It was a long journey getting there but it really looks nice. Did none of the parts machines have the memory expansion? I did end up going the SD card route, which absolutely maxes out the 520MB the onboard IDE control can recognize. Never gonna use that all up! With the empty space I installed a 1.44MB floppy. I'll be doing a video on it later this year.
Thanks, really appreciate it! Apparently the memory expansions are nigh on impossible to find in AU :( If I wasn't aiming for a historical refurb with this one, I probably also would have gone the SD/CF to IDE route, but dang it I just wanted to get the original hard drive working!
Well done with the hard drives.. Hopefully the one in the compaq will last a bit!
Great job
It was a long journey getting there but it really looks nice. Did none of the parts machines have the memory expansion? I did end up going the SD card route, which absolutely maxes out the 520MB the onboard IDE control can recognize. Never gonna use that all up! With the empty space I installed a 1.44MB floppy. I'll be doing a video on it later this year.
Thanks, really appreciate it! Apparently the memory expansions are nigh on impossible to find in AU :( If I wasn't aiming for a historical refurb with this one, I probably also would have gone the SD/CF to IDE route, but dang it I just wanted to get the original hard drive working!