I still remember how baron buff can be stolen by killing the champion that have it. Or the heart of gold. The menacing of 6 black cleavers. AP Master Yi. Dingers heat-seeking rockets. Blitz's W that doesn't slow him. K6 in the mid lane. Cho'Gath that has a bonus revive when he reaches a certain amount of stack in his R. So much moreeeeee!
You should do a video on how Evelynn was first looked at as a troll pick, and basically became the greatest counter jungler/ganker overnight simply because people figured her out. The story is fascinating.
You're right she has a very interesting history. Eve was seriously the biggest troll pick at one point I remember players reporting teammates just for PICKING her.
Trip to memory lane. I play for 11 years now. It's good that someone does videos like that, gives you perspective and brings back memories. Fantastic, keep it up.
@@Exil22 Another player from 2013 here. I think we need more of the broken champion releases like Syndra (second lowest wr on release to date i think) or stuff like atmogs, stacking black cleavers riot introducing the feral flare and buffing spirit of the elder lizard to a point where jungle meta was udyr, jarvan and lee sin. Old champion kits like arnie sion, old old mordekaiser being a drain tank or burst mage, quirky old karthus, old eve, the backfired kog'maw update. There is so much down memory lane which i probably forgot. I still want my adc graves back (graves leona most fun i ever had). That being said you put a lot of research into this and actually found one thing i did not remember which was the second herald buff. Keep it up :)
I remember the days where when an event or a new champion came out the launcher would have their animated spashart loop alongside their own individual theme songs. I miss these days
Diana and Vi getting the first champion themes with vocals back to back (they released almost simultaneously and were completed at the same time) was crazy
You should bring up the old "hidden" passives, like how "this unit is a flippin ninja" used to reduce your HP by 1 for every other ninja character on your team.
I frequently forget we STILL have secret quests with Rengar vs Kha, or the queen of the Frejlord. I think the last one is..thresh' lantern vs Lucian or Senna? Let alone the smaller details like Vi vs Jinx or Voli vs Zilean having little "passive" effects on the buff bar
Also the fact that champions / skins that wear sunglasses (e.g. Vayne, Commando Xin Zhao) took 1 less damage from Leona's passive. Is that still in the game?
@@mihaitha pretty sure it got removed after a leona failed to kill a vayne leaving her with 1 hp because of the skin had sunglasses in competitive and they removed most of them. Warwick had +1 damage with diana on the team was another one i think they had
@@scarletvrgames568 i really hope they dont remove the thresh and senna or rengar and kha passives in the future for it being too "game-changing". you made it a feature riot, keep it that way
I play since season 1. The thing I remember the most was how many people refused to jungle not because it was a bad role, but because of how hard it was to set up runes, and so few champions could pull off reliable jungle clears. Also support Ward spam. It was absolutely possible to cover up the whole map in Wards.
@@yoruichixx6951 Yup, this is how it worked. And making supports actually do it in lower elos was hopeless. Honestly it was too much IMO. Good support could really make you see the whole map.
Can confirm: Jungle used to be insanely difficult (but rewarding) to clear. The vast majority of champions was ruled out immediately and very few people had the correct runes (Movespeed, flat armor and flat attackspeed for most junglers, IIRC).
@@Kejmur And gold per 5 items, once they were introduced. Supports used to earn practically 0 gold for a very long time span before gold per 5 items were introduced and after they were removed IIRC.
I love how you talk about old jungle being way harder. There is an old joke with my friends where, when someone gives an obvious tip in a game, we remind them to use a health pot before drain, because one of us died level one as Fiddlesticks vs blue buff without the health pot.
I seriously miss Twisted Treeline not for 3V3 but for Hexakil. When they brought Hexakill to Twisted Treeline that was some of the most fun I've had in League. Along with Ascension. Crazy how I think the best variant of those maps were just event game types but man I miss that.
I just want to play Treeline again, even just a game or two. I spent so much time on that mode while waiting for friends’ games to finish or hopping into a quick match when I was bored. Learned a lot of mechanics though it too. Too bad it got neglected and removed after the bot spam infested it. Riot always prefer covering up their problems or painting over them rather than fixing them like a decent company.
I started playing in 2013, devoted almost 10 years of my life to this game. God I miss the old league. Dominion, doom bots, sword of the occult, dfg, the old aatrox and Fiora. These will all be forever missed!
you forgot to mention how smiting wolves would spawn an orb in that jungle blue side and it would follow any enemy entering that blue side of the jungle. the same was with Chikens if you smite them they give you a passive that will show you nearby enemy wards. jungle items had colors to them, blue red some other 2 colors and they have unique effects too. the bushes length changed too.
I think the most obvious things left out were the multiple game modes that were added and removed. ARAM was a custom mode that was later adapted to an official one. Twisted Treeline had multiple reworks and it’s own ranked ladder. Dominion was added early in leagues lifespan and removed shortly after, but it was “fast and fun”. The other maps could probably be their own video tbh.
As a support main, I find the support progression interesting. From no support items, no significant passive gold income and spending half your budget buying green and pink wards, to now sometimes hitting mythic spikes before opponents. Crazy.
I remember having to buy EVERY fuckin gold gen item as a support that would simply go to the fucking wards 💀 infinite ward placement and nobody ever bought any.. Fell to the support and that sucked. Which is also interesting, cause that's when I began using Zyra as support and seeing the sheep mindset. But mage supports, especially the burst mage, was the ONLY way to make support fun. Secure the kill, get items and hit power spikes. Never gonna forget the days of being reported and insulted for going Zyra support until the fuckin Pros began doing it. That's when I realized how bs the community is and how they can't even think outside the meta for a game.
Yeah because at the early seasons, like 1 to 3 league was still at its DotA phase which was why there were no limits on pots and we had a "bottle" system no ward limit
Yeah support role was exactly like the goalkeeper role when we were young: the role that no one wanted to play! I started to main support because most of the times I had to, and step by step I started to like it, at the point that I was offering myself to play support in public lobbies, and sometimes get appreciations after good games! Too bad League changed too much, and stopped playing, thanks also to the exponential increase of community toxicity
I remember when sunfire cape stacked. Rammus with speed boots and 5 sunfires was the second most fun I've ever had playing league. The most fun was Evelyin with 5 sunfire capes, because that was back when she had her old passive. You could just stand near people in lane and they would melt and couldn't do anything about it.
I really do miss how simple champions used to be. Back when my buddy and I started playing in season 2 and 3, it felt like we could pick up any champion and at least have some fun with it. I get all their reasons for adding complexity, but I do miss the simplicity of it.
You're right, champions were much more simple, but also to be fair - so were the players and the game. While it's true that no champion released in season 3 was remotely as complex as aphelios, you also didn't have to lane against someone who has 5,000+ games on their main champion. It's a bit harder to have "casual fun for shits n gigs" because everyone is so good at the game now. We've all improved substantially. That's why learning new champions is tricky these days.
Tbh, even now most champs are pretty simple. They do more things than champs released over a decade ago, sure, but in practice they're still pretty straightforward
hopefully the 2023 champions are simpler like older times, because i remember the devs saying last years champs were a little crazy so they wanted to try to tone it down
Old league was great. I genuinely miss Season 1 2 3 4 the most. It was when I was heavily invested in the competitive pro scene, and the community felt like a community, especially high elo. So much all chat banter and friendliness that I feel nostalgic for when I watch old VODs.
That means u don't really miss league, you miss those times when the game was less famous and less competitive, the context was very different, but none of this has to do with the version of league, it had to do with the times.
I remember everyone going for pen runes, so I got 13 armor, and 13 mres. They spent their whole rune page just to get 11 pen, I only spent 2/3rds of mine to completely negate theirs.
This is something I saw as well all the time only to have others quickly come back saying they have more customization now. It's good to see someone else agrees with me that old rune pages truly did have more custom options. Also can't forget those dodge runes lol
Much history in barely a decade of a game= constant change constant change= a lot of messing up. a lot of messing up = bad developing bad developing is usually a cause of bad corporation(oh nevermind riot was bought by tencent completely in 2011 which means the whole game belong to the chinese communist party. it all makes sense.)
Lets not forget that in 2011 or 2012 as a jungler, you could NOT do blue buff or red buff before hitting lvl3 and buying some items because they were that strong. I remember doing jungle from golems into 2 ganks and soaking some exp, then wraiths (now raptors) into another gank or two. Jungle was not easy like it is now lol
@@AlbertKekstein Fiddlesticks too. The drain used to be incredibly strong and he was really good at clearing. EDIT: Oh, and Nunu and also Xin when his w sustain got buffed :)
There was also midseason 4 patch wriggles lantern rework that made almost all on hit junglers completely broken. That was silly patch but still fun in retrospect.
I would love you to talk about the moment when jungle monsters had spirits when farmed, like the wolves would spawn a ghost tracking enemies in your jungle and giving you vision upon them. It was the most fun age for jungling, created a lot of counter plays, room for tactics decisions and I was pretty upset when Riot deleted this mechanic
Smiting gromp for the poison damage buff, to clear your jungle faster. Smiting enemy chickens to get vision in their jungle. What an amazing time to play the game.
I played LoL PC back in 2011-2015. Really enjoyed the game during its early years. It was just fun. Today players will just complain to you about anything, whether you made a bad pick, bought weird items, etc. Back then playing LoL felt like freedom.
This. League was SO fun during those years. I'm not saying it isn't fun currently (although now I exclusively play ARAM because Summoner's Rift is completely overwhelming to me now, and toxicity-blah-blah-blah)--but as a game in let's say Season 2, you'd have complete noobs looking for a good time rolling Ashe vs. Ashe mid; queueing up as Shaco, Teemo, Nidalee, Heimer"dong" with friends and bush-camping for hysterical first blood ganks; Ashe arrows flying across the map and receiving standing ovation each time a Hail Mary landed; etc. Good times, good times.. Edit: how could I forget the OG Critplank Gangplank? All the old runes (were they even called runes back then? I can't remember) and items then stacking full crit chance and just absolutely BLASTING with his Q's. 100% crit rate Gangplank was so damn fun. I'm outta nostalgic moments. The fun was overwhelming. I've never binged gaming with close friends as much as I did during those years.
@@Simulated1992 Normal games were very fun. And sometimes even troll picks work in ranked. AP Master Yi and AP Shaco were also some of the fun builds. As players were not scared to experiment with picks and items. I even remember playing Janna as AD Carry and winning. Tanks were also tanks back in those days that can take tons of damages.
Ryze having an auto attack toggle back in the day and towers not having magic resis led to near instant tower destruction with him. Or back when Wit's End had mana burn. Or when Twisted Fate's had a global slow built into it.
As a jungler it would be cool to do a whole retrospective on jungle changes because it's crazy how different it is. One of my favorite old things was the smite buffs where smiting a large monster gave you special buffs and you could do krugs topside, smite for the heavy hands buff, gank the top laner, and take the tower super easy
You won the jackpot. Having played this game since Season 2, I remembered everything that Exil brought up in this video, but I totally forgot about the smite buffs.
Bro I still have this in mind. I think when I smite the krugs, my next auto is gonna stun them. And the wolves or wraith I don't remember, spawn a temporary ward at your jungle entrance
11:17 you forgot to mention the range/damage cap on nidalee q. She used to not have one, damage scaled infinitely with distance. And distance was calculated when based on distance from target to where you ARE, not where you WHERE when you threw it. So you could amp the spear damage by walking/couger jumping/flashing/thresh lanturning/etc away from your target after throwing the spear
Yeah he forgot to mention just how fucking annoying she was and how the spears almost one shot you and how shit her play style was which was just camping in bushes/jungle or around lanes and just spamming the spears until she either one shot you or came in cougar form to finish the little health you had left. Also. AP master Yi. There's no way you can forget that 😂😂
I haven't ever considered old league ugly, infact I thought it looked better in season 3 than it has since s5. I love and miss the personality of old league, and knowing I'll never get it back makes my heart hurt
@@akasahi9315 league been out since 09 lol. idk what type of lawsuit they would do. If anything dota completely copied league, just a tiny bit different
In the old clients, the "home" page was significantly different. It would always show high elo games that were ongoing, with an option to spectate them. Videos from content creators were very often highlighted. Sometime you had polls or popular forum threads showing up. Most importantly though, the custom games could be publicly hosted and we had a custom game finder. This is the single worst change Riot ever made. In custom games, you could host games on defunct maps, chose starting gold and level and change rules (# of team members for exemple). Back then, alternative player made game modes with made up rules were THE thing. Hide and Seek was hella fun. Today, you have to browse the web and find specific Discords just to hope to enjoy a fraction of what custom games used to be. The old maps were removed, finding custom games is hard, hosting is different, no more rule options, etc..
@@eckard9597 As I said, worst change Riot ever did. I have absolutely no clue why they did it. There is not a single person at the time that approved of it and it enraged the forums for years after. I actually suspect that it is why they removed the forums too, old players were the only one using it and always brought that change up to thrash Riot.
@@nathanc939 I miss the old forums. Riot don’t seem to care about the player base at all anymore, went from a passionate project to a money printer over the first decade it had been out. The direction of the game and recent updates is disappointing and everything feels so dumbed down and directed towards pick-to-win meta (Hecarim and Zac every single game if not banned) and tanks now dealing absurdly high damage while being unkillable. I miss the extra buffs from smiting camps (vision orb, poison, etc), old champion designs (last good one was probably Sett who has also been broken by new items), new event game modes, Twisted Treeline (RIP), snow/blood moon map. I think some things are great though, like the new rune system, alcoves, etc, but it seems like for each good thing that is added, 4 things are made worse. It’s so hard to understand how such a big company fucks up so hard.
@@coldresin back then, mobile champions were cool and unique, because they were rare. They began to add ridiculous mobility to most new champions around 2014. It did not mater short term, because they were still a minority. Look at it now, 60-70 champions later... Like 50-60 of those are extremely mobile. It made the game significantly less strategic and more about "plays". They wanted to bring in teens, so they slowly turned it into a game for teens. Back in 2010-2014, yes we played LoL in high school, but we were the fucking science and history nerds. The minority that like more complicated stuff already at that age. Sure, some of the others played it too, but mostly they played CoD and Battle Field. LoL has overtaken CoD and Battle Field, by becoming more "arcady". The removal of aura items was also one of the changes that made the game less strategic. There is soo many more of those though...
@@nathanc939 Back then we also had more options for items and could really define our playstyles individually. Having that variety of playstyle was part of the reasons (IMO) that LoL got big. You could truly pick how you wanted to play. Now, as we all know, the meta is rigid and defined with little room for deviation.
The thing that surprised me the most is how old Herald is, in my mind it's always been this new'ish thing. Also, the first dragon rework with the stacking buffs, I remember how first dragon was essentially the only one people cared about.
He said it was added in preseason 6? Season 6 was when I really got into league for the first time, and I swear to god it wasn't a thing. He's gaslighting us.
Item-wise, you forgot some really fun metas, like stacking Sunfire Cape on Shaco, since both you and your clone did damage from the cape(s). Or building Lich Bane on Veigar/Ryze, since your auto after casting a spell did 100% AP damage with no cooldown. So unbalanced, so chaotic, so fun.
You should talk more about the old support items, like the ancient coin, face of the mountain, the ghost item that tracks nearby enemies and slows if hit, or that one traumatizing moment where ardent censer was the meta. I just feel bad sometimes that the support role have the tendencies to be forgotten by the community.
Support probably had the most drastic direct changes out of every role besides jungle. Philosopher’s stone and ONLY phil stone, to the three modes (coin, shield, spellthief’s), the introduction and removal of sightstone, ward removal, pink ward to control ward, the trinkets and Scrying Orb, pink wards being invisible as well and had perfect vision of invis champs, the intense nerf to long-term gold, the rune that gave gold for others killing minions, the rune during reworks which was basically Diet Ardent Censer (Windcaller’s Blessing I think), old supports having point and click stuns like Taric and BLITZCRANK, old gold per second runes. Season 3-6 support imo was some of the most interesting time to play support (besides Ardent Meta). I remember the changes being so fast and loose during this time, people were testing ridiculous things like Singed and the beginnings of Heim support.
They should bring it back with just a little more polygons. Much more stylistic, alive with better art direction it just gave good vibes. The new league and client are soulless
So i played in 2014-2015 and then stopped for a while after returning around 2018/2019 and it was insane how different the rift felt after (i mean obviously). But this is so nostalgic thank you for the videos
Some have been great, some not so. This season's changes are looking bad. The JG changes suck. The tank changes seem good so far since it felt terrible being a tank and getting destroyed in 2 sec before. They should really change the map. It's been the same too long, it feels stale. Also, we all want game modes ❤️
remember old league when there were no cap limit to how many wards you can place? You see your support having 0 items but just packing on wards, and still winning games. That shit was crazy.
You and GBay99 make some of the best League of Legends Documentaries. The quality never dips. Thank you for the entertainment over the years, I remember when I used to watch you for Riven guides, man this is way better.
I still remember first learning Nami, seeing guides saying "We know it's weird to build a midlane item on nami, but trust us you need to build athenes unholy grail"
I played since S3 but i also know that S2 was refered as the 'Warmog Season" and as ADC main I will love old Phantom Dancer + Stattik Shiv combo. One of the BIGGEST changes and huge NERFS for Nidalee was how the damage of the spear was calculated, before it was by difference between you and the hitted target and idr when it stopped being like this, the huge damage we see today or some earlier seasons was like 1/3 of how it was before. DFG, Sword of the Occult, Philosopher stone (even tho i didnt start playing that season), the Unholy Athena Grail meta w/ Mordekaiser perma banned at Worlds 2015, the Lantern jungle starter bs item w/ infinite stacks making Yi and Shyvana godtier champs, AP Yi, QSS removing things like Zed's R; LB's Silence, TF's E was his teleport, Cassio buying boots, Elise and K6 nerfs to the ground. I remember a time where almost everyone runned Thunderlord's Decree Mastery. The Assassin meta, The Tank meta.. But for me a huge thing that IMHO lowered the ceiling skill was timestamp addition(s), the times of writing things like "f 503, r 330, b 435" in teamchat to note and know when to attack the rival was a skill, now it's gone. One of biggest ARAM changes was the removal of Oracle, controversial as heck when it happened. In esports back in season 2-3 games were a bloodbath finishing with a score of 33-35, then it became games of even LESS THAN 10 KILLS.
I remember old league fondly. I remember fiora pre-rework and Vladimir when he was first released. I remember heart of gold and force of nature. When AP Yi was the leading cause of cancer among mid laners. When Irelia needed to be nerfed. Hold up, some things don't change.
Lmao I started as a top lane main in 2013, my first champ being Jax. I remember that urgot was almost a troll pick, literally the least ever played champ, but I think he was underrated. It wasn't hard to do good on him, just literally no one played him. I feel like Yorick is now that champ 😂😂
My favorite OG lol elements were Poppy's ult (only let you take damage from one enemy) and Atma's Impaler. You should def split this up into a series to talk about the different parts (jungle, champs, items, runes, etc). I remember being so jealous of my friend because he had 4 move speed Quints which were removed from the shop by the time I started playing.
Old league was crazy bro. Had a Yi with 450 Ad and 1.8 attack speed carrying us. He stacked the youmus ghostblade like his life depended on it. I also remember Garens spin having crazy crit stacks. People used to run him with three sunfires and IE lmao
You should talk about the entire DFG era, as well as 6x Sunfire Evelynn. Also, dagger (or sword I don't remember) of the occult and Mejai's on the Akali or Ezreal. Anyway, great video, as always
Sunfire Evelynn never worked in an actual game back then. Every team would have at least 2 Oracle's elixirs. It was pretty much a trollbuild for fun that has become sort of a legend throughout these years.
Seeing all of this made me realize how much I miss old league, being excited for events and champs being announced every few months along with mana pots being my best friend in the mid lane as certain champs
Season 5 will always be my favorite time of League, the jungle item rework really opened the game up to new possibilities and also paved the way for many non-conventional jungler's we still see today. Maybe a part 2 is in the works?
When I first started the game in Season 2, I have built an Aura Support Sona back in those times. When we had CD reduction, Manaregen, Spell Vamp, Lifesteal, AD,AP Armor and MR items as AURA items, and as a Sona, who's abilities provided an AURA buff for the team, this was a really funny and strong build. You just went to the side of a glasscannon Katarina, and suddenly she became a lifesteal hybrid, hypermobile bruiser.
Minor thing that was left out was shown in the video briefly but not explained. The inhibitor turrets wouldn’t shoot a shot every second but rather would shoot a laser beam that would constantly deal damage. Also I wonder how much tankier/how much more damage the turrets used to do compared to them now. I know now they have a exponential damage curve that caps out but I forget back in the early seasons how much damage they would do.
tier 2 turret also had a shield that gave shield to allied champions standing in it's ranged. And iirc inhib turret laser would slow champions hit when it was fully ramped up.
@@briannairb793 I really wish it would still do that, at least pre 15 minutes. Nowadays it feels like if you get pushed to t2, you just get totally screwed
A big part of the feel of turrets being tankier back then was that only auto attackers actually did damage to turrets. A big thing about protecting ADC's wasn't so they could wipe a team, it still was but it wasn't their sole objective. Winning a teamfight but losing the ADC meant you had a tank/bruiser top with no attack speed, a jungler who can potentially make up for it, the mage midlaner, and then your support, all trying to beat up tower. That immediately knocks out 2/4 of those remaining, your support and mage aren't doing damage to that tower.
I thought you wouldve mentioned how people used to buy multiple items that gave gold, like Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold, The blue little dagger (ive forgotten the name of the item) simply to reach the end game easier. Also how Evelynn for example used to be invisible and could stand next to you with sunfire cape XD
Speaking of potions I remember where you would buy the strength potion lvl 1 on certain champs like Riven or Lee Sin toplane. It was risky because it only paid off if you got a kill during the duration of it
As someone who started on the tail end of Season 2 and had seen everything since...you're right. I fully forgot about the Herald change. If you do another video like this, my hope is that you could do one on the old lore. The lore behind the map and how the players themselves were canon in-universe.
@@noahzhellos8344 oh i was just saying that if you were looking for something like that it’s already available to watch on his channel, no need to be rude
@@Exil22 Also around that time I believe was when some top laners like Shyvana and Hecarim would take TP/Smite, and when Sion would be picked to solo red buff using his passive just after the rework, and specifically with the Lumberjack skin.
If you make another "episode" like this, you should definitley talk about Old Turrets and that you were able to toss around Nash with Poppy /Syndra etc
As someone who has been playing since S2 and watching eSports as well. I'd love to watch a video talking about how the pro meta has evolved with the game. I saw glimpses here and it made me want a dedicated version for each year, complete with throwbacks to the crazy days of no jungle or Alistair jungle to dual jungle and funnel strats, and of course the unbelievable spectacle that was faker's riven.
League player since season 3, I remember everything from this video. In next video you should mention jungle from season 4 or 5? Where smiting different camps would give you some kind of buffs for example oracle elixir on smiting wraiths, stun on camps when smiting golems etc. From champions Nunu used to have bonus effects like + % max HP when eating camps.
@@Exil22 Yeah i think the same. It created some different clearing paths when you wanted to obtain certain effect or buff. By the way very nice video. I really enjoy your videos from "old&fun" days of League.
Having played since 2013, a lot of this is very nostalgic. I built Athenes on Azir for a long time, but then again, he was still a buggy nightmare, but I loved him for it.
@@Exil22 he was MY mess. And I loved him. And his ult could stop dashes, and it did something. Yes, it's broken, but in the current day and age me and my playgroup have a running joke about how Azir's ult does nothing. No text. Because everyone just ignores it lol
As a jungle main I gotta say people these days have it soooo much easier than back when I first started playing league in 2009. Jungling back then was like being forced to play Chess while everybody else was playing checkers.
I remember learning how important itemization was when I was playing fizz back in the early seasons, It was either lichbane rush or Abyssal scepter rush, and I noticed if I didn't do Abyssal scepter I couldn't kill the backline minions with one E. Made me realize how impactful resistances were.
bro old league was amazing. stopped playing when i hit dia in season 5. just picked it up again a few weeks ago (mistakes were made) and it‘s flabbergasting how much it‘s changed, it‘s almost a different game now
Gonna remind everyone that back then mana costs were insane and spamming skills was not possible like it was today. Taking abyssal would help you win in short fights, but you would have a limited fighting duration unless you were a manaless champion. And on some of them, like Kat, Gunblade was a far better option unless you were getting poked down really hard.
Started playing League when Aatrox released. Between seasons 3-5 I honestly had the most fun not with just the game but with the content that was coming out like old Trick vids, Stick figure spotlights, Summoner Showdowns
Darius' E had a bug where if you were in the cast area when Darius pressed E you would be pulled no matter if you flashed away or not. Such bug was also on Cho Gath's W, if you were in cast area when Cho pressed W, you would receive the damage and the silence no matter if you flashed or not
The thing for me that I miss the most is Revive, because I was a Karthus main way back. Revive TP on Karthus allows me to use my passive twice on one team fight, or I'll use my passive to get them low, revive *then* ult.
As a new player, it's fun to learn more about league history. Been looking for a video about the history of champion releases but couldn't find one. Keep it up!
@@Exil22 Well, nature docementaries or lives and tradition of people from very rural areas comes to mind first but what i dont think i listened to enough audiobooks to recommend such things
This really showed me some great reasons why I found old league more interesting. Not only did I still know what was going on, but also the strats and play styles were still more open and flexible. Also, I just think the fights were more interesting, simpler but still just as fast paced...it seemed like a lot of individual skill to me while still being able to combo with your team. Maybe I just shouldn't judge the current game without dumping 50 hours into it but that's just my take right now as someone who hasn't played in a long time.
Oh no, you're right. They've made all the skills and passives idiotically complicated and time consuming to read (which means you NEVER know just how much damage you will actually do), but they made the use of those skills (and items) completely idiot proof. It's one hell of an oxymoron and that's what league is now. It just contradicts itself every single way it can. Like tanks, no longer being used to tank damage and cc the enemy team, but simply 2 shotting the enemy adc. Like Mundo having almost 600 AD lategame without building a single fucking AD item. Contradicting itself, yet again.
Honestly the game use to have way more solo carry potential which made it fun imo. These days you can be 20/0 and still get dumped on by the enemy who 0/20 simply for the fact the game is so forgiven compared to it back then. It forces you to rely more on your team and less on personal skill and I honestly think that's a problem for the game today. I use to hit gold no problem these days I can't even get to silver because half my games have kids that feed/rage quit, want to troll by inting ect ect....and due to the fact that the games more team reliant compared to back then it kinda hinders a players individual skill and makes it harder on them than it should have to be. Simply put the games not fun anymore it's tuned for pro play because everyone is obviously a pro.
@@Coolz85 lol i remembered now i got killed by Akali in one ARAM match and the game just showed me one of the sources of damage from her as Unknown not even the game knows where she got that damage from
As someone that constantly gets nostalgic about season 2 and 3 this video feels right up my alley. Old galio west best galio btw, he could be a monster when built ap and Mr, changing his ult got rid of that viability for the most part unfortunately.
As someone who only started playing league in 2020 I have always been sad that I didnt experience the old league. I wish they would make it possible to play older versions of the game, I know this wont happen but it would be fun.
It not only won't happen, there was a major project attempting to do just that and it was making major progress. Riot stole ORIGINAL CODE from their project and then proceeded to shut down the project with some of the shadiest methods they could take (rather than taking a more legal route since they could have just taken it down for copyright purposes). They silenced large portions of the community in this process. They also paid specific content creators and major sites to post positively about Riot's decisions. Eventually, the project was shut down, Riot got away with the morally questionable things they did and even got away with some illegal things in the process. We will never know why they stole code that wasn't theirs, if they used any of it for their own products or purposes, and they definitely don't support old LoL or any community that intends to alter their products in any way (even if their product might be flawed). What was left of that project has since been turned into a new project, a small community that is making progress towards creating their own MOBA game. I have since stopped playing League and any related games out of boredom and because I'm tired of Riot's bullshit and awful decision making in a time where they only care for the money anymore.
Remember when they added Duskblade where its passive was your first auto after being seen will deal bonus damage +200% lethality? and they reworked kha'zix ult in the same patch so that if you evolve his R, he turns invisible whenever he touches a bush. fun times HAHA I loved being a kha'zix main during that time cause you can hit your passive and duskblade multiple times in a single fight
I started playing League of Legends my Junior year of high school back in 2012....I'm 28 now with 3 kids. It has been the only constant in my life. Yes it changes from time to time but the fact that my friends that still play from back then are still my friends to this day but all of my other friends from my past have moved on says something about the enigma of a game that is League.
Season 1 was the shit you could build twitch with mobility boots and 5 sunfires ( there were no unique passives so the damage would stack) and see people just die without knowing were the damage was coming from
Awesome video, brings back a lot of memories as I started at the end of S2 when Kha'Zix was released. The memories, especially the jungle changes put a smile on my face as I've been mostly observing League's evolution from inbetween the lanes stalking prey. Is there hope for a part 2 as there's so many oddities and stuff worth mentioning, like League of Cleavers and DFG for example.
this reminded me how hard it was to full clear jungle back in 2015/16 only certain champs could ever full clear some would just skip buffs because they would die to the camps
Bro they didn't have to get rid of irelia to make the new version. All that's shared is her Q. The entire rest of her kit was changed and I miss my old bb
In the next video, may be you could do some crazy bugs past and present? Stuff like Dominion draft dodging having no penalty for like half a year or more, clairvoyance letting people capture turrets at the start of match on the first patch of Dominion, and then some of the more remembered ones like moving Tiamat causing the game to crash.
You should do a video talking about "global" ultimates being actually global back then. I have also heard that TF used to his ult on E which also could be cool to talk about.
My account has Victorious Jarvan along with every other gold rank skin :D, i even played with phreak a couple of times in solo queue back in the first seasons
Learning the game and champions was the highlight for me. The old support Nunu was my weapon in climbing the ranks, perma bloodboil and point click slow haha. got me to 1500 elo
Could talk about turrets, they were changed a lot, from protecting turrets, laser beam turrets, and now we have platings to force people go bot and stuff like that. League has been trying to force people into playing a very specific way for a long time, it's good because unfortunately the game is too simple to allow complex strategies and whenever they happen usually becomes the meta for everyone.
Back in the days, if you wanted to know if the enemy took drake, you had to look into the pit to find out because there was no global announcement about the drake being killed.
Something I would wish to see is a poppy rework retrospect. I think this was the league team absolutely nailing a rework and I think the team deserved to be praised when they did it right and why it worked so well.
Except for people that liked old poppy, like me. Her old ult can go out behind the shed, sure, and her early game was pure trash, but if you survived past lvl 7, you became a squishy destroying monster, and I miss her old E+Q combo. The new one doesn't feel the same.
I guess the rework kind of lost how big of a threat you were to backline carry's. But that being said: have you tried bruiser / lethality poppy before (I know lehtality is terrible atm). It might give you the same feeling / playstyle like it used to be with the old poppy.
It could if I still played, frankly the current game has worn on me too much for me to keep playing. Runes Reforged, while an idea, was terribly implemented and killed a lot of enjoyment I had by just making everything a one-shot clown Fiesta, and just about every year since Riot has been doubling down since. Champ reworks, like Poppy and Galio, which a lot of people like, I frankly hate, because they basically changed how my entire champs play and killed their identies, and I think the breaking point trully will be when they finally give Shyv a VGU and kill my dragon lady. I'll admit I started at the end of s2/beginning of s3, but the game just isn't the same to me, and it's not nearly as fun for good casual matches, all because Riot keeps wanting to make "LCS BIG PLAYS" moments. The game has lost a lot of it's luster to me, and frankly I am sad to see it go, but I've been much happier since putting it behind me.
As someone who played Pre-season 1 to season 5, it feels weird hearing how much things have changed. Kinda cool, though, it's why I still love watching these videos
I vividly remember how repulsed I was when I first played in season 1. The game was so unbelievably ugly and clunky, looking like a cheap Warcraft knockoff with some steampunk thrown in, but since all of my friends played it, I just couldn't resist. Now, 12 seasons in I like the game more than I ever did. It's so streamlined and actually looks good now. It's kind of mind-boggling that some of the champions still look and sound identical except for texture color changes that came with the map update, but the overall transformation over the years was a wonder to witness. The only thing I really miss and wish could be brought back - at least temporarily, for old times sake - is Dominion.
Man I do miss these days Never really played league again since back then. Spend my teenage years with Instalok and new map after school almost everyday. Even met my first gf on Summoners Rift with Skype. I got back a little recently and its just not the same game anymore. Just shed a tear for a moment with this vid, life indeed was just simplier back then. Love to you all with my season 3 Frejlord axes icon since when the game was great.
I remember old Karma was a funny pick bot lane in lower ELOs because she could seriously fuck with the other AD carry's ability to CS if you maxed the shield option first.
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i would love to see a video about the old Twisted Treeline and all the changes we suffered , but never got it back sadge :/
@@riano3620 Dominion
Nord is terrible. They kept charging me after I canceled twice and had to go through my bank to label them as fraud. Just so you know
Remember when Blitz lantern hook was a thing ? And god I miss face of the mountain
I still remember how baron buff can be stolen by killing the champion that have it. Or the heart of gold. The menacing of 6 black cleavers. AP Master Yi. Dingers heat-seeking rockets. Blitz's W that doesn't slow him. K6 in the mid lane. Cho'Gath that has a bonus revive when he reaches a certain amount of stack in his R. So much moreeeeee!
You should do a video on how Evelynn was first looked at as a troll pick, and basically became the greatest counter jungler/ganker overnight simply because people figured her out.
The story is fascinating.
You're right she has a very interesting history. Eve was seriously the biggest troll pick at one point I remember players reporting teammates just for PICKING her.
@@Exil22 Yup. People consistently dodged/reported when I would pick her back in the day. Crazy times.
@@Exil22 same with Bard thanks to Dunkey. Good times.
@@AnakinTheWeird "I'm surprised this isn't a default report option... picked bard" - dunkey
i loved when diamond just put her back into the meta with his build !
Trip to memory lane. I play for 11 years now. It's good that someone does videos like that, gives you perspective and brings back memories. Fantastic, keep it up.
@@Exil22 Another player from 2013 here. I think we need more of the broken champion releases like Syndra (second lowest wr on release to date i think) or stuff like atmogs, stacking black cleavers riot introducing the feral flare and buffing spirit of the elder lizard to a point where jungle meta was udyr, jarvan and lee sin. Old champion kits like arnie sion, old old mordekaiser being a drain tank or burst mage, quirky old karthus, old eve, the backfired kog'maw update. There is so much down memory lane which i probably forgot. I still want my adc graves back (graves leona most fun i ever had).
That being said you put a lot of research into this and actually found one thing i did not remember which was the second herald buff. Keep it up :)
@@dunkingainteasy8028 atmogs was such a dream build
I have something for you
I remember the days where when an event or a new champion came out the launcher would have their animated spashart loop alongside their own individual theme songs. I miss these days
The last one I remember was Asol
@@tray5767Umm, actually it was Renata Glasc ☝️🤓
@@JuanAntonioGarciaHeredia aint calling her full name she doesnt deserve it
Diana and Vi getting the first champion themes with vocals back to back (they released almost simultaneously and were completed at the same time) was crazy
I recently returned to the game and on april 1st I was like... wheres the urf homescreen and music??
You should bring up the old "hidden" passives, like how "this unit is a flippin ninja" used to reduce your HP by 1 for every other ninja character on your team.
I frequently forget we STILL have secret quests with Rengar vs Kha, or the queen of the Frejlord. I think the last one is..thresh' lantern vs Lucian or Senna?
Let alone the smaller details like Vi vs Jinx or Voli vs Zilean having little "passive" effects on the buff bar
Also the fact that champions / skins that wear sunglasses (e.g. Vayne, Commando Xin Zhao) took 1 less damage from Leona's passive. Is that still in the game?
@@mihaitha pretty sure it got removed after a leona failed to kill a vayne leaving her with 1 hp because of the skin had sunglasses in competitive and they removed most of them. Warwick had +1 damage with diana on the team was another one i think they had
I dont remember any of those being removed from the game but maybe it was on the quol and bugfixes tab which i dont pay too much attention to tbh
@@scarletvrgames568 i really hope they dont remove the thresh and senna or rengar and kha passives in the future for it being too "game-changing". you made it a feature riot, keep it that way
I play since season 1. The thing I remember the most was how many people refused to jungle not because it was a bad role, but because of how hard it was to set up runes, and so few champions could pull off reliable jungle clears.
Also support Ward spam. It was absolutely possible to cover up the whole map in Wards.
ah yes the support with 20 wards in their poket and 1 completed item for the whole game
@@yoruichixx6951 Yup, this is how it worked. And making supports actually do it in lower elos was hopeless.
Honestly it was too much IMO. Good support could really make you see the whole map.
Can confirm: Jungle used to be insanely difficult (but rewarding) to clear. The vast majority of champions was ruled out immediately and very few people had the correct runes (Movespeed, flat armor and flat attackspeed for most junglers, IIRC).
@@Kejmur And gold per 5 items, once they were introduced. Supports used to earn practically 0 gold for a very long time span before gold per 5 items were introduced and after they were removed IIRC.
So if you’ve played since season 1 you’ll have ufo corki won’t you?
I love how you talk about old jungle being way harder. There is an old joke with my friends where, when someone gives an obvious tip in a game, we remind them to use a health pot before drain, because one of us died level one as Fiddlesticks vs blue buff without the health pot.
omg you brought back so many memories from lan parties in college.
it happend with me too :D good memories!
I seriously miss Twisted Treeline not for 3V3 but for Hexakil. When they brought Hexakill to Twisted Treeline that was some of the most fun I've had in League. Along with Ascension. Crazy how I think the best variant of those maps were just event game types but man I miss that.
I just want to play Treeline again, even just a game or two. I spent so much time on that mode while waiting for friends’ games to finish or hopping into a quick match when I was bored. Learned a lot of mechanics though it too. Too bad it got neglected and removed after the bot spam infested it. Riot always prefer covering up their problems or painting over them rather than fixing them like a decent company.
I think the most forgotten game mode is the thresh one when the dark star thresh came out. Honestly I enjoyed that a lot
Dominion, old 3v3, new 3v3, hexakill, ascension, everything
Doom bots, and the star gaurdian pve event were a couple of my faves!
TT was just a good map all around too
I started playing in 2013, devoted almost 10 years of my life to this game. God I miss the old league. Dominion, doom bots, sword of the occult, dfg, the old aatrox and Fiora. These will all be forever missed!
Yessss Doom Bots! And everyone and their momma would boast about their clear level (or just be horrified by the mutant champs and giant devil teemo)
I started in 2013 too, miss those days 😢
walking into lane lvl1 as fiora with 105 ad was good times
Good times.
I still always miss sword of the occult whenever i see mejai.
Broooo... back in the day i was just starting to main the old fiora and after 1 month they nerfed her (rework)
you forgot to mention how smiting wolves would spawn an orb in that jungle blue side and it would follow any enemy entering that blue side of the jungle. the same was with Chikens if you smite them they give you a passive that will show you nearby enemy wards. jungle items had colors to them, blue red some other 2 colors and they have unique effects too. the bushes length changed too.
They were red, blue, pink and green.
Every jungle camp used to give some small effect when you smite them, example the rock camp used to give 0.25 mini stun on your 1st attack.
you could actually smite the orb and send it to the other side of the jungle
I think the most obvious things left out were the multiple game modes that were added and removed. ARAM was a custom mode that was later adapted to an official one. Twisted Treeline had multiple reworks and it’s own ranked ladder. Dominion was added early in leagues lifespan and removed shortly after, but it was “fast and fun”. The other maps could probably be their own video tbh.
I remember when Aram was custom and it was played in summoners rift. Good times!
RIP Dominion Hide & Seek
It was never the same on Summoner's Rift
I remember there used to be a 6v6 mode on Twisted Tree line map
@@glhfggwp6232 Hexakill
holy fucking shit i thought you were joking when you said "early in leagues lifespan" and i checked the date and it was 7 years ago now
As a support main, I find the support progression interesting.
From no support items, no significant passive gold income and spending half your budget buying green and pink wards, to now sometimes hitting mythic spikes before opponents.
I remember having to buy EVERY fuckin gold gen item as a support that would simply go to the fucking wards 💀 infinite ward placement and nobody ever bought any.. Fell to the support and that sucked.
Which is also interesting, cause that's when I began using Zyra as support and seeing the sheep mindset. But mage supports, especially the burst mage, was the ONLY way to make support fun. Secure the kill, get items and hit power spikes.
Never gonna forget the days of being reported and insulted for going Zyra support until the fuckin Pros began doing it. That's when I realized how bs the community is and how they can't even think outside the meta for a game.
Yeah because at the early seasons, like 1 to 3 league was still at its DotA phase which was why there were no limits on pots and we had a "bottle" system no ward limit
Yeah support role was exactly like the goalkeeper role when we were young: the role that no one wanted to play! I started to main support because most of the times I had to, and step by step I started to like it, at the point that I was offering myself to play support in public lobbies, and sometimes get appreciations after good games! Too bad League changed too much, and stopped playing, thanks also to the exponential increase of community toxicity
@@draconicpyroclasm the good old days.
@@GeekedOutNeckbeard i actually loved to be an actual support, not the other mage. Season 3-5 supporting was Crazy fun
I remember when sunfire cape stacked. Rammus with speed boots and 5 sunfires was the second most fun I've ever had playing league. The most fun was Evelyin with 5 sunfire capes, because that was back when she had her old passive. You could just stand near people in lane and they would melt and couldn't do anything about it.
I really do miss how simple champions used to be. Back when my buddy and I started playing in season 2 and 3, it felt like we could pick up any champion and at least have some fun with it. I get all their reasons for adding complexity, but I do miss the simplicity of it.
You're right, champions were much more simple, but also to be fair - so were the players and the game.
While it's true that no champion released in season 3 was remotely as complex as aphelios, you also didn't have to lane against someone who has 5,000+ games on their main champion. It's a bit harder to have "casual fun for shits n gigs" because everyone is so good at the game now. We've all improved substantially. That's why learning new champions is tricky these days.
Tbh, even now most champs are pretty simple. They do more things than champs released over a decade ago, sure, but in practice they're still pretty straightforward
nah man that shit is hella boring, we do not need more garens in the game
hopefully the 2023 champions are simpler like older times, because i remember the devs saying last years champs were a little crazy so they wanted to try to tone it down
@@Duskrawr There's a bar though, I don't want any Garens or Tryndas
Old league was great. I genuinely miss Season 1 2 3 4 the most. It was when I was heavily invested in the competitive pro scene, and the community felt like a community, especially high elo. So much all chat banter and friendliness that I feel nostalgic for when I watch old VODs.
Yes! First three seasons just hit different.
Remember when you could watch the summoners playing at Challenger rank and spectate them? Good times..
That means u don't really miss league, you miss those times when the game was less famous and less competitive, the context was very different, but none of this has to do with the version of league, it had to do with the times.
Bro I know its nostalgia and shit but I swear seasons 2-4 were the shit
,,Lux sell skin"
Biggest thing i truely miss was the old mastery tree and rune pages. SO MUCH combinations of what you could do. Always had that 1% crit chance.
I remember everyone going for pen runes, so I got 13 armor, and 13 mres. They spent their whole rune page just to get 11 pen, I only spent 2/3rds of mine to completely negate theirs.
This is something I saw as well all the time only to have others quickly come back saying they have more customization now. It's good to see someone else agrees with me that old rune pages truly did have more custom options. Also can't forget those dodge runes lol
Crazy to see a 20 min video talking about old League and it being just the tip of that iceberg. So much history in such a short amount of time
Much history in barely a decade of a game= constant change
constant change= a lot of messing up.
a lot of messing up = bad developing
bad developing is usually a cause of bad corporation(oh nevermind riot was bought by tencent completely in 2011 which means the whole game belong to the chinese communist party. it all makes sense.)
Lets not forget that in 2011 or 2012 as a jungler, you could NOT do blue buff or red buff before hitting lvl3 and buying some items because they were that strong. I remember doing jungle from golems into 2 ganks and soaking some exp, then wraiths (now raptors) into another gank or two.
Jungle was not easy like it is now lol
You needed a big leash and there was no machete or any kind of jungle item. Clearing jungle was super tough!
ww was basically the only one who could do it low difficulty wasnt he?
@@AlbertKekstein Fiddlesticks too. The drain used to be incredibly strong and he was really good at clearing.
EDIT: Oh, and Nunu and also Xin when his w sustain got buffed :)
@@krila3978 Olaf, when starting with the 450 gold lifesteal item, was fun too. Easy but always at 20% hp with his passiv
Yeah jungling was not an intended role in the beginning of league
The age of feral flare 4.20 was the most iconic thing to me, if anything. Not just Weedwick, but suddenly so many Champs could join the jungle role.
There was also midseason 4 patch wriggles lantern rework that made almost all on hit junglers completely broken. That was silly patch but still fun in retrospect.
You forgot to talk about the unbeatable "Siege Canon" meta when Banner of command was a thing... good ol days
I loved that item and nobody really used that item, until pros realized how good it was and after that they changed/removed it. So sad
Stacking all the gold generating items on a gangplank is the most iconic nostalgic thing I remember in this game
I would love you to talk about the moment when jungle monsters had spirits when farmed, like the wolves would spawn a ghost tracking enemies in your jungle and giving you vision upon them. It was the most fun age for jungling, created a lot of counter plays, room for tactics decisions and I was pretty upset when Riot deleted this mechanic
aw man I remember this
Smiting gromp for the poison damage buff, to clear your jungle faster. Smiting enemy chickens to get vision in their jungle. What an amazing time to play the game.
wow i had completely forgotten about this
The devourer enchantment in the smite was so funny to use
@@wonkybiscuit2760 The smite mid cassiopeia that gets E since gromp poison counts to her E interaction was fun.
I played LoL PC back in 2011-2015. Really enjoyed the game during its early years. It was just fun. Today players will just complain to you about anything, whether you made a bad pick, bought weird items, etc. Back then playing LoL felt like freedom.
yeah, but i don't recall if i just ignored the chat or if it was chill like that^^
This. League was SO fun during those years. I'm not saying it isn't fun currently (although now I exclusively play ARAM because Summoner's Rift is completely overwhelming to me now, and toxicity-blah-blah-blah)--but as a game in let's say Season 2, you'd have complete noobs looking for a good time rolling Ashe vs. Ashe mid; queueing up as Shaco, Teemo, Nidalee, Heimer"dong" with friends and bush-camping for hysterical first blood ganks; Ashe arrows flying across the map and receiving standing ovation each time a Hail Mary landed; etc. Good times, good times..
Edit: how could I forget the OG Critplank Gangplank? All the old runes (were they even called runes back then? I can't remember) and items then stacking full crit chance and just absolutely BLASTING with his Q's. 100% crit rate Gangplank was so damn fun. I'm outta nostalgic moments. The fun was overwhelming. I've never binged gaming with close friends as much as I did during those years.
@@Simulated1992 Normal games were very fun. And sometimes even troll picks work in ranked. AP Master Yi and AP Shaco were also some of the fun builds. As players were not scared to experiment with picks and items. I even remember playing Janna as AD Carry and winning.
Tanks were also tanks back in those days that can take tons of damages.
It was constant back then too. Lots of "QQ"
This is just nostalgia bias tbh, the game was hella toxic then just as it is now
Ryze having an auto attack toggle back in the day and towers not having magic resis led to near instant tower destruction with him. Or back when Wit's End had mana burn. Or when Twisted Fate's had a global slow built into it.
As a jungler it would be cool to do a whole retrospective on jungle changes because it's crazy how different it is.
One of my favorite old things was the smite buffs where smiting a large monster gave you special buffs and you could do krugs topside, smite for the heavy hands buff, gank the top laner, and take the tower super easy
You won the jackpot. Having played this game since Season 2, I remembered everything that Exil brought up in this video, but I totally forgot about the smite buffs.
Bro I still have this in mind. I think when I smite the krugs, my next auto is gonna stun them. And the wolves or wraith I don't remember, spawn a temporary ward at your jungle entrance
I think it would be really nice to see a retrospective of the history of each role. Would make for a great series.
Back in my day, I could solo dragon as it spawned w/ warwick
11:17 you forgot to mention the range/damage cap on nidalee q. She used to not have one, damage scaled infinitely with distance. And distance was calculated when based on distance from target to where you ARE, not where you WHERE when you threw it. So you could amp the spear damage by walking/couger jumping/flashing/thresh lanturning/etc away from your target after throwing the spear
I still do it with Nidalee by reflex...
cougar q, human q, cougar e opposite direction
Yeah he forgot to mention just how fucking annoying she was and how the spears almost one shot you and how shit her play style was which was just camping in bushes/jungle or around lanes and just spamming the spears until she either one shot you or came in cougar form to finish the little health you had left. Also. AP master Yi. There's no way you can forget that 😂😂
I still do that sometimes. Throw Q and run away :D. I cant get rid of the habit and I didnt even play that much nida
I haven't ever considered old league ugly, infact I thought it looked better in season 3 than it has since s5. I love and miss the personality of old league, and knowing I'll never get it back makes my heart hurt
well isn't it because of looking abit too close to DotA that they had to change the outlook of the official map to avoid lawsuits
@@akasahi9315 league been out since 09 lol. idk what type of lawsuit they would do. If anything dota completely copied league, just a tiny bit different
@@blackopsmaster1022 bruh you clearly hadn't read Riot announcements
@@akasahi9315 Nope ur right. I havent
Rip wraiths
In the old clients, the "home" page was significantly different. It would always show high elo games that were ongoing, with an option to spectate them. Videos from content creators were very often highlighted. Sometime you had polls or popular forum threads showing up.
Most importantly though, the custom games could be publicly hosted and we had a custom game finder. This is the single worst change Riot ever made. In custom games, you could host games on defunct maps, chose starting gold and level and change rules (# of team members for exemple). Back then, alternative player made game modes with made up rules were THE thing. Hide and Seek was hella fun. Today, you have to browse the web and find specific Discords just to hope to enjoy a fraction of what custom games used to be. The old maps were removed, finding custom games is hard, hosting is different, no more rule options, etc..
And to top it all off, this is how ARAM was invented. A staple of LoL was made through features that Riot neglected and removed. :(
@@eckard9597 As I said, worst change Riot ever did. I have absolutely no clue why they did it. There is not a single person at the time that approved of it and it enraged the forums for years after. I actually suspect that it is why they removed the forums too, old players were the only one using it and always brought that change up to thrash Riot.
@@nathanc939 I miss the old forums. Riot don’t seem to care about the player base at all anymore, went from a passionate project to a money printer over the first decade it had been out. The direction of the game and recent updates is disappointing and everything feels so dumbed down and directed towards pick-to-win meta (Hecarim and Zac every single game if not banned) and tanks now dealing absurdly high damage while being unkillable. I miss the extra buffs from smiting camps (vision orb, poison, etc), old champion designs (last good one was probably Sett who has also been broken by new items), new event game modes, Twisted Treeline (RIP), snow/blood moon map. I think some things are great though, like the new rune system, alcoves, etc, but it seems like for each good thing that is added, 4 things are made worse. It’s so hard to understand how such a big company fucks up so hard.
@@coldresin back then, mobile champions were cool and unique, because they were rare. They began to add ridiculous mobility to most new champions around 2014. It did not mater short term, because they were still a minority. Look at it now, 60-70 champions later... Like 50-60 of those are extremely mobile. It made the game significantly less strategic and more about "plays". They wanted to bring in teens, so they slowly turned it into a game for teens.
Back in 2010-2014, yes we played LoL in high school, but we were the fucking science and history nerds. The minority that like more complicated stuff already at that age. Sure, some of the others played it too, but mostly they played CoD and Battle Field. LoL has overtaken CoD and Battle Field, by becoming more "arcady".
The removal of aura items was also one of the changes that made the game less strategic. There is soo many more of those though...
@@nathanc939 Back then we also had more options for items and could really define our playstyles individually. Having that variety of playstyle was part of the reasons (IMO) that LoL got big. You could truly pick how you wanted to play. Now, as we all know, the meta is rigid and defined with little room for deviation.
The thing that surprised me the most is how old Herald is, in my mind it's always been this new'ish thing. Also, the first dragon rework with the stacking buffs, I remember how first dragon was essentially the only one people cared about.
He said it was added in preseason 6? Season 6 was when I really got into league for the first time, and I swear to god it wasn't a thing. He's gaslighting us.
@@abattlescar It was added in 5.22
i remember people getting mad when i was jungle and would try and take the 3rd drag
Item-wise, you forgot some really fun metas, like stacking Sunfire Cape on Shaco, since both you and your clone did damage from the cape(s). Or building Lich Bane on Veigar/Ryze, since your auto after casting a spell did 100% AP damage with no cooldown. So unbalanced, so chaotic, so fun.
You should talk more about the old support items, like the ancient coin, face of the mountain, the ghost item that tracks nearby enemies and slows if hit, or that one traumatizing moment where ardent censer was the meta. I just feel bad sometimes that the support role have the tendencies to be forgotten by the community.
Awww...Twin Shadows...Good times my friend.
@@IceSick90 Oh god Twin Shadows with Glacial Augment. Leblanc was my worst nightmare as an ADC main.
@@IceSick90 nah dude, Frost Queen's Claim, Twin Shadows was introduced with that active way later
What did they remove them???
Support probably had the most drastic direct changes out of every role besides jungle.
Philosopher’s stone and ONLY phil stone, to the three modes (coin, shield, spellthief’s), the introduction and removal of sightstone, ward removal, pink ward to control ward, the trinkets and Scrying Orb, pink wards being invisible as well and had perfect vision of invis champs, the intense nerf to long-term gold, the rune that gave gold for others killing minions, the rune during reworks which was basically Diet Ardent Censer (Windcaller’s Blessing I think), old supports having point and click stuns like Taric and BLITZCRANK, old gold per second runes.
Season 3-6 support imo was some of the most interesting time to play support (besides Ardent Meta). I remember the changes being so fast and loose during this time, people were testing ridiculous things like Singed and the beginnings of Heim support.
I miss the 2014 map; it was more vibrant, it was still pretty detailed, felt more traditional fantasy, and its very nostalgic.
Yeah, when they first reworked summoner's rift! The map had kind of a washed out look to it, which I personally liked
Yeah it would be cool if they made the jungle actually look like a jungle
It felt runic, just as the old client. Now it's flatter, kinda of a neutral background for everything that's going on
same here
They should bring it back with just a little more polygons. Much more stylistic, alive with better art direction it just gave good vibes. The new league and client are soulless
So i played in 2014-2015 and then stopped for a while after returning around 2018/2019 and it was insane how different the rift felt after (i mean obviously). But this is so nostalgic thank you for the videos
One of the craziest things to me back in the day was that Azir's w could directly damage turrets...
Yep, you could legit just press W on turrets and sacrifice soldiers. LOL.
One of the most nerfed champions in the game, and still an S+ pick in pro play. I really miss his original ult tho.
@@iurifrazao454 the fact that it's still S+, after his kit was literally halved, shows how overtuned and overloaded the kit actually was.
Dude! That was one of my favorite parts of his kit back in the day lol
and his E grants a knockup and shield
It's astonishing how league changes A LOT every season
it's wild
Tbf they do have a year to come up with something
Idk there have been a few seasons that not much have changed between, to be fair.
Some have been great, some not so. This season's changes are looking bad. The JG changes suck. The tank changes seem good so far since it felt terrible being a tank and getting destroyed in 2 sec before. They should really change the map. It's been the same too long, it feels stale. Also, we all want game modes ❤️
Kind of amazing how most people have probably already forgotten about older features, or not so old ones like red and blue smite.
remember old league when there were no cap limit to how many wards you can place? You see your support having 0 items but just packing on wards, and still winning games. That shit was crazy.
You and GBay99 make some of the best League of Legends Documentaries. The quality never dips. Thank you for the entertainment over the years, I remember when I used to watch you for Riven guides, man this is way better.
I still remember first learning Nami, seeing guides saying "We know it's weird to build a midlane item on nami, but trust us you need to build athenes unholy grail"
I played since S3 but i also know that S2 was refered as the 'Warmog Season" and as ADC main I will love old Phantom Dancer + Stattik Shiv combo.
One of the BIGGEST changes and huge NERFS for Nidalee was how the damage of the spear was calculated, before it was by difference between you and the hitted target and idr when it stopped being like this, the huge damage we see today or some earlier seasons was like 1/3 of how it was before.
DFG, Sword of the Occult, Philosopher stone (even tho i didnt start playing that season), the Unholy Athena Grail meta w/ Mordekaiser perma banned at Worlds 2015, the Lantern jungle starter bs item w/ infinite stacks making Yi and Shyvana godtier champs, AP Yi, QSS removing things like Zed's R; LB's Silence, TF's E was his teleport, Cassio buying boots, Elise and K6 nerfs to the ground. I remember a time where almost everyone runned Thunderlord's Decree Mastery. The Assassin meta, The Tank meta..
But for me a huge thing that IMHO lowered the ceiling skill was timestamp addition(s), the times of writing things like "f 503, r 330, b 435" in teamchat to note and know when to attack the rival was a skill, now it's gone.
One of biggest ARAM changes was the removal of Oracle, controversial as heck when it happened.
In esports back in season 2-3 games were a bloodbath finishing with a score of 33-35, then it became games of even LESS THAN 10 KILLS.
I would just stack 5 warmogs on volibear and be unkillable lol fun times
The good ol days of AP Yi, and One shot Nidalee
yep,ap Yi was classic@@SUPERLINKX2
i still jump backwards with nid after a spear cause of it
I remember old league fondly. I remember fiora pre-rework and Vladimir when he was first released. I remember heart of gold and force of nature. When AP Yi was the leading cause of cancer among mid laners. When Irelia needed to be nerfed. Hold up, some things don't change.
Fiora used to ult like Yi's Q, good times
@@masterlewgr1075 yeah man fioras ult was savage
i liked old gangplank much more before the barrel obession
@@backbone93 the creepy lauph when he ulted, It still haunts my dreams 😆
@@masterlewgr1075 doesnt he laugh still? I imagine still a muhahaha sound, i dont play since months so i dont know right now lol
The old Urgot with his guided cruise missiles was absolutely wild. People who started after that would not believe it was ever a thing in this game.
Lmao I started as a top lane main in 2013, my first champ being Jax. I remember that urgot was almost a troll pick, literally the least ever played champ, but I think he was underrated. It wasn't hard to do good on him, just literally no one played him. I feel like Yorick is now that champ 😂😂
My favorite OG lol elements were Poppy's ult (only let you take damage from one enemy) and Atma's Impaler. You should def split this up into a series to talk about the different parts (jungle, champs, items, runes, etc). I remember being so jealous of my friend because he had 4 move speed Quints which were removed from the shop by the time I started playing.
Old league was crazy bro. Had a Yi with 450 Ad and 1.8 attack speed carrying us. He stacked the youmus ghostblade like his life depended on it.
I also remember Garens spin having crazy crit stacks. People used to run him with three sunfires and IE lmao
You should talk about the entire DFG era, as well as 6x Sunfire Evelynn. Also, dagger (or sword I don't remember) of the occult and Mejai's on the Akali or Ezreal. Anyway, great video, as always
Sword of the occult is currently on live servers with steroids and its the new Hydra
Sunfire Evelynn never worked in an actual game back then. Every team would have at least 2 Oracle's elixirs. It was pretty much a trollbuild for fun that has become sort of a legend throughout these years.
“The players? Stinkier”
Bold of you to assume League players started improving their hygiene over the years
The laser turrets were a nightmare to dive if you were a new player, and a breeze if you were a pro, so fun
Seeing all of this made me realize how much I miss old league, being excited for events and champs being announced every few months along with mana pots being my best friend in the mid lane as certain champs
Season 5 will always be my favorite time of League, the jungle item rework really opened the game up to new possibilities and also paved the way for many non-conventional jungler's we still see today. Maybe a part 2 is in the works?
Tank meta. Talon building full tank and still oneshotting you. Yeah, very fun.
Nah man AP jg Zac was one shotting lmao that was a time to be alive.
i think you misstyped the number 4.
season 3 was best
Season 4 is the one I started in, League now is a clown show for kids
When I first started the game in Season 2, I have built an Aura Support Sona back in those times. When we had CD reduction, Manaregen, Spell Vamp, Lifesteal, AD,AP Armor and MR items as AURA items, and as a Sona, who's abilities provided an AURA buff for the team, this was a really funny and strong build. You just went to the side of a glasscannon Katarina, and suddenly she became a lifesteal hybrid, hypermobile bruiser.
the game was inspired by dota take a look there and you will see what true auras look like
Minor thing that was left out was shown in the video briefly but not explained. The inhibitor turrets wouldn’t shoot a shot every second but rather would shoot a laser beam that would constantly deal damage. Also I wonder how much tankier/how much more damage the turrets used to do compared to them now. I know now they have a exponential damage curve that caps out but I forget back in the early seasons how much damage they would do.
tier 2 turret also had a shield that gave shield to allied champions standing in it's ranged. And iirc inhib turret laser would slow champions hit when it was fully ramped up.
@@briannairb793 I really wish it would still do that, at least pre 15 minutes. Nowadays it feels like if you get pushed to t2, you just get totally screwed
Uhuuuummmmm akchtyuallyyyyy, turret damage grows linearly, not exponentially
its 40% increased damage per consecutive hit, capping out at 120%
A big part of the feel of turrets being tankier back then was that only auto attackers actually did damage to turrets. A big thing about protecting ADC's wasn't so they could wipe a team, it still was but it wasn't their sole objective. Winning a teamfight but losing the ADC meant you had a tank/bruiser top with no attack speed, a jungler who can potentially make up for it, the mage midlaner, and then your support, all trying to beat up tower. That immediately knocks out 2/4 of those remaining, your support and mage aren't doing damage to that tower.
I thought you wouldve mentioned how people used to buy multiple items that gave gold, like Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold, The blue little dagger (ive forgotten the name of the item) simply to reach the end game easier. Also how Evelynn for example used to be invisible and could stand next to you with sunfire cape XD
Or how sunfire could STACK for absurd damage. You could buy multiple of them and they stacked.
loool i did this as a support since most of those were decent support items, then I become the carry mid-late game.
or that Twisted Fate is a one hitter AD champ before XD
Speaking of potions I remember where you would buy the strength potion lvl 1 on certain champs like Riven or Lee Sin toplane. It was risky because it only paid off if you got a kill during the duration of it
As someone who started on the tail end of Season 2 and had seen everything since...you're right. I fully forgot about the Herald change.
If you do another video like this, my hope is that you could do one on the old lore. The lore behind the map and how the players themselves were canon in-universe.
necrit has a video like that already
@@ssstarpowerrr I wasn't aware that only one UA-camr is allowed to make videos on a given topic.
@@noahzhellos8344 oh i was just saying that if you were looking for something like that it’s already available to watch on his channel, no need to be rude
@@noahzhellos8344 exil is not a lore youtuber tho. So if you want a lore youtuber go to necrit.
Season 5 in the thumbnail being considered old really hits hard.
8 years ago now :/
@@Exil22 Also around that time I believe was when some top laners like Shyvana and Hecarim would take TP/Smite, and when Sion would be picked to solo red buff using his passive just after the rework, and specifically with the Lumberjack skin.
i forgot so much about that time, like the homeguards boots omg thanks for that video
If you make another "episode" like this, you should definitley talk about Old Turrets and that you were able to toss around Nash with Poppy /Syndra etc
Not to mention ohmbreaker haha
As someone who has been playing since S2 and watching eSports as well. I'd love to watch a video talking about how the pro meta has evolved with the game.
I saw glimpses here and it made me want a dedicated version for each year, complete with throwbacks to the crazy days of no jungle or Alistair jungle to dual jungle and funnel strats, and of course the unbelievable spectacle that was faker's riven.
All good ideas! Thanks for your comment :)
Remember when ARAM wasn't even a mode you could pick, and you had to join custom games to play it?
League player since season 3, I remember everything from this video.
In next video you should mention jungle from season 4 or 5? Where smiting different camps would give you some kind of buffs for example oracle elixir on smiting wraiths, stun on camps when smiting golems etc.
From champions Nunu used to have bonus effects like + % max HP when eating camps.
All the different smite effects were really interesting and cool
@@Exil22 Yeah i think the same. It created some different clearing paths when you wanted to obtain certain effect or buff.
By the way very nice video.
I really enjoy your videos from "old&fun" days of League.
They were in season 5 with the new map if i remember correctly. I still call it the new map even though its been 8 years now
Having played since 2013, a lot of this is very nostalgic. I built Athenes on Azir for a long time, but then again, he was still a buggy nightmare, but I loved him for it.
He was a MESS. lol
@@Exil22 he was MY mess. And I loved him. And his ult could stop dashes, and it did something. Yes, it's broken, but in the current day and age me and my playgroup have a running joke about how Azir's ult does nothing. No text. Because everyone just ignores it lol
@@jeffbuitenwerf7435 spicy
@@jeffbuitenwerf7435 I remember the hilarity of pinning someone against a wall with the ult. Boing boing boing boing!
Soon I've been playing for 10 years, so this was a fantastic nostalgia trip, and a lot of things I had completely forgotten about.
As a jungle main I gotta say people these days have it soooo much easier than back when I first started playing league in 2009. Jungling back then was like being forced to play Chess while everybody else was playing checkers.
From one og jungle main to the next: No fucking joke…
I remember learning how important itemization was when I was playing fizz back in the early seasons, It was either lichbane rush or Abyssal scepter rush, and I noticed if I didn't do Abyssal scepter I couldn't kill the backline minions with one E. Made me realize how impactful resistances were.
bro old league was amazing. stopped playing when i hit dia in season 5. just picked it up again a few weeks ago (mistakes were made) and it‘s flabbergasting how much it‘s changed, it‘s almost a different game now
Gonna remind everyone that back then mana costs were insane and spamming skills was not possible like it was today.
Taking abyssal would help you win in short fights, but you would have a limited fighting duration unless you were a manaless champion.
And on some of them, like Kat, Gunblade was a far better option unless you were getting poked down really hard.
Started playing League when Aatrox released. Between seasons 3-5 I honestly had the most fun not with just the game but with the content that was coming out like old Trick vids, Stick figure spotlights, Summoner Showdowns
Bro! The Stick video vids!
I loved the smite effects! The little ghost that spawned when you smited wolfes, the poison on hit of grump... good times
Darius' E had a bug where if you were in the cast area when Darius pressed E you would be pulled no matter if you flashed away or not. Such bug was also on Cho Gath's W, if you were in cast area when Cho pressed W, you would receive the damage and the silence no matter if you flashed or not
You should do a series based on the Meta for each season. Like, "What was season 2 of league really like?" or "The season 3 meta".
One thing I actually liked was the little flag that appeared beside your health bar indicating that you were fed. Also, clans
The thing for me that I miss the most is Revive, because I was a Karthus main way back. Revive TP on Karthus allows me to use my passive twice on one team fight, or I'll use my passive to get them low, revive *then* ult.
As a new player, it's fun to learn more about league history. Been looking for a video about the history of champion releases but couldn't find one. Keep it up!
Search NickyBoi champion rewind he has some videos on champions and reworks releases separated by seasons
Statik shiv was probably the most badass favorite item in league back in time because sword goes *lightning*
Exil's voice is really soothing, i just want to listen to him talk to whatever and i'd be ok
Have you ever thought of making an audiobook?
I have heavily considered some sort of storytelling / asmr channel to help people sleep. Any recommendations or ideas you might have let me know!
@@Exil22 Well, nature docementaries or lives and tradition of people from very rural areas comes to mind first but what i dont think i listened to enough audiobooks to recommend such things
@@Exil22 Oh dude you could totally open an asmr channel !!
This really showed me some great reasons why I found old league more interesting. Not only did I still know what was going on, but also the strats and play styles were still more open and flexible.
Also, I just think the fights were more interesting, simpler but still just as fast paced...it seemed like a lot of individual skill to me while still being able to combo with your team.
Maybe I just shouldn't judge the current game without dumping 50 hours into it but that's just my take right now as someone who hasn't played in a long time.
Oh no, you're right. They've made all the skills and passives idiotically complicated and time consuming to read (which means you NEVER know just how much damage you will actually do), but they made the use of those skills (and items) completely idiot proof.
It's one hell of an oxymoron and that's what league is now. It just contradicts itself every single way it can.
Like tanks, no longer being used to tank damage and cc the enemy team, but simply 2 shotting the enemy adc.
Like Mundo having almost 600 AD lategame without building a single fucking AD item. Contradicting itself, yet again.
Honestly the game use to have way more solo carry potential which made it fun imo.
These days you can be 20/0 and still get dumped on by the enemy who 0/20 simply for the fact the game is so forgiven compared to it back then. It forces you to rely more on your team and less on personal skill and I honestly think that's a problem for the game today.
I use to hit gold no problem these days I can't even get to silver because half my games have kids that feed/rage quit, want to troll by inting ect ect....and due to the fact that the games more team reliant compared to back then it kinda hinders a players individual skill and makes it harder on them than it should have to be.
Simply put the games not fun anymore it's tuned for pro play because everyone is obviously a pro.
@@Coolz85 lol i remembered now i got killed by Akali in one ARAM match and the game just showed me one of the sources of damage from her as Unknown not even the game knows where she got that damage from
@@Sexually_Vayne Exactly, at some point the focus just went to E-sports
I remember when dragon used to spawn earlier there was a strat where you could duo it at lv 1 with sion passive
ad malzahar jungle.
As someone that constantly gets nostalgic about season 2 and 3 this video feels right up my alley. Old galio west best galio btw, he could be a monster when built ap and Mr, changing his ult got rid of that viability for the most part unfortunately.
As someone who only started playing league in 2020 I have always been sad that I didnt experience the old league. I wish they would make it possible to play older versions of the game, I know this wont happen but it would be fun.
It not only won't happen, there was a major project attempting to do just that and it was making major progress. Riot stole ORIGINAL CODE from their project and then proceeded to shut down the project with some of the shadiest methods they could take (rather than taking a more legal route since they could have just taken it down for copyright purposes).
They silenced large portions of the community in this process. They also paid specific content creators and major sites to post positively about Riot's decisions.
Eventually, the project was shut down, Riot got away with the morally questionable things they did and even got away with some illegal things in the process.
We will never know why they stole code that wasn't theirs, if they used any of it for their own products or purposes, and they definitely don't support old LoL or any community that intends to alter their products in any way (even if their product might be flawed).
What was left of that project has since been turned into a new project, a small community that is making progress towards creating their own MOBA game.
I have since stopped playing League and any related games out of boredom and because I'm tired of Riot's bullshit and awful decision making in a time where they only care for the money anymore.
@@Zladnyl What is the new MOBA game you mentioned here?
@@yebii_ Syndicate of Souls
Remember when they added Duskblade where its passive was your first auto after being seen will deal bonus damage +200% lethality? and they reworked kha'zix ult in the same patch so that if you evolve his R, he turns invisible whenever he touches a bush. fun times HAHA I loved being a kha'zix main during that time cause you can hit your passive and duskblade multiple times in a single fight
I started playing League of Legends my Junior year of high school back in 2012....I'm 28 now with 3 kids. It has been the only constant in my life. Yes it changes from time to time but the fact that my friends that still play from back then are still my friends to this day but all of my other friends from my past have moved on says something about the enigma of a game that is League.
5:10 How does His Fog of War look like this? Is there a way how to make your game look like this? +Exil
Season 1 was the shit you could build twitch with mobility boots and 5 sunfires ( there were no unique passives so the damage would stack) and see people just die without knowing were the damage was coming from
Awesome video, brings back a lot of memories as I started at the end of S2 when Kha'Zix was released. The memories, especially the jungle changes put a smile on my face as I've been mostly observing League's evolution from inbetween the lanes stalking prey. Is there hope for a part 2 as there's so many oddities and stuff worth mentioning, like League of Cleavers and DFG for example.
this reminded me how hard it was to full clear jungle back in 2015/16 only certain champs could ever full clear some would just skip buffs because they would die to the camps
I remember as support main helping the jungle clear the 1st buff lol
@@shigure27I remember if u pick not jungler in jungle you probably cant clean 1 camp
Now whatever you pick you can easily clean all camps.
Lol imagine like pre 2014 when there were no jungle items, the jungle items made it way easier it was even harder before them
Bro they didn't have to get rid of irelia to make the new version. All that's shared is her Q. The entire rest of her kit was changed and I miss my old bb
In the next video, may be you could do some crazy bugs past and present? Stuff like Dominion draft dodging having no penalty for like half a year or more, clairvoyance letting people capture turrets at the start of match on the first patch of Dominion, and then some of the more remembered ones like moving Tiamat causing the game to crash.
You should do a video talking about "global" ultimates being actually global back then. I have also heard that TF used to his ult on E which also could be cool to talk about.
My account has Victorious Jarvan along with every other gold rank skin :D, i even played with phreak a couple of times in solo queue back in the first seasons
seeing that j4 skin in person is rare af these days. i can't help but respect the people that have it.
Learning the game and champions was the highlight for me. The old support Nunu was my weapon in climbing the ranks, perma bloodboil and point click slow haha. got me to 1500 elo
Could talk about turrets, they were changed a lot, from protecting turrets, laser beam turrets, and now we have platings to force people go bot and stuff like that. League has been trying to force people into playing a very specific way for a long time, it's good because unfortunately the game is too simple to allow complex strategies and whenever they happen usually becomes the meta for everyone.
Back in the days, if you wanted to know if the enemy took drake, you had to look into the pit to find out because there was no global announcement about the drake being killed.
Something I would wish to see is a poppy rework retrospect. I think this was the league team absolutely nailing a rework and I think the team deserved to be praised when they did it right and why it worked so well.
Except for people that liked old poppy, like me. Her old ult can go out behind the shed, sure, and her early game was pure trash, but if you survived past lvl 7, you became a squishy destroying monster, and I miss her old E+Q combo. The new one doesn't feel the same.
I guess the rework kind of lost how big of a threat you were to backline carry's. But that being said: have you tried bruiser / lethality poppy before (I know lehtality is terrible atm). It might give you the same feeling / playstyle like it used to be with the old poppy.
It could if I still played, frankly the current game has worn on me too much for me to keep playing. Runes Reforged, while an idea, was terribly implemented and killed a lot of enjoyment I had by just making everything a one-shot clown Fiesta, and just about every year since Riot has been doubling down since.
Champ reworks, like Poppy and Galio, which a lot of people like, I frankly hate, because they basically changed how my entire champs play and killed their identies, and I think the breaking point trully will be when they finally give Shyv a VGU and kill my dragon lady.
I'll admit I started at the end of s2/beginning of s3, but the game just isn't the same to me, and it's not nearly as fun for good casual matches, all because Riot keeps wanting to make "LCS BIG PLAYS" moments.
The game has lost a lot of it's luster to me, and frankly I am sad to see it go, but I've been much happier since putting it behind me.
Old league was way better than today. It's not because of nostalgia, no. The atmosphere, the game was a lot slower and especially fun as hell.
As an old LOL player (manly s3~s4) that doesn't login in the game in 5 years, current lol that looks weird.
Very nostalgic video! I remember the 5 phantom dancer yi meta and the black cleaver stacking meta for top laners (before unique items were a thing)
As someone who played Pre-season 1 to season 5, it feels weird hearing how much things have changed.
Kinda cool, though, it's why I still love watching these videos
I only remember old league, I played consistently from before seasons existed until season 6 or 7 and haven't touched it since
I vividly remember how repulsed I was when I first played in season 1. The game was so unbelievably ugly and clunky, looking like a cheap Warcraft knockoff with some steampunk thrown in, but since all of my friends played it, I just couldn't resist. Now, 12 seasons in I like the game more than I ever did. It's so streamlined and actually looks good now. It's kind of mind-boggling that some of the champions still look and sound identical except for texture color changes that came with the map update, but the overall transformation over the years was a wonder to witness. The only thing I really miss and wish could be brought back - at least temporarily, for old times sake - is Dominion.
Man I do miss these days
Never really played league again since back then. Spend my teenage years with Instalok and new map after school almost everyday. Even met my first gf on Summoners Rift with Skype.
I got back a little recently and its just not the same game anymore. Just shed a tear for a moment with this vid, life indeed was just simplier back then.
Love to you all with my season 3 Frejlord axes icon since when the game was great.
I remember old Karma was a funny pick bot lane in lower ELOs because she could seriously fuck with the other AD carry's ability to CS if you maxed the shield option first.