First one wasn't even close to far enough. That teacher should've gotten it way worse off than she did. Still don't understand why he didnt get the +5 bonus points though as he did what was asked and had strong reasoning to back it up.
That Aaron kid is probably the best person i've heard in these stories. Love that he, in spite of being hurt, hyped up his friend for defending himself. 10/10 dude
The Brazil kid helping OP did him a real solid Especially since the bully left OP alone afterwards And the grandpa telling OP to make sure the bully never messes with you again is a real OG, he knew the only way to deal with bullies
Am I too firm of a believer in the good in people for having expected #7's sister to have said: "Yeah no, I totally had this coming, but... _oooow..._ "? After all, surely cashing in a broken nose cooled her off a little?
First one was well-deserved, and clearly needed more flak if after being "so hurt" she didn't change a bit. The fact that she was looking to "get back at the student" by taking away points instead of underestanding why he felt that way just goes to show that she clearly deserved the whole thing
Bullies will only learn their lesson when they mess with the wrong people. Is it really that hard to be nice? Just bc their life is crap, they can’t leave people alone. Have to make others life hell too.
Idk it sounds like pretty much everyone earned what they got in these stories. I don’t think any of these went too far. And the story where the OP got spooked and hit his friend was accidental and the friend took it in stride.
First one wasn't too far, it was well deserved. As a teacher myself, hard ass teachers who pride themselves on 'no students ever get 100% in MY CLASS' are basically admitting that they're a bad teacher. School isn't a place to flex your ego on kids. Kids, mind you, that are looking up to you for education, guidance, and support. School is shitty enough as is, don't make it worse.
Unironically, I full-on expected that teacher to have started reforming there and then. Still imagining a different timeline where she immediately said that no, she would give OP the bonus points because "that wouldn't have hurt nearly as much if [she] didn't deserve every bit of it" and later met OP outside the office to thank them for a very painful, but very much necessary wake-up call.
Here's some words of wisdom that I've been saying since I was 14 and still have people struggling to believe it: If all of your students are getting bad grades in your class because it is "so difficult", you are not a good teacher. (Yeah, I'm looking at you, Harvard and Yale professors giving out "graduate school difficulty" classes to freshmen and having literal pride in students failing classes that you, the professor, probably couldn't even pass.)
So I met this girl online and she was pretty fun to talk to, and she went to the same school as I did, so we hung out for a while. But over the next few months, she slowly starts spiraling into a state of bullying and harassing everybody, especially me. She was spreading rumors, intentionally using incorrect pronouns, stealing stuff, etc. Me and my friends were fed up and started to avoid her, which eventually worked after she slapped my friend in the face, who had slipped a wrapped hotel stick of butter in her backpack on a school trip, and the bully lost at least half of those she called friend. I felt pretty bad, even though that incident was unrelated to me, but if it meant she stopped bullying me and my friends, I was cool with it. Fast forward to the following year, and she tries to make amends by refriending me on Discord. She apologizes for everything, then proceeds to spread more rumors and BS about one of my friends, formerly her best friend. She advises me to stop hanging out with them because she was a manipulative liar. I was not having it, and moved the conversation to a group chat with all of my friends in it, after relaying the conversation to them. Everybody got their revenge that very night, and she never talked to any of us again. Felt kinda bad for unleashing their wrath on her remorseful self, but it was totally deserved looking back.
This one might be a little weird. It does not involve me directly, but I was still involved. At the time, after two years practicing in a local martial arts program, I had just become a brown belt, which made me an instructor in the program and right below a black belt (as of this post, this was about 15 years ago). Now, I was brand new to the rank and task, but before then, I was an assistant instructor (basically an advanced student who volunteered as a helper for the actual instructors), so I was not exactly fresh to the task. Still, as this story will demonstrate, I was not quite the ideal instructor - maybe not an outright bad one, but probably at least questionable. To start, there was one kid in the class. She joined the program less than a year before I became an instructor. Shortly before I became one, I started seeing signs of what looked like physical abuse to me: bruises, scrapes, and the like. When such a thing first starts, no one really thinks anything about it, and I was no exception. That said, I had seen her around outside of the program, and I saw that she was regularly sporting some of these signs on her, and fresh ones at that. One week of this was the first mental alarm bell. The second week was the second mental alarm bell. By the third week - and the timing placed it two days before my instructor test - I decided to try to help her, even though there was not much that I could reasonably do. For those who are concerned about this setup, don't worry. It was not abusive parents or any other relative. It turned out to be a rather nasty new boy at her school, and this new boy had selected her as his target. Mind you, I did not learn of these details until after what happened. Anyway, we were not in the regular class for the program for this story. This was literally the day after I passed the test and became an instructor. We had run into each other at a local park. She looked upset. I tried to ask her what was going on, but at the time, my social skills left a lot to be desired (they still do, but they were _much_ worse back then), so I was not getting much out of her. Still, it was enough for me to tell that her problem involved someone, so I offered to give her a few extra lessons, less focused in techniques and more on mentality instead. Now, I should note that this martial arts program actually teaches more self-defense techniques and mindsets than most dojos do. All of us in the program will always emphasize that violence is not encouraged, and we always have and will continue to stand by it. That said, we do acknowledge that there might be a situation where it is unavoidable, so if one must fight, one has to be ruthless. Mind you, "ruthless" does not equate to "cruel," but depending on the situation, there can be a degree of overlap. Also, at the time, the self-defense training had been based on krav maga, and some time after this story, it got changed to silat (I know the differences, but if you want to know them, look them up on your own). So for about an hour, I taught her some of the key points of krav maga, namely to not bother with anything flashy and just go for it. I did give a few pointers on a few techniques, but by and large, it was about what to aim for when attacking, what not to do, that sort of thing. I was essentially and inadvertently giving her ideas on how to exact revenge. There was not much physical training done for this, just an imparting of words of undoubtedly questionable wisdom. Fast forward to about three weeks later. I had not seen her at all since that little time at the park. She was not even coming to class at the time. By this point, I started to worry about her. According to the black belt, he had contacted her parents after she missed the second week, and they told him that she was indisposed. Then, by the three-week mark, she comes into class, and I immediately notice that she does not have any fresh abuse signs. I take that as a relief, at least until I notice that she came in with her parents, and they approach the black belt. It turned out that she had gotten into a pretty nasty fight with this boy at their school. Evidently, they were whaling on each other, even though, according to witnesses, she was edging him out through the techniques the program teaches. However, at some point, the boy stepped up his viciousness against her, and she apparently responded in kind. By the end of the fight, she had burst... shall we say, one of his more critical family jewels, though how she did it, I never found out. The school had suspended her for the fight (it was not a full-on zero tolerance policy, but it was close to it). Surprisingly, the parents were not complaining to the black belt about what she used. As far as they were concerned, the program was just doing its job, and their daughter ended up having to use what she was learning in order to put an end to a real problem for her. To them, the suspension was worth it. On the one hand, I feel proud that she was able to not only stick up for herself but actually make herself loud and clear in what was evidently the only remaining option for her. On the other hand, I do feel at least partially responsible for the worst of the damage that the boy suffered by her hands. Sure, one could argue that he deserved it, and maybe he really did, but I still feel kind of bad for him. At the very least, she remained in the program. She never explicitly thanked me for that lesson in the park, but I cannot shake the feeling of gratitude from her for it, even though I had (and still have) mixed feelings about that fight's outcome. Plus, she never got missed with at school again, and from what I heard, the reputation from that fight carried with her until she graduated from high school. I suppose that kind of rep will keep you safer than most. So yeah, no direct involvement on my part in this quasi-revenge story, but I still feel like it ended up going too far.
My ex beat the crap out of me several times before I got the nerve to kick him out. He continued to harass me even after a restraining order. To get back at him I went to his college and used a logging chain to chain he car to the one in front of him and left a not on his windshield suggesting he was doing thing he wasn't supposed to without naming them. The women's car I chained it to called the cops and when he called me I denied it all successfully. I felt bad for a while but looking back it was epic.
I used a psychological trick to mess with a "volunteer" in prison. This young woman (early 20s?) Called herself a volunteer but was paid to come see the convicts. She made her distaste for us known upon each visit. The program she assisted with had a book with her coworkers name and her name on a sticker stacked one above the other. I carefully removed and cut the stickers using an id card the size of a credit card so well it looked as if the sticker was never altered. Week after week id remove a couple more from the other convicts books. One day she comes in with a particularly negative attitude. She then proceeds to melt down over the fact her name had disappeared from the books and started berating the inmates wondering "why bad things happen to good people like her." The correctional officer on duty ended up having to call back up to escort her off the premises once she started throwing materials around the room. I hope shes doing better.
Being the son of a teacher and now teaching a trade myself, I can confidently say 90% of the time of a teacher says that no one has passed with an A in their class, they’re a bad teacher, the only teacher who I had, who was genuinely right about it, was the man who taught me automatic transmissions. they’re complicated as is. I’m proud that I’m as close as possible to an a with his class, he definitely tried to make it easy.
This brings back horrible memories for me. I got bullied by all 5 of my brothers because i was the youngest. 15 years of torture and i just snapped. I started my pushing my oldest down the stairs, then i hit another with a brick and broke a rib. Next i onocked another out by slamming my nlknee against his head. And the others called the police. This all happened in one day and surprisingly my parents took my side. They now act like adults finally but i regret not doing more, i don't care if they are "sorry" because in the end i jave to live with it when they can just heal the wounds with medicine. U make sure to remind them every now and then just to put them in a bad mood for fun.
When I was a wee little thing, in primary school (UK), I was the subject of bullying. I would intentionally ignore him (the bully), that was until my nan and dog passed away (within 2 weeks of each other). My nan (grandmother, mother's side) was the most important person in my life and poor Snoopy (dog) was the second, being my best (only) friend at the time. It might be important to note I was 5 at the time. Well after their passing I went to school without taking time to grieve and this not-so little sh1t begins goading me but unlike the other times he mentions my nan and how I will never be able to see her again. I try so hard to ignore him, through classes, break time but he wouldn't stop, thus when lunch time happens (I had already told 3 teachers of what was happening) he carries on and I lose it pulling out a pencil and shoving it through his heel. It was clean and like a good person I left it in. He cried and when the teacher came and was about to tell me off my new best friend as of this event just warned her not to do something stupid pointing and the crumpled mess of a kid, on the floor. He was pulled from school, sent to hospital and was bandaged up from what I am aware. As a result of me losing my cool that day, I became a more aggressive individual, just so very angry all of the time, but would not attack for no reason. He on the other hand, walks with a permanent limp and has never bullied since.
In grade 10, I missed 88 out of 112 days in the first semester due to symptoms related to an undiagnosed brain tumour. Despite this, I completed all work including a few labs I had to make up during those days I was actually present. I still scored solid A's averaging about 89%. In chemistry I had an average of 98% and all labs and work was completed. My teacher gave me a C- (55%) as my final grade simply because of my attendance. This wasn't school policy, and she was the only teacher who did this. I've wondered if it was because she was actually the Home Economics teacher and was just filling in so everything she "knew" was directly out of a text as she didn't have above an Elementary School level of Science education so was it possible she didn't like that I found easy something she struggled with? I'll never know, as it never occurred to me to look into until until long after high school.
First one: I had an English teacher like that who literally hated everybody (so not just me) but she wouldn’t let me turn a paper in that she collected whilst I was in the bathroom. Like I tried turning it in after and she said I couldn’t. I reported her to admin (not just after that incident, but after repeated stuff like that. Nothing really came of it) she would also grade stories based on really subjective requirements such as “must be an interesting story, one that keeps the readers interest” and gave me a two on that assignment. One time, we had a lock down (we literally thought there was an active shooter in the building and could hear police shouting. A lot of classmates were crying) and the next day, there was extra counseling for people who it affected and she literally told us not to go during her class because we had more important things to do. I’ve never had anyone care so little about other people (I hated her as a person and the way she treated us, but I did learn some valuable stuff, but I still hate her with a burning passion)
Not a revenge story but the first story reminded me of some teachers I've had throughout my academic life. I've known my fair share of ahole teachers and one in particular, I know damn well hated my guts and hated the entire class, but some of my close friends who I've known for years have been saying that teacher was actually nice. They joked that I was jealous of them. Our friendship holds strong but those moments just didn't sit right with me.
I had the exact opposit of that teacher in story 1. She was superlax with everything and in hindsight I think she basically was just not motivated to do her work properly. Like she would only read up the text from the book in class while ignoring whatever we did. Neither reacting to us trying to ask questions or to us talking to each other or doing homework for other classes or ever just leaving the room to grab a soda or a snack from the vending machine. She would also leave class duing tests and read the newspaper instead of watching what we were doing which meant several students were cheating. At first we thought, maybe she'd be testing us and adjusting her methods based on whether we would act responsible or not, but nope - she would just ignore everything we did while reading from the same book, we got to learn from all while we were testing out the borders of what she would accept. Turned out that the border was reached when we for no good reason decided to lock her out of the classroom, take out a ghetto blaster and turning her class into a spontaneous disco dance session. That was when she decided that teaching is not for her and found a different job instead. Just for context: Any other teacher knew us for being a rather quiet and nice class and we regularly won the annual school project competition (think or a sience fair, but instead of singular student the entire class contributes to the projects) Every other teacher liked teaching our class and even after that incident most of the other teachers were rather tellin us that she shouldn't be teaching anyways rather than blaming us for making her quit her job.
I got a detention for "throwing away someone's lunch" when it was their empty tray (the throw-away kind)... The person who had the tray kicked my chair, cussed me out, and spilled red juice on me right before a concert, and also got a detention. Fair? I don't think so...
Sadly the sister in story 7 reminds me of my old self, though i was a bit less extreme. My siblings and I were still pretty young and I didn’t do anything that left bad bruises but I was more violent than acceptable. I know now that I really struggled with anger issues, got unreasonably mad over small things, and shouldn’t have expressed my anger with violence. I don’t know why my parents never took me to a therapist about that, I think it could’ve helped me be better sooner.
I hate when i hear teachers who say shit like “no one has ever gotten an A in my class” bc when ever i talk with my parents (both teachers) they root for their students and want them to do great. They do wish they could give most of them the best grade but thats not how it Works so they cant but most teachers Will try to talk you up during exams (as in up in grades)
My little story. When I was at 9-th grade , my biology teacher was shouting at student for the fact the she didn't concentrate on the studies. The reason was : her mom died a day before this class and she was still in a deep shock, however, when teacher found out about this she said : "Then don't come into school if you can't study, it disturbs others". I was 15 at that time, but I was so disgusted by the all situation itself, that I remembered it until now and I think I'll remember that further in my life. I'm 22 now.
How much a teacher likes you makes just as much of a difference as your actual work in most cases. I made sure to reach out to my new college professors a couple days before class to introduce myself. I had a great relationship with every teacher but one. I couldn't stand that guy and he didn't like me either. Me introducing myself and staying in communication with my professors was definitely the main reason that I graduated from college with a 3.98 GPA.
I have a story like this. When I was younger and still in school there was a guy and his friends who would bully me. Stuff like going to the teacher as a group and frame me for things I didn't even do and they knew that. They made it worse and worse and ofc the usual bully stuff. Stealing things and so on. Anyway, we were in a Laptop class where we used laptops for most stuff. Private ones tho. So one day when we went to break I noticed said guy left his laptop unlocked. No idea, happens sometimes. Anyway I thought: That is a once in a lifetime possibility. So I went out, downloaded every bit of malware, viruses and whatever I could find and just left. Nobody was any wiser until after a while it started to show. And there are some really fucked up things out there. Now I know that but those days I didn't. So anyway whatever IT-nuke I deployed there had apparently spread. No idea what exactly happened but when he got called out by the teacher (popups and the likings) he pretty much just said: I don't know what it is, it is already at my parents computers too. His computer was effectively unrecoverable. I think he fixed it at one point but everything of his personal data was just gone forever. And some viruses can spread over unsecured Wifi connections. School wifi was designed against that, his home WiFi however wasn't. No idea about the extent of the damage. I don't feel too bad because he absolutely deserved it but it went out of control really fast. Remember viruses and the likings are not something you can easily keep control over, so stay clear of that at any point not even as revengd or on purpose. You will never know where it will end up after. Maybe back at you even
Brazil one didn't get too far either. Considering the guy's background, his behaviour is understandable but in absolutely no way acceptable, and when it comes to bulling, this was a beautiful example of fuck around and find out.
Story 8: Aaron is a real bro. XD Real boys will be boys moment, Aaron knew he was fucking around, one day would find out and accepted it was the risk he was taking. Impressive fr a 10 year old.
I have never gotten a collections call for an ER visit. Not once over years of being uninsured and unable to pay for multiple visits. I'd call BS on anyone trying to say that to extort money
I've gotten collection calls over an ER visit, but the solution is literally as simple as "sorry, this isn't his number anymore". Also, from what I remember, medical debt no longer goes towards your credit score.
I unfortunately make these calls. We also don’t want to call you. Just State it’s the wrong number or they moved. Being rude or hanging up means I have to call you back again because I can’t say it’s the wrong number or no longer at address.
The worst form or revenge'l I took too far would've been about a year ago now. There was a kid that I go to school with in my taxi (I get free transport due to adhd, go to a school for kids with anger issues and some other stuff that I don't really understand). He is very annoying; rapping out loud even when I ask him not to at 8am, poking and prodding me, not taking no for an answer when he *tells* me to sit in the back of the taxi with him because he "doesn't like the other kids in the taxi". It's very tiring. Now, one day he kept peeing me off. He was persistently hitting me, as per, even when I asked him not to. So, knowing that this was the only thing that I could've said to make him stop, I told him I was considering ending 'things', which wasn't actually false but still. I know, not a great thing to say and a bit crappy but it made him stop for awhile. Still regret saying it though, it makes me feel bad since I don't know *why* that was the only thing that made him stop. I just wish he was a nicer guy, because - at times - he was.
When i was 6 i was in a jungle gym we had in school, but it was a very tall one. A boy mildly teased me, so i pushed him, imagine my surprise when he fell in between the security rope and ended up on the ground. He broke his arm. Nicholas if you're reading this im sorry ):
We had a kid at school he was always causing problems for us kids in the lower years, he was several years older than us and used to push us around. One day me and two friends saw that him and his sister were at school, we skived off and walked to his house. Being from a single parent house his mum worked, we knocked at the door no one answered so we let ourselves in with a stick through the letter box. This stick could be used to open the door handle, we were in. We found a way of getting at him via his mum. We took a pair of scissors from the kitchen and cut out the crutch on his mums and sisters knickers, all waste material were then thrown under his bed. A few days later, I hadnt seen the boy, so I asked his sister what had happened to him. Turns out his mum thrown him out and had to live with dad, which meant he had to go to another school!! Bonus being he blamed his sister and she blamed him so neither was speaking to the other.....
Yeah not gonna lie, that was a whole ton of a story and was really building up for some sort of super satisfying over the top revenge as this sub would suggest Literally nothing :/
It was so incredibly obvious that the teacher was faking being upset to further mess with the OP.. the fact that OP couldn't clearly see that makes them hard to sympathize with..
the teacher in the first story kind of reminds me of my 11th grade economics teacher. he was AWFUL. he only graded three things (bellwork, tests/ quizzes, and foolproof which is basically just a test on the computer) he wouldn't post the bellwork on google classroom so if you missed a day, then it sucks to be you. he said that the foolproof was worth 80% of our grade but if you scored high on it, your class grade wouldn't go up but it would tank if you failed. he only gave you ONLY a week to make up a test, so if you missed more than one week, you weren't allowed to make up the test. he was an awful teacher
Story 4, don't feel bad, you did nothing but inform of some of their actions. and depending on what their field is, they could have done way worse to their clients out of negligence
First story: If a teacher is taking pride in the fact that students never got an A in their class than the problem is with the teacher not the students.
I wish I posted this, but I was too late. There was this girl in 9th grade that every boy hates, I was a pretty nice lil' guy. But one day... She insulted me so hard I almost beat her up, but since I was Mr.Nice guy, I didn't, but I wanted to get revenge. My class has an Instagram group which I never joined, but my friend was in it but wanted to leave, so I had a devious plan to get her back, I told my friend that I was going to make a short animation about her looking like a borzoi, I told him to send it when everyone was on. He sent it, every boy just starts laughing, the girls are mad, especially that one girl, he kept sending me screenshots, I was laughing hard, they ended up kicking him from the group. Next day, he told me he had a plan to calm her down, she came in hot, slammed his desk out of anger and told him she won't accept his apology, he literally gave her gum and she accepted it. THAT'S NOT ALL!! APPARENTLY, the girl's mom knows our math teacher, she told us to shut down the group, and I was out of my mind, not only because I shut down the group, but because nobody suspected me because I wasn't in the group. one year later, highschool, I found her in one of my neighboring classes, one week later, I heard that she went to a girls only high school, I WAS OUT OF MY MIND AGAIN!! I EMOTIONALLY FORCED HER TO CHANGE SCHOOLS, which was the best revenge I had ever done, but I think it went too far, and I felt bad for her, but she insulted me, so she deserved it.
Bit my brother in the shoulder because he wouldnt wash his hands. we were little, and it was just before a doctors appointment and the doctor asked why there were toothmarks in his shoulder
I had a really mean teacher in year 8, people would talk do much crap about her one day the school sent out an email saying she died, nobody stopped talking crap about her, the worst thing? Her 2 kids go to that school and probably hear about that.
"I'm a teacher and my class is so hard that noone ever gets an A 😌" So, what your bragging about is that your a complete failure.. Your a TEACHER. your JOB is to teach your students and a completely perfect hypothetical teacher would result in every student getting a 100% so what your so proudly bragging about is that you can't do your job and your wasting kid's potential. I will never understand crazy people like that
met this guy in roblox he was a friend of my friend then he started bullying me cause he was a simp for my friend then he turned into a furry and my friend was lesbian and had a girlfriend and my bully was hanging out so i did a little mischevious revenge and told him everything he did to my friend and she got mad and he was mad lol not too far at all in my book
First one wasn't even close to far enough. That teacher should've gotten it way worse off than she did. Still don't understand why he didnt get the +5 bonus points though as he did what was asked and had strong reasoning to back it up.
That Aaron kid is probably the best person i've heard in these stories. Love that he, in spite of being hurt, hyped up his friend for defending himself. 10/10 dude
Five nights at freddy's four ahh story
The Brazil kid helping OP did him a real solid
Especially since the bully left OP alone afterwards
And the grandpa telling OP to make sure the bully never messes with you again is a real OG, he knew the only way to deal with bullies
I bet you that kid had seen some stuff growing up and was like "not again, and not here"
First one didn't get far enough. Not in the slightest. Same for no.7
Story 7 was far enough considering
@user-tt8ir5kp1z whose profile pic?
@user-tt8ir5kp1z no its hentai.
Am I too firm of a believer in the good in people for having expected #7's sister to have said: "Yeah no, I totally had this coming, but... _oooow..._ "? After all, surely cashing in a broken nose cooled her off a little?
Number 1 = fired. No pension...
If you jumpscare someone, getting hurt is inherently one of the possible outcomes and its your own fault.
"so I got to the court room and the judge was -"
"Indiana Jones!"
The ad break on that was wild.
Yeah, I got hit with a pizza ad.
First one was well-deserved, and clearly needed more flak if after being "so hurt" she didn't change a bit. The fact that she was looking to "get back at the student" by taking away points instead of underestanding why he felt that way just goes to show that she clearly deserved the whole thing
Brazilians can be your worst nightmares or your biggest guardian archangels...
OP won the lottery with him.
You spawned me.
Bullies will only learn their lesson when they mess with the wrong people. Is it really that hard to be nice? Just bc their life is crap, they can’t leave people alone. Have to make others life hell too.
When the history of the Brazilian guy started, me as a Brazilian too, tought "oh boy, this bully will know the real bully", and sure he did
First one wasn't even revenge. I'm very confused.
Idk it sounds like pretty much everyone earned what they got in these stories. I don’t think any of these went too far. And the story where the OP got spooked and hit his friend was accidental and the friend took it in stride.
Except for the creep cards prank. Classic example of a prank war that completely escalated.
Or the one who broke someones nose because she didn't let him drive drunk
Yeah these were mostly just people pleasers with a warped view of the situation it seemed.
First one wasn't too far, it was well deserved.
As a teacher myself, hard ass teachers who pride themselves on 'no students ever get 100% in MY CLASS' are basically admitting that they're a bad teacher. School isn't a place to flex your ego on kids. Kids, mind you, that are looking up to you for education, guidance, and support.
School is shitty enough as is, don't make it worse.
The first one had more potential.
Unironically, I full-on expected that teacher to have started reforming there and then. Still imagining a different timeline where she immediately said that no, she would give OP the bonus points because "that wouldn't have hurt nearly as much if [she] didn't deserve every bit of it" and later met OP outside the office to thank them for a very painful, but very much necessary wake-up call.
Aron is a real one
That brazil kid was a man of justice and respect, hope the bully is doing ok now but still, damn.
Here's some words of wisdom that I've been saying since I was 14 and still have people struggling to believe it:
If all of your students are getting bad grades in your class because it is "so difficult", you are not a good teacher.
(Yeah, I'm looking at you, Harvard and Yale professors giving out "graduate school difficulty" classes to freshmen and having literal pride in students failing classes that you, the professor, probably couldn't even pass.)
So I met this girl online and she was pretty fun to talk to, and she went to the same school as I did, so we hung out for a while. But over the next few months, she slowly starts spiraling into a state of bullying and harassing everybody, especially me. She was spreading rumors, intentionally using incorrect pronouns, stealing stuff, etc. Me and my friends were fed up and started to avoid her, which eventually worked after she slapped my friend in the face, who had slipped a wrapped hotel stick of butter in her backpack on a school trip, and the bully lost at least half of those she called friend. I felt pretty bad, even though that incident was unrelated to me, but if it meant she stopped bullying me and my friends, I was cool with it. Fast forward to the following year, and she tries to make amends by refriending me on Discord. She apologizes for everything, then proceeds to spread more rumors and BS about one of my friends, formerly her best friend. She advises me to stop hanging out with them because she was a manipulative liar. I was not having it, and moved the conversation to a group chat with all of my friends in it, after relaying the conversation to them. Everybody got their revenge that very night, and she never talked to any of us again. Felt kinda bad for unleashing their wrath on her remorseful self, but it was totally deserved looking back.
This one might be a little weird. It does not involve me directly, but I was still involved.
At the time, after two years practicing in a local martial arts program, I had just become a brown belt, which made me an instructor in the program and right below a black belt (as of this post, this was about 15 years ago). Now, I was brand new to the rank and task, but before then, I was an assistant instructor (basically an advanced student who volunteered as a helper for the actual instructors), so I was not exactly fresh to the task. Still, as this story will demonstrate, I was not quite the ideal instructor - maybe not an outright bad one, but probably at least questionable.
To start, there was one kid in the class. She joined the program less than a year before I became an instructor. Shortly before I became one, I started seeing signs of what looked like physical abuse to me: bruises, scrapes, and the like. When such a thing first starts, no one really thinks anything about it, and I was no exception. That said, I had seen her around outside of the program, and I saw that she was regularly sporting some of these signs on her, and fresh ones at that. One week of this was the first mental alarm bell. The second week was the second mental alarm bell. By the third week - and the timing placed it two days before my instructor test - I decided to try to help her, even though there was not much that I could reasonably do.
For those who are concerned about this setup, don't worry. It was not abusive parents or any other relative. It turned out to be a rather nasty new boy at her school, and this new boy had selected her as his target. Mind you, I did not learn of these details until after what happened.
Anyway, we were not in the regular class for the program for this story. This was literally the day after I passed the test and became an instructor. We had run into each other at a local park. She looked upset. I tried to ask her what was going on, but at the time, my social skills left a lot to be desired (they still do, but they were _much_ worse back then), so I was not getting much out of her. Still, it was enough for me to tell that her problem involved someone, so I offered to give her a few extra lessons, less focused in techniques and more on mentality instead.
Now, I should note that this martial arts program actually teaches more self-defense techniques and mindsets than most dojos do. All of us in the program will always emphasize that violence is not encouraged, and we always have and will continue to stand by it. That said, we do acknowledge that there might be a situation where it is unavoidable, so if one must fight, one has to be ruthless. Mind you, "ruthless" does not equate to "cruel," but depending on the situation, there can be a degree of overlap. Also, at the time, the self-defense training had been based on krav maga, and some time after this story, it got changed to silat (I know the differences, but if you want to know them, look them up on your own).
So for about an hour, I taught her some of the key points of krav maga, namely to not bother with anything flashy and just go for it. I did give a few pointers on a few techniques, but by and large, it was about what to aim for when attacking, what not to do, that sort of thing. I was essentially and inadvertently giving her ideas on how to exact revenge. There was not much physical training done for this, just an imparting of words of undoubtedly questionable wisdom.
Fast forward to about three weeks later. I had not seen her at all since that little time at the park. She was not even coming to class at the time. By this point, I started to worry about her. According to the black belt, he had contacted her parents after she missed the second week, and they told him that she was indisposed. Then, by the three-week mark, she comes into class, and I immediately notice that she does not have any fresh abuse signs. I take that as a relief, at least until I notice that she came in with her parents, and they approach the black belt.
It turned out that she had gotten into a pretty nasty fight with this boy at their school. Evidently, they were whaling on each other, even though, according to witnesses, she was edging him out through the techniques the program teaches. However, at some point, the boy stepped up his viciousness against her, and she apparently responded in kind. By the end of the fight, she had burst... shall we say, one of his more critical family jewels, though how she did it, I never found out. The school had suspended her for the fight (it was not a full-on zero tolerance policy, but it was close to it).
Surprisingly, the parents were not complaining to the black belt about what she used. As far as they were concerned, the program was just doing its job, and their daughter ended up having to use what she was learning in order to put an end to a real problem for her. To them, the suspension was worth it.
On the one hand, I feel proud that she was able to not only stick up for herself but actually make herself loud and clear in what was evidently the only remaining option for her. On the other hand, I do feel at least partially responsible for the worst of the damage that the boy suffered by her hands. Sure, one could argue that he deserved it, and maybe he really did, but I still feel kind of bad for him.
At the very least, she remained in the program. She never explicitly thanked me for that lesson in the park, but I cannot shake the feeling of gratitude from her for it, even though I had (and still have) mixed feelings about that fight's outcome. Plus, she never got missed with at school again, and from what I heard, the reputation from that fight carried with her until she graduated from high school. I suppose that kind of rep will keep you safer than most.
So yeah, no direct involvement on my part in this quasi-revenge story, but I still feel like it ended up going too far.
My ex beat the crap out of me several times before I got the nerve to kick him out. He continued to harass me even after a restraining order. To get back at him I went to his college and used a logging chain to chain he car to the one in front of him and left a not on his windshield suggesting he was doing thing he wasn't supposed to without naming them. The women's car I chained it to called the cops and when he called me I denied it all successfully. I felt bad for a while but looking back it was epic.
Story 8 was so wholesome to me
Aaron is an OG.
I used a psychological trick to mess with a "volunteer" in prison. This young woman (early 20s?) Called herself a volunteer but was paid to come see the convicts. She made her distaste for us known upon each visit. The program she assisted with had a book with her coworkers name and her name on a sticker stacked one above the other. I carefully removed and cut the stickers using an id card the size of a credit card so well it looked as if the sticker was never altered. Week after week id remove a couple more from the other convicts books. One day she comes in with a particularly negative attitude. She then proceeds to melt down over the fact her name had disappeared from the books and started berating the inmates wondering "why bad things happen to good people like her." The correctional officer on duty ended up having to call back up to escort her off the premises once she started throwing materials around the room.
I hope shes doing better.
Why would she be going to see people she didn't like? Money I guess. Good skills on your part.
So you think you went too far by.. cutting a sticker? How'd you survive prison.
@@llamawalrushybrid try harder.
@@zacharychadwell1903 Ha.
Being the son of a teacher and now teaching a trade myself, I can confidently say 90% of the time of a teacher says that no one has passed with an A in their class, they’re a bad teacher, the only teacher who I had, who was genuinely right about it, was the man who taught me automatic transmissions. they’re complicated as is. I’m proud that I’m as close as possible to an a with his class, he definitely tried to make it easy.
This brings back horrible memories for me. I got bullied by all 5 of my brothers because i was the youngest. 15 years of torture and i just snapped. I started my pushing my oldest down the stairs, then i hit another with a brick and broke a rib. Next i onocked another out by slamming my nlknee against his head. And the others called the police. This all happened in one day and surprisingly my parents took my side. They now act like adults finally but i regret not doing more, i don't care if they are "sorry" because in the end i jave to live with it when they can just heal the wounds with medicine. U make sure to remind them every now and then just to put them in a bad mood for fun.
A revenge went WAY too far in Granby Colorado in 2004. Guy destroyed an entire tank with an armored bulldozer because of property issues.
Yup. His name was Marvin J. Heemeyer.
First one wrote a whole ass dissertation on why she was a shitty teacher
When I was a wee little thing, in primary school (UK), I was the subject of bullying. I would intentionally ignore him (the bully), that was until my nan and dog passed away (within 2 weeks of each other). My nan (grandmother, mother's side) was the most important person in my life and poor Snoopy (dog) was the second, being my best (only) friend at the time.
It might be important to note I was 5 at the time. Well after their passing I went to school without taking time to grieve and this not-so little sh1t begins goading me but unlike the other times he mentions my nan and how I will never be able to see her again. I try so hard to ignore him, through classes, break time but he wouldn't stop, thus when lunch time happens (I had already told 3 teachers of what was happening) he carries on and I lose it pulling out a pencil and shoving it through his heel. It was clean and like a good person I left it in.
He cried and when the teacher came and was about to tell me off my new best friend as of this event just warned her not to do something stupid pointing and the crumpled mess of a kid, on the floor. He was pulled from school, sent to hospital and was bandaged up from what I am aware. As a result of me losing my cool that day, I became a more aggressive individual, just so very angry all of the time, but would not attack for no reason. He on the other hand, walks with a permanent limp and has never bullied since.
This guy needs more subs
Yo, I literally laughed out loud for that last OP.
In grade 10, I missed 88 out of 112 days in the first semester due to symptoms related to an undiagnosed brain tumour. Despite this, I completed all work including a few labs I had to make up during those days I was actually present. I still scored solid A's averaging about 89%. In chemistry I had an average of 98% and all labs and work was completed. My teacher gave me a C- (55%) as my final grade simply because of my attendance. This wasn't school policy, and she was the only teacher who did this. I've wondered if it was because she was actually the Home Economics teacher and was just filling in so everything she "knew" was directly out of a text as she didn't have above an Elementary School level of Science education so was it possible she didn't like that I found easy something she struggled with? I'll never know, as it never occurred to me to look into until until long after high school.
First one: I had an English teacher like that who literally hated everybody (so not just me) but she wouldn’t let me turn a paper in that she collected whilst I was in the bathroom. Like I tried turning it in after and she said I couldn’t. I reported her to admin (not just after that incident, but after repeated stuff like that. Nothing really came of it) she would also grade stories based on really subjective requirements such as “must be an interesting story, one that keeps the readers interest” and gave me a two on that assignment. One time, we had a lock down (we literally thought there was an active shooter in the building and could hear police shouting. A lot of classmates were crying) and the next day, there was extra counseling for people who it affected and she literally told us not to go during her class because we had more important things to do. I’ve never had anyone care so little about other people (I hated her as a person and the way she treated us, but I did learn some valuable stuff, but I still hate her with a burning passion)
Told an adopted kid that no matter how hard my brain healed I couldn’t see where their dad was
Not a single one lf these is "going too far". People are just wimps and we as a culture demonize giving people what they deserve.
Exactly 1000% my thoughts. These people aren't "wonderfully empathetic" they're coddling bad people and making other innocents suffer for it.
Not a revenge story but the first story reminded me of some teachers I've had throughout my academic life.
I've known my fair share of ahole teachers and one in particular, I know damn well hated my guts and hated the entire class, but some of my close friends who I've known for years have been saying that teacher was actually nice. They joked that I was jealous of them. Our friendship holds strong but those moments just didn't sit right with me.
I had the exact opposit of that teacher in story 1. She was superlax with everything and in hindsight I think she basically was just not motivated to do her work properly. Like she would only read up the text from the book in class while ignoring whatever we did. Neither reacting to us trying to ask questions or to us talking to each other or doing homework for other classes or ever just leaving the room to grab a soda or a snack from the vending machine. She would also leave class duing tests and read the newspaper instead of watching what we were doing which meant several students were cheating. At first we thought, maybe she'd be testing us and adjusting her methods based on whether we would act responsible or not, but nope - she would just ignore everything we did while reading from the same book, we got to learn from all while we were testing out the borders of what she would accept. Turned out that the border was reached when we for no good reason decided to lock her out of the classroom, take out a ghetto blaster and turning her class into a spontaneous disco dance session. That was when she decided that teaching is not for her and found a different job instead.
Just for context: Any other teacher knew us for being a rather quiet and nice class and we regularly won the annual school project competition (think or a sience fair, but instead of singular student the entire class contributes to the projects) Every other teacher liked teaching our class and even after that incident most of the other teachers were rather tellin us that she shouldn't be teaching anyways rather than blaming us for making her quit her job.
Damn op went full ultra instinct on his friend in story 8
I got a detention for "throwing away someone's lunch" when it was their empty tray (the throw-away kind)... The person who had the tray kicked my chair, cussed me out, and spilled red juice on me right before a concert, and also got a detention. Fair? I don't think so...
Sadly the sister in story 7 reminds me of my old self, though i was a bit less extreme. My siblings and I were still pretty young and I didn’t do anything that left bad bruises but I was more violent than acceptable. I know now that I really struggled with anger issues, got unreasonably mad over small things, and shouldn’t have expressed my anger with violence. I don’t know why my parents never took me to a therapist about that, I think it could’ve helped me be better sooner.
the halloween friend was so nice and understanding
I hate when i hear teachers who say shit like “no one has ever gotten an A in my class” bc when ever i talk with my parents (both teachers) they root for their students and want them to do great. They do wish they could give most of them the best grade but thats not how it Works so they cant but most teachers Will try to talk you up during exams (as in up in grades)
As a former teacher, it sounds very weird to me as well.
A teacher gloating on their failure to teach...
My little story.
When I was at 9-th grade , my biology teacher was shouting at student for the fact the she didn't concentrate on the studies.
The reason was : her mom died a day before this class and she was still in a deep shock, however, when teacher found out about this she said :
"Then don't come into school if you can't study, it disturbs others".
I was 15 at that time, but I was so disgusted by the all situation itself, that I remembered it until now and I think I'll remember that further in my life.
I'm 22 now.
How much a teacher likes you makes just as much of a difference as your actual work in most cases. I made sure to reach out to my new college professors a couple days before class to introduce myself. I had a great relationship with every teacher but one. I couldn't stand that guy and he didn't like me either. Me introducing myself and staying in communication with my professors was definitely the main reason that I graduated from college with a 3.98 GPA.
Honestly that last guy should’ve known better than to try to make someone flinch who had a hot oil soaked fry basket in their hand.
Yeah, that guy had had a world of pain coming his way for a long time.
I have a story like this. When I was younger and still in school there was a guy and his friends who would bully me. Stuff like going to the teacher as a group and frame me for things I didn't even do and they knew that. They made it worse and worse and ofc the usual bully stuff. Stealing things and so on. Anyway, we were in a Laptop class where we used laptops for most stuff. Private ones tho. So one day when we went to break I noticed said guy left his laptop unlocked. No idea, happens sometimes. Anyway I thought: That is a once in a lifetime possibility. So I went out, downloaded every bit of malware, viruses and whatever I could find and just left. Nobody was any wiser until after a while it started to show. And there are some really fucked up things out there. Now I know that but those days I didn't. So anyway whatever IT-nuke I deployed there had apparently spread. No idea what exactly happened but when he got called out by the teacher (popups and the likings) he pretty much just said: I don't know what it is, it is already at my parents computers too. His computer was effectively unrecoverable. I think he fixed it at one point but everything of his personal data was just gone forever. And some viruses can spread over unsecured Wifi connections. School wifi was designed against that, his home WiFi however wasn't. No idea about the extent of the damage. I don't feel too bad because he absolutely deserved it but it went out of control really fast.
Remember viruses and the likings are not something you can easily keep control over, so stay clear of that at any point not even as revengd or on purpose. You will never know where it will end up after. Maybe back at you even
Brazil one didn't get too far either. Considering the guy's background, his behaviour is understandable but in absolutely no way acceptable, and when it comes to bulling, this was a beautiful example of fuck around and find out.
Story 8: Aaron is a real bro. XD Real boys will be boys moment, Aaron knew he was fucking around, one day would find out and accepted it was the risk he was taking. Impressive fr a 10 year old.
I have never gotten a collections call for an ER visit. Not once over years of being uninsured and unable to pay for multiple visits. I'd call BS on anyone trying to say that to extort money
I've gotten collection calls over an ER visit, but the solution is literally as simple as "sorry, this isn't his number anymore".
Also, from what I remember, medical debt no longer goes towards your credit score.
I unfortunately make these calls. We also don’t want to call you. Just State it’s the wrong number or they moved. Being rude or hanging up means I have to call you back again because I can’t say it’s the wrong number or no longer at address.
Was waiting for some great come uppence for the first one. Then she just got fired after years of being an ass. Nothing undeserved about that.
i welded the principals car door shut
Aaron was a real one
The worst form or revenge'l I took too far would've been about a year ago now. There was a kid that I go to school with in my taxi (I get free transport due to adhd, go to a school for kids with anger issues and some other stuff that I don't really understand). He is very annoying; rapping out loud even when I ask him not to at 8am, poking and prodding me, not taking no for an answer when he *tells* me to sit in the back of the taxi with him because he "doesn't like the other kids in the taxi". It's very tiring. Now, one day he kept peeing me off. He was persistently hitting me, as per, even when I asked him not to. So, knowing that this was the only thing that I could've said to make him stop, I told him I was considering ending 'things', which wasn't actually false but still. I know, not a great thing to say and a bit crappy but it made him stop for awhile. Still regret saying it though, it makes me feel bad since I don't know *why* that was the only thing that made him stop. I just wish he was a nicer guy, because - at times - he was.
None of these went "too far." Also, what's the deal with so many people feeling bad for people getting what they deserve?
+1 for Aaron 😎
Story 8 was honestly kinda wholesome.
When i was 6 i was in a jungle gym we had in school, but it was a very tall one. A boy mildly teased me, so i pushed him, imagine my surprise when he fell in between the security rope and ended up on the ground. He broke his arm. Nicholas if you're reading this im sorry ):
We had a kid at school he was always causing problems for us kids in the lower years, he was several years older than us and used to push us around. One day me and two friends saw that him and his sister were at school, we skived off and walked to his house. Being from a single parent house his mum worked, we knocked at the door no one answered so we let ourselves in with a stick through the letter box. This stick could be used to open the door handle, we were in. We found a way of getting at him via his mum. We took a pair of scissors from the kitchen and cut out the crutch on his mums and sisters knickers, all waste material were then thrown under his bed. A few days later, I hadnt seen the boy, so I asked his sister what had happened to him. Turns out his mum thrown him out and had to live with dad, which meant he had to go to another school!! Bonus being he blamed his sister and she blamed him so neither was speaking to the other.....
That is illegal…
@@Cherrypizzasquad No way Sherlock
Ya you shouldn’t be proud of this.
@@Wolfie54545 You weren't there, so you never saw the problems he caused us
I admittedly miss this narrator a lot. I like everyone else!.. but I definitely miss this one
Don't waste your time on the 1st story.... Nothing interesting happens and it's not even anywhere far. Jump to 6:15 for the next story
Yeah not gonna lie, that was a whole ton of a story and was really building up for some sort of super satisfying over the top revenge as this sub would suggest
Literally nothing :/
It was so incredibly obvious that the teacher was faking being upset to further mess with the OP.. the fact that OP couldn't clearly see that makes them hard to sympathize with..
the teacher in the first story kind of reminds me of my 11th grade economics teacher. he was AWFUL. he only graded three things (bellwork, tests/ quizzes, and foolproof which is basically just a test on the computer)
he wouldn't post the bellwork on google classroom so if you missed a day, then it sucks to be you. he said that the foolproof was worth 80% of our grade but if you scored high on it, your class grade wouldn't go up but it would tank if you failed. he only gave you ONLY a week to make up a test, so if you missed more than one week, you weren't allowed to make up the test.
he was an awful teacher
Story 4, don't feel bad, you did nothing but inform of some of their actions. and depending on what their field is, they could have done way worse to their clients out of negligence
First story: If a teacher is taking pride in the fact that students never got an A in their class than the problem is with the teacher not the students.
For the last story id describe the door kick wnd acidentally and the oil throw as negligent
Does anyone else not care about the gender of who harasses than and will fight back no matter?
If im creepin you aint sleepin! bruh shit wasnt even revenge that was straight up mean😭
I wish I posted this, but I was too late.
There was this girl in 9th grade that every boy hates, I was a pretty nice lil' guy. But one day... She insulted me so hard I almost beat her up, but since I was Mr.Nice guy, I didn't, but I wanted to get revenge. My class has an Instagram group which I never joined, but my friend was in it but wanted to leave, so I had a devious plan to get her back, I told my friend that I was going to make a short animation about her looking like a borzoi, I told him to send it when everyone was on. He sent it, every boy just starts laughing, the girls are mad, especially that one girl, he kept sending me screenshots, I was laughing hard, they ended up kicking him from the group. Next day, he told me he had a plan to calm her down, she came in hot, slammed his desk out of anger and told him she won't accept his apology, he literally gave her gum and she accepted it. THAT'S NOT ALL!! APPARENTLY, the girl's mom knows our math teacher, she told us to shut down the group, and I was out of my mind, not only because I shut down the group, but because nobody suspected me because I wasn't in the group. one year later, highschool, I found her in one of my neighboring classes, one week later, I heard that she went to a girls only high school, I WAS OUT OF MY MIND AGAIN!! I EMOTIONALLY FORCED HER TO CHANGE SCHOOLS, which was the best revenge I had ever done, but I think it went too far, and I felt bad for her, but she insulted me, so she deserved it.
Bit my brother in the shoulder because he wouldnt wash his hands. we were little, and it was just before a doctors appointment and the doctor asked why there were toothmarks in his shoulder
the first one took up a third of the whole video
Did something happen with your render for this video? It's very quiet for me and nothing else is
I had a really mean teacher in year 8, people would talk do much crap about her one day the school sent out an email saying she died, nobody stopped talking crap about her, the worst thing? Her 2 kids go to that school and probably hear about that.
Im relativity sure that that teacher just had it in for sports. Anything to cinch the sportsy possibles that could become professional
Brazil kid in story #2 was in the HOOD
Brazilian children are on another level...being it good or bad.
Experiencia própria :v
"Too far" really ?
I like the narrator's voice
what game is being played in the background?
I never do revenge (not ever).
moral: noses get broken to much
Me during story two: don’t you mean football mate?
who wrote these subtitles
Brazilian kid saw some stuff, I guarantee it
Bro your game is tweaking hard
What did guy one even do. There was nothing he did
"I'm a teacher and my class is so hard that noone ever gets an A 😌"
So, what your bragging about is that your a complete failure.. Your a TEACHER. your JOB is to teach your students and a completely perfect hypothetical teacher would result in every student getting a 100% so what your so proudly bragging about is that you can't do your job and your wasting kid's potential. I will never understand crazy people like that
does anyone know what the game in the background is? looks fun
Brasil mentioned 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷💯💯💯
Story 1 was 1/3 of the video
That was one was like bruh why is it so long
I dont think the teacher in first story got to much revenge.. She was #itch for no reason.. Why was she in the principles office boohooing??
Because it's the world's most obvious manipulation tactic, crocodile tears.. you have to be a grade A suckerooni to fall for it. Hard to root for OP.
HELOOOOOO EVERYONE!!!! how are you today :D
met this guy in roblox he was a friend of my friend then he started bullying me cause he was a simp for my friend then he turned into a furry and my friend was lesbian and had a girlfriend and my bully was hanging out so i did a little mischevious revenge and told him everything he did to my friend and she got mad and he was mad lol not too far at all in my book
"Brazil kid".
Look, my English skills aren't the best, but I'm sure that it should be "BrazilIAN kid".
nah. as a brazilian, this sounds good to me. brazil kid. i like that
First one sounds like she was playing victim, and I see childhood trauma behavior patterns in her, not that it makes it right.
I just finished a video from this channel just a few minutes ago.
I can confirm you are first