Team Darkside shit man I have a Edgemaster 2 and spirit 3 talisman all sets with honed blade are using +3 shiiit... I wanted a set with honed blade challanger +2 and razor sharp can u guys find me a set that makes it possible with this charm?
Oh Gott sind die Sets toll - danke für die Mühe, das Video zu erstellen :D Ich fange jetzt neu an und bin auf Table 10 gelandet - ich werde versuchen so viel wie möglich auch hinzubekommen. Viiiielen Dank :D
In 6:37 how you have all this skills?Can someone explain me?I have expert +10 talisman but i cant get the other skills not matter what decorations i set.Please need help
TheChaosLp Danke, freut mich wenns gut angekommen ist :D Dieses Video war auch schon längere Zeit in Planung, aber bei der Umsetzung ist es halt teilweise etwas träge vorangegangen. Die Screenshots haben mir die meiste Arbeit bereitet. Das Video selbst hatte ich relativ schnell zusammengeschnitten. :-)
also an den hammer sets sieht man echt wie es auch im spiel ist...wenn mal jemand hammer spielt, dann nur den standard erwachen-schleimhammer :( ist mir i-wie sowieso vielzusehr auf schleim aufgebaut alles ^^ trotzdem gutes video und vorallem gute sets dabei
Wie die einfach paar OP-Mixe weglässt oder zb den Pellet-Mix, den ich dir gezeigt hab, verschlechtert hast (Nagut, über letzteres kann man streiten.^^). :o Naja, ansonsten sind nette dabei, schönes Video und danke für die Mühe =)
AdriMH100 Ich bin das ganze jetzt nochmal rechnerisch durchgegangen bei 60 Schuss. Schwächeausnutzung = 5% = 3 Schuss. Mit Load Up erspart man sich einmal Nachladen auf 60 Schuss. (9x ohne und 8x mit) D.h. man muss während eines Nachladevorgangs 3 Schuss verballern um den Schaden von Schwächeausnutzung ausgleichen zu können. Denke das sollte in etwa hinhauen. :-) Hinzu kommt dass die 5% sehr optimistisch gerechnet sind. Es können ja gar nicht alle Schrotschüsse nur den Kopf treffen. Zusätzlich hat man beim Load Up-Mix ja noch Nachladen +1. Macht bei 8 Mal nachladen denke ich auch noch ein bisschen was aus. Sind zwar nur grobe Annahmen, aber sollte deutlich machen welcher Mix besser ist ;-)
I know this is years old, but I don't suppose you have a good build idea for charm table 3 dual sword user? I love Spectral Demolishers and some of the sets above are what I've been trying to build but not having much luck on my charm table.
darkinsanity98473 Hey if u happen to have an evasion +5 charm all u need is: Narga cap z Narga mail x Vangis mail x Lambent sash Vangis greaves x Now depending on how u work with ur slots u can have either challenger +2,evasion +1,and sharpness +1 or challenger +1,evasion +2,and sharpness +1.But if ur lucky enough to have an evasion +6 charm then u can have evasion +2 on ur set.
Ja viele davon gibt es nur auf T6 oder T10. Es gibt aber auf jedem Table ein paar Gute (ausser auf den cursed Tables). Auf T9 gibt es z.B. Ausweichdistanz 6 Experte +10, Handwerk +5 Schärfe +3, Gehör +4 Angriff +10, Klopfer 4ooo um mal ein paar Gute zu nennen.
I already wanted to create a very detailled topic in a forum about how to snipe charms more effective. But this is a good intention, because I only know that Japanese tutorial on UA-cam, which is also splittet in four or five parts. I need to see if I have enough time to create such a complex video again. I wanted to focus on some Speedruns for the next videos again, but we'll see :-)
Two questions. Are all this charms from charm table 10 or do they include more than one? When you specify the number of slots on a weapon, are you saying that we need those slots in order to complete the set?
Hab einen kleinen "Fehler" beim 76. Set gefunden. Mit dem genutzten Talisman sollte noch ein Slot frei sein, der dann für "Health +20" genutzt werden kann. Nicht viel, aber einem geschenkten Gaul, schaut man nicht ins Maul! ^^
Was wondering if i could build similar set but after seeing that Spirit +3 Edgemaster +3 Talisman. But different charm table. I'm in table 7 while you're in 10.
i am looking to make an amazing set up for a Hallow Dracannon i have long barrel and limiter is off i want an armor set with evade extender,atk L,recoil 2/3,HG ear plugs. any sets fitting that wish list?
If you u wanna go for Evade Extender, I recommend to use the Lucent Nargacuga HBG, otherwise its useless, because you will not be able to evade during crouching fire mode.Besides Recoil down +2 is enough for the Jhen HBG.
Truly the hardest part are finding the chrams, because if you dpnt know how to charm sipe (i dont know) then good luck finding a decent talisman.edIT: And now I realize I´ll never get those mixsets cause there are all tier 10 and I´m in 8, I have 300+ hours and I wont reset my character, fuck charm tables.
I was in Table 12 on my main file until I decided to transfer it to my Wii U and it got corrupted and couldn't be backed up on my 3DS. I gotta pray I can get on a good talbe, but all of the calculators are down now.
Hi, I have this +4 Normal up, +7 FreeElement tali. Looks like it can make wonders with Kelbi Bow. Can you help me utilize it? Awaken, Normal Up, Focus (because i'll be using lv3 charge) are probably a must. I was using Awaken, Normal Up, Focus, Load Up, Weaknes Exploit, but I feel it can be better than this. Will you help?
Hard to improve that set, because four of those skills can already be found in the Lagi X Armor. (Normal, Awaken Focus and Load Up). I'd use the same Mix with Rocksteady instead of Load Up, because the Level of Rapid doesnt increase on the fourth charge level.
Team Darkside Yeah, I'm currently using it, but there're many other options in the place of Evasion+2. You can fit there bombardier/earplugs. To be honest I was thinking about Normal, Awaken, Focus, challenger+2 and something but I can't find any decent combination for 5th skill, if there's any...
antariantariantari I had the same problem. All other combos could also be built with Hearing 4 ooo or Normal 3 ooo. The Evasionmix was the only exclusive mix I've found for that charm.
Hi, kannst du mir oder evtl. auch einfach jemand der es weiß sagen wie man set 32 sockeln muss ich komme nämlich nur auf Sharpness -, Edgemaster und Evasion +10 und Tremor Res +8 = /
I was looking for some of those too. Not quite sure what the best SNS are, I just have Lucent, Barioth, Gigginox, and Gobul SNS fully upgraded right now. And the event one with 500 Thunder...
AdriMH100 LBG sets (89-94), for HBG i use challenger too because you will be out of elemental shots very quickly and change to raw shots but with LBG you can solo almost any monster with only elemental shots (if its weak to element). Think you can do AtkUp(L) + bonus shot + elemental + something if possible.
Alectroxx I found out some Sets with your three Skills + Earplugs or Reload Speed +1 or Load Up or any C-Skill, but only possible on other Tables. Most of them only work with Element +5 Attack +6 on Table 3. I'd prefer the Earplugs and the Load Up Mix mostly.
AdriMH100 Sadly i can't make any of these in my table 4. I really interested in the LBG set you used in the s.zinogre solo but i miss a good talisman and i really suck in charm sniping (tried at least 40 times and nothing).
Can't imagine why the development team would include such a flawed system, if you're not on a good table you're literaly f******** only option would be to buy a cheating tool but thats still pretty meh.... thank god they removed tables in mh4u and upwards
Amazing Video! When you get a chance, would it be possible to make a video on how you charm snipe? I am having bad luck with it. A detailed video with explanations, such as this one, which is AMAZING, would be great. Thank you in advance.
Das 88. Set ist btw nicht möglich, vor allem nicht mit dem Charm (und wahrscheinlich auch keinem anderen). Da wäre nur Reload Speed+2, Recoil Down+2, Bombardier und Trap Master drin, kein Load Up. ._.
Ja war mein Fehler. Da sollte Ohrstöpsel statt Load Up stehen. Hab zwar so ne Anmerkung drübergelegt, aber die werden auf dem Handy nicht angezeigt. Bei Set 18 hat sich auch ein Fehler eingeschlichen. Da sollte Pierce Up statt Rock Steady stehen...
***** Ich hatte den Fehler ja bereits im Video mit so einer Anmerkung/ Sprechblase versehen weil Björn mich darauf hingewiesen hat und jetzt noch zusätzlich in der Beschreibung. Und inwiefern war Chris jetzt beleidigend?
AdriMH100 Das "müsstet ihr ja wissen" klingt ja auch gar nicht danach, dass er meint, das wir/ich ständig irgendwelche Fehler machen... Vor allem warum überhaupt "ihr"? Ich gehe mal stark davon aus, dass der wieder von Brix redet, der ja hier überhaupt nix geschrieben hat.
Lucky for you many talismans in table 4 are related to table 6 :) This is the list of some awesome charms that I got from sniping +6 Guard +3 edgemaster +4 Handicraft +8 expert +6 evasion OO- +4 Handicraft +1 Hunger OOO +4 Handicraft +1 Psychic OO- +5 Tenderizer +7 Sharpener +5 Status OOO that's all :D
Thanks ! You've help me a lot ! :D I'm gonna try to snipe some easy charm thanks to the CharmSniping tutorial. And sorry for my realy bad english (i'm french ^^)
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Team Darkside shit man I have a Edgemaster 2 and spirit 3 talisman all sets with honed blade are using +3 shiiit... I wanted a set with honed blade challanger +2 and razor sharp can u guys find me a set that makes it possible with this charm?
10 years later this video still helpfully. Thanks guys!!!
Thank you for this amazing video, helped out alot!
I started playing again and i have 300 hrs already so this video helps me a lot
Subscribed i also like ur mhi vids
I was given it as my first game for Christmas last year... hooray I guess
Oh Gott sind die Sets toll - danke für die Mühe, das Video zu erstellen :D Ich fange jetzt neu an und bin auf Table 10 gelandet - ich werde versuchen so viel wie möglich auch hinzubekommen. Viiiielen Dank :D
Viel Glück :D
Wobei viele auch T6 sind :P
Naja, man (bzw Frau) kann nicht alles haben ^-^ aber danke :D
Wie lang habe ich darauf gewartet _ Danke!!! ^_^
Die weiblichen Char sin alle T6 odr ?
Frezon23 Nicht ganz, aber die Meisten. Manche sind auf T3. ;-)
Dann muss ich die nächsten snipe-versuche starten :)
Last set is OP, please remove it, you're breaking the game.
Awesome video, thank you so much for it :)
I knew I could count on TDS even in 2020 love you guys
Habe gerade mal 6 Charms, die Du aufgelistet hast...
Na ja, danke für die tollen Ideen für neue Sets! ;)
Can you make a video on charm sniping effectively please? And also really great video thanks for making it
Nice sets dude😉
thanks :-)
I'm watching this video and getting really sad because I know I'll never get these good charms, so I'll never get sets this good
In 6:37 how you have all this skills?Can someone explain me?I have expert +10 talisman but i cant get the other skills not matter what decorations i set.Please need help
Oh i find it.I didnt notice that the rsth soul braces and rath soul coil are the low armor set 👍.Thank you
Great video, but I would feel better if I could made some of these sets.
I hate this stupid charm table system.
10 years later and I’m right there with you playing it for first time in cemu and it’s makes me not want to play because I could just have a bad table
Wohuu endlich habe gehofft , dass du sowas machst xD
Die musik passt sooo gut
TheChaosLp Danke, freut mich wenns gut angekommen ist :D
Dieses Video war auch schon längere Zeit in Planung, aber bei der Umsetzung ist es halt teilweise etwas träge vorangegangen. Die Screenshots haben mir die meiste Arbeit bereitet. Das Video selbst hatte ich relativ schnell zusammengeschnitten. :-)
also an den hammer sets sieht man echt wie es auch im spiel ist...wenn mal jemand hammer spielt, dann nur den standard erwachen-schleimhammer :( ist mir i-wie sowieso vielzusehr auf schleim aufgebaut alles ^^ trotzdem gutes video und vorallem gute sets dabei
ich rede nicht von speedruns ^^ die hätten den blöden schleim einfach rauslassen sollen...macht das spiel einfacher als es sowieso schon ist
Ich finds witzig wie die set im prinzip nichts besonderes mehr sind in mh4u XD Bis auf ein paar :)
Ich finde es witzig, dass du es erwähnst, denn es ist völlig belanglos.
Red Phoenix Ich finde es witzig das du einen Kommentar zu meinen Kommentar schreibst denn das ist völlig sinnlos :)
I had to sub for this, to pro :D
thanks :D
Np, you deserve it
3:01 i know im too late but how do you got "Barrage Earring"?
Wie die einfach paar OP-Mixe weglässt oder zb den Pellet-Mix, den ich dir gezeigt hab, verschlechtert hast (Nagut, über letzteres kann man streiten.^^). :o
Naja, ansonsten sind nette dabei, schönes Video und danke für die Mühe =)
danke für die Kritik :-)
Weak vs Load Up + Reload +1
Bin da eher für Load Up + Reload ^^
AdriMH100 Ich bin das ganze jetzt nochmal rechnerisch durchgegangen bei 60 Schuss. Schwächeausnutzung = 5% = 3 Schuss.
Mit Load Up erspart man sich einmal Nachladen auf 60 Schuss.
(9x ohne und 8x mit)
D.h. man muss während eines Nachladevorgangs 3 Schuss verballern um den Schaden von Schwächeausnutzung ausgleichen zu können. Denke das sollte in etwa hinhauen. :-)
Hinzu kommt dass die 5% sehr optimistisch gerechnet sind. Es können ja gar nicht alle Schrotschüsse nur den Kopf treffen. Zusätzlich hat man beim Load Up-Mix ja noch Nachladen +1. Macht bei 8 Mal nachladen denke ich auch noch ein bisschen was aus.
Sind zwar nur grobe Annahmen, aber sollte deutlich machen welcher Mix besser ist ;-)
I know this is years old, but I don't suppose you have a good build idea for charm table 3 dual sword user? I love Spectral Demolishers and some of the sets above are what I've been trying to build but not having much luck on my charm table.
darkinsanity98473 I'm not on table 3 but a good set would be a.rath full set. I gem in bombardier and speed sharpen on mine it's pretty good 😊
darkinsanity98473 Hey if u happen to have an evasion +5 charm all u need is:
Narga cap z
Narga mail x
Vangis mail x
Lambent sash
Vangis greaves x
Now depending on how u work with ur slots u can have either challenger +2,evasion +1,and sharpness +1 or challenger +1,evasion +2,and sharpness +1.But if ur lucky enough to have an evasion +6 charm then u can have evasion +2 on ur set.
@@The_Mewster69 Thank you
Danke für die Mühe. Sind das alle exklusive Charms? Bin leider auf Table 9 und zu faul neu anzufangen.^^
Ja viele davon gibt es nur auf T6 oder T10. Es gibt aber auf jedem Table ein paar Gute (ausser auf den cursed Tables). Auf T9 gibt es z.B. Ausweichdistanz 6 Experte +10, Handwerk +5 Schärfe +3, Gehör +4 Angriff +10, Klopfer 4ooo um mal ein paar Gute zu nennen.
Damn, nice sets! I'm trying to farm for the Artillery +10 OO charm. But farming Timeworn Charms is so frustrating... Any advice? :'D
how is challenger +2 possible on set 20 when the spirit only comes up to 14
Can someone explain how to sets decorations for the last set ? i have the charm and a female character but idk how to do it
also hast du 3 chars, oder?
machst du noch nen 4. oder brauchst keine andere tables mehr?
You should make a video on how to snipe charms efficently
I already wanted to create a very detailled topic in a forum about how to snipe charms more effective. But this is a good intention, because I only know that Japanese tutorial on UA-cam, which is also splittet in four or five parts.
I need to see if I have enough time to create such a complex video again.
I wanted to focus on some Speedruns for the next videos again, but we'll see :-)
AdriMH100 thanks alot :) im on table ten but im having problems getting the talis i want
David Nelson just began working on a snipe tutorial ;-)
Two questions. Are all this charms from charm table 10 or do they include more than one? When you specify the number of slots on a weapon, are you saying that we need those slots in order to complete the set?
Most are from Table 10 and Table 6 and yes you need those weaponslots.
Hab einen kleinen "Fehler" beim 76. Set gefunden.
Mit dem genutzten Talisman sollte noch ein Slot frei sein, der dann für "Health +20" genutzt werden kann.
Nicht viel, aber einem geschenkten Gaul, schaut man nicht ins Maul! ^^
Jaysus, how many tries until you sniped those charms?
Idk exactly, but I guess about 1500 times.
I don't think I could get myself to snipe. But props to you guys for doing what you do.
last set is awesome
N9,i have the same charm..but i can't have challenger+2,i need one more slot
how thats possible?
+Gazel Brawl Maybe you have a male character. There are differences between genders in terms of armor skill points.
+Team Darkside Number 9 is a male,i have the female char,maybe thats the reason..sigh
is there any mixed sets with g rank alatreon armor in them? cause i can make a lot of those.
can someone explain me, how set 7 is possible, i just cant get challenger...
I know, its to late to ask but, can you explain me the amulets position in the set 9?
Sorry bad english *jewel position*
Jonay De Arcos Solutions found: 2
Miralis Crown
Miralis Breastplate
Miralis Grievers
Lambent Sash
Grand Hyuga Hakama
+5 Elemental OO-
1x Element Jewel 3
4x Spirit Jewel 2
1x Spirit Jewel 1
1x Element Jewel 1
1x Steady Jewel 1
+6 Gloves Off
Miralis Crown
Miralis Breastplate
Miralis Grievers
Brachydios Faulds X
Grand Hyuga Hakama
+5 Elemental OO-
1x Element Jewel 3
4x Spirit Jewel 2
1x Element Jewel 1
1x Steady Jewel 1
+6 Gloves Off
Thnx a lot. I love your speedruns
Was wondering if i could build similar set but after seeing that Spirit +3 Edgemaster +3 Talisman. But different charm table. I'm in table 7 while you're in 10.
i am looking to make an amazing set up for a Hallow Dracannon i have long barrel and limiter is off
i want an armor set with evade extender,atk L,recoil 2/3,HG ear plugs.
any sets fitting that wish list?
If you u wanna go for Evade Extender, I recommend to use the Lucent Nargacuga HBG, otherwise its useless, because you will not be able to evade during crouching fire mode.Besides Recoil down +2 is enough for the Jhen HBG.
thank you for trying to help but i beat it with full Nargacuga X and charmed in ear plugs and atk up M
I have a handicraft 5 guard up 4. Can you help me to make a lance mix set?
Truly the hardest part are finding the chrams, because if you dpnt know how to charm sipe (i dont know) then good luck finding a decent talisman.edIT: And now I realize I´ll never get those mixsets cause there are all tier 10 and I´m in 8, I have 300+ hours and I wont reset my character, fuck charm tables.
I was in Table 12 on my main file until I decided to transfer it to my Wii U and it got corrupted and couldn't be backed up on my 3DS. I gotta pray I can get on a good talbe, but all of the calculators are down now.
Yo would it be safe for me to use the duel blades sets on a sword and shield
No, you will explode and die
I'm interested in set 59 skills, but i use a male character. What should i do?
make a new character or live with the male one :)
Hi, I have this +4 Normal up, +7 FreeElement tali. Looks like it can make wonders with Kelbi Bow. Can you help me utilize it? Awaken, Normal Up, Focus (because i'll be using lv3 charge) are probably a must. I was using Awaken, Normal Up, Focus, Load Up, Weaknes Exploit, but I feel it can be better than this. Will you help?
Hard to improve that set, because four of those skills can already be found in the Lagi X Armor. (Normal, Awaken Focus and Load Up). I'd use the same Mix with Rocksteady instead of Load Up, because the Level of Rapid doesnt increase on the fourth charge level.
What about: Normal, Awaken, Focus, Weakness Exploit and Evasion+2 ?
That was the only set i've found that only works with your charm.
Team Darkside
Yeah, I'm currently using it, but there're many other options in the place of Evasion+2. You can fit there bombardier/earplugs. To be honest I was thinking about Normal, Awaken, Focus, challenger+2 and something but I can't find any decent combination for 5th skill, if there's any...
antariantariantari I had the same problem. All other combos could also be built with Hearing 4 ooo or Normal 3 ooo. The Evasionmix was the only exclusive mix I've found for that charm.
OK, thx for the help! If, by any chance you find something else worth using, please post it here, cheers
Hi, kannst du mir oder evtl. auch einfach jemand der es weiß sagen wie man set 32 sockeln muss ich komme nämlich nur auf Sharpness -, Edgemaster und Evasion +10 und Tremor Res +8 = /
What about sword and shield mix up sets?
I was looking for some of those too. Not quite sure what the best SNS are, I just have Lucent, Barioth, Gigginox, and Gobul SNS fully upgraded right now. And the event one with 500 Thunder...
on the last armor set can someone tell me how is it good if 3 of those skill make him weaker?
Demonic Blessing makes Demondrugs as strong as Might Pills
Challenger is cool but for elemental bowgunning is not AtkUp(L) better?
***** Yeah but affinity only affect the raw damage of elemental shots and the raw part is so small.
Alectroxx Are you talking about Set 69 or Set 70 ?
AdriMH100 LBG sets (89-94), for HBG i use challenger too because you will be out of elemental shots very quickly and change to raw shots but with LBG you can solo almost any monster with only elemental shots (if its weak to element).
Think you can do AtkUp(L) + bonus shot + elemental + something if possible.
Alectroxx I found out some Sets with your three Skills + Earplugs or Reload Speed +1 or Load Up or any C-Skill, but only possible on other Tables. Most of them only work with Element +5 Attack +6 on Table 3. I'd prefer the Earplugs and the Load Up Mix mostly.
AdriMH100 Sadly i can't make any of these in my table 4. I really interested in the LBG set you used in the s.zinogre solo but i miss a good talisman and i really suck in charm sniping (tried at least 40 times and nothing).
My 3 favorite 2sfh songs :3
*Groam* This charms are Impawsibul 4 me ~_~
Ugh god damn charm tables. These are the types of sets I'm looking to build but being on charm table 3 is screwing me over.
Can't imagine why the development team would include such a flawed system, if you're not on a good table you're literaly f******** only option would be to buy a cheating tool but thats still pretty meh.... thank god they removed tables in mh4u and upwards
armor set 23
von welchem monster krieg ich Lambent sash?
thx im voraus:)
Hearing+4 bombardier+10 charm only on T10?
Only on T6.
team darkside can you make video for me your best weapon bleademaster. and gunner armor nice how but do not mix
Amazing Video! When you get a chance, would it be possible to make a video on how you charm snipe? I am having bad luck with it. A detailed video with explanations, such as this one, which is AMAZING, would be great. Thank you in advance.
Das 88. Set ist btw nicht möglich, vor allem nicht mit dem Charm (und wahrscheinlich auch keinem anderen). Da wäre nur Reload Speed+2, Recoil Down+2, Bombardier und Trap Master drin, kein Load Up. ._.
Ja war mein Fehler. Da sollte Ohrstöpsel statt Load Up stehen. Hab zwar so ne Anmerkung drübergelegt, aber die werden auf dem Handy nicht angezeigt. Bei Set 18 hat sich auch ein Fehler eingeschlichen. Da sollte Pierce Up statt Rock Steady stehen...
***** Ich und 3U? Nö, hab mich in die Videos von Brix nur reineditiert. o:
***** Du kannst auch nur beleidigend werden, hm?
***** Ich hatte den Fehler ja bereits im Video mit so einer Anmerkung/ Sprechblase versehen weil Björn mich darauf hingewiesen hat und jetzt noch zusätzlich in der Beschreibung. Und inwiefern war Chris jetzt beleidigend?
AdriMH100 Das "müsstet ihr ja wissen" klingt ja auch gar nicht danach, dass er meint, das wir/ich ständig irgendwelche Fehler machen... Vor allem warum überhaupt "ihr"? Ich gehe mal stark davon aus, dass der wieder von Brix redet, der ja hier überhaupt nix geschrieben hat.
my wii u broke after restarting a lot
OMG these mix o
A W E S O M E ! ! !
(Just the music… a bit boring => let you listen Audiomachine ;D )
wo her bekommt man diese crassen talis
Snipen ;D
ich hab leider nur nen Table von 9
like 4 times and like 3,months after I got it and I haven't played since
Table 1 has some nice charms but they aren't god tier like table 10...
I'm HR 73 in solo and i just understand that i have charm table 4... Can't use any of those sets...
Lucky for you many talismans in table 4 are related to table 6 :)
This is the list of some awesome charms that I got from sniping
+6 Guard +3 edgemaster
+4 Handicraft +8 expert
+6 evasion OO-
+4 Handicraft +1 Hunger OOO
+4 Handicraft +1 Psychic OO-
+5 Tenderizer +7 Sharpener
+5 Status OOO
that's all :D
I already have the EdgeMaster +3 but with Crit Draw +5 and Tenderizer +5 Sharpener +7... I'll try to have the Handicraft +4 OOO. Thank you !
If you try to snipe the +4 handicraft +1 Hunger OOO you might get the +4 handicraft +8 expert. Because the range of the RN is too damn close xD
Thanks ! You've help me a lot ! :D I'm gonna try to snipe some easy charm thanks to the CharmSniping tutorial. And sorry for my realy bad english (i'm french ^^)
meh, I don't plan on ever charm sniping...
Bitte zeig mal wie du Amulette snipest. Bitte :D
Diese Talismane 0_0
why the epic music? what's so epic about showing fucking armor sets? damn this is annoying