Get Sculpted From Home Using Dumbbells Only With Barbarian Shred At Home: You can Try It Free For 7 Days and Get 3 Free Gifts On Sign-Up For A Limited Time: 64 Pages of Diet Plans, The Nutrition Crash Course, and Home Fitness Secrets PDF This Is Your Sculpted In 28 Days Blueprint. Stop struggling with “Slow Results” and get access to the proven plan that will shred stubborn belly fat, carve lean muscle and increase strength all from home (no gym required) - like thousands of members have done already. Don’t wait another second to unleash your best you. Claim your free access and 3 free gifts here:
1. 0:40 One leg behind other, near wall. Step and squeeze on ball of feet 2. 2:30 Squeeze calves and tip toe with both feet. Up and down 3. Toes inwards do it again 4. Duck stance, do it again 5. Uni lateral bunny hop 6. Speed claves neutral 7. Bunny hops both feet All mostly 15 reps You're welcome rosie
Update: been doing this workout on and off, and it's still the best one I've tried so far. Managed to get to three sets continuously, and lately I started adding weights. Highly recommend, I'm also running 3 times per week and this workout has helped me with my resistance, endurance and speed This is the best calves workout I've ever seen! Been doing this for 2 months, 2-3 times a week, and my calves added a great amount of mass. I thought I will be a member of the team no calves forever 😂 Thanks and keep up the good work, you are amazing 💪
I’ve done this exercise 3x a week for 5 months and I’ve noticed a significant change in my calves. I had chicken legs/calves since I stopped training and now they’re more way defined
@@jackcorrigan8736 train your weakest body parts first You need to train calves every second day, high reps………lots of singles and use a block or stsirs
So I’m confused you do everything wrong n this video once per like time you exercise or do you do what’s on the video multiple times in that one exercise
I have done this for roughly 15-20 days and honestly it is one of the most efficient calf building exercises I have ever done. Considering my legs are sticks, you can see the progress from what they were. If you haven’t done any exercises for you calves in a while then the first 5 sessions of this will feel like a cramp, but after that you’ll feel motivated to push yourself to have bigger legs. I can already see the shape in mine and it’s only been a couple days. I’d say in at least 2-3 months of doing this 6 times every week, I will have big calves.
Bro you need to stretch your calves after the exercise. That way they dont hurt too much for the next time you do calfs. It will also allow you to train the calves more as you're legs are fully replenished.
finished it, ouch, my legs hurt. sure do feel it afterwards, but the workout definitely works. will be doing this a few times a week. thanks for the tips
@@lucastheninjaed1659 I do see some gains. I cannot say that I got really HUGE calves, but it definitely improved my calves strength and size. The only suggestion I would do to the routine is to add Tibialis raise - to get further gains.
Been doing this 2/3 times a week also been doing it twice have been at this for 2 weeks now and already see massive improvements 🙏🏽 also doing the stairs too love the channel been following for a while now and seeing massive progress in my training and physique 💪🏻
Greetings from the UK🇬🇧 This is the Best calf video I have seen in a long time. I like the fact you provide full commentary whilst performing the movements. Also showing a variety of ways to build the calf at home without equipment.
I’ve been working out for a while but never focused on calves, and just did this for the first time. Two days later my calves are now burning and feel more sore than I’ve ever felt. I guess that means it’s working but had to skip legs at next workout. Hoping next time won’t get so sore!
@@titto2602 I did notice some results - also when I’ve done the routine again and again my legs no longer get sore like the first time. My calves are not massive but definitely a little bigger. So I like it.
Cheers mate this helps me alot cus before I started doing this I was a skinny now with all your workouts I'm the fittest boy at my school also thank you all the way from Australia
Day 1: feeling good Day 2: feeling great like yesterday Day 3: seeing muscle forming Day 4: really seeing results in my muscles and my calves are way bigger Day 5: my shots are way stronger and I’m loving it Day 6: feeling amazing ready for tomorrow
I was surprisingly proud of myself. I started the gym a little over a month ago and been looking of easy stuff at home to do and stumbled on this! The only thing I tapped on was the last set 😅❤
I only have been doing this for 2 days and I can see the difference. I started on Wednesday, October 14 and I did it once in the morning and once in the night. Then the next day I skipped because I was gonna play basketball for a few hours which is also a good workout. And now I just finished my morning one on Friday. I can see the difference already. Thanks for this vid
@@eriktanaka7828 its great if youve got no access to a gym; for progressive overload, you should aim to gradually be able to hold heavier objects while doing it. though i normally just do calf raises with the machine at my gym, i really saw progress in how much i could lift/endure with this
Just completed day 100! Been doing this since June 3 so it feels weird not to do it anymore. I've seen results, you could try it. But ofcourse I recommend hittimg the gym to get faster results
Hey what's up man I just want to personally thank you for this workout and I'm so grateful that I skip legs when I was at the gym the other day I really wanted to do these at home and they're very effective my legs are burning and they're on fire I don't never feel like that in the gym I only feel like that in the gym a little bit
This is crazy had 15 inch calves 3 weeks ago, today their 15 1/2 inches. I'm Slavic european can't believe I added 1/2 inch in this short period. Your workout the real calve 💣
wow i’ve been doing this for a couple days now and oh my god the burn! i’m struggling to walk hahaha i have to walk on my tip toes other wise i fall to the floor🤣this is hella painful but i can see it’s getting somewhere!! keep going guys🖤
This workout May give you some newbie gains, but it is not sufficient enough if your intermediate to advanced. Just because you feel a burn, it doesn’t mean ur calves are getting bigger. If you want big calves, u need to en corporate weighted exercises
Honestly, i just started working out again and im on my 3rd week and ive been doing these exercises every 2 days a week, and i am going to try to do 2 sets instead of 1!, wish me luck :)
Nice at home focus workout. I like that you hit all 3 heads and at varying time under tension. What about incorporating something to stand toes on, say a 2x4, for extra stretch or is that too much?
calves are my weakness, i'm super tall an not genetically gifted when it comes to my legs i hope these exercises will help me out, i also find girls with bigger calves super attractive
@@jj-sd2rt i've been training my calves 6 times a week now for a month and a half ( 3 times at home using these exercises, 3 times at the gym using calves machines(sit and stand) ), my calves are a bit bigger and defined than they were before
@@rohanjangir13 i posted updates earlier, but if you want my honest opinion, training your calves at the gym is much better for 2 reasons : 1- better equipement for calves training, 2- "progressive overload" which is a key to muscle growth
I used to think that going to the gym was the 'only way to build muscle and stay in good shape' smh. How wrong I was. Now I've come to realise that there are people who have never touched a dumbbell or a barbell but are in tip-top shape. It's all about the mindset and willpower. Bodyweight exercises are effective if done the right way. Thank you Tanner for this awesome video👐
Hi, I'm a slim girl that no curves at all. But one of my dreams is to have bigger thighs or calves the least. This day, I started looking for calves workout and I found your video. Could you tell me please how many days or weeks do I have to do this? Thank you so much! ☺️
I've done this for a week now(no break). Man, I can see that strong calf muscle! Awesome workout! And, my friend, I hope you do realise you are helping people shape their body and give them a whole new lifestyle. Cheers, man!
@@rsvp9519 i did it daily for better effects but if your schedule is busy, alternate day should work too! and yes, they did grow! a lot! i could see the result after just one week and to maintain it, I still do the workout
Discussions about the function of the calf muscle as a flexor of the foot and the fallacy of "hitting different heads" of the calves with different toes positions aside, I still start this video up to do a lot of these exercises on calf day. I do wait a bit between exercises so that I can hit the calves harder each set, I hold a dumbbell (though I know the point of this video is no equipment), and I do them on a raised block so that I get a greater ROM, though (I know, I equipment was the point). Good stuff regardless.
Did it for 3 rounds💪🏾 couldn't move for 20 minutes after I know this comment section a year old but I've been doing this for around a month and some, with progressive overload, and I haven't seen major growth but my calves are growing and I can now do this easily without weight or light weight.
@@lilianeramos5039 it took a few months. But both my parents have big calves. So I guess the speedy process is genetic too. Just don't over do it. The first few times I actually injured myself and couldn't exercise. 10 min with these intense focused exercises, shouldn't be taken lightly. Do less reps and work your way up.
Get Sculpted From Home Using Dumbbells Only With Barbarian Shred At Home:
You can Try It Free For 7 Days and Get 3 Free Gifts On Sign-Up For A Limited Time: 64 Pages of Diet Plans, The Nutrition Crash Course, and Home Fitness Secrets PDF
This Is Your Sculpted In 28 Days Blueprint.
Stop struggling with “Slow Results” and get access to the proven plan that will shred stubborn belly fat, carve lean muscle and increase strength all from home (no gym required) - like thousands of members have done already.
Don’t wait another second to unleash your best you.
Claim your free access and 3 free gifts here:
I can 💪
Definitely not me
I will!
Not today, I want to walk tomorrow lol ... but next week for sure. Thanks for the nice quick at home focus workout!
I can get two rounds lol I'm trying to get to three
15 uni lateral calf raises
15 dual Inner raises
15 dual neutral raises
15 dual outer raises
15 dual inner raises
15 Dual Neutral Raises
15 dual outer raises
20 uni Lateral bunny hops
30 speed calf raises
30 dual bunny hops (3 rounds)
Went 2rounds and folded
Am 💀
Wait is everything 3 rounds? ?
I love you
thank you, you deserve money
1:05 15 uni lateral calf raises (15 per foot)
2:52 15 dual Inner raises
3:25 15 dual neutral raises
4:00 15 dual outer raises
2:52 15 dual inner raises
3:25 15 dual neutral Raises
4:00 15 dual outer raises
6:34 20 uni Lateral bunny hops (20 per foot)
7:12 30 speed calf raises
8:01 30 dual bunny hops
Do it 2-3 more times if you can.
New to getting in shape. Like 2 or 3 days in a row per week?
@@northernlights6967 2 or 3 sets a day, 3 days per week with rest days in between to let the muscles grow properly
1. 0:40 One leg behind other, near wall. Step and squeeze on ball of feet
2. 2:30 Squeeze calves and tip toe with both feet. Up and down
3. Toes inwards do it again
4. Duck stance, do it again
5. Uni lateral bunny hop
6. Speed claves neutral
7. Bunny hops both feet
All mostly 15 reps
You're welcome rosie
Thx bro
Thank you
Update: been doing this workout on and off, and it's still the best one I've tried so far. Managed to get to three sets continuously, and lately I started adding weights. Highly recommend, I'm also running 3 times per week and this workout has helped me with my resistance, endurance and speed
This is the best calves workout I've ever seen! Been doing this for 2 months, 2-3 times a week, and my calves added a great amount of mass. I thought I will be a member of the team no calves forever 😂 Thanks and keep up the good work, you are amazing 💪
Do you do it everyday or like how many times a week??
@@miguelnunez1338 It says like 2 - 3 times p week, i recomend do it 3 times p week
Bet I’m doin it 3 times per week
Zion I do mine 3 times a day 😹
@@V1vianros3 lmao and any prohress so far bud ?
1:05 15 uni lateral calf raises (15 per foot)
2:52 15 dual Inner raises
3:25 15 dual neutral raises
4:00 15 dual outer raises
2:52 15 dual inner raises
3:25 15 dual neutral Raises
4:00 15 dual outer raises
6:34 20 uni Lateral bunny hops (20 per foot)
7:12 30 speed calf raises
8:01 30 dual bunny hops
Pretty sure that u need a wall which counts as eqiupment
It says at home
@@lullulu4173 its called a joke
@@BaapTheGoat bad joke
@@jaywestg9248 well 135 people found it funny
@@BaapTheGoat 134*
Best workouts ever they actually work
Did you see any results I’m a girl and I want to get fit and calves is part of that
Maria Sasu hi i’m a girl too - how many times do you do this workout per week?
Juliana 3 times a week. So Monday Wednesday Friday each week
Daddy Dequavis how many sets do you do a day? 1 or 2 or 3 times
10 seconds later me staring at my calves
Lmao you said this a month ago how do u look now
Nancy De La Cruz shit hurts had to quit I’m gonna keeping my stick legs
XAlestra Gaming Bruh cmon now
i felt that lol i used 20 lbs w this video it hurts
Bao Le sounds like you put some work in. Good stuff.
Finished it but definitely had to take stretching breaks in between. Loved the burn. My new favourite calve workout
Great to hear!
It’s a good one
Who's here cus they don't wanna look like lil huddy
🙋i don't wanna be lil huddy's sister
Lil huddy ugly
Lorenzo Franklin no one wants to look like a stick
This calf workout was absolutely killer. Best one I could find!
I know this doesn’t sound real but after like 2 days of this workout my calves look bigger Jesus loves u all God bless
Thank u
The first calf workouts I was ever taught - a million years ago. You can't beat the classics.
I’ve done this exercise 3x a week for 5 months and I’ve noticed a significant change in my calves. I had chicken legs/calves since I stopped training and now they’re more way defined
Same I have chicken legs and I can't wear shorts bc of how skinny they are
@@jackcorrigan8736 you got this man, you’ll see change in just a few months.
@@jackcorrigan8736 train your weakest body parts first
You need to train calves every second day, high reps………lots of singles and use a block or stsirs
So I’m confused you do everything wrong n this video once per like time you exercise or do you do what’s on the video multiple times in that one exercise
@@jackcorrigan8736 I had chikn leg
I pause so that he can take a break I see he's suffering
Jew funny😹😹😹
Humanity doesn't
And i paused at 2:27 to make his calf hurt like hell.✌
Just did the workout now gotta find a video of "how to walk properly"
Relax for two days it's rough when you did it for the first time
Thats called muscle fatigue i think ive also had shaky legs before not now tho💪💪
Did you get any results?
haha🤣🤣🤣🤣 a video on how to walk
Great workout man, good home calves training are rare to be found.
@@joshuajagmohan4553 cause I'm shit
I have done this for roughly 15-20 days and honestly it is one of the most efficient calf building exercises I have ever done. Considering my legs are sticks, you can see the progress from what they were. If you haven’t done any exercises for you calves in a while then the first 5 sessions of this will feel like a cramp, but after that you’ll feel motivated to push yourself to have bigger legs. I can already see the shape in mine and it’s only been a couple days. I’d say in at least 2-3 months of doing this 6 times every week, I will have big calves.
How are they now
how are they now?
Bro you did it with taking protein or without
Dude, I followed along with your routines here once and I'm already feeling the difference.
OMG! Haven’t felt the burn on my calves in a long time. I will be keeping this workout! Thanks!
Bro my legs where hurting for 2 days after this it was very hard to get around in school I’m in the 7th grade you also and have a new subscriber!
FlamesOfDeath same
Was it hurting the day after or straight after
BeauG06 day after. for like 2 days lol
Bro you need to stretch your calves after the exercise. That way they dont hurt too much for the next time you do calfs. It will also allow you to train the calves more as you're legs are fully replenished.
Very effective done it 3x a week its been a month now i can finally see my calves getting bigger!
Thanks for the video! 🙏
Thank you. Enjoyed this workout. I'm excited to see an increase in calf muscle mass. Gonna make this 1 part of my workout routine
Amy Braziel
First day of 2021 n I'm already pushing myself to the limits. Got through 3 rounds. Lesss gooo!
Dont give up
You see any change
dont believe youu
you'd better have kept up with it bro! if not, get back into it!
I did all 3 rounds and it was great! I love how it works every section of the calves!
Oh its leg day 😂 Thanks 😂💪
@@BarbarianBody1 Can i do this while holding dumbbells?
@@unknowndude3817 of course
finished it, ouch, my legs hurt. sure do feel it afterwards, but the workout definitely works. will be doing this a few times a week. thanks for the tips
Have been doing this exercise for almost 2 weeks and just did twice in a row today!!!! Will try 3 times in a couple of weeks!
Any improvements?
Did this workout last week, and even after a few form rolling sessions, I still feel a bit sore. Great workout! Added to my workout routine
How it is today
@@lucastheninjaed1659 I do see some gains. I cannot say that I got really HUGE calves, but it definitely improved my calves strength and size. The only suggestion I would do to the routine is to add Tibialis raise - to get further gains.
Had it 4 times and it's satisfyingly painful. Thank you for these calves exercises. Keep grinding!
It wasn't painful I did and it was just bit stretch feel on back of leg
@@dextermore4851 then you were doing it incorrectly
@vincegarcia1187, my bro, you're absolutely right.... the stretch after the muscles is deeply satisfying after all that exercise....
Been doing this 2/3 times a week also been doing it twice have been at this for 2 weeks now and already see massive improvements 🙏🏽 also doing the stairs too love the channel been following for a while now and seeing massive progress in my training and physique 💪🏻
How many sets did u do?
@@goofyahh7113 think he does 2 sets from what I understood. I’m starting off with just 1 set per day, 3 days a week, new year new me type shit🤣
Greetings from the UK🇬🇧 This is the Best calf video I have seen in a long time. I like the fact you provide full commentary whilst performing the movements. Also showing a variety of ways to build the calf at home without equipment.
This workout is a beauty because I can do it at work
I’ve been working out for a while but never focused on calves, and just did this for the first time. Two days later my calves are now burning and feel more sore than I’ve ever felt. I guess that means it’s working but had to skip legs at next workout. Hoping next time won’t get so sore!
Did you see any results? Also do you do each exercise three times or one time ?
@@titto2602 I did notice some results - also when I’ve done the routine again and again my legs no longer get sore like the first time. My calves are not massive but definitely a little bigger. So I like it.
Cheers mate this helps me alot cus before I started doing this I was a skinny now with all your workouts I'm the fittest boy at my school also thank you all the way from Australia
Good job King
How many month did it take
how long did it takes
been doing this for a week now and i am absolutely loving it!
Day 1: feeling good
Day 2: feeling great like yesterday
Day 3: seeing muscle forming
Day 4: really seeing results in my muscles and my calves are way bigger
Day 5: my shots are way stronger and I’m loving it
Day 6: feeling amazing ready for tomorrow
bro u play football?
I was surprisingly proud of myself. I started the gym a little over a month ago and been looking of easy stuff at home to do and stumbled on this! The only thing I tapped on was the last set 😅❤
Amen bro! Thank you for the great video
I do three circuits. The last two with dumbbells! It has mad a big difference in my calves. Not afraid to wear shorts anymore!
I have the same problem I'm ashamed to put shorts in the summer. How long have you been working to see results?
Bro I only did this like 6 times in the last week and I already gotta start working on my Hamstrings to even it out, your workouts da bomb bro
Quick update. My calves didn't actually grow that much. They were just extremely swollen for a few weeks cause I over worked then
@@okun8856 lmao
commenting here after trying it yesterday, bro i can't even stand right now!! this is what i need lmaoo, definitely will add this to my routine!
I only have been doing this for 2 days and I can see the difference. I started on Wednesday, October 14 and I did it once in the morning and once in the night. Then the next day I skipped because I was gonna play basketball for a few hours which is also a good workout. And now I just finished my morning one on Friday. I can see the difference already. Thanks for this vid
Would you mind giving me updates now? What's the progress?
Also try skipping that is really good for calves
This actually works so well. Thank you so much.
How many times do you do it in a day ?
One round dumbell loaded enough I think, but love you work
Always the number one, man do I love Tanner
Wow never knew I could get this kind of calf pump at home, thanks!
THIS IS SICK! started a few days ago and it burns great!!!!!! will be doing this for my longterm at hme leg day!!!!!
@@eriktanaka7828 its great if youve got no access to a gym; for progressive overload, you should aim to gradually be able to hold heavier objects while doing it. though i normally just do calf raises with the machine at my gym, i really saw progress in how much i could lift/endure with this
This one is good. I will have this one on repeat. Thank you!
Do we need to do 2 times the exercise
Thanks heaps mate for your time too make this video much appreciated
Did 2 rounds, thanks for the great home workout, was pressed for time today!
Did 3 series in a row, that was cool. Thanks dude!
Def the only good calf workout I could find Also my calf’s are burning rn
You haven't looked hard enough then.
Good workout, I think my chicken legs can only make the one set this time, next time I'll smash two!
Cheers for the video!
Good luck man!
@@BarbarianBody1 Cheers dude, this would be a total killer doing it after the brutal leg workout video you did.
Keep up the good work.
Appreciate that man🙏🏼
BarbarianBody do i have to eat before doing these workouts
Popped. _yt If you need to then yes
Any one else’s ankles crack on the calf raises 😂😂
Doing the workout: This is easy
Day 1: Little achy
Day 2: Pretty sore
Day 3: Agony
Remember to rest, letting your muscles heal is a crucial way to build muscle
he gone😔
He ded
Just woke up from a 5 week coma :(
Doctors said I was lucky to make it. I have double leg amputation booked in for next week. Wish me luck boys
Just completed day 100! Been doing this since June 3 so it feels weird not to do it anymore. I've seen results, you could try it. But ofcourse I recommend hittimg the gym to get faster results
In the other reply you said you haven't seen much results, what's changed now?
@@titto2602 my legs have gotten stronger, but since ive stopped, theyre back to zero
@@myownaccount123 I don't care if they got stronger, did your calves get bigger?
@@titto2602 nope. not that I've noticed
@@myownaccount123 then why did you write that you have seen results then? We want visual results not strengtg
Quem que as coisas tem que esforcar com o tempo vem tenho 58 anos tou ficando definido nao pare galera e questao de tempo tamos juntos
Hey what's up man I just want to personally thank you for this workout and I'm so grateful that I skip legs when I was at the gym the other day I really wanted to do these at home and they're very effective my legs are burning and they're on fire I don't never feel like that in the gym I only feel like that in the gym a little bit
I’m a 14 year old going into freshman year of highschool and I did all 3 rounds with good form 💪🏿
I see your also a man united fan
I'm also 14
No pain no gain 💪
Just did them thanks I always wanted a home morning calves workout THANK YOU !!!
Your workouts are real good I appreciate you fam💪🏾❤️🔥
as a dancer this was really useful and i’ve actually all ready been doing this a few times everyday for the past few months
Broo it feels like mt calves are trying to pop out of my leg.. damn
Been doing this for 3 days now and I can already see the result. 😊 Thank you!!!
Ay man. These shits work, been doing them for a month now and boy I'm happy. The pain is definitely worth it, thank you man
This is crazy had 15 inch calves 3 weeks ago, today their 15 1/2 inches. I'm Slavic european can't believe I added 1/2 inch in this short period. Your workout the real calve 💣
wow i’ve been doing this for a couple days now and oh my god the burn! i’m struggling to walk hahaha i have to walk on my tip toes other wise i fall to the floor🤣this is hella painful but i can see it’s getting somewhere!! keep going guys🖤
Same to me i can't even walk
This workout May give you some newbie gains, but it is not sufficient enough if your intermediate to advanced. Just because you feel a burn, it doesn’t mean ur calves are getting bigger. If you want big calves, u need to en corporate weighted exercises
Honestly, i just started working out again and im on my 3rd week and ive been doing these exercises every 2 days a week, and i am going to try to do 2 sets instead of 1!, wish me luck :)
Wish the best of luck im starting to wish me luck haha
What are the results?
Thanks sir, I really need this
Nice at home focus workout. I like that you hit all 3 heads and at varying time under tension.
What about incorporating something to stand toes on, say a 2x4, for extra stretch or is that too much?
Thank you so much
calves are my weakness, i'm super tall an not genetically gifted when it comes to my legs i hope these exercises will help me out, i also find girls with bigger calves super attractive
I literally have the same issue. 6ft and legs look like noodles bruh
@@jj-sd2rt i've been training my calves 6 times a week now for a month and a half ( 3 times at home using these exercises, 3 times at the gym using calves machines(sit and stand) ), my calves are a bit bigger and defined than they were before
Same problem bruh..... Any update u have so we could get some motivation to do ..
@@rohanjangir13 i posted updates earlier, but if you want my honest opinion, training your calves at the gym is much better for 2 reasons : 1- better equipement for calves training, 2- "progressive overload" which is a key to muscle growth
Finished it through no break def burned will be doing this from now on
These workouts made my calfs noticablably more solid 🔥
I used to think that going to the gym was the 'only way to build muscle and stay in good shape' smh. How wrong I was. Now I've come to realise that there are people who have never touched a dumbbell or a barbell but are in tip-top shape. It's all about the mindset and willpower. Bodyweight exercises are effective if done the right way. Thank you Tanner for this awesome video👐
Just completed 3 sets of this workout
Hi, I'm a slim girl that no curves at all. But one of my dreams is to have bigger thighs or calves the least. This day, I started looking for calves workout and I found your video. Could you tell me please how many days or weeks do I have to do this? Thank you so much! ☺️
Ima start doing this daily for only one time and i will see, wanna join me sis?
My chicken legs need this 🦵… they looking like spongebob when he “flexes” his leg 🤣
After calves workout for 4 days straight, I managed to go for second round for the first time today! Thank you for the amazing exercises!
I literally did these for like 3-4 days and when I was training on the track yesterday I felt like I had more power running
Wow nice I’m a runner too but I have semi chicken legs
This workout is in my morning routine
calm down big fulla
I was looking for something to build muscle on my legs and I found you...these are easy to do ...I'm a beginner...thanks.
Did two rounds!! My calf’s are hurting like a mofo! Hopefully I’m able to walk tomorrow lol
How many rounds should I do? 3?
I've done this for a week now(no break). Man, I can see that strong calf muscle! Awesome workout! And, my friend, I hope you do realise you are helping people shape their body and give them a whole new lifestyle. Cheers, man!
How many times per week pls, did your calves really grow ?
@@rsvp9519 i did it daily for better effects but if your schedule is busy, alternate day should work too!
and yes, they did grow! a lot! i could see the result after just one week
and to maintain it, I still do the workout
I'm so glad I found you
Did u see any improvement?
Discussions about the function of the calf muscle as a flexor of the foot and the fallacy of "hitting different heads" of the calves with different toes positions aside, I still start this video up to do a lot of these exercises on calf day. I do wait a bit between exercises so that I can hit the calves harder each set, I hold a dumbbell (though I know the point of this video is no equipment), and I do them on a raised block so that I get a greater ROM, though (I know, I equipment was the point). Good stuff regardless.
I needed to take a big POOP when finished doing dis
Nice! Send a pic!
Can you send me a pic too?
Yo when I started dying
omg i thought it was just me !!
Great workout bro
Did it for 3 rounds💪🏾 couldn't move for 20 minutes after
I know this comment section a year old but
I've been doing this for around a month and some, with progressive overload, and I haven't seen major growth but my calves are growing and I can now do this easily without weight or light weight.
Is it use only 1 round
Literally then best calf exercises video I've done. Huge results my side🙌🏼🙌🏼 thank you!
You started to notice changes for long?
@@lilianeramos5039 it took a few months. But both my parents have big calves. So I guess the speedy process is genetic too. Just don't over do it. The first few times I actually injured myself and couldn't exercise. 10 min with these intense focused exercises, shouldn't be taken lightly. Do less reps and work your way up.
make a video on how to get the V midsection like you have .
Search up how to get an Adonis belt.
Hey I have followed your video...
I am inlove with this work out.
Do you have a video to get rid of belly fat and to start showing some abbs???
I do these while holding 20 pounds to make it harder and this is my first week it’s good and I do 30 instead of 15 and 60 speed calf’s
Holy cow dude, I just followed your routine and my calves bout ready to pop, good work out bro!!!