Watching "Secrets Of The United States" was both eye-opening and thought-provoking. It's a stark reminder of the surveillance world we live in. Thanks for raising awareness about the importance of privacy in our digital age.
We r the most surveilled nation on earth & surveil the world w our big tech & “intelligence” agencies- China has less CCTV’s per capita than we do & their citizens r tracked not for the same dark purposes but to ensure tech interconnectedness & to track the population who was just recently lifted from poverty in rural places to ensure they haven’t slipped back into it We r propagandised to believe things about China or Russia or North Korea that WE R DOING
I stopped carrying my cell phone (tracking device) years ago.. i only plug i my computer thru ether net cord, disabled all wi-fi, and got a wall phone that has an answering machine to get messages.. I do not buy anything with digital means.. I only deposit enough to DDA to cover my rent and utilities, take the rest in cash back.. I only purchase goods with cash. If a company will not take cash, (E S G) i b o y c o t t that company.. Just say "NO" to C B D C
I'd honestly rather live in fear of my neighbors than in fear of the government. You can always play nice with your neighbors, but the government doesn't give a shit.
Sadly the Government is made up of people just like you and me. If the Government doesn’t give a shit…we have continued to elect people who don’t give a shit. The only answer is term limits in congress. Increases oversight of the government by the people.
That's what I always say. We shouldn't be paying for the internet or phones. Matter of fact, they should pay us for spying on us and taking part in their social engineering.
@@SchemeTintFocusdo you think the consequences of substance abuse will exceed those inherent (health, reputation, cost and much more) and come to include criminal penalties that far exceed the current ones?
It was not a myth. It was a demonstration of how a Democracy works. Unlike a Republic that protects an individuals privacy, a Democracy is when the Collective Majority attack individuals who disagree with their spying and Assange was just a perfect example of someone who reveals their agenda and how they will attack, attack, attack anyone who warns others of the determental totalitarian agenda of those who believe in Democracy where 51% of people can rule the other 49% and the individual who disagree will be attacked and sacrificed under the false premise that it is for the good of the majority or the 51%. Unlike a Constitutional REPUBLIC that defends and protects the individual and their right as in the BILL OF RIGHTS which the founders knew must be protected. All Democracies in history have turned into Totalitarian regimes that eliminate their opponents. Like they are trying to do to President Trump by turning the full force of the entire government, ran by the Democrat Party, against him and everyone that agrees with him. The greatest threat to our Constitutional REPUBLIC is those calling for the protection of a Democracy!
I was born in 1957 and have been saying to everyone it's called hypocrisy not democracy democracy and freedom i Are just 2 words used to brainwash the American people and they are happy swallowing all the bs
The movie Enemy of the State predicted this...I did some research after seeing the one believed me, not even my parents or my in laws, or my wife...they said I was crazy. They don't say that anymore.
I saw it the same BUT I'm am what is called a target individual and I've been surveiled since the early 1980's (or longer) I was a young mother of 2young children who worked full time with a lot of overtime. In short I'm innocent of any crime that would imprison me in this prism (prison) system. Like Obama said ...full spectrum dominance and this is all part of that very system . It's also connected to MKUltra . It gets worse.... Much worse.
I have a friend who worked for the NSA as a translator, he wanted to transfer to Japan to marry his fiance. They said the only work he would be allowed to do there was field work blackmailing, bribing and coercing assets to give up their secrets. He quit and found a job in Japan at a newspaper.
While probably not true the sentiment is strong. It seems lately Japan is a mitt of the CCP. Unfortunately current American infrastructure seems realll cozy
Now someone can use pictures of your children from your Facebook to create deep fakes. They can even age them up and use them movies, ads, or worse. A President or leaders of other countries could have a deep fake made and their social media hacked and a bomb or army could be sent before they find out it was fake. It’s utterly terrifying.
The really sad part about people keeping their noses buried in their devices is that one day, they are going to wake up and realize they've wasted their entire lives staring at a screen. Sad.
I believe the government’s crossed the line when they’re listening to recording and archiving “every” cellphone call, voicemail, text message, email and even your keyboard strokes .
Well, no, theyre not recording all of the audio and keystrokes with PRISM, they're recording the metadata. They can freely start recording at any time though.
A practice initiated long ago, all allowed and promoted for our security and protection. Programmed people, gullible and ignorant of the real facts. Instead of Waking Up, they remain Woke up!
@@frankedwardstone58 That saying was just brought up in the video. Whether you are doing anything devious or not, the government shouldn't be spying on the public. If you wouldn't want your neighbor spying on you, what makes you think the government is any better?
Manning was wreckless. Assange always worked for Russia, why do you think that everything WikiLeaks leaked was on the US and NATO and NONE OF IT was on Russia or their allies? People need to wake up and realize that this is not a black and white game, some of this stuff like Reality Winner and I believe Snowden also, was actually out of concern, some like Bradley Manning were negligent blind dumps and some are strategically against the NATO countries to weaken their security and cause instability (as if Russian and China aren't also bad)
This is the key to a surveillance state: You make a profile of you that doesn’t match the real you. Forget about uploading into any app unless it’s something you want them to see.
@@scrat8177United we stand and divided we fall. Cant fight anything divided. Only try to make people aware. Who are lazy, spoiled, and/or overly “marketed” to the point of trusting the system that screws us all
Because they are not wholesale monitoring the public. They actually do get FISA warrants for certain things to monitor networks. The odd thing is that after the cold war ECHELON allegedly started monitoring terrorists and traffickers yet there does not seem to be an increase in people rescued, but if they did they would not want to reveal it because than the people their after can change their patterns to diminish "chatter"
I own 7 acres of woods, so I took my new puppy Taco for walks on the flat snowmobile trail behind my land. One day I got a call from the guy who owns the "open to public" (5 months of the year anyway) that he didnt want me walking my puppy "on his land" which I thought was HIGHLY petty, but I started walking my dog on the dead end road that is ALSO behind my house. THAT neighbor ALSO took beef with me walking my dog on the 100% public road. (They BOTH had trail cams apparently. And the one snitched me out to the other. Then this other one pulled the same crap, despite it being a 100% public road.) So I began walking the puppy dog 5 minutes from my own dang home on a nearby road. And one day I came home from work at 10:30pm. Kept checking on him, had a cig, and as soon as the cig was done, I got up to check on him again and let him in. I heard the THUD out in the road out front my house. It was 10:40 and my dog was now dead because he got USED to walking on roads due to the spying neighbors forcing me to walk the dog on roads. And that is the way he went. Right down the driveway. Now you may blame me for not having my dog on a rope, but you must understand how rural I am. At that time of night, it was RARE for ANY car to be on the road out front at that time of night. Yet, my dog found the one car coming and was killed. I blame it on the spying. Had the other neighbor JUST let me walk the dog on that trail, he would have went towards the WOODS, not the road that night. So, now I walk the 2 remaining dogs on the Ice Age trail ten minutes away. If they head anywhere on that side of house where a road is, I yell and chase them towards the woods. But I lost a dog due to spying. Then the FOOL had the balls to call and make an offer on my house. I lost my mind over the phone.
Stay Strong/Safe 🙏🏼💪🏽💯!!! The Truth Will set you Free!!! Be Blessed and a Blessing! "We The People By The People For The People" United We Stand Divided We Fall...🛐 Eyes Wide Open NOT Eyes Wide Shut.
Systems would be constantly upgraded. Like satelites/computers their technicaly obsolete 6-12 mths after activation. Money is no object, but the ends are everything.
@@melisentiapheiffer3034 correct me if I'm wrong. I was a teenager.. but if you had a home phone we plugged into that. I may sound naive but by the time I was paying for my own it just turned into wifi. And I'm not too tech savvy. But the late 90s I never heard of anyone paying for internet. Correct me if I'm wrong
@@melisentiapheiffer3034you grabbed a cord and hooked it up to your landline(home phone) I was a kid/teenager.. wifi is newer to the public.. sometime you couldn't be on the internet and phone at the sametime😂
As the NSA reads this comment line, courtesy of YT, may the bird of paradise and the constitution of the United States fly up their collective corrupt noses. Damn their eyes.
17:00 It's important to note that Zuckerberg isn't upset with the NSA spying on people; he's upset with them for being *too honest* about it after getting caught...
All these individuals in charge, that think they’re better than thou has got to go there’s no place for them in a democracy like the United States. This country belongs to the people not the sick minded individuals. In the government..😎🇺🇸
The U.S. NOT OF America, and the misuse/neglect of any good 'democratic' PROCESS to 'defend' The RE-PUBLIC....ARE the 'sick minded individuals!' STUDY REAL HISTORY! ...and for those with 'cameras that see everything's, and electronic 'ears' to hear it all; "What a bunch of daddy- dickers!" CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?!?! ❤ IT or HATE IT; FREEDOM OF CHOICE. CHOOSE LIFE! 😊
@@bidencrimefamilymottof-cky953 that always happens when I use Siri to dictate what I’m trying to say in the scary thing is they think they can control AI and can’t even get Siri to spell right. But thank you for the heads up.😎🇺🇸👍🏼
Just watch an episode of The First 48 and you’ll see just how “hard” these companies guard your privacy, and just how easy it is for the government to gain access to it. Some random detective types a form search warrant to some unseen magistrate, which gets approved instantly and your private records, text messages and google map data are on his laptop for all the world to see.
These companies do not guard your privacy, they build psychological profiles of you. Every phone number you call "they map out your contacts" and Every website you visit and everything you purchase , and then they sell it for PROFIT.
Just because you are not worried about what the current officials will do with your info, does not mean you won't be worried about the next officials will do with it.
Great segment. And I think you really really nailed the point that not only is everything they did or are doing is bad and probably illegal - but the worse and sickest part is that if you even ask questions or mention anything nefarious pertaining to the people doing wrong - you are openly targeted and then either jailed or investigated or targeted by the same people who are supposed to be protecting us or the media who is supposed to be holding the leaders to account! How insane
The only upside I can see is if the watchers are benevolent, they are in a position to support you - if they see you striving for good in spite of your flaws.
They didn't design it. The technology was the result of publically govt funded researech projects. That technology was then appropriated and applied to mass surveillance and other operations, including commercial.
Here's something that's never out of date: AT&T has been around since 1885. They built the entire telecommunications system, including the Bell system, in cooperation with the US government, and established the worldwide standard for telecommunications. They have been collecting information on citizens and passing it on to the government for many decades, most especially beginning with the Second World War. So, Yeah: Ain't nothing new here.
When I first saw a gmail, I had been living in a more rural area so was not up on the latest tech. I "knew" that it meant "government" even back then. Was surprised when told it didn't.
Well, you need to get rid of the Pateriot Act if you want to restore the power of the Constitution. You cannot depend on the Constitution if there is a Pateriot Act that can superseed it.
Americans have never had full privacy since the telephone was available to everyone... The federal government has always been listening to our conversations....
Even corporations that make technology like Google Microsoft Microsoft Teams and many other inventions used to surveillance and trace/record our calls hearing in any conversations that they could deem terrorism.
The Defense Industrial Complex is what they called the Pentagon before there was a Pentagon, before it was conceived or even built, and even some years after it was built.
Because they aren't actually monitoring everyone like that. They get FISA warrants on individuals or networks for specific reasons. And if they are monitoring people they aren't going to give up the jig, they'll approach the threat in other ways and even let some bad shit happen.
good peice, thanks for sharing. Lets all remember that this goes so much futher and wider than just the US though, this is a global problem. Now imagine this on top of living in a legitimately authoritarian state, how would you even sleep at night.
The ignorance, laziness, and the refusal to take personal responsibility, of the majority of people is what blows my mind. Its not the people who are limited on freedom but its the government that is limited on authority. The constitution, everyone refers to but has no clue what it is or does, makes that point perfectly clear. Its funny to think that the "government" does what it does to protect Americans but its always in other countries. Lastly a fun fact, police, fire, ambulance, and even government protects nothing only respond, sometimes.
How could the Entity being so massive, trying to maintain, secure, and control an entire population Way more immense, cannot be fraught with nefarious activity you can't imagine. Really surprising it is not MORE corrupt, underhanded, evil...ends up being a function of how many "watchers" are available and employed in direct on-going surveilance of the Entire population, being pared down by algorithm to groups of whatever qualities the government at the time deems worth watching, based on social network usage, posts, texts, all sieved thru a screen pre-designed to catch key words in posts & texts, collection of web sites visited, cross-references, screen 1 triggers screen 2, etc. Telephone contact lists, Friends, text contacts...overall themes & language used flows through an ever-updated series of screens that red flag whatever characters are used that fall into the recipe of today's suspicious or threatening content as determined by the algorithm, finally at some # screen it becomes worthy of human investigation.
Because more computer power will be needed to sift data as they monitor your thoughts. Think it's not happening? Think again! External control via magnetic waves has been accomplished in lab mammals, why would they stop there?
They never mentioned the elephant in the room, ECHELON. The origin and development of Five Eyes (UKUSA Security Agreement) led to NSA which led to ECHELON.
Google share information with the US government so they can find out what everyone is upto otherwise they won't give licences to operate government are the biggest eyeballs even Hubble telescope it spies on other nations
On a small scale, just change your habits/interests/practices every few years. It's harder to disappear completely because of things you can't change as easily, but at least the overreach stuff where they try to control your personal life and day to day decisions will be curbed to a large extent (at a certain point, they'll have to acknowledge to themselves that you consistently deviate from the profiles they're collecting on you...or not... 😂).
In my opinion, Edward Snowden is an American hero. What Government has tried to do to him is disgusting. Such violation of civil rights, privacy rights, such a coop on America.
God himself gave us FREEDOM OF CHOICE AND ITS NOT FOR MAN TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM HUMANS. Freedom of choice includes freedom of speech and other rights…!!!!!!!! NO MAN HAS RIGHT TO TAKE AWAY FROM US, humans, WHAT GOD GAVE US !!!!!!! Why no one is mentioning this?!!!
ANTI-TECHNOLOGY! It might not always work, but it's usually much cheaper and/or free. That's what we want, right? FREE! FREE TRADE. FREE SPEECH. FREE THOUGHT. FREE MOVEMENT.
Watching "Secrets Of The United States" was both eye-opening and thought-provoking. It's a stark reminder of the surveillance world we live in. Thanks for raising awareness about the importance of privacy in our digital age.
50:09 Facts
We r the most surveilled nation on earth & surveil the world w our big tech & “intelligence” agencies- China has less CCTV’s per capita than we do & their citizens r tracked not for the same dark purposes but to ensure tech interconnectedness & to track the population who was just recently lifted from poverty in rural places to ensure they haven’t slipped back into it
We r propagandised to believe things about China or Russia or North Korea that WE R DOING
Snowden and Julian A are heroes. They just revealed the truth!
I stopped carrying my cell phone (tracking device) years ago.. i only plug i my computer thru ether net cord, disabled all wi-fi, and got a wall phone that has an answering machine to get messages.. I do not buy anything with digital means.. I only deposit enough to DDA to cover my rent and utilities, take the rest in cash back.. I only purchase goods with cash. If a company will not take cash, (E S G) i b o y c o t t that company.. Just say "NO" to C B D C
I'd honestly rather live in fear of my neighbors than in fear of the government. You can always play nice with your neighbors, but the government doesn't give a shit.
Sadly the Government is made up of people just like you and me. If the Government doesn’t give a shit…we have continued to elect people who don’t give a shit. The only answer is term limits in congress. Increases oversight of the government by the people.
Trust no one.
Exactly.. government is your worst enemy even if the people in there know you personally and know exactly what an unfair attack you're under
And the media working for them and/or supporting them
But you can still troll them to level infinity, remember
The real act of genius was getting people to pay for it
The last idiot isn’t born yet. 😂
That's what I always say. We shouldn't be paying for the internet or phones. Matter of fact, they should pay us for spying on us and taking part in their social engineering.
😂ha ha 🤔wait that's me!😱
Wow, you should figure out what they did with Crypto AG since before the CIA and BNB bought it in 1970 😳
As if anyone has a choice?
The reality is the whole world is going insane with all the corruption on privacy laws.
Modern Warfare.
Everyone using dope without knowing the consequences.
@@SchemeTintFocusI’ll take non-sequiturs for $100
@@SchemeTintFocusdo you think the consequences of substance abuse will exceed those inherent (health, reputation, cost and much more) and come to include criminal penalties that far exceed the current ones?
Greed and corruption period
Assanges treatment demonstrates democracy is a myth
That was an agent Pompeo obsession. Trump hired the swamp
DemocraSEE 👁
It was not a myth. It was a demonstration of how a Democracy works. Unlike a Republic that protects an individuals privacy, a Democracy is when the Collective Majority attack individuals who disagree with their spying and Assange was just a perfect example of someone who reveals their agenda and how they will attack, attack, attack anyone who warns others of the determental totalitarian agenda of those who believe in Democracy where 51% of people can rule the other 49% and the individual who disagree will be attacked and sacrificed under the false premise that it is for the good of the majority or the 51%. Unlike a Constitutional REPUBLIC that defends and protects the individual and their right as in the BILL OF RIGHTS which the founders knew must be protected. All Democracies in history have turned into Totalitarian regimes that eliminate their opponents. Like they are trying to do to President Trump by turning the full force of the entire government, ran by the Democrat Party, against him and everyone that agrees with him. The greatest threat to our Constitutional REPUBLIC is those calling for the protection of a Democracy!
I was born in 1957 and have been saying to everyone it's called hypocrisy not democracy democracy and freedom i
Are just 2 words used to brainwash the American people and they are happy swallowing all the bs
Hypocrisy is real
Just stumbled across this channel, keep up the great work! This is a priceless documentary outlet
Yeah me too. Great segment and so revealing and check out their other content - it’s equally as interesting and good
The movie Enemy of the State predicted this...I did some research after seeing the one believed me, not even my parents or my in laws, or my wife...they said I was crazy. They don't say that anymore.
I saw it the same BUT I'm am what is called a target individual and I've been surveiled since the early 1980's (or longer) I was a young mother of 2young children who worked full time with a lot of overtime. In short I'm innocent of any crime that would imprison me in this prism (prison) system. Like Obama said ...full spectrum dominance and this is all part of that very system . It's also connected to MKUltra . It gets worse.... Much worse.
1984 by George Orwell my friend predicted it much before
Enemy of the State .....the Bourne Movies ...all give insights into the CIA and NSA
@techlife9853 oh no big brother 2 minute hate 😢
We used to fight for our privacy. Now we just give it away.
Elected officials should be alerted to legislate against spying and selling data.
It's because the children never make it to adulthood.
@@chrispreston256truest statement.
Posted on youtube owned by Google from your microsoft windows computer
@@chrispreston256There is no adulthood, those are just kids with money
Every American should watch this documentary
Too busy playing Grand Theft Auto 5?
Integrity is golden in the 21st century.
I have a friend who worked for the NSA as a translator, he wanted to transfer to Japan to marry his fiance. They said the only work he would be allowed to do there was field work blackmailing, bribing and coercing assets to give up their secrets. He quit and found a job in Japan at a newspaper.
Sounds like a stressful job, but every country has a spy. Or spies.
While probably not true the sentiment is strong. It seems lately Japan is a mitt of the CCP. Unfortunately current American infrastructure seems realll cozy
Perfect job
Totally made up...maybe not by you but by someone
Source: trust me bro
Government to corporation: "We think you have a nice operation there; we'd hate to see it tank." 😞
Most of these interviews are over 5 years old. Imagine how it is now. AI is used in the public sector now, imagine what the government utilizes
Now someone can use pictures of your children from your Facebook to create deep fakes. They can even age them up and use them movies, ads, or worse. A President or leaders of other countries could have a deep fake made and their social media hacked and a bomb or army could be sent before they find out it was fake. It’s utterly terrifying.
Using commercials to gain information seems sketchy.
The really sad part about people keeping their noses buried in their devices is that one day, they are going to wake up and realize they've wasted their entire lives staring at a screen. Sad.
yes. agreed.
What Putin does openly the NSA does "secretly" PARANOIA ALL OVER THE PLACE. Not mentioning what went on in the former DDR. Privacy is a big fat JOKE
@looper9264 what were you staring at when you commented..?
Too late. AI is yet to even really start god knows what the future holds?
The worst part about it all is that we pay for it
Thank you for the wonderful documentaries in this channel 😊
I believe the government’s crossed the line when they’re listening to recording and archiving “every” cellphone call, voicemail, text message, email and even your keyboard strokes .
Well, no, theyre not recording all of the audio and keystrokes with PRISM, they're recording the metadata. They can freely start recording at any time though.
Do you still believe government is a necessary evil?
A practice initiated long ago, all allowed and promoted for our security and protection. Programmed people, gullible and ignorant of the real facts. Instead of Waking Up, they remain Woke up!
If you're not up to no good then there's nothing to worry about.
@@frankedwardstone58 That saying was just brought up in the video. Whether you are doing anything devious or not, the government shouldn't be spying on the public. If you wouldn't want your neighbor spying on you, what makes you think the government is any better?
Snowden is an American patriot......
Edward Snowden is now a Russian citizen
Can Edward Snowden be drafted into Russian Army?
@@geoms6263 I'm aware of that
I think a person of his caliber is exempted from a draft lol.
@geoms6263 what is your point? The Russian people are not the problem. Dictators like Putin and Trump are.
These tech companies ARE the government. Who do you think actually created, owns, and runs these things? It’s right in your face
Zackly. Thank you.
Good Stuff❤❤❤Thank you!❤❤❤
Google truck tires and 2 seconds later your Facebook page is blasted with Tire Adds 🤣
All phones are hacked
When we bought into the mobile phone and especially the IPhone any form of privacy was relinquished.
Ed Snowden, Tom Drake, Bill Binney & Chelsea Manning are - LEGENDS !
Manning was wreckless.
Assange always worked for Russia, why do you think that everything WikiLeaks leaked was on the US and NATO and NONE OF IT was on Russia or their allies? People need to wake up and realize that this is not a black and white game, some of this stuff like Reality Winner and I believe Snowden also, was actually out of concern, some like Bradley Manning were negligent blind dumps and some are strategically against the NATO countries to weaken their security and cause instability (as if Russian and China aren't also bad)
A presentation with a pleasant-voiced narrator, and NO cacophonous "music" in the background!!
I'm stayin'.
Watch the Television while the Television watches you.
Your refrigerator has blue tooth its monitoring
Many years ago I stopped watching the tell-lie-vision
Excellend video!
The fact that they were taking out people from other countries who probably didn't even threaten them and they are miles away is crazy. 😮
This is the key to a surveillance state: You make a profile of you that doesn’t match the real you. Forget about uploading into any app unless it’s something you want them to see.
SCREW EM, do what you want, AND STACK THE GUNS AND AMMO. They got a problem, they know where i live!
Too many workarounds.
I can't believe people haven't done that the moment they went online the first time.
It's 2023 and people still don't know or just refuse to accept the bitter truth. 🙃
what are you going to do about it other than just accept it and go on with your life, huh?
Bro are both of you ai commentators? You have no playlist or anything
@@scrat8177United we stand and divided we fall. Cant fight anything divided. Only try to make people aware. Who are lazy, spoiled, and/or overly “marketed” to the point of trusting the system that screws us all
Surprising thing is how surprised we are
all of this and yet 800,000 missing children a year
Because they are not wholesale monitoring the public. They actually do get FISA warrants for certain things to monitor networks.
The odd thing is that after the cold war ECHELON allegedly started monitoring terrorists and traffickers yet there does not seem to be an increase in people rescued, but if they did they would not want to reveal it because than the people their after can change their patterns to diminish "chatter"
It's these very people in charge of surveillance that have these missing trafficked kids
The vast majority of kids reported missing are found safely
Well put together!
I really got sad when trail cams came out😔….I thought dang I can’t even walk in the woods or forests without being watched👎🏼🌎☀️💙
On you're land or others?
I own 7 acres of woods, so I took my new puppy Taco for walks on the flat snowmobile trail behind my land. One day I got a call from the guy who owns the "open to public" (5 months of the year anyway) that he didnt want me walking my puppy "on his land" which I thought was HIGHLY petty, but I started walking my dog on the dead end road that is ALSO behind my house.
THAT neighbor ALSO took beef with me walking my dog on the 100% public road.
(They BOTH had trail cams apparently. And the one snitched me out to the other. Then this other one pulled the same crap, despite it being a 100% public road.)
So I began walking the puppy dog 5 minutes from my own dang home on a nearby road.
And one day I came home from work at 10:30pm. Kept checking on him, had a cig, and as soon as the cig was done, I got up to check on him again and let him in.
I heard the THUD out in the road out front my house. It was 10:40 and my dog was now dead because he got USED to walking on roads due to the spying neighbors forcing me to walk the dog on roads. And that is the way he went. Right down the driveway.
Now you may blame me for not having my dog on a rope, but you must understand how rural I am. At that time of night, it was RARE for ANY car to be on the road out front at that time of night. Yet, my dog found the one car coming and was killed.
I blame it on the spying.
Had the other neighbor JUST let me walk the dog on that trail, he would have went towards the WOODS, not the road that night.
So, now I walk the 2 remaining dogs on the Ice Age trail ten minutes away.
If they head anywhere on that side of house where a road is, I yell and chase them towards the woods.
But I lost a dog due to spying. Then the FOOL had the balls to call and make an offer on my house. I lost my mind over the phone.
@@donaldatkinson7937 both
Satellites exist.
I just want to highlight the positivity of this for it scares me even tremendously - if you preform well, you can be acknowledged for it
Its all fake. And they who knows, knows. I know that I dont care, and at least I got that, lol. IM EVOLVING!! lol
Start to resist or cease to exist
We shall persist, penetrate the mist, serve these suckers with cease and desist! 😂
❤ IT! 😊
@@Corteum nice !! 🫡
Unless they already hijacked your brain, ....
Stay Strong/Safe 🙏🏼💪🏽💯!!! The Truth Will set you Free!!! Be Blessed and a Blessing! "We The People By The People For The People" United We Stand Divided We Fall...🛐 Eyes Wide Open NOT Eyes Wide Shut.
Alexa, your phone, video camera in your house, door camera, even your car and your flat TVs, you have no privacy
Flat screen TVs?
I have firsthand experience with a splitter installation off Oregon's coast. It was big news in the 90s.
Do you think the data gathering methods now are much more advanced than they used to be back then, or is it pretty much the same?
@@Corteumthe collection is about the same. It’s how the data is being processed that’s changing now.
Systems would be constantly upgraded. Like satelites/computers their technicaly obsolete 6-12 mths after activation. Money is no object, but the ends are everything.
@@CorteumWw hy not catch all the terrorists then .
Why they can't catch terrorists?
Why Apple wouldn't allow to give the government backdoor?
90s everywhere
Im old enough to remember when the internet was free.. crazy how they put the internet behind wifi and "connection"
Really? When?
@@melisentiapheiffer3034 correct me if I'm wrong. I was a teenager.. but if you had a home phone we plugged into that. I may sound naive but by the time I was paying for my own it just turned into wifi. And I'm not too tech savvy. But the late 90s I never heard of anyone paying for internet. Correct me if I'm wrong
@@melisentiapheiffer3034you grabbed a cord and hooked it up to your landline(home phone) I was a kid/teenager.. wifi is newer to the public.. sometime you couldn't be on the internet and phone at the sametime😂
As the NSA reads this comment line, courtesy of YT, may the bird of paradise and the constitution of the United States fly up their collective corrupt noses. Damn their eyes.
Had to ge whole premise for the internet from the get go. Time to put a stop to it.
End all corrupt government free the people.
And free Jordans for everyone!
Snowdens end statement that our government practices are our biggest threat to freedom. Was a real eye opener
17:00 It's important to note that Zuckerberg isn't upset with the NSA spying on people; he's upset with them for being *too honest* about it after getting caught...
Great story, more ppl NEED to see this and understand. It has to stop
All these individuals in charge, that think they’re better than thou has got to go there’s no place for them in a democracy like the United States. This country belongs to the people not the sick minded individuals. In the government..😎🇺🇸
The U.S. NOT OF America, and the misuse/neglect of any good 'democratic' PROCESS to 'defend' The RE-PUBLIC....ARE the 'sick minded individuals!'
...and for those with 'cameras that see everything's, and electronic 'ears' to hear it all;
"What a bunch of daddy- dickers!" CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?!?! ❤ IT or HATE IT; FREEDOM OF CHOICE. CHOOSE LIFE! 😊
You misspelled constitutional republic.
@@bidencrimefamilymottof-cky953 that always happens when I use Siri to dictate what I’m trying to say in the scary thing is they think they can control AI and can’t even get Siri to spell right. But thank you for the heads up.😎🇺🇸👍🏼
@@sheilakirby5616 thank you
Thanks for sharing
The all seeing eye
Just watch an episode of The First 48 and you’ll see just how “hard” these companies guard your privacy, and just how easy it is for the government to gain access to it.
Some random detective types a form search warrant to some unseen magistrate, which gets approved instantly and your private records, text messages and google map data are on his laptop for all the world to see.
They do what they want. They are the government
@@JKay-f1t Cartel is more like it...
@@JKay-f1tremember they are “public SERVANTS” but somehow we forget that
These companies do not guard your privacy, they build psychological profiles of you. Every phone number you call "they map out your contacts" and Every website you visit and everything you purchase , and then they sell it for PROFIT.
Just because you are not worried about what the current officials will do with your info, does not mean you won't be worried about the next officials will do with it.
Exactly. How many saw 1933 Germany coming? Thats why I spent decades studying it. I thought I was studying the past
Insider threats. The only ones who appear to be exempt from this scrutiny are elected officials.
And family of. Think hunter.
I think I've personally done a great job of showing how everyone has stuff they don't want said. I think it's called mutually assured discretion.
A.I. is making this 1000X faster.
What "they" really do not want everyone to know is the application of, and enforcement of LAW.
Great segment. And I think you really really nailed the point that not only is everything they did or are doing is bad and probably illegal - but the worse and sickest part is that if you even ask questions or mention anything nefarious pertaining to the people doing wrong - you are openly targeted and then either jailed or investigated or targeted by the same people who are supposed to be protecting us or the media who is supposed to be holding the leaders to account! How insane
Jesus man, This is 10 years OLD!! need an update.
We're so passed this now !!! Our gov is more and more unrecognizable.....
Our govt (FBI) takes orders from Ukraine on what social media postings to delete. Can we even call it our govt at this point?
When 1984 becomes relevant more than ever.
This is SPECTRE in America.
I have 2 words for our government and it's not Happy Birthday!!
Thomas Drake is a hero! Exposing the NSA!
The only upside I can see is if the watchers are benevolent, they are in a position to support you - if they see you striving for good in spite of your flaws.
There is no humanity to the orders. Maybe the individuals.
LOL. wut?
@@TheWanderingFinnegan sorry, there is no encapsulation of humanity, the individual sees hierarchy
I'm just trying to placate the watchers. Shhhh.@@TheWanderingFinnegan
Freedom is dead
Freedom died after the country became a corporation
The NSA designed this technology in secret. They own it and have the rights to anything designed from it. There is no way to debate any usage.
You mean the tax payer.
The NSA did NOT design it. Coders designed it who were contracted to the NSA. NSA doesn't pay enough to normal workers.
@@stevenboddy4232 then if the NSA contracted and paid the work then guess what, they take credit. you contradict yourself.
The NSA deserves to be burnt to the ground, they are evil.
They didn't design it. The technology was the result of publically govt funded researech projects. That technology was then appropriated and applied to mass surveillance and other operations, including commercial.
Interesting documentary, the world knows but not in this depth of detailed knowledge.
This is a replay from a 2014 report. Completely out of date.
Yes, so you can guarantee that it’s much worse today.
Scare tactics
Thank you. I won't waste my time watching it.
What do you mean out of date?much worse now than in the Mccarthy years
Here's something that's never out of date: AT&T has been around since 1885. They built the entire telecommunications system, including the Bell system, in cooperation with the US government, and established the worldwide standard for telecommunications. They have been collecting information on citizens and passing it on to the government for many decades, most especially beginning with the Second World War. So, Yeah: Ain't nothing new here.
All they have to do is continue for 3 generations. By then all the folks who thought this was unjust in the beginning will be gone.
No one can spy on Me, if they do they will fall asleep 😂😅
When I first saw a gmail, I had been living in a more rural area so was not up on the latest tech. I "knew" that it meant "government" even back then. Was surprised when told it didn't.
Well, you need to get rid of the Pateriot Act if you want to restore the power of the Constitution. You cannot depend on the Constitution if there is a Pateriot Act that can superseed it.
Exactly, it appears to be over looked? Deliberatley.
Is there a DVD of this program Anybody ?
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This is so much better with the sound turned off
Americans have never had full privacy since the telephone was available to everyone...
The federal government has always been listening to our conversations....
Even corporations that make technology like Google Microsoft Microsoft Teams and many other inventions used to surveillance and trace/record our calls hearing in any conversations that they could deem terrorism.
Wait...Americans are the only ones with telephones?
The Defense Industrial Complex is what they called the Pentagon before there was a Pentagon, before it was conceived or even built, and even some years after it was built.
How come the Jan 6 whateveritwas was not observed beforehand?
Because it was a setup by Pelosi to let it happen.
Because it was planned & exaggerated by government agents.
Because they aren't actually monitoring everyone like that. They get FISA warrants on individuals or networks for specific reasons. And if they are monitoring people they aren't going to give up the jig, they'll approach the threat in other ways and even let some bad shit happen.
It was !
You're welcome
One would think with all of the lawyers in the US, we the people could hold the givernment accountible!
good peice, thanks for sharing. Lets all remember that this goes so much futher and wider than just the US though, this is a global problem. Now imagine this on top of living in a legitimately authoritarian state, how would you even sleep at night.
The ignorance, laziness, and the refusal to take personal responsibility, of the majority of people is what blows my mind. Its not the people who are limited on freedom but its the government that is limited on authority. The constitution, everyone refers to but has no clue what it is or does, makes that point perfectly clear. Its funny to think that the "government" does what it does to protect Americans but its always in other countries. Lastly a fun fact, police, fire, ambulance, and even government protects nothing only respond, sometimes.
The u.s sticks their nose where it dont belong.
Your grammar is offensive
Government is an Entity, to govern the people, a larger Entity.
How could the Entity being so massive, trying to maintain, secure, and control an entire population Way more immense, cannot be fraught with nefarious activity you can't imagine. Really surprising it is not MORE corrupt, underhanded, evil...ends up being a function of how many "watchers" are available and employed in direct on-going surveilance of the Entire population, being pared down by algorithm to groups of whatever qualities the government at the time deems worth watching, based on social network usage, posts, texts, all sieved thru a screen pre-designed to catch key words in posts & texts, collection of web sites visited, cross-references, screen 1 triggers screen 2, etc. Telephone contact lists, Friends, text contacts...overall themes & language used flows through an ever-updated series of screens that red flag whatever characters are used that fall into the recipe of today's suspicious or threatening content as determined by the algorithm, finally at some # screen it becomes worthy of human investigation.
Yeah. Show you right.
I give them what they want, a profile, totally opposite of how I really am.😂😂😂
Now you know why Elon is putting satellites up as fast as he can
ha? u think he won't have at it with peoples data if prompted or paid to? fanboy!!
@@JBSbass really aren't very wise are you?
Because more computer power will be needed to sift data as they monitor your thoughts. Think it's not happening? Think again! External control via magnetic waves has been accomplished in lab mammals, why would they stop there?
It's just another one of his scams.
@@katiekane5247I don’t know how they could push that past certain low degrees of hypnosis?
What's the name of the original documentary because at the starting it says
Part 4 - The surveillance industrial complex
They never mentioned the elephant in the room, ECHELON. The origin and development of Five Eyes (UKUSA Security Agreement) led to NSA which led to ECHELON.
А це правда..я завжди була за все за правду за справедливість і проти гадів в інтернеті
Google doesn’t pay US taxes either. But there’s safety in numbers.
Nicely hidden pun there. A+
No big corporations pay taxes
Google share information with the US government so they can find out what everyone is upto otherwise they won't give licences to operate government are the biggest eyeballs even Hubble telescope it spies on other nations
Bahamas baby
They most definately owe me a few rainchecks.
Just ask this
Is it:
For the people by the people or for the military by the military.
“The man who will give up a little freedom for security will have neither,” paraphrased, Benjamin Franklin.
It's not "a little freedom for security". It's "essential freedom for a momentary safety" or something.
And lose both. Important last part of that quote
Great movie
Based on a trrue story!
Nothing to fear or hide? People kinda forget that their information can be now twisted to change their status into a criminal.
😳What???? Please elaborate.
i’m sorry, what? dawg please share
They just told the story of a CEO who is now jailed because they didn't play ball. Did you watch the video?
@@sonyagraske376 look up Bulk data collection
Everyone doesn't forget
On a small scale, just change your habits/interests/practices every few years. It's harder to disappear completely because of things you can't change as easily, but at least the overreach stuff where they try to control your personal life and day to day decisions will be curbed to a large extent (at a certain point, they'll have to acknowledge to themselves that you consistently deviate from the profiles they're collecting on you...or not... 😂).
It should be done much more often than every couple of years.
In my opinion, Edward Snowden is an American hero. What Government has tried to do to him is disgusting. Such violation of civil rights, privacy rights, such a coop on America.
God himself gave us FREEDOM OF CHOICE AND ITS NOT FOR MAN TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM HUMANS. Freedom of choice includes freedom of speech and other rights…!!!!!!!!
NO MAN HAS RIGHT TO TAKE AWAY FROM US, humans, WHAT GOD GAVE US !!!!!!! Why no one is mentioning this?!!!
Just did, and I agree; see 3rd reply under above comment! GOD BLESS YA!❤😊
What about freedom of religion. Your faith is just that, yours.
"Secrecy is the primary tool of dictatorships. Transparency is the primary tool of Democracies"~ Bohr
The internet ruined humanity....
I think you haven't done history, because we were far worse in the past
I love the candid paradigms given by investigative journalists. Real investigative, not these tiktok nitwits we see around, creeping like a pandemic.
What would happen if everyone put their phone down for 24 hours. Just 24 hours.
They'd fukn freak out and give us all free devices telling us the old ones are compromised somehow. 🤔
Hell would freeze over first.
Phones are now mini laptops. So everyone is online 24/7. All a days stop would do is have less content to watch for free.
Mulder: "You mean they have something on him?"
Informant: "They have something on everyone, Mr Mulder."
There is no privacy which means cyber security is impossible.
The ETs have it im sure. Quantum encryption is the way.
Those are two very different things. We have no privacy but cyber security protects the government that spies on you.
ANTI-TECHNOLOGY! It might not always work, but it's usually much cheaper and/or free. That's what we want, right? FREE! FREE TRADE. FREE SPEECH. FREE THOUGHT. FREE MOVEMENT.
My daddy always told me "the walls have ears".