Galactic council: "Those deathworlders aren't fighting each other. Hey, I have a great idea, let's pick a fight with the heavy-worlders capable of pack-bonding with *literally anything.* I'm sure their friends definitely won't come to back them up."
Fear = big stupid for most aliens "lets glass earth!" *proceeds to then become extinct and wiped from history with only humanitys ally being the surviving galactic nation and now the only nation as anything/anyone else got put in the forever box* i love having 2nd hand knowledge of all these different storys so i can laugh at the aliens that clearly dont think before they do- thoe i also love when humanity is a precursor race to like everything else cuz they range from "this one man stoped a star from collapsing... by himself.... oh void have mercy" then we have "is half-life 3 out yet?"-"No?"-"bak to sleep i go i guess"
Remember the 3 rules of consent. 1) can you communicate? 2) are they old enough (by their peoples standards) to consent? 3) do they consent? These rules must be ratified as law when humanity reaches for the stars.
I can just see the Vras'lul and humans first meeting, freaking out about how absolutely disgusting the other looked to them, recognizing mutual disgust in the other, bonding over it, practicing freaking each other out with things like 'listen to my endoskeleton snap, crackle, and pop' and 'oh no, my arm fell of, psych, I'm just molting', then getting shit-faced together just because each drinks a form of alcohol and having a blast! Meanwhile the 'superior' aliens look on in steadily advancing confusion.
Cue montage of alien/human BBQ party with frenetic band music. Everyone is intermingling and getting wasted. There is a ring of them having a dance off. There is another having shopping cart races. There is a obstacle course where someone falls on it's reproductive organ and everyone flexes in sympathetic pain. Pan across an alien vomiting into a ditch and a human holding back it's "hair". Later showing the human helping it back to the party and the alien is subtittled crackling "youuu arrrre my besssst fwaaaaand !!!"
@@ChronoTriggerHappy I said beat as in punch face and or kick nuts. killing would be to merciful. and throwing a rock at twice the speed of light would do that.
"Why didn't you kill everything?" "The healer once needed healing. The one who cares for all desperately needed to be cared for. The one who fights for justice pleaded for it in the past. We grow into what we needed most. In our case, that was peace and cooperation."
Man, when the friendly alien fleets rushed into the fight, I actually teared up a bit. Literally the embodiment of the " *You beautiful bastards...* " reaction.
I feel like this belongs here. "They have rules in war that we can exploit! They think themselves good people, they have too many rules!" Terrans: "Good people don't need rules... now is not a good time to find out why I have so many!" -Paraphrased from Dr. Who (Matt Smith-11)
a very good line indeed.... if you encounter a species ,and find they have a silly amount of rules for war... you might want to consider what happens if you mock those rules...
@Ban this youtube hehe indeed aka ..mock them , and you might just taste the reasons why they where written in the first place.. though a lot of these 'humans are space orcs' stories i feel falls into a sub category of 'noble space savages' these days
Do not mistake our kindness for cowardice. We do not seek peace out of fear of the enemy, but ourselves. We know what we are capable of, our past misdeeds and sins. We seek out peace as not to repeat them, as every time we delve into our darkest impulses, there is a chance we never return and the monster is never recontained.
"...They rammed against Verkun corvettes, overloaded their reactors to destroy frigates..." why do i get a feeling some of them were shouting "It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself!" (Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 reference)
Imma be honest, there's gonna be Americans yelling"remember the Alamo!!!!" As the dive bomb with a back pack of antimatter in a sleeve suit in the middle of the event forces.
To be fair, humans are the only creatures that would actively go out of their way to boop an apex predator. Steve Irwin (RIP) is a prime example of that mentality. Either a boopped snoot or a poke in the butthole, he'd do it while smiling 😁.
They had a slightly flawed sense of thinking me thinks, 1000 years to a peace centric race like them could be the equivalent to say a couple hundred of "death worlder" advancement in warfare due to our pre disposition for finding ways to kill and break rather quickly
The scary thing about any sort of intersolar conflict is that if we find intelligent life anywhere out there, it will NOT be 1000 years ahead of us. In a universe that is about 13770000000 years old, 1000 years is *nothing*. If we find life, it will be either fungi or gods. There is no in-between.
@@ryantomer4126 oorah! Also love the starship troopers reference, and think they'd have power armor like from the most recent starship troopers for ground engagements?
Survival in harsh environments favours species capable of cooperation for mutual benefit. Being the biggest meanest predator means nothing if those beneath you start to work together against you.
This is the single best "humans are space orcs"/ "Earth is a Deathworld" story I've ever experienced (mainly because humans aren't the only sapient Deathworlder species in this one & the overall hopeful message)
ETX: We are warriors! There is no pain we won't endure! There is no death we fear! Honor is our true reward! *shows search results for rule 34* ETX: Fuk dat. I'm out.
You serious - that shit is funny as hell, one of the best reason to come - give them some extra material to work with - and see what hilarious shit they come up with. One of humanity best selling points - humour, well and cannabis.
It's like picking on the formerly extremely violent person - or their friends or loved ones. The fuse is long now, but it's still there and the badaboom is still big. Verkun: EXTERMINATE THE DEATHWORLDERS!!! Deathworlders: WHEEEEEE HAHAHA! Just like old times! By the way, get the ambulance ready - our soon-to-be friends are going to need it. Banner: "That's my secret: I'm ALWAYS angry." and "I don't need to control it, I need to aim it."
Basic misunderstanding of evolution. Deathworlders are agressive, but its a focused agression. Has to be. In a world where almost everything can kill you, you cannot afford wasting energy on pointless things. You fight to survive, to change your environment, to better your situation. You don't just pick a fight with some rando, just because they are there. Not unless they have something you want, and refuse to share. THEN its on.
And amongst ourselves, those that don't follow these rules, that lash out uncontrolled at others we remove as a threat to the whole. It takes us awhile sometimes, nor are we perfect in our self regulation. However, that we do self regulate should be a warning to outsiders not to become a problem we need to fix to survive.
@@dagan2000 "Our military is screened to weed out the most unstable and dangerous. Endanger our species and we WILL NOT hesitate to send you the ones we deemed too dangerous to send after eachother."
Here's a thought: A successful species, by definition, was the one who always won the fight no matter the condition on the planet or opponent. AKA, the best humans (everyone alive rn) were the most victorious of the animals who ever lived on Earth. But it's a little more nuanced than that. For instance, you can't want to win out of selfishness. You have to want your group, or in this analogy species, to win. If you were to describe this feeling I'd call it the "moral compass." It turns out most people have the exact same feelings on morality. Morality is deeply rooted in the practice of reciprocity as a yea or nah mechanism for determining something as moral. Reciprocity can be seen in cultural as the Golden Rule or love thy neighbor, basically just "love." Does this mean, love is evolutionarily advantageous and thus encoded in our DNA? For a species to be able to win at life we need the drive to always want to win and be protective of social circles. But morality is the highest social circle of them all encompassing anything sentient. If humans were genetically selfish and lacked morality, we'd never make it past assaulting fellow man with sticks. No one man, no matter how smart, can build everything he needs for a spaceship from scratch. Let alone LEARN and study it within one lifetime. Plastic requires oil and rockets require associated complex machine parts. It's simply not possible without some amount of cooperation so each human can have a more and more specialized field of expertise. Like advance mathematics and insane engineering. Other selfish sentient beings would be also to selfishly not want to cooperate if they don't get anything in return for helping them. We don't usually see this in society (Social media is different, it amplifies bad behavior). But most humans gravitate to people who aren't exploiting them and those same humans seem to want to return the favor to those people. Some people say morality was "given" by a single creator. It's possible to argue that an intelligent design behind the universe fosters morality as we know it, but we can't say it's proof of god either. It is rather strange the universe is the way it is though. Things this complex down the line from simple physics between quarks and leptons coming into reality. Like consciousness and morality. Perhaps we exist 4d but are going through a 3d experience while "alive" instead of "dead." That would be reather cool because that would means women can create something like a time entity in their belly from scratch. This also means "killing" someone like a newborn baby is extra bad because that time entity never gets to experience anything while it's "alive." It also puts into perspective why people think suicide should be illegal if it's "their body their choice." Sorry about the rant I just couldn't help but see the parallels. Idk what got over me.
Okay but am I the only one that cried when he said "Because we wanted to be better when we reached the stars"? I don't know why but that line just made me so emotional. Like despite(Or maybe even because) of all the horrible things we did in our past, with the stars being a long dream of our species, we decided that this was a good time for a new start, a blank new page in our history, and we decided that this time, we are going to paint it in white.
Nah, not just you. I've unfortunately seen some really shitty stuff & trid to help the kids that were targeted by it. It would be nice to never have to see that again.
One of my favorite sentiments is "We wanted to be better." It's why I like HFY, humans come with a lotta bad quirks but our virtues arent celebrated nearly enough.
Nice to see a story where, meeting 3 other alien races, they all love to meet, work for a common a good and benefit each other - and more importantly, although only recently forming a union - THEY INSTANTLY RUSH TO HELP DEFEND THE HOME WORLD. Although a war story of fear, the other side is one of co-operation, compassion, friendship, wonder, knowledge, sharing - and yet humans are the ''death'' worlders.
One can only hope we humans would strive to be better once we left our home planet. I'm pessimistic about our chances, but still, I can dream. How to achieve peace: Don't be a dick How to maintain a peace: Don't be a dick
The funny thing is, it's kind of easy for us to be better, here's why: The average person doesn't want much, they want to wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, go to work, eat lunch, come home, relax, eat dinner and go to sleep, with the occasional break to do something new and exciting. They definitely don't want to fight, steal, kill, or manipulate, the reason those things happen is because of the leadership not the average person, the average person doesn't want to go to war. Basically without the influence of corrupt, egomaniacal, or just plain even rulers things would basically be fine.
@@Nyghtking SO, what should we do, Anarchy? surely if we had that we would need a police force to stop murder, then it would be a police controlled state, you got any ideas?
@@aldgate What I was saying is what causes the problems isn't an average person as all an average person wants to do is go about their day, the reason I said it was easy is is because if there isn't a corrupting influence then you don't really need to do anything else as the average person doesn't want to go around causing trouble for others.
@@Nyghtking well yes, but that simply isn't how humans work. If it was, we would have it by now, democracies do a pretty good job at not being corrupt, but even most of them have corruption, and go invade countries for no reason so, yeah I really don't think it is easy.
@@aldgate Well thats the thing, the reason why things become corrupt is because corrupt people tend to be good at betting into positions of power since they're willing to do anything to get there and a lot of them have some charisma, my implication was if there weren't corrupt people leading things you wouldn't have to do much for people to be peaceful since everyone would just go about doing their own thing.
I love it that almost every story about war with the terrans has the fact in it that when we are faced with an exterior threat we basically go "The only ones allowed to kill us are we!" And then play the Doom soundtrack until either we or they have to unconditionally surrender.
Like most I grew up on sci-fi/aliens be the stronger, the badder - you know Aliens, Predator - so these stories of humans being the worse and so OP due to much higher gravity, predator/prey evolution - is really really interesting to me - loving these stories - been binge watching/listening for about 2 weeks now(give or take) love the death world stories.
So these guys find a species of avian warriors, sapient blind lizards that I'm sure have nearly/actually precognitive reflexes, terra-forming space bugs, and a species of psychotic ape that's able to pack-bond with f*cking ANYTHING. ....and their first thought is to go pick a fight with all four because they made friends with each other. On a side note, nice that we made friends with the space bugs this time.
I personally am very fond of bugs, finding out that the alien enemies in Enders Game were essentially space ants broke my heart (the ending made up for it but still, many tears)
“They fought with a fury we didn’t understand” You are literally attempting to commit genocide not once, but four different times. What part of that don’t you understand?
It's not madness, it's beautiful. And if you are successful in destroying Terra, well, what the Vareacka did to you will seem tame and as a play yard scuffle in comparison. And ain't none of you not in trouble, for you did NOTHING to stop this, not at any point did you try to intercede to end this before it reached this point. Willing to stand and watch genocide. May your gods take mercy on you, for you shall have little enough from us.
This is one of the BEST stories I have heard on this channel. The entire story had me on the edge of my seat listening with maximum attention. I deeply admired the whole story and especially resonated with the ending. An incredible story to remember and adore.
If the people who control mass media weren't such despicable fiends, yes - I would agree. However, as things are today - it's best if everything *good* simply stays in whatever format it was originally created and remains as it was originally created. Rather than allow it to be twisted and manipulated for propagandic purposes into being a mockery of the original property. Sad state of affairs but, as they say, it is what it is.
A terrifying thought. What did Marines look like at the time the Verkun invaded? A hive mind human avian with infrared sensors for tongues and owl eyes that see the ultraviolet spectrum with computer chips in their heads to compensate for all the crayons they’ve eaten?
Imagine just chilling on the couch with your three best alien buds watching some intergalactic football when some random alien breaks into your house and punches you in the face, so you and your buds beat the shit out of 'em and immediately go back to watching the game.
The War. The humans, I think, knew they were doomed. Where another race would surrender to despair, the humans fought back with greater strength. They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space. In my life, I have never seen anything like it; They would weep, they would pray, they would say goodbye to their loved ones, and then throw themselves without fear or hesitation at the very face of death itself, never surrendering. No one who saw them fighting against the inevitable could help but be moved to tears by their courage. Their stubborn nobility. When they ran out of ships, they used guns, when they ran out guns they used knives and sticks and bare hands. They were magnificent. I only hope that when it is my time, I may die with half as much dignity as I saw in their eyes in the end.- londo molarii Babylon 5 on humans
This was a classic science fiction story, well written and presented. Thank you for allowing me, for a few minutes, to immerse myself into a grand and glorious fictional galaxy. 👍 🙂 ❤
Humans: Ay, care for some beer? **Raises a beer mug** Verkun: **Shoots their beer mug** Humans: .... Aight. **_Sets mug remnants down and gets up with malicious intent_**
I truly believe that any species that fought it's way to the top of it's food/claw chain and goes into space will be aggressive. Also quite likely carnivorous. Here all predators are smarter than their prey, they have to be...they prey are faster, camouflaged, and are frequently in defensive herds.
No one is talking about how the first of the death worlders attack the federation. It is my theory that those first death worlders were the apexes of their planet, or at least high level hunters, which meant they were not so co-operative
Faovi Director of War: "The beacons are lit! The humans call for aid!" High Murder Minister of Faovi: "And Favoi will answer!" Visiting ministers of Kazadians and Vras'lul beckoning their people to join the fight. "Muster the void fleets!"
Xenos: ok! they're all they can find. now we will check back with them and-HOW!? deathworlders: *in a monumental bar belting out the lyrics to "bink's sake"*
I love the sentiment that they wanted to be better before they breached the stars, I only hope that we do the same... But with how things have been recently, I doubt it which makes me sad :(
If it’s any consolation, statistics have been showing for decades that humanity is slowly but surely becoming more peaceful. Violent crime in all forms has been on a declining trend. Sure we have spikes every now and again but the big picture is optimistic.
I still have no idea what the thing he says at the end is. Best I can figure is it's either "With energy!" or "Worth an OG!" and I don't know which is funnier
Humans are a lot like grandpas in Anime. They look kind and frail and wise, _right up until they get angry._ Don't mess with grandpa, he doesn't deserve it. ... But if you do, you deserve everything that's coming to you. And who knows, he might brew you a cup of tea after he's done _carefully and succinctly_ explaining to you why being mean is bad. :)
Honestly, it would have been more interesting if the humans were the worst, therefore the fact that they were the ones to bring every other deathworlders together be even more confusing to the council
I just love it when aliens have Pikachu faces after our reaction to being suckered punched by them. You don't just come out of nowhere and sucker punch someone in the back of the head, and say "oops, my bad" after finding out it was Mike Tyson you hit.
"The fabled 34th rule" Oh... Those poor bastards...
Feal sorry for them
I winced at that part
Looks at the tabs of the 34th... indeed those poor things
I laughed at their agony.
and aliens also discovered puns when one said:
... we are sooo _f*cked_
Galactic council: "Those deathworlders aren't fighting each other. Hey, I have a great idea, let's pick a fight with the heavy-worlders capable of pack-bonding with *literally anything.* I'm sure their friends definitely won't come to back them up."
let's go fight the guys that survived the death worlds, i see no way this can go wrong
Fear = big stupid for most aliens "lets glass earth!" *proceeds to then become extinct and wiped from history with only humanitys ally being the surviving galactic nation and now the only nation as anything/anyone else got put in the forever box*
i love having 2nd hand knowledge of all these different storys so i can laugh at the aliens that clearly dont think before they do- thoe i also love when humanity is a precursor race to like everything else cuz they range from "this one man stoped a star from collapsing... by himself.... oh void have mercy" then we have "is half-life 3 out yet?"-"No?"-"bak to sleep i go i guess"
Remember the 3 rules of consent.
1) can you communicate?
2) are they old enough (by their peoples standards) to consent?
3) do they consent?
These rules must be ratified as law when humanity reaches for the stars.
dont fuck with deathworlds, the tyranid swarm invaded catachan in 40k...the jungles ate THEM lol.
@@conan2096 considering the reply above this, this is correct in both ways
Verkun: "We should kill the deathworlders"
Humans: "Cowabunga it is!"
God's above and below, that actually got me to laugh, I could only imagine an admiral, in full regalia doing the exact motions as a fucking joke.
* insert cursed cowabunga image
Verkun: Why do I hear 4 boss musics? Simultaneously?
I couldn't have said it better myself. My thoughts exactly.
You wealize this means war?
~Bugs Bunny
I can just see the Vras'lul and humans first meeting, freaking out about how absolutely disgusting the other looked to them, recognizing mutual disgust in the other, bonding over it, practicing freaking each other out with things like 'listen to my endoskeleton snap, crackle, and pop' and 'oh no, my arm fell of, psych, I'm just molting', then getting shit-faced together just because each drinks a form of alcohol and having a blast!
Meanwhile the 'superior' aliens look on in steadily advancing confusion.
I mean the simple fact of humans drinking Alcohole for fun would set of most other species
I bet it started with a Vras'lul saying "Hold my beer, I got this."
So if we meet aliens we just need to take them to the pub is what your saying
Cue montage of alien/human BBQ party with frenetic band music. Everyone is intermingling and getting wasted. There is a ring of them having a dance off. There is another having shopping cart races. There is a obstacle course where someone falls on it's reproductive organ and everyone flexes in sympathetic pain. Pan across an alien vomiting into a ditch and a human holding back it's "hair". Later showing the human helping it back to the party and the alien is subtittled crackling "youuu arrrre my besssst fwaaaaand !!!"
Verkun: *declaring war on the death worlders*
Humanity and it's allies: oh, are you approaching me? instead of running, you're coming right to me?
Verkun: You can't beat the sh!t out of me withouy getting close.
@@413draco humanity and it's allies: and that's where you're wrong rookie
@@413draco Have you heard of the concept of throwing rocks? We took that shit to the next level!
@@ChronoTriggerHappy I said beat as in punch face and or kick nuts. killing would be to merciful. and throwing a rock at twice the speed of light would do that.
It's so nice of them to save humanity the time.
*Finish defending home world
*Looks into the distance
"They came from that way, right?"
*cock's space shotgun
"Aight, bet "
"Yippee ki yay, motherfather"
This made me laugh out loud.
*Vras’lul reply in several shotgun cocking noises a piece*
Humans: I am actually jealous of our bug friends.
"Why didn't you kill everything?"
"The healer once needed healing. The one who cares for all desperately needed to be cared for. The one who fights for justice pleaded for it in the past. We grow into what we needed most. In our case, that was peace and cooperation."
Deep, is this from anything?
@@benben3277 Not that I'm aware of. The quote I based it on was on tumblr awhile ago, but I have no clue if it's actually from anything
@@noctusdoesthings well it was a very deep and true statement, not every surgeon can operate on themselves
That was fucking beautiful.
Man, when the friendly alien fleets rushed into the fight, I actually teared up a bit.
Literally the embodiment of the " *You beautiful bastards...* " reaction.
The chorus to Sabaton's winged hussars started playing in my head at that part
I just flashed to Mal and Zoe "What does that make us?" "Big Damn Heros Captain"
I heard the music from the "Portals Scene" in Avengers Endgame!
You could literally play Sabatons Winged Hussars with little wordning changes and it fits perfectly.
I imagined humanity being like,"yo bros, you want in on this bastard?"
And the other three simultaneously responded,"hell yeah bro let's gooooo"
I feel like this belongs here.
"They have rules in war that we can exploit! They think themselves good people, they have too many rules!"
Terrans: "Good people don't need rules... now is not a good time to find out why I have so many!"
-Paraphrased from Dr. Who (Matt Smith-11)
One of my favorite lines.
I would be shitting my alien pants at that point
a very good line indeed.... if you encounter a species ,and find they have a silly amount of rules for war...
you might want to consider what happens if you mock those rules...
Remember the Geneva Convention only applies to humans.
@Ban this youtube hehe indeed aka ..mock them , and you might just taste the reasons why they where written in the first place..
though a lot of these 'humans are space orcs' stories i feel falls into a sub category of 'noble space savages' these days
"Because we wanted to be better." That's something to strive for.
Got me actually teared up. The children have grown up!
A coward strikes out in fear. It is the brave and the strong of will who hold their peace till there is no other option.
Then having tried all options for peace the brave fight as those cowards can never dream. Beware the furry of a good man.
@@M33f3r I think a good saying for that is.
"Demons runs when a Good Man goes to War"
Do not mistake our kindness for cowardice. We do not seek peace out of fear of the enemy, but ourselves. We know what we are capable of, our past misdeeds and sins. We seek out peace as not to repeat them, as every time we delve into our darkest impulses, there is a chance we never return and the monster is never recontained.
“Devils run when a good man goes to war”
@@M33f3r Uh... Furry??
Ok, yeah, a good man's furry is as scary as his fury, come to think of it.
"...They rammed against Verkun corvettes, overloaded their reactors to destroy frigates..." why do i get a feeling some of them were shouting "It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself!" (Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 reference)
oh and the "private yacht" reminds me of the ship known as Minotaur which did a ton of damage to traitor forces over Istvaan III
Personally I’m thinking of Charles
“This is the greatest plaaaaaaan”
Imma be honest, there's gonna be Americans yelling"remember the Alamo!!!!" As the dive bomb with a back pack of antimatter in a sleeve suit in the middle of the event forces.
Yippee Kay Yay, Mister Falcon!!!
Poor Xeno allies, no non-human can survive the knowledge of Rule 34 until administered some neural "forget me not" machine
isn't it the "Forget Me Stick"?
You mean the Forget me juice?
@@mr.k4918 I thought the forget me stick was the stick you hit someone with when you don't want them to remember you.
It seemed like the Allies weren’t too perturbed by the idea. The Narrator’s community, however…
@@itsmegoodbye9227 only the Imperium dabble in the Forget-me-juice, *Brrrother,* or else you will be turned into a wall, *Brrrother*
I understand that this is fiction but the story was so well written I felt sentimental about the fictional actions
Same dude, same!
wait, i thought this was a historical text. now what will i turn in for class.
Pack bonding is just a scientific term for friendship. Therefore humans defining trait is the the power of friendship.
Friendship is Magic
And don't forget humans other defining trait, protecting the everloving fuck out of a thing they love
Very anime of you.
We will kill you with the power of friendship ... and this gun we found
Funny how reluctant deathworlders are to engage in war, because they know it’s consequences better than most.
And because deathworlders know very well what a rule-less war can lead to
Why war when you can colaborate honestly
Also, it is impossible to become the dominant species on a deathworld without some form of cooperation.
Them: They'll kill everyone! Let them kill each other.
Humans: Don't mind us as we aggressively befriend all the danger floofs.
To be fair, humans are the only creatures that would actively go out of their way to boop an apex predator. Steve Irwin (RIP) is a prime example of that mentality. Either a boopped snoot or a poke in the butthole, he'd do it while smiling 😁.
Just imagine the tech leap the Terran Confederacy would have gained from the Verkun debris field… They were assumed to have a thousand years on us?
They had a slightly flawed sense of thinking me thinks, 1000 years to a peace centric race like them could be the equivalent to say a couple hundred of "death worlder" advancement in warfare due to our pre disposition for finding ways to kill and break rather quickly
The scary thing about any sort of intersolar conflict is that if we find intelligent life anywhere out there, it will NOT be 1000 years ahead of us. In a universe that is about 13770000000 years old, 1000 years is *nothing*. If we find life, it will be either fungi or gods. There is no in-between.
@@KeenanJones1 who's to say, the universe is massive, it may not be such a wide gap, or it may be just that damn wide, only those above know
Yup. Let's see see how close we can close the gap... Uuh... I think we over shot. They're behind us now. 😂😎🤟
Humans speed running reverse engineering turning those thousand years into 1,000 minutes
That story made me incredibly happy. Humans would absolutely packbond with birds and Mega Insects
I like bugs! But damn it do I hate the Tyranids and the damn Arachnids! The good bugs of those type? *ARE THE DEAD ONES...*
@@ryantomer4126 oorah! Also love the starship troopers reference, and think they'd have power armor like from the most recent starship troopers for ground engagements?
@@benben3277 Yes if they followed what the book said
@@ryantomer4126 I need to actually read the damn thing myself
@@benben3277 Same! I just know what's in the movies... except the animated stuff.. IS JACK SHIT TO THE BOOKS EXO SUITS!
Survival in harsh environments favours species capable of cooperation for mutual benefit.
Being the biggest meanest predator means nothing if those beneath you start to work together against you.
A swarm of bullet ants will bring down an elephant, and a school of piranhas will strip a horse to bone
@@CaptainRhodor yep, but a group of predators working to spear fish those Piranha might not turn out so bad, especially with wood legs in the water
@@ejedwards1678 hopefully.
To quote a dear friend of mine “And *that* , my friends, is how Empires fall!”
To quote an ancient human hero:
*“Go ahead, make my day.”*
The USS Clint Eastwood a.k.a. The Dirty Harry would be an awesome name for a Battleship.
This is the single best "humans are space orcs"/ "Earth is a Deathworld" story I've ever experienced (mainly because humans aren't the only sapient Deathworlder species in this one & the overall hopeful message)
yep. it's my favorite as well. i loved the terran coalition
Rule 34 is probably the reason why we haven’t been contacted.
ETX: We are warriors! There is no pain we won't endure! There is no death we fear! Honor is our true reward!
*shows search results for rule 34*
ETX: Fuk dat. I'm out.
The degeneracy!
It's too strong!
@@ItsDaKoolaidDude if only you knew
Or the reason probing is so popular among those that do come here
You serious - that shit is funny as hell, one of the best reason to come - give them some extra material to work with - and see what hilarious shit they come up with. One of humanity best selling points - humour, well and cannabis.
Verkun: *arrive in human system*
Humans: "Hello, friends! How are you-"
Verkun: *shoot the human ships*
Verkun: "Why do I hear boss music?"
**Rip And Tear slowly gets louder**
@@CaptainRhodor *Malicious breathing grows louder, and slower*
For some reason a song from a human band called highway too hell can be heard by all the council members at once
Verkun: "Why do I hear latin chanting?"
@@GeoRyukaiser it is the equivalent of encountering a pro touchpad user starting to use a mouse
It's like picking on the formerly extremely violent person - or their friends or loved ones. The fuse is long now, but it's still there and the badaboom is still big.
Deathworlders: WHEEEEEE HAHAHA! Just like old times! By the way, get the ambulance ready - our soon-to-be friends are going to need it.
Banner: "That's my secret: I'm ALWAYS angry." and "I don't need to control it, I need to aim it."
It's not warfare. It's violent befriending.
@@GeoRyukaiser "You know, I really like you, and think you're awesome. But you're being a little more than a jerk and you need a good, sound beating."
@@GeoRyukaiser we call that “rough housing”
Point me in the right direction, got a bit of built up anger to release.
Basic misunderstanding of evolution. Deathworlders are agressive, but its a focused agression. Has to be. In a world where almost everything can kill you, you cannot afford wasting energy on pointless things. You fight to survive, to change your environment, to better your situation. You don't just pick a fight with some rando, just because they are there. Not unless they have something you want, and refuse to share. THEN its on.
And amongst ourselves, those that don't follow these rules, that lash out uncontrolled at others we remove as a threat to the whole. It takes us awhile sometimes, nor are we perfect in our self regulation. However, that we do self regulate should be a warning to outsiders not to become a problem we need to fix to survive.
@@jlokison "We have a strict set of rules we follow and severely enforce upon ourselves. Why? Are you SURE you want to know that answer?"
@@dagan2000 "Our military is screened to weed out the most unstable and dangerous. Endanger our species and we WILL NOT hesitate to send you the ones we deemed too dangerous to send after eachother."
Here's a thought:
A successful species, by definition, was the one who always won the fight no matter the condition on the planet or opponent. AKA, the best humans (everyone alive rn) were the most victorious of the animals who ever lived on Earth. But it's a little more nuanced than that. For instance, you can't want to win out of selfishness. You have to want your group, or in this analogy species, to win. If you were to describe this feeling I'd call it the "moral compass." It turns out most people have the exact same feelings on morality. Morality is deeply rooted in the practice of reciprocity as a yea or nah mechanism for determining something as moral. Reciprocity can be seen in cultural as the Golden Rule or love thy neighbor, basically just "love."
Does this mean, love is evolutionarily advantageous and thus encoded in our DNA? For a species to be able to win at life we need the drive to always want to win and be protective of social circles. But morality is the highest social circle of them all encompassing anything sentient. If humans were genetically selfish and lacked morality, we'd never make it past assaulting fellow man with sticks. No one man, no matter how smart, can build everything he needs for a spaceship from scratch. Let alone LEARN and study it within one lifetime. Plastic requires oil and rockets require associated complex machine parts. It's simply not possible without some amount of cooperation so each human can have a more and more specialized field of expertise. Like advance mathematics and insane engineering. Other selfish sentient beings would be also to selfishly not want to cooperate if they don't get anything in return for helping them. We don't usually see this in society (Social media is different, it amplifies bad behavior). But most humans gravitate to people who aren't exploiting them and those same humans seem to want to return the favor to those people.
Some people say morality was "given" by a single creator. It's possible to argue that an intelligent design behind the universe fosters morality as we know it, but we can't say it's proof of god either. It is rather strange the universe is the way it is though. Things this complex down the line from simple physics between quarks and leptons coming into reality. Like consciousness and morality. Perhaps we exist 4d but are going through a 3d experience while "alive" instead of "dead." That would be reather cool because that would means women can create something like a time entity in their belly from scratch. This also means "killing" someone like a newborn baby is extra bad because that time entity never gets to experience anything while it's "alive." It also puts into perspective why people think suicide should be illegal if it's "their body their choice." Sorry about the rant I just couldn't help but see the parallels. Idk what got over me.
I wish i could save comments, yours gave me some shit to think about
Okay but am I the only one that cried when he said "Because we wanted to be better when we reached the stars"?
I don't know why but that line just made me so emotional.
Like despite(Or maybe even because) of all the horrible things we did in our past, with the stars being a long dream of our species, we decided that this was a good time for a new start, a blank new page in our history, and we decided that this time, we are going to paint it in white.
Both. Because of our past, and to spite it, and show that we are not that, not our instincts and distrust and fear.
Damn onion ninjas !
@@peterwall8191 I don't know how they breached my defenses! They were built by imperial fist!
Nah, not just you. I've unfortunately seen some really shitty stuff & trid to help the kids that were targeted by it. It would be nice to never have to see that again.
@@ryantomer4126 we must reinstall the defenses.
As it should be, we stand upon the shoulders of those that came before, and carry their hopes and dreams. I would hate to disappoint my grandparents
For the Deathworlders! "Rub some dirt on it, and walk it off."
One of my favorite sentiments is "We wanted to be better."
It's why I like HFY, humans come with a lotta bad quirks but our virtues arent celebrated nearly enough.
In a world of darkness, it is sometimes hard to see the candle light - yet it is always there, slowly burning, getting brighter.
Faovi (death)
Vras'lul (famine)
Kazadians (war)
Humans (conquest)
The Horsemen of Apocalypse became the Horsemen of Salvation
I like a good collective hero story, it's a breath of fresh air after all the Humans Are OP and defeat all their enemies.
Agreed. Making like minded friends is one of the most OP things we could do.
Nice to see a story where, meeting 3 other alien races, they all love to meet, work for a common a good and benefit each other - and more importantly, although only recently forming a union - THEY INSTANTLY RUSH TO HELP DEFEND THE HOME WORLD. Although a war story of fear, the other side is one of co-operation, compassion, friendship, wonder, knowledge, sharing - and yet humans are the ''death'' worlders.
Aliens: "So why didn't you kill each other?"
Humans: *thinking of the Lusty Argonian Maid* "Ohm.. To strive to be better!"
... your not wrong and i hate that
@@monicaclark8453 Oh. You love it, I know it. :D
Nope! Im to ace to be even remotely interested in lusty anything lol@@Kareszkoma
@@monicaclark8453Hmm. Alright! Be that way. Hmpfh.
One can only hope we humans would strive to be better once we left our home planet. I'm pessimistic about our chances, but still, I can dream.
How to achieve peace: Don't be a dick
How to maintain a peace: Don't be a dick
The funny thing is, it's kind of easy for us to be better, here's why:
The average person doesn't want much, they want to wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, go to work, eat lunch, come home, relax, eat dinner and go to sleep, with the occasional break to do something new and exciting.
They definitely don't want to fight, steal, kill, or manipulate, the reason those things happen is because of the leadership not the average person, the average person doesn't want to go to war.
Basically without the influence of corrupt, egomaniacal, or just plain even rulers things would basically be fine.
@@Nyghtking SO, what should we do, Anarchy? surely if we had that we would need a police force to stop murder, then it would be a police controlled state, you got any ideas?
@@aldgate What I was saying is what causes the problems isn't an average person as all an average person wants to do is go about their day, the reason I said it was easy is is because if there isn't a corrupting influence then you don't really need to do anything else as the average person doesn't want to go around causing trouble for others.
@@Nyghtking well yes, but that simply isn't how humans work. If it was, we would have it by now, democracies do a pretty good job at not being corrupt, but even most of them have corruption, and go invade countries for no reason so, yeah I really don't think it is easy.
@@aldgate Well thats the thing, the reason why things become corrupt is because corrupt people tend to be good at betting into positions of power since they're willing to do anything to get there and a lot of them have some charisma, my implication was if there weren't corrupt people leading things you wouldn't have to do much for people to be peaceful since everyone would just go about doing their own thing.
I love it that almost every story about war with the terrans has the fact in it that when we are faced with an exterior threat we basically go "The only ones allowed to kill us are we!"
And then play the Doom soundtrack until either we or they have to unconditionally surrender.
Like most I grew up on sci-fi/aliens be the stronger, the badder - you know Aliens, Predator - so these stories of humans being the worse and so OP due to much higher gravity, predator/prey evolution - is really really interesting to me - loving these stories - been binge watching/listening for about 2 weeks now(give or take) love the death world stories.
"Terran Confederacy" is just too cute and emotive
So these guys find a species of avian warriors, sapient blind lizards that I'm sure have nearly/actually precognitive reflexes, terra-forming space bugs, and a species of psychotic ape that's able to pack-bond with f*cking ANYTHING.
....and their first thought is to go pick a fight with all four because they made friends with each other.
On a side note, nice that we made friends with the space bugs this time.
I personally am very fond of bugs, finding out that the alien enemies in Enders Game were essentially space ants broke my heart (the ending made up for it but still, many tears)
Humanity has a strong sense of survival and willingness to help each other even if it means putting down our weapons for a moment
For the Algorithm, For the Author(s), For the Disembodied Voice!
Where does this voice come from?
@@lotematu2812 It is one of the Great Mysteries of the universe. We do not know from whence it comes, only that it does.
“They fought with a fury we didn’t understand”
You are literally attempting to commit genocide not once, but four different times. What part of that don’t you understand?
It's not madness, it's beautiful.
And if you are successful in destroying Terra, well, what the Vareacka did to you will seem tame and as a play yard scuffle in comparison. And ain't none of you not in trouble, for you did NOTHING to stop this, not at any point did you try to intercede to end this before it reached this point. Willing to stand and watch genocide.
May your gods take mercy on you, for you shall have little enough from us.
I mean if Terra was to be destroyed I believe that the humans would change their "Geneva conventions " into a checklist
For all those who fight alongside their friends for a righteous cause.
This is one of the BEST stories I have heard on this channel. The entire story had me on the edge of my seat listening with maximum attention. I deeply admired the whole story and especially resonated with the ending. An incredible story to remember and adore.
glad you enjoyed
Indeed it is
this needs to be a movie or miniseries.
If the people who control mass media weren't such despicable fiends, yes - I would agree. However, as things are today - it's best if everything *good* simply stays in whatever format it was originally created and remains as it was originally created. Rather than allow it to be twisted and manipulated for propagandic purposes into being a mockery of the original property.
Sad state of affairs but, as they say, it is what it is.
"... because we wanted to be better when we reached the stars". Something for us to remember. Very nice narration as always AS.
A terrifying thought. What did Marines look like at the time the Verkun invaded? A hive mind human avian with infrared sensors for tongues and owl eyes that see the ultraviolet spectrum with computer chips in their heads to compensate for all the crayons they’ve eaten?
Given what is going on around the world right now, this was a wholesome as it was enjoyable.
I retreated to HFY as our real world turned to shit.
It didn't end before us, but soon it will be our chance to end it for the next generation.
So basically, "Ur my frein now."
People who experienced pain in the past and learned to overcome it through the right way tends to be the better people than most
Imagine just chilling on the couch with your three best alien buds watching some intergalactic football when some random alien breaks into your house and punches you in the face, so you and your buds beat the shit out of 'em and immediately go back to watching the game.
First time I cried over a story on a youtube video. Goddamn this one hits hard. That should be made into a movie or tv series
Credit to the author for aknowledging the difference between sapient and sentient
The War. The humans, I think, knew they were doomed. Where another race would surrender to despair, the humans fought back with greater strength. They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space. In my life, I have never seen anything like it; They would weep, they would pray, they would say goodbye to their loved ones, and then throw themselves without fear or hesitation at the very face of death itself, never surrendering. No one who saw them fighting against the inevitable could help but be moved to tears by their courage. Their stubborn nobility. When they ran out of ships, they used guns, when they ran out guns they used knives and sticks and bare hands. They were magnificent. I only hope that when it is my time, I may die with half as much dignity as I saw in their eyes in the end.- londo molarii Babylon 5 on humans
This was a good one. No shortcuts in making the combat end too soon, and having humanity use its actual strengths.
Some dude in a luxury yacht. "Leeeroy Jenkins" - probably
So essentially all members of the confederacy had "speak softly, but carry a big stick" type policy that the others would respect.
This was a classic science fiction story, well written and presented.
Thank you for allowing me, for a few minutes, to immerse myself into a grand and glorious fictional galaxy. 👍 🙂 ❤
“Oh you want to run? No no no thats not how this works”
Humans: Ay, care for some beer? **Raises a beer mug**
Verkun: **Shoots their beer mug**
Humans: .... Aight. **_Sets mug remnants down and gets up with malicious intent_**
by far the best one-off story you've narrated on this channel from what i've seen
I truly believe that any species that fought it's way to the top of it's food/claw chain and goes into space will be aggressive. Also quite likely carnivorous. Here all predators are smarter than their prey, they have to be...they prey are faster, camouflaged, and are frequently in defensive herds.
Fear the herbivore thats top of its food chain.
For the Algorithm, For the Author(s), For the Narrator, Agro Squirrel !!!
The only thing stronger then the hate of humans for other humans is the hate for an common enemy
I love listening to the stories as I work out and work
"They had rules of engagement..." A good man does not need rules.
No one is talking about how the first of the death worlders attack the federation.
It is my theory that those first death worlders were the apexes of their planet, or at least high level hunters, which meant they were not so co-operative
Verkun: *gets wrecked by Deathworld crew*
The council: 🫣
“Yoooo your home is shitty?”
“Yeah, what of it?”
“Mines also pretty shitty, wanna be friends?”
So its the "Battle Of The Five Navies"
I wish this storys to one day become a cinematic universe.
Love that. "Because we wanted to be better when we reach the stars"
Wonderful. I hope when we finally reach for the Stars, we will have grown wiser and be better.
This is one of the stories that make me regret only being able to "like" it once.
If you're so terrified of something lashing out in hostility, don't give it a reason too
Marines love being surrounded... Target rich environment indeed.
Remember, when you fire a rail gun, that slug will hit something. So if you fire it at a large group of ships, you're likely to hit one of the ships
Faovi Director of War: "The beacons are lit! The humans call for aid!"
High Murder Minister of Faovi: "And Favoi will answer!"
Visiting ministers of Kazadians and Vras'lul beckoning their people to join the fight.
"Muster the void fleets!"
Attack one and you attack us all
~Unknown Biker
1:36 ........ sadly I can't argue with that 😕
Dang - now that's some good story.
oh god, the scientists found R34. surprised they didn't gouge their eyes out.
Lat last line tugs at the emotions a bit.
Xenos: ok! they're all they can find. now we will check back with them and-HOW!?
deathworlders: *in a monumental bar belting out the lyrics to "bink's sake"*
I love the sentiment that they wanted to be better before they breached the stars, I only hope that we do the same... But with how things have been recently, I doubt it which makes me sad :(
If it’s any consolation, statistics have been showing for decades that humanity is slowly but surely becoming more peaceful. Violent crime in all forms has been on a declining trend. Sure we have spikes every now and again but the big picture is optimistic.
I still have no idea what the thing he says at the end is. Best I can figure is it's either "With energy!" or "Worth an OG!" and I don't know which is funnier
Humans are a lot like grandpas in Anime.
They look kind and frail and wise, _right up until they get angry._
Don't mess with grandpa, he doesn't deserve it. ... But if you do, you deserve everything that's coming to you.
And who knows, he might brew you a cup of tea after he's done _carefully and succinctly_ explaining to you why being mean is bad. :)
I’m sorry my head is still wrapping around the fact that they found out about a real 34
Galitic councils: those deathworlders are up to somethin’ 🤔
Honestly, it would have been more interesting if the humans were the worst, therefore the fact that they were the ones to bring every other deathworlders together be even more confusing to the council
I love the stories where they see us as monsters and just attack us unprovoked
Turns out, terrible worlds breed the same kind of people
This had a surprisingly wholesome ending.
And with this I conclude I found my addiction and the favorite category sci-fi audiobooks/humanity
What ever holes occur in the wall that is reality, we are the spackle to fill those holes.
Rule 34 will be enforced across the whole universe resistance is futile.
This is a fucking awesome story, the out star-treked star trek with realism lol
4:44 I find this both ironic and funny
Always a pleasure to listen to a good story and to comment to for the swarm... er... *Algorithm.*
I just love it when aliens have Pikachu faces after our reaction to being suckered punched by them. You don't just come out of nowhere and sucker punch someone in the back of the head, and say "oops, my bad" after finding out it was Mike Tyson you hit.
To pick a fight with not one, not two, not three... But FOUR Deathworld species is proof that technological advancement does not equal intelligence.
Oh no, they found out about the 34th rule