Man, as a native Czech I can't even tell you how much we appreciate when an actual foreigner who relocated to CZ makes a persistent effort to learn our difficult, yet beautiful, language. There are so few of your kind and it shows you have a respect and love for the country you live in. Keep it up, you are doing great job and you will definitely be a source of big inspiration for other expats to embark on this journey.
i’m currently freaking out about about the current state of the usa, and my great grandpa is czech. i am so excited to try and panic learn the language, it’s such a beautiful language
Im not living there or have plans to go there but i am learning the language for somebody to make her feel more comfortable since she does not speak dutch and hardly any english😅
From my experience in Prague natives are not very welcoming your efforts of speaking Czech. So foreigners stop practicing to improve and furthermore lose motivation to learn at all.😢
I´m reading through comments and see how many people are learning czech. As Czech myself it´s making me kind of proud. Here is message for people learning our language: We really love people that are trying to learn it, because they are giving their time and effort to learn something that is part of our culture. And trust me it doesn´t matter how much effort. ♥ love from Czech
I love this. So helpful. The big problem I have is listening. I find myself picking two or three words out of a sentence and guessing what’s being said. Thanks for posting this.
The best way to solve that problem is to watch videos with subtitles. Use English subtitles until you can notice nuances lost in translation. Then use Czech subtitles to better train your hearing. But never pause to think how to translate a word. While listening, that's a mistake. Do that kind of thinking only while you're reading.
That's how you start with each new language. And it's a good measure of your progress as well, I was so happy when I started to catch some phrases in my favourite French movies. What helped me with English was watching English movies with English subtitles. Sadly, there are not many French movies with French subtitles available.
I used to go to the Czech Republic every year when I was a child. My mom was from Jablonec nad Nisou. She tried to teach me Czech and German when I was younger but I was just a silly child and didn't want to learn. She passed away when I was 13... I regret taking all that experience I had for granted. I miss Czech and haven't been able to go back since. I now am trying to take up speaking the language again. Using duolingo right now but I am thinking about expanding. Thank you for giving me tips!
As a heritage speaker (my father left the country before the 1968 invasion as a little kid) this is very helpful! I’ve been trying on and to off get my Czech to a fluent level for about five years now to not much avail but I’m hoping to get there eventually.
I am brasilian, married to a Czech for almost 15 years, and I still don't speak czech! I am happy to find this video and your channel! I am going to try your tips, and go back to my studyes! 😊
Que legal! Eu moro em Munique (cidade da BMW, do FC Bayern München e da Oktoberfest) na Baviera, sul da Alemanha e e daqui pra Rep. Tcheca é bem pertinho e já estive algumas vezes na linda Praga. A única frase que me vem na cabeça é: ukonshete prosím vistúp a nastúp, dvere se zaviraí" (não sei como se escreve hahaha) mas sempre ouvia essa frase no metrô de Praga e gravei essa mensagem na cabeça hhahaha. abraço
Não adianta correr, Gavin Os brasileiros te seguirão por onde você for! ❤️ Estamos aqui pra apoiar o seu novo canal e os seus projetos! Muita sorte nessa nova empreitada e que os Tchecos te recebam como você merece. Eu fico muito feliz por saber do seu sucesso e torço pra que você cresça muito como pessoa, independente dos canais, mas que essas experiências te ajudem a crescer como ser humano, porque você já é maravilhoso. Abraços do Brasil ❤️🇧🇷
@@ElectraV of course I know, and I am happy, that Gavin is so versatile, that he can learn these languages. It's really nice to hear that Czech sounds good, because many people say it's too hard to learn. Tak se měj v hezky! (You should probably put this in some translator 😉) 🖐
@@jantesitel9011 třeba muj táta, tomu je 53, ale je pravda že starší generace (naši prarodiče) jsou většinou silně antikomunistický a naopak střední generace (do těch 50) spíš vzpomínaj nostalgicky na komanče
this is crazy, im from brazil and ive started trying to learn czech this year since my stepdad is czech and i might be moving there next year, and i just came across this video today, never heard of your channel and now i see youve learned my native language as well???? this is so cool, thank you for your content!
Hi, it's Czech here, Adela. I admire your determination. Learning Czech and especially writing, spelling, comas and so many rules and exceptions are pretty complicated even for native speakers 😊 thumbs up 🙂
I moved to the Czech Republic from the states a few months after you started your language journey , I feel horrible about my progress now. Thanks for the inspiration !
Nazdar Gavine! Děkuju za doporučení, tohle video je pro mě obrovská inspirace, abych pokračoval se učit česky. Doufám, že všechno je v pořádku s tebou a svou rodinou, ahoj!
Máš můj respekt Gavine, já jsem Čech, ale přesto mi tento jazyk přijde vážně těžký. Pokračuj v této úžasné a inspirující činnosti a hodně štěstí do budoucna. You have my respekt Gavin. Eventhough Im Czech, I find my language hard to learn. Continue with this awesome and inspiring activity and I wish you good luck to the future.
@@naswitch on mně právě že přijde nás jazyk těžký kvůli tomu ř... Dobře chápu ... Jinak jsem. Myslel jeden z nejtěžších, udělala se mi samo oprava ... Pěkný den 😉
Díky moc! Excellent recommendations. I’ve been living in Prague for close to two years and have been studying Czech off and on with limited progress. Your tips have just started making my journey more fun and interesting. Very much appreciated! Would love to see you devote a video to the use of flash cards and the Anki app so I could learn how to best utilize. Hezký den! -Angel
I love to watch "táborový ostrov''. It's funny and I understand a lot. I learned my Czech by leaving in Czech republic for two months and I also studied at the University in Dobruška. And believe or not I used to make huge mistakes. I wasn't even aware of the cases, but I do speak Czech.
Jsem rodilá češka a tohle video mi nesmírně zvedlo náladu. Díky, že sis našel čas a dal si takovou práci se naučit jazyk, který je ve světě téměř nepoužitelný. Naše země je tak maličká, že na druhém konci světa lidé ani neví, kde je. Moc ráda vidím, že se češtinu někdo učí z radosti i navzdory tomu, jak moc je těžká. Většina cizinců spoléhá na to, že Češi umí anglicky nebo německy. Je pěkné vidět, ze to tak není u všech :) Moc díky za zlepšení dne
Nossa Gavin! Vendo vc falar eu consigo ter uma noção do quão complicado deve ser aprender essas declinações todas do tcheco. Parabéns pelo seu esforço. Pena q eu não tenho tempo pra me dedicar tanto assim ao meu inglês, mas ainda chego lá. Valeu.
Tvůj kanál dává mi motivace učit. Jsem Ukrajinka a jazyk je docela podobný (minimálně máme skloňování). Pro Američany je to moc těžko. určitě vím. Učím češtinu lépe když myslím, že někdy se eden Američan trochu trápí:) 'vůbec' - oblíbené slovo.
I'm from Mexico and I moved to Czech Republic some weeks ago. And I've just found your channel. And is little bit more difficult for me to learn Czech by English language, but not impossible. I'm so excited. Thanks for this video.
Děkuji Gavin, hledala jsem video, ve kterém mluvíš česky, ale bohužel jsem nenašla. Konečně mohu pomoci mé nejlepší kamarádce naučit se česky. Děkuji moc :'))
@@sarabenkova8881 prostě jsem hledala Gavinovo video pro anglicky mluvící. Jen mě napadlo, že ho mohl někdy natočit. Natočil teď a za to mu děkuji v mém prvním komentáři :))
I've hit 'like' at 0:56 straight after his statement about studying for 40mins daily, no matter what, if he doesn't have time then he gets up 40mins early. Bravo Sir!
Ahoj Gavine, jsi úžasnej! Držím Ti palce a mimochodem - tohle Tvoje video je inspirující pro studium jakéhokoli jazyka. Udělat si z učení zábavu, zaznamenávat svůj pokrok, kombinovat různé formy. Výborné tipy, děkuju za ně. Přeju Ti ať se Ti daří a ať Tě (nejen) čeština baví i nadále.
Jsem naprosto ohromen. Upřímně je tohle první video, které od tebe vidím a už teď můžu říct, že jsi inspirací pro ostatní lidi. Z mého osobního pohledu: Mám problémy s tím, naučit se anglicky. Díky tomuhle si ovšem uvědomuji, jak málo snahy tomu věnuji. Držím palce!
Ono je u té angličtiny občas těžký najít motivaci. Člověk si říká, že umí anglicky celkem blbě a spousta lidí v okolí je na tom líp, pak jede do USA a je tam spousta přistěhovalců, kteří umí anglicky právě tak, aby se domluvili mimo svou komunitu. Někteří z nich jsou pravděpodobně ve státech narození. Na druhou stranu, teď mluvenou angličtinu téměř nepoužívám a cítím, že jsem klesl o několik úrovní, kompletně jsem zapomněl pokročilejší gramatiku a chybu dokážu udělat i v otázce. Stejně si myslím, že být někde mezi FCE a CAE je úplně dostatečná úroveň.
Hey Gavin! Obrigado por esse vídeo! Estou estudando tcheco há quase 3 meses. Vou começar a usar os flashcards como voce mencionou no vídeo. Uma abraço! Acompanho voce tem um bom tempo! Parabéns pelo conteudo dos seus canais!!!
Gavinovi gratulujeme, zapůsobíme na váš úspěch v České republice, jste již trojjazyční. Opravdu neuvěřitelné! Tohle a další si zasloužíte mnoho blahopřání! Z Brazílie 🇧🇷
Fala aí, Gavin. Parabéns por esse canal. Desejo muito sucesso para ambos os canais. Obs.:1faça mais vídeos em inglês, como esse, para o smalladvantage. Por favor! Rsrs já vi esse 4 vezes. Grande abraço
Just moved to the Czech Republic and was recommended your channel! Well done Gavin, super inspirational and I'll be diving into your videos and resource recommendations. And I like the idea of doing a monthly video/update to track progress and boost confidence. We'll see how it goes and what kind of progress I can make in the next year.
hello, Gavin I'm a brazilian living in Prague, it was a nice coincidence, i followed your videos about portuguese and then, suddenly you were about to learn the language of a place I was planning to live in. I'm also working hard here to have a good progress on my czech Thank you so much for advising about english, and now, about czech :) Děkuji vám a Muito obrigado
hi Kevin I have to let you know that your progress is amazing . I have been studying Portuguese myself the last 3 months and I have to admit that I love to read the comments of those Brazilians who follow your episodes and express their feeling about it in Portuguese. I love you clear English and a strong enthusiasm about learning Czech language. Thanks to God I don't need to learn the Czech language as a foreign language I don't think so I could make it. Přeji ti všechno nejlepší v učení a pokaždé, když přijedeš do České republiky , abys byl schopen načesat co nejvíce Ovoce ze stromu který si svou pílí a potem zasadil. Budeš u nás vždy srdečně vítán.
Na vdd escrever checo não está totalmente errado. Em português, o nome do país pode ser escrito como República Tcheca ou Checa, apesar do som ser “mais correto” com tch (eu pessoalmente prefiro escrever com T)
Ahoj Gavin. I'm a german guy learning čech language for about 3 months now. It's great to see how enthuiasmic you are in learning and speaking čech. I just have the problem to find people talking čech with me, although I know some few from my work (but I don't see them often). My son told me to find a čech channel in Discord. I will try. ^^ And I am going to buy good dictionary and a grammar book, too. And yes, there are so many čech UA-camrs and musicians and bands and many more stuff out there I've already found and I really like it. My motivation to start learning čech was the fact that all my grandparents were growing up in čechslovak Republic after WW1. They all were german and were forced to leave their homes after WW2. But my grandpa taught me some čech basics when I was a child, because he went to a čech school when he was young and he had many čech friends, too. Now I'm 41 and the čech language caught me again and now I have the motivation to learn it more consistent to get to an advanced level. I really love it, my wife does not. LOL Miluju český jazyk! Děkuji.
Ježiš, to je úžasný sledovat :) Hrozně se mi líbí, jak se snažíš s námi sblížit přes naši popkulturu a tak, moc často to nevidím a je to skoro až dojemné :) Díky moc :3 A přeju hodně štěstí do dalšího studia!
Gavin, what you've done here is sensational. I started on Japanese with the same energy you display with your video...but decades before the Internet was a thing. The result speaks for itself...今わたしの日本語がぺらぺです。 For several years I've been working informally on Czech, with the help of my wife from Moravia. But tonight I discovered your site, with its rich and deep resources to help me with learning the language. I've often said to my wife that I prefer to decline to decline...Czech nouns and adjectives, that is; however, now I will avail myself of these new tools thanks to you, and surreptitiously begin systematically learning the language--including declensions. As Eliza used to say, "just you wait, 'enry 'iggens, just you wait!"
Hi! I'm portuguese and I did Erasmus in Prague and I fall immediately in love with the culture and language (even though I understand nothing). I discovered your channel and it would be AMAZING if you had subtitles in English! Keep up with the videos :)
Tohle je fakt skvělý. Američan co má rád češtinu. :) Čeština je poměrně těžký jazyk, ale stojí za to se ho naučit. A proto jsem rád, že se o to někdo jaky ty snaží. :) Děkuji
Wow.... this gives me so much motivation bcs I love english language so much. I am not perfect, I am making mistakes all the time. It's a bit hard to understand tenses for me but I am trying to do my best. I watch movies and shows in english and I understand all when subtitles are there. Problem is when there aren't any subtitles. Sometimes I need to listen a few times over again to understand what they say. But what I am scared of the most is speaking. I am afraid that I make mistakes. I know that mistakes are all right but still I dont feel so good and it takes me so long to find right word. So I wanna Thank you for this video. It's amazing. You are amazing! PS: Při tomto jsem si aspoň procvičila mé myšlenkové pochody v angličtině. :D
Wow, what an amazing video man! I think this could be to a great help not only to people who want are trying to tackle a language, but also to a teacher of any language really. I loved how you talked about motivation and how it plays an important role in your studies. I think diversifying the studies among movies, books, conversation, and especially creating fun ways how to learn is super important for a teacher who really wants to teach their students. I believe it is important to understand that every student is different when studying a language and the teacher should find and try out all possible ways how to motivate his or her students and I think you presented some great ideas such as listening to radio stations or just watching YT videos that are actually to an interest of the students. Also, I love how you came to the same conclusion as I did when learning English and those are not being afraid to make mistakes and exposing yourself to the language, I think these two can never be stressed enough. I hope I will once resume my studies of German and if I do I will definitely take inspiration from your channel.
Gavine, klobouk dolů, jsi úžasnej! Můj manžel je z Dominikánské republiky a přestože mluví několika světovými jazyky, je pro něj těžké se češtinu učit, přepošlu mu tvoje tipy a doufám, že alespoň něco z toho mu pomůže ke zlepšení. Čeština je opravdu náročný jazyk Ještě jednou smekám.
Klaním se ti, s jakým zápalem ses začal učit jazyk svých předků - sama mám v krvi několik národností a snažím se ovládat všechny ty jazyky, což je dost náročné, ale ne nemožné. Ráda bych ti také doporučila divadelní hry Járy Cimrmana. Je to postava vymyšlená několika tvůrci a hry jsou poněkud složitější, nicméně krásně ilustrují, jak moc si s naším jazykem můžeš hrát. Nesejde na tom, že některé asociace možná nepochopíš, ale dost se naučíš. A navíc jsou všechny dostupné na UA-cam.
hey I do mistakes in czech every day and its native speaker here. Its not easy to master that language. You've made huge progress and Im proud of you that you've learned that language just for fun by yourself. its actually unbelievable. My pleasure to even watch you man. Thank you for your great content.
@@semprequevoceleroscomentar6717 Percebi que sempre que eu ler os comentários vc estará lá akakakkqkakakaka, tu está para todo canto cara kkqkakakkakaka
Now I'm gonna learn Czech and that's totally on you Gavin LOL. I love your testimony and hope to see you learn more languages, and even grow an audience in other Portuguese speaking countries.
@@zofiak1784 Já jsem jako dítě vůbec nerozuměl slovenštině, zvlášť když mluvil někdo hodně rychle... Ale jak jsem se dostal do pracovního procesu, tak jsem se naučil rozumět, protože spousta kolegů byla/je ze Slovenska :D
@@dailydoseofchaoslol Přesně. Prázdniny trávím čučením na anime s anglickými titulky, takže se mi do angliny a češtiny a zbytkové němčiny pletou ještě náhodné japonské výkřiky, a jazyk už pořádně neumím žádnej. xD
@@kangaroo9816 já to mám stejně, akorát já se k tomu ještě koukám na korejský dramy a poslouchám kpop. Jednou jsem ani nevěděla jak říct česky ,,snídaně,, tak jsem prostě řekla 아침 식사 (achim siksa) lol
I am an Argentinian Spanish teacher leaving in the Netherlands. I am learning Dutch and Czech. I am learning Czech because I like some old Czech movies and books and I want to understand them in their native language. You are an inspiration to me in this process. I already now English (B2) and Brazilian Portuguese (A2).
Great video Gavin, really appreciate your tips. I'm a British expat living in Ostrava, Czech Republic and to be honest i've been real lazy with learning Czech over the nearly two years I've lived there. Surrounding myself with people who speak English fluently and teaching English as a Foreign Language doesn't help that either as the students are all expected to speak in English only. No Czech at all! Aside from real basic Czech (small phrases, basic greetings, some numbers, objects, animals etc.) I know virtually nothing beyond that. I'll be sure to bear some of these resources in mind :)
I admire your stamina! Czech is not an easy language! And I have to confirm that you are touching our harts! :) For English native speakers it's not so strong feeling, but we are quite a small nation with difficult language and it's still very unusual to hear someone from west to speak Czech so well! :) Klobouk dolů! :)
Moc vám děkuji za toto video. Já se učím Česky taky a musím říct, že jsem našel hodně zajímavé věci. I'm using some of the resources you are however, there's so many cool things you have found I've never heard of. My principle resource has been Chcete Mluvit Česky 1 and 2 plus Czechpod 101. Favourite word: Dobrodružství Hodně štěstí z Nového Zélandu!
Ahoj - That's the only Czech word I know so far. But I will travel to Prague multiple times in the coming year and beyond, and I love your language-learn-motivation: "entering the hearts of the Czech people." Thank you for a very inspiring beginning for my learning adventure! - Kevin
"Před včerejškem" is quite a strange word, I've never heard anyone say it.. It should be "předevčírem". But that's just a small mistake :) I really enjoy your videos, they make me happy and more motivated to learn English :)
I've just finished day two of a 10-day course on (starting to) learn the CZK language. I've almost walked out in tears many times...and I'm 55... Thank you for your advice....
That moment when you don't wish learn Czech but you want to help this awesome person with his second channel,congratulations from Brazil (Sorry if I write wrong something, I'm learning ;-;)
Czechs are "grumpier" than most...Thats so funny. Married to a Czech for 22 years, dated 5 years before that. This is so true and funny but you're right, you become family quickly. Great video. You inspire me to continue my studies, even though it seams very difficult to me! Enjoy Czech!
Gavin: Pronounces Ř correctly
Me: *surprised Pikachu image*
No jo vole
Přesně / So true! :)
@@Ankroth přesně means "exactly"
@@superioritycomplex647 Sometimes ;)
Man, as a native Czech I can't even tell you how much we appreciate when an actual foreigner who relocated to CZ makes a persistent effort to learn our difficult, yet beautiful, language. There are so few of your kind and it shows you have a respect and love for the country you live in. Keep it up, you are doing great job and you will definitely be a source of big inspiration for other expats to embark on this journey.
I speak Russian, and that's not my native language, so Czech is being a little easy to me, because it's similar somewhere
wow, very nice comment.
i’m currently freaking out about about the current state of the usa, and my great grandpa is czech. i am so excited to try and panic learn the language, it’s such a beautiful language
Im not living there or have plans to go there but i am learning the language for somebody to make her feel more comfortable since she does not speak dutch and hardly any english😅
From my experience in Prague natives are not very welcoming your efforts of speaking Czech. So foreigners stop practicing to improve and furthermore lose motivation to learn at all.😢
I´m reading through comments and see how many people are learning czech. As Czech myself it´s making me kind of proud. Here is message for people learning our language: We really love people that are trying to learn it, because they are giving their time and effort to learn something that is part of our culture. And trust me it doesn´t matter how much effort. ♥ love from Czech
Líbí se mi, jak dobře vyslovuješ anglicky jednotlivá slova. Jiným anglickým/americkým youtuberům skoro není rozumět.❤🇨🇿
Já si stejně musel zapnout titulky (sice anglické , ale tomu už jsem rozuměl ) PS: nic ve zlem
Jn Žádnýmu cizímu YTberovy jsem nerozuměl tak dobře
(a to neumí anglicky)
Je to o zvyku, čím déle je posloucháš tím lépe jim rozumíš. Teď už nedávam jenom skoty, jinak pohoda.
@@vatikvatik7366 U mě to samý.
@@Vovi_ketiv YTberovi...
I don't know a single word in Czech but I can practice English watching your Czech channel.
Erivaldo Moreira the same
O Gavin bem que poderia gravar mais vídeos em inglês para o canal dele para nós brasileiros
I love this. So helpful. The big problem I have is listening. I find myself picking two or three words out of a sentence and guessing what’s being said. Thanks for posting this.
The best way to solve that problem is to watch videos with subtitles. Use English subtitles until you can notice nuances lost in translation. Then use Czech subtitles to better train your hearing. But never pause to think how to translate a word. While listening, that's a mistake. Do that kind of thinking only while you're reading.
Exactly the same difficulty I have here in Brazil. Reading makes it easier.
@@nextghost I did the same to make my English better.
Later you will be able to listen without it. Like me. I am allready czech
That's how you start with each new language. And it's a good measure of your progress as well, I was so happy when I started to catch some phrases in my favourite French movies. What helped me with English was watching English movies with English subtitles. Sadly, there are not many French movies with French subtitles available.
I used to go to the Czech Republic every year when I was a child. My mom was from Jablonec nad Nisou. She tried to teach me Czech and German when I was younger but I was just a silly child and didn't want to learn. She passed away when I was 13... I regret taking all that experience I had for granted. I miss Czech and haven't been able to go back since. I now am trying to take up speaking the language again. Using duolingo right now but I am thinking about expanding. Thank you for giving me tips!
As a heritage speaker (my father left the country before the 1968 invasion as a little kid) this is very helpful! I’ve been trying on and to off get my Czech to a fluent level for about five years now to not much avail but I’m hoping to get there eventually.
Watch some Czech and Slovak films😉
@@ingridlaskova1878 Where can I watch Czech movies, like what sources?
Hey, my dad did exactly the same! He didn't teach us Czech because he thought he wouldn't go back, so now I'm here trying to learn as well 😄
@@67hutch There are some old classics on Netflix. But you’ll probably need a VPN.
Internetová jazyková příručka je vynikající i pro Čechy, když mají v mluvnici jakékoli nedostatky
Rovnež, slovenský juls.savba a využíva denne. Len teraz majú výpadok. A nie som si istá či rovnež je spisovné
Vzhľadom na to, že "rovněž" je české slovo, celkom určite je nespisovné 😊
Přesně. Naše učitelka češtiny nám ji vždycky doporučuje a používá ji i v hodinách jako pomůcku.
Hlavně v otázkách spisovnosti a pravopisu. Do mluvnice moc nezasahuje, pro tu doporučuji třeba Nový encyklopedický slovník češtiny. :)
I am brasilian, married to a Czech for almost 15 years, and I still don't speak czech! I am happy to find this video and your channel! I am going to try your tips, and go back to my studyes! 😊
Cara pode comentar em português, o Gavin entende
@@gabrielfernandescorrea9870 eu sei mané, mas deu vontade de escrever em inglês. Acontece, sabe? Rsrs
Que legal! Eu moro em Munique (cidade da BMW, do FC Bayern München e da Oktoberfest) na Baviera, sul da Alemanha e e daqui pra Rep. Tcheca é bem pertinho e já estive algumas vezes na linda Praga.
A única frase que me vem na cabeça é: ukonshete prosím vistúp a nastúp, dvere se zaviraí" (não sei como se escreve hahaha) mas sempre ouvia essa frase no metrô de Praga e gravei essa mensagem na cabeça hhahaha. abraço
😱that's so sweet but how Brazilian to Czech??
@@Kuchisake99 Actually, pretty simple: a bed, two naked people. 😉
Your "Ř" sounds like that Czech´ve been your native language. Great job!
Daniel Lehnert my new life goal
Yeah! Quite good
*"sounds as if czech was your native language", když už :D no offense
@@ConalRF :D
Už jsem si myslel, že jsi se na češtinu vybodnul... Vítej zpátky!
Ses :) Nikoliv "jsi se" :)
@ Taky se dneska preferuje zápis nikoli a ne nikoliv. :-)
@@Pidalin Jasně, podobně jako se v angličtině už více píše yogurt než yoghurt, přesto je ale obojí správně. Ovšem "jsi se" je špatně vždy (vždycky) :)
@ Tak jasně, je to blábol, stejně jako by jste.
PS: nikoliv forever
Tô aqui só pra te ajudar! Já tem seu público orgânico e se provou mais uma vez. Parabéns!
Gavin: Ahoj tady Gavin!
Anglicky titulky: Ah boy daddy Gavin! 😂 🤫
Não adianta correr, Gavin
Os brasileiros te seguirão por onde você for! ❤️
Estamos aqui pra apoiar o seu novo canal e os seus projetos! Muita sorte nessa nova empreitada e que os Tchecos te recebam como você merece.
Eu fico muito feliz por saber do seu sucesso e torço pra que você cresça muito como pessoa, independente dos canais, mas que essas experiências te ajudem a crescer como ser humano, porque você já é maravilhoso.
Abraços do Brasil ❤️🇧🇷
Próximo idioma Japonês ein
Did you know about Czechia before Gavin started learning Czech?
@@tho.m2421 definitely not. This language is beautiful, sounds very good ❤️
And you? Did you knew something about Portuguese?
Kisses from Brasil 🇧🇷💛💚
@@ElectraV of course I know, and I am happy, that Gavin is so versatile, that he can learn these languages. It's really nice to hear that Czech sounds good, because many people say it's too hard to learn.
Tak se měj v hezky!
(You should probably put this in some translator 😉)
@@XPK15 por que?
Não entendi...
Ty jsi tak slavný že jsme si tě pouštěli ve škole v angličtině 😂😂😂👌👌👌
My taky :D
Nám zase užitelka ájiny vnucovala tu metodu nalepování lístků na nábytek :D
My taky
A kdo by taky ne 😀
Nejlepší seriál který jsem kdy viděl je určitě VYPRÁVĚJ.. je to o tom jak to tady vypadalo před revolucí...
Přesně!!! Fakt skvělý seriál a skvělí herci a herečky
spousta lidí řiká že je to hromada sraček, což mi těžko posoudíme když to nepamatujeme
@@Pidalin mi sice ne ale moji prarodiče ano a neznám člověka který by toto odsoudil a bylo mu nad 50 let
@@jantesitel9011 třeba muj táta, tomu je 53, ale je pravda že starší generace (naši prarodiče) jsou většinou silně antikomunistický a naopak střední generace (do těch 50) spíš vzpomínaj nostalgicky na komanče
this is crazy, im from brazil and ive started trying to learn czech this year since my stepdad is czech and i might be moving there next year, and i just came across this video today, never heard of your channel and now i see youve learned my native language as well???? this is so cool, thank you for your content!
É tão prazeroso entender mais de 90% o que o Gavin está dizendo, escorre até uma lágrima porque da pra ver o progresso....
Hi, it's Czech here, Adela. I admire your determination. Learning Czech and especially writing, spelling, comas and so many rules and exceptions are pretty complicated even for native speakers 😊 thumbs up 🙂
I am half Czech on my mum's side so this is so amazing and this is encouraging me to learn it more. Thanks for doing this.
Thank you for posting this video. I've been learning Czech for a couple of weeks and this video is of great help.
Ahoj Gavine. Je super tě poslouchat anglicky, protože máš čistou výslovnost a je ti výborně rozumět. Díky kámo za další videa.
Amazing! I’m Czech-American (4th generation) and just starting my Czech language journey. Thank you for all the great tips! :)
I moved to the Czech Republic from the states a few months after you started your language journey , I feel horrible about my progress now. Thanks for the inspiration !
I have to admit, so far the best analytically correct vide for learning Czech. THX
Nazdar Gavine! Děkuju za doporučení, tohle video je pro mě obrovská inspirace, abych pokračoval se učit česky. Doufám, že všechno je v pořádku s tebou a svou rodinou, ahoj!
Wow! Tak tohle je seriózně dobře napsané😂😎 Dobrá práce!😍
Páni! Taky dobře! Paráda!
Můžu poradit? Doufám, že je s tebou a tvou rodinou všechno v pořádku :) But anyway... Good job, really :)
odkud jsi, Aarone?
Abych pokračoval v učení se češtiny., nebo jen v učení češtiny.
Máš můj respekt Gavine, já jsem Čech, ale přesto mi tento jazyk přijde vážně těžký. Pokračuj v této úžasné a inspirující činnosti a hodně štěstí do budoucna.
You have my respekt Gavin. Eventhough Im Czech, I find my language hard to learn. Continue with this awesome and inspiring activity and I wish you good luck to the future.
Ty jsi člověk který si stojí za svým učíš se jeden z nejmíň známých jazyků na světě a ke všemu zrovna asi ten nejtěžší
Jeden z nejtěžších 🙂👌
to jsou dost silný slova, existují mnohem těžší jazyky i mnohem méně známé. Taková EU má 28 států a jenom 10 má více obyvatel než ČR..
@@naswitch on mně právě že přijde nás jazyk těžký kvůli tomu ř... Dobře chápu ... Jinak jsem. Myslel jeden z nejtěžších, udělala se mi samo oprava ... Pěkný den 😉
Prosím vás, už přišlo mlíko?
@@rtepsutlaf ještě ne
Díky moc! Excellent recommendations. I’ve been living in Prague for close to two years and have been studying Czech off and on with limited progress. Your tips have just started making my journey more fun and interesting. Very much appreciated! Would love to see you devote a video to the use of flash cards and the Anki app so I could learn how to best utilize. Hezký den! -Angel
You're amazing! Thanks for the tips, they're really useful for learning any foreign language :)
5:00 for me as a polish speaker learning this variations of one word is logic as every slavic language has it
I love to watch "táborový ostrov''.
It's funny and I understand a lot. I learned my Czech by leaving in Czech republic for two months and I also studied at the University in Dobruška.
And believe or not I used to make huge mistakes. I wasn't even aware of the cases, but I do speak Czech.
Jsem rodilá češka a tohle video mi nesmírně zvedlo náladu. Díky, že sis našel čas a dal si takovou práci se naučit jazyk, který je ve světě téměř nepoužitelný. Naše země je tak maličká, že na druhém konci světa lidé ani neví, kde je.
Moc ráda vidím, že se češtinu někdo učí z radosti i navzdory tomu, jak moc je těžká. Většina cizinců spoléhá na to, že Češi umí anglicky nebo německy. Je pěkné vidět, ze to tak není u všech :)
Moc díky za zlepšení dne
Nossa Gavin! Vendo vc falar eu consigo ter uma noção do quão complicado deve ser aprender essas declinações todas do tcheco. Parabéns pelo seu esforço. Pena q eu não tenho tempo pra me dedicar tanto assim ao meu inglês, mas ainda chego lá. Valeu.
Gavin, this has been an absolute game changer for my learning. Thank you SO much!
Tvůj kanál dává mi motivace učit. Jsem Ukrajinka a jazyk je docela podobný (minimálně máme skloňování). Pro Američany je to moc těžko. určitě vím. Učím češtinu lépe když myslím, že někdy se eden Američan trochu trápí:) 'vůbec' - oblíbené slovo.
Good job! :D
Mně taky pomohl ale jsem Rus.
Hlavně co Čeština, Ukrajinština a Ruština. To jsou slovanské jazyky ze stejné větve tak se slovani tyto jazyky snadno učí.
nafurah kuona unaongea vizur rugha ninayoipenda kutoka moyoni nataman siku na mim niongee kicheki vizur
I'm from Mexico and I moved to Czech Republic some weeks ago. And I've just found your channel. And is little bit more difficult for me to learn Czech by English language, but not impossible. I'm so excited.
Thanks for this video.
Děkuji Gavin, hledala jsem video, ve kterém mluvíš česky, ale bohužel jsem nenašla. Konečně mohu pomoci mé nejlepší kamarádce naučit se česky. Děkuji moc :'))
It’s nice to hear that somebody from other countries (USA, for example) wants to learn our language😄 Greetings from Czech Republic🤣👍🏻🇨🇿
Česky rozpráva v každom videu,okrem tohto takže fakt neviem ako si hľadala
@@sarabenkova8881 prostě jsem hledala Gavinovo video pro anglicky mluvící. Jen mě napadlo, že ho mohl někdy natočit. Natočil teď a za to mu děkuji v mém prvním komentáři :))
I'm Czech.
I have Ph.D. from Czech.
After watching this video I admire you.
Hope you'll show as many people as possible how great languages are. :-)
Thanks a lot. I love the Radio garden. I appreciate all the resources.
You're so determined in learning language! It's really motivating. You've just inspired me to continue practicing my Czech.
Best wishes from Russia 🌸
kkk...Parabéns Gavin pelo merecido sucesso!!! COngratulations Gavin for your Success!
I've hit 'like' at 0:56 straight after his statement about studying for 40mins daily, no matter what, if he doesn't have time then he gets up 40mins early. Bravo Sir!
Nekdy si zkus přečíst něco od Karla nebo Josefa Čapka. To byli hodně dobří spisovatelé z předválečné doby, ale pořád se krásně čtou.
ano :D a navíc Čapek používal strašně moc anglicismů, až mě to překvapilo.
Ahoj Gavine, jsi úžasnej! Držím Ti palce a mimochodem - tohle Tvoje video je inspirující pro studium jakéhokoli jazyka. Udělat si z učení zábavu, zaznamenávat svůj pokrok, kombinovat různé formy. Výborné tipy, děkuju za ně. Přeju Ti ať se Ti daří a ať Tě (nejen) čeština baví i nadále.
Que legal esse canal, por sua influência e ser esse cara massa, vou aprender Tcheco!!
your pronunciation is spot on. Keep it up Gavin! As we say in Slovak: veľa šťastia! (hodně štěstí!)
Obdivuju tvoji vytrvalost .. super video💛
Jsem naprosto ohromen.
Upřímně je tohle první video, které od tebe vidím a už teď můžu říct, že jsi inspirací pro ostatní lidi.
Z mého osobního pohledu:
Mám problémy s tím, naučit se anglicky. Díky tomuhle si ovšem uvědomuji, jak málo snahy tomu věnuji.
Držím palce!
Ono je u té angličtiny občas těžký najít motivaci. Člověk si říká, že umí anglicky celkem blbě a spousta lidí v okolí je na tom líp, pak jede do USA a je tam spousta přistěhovalců, kteří umí anglicky právě tak, aby se domluvili mimo svou komunitu. Někteří z nich jsou pravděpodobně ve státech narození. Na druhou stranu, teď mluvenou angličtinu téměř nepoužívám a cítím, že jsem klesl o několik úrovní, kompletně jsem zapomněl pokročilejší gramatiku a chybu dokážu udělat i v otázce. Stejně si myslím, že být někde mezi FCE a CAE je úplně dostatečná úroveň.
Hey Gavin! Obrigado por esse vídeo! Estou estudando tcheco há quase 3 meses. Vou começar a usar os flashcards como voce mencionou no vídeo.
Uma abraço! Acompanho voce tem um bom tempo! Parabéns pelo conteudo dos seus canais!!!
Gavinovi gratulujeme, zapůsobíme na váš úspěch v České republice, jste již trojjazyční. Opravdu neuvěřitelné! Tohle a další si zasloužíte mnoho blahopřání! Z Brazílie 🇧🇷
Fala aí, Gavin.
Parabéns por esse canal. Desejo muito sucesso para ambos os canais. Obs.:1faça mais vídeos em inglês, como esse, para o smalladvantage. Por favor! Rsrs já vi esse 4 vezes.
Grande abraço
Just moved to the Czech Republic and was recommended your channel! Well done Gavin, super inspirational and I'll be diving into your videos and resource recommendations. And I like the idea of doing a monthly video/update to track progress and boost confidence. We'll see how it goes and what kind of progress I can make in the next year.
Mais um brasileiro "dando o ar da graça" por aqui!
Tipo " por acaso"...kkkkl
hello, Gavin
I'm a brazilian living in Prague, it was a nice coincidence, i followed your videos about portuguese and then, suddenly you were about to learn the language of a place I was planning to live in.
I'm also working hard here to have a good progress on my czech
Thank you so much for advising about english, and now, about czech :)
Děkuji vám a
Muito obrigado
Brazil ❤ USA ❤ Czech
Brazilian here!
hi Kevin I have to let you know that your progress is amazing .
I have been studying Portuguese myself the last 3 months and I have to admit that I love to read the comments of those Brazilians who follow your episodes and express their feeling about it in Portuguese.
I love you clear English and a strong enthusiasm about learning Czech language.
Thanks to God I don't need to learn the Czech language as a foreign language I don't think so I could make it.
Přeji ti všechno nejlepší v učení a pokaždé, když přijedeš do České republiky , abys byl schopen načesat co nejvíce Ovoce ze stromu který si svou pílí a potem zasadil.
Budeš u nás vždy srdečně vítán.
I meant your clear English.
By dictating it it's just wrote itself wrongly
Poxa, Gavin. Estou aprendendo checo pelo duolingo. Vou me inscrever no canal.
Faz aaaannooos que eu quero conhecer o país.
Oque e checo
Chego now
Tcheco ta aprendendo e nem sabe escrever
Quanta coisa só porque esqueci o o "t" kkkkkk
Na vdd escrever checo não está totalmente errado. Em português, o nome do país pode ser escrito como República Tcheca ou Checa, apesar do som ser “mais correto” com tch (eu pessoalmente prefiro escrever com T)
My husband and I are moving to Prague in 2022 - I am going to become good friends with this channel!
Czech it out. Gotcha!
Dobrá práce, sleduji tě již nějakou dobu a tvé pokroky jsou fantastické! Je radost se dívat jak se ti daří!
Skvělé video jen tak dál! 😊
Ahoj Gavin. I'm a german guy learning čech language for about 3 months now. It's great to see how enthuiasmic you are in learning and speaking čech.
I just have the problem to find people talking čech with me, although I know some few from my work (but I don't see them often). My son told me to find a čech channel in Discord. I will try. ^^ And I am going to buy good dictionary and a grammar book, too. And yes, there are so many čech UA-camrs and musicians and bands and many more stuff out there I've already found and I really like it.
My motivation to start learning čech was the fact that all my grandparents were growing up in čechslovak Republic after WW1. They all were german and were forced to leave their homes after WW2. But my grandpa taught me some čech basics when I was a child, because he went to a čech school when he was young and he had many čech friends, too. Now I'm 41 and the čech language caught me again and now I have the motivation to learn it more consistent to get to an advanced level. I really love it, my wife does not. LOL Miluju český jazyk! Děkuji.
*Tudo sucesso pra você Gavin!! Nós te amamos muito 🇧🇷*
Ježiš, to je úžasný sledovat :) Hrozně se mi líbí, jak se snažíš s námi sblížit přes naši popkulturu a tak, moc často to nevidím a je to skoro až dojemné :) Díky moc :3 A přeju hodně štěstí do dalšího studia!
Úplně offtopic, ale zavalila mě vlna nostalgie, když jsi vytáhl Harryho Pottera, jako malá jsem četla z úplně stejné edice
Gavin, what you've done here is sensational. I started on Japanese with the same energy you display with your video...but decades before the Internet was a thing. The result speaks for itself...今わたしの日本語がぺらぺです。
For several years I've been working informally on Czech, with the help of my wife from Moravia. But tonight I discovered your site, with its rich and deep resources to help me with learning the language. I've often said to my wife that I prefer to decline to decline...Czech nouns and adjectives, that is; however, now I will avail myself of these new tools thanks to you, and surreptitiously begin systematically learning the language--including declensions.
As Eliza used to say, "just you wait, 'enry 'iggens, just you wait!"
Hi, Czechs!: prepare yourself for seeing your channel being invaded by 1,400,000 Brazilian rescuers on a mission to get Gavin back.
Hey, where are you, nice Brazilian people? :)
Hi! I'm portuguese and I did Erasmus in Prague and I fall immediately in love with the culture and language (even though I understand nothing). I discovered your channel and it would be AMAZING if you had subtitles in English! Keep up with the videos :)
Tô amando esse canal também 😄
Tohle je fakt skvělý. Američan co má rád češtinu. :) Čeština je poměrně těžký jazyk, ale stojí za to se ho naučit. A proto jsem rád, že se o to někdo jaky ty snaží. :) Děkuji
Wow.... this gives me so much motivation bcs I love english language so much. I am not perfect, I am making mistakes all the time. It's a bit hard to understand tenses for me but I am trying to do my best. I watch movies and shows in english and I understand all when subtitles are there. Problem is when there aren't any subtitles. Sometimes I need to listen a few times over again to understand what they say. But what I am scared of the most is speaking. I am afraid that I make mistakes. I know that mistakes are all right but still I dont feel so good and it takes me so long to find right word.
So I wanna Thank you for this video. It's amazing. You are amazing!
PS: Při tomto jsem si aspoň procvičila mé myšlenkové pochody v angličtině. :D
Nestyď se za své chyby v angličtině, ty dělají i rodilí mluvčí. Navíc zjevně děláš chybky i v češtině. *své (promiň, musel jsem ;))
Wow, what an amazing video man! I think this could be to a great help not only to people who want are trying to tackle a language, but also to a teacher of any language really. I loved how you talked about motivation and how it plays an important role in your studies. I think diversifying the studies among movies, books, conversation, and especially creating fun ways how to learn is super important for a teacher who really wants to teach their students. I believe it is important to understand that every student is different when studying a language and the teacher should find and try out all possible ways how to motivate his or her students and I think you presented some great ideas such as listening to radio stations or just watching YT videos that are actually to an interest of the students. Also, I love how you came to the same conclusion as I did when learning English and those are not being afraid to make mistakes and exposing yourself to the language, I think these two can never be stressed enough. I hope I will once resume my studies of German and if I do I will definitely take inspiration from your channel.
Jses supr kluk mam tě rád pokračuj v tom!
Gavine, klobouk dolů, jsi úžasnej! Můj manžel je z Dominikánské republiky a přestože mluví několika světovými jazyky, je pro něj těžké se češtinu učit, přepošlu mu tvoje tipy a doufám, že alespoň něco z toho mu pomůže ke zlepšení. Čeština je opravdu náročný jazyk Ještě jednou smekám.
Klaním se ti, s jakým zápalem ses začal učit jazyk svých předků - sama mám v krvi několik národností a snažím se ovládat všechny ty jazyky, což je dost náročné, ale ne nemožné.
Ráda bych ti také doporučila divadelní hry Járy Cimrmana. Je to postava vymyšlená několika tvůrci a hry jsou poněkud složitější, nicméně krásně ilustrují, jak moc si s naším jazykem můžeš hrát. Nesejde na tom, že některé asociace možná nepochopíš, ale dost se naučíš. A navíc jsou všechny dostupné na UA-cam.
Je to sice vyšší level, ale Gavin to podle mě zvládne
My grandparents are Czech - actually my father is, too. He was born in Prostejov. I want to learn their language.
Boží video, moc se ti povedlo. ❤️🇨🇿❤️
hey I do mistakes in czech every day and its native speaker here. Its not easy to master that language.
You've made huge progress and Im proud of you that you've learned that language just for fun by yourself. its actually unbelievable. My pleasure to even watch you man. Thank you for your great content.
Seria bom se tivessem legendas em português, meu inglês é péssimo kkk
@@kewenricardo8525 Mais um motivo para aprender inglês xD
Hahahahaha Brasileiro e o Máximo né? Seguindo O Gavin até vídeo de Tcheco! Hahahahaa
Ainda bem que já consigo entender vídeos como este até mesmo sem legenda ;-)
@@semprequevoceleroscomentar6717 Percebi que sempre que eu ler os comentários vc estará lá akakakkqkakakaka, tu está para todo canto cara kkqkakakkakaka
Now I'm gonna learn Czech and that's totally on you Gavin LOL. I love your testimony and hope to see you learn more languages, and even grow an audience in other Portuguese speaking countries.
Ahoj Gavine! Zkoušel jsi někdy poslouchat slovenštinu? a jestli jo, rozumíš ji?
Také by mě to zajímalo
Myslím, že v nějakém videu říkal, že se na to chystá a že o tom udělá video... Tak uvidíme :)
Říkal, že teď se snaží slovenštině vyhýbat aby ho nepletla, ale že to potom určitě chce vyzkoušet.
Nemyslím si lebo už niektoré deti slovenčine vôbec nerozumejú napríklad,, ako sa voláš,,
@@zofiak1784 Já jsem jako dítě vůbec nerozuměl slovenštině, zvlášť když mluvil někdo hodně rychle... Ale jak jsem se dostal do pracovního procesu, tak jsem se naučil rozumět, protože spousta kolegů byla/je ze Slovenska :D
Ja taky student jako ty. děkuji vám moct
Asi jsem taky potřeboval pár triků jak se naučit česky (teď už umím češtinu lépe) :D
Ach bož je tak vtipné když cizinec mluví česky. 😂😂
Já se Češtinu učím 32 let...a pořád je to málo 😂😜
@@dailydoseofchaoslol Přesně. Prázdniny trávím čučením na anime s anglickými titulky, takže se mi do angliny a češtiny a zbytkové němčiny pletou ještě náhodné japonské výkřiky, a jazyk už pořádně neumím žádnej. xD
Odkud jsi?
@@kangaroo9816 já to mám stejně, akorát já se k tomu ještě koukám na korejský dramy a poslouchám kpop. Jednou jsem ani nevěděla jak říct česky ,,snídaně,, tak jsem prostě řekla 아침 식사 (achim siksa) lol
I am an Argentinian Spanish teacher leaving in the Netherlands. I am learning Dutch and Czech. I am learning Czech because I like some old Czech movies and books and I want to understand them in their native language. You are an inspiration to me in this process. I already now English (B2) and Brazilian Portuguese (A2).
As I learned Latin at University I think Czech declinations are not too scary for me haha
Boa Sorte nessa nova etapa na sua vida !!!!
Você é Brasileiro ^^
Great video Gavin, really appreciate your tips. I'm a British expat living in Ostrava, Czech Republic and to be honest i've been real lazy with learning Czech over the nearly two years I've lived there. Surrounding myself with people who speak English fluently and teaching English as a Foreign Language doesn't help that either as the students are all expected to speak in English only. No Czech at all! Aside from real basic Czech (small phrases, basic greetings, some numbers, objects, animals etc.) I know virtually nothing beyond that. I'll be sure to bear some of these resources in mind :)
No way. Hahaha
Brasil tá vindo aqui fazer uma visitinha rápida haha
I admire your stamina! Czech is not an easy language! And I have to confirm that you are touching our harts! :) For English native speakers it's not so strong feeling, but we are quite a small nation with difficult language and it's still very unusual to hear someone from west to speak Czech so well! :) Klobouk dolů! :)
E aí Gavin, invadindo seu canal em Tcheco, sucesso aí mannnnnnnnnnn !!!
Moc vám děkuji za toto video. Já se učím Česky taky a musím říct, že jsem našel hodně zajímavé věci. I'm using some of the resources you are however, there's so many cool things you have found I've never heard of. My principle resource has been Chcete Mluvit Česky 1 and 2 plus Czechpod 101.
Favourite word: Dobrodružství
Hodně štěstí z Nového Zélandu!
Your Ř is on point ;)
Ahoj - That's the only Czech word I know so far. But I will travel to Prague multiple times in the coming year and beyond, and I love your language-learn-motivation: "entering the hearts of the Czech people." Thank you for a very inspiring beginning for my learning adventure! - Kevin
"Před včerejškem" is quite a strange word, I've never heard anyone say it.. It should be "předevčírem". But that's just a small mistake :) I really enjoy your videos, they make me happy and more motivated to learn English :)
Depends where you're from 😉 I would always say predvcerejskem rather than předevčírem, but in writing předevčírem is grammatically correct
U nás se taky říká "předevčírem". Předvčerejškem slyším asi poprvé. Kdoví, odkud to slovo na něho vypadlo.
I've just finished day two of a 10-day course on (starting to) learn the CZK language. I've almost walked out in tears many times...and I'm 55... Thank you for your advice....
Olha a emoção da Pessoa quando entende quase tudo!!!!!!smalladvantages fazendo efeito!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
That moment when you don't wish learn Czech but you want to help this awesome person with his second channel,congratulations from Brazil (Sorry if I write wrong something, I'm learning ;-;)
Gavin, você por aqui? !😉😁
Czechs are "grumpier" than most...Thats so funny. Married to a Czech for 22 years, dated 5 years before that. This is so true and funny but you're right, you become family quickly. Great video. You inspire me to continue my studies, even though it seams very difficult to me! Enjoy Czech!