It sounds like from the commentd that youve moved on to a differemt build but at the end you mentioned switching the shaft abd battop to the crown. The fanta can take a standard jlf shaft. Its a just a tad too tight but that just makes have less wiggle. Its actually reallt nice. I put the aluminum series battop on my fanta/jlf conversion and the standard fanta deadzone "wiggle" is completely gone. Unfortunately the fanta shaft and battop cant be used for anything else aftwards though since its too small in diameter
Barry's Toy Box oh nice I didn’t know that JLF shaft conversion fits the Fanta. And I don’t have a JLF handy to try that out since I sold it along with this TE2+. Yeah Fanta are known to have the “deadzone wobble” but luckily I have the Golden Fanta kit to amend that issue.
Buyakr u Oh I bought it from They also have Golden Crown as well. And thanks. I'll be doing more review soon on the 309mj, 309 Help me, Myoungshin Fanta, and the Golden Crown/Fanta Review.
Elias Jr Martinez I bought a new one from tech I will not be able to drill it nicely on a clear plexi glass. It’ll most likely break unless I have the proper tools for it.
Ryodakun I keep forgetting to do part 2 lol. I heard that the Taeyoung has a longer throw distance but the microswitches placement is actually closer together than Myoungshin.
byakuzac Yes. I use to have hard time inputting SF inputs but now it’s even easier. But in the end, it’s all about what fits you best. And this does for me.
I recommend the heavier arcade sticks like the Qanba Dragon, the Hori Vewlix (VLX) series, the Mad Catz Tournament Edition 2 series, the Razer Atrox for Xbox 360 and Xbox One and the Razer Panthera for the PS3 and PS4. And why? Because they are easier to modify and they are so heavy, they don't move around on your lap as much.
i recommend building your own wooden box and making it as big and as heavy as you like , its what i have . i have the Etokki omni its nice but i definetly prefer my custom made wooden stick i got more wrist space as well . 1 thing the omni doesnt have much of
ACXIAO666 yes I agree. The TE2+ are still too light. That’s why I sold it and got me a Panzer 3 from Jasens Customs. It’s way heavier and sturdy. And I don’t have the tools to build my own fightstick or else I would’ve.
It sounds like from the commentd that youve moved on to a differemt build but at the end you mentioned switching the shaft abd battop to the crown. The fanta can take a standard jlf shaft. Its a just a tad too tight but that just makes have less wiggle. Its actually reallt nice. I put the aluminum series battop on my fanta/jlf conversion and the standard fanta deadzone "wiggle" is completely gone. Unfortunately the fanta shaft and battop cant be used for anything else aftwards though since its too small in diameter
Barry's Toy Box oh nice I didn’t know that JLF shaft conversion fits the Fanta. And I don’t have a JLF handy to try that out since I sold it along with this TE2+. Yeah Fanta are known to have the “deadzone wobble” but luckily I have the Golden Fanta kit to amend that issue.
Can you tell me which one has the shortest travel / throw?
8-Beats VGM Crown and Fanta both has the same throw. The stock shafts for Crown/Myoungshin is 9mm.
Thank you very much, one more question please, are you including the Crown's that haven't the colar/neck like the japanese mounting 303-FK one?
8-Beats VGM yes the short collar 309 for Japanese are the same as well.
Where did you order your golden Fanta mod from? Great review btw!
Buyakr u Oh I bought it from They also have Golden Crown as well. And thanks. I'll be doing more review soon on the 309mj, 309 Help me, Myoungshin Fanta, and the Golden Crown/Fanta Review.
Did you use the stock clear plate (the one that goes on top of the artwork) or bought a new one?
Elias Jr Martinez I bought a new one from tech I will not be able to drill it nicely on a clear plexi glass. It’ll most likely break unless I have the proper tools for it.
So when's part two? I actually ordered a etokki omni today and it comes with a Taeyoung Fanta. I wonder how if compares to the Myoungshin.
Ryodakun I keep forgetting to do part 2 lol. I heard that the Taeyoung has a longer throw distance but the microswitches placement is actually closer together than Myoungshin.
awesome review
do you recommend this for 2d fighting games?
byakuzac Yes. I use to have hard time inputting SF inputs but now it’s even easier. But in the end, it’s all about what fits you best. And this does for me.
I recommend the heavier arcade sticks like the Qanba Dragon, the Hori Vewlix (VLX) series, the Mad Catz Tournament Edition 2 series, the Razer Atrox for Xbox 360 and Xbox One and the Razer Panthera for the PS3 and PS4. And why? Because they are easier to modify and they are so heavy, they don't move around on your lap as much.
Dustin Nunn This is a Madcatz TE2+ without the artwork and plexiglass glass on.
i recommend building your own wooden box and making it as big and as heavy as you like , its what i have . i have the Etokki omni its nice but i definetly prefer my custom made wooden stick i got more wrist space as well . 1 thing the omni doesnt have much of
ACXIAO666 yes I agree. The TE2+ are still too light. That’s why I sold it and got me a Panzer 3 from Jasens Customs. It’s way heavier and sturdy. And I don’t have the tools to build my own fightstick or else I would’ve.
ah ok i understand .
justanalt yeah but the built on Mayflash isn’t sturdy and not enough room.