I really wish Rena was in NYC so I can be one of her patients. I’ve been having extreme issues with ED and low testosterone for a while now. I’ve been trying to exercise and eat healthier, which helps the issue slightly, but does not get rid of it. The doctors I meet in NYC seem to care about money more than their actual patients. Rena’s knowledge helps me out so much! We all need a doctor like her.
I really want to encourage you to dare and voice that concern towards your doctor. You can advocate for yourself in "I" messages, saying things like... "I'm struggling to see where this treatment plan is headed for me" "I need you to take into consideration that I'm working with a limited budget, so we need to adjust my treatment plan accordingly" "I'm having concerns I'd like to voice, in the hope that we can address them and possibly work better together in future. Because if there's a misunderstanding between us, then that will impact the effectiveness of my treatment. And I currently feel, that this is eating me up financially, while not helping me sufficiently. Can we talk about this? Maybe you can check in with me if I have any expectations that need sorting out, or maybe you have other ideas on what else we can try?"
Appreciate this longer form video. Must have taken many hrs of research and preparation. Many interesting topics covered. I mentioned something I learned from you on a visit to my urologist. He commented favorably abt your channel. Many thanks Dr. Malik.
I am a 25 year old man who has had ED issues and in my quest for answers, something I found is there is a direct link between ED and OSA(obstructive Sleep apnea) which I personally have OSA and I would really like to see a video done on this topic because I feel there might be a lot of men who may have untreated OSA and is causing them to ED.
Absolutely LOVE your content so much!! Jealous of the people fortunate enough to be able to work with you! I was very surprised about the fact regarding women having more testosterone than estrogen. I've never heard that before and it's the opposite of what I've always thought. Curious about this!
My testosterone nurse practitioner doesn’t even review my labs with me. I recently switched to a different clinic and did new labs. Hopefully will find the cause of my disappeared libido. I’m only 52. Thanks for covering this topic De. Malik.
Great information, Doc! Going to plan for an educational visit online. In a state you can't "practice" in; hate that. Been on TRT 3 years, both of us. Long time great marriage.
Thank you Doctor, I find so much information watching your videos. Next month I turn 69 and my wife is 65 we are in the process of rekindling our sex lives there have been rough spots but listening to you and your encouragement will get us by.
Great information here. My girlfriend of 10 months doesn’t think about sex much. She has a low libido I’m sure. I’m the opposite. She’s been taking adhd and anxiety meds for 15 years. We also know she needs to start taking thyroid meds again. Maybe this is why she doesn’t desire it. Once a month is fine with her, while 2-3 times is a week is what I desire. And I’m 9 years older! When i want it and she doesn’t, it’s uncomfortable for us to talk about it. She’s aware of it. I don’t want it to ruin our amazing relationship. Maybe setting up a time with you is a good plan.
Hello, I found this podcast to be very informative as desire being an issue for my wife for some time now. We've tried talking about it but usually doesn't go well, she is premenopausal and struggling to get any assistance or guidance from Kaiser. I will share this podcast in hopes that it helps in some fashion. Keep up the good work and thank you.
This was really interesting. Now what I'd be curious about it the opposite. How high libido works in men and women, particularly in the case of it being dis-comfortable, though not necessarily on the level of addiction.
Was on HRT for three years, high doses of Testosterone every two weeks shot in the glutes. I was a triathlete, experienced issues during one of my races, found out it was a blood clot in my spleen, and there was markers from two other. Instantly removed off of HRT. Now, I have issues with mild ED and low T, no one will touch it. I stopped triathlon, started strength training, keep my weight down, train in a martial art, eat healthy, and get at least 7 hours of sleep each day. Still, no doctor will touch me. The "quick fix" is to shoot us up with testosterone, but when they can't do that, they mostly shrug their shoulders. I am starting to experiment with the supplements, but don't know if I can take them all, only some, which ones? What can I do to get my erections back up to par?
Thank you Rena your content has been really helpful, really do appreciate you. Would like to to hear more about the lasting effects of quitting porn, is there a withdrawal from it. Maybe jumble up a video on supplementation for healthy libido and taking care of the brain maybe dive deep into the effects of medications like antiepileptics on libido and mood. Thanks again😊🌹
40% of women report low desire? I'm guessing 99% of men would probably report their wives have little to no sexual desire. As a twice divorced male my experience has been that sex is desirable when women are dating. Once engaged or married women seem to get bored with their partner. It seems like female sexual desire is likely associated more with a female's desire to find a desirable mate rather than to keep a boring existing mate. Many if not most married women seem to find sex with their husbands to be a task not a desirable sexual experience. This is why I think many wives seek to have stimulating affairs.
I think what would help those married couples is that they become swingers. I'm serious. But, the problem with that is having to worry about forming a connection, basically falling in love with your fling. If both partners can help themselves from doing that, I feel becoming a swinger couple would save some marriages. I mean a very few.
The reasons that sex with partners in marriage are a task, is because they are a task. Women are very loudly voicing what exactly they lack and need for it to be fun and not some task. Yet here we are and you're drawing own head-canon conclusions instead of just going over and seeing yourself if any of them ever says "boredom". Spoiler alert: The most named reasons are exhaustion (work + still often majority of childcare & elderly care + low societal appreciation + high hurdles due to subconsciously active misogynistic pattern working against women), overwhelm (mental load dumped on women by default, these things are researched) and men not addressing emotional needs even after repeatedly voicing them. More reasons: men lacking basic anatomic understanding and sex ed, especially in some societies (it's outright scary), [for some, excruciating] period pains (when you're dating, you meet up on days when it's not a struggle. It's a selective bias) & overall badly researched and badly addressed pains for women in context of intercourse, that men do not have in this manner (men have specific struggles, too, obviously) If you noticed that men would report their women to have libido while also noticing that women themselves do NOT report being discomforted by their level of libido, then should you not be able to draw better conclusions at least? Even if you were to assume that men maybe have higher sex drive, why is it so hard for you to attend to any sex drive beyond the comfort level of your partners, with masturbation? Why are you not getting to the conclusion, that men's needs in regards to sex are more met within marriages than those of women, meaning that the marriage system needs to shift in order to accommodate more for the sexual needs of women AND attend to any sexual needs beyond that. Cause somehow that's never even a question when women have higher sexual need in the partnership than men (yep, it's a real thing. I had that, my friend has that case. We're far from the only ones LOL). We just go and self-please and all is well. So why would that be base for relationship problems? Seemingly something else is going on there and you want to give thought to how the one constant to your relationships is you.
The harsh unspoken reality is that many women that are labelled as having low sexual desire are just not sexually attracted to their current partners. Sexual boredom with long term partners may be built into humans, so that they procreate with other people. Greater genetic diversity improves the long term survivability of species.
Not really. It's actually quite variable between individual ppl what they prefer. There is no uniform gender standard there. PPl of any gender will have different sexualities, which includes their preference towards stability or change. Let's also not forget that quite a high percentage of us pplz is neurodivergent and thus a hecking lot of individuals have this whole thing going on with different sexual preferences, yet it's not that studied, just yet. Though we already know that e.g. ppl on autism spectrum lean more towards asexuality/bi-sexuality. And if you say "boredom" then sure, there's likely such a tendency within our group of e.g. ADHD pplz. But also no necessarily (me for instance. I hyperfocus on people/partners, they do not get boring & I know how to properly maintain relationships, too, if necessary) You cannot go around with one-size-fits-all assumptions with these things. And frankly, it's wild to assume that a whole species with such a variety and such diverse environments all tick the same, like genes do not go on and off and have generational components to them etc. Even if you assumed that there's sth. like a tendency within majority, you'd still have a huge number ob individuals who need sth. else entirely. If anything, we're getting more and more aware what a spectrum sexual attraction is.
MedicalNewsToday- Long-term relationships may reduce women's sex drive. The new study was led by Ph.D. candidate in psychology Annika Gunst, from the University of Turku, and the resultsTrusted Source were published in the Psychological Medicine science journal. @@KxNOxUTA
Its worse in men i would think, since most will suffer low T after 50. Women menopause can stike them 3ways, increase sexual desire, decrease sexual desire, or just stay the same.
Do you guys think she reads her comments? I may be wrong, but I've noticed that folks have asked her questions and asked her to make videos on certain topics, and I don't think she's answered them or made videos on it. I've asked about diverticulitis and got nothing. I know she's a very busy doc, that's why I'm asking you guys if she's helped you on here. Thanks.
I'm surprised any working doctor has time to even make videos like this let alone answer questions. Most doctors, especially those working in big health systems, have several thousand patients on their load.
That's true. I've seen her q&a live streams in the past, but I didn't have any questions at the time. Maybe she's more active on Twitter. I might have to get a Twitter account. Anyways, thanks for responding.
I think it's also a touchy thing legally if doctors give what could be construed as medical advice to people they have not seen and evaluated themselves.
You can occasionally see her leave likes, so she surely reads some. But that might be "whichever bunch is at the top on the day she checks". She can not answer personal questions for legal reason and also, many topics do not result in videos until months and more down the road, cause they also often involve research. She also clearly said in the video that she is now answering questions from the pool handed in by ppl with memberships. Aka answering more direct questions can be considered a membership perk, as memberships help making it financially possible to invest all the crazy long time that it takes to make even one such video. Editing alone is already no joke and I don't know if she already had to hire someone for that purpose (this, needing that income). Questions in the comments are still effective, because they can affect which aspect she concentrates on, when she presents a topic. Aka the sum of questions are giving a direction on what knowledge people are currently lacking and need further education on. Which also means that overly specific questions that concern very few ppl are unlikely to get picked up (unless they are specifically asked by members and happen to get picked). You do not want to oversaturate any video with highly specific stuff that most of the audience can't make anything of. That's what private doctor's appointments are for.
Intercranial pressure increase as a result of my meningeoma puts increase pressure on my pituitary gland ups my prolactin levels lowering my testosterone levels caused shrinking to my penis and caused a lack of interest
I think it's funny last night singing and playing on stage how even older women with a few drinks become really flirtatious with me during breaks. 😅😅😅... 🤪 😜
What is low and high should honestly be talked about more , cause sometimes i feel i want it too much , i wamt sex at least two times a day sometimes three and at most i can barely go three days without a orgasm or i feel like im gonna explode. Where as the wife seems like she could go a week without sex no problem. I think women have this problem more then men , and you got all these boner pills advertised to men in their 30s and 40s and im like wtf you know they are killing there natural testosterone by using those pills if your over 60 fine but thwts not who they advertise it to which is something no one talks about as well.
What i see it that if a woman is overworked or stressed at work it boils over to the home, and they are expecting the man to sympathize with them and accept it as norm. The problem later arise where one month with it, can lead to MONTHS then the men feel like they only there to support, desire takes a back seat. Norm then becomes a habit and then Booom, sex every once in a while, then once a yr etc etc. At times person can have a medical condition that's causing it but because sex is seeing as less important thing to worry about, most don't address it
Eat clean Sleep routine. Exercise Problem solved.. eating shot and not moving is the mane issue you al Face..40+ and having sex 5+ times per week and would have more of wife would be at the same level of sex desire;) It's cost free to be healthy but nobody cares to stay under radar what to eat... ridiculous 👏
She can not, because she is not your personal doctor and also no mental health specialist. I'm very sorry for your loss. Please take your time to grieve. It is normal to feel off and struggle in the time after a loss. If however you struggle still after a while, by all means, please seek mental health support. This can also look like local groups that gather to help with grieving. This is definitely a topic that needs personalised support from someone who attends to your specific case and needs.
Women psychological triggers for sex r very different from men. I feel these psychological factors play major role in women libido. Women can be v high sexual drives despite low testosterone etc if their psychological sex triggers r present.
That's a strange set of assumptions. I cannot count how frequently I encountered particularly elderly who are very sexually active or hitting on ppl. Sexual attraction is a big spectrum and it relies equally on a whole spectrum of preferences. That's why there's so many different names and groups for types of sexual attraction (and the lack of it). So, no, I can't really say your points are reflected in everyday reality.
The 40-40-20 rule I hypothesize. 40% have this low sex drive condition, another 40% dislike men, treat their guy like dirt or are cheating, and the last 20% are completely normal, good women. I believe the research adds up.
That makes no sense to ask. Unless you then ask their men, too, to compare. Otherwise it's useless data that only says "What women think the effect of their low libido is on their husband". Including misinterpretations when they think their partner is bothered but turns out he's not. Also, no need to ask. Men are very vocal about that part online. All while struggling to go to any of the places where women explain to men how they can be of help. Or even men explain to men (but that goes either absolutely abysmally [spot-able via the lack of respect towards women] or it goes really really well, but is then mostly listened to by women and not men). That said though, why must women's low libido be all about your needs and not her needs and her concerns and struggles???? It's kinda rude, you know! We can have a separate video about "how low libido can affect partners and what you as said partner can do"
Not surprising when most of them are concerned with chasing the money and sex is lease important to them. Also the stress factor of work has gone wayyy up than decades ago, now we got 1 person doing 3 others job, we got persons working more hr. Then we got the working women who are also moms and in and of itself is like a second job. Stress kills and sex drive is one it kills so easily
Your first sentence is strange. I would hardly call "earning money to feed yourself and pay your bills" as "chasing the money" Also where is that "sex is lease important to them"? Myself and most peer women I know absolutely value sex. Now we ofcourse value survival first, obviously??? And also yes, we tend to place more importance on emotional and physical security before considering sex, since sex - especially in some areas of the world - is a very high risk type of pleasure to partake in, more so than for men. Other than that, we tend to attend to responsibilities first and yes, as you said, if that eats up all our energy, then ofcourse there's no stamina left for sex. So we can really agree on that. But then again I also saw men lose libido over stress, so, there's that.
@KxNOxUTA you just solve it... Sex is a back-end thought for many women. Security is first For most men, it's different. Men tend to want it alot, but then their lady complain that they want it too much and so it gets pushed to the background and often times becomes neglected, and men are expected to suck it up. Ask any men, and if they get it 2twice a week, consider themselves lucky. While economic reasons have changed drastically, decades ago, the old folks would tend to push the newer gen to find someone a settledown with quickly, now its, go get that money so you don't need anyone. Thus the "chase the money" mentality was developed, and persons hardly have quality time for each other. I personally think, if there was more emphasis on sex or better yet, "quality time with each other" much more persons or couples would be happier. Because that chemical is releases, ain't no simple chemical, it also helps in bonding.
@KxNOxUTA yup yup, Men libido takes a massive hit from stress even though most fool themselves that it ain't stress. Most men #1 and 2 stress factors are women and work... they stress themselves to try to please women, not realizing its counter productive if the physical part is important also. Then you have health issues, men generally suck at that. They are the least likely to go get checkups, and that poor libido might me causing from a underlined health issue. But as the old saying goes, women often times have the same probs as men, they just hide it better..
This is a strange topic on which to get a good understanding. A woman who wants sex 2 times a month and has a husband who is totally fine with that frequency would not report herself as having a low libido. To her, twice a month is normal, and her husband is happy. It isn't always necessarily a woman's issue, either. There are plenty of women who have husbands who don't want sex as frequently as they do. It's something that a couple has to reach a common ground about. I find it odd that the person who has the low libido feels pressured to take something that increases their desire.
But how did you listen to this video???? The whole video started with how it is all on the premise of "not being comfortable with the low libido". Aka she even specifically stated that all is well if the person who perceives their libido as low, feels OK with it. Where did you see the implication that the person with the lower libido is pressured? When in fact this is a video for people - especially women - who WANT change, maybe because they were used to themselves having more libido before. Why are you jumping into the assumption that it is some external pressure and not the patients personal concern. So, I think you watched this video with an unfitting bias, thus, you found it strange. If you remove the bias, then this is simply a guidance video for women seeking help because they struggle with their low libido levels for their very own set of reasons.
In the future I want to get the penuma surgery I want to be thicker , the penis pump work but work for only few hours I can’t wait to get the Penuma because it’s permanent thickness.)
Women were shamed over their sexuality where men were praised. Ofcourse it's going to affect research and how you need to set up safe space or enough pressure to take that hurdle. Do you think it's any better when men are asked about their libido? Chances are they'll be even more unwilling to admit to it, like in most medical scenarios but especially this, when admitting to "weakness" is evoking shame and men are known to react more strongly to feelings of shame (I think it was sadness for women).
Hellow I am suffering from anxiety from last year now from last 6 months I feel to pee again and again always feeling pee urine in my penis I have sensation 24/7 to pee and uncomfortable feelings in penis because of this I can't go to my college even not any event not go to any events I feel now it's not in my control like difficult thoughts and etc I stuck at home because of this please guide me what I can do ?
Hi dr i feel precum at earily morning when i wake up is it normal or not i am now 24 last 8 year this will happen i treat a lot but no difference plz half is it weak me o am a sports person un married and no mastubation last 9 years
Dr. Malik, can you please make a video and discuss if women do have Penis Envy or not. Do women have penis envy or is it just a myth? I would like to have your opinion and any information you may have on this subject.
I don't think normalizing low sex drive is the right thing to do. Saying if both people lack the desire is fine is definitely mis-leading. Low sex drive can be a symptom in both people and context matters. Example: Lets say you go into a doctors office to get a physical. He says how's your sex life, sex drive? You say non-existent and I don't care, the doctor next move should be to order labs and learn about your lifestyle. As for scheduling sex this is hilarious to me. I keep seeing professional recommend scheduling it and I know my wife would never sign up for this.
I'm a guy in my 30s. I got my first gf when I was in my very late 20s. I never had sex and was celibate during virtually all of my 20s. Now, i can't enjoy sex with my gf at all. It is just not good for me and I'd rather not do it. I imagine that I am probably damaged by being celibate during my 20s, which is during a man's highest sex drive years.
You may also "just" be on the spectrum of asexuality. The most important indicator should definitely be if you ever did have desire to start with. Another indicator is, if you find pleasure when with yourself or not. If at any stage you are experiencing sexual pleasure e.g. by yourself, then this is not a matter of "damage". It's not exactly something that can get damaged. What can happen though, is that your body needs to get used to everything. It's actually kind of normal that it can take a whole while before you figure out what physically works for you (by yourself) and that's twice as challenging with a partner. We humans can procreate relatively easily (and it doesn't require much, either) but pleasure is a whole other pair of shoes :'D It's really important to talk with your partner. It is neither fair towards yourself nor her if you proceed to have sex against your own will. It's a breeding ground for resentment, too. There are other ways to meed her needs, than forcing yourself. Also, just imagine if she felt the same and you both go on and pretend, just cause you do not talk. ///orz// It's very advisable that you go to a medical/mental professional and discuss this with them, too. They are trained to help you navigate the question if the cause is physical, mental or even a matter of your normal sexual preference.
@@KxNOxUTA there are no studies on this, but I guarantee its damage from being celibate during my 20s. It can not be healthy for the male brain to remain celibate during that whole decade
@@KxNOxUTA I don't really understand what you're getting at. This isn't studied because its very uncommon. But it can't be healthy for a man to live his entire twenties, which is the period of his life where he is the horniest he will ever be, involuntarily celibate. Living a decade for a man, during his peak sexual years of his life without it can't be healthy for the brain at all.
Not always gonna solve the problem... i think stress is the number one factor for low sex drive in men & women.. It actually causes alot of other health problems also. With so much chasing the money to make ends meet (from doing 10-16hr shifts), and women now trying to be their own bread winners. The desire for sex (well in America) is on a decline.
So, have you talked to her? And have you followed through the steps of assuring that she feels emotional secure already? Because I will be honest with you: As a woman, who sees you come online to share such a private matter about your partner (aka likely without consent) and without any question and indication that you would like to understand her, support her or know what YOU can do ........ then I'm concerned. What was the purpose of this comment other than the shaming of your partner? How is that in any way shape or form a respectful approach to your partner?? Do you understand, that this is already a way that speaks volumes to any person with emotional intelligence and makes it very easily relatable as to why you might be having that problem?? If you want to see the situation improving, you have to buckle up and care to pull your weight. Learn how to have these conversations, have these conversations, get more information, get ready to work together with her on practical changes that assure there's even any head space and time for sexual attraction to take up room. If she has no sex drive then there's reasons for that. So what are you doing so far to know of said reasons and attend to them? What are you doing to attend to your own sex drive (within the rules of your relationship) while she needs time to sort things out? What external help have both of you accessed already?! Good luck.
@@bobbruce4135 Statistically speaking it's the opposite. And yes, ya all are absolutely not alone. So much so, that finally peers are stepping up, getting really informed on feminism and starting to provide peer-to-peer support and advise on how to acquire the skill sets and pay attention to the causes of these problems. Because they are tragically often effects of sexism on men and women and their relationships. And it takes actually hard relationship work from both sides + external support factors to sort out that cursed mess we inherited from previous generations, that has always been dysfunctional and now just reaches it's peak degree of dysfunctionality. You don't have to be stuck in that mode. There are things you can do. And ofcourse, if you mutually fail to partner up in the endeavour, then wrapping up the partnership is a last possibility.
@@KxNOxUTA Agree, my comment on the Happy Wife School did not seem to go through. But, she discusses how women often wall up, close shop and refuse to look closer or cooperate in a solution. At which point, only escape (like plane going down) is possible.
Hey ladies, here's the type of advice men typically get. Buck up buttercup. Be more independent and fix it yourself because NOBODY is going to do it for you.
Women are. This video is literally such an example. So why would you bring that up like it isn't long happening? But you got something really terribly wrong! Sex in relationship is a RELATION matter. It's for ppl who relate to each other and thus partner up to sort out struggles. X'D And as it so happens, women's low libido can be as connected to their partners & environments, as men's low libido, can be related to their partner & environments. And actually, the too much "independence" is part of how many women lose libido. Too little dependence possible on partners who are unwilling or incapable to address emotional needs or preferences or to pull their weight in the relationship aspects.
Black t-shirt is better than aggressive red. IMO - Yes I know your style is kind of sharper side but still- And I am man. Kari name can also be female name.
Beautiful Women dressed in Sexy in Clothes being a Dress or Shorts are an Big Turn On. Fat, Dirty Bodies and Oily Hair, Sloppy Dressed, Smokers and Drunks are a Turn Off. A Lady with Class, Welled Dressed, Styled Hair, in Heels or Sandals are Beautiful. A woman Speech and Style can be a Turn Off by Graphing and Complaining All the Time can be a Turn off. We all have problems in life, but it's the way you handled Your Problems that Leads Men to Appreciate You.
Misogynist much? Women should not "dress up" at all times just to "present a pretty picture" for men. Don't like my jeans and T-shirt with work boots? Tough. Putting women down for not being within your very narrow view of attractive? Offensive on every level.
@@karynstouffer3562 The audacity to flaunt their standards and make it all about men's (not really) libido, when the topic is women's low libido, is particularly disgusting. Pleasing someone this insensitive? "No thank you! Stay away, thanks!" XD
@@notthatkindofsam I think the fact that he did makes his statement even more insulting and offensive. Totally reminds me of a couple of narcissistic people I have known, emphasizing his "points of criticism."
I really wish Rena was in NYC so I can be one of her patients. I’ve been having extreme issues with ED and low testosterone for a while now. I’ve been trying to exercise and eat healthier, which helps the issue slightly, but does not get rid of it.
The doctors I meet in NYC seem to care about money more than their actual patients. Rena’s knowledge helps me out so much! We all need a doctor like her.
I really want to encourage you to dare and voice that concern towards your doctor. You can advocate for yourself in "I" messages, saying things like...
"I'm struggling to see where this treatment plan is headed for me"
"I need you to take into consideration that I'm working with a limited budget, so we need to adjust my treatment plan accordingly"
"I'm having concerns I'd like to voice, in the hope that we can address them and possibly work better together in future. Because if there's a misunderstanding between us, then that will impact the effectiveness of my treatment. And I currently feel, that this is eating me up financially, while not helping me sufficiently. Can we talk about this? Maybe you can check in with me if I have any expectations that need sorting out, or maybe you have other ideas on what else we can try?"
Are you consistent in your diet, exercise and sleeping habits? Sometimes it takes a long time to influence the situation.
Thanks so much for this, Dr. Malik. So many points I wish I had known throughout my adult life, especially postpartum.
Appreciate this longer form video. Must have taken many hrs of research and preparation. Many interesting topics covered.
I mentioned something I learned from you on a visit to my urologist. He commented favorably abt your channel.
Many thanks Dr. Malik.
Thank you for the work you do and your informative, studies-based analyses on so many topics that are difficult to find info about.
I am a 25 year old man who has had ED issues and in my quest for answers, something I found is there is a direct link between ED and OSA(obstructive Sleep apnea) which I personally have OSA and I would really like to see a video done on this topic because I feel there might be a lot of men who may have untreated OSA and is causing them to ED.
You're the greatest Doc!!!! I can listen to all of your topics all day long!!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!!❤
Absolutely LOVE your content so much!! Jealous of the people fortunate enough to be able to work with you! I was very surprised about the fact regarding women having more testosterone than estrogen. I've never heard that before and it's the opposite of what I've always thought. Curious about this!
My testosterone nurse practitioner doesn’t even review my labs with me. I recently switched to a different clinic and did new labs. Hopefully will find the cause of my disappeared libido. I’m only 52. Thanks for covering this topic De. Malik.
Great information, Doc! Going to plan for an educational visit online. In a state you can't "practice" in; hate that. Been on TRT 3 years, both of us. Long time great marriage.
Thank you Doctor, I find so much information watching your videos. Next month I turn 69 and my wife is 65 we are in the process of rekindling our sex lives there have been rough spots but listening to you and your encouragement will get us by.
Great information here. My girlfriend of 10 months doesn’t think about sex much. She has a low libido I’m sure. I’m the opposite. She’s been taking adhd and anxiety meds for 15 years. We also know she needs to start taking thyroid meds again. Maybe this is why she doesn’t desire it. Once a month is fine with her, while 2-3 times is a week is what I desire. And I’m 9 years older!
When i want it and she doesn’t, it’s uncomfortable for us to talk about it. She’s aware of it. I don’t want it to ruin our amazing relationship. Maybe setting up a time with you is a good plan.
Like so many things, this is underreported.
Hello, I found this podcast to be very informative as desire being an issue for my wife for some time now. We've tried talking about it but usually doesn't go well, she is premenopausal and struggling to get any assistance or guidance from Kaiser. I will share this podcast in hopes that it helps in some fashion. Keep up the good work and thank you.
This was really interesting. Now what I'd be curious about it the opposite. How high libido works in men and women, particularly in the case of it being dis-comfortable, though not necessarily on the level of addiction.
Supplements have helped us maintain healthy libido, for me in year #77.
Supplements like what, if you don't mind
It would be helpful if you would include the names of medicines in a banner at the bottom.
Was on HRT for three years, high doses of Testosterone every two weeks shot in the glutes. I was a triathlete, experienced issues during one of my races, found out it was a blood clot in my spleen, and there was markers from two other. Instantly removed off of HRT. Now, I have issues with mild ED and low T, no one will touch it. I stopped triathlon, started strength training, keep my weight down, train in a martial art, eat healthy, and get at least 7 hours of sleep each day. Still, no doctor will touch me. The "quick fix" is to shoot us up with testosterone, but when they can't do that, they mostly shrug their shoulders. I am starting to experiment with the supplements, but don't know if I can take them all, only some, which ones? What can I do to get my erections back up to par?
Does this mean that women like myself with PCOS should have higher desire? Because I definitely don't think that about myself.
I am watching this while listening Free from Desire by GALA
Thank you Rena your content has been really helpful, really do appreciate you. Would like to to hear more about the lasting effects of quitting porn, is there a withdrawal from it. Maybe jumble up a video on supplementation for healthy libido and taking care of the brain maybe dive deep into the effects of medications like antiepileptics on libido and mood. Thanks again😊🌹
Excelent information Rena! Greetings from México
Could I ask you how many times do I need to get exercise if you don't mind me asking
Very informative video ❤
Thanks for the podcast!
Gabapentin related erectile and anorgasmic issues when used off label for neuropothy...
This is true for women as well.
40% of women report low desire?
I'm guessing 99% of men would probably report their wives have little to no sexual desire.
As a twice divorced male my experience has been that sex is desirable when women are dating. Once engaged or married women seem to get bored with their partner.
It seems like female sexual desire is likely associated more with a female's desire to find a desirable mate rather than to keep a boring existing mate.
Many if not most married women seem to find sex with their husbands to be a task not a desirable sexual experience. This is why I think many wives seek to have stimulating affairs.
I think what would help those married couples is that they become swingers. I'm serious. But, the problem with that is having to worry about forming a connection, basically falling in love with your fling. If both partners can help themselves from doing that, I feel becoming a swinger couple would save some marriages. I mean a very few.
I've been in that for many years, and I never go without as a result.
I think women who are dating are sexually active. The women with no desire do not even date. They are happy without a partner or sex altogether.
The reasons that sex with partners in marriage are a task, is because they are a task. Women are very loudly voicing what exactly they lack and need for it to be fun and not some task. Yet here we are and you're drawing own head-canon conclusions instead of just going over and seeing yourself if any of them ever says "boredom".
Spoiler alert: The most named reasons are exhaustion (work + still often majority of childcare & elderly care + low societal appreciation + high hurdles due to subconsciously active misogynistic pattern working against women), overwhelm (mental load dumped on women by default, these things are researched) and men not addressing emotional needs even after repeatedly voicing them.
More reasons: men lacking basic anatomic understanding and sex ed, especially in some societies (it's outright scary), [for some, excruciating] period pains (when you're dating, you meet up on days when it's not a struggle. It's a selective bias) & overall badly researched and badly addressed pains for women in context of intercourse, that men do not have in this manner (men have specific struggles, too, obviously)
If you noticed that men would report their women to have libido while also noticing that women themselves do NOT report being discomforted by their level of libido, then should you not be able to draw better conclusions at least?
Even if you were to assume that men maybe have higher sex drive, why is it so hard for you to attend to any sex drive beyond the comfort level of your partners, with masturbation? Why are you not getting to the conclusion, that men's needs in regards to sex are more met within marriages than those of women, meaning that the marriage system needs to shift in order to accommodate more for the sexual needs of women AND attend to any sexual needs beyond that. Cause somehow that's never even a question when women have higher sexual need in the partnership than men (yep, it's a real thing. I had that, my friend has that case. We're far from the only ones LOL). We just go and self-please and all is well. So why would that be base for relationship problems?
Seemingly something else is going on there and you want to give thought to how the one constant to your relationships is you.
@@spec1923 Thank you!
Thank u❤
Awesome video!!!
The harsh unspoken reality is that many women that are labelled as having low sexual desire are just not sexually attracted to their current partners. Sexual boredom with long term partners may be built into humans, so that they procreate with other people. Greater genetic diversity improves the long term survivability of species.
Not really. It's actually quite variable between individual ppl what they prefer. There is no uniform gender standard there. PPl of any gender will have different sexualities, which includes their preference towards stability or change. Let's also not forget that quite a high percentage of us pplz is neurodivergent and thus a hecking lot of individuals have this whole thing going on with different sexual preferences, yet it's not that studied, just yet. Though we already know that e.g. ppl on autism spectrum lean more towards asexuality/bi-sexuality. And if you say "boredom" then sure, there's likely such a tendency within our group of e.g. ADHD pplz. But also no necessarily (me for instance. I hyperfocus on people/partners, they do not get boring & I know how to properly maintain relationships, too, if necessary)
You cannot go around with one-size-fits-all assumptions with these things. And frankly, it's wild to assume that a whole species with such a variety and such diverse environments all tick the same, like genes do not go on and off and have generational components to them etc. Even if you assumed that there's sth. like a tendency within majority, you'd still have a huge number ob individuals who need sth. else entirely.
If anything, we're getting more and more aware what a spectrum sexual attraction is.
MedicalNewsToday- Long-term relationships may reduce women's sex drive. The new study was led by Ph.D. candidate in psychology Annika Gunst, from the University of Turku, and the resultsTrusted Source were published in the Psychological Medicine science journal. @@KxNOxUTA
What about men low libido, please make a detailed video on this topic
Its worse in men i would think, since most will suffer low T after 50.
Women menopause can stike them 3ways, increase sexual desire, decrease sexual desire, or just stay the same.
@@TheWonderwiess It's not a contest. It's "different" not "worse". And yes, it's an interesting topic.
Dr. Malik, what is your opinion on Aizen power? The new supplement for ED and libido
Word! Very informative thank you!!!! 😂
Loving the vibe! 🌈
I am 62, and testosterone rocks for low desire!
Do you guys think she reads her comments? I may be wrong, but I've noticed that folks have asked her questions and asked her to make videos on certain topics, and I don't think she's answered them or made videos on it. I've asked about diverticulitis and got nothing. I know she's a very busy doc, that's why I'm asking you guys if she's helped you on here. Thanks.
I'm surprised any working doctor has time to even make videos like this let alone answer questions. Most doctors, especially those working in big health systems, have several thousand patients on their load.
That's true. I've seen her q&a live streams in the past, but I didn't have any questions at the time. Maybe she's more active on Twitter. I might have to get a Twitter account. Anyways, thanks for responding.
I think it's also a touchy thing legally if doctors give what could be construed as medical advice to people they have not seen and evaluated themselves.
You can occasionally see her leave likes, so she surely reads some. But that might be "whichever bunch is at the top on the day she checks". She can not answer personal questions for legal reason and also, many topics do not result in videos until months and more down the road, cause they also often involve research.
She also clearly said in the video that she is now answering questions from the pool handed in by ppl with memberships. Aka answering more direct questions can be considered a membership perk, as memberships help making it financially possible to invest all the crazy long time that it takes to make even one such video. Editing alone is already no joke and I don't know if she already had to hire someone for that purpose (this, needing that income).
Questions in the comments are still effective, because they can affect which aspect she concentrates on, when she presents a topic. Aka the sum of questions are giving a direction on what knowledge people are currently lacking and need further education on. Which also means that overly specific questions that concern very few ppl are unlikely to get picked up (unless they are specifically asked by members and happen to get picked). You do not want to oversaturate any video with highly specific stuff that most of the audience can't make anything of. That's what private doctor's appointments are for.
Intercranial pressure increase as a result of my meningeoma puts increase pressure on my pituitary gland ups my prolactin levels lowering my testosterone levels caused shrinking to my penis and caused a lack of interest
I think it's funny last night singing and playing on stage how even older women with a few drinks become really flirtatious with me during breaks. 😅😅😅... 🤪 😜
Anybody got the TLDW (too long didn’t watch) notes? 🥰
What is low and high should honestly be talked about more , cause sometimes i feel i want it too much , i wamt sex at least two times a day sometimes three and at most i can barely go three days without a orgasm or i feel like im gonna explode. Where as the wife seems like she could go a week without sex no problem. I think women have this problem more then men , and you got all these boner pills advertised to men in their 30s and 40s and im like wtf you know they are killing there natural testosterone by using those pills if your over 60 fine but thwts not who they advertise it to which is something no one talks about as well.
What i see it that if a woman is overworked or stressed at work it boils over to the home, and they are expecting the man to sympathize with them and accept it as norm.
The problem later arise where one month with it, can lead to MONTHS then the men feel like they only there to support, desire takes a back seat.
Norm then becomes a habit and then Booom, sex every once in a while, then once a yr etc etc.
At times person can have a medical condition that's causing it but because sex is seeing as less important thing to worry about, most don't address it
I don't know if it's low sexual desire like you say, but I am asexual so I don't feel sexual desire or sexual urge at all
I'd love to schedule an appointment but no insurance and I can't afford to pay out of pocket. 😑
Can frontal lobe meningeoma brain tumour affect sex drive and cause penile shrinking
The other 60% ... Had a headache!!!!
Didn't respond!
Can you please talk about PSSD/PFS?
Eat clean
Sleep routine.
Problem solved.. eating shot and not moving is the mane issue you al Face..40+ and having sex 5+ times per week and would have more of wife would be at the same level of sex desire;)
It's cost free to be healthy but nobody cares to stay under radar what to eat... ridiculous 👏
@@tomasexteriors just leave dude lol
My aunt passed away and it's having an effect on me, I don't know what's wrong with me ,I just heard about Jesse Jane 😢 can you help me 🛏️
She can not, because she is not your personal doctor and also no mental health specialist. I'm very sorry for your loss. Please take your time to grieve. It is normal to feel off and struggle in the time after a loss. If however you struggle still after a while, by all means, please seek mental health support. This can also look like local groups that gather to help with grieving. This is definitely a topic that needs personalised support from someone who attends to your specific case and needs.
Women psychological triggers for sex r very different from men. I feel these psychological factors play major role in women libido. Women can be v high sexual drives despite low testosterone etc if their psychological sex triggers r present.
Me personally I am asexual 150%
I have no sexual desire or sexual urges of any kind.
Must be nice lmao
Sex is about attraction.
95 percent of the time .
Age is not great for either gender.
It's natural selection..
That's a strange set of assumptions.
I cannot count how frequently I encountered particularly elderly who are very sexually active or hitting on ppl.
Sexual attraction is a big spectrum and it relies equally on a whole spectrum of preferences. That's why there's so many different names and groups for types of sexual attraction (and the lack of it).
So, no, I can't really say your points are reflected in everyday reality.
@@KxNOxUTA to each there own opinions.
I'm only going by health of the human population and genetics.
Take care
The 40-40-20 rule I hypothesize. 40% have this low sex drive condition, another 40% dislike men, treat their guy like dirt or are cheating, and the last 20% are completely normal, good women. I believe the research adds up.
In other words, just chill no matter what
Did they ask the women if thier low libido bothered thier husbands? 😅
That makes no sense to ask. Unless you then ask their men, too, to compare. Otherwise it's useless data that only says "What women think the effect of their low libido is on their husband". Including misinterpretations when they think their partner is bothered but turns out he's not.
Also, no need to ask. Men are very vocal about that part online. All while struggling to go to any of the places where women explain to men how they can be of help. Or even men explain to men (but that goes either absolutely abysmally [spot-able via the lack of respect towards women] or it goes really really well, but is then mostly listened to by women and not men).
That said though, why must women's low libido be all about your needs and not her needs and her concerns and struggles???? It's kinda rude, you know! We can have a separate video about "how low libido can affect partners and what you as said partner can do"
Not surprising when most of them are concerned with chasing the money and sex is lease important to them.
Also the stress factor of work has gone wayyy up than decades ago, now we got 1 person doing 3 others job, we got persons working more hr. Then we got the working women who are also moms and in and of itself is like a second job.
Stress kills and sex drive is one it kills so easily
Your first sentence is strange. I would hardly call "earning money to feed yourself and pay your bills" as "chasing the money"
Also where is that "sex is lease important to them"? Myself and most peer women I know absolutely value sex. Now we ofcourse value survival first, obviously??? And also yes, we tend to place more importance on emotional and physical security before considering sex, since sex - especially in some areas of the world - is a very high risk type of pleasure to partake in, more so than for men.
Other than that, we tend to attend to responsibilities first and yes, as you said, if that eats up all our energy, then ofcourse there's no stamina left for sex. So we can really agree on that.
But then again I also saw men lose libido over stress, so, there's that.
@KxNOxUTA you just solve it... Sex is a back-end thought for many women. Security is first
For most men, it's different. Men tend to want it alot, but then their lady complain that they want it too much and so it gets pushed to the background and often times becomes neglected, and men are expected to suck it up.
Ask any men, and if they get it 2twice a week, consider themselves lucky.
While economic reasons have changed drastically, decades ago, the old folks would tend to push the newer gen to find someone a settledown with quickly, now its, go get that money so you don't need anyone. Thus the "chase the money" mentality was developed, and persons hardly have quality time for each other.
I personally think, if there was more emphasis on sex or better yet, "quality time with each other" much more persons or couples would be happier. Because that chemical is releases, ain't no simple chemical, it also helps in bonding.
@KxNOxUTA yup yup,
Men libido takes a massive hit from stress even though most fool themselves that it ain't stress.
Most men #1 and 2 stress factors are women and work... they stress themselves to try to please women, not realizing its counter productive if the physical part is important also.
Then you have health issues, men generally suck at that. They are the least likely to go get checkups, and that poor libido might me causing from a underlined health issue.
But as the old saying goes, women often times have the same probs as men, they just hide it better..
This is a strange topic on which to get a good understanding. A woman who wants sex 2 times a month and has a husband who is totally fine with that frequency would not report herself as having a low libido. To her, twice a month is normal, and her husband is happy. It isn't always necessarily a woman's issue, either. There are plenty of women who have husbands who don't want sex as frequently as they do. It's something that a couple has to reach a common ground about. I find it odd that the person who has the low libido feels pressured to take something that increases their desire.
But how did you listen to this video???? The whole video started with how it is all on the premise of "not being comfortable with the low libido". Aka she even specifically stated that all is well if the person who perceives their libido as low, feels OK with it. Where did you see the implication that the person with the lower libido is pressured? When in fact this is a video for people - especially women - who WANT change, maybe because they were used to themselves having more libido before. Why are you jumping into the assumption that it is some external pressure and not the patients personal concern.
So, I think you watched this video with an unfitting bias, thus, you found it strange. If you remove the bias, then this is simply a guidance video for women seeking help because they struggle with their low libido levels for their very own set of reasons.
In the future I want to get the penuma surgery I want to be thicker , the penis pump work but work for only few hours I can’t wait to get the Penuma because it’s permanent thickness.)
You have to believe what you see
All of those urologists didn’t do any test on me! Just to hurry up to give me pills!
SSRIs anyone?
I’d have an excellent sex drive if I could get rid of the stress coming from my debts and correct my life by reducing other stresses.
Haha women who were interviewed will deny all
Lol so true..😅
Women were shamed over their sexuality where men were praised. Ofcourse it's going to affect research and how you need to set up safe space or enough pressure to take that hurdle. Do you think it's any better when men are asked about their libido? Chances are they'll be even more unwilling to admit to it, like in most medical scenarios but especially this, when admitting to "weakness" is evoking shame and men are known to react more strongly to feelings of shame (I think it was sadness for women).
Hellow I am suffering from anxiety from last year now from last 6 months I feel to pee again and again always feeling pee urine in my penis I have sensation 24/7 to pee and uncomfortable feelings in penis because of this I can't go to my college even not any event not go to any events I feel now it's not in my control like difficult thoughts and etc I stuck at home because of this please guide me what I can do ?
Unfortunately, my wife ain't one of them 😒
Looks like the "Universe 25 experiment" has graduated from mice to humans.
Menopause plays a part. Either she wants it all the time or none at all
Hi dr i feel precum at earily morning when i wake up is it normal or not i am now 24 last 8 year this will happen i treat a lot but no difference plz half is it weak me o am a sports person un married and no mastubation last 9 years
She won't and can't answer patients' questions/requests whether by ethics, lack of time, etc... Go see an urologist yesterday!
Don't you have a better issue to talk? Sex is up to the individuals.
Why there is no whìte discharge
Dr. Malik, can you please make a video and discuss if women do have Penis Envy or not. Do women have penis envy or is it just a myth? I would like to have your opinion and any information you may have on this subject.
I am surprised at 40%. That seems low to me. I think it’s much higher. I think most women have no interest in sex.
Do you think women will ever be honest enough for these surveys to be successful? Think about it
A very easy source of dopamine is just looking at the beautiful face of Dr. Rena ❤
Had to hook women up to a lie detector before they talked straight, figures🤣
Most don’t really care
When you say younger, you should provide age range.
I don't think normalizing low sex drive is the right thing to do. Saying if both people lack the desire is fine is definitely mis-leading. Low sex drive can be a symptom in both people and context matters. Example: Lets say you go into a doctors office to get a physical. He says how's your sex life, sex drive? You say non-existent and I don't care, the doctor next move should be to order labs and learn about your lifestyle.
As for scheduling sex this is hilarious to me. I keep seeing professional recommend scheduling it and I know my wife would never sign up for this.
Lol the truth hurts 😂
Meh, I just don’t care about sex anymore.
I'm a guy in my 30s. I got my first gf when I was in my very late 20s. I never had sex and was celibate during virtually all of my 20s. Now, i can't enjoy sex with my gf at all. It is just not good for me and I'd rather not do it. I imagine that I am probably damaged by being celibate during my 20s, which is during a man's highest sex drive years.
You may also "just" be on the spectrum of asexuality. The most important indicator should definitely be if you ever did have desire to start with.
Another indicator is, if you find pleasure when with yourself or not.
If at any stage you are experiencing sexual pleasure e.g. by yourself, then this is not a matter of "damage". It's not exactly something that can get damaged. What can happen though, is that your body needs to get used to everything. It's actually kind of normal that it can take a whole while before you figure out what physically works for you (by yourself) and that's twice as challenging with a partner. We humans can procreate relatively easily (and it doesn't require much, either) but pleasure is a whole other pair of shoes :'D
It's really important to talk with your partner. It is neither fair towards yourself nor her if you proceed to have sex against your own will. It's a breeding ground for resentment, too. There are other ways to meed her needs, than forcing yourself. Also, just imagine if she felt the same and you both go on and pretend, just cause you do not talk. ///orz//
It's very advisable that you go to a medical/mental professional and discuss this with them, too. They are trained to help you navigate the question if the cause is physical, mental or even a matter of your normal sexual preference.
@@KxNOxUTA there are no studies on this, but I guarantee its damage from being celibate during my 20s. It can not be healthy for the male brain to remain celibate during that whole decade
@@KxNOxUTA I don't really understand what you're getting at. This isn't studied because its very uncommon. But it can't be healthy for a man to live his entire twenties, which is the period of his life where he is the horniest he will ever be, involuntarily celibate. Living a decade for a man, during his peak sexual years of his life without it can't be healthy for the brain at all.
We are not alone, God is with us ❤☦🙏💪🤗
❤🔥🔥😍✌⚠️🍆👩❤👨💪🕊🙏✝GOD BLESS ☪️🙏💒💍🌟👨👩👧👦🫶🎄🥇🚨🙌🌋💯
Alcohol, compliments, touch, strong eye contact, kissing with tongue, kiss neck nibble ear lobes….solved.
Not always gonna solve the problem... i think stress is the number one factor for low sex drive in men & women..
It actually causes alot of other health problems also.
With so much chasing the money to make ends meet (from doing 10-16hr shifts), and women now trying to be their own bread winners. The desire for sex (well in America) is on a decline.
@@TheWonderwiess and children and housework and full time jobs and pre menopause symptoms etc etc etc
@@TheWonderwiess - yea, but I would counter-argue that sex is a fantastic option for stress release!
My wife has NO sex drive.
Sadly, you're not alone. This is why marriage is the biggest mistake a man can make and why the hot bad-boys don't do it.
So has mine
So, have you talked to her? And have you followed through the steps of assuring that she feels emotional secure already?
Because I will be honest with you: As a woman, who sees you come online to share such a private matter about your partner (aka likely without consent) and without any question and indication that you would like to understand her, support her or know what YOU can do ........ then I'm concerned.
What was the purpose of this comment other than the shaming of your partner? How is that in any way shape or form a respectful approach to your partner??
Do you understand, that this is already a way that speaks volumes to any person with emotional intelligence and makes it very easily relatable as to why you might be having that problem??
If you want to see the situation improving, you have to buckle up and care to pull your weight. Learn how to have these conversations, have these conversations, get more information, get ready to work together with her on practical changes that assure there's even any head space and time for sexual attraction to take up room.
If she has no sex drive then there's reasons for that. So what are you doing so far to know of said reasons and attend to them? What are you doing to attend to your own sex drive (within the rules of your relationship) while she needs time to sort things out? What external help have both of you accessed already?!
Good luck.
@@bobbruce4135 Statistically speaking it's the opposite. And yes, ya all are absolutely not alone. So much so, that finally peers are stepping up, getting really informed on feminism and starting to provide peer-to-peer support and advise on how to acquire the skill sets and pay attention to the causes of these problems. Because they are tragically often effects of sexism on men and women and their relationships. And it takes actually hard relationship work from both sides + external support factors to sort out that cursed mess we inherited from previous generations, that has always been dysfunctional and now just reaches it's peak degree of dysfunctionality.
You don't have to be stuck in that mode. There are things you can do. And ofcourse, if you mutually fail to partner up in the endeavour, then wrapping up the partnership is a last possibility.
@@KxNOxUTA Agree, my comment on the Happy Wife School did not seem to go through. But, she discusses how women often wall up, close shop and refuse to look closer or cooperate in a solution. At which point, only escape (like plane going down) is possible.
Weed? Asking for a friend
Hey ladies, here's the type of advice men typically get.
Buck up buttercup. Be more independent and fix it yourself because NOBODY is going to do it for you.
Going to have to buy it
Women are. This video is literally such an example. So why would you bring that up like it isn't long happening?
But you got something really terribly wrong! Sex in relationship is a RELATION matter. It's for ppl who relate to each other and thus partner up to sort out struggles. X'D And as it so happens, women's low libido can be as connected to their partners & environments, as men's low libido, can be related to their partner & environments.
And actually, the too much "independence" is part of how many women lose libido. Too little dependence possible on partners who are unwilling or incapable to address emotional needs or preferences or to pull their weight in the relationship aspects.
"No" would be more relevant than "low".
🤣ya don't say.....😃
Black t-shirt is better than aggressive red. IMO - Yes I know your style is kind of sharper side but still- And I am man. Kari name can also be female name.
Once someone gets into membership and business, leave!
Okay, I don't mean to be snarky in any way. But that's kind of like saying water is wet. At least from a man's point of view.
Maybe the later part appears to be the problem. Not the "man" part but mostly the "point of view" part.
Beautiful Women dressed in Sexy in Clothes being a Dress or Shorts are an Big Turn On. Fat, Dirty Bodies and Oily Hair, Sloppy Dressed, Smokers and Drunks are a Turn Off. A Lady with Class, Welled Dressed, Styled Hair, in Heels or Sandals are Beautiful. A woman Speech and Style can be a Turn Off by Graphing and Complaining All the Time can be a Turn off. We all have problems in life, but it's the way you handled Your Problems that Leads Men to Appreciate You.
Misogynist much?
Women should not "dress up" at all times just to "present a pretty picture" for men. Don't like my jeans and T-shirt with work boots? Tough. Putting women down for not being within your very narrow view of attractive? Offensive on every level.
@@karynstouffer3562 The audacity to flaunt their standards and make it all about men's (not really) libido, when the topic is women's low libido, is particularly disgusting. Pleasing someone this insensitive? "No thank you! Stay away, thanks!" XD
Dude, you don’t have to capitalize each fucking word
@@notthatkindofsam I think the fact that he did makes his statement even more insulting and offensive. Totally reminds me of a couple of narcissistic people I have known, emphasizing his "points of criticism."