovered mountains rising off the ocean floor, but the Bible thousands of years ago spoke of these mountains. The Bible says, "It is God who spreads out the stars." Astrophysicists now say the very fabric of space is spreading out taking the galaxies along for the ride. Up until about five hundred years ago, astronomers thought there was about 4,000-5,000 stars. But the Bible in Genesis compares the number of stars to the grains of sand along the seashore. Astronomers now say there are at least twice as many stars as sand on all the beaches of the world. Albert Einstein in his paper on relativity stated that matter, energy, space and time itself all had a beginning. But thousands of years earlier in Genesis chapter one the Bible says, "In the beginning (a reference to time having a beginning) God created the earth (matter) the heavens (space) and said let there be light (energy). I don't want to make this so long people won't read it, but you can go any Christian bookstore and find books on the hundreds and hundreds of fulfilled prophecies, in the Bible. There were 256 totally fulfilled prophecies concerning the birth, life, ministry, and death of Christ alone. So, God in HIS word has told of science thousands of years in advance of it being discovered by the great scientific minds of the world, He has spoken prophetic utterances that have come true, over and over again, in a literal, not metaphorical sense, again, to demonstrate His authority. He is God, we are His creation. This is His world, His universe. He is sovereign. Look, it's a great deal; surrender to His only means of forgiving our sins and reconciling ourselves to HIM, Christ dying on the cross, and reap eternal life, eternal peace, eternal health, and eternal joy. OR reject His offer of pardon and receive your just punishment. I choose Jesus Christ.
Anyone who claims that they are not religious and then makes judgments about religious topics (e.g., the deity of Christ, the existence of God, the morality regarding adultery, the truthfulness of the Bible, and so on) has made a religious statement. Though they may “claim” to be irreligious, they reveal that they are indeed religious when they attempt to refute another religious view.
@@persephoneharrison3439 i am not at all religious and you are so wrong but you are wrong about a lot of things. Jesus was not god but a myth and wanted non-believers to burn in eternity!!!!!!!!!!! This is worse than abortion.
If a person wants to accept that there was a supreme being there is nothing in the cosmological argument to indicate that the being would have any of the properties of humans. Scientists and mathematicians have no evidence to show whether the universe began from something or from nothing. God could fall under the Big Bang Theory but then God doesn't in any way need to be moral or like us or even good or could be good or evil in combination. There are hundreds of questionable moralities and dogmas found in the Old and even New Testaments. Upholding slavery or condemning billions of moral people to eternal damnation seems like a horrible thing to do.
We are not even close to proving there is any kind of god much less a Christian god and evidence that points to there being a god unless you just mean "the original creator or Big Bang creator". You reject all gods but one; I reject all bases of science and intuition. what is good about faith based on no scientific or good evidence?
There is no important free will not because of imaginary god but because OF GENETICS AND ENVIRONMENT TAKING UP THE FREE WILL SPACE.
You'll be sorry when Jesus the zombie bastard demigod doesn't save you.
@@persephoneharrison3439 "Anyone who claims that they are not religious and then makes judgments about religious topics (e.g., the deity of Christ, the existence of God, the morality regarding adultery, the truthfulness of the Bible, and so on) has made a religious statement."
A person can be non-religious and make judgements about what the Bible claims. ( or what the Quran, Torah, Hindu Vedas, etc claim)
Though they may “claim” to be irreligious, they reveal that they are indeed religious when they attempt to refute another religious view."
Only if they have not rejected every religion.
😂 if I talk to God it's called praying, but when God talks to me it's called mental illness
if you talk to someone who doesn't exist, it's called hallucination
Yes it is.
@@OFFICIAL_Garnet1223 False, God exists, prove me wrong.
@@ItalophoneMan i hope you get out of your delusion
@@ItalophoneMan im not gonna waste my time proving something to you when your the same as every generic christian, you will just deny what i say and be so ignorant like very christian is, you might also be delusional like some ive talked to, they talk nonsense and one of the main things is saying irrelevant and stupid things eg "your mom cheats on your dad" and then they say "i won the arguement" acting like saying a untrue thing wins them an arguement on a completely diffrent topic
My dad keeps telling me "God is real you should rely on him to listen to you to bring the burden off your shoulders" and that he's going to "help me with my situation living with a devil person (aka my narcissistic mother)." I've been abused for years and nothing has happened. My dad was never involved in my life.
And what you conclude of that situation that you lived/live?
Are you taking the advice? Find peace my friend
I think you are misunderstanding what that means my dear. God allows us free will because he will not force himself on us. So for good to exist evil will also unfortunately exist.. Pain and suffering is going to be part of this earthly life. God can't physically help you, but he can emotionally help you. For that you need to pray and let him speak to you- by reading his word ❤
It seems like he is loving you right where you are for the most part however it I am sad too hear it is bitter sweet
i resonated more with what this man said than with any pastors sermon i’ve sat through
@Apentibadek Vincent bruh
@Apentibadek Vincent
Jesus is a little bitch.
Sin leads to hell, keep focused, the devil is on earth to destroy your soul. But God wants to give you everlasting Joy. But our sin is keeping this from happening. You must stop sinning and turn to Jesus Christ he is your only hope.
He can save you from eternal suffering under the Earth, where hell is hot..
Not everyone who calls me their Lord will get into the kingdom of heaven. Only the ones who obey my Father in heaven will get in.
Matthew 7:21.....
@@SINLEADSTOHELL but he already died for our sins
What we gotta do now?
@@SINLEADSTOHELL everyone’s a sinner
When Sam raises his right eyebrow, you know he's about to wreck you.
he destroyed a 12 year olds concept of the bible using a straw man argument. and you guys just lap it up like lap dogs.
Straw man my ass. He presented your stupid beliefs as they are then ridiculed then for the stupidity. Deal with it bro
Alan Lloyd they aren't my beliefs child. But even if they were, I wouldn't expect someone of your intelligence to understand metaphysics. Get out, my son.
+Nikolas Stoebick metaphysics is just a fancy term for bullshit abstract speculation that makes weak minded people feel comfortable and warm/fuzzy inside.
+Nikolas Stoebick You're right. It was either straw men or just red herrings the whole debate through.
I watched the whole thing and I am Christian. His issue is not Christianity. His issue is that misteachings in theology cause ignorance in Christians. I grew up in an environment of mistaught theology. This man is not some "evil blasphemous monster."
He is just hurt. You can hear it in his voice. He is hurt by the failures of those who are supposed to guide him in a Christ-like way. If Christians actually loved with the moral compass of Christ, we would have won over a lot of people long long ago.
Christianity is what hurt people with evil, blasphemous
First time I have listened to this man . He explains this so well. I agree with him as well. I was raised scared to death of a vengeful god. I am thankful for speakers who have the ability to speak this rationally.
but now you are scared of death that will it or not
@@mohamedelhaddade6371 imagine thinking being in a room you never been in and know what is in it 🥱
@@mohamedelhaddade6371 Were all dying. We will return to a state of nothingness, like before you were born...
If anything somebody who believes this is their only life is more open to making the most of it
@@itzwooky9256 maybe we are reincarnated, there are many instances of reincarnation, like with the case of Dorothy Eady, not claiming it's true like how an ignorant Christian claims gods real, but just that there's a possibility
@@jordanwilliams2557 there's a possibility there's an old lady walking around a distant moon. Anything we can imagine can be considered possible, but yeah as you say not in the religious way. But we need make sure we're honest about how we get from possibility (anything we can imagine) to probability. We can say we don't know about reincarnation but look at it this way... If it was real, it would be pointless. I could be reincarnated but what good is that when I don't remember? For all intents and purposes its has 0 practical application. If I cant remember who I was in a previous life I wouldn't in the next. So to me I'm living now, which is already the default position. But with no memory or continuance reincarnation would mean nothing if it was true. You get what I mean? Somebody could say ah but you might of been a frog in a previous life for example, if I don't have a memory of this then essentially it's just a story that says, there was a frog, now there is you. There are tons of frogs and I can't relate to any of them. If rein arnatuon was more like an anaesthetic and you had continuance of your knowns afterwards (barring complications obviously). You'll wake up and remember who you are, who you were. I could imagine anything. But it only becomes possible when there is some evidence of it. The flying spaghetti monster for example. Nobody takes that seriously or even thinks its possible, e ause we simply have no evidence whatsoever. Not even a trail of pasta sauce lol sorry for going on just felt like I was failing to explain properly. I just mean I mind seeing doesn't make it a possibility. First sign of it being true is what makes it an actual possibility
Im other words if don't even know we're reincarnated, what good is it? If each one of my lives never experiences the other then all I've been is 3 different independant people (if I'd been reincarnated twice before)
Hell does exist... Hell is other people - Jean Paul Satre
Introverts (like me) be like:
jean paul gta rp
other people and their hangups dont tangle my lines!
Of cause Hell doesn't exist. Only nitwit atheists think this is what Christians believe, but it isn't. Hell is not a place. Hell is where bad people is and Heaven is where good people is. Its those present at a place which makes the place good or bad, not the place itself. Hell is a state of mind and anywhere you have people like Sam Harris, Hitler, Harvey Weinstein and Kenneth Copeland.
“If you lived 2,000 years ago there was evidence galore, he was just performing miracles. But apparently he got tired of being so helpful…”.
God still works in huge ways in people's lives even if He doesn't part seas.
😂 good point
@@havstjej8797 But apparently he's not helping billions who are experiencing constant torment. He just couldn't be bothered to help countless children that are dying left and right. He apparently makes people suffer from mental illnesses, disabilities, constant financial troubles because he just can't be bothered to help them. Only certain individuals.
@@Memu_ We were given free will, money was made up by humans and so is worthless to God, but also humans can be very rotten such as if someone is dying, if the patient doesn’t have enough green paper, then they die due to lack of available treatment. For the diseases without treatments, here are probably ways to prevent them as simple as washing your hands after using the toilet. God gave us free will, sent us to this world. It’s up to us to choose the right path.
@@plunger9165 You said absolutely nothing that disproves my point
Hell is NOT a punishment it's the result of choosing to exist without God
Truly just God would judge based on virtues not belief
@@Bob-yy2oz God will judge base on Faith and I stand on that, bc it’s the truth.
This is why God judges u based on Faith in Jesus or not:
𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝟏- If a good judge will look at a heinous criminal who committed genocide, rapes and murder, and say to Him, “ The wages of your crimes is the death sentence, this is what’s due to you”
“There is no I’m sorry in the court of law”
𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝟐- Bad judge will look at the same heinous criminal and say “well if your sorry, then sure, your free to go, because I love you”
𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭: in 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝟏 the judge is more just than loving, that’s what a judge is for “right” judgement..
In 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝟐 the judge is more loving than just. loves more than disciplines.
we are that heinous criminal, for if we commit one sin we are guilty of them ALL.
- The only way for God to be perfectly just and perfectly loving… the answers found in the cross.
Your conscience will bear witness to u on judgement so every sin you committed will be accounted for without excuse, so the perfect judgment is hell forever, but Jesus said “come to me all you who are weary and burden, and I will give you rest. take my yoke upon you and learn from me, but I am gentle and humble and heart and you will find rest for your souls. for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
And I’m telling you as a kid surrounded by demons, all I wanted was rest, I was tormented day and night, I looked for truth, and then I found Jesus, he showed me His love, His love is real, and that quote couldn’t be more true.. indeed rest was given. And given abundantly🕺🏽❤️🙏🏽
@@Bob-yy2oz If you had read the bible, you would know that he did that. Its well documented in the Old Testament. But as men do, they rejected God's Commandments. So he made it even easier. He made it as simple as humanly possible to get into Heaven. You just have to accept in your Heart that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died for our sins and rose on the third day. Its quite a very simple request. Any human can do that regardless of where they are born or how they grew up. He gave us a choice. Your choice will have a consequence. I wonder when you are in eternal darkness being violated in every way possible will you reflect on this. You see in Hell, there are people just like you. And Hell is not like you see in the movies -fire and brimstone. What it is, is complete eternal darkness with people just like you and far worse. There are no morals, no laws, there is nothing to stop anyone from doing anything to you just to hear you scream agony. People only get pleasure from making others suffer. Very much like some people here are. I truly pity you. You are in for a very rude awakening. I could tell you how I know. But you have already chosen what you want to believe.
But didn't Yahweh create everything? Didn't he create us, give us all a script to live by with a predetermined ending (Heaven/Hell)? He chooses and knows who will believe in him or not, cus it's in our scripts? And if we deviate from that plan of his, he just gets mad at us for not doing what he wants us to do? 🤔🧐
He already chose FOR us, according Romans 9, already destroying the argument about choice/free will.
@@kingartemiz2xxx786 God didn't give us a script to live out. That is where you are mistaken. Rules were given in the Old Testament but Man could not/ would not follow those rules. So then he gave His Son and you choose to believe or not. Nobody is forcing you as you have already chosen not to believe. God didn't make that choice for you. You are making the choice. God can and will guide you , but he will not force his plan on you. What he will do and does do is let you bear the consequences for your decisions as a father can do with a child to teach them a lesson. You are doing your best to make it more complicated than what it is.
And they will hate me simply because of my name. But remember, all of you, if they hate you they hated me first.
Matthew Dixon YOU are SO dumb
@@sebastiaanHP be kind
@@sgtpepper6499 that was a year ago I’ve grown since then
@@sebastiaanHP right
@Eden Graker Just trying to spread love, and do what God wants me to do
I was raised catholic and ever since I can remember I always questioned why babies fresh out the womb are born with sin. And the answer I always got did not make sense. We’re taught to pray for the sick to get better but why do they die? Why can’t we question god? I had family that were good god fearing church going praying everyday people and yet the worst things happened to them including death. But we’re told it’s gods will and he has plans. That’s a cop out answer for something religion can’t explain.
It is insanity.
Read the book of Job at least
because humanity is born in the stain of original sin, that’s why we need a savior Jesus
Well I don’t think the Bible ever said your not going to suffer for believing in god I think it said a bunch of times that you are going to suffer a lot
Ezekiel 18:20
King James Version
20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die
"What is wrong with spending and eternity in hell?" There is no point in hell, this is what is wrong with it. Why would a god burn regular folks for an eternity in flames? Nobody knows.
@@Considerthisplease Nothing scientific about it, if it is fact there would peer reviewed research to accompany it. There is nothing there to support it "scientific claims", and I used that term loosely.
Living Waters is corrupt, its God is the almighty $.
It is amazing how a group that believes in God lies so easily and you promote that lie.
Do you think someone like Hitler should burn forever in Hell?
Why would a lawyer send people to jail?
And God (Our Lord) Commandments (laws) are exactly just and righteous. If we break those Commandments (impossible to NOT break) and don’t ever Repent (turn away from our sins like lust, hatred, idolatry, fornication, etc) we will go to Hell!
As this guy is so strongly trying to disprove the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the word of God to not infallible, he's actually further proving that it is the true and sovereign word of god, his disbelief in what he is pumping into the world is simply prophecy: 1 John 4:3
[3] But if someone claims to be a prophet and does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus, that person is not from God. Such a person has the spirit of the Antichrist, which you heard is coming into the world and indeed is already here.
Wow Ben Stiller is really smart
Yea Ben Stiller is speaking just like simple Jack from tropic thunder in this bid
@@Seven-_-Doves what specifically did you disagree with?
@@Seven-_-Doves that’s what I thought.
Sten Biller and Ham Sarris should do a collab!
@UCcfKXLqaiPMfWzj6hkIwCMw I disagreed with a lot. Here is my rundown of the speech:
1 suffering exists because we had our chance at a life free of suffering but we disobeyed God and listened to the devil instead, also much suffering js inflicted by other humans, and God chooses not to stop that cause he gave us free will
2 the first like 3 minutes of this was him just pulling on heartstrings with dumb points
3 jerimiah 29 3 - "you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" people who aren't born into Christianity can still find it, that's what I did, his example of India is dumb. There are Christians in India and people in India still can find God. Its only on like an isolated island where it really matters, plus I saw a good argument, you go to hell if you reject God but if you never knew about God then you haven't yet rejected him. Plus people in acinet times were monotheistic even tho their cultures were polytheistc, likearistotle and I believe also plato
4 He didnt create the isolation of Hindus, he put humans, or rather people moved to India and they created Hinduism and he didnt engineer their deaths, necessarily. His plans are unknowable and I am not going going speak for Him, I also think that God doesn't involve Himself too much in the world as it isn't meant to be amazing, we forsook a life without suffering, He let's us live on this world and hopes we find Him
5 you have to repent for your sins, if you only repent on death row your gonna be there for a while. Also you have to truly belive in God if that man truly believes, then his death penalty is being payed for by Jesus, he is being allowed to forfeit the punishment because God in human form takes it instead
6 it has a lot to do with moral accountability, but the problem is, is that every human in the eyes of God is bad, name someone you know who has never:
Used the Lords name in vain
Looked at a women and lusted for her
These things show that everyone is bad compared to God, so the reason why only Christians go to heaven is because they are the only people whose debts are being payed, its not just about Him being egotistical
7 lol. An atheist who probably believes in subjective morality talking about morals.
8 God is indeed mysterious and many of his plans are unknowable
9 I don't necessarily believe that everytime something good happens to me that it is God
10 I don't think crimes like witchcraft are imaginary, many of those things about slavery are taken out of context or badly translated and ect
11 What God does is good and what He says to do is good
12 retarded but classic 'sky daddy' argument
13 about the muslim things, God never commanded to kill civilians and ect or to kill yourself and killing is also wrong
14 it about blind faith you idiot, but we do have the records of his miracles,also he had to perform miracles then to get peoples attention so they would listen to what he was teaching that was new, also miracles happen today
15 if you even believe in evolution, you can still say that God planted the seeds for human life and knew that we would eventually evolve, you can't explain something coming from nothing in your stupid ideology tho.
16 Christianity is not a cult of human sacrifice. Humans aren't allowed to kill other humans, we can't sacrifice and that is not what God wants, "for God so loved the world that he gave his one beggoten son so that all who believe in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life". John 3:16 God loved the world, so He have his son (who is as much God as human) To pay for the sins, like someone who admits to your crimes in order to protect you, or someone who pays off your fine, there is no sacrificing, going by that you could say that anyone who hurts themselves for your protection are human sacrifices, no one would say a soldier protecting his country is a human sacrifice they are just a good person, and if you donthink that if the definition of a human sacrifice then saying that Jesus died as a human sacrifice wouldn't even be a bad thing.
After this much of the same, more and more strawmaning and talking about morals.
How can you tell this is not a Pro-JudeoChristian post?
A: The comments have not been disabled.
Exactly. Many Christians can't defend their position using facts, evidence, and logic. Only faith. So when you question their beliefs or point out flaws and contradictory facts to their belief, they become uncomfortable, irritated, and sometimes angry. The irony is, they believe that what they believe is the absolute truth. So I'm puzzled why their "truth" has a hard time standing in the face of questions and doubt. They want to get the last word in most debates and get pissy if they can't. Faith can move mountains but it can't stand in the face of doubt? That in itself speaks volumes about their beliefs.
Clayton Lusby they actually can.
Clayton Lusby I would like to see some logic from an atheist
People literally have videos like this with comments
Clayton Lusby there isn’t a simple case here of an “angry Christian”
Another thing to consider about the serial killer scenario: if the victims hadn't repented and accepted Christ before or during the moment of their death, then by that definition they would go to Hell while the killer who raped and murdered them would go to Heaven for repenting. A grotesquely disturbing double standard indeed.
(Some Christians will argue that those who had never known about the gospel would go to Heaven because they couldn't have known it, but yeah. Even so, that would still be a perverse double standard to an extent.)
This illustration actually points out the beauty of God's love, mercy and forgiveness: That no matter how far gone in sin you are, there is never any way to escape God's love and redemption! How beautiful is that! Because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for you and me on that cross, serial killers (which through our sin nature we all have the potential to do horrible things, even on this scale) can be saved and go to heaven. I, who have MANY shortcomings in my own life can not escape God's love for me. That is the beauty of this religion.
And, as for the victim in this scenario, this is an illustration of really two things 1) your works/being a "good" person can not get you to heaven...only the free gift of salvation through faith in the Lord can. (this is why it does not matter how far gone we think we are, because God can reach any of us if we simply just accept His invitation.)- - -side note- this is by no means an excuse for doing sinful things that go against God, but rather hope for the situations where we do fall into sin patterns and need to know that we are forgiven and LOVED!!! The second point I want to mention in the case of the victim in this scenario is this: God doesn't promise us that we will be alive tomorrow. This acts as really, a wake up call for the unsaved that you can be gone at absolutely any moment, so where does your eternal fate lie?
[ I would like to clarify that this response was not intended to be disrespectful in any way. Just a defense against your argument, (me being a Christian). ]
If you read this, I want to thank you for seeing my opinion and taking the time out of your day. :)
If you leave with anything, leave with this: GOD LOVES YOU SO MUCH!!!!
No it’s your belief. The sin in the world causes it. God doesn’t cast out anyone who believes in him. That’s the beauty. A monster can be saved even though a good man who didn’t believe can’t. It’s your choice God put it out there
@@brinceleste8985 One question to consider though, is, would people who have never heard of anything about Christianity and died never having been a Christian go to Hell because they were unsaved, or would they would go Heaven because they were never given a fair chance to hear the gospel?
I understand where you're coming from since I myself used to be a Christian up until a few years ago, I was simply expounding on Harris's example of the scenario
Do you know the process of repentance in scripture?
@@HybridGib well if you read the Bible you’d know as a Christian it’s your job to spread the word, and that God is seen throughout everything in the world. The thing being I can’t really give you a solid answer but the ticket to hell is blasphemy and that’s when the spirit of God calls you to be saved and you deny Him. I believe that if you have never heard anything about Jesus and God then He will show mercy because you didn’t deny Him but I could be entirely wrong.
One of my arguments that there is proof of God . When you look at natural beauty, mountains, forests. It gives you a different feeling of peace and fulfillment (touches the soul) that you can't get from looking at a beautiful car . Interestingly enough , things like jewelry actually give you a feeling of greed, especially if you own it.
How? Like how? It’s just the feeling of which things are valuable and beauty according to each individual perspective it has nothing to do with god?
C.S. Lewis “The Problem of Pain” is a really good book to read if you are intrigued on what he is saying about God being either not all powerful or not all good. Highly recommend to both Christian’s and non Christian’s
The author C.S.Lewis had first and surname unlike Mark, Paul, Matthew, Luke or John and probably never started his book "according to" also the title of book written in book of C.S.Lewis unlike the title 'Bible'
Currently reading that book. Lewis is perhaps one of the most qualified authors to write a book about the topic, both as a former atheist and a great sufferer.
@@DaTruth1017 What? I can't understand what you're trying to say.
so, SO, *SO* happy how he mentioned that many religious people are narcissists.
Most atheists think that a human being can be good enough without God/Jesus wisdom (laws, commandments), but they do not want to quit ALL their bad addictions to be really good humans, as the Creator wants us to be, and they do not want to love (care about) the others as they love (care about) themselves, as the true Christians do. Their idea of good is way too low than what it should be, and that is why so many people are still far from Heaven (they do not recognize their bad deeds).
that in itself is a flawed belief, there is no logical reason to believe that self improvement requires a creator or higher power, self improvement is to look into ones self and make a decision for one own
After hearing the truth about/from God/Jesus, only those who want to use freedom for evil are opposing to Divinity, feeling their freedom restricted, the really good humans being happy to receive the confirmation for their love of / striving for goodness, wisdom, justice... perfection, as Jesus Christ has told us: *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48 Unfortunately, too many people have refused over history, and too many still refuse nowadays, to follow this.
@@filmeseverin i personally dont need the threat of eternal torment to be a good person
The question is: Why so many are opposing to the main advice from Jesus Christ: to strive always for goodness, wisdom, justice... perfection? *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48
Most probably, because just as it is easier to destroy something useful than to make/build something useful, in the same way it is easier to be evil=stupid than to be good=wise.
This is savage. I'm surprised Craig didn't just get up and leave in defeat but instead stuck around for further humiliation.
he was waiting for his opponent to be smote
Perhaps to be respectful. Maybe he waited to hear this man so when he prayed he knew how to pray for this man & for all mankind.
Peggy Hall yeah right.. whatever
@@tabitoblack1 yes whatever is the freedom people still have to decide. Freedom!!
They don't care. Someone like Craig is a dishonest Charlatan who has plugged his ears and screamed, "Lalala, can't hear you," but decades.
It's weird to think a God of creation.. which became human to give you a way to out of your sins... has no power to graft someone into the family of God because someone has never heard the gospel of Jesus
Someone who hasn’t heard the gospel doesn’t just go to hell, they’ll be judged off their moral laws, how they lived their life. God judges those who knows the law by the law, and judges those who doesn’t know the law by their own morals, by the way they lived. Not everyone has heard the gospel.
@@kingdavid1828 every person in the entire world will hear the gospel.. John 14:6.. if you don't believe this... then the Bible is a lie. Jesus is the gate! John 10..
there is no sin. thats alll fear based bs
@@kingdavid1828 there is no judgement in the after life in the old testament. maybe they forgot to put it in.
@trickrunner4842 I used to think the same thing for almost 40 yrs. Read the bible... it will make sense.
Me The title should have said, Sam Harris demolishes particular denominations of Christianity. Not Christianity itself since many denominations do not believe what Sam Harris is saying. He is particularly arguing against Dr Craig beliefs.
I agree. For example, for some Christian you can be saved even if you believe in another religion.
isn’t christianity built on the notion that god is good though? and he’s demolishing that idea throughout his speech.
@@sadieh487 God Created lightness and Dark, Good and Evil. But he cannot sin, but he allows it because of Free will.
@S I study basically on my own, from what I remember watching this video over a month ago is that Harris talks about Hell. So Hell being made up by the Catholic Church just got shifted over with Martin Luthor at the split of Christianity. But sects like Jehovah Witness, Seventh Day adventists and some others do not believe that Hell is for humans. The Bible is CLEAR> Hell was created for the Devil and his followers (Fallen Angels). Never was hell ever a place for humans that is why no Jewish person believes in it even though the Christian Religion comes from their writings. You would think they would understand their own texts. People that are chosen to live in the next life are resurrected and those who are not, die forever. They no longer exist. Think about it, how can God wipe away every tear when you know your loved ones are burning in hell forever? it makes no logical sense.
If you have questions or scriptures that confuse you I can clear it up easy. let me know.
S here’s the thing about Purgatory. Jesus referred to death as a sleep. They were 12 people that died throughout the Scriptures that were resurrected and not one of them mentioned anything about where they went. The Scriptures are clear that we lay in the ground dead until God resurrects us. But since the church thought that something had to happen when you died you had to go somewhere immediately. So they invented purgatory for a place to go until the end days. But you’re right it’s far more logical than living 20 years And then being put into hell for eternity LOL
I must say he makes some amazing points and he does it in such a way where he isn't confrontational as quite a lot of atheists are when trying to make a point. I will admit, I get confused because I consider myself a believer in God but I am a believer with so many questions that never seem to get answered.
I've been part of several church groups and none of which worked out for me. I always felt as if I could not be myself, I felt judged and I felt almost as if the other people in the group were fake. They seem to be showing their perfect side and on their best behavior. I try, as a believer to fit it with them but I simply don't.
I once told a fellow "Christian" that one of my hobbies is brewing beer and he went on this rant about alcoholism and how he doesn't drink and he made me feel like I was doing something wrong yet, he was overweight, he drank a ton of coke and ate a lot of fast food. It was a clear case of holier than thou and this wasn't the first time.
I have made friendships with people in the past never asking them whether or not they believed in God because that didn't matter to me. What mattered was that they were kind and yet, some of my fellow "Christians" can't get 2 sentences in when meeting someone new before asking them if they attend a Christian Church. Why is that? That seems to be a case where they are judging them but isn't that something we as "Christians" are told never to do?
I am just confused because I see both sides.
It kinda sounds like you’re forcing yourself to believe in “god”
I think you and me lived the exact same life I shortly learned after living on my own that the only reason why I was a Christian was because I was raised to be scared of this imaginary place where I would be tortured for eternity if I didn’t believe it no matter how good of a person I am. I now believe religion is so that death seems less scary
I ve been thinking about religion for now at least 15 years. One thing I know is that religion has this way of explaining things that are unexplainable. A lot of people can’t live with the fact that you cannot explain something. For example, where do we go when we die. We ll never know , it is impossible. But religion answers it. Most of the religions I d say since I don’t know every religion.
You may have to consider the fact that somethings can’t be answered. And if u struggle with that, keep on the easier path, that is believing in the religions we created, to explain our questions.
@@roadmanpussio4562 It sounds like you do believe in God but can't understand why someone like myself, has questions based on the arguments of someone who doesn't believe in God. You also didn't bother to address my statements about my fellow "Christians" either. I made great, true and honest points about how they seem to judge you and they do. I have had much better engagements with people when the topic of faith is never even brought up.
@@rodrigobonetto3850 I think you're directing this at me, if not disregard. I am not sure what your response is directed at. I was talking about my fellow Christians themselves and the interactions that I have with them in comparison to the interactions that I have with non Christians. Again, I am not sure if you were replying to me but if so I have no clue what you mean based on what I was saying.
The best way to point out the absority and stupidity of something is to explain it slowly and rationally, and without passion
The best way to look educated enough to create a firm argument is to use words that actually exist.
"If you can't say it simply, you don't understand it well enough".
@@BarkPeeler14 Brother or sister, I cannot tell; I appreciate your desire and willingness to share the Word of God. Very simply, this is my understanding:
The fact that God, in sovereign grace, now either bestows, or assures, all His saving benefits before allowing the individual to do aught for Him seems perhaps too good to be true; but it is true, and, until this fact is recognized, the Christian will not be able to walk with God intelligently from the true grace-motive.
Will it do?
χάρις ὑμῖν καὶ εἰρήνη ἀπὸ θεοῦ πατρὸς ἡμῶν καὶ κυρίου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ
how is history stupid?
@@BarkPeeler14funniest joke i’ve read all day u rly crack me up LOL
Religion and reason are opposite to one another. If you didn’t reason into religion, you can’t reason out of it.
i grew up in a christian household, didn't take too long into my teenager years to begin thinking logically in relation to topics like this and just the overall world we live in to start thinking in a senseful way like this man. this is the power of logic
I got some logic for ya... At one point there was nothing. Then, out of nowhere, two very complex particles of matter and antimatter collided at a mind-boggling rate of speed [where the energy reach those speeds came from is still unknown] and BOOM... the Big Bang, followed immediately by 'inflation' to produce the universe(s) as we know it today. Very logical. 🤡🤡🤡
what? the most logical explanation would be that there is a god.
purely logical view would be:
u see how much purely utterly evil things are going on this world, so by equal and opposite law there must be some one on the opposite side.
thats pure logic.
no matter what that is for u, but there is something every person believes in.
it’s inevitable.
@@lu502k i never said there isn't a god. i'm sure there's some sort of higher being in a way or two but it's definitely not the one that many religions worship
@@mts7274 How about the logic of:
"God sacrificed himself to himself to save us from himself."
Also, where did god come from, what did he create the universe from, and explain how.
@@LastBastian God was there before everything, before the universe. Doesn't really tell you where God came from, why would he, he's supposed to be the highest power. The bible does say that God is the highest in the universe though.
Yeah, God has good intentions, but if God's definition of good is vastly different from most of humanity's definition of good, what's the point of even saying that?
God’s definition of good stays the same, but humanity’s changes. We do inherently know what is good and evil from our conscience tho
@@rampagingswine9475 oh yeah why should you care what the creator of everything makes. It’s not like he’s more powerful than you or anything
@@rampagingswine9475 first off take your mask off buddy. You obviously are very scared. God is loving but you are the one who chooses to turn your back on your holy father
@Rollie55 we don’t follow those laws anymore😂 Jesus already died for our sins
@Rollie55 The Old Testament records God killing multitudes of people, and some people want to believe this makes Him a murderer. The misconception that “killing” and “murder” are synonymous is partially based on the King James mistranslation of the sixth commandment, which reads, “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13). However, the word kill is a translation of the Hebrew word ratsach, which nearly always refers to intentional killing without cause. The correct rendering of this word is “murder,” and all modern translations render the command as “You shall not murder.” The Bible in Basic English best conveys its meaning: “Do not put anyone to death without cause.”
And lots of the Old Testament is still relevant, it’s just certain laws that aren’t needed to be followed anymore. Most of these are clarified pretty clearly in the Bible
Finally someone else using the Lord of the Rings when looking at the Bible
God is good
Well, the author of lord of rings himself was a devout catholic.
@@paonippobemduro And?
@@whiskey1142 And what? I'm only saying. A lot in Lord of rings are inspired in actual myths, and the whole deal about a unmoved mover god was also implemented in his work.
@@HusphinxWesley god isn’t real 😂
I was a Christian 11 minutes ago and I still am! Jesus Loves you deeply my friends
People should listen to Sam Harris. Good people have been duped for too long. It's time to take some responsibility and think.
I think personally that in both the cases made for and against Christianity, there is often a rather strange perception that either party has of the religion. The Bible other than other religious manifests is pretty much open to some degree of interpretation. And I find it odd that people in modern day societies would still choose to take every word literally, as if they would be reading a scientific report, when in fact, they are reading a highly complex and symbolistic peace of philosophy and stories intertwined. I do not think that believing in hell is still sensible today, for example. However, Christianity is not designed to be interpreted in such a narrow sense. In 1 Corinthians 15, 42-50 it is clearly stated that the resurrection is not meant to be physical, but affecting your entire being, the latter consisting of the soul and body's transcendant true shared nature, which exists in an alternate plane of existance. This realization of one's true self is a shared fact with Buddism and Platons philosophy, as it applies to both the philosophic world of the ideas behind things as well as the finding of yourself via meditation etc. in Buddism. The Bible states, that in order to achieve this act of self-realization, one must practize the act of threefold love: Love all others, love yourself, love God. This practice, if theoretically realized by all, would create a kingdom of God on earth, which was Jesus' intention. And wether or not you want to call it that, or rather utopia, wether you want to call your true self the Holy Ghost or not, these things hold some certain truth in them, which does not have to be religious. Christianity is one possible approach to manifesting these truths through symbols in order to make them more understandable
*listen up. Religious fools*
Smart people in ancient cavemen times put god/gods in a cave. We entered the cave and it was empty. They lied!
Smart people put god/gods on mount Olympus. We climbed. The top was empty. They lied!!!
Smart people put god/gods were no one can see, touch or hear. We found logic. THEY LIED!!!!!
Tell me
Where do you get your notion of good?
the lord of the rings reference killed me lol
It was also stupid.
@@skwills1629you're stupid
@@SA-be1bn - As opposd to Sam I Need to Mock and use Insults and Lie Harris?
SK Wills Why is Christ the only way and not Lord Zeus
@@blast2686 - Well for One Thing, "Lord" Zeus never actually Said He was "The Way", and Atheists who bash Religion only Think in Terms of Christianity. I mean seriously You lot Think All Religions offer Salvation. But Since When did Zeus ever do that?
You also equivocate. Just because Zeus is called a god doesn't make Him the same sort of Thing as The God of The Bible And I am not saying that as I Have The One True God. Even as an Atheist, who is Viewing this as Mythology, within the Context of the Myths from the Cultures, Zeus is a Contingent being who did not Create The Universe, and wasn't even the original god, or even part of The First Generation of Generation of gods. The Olympians were born of The Titans, who themselves were produced by Gaia and Uranus,. Uranus was also Gaia's son, and Gaia is The Daughter Of Chaos. None of them are Creators, and None offered Salvation in their Respective Religions.
The gods are also not Supernatural. Please don't Tell me that by definition gods are Supernatural. That's simply not True. The gods are actually Personifications of Natural Forces, the Spirit that Animates them. They are not beings who Live separately from The Natural World in a Supernatural World.
Then there's The Fact that The Greeks had no Real Concept of an Afterlife where The Saved go to Heaven or the Damned to Hell. Everyone pretty much went to The Same Place, Hadese, or The Underworld. Sure, some were given Unique Penalties or sent to Tartarus, but You had to especially Anger the gods for that t Happen and it wasn't based on Morality so much as Favouritism. So were The Elysian Fields. They were open to the Honoured Dead whom the gods showed Favour to, not Moral or Good People. Most were just Their Demigod Children. But hey,., its still a better Religion than Christianity because Christianity Sucks, Right?
But Honestly Salvation wasn't something The Greek Paganism had in General and never Claimed to.
So You're asking why a Natural Force of Order and Thunder and Weather can't be our Saviour. Its rather absurd when You Think about it. what Soul Zeus save us From exactly? Zeus Fornicates and Grins and Lies and Cheats. And yes I Know, Yahweh is worse and Murders Babies and all. But Atheists overplay that God is a Tyrant Card, and Really You Lot never Present an Honest View of God in The Bible. God's not the Visits Munster You make Him out to be.
And He's not Hypocritical Either.
You Just choose to Re frame, Distort, and Misrepresent what The Text says. Reducing Noah's Flood to God Murdering everyone, and making sure to say this Includes Pregnant Women and Innocent babies, isn't what The Flood was About.
Just Like God "Ordering Genocide" is actual about War and was how All Wars were Fought in The Period.
Of course You will say You Hate All Religions Equally and just Focus on Christianity as its Te Most Popular, too. But You'll also say Zeus is "Way cooler" than Jesus or Yahweh.
So, its a Scam.
Not a syllable out of line...goosebump inducing simplicity and adherence to the topic
It's simple because he's speaking very simply on an extremely complex topic. Odd that somebody speaking the English language without stuttering is 'goosebump' inducing to you.
J R You’re the type of person that would spur a comment like the one above. First off, thanks for pushing the intent of the comment further in the same direction..Though, you’re most-likely too “simple” to realize what you did’s 4PM central on a Wednesday, your boss would not be happy to know you’re showing your ass on the internet...apply this passion to something useful...idiot
@@lsutigers324 simmer down there, pal. Don't act like you were playing 4D chess, you're just easy to please. And not everyone lives in the same time zone as you. Maybe if you were less of an 'idiot' you'd get that.
@@JR-hi9bu noticing that all religions are man-made and false is not a complex topic. Many people throughout the ages have noticed this.
If your views can't stand up to close scrutiny and being phrased simply, then they're not worth defending.
Through the history of humanity.Darkness has never been used to overcome Darkness but only light can.
Why do people choose to perceive hell as place of burning. That is a Catholic interpretation. It's the absence of God, non existence.
Because some 4th century idiots put Revelation in the good book and nobody has taken it out, yet. :-)
Is your god present now? does that mean hell will render your god no longer omnipresent?
@@sbusisomazibuko1885 Hehehe... I have never heard that "gotcha" before. Good one! :-)
@@schmetterling4477 Yeah, so witty, so intelligent, what a " gotcha", bc nobody could ever imagine, how God could create a place like hell where he wouldn't be. You are easily impressed, I'm assuming still an adolescent. Small things amaze small minds.
@@harleydavidson1014 No, an omnipresent god can not create a place where he is not present. So if god is omnipresent, then he is not omnipotent and vice versa. The only logical solution to an omnipresent and omnipotent god is the empty set. But why are you so desperate to prove that you don't understand logic, anyway? This is not a test and you didn't have to fail it. It was your own choice to fail, right now. Do you enjoy failing? ;-)
You know you’re done when you hear Harris say “Just think of that”
Not really, it wasn’t that impressive to be honest, I’ve heard children use these arguments.
@@glasscleaner4439 Must be some smart children
Ah, but 'thinking' isn't a religious person's strong suit. They each have a considerable blind spot, reinforced by their cognitive dissonance.
😂😂😂so us Christians just got owned cause the “think of that” part huh lol?😂 this dude is wack n got debunked plenty of times
@@fernandodicaprio5750 by Christians that don't want to wake up to facts..... Christians... ppl who said that its wrong to kill were responsible for sooo many deaths and hardships among the ppl of world back in the 1600's.. its only recently these things stopped because of the technology that we have in today's world... so u trying to say that you could have life and joy... praise god and eat your stomach full.. but the children in India can't.. what about Africa.... ppl who trying to live innocent and peaceful lives can't because they go through so much torture... so its a selection thing now... all the underage girls who getting raped, killed and thrown in the bush praying to god before their final moments and nothing happened... how do you explain that
Are there any of these kinds of presentations done for Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism?
Probably, definitely Islam. But Hinduism and Judaism aren't as tyrannical and power hungry as Christianity or Islam. You don't hear about them as much because they keep to themselves more often
Hinduism doesn’t care for imposing itself onto others and take over the planet in gods name. You do you. This fundamental thought is missing in other religions.
I hope so for Islam
It’s pretty much the same thing, just swap a few words out! :D
Its the same thing for Islam. Hinduism and Judaism doesn't say if people doesn't believe in those religions they'll burn in hell
Every time I watch this video it gets better.
Why? It's garbage that glosses over the vast amounts of theistic thought that dunks on such superficial 'bad things happen God must be a real meanie lol'
J R Did you even watch the video?
God is not mean people now deserve to be punished are punished.
... in fact God sent his only son to die on a cross to save us from our sins... people ruined God’s name
Caden Evans I can only imagine you didn’t listen to the video at all. This is part of his speech, but he uses this to set up a larger discussion about how warped morality becomes when you use the bible and divine command theory. What’s more, he points out how there seems to be a blind spot in believers when evaluating good things and bad things. All good things are obviously gods blessings and fortune, while all bad things are some misunderstood part of some greater plan of gods that we can’t understand. This allows believers to justify any part of gods behavior that doesn’t align with his supposed good nature.
Here’s a bombshell idea, perhaps god doesn’t exist and isn’t doing anything for anyone, and things just happen. Some things benefit us, and some things don’t, and there is no need to conjure up a deity, an agency that is responsible for both
There is only one God and if you don’t believe in him... you will be cast in the fiery lake of hell for eternity and Christians can have no good things happen to them in their whole entire life but God has a plan for us, and that plan is to be in heaven with him.
I believe Christianity should be used as a way to live with morals and to live healthily. Not to use it to controls others.
Why not swap it out for something not only more moral but that can't be used to control others?
@@eddyeldridge7427 Christianity in my opinion is more focused about the human condition and culture. Science is what I use to explain the world I live in, and the probability of something happening.
What about secular humanism?
What’s all this business about “disproving god”? I am not aware that his existence has ever been “proved” in the first place.
The existence of a god still remains an unsubstantiated and unproven claim.
you are so behind.
@@aviator-kn8zq Behind what?
@@aviator-kn8zq Prove it, then. It's people like you holding us back as a species..
It is not proven exist yet but it is also not proven not exist.
There are so many evidences of his existence.
Any religious argument is nothing but begging the question.
Pyrochyde huh? Religion is taking care of widows and orphans.
What? So are humanists. Irrelevant.
Pyrochyde So because people die means there is no God? Oh lol. Last I checked we all die. Notice he's talking about the children who die in this world. Not the 98 year olds. Also note he only points out the negatives of the world. Nothing of the good that happens daily. But to confirm because bad things have happened in the history of time that means there is no a God because if there was nothing bad would happen lol. And finally note that he's talking about young children dying, I'm not sure I don't know this guy but i might guess that this guy is pro choice. which is pretty ironoc if he is..
@@hippyhor3513 you've posted this exact same reply under loads of comments, copied and pasted. Lazyyyyy
@tokyoghoulsucks That's why I don't believe in religions. I simply follow Christ and what he's said. I'm christian. Everything else in the world is nothing more than congregations of people and rules. And to say the world is not of design? That's almost comical. You wouldn't say a complicated computer program is of randomness and chance, because you know that'd be ridiculous. Yet you are going to say DNA is of chance and randomness, which is 100x more advanced and complex than any computers we have today? And that's just DNA. I can go on all day. Those who pretend God does not exist are putting on an act. They either don't want to believe because they're afraid of what they don't understand or they're mad at God for reasons/think hes tyrannical so they think saying they don't believe in him makes him go away. It's not that simple
Humanity has created such a human god.
Over the years the humans have invented over thousand gods for their entertainment, comfort, subjugation, and control of large groups - often human-like and very similar in their story lines (because there were no facts and the "authors" were usually heavily plagiarizing material from earlier stories) - but some different, expressing regional and societal differences.
BUT there is one thing that is common no matter what the location, what the group, what the language, who the individual, to how many gods the commitment was, and when invented in the past 200,000 years: there is ZERO REAL EVIDENCE for the existence of any of them. Although the gods appear in books, paintings, building architecture, music and people's imaginations and dreams, in reality, they are all made-up make-believe, so imaginary. Frankly, leprechauns are a million times more likely to actually exist than any of the gods - including the now famous Flying Spaghetti Monster, with his Magic Wand.
lauc62 So because people die means there is no God? Oh lol. Last I checked we all die. Notice he's talking about the children who die in this world. Not the 98 year olds. Also note he only points out the negatives of the world. Nothing of the good that happens daily. But to confirm because bad things have happened in the history of time that means there is no a God because if there was nothing bad would happen lol. And finally note that he's talking about young children dying, I'm not sure I don't know this guy but i might guess that this guy is pro choice. which is pretty ironoc if he is..
Your comment has more subject matter than his entire speech. This Sam Harris isn't very objective and is just bashing christianity.
Man created god in his own image
@@HalfBreedCreations God created man and woman in his own image. Together they make up God. To put it simply, they are simply manifestations of God in the physical.
Would you want a God who elects someone who thinks someone like Craig is a good representative or someone greater and less fallible than Sam Harris as a result of standing on the shoulders of giants and only improving on Sam Harris without his judgemental approach?
You are placing the actions of man on God. Man has free will, a gift from God. We can't blame God for our decisions. We can instead blame our nature as human beings. Just because a decision other than your own was made you believe it was bad. Millions agree with you, millions disagree. People will always fall short, truely. I lean on God, this gracious eternal being, not as his robot carrying out his plot, but a free spirit experincing what he created for me. Regardless of who is in power, God will carry us through
I believe in God for other reasons that logic has yet to explain. However, I do not identify with any religion because of how harmful it was and is to other people and how much wars and division it has caused. Religion has also pushed the world back hundreds of years.
Can you just not comprehend that us human: are hear by sheer luck? There’s no creator.
@@roadmanpussio4562 we're not hear by luck but choices and decisions
as an atheist, i respect this so much. I respect the idea of believing in god but no associating with a specific religion like christianity, because religions have so many flaws it’s crazy
I’d love to hear more about your god. Are you his prophet? If you know who god is and his role for us in the universe I’m desperate to know.
Is there a transcription of this??? I kinda want it.
Then transcribe it
@@JuliobalthazarI’m asking if there actually is a transcription. Or else Ill just have an AI do it ig
If you click on the three dots above the subscribe button (on laptop) its transcribes with time stamps!
You didn’t see the transcriber frantically typing.? Of course there’s a transcript.
Thats why i pay the internet
If there is no God then why is there so much good in the world?
@@RobotNinjaDestroyer if there is a Hod, then why is there so much destruction, despair and death in the world?
@@sanjaygudi6515 thats sin. God is everything Good, such as love, happiness, joy, excitement those all come from god. Death and destruction and bad things come from Sin and Satan. Dont worry I had the same question once
@@Lazarus3 do natural disasters that kill thousands also come from god?
@@Lazarus3 It is always said by Christians that God is Omnipotent,Omniscient,Omnibenevolent and Omnipresent basically GOD is one above all, I know this because I heard it first hand also because I studied at a Christian school. The question is how come God is having a hard time removing Evil,Destruction,Suffering,Diseases. Doesnt that contradict everything about him?
“Religion allows perfectly decent and sane people to believe by the billions what only lunatics could believe on their own.” Thats a bar 🎤🗣️
Is it? Can’t I just say the same about atheism? Has the same kind of backing. 0 backing
No, you can't, because atheism isn't a belief
@@eddyeldridge7427yes it is, it’s the belief that GOD DOESN’T EXIST
@@Griffman08we are all insane
The man knows his Tolkien.
+BollocksUtwat Where did this come from? Did I completely miss all such references?
AbstractAbsorption Yea, at 3:11 he talks about the Elves dying in the Lord of the Rings.
+BollocksUtwat Thanks :)
+BollocksUtwat You've chosen your name well, Bollocks!
Ever wondered where Tolkien got the idea?
Don't think Middle Earth has the concept of judgement before getting into Valinor though, since only immortal creatures really went there.
Difficult it must be for those who accept Authority as the Truth, instead of Truth as Authority.
How can we know the truth?
Literally the same thing its like saying oh I rather to go to the pet shop to get a pet than go to a pet thats put in a pet shop to get pet
@@jacobs8598 Based on your question, then why think someone with authority over you has the truth? (since you think we (meaning everyone) can never know the truth)
@@faithnreason446 Glad you've tricked your own perception of logic to feel content with yourself.
@@papareacts5451 Maybe - I can't really follow you on that analogy.
Not a single stutter or misword used. Amazing.
Lol you’re just as idiotic
@@rob7804 Gonna cry?
@@jamesshepherd9390 If that’s what helps you sleep at night little buddy loll
@@rob7804 Hahahaha "everyone who disagrees with me is a troll - the child's guide to dealing with reality."
@@jamesshepherd9390 from my 1 reply, you created a whole scenario in your head to make yourself seem like a “winner” LOL. You have some real mental issues little buddy. Time to take a break from the internet 😂
Issue 1, the point of christianity is not to safeguard blablabla...
It is to educate people on why we are seperated from benevolent God)(we do wrong, wicked, sin) and how we can stop doing those things to keep our souls after death.
His 2 - we experience loss of children and other tragedy bec is shapes us and builds our perseverance. GOD MAKES, no caps, everything right on the last day.
He is repeating points with his children dying rhetoric.
Wont let me edit, continued
Tennis without the net
Obviously this man isnt applying his same logic to both sides, if christianity is playing without the net atheism is without the court
(this faith is perfection of narcissism)
Another lie, God loves everyone. God hates wickedness, sin, narcissism doesnt allow everyone the same standards to follow. God does. God is ultimate justice
(God doesnt do good things to others) lie. Every good thing is from God. Even good things the wicked gain. Its fair.
He also repeats his child rhetoric. Lol😅 he really thinks that argument works
I listened longer but he didnt introduce any new argument he just repeated. Ill close by proving this man wrong. Ill type it below this
Final. There is no evidence (scientific) for or against God. So to find out if God exists we must ask ourselves if there is a reason we would be on earth and God would not be here. Then we would take the answers to that question and would see if logic says that it is true or if logic says the other side is true. It is very logical that we would be separated from God because God must be benevolent for him to exist. If you want to go study a little bit of Theology and then come back it would save me from typing a book so God is benevolent and God loves us enough to give us a chance to keep our souls by putting us on Earth the only caveat is that we must prepare our soul to be able to face God and not be destroyed because of benevolent God Must Destroy sin or evil if it becomes face with it
Just sitting with the logic on both sides neither side wins until you apply the Bible
I was an atheist for my entire life until I read the Bible a few years ago the Bible actually provides all of the logic needed to be able to prove that God does exist and it tips the scale into God's favor
His use of pauses is absolutely masterful
Why can't he make sense?
@@chris9527because you're not listening
i believe you're the only person who cannot create and make sense in your life. think logically@@chris9527
@@thatoneperson897or maybe BC half of what he said were lies
@@usmarine9603u gotta elaborate, u cant just falsely accuse
“Life is too short to be an idiot, so grow a brain” - Some guy on the internet fighting a believer in false propaganda
It seems more idiotic to ignore the blatant message that there is a creator or at least that death which doesn't take away the body but takes away something, that it's more to that and that if we escape short, unpredictable life by death then if there is a life afterward how would we get out of this??
@@ASmith-jn7kf I would rather not base my entire life of a book the was made by people
@@ASmith-jn7kf rat lab, or a donkey with carrot bait
This earthly life is short because it is mainly a test for our immortal soul (a new chance to be back accepted into Heaven, actually the last chance, due to the signs of the last times).
@@filmeseverin horseshit typical denial, even if that's true, that doesn't make anything better
When Sam raises his eyebrow - you know you’re in trouble!
So we're in trouble all the time?
If there is no God then why is there so much good in the world?
@@RobotNinjaDestroyer cause there are good people doing good things.
@@RobotNinjaDestroyer What kind of argument is that? You could say the same thing about the amount of evil in the world.
@@RobotNinjaDestroyer There’s arguably more evil than good in the world, especially with the evolution & social corruption argument. Also Christianity’s definitely not an argument for good things happening. That can be scientifically explained through evolution predisposition, environmental, & social influences. Which is much more consistent, non hypocritical, non absurd, & always seeking the proper truth of our existence with properly observed & testable claims to gather evidence unlike Christianity claims to do. Science has overwhelming evidence to support evolution, determinism, perception, social & environmental influences, religious geographical location, Big Bang Theory, etc. Christianity has not even the slightest sheer overwhelming evidence to support their claims. Believe what you want but the Bible isn’t reliable once you see the hypocrisies, contradictions, absurdities, tragedies, & illogical claims it makes. There are hundreds of problems in the Bible that Christians never question or be appalled by.
I don't mean to start a big debate or the sort, nor upset people. Giving my side/view the best that I can think to articulate atm.
I'm a Christian and I watch stuff like this to challenge and strengthen my faith. That said i'd like to defend and make some points naturally for anyone interested. Quick note:im not all..but ill repeat what i've heard and or thought of.
The Bible is an anthology or collection of his divinely inspired word. Why should he lie of anything to us that are faithful to him? Hence involvements and mentions of darker and bad subjects such as slavery or mass deaths. That said, God is working in a world we broke by falling for Satan. He could've started over but why would a perfect being have to restart anything he made? No, instead he'll show his power and strength of good over evil by working to save us.
Now Hell, that's not meant for us. It was made for Satan and the other fallen angels that followed him. it was not originally intended for humans. I dread the subject of dead children as any sane person should, and Job is the only thing that makes sense to me atm admittedly, and one other thing. I heard of Job as means to express sometimes life just rhyme or reason. Maybe God is trusting us to care for Creation and is letting us be on our own at times. But that's prayer..why we pray, to ask for help when we need it because I find religion to be about the relationship with God. Back to the children and other horrible stuff including the man's mention of unfortunate circumstance for those across the world born into the wrong religion. That's part of being Christian, to spread the gospel, word and love of Jesus Christ. HIs son he sent and let die to then rise again. As salvation for us. That's one definite constant of the Bible: giving us outs, second chances, and offerings of salvation. The Old Testmanet has many instances of guiding followers away from sin and evil and death.Why he kills people, well some may be evil while the others-admittedly I don't know. Not in reference to events of the Old Testament anyways. But it's still included in scripture. It's not like we or God cover it up though if that's anything. Again I don't know. Still learning.
With Jesus though, that's everything we need now until the end. The scapegoat, the way out, our path to redemption. Yes the Bible was sacrificial throughout. Animal sacrifices mostly and only that to my recollection other than Jesus. Even then there's none of that today that im aware of(not literally atleast) It's easy to look at bad, it's addicting. There is a through line message and consistency of God constantly guiding us though. But it's a relationship and we have to be willing to receive and act in faith. This next bit is a comfort and 'cheat', I say in times of doubt that it's a bit silly to try to understand God. So it wouldn't make sense for fallen creatures such as us to be able to fully comprehend/and or appreciate his version of good and perfection. I may be wrong in a lot of what I've said though, pointing that out again. I just wanted to add something to this discussion.
"He could've started over but why would a perfect being have to restart anything he made? No, instead he'll show his power and strength of good over evil by working to save us." Beautiful
you are so good in being able to admit you don’t know! so many people cannot simply say those words- you have great humility! what turns me away from these things a lot of the time is the pride that comes on both sides sometimes, so your words are refreshing. God is proud!
I thought these were excellent thoughts, and as a Christian I agree with most of what you said. One thing about Hell, though that I think a lot of people don't understand is Hell is not a place that God "created." God didn't create Hell for satan or the angels or humans, Hell is simply where God is not present. God is Love, Joy and Goodness. If an angel or human chooses not to follow God, he is separated from Love, Joy, Goodness, and all of God's virtues which is the absence of God, or Hell.
is there a transcript of this?
yes, all yt videos have a transcript feature at the bottom of a video description
@@opanababylittle late but you got the spirit
Do you ever wish that the world was not so messed up? Do you know why it is? Why is there death, suffering, and war? Did we all simply 'evolve' that way? Is the universe like a cruel jokester, giving you dreams of the heart that will never see fulfillment? Does the universe trick you in your earlier days, with dreams of love and romance, fun and adventure, only to give you a 9-5 job that you don't like?
Yet, heaven will be perfect. People won't even have bad breath there! No one will ever lie to you or steal from you. Doesn't that sound great? Yet, do you see the problem? If you have lied and stolen, you are not worthy of heaven. You would be left outside with other lying thieves. God is love and eternity without love is hell by definition! Yet, Christ died on a Cross. The suffering He endured is the antidote, the cure, for all human suffering. Heaven will be great. I hope you won't miss it! Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
@@kenshiloh Im muslim but cool
Make one, lazy bones.
This single point killed my faith: if abortion is so wrong because all humans have souls and all souls go to heaven, hell, or purgatory, then where do the murdered 10 week olds go. And if they did something so awful in the womb and go to hell or purgatory, why do others get the chance to repent and be forgiven, but they do not. And if they go to heaven, wouldn’t abortion be an act of mercy. If a person went out and killed a million good-willed Christians, they would all go to heaven. Therefore, murder is an act of kindness, based on the beliefs of Christianity,
Wow, speaks volumes of your faith. You don't see how wrong and Non scriptural this belief is.? This guy is a joke. He even compared Muslims to Christianity. What? Lol!
A 10 week old baby doing something sinful in the womb, are you okay? Abortion shouldn’t even be carried out in the first place and I’m sure God has great mercy on his beautiful children that have been killed for the parents convenience.
Matt Giordano you obviously don’t know scripture well. The little children killed from abortion and the ones killed outside the womb don’t go to hell. They’re too young to grasp the concept of salvation and deny it. They go to heaven
Chris Whitehead I understand that I may have worded this poorly and I want to preface this with the fact that I am a non religious pro lifer. Nevertheless the point I am trying to make is why should that baby be given the opportunity to spend eternal happiness in heaven based off of a mother’s poor choice. That baby could have very well been a Satanist but since he did not have the capacity to either accept or deny the faith he spends eternal life in heaven rather than eternal torture in hell. Edit: Therefore doesn’t the concept of Heaven/Hell seem radical because a mothers bad decision causes a good outcome for the child’s soul. I would like to reiterate that I believe abortion is wrong and this hypothetical situation proves the contradictory structure of the Christian Heaven/Hell system
F04MUSIC that hyperbolic point was used to accentuate the paradox of the Christian afterlife. Also, you are not getting the point of the hypothetical . I am sure your God would have great mercy on that baby but what if that baby was going to end up being a serial killer and that mothers abortion saved him from eternal life in hell.
I believe the enormous fear of death causes normally rational people to believe irrational things for their own comfort. I have always argued that it was hard for me to believe in a god that created me with a complex brain but then would persecute me for using that very brain to question everything. I think most religious people are religious because of hope, however, a person can still have hope without religion. I hope there is some sort of afterlife where I can continue to be surrounded by loved ones, but I am not certain of anything. I am at peace with my beliefs (or lack there of) but I will continue to research and educate myself as much as I can AND, I will continue to hope. I wish everyone that same peace with their own beliefs.
When does God persecute people because they are asking questions
@@misstell7645 question his existence, question the validity of the Bible based on science, etc etc. bible pushers always have to have a way to make things fit for their own conscious
@@bwhite429 So yeah, God does not forbid you to question His existence 😐 Nor His word etc
@@misstell7645 you might reread the Bible. Yes he does AND he is a very jealous god. That is a very weak emotion for such a powerful god. Fairytale
@@bwhite429 Search what being jealous means, and in the context. I know what verses you’re talking about and what it is about.
0:25 no the point of christianity is that jesus died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected.
Jesus according to the Bible is God himself meaning that he sent himself to sacrifice himself for himself to save us from the rules he made himself.
@@barackobamium4536 God says that because we have sinned against him and against each other we must face the price for it, which is death. God, in his grace, became fully human in the body of Christ and suffered as a human just like we do. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was God paying the price for the punishment we deserve for sinning.
sinning in the Christian faith just means seperation from God. our actions drive us away from God. Hell is the result of being separate from God upon our death. Hell is the eternal separation from God.
this isnt a hard topic to understand, but it is clear by your framing of Jesus that you either are intentionally being bad faith (pun not intended) or just dont understand the concept of grace, salvation and sacrifice.
@eli_leprosy Everything you said sounds crazy to a rational person.
So not a sacrifice?
"You meant to do me harm, but God meant it for good - so that it would come about as it is today, with many people’s lives being saved."
Genesis 50:20
Brilliant, no logical thinking person would be able the counter this.
The man's a fool.
@@gman1915 The Bible is anything but a boring book. It's the pure word of God and, along with beauty, miracles and wisdom, it also includes a lot of bad things because it is the truth about people which is sometimes ugly but nothing is hidden. The Bible also contains history, poetry, prayer, parables, proverbs and prophecy -
words to live by and words to believe and be saved for all eternity if you put your faith in Jesus Christ whose words are satisfying for their insights and vision into human nature and the need for repentance.
@@johnbrowne3950 i sirieusly hope you are kidding
Cru6ifix V it doesn’t say they were little children.
S Kris watch the “Discussion” with Jordan Peterson.
1 Corinthians 2:14
The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.
Religious nutjobs
I am not a natural man. I have the spirit of God in Me to the fullest and I can tell you Christianity is utter bulshit
Quoting Bible quotes just makes you look stupid fyi
No one cares
*Frollo when singing about his lust for the Gypsy Esmeralda* : "Now Gypsy, it's your turn! Choose me or your pyre, be mine or you will burn!"
*God/Jesus to us* : "Now mortals, it's your turn! Choose me or the lake of fire, be mine or forever burn!"
Nah, it's more like
Parent: "My beautiful child, please, please, please put down the crack pipe and lay off the meth. It will destroy you, and it breaks my heart to watch you do that to yourself"
Kid: "Bugger off, where is your evidence? You are such a square and a loser. What kind of parent are you that you would destroy everything that I love about my life!? That's why you have no friends except those weird square hetero straights-ville types. I am suffering NONE of the effects you claim. I have never felt better.I know I can stop whenever I want, and it's just your silly, pointless, made up rules that are cramping my style. Later, dude."
@@bolshoefeodor6536 the problem with that analogy is, we HAVE proof meth is bad.
@@bolshoefeodor6536 If your god was so omni-benevolent and loving, why did he deterministically engineer this conversation between the parent and the kid and make hopeless people drug addicts?
I'm an ex-Muslim and I'm tired of buckos like you trying to corroborate Christianity when in reality it's total baloney like all other Abrahamic religions.
@@moatasemkassab4517 Because we chose a life of suffering
@@jaga887 Did we chose it? Or did your God plan it? I'm a determinist.
“Perfection of narcissism” perfectly said. Will bend over backwards to damn the rest but save oneself. Total delusion to think you are the one person that had it right and everyone else is damned to hell.
Almost as if the concept of God is nothing but an extension of these people's egos. It's all about control and political power since the dawn of time
Your argument doesnt make sense because the core believes of Christianity is love, and trust in Jesus wich is actually the opposite of narcisme.
Besides that.. The argument goes both ways doesnt it?
John 3.16
@@gameaddictgonewild777 you wackjobs have a twisted idea of love. Why should you trust Jesus over millions of other deities humans made up over the course of history?