Why Brazil Put Lula Back In Charge

  • Опубліковано 4 січ 2023
  • More than a decade after leaving office, Lula da Silva is returning for a third term as President of Brazil. Can he repeat the successes of his first presidency, when he became one of the most popular presidents in the world?
    #Brazil #Lula
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,7 тис.

  • @noobfrombrazil814
    @noobfrombrazil814 Рік тому +67

    Reading through all these comments proved to be really painful.

    • @ironpandaloco
      @ironpandaloco Рік тому +18

      Bolsonaro made Brazil great again

    • @penisexplosivo
      @penisexplosivo Рік тому

      Chora lulista, não tem político que faz o merdil ser bom

    • @juliocesarfabianosaboia7330
      @juliocesarfabianosaboia7330 8 місяців тому +4

      @@ironpandaloco In your alternate reality maybe.

    • @TheChoujinVirusV
      @TheChoujinVirusV 5 місяців тому

      @@ironpandaloco unless you're the natives, in which you're kicked off your land by armed thugs.
      Unless you're liberal, in which you're gunned down in the middle of the street as an "accident"

    • @gla9322
      @gla9322 2 місяці тому +2

      ​@@ironpandalocoNo, he let the Amazon burn.

  • @hopetagulos
    @hopetagulos Рік тому +50

    A maioria dos comentários é de brasileiros, como sempre. Se eu faço um vídeo em inglês falando do Brasil, por mais irrelevante que seja, aparecem vários brasileiros de imediato.

    • @tubaroarabe4835
      @tubaroarabe4835 Рік тому +5

      It's porque nobody calls pra nois não

    • @speed8948
      @speed8948 Рік тому +3

      @@tubaroarabe4835 Nobody cares* seria mais adequado

    • @tubaroarabe4835
      @tubaroarabe4835 Рік тому +4

      @@speed8948 fica mais engraçado como calls de ligação telefônica. Erro proposital, mas vlw o complemento

    • @speed8948
      @speed8948 Рік тому +1

      @@tubaroarabe4835 🤙

    • @DizzyMakavelli
      @DizzyMakavelli Рік тому +1

      @@tubaroarabe4835 Like MJ once said “they don’t call about us” ...

  • @The_Dannyz
    @The_Dannyz Рік тому +29

    funny how this video is EXTREMELY biased

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 Рік тому

      How so

    • @tubaraofeio1053
      @tubaraofeio1053 Рік тому +6

      @@felip3442 They make various claims and atribute them to others,
      For instance:
      They said lula was freed, but gave a different reason, apointing that Sergio Moro's supposed imparciality is what led to the lawsuit being terminated, wich was not the reason.
      The chanell also claimed (And they did show data, but in a unfaithful manner) that food insecurity rose in Brazil, but the data was only until 2020, after 2021 there was a quite large decrease.
      and many more

    • @fabiomartins2559
      @fabiomartins2559 Рік тому


    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 Рік тому +1

      @@tubaraofeio1053 What was the reason for his freeing, then? From what I know the process was invalidated as the prosecutor exchanged information with the judge, that proved he wasn't being impartial..
      Data about food insecurity is not a lie either! 2021 was awful, food prices were still rising and people are only recovering now! People were buying bones to eat!!

    • @eu_bebo_oleo
      @eu_bebo_oleo 4 місяці тому

      mainstream media is radical left biased

  • @lacerdalm
    @lacerdalm 6 місяців тому +12

    This is a good analysis of the political situation here in Brazil but a poor analysis of the economic situation. Brazil's economy is considerably diversified, our deficit spending is insignificant compared to the EU and specially the US, our balance of trade account is hugely positive for us (a unique thing among EM) and our inflation is below EU levels. So how come our economy is "collapsing"? Get your facts straight

  • @AmodeusR
    @AmodeusR Рік тому +141

    I wouldn't say the congress it's dominated by right wing parties. Actually, it was always dominated by center wing (?) parties, which goes to the side thet benefits them the most.

    • @bolaxaofc982
      @bolaxaofc982 Рік тому


    • @matt_xxi1848
      @matt_xxi1848 Рік тому

      Falando assim nem parece que você mora no Brasil. Sério que tu vai dizer que o PP, PSDB, União Brasil, PSD e MDB são partidos de "centro"? Tem que ser muito burro pra acreditar nisso ou muito desonesto. Todos esses partidos que citei estão aí pra manter a ordem burguesa, só podem aderir a um governo de esquerda quando sabem que esse mesmo governo não quer pôr em dúvida essa ordem, no máximo, trazer algum progresso social mantendo ela, muitas vezes em detrimento de pautas de esquerda e uma degeneração a direita, abrindo concessões e conciliando classes.
      Então sim, o congresso é dominado pela direita.

    • @rebecalelis508
      @rebecalelis508 Рік тому +1

      Yes, you are right. Maybe, the video talks about the fact that the PL (Liberal Party) has bench.

    • @AmodeusR
      @AmodeusR Рік тому

      @@matt_xxi1848 Pra quem tá na extrema esquerda, qualquer coisa mais ao lado já parece direita kkk Os únicos verdadeiramente de direita no Brasil é o MBL e alguns gatos pingados. Burro tem que ser pra achar mesmo que partidos corporativistas que não avançam pautas liberais, não abrem o mercado, não privatizam empresas e não diminuem o estado o máximo possível são de "direita". Nem mesmo Bolsonaro fez um governo verdadeiramente de direita, o mesmo só enganou o povo, fazendo pouquíssimo por uma pauta econômica liberal.
      Saia dessa bolha de achar que um partido só é de esquerda se ele levantar uma bandeira vermelha gigante e tentar destruir todas as empresas privadas e burgueses de um país. A realidade não é só preto ou branco.

    • @matt_xxi1848
      @matt_xxi1848 Рік тому +11

      @@AmodeusR extrema-esquerda não existe. E é um fato, só ver a atuação de cada partido durantes os governos. Só se trata de um partido ou movimento de direita quando lhe agrada, até porque em 2018 mesmo, o PSL era um partido de direita, o Patriotas e o DEM também, inclusive, Kim Kataguiri até hoje está no União Brasil, o partido não é de direita pra você? Como é que fica?
      Fora achar que só tem liberal na direita, é ser muito fechado na bolha do MBL que faz o maior esforço possível pra colocar qualquer extremista como de esquerda.
      E não, imagina, o Bolsonaro, que agradou a burguesia o máximo que pôde, sucateou mais ainda a educação, a saúde e instrumentalizou a FUNAI e outros órgãos responsáveis pela preservação de terras indígenas pra atender o interesse de garimpeiros, ampliou mais ainda a força das igrejas evangélicas pra permanecer nessa luta reacionária em diversas pautas sociais etc, supostamente, esse governo não foi de direita.
      E irmão, partido de esquerda no Brasil mesmo é o PCB, UP, PT, PSOL, PCdoB (esses últimos 3 com diversos problemas, principalmente o PT sendo muito liberal) e forçando muito, mas muito mesmo, tem a REDE. Engraçado é tu falar de que a realidade não é preto ou branco etc quando tu afirma que o Bolsonaro não foi liberal só porque não privatizou a tua família 💀
      um exemplo de que não basta levantar bandeira vermelha pra ser considerado de esquerda pra mim, é o PCO, um partido extremamente reacionário, problemático e que só serve pra agradar a direita. O que importa é o conteúdo e sua atuação na política, não a estética, é justamente disso que eu tô falando.

  • @MrTomsimoes
    @MrTomsimoes Рік тому +92

    Comentários em ingles com nick de br nem leio kkkk

    • @Caio3
      @Caio3 Рік тому +8

      Incrivelmente os desse vídeo valem a pena, quase todos que eu li até agora são pessoas fazendo bons pontos e com discussões com críticas construtivas muito boas nas respostas.

    • @LeTobyOWO
      @LeTobyOWO Рік тому

      Pse, eu não li também porque desconfio que seja oposição do partido de Lula querendo fazer vídeos negativos em inglês para internacionais verem, como da pra ver na tumbnail do vídeo ele escreveu: "Prisioneiro para presidente". Então desconfio muito desse vídeo.

    • @SemNome-hz3bz
      @SemNome-hz3bz Рік тому +5

      Da pra perceber quando é br pela escolha das palavras e a maneira burra de se comunicar lklkkkkkkkkkk

    • @alinesena7048
      @alinesena7048 Рік тому

      Pq não? Quem está fora sabe mais do Brasil do que os próprios brasileiros? Pularam toda a história de corrupção do Lula, deixam a entender que o crime compensa.

    • @diegohernandes7012
      @diegohernandes7012 Рік тому +6

      @@SemNome-hz3bz são piores que os fãs da Anitta com ip de Pernambuco e com Nick francês fingindo ser francês kkkkkk

  • @enterpriser4029
    @enterpriser4029 Рік тому +12

    Because of the supreme court

    • @arthurmarques1930
      @arthurmarques1930 3 дні тому

      From the same creators of Xandão's dictatorship! Disgusting comment.

  • @vivian7023
    @vivian7023 7 місяців тому +5

    "Lula introduced social programes like Bolsa familia???" NO, wrong information. Lula unified three already existing social programs (Bolsa alimentação/ Bolsa escola/ Auxilio gas) and changed the name. So unifying something that already existed and changing the name is not the same as "Creating" .

  • @Denver_____
    @Denver_____ Рік тому +88

    Lula literally promised beer and steaks in every house as a promise. Lets see how that works out for him and his voter base Lmfao

    • @duncanchizizi6543
      @duncanchizizi6543 Рік тому +4

      Kkkkkkkkkkkkk during campaign?

    • @maxmentone5373
      @maxmentone5373 Рік тому +1

      no he didn't, um but the polarized people like to spread lies, you know how it goes..

    • @Denver_____
      @Denver_____ Рік тому

      @@maxmentone5373 yeah, im sure that a Lula Socialist Gov that literally will imitate VENEZUELA (lol) wont lie or over promise.
      he is literally trying to implement the exact same principles as venezuela. I will be back to this comment in 4 years to laugh at how you think Lula was a good choice.

    • @maxmentone5373
      @maxmentone5373 Рік тому +6

      @@Denver_____ socialist no, HUMANIST!

    • @Denver_____
      @Denver_____ Рік тому +6

      @@maxmentone5373 Im a be back in 4 years and laugh at how wrong you are.

  • @Kim-Yo-jong
    @Kim-Yo-jong Рік тому +187

    It sounds like Lula will have a lot of the same obstacles that Bernie would have had if he had won. I guess we will see if it's possible to make rapid progressive changes with a conservative/neoliberal congress getting in the way. I personally don't believe much can be accomplished and that will probably bolster the support of his opposition.

    • @ellentomas3995
      @ellentomas3995 Рік тому +22

      Lula is not comparable to Bernie, he's more similar to Biden, although more politucally skillful than Biden.

    • @PedroAugusto-bp5xk
      @PedroAugusto-bp5xk Рік тому +28

      The difference is that Lula has been president for 8 years before

    • @larshofler8298
      @larshofler8298 Рік тому +18

      Stop comparing Lula to Bernie. Lula actually got elected multiple times and actually ran the country successively and skillfully. Bernie Sanders ran twice and lost twice, then surrendered to the Democratic Party establishment like a loser and sellout that he is. I used to love Bernie, now all he brings is disappointment and betrayal.

    • @larshofler8298
      @larshofler8298 Рік тому +1

      @@ellentomas3995 Bernie IS Biden, Bernie is the "progressive" gatekeeper for Biden. Not even a sidekick because he is literally irrelevant today.

    • @galdutro
      @galdutro Рік тому

      @@larshofler8298 Dont forget that Lula lost the presidential election three times before being elected.

  • @galdutro
    @galdutro Рік тому +152

    I find it funny how our economy is characterized as collapsing. No it’s not! Yes we still have to find a virtuous path of growth after the complete debacle between 2015-2018, but for example we have very strong monetary institutions and zero debt in foreign currency (state debt today is all in our local currency as opposed to, for example, Argentina.)
    Yes we have very thought years ahead, but I am consciously hopeful that it will enable us to solve part of our long standing problems.

    • @gdf_6c
      @gdf_6c Рік тому +22

      I see it the same way. I still think it's going to be easier to fix the country now than it was in 2003. Back then the problems were very much real - the ones we have now were fabricated in the last six years. It might be politically challenging, but it's not rocket science otherwise

    • @alvaroxex
      @alvaroxex Рік тому +6

      Very sensible comment

    • @ShayNoMore1
      @ShayNoMore1 Рік тому +4

      Idk if u re joking or not

    • @galdutro
      @galdutro Рік тому +12

      @@fgwesgfqef5020 dont underestimate brazil. It had the largest and most consistent economic growth in the western hemisphere between 1930-1975. After the end of the gold standard by the US dollar, our currency became much more unstable, but we are actively changing that both internally through sensible economic policy, and externally through BRICS and Mercosur efforts to create alternatives to the US dollar.

      @BBAERSTANCE1 Рік тому +3

      Your inflation is the problem

  • @sukhdeepsingh1856
    @sukhdeepsingh1856 Рік тому +11

    Hey guys i have a request for you guys can you please please do mini coverage on nauru's new port development project and go there for reporting and filming of report and please try to also interview someone adb about that 😀 👍 😊 🙏

  • @leagueofnationsballmapper8041
    @leagueofnationsballmapper8041 Рік тому +7

    because most people don't want to work

  • @leroyb.1460
    @leroyb.1460 Рік тому +149

    he is very popular all over Latin America, here in Chile TV chanels are still talking about Lula's winning and inauguration .

    • @xthia25
      @xthia25 Рік тому +9

      Viva La Pátria Grande, Viva Latinoamerica.

    • @enzobuso5933
      @enzobuso5933 Рік тому +11

      50% of brazillians despite him and 50% love him. Mainstream media is just garbagr

    • @HerbertSmith82
      @HerbertSmith82 Рік тому

      What is happening in Brazil right now is a installment of a dictatorship where people are being supressed, censored and arrested without a crime or worst for an inexistent crime of opinion. All of this because a major criminal linked to narco traffic became president YES LULA is the major criminal Brazil has ever had in its history. Lula was sentenced by all justice instances in Brazil, more than 20 magistrates and hundreds of collected evidences, his process was nullifyed by the people LULA putted in the supreme court, people that should have been set as suspected to evaluate the case. There is a Venezuelan dictatorship starting here in Brazil and only we the people of Brazil can affirm this, do not believe leftist journals. Wake up and help our people not to suffer like Venezuelans there is still time. Furthermore, we had a rigged election with tons of problems in its process all in favour of Lula da Silva, yes the very same criminal STF helped to release.

    • @adrianorezende3483
      @adrianorezende3483 Рік тому +12

      @@enzobuso5933 51% loves!

    • @saramaia554
      @saramaia554 Рік тому +9

      @@adrianorezende3483 We never knew if is really love by brazilians or just love by TSE.

  • @AlexisysGameplays
    @AlexisysGameplays Рік тому +116

    As a Brazilian I can say that the political scenario in Brazil is turbulent since I know myself, the opinions are polarized, we don't have honest politicians, no government was corruption free. For example, Lula had some corruption scandals, mensalão, petrolão, or even bolsonaro, that used 8 thousand reais with ice cream💀. I don't see any change in this scenario in the future, because most of the Brazilians are completly clueless about how the country works.

    • @xksssdddz
      @xksssdddz Рік тому +10

      Cara nao defendendo nada...se eu tivesse dinheiro ilimitado em 1 mes eu gastaria mais se 100 mil reais em sorvete kkkkkkkkk sem falar de política vote pra min como presidente que eu gastei 1 bilhão de reais em sorvetes ao longo de 4 anos

    • @Statist_Fox
      @Statist_Fox Рік тому

      Pelo que eu saiba, Lula foi inocentado de literalmente tudo. Estava claro que Moro inventou aqueles crimes para que Lula não pudesse ser reeleito, até porque Moro ganhou um cargo alto após Bolsonaro ter sido eleito, ganhou o cargo por dedo do Bolsonaro. Também fiquei sabendo que quase todos os politicos condenados na Lava-jato já foram inocentados e disseram que foram coagidos por Moro para mentir acusando outro politico, Moro fez isso até que chegou a Lula. Inclusive acredito que Moro irá para cadeia junto com toda familia Bolsonaro.

    • @ConstantinoMRL
      @ConstantinoMRL Рік тому

      Bolsonaro gave ice cream to thousands of kids in an children event and also food to thousands of venezuelan refugees. THIS IS NO CORRUPTION

    • @brab0372
      @brab0372 Рік тому

      @@Statist_Fox foi inocentado nada; foi o STF que anulou as provas contra ele apenas pq ele era de esquerda, se fosse um político de direita a coisa seria outra!
      Ele não foi inocentado, além do mais que recebem 4 milhões de reais em formato de "doações" para seu instituto, comprou votos e fez lavagem de dinheiro. Só burro pra acreditar na inocência de Mula.

    • @HabsWurg
      @HabsWurg Рік тому +10

      @@xksssdddz Primeiro brasileiro honesto que vejo kkkkk

  • @viniciusjose8763
    @viniciusjose8763 3 місяці тому +3

    Você fala do governo Bolsonaro como se não tivesse havido uma pandemia que afetou a economia global durante ele

  • @onehorsetown3434
    @onehorsetown3434 Рік тому +5

    You’ll have to ask Klause and the Prussian mafia.

  • @skysurgeon
    @skysurgeon 10 місяців тому +63

    6 months later, he is doing great

    • @learnwithgames7994
      @learnwithgames7994 10 місяців тому +7

      he's making Brazil growing again

    • @luizshhx1
      @luizshhx1 9 місяців тому


    • @TrunksDll
      @TrunksDll 9 місяців тому +17

      @@learnwithgames7994 😂😂😂😂

    • @lucaskollingschokal8939
      @lucaskollingschokal8939 9 місяців тому +5


    • @lucaskollingschokal8939
      @lucaskollingschokal8939 9 місяців тому


  • @ellentomas3995
    @ellentomas3995 Рік тому +131

    Lula had a big chance to put the country on the right track back in 2003, but he prefered to surf on the commodity boom, instead of investing on the country's industrial development. Besides that he didn't threat the privilege of the rich, it was quite the opposite, the rich became richer during his presidency. Although the poor achieved some dignity, the status quo remained intact. I'm glad Bolsonaro lost, but I don't have high expectations regarding Lula's third mandate and I believe there were candidates who were more willing to make progressive changes than him.

    • @philipe1502
      @philipe1502 Рік тому +13

      Thanks for writing the obvious context behind this; something even journalists with a degree can't realise, let alone the average AJ viewer.
      edit: typo

    • @luizvinha
      @luizvinha Рік тому +7

      We all knew that, it is obvious. Lula was/is very unpopular, specially in the southern region of Brazil. But, if you look at pools back in 2018, Lula was the only one that had a chance to beat Bolsonaro on the runoff . We were supporting candidates more moderate like Ciro or even Alckmin. but, pools suggested that they would lose for Bolsonaro on the runoff, and that would be a disaster for us.

    • @williamoliveira8577
      @williamoliveira8577 Рік тому

      I think he did invest in the country's industrial development. That may be one of his party's mistakes. BNDES was fairly active during his government. But in Brazil, it is the sector of service who hire and produce the most. Lula and some of his party still have the vision of developing the country through the industry sector. Their fierce opposition to the new Labor Reform made that clear.
      I voted for him and i'll do it again if Bolsonaro was the main challenger. But their views of the economy is somewhat outdated.

    • @ellentomas3995
      @ellentomas3995 Рік тому +1

      @@williamoliveira8577 Yes, he invested in some industrial segments such Petrobrás and Embraer, but that was not enough to make Brazil a manufacturer, we're still just a big farm and totally dependent on imports. When it comes to BNDES, he prioritized the "national champions" - industries like odebrecht and others, instead of using it for the industrial development as a whole. Besides BNDES was extensively used to subside the rich, many rich company owners used it to buy tractors and other stuff, such as Havan's owner. Regarding Bolsonaro, I'd vote for the devil against him, but Lula wasn't the only option in this past election.

    • @ellentomas3995
      @ellentomas3995 Рік тому +1

      @@luizvinha that is absolutely not true. In 2018 the polls showed only Ciro could win over Bolsonaro, but people who worship the Workers party voted for Haddad instead, an unkown candidate who had lost the elections in São Paulo two years before. And last year the polls showed that ANY candidate could win over Bolsonaro, however we cannot predict if that would've happened.

  • @samuraiblindado6439
    @samuraiblindado6439 Рік тому +81

    Lula before being elected: "I'm going to raise the minimum wage!"
    Lula now: "it's just a joke guys... we can't spend 200 reais with you because it's going to be a wasted money..."

    • @doormaat5033
      @doormaat5033 Рік тому +13

      @@arthuralexandre3112 brazil doesn't have money because its lula's now

    • @karinacanuto2707
      @karinacanuto2707 Рік тому +1

      A lier, has always been, the numbers statistics are always made up by his mind. Shame on the people who support a president who is close to milícia, traffic drug dealers, criminals. Look for foro de São Paulo and you will understand what is his goal for Brazil. We are going down quickly like never before in the history.

    • @furonwarrior
      @furonwarrior Рік тому +9

      @@doormaat5033 He just became President… how do you expect any results from his time as President?

    • @user-january-transtar
      @user-january-transtar Рік тому +6

      @@furonwarrior 1 trillion lost from our economy already...

    • @hetoverseo3887
      @hetoverseo3887 Рік тому

      @@furonwarrior Lei rouanet já sumiu com boa parte da grana.

  • @hanstubben
    @hanstubben Рік тому +42

    Well the history is much more complicated here in Brazil, on one side you have the "Lula afetivos" (people who like Lula, whatever and however he does it) and on de other side you have the "Bolsominhos" (same here but follow blindly Bolsonaro).
    Lula was not only convicted by the judge, Moro, who used maybe not soo well defined methodes to get his proves of Lula being involved directly with criminal activities (nobody gives signatures for this, as there are still a lot of people who think he was innocent), but Lula also was convicted by the second court with a panel of judges, and also in the high court. Lula got out of prison because high court judges appointed by him and Dilma, made the decisions made by judge Moro invalid because, in their opinion, Moro was not in the right jurisdiction to rule over Lula´s crimes. Lula got out of jail and would be judged again by another judge from the right place, but the process had to be done all over again. As Lula has more than seventy years the crimes had expired.
    As there were many things done wrong by Lula and the PT (Labor Party), they opened a gap for Bolsonaro to fill. Both are populists and have portions of media helping them, also both have an organization to work online for them to make "fake news" by telling half truths. This is not a problem only in Brazil, just to name some problems made the same way are, Brexit in the UK, Trump maga gangs, all made by doubtful media outlets or online spreading information directed thru influencers.
    We have two words for shit here in Brazil, "bosta" and "merda", that´s exactly how I describe Bolsonaro and Lula.
    As there is a large portion of the Brazilian population that has not formal education, they can be easily manipulated by any misinformation.
    Look where we are now, no trust in government, no trust in justice system, no trust in formal media and no trusty environment online. (online being manipulated a lot by foreign companies and governments)
    But there is still some positive, Brazil is big, has fertile grounds, has a clean energy grid and does not depend on foreign energy, has lots of mineral resources, has a good climate, and has people that forget quickly bad times. Also Brazil is not involved with any conflict in the world and as Ukraine, another large food producer in the world, is in conflict with Russia, Brazil can have opportunities to do well in next years. Also China needs a lot of food, the USA boycotting tech products from China will result in higher demand of Brazilian proteins for China.

    • @1gorSouz4
      @1gorSouz4 Рік тому

      Não dá pra comparar fake news de esquerda (eu particularmente não lembro de ver estas) com a quantidade massiva de fake news de direta que circulam por aí, com financiamento sabe-se lá de quem e que conseguiram fazer uma lavagem cerebral tão intensa que dividiu a sociedade brasileira de uma forma talvez inédita e fez com que centenas ou milhares de pessoas invadissem e depredassem as sedes dos 3 poderes recentemente. Na minha humilde opinião não dá nem pra se falar em fake news de esquerda porque elas são insignificantes em comparação com as que manipulam as pessoas de direita.

    • @brunomedeiros3758
      @brunomedeiros3758 Рік тому +6

      People comparing Bolsonaro to Lula (bost* and merd*) is a signal of how we still have much people who have a lot to learn about politics. It is not fake news or lack of formal education that make people think Bolsonaro would give much less trouble than Lula. I know that Bolsonaro has many mistakes, but consider them as equal and ignoring how politics work, ignoring interference of congress, and supreme court, ignoring that our candidates are choose by party leaders even before the elections (Brazil doesn't have independent candidatures), is one thing that leaded us to the actual scenario.

    • @melquizedequejoao5833
      @melquizedequejoao5833 Рік тому +2

      ​@@brunomedeiros3758 Bolsonaro and Lula are pretty equal, Bolsonaro, as was shown recently, had everything planned for a coup, and Lula bought the entire congress with money. The difference is the method and the stupidity, not the faces or the objectives.

    • @kawanrezende5753
      @kawanrezende5753 Рік тому +2

      Muito bom seu comentario, mas só uma correção: Os primeiros processos abertos, bem como as condenações ao Lula ocorreram justamente após seus 70 anos (2018 ele foi preso). O lula tinha, portanto, 26 processos, dentre os quais ganhou 21 (não foi conseguido provar sua culpa, e há a presunção de inocência portanto) e outros 4 foram arquivados por uma serie de motivos dentre os quais a suspeição do Juiz Sergio Moro foi apenas uma delas. Foi provado pela equipe jurídica do petista que nos casos do sítio de Atibaia e o triplex no Guarujá, as ditas provas do processo não eram cabais, pois o pilar do caso triplex foi derrubado ao se comprovar o pertencimento do imóvel à OAS. No caso do sítio, o pilar de sustentação foi também posto ao chão na abertura de sigilo bancário tanto do Lula quanto de um executivo da Odebrecht e se verificou que a transferencia de 700 mil reais para a reforma foi para o empresario, não para o o Presidente. E o processo por si só já era uma anomalia jurídica, já que o réu foi preso e julgado pelo recebimento indevido para a reforma de um sítio que não foi conseguido compravar a própria posse (?????). Se convencionou falar que a decisão do STF foi apenas por conta da suspeição do agora senador Sergio Moro, mas eu diria que essa última foi apenas o embalo do pacote jurídico bizarro que foram esses dois processos. E de qualquer jeito, a decisão passou pelo pleno mais tarde, não foi uma decisão monocrática do Facchin como se costuma dizer. Que, inclusive, contou com o voto favoravel até mesmo do ministro indicado por Bolsonaro.

    • @melquizedequejoao5833
      @melquizedequejoao5833 Рік тому

      @@kawanrezende5753 O prazo pra um crime expirar começa quando ele é cometido, não quando ele julgado, o processo de investigação começou bem antes de 2018, já que a Dilma queria até dar o cargo de ministro da casa civil pra livrar o Lula. E, independentemente, de provas cabais e erros que possam ter sido cometidos no processo, o STF poderia ter decidido bem antes que o julgamento deveria ter sido em brasília. Por quê decidiram só bem depois? Estavam esperando a poeira da opinião pública baixar provavelmente. Bolsonaro sabia que precisava de um adversário pra conseguir antagonizar, então o ministro dele votou pra soltar o Lula. Se não fosse bolsonaro Lula ainda estaria preso.

  • @joseluispcr
    @joseluispcr Рік тому +33

    Lula was consider guilty of several crimes in several courts, not just of moro. He was free by his alies of supreme court that he put there. One was literaly his lawery before becomig supreme court judge

  • @Mmariovega
    @Mmariovega Місяць тому

    Theres a media blackout on whats happening there on this yt platform i cant find much on it

  • @matt_xxi1848
    @matt_xxi1848 Рік тому +6

    O que me impressiona é aparecer brasileiro aqui pra dizer que o congresso não é dominado pela direita. Nem parece que conhecem os partidos daqui, é do tipo que deve achar que o PSDB é um partido de esquerda por ter "social-democrata" na sigla ou que o PP é progressista. É se fazer de burro ou apenas fingir que é.

    • @vitorpavani7125
      @vitorpavani7125 Рік тому

      Cara, historicamente o PSDB é um partido de Centro-Esquerda. Eles "adotaram" o eleitorado de direita por antagonizar com o PT, mas se você ler o que escreveram caras como FHC, Tasso Jereissati, Ciro Gomes e José Serra, vai ver que eles não tem nada de direita, são todos social-democratas.
      PP é legenda de aluguel, não tem ideologia ali. Tanto que foram base dos governos Lula e Dilma. Mesma coisa MDB e recém-criado UNIÃO. Tudo centrão, tudo fisiológico. Vão pro lado que for melhor pra eles. Tanto é que nunca são oposição. Quando são, tem Impeachment.

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 Рік тому

      Falou tudo

    • @mdacostta
      @mdacostta 8 місяців тому

      Nomes NADA tem a ver com a real política. O PP é de direita e o PSDB não tem mais nenhuma expressão. O Congresso é de maioria crista, conservadora e bancada por corporações

    • @mainlander3920
      @mainlander3920 8 місяців тому +4

      PSDB é tão diretista que o vice do Lula contra o Bolsonaro é desse partido 🤡

    • @matt_xxi1848
      @matt_xxi1848 8 місяців тому

      @@mainlander3920 aham, porque ser vice de um candidato feito o Lula com certeza é o mesmo de ser praticamente um bolchevique. Fora que o Alckmin nem é mais do PSDB. Dá pra passar o dia citando figuras do PSDB que demonstram muito bem qual a linha ideológica do partido, desde Mario Covas, passando por Aécio e chegando no João Dória, 3 criaturas que com certeza são praticamente comunistas, né?

  • @stl3d127
    @stl3d127 Рік тому +12

    o $i$tema escolheu, e os burricos que se acham "politizados" quando leem isso se revoltam, mesmo sabendo que é verdade rs..

    • @carlosalbertoteschguimarae9263
      @carlosalbertoteschguimarae9263 Рік тому

      Para de palhaçada!
      Fazer vergonha perante a brasileiros, já ficou chato , lá no início de 2019 , com as cagadas do ladrão miliciano e analfabeto.
      Agora vão fazer vergonha pro mundo?
      Não foi no primeiro turno , por roubo , mas roubo por parte do boca de fossa, que comprou votos ,usando a máquina de fazer dinheiro, patrões coagido funcionários a votar no bozó e muito mais !
      Urna eletrônica é testada, foram as mesmas que elegeram esse vagabundo por várias vezes , mesmo sendo um dos piores e mais corruptos da história nacional!
      Não chora não porra , eu sou letrado caralho!

    • @mdacostta
      @mdacostta 8 місяців тому

      O sistema dos milicianos e latifundiários perdeu e os pobres de direita seguem feridos.

  • @shit_do_ticoteco
    @shit_do_ticoteco Рік тому +2

    We're now talking Faz o L to everyone here

  • @Subsario
    @Subsario Рік тому +2

    Because poor people dont learn.

  • @hafizh__iskandar
    @hafizh__iskandar 6 місяців тому +2

    He's a Brazilian Obama

    • @sbortolon2019
      @sbortolon2019 2 місяці тому

      More like Brazilian John Dillinger, but instead of banks he robbed tax payers!

  • @PagouLimpou1052
    @PagouLimpou1052 Рік тому +18

    guys, do not forget that what was shown here is just a superficial view of governments, no government was perfect, but in the first Lula government, Brazil had a great economic growth thanks to the great increase in the value and commercialization of commodities that reached the South America in that period, was not a direct result of his economic policies. In addition, the large expenditure on aid and the increase in bureaucracy for entrepreneurs generated financial losses that affected subsequent governments such as Dilma, Temer and Bolsonaro. I believe that for foreigners access to this type of information is not easy, do not blame the author of the video for the lack of it, after all, not even most Brazilians can understand these details.

    • @doormaat5033
      @doormaat5033 Рік тому +3

      o meu problema com o vídeo é que foi criado por um americano enfiando o nariz dele em uma situação que ele não conhece

    • @PagouLimpou1052
      @PagouLimpou1052 Рік тому +1

      @@doormaat5033 Faz parte, mas enfim, agora é tentar informar o público a partir daqui 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @AmodeusR
      @AmodeusR Рік тому

      Acesso a essas informações não é fácil nem pra brasileiro, não é à toa que todos são completos ignorantes em todos os assuntos quando se refere à política, negando até as verdades mais inquestionáveis. O próprio estado faz questão de esconder o máximo possível toda informação referente a si e às suas tramóias. Imagina gringos encontrarem informação nesse emaranhado doentio kkk

    • @cortes_nomade_sincero
      @cortes_nomade_sincero Рік тому

      @@doormaat5033 ah ele conhece muito mais do que muito brasileiro, disso vc pode te certeza...

    • @victorultimate
      @victorultimate Рік тому

      @@cortes_nomade_sincero Conhece sim, depois que o picole derrubar seu idolo igual FHC fez com Itamar, vamos ver o que o americano pensa.

  • @daneluz123
    @daneluz123 Рік тому +15

    Democracy requires civil engagement and constant dialog between parties to offer solutions.. now this moron was caught with his hands in the cookie jar and I am sad to say that someone wanted him back out and in power to further polarize Brazil and undermine the current functioning political system. Gone are the days when the worker's party advocated for the proletariat.

    • @1gorSouz4
      @1gorSouz4 Рік тому +9

      The politician who did the most polarizing was the former president, not the actual.

    • @daneluz123
      @daneluz123 Рік тому

      More than likely was aided by your legacy media with the spinning leftist narrative

    • @rebecalelis508
      @rebecalelis508 Рік тому +10

      Lula don't incrase the polarization... Bolsonaro did that.

    • @daneluz123
      @daneluz123 Рік тому +1

      I stand corrected objectively simply because... the only answers to my statement is to take aim at 'the other guy'!

    • @caiorocha1049
      @caiorocha1049 Рік тому

      I understand your sentiment, really. I myself and a ton of the people I know mainly voted for him because he was the best option against Bolsonaro. Yeah, he has corruption scandals as well, and no one in their right mind would want someone like that for president (again). But this wasn`t a normal election, as a singer said "it was more like an exorcism". Besides, a ton of other high profile brazilians have even worse political scandals, including (specially including) Jair. Amongst all of them, Lula is easily the most charismatic, and who actually did the most for the empoverished population.

  • @otutordefisicabasica2192
    @otutordefisicabasica2192 Рік тому +19

    good video!!!

  • @danilobriz8499
    @danilobriz8499 2 місяці тому

    The supreme court released him from jail, granted him candidate rights and made sure the the election couldn´t give another result;
    the supreme court in Brazil is an anemy of the people.

  • @natanteam
    @natanteam Рік тому +6

    Pretty accurate!

    • @rafaelgomez8445
      @rafaelgomez8445 Рік тому

      Ele pulou uma parte aí do processo de soltura do Lula. Então nada accurate!

  • @whipofdarkness
    @whipofdarkness Рік тому +11

    This video is going to age SOOOOOOOOO welll. But it will not be fine wine. 🥶

    • @user-ff5fe5ru6r
      @user-ff5fe5ru6r Рік тому +6

      yeah bro brazil's gonna downfall in these 4 next years lol

    • @igorsouza9813
      @igorsouza9813 Рік тому +4

      @@user-ff5fe5ru6r it already did along those last 4 years.

    • @tchumango9131
      @tchumango9131 Рік тому

      @@igorsouza9813 Já compra uns metros de pano pra passar, tá ficando pior a cada dia a situação

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 Рік тому +2

      Até agora só vejo benefícios de fazer o L kkkk
      Pior foi os bolsominions, que se arrependeram todos durante o governo e depois votaram nele de novo kkkkkkk

    • @igorsouza9813
      @igorsouza9813 Рік тому

      @@tchumango9131 tá de brincadeira né? Até agora minha sincera avaliação do governo é 9.5/10. O "0,5" aí eu tirei pela chance de não cumprir o salário mínimo de 1320 e pelo fato do governo não ter corrido pra garantir que os servidores do executivo terão reajuste já para o salário que cai em fevereiro. O resto, é o melhor governo que já vi na vida e está bem melhor que minha expectativa.

  • @alternativetext5262
    @alternativetext5262 10 місяців тому +1

    Completely unbiased report 😂

    • @Trefzger1998
      @Trefzger1998 7 місяців тому

      E como vai sua mãe? Ainda tá na papuda, gado?

  • @heisenberg6921
    @heisenberg6921 7 місяців тому +1

    I live in Brazil for the last 33 years…I don’t like leftists!, hate comunists, but Lula’s period was amazing for the population and country…Boldonaro’s was the biggest deception!!…🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @bentn13
    @bentn13 Рік тому +69

    The issue isn't the radicalness of his presidency, it's if he continues to be part of the norm.

    • @JesusGivanildo
      @JesusGivanildo Рік тому +2

      What kind of normal you refer about ?

    • @lucasgoncalvesbento5284
      @lucasgoncalvesbento5284 Рік тому +10

      The corruption norm?
      Coming for that thief, that's all there's to hope for

    • @alvaroxex
      @alvaroxex Рік тому

      @@lucasgoncalvesbento5284 You're just a middle class loser who never spent more than 15 minutes reading to know what is what. Corruption has been going on for 500 years in Brazil. THe leaders of the scandals are all related to right-wing parties.

    • @communism_is_based
      @communism_is_based Рік тому

      @@lucasgoncalvesbento5284 You're still claiming that after the leaks showed the judge who condemned him was instructing the attorney on the best ways to prosecute him, and clearly politically motivated? After the same judge was named a minister by Bolsonaro, who benefited from the result of his arrest? After ALL judicial actions against him were withdrawed or won in ALL other states, except in Curitiba where Sergio Moro ruled?
      Funny to claim being against corruption, and yet endorse the decision of a clearly corrupt judge.

    • @arthurdoudement1966
      @arthurdoudement1966 Рік тому +18

      @@lucasgoncalvesbento5284 Para de ser chato. Vai chorar em inglês agora? Escuta o que o teu mito disse: "Vai chorar até quando?" Bolsonaro, Jair.

  • @dbmello75
    @dbmello75 Рік тому +7

    A few things:
    Bolsa família was not created by Lula.

    • @elainebraga4468
      @elainebraga4468 9 місяців тому

      Criado por Ruth Cardoso, lula criou mensalão,petróleo, maior corrupto do mundo.

    • @mdacostta
      @mdacostta 8 місяців тому

      Bolsa Familia was created by Lula. Before, Brazil had 4-7 different programs, unified by Lula in 2003.

    • @sbortolon2019
      @sbortolon2019 2 місяці тому

      @@mdacostta so if I come now and unite this program with another one, than will I have created Bolsa Familia? It was Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

  • @hafizh__iskandar
    @hafizh__iskandar 8 місяців тому +2

    Lula is a Brazilian Obama

    • @mainlander3920
      @mainlander3920 8 місяців тому +1

      He manages to be worse. Had Obama done things as bad as Lula did, Americans would not have put up with it like Brazilians sadly mostly did.

  • @pancreascristao9696
    @pancreascristao9696 Рік тому +7

    Lula criou o family handbag skkdkskfkakdkakks

    • @1gorSouz4
      @1gorSouz4 Рік тому +1

      Se aumentarem o programa, ele vai se chamar family backpack

    • @carlosalbertoteschguimarae9263
      @carlosalbertoteschguimarae9263 Рік тому

      O Bolsa Família, foi criado no governo FHC!
      Presidente que eu xinguei muito, falando que a Direita era foda ,só governava pra ricos !
      Hoje vejo que o Brasil ficou uma merda ,com a eleição do candidato da extrema direita em 2018 um lixo de um militar insubordinado, terrorista, mentiroso, analfabeto e que sempre apoiou aborto , violência e até estupro!
      Hoje espero que esse verme seja preso e que o novo presidente,possa trabalhar e alavancar o país !
      O Brasil nunca teve um governo de esquerda, no máximo, centro esquerda!
      O ex presidente, um miliciano, foi o pior e mais corrupto presidente da história do Brasil!
      Pior até que dois presidentes da ditadura militar, Geisel 75/ 79 e Figueiredo,79/85.
      Viva lula! Que faça um bom governo!
      Viva FHC , que por mais que discordasse, nunca deixei de reconhecer sua genialidade!
      Criação da URV ( Unidade Real de Valor) posteriormente, Plano Real , Governo Itamar Franco, medicamentos genéricos , já em seu governo, com o ministro da saúde José Serra, e outros!
      Lula conseguiu colocar um país de terceiros mundo, entre as seis economias mais ricas do planeta, recorde de empregos, custo de vida baixíssimo, em relação aos dias atuais,, US$ baixo que dava condições aos importadores gerar empregos e divisas pro país , equilibrando a balança comercial e outros benefícios!
      E o miliciano, pior e .aos corrupto presidente da história?
      Um rombo de alguns trilhões!
      Recorde em desempregos
      Maior inflação dos últimos 29 anos
      Perda do poder aquisitivo dos brasileiros
      Maior esquema de corrupção da história, e nem chegaram ao codevasf , a máfia do asfalto, algo inqualável !
      Militares no poder, nunca mais.

  • @leoalbppri80
    @leoalbppri80 Рік тому +10

    This is the Brazilian version of Biden…. Ugh

    • @nickiiminajj9148
      @nickiiminajj9148 Рік тому +1

      you’re slow

    • @leoalbppri80
      @leoalbppri80 Рік тому +1

      @@nickiiminajj9148let me guess….. Demoncrat right? 🤦‍♂️

    • @Neisan04
      @Neisan04 Рік тому

      @@nickiiminajj9148 vai da o k

    • @lilianecarvalho2940
      @lilianecarvalho2940 Рік тому +3

      Melhor que a versão brasileira do Trump.

    • @leoalbppri80
      @leoalbppri80 Рік тому +3

      @@lilianecarvalho2940 pra sua informação, Trump foi bom presidente; não dou a mínima si diz palavrões, não foi globalosta, bom economia, etc.

  • @brunolike8631
    @brunolike8631 Рік тому +21

    (Português) O cara viu MUUUITA notícia mal informada fazendo esse video kkkkkkkkk.
    (English) The dude saw MAAANY misinformed news when making this video LOL.

    • @franca6987
      @franca6987 Рік тому

      Você que é um imbecil que não conhece a realidade. É história, está tudo documentado, registrado e factuado. São fatos, sua ignorância e burrice que são os problemas aqui. Sugiro que estude para se informar direito a respeito da nossa história.

    • @brunolike8631
      @brunolike8631 Рік тому

      @@franca6987 cara, ele fez várias comparações com o Brasil atual e o Brasil antes do Lula, oq está completamente errado. O Bolsonaro foi um bosta sim, mas ele não fez com que maioria da população ficar na merda, não fez uma inflação que tornava o seu dinheiro obsoleto semanas depois... Só não tem comparação! Os números podem ser parecidos com aquela época, mas a porcentagem daquela época são muito maiores do que as de hoje em dia, só olha pra população do Brasil nos anos 90 e compara com hj em dia, ele nem tava levando isso em comparação

    • @brab0372
      @brab0372 Рік тому

      @@franca6987 chamando o cara de "imbecil", e você apoiando o Mula, que apoiou ditadores hispano-americanos kkkkkķkkk. Petista hipócrita!

    • @luizfelipetr
      @luizfelipetr Рік тому +1

      (Gades🐂) Bolsonaro honesto e justo, libertador do povo e cristão

    • @brunolike8631
      @brunolike8631 Рік тому +2

      @@luizfelipetr oxi kkkk

  • @gj0116
    @gj0116 Рік тому +1

    Why the WEF put Lula back in charge?

    • @viniciusvalois2634
      @viniciusvalois2634 Рік тому

      Because the WEF actually wants a social-democrat (like Geraldo Alckmin, who is Lula's vice) in charge of Brazil.
      Lula only acted as the "anti-Bolsonaro", he was assigned to run for election and unseat our Captain President (through a completely RIGGED election). Now that Lula's role is over, he's soon to be kicked out so Alckmin can be inaugurated as President... and trust me, Alckmin is far worse than Lula.

  • @PsicologiaSocialBrasil
    @PsicologiaSocialBrasil Рік тому +8

    Lula is the best president for all! 🇧🇷🥰

  • @thiagobrancante5973
    @thiagobrancante5973 Рік тому +9

    I hate living in Brazil

    • @ninjapurpura1
      @ninjapurpura1 Рік тому +1

      Same, it's a disgusting country.

    • @remipost
      @remipost Рік тому +2

      Vários brasileiros conversando em inglês. 🤪

    • @rikkichadwick1989
      @rikkichadwick1989 Рік тому

      You and every poor person....

    • @ninjapurpura1
      @ninjapurpura1 Рік тому

      @@rikkichadwick1989 Yeah, like 95% of the population here.

    • @johnhammond.
      @johnhammond. Рік тому +1

      Me too! People loves suffering

  • @AT-AT-AT-AT
    @AT-AT-AT-AT Рік тому

    we didn’t.

  • @brunnoduarte4542
    @brunnoduarte4542 Рік тому +2


  • @Miguel_16811
    @Miguel_16811 Рік тому +15

    Bolsonaro is ex prisioner too

  • @danielschannel1568
    @danielschannel1568 Рік тому +10

    The question is: who put that shit back???
    The most part of Brazilians really don't know. The Brazilian jundicial power, maybe? We don't know because we cannot talk about that in our new dictatorship, actually.

    • @lyrius8130
      @lyrius8130 Рік тому +4

      Cuidado, o Lex Luthor tá observando.

    • @rebecalelis508
      @rebecalelis508 Рік тому

      What a fatalism!! You are talking about it here, in a public comments section, right? So, stop this delirium. Lula was elected by the people, let's accept it.

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 Рік тому +2

      Vote of the people don't lie

    • @alternativetext5262
      @alternativetext5262 10 місяців тому

      The youngest voters put him back…. Im an American in Brazil and so many young people think communism is a good idea, it’s scary.

  • @canecadoguerreirowarriorca3314
    @canecadoguerreirowarriorca3314 2 місяці тому +1

    Smart Matic

  • @geovannagoncalves5628
    @geovannagoncalves5628 Рік тому

    It's good to watch the point from a forgein, but when you live this reality you know what is the right side and i am not talking about Lula or Bolsonaro i'm talking about the future and ideas tô we get there

  • @marilynbables8071
    @marilynbables8071 Рік тому +26

    God bless Democracy 🙏

    • @omundodosbichos
      @omundodosbichos Рік тому +1

      In Brazil not exists. STF is democracy

    • @guilhermeteodosio40
      @guilhermeteodosio40 Рік тому +1

      @@omundodosbichos The supreme court was elected by who?🤔🤔🤔

    • @justtwobuns_nighta1352
      @justtwobuns_nighta1352 Рік тому +1

      Who's democracy?

    • @omundodosbichos
      @omundodosbichos Рік тому +2

      @@guilhermeteodosio40 por politicos interessados em manter seus privilegios.

    • @guilhermeteodosio40
      @guilhermeteodosio40 Рік тому +2

      @@omundodosbichos Errado, indicado pelo Presidente e aprovado pelo Senado. Quem elegeu ambos??🤔🤔🤔🤔

  • @gnarmarmilla
    @gnarmarmilla Рік тому +9

    Voting is a big mistake. If humanity is wise we will love one another and stop this wasteful and ignorant method of electing leaders. Wise men need to elect wise men to lead by the grace of God. Pretending that every person over 18 is truly qualified to pick a world leader is heresy, a lost cause.

    • @mahuba2553
      @mahuba2553 Рік тому

      Only the return of God will help men, it is too hard for everyone to be positive, its not possible to change the unchangeable without changing the unchangeable

    • @lilianecarvalho2940
      @lilianecarvalho2940 Рік тому

      Maluca religiosa detected.

    • @AmodeusR
      @AmodeusR Рік тому

      Democrats would never understand the stupidity of giving the power of choice of a leader to ignorants.

    • @fabiomartins2559
      @fabiomartins2559 Рік тому

      @@mahuba2553 holy crap, o cara transcendeu

  • @dbmello75
    @dbmello75 Рік тому

    As a former Petrobras employee, I can tell how bad he was.

    • @learnwithgames7994
      @learnwithgames7994 10 місяців тому

      He is being great! He had no seem Brazil being important for the world for years! He defend interest of the nation, instead the last one.

  • @franca6987
    @franca6987 Рік тому +4

    Great video

  • @amritbansal2119
    @amritbansal2119 Рік тому +63

    Viva lula 🎉 good luck from India ❤

  • @alinesanchezramirezbaruchi2658

    Pq descobriram que é o que queriam na verdade com a arquivologia mesmo. Só que não é perfeito mesmo.

  • @wasphern
    @wasphern Рік тому +15

    The bias is insane lol

  • @hassansalvo7507
    @hassansalvo7507 Рік тому +6

    Desde mexico!!! Apoyo a Lula!!! Dejen al hombre trabajar para que estimule la economia y que estados unidos caiga!! Arriba México y Arriba Brazil!!! Estamos hartos de tantas corrupción que suprimen nuestro crecimiento. Mexico ya tiene un buen líder. Lula es otro.

    • @bergfreitasbraga6263
      @bergfreitasbraga6263 Рік тому +1


    • @lilianecarvalho2940
      @lilianecarvalho2940 Рік тому +1


    • @samuraiblindado6439
      @samuraiblindado6439 Рік тому +1

      assim o cartel pode chegar aqui tambem ne

    • @carlosalbertoteschguimarae9263
      @carlosalbertoteschguimarae9263 Рік тому

      Meu amigo mexicano!
      Graças a Deus e os eleitores, sai do poder o pior e mais corrupto presidente da história do Brasil!
      O miliciano analfabeto!
      Um cara sem condições de ser vereador, mas os irresponsáveis e burros que desprezam a história,elegeram em 2018!
      Eu gostaria de ver esse miliciano, andando pelas ruas de Juarez, com um colete,.com a inscrição " TRUMP" quem sabe , nossos irmãos mexicanos nos dariam belo presente.

    • @bergfreitasbraga6263
      @bergfreitasbraga6263 Рік тому

      @@carlosalbertoteschguimarae9263 nossa que incrível você chamar os assassinos torturadores do quartel mexicano de irmãos isso convém muito aliás você é petista quer falar de corrupção queridão qual desse foi preso por isso. E quem você tá chamando de analfabeto. O ex capitão do exército brasileiro? E você jura que quer meter Deus nisso?

  • @caionicholas80
    @caionicholas80 Рік тому +1

    Enquanto esse cara estiver vivo e o PT existir, o Brasil nunca irá pra frente

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 Рік тому

      Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk parece um imbecil falando

    • @lilianecarvalho2940
      @lilianecarvalho2940 Рік тому

      Vc está ameaçando o presidente?

    • @caionicholas80
      @caionicholas80 Рік тому

      Chegou os petistas com déficit de português básico que não sabe diferenciar ameaça de crítica baseada em fatos haha. O Brasil só não vai pra frente por causa dos petistas que gostam de defender políticos comprovadamente corruptos. Ainda não acredito que o brasileiro elegeu um condenado por corrupção "ex" presidiário, por isso que o Brasil fica nestas condições. Diferente de vocês eu sei que político tem que ser cobrado e não idolatrado assim como os petistas e bolsominions fazem. Prisão pra lula e Bolsonaro e todos os outros corruptos do Brasil. 👌

    • @noobfrombrazil814
      @noobfrombrazil814 Рік тому +2

      Enquanto houver terroristas que não aceitam a queda do "mito", não vamos ter um país unido.

  • @janeelphinstone5964
    @janeelphinstone5964 Рік тому

    What has happened to people that protested against his re-election …lots of people missing?

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 Рік тому

      Vão ser todos presos esses vagabundos

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 Рік тому

      @@hummer8264 vai a bosta

  • @wemerson.romano
    @wemerson.romano 7 місяців тому +6

    Em 10 meses o Brasil já está voltando aos eixos, recorde positivo na balança comercial, previsão de crescimento pelo FMI atualizada acima das espectativas, o próprio FMI já prevê que ao final do ano o Brasil será a 9 economia do mundo.

  • @Ishikawa44
    @Ishikawa44 Рік тому +4

    É o maior estadista que esse país já viu. Avante, presidente.

    • @Ukaran
      @Ukaran Рік тому

      Para aqueles que não entenderam o que o Luiz tá dizendo:
      "Estadista", nesse caso, significa "ladrão".
      De nada.

  • @TheTrueKeeper
    @TheTrueKeeper 5 місяців тому

    Almost a year elected and he didn’t give for his sheep’s Steak, basic sanitation and gas voucher. Do the L!

  • @kehidupankanada
    @kehidupankanada Рік тому

    Not sure how current present president lead the nation. Will see

  • @henrique_212
    @henrique_212 Рік тому +5

    It’s because most of us are dumb, that’s why.

    • @megbatista1869
      @megbatista1869 Рік тому

      Be careful child! Communism's ghost is gonna take your Chevette

    • @JuicyPants39
      @JuicyPants39 Рік тому

      I know eight women and four men who voted for Lula, including me. Adding them up, there are eleven! Long live mathematics, long live Brazilian education, long live Lula, who stole my heart....
      And my money, my taxes, my freedom, my dignity, my right to speak, the one who shortened my distance from Venezuela, long life to President Luís Bebácio Lula da Silva and Nícolas Pauduro!!!!

    • @noobfrombrazil814
      @noobfrombrazil814 Рік тому


  • @melquizedequejoao5833
    @melquizedequejoao5833 Рік тому +13

    The way Lula's arrest and release were shown in this video is very resumed and overlooked. He was convicted and he is guilty. Even if it was politically motivated, his arrest was lawful and had overwhelming public support at the time.
    What happened was that the supreme court had previously judged him guilty (the supreme court in Brazil judges cases if the cases get to them.), but not coincidentally, just when Lula was about to be a candidate again, the political rivals were not as strong and the overall support for Bolsonaro (which appointed the supreme court judge that had the final say to free Lula or not by the way) had decreased, the supreme court decided that as of 2019 those convicted in the second stance were not to be arrested until they were finally convicted and that the case should not have taken place in Curitiba (where Lula's illegally acquired real state was) it was supposed to take place in Brasilia (the federal district), thus annulling the case and forcing the federal police to start all over again with new evidence, this would be "ok" if the crimes had not expired in 2020 were he not have been convicted. And all of that happened right after his age became greater than 75, thus reducing the time needed for a crime to expire in half.
    So, his release was a political move that just exploited a massive loophole in the system, but that does not exclude all of the photos of him, furniture, documents, 130+ visits in 2 years to the country house that "was not his", the pedal boat with hid grandkid's names on it, the triplex he lived in. He was convicted of concealment of assets, passive corruption, and more. HE IS A CRIMINAL, the fact he is now a president is outrageous. Unfortunately, most people don't know all of these technical terms or do enough research, they just see he's free and assume he's not guilty, which is not the case at all.
    PS: Bolsonaro is a corrupt dumbass too, they both should be in jail.

    • @TheRicardooliveira
      @TheRicardooliveira Рік тому +2

      You right, we had no choice.

    • @tubaraofeio1053
      @tubaraofeio1053 Рік тому

      Excelent explanation my friend.
      Mas não só foi o juiz que anulou o processofoi apontado por ele não.
      Maioria do supremo é formado por membros apontado por presidentes do PT. kkkkk

    • @ccatch_
      @ccatch_ Рік тому

      He was illegally convicted by a motivated and liar judge then he was declared guilty then He was freed after election because of this amateur persecution THAT INVALIDADED THE FORGED CLUES

    • @melquizedequejoao5833
      @melquizedequejoao5833 Рік тому +1

      @@ccatch_ No, he was convicted by several judges. He was freed because the supreme court ruled that anyone convicted after the second stance should not be arrested, then his case was annuled, he was never considered not guilty. And the clues were not forged, they were very real.

  • @ericalcazar6137
    @ericalcazar6137 2 місяці тому

    Brazilians must be proud of their president Lula da Silva

  • @DaniboyBR2
    @DaniboyBR2 Місяць тому

    We didn't they installed him like Biden.

  • @rodrigorodriguesdelgado.9674
    @rodrigorodriguesdelgado.9674 Рік тому +8

    Fun fact: He is The first president in Brazil to be elected 3 times
    Fato curioso: ele é o primeiro presidente no Brasil a ser eleito 3 vezes.

    • @nicholasnery6342
      @nicholasnery6342 Рік тому +1

      Fun fact: Lula's election was a fraud, just like Biden's...

    • @rodrigorodriguesdelgado.9674
      @rodrigorodriguesdelgado.9674 Рік тому

      @@nicholasnery6342 uns falam isso e outros não, prefiro não comentar nada sobre isso, o cara já tá lá mesmo.

    • @Matheus-mw4rm
      @Matheus-mw4rm 4 місяці тому

      Roubando qualquer um

  • @1gorSouz4
    @1gorSouz4 Рік тому +16

    I'm speaking for a lot of us right now: we chose the better option, or the less worse if you prefer. Another 4 years of Bolsonaro would be a huge no-no, and whoever disagrees isn't (or wasn't, to be precise) really keeping up with all the absurdity that was routine in the last administration...

    • @PoussinNoNeko
      @PoussinNoNeko Рік тому

      The administration was what is was long before Bolsonaro arrived in office. Are you talking about the absurdity that Lula enabled with his corrupt government?
      Why nobody's talking about the drop in crime rate under Bolsonaro? I guess you must be dreaming about an unsafe country where criminals have more rights than regular people.

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 Рік тому

      Brasil finalmente vai pra frente

    • @samuraiblindado6439
      @samuraiblindado6439 Рік тому +9

      ou é coincidência ou é o lula pq oq tem de empresas fechando por ai...

    • @dripdavrichard4239
      @dripdavrichard4239 Рік тому +3

      @@felip3442 Vai pra frente tanto que agora assalto de celular é permitido e quem ganha um salário mínimo e meio tem que declarar imposto de renda.Haha,desordem e fim de progesso.

    • @brunomedeiros3758
      @brunomedeiros3758 Рік тому +7

      "The absurdity that was routine in the last administration" - are you refearing to the last 18 days of Lula's administration?
      I know media was producing continuous negative propaganda about the routine in the last years, so that it would be really difficult for many people to have different impression, mainly considering that the media is the people who writes about the routine.

  • @fabricio4794
    @fabricio4794 Рік тому

    Political Prisioner this is the True.

  • @deboradutra3471
    @deboradutra3471 2 місяці тому +1

    The Brasilan people loves Bolsonaro, and hate Lola thief!

  • @ZERU818
    @ZERU818 Рік тому +5

    Simples porque a gente e um bando de masoquista maluco

  • @Anti-CornLawLeague
    @Anti-CornLawLeague Рік тому +41

    I think any president would have been popular during that commodity boom Brazil was going through. Helped them avoid the 2008 crisis.

    • @rafaelc.s3326
      @rafaelc.s3326 Рік тому +7

      He's a real dictator, bro. He's ally and close friend to every latin american dictator, such as Maduro e Castro in Cuba, for starters.

    • @Kim-Yo-jong
      @Kim-Yo-jong Рік тому +12

      @@rafaelc.s3326 A congress full of conservative and neoliberal politicians just get in the way of progress. A single workers party is all that is needed.

    • @ext4sy.r1der27
      @ext4sy.r1der27 Рік тому +15

      Bolsonaro also had a commodity boom during his term, the post covid commodity boom, and his popularity was never close to Lula's.
      Both of them got through difficult times tho, 2008 crisis for Lula and Covid pandemic for Bolsonaro.

    • @rafaelc.s3326
      @rafaelc.s3326 Рік тому

      ​@@Kim-Yo-jong Your comment is just ridiculous, why don't you put a dictator in your own country? Of course, you wont! you prefer to fulfill your fetish by supporting them into other countries' power, right|?

    • @rafaelc.s3326
      @rafaelc.s3326 Рік тому

      ​@@ext4sy.r1der27 What are you talking about, bro? What commodity boom we've had after Covid? Get you facts straight. Read up on world economy back in 2003-2006, and then nowadays, and draw a - decent - parallel. China was growing in a vertiginous way and used to buy even Brazilian wind as opposed to today. No comparison.
      Lula cannot even go out that he's smashed by brazilian people. He cant make their rallies full, even when he pays people to make it look it's packed. Only authoritarian's boot-lickers like him

  • @MK.182
    @MK.182 Рік тому

    dollar is cheap, bitcoin is cheap…..

  • @lifesajourney2784
    @lifesajourney2784 Рік тому

    The most shame of Brazil population

  • @AdrianoSaccenti
    @AdrianoSaccenti Рік тому +3

    I would like to see more videos that prioritize factual information rather than attempting to manipulate viewers.
    It is important to acknowledge that a controversial juridical maneuver, implemented by Supreme Court judges who have close ties to Lula, played a role in his eligibility to run in the presidential election. This situation raises legitimate questions about the impartiality of the judicial process.
    Lula was sentenced to 12 years in prison for corruption but became eligible to run in the presidential election through a juridical maneuver that is unprecedented in any democracy worldwide.
    It should be noted that the judge who played a key role in his imprisonment did not act alone; the sentence was handed down by multiple judges and courts.
    It has been proven that Lula was involved in one of the worst and largest corruption schemes in the world. Brazil's National Oil Company suffered significant losses totaling $5 billion due to this corruption scheme. Numerous individuals involved in the scheme chose to plead guilty in exchange for reduced jail sentences.
    One piece of evidence that undermines the credibility of your video is the fact that Lula's Party governed Brazil for 14 years but failed to deliver on their promised meals of breakfast, lunch, and dinner to the impoverished population.
    These factors highlight the need for a comprehensive and balanced perspective in videos, ensuring viewers have access to accurate and unbiased information.

  • @gabz72h
    @gabz72h Рік тому +2

    This video is just a lie

  • @arcanjoyuri2
    @arcanjoyuri2 10 місяців тому +1

    He is a bandit.

  • @chepibesamuel
    @chepibesamuel Рік тому +1

    “Sounds familiar?” What stupid comment!!!!

  • @israelmacedo7060
    @israelmacedo7060 Рік тому +7

    Pessoas de bem não apoiam Lula.

    • @pokemonward1747
      @pokemonward1747 Рік тому

      Ou vc é do bem ou vc vota no Nazifascista Bolsonaro

    • @israelmacedo7060
      @israelmacedo7060 Рік тому

      @@pokemonward1747 eu queria ver qual é essa bandeira "Nazifascista" que o pessoal do Bolsonaro anda usando em manifestação (nenhuma). Agora a turminha da esquerda levantando bandeira de martelo e foice é o que mais tem.

    • @pokemonward1747
      @pokemonward1747 Рік тому

      @@israelmacedo7060 Eles não usam bandeira nazista porque é crime fazer apologia ao nazismo. Mas as visões deles de vida e comportamento são as mesmas do facismo

    • @israelmacedo7060
      @israelmacedo7060 Рік тому

      @@pokemonward1747 engraçado que nunca concordamos com essas suas falsas acusações aí, sempre deixamos claro que não apoiamos nada disso. Mas a esquerda tem orgulho de exaltar ideológias socialistas/comunistas que mataram tanta gente no mundo e continua até hoje violando os direitos humanos (Coreia do norte).

    • @pokemonward1747
      @pokemonward1747 Рік тому

      @@israelmacedo7060 não é bandeira, são palavras. Ele formenta o ódio entre tudo que não é branco, cristão e heterossexual. Como Hitler fazia, como é típico do Nazismo

  • @ricardoaprea8287
    @ricardoaprea8287 Рік тому +4

    Bolsonaro , Lula , we deserve better.

  • @radcliffnorth7754
    @radcliffnorth7754 26 днів тому


  • @paulobracale7009
    @paulobracale7009 Рік тому

    You should be ashamed for tuis report. We have a saying. The press is something pay them well and maybe they may even tell the truth.

  • @controlemca1666
    @controlemca1666 Рік тому +6

    Sou Brasileiro! Esse video não mostra a verdade. Vergonha!

    • @pokemonward1747
      @pokemonward1747 Рік тому +5

      Mostra a verdade sim

    • @controlemca1666
      @controlemca1666 Рік тому

      @@pokemonward1747 não mostrou os casos corrupção, financiamento de ditaduras, o financiamento a monopólios (JBS).

    • @FlavioSantos-uw1mr
      @FlavioSantos-uw1mr Рік тому

      @@controlemca1666 Ele mencionou os casos de corrupção sim e que finânciamentos de ditaturas?

  • @markhunt575
    @markhunt575 Рік тому +7

    Well a quick glance at Venezuela convinced millions of idiots to say" I like free stuff" (until the well runs dry and you run out of people to mooch off of) besides if things get bad I can just sneak into the US or Canada. Good Luck!

  • @silviasilva8511
    @silviasilva8511 2 місяці тому +1


  • @ironpandaloco
    @ironpandaloco Рік тому +1

    Timmy Karter Greek explorer in Brazil favela

  • @bread.9562
    @bread.9562 Рік тому +1

    Time to flee to portugal, guys! Getting permission to live there is easier for brazilians!

  • @philsophkenny
    @philsophkenny Рік тому +11

  • @hyamithbem8763
    @hyamithbem8763 Рік тому +6

    All hope are lost in brazil...remember my words!

  • @sosavii
    @sosavii Рік тому

    He was president before he was prisoner and then president again, look it up.

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 Рік тому +1


    • @sosavii
      @sosavii Рік тому

      @felipefernandes7065 my bad. Better now lol! 😆

  • @Good100
    @Good100 Рік тому

    Why "Brazil" put Lula back in charge.

  • @TeraBitts
    @TeraBitts Рік тому +7

    You forgot to say that he was not consideres innocent at the end of his judgment

    • @leticiacandal
      @leticiacandal Рік тому +1

      not guilty either.

    • @felip3442
      @felip3442 Рік тому +1

      His judgement does not exist anymore, as it was anulled

  • @tubaraofeio1053
    @tubaraofeio1053 Рік тому +4

    There are several things id like to point out as someone who has lived in brazil from 2005- present day
    1.Bolsa familia was inefective, it gave monthly to families only 89 reais, while the auxilio brasil gave 600, that's why they changed the name, completeley different program that began in 2021, together with many other programs introduced in his goverment in the past like Auxilio gas moradia and others.
    2. lulas 1st term was quite beneficial to the country, but the second one brought inflation and corruption all the way towards dilma impeachment, from money laundering in the Minha casa minha vida (Program that helped brazilians with housing) that has resulted in halted construction until this day while bolsonaro helped house over 400k (most in the country's history) , lack in payment towards petrobras workers and other state owned companies.
    3.Although some claim that Lula's prossecution could have been politicaly motivaded, that was not the reasin his sentencing was terminated, the evidence statcks up all the way towards him, and he tried to gain "Foro Privilegiado" (Privileged forum) by Trying to become the minister of the civil house, an action advised by one of his friends in a tapped phonecall, that was later confirmed by another tapped phonecall between Lula and the then president Dilma (Whose presidential campaign used laundered money from Petrobras from OAS)
    4.Food insecurity is highly debated subject, while the new ministress of the Climate change and wildlife Marina Silva (The one in the video :D , that's so cool you guys could interview her!) claimed that there are 120 million currently hungry, different sourses cite 60 million while the Traditional media uses one by Pensann, that concludes that there are about 33 million, although brazilian poverty also reached a historic low in 2020; only 0.8% according to the World Bank and MSM sources. Making it the country with lowest poverty rate in Latin America.
    5.There is no easy way to bring civilization to these "OUTCASTED" and distant bretherin of mine, doing-so would require to deforestation of a large portion of the Amazon rainforest, to build highways, landing strips, wind turbines, water stations, power line system and much more to make life and the economy better for the Brazilian and Native tribes in the north.
    While singing his presidential term documentation he made up a story about the pen that he was holding, claiming that said pen was a gift from the 80's, eventhough said pen was only made in 2002 and for over 20k dollars.
    I'm open for criticisims towards my comment; as i am only human and up to correct my mistakes without making the supreme court be formed mostly by members apointed by my political party and trying to impose "regulation" and restrictions on this opus of mankind, the Internet.

    • @strangealy923
      @strangealy923 Рік тому +2

      po cara, compara o poder de compra de 89 reais com o de hoje

  • @clairevalentine5427
    @clairevalentine5427 Рік тому

    This makes me not like bolsanaro. Lula parece bom. Preciso de aprender mais.

  • @osmanadonias
    @osmanadonias Рік тому +2

    This channel is corrupt by the Matrix

  • @adrianorezende3483
    @adrianorezende3483 Рік тому +20

    it was a tough choice given his party's past, but it was necessary to defend our democracy. we had our own capitol like the united states. I wish strength to all peoples in struggle!

    • @VeritasBrasiliensis
      @VeritasBrasiliensis Рік тому

      relating to “defending our democracy” sir, do you have brain damage? and if not do you go outside or have any critical thinking that isn’t repeating what you hear on the news?

    • @Leomsns
      @Leomsns Рік тому +2

      Lula is a thief

    • @adrianorezende3483
      @adrianorezende3483 Рік тому

      @@Leomsns but not nazi.

    • @VeritasBrasiliensis
      @VeritasBrasiliensis Рік тому

      @@adrianorezende3483 yeah, you most certainly have brain damage, please define the thing you just accused Bolsonaro of so you can understand how wrong you are

    • @AVAtistar
      @AVAtistar Рік тому +5

      LOL, you seriously believe you have a democracy?

  • @Purp4040
    @Purp4040 Рік тому +15

    As an american as long as he protects the amazon i will support him. Everything else is for brazillians to decide if he is the best. And hope he understands that 49 percent didnt vote for him and try to represent them too.

    • @Subsario
      @Subsario Рік тому +1

      Your opinion doesnt matter, we Brazilians are the ones that suffer because of those stupid voters, who didnt learn from their last mistake
      That guy is a corrupt criminal and you guys are saying he is good because according to all of you, the Amazon is more important than all of us.
      The thing is, the amazon is OURS, so if they want us to take care of it, we need to be taken care of too.

    • @mario9133
      @mario9133 Рік тому

      Wait and see... He will sell the Amazon for the highest bidder. It is already happening and he has not been 'president' for even a month. Keep dreaming. The man is a criminal, a thief, a scoundrel.

    • @cinetologia889
      @cinetologia889 Рік тому

      I am Brazilian and the thinking foreigners have that protecting the Amazon is only good thing Brazil can actually do is rather naive or brutally stupid. Don't really get to trust or support people like him (Lula) because of a conception of a reality you don't live. He does not care about the forest, none of the last few presidents cared, and at the same time Brazil has some problems like CORRUPTION, INFLATION that are as important than the matter of the forest itself.

    • @Purp4040
      @Purp4040 Рік тому

      @@cinetologia889 thats why i said it up to brazilians to decide with every thing else qnd to decide in the elections whoch is more important for them. But protecting amazon aint just about amazon but indigenous groups that live there as well

    • @cinetologia889
      @cinetologia889 Рік тому +2

      @@Purp4040 I get your point. But the thing I pointed out is the fact that foreigners support these people only because of a shallow coneception of the country's reality. You said you will support him, I do respect your choice. But notice that people outside Brazil never got to think that the main problems that indigenous and the forest people are facing are a result of Lula and his party former governments. Almost 18 years of them in power and nothong really changed. Indigenous are not even treated as civilized people that respond to Law and Constituition to these politcians. The point, my friend, is that no one gives a s%$# about these topics really, and for social status people pretend to care.