War Thunder's Bomber Problem...

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • QOTD: Do you like bombers?
    Original screenshot credit to u/just-a-gnat
    Bombers are some of the coolest aircraft in my opinion, but they remain completely shafted in the War Thunder environment. How can this be changed in a way that is healthy for the game?
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 1 тис.

  • @AirsoftFaction
    @AirsoftFaction Рік тому +1106

    EC RB was the only game mode that 1 was different to the Team DM of RB and 2 Made useless vehicles like Bombers have a place in the meta. EC RB needs to come back.

    • @keithbaker1951
      @keithbaker1951 Рік тому +19

      Agreed. 100%

    • @jaredbergsma
      @jaredbergsma Рік тому +64

      I’m a sim player, so the only game mode we have is EC. And yea, bombers play a good roll, and they make sense. Although during certain events (like the winter event) it causes teams of mostly all bombers.

    • @scootiepatootie7721
      @scootiepatootie7721 Рік тому +20

      And it probably never will because gaijin is more attuned to add new stuff in a quick fashion than fixing core issues

    • @valriis9745
      @valriis9745 Рік тому +13

      You said it. We need EC RB back bombers can go there and gaijins excuse about the queue times is outdated. We got 170K online now from time to time.

    • @tomsmith7207
      @tomsmith7207 Рік тому +2

      This x1000

  • @TheDgamesD
    @TheDgamesD Рік тому +432

    I have played bombers nearly exclusively since the launch of the game back in 2014 and i can clear up a few things for you.
    Years back a lot of Bombers like the B-17 used to be much, much more tanky with their airframes and reasonably so. Leading to a healthy environment where Bombers and fighters usually ended up duking it out when being intercepted by an enemy fighter, And when i say tanky i mean back in the day the PBY-5 used to be able to be simultaneously strafed by multiple fighters and keep going.
    A lot of the current state of bomber pilots disgruntlements deal with a few things:
    1: Bombers used to have a lot more rewards for destroying ground targets and bases, Almost on par with plane kills actually. That has been slowly degraded over the years to where its next to nothing unless you rack up like 23 ground targets destroyed, even then it usually wont measure up to 2 Plane kills. Even though one has massively more ticket value than the other.
    2: Most ground targets used to have massively higher ticket value in the missions in ground strike missions. Meaning if you wiped out most of the enemy ground forces, that's it, the enemy team loses. Meaning it was encouraged to try and cover in your Bombers taking out the enemy bases and targets as the main focus of the missions, not dogfights in Air RB. Hence the missions being called "Ground Strike" 90% of the time. It's left over from a meta Gaijin let die instead of trying to fix.
    3: Most bombers die rather.. quickly compared to how they used to perform years ago, Partly due to game engine changes, and partly due to direct changes by Gaijin. As currently you can completely cripple an entire bomber if not outright kill most even mediums in a single good pass. Back then this nearly never happened and forced the fighter to actually engage for a duration of time with the bomber to fully take it down, giving each party equal opportunity to kill the other and not just *bam* pilot snipe as so often happens now. This isn't exclusive to planes like the PBY or B-17's either, almost every single bomber in the game used to be able to take 20x the punishment they can now.
    For what class is "supposed" to be the main deciding factor of Ground strike missions, there's little to no incentive to fly them anymore outside of enjoying the planes themselves or your own personal attachments to specific ones, Their reward rates as vehicles aside from a few premiums are negligible given how little actually doing your job actually rewards you, This lead to a series of events i don't know if you were around for called the "Gunship" era of bombers in WT, Where Bomber pilots would take their bombers straight into hordes of fighters (typically in air AB and sometimes RB) to become low to the ground flying gunships and just duke it out with as many people as they could before they got shot down, using both the AI gunner aim, and manual, Since this was around the time Gaijin started nosediving the rewards you actually got for base destructions, and ground target kills ~early-2016 or late 2015 if i recall correctly.
    Leading to the amount of people actually playing bombers outside of the very very early ranks rapidly decline over the next few years. Leading to a situation where the original intended focused class of a mode was slowly left behind purposefully by its own developers ironically enough. It's not as if gaijin doesn't realize the place bombers are in now, as sadly they're actually the main reason for the state they're in now. A class that for a time was basically abandoned by the devs, just look at how many dozens of dozens of bombers are still missing proper cockpits, years after their inclusion. The bitterness from the bomber community got to the point were yeah, I'll admit i was a avid advocate for J-ing out when a fighter would come to try and snipe you to deny the kills, and honestly? I'm not really ashamed for it at the time. A lot were bitter for the gameplay style they enjoyed and started playing for left behind and utterly disregarded, left both generally unviable anymore by a forced change from the developers, without any proper alternative.
    Hell years ago i used to love going on gun runs with the A-20 Havoc, lighting up shipping with the bombs before making a mad dash out at low altitude. Because for a lot of the older community that kind of strike run IL-2 Sturmovik style gameplay is fun. That or taking out the Swordfish to try and race in and torpedo a ship and see if i can make it through the Flak alive, stuff that used to be a heavy impact into a win or loss. Yet in todays WT, it's just devolved into a death pit style circle of the map full fighter teams scramble for Air to Air kills.. leaving the spirit of what the game was dead in the past.
    Genuinely I wouldn't mind a splitting of air RB into a Ground-strike RB and a Dogfight RB, A Dogfight one for people who want to queue into a more Fighter Focused experience, and Ground Strike one for people who want to fly out aircraft like the IL-2 and go strike Panzers and such on the ground like you're actually in a WW2 Combat sim, like how it used to be. As genuinely there is a portion of the community who actively prefers this kind of gameplay over dogfights like myself, one of my favorite things in the past two years is putting on a VR headset and flying out planes like the IL-2, the Bf 110, and others and just focusing on the immersive experience of being a attacker pilot in the second world war... up until a fighter usually comes along hungry for a kill and ruins it..

    • @danielcarson8249
      @danielcarson8249 Рік тому +12

      You should try IL-2 Sturmovik (the game i mean) if you enjoy more immersive combat flying. I highly recommend it! Especially in VR ;)

    • @corygibson2678
      @corygibson2678 Рік тому +9

      Bombers were obnoxious back then. No bomber limit made playing allied fighters even harder than it is now. Every Allied/Germany and Allied/Japan map was a timed auto win by objective for the allies, so while space climbing wasn't as common back then when people did do it axis would almost always lose because there was no blind hunt or spawning light targets to stop bomber players from holding the game hostage. They b17s were tanky to a fault that was not represented in any other plane in the game. There is a reason why infamous players like helmetpotato only existed back then and not now. I don't miss those days at all, they were cancer and if the cost of being ahead of them is every bomber being in the bin, I'd say it was worth it. RB has always been a team deathmatch mode and bombers are never going to fit in well, and the game suffered when it did.

    • @Caktusdud.
      @Caktusdud. Рік тому +3

      The DgamesD and Cory Gibson. You both have conflicting opinions on bombers. May I ask. Was it a good idea for gaijin to add bombers to begin with and if so how should they have played?

    • @ToolofSociety
      @ToolofSociety Рік тому +8

      @@Caktusdud. There have always been people who hated bombers in warthunder. My experience was more in line with DgamesD but there were certainly some matches/games that went like Cory Gibson describes. So really both are telling the truth I just feel that Cory is describing very specific time periods and some rare scenarios (in my experience). THe time you started playing, how seriously you played and your own gameplay preferences will color your experiences and recollections.

    • @corygibson2678
      @corygibson2678 Рік тому +11

      @@Caktusdud. The problem is with gaijin; they never constructed a mode (aside from sim ec) where bombers can take part without stepping on the toes of the majority of the player base. I haven't played arcade since 2013, I know way back when there was the problem of Yer-rushing to instantly win the map but that was fixed a long time ago. They killed regular sim, back in "the good old days" every sim match was just gun shipping bombers. That was fixed with bringing bomber durability in-line and making sim EC, the best mode in game and the only place where bombers are in a good state. RB was always the bombers worst mode, because by their nature you are only hurting your team by playing them, and the majority does not want to play games where thier presence is critical. (Either bomber have enough payload to end the game immediately or they have zero impact, both are bad)
      Also, no one ever mentions it, but another thing that really hurt bombers was ground forces bringing about consecutive nerfs to bomb blast radiuses, cannon penetration, and the addition of moddled vehicles to the map instead of hitscan targets. Used to be every bomber could easily take out armored columns and pillboxes from altitude, now it bases or nothing. Thats a problem when RB bomber players want the bases to do something, when everyone else would really rather they didn't.
      I don't think bombers can ever have a place in single spawn modes, they will always be one non-competitive player on the team who needs their own side objective that gaijin cannot make critical without being burdensome.
      In short, bombers need RB EC where they can have a plethora of targets, space, and time to do their thing and shape the outcome of the match without dragging every fighter pilot from the gameplay loops they enjoy to chase them to the stratosphere so they don't end matches early. But that won't happen, because gaijin sucks and hates the idea of RB EC because they don't want people PVE farming and only begrudgingly allow it in sim because of the barrier to entry.

  • @BunnyRabbit62
    @BunnyRabbit62 Рік тому +933

    If not for the ability to bomb bases or attack ground targets I NEVER would have stuck with War Thunder long enough to get good enough to be just ok at prop air to air combat. I am a very old gamer without many of the things most take for granted like functional hands or a sense of touch. As I was still able to grind out planes by using the before mentioned tactics it helped with the frustration of getting slaughtered all the time when I tried flying a fighter. I lost count of how many times I almost quit for good because I cannot compete with all of you. After a short time I realized this is a game where thinking and planning goes a long way to success. I even started winning games as a bomber or ground attacker. I applied that knowledge to fighters in such that as long as I set my plane up right by climbing high and focus of just being a support guy I do now indeed get a kill or two. After two years I got my first Ace game in Air RB.
    So young man I respectfully disagree those planes kept this old man playing and now I am even trying jets. I know many of you are wired for the quick fix that most COD deathmatch type games give but this game was first designed to be won in several ways as again I won as a bomber by killing bases or bleeding tickets as an attacker. It may well morph into a kill all or be killed in all the modes. Certainly that seems to be the way top tier is. FearTheRabbbit Edit BTW I really appreciate your content I get a useful nugget of knowledge out of everyone of your vids I've watched Thanks

    • @capncrispypoo9342
      @capncrispypoo9342 Рік тому +18

      That's damn good to hear.

    • @kabuto35
      @kabuto35 Рік тому +27

      Give arcade a try, if you don't mind the flight models, bombers absolutely set the pace of the game in AB and worst (best) of all, if left unchecked winning via bombing bases is one of the fastest win conditions given you have a decent load

    • @BunnyRabbit62
      @BunnyRabbit62 Рік тому +10

      @@kabuto35 i may just try that. I mostly use AB for my rank 2 dailies. I have the A2d but at 9.0 in AB how the heck does anyone avoid the jets?

    • @DFlaminberry
      @DFlaminberry Рік тому +2

      ​@@BunnyRabbit62 the A2D is at 9.0 in arcade because of the HUGE payload + quick rearm time so it's honestly balanced really weird.

    • @nac-1
      @nac-1 Рік тому

      @@BunnyRabbit62 Have you ever tried sim? It's really hard to ground pound at first, but with practice... and a hotas (hands on throttle, and stick) you can get some kills.

  • @retrowavekorea7275
    @retrowavekorea7275 Рік тому +344

    3:09 In the past Gaijin would occasionally put on an event mode called 'Flight of the Swallows'. It was basically an bomber escort mission for the allies and interception mission for the axis. The only problem was that the gameplay was frustrating for both sides, since axis had too little time to intercept the bombers while allies were always outnumbered since half their team were bombers.

    • @deviantrage
      @deviantrage Рік тому +21

      It was called the guardian angel event as part of the old event rotation thematic battles.

      @BLUNTESSTBOOT233 Рік тому +3

      Still would make for a great event if they brought it back

    • @carrott36
      @carrott36 Рік тому +2

      I guess then the maps should be expanded I guess, not sure how to deal with the whole outnumbered part of it. Perhaps 4ish AI escorts masquerading as real players but they do very little shooting and mostly just manoeuvre? It would mean the Axis aren’t completely outmatched, but make the Allies feel like they do indeed have support.

    • @DJKenTuckyOfficial
      @DJKenTuckyOfficial Рік тому +2

      @@carrott36 or the bomber team just gets a bunch more players so that it's like 20 bombers and 15 fighters vs 20 fighters

    • @connla
      @connla Рік тому +2

      I think it was a leftover mode from the original game war thunder is built on. They got rid of it because gaijin have a dislike for modes that put one team in the attack or defend role. They want players the freedom to choose their role regardless of what team they are on.

  • @Tomislav_111
    @Tomislav_111 Рік тому +88

    As a bomber main I respect that we as a community are not dead (yet)

    • @3RaccoonsInATank
      @3RaccoonsInATank 3 місяці тому +3

      I would play bombers if the bombers wouldn't disintegrate when an enemy just looks at you.

    • @Tomislav_111
      @Tomislav_111 3 місяці тому +3

      @@3RaccoonsInATank agreed, how the flying fuck can a do-335 just erase a B-17's whole wing from existence??? Or a Me-262 against my B-29... And also, the ammunition that the bomber turrets use is made out of paper apparently

  • @Blackflippy
    @Blackflippy Рік тому +151

    I really miss those days when the only one jets was those from 1946 and players tried (not always) to escort my bomber. I don’t play bombers in anymore since years…

    • @barryallenporter8127
      @barryallenporter8127 Рік тому +15

      There definitely should be more hard walls between eras. Each respective era should have it’s own top tier vehicles that are actually feared, not just destroyed in a downtier. Limit the number of them per team like they have bombers, so it’s not just a dozen me-262s vs p-47s or whatever. But you should be rewarded with being the apex predator in the match for hitting certain bench marks, but still in danger.

    • @filipinorutherford7818
      @filipinorutherford7818 Рік тому

      Totally agree with what ypu said. Basically you die as soon as a fighter spits on you lol. Paper planes bombers.

    • @TheGijoe41
      @TheGijoe41 Рік тому +2

      The MiG-15 Bis and F-86A have been in the game since the start. What you’re talking about never existed

    • @Blackflippy
      @Blackflippy Рік тому +2

      @@TheGijoe41 i never fought a fucking Mig-15 with my bombers back in the days, that’s what I meant

  • @poggergen1937
    @poggergen1937 Рік тому +27

    My only issue with bombers is how easy it is for a single fighter to literally melt you

    • @robert-joshuamcfaddin7041
      @robert-joshuamcfaddin7041 Рік тому +1


    • @jaywerner8415
      @jaywerner8415 Рік тому +8

      Same here. Like only shit i had P47 one time just Sit behind my B17, killed the gunner or the gunner couldn't shoot him and killed me in a minute or so. B17s and what not are LEGONDARY for coming back looking like SWISS CHEESE.

    • @perplexity6996
      @perplexity6996 Рік тому

      especially at like 8.0 cuz they got AA missiles and you have nothing to use against it

    • @OfficalBird_man
      @OfficalBird_man 7 місяців тому

      Unless your playing the ar 234 b2 you out turn fighters and can avoid them pretty easily if you know what your doing

    • @chrism8996
      @chrism8996 7 місяців тому

      out turning a fighter plane in a bomber/

  • @Netanya-q4b
    @Netanya-q4b Рік тому +87

    they're wicked good fun in arcade, but yeah practically unplayable in rb, you make some really good suggestions, I'd totally play bombers in RB if the snail implemented them

    • @stacosaurus
      @stacosaurus Рік тому +3

      wdym unplayable? one of the best way to grind in the game, if you cant climb well then just dive the bases, take it out, hope you can survive till your base back, and just fly low just hope

    • @jameson1239
      @jameson1239 Рік тому

      @@stacosaurus yeah but you hemorrhage SL

  • @StellarGryphon
    @StellarGryphon Рік тому +89

    You mentioned in-air rearming points for bombers in Air RB, and I agree, it would be a good change. The thing is, they DID have theses, or at the very least, wanted to add them. The devblog was many many years ago, but the backlash they got was so great that they simply never added it and dropped the suggestion.

    • @matstick199
      @matstick199 Рік тому +5

      They added it to 1 map, ruhr i think but it got deleted

    • @PrintScreen.
      @PrintScreen. Рік тому +1

      yeah you had to fly to the edge of the map

    • @alexsis1778
      @alexsis1778 Рік тому +4

      @@PrintScreen. Edge of the map yeah, but the re-arm point was both quite high 2-4km and quite awkward to actually use. You had to stay in it long enough and it was small enough you had to be doing a low speed max degree turn to re-arm. There were some bombers that literally just couldn't use it at all because they didn't have the agility needed to stay in the re-arm point. Also being on the very edge of the map well past the enemy airfield really wasn't that different than just climbing for fighter players because it was like 25km from the main battlefield.

  • @mattt5341
    @mattt5341 Рік тому +14

    They could add a feature for bombers where after they drop their bombs, they can fly to a designated, "exfiltration" area where if they succeed in entering it, they can make additional SL/RP, damage the enemy's ticket count and automatically be removed from the game / return to hangar. RB is oriented towards fighter aircraft and not bombers, so a feature like this can prevent people from climbing to space or engage in any other activity despised by the community.

    • @Haz0052-tu7rr
      @Haz0052-tu7rr Місяць тому

      @neev130If you play bombers I will guarantee you that before you manage to reach the bases/on your bombing run/between bases an XP-50 or similar (and some 109s) will have climbed to bomber altitude and started shooting down bombers. If not, if your team has lost the furball, you die on your return to base anyways, as marauding fighters will be loitering waiting for you.
      If you do Dambuster-style low level raids, you’re entirely dependent on how the furball goes. If it goes well, you’re basically useless anyways, as chances are you are still making your way in at the side of the map, and if it goes badly you’re dead.
      To cap it all off, you make no outcome to the match, as respawning bases more or less don’t do anything to ticket count (3% off original tickets according to someone on Reddit I think). Only very few (old) maps have non respawning bases, which will actually affect how the match goes.

  • @saltysteel3996
    @saltysteel3996 Рік тому +63

    We need a CAS/Bomber PvE game mode like the helicopters have.

    • @billyd7628
      @billyd7628 Рік тому +3


    • @waffleman2370
      @waffleman2370 Рік тому +1

      My brother in Christ have you played helicopter battles

    • @danny0487
      @danny0487 Рік тому +6

      @@waffleman2370 I did and I normally earned about 100-300k of SL per one PvE helicopter match. That was before drone age update, where they changed Crusader AA's to Falcons and ZSU's

    • @waffleman2370
      @waffleman2370 Рік тому +1

      @@danny0487 Falcons were always there but they used to miss almost every shot

    • @danny0487
      @danny0487 Рік тому +4

      @@waffleman2370 yeah, the Crusaders also missed every shot. Now you can hardly get closer than 1 km which makes it impossible for helicopter like stock UH-1D which I was excited for.

  • @Gibbo263
    @Gibbo263 Рік тому +77

    Create a PvE bomber mode, a variant of EC. Have it as a great SL grind mode, you can either go for large targets like whole city blocks which would give a decent reward, or you can got for "key" targets that are much smaller requiring you to be much more accurate but give much higher rewards

    • @XSpamDragonX
      @XSpamDragonX Рік тому +31

      Gaijin doesnt want people to be able to grind SL in anything other than premium attackers/bombers. If they gave us a decent way to grind people wouldn't buy giga-OP Wyvern pack.

    • @PrintScreen.
      @PrintScreen. Рік тому +11

      gaijin also doesn't want people getting any useful rewards out of a PvE mode

    • @davidfoley1204
      @davidfoley1204 Рік тому

      gaijin also doesn't want to make civilian city blocks targets and counter the Geneva convention

    • @PrintScreen.
      @PrintScreen. Рік тому +7

      @@davidfoley1204 they can just do huge industrial areas and rail yards and drydocks/naval ports/submarine docks...etc

  • @barryallenporter8127
    @barryallenporter8127 Рік тому +5

    I’ve also thought bombers should be given escape corridors. Like the objective rings in single player missions. Once a bomber drops it’s payload, it could fly to this point(s?), exit the battle without being forced to pay the repair cost for a destroyed plane. Wouldn’t make bombers more useful, just punish them less for being played, and would eliminate space climbing because they’d have an escape that didn’t cost lions.

  • @lucaspollack-hoyt7985
    @lucaspollack-hoyt7985 Рік тому +7

    Dude, 100% agree. I also think that gunners should get an update. Bombers like the b29 had lead indicators built into the gunsight and I think that would be something that could be implemented

  • @mullet_za9973
    @mullet_za9973 Рік тому +35

    I think that a bomber interception game mode would be really cool as it would make interceptors and air defense fighters more viable options

  • @mosinmanyum1403
    @mosinmanyum1403 Рік тому +2

    crazy idea but, bombers come in and attempt to bomb their objectives whilst followed by escort (interceptor class) and, the results will give bombers mid rewards and interceptors more for successful drops. (bombers) can then land and well go find another match while the fighters left can duke it out like the noble men they are... and interceptors, cirppled against fighters but still have an advantage will have regular gains after said successful drops

  • @chrism822
    @chrism822 Рік тому +7

    Honestly I wish Air RB was like Tank RB. No names, no ranged and you have to use your eyes to spot.

    • @PrintScreen.
      @PrintScreen. Рік тому +2

      that would just be tedious

    • @hunormagyar1843
      @hunormagyar1843 6 місяців тому

      The only issue with that is that looking around with the mouse is kinda shitty in tank rb, having to hold C n'all... Though it could probably be fixed with adding hotkeys that snap your view in random perpendicular directions so you can use that to keep targets in your view.
      That, or markers could appear within only like 1-2km so that surprise attacks are still easier, but you can still use the padlock hotkey when needed.
      Otherwise, I support the idea actually... though I've been a flightsimmer since ever, the casuals would probably whine...

    • @evolve117
      @evolve117 6 місяців тому

      But tank realistic is like that but not air rb. Heck sim mode is like tank rb​@@PrintScreen.

  • @Wolfpack611
    @Wolfpack611 Рік тому +2

    As someone that plays bomber mainly, so that i can unlock fighters for ground RB, I can say, no matter how high you go, there will always be that one guy that gets to you, you can't outrun them , they WILL find you, and you will be shot down before you can even drop your first bomb

    • @mr_gutsy5151
      @mr_gutsy5151 3 місяці тому

      Yep same here I got shot down in literally 3 shots I counted

  • @__MaReX__
    @__MaReX__ Рік тому +15

    Bombers used to be amazing back in the 2012 - 2015 era , they used to be fairly tankier , their turrets were far easier to aim and airbases + airfield were easier for them to bombard to destruction and win the game , making them usefull in their own way .
    There also are 2 events in the game right now one called somethign along the lines of Fight of the Swallows which was a bomber formationof B17 players with B17 AI headed to bombard Ruhr against a German team of 109 and 190 players + one more that i cant recall its name where its P51 players escorting AI bomers against germans with 262s .
    Bombers used to legitimetly be usefull 7 years ago and they were genuently fun to play around or with , gaijin just stopped caring for them ever since they mistakenly added the B29 and TU4 into the game , those 2 destroyed AIR RB and AIR SIMULATOR (It used to be a gamemode back then) for almost a year and a half . They couldve balanced the airbases and airfields around TU4s and B29s but gaijin never bothered nor cared . Since then they gave 0 fucks to develop the game for this sad part of the game .

    • @mr_gutsy5151
      @mr_gutsy5151 3 місяці тому

      Yeah I get shot down in literal 3 shots I counted

  • @JDriscoll6
    @JDriscoll6 Рік тому +3

    I think that that it would be better if they lowered the BR of many of the bombers (including the B-29 and TU-4) to where your just playing prop planes and not flying around with me262s and he162s. The other thing they could do is make bombers be able to have armor as many of the bombers did back then. B17s did have some armor in the wings and body that would protect its crew from some MGs. Thank you for reading this but I think we all know Gajin won’t do anything.😢

  • @benfugate8508
    @benfugate8508 Рік тому +4

    Meanwhile me with the BV238 going into to dogfights and coming out with like 2-3 kills

  • @nooblangpoo
    @nooblangpoo Рік тому +15

    The bomb reload point should be as far away as their spawn but as low as about 1KM to 3KM alt so that its very easily reachable
    Also, bombers only.
    TBH twin engine interceptors, multi engine bombers, and attackers are in a very niche place right now and tends to pull toxicity from fighter players because all they care about is having another pilot in a single engine fighter at low tier and a missile bus at high tier.
    There's also the option of bringing back Air RB EC or a long form game in the events menu which one can enter and exit any time.

  • @ethanquarles9811
    @ethanquarles9811 Рік тому +7

    Or what about a PvE mode where you and your team are a formation of Bombers have to strike a target. You just have to make it through AI fighters?

  • @Stoicswimfish
    @Stoicswimfish Рік тому +31

    Ace Combat has a mechanic in it's games called a "Return line", essentially an airborne rearm zone on the friendly side. They've been doing it for years.

    • @cheesix-yt6768
      @cheesix-yt6768 Рік тому +12

      But muh realism

    • @barryallenporter8127
      @barryallenporter8127 Рік тому


    • @donut3702
      @donut3702 Рік тому +1

      I'm a huge fan of Ace Combat myself, but a return line would be obsolete when you already have an airfield (or two). Besides, any time you cross the return line, you land at an airbase or carrier in order to rearm and repair. Having a return line would add extra stuffing to a game mode that's relatively fluid, in the sense that there's no cutscene, no transitions and no separate landing/takeoff sequence taking place outside of the AO. Using the normal airfield takes less time, doesn't require you to fly all the way to the outer edge of the map, and gives enemies a chance to shoot you down (In AC, flying over the return line respawns you at the altitude you crossed it at, so crossing at 100k feet and rearming instantly while keeping altitude is just nuts.)

    • @KekusMagnus
      @KekusMagnus 9 місяців тому +1

      @@cheesix-yt6768 There is nothing realistic about two parallel airfields 30km from each-other. If anything airspawns plus air rearming would be a lot more realistic as it simulates leaving the battle and coming back

  • @BeerSougion
    @BeerSougion Рік тому +24

    Some of the heavy bombers have an rearm air spawn where after landing and reloading they spawn above the AF. At least with the PB4Y it was (hope is) like that. Dedicated game mode would increase wait times, would prefer to put that time into BR decompression or longer match timers.

    • @seductive_fishstick8961
      @seductive_fishstick8961 Рік тому +4

      Br decomposition is literally never going to happen, and a total of like 10% of air rb players actively play bombs it would increase wait times by like maybe 20 seconds at most.

    • @Thel.Vadam69
      @Thel.Vadam69 Рік тому +3

      If you land all long range bombers and some light bombers on the small af in some maps that is closer to the middle then they'll get an airspawn about 100-200 meters about the af, but I have heard of some air rearmament thing in some maps

    • @grognard23
      @grognard23 Рік тому +3

      Pretty much only float planes get that if I recall aright.

  • @Kosmo2
    @Kosmo2 Рік тому +17

    Interesting to see someone talk about bombers in war thunder, I used to only play bombers in rb and fighters in arcade when I started playing this game and I totally agree with you, new gamemodes focused on them would totally be amazing, with enough effort from gaijin bombers could be a great and fun way to play the game and grind, maybe even make the grind easier, who knows. Amazing video as always Ethan and this topic in particular is quite nice, I think we should all think of different ways to improve the game instead of just asking for new planes and tanks.

    • @a.d.m.3988
      @a.d.m.3988 Рік тому

      the grinding will never end

    • @PermissiveMoggy
      @PermissiveMoggy Рік тому +1

      Game modes aren't the problem. The problem is that a P-51 can take more bullets than a B-17 in War Thunder. Dude didn't even touch the real issue... Getting sniped out of a bomber with a single bullet is VERY common.

    • @Gonzalodestroyer
      @Gonzalodestroyer Рік тому

      @@PermissiveMoggy If you get sniped, git gud, i play bombers and a lot of guys just fly in a straight line to me, i just need to shoot 1 second and the pilot get hit, or when they are doing silly things like up and down a lot, i just sprey and pray in a circle and usually 1 hit or crit hit

    • @bread5049
      @bread5049 Рік тому

      @@Gonzalodestroyer well my pilot somehow got sniped when guy was shooting at my wing

  • @genchar692
    @genchar692 Рік тому +18

    I wish they added more bases to each match 4 isn’t enough because at top tier there’s so many people bombing

    • @David-ys4ud
      @David-ys4ud Рік тому

      Yes, 4 is enough. Now go buy more premiums lol

    • @barryallenporter8127
      @barryallenporter8127 Рік тому +6

      They just need to remove bases and add legitimate targets. Like just designate multi-km wide industrial zones as bomb targets on maps like the railyard on Ruhr. Make it a saturation zone where you get points for bombs landing inside of, but also award additional points if bombs destroy rail cars, trucks, factories, etc

  • @slumberingpierrot2967
    @slumberingpierrot2967 Рік тому +1

    Way back in the day, events were what you described with fighter escorts. It was basically actual battles that you could only take aircraft that took part in said battle, and you had the same objectives as what took place in real life in the battle. It was fucking awesome, but often super unbalanced. queue times were crazy because everybody wanted to play the beat stick side, historical match ups like ki-84's and a6m5's vs f6f's and f4u-1a's, i know which side sounds more fun to play in that match-up.
    I remember one event in particular, when bombers where invincible. It was rank 3-4 germans vs rank 3-4 USA. P-51's and p-47's escort b-17s's to a bombing target. Both sides got air spawn @ 5000m. This was a really fun match up, and even with the state of bombers at the time (they have gone from made of paper, to only being possible on paper more times than i care to recount) germans wiped the floor with American pilots. Both sides of that one was really fun to play.
    I would love to see historic battle events return, but i think the addition of ground forces is when it started to die.

  • @schlickyman
    @schlickyman Рік тому +5

    Spookston LARPing lol great video

  • @allorfh2495
    @allorfh2495 Рік тому +12

    I personally really enjoy playing bombers. Granted im only at 3.0 sweeden yet but bombing around then dropping down at fighter level to kill with the tail gunner while trying to get back to the airfield is fun. Especially with friends.
    Edit: oh and almost forgot, playing bombers is super chill compared to the rest of the game.

    • @uku4171
      @uku4171 Рік тому +1

      The B-18A is a beast imo

    • @robert-joshuamcfaddin7041
      @robert-joshuamcfaddin7041 Рік тому

      I'm grinding out the bombers and the fighters. Though I'm sort of frustrated about the Mariner. I can't wait to get my hands on a B-17.

    • @hunormagyar1843
      @hunormagyar1843 6 місяців тому +1

      Yeah can agree, bombers are the chillest gamemode of them all. Best choice when you're tired to think cleverly enough, or are too busy doing other things on the side, to survive dogfights or tank combat.

  • @RainbowBier
    @RainbowBier Рік тому +15

    3:20 there are 2 event maps in the game that let you play either as interceptor, bomber or escort plan. one is called flight of the swallows with p51, me262, b17e,b24 and b17g but i cant remember the name of the other ones. Aerial Rearm Points are already in World War Mode
    you cannot get them right now dunno if they removed them

    • @jackdoesnotplaytrumpet
      @jackdoesnotplaytrumpet Рік тому

      but nobody plays ww

    • @alexturnbackthearmy1907
      @alexturnbackthearmy1907 Рік тому +1

      Actually there is one or two maps in ARB with aerial rearm points. They are rare and usually no one notice weird mark on map behind big airfield.

    • @PermissiveMoggy
      @PermissiveMoggy Рік тому

      @@jackdoesnotplaytrumpet Congratulations, you just pointed out why making more game modes is a stupid idea! It's hard enough to keep a player base spread between all the modes we already have.

    • @Mystic-Midnight
      @Mystic-Midnight Рік тому +1

      @@jackdoesnotplaytrumpet no one plays ww mode because gaijin doesn't run ww mode

    • @commisaryarreck3974
      @commisaryarreck3974 Рік тому

      Ever since its started I've never gotten to join a match

  • @isopod_gaming-real-
    @isopod_gaming-real- Рік тому +1

    When i first stared playing war thunder i went right to researching the nearest bomber i could find, in the end i gave up and am now entirely dedicated to ground RB

  • @panzerkampfwagenvausfa5381
    @panzerkampfwagenvausfa5381 Рік тому +25

    For Bombers Pilots here's a couple tips.
    For 4 Engined bombers (Depending on the Repair Costs) like the B-17 Series, British Bombers, take the bomb load which, Can let you kill a single base, I.E. 8x 500lbs bombs, or about 1500kgs to 2000kgs bombs (I.e 2 or 3x 800kgs bombs, 2x 1000kgs bombs), depending on the map. Depending on your bomber's rip speed, once you spawn in (MEC is recommended) put your plane in a -10 degree descent and call out the nearest or 2nd nearest base, once you ditch your bombs, and depending on how weak your wings are (i.e. your wings rip at 3G Overload) either do a 180 degree turn, or go up NOT TOO FAST, and do a 180 degree turn vertically, by the time you turn back. Either A. there won't be any fighters yet, or B. There are a couple fighters, but your either low enough and going pretty fast, so they won't bother catching you or they will and in that case just try to go back to the secondary Airfield as fast as possible, when you turn back continue the descent this time at -10 to -15 degrees, or at redline speed. And depending if your team kills majority of the enemy team, then when you land REPAIR and REARM first, then when you spawn at the beginning of the AF, you can safely J out (you can only do this ONCE) and pick the largest bomb load or more bombs, and you can respawn and take out more bases.
    For fast 4 engines bombers (can only think of the Me-264) (sideclimbing is recommended) usually what you can do is, put the plane in a 10 degree climb with WEP engaged, and by the time you reach the bombing point you should be above most planes aside, from the "occasional" Xp-50 or F-82, and similar planes.
    For twin-engined bombers, like the B-25's, A-26's, Ki-67's, The Ju 88 Series, usually they are decently fast and don't rip their wings at 3g's (cough G8N1 cough b-17 Cough) now these bombers can take a full base (aside from the Japanese bombers), and you have speed to work with so just put the plane in a -10 to -15 degree climb and you can usually reach bases before the other bombers can reach and fighters, are still climbing. And be wary of groundpounders, like the Wyvern, Do 335's, or any decent fast ground attackers.
    For other tips: MEC is recommended, so for planes like the B-17 whose engines overheat at 100% throttle, you can have MEC and control the radiators while at 100% throttle. Be aware of your surroundings, it always helps to look around to see if you're spotted, and if you're under attack, and please, don't stay in a straight line. If your under attack going up or down (in large bombers) and just maneuvering for medium sized to light bombers, can thwart attacks or minimize damage. Also find a proper key bind so when your engines get set in fire you can put it out. (be sure to research the FPE mod)
    And for Bombers I DON'T recommend playing, (unless you're a masochist) are, because they have poor performance, can't defend themselves, can't turn at all, and the only "saving" grace is the bomb load. Are the Fw-200 Condor, G5N1, if you can avoid playing all the Yer-2s, (maybe) the Wellingtons (never had a good time with them in Air RB), and to a degree the Ki-49's.
    And for the expensive bombers like the B-29, the Tu-4's, and the Lincoln and Shackleton, and similar bombers, if you can spade the plane within 10 battle using the tip at the top then go for it, if not then either get premium, use boosters when play them, or get a squad with fighter's to help defend you.
    Hope these help you, and see you in battle. o7

  • @rocketcello5354
    @rocketcello5354 Рік тому +2

    I'd say a great bomber that's a middle ground is the B-34. Can take out a base and a few ground targets, its fast, and has an amazing dual 50 cal turret with 360 coverage for the top, which just shreds most people that come in from the top. I like to bomb high, dive low, take out ground targets, then fly around being a nuisance with the 50 cals, staying low so no one can sneak up underneath me where my guns are bad. And it's decent in sim too, not too hard to fly, doesn't yank too hard on takeoff and it gets a bank angle and sideslip indicator, which is nice for trim

    • @jeffk3776
      @jeffk3776 11 місяців тому

      I spaded most of the American tree with a B-34 when it was a 2.7...

  • @Hitman-cq2yw
    @Hitman-cq2yw Рік тому +4

    There is always the third choice. Going full gunship on the enemy team. It's not always certain that you will make many kills, but you will be useful to the team. And considering the current economy, it's more profitable to make at least one kill, than to drop successfully your bombs on the bases.
    Oh, and you were lucky with the enemy here. B-17 most of the time just rips apart from 1-2 HE shells. And believe me, I played enough on it, to say that for sure. One case of tankyness, where you are lucky, doesn't throw out of the window, the fact that in most cases, you will get a one shot from a random italian or german plane.

    • @elbozo3214
      @elbozo3214 Рік тому

      You are the only person that can make this playstyle work lol

    • @Hitman-cq2yw
      @Hitman-cq2yw Рік тому

      @@elbozo3214 Naah, there are more people. But again, you don't have to play like me. You just have to at least try. If you manage to make at least a kill or 2, you're already useful for the team. Better than going to space or running away for 25 minutes

    • @redpipola
      @redpipola Рік тому

      @@elbozo3214 nope, I can do it easily

  • @LanderKoenig
    @LanderKoenig Рік тому +1

    0:52 and this is where I suggest using planes meant for hunting tanks to chase bombers, especially twin engine ones that are built on frames meant to stay at the same level as bombers.
    Hell, us other bombers that have guns on em to hunt em down

  • @bowserops2799
    @bowserops2799 Рік тому +3

    I would love an Escort game mode, I love flying bombers especially the B-17, and I love flying Escort. So a game mode centered around that would be amazing.

  • @millionare5446
    @millionare5446 Рік тому +1

    people have been complaining about the lack of bomber gameplay for so long, that i dont think gaijin will ever give it to us

  • @FORP1337
    @FORP1337 Рік тому +3

    The game mode you're talking about is the Guardian Angel event, where allied bombers and fighters had to push through axis fighters intercepting them. I'm not sure if the event has been around in the past couple of years. Gaijin has dropped the "historical" idea anyway which is a blessing and a curse but the core issue for anything but playing fighters is still mission design.

    • @robert-joshuamcfaddin7041
      @robert-joshuamcfaddin7041 Рік тому +1

      I mainly play in arcade battles. Some random dude in a fighter shot me down before I could even get a bomb dropped (I messaged them asking them to chill). They start up about the bomber problem. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. It's not a problem for the bombers, game modes, or developers; it's a problem on the community.

  • @Flayrr872
    @Flayrr872 Рік тому +1

    I definitely agree that bombers don't really have a place in Air RB, and that a different gamemode would be nice.
    As you said, the lack of bomber groups (save squadrons) takes away from what the bomber experience should be.
    What I think would be cool is having a mode where it's fighters vs bombers, and you (as a bomber pilot) have 1 (or maybe more) AI plane with you that you can swap into once you die in the original bomber. That way, you don't have to go to the airfield immediately and it's not something unrealistic like a specific area of sky where you can re-arm.
    But alas, good video, heavy bombers really deserve some love considering how historically significant they were!

  • @radimparek7738
    @radimparek7738 Рік тому +4

    I think this could be easily fixed by introducing a new game mode
    Bomber escort
    The team which drops the most Kg of bombs on a point wins the game
    (Meaning more bomber players and people protecting them)

  • @yololejoueur3817
    @yololejoueur3817 Рік тому +2

    I'm a player who plays a lot in TU4, it's my favorite plane, and I don't do any of the things mentioned at the start of this video, when I'm done bombing the bases, I come to help my allies, trying to attract attention on me and it works very well and I often end up with 2 kills (I still have 572 games in TU4 🙃)

  • @HermitBeli
    @HermitBeli Рік тому +3

    I enjoy the bombers honestly. It adds a pretty cool vibe to air RB even if annoying

  • @mrpotato5434
    @mrpotato5434 28 днів тому

    One way I’ve thought of (as a fighter main) is for bombers not to count as active players. This means that not only do the fighters not have to chase down the bombers but also bombers don’t have to be as scared of being pursued since it doesn’t matter if they are alive or not.

  • @draikemile6327
    @draikemile6327 Рік тому +4

    I agree that the tipical bomber gameplay is broken, execpt with german high speed "schnell bomber" such as Ju 288 / He 177 / Do 217 / Arado 234
    Those bomber are hell'a fun , fast and intensif gameplay straigth into the action, and u must plane where to go and gunner skill
    I still hope for new game-mode too, the idea of intercepting USA / British bomber formation in a BF 109 just hype me up

    • @alexturnbackthearmy1907
      @alexturnbackthearmy1907 Рік тому

      He177 is fast? You are sick, my friend. Also where is Ju188? This is a best bomber in german tech tree.

    • @draikemile6327
      @draikemile6327 Рік тому

      - With a light dive u can outrun P51 for some min, ofc they will catch you at one point, the 177 is still a giant bomber
      - I've played german bomber before the 180 was added, i did unlock it but never played more than 10 games i think, i have the 288 so... yeah i dont play the 188 lol

    • @draikemile6327
      @draikemile6327 Рік тому

      And also the 177 can go crazy fast berfore ripping ur wing , unlike other bomber

    • @alexturnbackthearmy1907
      @alexturnbackthearmy1907 Рік тому

      @@draikemile6327 Ok, maybe I should try to pull up this move... Still highly doubt it.

    • @PrintScreen.
      @PrintScreen. Рік тому

      He-177 is not good, the repair cost is just too high

  • @gaitero3000
    @gaitero3000 Рік тому +1

    Air refueling for bomber, fighter escorting bombers rewards ( killing enemy planes near a bomber so its no easily abusable) , make bomber kinda like a objective and perhaps give vision of enemy players

  • @iang438
    @iang438 Рік тому

    I realized something the other day. The reason why higher rank bombers suck SOOO much is because at low tier the performance of the fighters is lower and you're air start gives you enough altitude to be relatively safe if you climb. Once you hit about 4.0 the fighters will climb fast enough to shoot you down before you drop your bombs EVERY SINGLE TIME.

  • @lolzers7986
    @lolzers7986 Рік тому +2

    I don't know why gaijin is so keen on not making new gamemodes or even bringing back old ones
    A gamemode where you have to escort a flight of bombers to their target and protecting them from being intercepted, or being the bomber itself and flying in formation with several other bombers, seeing your escort flight of fighters flying above you would be so cool and would give bombers something of a purpose in the game, as they aren't useful in air rb, air ab or even ground rb (aside from the pe-8 with its monolithic mini nuke)
    I've always thought it would be cool to escort bombers in a fighter but that never happens in normal gameplay except for the one in a hundred chance a chad bomber pilot decides to spawn in on the airfield
    Or if you squad up with a few friends

  • @adoringanemone043
    @adoringanemone043 Рік тому +1

    What they could do is make maps more adjustable for bombers and fighters, better spawns, many different targets that require heavy bomb pounding, and an adjustment to SL and RP gains in matches for grinding

  • @bIuebuIIet
    @bIuebuIIet Рік тому +1

    The escort mode you speak of was a special event where p51s escorted AI B17s against Me 262s. It only came around annually to celebrate the first Me262 shot down. Back then, RB was called Historic Battles and it was axis vs allies. We really need an RB EC mode today

  • @404-Err0r
    @404-Err0r Рік тому +1

    So true.. this is my take:
    1. Friendly fighters that shoot down planes within say 2km of a friendly bomber earns badges and extra SL and research points for bomber escort.
    2. Game can only be won if your team destroys at least one base. The team that destroys the most bases at the end wins the game. If both team had no planes left and no bases destroyed, then it's a draw... simple. Want to win? Escort the damn bombers and shoot down theirs. (Isn't this the whole point in the war? To escort bombers or to shoot them down... why would fighters just fight? It's stupid... bombers need to take out strategic targets, they should be the core of the battle.
    3. Bombers have an exit point in the map whereby after a bomb run, they must make it to that exit point. If they do, the screen fades to black and the bomber respawns at the starting point with full bomb load but not damage fixes. Escorts also earn extra SL for flying to the bomber exit point for bomber escort, they also respawn at the starting point with bombers, rearmed but not repaired.
    4. Repairs still should be airfield landing.
    Bam wam... that should be the game.

  • @Domintor-op7lz
    @Domintor-op7lz Рік тому +2

    Ok, So I have one major complaint about bombers.
    Firstly, being a British Main, the fact that the Merlin engines (this goes for all their aircraft) Most DEFINETELY do not output the power they should.
    The B-17 for example, IRL had a top speed of 287 Miles per Hour, empty load.
    With bombs it would have to go around 182mph to make it anywhere worth while.
    Whilst the Lancaster B Mk I (not the III which was faster) had a top speed of 282mph and a cruising speed of 200 miles per hour.lets not even get started on the othwr things that gaijin gets wrong. the B-17G for example goes over 300mph In game, yet even wikipedia tells us it does not. Nowhere near this. And if this is balancing, why doesnt the Lancaster go 20mph faster? (Ive played both planes btw. The B-17 is definitely faster and performs better in game)
    Now survivability is a piss take. A single 7.7mm wipes out a bomber.
    And bomb load is always the excuse for bombers with so little gunners being such High BRs, when Gaijins model makes them perform the same as planes a lower BR.
    While other bombers of the BR have so many gunners they could fight you and win.
    Then you have the Junkers 288... yeah lets ignore that.
    Anyways, thanks for reading my rant.
    Im just waiting for someolne to start saying Im Wrong. They usually do.

  • @A-aron2837
    @A-aron2837 Місяць тому

    I agree with you in having a mode where there is a squadron of bombers that their fighters are trying to protect
    And the enemy is trying to stop the bombers.

  • @bobsbuurgers3714
    @bobsbuurgers3714 Рік тому +1

    The problem isn't the bombers, it's how people play them. I literally grinded the U.S., British, and Italian tech trees with bombers. Lol They can be fun and take actual tactics to get a decent score but it is so satisfying once you become an expert at it. Some of us truly like the slow tactical pace as opposed to all the fur-ball team killing and kill-stealing... Much less annoying to me.

  • @mirage2283
    @mirage2283 Рік тому +2

    i try to force my self to enjoy bombers, i play the b 29 , witch i enjoy but the fact is if i dont spend 10 min running away then coming back hight and far to start bombing, the 7.3 jets just one tap u because they saw you and just zooming climb, then after i dropped my 6.5 TOns of bombs the game just over for me, and, i get only 12k silvers lions ? for a 15k repair cost ? i also played the b57a, witch was my first bomber jet, with no guns at all ? in 8.0 ? if i dont go far away and climb like hell for 7 min a random jet come at 900km/h and launch a missile that i can'"t even avoid ? and when i dropped my loadout and i go refill, im just a free kill when im going to another base cuz my plane just 700km/h and the others 900(with missiles), and also 13k repair cost for a 10-11k sl in a match ? lol, i also grinded the b57b for the guns but like, its a brick, with no missiles anyways, and slow, and just no chance to kill anyone, just lose 10k SL... I like bomb gameplay but i just can't enjoy it due to the repair cost / gain of SL .... Edit: if they remouved the repair cost i think it would make all the bombers players try way more to engage players or do way more combat ( but they never gonna do it anyways )

  • @Jacksonm703
    @Jacksonm703 Рік тому +1

    As a long time member of the Sim EC community, I really appreciate the shoutout to a couple of the problems in our game mode. Its sad really, because we are like the forgotten group of players gaijin keeps trying to kick under the rug and pretend don't exist. We don't have nearly the UA-cam or media presence like all the RB and AB players out there so its hard to make our voices heard.

    • @SepticFuddy
      @SepticFuddy Рік тому

      I'm sure it would help if they didn't bury those game modes in the UI

  • @funkymonkey2806
    @funkymonkey2806 Рік тому +1

    Remember when bombers got nerfed that a single 7mm bullet can rip the wing off?

  • @jmdibonaventuro
    @jmdibonaventuro Рік тому

    It’s somehow even worse for bombers on Air AB (My preferred mode). You’d think unlimited ammo re supplies mid-flight would help the bombers, but it actually does very little. The problem on AB is that fighters also get air spawn. This means that the bombers, which have horrible climb rates, have to try and outrun fighters during their sky-climbs. This eventually turns into a race where fast bombers (Like the A-20) or ones with good climb rates, manage to outrun the fighters and drop their bombs before either A- They get killed by the High Climb Rate American Fighters chasing them OR B- They’re so high up no one on the enemy team can be bothered to chase them. This ends up screwing over basically every bomber without the traits mentioned previously (Wellingtons, He-111s, Z1007s, etc). The easy solution would be to have team mates escort you, but since it’s fairly boring very few people will agree to escort you. Overall, what this means is that unless you’re playing a fast bomber like the A-20 or Mosquito, or you have friends to escort you, you end up getting demolished by enemy fighters and wasting your time. This cycle almost never ends, because in order to get the modifications needed to increase speed / rate of climb, you need to do well! It can be infuriating at times, and I hope they fix it somehow.

  • @IwasiIgnitionBox
    @IwasiIgnitionBox Рік тому

    I would say that the main problem for niche vehicle types is the lack of asymmetrical battles,
    the idea for the pacific maps is great(one team defends an island and the other is a carrier group), but it runs into issues where the team size is 6v6 and over half of one team not being able to resupply due to not having arrester gear severely impacts it.
    there are many simple concepts for gamemodes that could be slapped together that could greatly improve the gameplay loop and playing and certain aircraft types, such as-
    preparation, land fighters/bombers defending against a carrier group
    midway, two carrier groups dueling
    escort, a land group going against a convoy and its escort fighters
    profit or loss, one team tries to do more damage to bombers and the other tries to do more damage to ground targets
    and this could also apply to ground battles and a form of mixed battles(ie. some players are solely aircraft, some are solely ground, and some are solely naval)-
    breakthrough, one team of mostly medium tanks and SPAA tries to defend a battleline against mostly heavy tanks and bombers
    landing, one team of mostly medium tanks and SPAA tries to defend a beachfront against mostly light/amphibious tanks, seaplanes, and coastal ships
    fire support, ground battles but you also bluewater ships
    iwo jima, bluewater and carrier aircraft try to destroy bunker bases whilst fighting a team of land aircraft and coastal ships
    taffy, bluewater trying to sink transports whilst the defenders have low rank bluewater and carrier aircraft plus high rank costal
    just think of a battle and you can turn it into a gamemode, russian bluewater against japanese costal in the english channel for all I care.

  • @BlackThanator
    @BlackThanator Рік тому

    Bombers used to play very differently before the great bomber nerf of 2014.
    They were generally incredibly hard to kill and AI gunners were terrifyingly accurate, scoring kills out to 900m regularly.
    But everyone had an airspawn, so fighters had a much easier time getting to the bombers in the first place.
    I generally preferred those actual flying fortresses to the brittle cardboard boxes they are today with gunners that can't hit the broadside of a battleship unless you take manual control.

  • @BeerSougion
    @BeerSougion Рік тому +2

    Gaijins just should not make the bases resawn but get the AF destruction map logic back to all maps. The fighters have to hunt for bombers instead focus on killing fighters.

  • @isaacvidales6143
    @isaacvidales6143 Рік тому +2

    They gotta buff the gunners' accuracy and maybe a little extra damage.

  • @rhietpas
    @rhietpas Рік тому

    I miss going on hour long bomber raids with my friends in the late 90s in one of the first big online games, Air Warrior

  • @insane.reddit.stories.2024
    @insane.reddit.stories.2024 7 місяців тому

    as a bomber in arcade you either get lucky and hit your targets or get instantly shredded. And it’s much easier to play fighter and get kills to rank up. they seriously need a game mode where bombers are more important

  • @MikooBo.
    @MikooBo. Рік тому

    He's talking about the "flight of the swallows" special event mission where p-51 cover bombers against enemy me-262. I do really miss that mission.

  • @altair3232
    @altair3232 Рік тому +2

    4:30 I disagree to your disagree. B-17 survivable? u sneeze they die, don't even have to kill them, damage to control panels is enough to make them fall out of the skies, straight into a deadly dive. Just look how that poor Raiden managed to fuck you up. And he only had two 20mm and two 7mm.

  • @Arty014
    @Arty014 Рік тому

    My opinion is: gaijin should implement something like if you choose a bomber you're stuck to a very particular game mode where your ONLY objective is bombing the bases and fighters only objective is escorting the bombers. If the team run out of bombers or bases it's game over.
    Bombers can have a single bomb load as long as it's more rewarding than it's now. Bombers starts at same height as fighters but way behind them so they have a chance to survive and gunners damage could be more deadly.
    That'd solve the problem

  • @Sombreropancake-cakemix
    @Sombreropancake-cakemix Рік тому

    Saw folks talking about "useless planes" in chat. It took me a while to realise, that they were talking about bombers.

  • @andrewhasgames5583
    @andrewhasgames5583 Рік тому

    I agree, awesome strike aircraft are sooooo overshadowed in the air RB simply because it is so air to air fighters centered. If they could do something like the escort game mode that would really alleviate some of those problems

  • @jonathanperry8331
    @jonathanperry8331 Рік тому

    Does anyone remember a game called air warrior? To fly a B-17 you literally needed 10 people. You needed all the gunners co-pilot etc. Or you could run around in a flak tank try and capture bases with paratroopers and make missions with 12 bombers and fighter escort you have 100 people in One mission that game was awesome and another thing is you just didn't click into random battles the game was ongoing 24 hours a day and never stopped so there was someone always playing

  • @boomerix
    @boomerix Рік тому

    1:50 you have a 3rd option actually: You can land at the airfield and J out. After about 10 seconds you are "out" if you are the last one on the Team and the match ends without you having to pay any repair costs. It's the most decent option if you don't want to solo fight a whole Team, but I guess people don't know about that.
    In the past Bombers used to be much tankier, but that got nerfed when people were crying about the B-17 being too op.
    The best game mode for bomber is EC, EC in general is a great game mode.
    Unfortunately it is only available in SIM, even tho there used to be RB EC in the past.

  • @JMonkey7575
    @JMonkey7575 10 місяців тому +1

    3rd option where I dive to gunship for the fighters

  • @smusky4643
    @smusky4643 Рік тому

    Started playing Air warfare myself recently. Decided to specialize in bombers. Loved it at first, I was a flying tank, a lotta people would chase me, shoot at me, can't kill, then try to fly into me and die. Yeah, it'd slow me down a lot, but that actually helped, fighters would zoom past me afterwards, and I'd just keep chugging along, readying the next load, turrets firing away. Now there's always 2-3 guys chasing after me after getting to higher tier, and 3-5 of my team mate fighters and interceptors chasing 1 guy. Someone.. _Help_ me! I can do my best, but damn dude, I can't try to shake them off (I turn really slow) and DMG them enough to actually turn and get back on target, so I miss my bombing objective and die to them!

  • @avva4090
    @avva4090 Рік тому +2

    I got so bored playing strat bombers, I started playing attackers to make things a bit more exciting. Great takes in this video, really hoping they implement SOMETHING to make ground attacking more rewarding!

  • @jameson1239
    @jameson1239 Рік тому

    Another issue is the way gaijin tracks battle activity simply doesn’t work for bombers as the vast majority of there gameplay is chilling at 5km dropping a bomb load and then being deleted or sometimes not even being able to get the bomb load off

    @DEATHRAGE157 Рік тому

    The best game that implemented bombers perfectly was Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, capital domination game mode for me.
    2 teams one as the invading forces and one as the capital defense force.
    The ground is covered with AA tanks and SAM missiles, the team that wipes the ground AA first gets to call a bomber and actually deals damage to the Capital or the ships/aircraft carrier, it takes 2-3 attacks depending on the skill of the bomber player.
    Its hella good

  • @nmspy
    @nmspy Рік тому

    “Bombers do not make sense in warthunder” - my Chad Boston MK1 bomber shitting on all props at 2.3

  • @Turloghan
    @Turloghan Рік тому

    My idea is : start point for Bombers over chosen base, for strategic Bombers around 15-20k alt, for medium Bombers 10-15k alt. Than You attacking chosen target.
    After attack You have 2 or three points on map where You must get to fly( medium bomber not far from frontline ; heavy Bombers deep in enemy territory or they MUST reach end of map).
    When You arrived to chosen map point(or end of map), You are automatically described as "suvived" or "at base" and you return to menu where is possibile to change/rearm, than You start next flight again from desired start point over base.
    - Heavy Bombers can fly high, on defined się corridors, they can fly in formations cause players can wait close to start point at the same alts for another bombers. Defenders can wait for Bombers streams/singles cause they know where and how high Bombers will show, so they can avoid long climb pursuit to get them. Bomber Escort knows where they can be, so they not losing too much time to find them( and high alt planes like P-47 can fight in condition better suited for them and for better "playability" for everyone, cause more players will be interested to high alt fights) so this will remake WW2 environment better.
    - Medium/Tactical Bombers after start can : go low alt over frontline to execute CAS (for example Stuka, A-20, B-25) , or can go higher to make Tactical support (for example B-26 single or in formations, if pilots will wait over start point to form together) for logistical base bombing, frontline medium alt bombing etc. Defenders Fighters can choose to intercept them over frontline.
    I think IT will work better for EC mode, but in RB should work too.

  • @YaBoiOnTarWhunder
    @YaBoiOnTarWhunder Рік тому

    THANK YOU!!! I literally spent months grinding to unlock my B29 and it just kills me to join a game hope to get my bombs off then fly in space for the next 15 minutes. Give us our own game mode!

  • @TheLordPolar
    @TheLordPolar Рік тому

    I'd say for bombers
    1 make gunners more accurate.
    2 make ground targets pay more, alot more.
    3 make the game more about fighters protecting bombers.
    And less about killing every thing.
    4 add 2 respawns per game.
    Still 1 aircraft. But respawn twice.
    In dynamic campaigns you have 3 "squad mates" that fly with you if your in bombers they follow you in a formation, if it's fighters they will follow in formation untill enemy are close enough. They will eventually reform once the threat is gone or if you fly far enough away.

  • @SPFLDAngler
    @SPFLDAngler Рік тому

    I haven't had a match with space climbing bombers in weeks. Even when I play a bomber. They always drop their bombs and RTB to get more, then go back out and drop more, until they get shot down.

  • @WT_TheDestroyer
    @WT_TheDestroyer 9 місяців тому

    1:40 you forgot the one chad that clutchs the game playing a bomber as a fighter.

  • @TrashFixation
    @TrashFixation Рік тому

    Aces High did bombers right. Each player had an option to take two AI "wingmen" that would follow them in a Vee and act as extra lives in case the lead player-controlled plane was shot down. A formation auto-pilot feature would hold your position relative to another player's aircraft automatically, freeing you to take a piss or use the defensive guns while holding formation.
    The map was huge and made for up to 600 players, so a bombing mission would necessitate careful flying around radar stations or sending strike aircraft to destroy the radars before the formation flew over. These could take several hours, but could cripple the enemy team for a long time if successful. It was also pretty cool seeing expensive Me-163s and Me-262s appear as you neared the enemy city and factories.
    War Thunder kind of attempted to bring this gameplay in EC with the airfield module thing, but it's really half-assed and doesn't contribute to the EC matches that only last 45 minutes to 90 minutes tops. Doing literally anything else contributes much more to the team and takes less time. I don't believe the airfields can even be destroyed anymore anyway. That got broken years ago. In fact, a lot of "current" (for the last 3 years) RP/SL exploits could be solved simply by removing this part of EC entirely instead of using convoluted and passive behavior-encouraging wage systems.
    Right now, I'd like to see how EC would play out as-is with a full 64-player match on a 128km map and no ticket limit, only time. Preferably with slots designated by type, so X amount of bombers, X amount of fighters, etc. Though EC really isn't a great gamemode anymore, it would be nice to get some conclusions from such a test.
    Realistically, I think the only thing they have a remote chance of doing is providing aerial reaming for bombers in RB like you mentioned. EC is just too dysfunctional and they want to keep matches as predictable and repetitive as possible to throttle player progression and encourage spending. If they offered an interesting dynamic campaign similar to the old 90-00's WWII MMOs for free, people might just play for fun and we can't have that anymore.

  • @lamdog1490
    @lamdog1490 Рік тому

    The U.S. B59 A Canberra is one of my favourite aircraft to pkay if i wanna slow down. Even though it is unarmed, playing cautiously you can avoid enemy players. Its also good at avoiding gunfire and lesser missiles if you do come across that. It has an expensive repair cost but you can get up to 3 bombing runs a game.

  • @hellothere9167
    @hellothere9167 7 місяців тому

    We spawn on ~8k ft, climb around 11-12k for minutes. While if a fighter sees us they take like 10 seconds to climb upto us

  • @kurtberliner7049
    @kurtberliner7049 5 місяців тому

    Honestly, it's why when I play bombers I shoot for Arcade mode. A bit more relaxing, except when we get the damn capture the airfield ones.

  • @hacknwack4065
    @hacknwack4065 Рік тому

    Honestly a RB game mode that actully focuses on bomber gameplay, like the main objective is to destroy a airbase, with one side attacking and the other defending

  • @remrryn
    @remrryn 3 місяці тому

    the bomber formation mode was a special event when Red Tails movie came out if I remember right... b-17's &mustangs vs 262

  • @bradleymccormick393
    @bradleymccormick393 Рік тому

    I agree with everything u said . Yes . Now that u mentioned it . I do recall seeing a youtube video of a bomber mission on war thunder just about the time I was thinking about playing it but it had not come out on xbox just yet .

  • @stephenskierski5633
    @stephenskierski5633 Рік тому

    I love the buffs and climbing to intercept them at the beginning of the match.

  • @flyboymb
    @flyboymb Рік тому

    I play all aspects of air, fighters, bombers and strikers. I'm almost exclusively AB. Bombers CAN work in this mode if you play them right. I've seen so many frustrated players complaining about being shot down when they fly straight towards the swarm of red tags at their starting altitude and promptly get five seagulls flying straight at them yelling MINE! Climb to 5-6 km behind your own airfield, keep a constant watch on where the enemy team is at, find your gap, and make your run. AB has the huge benefit of allowing bombers to reload wherever they are at. It can take upwards of a minute, but you never have to give up your hard-fought altitude to keep in the game. And the ticket loss from destroying even the four minor bases can easily tip the scales from a loss to a win.
    But stoopid, you might say, AB lets fighters climb 5000m/s and they'll just intercept you. That is true. And sometimes you'll get that one guy who does nothing but beeline towards bombers and can't dogfight to save his life. I know this because I'll promptly respawn in a fighter and proceed to easily toast him as he tries to turnfight my Zero or outrun my 109. But I've learned how to have fun with these people as well. First, call them out to your team. Say there's an easy kill totally tunnel visioned in on you. Then TURN TOWARDS YOUR TEAM. I've seen so many bomber pilots spamming a need for cover as they fly 280 mph straight away from me and it would take me 10 minutes to get close enough to support them. Often however, the enemy fighter will be trying to climb so steeply that he'll lose a lot of speed. If I'm playing Japanese bombers, it turns into a merry chase where I have absolutely no issue keeping him at 3-4km away while I kite him around the map for the rest of the match with my parade smoke on the whole time to rub it in his face. If I'm in something slower (looking at you Italy), I would generally start to make a dedicated dive to the ground to gain enough speed to keep them from getting within 1km. I'll message "I'm going to dirt dart, you'll get nothing". Sometimes, they'll break off realizing they won't catch me. Other times they'll keep at it and I'll impact. I'm just as dead as if they shot me down, they get no kills, and they've lost all their altitude. If I spawn the bomber again, that's one less enemy to worry about for awhile.
    I've managed to spade the whole Italian bomber line using these methods. And Italy's bombers were famous for how horrible they were. Going down the German, US, and Japanese trees has been cake in comparison. It still can be 50:50 sometimes whether I'll make it to my first target, but there's also matches where I have the top score for how often I mash the space button.

  • @Karter_Blackpaw
    @Karter_Blackpaw Рік тому

    Some changes that i'd like to see with bombers is....
    1) add more bombing points than just 4. Half the time I can't get to the bombing zone because somebody else already destroyed them and I have to loiter for several minutes for them to pop back up.
    2) Perhaps do something what Mechwarrior Online does where if you stick near your teammates, you get a "in formation" bonus.
    3) Keep the same amount of points\SL from bombing zones, but drastically increase the health on them so it encourages a group of bombers to focus a target together so they stay in formation then just everybody splitting up to tackle their own bombing zone. Once a zone has been destroyed, give a large reward for it since it took a lot of pounding to destroy.
    4) Add some new bomber focused game modes, even if it's a brief rotation like once a week.

  • @waffleman0134
    @waffleman0134 Рік тому

    I saw this 2 weeks later and I’m so glad someone finally said something

  • @CarburetorThompson
    @CarburetorThompson Рік тому

    Option 3 drop bombs, then fly into battle as a gun ship, because you bought premium time and already made back the repair cost.

  • @Commonwealth_Minuteman
    @Commonwealth_Minuteman Рік тому

    Aerial rearm would be a good addition for me as a bomber player.
    I find it really frustrating taking off with no teammates to help me survive my next bombing run.

  • @lolopard99
    @lolopard99 Рік тому

    people say B-17 is not very survivable because they are comparing it to the version we had back 6 years ago, this plane used to be a flying fortress, i miss old war thunder, i miss B-17 squads

  • @Cythil
    @Cythil Рік тому

    I have said it before and I say it again. They should add one game mode, which I call interception. It is an asynchronous game mode where the one who starts a mission gets a goal to bomb or photograph an area. You are mean to avoid enemy defences. Dodge radar, spotters and patrols. If you do it right, you're in and out without detection. But if you do get detected... Well now your game is flagged and interceptors can join. Players that will fly and shoot you down. This also allows for a lot of planes that are an ill fit for the game now. Like scout planes and spy planes like the SR-71 and heavy interceptors like the MiG-25, which you know a lot of people would love to have in the game.
    This is just of course the beginning seed to this game mode. There thing on how all the parts are going to be handled. It meant to be a slower game mode. But a lot of people just like to take a bit of a break and do something a bit more careful. I would also like a planning stage to this. So you set up if you want some wingman or invite your friends. But that also opens you up for more counters. You can try to make a quick push, ignoring the defences for a quick game. But also get more resistance as you do. So it up to you if you want a big bomber formation with safety in numbers or not.
    The key here really is that it is an asynchronous game mode, which means it should not cannibalize from the other game modes. No waiting for a match to start it up. And there should be an easy flag system that makes people that queue up for interception quick and painless. But I am not going to lie. It would need a lot of work to get up and running. I estimate that it is doable. But is not a game mode you get up running in a weeks time (Though prove me wrong anyone out there.)

  • @Rbloxx81
    @Rbloxx81 Рік тому

    I remember bombers feeling much more important in 2015, when I solely played for bombers but now theyre just for RP grinding and offer zero team effort.

  • @Swat_Dennis
    @Swat_Dennis Рік тому

    I feel the problem is that they spawn above and especially in front of fighters. If the spawn lower and behind the fighters, that fighters go ahead and that they can be covered by them as well.
    The best bombers currently are the fast ones that can bomb bases before the fighters rape you, without fighter cover…
    I usually turn back before even going for a run, has given me a much better chance at defending myself, as well as being able to pick off some fighters together with the fighters in my team.

  • @LoudSunshine
    @LoudSunshine Рік тому +2

    I feel like War thunder error was to add modern things WHILE abandoning the old things
    I am a old player, but since I'm a free2play player i don't have any jets, but i do see that we got a lot of same models with minor differences, like, i got my first Yak-9 in early tier 2, and I'm still stuck with a Yak-9 in late tier 4, if i had stained in the Soviet tech tree in land i would have the same problems, and i would have the same problems in others techtrees like the German, American and British
    We should be able to grind less easily with the certain updates in game, but as the guy right there said, it's unprofitable, and as long as we have dumbfucks buying everysinglefucking late game premium jet or premium tank gaijin launches we will stay like that until the game dies