Without God, What's the Point?

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • What's the point in anything without God? Here's what I think.


  • @WheepyUwU
    @WheepyUwU 6 днів тому +17

    you're a sentient biocomputer firing billions of actions potentials self aware of its state, knowing absolutely nothing about why you're here or what this really is, its incredibly fcking amazing and i wouldnt want it any other way.

    • @peteshock2757
      @peteshock2757 5 днів тому

      You are my leader now. How do I give you money, sweet baby WheeypyUwu? I have A LOT.

  • @brooks3376
    @brooks3376 6 днів тому +19

    Without Allah, Odin, Zeus, Horus…what’s the point?

    • @korvonfrancis6552
      @korvonfrancis6552 6 днів тому

      No. There is only God, so if there is no God, yes, what's the pointin existence other than eating, and drinking? There is none. Lofe is meaningless and everything is nothing more than chemical reactions. Nothing is real, no emotion, no action, everything is random.

  • @babette5918
    @babette5918 6 днів тому +12

    The point is to make your life about whatever you want it to be about. I guess some people want a life of subservience to authority in exchange for empty reassurances against their biggest fears. You do you, i guess.

    • @AbsurJ9856
      @AbsurJ9856 6 днів тому +2

      Some people want to be enslaved rather than be free to do what they want with life.

  • @melancholymoshpit
    @melancholymoshpit 6 днів тому +8

    The question makes sense if you have nothing to live for. If you are living for 1 purpose (i.e. God) then without that 1 purpose life would be meaningless for you.

    • @korvonfrancis6552
      @korvonfrancis6552 6 днів тому

      Athiest are some of the most depressed people in the world (look that up) they keep trying to fill material things in their life where God should be.

    • @AbsurJ9856
      @AbsurJ9856 6 днів тому +2

      @@melancholymoshpit Yeah, that's the point. If life ins't worth it on it's own for you then you didn't get it. Putting a external purpose on top of it doesn't excuse why you keep leaving your bed everyday.

    • @johnmonk3381
      @johnmonk3381 5 днів тому

      ​​@@korvonfrancis6552im proudly atheist and i live happier than any of those church goers whom i used to go to church with! 🤣. No more gossiping and hanging out with a bunch of egoistic, narcissistic and obnoxious people who are full of themselves. Many of these people actually hate going to church because of the enmity and resentment going on among themselves. Guess nobody takes the bible's teaching seriously. Everyone is just trying to impress others with their wealth, flashy cars, wisdom, or whose kids did better in school or that kind of trivial shit

  • @dmnemaine
    @dmnemaine 6 днів тому +11

    The point is whatever you want the point to be.

    • @prayerjoseph9776
      @prayerjoseph9776 6 днів тому

      Is there no ultimate point?

    • @dmnemaine
      @dmnemaine 6 днів тому +6

      @@prayerjoseph9776 Whatever you choose your ultimate point to be. Why should anyone else make that decision for you?

    • @prayerjoseph9776
      @prayerjoseph9776 6 днів тому

      @@dmnemaine So according to you the ultimate point is to choose what your ultimate point is. Aren't you making that decision for me?

    • @dmnemaine
      @dmnemaine 6 днів тому +5

      @@prayerjoseph9776 No. If you want to believe there's some ultimate point outside of you, then go for it.

    • @prayerjoseph9776
      @prayerjoseph9776 6 днів тому

      @@dmnemaine Alright. So you don't believe there is an ultimate point, right?

  • @enzoarayamorales7220
    @enzoarayamorales7220 7 днів тому +3

    Life does not have to be neither divine nor infnite to be valuable to us in the here and now as long as we are still alive, life ceases to have value the moment it stops existing but as long as it does it finds a way.

    • @korvonfrancis6552
      @korvonfrancis6552 6 днів тому

      What gives human beings value? What is morality and where does it come from? If there is no God, we are just robots reacting to the chemicals in our brains. Life would have no meaning, no value, no purpose, other than to eat, drink, and die. Atheist are never consistent with their worldview.

  • @dmaxwell910901
    @dmaxwell910901 5 днів тому +1

    The "point" is whatever we as individuals decide.
    It's always seemed so ridiculously close-minded to me when people act like their chosen "purpose" is the only one to have.

  • @tile-maker4962
    @tile-maker4962 6 днів тому +2

    God and the devil are euphemisms for the human condition. Choosing to side with God, you decide to fight your primordial condition. Choosing to side with the devil, you decide to give into your primordial condition. Looking at it from an outside view, many religions aim to help you attain some level of awareness. That is why when you grow older, you start understanding how to come to peace with everything that affects your life.

    • @samppakoivula9977
      @samppakoivula9977 6 днів тому

      Resisting is ego, giving in is ego. You can not win ego, only become aware of it :)

    • @korvonfrancis6552
      @korvonfrancis6552 6 днів тому

      Stop trying to give meaning where there is none. If there is no God we shouldn't try to resist anything but give into the chemical reactions that are spilling in our brains that force us to move in whatever direction it causes us to move in. No God, no objective morality or objective anything. P.S everyone has a religion and I could argue that those who reject God are those who have been" blinded by the devil so they cannot sew the ligh of the gospels or the Glory of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:4

    • @AbsurJ9856
      @AbsurJ9856 6 днів тому +2

      ​​@@korvonfrancis6552Well it's sad buddy. Even if that's the condition i wouldn't want it. I would still care for this world and how i and my loved ones are living. I won't want to live like a hopeless animal, i think that our ability of being self aware is beautiful and we should look to the future and not cry because we don't have a boss ordering us around. You know like using our own legs to walk rather than use a crutch. Like we did every single day on this 4.6 billion years blue and brown ball, before some crybabys started to care whether there's someone to change our diapers. Your despair is only yours.

    • @korvonfrancis6552
      @korvonfrancis6552 6 днів тому

      @@AbsurJ9856 That the thing. You need to be consistent with your worldview (religion) if there is no God your existence is reduced to nothing more than randomness, and chemical reactions. You don't love anyone, it's nothing more than you reacting to the Adam's in your brain, there is no freewill, no morality, no meaning. Be consistent

    • @AbsurJ9856
      @AbsurJ9856 6 днів тому

      @@korvonfrancis6552 You don't get to decide it. I don't have any religion or belief. But the thing is that i don't care for any of it! I ain't a crybaby even if everything is just chemicals, i don't care i still want to do what i believe is good and keep improving! Your hopeless is only yours and you're a dog in a leash. Those things absolutely exist! The phenomena of love exists and the concept of it as well. Where i ain't being consistent? The only distinction between those views is that i really don't care for ANY of it! I do as a please! I don't need to follow these instincts, if i've the freedom of a human i still will use it as i want to! And you're a depressed bitch, because your invisible girlfriend won't touch you. We're NOT the same and you need to GROW as a person. The thing of religion is that it turns people into manchilds.

  • @seismicwhale5371
    @seismicwhale5371 5 днів тому +2

    My answer is for the same reason you do. Ur here for every reason other than your god. If your god is the only reason you are "moral" then thats a problem. If their lofe is useless that doesnt mean mine is.

  • @cloverburn
    @cloverburn 4 дні тому

    The point is to find the point, to me the point is to find meaning in everything, find beauty in darkness and light in death live like it’s your last moments love like there’s no tomorrow fight for your friends like you’re in a god damn shonen anime because the connections we make and the art we create might not be forever but I’m not like any pharaoh that believes he’ll take his riches to the grave those are earthly belongings that I would like to think I’ve mastered detaching myself from (my riches being my collection of DVDs, my video games or my guitar)
    If I can be the one person that makes someone else feel alone then to me that’s a life well lived, I hope maybe I can do that as an artist one day but we’ll see. A bunch of used to be nobody’s sure did that for me so I hope I have that same spark they had to make one more person see that the human experience is beautiful

  • @tonydarcy1606
    @tonydarcy1606 6 днів тому +6

    The point is other people, not a selfish desire to be in heaven. We live in society and despite Thatcher's views, there is indeed such a thing ! Appreciate this brief brief candle of life before it expires.

    • @korvonfrancis6552
      @korvonfrancis6552 6 днів тому +1

      If there is no God, what's the point of care for other people? Life us about survival of the finest and caring for others can cause that survival mechanism to be counterproductive in the long run. There is no objective morality, so what is being selfish a bad thing? It can be a great thing to another person.

    • @AbsurJ9856
      @AbsurJ9856 5 днів тому

      @@korvonfrancis6552 Yeah, but the majority of the people would agree that being evil ins't something that'll do any good at the long run. So we should do the most to make things better for ourselves. To fully appreciate the gift that we've. Live life appreciating and flourishing our society rather than using your unique life by doing meaningless evil that will change NOTHING. That's simple. And even if you're taking a selfish position it's rather beneficial to act in good manners, because it makes the environment that you live better thus make your own life better. That's nothing beneficial in doing evil at the long run and empathy is a thing. You talk like the majority of society are some sorta of psychopath that doesn't feel remorse. That's not the reality we live in. To the finale I'll quote it:
      "Without religion bad people would still do bad things and good people would still do good things, but for a good person to do bad things it takes religion"

    • @Multi_Purpose_Weirdo
      @Multi_Purpose_Weirdo 5 днів тому +3

      ​@@korvonfrancis6552Caring for each other leads to a thriving society. As humans, cooperation is our super-power.

    • @johnmonk3381
      @johnmonk3381 5 днів тому

      ​@@korvonfrancis6552 you don't need god to have empathy. No human being can survive for very long all by himself as an island, which is why being good to others serves you well too, because let's face it, as humans and indeed any animal, survival is always preferable to death and harmony is always preferable over chaos

    • @korvonfrancis6552
      @korvonfrancis6552 5 днів тому

      @johnmonk3381 If there is no God, there is no obligation to be "good" to others. Where is this sense of morality coming from? What's is empathy? A personal subjective opinion. There are people who lack empathy and would say that having empathy is a weakness and it's better to take what you want and live for yourself. If there is no God, then it's your subjective opinion against yours. Also, if life is nothing more than survival l, then what's wrong with rape, theft, etc, doesn't matter if you're hurting someone else. It's about you surviving and reproducing. No, God, no moral obligation, do as you please. Be consistent with life without God means lawlessness. .

  • @3tvclarkhome
    @3tvclarkhome 3 дні тому

    I completely agree, which is why I rejected secularism. As everywhere secularism is embraced by the elite death follows, if you watch John Vervaeke’s Awakening from the Meaning Crisis EP.16 here on YT (he’s secular) you’ll have a better understanding of what I came to realize about Christianity in the West. Peace be with you, friend.

  • @TheSoulProponent
    @TheSoulProponent 5 днів тому

    Inevitably the few bad apples who abuse this idea of “why not enjoy life now?” will spoil the bunch.

    • @Multi_Purpose_Weirdo
      @Multi_Purpose_Weirdo 5 днів тому +2

      That's what laws are for, I guess.

    • @dmaxwell910901
      @dmaxwell910901 5 днів тому +3

      There are "bad apples" that use religion to justify abhorrent actions against others. Do they spoil the bunch too?

    • @TheSoulProponent
      @TheSoulProponent 5 днів тому

      @@dmaxwell910901 : I would say yes. It can be argued the overall effects of religion have been more detrimental rather than beneficial to society. YMMV.

  • @Jeremy-y9o
    @Jeremy-y9o 4 дні тому

    I believe in God but also there's no way to be 100% sure. All I can do is have faith. Kinda like an adult version of Santa Claus. There's no downside to believing really, at least not that I can think of. Believing in someone who's always got your back, who's gonna reward you one day for all the good you do that other people don't see. Anyways, Jesus' doors are open to all and you're not too far gone no matter what, I can't make you believe it, but I can try to give you hope❤

  • @seandavis1202
    @seandavis1202 4 дні тому

    Like watching a bad movie you still want to see what happens. Seriously though, without an objective purpose you are free to just live your live. Knowing there is nothing beyond this life makes this life all that more special, all that more urgent to make the best of the previous few seconds we get to live. Why is it that theists promise you the best things after you die but cannot demonstrate in any sense that's what really happens after you die. Adhering to religious dogma is a misguided attempt to make sense of a senseless world.

  • @homophilosofikus8215
    @homophilosofikus8215 5 днів тому

    Why must there be a point? And what`s the point with a god? Sing songs about him, tell him how great he is and then die, go to heaven watering pot plants with Jesus for eternity?

  • @jacksteal4792
    @jacksteal4792 4 дні тому

    Without god: reproduction and survival, if you want to give your life more meaning then go ahead you don’t need god, to hold your hand just help you off the ground.

  • @icollectstories5702
    @icollectstories5702 5 днів тому

    At my worst, I do view life as a bad movie. But every time I thought things couldn't get any worse, I got surprised. So no matter how bad life seems, trust me, life can get even worse. I stick around partly just to see how.

    • @johnmonk3381
      @johnmonk3381 5 днів тому

      Or almost inevitably it gets better. Which, of course, a lot of people will then attribute that to god and not the resilience within themselves that caused them to change their circumstance for the better

    • @icollectstories5702
      @icollectstories5702 5 днів тому

      @@johnmonk3381 Just wait 'til you get older....🙃

    • @johnmonk3381
      @johnmonk3381 5 днів тому

      @@icollectstories5702 what's wrong with getting older. I fully expect to get weaker and then die. Look around and find everyone's the same. Then it's not so special or scary for me anymore, is it?

    • @icollectstories5702
      @icollectstories5702 4 дні тому

      @@johnmonk3381 I find it unpleasant. If I had a choice, I wouldn't choose it. I'm happy that you are okay with it.

    • @johnmonk3381
      @johnmonk3381 4 дні тому

      @@icollectstories5702 nobody really has a choice there, hasn't they? Your perception of reality is what makes you suffer. Perceiving what's actually impermanent as permanent. Why not imagine you are a piece of diamond instead, then you practically stay the same forever. But then you won't get to experience and feel what a human or other mortal animals feel, no pain comes with no joy either. Just an inanimate object

  • @WylieWolfenstein
    @WylieWolfenstein 4 дні тому

    What's the point without god? Well I have 2 responses. 1) you are God, and we are all God. 2) perfection is the meaning of life, for example, the Atari 2600 to the ps5/xbox series X is a very clear example of the point of humanity, perfection., or as others like to call evolution. P.s I have a conspiracy that this is hell, but I also believe that the fundamental guideline of perfection will enable us to break out of hell, achieve immortality and eventually create worlds of our own upon leaving earth when we're ready. Just in case the bible holds any truth, I've sworn allegiance to Belial, Focalor, Astaroth, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Baphomet, Satan, Lilith, Asmodeus and Azazel. The enemies of my enemy are my friends. P.s.s you have a sick last name. Skags are alien canine-like creatures from the Borderlands franchise.

  • @alexale5488
    @alexale5488 7 днів тому

    Hello young sir.
    What do you think about NDEs?

    • @oldbatwit5102
      @oldbatwit5102 7 днів тому +2

      What do you think about unicorns?

    • @terryfall8915
      @terryfall8915 6 днів тому +3

      People hallucinate when their brains lack oxygen. Isn't' it interesting that NDEs are almost without exception exactly what the dying people expected to see?

    • @alexale5488
      @alexale5488 6 днів тому +2

      @@terryfall8915 I believe you have not studied NDEs at all sir. If you are curious to find out more, I am willing to explain you and reference the research.

    • @oldbatwit5102
      @oldbatwit5102 6 днів тому +2

      @@alexale5488 You don't know what the word 'studied' means.
      You are desperately looking for anything that will back up a fairy tale.

    • @alexale5488
      @alexale5488 6 днів тому

      @@oldbatwit5102 And you sir, you seem to feel offended by the fact that I believe in a fairy tale. There's no reason for anyone to fight each other, especially on topics like this.

  • @prayerjoseph9776
    @prayerjoseph9776 6 днів тому

    The love of self is strong in this one.

    • @mfsebcw
      @mfsebcw 5 днів тому

      an important quality for a well adjusted mind.

  • @raccoons_stole_my_account
    @raccoons_stole_my_account 5 днів тому

    I mean it's not like someone can just stop all suicides ever. People are going to do it whatever your opinions are.

  • @Multi_Purpose_Weirdo
    @Multi_Purpose_Weirdo 5 днів тому +3

    Hooray! Subjective thoughts from a random nobody on the internet are great.
    I pretty much agree with everything you said, I call it "cheerful nihilism". We are matter that gets to be sentient and self-aware, inside a vast and beautiful cosmos beyond our understanding. We're awfully lucky.

  • @AllThingsFilm1
    @AllThingsFilm1 6 днів тому +4

    Who cares what anyone thinks about gods. All religions are man made. It only takes a brief reading of any religious text to see the arrogance behind them.

    • @korvonfrancis6552
      @korvonfrancis6552 6 днів тому

      All text are man made? That's a playground argument. You are reducing all writtings to being false because a human wrote it? You just discredited all of human history sir.

    • @AbsurJ9856
      @AbsurJ9856 5 днів тому +1

      @@korvonfrancis6552 No, it's because you cannot demonstrate that a god exists and it actually wrote something. If you can go make yourself a favor and GET THAT NOBLE!

    • @Multi_Purpose_Weirdo
      @Multi_Purpose_Weirdo 5 днів тому

      ​@@korvonfrancis6552Agreed, all texts are man-made. The claim being disputed is that "some texts have a divine origin".

  • @lawrencecarlson2425
    @lawrencecarlson2425 4 дні тому +1

    Atheists find a lot to live for. It's the believers that find life unfulfilled without crutches. This comes from a 60-year practicer of Christianity of sorts.

  • @samppakoivula9977
    @samppakoivula9977 6 днів тому +4

    "If there is no God, life has no meaning" Quite the contrary life could have multiple meanings NOT involving God. I mean if someone experiences that God gives meaning to their lives, then good for them. However, there are lots of people even within religions, that actually aren't very religious and who still are successful in finding meaning in their lives :)

    • @prayerjoseph9776
      @prayerjoseph9776 6 днів тому

      @@samppakoivula9977 As a Christian I accept that God is the absolute necessary being.
      God is Meaning. God is Truth. God is Life.
      So the statement "if there is no God (Meaning), life has no meaning" is somewhat accurate. There also will be no life without God (Life).
      What is your understanding of God?

    • @samppakoivula9977
      @samppakoivula9977 6 днів тому

      @@prayerjoseph9776 Did you read my comment at all or did you just ignore everything that doesn't fit to your religious worldview? This is the main reason people turn away from God, at least from religious God, NOT to "keep sinning (without any morals)" or because "they are angry at God" or any of such reasons, though I know you probably disagree with me on this, so I won't waste anymore of my breath on this
      Your last question very likely is loaded with the intent of trying to convert me based on your overall answer, so I am not comfortable telling my views on God, because you would probably say they are wrong/I am making up my own God or something along the lines, not realizing the irony of such answer. Plus you would probably quote some passages on Bible to further validatte your point. I've seen and heard that like gazzillion of times, so no thanks.
      So instead I am hitting you What do you mean when you say that God is meaning, truth and life? Meaning in what way? Every way? If so, that is quite a bold claim. Truth of what? Of everything? Even if that would be true, what does it matter? God is Life? Life is a broad concept which could mean different things to different people, so being adamant that God is the meaning of everything is, well, somewhat admirable, but also very rigid at the same, tbh...

    • @samppakoivula9977
      @samppakoivula9977 6 днів тому +1

      @@prayerjoseph9776 Apparently my answer was deleted so to summarize it: No, I am not answering to your question because your intention behind that question is trying to convert me, obviously :)

    • @AbsurJ9856
      @AbsurJ9856 6 днів тому +1

      ​@@prayerjoseph9776 And you cannot show any trace of that god so, actually, you don't have any meaning. You've some twisted hope grounded in faith, that's basically nothing.

    • @prayerjoseph9776
      @prayerjoseph9776 5 днів тому

      @@samppakoivula9977 Ok. I just wanted you to clarify. It seems you think of God as some being we can live without.
      Again, in the Christian view God is the absolute necessary being. There is "no thing" without God, deny God, and you deny the bases for your own existence. God is Existence.
      And I can't convert you, that is between you and God.

  • @jukkaahonen6557
    @jukkaahonen6557 5 днів тому +1

    I used to have joy and a sense of meaning in life as a Christian. But after deconstructing and leaving my faith some years ago, I have been unable to find joy in life. The beautiful dream is over, and I can't fall asleep again.
    I end up getting fed up with whatever I start doing. Life just feels dull, heavy and bleak. There's nothing I look forward to except death.

  • @David-cy5ub
    @David-cy5ub 5 днів тому

    Good question, in my view there is no point and you are under no obligation to do anything. Wanna exit? Go right ahead. Wanna stick around? Go ahead. You didn't choose to be born, you have no obligations to take responsibility for being born. For me personally, I'm here until I decide I don't want to be. Not even the Universe is eternal if the heat death is the way it all goes. So immortality is a pipe dream, chill the fuck out, smoke some weed and enjoy life. While I'm here I have decided that, having suffered a lot, it seems reasonable to live my life attempting to reduce suffering as much as I can, for myself and others. Is there a point to doing that? Nope. The end.

  • @korvonfrancis6552
    @korvonfrancis6552 6 днів тому +1

    Exactly. Wothout God life is meaningless. Atheist keep trying to give a meaningless existance purpose. If they are consistent with their worldview (religion) they would accept that there is no such things as morality, justice, emotions, etc. Its all randomness and chemical reactions. God is real, dont loose faith brother. Reach out to Christ and he will reveal himself to you as he did me ❤

    • @Nexils
      @Nexils 5 днів тому +2

      Why do you think it's meaningless without a god? Why wouldn't there be morality or justice? Emotions even.
      Even if a God exists, life would still be full of chemical reactions. And quite random. God creating this earth all of a sudden? That's kinda random, don't you think? Nice claiming God is real, but don't be surprised when people don't believe you.

    • @johnmonk3381
      @johnmonk3381 5 днів тому +1

      I lost my beliefs and all my faith and I lived way better and more meaningful life than I ever was when I was religious! Why?? Because I accepted personal responsibility for my own happiness and not delegating that to something else that can't do a damn thing!

    • @johnmonk3381
      @johnmonk3381 5 днів тому

      If your life is always needing to serve some god in perpetual servitude, which has absolutely no need for it from mere mortals like you because he's already all-powerful!, then no wonder your life sucks

    • @MrDtmayo
      @MrDtmayo 5 днів тому

      ​@Nexils because without a God you're just describing what is. Hitler extermination the jews holds as much objective meaning as someone truing to cure cancer. That's not very satisfying if you ask me.

    • @mfsebcw
      @mfsebcw 5 днів тому

      my purpose is secular humanism. increase well being for as many as i can, reduce suffering for as many as i can. worldview doesn't mean religion. morality evolved, justice was created by society, and emotions are a brain state that are a result of chemicals in the brain. all real things, they really exist. we made some of them exist. atheists don't actually try to give meaning. that's not what atheism is. atheism is merely the rejection of the assertion that god exists.

  • @dtphenom
    @dtphenom 6 днів тому +1

    Withput God, nothing is impermissible.
    If there is no right answer, then there is no wrong answer. Why not oppress others if you can get away with it? If someone wants to take advantage of someone weaker than them, who is to say they ought npt do that? Life is meaningless. Who cares?
    Like you said, it doesn't matter in the end. If soneone is getting in the way of a self-determined purpose, there is nothing wrong you can do to them.

    • @korvonfrancis6552
      @korvonfrancis6552 6 днів тому

      Exactly. If there is no God than there is no objective morality so let people do as they wish, no matter who they hurt, it's all subjective opinion and random chemicals reactions in the brain.

    • @korvonfrancis6552
      @korvonfrancis6552 6 днів тому

      @@teddyjlockwood You have me moved up with the other guy, this is my first time replying to you (what questions) There's where you are wrong as well. God is the ultimate authority which means his laws are not subjective but standard. When you go to work you cannot say " The owners rules are subjective" even If you go Into someone's home you cannot do that. God created everything, which Means he owns everything. This is all HIS, not yours, not ours.

    • @AbsurJ9856
      @AbsurJ9856 6 днів тому +2

      Even if that god exists, you cannot show which proposed god is true, so your "right" and "wrong", is even more subjective and that subjectivism led to INNUMERABLE wars and suffering around the world. This nihilistic position is childish. Even if nothing is guiding us, we're still here leaving our lives, so we should figure out how to make things better for us and for others the majority of people would agree with that, because we do things to live more comfortable and secure lives, for us to appreciate our little time that we've. There's no meaning in being evil and sympathy and empathy exists. We shouldn't need no other excuse like "daddy said so" for being good we do good because we WANT TO BE BETTER PERSONS AND LIVE MORE FULFILLING LIVES! We simply don't enjoy doing bad things. Having no observable guided meaning doesn't excuse bad actions. Everything being permitted, doesn't mean that nothing is forbidden.

    • @korvonfrancis6552
      @korvonfrancis6552 6 днів тому

      @@AbsurJ9856 You can show which God is true and that's by using logic, evidence, and reasonable conclusions basted on that evidence. It's not difficult if you do a none biased research.

    • @sydeweizgt
      @sydeweizgt 6 днів тому

      ​@@korvonfrancis6552 Like he said (@AbsurJ9856), Honestly, as you realize, you are only a good person because you want a daddy to tell you to have a good life and to reward you. Well, hear this: you are not a good person if that is where you stand and if this God did exist, you would surely be punished. But that is a subjective understanding, see what I did. Just because God exists doesn't mean he is gonna validate your life or even accommodate it. Your life is as valuable as the life of an ant to him, and you honestly think you matter that much that he will literally die for you is wild.

  • @billybobwombat2231
    @billybobwombat2231 5 днів тому

    Living a contented daily existence with a smile on my face 🙂🦘