Thank you for your comment. Actually, I did mention that Arizanov's radar and RWR were not functioning at about 11:08. I was using info from for that. However, a viewer from Serbia informed me of a documentary (which I only saw today). It describes these events in more detail and it seems Arizanov's radar was working because he actually detected a target and was ready to attack it. However, his RWR was completely dead and his first clue that Rodriguez was attacking him was the missile hitting his aircraft.
@@RealDarko Various airplanes had various failures. I just found another text which says that this one had radio and RWR failed. That corresponds to what I saw in the documentary.
Yugoslavian MiG-29B were in bad shape due to the lack of spare parts and proper maintenance. However MiG-29 was excellent dogfighter for point air defence.. When Germans got MiG-29s from the ex East German Air Force they were surprised by the capabilities of the aircraft.. It used Helmet Mounting Display and the all aspect missile R-73 that could bring down all Western fighters in 54 seconds of close dogfight! In addition MiG-29 would launch at the same time one R-27A (SARH seeker) and one R-27B (IR seeker) in salvo mode. If the target avoided the SARH missile with evasive maneuvers then it would still be locked with the IR missile by the IRST system of the MiG-29 without knowing that a second missile is coming towards it! The possibility to survive was less than 6%! Of course the Soviet technology was further developed in the West for the modern fighters..
Hvala! U ovom slučaju našao sam više izvora informacija nego obično pa mislim da je i u tome stvar. Osim uobičajenog Ospreya, naletio sam na par intervjua koje je Rodriguez dao (uključujući jedan podcast prije oko tjedan dana). Plus još par tekstova iz srpskih izvora. Koristi kad razumiješ jezike svih strana u sukobu. Stvarno bi mi koristilo da još znam i arapski, hebrejski, vijetnamski........ 😁
So, that's two videos down now. I know, I know, sometimes multiple kills were achieved on a single mission but that's still plenty of videos left to do 😀
@@micheldaubigne7629 I watched some interviews he gave and was pleasantly surprised with his personality. Not your typical arrogant fighter pilot. He wasn't ashamed of admitting that he wasn't a natural born pilot but rather he had to work to accomplish what he did. As for the pilots he shot down, at least this third guy lived.
Ehm,... I thought B-2 was first used in Desert Storm operation against Iraq? Did my mind play games with me, again?... XD Great video, I like the way you keep politics out and just give known facts. War is never a good thing, and like you said: playing these games, we sometimes forget how serious the real thing is. Cheers!
Thanks again for watching and commenting. As for B-2, you are probably thinking about OIF in 2003. B-2 achieved operative status only in 1997. So many Middle Eastern wars, it's easy to mix them up 😀 Regarding politics, I always try to keep it to minimum although it's impossible to avoid completely if you want to provide some background. I also try to be objective as much as possible. The only exception being the ISIL videos. I can trash those guys as much as I want and no one will object to that 🤣
@@showtime112 ma ne smeta to meni a i ja bi ti mogao pomoc malo. Nije toliko tesko ako cemo iskreni bit. Odluci se pa ako oces moj discord je [VRAF 7]Maverick#2489
@@showtime112 there's no doubt that if you keep it around the Vietnam era or early eighties you'll do well, Skyhawks or Crusader platforms, before SAMs got accurate. Enjoyable videos
Uradio si ovaj video kvalitetno i dobro. Međutim, opisao si samo jedan air to air engagement koji se dogodio te prve ratne noći 24.marta 1999.godine a bilo ih je nekoliko kao što pretpostavljam da znaš. Treba da uradiš i naredni video na ovu tematiku i da taj video u svom naslovu nosi dodatak Part II. A ovom videu treba da dodaš u naslovu Part I. Kao što ti je pretpostavljam i poznato, u prvoj ratnoj noći 24.marta 1999.godine uzletelo je 5 MiG-29 lovaca RV VJ da bi se suprostavilo nadolazećim NATO formacijama. Od tih 5 MiG-29, 3 su oborena u vazdušnoj borbi, četvrti je oštećen ali je uspeo da se vrati na aerodrom u Nišu a peti je uspeo da pobegne i sleti bezbedno u vazduhoplovnu bazu Batajnica kod Beograda. Jer jedan broj od tih pet MiG-29 je uzleteo iz Batajnice a ostali iz Niša. Od njih 5, samo 2 su uspeli da izbegnu obaranje. Jedan je sleteo oštećen u Niš a drugi u Batajnicu. Nisu uspeli da nanesu nikakve gubitke NATO paktu u vazdušnoj borbi (svi NATO gubici tokom rata bili su usled dejstva PVO). Od 3 MiG-29 koji su oboreni te noći, 2 su oborili F-15C RV SAD a treći F-16 holandskog RV. Drugi oboreni MiG-29 te noći uzleteo je sa Batajnice i oborio ga je drugi F-15C kojim je pilotirao drugi pilot i to se dogodilo negde iznad Vojvodine ako sam dobro shvatio (ti si u videu napravio reenactment obaranja ovog MiG-29 kog je F-15C oborio iznad Kosova). Taj drugi MiG-29 koji je oboren ako se ne varam iznad Vojvodine od strane drugog F-15C oboren je sa daljine od 25 km sa koje je F-15C ispalio svoju v-v raketu na njega (verovatno AIM-120 AMRAAM). F-15C ga je pratio odmah nakon uzletanja sa daljine od 40 km što svojim radarom, što asistiran AWACS-om. Pilot tog F-15C je nameravao da obori i drugi MiG-29 sa Batajnice ali taj je uspeo da mu pobegne i sleteo je bezbedno u svoju bazu. Treći oboreni MiG-29 koji se srušio kod Kruševca je prema zvaničnim informacijama oboren od strane F-16 holandskog RV. Međutim, postoje neke tvrdnje da njega možda nije oborio taj F-16, nego da ga je možda greškom oborila PVO VJ misleći da gađaju NATO avion. Tako da te nedoumice oko toga detalja ostaju do današnjeg dana. Četvrti MiG-29 koji je oštećen u vazdušnoj borbi ali je uspeo da se vrati u Niš je oštećen od strane drugog F-15C koji je oborio prvi MiG-29 sa Batajnice a kome je drugi MiG-29 pobegao vrativši se na Batajnicu. Ako sam dobro shvatio iz određenih intervjua, taj F-15C je napao te noći i trećeg MiG-29 (ovaj je bio iz Niša). Njega je uspeo da ošteti ali se MiG-29 iako oštećen bezbedno vratio na niški aerodrom. I to je samo ta prva ratna noć. Ima tu još borbi vazduh-vazduh iz NATO bombardovanja 1999.godine i u drugim danima rata za koje pretpostavljam da znaš. Mislim da bi i o tome trebalo da napraviš posebne videe. A verovatno i o čuvenom obaranju F-117 iznad Buđanovaca kao i o obaranju F-16 mesec dana kasnije kod Šapca (na njemu je leteo David Goldfein koji je kasnije bio general RV SAD do svog skorašnjeg penzionisanja). U svakom slučaju dobar video i trebalo bi još videa da napraviš o ovoj tematici.
Hvala na opsežnom komentaru! Točno je da ovaj video pokriva samo jedan segment cijele prve noći operacije. Uglavnom se više fokusiram na pojedine priče, cjelokupne strategije bi možda bilo i nekako teže prikazati. Ovaj video se odnosi na Rica Rodrigueza koji je oborio MiG-29 majora Arizanova. Rodrigueza sam nekako najbolje zapamtio iz Ospreyeve knjige a i iz Dogfightsa. Također je taman par dana prije nego što sam krenuo raditi ovaj video dao intervju za jedan podcast sa dosta podataka o ovom događaju. U svakom slučaju, u nekoj budućnosti se planiram opet vratiti ovim događajima i pokriti još neke aspekte. Izvori su relativno obilni a pogotovo kad malo savladam F-16 imat ću i te opcije. Plus, područje Kavkaza je relativno slično Balkanu pa mapa ne odudara previše.
@@showtime112 Da, svakako. Izvora ima u izobilju. Ovde na You Tube-u jedan od dobrih izvora iz prve ruke je i kanal Fighter Pilot Podcast o brojnim tipovima američkih i stranih borbenih aviona, tu su intervjui sa nekadašnjim pilotima tih aviona. Sa dobrim uvidom u njihove karakteristike a i sa značajnim ratnim iskustvom pojedinih od tih pilota. A što se tiče paralela između Balkana i Kavkaza ima ih dosta. Kavkaz je još nestabilnije i neuralgičnije područje u odnosu na Balkan. Balkan je u zadnjih 20 i kusur godina manje-više stabilizovan i pacifikovan mada uvek ima svojih brojnih problema. Kavkaz na drugoj strani je i dalje izuzetno zapaljiv sa brojnim istorijski neizmirenim računima i žarištima, o čemu svedoči i skorašnji rat između Azerbejdžana i Jermenije oko Nagorno Karabaha. Nego, vratimo se na vazduhoplovnu tematiku. Kao što sam kažeš izvora ima u izobilju. I srećno ti bilo u tvojim daljim projektima i poduhvatima na ovu i slične teme u ovoj oblasti.
@@MultiSr71blackbird Slušam Fighter Pilot Podcast redovno. Prethodni video sam čak i najvećim dijelom utemeljio na jednoj od epizoda. Hvala još jednom na komenatarima i podršci!
@@danijelzivkovic5244 oboren je sistemom KUB pocizioniran na planini Jastrebac. I to nije bilo samo tada da je ista jedinica dejstvovala po sopstvenom avionima.
Yes, all of this is true story. I don't know all the details about the MiG-29 pilot but he ejected and landed in the middle of territory controlled by the enemy. Two days later, he reached an airbase controlled by friendly forces. And probably, an interesting movie could be made about that :)
@@showtime112 this is the link with eng. sub. for documentary "Non of them refused". Made by serbian national TV station. It's all about war in air
Great video! Really like the stuff your doing! Is this mission available for download? If so where, if not how come?!!! Thanks for sharing this, awesome stuff!
Hello! Thank you for your comment and appreciation. As for the mission, it's not available because I never really made it as a mission you can fly from the beginning to the end. It was more going backwards from how I wanted things to come out (i.e match the historic events) and then creating parts to make it possible. So it doesn't actually exist as a full mission with briefing and other elements.
Hello mate, how are you ? Very nice videos on this campaign, really.😎 Small question. Were Serbian migs unable tu use chaffs or flares ? I mean, when they knew that they were locked, except defensive manoeuvrings, what were theirs chances about this particular point ? I was wondering the same thing about Irakis Mirage F1 against saoudian F15 or Lybian Mig 23 against American Tomcats... Thanks you man !🤘
Hello! Nice to hear from you again. As far as I could find, that was probably individual. Interestingly, I watched a couple of Serbian documentaries but I don't remember pilots themselves mentioning use of expendables. In some cases, their RWR wasn't working (this one seems to be such a case). But pilots probably did employ chaff. There are cases where they actually avoided AMRAAMs fired at them which is probably very hard without any chaff.
DCS Should do a segment on what it would look like if NATO joined the battle in Ukraine. Show of fifteens and 16s F 22s and 35s and 18 warthogs entering the battle it would be great to see that
No radio or RWR, flying at night, engaged from BVR...poor bastard never even saw it coming. At least his ejection seat worked. If you're going to fly against F15s, your planes better be maintained, and you better have an A-game.
It seems they wete hoping for a miracle. They were about to send their MiG-21s into battle too but changed their minds at the last moment . There would have been more shootdowns.
@@showtime112 i'd love to see that! Here in the Netherlands it's really something big because no Dutch plane ever shot down an enemy plane since ww2 so this guy is a hero here xd
@@jajagsthaisjs5690 I'm sorry to hear this, i know NATO went to far or did too less in some aspects but my countries soldiers have prevented more genocide to the people. Trust me because of NATO we lost soldiers because we weren't allowed to intervene so please a little respect
Nothing says, "You're screwed" like your MCP lighting up like a Christmas tree. I was over there in 1994 as part of NATO, during the Bosnian War. F/A-18s off of USS Saratoga.
Sada ću malo cjepidlačiti ali F-117 se zapravo uopće ne zove "nevidljivi". Tako ga zovemo mi na ovim geografskim područjima jer nemamo ekvivalent za riječ "stealth". Onda je to netko dosta neprecizno i nespretno preveo kao "nevidljivi". Ali u njegovu obranu, svaki precizniji prijevod bio bi zapravo opis a ne riječ 😊
@@showtime112 mi se ovde sprdamo sa tim takozvanim americkim ponosom sa umanjenim radarskim odrazom. zanimljivo je ovde bilo tokom bombardovanja tomahawci su leteli toliko nisko da su ih ljudi gadjali lovackim puskama isli pevali po mostovima pa kad cuju sirene za vazdusnu opasnost onda opsta bezanija haha da pregaze jedan drugog.toliko smo bili inferiorni da su nato hilihopteri leteli ovuda bez ustezanja bacali nam letke kako da se ponasamo dok traje bombardovanje da otvorimo sve prozore da bezimo od vojske a ujedno nas i zastrasivali avion velikom brzinom nocu ponire to je jeziv zvuk i onda ga ispravi u poslednjem trenutku kad se setim najezim se.predatori se cuju kako polako lete i snimaju nocu i nisko lepo se cuje.. ona prica ,,neprijatelj pred vratima onda protiv avionski topovi saraju po nebu.. ludooo
Well, I think they wanted to show themselves as the only rightful heir to the former federation. This would enable them to claim all the property such as military equipment, embassies, gold reserves. There was also the question of membership in various international organizations they didn't want to reapply. Finally, they hoped this would give their actions in early 90s more legitimacy.
On a good day, after a political miracle, my country could meet an end similar to Yugoslavia... but that would be too easy for middle East... things need to go exponentially more barbaric and violent to match the context...
Top notch video, from start to finish!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! Keep watching!
You forgot to tell that the Serbian Fulcrums were RWRless and carrying faulty radars. Apart from that, great mission.
Thank you for your comment. Actually, I did mention that Arizanov's radar and RWR were not functioning at about 11:08. I was using info from for that. However, a viewer from Serbia informed me of a documentary (which I only saw today). It describes these events in more detail and it seems Arizanov's radar was working because he actually detected a target and was ready to attack it. However, his RWR was completely dead and his first clue that Rodriguez was attacking him was the missile hitting his aircraft.
@@showtime112 First info about that radar working, everythime I read about that was a totally malfunctioning radar. Pretty interesting.
@@RealDarko Various airplanes had various failures. I just found another text which says that this one had radio and RWR failed. That corresponds to what I saw in the documentary.
Yugoslavian MiG-29B were in bad shape due to the lack of spare parts and proper maintenance. However MiG-29 was excellent dogfighter for point air defence.. When Germans got MiG-29s from the ex East German Air Force they were surprised by the capabilities of the aircraft.. It used Helmet Mounting Display and the all aspect missile R-73 that could bring down all Western fighters in 54 seconds of close dogfight! In addition MiG-29 would launch at the same time one R-27A (SARH seeker) and one R-27B (IR seeker) in salvo mode. If the target avoided the SARH missile with evasive maneuvers then it would still be locked with the IR missile by the IRST system of the MiG-29 without knowing that a second missile is coming towards it! The possibility to survive was less than 6%! Of course the Soviet technology was further developed in the West for the modern fighters..
All true. Here the Serbian leadership basically gambled and hoped to score at least one air-to-air kill as a morale booster.
First night over serbian skies in the '99 war. Very good choice and excellent information from both sides.
Thanks! I will revisit this operation someday, there's a lot more to cover.
Thank you so much for this! Big fan!
Thank you for commenting! I've almost forgotten about this video.
Kako si ovo profesionalno odradio nemam riječi.
Hvala! U ovom slučaju našao sam više izvora informacija nego obično pa mislim da je i u tome stvar. Osim uobičajenog Ospreya, naletio sam na par intervjua koje je Rodriguez dao (uključujući jedan podcast prije oko tjedan dana). Plus još par tekstova iz srpskih izvora. Koristi kad razumiješ jezike svih strana u sukobu. Stvarno bi mi koristilo da još znam i arapski, hebrejski, vijetnamski........ 😁
@@showtime112 Može li link ili ime tog podcasta
@@tihi1788 Evo linka:
@@showtime112 E hvala ako hoces da letimo nekad posalji mi direct message na diskordu Tihi#3710
@@tihi1788 Ok, hvala. Multiplayer mi je u nekakvom dugoročnom planu, jednog dana ću se upustiti i u tu avanturu 😉
So, that's two videos down now. I know, I know, sometimes multiple kills were achieved on a single mission but that's still plenty of videos left to do 😀
Have some patience, don't you see I'm working on it 😊
@@micheldaubigne7629 Thank you very much! Rico Rodriguez is your uncle? No kidding!
@@micheldaubigne7629 I watched some interviews he gave and was pleasantly surprised with his personality. Not your typical arrogant fighter pilot. He wasn't ashamed of admitting that he wasn't a natural born pilot but rather he had to work to accomplish what he did. As for the pilots he shot down, at least this third guy lived.
@@micheldaubigne7629 Thanks again for your comments, it is such a pleasant surprise for me. And Merry Christmas to you as well!
Niko nije rekao necu !
Zivela SRBIJA !!!
Ehm,... I thought B-2 was first used in Desert Storm operation against Iraq? Did my mind play games with me, again?... XD
Great video, I like the way you keep politics out and just give known facts.
War is never a good thing, and like you said: playing these games, we sometimes forget how serious the real thing is.
Thanks again for watching and commenting. As for B-2, you are probably thinking about OIF in 2003. B-2 achieved operative status only in 1997. So many Middle Eastern wars, it's easy to mix them up 😀
Regarding politics, I always try to keep it to minimum although it's impossible to avoid completely if you want to provide some background. I also try to be objective as much as possible. The only exception being the ISIL videos. I can trash those guys as much as I want and no one will object to that 🤣
F-117 was first used in 1st Gulf war.
In the case of the 5-2 one was shot down and another was hit by a SAM but made it back to Germany! Great video
Thanks for the comment!
E buraz, super si ako oces mozemo jedanput skupa letit stvarno bi mi super bilo kad bismo mogli. Inače super video samo jako💪
Hvala! Što se tiče letenja, zapravo nemam iskustva sa multiplayerom. I vjerojatno bi ubrzo shvatio da ni nisam osobito dobar igrač :)
@@showtime112 ma ne smeta to meni a i ja bi ti mogao pomoc malo. Nije toliko tesko ako cemo iskreni bit. Odluci se pa ako oces moj discord je [VRAF 7]Maverick#2489
@@marinoimper2241 OK, hvala!
@@showtime112 nema problema
Very Good video, looking forward to a full mission start to finish. Maybe some SAM hunting?
Thank you for your comment. I'm not so sure about full missions. Maybe it would be a bit boring to watch all of it?
@@showtime112 there's no doubt that if you keep it around the Vietnam era or early eighties you'll do well, Skyhawks or Crusader platforms, before SAMs got accurate. Enjoyable videos
Actually, I've done something like that. Not a full mission but A-4 SAM hunting in Vietnam:
One of Rodriguez's victories wasn't a shoot down action; it was a maneuvering kill in Desert Storm,
Uradio si ovaj video kvalitetno i dobro. Međutim, opisao si samo jedan air to air engagement koji se dogodio te prve ratne noći 24.marta 1999.godine a bilo ih je nekoliko kao što pretpostavljam da znaš. Treba da uradiš i naredni video na ovu tematiku i da taj video u svom naslovu nosi dodatak Part II. A ovom videu treba da dodaš u naslovu Part I. Kao što ti je pretpostavljam i poznato, u prvoj ratnoj noći 24.marta 1999.godine uzletelo je 5 MiG-29 lovaca RV VJ da bi se suprostavilo nadolazećim NATO formacijama. Od tih 5 MiG-29, 3 su oborena u vazdušnoj borbi, četvrti je oštećen ali je uspeo da se vrati na aerodrom u Nišu a peti je uspeo da pobegne i sleti bezbedno u vazduhoplovnu bazu Batajnica kod Beograda. Jer jedan broj od tih pet MiG-29 je uzleteo iz Batajnice a ostali iz Niša. Od njih 5, samo 2 su uspeli da izbegnu obaranje. Jedan je sleteo oštećen u Niš a drugi u Batajnicu. Nisu uspeli da nanesu nikakve gubitke NATO paktu u vazdušnoj borbi (svi NATO gubici tokom rata bili su usled dejstva PVO). Od 3 MiG-29 koji su oboreni te noći, 2 su oborili F-15C RV SAD a treći F-16 holandskog RV. Drugi oboreni MiG-29 te noći uzleteo je sa Batajnice i oborio ga je drugi F-15C kojim je pilotirao drugi pilot i to se dogodilo negde iznad Vojvodine ako sam dobro shvatio (ti si u videu napravio reenactment obaranja ovog MiG-29 kog je F-15C oborio iznad Kosova). Taj drugi MiG-29 koji je oboren ako se ne varam iznad Vojvodine od strane drugog F-15C oboren je sa daljine od 25 km sa koje je F-15C ispalio svoju v-v raketu na njega (verovatno AIM-120 AMRAAM). F-15C ga je pratio odmah nakon uzletanja sa daljine od 40 km što svojim radarom, što asistiran AWACS-om. Pilot tog F-15C je nameravao da obori i drugi MiG-29 sa Batajnice ali taj je uspeo da mu pobegne i sleteo je bezbedno u svoju bazu. Treći oboreni MiG-29 koji se srušio kod Kruševca je prema zvaničnim informacijama oboren od strane F-16 holandskog RV. Međutim, postoje neke tvrdnje da njega možda nije oborio taj F-16, nego da ga je možda greškom oborila PVO VJ misleći da gađaju NATO avion. Tako da te nedoumice oko toga detalja ostaju do današnjeg dana. Četvrti MiG-29 koji je oštećen u vazdušnoj borbi ali je uspeo da se vrati u Niš je oštećen od strane drugog F-15C koji je oborio prvi MiG-29 sa Batajnice a kome je drugi MiG-29 pobegao vrativši se na Batajnicu. Ako sam dobro shvatio iz određenih intervjua, taj F-15C je napao te noći i trećeg MiG-29 (ovaj je bio iz Niša). Njega je uspeo da ošteti ali se MiG-29 iako oštećen bezbedno vratio na niški aerodrom. I to je samo ta prva ratna noć. Ima tu još borbi vazduh-vazduh iz NATO bombardovanja 1999.godine i u drugim danima rata za koje pretpostavljam da znaš. Mislim da bi i o tome trebalo da napraviš posebne videe. A verovatno i o čuvenom obaranju F-117 iznad Buđanovaca kao i o obaranju F-16 mesec dana kasnije kod Šapca (na njemu je leteo David Goldfein koji je kasnije bio general RV SAD do svog skorašnjeg penzionisanja). U svakom slučaju dobar video i trebalo bi još videa da napraviš o ovoj tematici.
Hvala na opsežnom komentaru! Točno je da ovaj video pokriva samo jedan segment cijele prve noći operacije. Uglavnom se više fokusiram na pojedine priče, cjelokupne strategije bi možda bilo i nekako teže prikazati. Ovaj video se odnosi na Rica Rodrigueza koji je oborio MiG-29 majora Arizanova. Rodrigueza sam nekako najbolje zapamtio iz Ospreyeve knjige a i iz Dogfightsa. Također je taman par dana prije nego što sam krenuo raditi ovaj video dao intervju za jedan podcast sa dosta podataka o ovom događaju.
U svakom slučaju, u nekoj budućnosti se planiram opet vratiti ovim događajima i pokriti još neke aspekte. Izvori su relativno obilni a pogotovo kad malo savladam F-16 imat ću i te opcije. Plus, područje Kavkaza je relativno slično Balkanu pa mapa ne odudara previše.
@@showtime112 Da, svakako. Izvora ima u izobilju. Ovde na You Tube-u jedan od dobrih izvora iz prve ruke je i kanal Fighter Pilot Podcast o brojnim tipovima američkih i stranih borbenih aviona, tu su intervjui sa nekadašnjim pilotima tih aviona. Sa dobrim uvidom u njihove karakteristike a i sa značajnim ratnim iskustvom pojedinih od tih pilota. A što se tiče paralela između Balkana i Kavkaza ima ih dosta. Kavkaz je još nestabilnije i neuralgičnije područje u odnosu na Balkan. Balkan je u zadnjih 20 i kusur godina manje-više stabilizovan i pacifikovan mada uvek ima svojih brojnih problema. Kavkaz na drugoj strani je i dalje izuzetno zapaljiv sa brojnim istorijski neizmirenim računima i žarištima, o čemu svedoči i skorašnji rat između Azerbejdžana i Jermenije oko Nagorno Karabaha. Nego, vratimo se na vazduhoplovnu tematiku. Kao što sam kažeš izvora ima u izobilju. I srećno ti bilo u tvojim daljim projektima i poduhvatima na ovu i slične teme u ovoj oblasti.
@@MultiSr71blackbird Slušam Fighter Pilot Podcast redovno. Prethodni video sam čak i najvećim dijelom utemeljio na jednoj od epizoda.
Hvala još jednom na komenatarima i podršci!
Nikolic je oboren u Vojvodini,Arizanov na Kosovu a Milutinovic iznad Nisa (sa zemlje) mislim da nije niko oboren iznad Krusevca.
@@danijelzivkovic5244 oboren je sistemom KUB pocizioniran na planini Jastrebac. I to nije bilo samo tada da je ista jedinica dejstvovala po sopstvenom avionima.
Cool! So this really happened? I got some behind enemy lines vibes with the mig29 pilot
Yes, all of this is true story. I don't know all the details about the MiG-29 pilot but he ejected and landed in the middle of territory controlled by the enemy. Two days later, he reached an airbase controlled by friendly forces. And probably, an interesting movie could be made about that :)
this is the link with eng. sub. for documentary "Non of them refused". Made by serbian national TV station. It's all about war in air
@@showtime112 sad name Slobodan Milosevic like a real Serb...! Are you from Balkan area?
@@ivanpanon Seen it. Quite interesting. Unfortunately, didn't know about it before making this video. Some things would have been clearer to me.
@@ivanpanon Moglo bi se reći 😊
Great video! Really like the stuff your doing! Is this mission available for download? If so where, if not how come?!!! Thanks for sharing this, awesome stuff!
Hello! Thank you for your comment and appreciation. As for the mission, it's not available because I never really made it as a mission you can fly from the beginning to the end. It was more going backwards from how I wanted things to come out (i.e match the historic events) and then creating parts to make it possible. So it doesn't actually exist as a full mission with briefing and other elements.
Hello mate, how are you ? Very nice videos on this campaign, really.😎 Small question. Were Serbian migs unable tu use chaffs or flares ? I mean, when they knew that they were locked, except defensive manoeuvrings, what were theirs chances about this particular point ? I was wondering the same thing about Irakis Mirage F1 against saoudian F15 or Lybian Mig 23 against American Tomcats... Thanks you man !🤘
Hello! Nice to hear from you again. As far as I could find, that was probably individual. Interestingly, I watched a couple of Serbian documentaries but I don't remember pilots themselves mentioning use of expendables. In some cases, their RWR wasn't working (this one seems to be such a case). But pilots probably did employ chaff. There are cases where they actually avoided AMRAAMs fired at them which is probably very hard without any chaff.
@@showtime112 Yes, absolutely, that seems to be logical. Thanks. I've sent a link to view this pilot solo display.😉
@@touchofevil3608 Thanks, will check it out.
DCS Should do a segment on what it would look like if NATO joined the battle in Ukraine. Show of fifteens and 16s F 22s and 35s and 18 warthogs entering the battle it would be great to see that
No radio or RWR, flying at night, engaged from BVR...poor bastard never even saw it coming. At least his ejection seat worked. If you're going to fly against F15s, your planes better be maintained, and you better have an A-game.
It seems they wete hoping for a miracle. They were about to send their MiG-21s into battle too but changed their minds at the last moment . There would have been more shootdowns.
Ty for including the Dutch! often get overshadowed by the big powers but boy have i heard stories from my country there. overall amazing vid!
Well, I had to since Dutch F-16 even scored a kill. Maybe someday I make a video about that too.
Thank you for watching and commenting!
@@showtime112 i'd love to see that! Here in the Netherlands it's really something big because no Dutch plane ever shot down an enemy plane since ww2 so this guy is a hero here xd
@@yaboilebred4322 I'm definitely going back to the Allied Force some day. I just need to learn the F-16 a little better to make a video about that :)
@@showtime112 I'm already glad you'll take the idea in consideration!! Good luck training, pilot!
@@jajagsthaisjs5690 I'm sorry to hear this, i know NATO went to far or did too less in some aspects but my countries soldiers have prevented more genocide to the people. Trust me because of NATO we lost soldiers because we weren't allowed to intervene so please a little respect
Thank you very much!
Nothing says, "You're screwed" like your MCP lighting up like a Christmas tree. I was over there in 1994 as part of NATO, during the Bosnian War. F/A-18s off of USS Saratoga.
Thanks for commenting and sharing your experience!
Not even second this time 🙄
Better luck next time 😊
My dad hated Slobodan(correct spelling?) Milosovich; he called him 'Ratshit'. 😁😁
He was generally a very unpopular guy outside of Serbia 😁
@@showtime112 Pretty much.
Jao pao F 117 ispricavamo se nismo znali da je nevidljiv haha
Sada ću malo cjepidlačiti ali F-117 se zapravo uopće ne zove "nevidljivi". Tako ga zovemo mi na ovim geografskim područjima jer nemamo ekvivalent za riječ "stealth". Onda je to netko dosta neprecizno i nespretno preveo kao "nevidljivi". Ali u njegovu obranu, svaki precizniji prijevod bio bi zapravo opis a ne riječ 😊
@@showtime112 mi se ovde sprdamo sa tim takozvanim americkim ponosom sa umanjenim radarskim odrazom. zanimljivo je ovde bilo tokom bombardovanja tomahawci su leteli toliko nisko da su ih ljudi gadjali lovackim puskama isli pevali po mostovima pa kad cuju sirene za vazdusnu opasnost onda opsta bezanija haha da pregaze jedan drugog.toliko smo bili inferiorni da su nato hilihopteri leteli ovuda bez ustezanja bacali nam letke kako da se ponasamo dok traje bombardovanje da otvorimo sve prozore da bezimo od vojske a ujedno nas i zastrasivali avion velikom brzinom nocu ponire to je jeziv zvuk i onda ga ispravi u poslednjem trenutku kad se setim najezim se.predatori se cuju kako polako lete i snimaju nocu i nisko lepo se cuje.. ona prica ,,neprijatelj pred vratima onda protiv avionski topovi saraju po nebu.. ludooo
493 Grim Reapers.....aptly named
Yeah, they did pretty well!
@@showtime112 and their reward is flying the stubby-winged, overpriced bag of ass called the F35C Lightning
War is a heart-to-heart war, not a light weapon. We've taken down the pride of the invisible. A bunch of clowns.
What did you mean that this country still called itself Yugoslavia but it didn't make sense anymore?
Well, I think they wanted to show themselves as the only rightful heir to the former federation. This would enable them to claim all the property such as military equipment, embassies, gold reserves. There was also the question of membership in various international organizations they didn't want to reapply. Finally, they hoped this would give their actions in early 90s more legitimacy.
I like the side infos.
Thanks! I like to make my videos informative and have people learn a bit about history.
On a good day, after a political miracle, my country could meet an end similar to Yugoslavia... but that would be too easy for middle East... things need to go exponentially more barbaric and violent to match the context...
Out of curiosity, which country are your from?
Dcs 1.5.8?
Jel moze prevod za ovaj video hvala
Prijevod postoji, samo možda nije po defaultu uključen. Mislim da je YT nešto promijenio po tom pitanju.
Hvala puno
The spirit is shot down on dath war fail in croati
Haha nato always bullying on poor countries. But that time is over
That is an extreme oversimplification.
@@showtime112 good videos anyway PAL congrats ,it's dcs a descendant of lock on?