@@MightyMouse11 The believers will not be convicted of their sins, whatever evil they had done will be washed away and they will be purified in the eyes of the Lord so they may enter his garden, they only need to admit their sins to their Maker, and for that you need no Churches of Satan masquerading.
I have 100% conviction in God Almighty- the Supreme, the Merciful. However to spend all this money on churches while millions are starving in Brasil and worldwide is sickening! These religious leaders are fooling themselves and their followers. God Almighty does not need such things. He doesn't need anything. We are the ones in need of His Mercy and we attain this by by having mercy toward our fellow beings, giving charity and worshipping Him alone.
Today a socialist group tried to kill the candidate for the government of São Paulo. Both sides are radical. Lula 🦑 is a radical left wing candidate with similar program to that of Venezuela and Argentina while Bolsonaro supports free market, but at the same time, is in league with very radical christians… and that does not go well with politics if we remember the integralistas (Brazilian fascism)
It's not only in politics that these (not all) sects or Christian groups unleash their power. AJ should also make a document on the nasty money-making business system of these so-called religious groups.
@@mateussouzacastro1583 Eu não disse nada disso, tu acha que eu sou bolsonarista e que apoio bolsonaro? Claro que não, eu sei que essas igrejas extorquem dinheiro da população, mas caridade secular também faz isso, e em maior numero até.
What kind of religion is that where a pastor who is a clergyman is able to hold a political job? It is not a real religion, that “pastor” is actually a businessman that not only take money from megachurch but also from government!!!
"Without religion good people would do good and bad people would do bad things. But for good people to bad things that takes religion " :Christopher Hitchens
This alienation of brazilian people is the result from years and years of neglected education, the people at war is a ideal scenario for politicians to continue neglecting people needs and keep themselfs in power.
SEP 21, 2020 How the Trump Administration Has Harmed Faith Communities People of faith have suffered under the Trump administration’s attacks on civil rights, religious freedom, and health and economic well-being. 5:58 Source: Center for American Progress
By Charles Homans - April 24, 2022 Evangelical churches have long been powerful vehicles for grass-roots activism and influence on the American right, mobilized around issues like abortion and gay marriage. Now, some of those churches have embraced a new cause: promoting Donald J. Trump’s false claim that the 2020 election was stolen. 6:13 Source: The New York Times
May 29, 2019 The preachers getting rich from poor Americans Televangelists are not as talked about today as they were in the 1980s and 1990s, when many rose to fame and fortune through mushrooming cable channels. But they have never gone away. 11:33 Source: BBC News
Good documentary on the dangerous mix of religion and politics. Good to see some Christian leaders haven’t bought into far right politics and the prosperity Gospel.
@Michael Story well, I know many people who had kids, BUT their kids died before them... they are over 70 now and living extremely well... kids are not caregiver!!!
love the way all these Christian churches are against human rights, and the pastors are all so rich. The church no matter what it is, has always been fascist because that is the basis for almost all religions, Hate, Prejudice, Racism and superstition are all at the makeup of religion, to say otherwise is to not having read any of the religious writings.
Not at all, sole churches praises liberty, you can do everything you life, you only pau after it, i don't know how you say in english, but in Brazil, ir's "Livre Arbítrio"
Since they gained the upper hand in 312 CE, the majority of Christians in any country or society where they practice freely have always sided with money and power. Always.
I mean, history is long, and Christianity has fractured. Dr. Martin Luther King was a pastor, as was John Brown, George D. Herron, all the Hutterites, all the Christians on the Left, and I could go on.
Evangelicals believe the Bible is the ultimate moral authority, a belief they hold despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that most of them have never read it.
@@josenimguemninguem7458 diz isso para todos que sofrem com o racismo e falta de recursos para os que são negros ou pardos. Não só isso, qual foi o último líder do país que tinha descendência negra?
Very interesting video!As we know politics and religion always mix which led to horrific results Praise Antonio for his integrity and to not follow Bolsonaro
The far-left radical liberals have opened the door to hell. It wouldn't be a stretch to say evil is working through them. Making the Church political may be the answer.
Eles são livres pra apoiarem quem quiserem, não concordo em falar dentro do templo, mas as pessoas são livres, fazer alarde sobre a liberdade das pessoas é ruim. Conheço muitos evangélicos que apoiam o lula também
You must have a certain amount of privilege to belong to one of these churches and wield that type of political power. So, those who are underprivileged, are left out of the conversation. In the US, these political conversations are rooted in racism and classism; not religion. American Christianity is a means to an end. Power. So, when we export these ideals to countries with even more severe economical disparities than ours, the effect on the poor is dire. It's ironic that a poor, brown Middle-Eastern man's teachings about love, have been used to manipulate so many systems and peoples for profit.
Many of the people who belong to these churches (especially pentacostal ones) are poor and underprivileged, however certainly the leaders and pastors hold a great deal of privilege and manipulate their congregation
I do not totally agree or disagree with you. Partially Brazil’s today evangelism is now what it was the televangelism prosperity gospel from the 80’s. It is meant to attract (and brain wash) the vulnerable population. It turns out that the traditional Protestant churches who were against that started to preach a softer version of the same crap. They are committed to preach what people long to hear not what’s actually in the New Testament.
Bolsonaro social point of view is torn. Praising deaths of your people is depressing. Every citizen that reaches around 20 years of age, with no perspective in life because it didn't have a choice other than to adapt to a criminal life style, is someone life's that was thrown away by the State. Bolsonaro's view is pure prejudice. He doesn't hide. He said out loud on the recent debate, calling the people from Brazils famous favela "criminals".
Yes, society that makes criminals kill in cold blood. It's society who made them look at the victim (actually a perpetrator and really who should be blamed) even after taking their things and still deciding to end the person's life. They have zero moral responsability and anyone who says otherwise is a bigot.
man as a brazilian, the other side is much worse.. trust me. Brazil is the world recordist for biggest corruption scandals, because of the other side, and many other things, please RESEARCH DON'T TRUST VIDEOS WITH A ONE SIDED VIEW!!!
I believe you are really young to say that. Someone being poor is not a reason to become a criminal. In Brazil there are many opportunities for young people as free courses and job programs as Jovem Aprendiz. Sei que você é daqui e este discurso de tadinho do bandido funciona até você ser roubado por um anjinho que não teve chance na vida. Todos os pobres que você conhece viram bandidos ? Se virar bandido fosse falta de dinheiro não teríamos pessoas de classe média cometendo crimes.
Bolsonaro é imprudente, como todos os ex-governantes do Brasil, mas é preciso deixar de lado pensamentos fugazes e discutir cuidadosamente tais questões. Vale lembrar que este evento foi iniciado pelo Luiz desde o início. Ele rejeita o poder do Estado, mas foi um dos que mais aumentou a dependência dos brasileiros dos serviços públicos, tudo graças às medidas populistas que implementou. Sua gestão durante um dos eventos mais importantes do Brasil - o boom das commodities - foi abismal. Apesar de sermos um dos países que mais se beneficiaram com a queda do dólar em relação à cédula local, tivemos a pior taxa de desenvolvimento em relação aos países vizinhos. A escala do corte e do financiamento mal alocado é terrível. O investimento em educação foi maior do que em muitos países, mas os resultados foram menores do que os mesmos, com poucas mudanças para incentivar o ensino superior. Em geral, muitos brasileiros durante e após o governo de Luiz Inácio tiveram uma falsa sensação de paraíso, foi surpreendentemente manipulação em massa, algo parecido com o que eles tanto contestam, o fascismo (incrivelmente, os princípios atuais de Lula são semelhantes as ideias muitos ditatoriais). Entre os tópicos estão: Regulação da mídia; Censura; Supressão de opositores (o que pode impedir a existência de outros partidos); Desmilitarização (isso não tem nada a ver com fascismo, mas mostra seu temor por uma tentativa de golpe); O cara foi e sempre será um "endossier" do autoritarismo. Sempre esperou o momento ideal para impor suas ideias, ele mesmo disse que era algo difícil, "mas tudo fará para alcançá-lo, mesmo que custe 40 a 50 anos de sua vida". A propósito, Bolsonaro não chamou todos os moradores de "favelados", e sua afirmação de dominação criminosa está correta. Ele se referia à recepção ao candidato à presidência e de seu oponente, Lula. Não é novidade para ninguém, os traficantes são como um estado de transição. Permeiam o caos, o governo legítimo que tanto perturba sua paz é “um obstáculo cruel”. Eles o matariam (qualquer político) instantaneamente, a menos que fosse mais prejudicial do que útil... espere... As duas maiores facções mostraram claro apoio a Lula, muitas delas deixaram nítido que é tudo uma questão de interesses, não há altruísmo em seus olhos. O chefe do PCC chegou a mencionar que o PT os havia ajudado com processos judiciais, então o apoio deles agora é uma possível porta de entrada para sua saída, ou pelo menos um pouco de força para lhes dar mais liberdade (a famosa "política do bem"). O CV é muito mais astucioso, eles sabem que em um eventual governo Lula poderão recuperar sua influência na região e também aumentar suas negociações com as autoridades (corruptas), não para diminuir a agressão, mas para obter mais ferramentas (armas). Se a polícia não tem mais o direito de subir no morro e expulsar os bandidos, ou seja, de levantar a bandeira do Brasil e dar chance ao estado de ajudar os moradores, com uma possível ascensão de Lula, eles nem vão sair de casa, "isso violaria os direitos humanos dos ladrões". E cara, em outro comentário seu você comparou maconha com desodorante. Desodorante não vicia, não piora a ansiedade e a depressão, nem pode ser consumido... Para se ter uma ideia, já existe regulamentação governamental de drogas lícitas e ilícitas, e ainda sim há traficantes de drogas ilícitas. Legalizar a cannabis está longe de ser uma opção viável, até os Estados Unidos lamentaram isso, pois o número de viciados quase triplicou nos últimos séculos e a tendência é crescer incessantemente. A maconha tem mostrado bons resultados no combate a doenças como a paralisia (se não me engano, é essa), mas a legalização para uso recreativo é um perigo, ainda mais em um país latino-americano. Você é muito estúpido.
Christian would rather praise and pray all day than follow the teaching of Jesus Christ . He didn't ask to be praised or worshipped. He needs you to go out there and help one . other
How anyone who calls themselves a Christian can vote for the extreme right is beyond me. I'm an Atheist and I'm just bewildered by the right wings dedication to corporate elites. I thought Jesus taught that we should help the poor. Guess I was misguided on that one.
The same thing here in the Philippines where the INC practices block voting, they hold tremendous sway over politics and punch way above their weight especially during elections where politicians curry their favor to get that sweet block vote from the entire congregation.
They are just putting Brazil (a colorful , mix country full of country) to the dumpster of history. As a Brazilian it’s sad to see how backward our future seems to be.
I'm Brazilian what I see here and a lot of ignorance with religion, if you use the name of God for everything. even to buy bread at the bakery false shepherds deceived the people everywhere.
I remember the days when I was in evangelical churches, I always knew something wasn't right. I left years ago. I don't subscribe to Christianity at all. I'm glad I left
In general, they think the israeli are alies. Right wing, against the left. But anyone who sees and tries to figure out why the bolsonaro’s people use the israeli flag, even us in Brazil, doesn’t know for sure. Probably it’s just the copy of trump
Israel is a big part of this fascist push around the globe. They support the Christians because they will put Israel before themselves and their own country.
@@cassiocruz323 "lado"? Jesus tinha "lado"? Pedro puxou a espada e arrancou a orelha do soldado que veio prende-lo. Que "lado" teve Jesus? O povo arrastava uma mulher para ser apedrejada. Que "lado" teve Jesus? Estou dizendo, o evangelico NÃO CONHECE O JESUS
@@cassiocruz323 Seu comemtároo só prova que vc tb nao conheceu Jesus. Falhou na provação, caiu no conto do falso messias, aceitou o uso do nome de Deus em vão. Jesus nunca esteve ao lado dos poderosos.
I am not Brazilian but i do love history and the current worldwide politics will have a great effect on human history development, so i am following politics now. I am curious how can people support Lula when he was convicted of corruption and money laundering, what will stop him from doing it again if he wins?
@@AB-lm6dy Nothing will stop him from doing again! I'm Brazilian and I do not support Lula. Most of the left-wing establishment wants him back in power, but I hope they won't succeed.
@@MrMBLN I hope so to then! I hate that leftist crap. I wish this UA-cam channel along with this dubious megachurch video did one about Lula being jailed for corruption, and how corruption ended up also setting him free....
@@MommaDee23 Church giving isn’t like making monetary policies. It’s basically the willingness of good people to give from their excesses. It won’t solve poverty overnight. But it will transform it bit by bit from the bottom up.
@@JoAnnChateau-Progress Yup. I agree that corruption is what creates poverty. And what Christians hope is to eradicate corruption through transformation from the inner character. Not that we’re there yet, but that is what we hope to achieve.
The churches in Brazil don't pay taxes. Their debit from National Institute of Social Security and Income Tax reaches one point nine billion 1,9B (in Real, our currency ). The evangelical bench in the Chamber of Deputies works to ensure that no regulation proposal is approved and many others law projects that try to take away civil rights from LGBTQIAP+ comunity , women and some marginalized groups . This makes it easy for the church to serve as an instrument for money laundering, from the most varied sources such as illegal drug trafficking, tax evasion, etc. I'm not saying that every church do . But the lack of rules make it posible and all of the millioner or even biilioner pastors such as Silas Malafaia, Edir Macedo , Valdomiro and lots of them have some link with that. A huge portion of evangelical electorate was influenced by the Fake News stratergy used on 2018 Election . Wich consisted (and they still doing ) in make it viral false news saying Lula (the Workers Party candidate) will close Churchs or make it the cristian peoples lifes harder because according to them( the far right wing) the left wing do not follow "good values" and wanna destroy "family". You know, the typical trick from Facism: make your adversary looks like enemy and tell the people the enemies need to be annihilated. This presidency run has been tough, the far right wing still spreading lies but we're still trying fight against . P.s 1: In 2018 Bolsonaro allies made it viral a video of a person showing a baby bottle that has a Nipple( baby bottle part) in a shape of a penis saying that left wing people would give that for children on kindergarten . And yes an absurd portion of evangelical believed it. P.s 2. Oh and there's the Secret Budget too made by Bolsonaro's alliance and himself that consists in hide any detail of how the citzen money tax was spend. But this is a another whole situation we can discuss in other time.
Bolsanaro wants to dismiss the democratic process which is certainly a red flag. I wish more pastors were like Pastor Antonio, doing the work of real faith and disciples. I appreciate your highlight of him. I am interested in Brazil as my great-grandfather immigrated to the USA from Rio de Janeiro close to 1905; so I may even have some distant relatives in the ancestry there. But then again, we are all related as humans. 🌍❤️🙏
He isn't. Let me tell you something, since you seem to not be brazillian. Don't, I repeat, dont trust outside media when they talk about brazil. Bolsonaro, even while being an idiot, os 1000 better than the other candidate (Lula).
As a brazillian, don't belive the other comment, bolsonaro said many times (there's videos) that he doesnt belive in democracy, and openly defends the period of "Ditadura Militar" and torture.
@@enzobuso5933 Brazil prospered under Lula. Brazilians died with COVID in poverty under Bolsonaro and inflation is terrible. The choice is clear - politically and morally. Lula.
@Amal Arab Girl what do you mean by gay education ?? so Lula wants to educate gays ? Educate people about gays to stop discrimination? or set up gay conversion centers to make everyone gay ?😂
@Amal Arab Girl just a reminder Bolsonaro’s terrible regime killed 700,000 people because of his disastrous handling of covid . Meanwhile Lula’s social programs lifted millions out of poverty
@Amal Arab Girl If you love Brazil you vote for a patriot Bolsonaro, if you are traitor you vote for Corrupt Lula that wants to sell Brazil to the Chinese Commies for corrupt money just like the corrupt Biden family that sold America to the Chinese for money for his family..
@11:20 That's a lie! Under the previous PT government some people who qualify for the welfare program used to receive as little as R$91 up to R$190; the current Bolsonaro government they expanded the program and increased the amount to R$600! This is just disingenuous reporting! Should have shown the amount of supporters Bolsonaro has, and compare that to Lula's!
That social welfare program, which the video displays Lula as the "creator" of, in fact, was created by Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who was in power right before Lula, from 1995 to 2002. Lula just combined all the already existent benefits into one and changed its name, so as a magic, Lula became the "creator" of the program called "Bolsa Familia", which is a monthly allowance given to low-income families.
Just for you guys out there who don't know much, Lula is a former convict, he was in jail a little while ago, now he's running for the office, released by a judicial maneveur carried out by justices appointed by Lula himself or his succesor, Dilma Rousseff (both from Workers' Party); Lula is loved by the mainstream media, artists, billionaires and the like. He's close friend to dictators like Maduro (Venezuela's current dictatort), Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua's current dictator), and Fidel Castro (former Cuba's dictator) and Hugo Chaves (Former Venezuela's dictator). On top of it, he's a fan of the chinese regime and USA and Israel fiercious hater. To wrap it up, he was the mastermind of the biggest corruption scandal of Brazil's history, called "Car Wash Operation", as rightly mentionend in the video. Recently, Lula's political party (PT) was accused of being involved with the Latin America's biggest drug gang ( First Capital Command).
All I can say as a Brazilian is: get to know Lula and what he did for the people in our country. Vote for the left. The right wing is DESTROYING our country.
You have no idea about leftist populist in Latin America. Ask to an argentinian, venezuelan or a peruvian what is like "vote for the left". Lula did nothing for Brazil aside losing billions of dollars financing dictatorships worldwide while half of brazilians live without basic sanitary conditions.
At least Bolsanaro is tough on crime . Crime is too much in Brazil and number of murders are equivalent to a country in civil war . Lula and leftists are soft on crime and gangs . Bolsonaro has also made it easy for civilians to get weapons
We can't even call Bolsonaro's government right wing! We had some actually right wing politicians like Fernando Henrique Cardoso in the past, a person with economic plans and economic creativity. Bolsonaro's government is pure fascistic.
@@lucasvillani5484 Elect Lula and see Brazil being controlled by armed gangs . Kidnappings and murders will become normal . Lula is a weak leader . Under him Brazil will descend into civil war . At least Bolsonaro gave Law abiding citizens right to bear arms
Jesus Cristo priority (after salvation through the blood death and ressurreição of Jesus) THE POOR….. what your politics does with respect to the POOR.
[Br User] Great work with all the information"!"!"! This situation seems really terrible, does anyone have any ideia about what to do? 🤣 Like there is 10 days left until the election, and the result seems to vary between worst and very bad
cracking down on crime with more violence is authoritarian. provide people with healthcare, education, proper nutrition, leisure time and sports social programs and crime stats will go down. it's very simple
My dream is to find a way for people to regularly congregate on the basis of what's GOOD for ourselves , our children , our communities and our world. Where we look to ourselves and each other. Equality would be what we strive for and worship would become a foreign concept.
Yes, you know you're doing it wrong when what connects you to others is your hatred for a certain group of people and a nebulous idea of how eliminating those people might benefit you on a vague spiritual societal level rather than any tangential, direct, material level.
@@realmrpoopybutthole7587 You obviously misunderstand me. You should be angry with those in power and those who use their wealth in order to turn specific beliefs toward hate and violence.
What about Catholic Church?....I see Evangelical so toxic, they even forbid us to practices some of the most important thing in out customs, I'am Indonesian by the way.
@@RosanaDavies idk if you ever stopped to think, but MAYBE, they're fat although poverty, due to the barriers to accessing nutricional and good quality food and stick to a healthy diet.
Mega churches tend to be prosperity gospel churches where money is the true god.
Average megachurch fan:
Average roadside chapel enjoyer:
Dude are these churches or music concerts? I really cannot tell.
@@vergesserforgetter2160 I don’t want to be entertained but need to be convicted of my sins. Don’t need holy smoke but the Holy Spirit.
@The smoker …good for nothing
@@MightyMouse11 The believers will not be convicted of their sins, whatever evil they had done will be washed away and they will be purified in the eyes of the Lord so they may enter his garden, they only need to admit their sins to their Maker, and for that you need no Churches of Satan masquerading.
I have 100% conviction in God Almighty- the Supreme, the Merciful. However to spend all this money on churches while millions are starving in Brasil and worldwide is sickening! These religious leaders are fooling themselves and their followers. God Almighty does not need such things. He doesn't need anything. We are the ones in need of His Mercy and we attain this by by having mercy toward our fellow beings, giving charity and worshipping Him alone.
That's what Jesus believed.
it's handmaid's tale through and through, I hope we start to get over this nightmare soon.
Thankful that Bolsenaro got the boot. Well done Brazilians!!
" Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. "
Well put
Well said.
Cause to teach others to love each other like Jesus did, is to teach them to commit atrocities. yeah right.
Today a socialist group tried to kill the candidate for the government of São Paulo.
Both sides are radical. Lula 🦑 is a radical left wing candidate with similar program to that of Venezuela and Argentina while Bolsonaro supports free market, but at the same time, is in league with very radical christians… and that does not go well with politics if we remember the integralistas (Brazilian fascism)
@@guilhermebraga9773 Socialist group?! Could you point me to the source of this information, I am very curious.
By God I cannot tell the difference between a church nowadays and a stripclub.
Stripclubs are way more healthy
então não me chama para rezar na sua casa kkkkk
Evangelical churches are like that, catholic and protestant churches are different
A stripclub is more honest. They dont hide for a second that they only want yout money
Strip clubs probably have more honest people than churches.
It's not only in politics that these (not all) sects or Christian groups unleash their power. AJ should also make a document on the nasty money-making business system of these so-called religious groups.
It's not only religious groups, some secular groups act the same way.
Ortega government in Nicaragua pretty much acts exactly the same
@@ethandouro4334 Já ficou afetadinho porquê a pessoa acima citou que igrejas no Brasil são usadas pra lavar dinheiro .
@@mateussouzacastro1583 Eu não disse nada disso, tu acha que eu sou bolsonarista e que apoio bolsonaro? Claro que não, eu sei que essas igrejas extorquem dinheiro da população, mas caridade secular também faz isso, e em maior numero até.
What kind of religion is that where a pastor who is a clergyman is able to hold a political job? It is not a real religion, that “pastor” is actually a businessman that not only take money from megachurch but also from government!!!
Religion and politics
Both together are a lethal weapon
And individually too, they both deactivate your brain to have you do stupid things, either for an invented god or for a country
works since Middle Ages
The left needs to take notes.
very effective lethal weapon to exterminate left-wing vermin, that's why you want to censure Christians.
Religion and politics must stay separate.
"Without religion good people would do good and bad people would do bad things. But for good people to bad things that takes religion "
:Christopher Hitchens
This isn't the case tho, unless it means religions out of politics, then I agree!
Hello dear friend
This alienation of brazilian people is the result from years and years of neglected education, the people at war is a ideal scenario for politicians to continue neglecting people needs and keep themselfs in power.
Brazilian blueprint of American politics.
SEP 21, 2020
How the Trump Administration Has Harmed Faith Communities
People of faith have suffered under the Trump administration’s attacks on civil rights, religious freedom, and health and economic well-being. 5:58
Source: Center for American Progress
By Charles Homans - April 24, 2022
Evangelical churches have long been powerful vehicles for grass-roots activism and influence on the American right, mobilized around issues like abortion and gay marriage. Now, some of those churches have embraced a new cause: promoting Donald J. Trump’s false claim that the 2020 election was stolen. 6:13
Source: The New York Times
May 29, 2019
The preachers getting rich from poor Americans
Televangelists are not as talked about today as they were in the 1980s and 1990s, when many rose to fame and fortune through mushrooming cable channels. But they have never gone away. 11:33
Source: BBC News
the other way around, American politics is a blueprint of brazilian
in short, we copy US politics, Venezuela's economy, and Nazi Germany's military melodies, of course it doesn't work
As a Brazilian, I didn't expect a documentary at this level in English. Very good, and Antonio is right.
This is a mainstream media paid by LEFTISTS COMMUNIST
#bolsonaro22 #lulaladrao
Jesus never wanted Caesars palace.
Religion and Politics cannot be the same thing.
Good documentary on the dangerous mix of religion and politics. Good to see some Christian leaders haven’t bought into far right politics and the prosperity Gospel.
Like a idiot Chinese who keeps on supporting CCP "Chinese communist people's party that has caused millions of Chinese fled
What a time to be alive…I’m so glad I don’t have any children and currently in my midlife stage. So sad for those just starting out…
I think the same.
so true
True, not having children is the best we can do to punish a system that is rigged and tremendously unfavorable for everybody but to those in power
@Michael Story well, I know many people who had kids, BUT their kids died before them... they are over 70 now and living extremely well... kids are not caregiver!!!
@Michael Story you dont NEED children to have a nice life.
love the way all these Christian churches are against human rights, and the pastors are all so rich. The church no matter what it is, has always been fascist because that is the basis for almost all religions, Hate, Prejudice, Racism and superstition are all at the makeup of religion, to say otherwise is to not having read any of the religious writings.
mussolini was agnostic
This is mainstream media it's FAKE baby . I'm Brazilian and we support Bolsonaro 🇧🇷 🙏.. against the communist nemeses
Not at all, sole churches praises liberty, you can do everything you life, you only pau after it, i don't know how you say in english, but in Brazil, ir's "Livre Arbítrio"
How is it against if human dignity comes from Christianity? Subjective rights only exists because human beings are sacred. Everyone has a soul.
Blá blá blá blá
Since they gained the upper hand in 312 CE, the majority of Christians in any country or society where they practice freely have always sided with money and power. Always.
I mean, history is long, and Christianity has fractured. Dr. Martin Luther King was a pastor, as was John Brown, George D. Herron, all the Hutterites, all the Christians on the Left, and I could go on.
@@chesthoIe religion and politics will always go together .
@@chesthoIe You understand the meaning of the qualifier "majority", right?
@@tenmanX Ah, you are certainly right, I missed the "majority" qualifier. I withdraw my pedantry.
They didn't side with money and power, they are money and power.
I would support them over the radical far-left Socialist.
Evangelicals believe the Bible is the ultimate moral authority, a belief they hold despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that most of them have never read it.
They meant the light skin people have loved him while the black side suffer there's two sides to Brazil you will never forget that
So, is color still important in Brazil?
@@misterbig9025 não é não todos somos brasileiros e não importa cor todos brasileiros
@@josenimguemninguem7458 diz isso para todos que sofrem com o racismo e falta de recursos para os que são negros ou pardos. Não só isso, qual foi o último líder do país que tinha descendência negra?
@@misterbig9025 yes, always.
@@islandvibes9076 somos todos brasileiros não importa a cor racismo é coisa de idiota somos todos brasileiros
this just shows the hypocrisy that there is in Brazil that people don't know
Very interesting video!As we know politics and religion always mix which led to horrific results
Praise Antonio for his integrity and to not follow Bolsonaro
Bolsanaro is the best choice for Brazil..Socialists are a plague that destroyed Brazil, made it poor and crime ridden
Mixing religion and politics is bad! Mixing them with money opens the door to hell!
The far-left radical liberals have opened the door to hell. It wouldn't be a stretch to say evil is working through them. Making the Church political may be the answer.
Religion should be eradicated altogether
No, AJ bot, it isn't bad.
Eles são livres pra apoiarem quem quiserem, não concordo em falar dentro do templo, mas as pessoas são livres, fazer alarde sobre a liberdade das pessoas é ruim. Conheço muitos evangélicos que apoiam o lula também
You must have a certain amount of privilege to belong to one of these churches and wield that type of political power. So, those who are underprivileged, are left out of the conversation. In the US, these political conversations are rooted in racism and classism; not religion. American Christianity is a means to an end. Power. So, when we export these ideals to countries with even more severe economical disparities than ours, the effect on the poor is dire. It's ironic that a poor, brown Middle-Eastern man's teachings about love, have been used to manipulate so many systems and peoples for profit.
Many of the people who belong to these churches (especially pentacostal ones) are poor and underprivileged, however certainly the leaders and pastors hold a great deal of privilege and manipulate their congregation
I do not totally agree or disagree with you. Partially Brazil’s today evangelism is now what it was the televangelism prosperity gospel from the 80’s. It is meant to attract (and brain wash) the vulnerable population. It turns out that the traditional Protestant churches who were against that started to preach a softer version of the same crap. They are committed to preach what people long to hear not what’s actually in the New Testament.
@@alexgray2482 they turn them into sheep
Você é uma comunista que gosta de promover guerra racial. É uma doente
@@mariliafelipebox Você que está comprando guerra de propaganda gringa contra seu país
Bolsonaro social point of view is torn.
Praising deaths of your people is depressing.
Every citizen that reaches around 20 years of age, with no perspective in life because it didn't have a choice other than to adapt to a criminal life style, is someone life's that was thrown away by the State.
Bolsonaro's view is pure prejudice.
He doesn't hide.
He said out loud on the recent debate, calling the people from Brazils famous favela "criminals".
And the worst part is that they're going to vote on him
Yes, society that makes criminals kill in cold blood. It's society who made them look at the victim (actually a perpetrator and really who should be blamed) even after taking their things and still deciding to end the person's life. They have zero moral responsability and anyone who says otherwise is a bigot.
man as a brazilian, the other side is much worse.. trust me. Brazil is the world recordist for biggest corruption scandals, because of the other side, and many other things, please RESEARCH DON'T TRUST VIDEOS WITH A ONE SIDED VIEW!!!
I believe you are really young to say that.
Someone being poor is not a reason to become a criminal.
In Brazil there are many opportunities for young people as free courses and job programs as Jovem Aprendiz.
Sei que você é daqui e este discurso de tadinho do bandido funciona até você ser roubado por um anjinho que não teve chance na vida.
Todos os pobres que você conhece viram bandidos ?
Se virar bandido fosse falta de dinheiro não teríamos pessoas de classe média cometendo crimes.
Bolsonaro é imprudente, como todos os ex-governantes do Brasil, mas é preciso deixar de lado pensamentos fugazes e discutir cuidadosamente tais questões.
Vale lembrar que este evento foi iniciado pelo Luiz desde o início. Ele rejeita o poder do Estado, mas foi um dos que mais aumentou a dependência dos brasileiros dos serviços públicos, tudo graças às medidas populistas que implementou. Sua gestão durante um dos eventos mais importantes do Brasil - o boom das commodities - foi abismal. Apesar de sermos um dos países que mais se beneficiaram com a queda do dólar em relação à cédula local, tivemos a pior taxa de desenvolvimento em relação aos países vizinhos. A escala do corte e do financiamento mal alocado é terrível.
O investimento em educação foi maior do que em muitos países, mas os resultados foram menores do que os mesmos, com poucas mudanças para incentivar o ensino superior. Em geral, muitos brasileiros durante e após o governo de Luiz Inácio tiveram uma falsa sensação de paraíso, foi surpreendentemente manipulação em massa, algo parecido com o que eles tanto contestam, o fascismo (incrivelmente, os princípios atuais de Lula são semelhantes as ideias muitos ditatoriais).
Entre os tópicos estão:
Regulação da mídia;
Supressão de opositores (o que pode impedir a existência de outros partidos);
Desmilitarização (isso não tem nada a ver com fascismo, mas mostra seu temor por uma tentativa de golpe);
O cara foi e sempre será um "endossier" do autoritarismo. Sempre esperou o momento ideal para impor suas ideias, ele mesmo disse que era algo difícil, "mas tudo fará para alcançá-lo, mesmo que custe 40 a 50 anos de sua vida".
A propósito, Bolsonaro não chamou todos os moradores de "favelados", e sua afirmação de dominação criminosa está correta. Ele se referia à recepção ao candidato à presidência e de seu oponente, Lula. Não é novidade para ninguém, os traficantes são como um estado de transição. Permeiam o caos, o governo legítimo que tanto perturba sua paz é “um obstáculo cruel”. Eles o matariam (qualquer político) instantaneamente, a menos que fosse mais prejudicial do que útil... espere...
As duas maiores facções mostraram claro apoio a Lula, muitas delas deixaram nítido que é tudo uma questão de interesses, não há altruísmo em seus olhos. O chefe do PCC chegou a mencionar que o PT os havia ajudado com processos judiciais, então o apoio deles agora é uma possível porta de entrada para sua saída, ou pelo menos um pouco de força para lhes dar mais liberdade (a famosa "política do bem"). O CV é muito mais astucioso, eles sabem que em um eventual governo Lula poderão recuperar sua influência na região e também aumentar suas negociações com as autoridades (corruptas), não para diminuir a agressão, mas para obter mais ferramentas (armas). Se a polícia não tem mais o direito de subir no morro e expulsar os bandidos, ou seja, de levantar a bandeira do Brasil e dar chance ao estado de ajudar os moradores, com uma possível ascensão de Lula, eles nem vão sair de casa, "isso violaria os direitos humanos dos ladrões".
E cara, em outro comentário seu você comparou maconha com desodorante. Desodorante não vicia, não piora a ansiedade e a depressão, nem pode ser consumido... Para se ter uma ideia, já existe regulamentação governamental de drogas lícitas e ilícitas, e ainda sim há traficantes de drogas ilícitas. Legalizar a cannabis está longe de ser uma opção viável, até os Estados Unidos lamentaram isso, pois o número de viciados quase triplicou nos últimos séculos e a tendência é crescer incessantemente. A maconha tem mostrado bons resultados no combate a doenças como a paralisia (se não me engano, é essa), mas a legalização para uso recreativo é um perigo, ainda mais em um país latino-americano. Você é muito estúpido.
Power. As simple as that.
Christian would rather praise and pray all day than follow the teaching of Jesus Christ . He didn't ask to be praised or worshipped. He needs you to go out there and help one . other
What a mess is made of religion. This is religion in the service of politicians. WHAT A MESS !
How anyone who calls themselves a Christian can vote for the extreme right is beyond me. I'm an Atheist and I'm just bewildered by the right wings dedication to corporate elites. I thought Jesus taught that we should help the poor. Guess I was misguided on that one.
very good Portuguese pronunciation!! Congrats
Because they want to turn Brazil into a Gospelstan. We called them brazilian taliban
The same thing here in the Philippines where the INC practices block voting, they hold tremendous sway over politics and punch way above their weight especially during elections where politicians curry their favor to get that sweet block vote from the entire congregation.
Notice the prevalence of the flag of apartheid Israel in those evangelical events.
I have. The fake state created by the colonizers to further divide and create chaos in northeast Africa 🌍
Evangelicals support Israel BC they believe the existence of a Jewish state indicates the beginning of the "end times"
Exactly 😢
Religion and demagogic rule seem to go hand and hand
God save me from Bolsonaro!
They are just putting Brazil (a colorful , mix country full of country) to the dumpster of history. As a Brazilian it’s sad to see how backward our future seems to be.
I'm Brazilian what I see here and a lot of ignorance with religion, if you use the name of God for everything. even to buy bread at the bakery false shepherds deceived the people everywhere.
1,4 bilhões de dividas de pastores ricos perdoadas, vale tudo por dinheiro até adorar o Bozerro.
I remember the days when I was in evangelical churches, I always knew something wasn't right. I left years ago. I don't subscribe to Christianity at all. I'm glad I left
I’d be also curious about the demographic makeup of Bolsonaro voters or the mega churches
Something about a camel trying to fit through the eye of a needle...
He has caused massive destruction in Amazon forests. His ignorance and greed
massive????? Tell that to Europe.
This is fake news broo
I from Brazil and this is lie!
@@gromosvidaselvagem oh yeah? Iam a person nearest to Amazon.
A great reporting! It's accurate to the reality of my country.
This is very much a tragic point of Brazilian history.
Brazil is no longer a democracy. It's important to the world to know.
Brazil is about to become a tropical Iran. I hope Lula saves us on Sunday
5:53 8:03 Why the Israeli flag??
In general, they think the israeli are alies. Right wing, against the left.
But anyone who sees and tries to figure out why the bolsonaro’s people use the israeli flag, even us in Brazil, doesn’t know for sure.
Probably it’s just the copy of trump
They loved them
Israel is a big part of this fascist push around the globe. They support the Christians because they will put Israel before themselves and their own country.
Christian Zionist, you have to do the rest bro cuz its a long story.
Good for Brazil, probably Brazil would catch the USA with their advancement meanwhile we know US is slowly crumbling down
No Brasil, o evangelico não conhece Jesus
Vc não conhece Jesus, já considerou a possibilidade de você estar do lado errado?
@@cassiocruz323 "lado"? Jesus tinha "lado"? Pedro puxou a espada e arrancou a orelha do soldado que veio prende-lo. Que "lado" teve Jesus? O povo arrastava uma mulher para ser apedrejada. Que "lado" teve Jesus?
Estou dizendo, o evangelico NÃO CONHECE O JESUS
@@cassiocruz323 Seu comemtároo só prova que vc tb nao conheceu Jesus. Falhou na provação, caiu no conto do falso messias, aceitou o uso do nome de Deus em vão. Jesus nunca esteve ao lado dos poderosos.
Easy to manipulate the desperate and gullible
They are not gullible and don't just anyone gullible cause they don't agree with you
@@razoredge6130 Im sorry but a lot of evangelicals are extremely gullible, a lot of evangelical churches are basically extremist cults
Very good reportage, congrats !
Just like the megachurches up here, up north?
You should ask how the system put a criminal who was in jail in the president's chair.
I feel it's Bolsonaro's to lose, at this point.
Absolutely no comparison Lula 🥇his bright history and actually done something while the foul mouth Bolsonaro plays on people emotions
Good Love you
I am not Brazilian but i do love history and the current worldwide politics will have a great effect on human history development, so i am following politics now. I am curious how can people support Lula when he was convicted of corruption and money laundering, what will stop him from doing it again if he wins?
@@AB-lm6dy Nothing will stop him from doing again! I'm Brazilian and I do not support Lula. Most of the left-wing establishment wants him back in power, but I hope they won't succeed.
@@MrMBLN I hope so to then! I hate that leftist crap. I wish this UA-cam channel along with this dubious megachurch video did one about Lula being jailed for corruption, and how corruption ended up also setting him free....
Lula é tão bom quanto Fidel castro e maduro kkkkkk
It’s important to note that the Christians are also one of the biggest giver to the poor in Brazil as you can’t rely on the government so much.❤
If you contribute to creating poverty, there is NO blessing for feeding the poor (and no Rapture).
Not a fact. If it were true, Brazil would be one of the best countries to live.
@@MommaDee23 Church giving isn’t like making monetary policies. It’s basically the willingness of good people to give from their excesses. It won’t solve poverty overnight. But it will transform it bit by bit from the bottom up.
@@JoAnnChateau-Progress Yup. I agree that corruption is what creates poverty. And what Christians hope is to eradicate corruption through transformation from the inner character. Not that we’re there yet, but that is what we hope to achieve.
@@dmenace2003 agreed Islam
Going to be interesting when he loses the election
Não vai perder
Vou vir aqui rir de vc segunda feira kkkkkk
Vai ser no primeiro turno mortadela, prepara os lenços , a choradeira vai ser grande, vão chamar de gópi kkkkkkk
🌳 🌳 🌳
🌳 🌳 🌳
The churches in Brazil don't pay taxes. Their debit from National Institute of Social Security and Income Tax reaches one point nine billion 1,9B (in Real, our currency ). The evangelical bench in the Chamber of Deputies works to ensure that no regulation proposal is approved and many others law projects that try to take away civil rights from LGBTQIAP+ comunity , women and some marginalized groups . This makes it easy for the church to serve as an instrument for money laundering, from the most varied sources such as illegal drug trafficking, tax evasion, etc. I'm not saying that every church do . But the lack of rules make it posible and all of the millioner or even biilioner pastors such as Silas Malafaia, Edir Macedo , Valdomiro and lots of them have some link with that. A huge portion of evangelical electorate was influenced by the Fake News stratergy used on 2018 Election . Wich consisted (and they still doing ) in make it viral false news saying Lula (the Workers Party candidate) will close Churchs or make it the cristian peoples lifes harder because according to them( the far right wing) the left wing do not follow "good values" and wanna destroy "family". You know, the typical trick from Facism: make your adversary looks like enemy and tell the people the enemies need to be annihilated. This presidency run has been tough, the far right wing still spreading lies but we're still trying fight against .
P.s 1: In 2018 Bolsonaro allies made it viral a video of a person showing a baby bottle that has a Nipple( baby bottle part) in a shape of a penis saying that left wing people would give that for children on kindergarten . And yes an absurd portion of evangelical believed it.
P.s 2. Oh and there's the Secret Budget too made by Bolsonaro's alliance and himself that consists in hide any detail of how the citzen money tax was spend. But this is a another whole situation we can discuss in other time.
God save me from this right
Bolsanaro wants to dismiss the democratic process which is certainly a red flag. I wish more pastors were like Pastor Antonio, doing the work of real faith and disciples. I appreciate your highlight of him.
I am interested in Brazil as my great-grandfather immigrated to the USA from Rio de Janeiro close to 1905; so I may even have some distant relatives in the ancestry there. But then again, we are all related as humans. 🌍❤️🙏
He isn't. Let me tell you something, since you seem to not be brazillian. Don't, I repeat, dont trust outside media when they talk about brazil. Bolsonaro, even while being an idiot, os 1000 better than the other candidate (Lula).
As a brazillian, don't belive the other comment, bolsonaro said many times (there's videos) that he doesnt belive in democracy, and openly defends the period of "Ditadura Militar" and torture.
@@enzobuso5933 No, he is not.
@@claudiotavares9580 claro q é mano. Um analfabeto presidente? Kkkkkk
@@enzobuso5933 Brazil prospered under Lula. Brazilians died with COVID in poverty under Bolsonaro and inflation is terrible. The choice is clear - politically and morally. Lula.
Brazilian churches: in money we trust
Most Brazilian people are catholic by the way
Errado, a religião mais predominante é evangélico!
@@ktaedear De acordo com o IBGE, em 2020 50% era Católico, 31% era evangélico, 10% não tem religião e 4% eram Espíritas.
@@ktaedear Jamais será
@@ktaedear daqui pra 2038 kkkkk
Nao mais
Start taxing religious institutions. Canada is finally starting to do this in Nunavut, and I hope all other territories and provinces follows.
The three most dangerous words are come join us..
Thanks for the coverage 🇲🇦🇺🇲🇲🇦
@Amal Arab Girl he sounds racist.. afro descendants are a problem to him??? We are the aboriginal people.
@Amal Arab Girl what do you mean by gay education ?? so Lula wants to educate gays ? Educate people about gays to stop discrimination? or set up gay conversion centers to make everyone gay ?😂
@Amal Arab Girl just a reminder Bolsonaro’s terrible regime killed 700,000 people because of his disastrous handling of covid . Meanwhile Lula’s social programs lifted millions out of poverty
@Amal Arab Girl If you love Brazil you vote for a patriot Bolsonaro, if you are traitor you vote for Corrupt Lula that wants to sell Brazil to the Chinese Commies for corrupt money just like the corrupt Biden family that sold America to the Chinese for money for his family..
@Amal Arab Girl Same shit that Putin spread to gain power among ignorant masses. Lula never said that he want such stupid shit.
I am Brazilian and I am against these people
And cancer is hard to CURE!!!
@11:20 That's a lie! Under the previous PT government some people who qualify for the welfare program used to receive as little as R$91 up to R$190; the current Bolsonaro government they expanded the program and increased the amount to R$600!
This is just disingenuous reporting! Should have shown the amount of supporters Bolsonaro has, and compare that to Lula's!
Bolsonaro, the best president that Brazil'd seen for sure💛💚💙
Don't you dare Foreigners to think Lula or Bolsonaro are good choices to Brazil, both sucks
That social welfare program, which the video displays Lula as the "creator" of, in fact, was created by Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who was in power right before Lula, from 1995 to 2002. Lula just combined all the already existent benefits into one and changed its name, so as a magic, Lula became the "creator" of the program called "Bolsa Familia", which is a monthly allowance given to low-income families.
Abusive catholic con artists lost ground to Abusive Evangelical megacon artists.
What else is new.
Just for you guys out there who don't know much, Lula is a former convict, he was in jail a little while ago, now he's running for the office, released by a judicial maneveur carried out by justices appointed by Lula himself or his succesor, Dilma Rousseff (both from Workers' Party); Lula is loved by the mainstream media, artists, billionaires and the like. He's close friend to dictators like Maduro (Venezuela's current dictatort), Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua's current dictator), and Fidel Castro (former Cuba's dictator) and Hugo Chaves (Former Venezuela's dictator). On top of it, he's a fan of the chinese regime and USA and Israel fiercious hater. To wrap it up, he was the mastermind of the biggest corruption scandal of Brazil's history, called "Car Wash Operation", as rightly mentionend in the video. Recently, Lula's political party (PT) was accused of being involved with the Latin America's biggest drug gang ( First Capital Command).
Bolsonaro voters list stand with Brazilian flag 🇧🇷
Red flag was never Brazilian flag , True aways win
Oh God! No this isn't bolsonaro's flag... It belongs to all Brazilians. Find something else to use instead of stealing national symbols.
"Assembleia de Deus" weren't founded in US, assemblies of God were a separate church, but in recent decades they joint together
Because you can't be fooled twice
All I can say as a Brazilian is: get to know Lula and what he did for the people in our country. Vote for the left. The right wing is DESTROYING our country.
Also, Antonio Carlos is amazing. I left the church and still look up to him. He does a lot for my city and state
You have no idea about leftist populist in Latin America. Ask to an argentinian, venezuelan or a peruvian what is like "vote for the left". Lula did nothing for Brazil aside losing billions of dollars financing dictatorships worldwide while half of brazilians live without basic sanitary conditions.
At least Bolsanaro is tough on crime . Crime is too much in Brazil and number of murders are equivalent to a country in civil war .
Lula and leftists are soft on crime and gangs .
Bolsonaro has also made it easy for civilians to get weapons
We can't even call Bolsonaro's government right wing! We had some actually right wing politicians like Fernando Henrique Cardoso in the past, a person with economic plans and economic creativity. Bolsonaro's government is pure fascistic.
@@lucasvillani5484 Elect Lula and see Brazil being controlled by armed gangs .
Kidnappings and murders will become normal .
Lula is a weak leader . Under him Brazil will descend into civil war .
At least Bolsonaro gave Law abiding citizens right to bear arms
IRS, taxes evasion may explain the real reason.
I´m a Brazilian and I´m really concerned about this. Religion must stay away from politics.
E eu estou muito preocupada, e também envergonhada, de ter um ex-presidiário condenado candidatado a presidência do Brasil. Estou chocada com isso!😏🇧🇷
Quem tem que ficar longe da política são vocês vermes esquerdistas com suas imundícies ideológicas.
amazing! :) obrigado
Why ? Because there are many donkeys ..
It is they worse HUMAN DISEASE worse than cancer DISEASE.
Come out from hiding Bolsonaro. You have a concession speech to give.
Very interesting. I think the worship of any leader can be dangerous (religious/secular/right/left).
Really interesting report!
The "left" needs to take notes.
The moment I heard trumps name from the Pastor I stopped ✋️
You should take your priorities together, those pastors are really smart and waaay more intellectual than Trump
These people don't represent Brazil whole population.
"Brazil" for foreigners: Rio de Janeiro (City, doesn't even visit the entire State)
Unfortunately, only small towns in Northeastern regions are still free from this kind of "church". In most of the country it is true.
Jesus Cristo priority (after salvation through the blood death and ressurreição of Jesus)
THE POOR….. what your politics does with respect to the POOR.
[Br User] Great work with all the information"!"!"! This situation seems really terrible, does anyone have any ideia about what to do? 🤣 Like there is 10 days left until the election, and the result seems to vary between worst and very bad
a seita
Bolsonaro is the best choice. Let us give victory to him
@@alexandrevieira2410 If you want things that way, I can't contradict you, my prince.
@@alexandrevieira2410 here you go take a like now if you need anything else just let me know.
4:10 cracking down on crime is authoritarian?
There here all week folks
I'm surprised you are the only one to notice that.
necropolitics is
cracking down on crime with more violence is authoritarian. provide people with healthcare, education, proper nutrition, leisure time and sports social programs and crime stats will go down. it's very simple
Sing long her way size. Waited end mutual missed myself the little sister one. So in pointed or chicken cheered neither spirits invited.
My dream is to find a way for people to regularly congregate on the basis of what's GOOD for ourselves , our children , our communities and our world. Where we look to ourselves and each other.
Equality would be what we strive for and worship would become a foreign concept.
Yes, you know you're doing it wrong when what connects you to others is your hatred for a certain group of people and a nebulous idea of how eliminating those people might benefit you on a vague spiritual societal level rather than any tangential, direct, material level.
Let this be an example for Iraq and others on how to live in "sects."
Don't judge the believers! Judge those who lie to them and lead them down the path of hatred!
If you believe absurd things, that's on you. So I will definitely judge the believers.
@@realmrpoopybutthole7587 You obviously misunderstand me. You should be angry with those in power and those who use their wealth in order to turn specific beliefs toward hate and violence.
They're not infants. They don't get to skip accountability because they're gullible.
The believers have a great responsibility too, they are the powder that empowers all religion
They are letting themselves be fooled by the leaders and even worse, contributing with the hatred. They are to blame just as much as the leaders.
What about Catholic Church?....I see Evangelical so toxic, they even forbid us to practices some of the most important thing in out customs, I'am Indonesian by the way.
ahhh i see its awakened something like modi india president with their hindutva ideology, its similar, interesting.
Bolsonaro 💗🇧🇷22🇧🇷💗
Is it my impression or the starving people were actually rather fat?
@@RosanaDavies idk if you ever stopped to think, but MAYBE, they're fat although poverty, due to the barriers to accessing nutricional and good quality food and stick to a healthy diet.
@@chillmusic really… well, that explain it then.