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Honestly the whole video feels weird. He seems to be dogfighting all the time. I hope he is aware that the Mustangs should start with an energy advantage so they can boom ‘n zoom. His marks are way too high if he really is dogfighting in them.
@@BeerSougion If you like boring gameplay with most than half being noobs who don't even know what they are doing being stomped... Even Defyn cuts a lot and shows almost only dogfights.
@@NayuzAqua You cannot find a lot of Defyn footage where he uses US planes with an energy disadvantage, only when he is in a bind because his team is already 3/4 dead
Fun fact: Usually in War Thunder, mass produced (commonly used in history) version of a vehicle will be on the tech three for research and free unlock, while more unique variants of that same vehicle will go to the premium category, but this is not the case for the P-51. The P-51 D-20 had 2,000 units produced, being the most produced variant among all variants of the P-51D and P-51 in general, yet it's a premium one. While the P-51H only had about 500 units produced, ended up being one of the least common P-51 variants, yet it's now sitting in the tech three for research and free unlock. Pure wtf gaijin moment.
@@thewhitehousevietsubarchiv2625 how, you can get it very quickly in the Israeli tech tree or say the Chinese tech tree, in Israel you only have to grind 1 plane to get it
Fun fact, the only diffrence between the diffrent P-51D variants in game is the type of fuel it runs. The D-10 runs 100 octane fuel which was the standard US fuel for the entierty of the war, the D-5 and D-20 runs about 90 IIRC and the D-30 runs 115 which the US began field trials with in 1945.
I don't know about the fuel specifically, but d5/d20 engines run at 67" manifold pressure, d10 runs at 72", and d30 at 75". That is indeed the only big difference between them, although the airframes are also very slightly different. D20 and D30 have an ever so slightly lighter and less draggy airframe.
@@Liniyka those manifold pressures are consistent with the way the Packard engine reacted under the three different fuels, so it's a byproduct of the fuel. Otherwise, the planes are mechanically identical.
@@ushikiii And that canopy is a huge advantage in Sim...because you can see behind you much better, which makes it much harder for the enemy to sneak up on you. Also the D-20 get's access to the K-14 sight, an early gyro sight. Just don't fly the D on full internal fuel and expect to do aerobatics, that one tank in the back severely limits you. Was a Problem in IL-2 Forgotten Battles/1946, because it didn't simulate Center of Gravity shift due to fuel burn, so you got stuck with your starting CG. So I think nobody ever flew them above 70% internal fuel. The D-30 is tuned for lower altitudes than the D-20, the D-30 is overall slower in level flight....but at 7,500 meters and up the D-20 is faster. And if you go that high in anything but a 109 G-10, or G-6/AS or G-6/ASM or FW-190 D-9* or Me-262 you are barely croaking by. The D-30 has maximum performance at 6,000-7,500 meters. BTW what is the issue that Linikya has with the 4.0 Planes, you get to fight 109 F-4s and G-2s, the F-4 is best 109 but the P-51 is much faster and has more power at altitude. If you need help beating a 109 F-4 in a P-51C or D the issue sits in front of the PC. Sorry, but I see that in the IL-2s and DCS's that if you have skilled Pilots on the P-51D they will get 109s...if the pilot plays to the strengths of the P-51. And unless you go very fast, above 400 km/h I wouldn't turnfight a 109 in a P-51, the 109 is stronger at low speeds, but looses massively above 400 km/h. Also every soviet WW2 fighter is massively undertiered....to a ridiculous degree. The Yak-3U is post war, so it should face the P-51H and the other super-props. However the US WW2 fighters are a close second....P-47D at 3.7....which means it often faces 109 F-2, F-4 and early 190s......yeah if you loose that fight, you suck, no two ways about it, because a well flown P-47, just like a well flown P-38, is pretty much untoucheable for a 109 F-4. I've had tons of time in both 109s and the p-38 in the IL-2s, and a friend of mine is a major P-47 afficionado, you can't touch him if you let him gain altitude advantage. The problem is that most US Fighters are kinda hard to use right, and most of their pilots suck, although not as bad as russian ones. (No not all soviet players, just the russian soviet ones. I know some good ones among them, but the majority of the WT Russian Soviet Mains really suck. I mean I've seen some of them seem to have such a lack of SA that they make a dead person look awake and some of them loose a fight in a Yak-3 to a 109 F-4. Yeah one of the best fighters of the late war loosing to an aircraft from mid-war. ) Edit: *the FW-190 D-9 Early with the high altitude tune which isn't in War Thunder....so take the D-12, D-13 OR Ta-152H instead. The 109 K-4 can fly ok at that altitude but fighting a fighter is a bit more dicey. Had to take it up to 8,250 m or 27,060 feet recently, in Sim EC, to block some high altitude bombers. Fine for bombers, but I wouldn't fancy my chances against a D-20 Mustang.
It always seemed odd to me how the P-51s are represented in WT. Like, for single engine fighters with light airframe and powerful engines, I expected better energy retention and acceleration. The BR of most of them seems very low compared to its historical counterparts
I think they are fine in terms of energy. The retention is definitely good as long as you don't go crazy with turning. The main problem, in my opinion, is the awkwardness that comes from bad roll at low speeds, bad rudder at high speeds and high stall speed
drop as soon as you spawn and then climb to their level from somewhere further where they cant detect you. If you keep them away at say 10km they cant spot you. Make sure their team mates are also at that range
US planes, you HAVE TO side climb outside of the fights, this way you stay undetected, get high above everyone else and come from the rear of the enemies to catch them off guard
For those of us who use more sophisticated units of measurement, that 3000 meters he mentioned is about 9800 feet or the wingspan of approximately 1452 bald eagles.
Don’t speak of sophistication when Americans are the types of dumb window licking hillbillies to try and shoot hurricanes to death. And believe a stick of quarts can cure cancer with prayer to Christ Shut up. And before you say I’m European or something. I’m American. And fully acknowledge our utterly shit behavior and education. Being someone who works in the education system i would know I unironically had a student who believed you could drive a ram pickup over the Atlantic Ocean to London England and wasn’t till I showed him (a high schooler btw). A map would he believe me. Our economy is on the verge of a 3rd crash in 30 years. Our education system and standards rate amongst lower 3rd world countries And obesity is a serious problem because we refuse to legitimately take health and safety seriously even though our own food is actively killing us.
WT sim pilot here, I have loads of time in the D-30, and it’s a solid plane I have fun flying it That’s because you get to manually pick which games you join (4.3-5.3 is where it shines, otherwise ju288 spam takes over) Also, it might just be me, but all of the mustangs I’ve tried (don’t have the H yet) seem brutally underpowered
I mainly play sim too and the P51 isn't really that good for it since you're really limited to boom and zoom, sim is not like realistic battles, boom and zooming isn't as easy as it is on there especially when the enemy is very low and you're forced to go down with very low visibility; the BF109 G-2 is easily better in every way at 4.3 I've destroyed many P51s myself using it
@@moon-soon eh, you’re right about having to dip really low and lose tons of energy, but if you play it right, you are nearly untouchable BF109s can’t just dive away the same way, and compress way worse than p51s It does piss me off that most people are at 500m and I have to lose so much energy to attack them I usually cruise at 5000m because that’s where you can boom and zoom almost anyone But if you play it slow and safe, you can attack most of anyone, and not get caught doing it
@@wertherland I don’t, I just use the right stick of an Xbox controller, it really helps to understand the field of view of your aircraft and being able to predict the enemies flight path As far as seeing them from afar, just looking for specs on the horizon and checking 360° helps a ton
Your experience in p51 mustang is so spot on and matching mine it is insane. I enjoyed H5 and C10, D5 was okay, but D30 was just horrible experience, I was happy when I was done spading it.
@@pinguino5105then you clearly don’t fly them right. I love the Ds, other than the 30, cause if flown right, pack a punch and you don’t ever have to dogfight. I average 2-3 kills a game in them, by far my best performance
@@aadvantagegold5220 How can you like them? They're heavy, have 0 engine power, and slower than most planes they meet below 15k ft. The P-51C-10 flies better than the D-5 and D-30 whilst being lower BR
@@pinguino5105 Again, you’re probably flying it wrong. You HAVE to side climb. It’s an energy fighter, not a dog fighter. Side climb, wait for the furball to be dragged to the deck, and use energy to boom and zoom.
The P-51 is not bad in the game. The P-51, like most popular anything's, is an idiot magnet. A majority of people fly the plane, not because they understand how the plane was designed, not because they understand how dog fights in WW2 were evolving and how to best use the P-51 to achieve not dying, but because they recognize "P-51". Most people think dog fighting, especially back in WW2 was "we turn in circles till one of us gets behind the other and shoots". That is the romanticized version of dogfighting. And it completely ignores energy fighting. Or vertical fighting, or however you want to call it. For instance, I'm a 109 main, and the amount of "all you can do is run" dms I get would be enough for me to purchase Greenland. I'm not "running" I am extending. I'm moving to put my plane in such a position that you will need to bleed what energy you have stored dry long before you can touch me. Then I'm going to lazily loop in and bat you out of the sky. It's so satisfying seeing a person in game, and immediately getting inside their head. I might as well be in control of their aircraft. Very few people recognize the trap, and even fewer people listen to that voice screaming it's a trap , bail. At one point recently, I singularly turned a game around because the entire team was chasing me to the Moon and getting swatted out of the sky. Yes I play WT for the arcade mode. Don't at me realism try hards, I've got Falcon 4.0 and the IL-2 franchise for true realism.
On yak-3 question. There is a way to dogfight them but you need to adhere to strict MO. There's this one incredibly underrated youtuber called "-juno- takaleon" which made an amazing guide on how to dogfight using mustangs- I gained like 2mil SL using brit canon-stang (mostly using the "way of the pest") and still learned things from him. Guy is incredible and I cannot recommend him enough. His guides are gold!
@@wongarnold2879 yes. Partially due to as wet Devs call "balancing around 20mm canons. Stang needs to hit multiple times yak, while yaks 20mm canons with their 3g of TNT hit harder than mg151 with their 20g of tnt or hispanos with 15g of tnt.
@@wongarnold2879 Як 3 сильный только на первых 2 витках - дальше он также теряет энергию. Если не играть правильно закрылками, то это фиаско) Я на них играю еще с первого дня их появления в игре)
3:20 the only time I ever bring gun pods on the a36 is when I’m hunting bombers in sim, there having the extra firepower helps when trying to get those few lucky shots when trying to aim with a flight stick. It really helps out for it
@@zombienuker5390 P-51 radiator drag is extremely low. You can run full rads with minimal tradeoffs with any of the P-51s, and never overheat. Just run MEC. Easy to do, just set pitch and rads at 100% and you’re good.
F-82 is actually fun interceptor/heavy fighter/attacker. It has lots of firepower, it's fast and very survivable. Sometimes you can land without wing even when the game already have credited you as a kill. It lives and dies by the speed, but in full up tier against la9's, tempests, He162... it loses the only workable edge it has.
Most of us brought the D-20 pack (when it goes 50% off) do to the pack value, not for the flying junk that came with it. And I'm so terrified of that OP A-36 (not just do to it can face planes that has a mobility-scooter engine to "pull" them) that I avoid them at all coasts, even in a A6M or shitfire.
@@jerryalbus1492the P-51C is extremely effective, you just need to get better. That thing is amazing at that br. Super fast, great climb, pretty nimble, great energy retention. The guns are weak but not too weak to use, and the performance definitely allows you to get plenty of shots
the D-30 is a pretty good plane no matter if there is an uptier or not. And the C stang if used properly in a dogfight can duel Yak-3 albeit with some difficulty it can do it
The c stang cannot duel a yak3 lmao Even the yak3(e) at 4.0 beats the c stang at everything except rip speed. And very high alt performance maybe. I think the yak3 may actually be faster on the deck, assuming you dont dive to deck to gain speed. Agility and climb rate is not even comparable. Dont get me wrong the mustang c is probably the best 3.7 along with the p47, but theres so many busted 4.0s and 4.3s
Its a good plane compared to previous models, but its not by a significant margin. At 5.0 and above you will see a lot of extremely competitive planes that will outclimb you, outturn you, and easily keep up with you in terms of speed or just straight up outrun you. Planes like Yak3U, and Spitfire LF Mk 9 will easily rail you, Griffons will easily rail you, 190-D actually beats the D30 in a dogfight. 109K-4 is basically does everything D-30 does but better, Hornet and Ki 83 will bully you all day, coz the D-30 will pretty much never catch them, nor outclimb especially with their airspawn, La-9/La-7 easily outperforms you, Japanese fighters like J2M, Ki-84, A7M will easily outclimb you, and you cant do anything to them other than run away and try force a risky head-on, your practically helpless against Ta-152H. Your basically a 4.0 plane uptiered to 6.0 when your fighting those planes and other similar planes with similar performance in an uptier. P-51D30 needs altitude to be competitive, and it takes a while to be competitive because it doesnt exactly have a good climb rate. Its only marginally better than P47 at low altitude fighting, but its still bad at it. Your forced to side climb harder most planes and by the time you reach a good amount of altitude, the game is either over for your team and you end up in a 1v6, or over for the enemy team and you find nothing to kill. D-30 should be 4.7 at best.
@@notfunny3397 Agreed! The. Yak-3. Should. Not. Be. BR. 4.0!!! It's a late 1944 plane at the earliest and one of the best Fighters of WW2, at least at low altitude. It should by rights be 5.0 or 5.3. And that's the early version. The LA-9, being a post-war design should be 6.3 or 6.7....not 5.7. Now some of the US stuff like the P-47 is hillariously undertiered compared to the opposition. Seriously for any of the other trees, seing the US and USSR complain about the other being undertiered seems just like a bad joke.
The minimum is 30% of the full tank for all planes. The P-51’s primary role as a long range - high/medium altitude escort means it needed enough fuel to keep up with U.S. bombers. This also means its fuel load minimum is going to be a high number.
@pugasaurusrex8253 So Gaijin just sticks to the realism sometimes,while sometimes not giving shit... Who would ve thought. Especially the bomber escort argument makes me laugh, if you know how the actual gameplay looks like. Waiting for fully customisable fuel, if I have the last 1v1 with 3 min on the clock, what the f.. do I need a 30min!? Hell, the game time is 25!
@@pugasaurusrex8253 Maybe having 30% of the full tank *shouldn't* be the case? Maybe they should patch that and let people take less than 30% fuel specifically for aircraft like this that have a lot of fuel tanks? Just let people take less than 20 minutes of fuel. Right now it's 31 minutes whilst the matches only last 25... How can anyone defend that?
The thing that throws most people off when playing the Mustang (especially the D-variants) is the fact that its best manouverability is at speeds significantly higher than most other fighters. It definetly is superior in manouverability at high speeds comapred to most other fighters, but not due to being inhernetly more manouverable, but to locking not as bad as other fighters plus it's pretty good high speed energy retention due to being slightly heavier than most other single engined fighters. Its best flight envelope basically is on the opposide side of the spectrum compared to a Zero but keeping a plane there takes a lot more concios effort. And since you complained about the low speed roll rate of the p-51, I suggest to you to actually try the F-82. Its elevator authority is meh, limting its turn rate, but boi can that thing roll, for a twin engined fighter.
This. I learned pretty quickly that the P-51s famous dogfighting performance only really shows up at very high speeds, then it kinda clicked for me that energy means life in that plane more than most. I'm a horrible shot though, so I often can only win 1-2 dogfights in enduring confrontation before being dragged down to the deck at lower speeds where the P-51 is an absolute dog... I quickly learned how to fight the plane even in this situation, at its absolute worst. So.... Japanese teams in particular, I have to do this a lot on. I will throw out combat, takeoff, and then sometimes landing flaps if I'm slow at treetop level... Japanese pilots expect to just out maneuver you no matter what the situation... So it turns into a nasty surprise for them when suddenly right down near stall speeds, the P-51 can out turn them
She belonged on that show. I'll never forget the day she became a shuttle pilot, the look on Apollo's face, Boomer and Jolly got drunk, Colonel Tie was pissed...good times.
Funny how the 50 cal works for everyone but me. And it’s not a skill issue. I will put hundreds of rounds into enemy planes but nothing happens. Then I have my wing ripped off by a 7.92 mm gun. It’s like the game hates me
The fundamental problem with the P-51 as a plane - no matter the variant - is that it's a "high-alt escort" that takes forever and a day to get to said high alt, performs terribly at any alt, and its hard counter is a brain. I have never lost to a P-51 because of the fact it was a P-51, it's always because I was already in a bad spot that any monoprop fighter would have beat me in anyway.
I CANNOT believe this Twin Mustang slander. It is a beautiful aircraft, and I hope we someday get more of them (preferably the P-82B mustangs with the more powerful merlin engines than the rest of the production P-82s, and preferably in the tech tree).
2:58 put the gun pods on it, load it up with stealth belts and rain hell from above Also the A-36 ended up staying in my lineup until i got like, the p-61C
I play mostly american GRB, and I'm at 6.0 rn. I'm still using the A-36 as my weapon of choice because it can screw up open-tops or light armored vehicles and it's camo makes it almost invisible if you're flying low. It's super fun obliterating enemy CAS with it :3.
The differences between the D-5, 10, 20, and 30 I heard described like this D-5 has the heavier airframe and worse engine D-10 has heavier airframe but the better engine D-20 has a lighter airframe but a worse engine D-30 has a lighter airframe and better engine
D-20 and D-10 weight is identical. D-5 is actually the heaviest by a slight margin at 3714 kg. D-10/D-20 - 3694 kg D-30 - 3630 kg The C-10, which shares the same engine as the D-5/D-20, weighs in at 3484 kg, which explains why the performance is so much better. Power to Weight is a huge indicator of a plane’s performance,
My man this was one of the best st WT tier vids I have seen. I realize it would be a lot of work but this is a series in the making. Bf, Fw, Corsair etc etc. Instant subscribe.
i dont know whatever ur talking about but i actually like the p51d20, i use it for ground striking and i almost never lose fights in it, you just have to know how to use it
>i use it for ground striking and i almost never lose fights in it Might i suggest it's because you use it for ground RB, where the other players you meet in planes are like you, mostly focused on using them as CAS, not really paying much attention to the whole dogfighting aspect? Or rather, not how it actually works beyond place gun in front of enemy?
The D-20 is an Improved version of the D-5, and the J-26 is also a D-20. The D-20 has a higher top speed, is more manoeuvrable and has more ammunition.
Did you ever notice the antennas on the sides of the P-51 vertical stabilizer that are for the tail warning radar? It doesn't work in the game. If it did, there would be almost no way to sneak up behind a P 51 with this radar on. Other U.S. planes had the same tail radar. It wasn't limited to the P 51.
I have aced my P-51D-30 crew through sheer RP and SL and with enough experience you can do extremely well with this aircraft but even then its not a guarantee, it might just be that Im experienced enough to deal with Yak-3Us and I-225s but besides that everything you basically said is 100% true
The p-51 d-30 is absolutely dominant in sim battles. The only planes I fear while flying it are ki-84’s and yaks. Although if you’ve got a wingman the yak isn’t really a threat I’ve found. The ki-84 will be dangerous even if you’ve got 10 wingmen 😭
Don't forget to unload the fuselage fuel tank. It shifts the CG so back so the aircraft is very unstable and according to flight manual it is forbidden to perform maneuvers with full fuselage fuel tank. Late Mustang versions were intended to long range runs (across the channel).
it is fun to see when I see P51D10 on sale or people telling they bought it...................... but because i got it on warbond shop several years ago, back in 2017, one of my hardest farming moments in my entire life
Hey, fun fact: It isnt even only P-51s that are a mess, for those of you who love Spitfires, in multiple IWM museums, and wiki, and other places the Griffin 61 enging provided 600hp more than what Gaijin gives it. Thats not to mention the Mk24 (assuming gaijin added the actual Mk24 and not the Mk22 conversion) should have Hispano Mk Vs.
As an American, I was disappointed when the P51 was actually not great in WT. Since playing, I'm a big P-47 main now. Especially when you get into the higher tier bubbletop variants. The King of high altitude boom and zoom
They're a good "bomber" but with the actual capability of being able to defend itself or get away quickly... unlike actual bombers. The P-47s are easily my among favorite early BR planes.
In the overall, America's prop power goes for the navy planes, from the F-2 to F-8 all are amazing, there are a few exceptions being the cannon mustang and the P47 the good ones on the army side
As someone who plays mustangs a lot the D5 flys heavier than the d20-NA. Doesn’t clime quite as good either. The D-20 also accelerates better As for the 51-C variants. The F6C the French reconnaissance variant of the p-51 C -10. Can take 10 minutes less fuel in a match than any other 51 variant making its flight performance mimic the 51H at times. And the f6 in the hands of an experienced player will completely dominate a match at just 3.7 Also the p-51K has a different propeller that gives it better low end acceleration but it takes hit in energy retention after the prop was nerfed And the 51 D30 change is that it’s Merlin’s had more torque at different altitudes than the d20
One of the main issues with the D5 is that it gets uptiered most of the time unlike the C10. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't uptiered to 4.7 so often.
@@masonreppeto882 maybe, i mainly play the US and low to mid tier US planes are ablosute dogwater stock, mainly bc you just get .50 cals wich are terribly innacurate without upgrades
The P-51A is amazing! Basically you get a lighter version of the P-51 because it has 50cals instead of 20mm cannons, and for that you get better flight performance. Plus it's so rare that it feels like a treat to fly it! As for the F-82, you're seriously missing out. That thing is FANTASTIC! It's surprisingly maneuverable, has a climb rate almost as good as the P-51H but at a lower BR, and with the gun pod you have FOURTEEN 50cals all centred in the middle of the plane. You basically have a laser canon not unlike the TLS on the mf ADFX Morgan.
I'm personally a fan of the Apache, the six .50 cals plus the low BR plus the airspawn is a great combination for success. Sure the flight performance isn't amazing, but in my books it's good enough; with enough finesse on the pilot's end, you can get a lot out of this aircraft (especially considering the level of opponents you'll be facing).
I personally LOVE A-36. I feel like ranking via it's air vs air skills is doing it an big injustice. Its exceptional at ground and pound especially with it's belts and 250lb bombs and its nimble enough to handle its own in a fight. This makes it great for ground realistic and if the pilot is good enough it can dominate a lobby. Of course i am biased and im drawing from my own experience but I find myself returning to this plane often and would rank it an easy S
For me, the p51c, d5, d20, and d10 all put out 1490 hp at 100% throttle. at WEP p51c,d5,d20 pumps out 1630 hp, but the d10 is at 1782 hp, thats between the p51H power output at 100% throttle and WEP. From me my experience, these planes are required to be at WEP and stay at WEP cause there are so many planes that have engines close to the 1490hp mark and at wep can break past that. MEC settings i run for the 3.7 and 4.0 stangs is 100% prop pitch 90% radiator 80% oil radiator with those settings with WEP at takeoff from sea lvl i can climb 4,000 ft/min at IAS 160 mhp all the to somewhere around 7,000 to 8,000 feet height from there i go at IAS 240 mhp and climb at around 3,500 ft/min
I bought that premuim plane like 5 years ago but could never use it cause it sucked, but recently I was able to use it with really good success in simulator battles and grind my way to jets
in the chinese battlepass p51 i normally use ground belts because for some reason they feel like 20mm, i could shoot once at the enemy and he breaks into pieces like lego
Wonderful review. You are playing in RB only I see. Impressed how those planes perform. Usually as the game goes on my planes get sluggish and maneuver poorly... yours behave like AB
The Chinese P-51C-11-NT is actually better than the other C variants due to it possessing the same dorsal fin you get on the D variants unlike most of the other C model Mustangs, giving it better in air stability while maneuvering, it also possesses the bomb load outs of the C-10 unlike the Japanese and Swedish variants.
The pyörremyrsky is a Finnish plane. Yes, it’s found in the swedish techtree, but Finland hasn’t been a part of sweden since the early 1800s thanks to Napoleon.
This definitely under estimates the A-36, it turns just as good as any other P51 at high speed, and its insanely fast at its br made even more insane by its air spawn. The plane is dam near invulnerable and you should essentially never be shot down in it if you have the bare minimum level of skill, literally just preserve energy and don't go into extended dog fights, if someone starts turning with you go vertical and they are instantly in a energy trap. It speed is hilariously over powered, and while it looses power at high altitude no one is at high altitude at those brs and thanks to your air spawn you will be intercepting people way before they have a chance to climb and also probably a full 1-2km over them as well, you will always be faster then everyone on the enemy team except for Fw 190s, but you easily out dogfight 190s and plus you also easily turn with 109s and early Yaks, obviously only at higher speeds but you should never ever be at low speed in the A-36. Overall the A-36 is a god tier plane for its BR, the only thing more powerful then it at its BR would be the Ki-44-I. But the Ki-44-I is a complete UFO so that's being a bit unfair (It turns better then a zero while having a higher top speed and insanely good climb rate). For reference I have a 36-4 k/d in the A36 and a 108-6 k/d in the Ki-44. Though yes the A-36 is heavily carried by its exceptionally low BR and air spawn, but those are still massive advantages that you need to play pretty badly to throw away.
Regarding the D-5, it's not the drag, it's the weight and the new air foil suited for high altitude cruising as well as the supercharger gearing which too, got adjusted for high altitude. Once you're past the 4000m threshold, the D-5 and D-20 become rocket ships. Imho, US C-10, D-10, F-82, D-30 and H-5, are godly for their BRs, the C-10 can be brought up to 5.0 and it'll do just fine, at least from personal experience. If you know the weaknesses and how the Mustangs handle, none of them fall below A tier performance wise, including the Twinstang. Speaking of which, that plane with the pod is single-handedly more dangerous than the H-5 at it's current BR. Within 2km, its a no fly zone in front of that thing. Also, the H-5 is fine at 6.3, if you wanna experience what it's like to fly a prop fighter above that BR, fly the Mk.22 and Mk.24 Spitfires, the two single most hated props by Gaijin, since they can face jets that outperform them flat, unlike a 262A, Horten, He 162, the pos J21RA and the Yak-15/17 which are much more manageable. They are at a BR where they can encounter stuff like the F3D, the F-89s, F2H, Su-11, La-200, F-84G, M.D.450, Kikka and a few others... The P-51K, at least irl if I'm not mistaken, were just regular D-10s or D-20s that had a different propeller type made by a company in Texas, which was not the standard one designed by NAA; and that was the only reason it go the K model designation afaik.
There is one thing on the F6C different then the other P51C, it got only minimum 21 min fuel instead of 30 min, it should be much lighter but I haven't test it
A better climb rate will help a Mustang D's alot. Just getting massively outclimbed without sideclimbing is annoying. And when you do sideclimb 4-6 friendlies have died before you get to a height worth being at
Agree for air battle but if it’s an overall you need to put D-5 on S tier for me cause the cas option is amazing but again if it’s for airbattle i agree
You really should have covered the P-51A. It's an absolute monster at 3.0, being a lighter P-51 0.7 BR lower. 4x50cals are more than enough, it easily carries every match. S-tier for sure
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WoT ad on a WarThunder video is heretical. The Inquisition was informed
this is blasphemous
i got it for 13 quid and 15 days premium and 2000 GE and it is amazing
GET OUTTT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
So, are we just gonna ignore the World of Tanks add on a war thunder video? Lol
Edit: this blew up like the carousel in a T series tank
Let my boy get that cash
@@UltimEVB you know what I meant, my d key was sticking
You mean WoT aids? 😂
A War Thunder video with a World of Tank sponsor is just wild.
Yes it is😂
Honestly was going to say something about this and it's very funny
money is money
Ye, cause they arent even in the same genre
What a boss move premoting world of tanks on a warthunder video
Honestly the whole video feels weird. He seems to be dogfighting all the time. I hope he is aware that the Mustangs should start with an energy advantage so they can boom ‘n zoom. His marks are way too high if he really is dogfighting in them.
I'm showcasing dogfights because they are infinitely more interesting than the footage of me clicking on clueless noobs who didn't climb
@@BeerSougion If you like boring gameplay with most than half being noobs who don't even know what they are doing being stomped...
Even Defyn cuts a lot and shows almost only dogfights.
@@NayuzAqua You cannot find a lot of Defyn footage where he uses US planes with an energy disadvantage, only when he is in a bind because his team is already 3/4 dead
german planes using only 2 7.62s
Fun fact: Usually in War Thunder, mass produced (commonly used in history) version of a vehicle will be on the tech three for research and free unlock, while more unique variants of that same vehicle will go to the premium category, but this is not the case for the P-51.
The P-51 D-20 had 2,000 units produced, being the most produced variant among all variants of the P-51D and P-51 in general, yet it's a premium one.
While the P-51H only had about 500 units produced, ended up being one of the least common P-51 variants, yet it's now sitting in the tech three for research and free unlock.
Pure wtf gaijin moment.
Wasnt the EBR 1954 the most commonly produced EBR (a vehicle with a not insignifigant ammount produced)?
You can get the p 51 d20 for free in other tech trees
@@kizvy that makes it even more nonsense.
@@thewhitehousevietsubarchiv2625 how, you can get it very quickly in the Israeli tech tree or say the Chinese tech tree, in Israel you only have to grind 1 plane to get it
@@kizvy Grinding it was a mistake lol. The Sakeen is easier to plane ffs.
Fun fact, the only diffrence between the diffrent P-51D variants in game is the type of fuel it runs. The D-10 runs 100 octane fuel which was the standard US fuel for the entierty of the war, the D-5 and D-20 runs about 90 IIRC and the D-30 runs 115 which the US began field trials with in 1945.
the later D variants also get different guns and ammo counts, so you're wrong
I don't know about the fuel specifically, but d5/d20 engines run at 67" manifold pressure, d10 runs at 72", and d30 at 75". That is indeed the only big difference between them, although the airframes are also very slightly different. D20 and D30 have an ever so slightly lighter and less draggy airframe.
@@Liniyka those manifold pressures are consistent with the way the Packard engine reacted under the three different fuels, so it's a byproduct of the fuel. Otherwise, the planes are mechanically identical.
@@jansatamme6521 d30 and d5 also clearly have different tails. I believe due to stability lost when ditching the razor back for the bubble cantopy.
@@ushikiii And that canopy is a huge advantage in Sim...because you can see behind you much better, which makes it much harder for the enemy to sneak up on you.
Also the D-20 get's access to the K-14 sight, an early gyro sight.
Just don't fly the D on full internal fuel and expect to do aerobatics, that one tank in the back severely limits you.
Was a Problem in IL-2 Forgotten Battles/1946, because it didn't simulate Center of Gravity shift due to fuel burn, so you got stuck with your starting CG.
So I think nobody ever flew them above 70% internal fuel.
The D-30 is tuned for lower altitudes than the D-20, the D-30 is overall slower in level flight....but at 7,500 meters and up the D-20 is faster.
And if you go that high in anything but a 109 G-10, or G-6/AS or G-6/ASM or FW-190 D-9* or Me-262 you are barely croaking by.
The D-30 has maximum performance at 6,000-7,500 meters.
BTW what is the issue that Linikya has with the 4.0 Planes, you get to fight 109 F-4s and G-2s, the F-4 is best 109 but the P-51 is much faster and has more power at altitude.
If you need help beating a 109 F-4 in a P-51C or D the issue sits in front of the PC.
Sorry, but I see that in the IL-2s and DCS's that if you have skilled Pilots on the P-51D they will get 109s...if the pilot plays to the strengths of the P-51.
And unless you go very fast, above 400 km/h I wouldn't turnfight a 109 in a P-51, the 109 is stronger at low speeds, but looses massively above 400 km/h.
Also every soviet WW2 fighter is massively undertiered....to a ridiculous degree. The Yak-3U is post war, so it should face the P-51H and the other super-props.
However the US WW2 fighters are a close second....P-47D at 3.7....which means it often faces 109 F-2, F-4 and early 190s......yeah if you loose that fight, you suck, no two ways about it, because a well flown P-47, just like a well flown P-38, is pretty much untoucheable for a 109 F-4.
I've had tons of time in both 109s and the p-38 in the IL-2s, and a friend of mine is a major P-47 afficionado, you can't touch him if you let him gain altitude advantage.
The problem is that most US Fighters are kinda hard to use right, and most of their pilots suck, although not as bad as russian ones. (No not all soviet players, just the russian soviet ones. I know some good ones among them, but the majority of the WT Russian Soviet Mains really suck. I mean I've seen some of them seem to have such a lack of SA that they make a dead person look awake and some of them loose a fight in a Yak-3 to a 109 F-4. Yeah one of the best fighters of the late war loosing to an aircraft from mid-war. )
*the FW-190 D-9 Early with the high altitude tune which isn't in War Thunder....so take the D-12, D-13 OR Ta-152H instead.
The 109 K-4 can fly ok at that altitude but fighting a fighter is a bit more dicey.
Had to take it up to 8,250 m or 27,060 feet recently, in Sim EC, to block some high altitude bombers. Fine for bombers, but I wouldn't fancy my chances against a D-20 Mustang.
It always seemed odd to me how the P-51s are represented in WT. Like, for single engine fighters with light airframe and powerful engines, I expected better energy retention and acceleration. The BR of most of them seems very low compared to its historical counterparts
I think they are fine in terms of energy. The retention is definitely good as long as you don't go crazy with turning. The main problem, in my opinion, is the awkwardness that comes from bad roll at low speeds, bad rudder at high speeds and high stall speed
They treat it like a navy boom-and-zoom, but give it none of the defense. It’s shit in the game. Completely unrealistic.
Skill issue
@@Liniyka Yeah if the rudder lockup wasn't so freaking bad I might actually fly the damn things.
"""'''Light""""" Airframe compared to a P-47 or a F4U, but still WAY heavier than your avarage Axis/Soviet fighters or compared with the Spitfire.
People climb a lot in AAB. You get sh*t on from above every battle seconds after you spawn.
drop as soon as you spawn and then climb to their level from somewhere further where they cant detect you. If you keep them away at say 10km they cant spot you. Make sure their team mates are also at that range
@@SkillBasedGamer Why even queue?
US planes, you HAVE TO side climb outside of the fights, this way you stay undetected, get high above everyone else and come from the rear of the enemies to catch them off guard
@@evolvedego673 May work in ARB but in AAB you are spottet basically the entire time.
@@evolvedego673but The battle ends in 10 minutes
I am not happy about your oppinions on the F-82 and i will not have a civilised discussion.
The D-10 was the first Mustang I tried and is my favorite
For those of us who use more sophisticated units of measurement, that 3000 meters he mentioned is about 9800 feet or the wingspan of approximately 1452 bald eagles.
or about 1/25th of an african bush elephant.
@@TheIsemgrim well yes, but no.
Don’t speak of sophistication when Americans are the types of dumb window licking hillbillies to try and shoot hurricanes to death. And believe a stick of quarts can cure cancer with prayer to Christ
Shut up. And before you say I’m European or something. I’m American. And fully acknowledge our utterly shit behavior and education. Being someone who works in the education system i would know I unironically had a student who believed you could drive a ram pickup over the Atlantic Ocean to London England and wasn’t till I showed him (a high schooler btw). A map would he believe me.
Our economy is on the verge of a 3rd crash in 30 years. Our education system and standards rate amongst lower 3rd world countries And obesity is a serious problem because we refuse to legitimately take health and safety seriously even though our own food is actively killing us.
WT sim pilot here, I have loads of time in the D-30, and it’s a solid plane I have fun flying it
That’s because you get to manually pick which games you join (4.3-5.3 is where it shines, otherwise ju288 spam takes over)
Also, it might just be me, but all of the mustangs I’ve tried (don’t have the H yet) seem brutally underpowered
I agree. I don’t know why the D-30 gets so much hate, it’s an excellent plane. I’d put it third under the C-10 and H
I mainly play sim too and the P51 isn't really that good for it since you're really limited to boom and zoom, sim is not like realistic battles, boom and zooming isn't as easy as it is on there especially when the enemy is very low and you're forced to go down with very low visibility; the BF109 G-2 is easily better in every way at 4.3 I've destroyed many P51s myself using it
@@moon-soon eh, you’re right about having to dip really low and lose tons of energy, but if you play it right, you are nearly untouchable
BF109s can’t just dive away the same way, and compress way worse than p51s
It does piss me off that most people are at 500m and I have to lose so much energy to attack them
I usually cruise at 5000m because that’s where you can boom and zoom almost anyone
But if you play it slow and safe, you can attack most of anyone, and not get caught doing it
Do you use eye tracking or any special trick to fly and track targets outside?
@@wertherland I don’t, I just use the right stick of an Xbox controller, it really helps to understand the field of view of your aircraft and being able to predict the enemies flight path
As far as seeing them from afar, just looking for specs on the horizon and checking 360° helps a ton
Calling the f-82 ugly is the most un-American thing I’ve ever heard
Your experience in p51 mustang is so spot on and matching mine it is insane. I enjoyed H5 and C10, D5 was okay, but D30 was just horrible experience, I was happy when I was done spading it.
Ngl I've never really liked the C-10, and I HATE the Ds with a burning passion (and a burning plane). I do love the Early and the H-5 though.
I thought the d5 was dogshit whilst the d30 a lot better
@@pinguino5105then you clearly don’t fly them right.
I love the Ds, other than the 30, cause if flown right, pack a punch and you don’t ever have to dogfight. I average 2-3 kills a game in them, by far my best performance
@@aadvantagegold5220 How can you like them? They're heavy, have 0 engine power, and slower than most planes they meet below 15k ft.
The P-51C-10 flies better than the D-5 and D-30 whilst being lower BR
@@pinguino5105 Again, you’re probably flying it wrong. You HAVE to side climb. It’s an energy fighter, not a dog fighter. Side climb, wait for the furball to be dragged to the deck, and use energy to boom and zoom.
The P-51 is not bad in the game. The P-51, like most popular anything's, is an idiot magnet. A majority of people fly the plane, not because they understand how the plane was designed, not because they understand how dog fights in WW2 were evolving and how to best use the P-51 to achieve not dying, but because they recognize "P-51".
Most people think dog fighting, especially back in WW2 was "we turn in circles till one of us gets behind the other and shoots". That is the romanticized version of dogfighting. And it completely ignores energy fighting. Or vertical fighting, or however you want to call it.
For instance, I'm a 109 main, and the amount of "all you can do is run" dms I get would be enough for me to purchase Greenland. I'm not "running" I am extending. I'm moving to put my plane in such a position that you will need to bleed what energy you have stored dry long before you can touch me. Then I'm going to lazily loop in and bat you out of the sky.
It's so satisfying seeing a person in game, and immediately getting inside their head. I might as well be in control of their aircraft. Very few people recognize the trap, and even fewer people listen to that voice screaming it's a trap , bail. At one point recently, I singularly turned a game around because the entire team was chasing me to the Moon and getting swatted out of the sky.
Yes I play WT for the arcade mode. Don't at me realism try hards, I've got Falcon 4.0 and the IL-2 franchise for true realism.
On yak-3 question. There is a way to dogfight them but you need to adhere to strict MO. There's this one incredibly underrated youtuber called "-juno- takaleon" which made an amazing guide on how to dogfight using mustangs- I gained like 2mil SL using brit canon-stang (mostly using the "way of the pest") and still learned things from him. Guy is incredible and I cannot recommend him enough. His guides are gold!
9/10 yak 3 is gonna rinse the p51 ass
@@wongarnold2879 yes. Partially due to as wet Devs call "balancing around 20mm canons. Stang needs to hit multiple times yak, while yaks 20mm canons with their 3g of TNT hit harder than mg151 with their 20g of tnt or hispanos with 15g of tnt.
He is realy good. I saw him :)
@@wongarnold2879 Як 3 сильный только на первых 2 витках - дальше он также теряет энергию. Если не играть правильно закрылками, то это фиаско) Я на них играю еще с первого дня их появления в игре)
11:20 Bf-109 K-4 pilot fumbled so bad, it was painful to watch
3:20 the only time I ever bring gun pods on the a36 is when I’m hunting bombers in sim, there having the extra firepower helps when trying to get those few lucky shots when trying to aim with a flight stick. It really helps out for it
The nice thing with the f82 is, unlike the h5 you can hold down WEP the whole game. Ive done it and my oil never went orange for heat
@@zombienuker5390 P-51 radiator drag is extremely low. You can run full rads with minimal tradeoffs with any of the P-51s, and never overheat. Just run MEC. Easy to do, just set pitch and rads at 100% and you’re good.
@@TheSierraMadre_ If I run the rudder at 100% pitch I still overheat eventually. But at 95% pitch I can WEP until I run out of fuel
@@SkillBasedGamer P-51 on 100% pitch and rads will never overheat. You will not ever need to reduce to 95%.
F-82 is actually fun interceptor/heavy fighter/attacker. It has lots of firepower, it's fast and very survivable. Sometimes you can land without wing even when the game already have credited you as a kill. It lives and dies by the speed, but in full up tier against la9's, tempests, He162... it loses the only workable edge it has.
Or u can join MEC-master race and always wep?
Most of us brought the D-20 pack (when it goes 50% off) do to the pack value, not for the flying junk that came with it.
And I'm so terrified of that OP A-36 (not just do to it can face planes that has a mobility-scooter engine to "pull" them) that I avoid them at all coasts, even in a A6M or shitfire.
A-36 is probably one of the least effective P-51 except for the C model or anything with just 4 .50
@@jerryalbus1492 But the A-36 has 6 50'cals! 4 in the wings 2 in the nose. + optional gunpods.
How frigging ironic I wrecked an A-36 in an *IL-2* just by making him overshoot I don't remember how LOL
I killed one with a yakk 2 kabb on sim in co alt. @@svidentkyrponos7530
@@jerryalbus1492the P-51C is extremely effective, you just need to get better. That thing is amazing at that br. Super fast, great climb, pretty nimble, great energy retention. The guns are weak but not too weak to use, and the performance definitely allows you to get plenty of shots
the D-30 is a pretty good plane no matter if there is an uptier or not. And the C stang if used properly in a dogfight can duel Yak-3 albeit with some difficulty it can do it
Maybe. My personal experience was very sad due to constant uptiers into Yak-3Us and the fact that D-10 is more or less the same but at 4.3
The Yak 3-U definitely dumpsters the D-30
The c stang cannot duel a yak3 lmao
Even the yak3(e) at 4.0 beats the c stang at everything except rip speed. And very high alt performance maybe.
I think the yak3 may actually be faster on the deck, assuming you dont dive to deck to gain speed.
Agility and climb rate is not even comparable.
Dont get me wrong the mustang c is probably the best 3.7 along with the p47, but theres so many busted 4.0s and 4.3s
Its a good plane compared to previous models, but its not by a significant margin. At 5.0 and above you will see a lot of extremely competitive planes that will outclimb you, outturn you, and easily keep up with you in terms of speed or just straight up outrun you. Planes like Yak3U, and Spitfire LF Mk 9 will easily rail you, Griffons will easily rail you, 190-D actually beats the D30 in a dogfight. 109K-4 is basically does everything D-30 does but better, Hornet and Ki 83 will bully you all day, coz the D-30 will pretty much never catch them, nor outclimb especially with their airspawn, La-9/La-7 easily outperforms you, Japanese fighters like J2M, Ki-84, A7M will easily outclimb you, and you cant do anything to them other than run away and try force a risky head-on, your practically helpless against Ta-152H. Your basically a 4.0 plane uptiered to 6.0 when your fighting those planes and other similar planes with similar performance in an uptier. P-51D30 needs altitude to be competitive, and it takes a while to be competitive because it doesnt exactly have a good climb rate. Its only marginally better than P47 at low altitude fighting, but its still bad at it. Your forced to side climb harder most planes and by the time you reach a good amount of altitude, the game is either over for your team and you end up in a 1v6, or over for the enemy team and you find nothing to kill. D-30 should be 4.7 at best.
@@notfunny3397 Agreed!
The. Yak-3. Should. Not. Be. BR. 4.0!!!
It's a late 1944 plane at the earliest and one of the best Fighters of WW2, at least at low altitude. It should by rights be 5.0 or 5.3.
And that's the early version.
The LA-9, being a post-war design should be 6.3 or 6.7....not 5.7.
Now some of the US stuff like the P-47 is hillariously undertiered compared to the opposition.
Seriously for any of the other trees, seing the US and USSR complain about the other being undertiered seems just like a bad joke.
The F-6C deserves it time in the spotlight bc of its 20min minimum fuel load
It ends up being almost the same as the C-10, in fact it's a tiny bit worse due to having more drag
it's also better in simulator due to it's malcolm hood canopy providing a better view, but overall not that big of a difference
babe wake up, new liniyka video arrived
babe wake up a other npc comment
@@RE-zl7sy ong
4:32 "total ammo isn't amazing" meanwhile me in D.371 H.S.9 with total 60 rounds XD
We got War Thunder video sponsored by WoT before GTA VI 😅
One thing, the d5/d20 have very powerful cas loadout, before gaijin separates the ground rb and air rb br system, 4.0 is by no means bad.
P63A10 and P63C5 also goats
Hate how the minimum fuel is 30 mins, while almost every other plane (even jets) can take 9 to 10 minimum fuel
The minimum is 30% of the full tank for all planes. The P-51’s primary role as a long range - high/medium altitude escort means it needed enough fuel to keep up with U.S. bombers. This also means its fuel load minimum is going to be a high number.
@pugasaurusrex8253 So Gaijin just sticks to the realism sometimes,while sometimes not giving shit...
Who would ve thought.
Especially the bomber escort argument makes me laugh, if you know how the actual gameplay looks like. Waiting for fully customisable fuel, if I have the last 1v1 with 3 min on the clock, what the f.. do I need a 30min!?
Hell, the game time is 25!
@@pugasaurusrex8253 Maybe having 30% of the full tank *shouldn't* be the case?
Maybe they should patch that and let people take less than 30% fuel specifically for aircraft like this that have a lot of fuel tanks?
Just let people take less than 20 minutes of fuel. Right now it's 31 minutes whilst the matches only last 25... How can anyone defend that?
The thing that throws most people off when playing the Mustang (especially the D-variants) is the fact that its best manouverability is at speeds significantly higher than most other fighters. It definetly is superior in manouverability at high speeds comapred to most other fighters, but not due to being inhernetly more manouverable, but to locking not as bad as other fighters plus it's pretty good high speed energy retention due to being slightly heavier than most other single engined fighters.
Its best flight envelope basically is on the opposide side of the spectrum compared to a Zero but keeping a plane there takes a lot more concios effort.
And since you complained about the low speed roll rate of the p-51, I suggest to you to actually try the F-82. Its elevator authority is meh, limting its turn rate, but boi can that thing roll, for a twin engined fighter.
This. I learned pretty quickly that the P-51s famous dogfighting performance only really shows up at very high speeds, then it kinda clicked for me that energy means life in that plane more than most.
I'm a horrible shot though, so I often can only win 1-2 dogfights in enduring confrontation before being dragged down to the deck at lower speeds where the P-51 is an absolute dog... I quickly learned how to fight the plane even in this situation, at its absolute worst. So.... Japanese teams in particular, I have to do this a lot on. I will throw out combat, takeoff, and then sometimes landing flaps if I'm slow at treetop level... Japanese pilots expect to just out maneuver you no matter what the situation... So it turns into a nasty surprise for them when suddenly right down near stall speeds, the P-51 can out turn them
She belonged on that show. I'll never forget the day she became a shuttle pilot, the look on Apollo's face, Boomer and Jolly got drunk, Colonel Tie was pissed...good times.
Having a squad of 4 a36 with gunpods is so fun. I loved that plane when i started
IM GOONING TO THIS RN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the planes that won the war was the strategic bombers that kept the german wonder weapons on the drawing board
The plane that won the war was probably the Il-2
None of the wunderwaffe would have won Germany the war
Well, I'm not sure if wonder weapons would've made a difference. There are 1000 reasons why Germany lost, and lack of wunderwaffe is not one of them
and who do you think protected those planes hm?
Blah blah blah
I love when war thunder videos have different vehicle combat games as sponsors
I keep coming back to this video for reference as I'm a total Air RB noob :) Thank you for this!
Funny how the 50 cal works for everyone but me. And it’s not a skill issue. I will put hundreds of rounds into enemy planes but nothing happens. Then I have my wing ripped off by a 7.92 mm gun. It’s like the game hates me
Try Ground Targets belt
@@justmarc2015 I have the one that seems to work better than the others is universal for some reason
Convergence? Ping?
It’s WT
WT hate’s Everyone
@@ComfortsSpecter true
The fundamental problem with the P-51 as a plane - no matter the variant - is that it's a "high-alt escort" that takes forever and a day to get to said high alt, performs terribly at any alt, and its hard counter is a brain. I have never lost to a P-51 because of the fact it was a P-51, it's always because I was already in a bad spot that any monoprop fighter would have beat me in anyway.
I think you are a bit too harsh on them. They are a bit awkward to use, but stuff like 51C and 51H are VERY strong
@@Liniykathose 2 p51s are good, but the us teams are notoriously bad.
One time I used the p51 with Hispano cannons to silence an angry trash talking bf109 who was trash talking my team, it was very fun
I CANNOT believe this Twin Mustang slander. It is a beautiful aircraft, and I hope we someday get more of them (preferably the P-82B mustangs with the more powerful merlin engines than the rest of the production P-82s, and preferably in the tech tree).
The 20 NA is a beast in sim if you know how to boom and zoom, which was the planes real life effective tactic.
2:58 put the gun pods on it, load it up with stealth belts and rain hell from above
Also the A-36 ended up staying in my lineup until i got like, the p-61C
Going from the D to the H is something else you get to seal club in the right circumstances
'These days people don't really climb anymore [...]'
Meanwhile me: alone at 6000m.
Great video, maybe you could do the same type of ranking with all the Bf 109's?
I did think about it, depends on how much interest there is in this format
Yes please, especially the different G models, like why would you play the G-14 if you have G-6. No idea what the differences are.
I love it when my rudder experiences completely unhistorical lockups
I play mostly american GRB, and I'm at 6.0 rn. I'm still using the A-36 as my weapon of choice because it can screw up open-tops or light armored vehicles and it's camo makes it almost invisible if you're flying low. It's super fun obliterating enemy CAS with it :3.
The differences between the D-5, 10, 20, and 30 I heard described like this
D-5 has the heavier airframe and worse engine
D-10 has heavier airframe but the better engine
D-20 has a lighter airframe but a worse engine
D-30 has a lighter airframe and better engine
D-20 and D-10 weight is identical.
D-5 is actually the heaviest by a slight margin at 3714 kg.
D-10/D-20 - 3694 kg
D-30 - 3630 kg
The C-10, which shares the same engine as the D-5/D-20, weighs in at 3484 kg, which explains why the performance is so much better. Power to Weight is a huge indicator of a plane’s performance,
Ive actually loved the D-30. I haven’t had many issues with it honestly. That, the C-10 and the H-5 are probably one of my favorites personally
My man this was one of the best st WT tier vids I have seen. I realize it would be a lot of work but this is a series in the making. Bf, Fw, Corsair etc etc. Instant subscribe.
Yeah, I am planning on covering those in similar videos. Stay tuned!
@@Liniyka cannot. Wait.
Hey Great review man! Really helped me to get to know my Mustangs.
Thank you! My pleasure
i dont know whatever ur talking about but i actually like the p51d20, i use it for ground striking and i almost never lose fights in it, you just have to know how to use it
>i use it for ground striking and i almost never lose fights in it
Might i suggest it's because you use it for ground RB, where the other players you meet in planes are like you, mostly focused on using them as CAS, not really paying much attention to the whole dogfighting aspect? Or rather, not how it actually works beyond place gun in front of enemy?
The D-20 is an Improved version of the D-5, and the J-26 is also a D-20. The D-20 has a higher top speed, is more manoeuvrable and has more ammunition.
Did you ever notice the antennas on the sides of the P-51 vertical stabilizer that are for the tail warning radar? It doesn't work in the game. If it did, there would be almost no way to sneak up behind a P 51 with this radar on. Other U.S. planes had the same tail radar. It wasn't limited to the P 51.
I have aced my P-51D-30 crew through sheer RP and SL and with enough experience you can do extremely well with this aircraft but even then its not a guarantee, it might just be that Im experienced enough to deal with Yak-3Us and I-225s but besides that everything you basically said is 100% true
I'm at about 460 games with my British Mustang. It's easily one of the best planes I've ever used in WT. I've made 800 kills to 300 deaths.
I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I only really liked the P-51 with the 20mm Hispano cannons
51C is a better plane, but cannonstang is definitely fun just because of cannons alone
@@Liniyka the c-10?
I used to hate it's guts, now I kinda like it. Fast, heavy hitter.
the raw damage from the formerly Hisparkos now make up for its lack of thrust
And when used in GRB, 20 mm shreds light tanks and most plane fights are at low altitude, really letting it shine!
The p-51 d-30 is absolutely dominant in sim battles. The only planes I fear while flying it are ki-84’s and yaks. Although if you’ve got a wingman the yak isn’t really a threat I’ve found. The ki-84 will be dangerous even if you’ve got 10 wingmen 😭
Don't forget to unload the fuselage fuel tank. It shifts the CG so back so the aircraft is very unstable and according to flight manual it is forbidden to perform maneuvers with full fuselage fuel tank. Late Mustang versions were intended to long range runs (across the channel).
it is fun to see when I see P51D10 on sale or people telling they bought it...................... but because i got it on warbond shop several years ago, back in 2017, one of my hardest farming moments in my entire life
Playing a world of tanks ad on a war thunder vid is straight up devious
The A-36 is great for sim, doesn´t let you lose control
my pc glitched out as soon as bro whipped out the double mustang
Hey, fun fact: It isnt even only P-51s that are a mess, for those of you who love Spitfires, in multiple IWM museums, and wiki, and other places the Griffin 61 enging provided 600hp more than what Gaijin gives it.
Thats not to mention the Mk24 (assuming gaijin added the actual Mk24 and not the Mk22 conversion) should have Hispano Mk Vs.
As an American, I was disappointed when the P51 was actually not great in WT. Since playing, I'm a big P-47 main now. Especially when you get into the higher tier bubbletop variants. The King of high altitude boom and zoom
They're a good "bomber" but with the actual capability of being able to defend itself or get away quickly... unlike actual bombers.
The P-47s are easily my among favorite early BR planes.
In the overall, America's prop power goes for the navy planes, from the F-2 to F-8 all are amazing, there are a few exceptions being the cannon mustang and the P47 the good ones on the army side
The a-36 shines in arcade battles because you can carry bombs and reload is quick and you have a decent fighter after each drop
As someone who plays mustangs a lot the D5 flys heavier than the d20-NA. Doesn’t clime quite as good either. The D-20 also accelerates better
As for the 51-C variants. The F6C the French reconnaissance variant of the p-51 C -10. Can take 10 minutes less fuel in a match than any other 51 variant making its flight performance mimic the 51H at times. And the f6 in the hands of an experienced player will completely dominate a match at just 3.7
Also the p-51K has a different propeller that gives it better low end acceleration but it takes hit in energy retention after the prop was nerfed And the 51 D30 change is that it’s Merlin’s had more torque at different altitudes than the d20
The WOT ad in a warthunder video was like a mental flashbang
One of the main issues with the D5 is that it gets uptiered most of the time unlike the C10. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't uptiered to 4.7 so often.
un-upgraded P51 with the 20mm cannons is TRASH.
Unupgraded all of these are fucking heavy hot trash
in general planes without upgrades are absoutly usless
@@woocashP This is simply not true. Zeros,yaks and spitfires are all very solid even stock, just to name a few.
@@masonreppeto882 maybe, i mainly play the US and low to mid tier US planes are ablosute dogwater stock, mainly bc you just get .50 cals wich are terribly innacurate without upgrades
The P-51A is amazing! Basically you get a lighter version of the P-51 because it has 50cals instead of 20mm cannons, and for that you get better flight performance. Plus it's so rare that it feels like a treat to fly it! As for the F-82, you're seriously missing out. That thing is FANTASTIC! It's surprisingly maneuverable, has a climb rate almost as good as the P-51H but at a lower BR, and with the gun pod you have FOURTEEN 50cals all centred in the middle of the plane. You basically have a laser canon not unlike the TLS on the mf ADFX Morgan.
I'm personally a fan of the Apache, the six .50 cals plus the low BR plus the airspawn is a great combination for success. Sure the flight performance isn't amazing, but in my books it's good enough; with enough finesse on the pilot's end, you can get a lot out of this aircraft (especially considering the level of opponents you'll be facing).
the P51 20mm carries my plane lineup even at 4.7
I knew it. I always had a feeling that my Swedish P-51 was worse than the American ones but now it's finally been confirmed.
Ahh, the A36. My Bf109 E3’s favorite food.
I Completly agree with your tier!
I got the premium P51-D-20NA (USA) for £3.50 on the VE day sale.
Worth every penny.
World of tanks ad on a war thunder video? The snail council shall decide your fate
Bro putting a world of tanks ad in a war thunder video is wild 😂
I personally LOVE A-36. I feel like ranking via it's air vs air skills is doing it an big injustice. Its exceptional at ground and pound especially with it's belts and 250lb bombs and its nimble enough to handle its own in a fight. This makes it great for ground realistic and if the pilot is good enough it can dominate a lobby. Of course i am biased and im drawing from my own experience but I find myself returning to this plane often and would rank it an easy S
I always liked the P-51D 20 (us prem) was my first ever prem aircraft and i still use it quite a lot to this day especially in grb
For me, the p51c, d5, d20, and d10 all put out 1490 hp at 100% throttle. at WEP p51c,d5,d20 pumps out 1630 hp, but the d10 is at 1782 hp, thats between the p51H power output at 100% throttle and WEP. From me my experience, these planes are required to be at WEP and stay at WEP cause there are so many planes that have engines close to the 1490hp mark and at wep can break past that. MEC settings i run for the 3.7 and 4.0 stangs is 100% prop pitch 90% radiator 80% oil radiator with those settings with WEP at takeoff from sea lvl i can climb 4,000 ft/min at IAS 160 mhp all the to somewhere around 7,000 to 8,000 feet height from there i go at IAS 240 mhp and climb at around 3,500 ft/min
I'd love an episode like this with spitfires, would be so cool!!
I bought that premuim plane like 5 years ago but could never use it cause it sucked, but recently I was able to use it with really good success in simulator battles and grind my way to jets
in the chinese battlepass p51 i normally use ground belts because for some reason they feel like 20mm, i could shoot once at the enemy and he breaks into pieces like lego
Wonderful review. You are playing in RB only I see. Impressed how those planes perform. Usually as the game goes on my planes get sluggish and maneuver poorly... yours behave like AB
Thanks, although I'm not even a good player. Look up a few guides, practice and you'll be slaying noobs in no time
The Chinese P-51C-11-NT is actually better than the other C variants due to it possessing the same dorsal fin you get on the D variants unlike most of the other C model Mustangs, giving it better in air stability while maneuvering, it also possesses the bomb load outs of the C-10 unlike the Japanese and Swedish variants.
Imagine Gaijin adding tons of p-51d's but no p-51b got added
Just because I suck doesn't mean i'm bad
I think it would be awesome if you did a video like this for the other planes like the fw190, spitfires and bf109s
The pyörremyrsky is a Finnish plane. Yes, it’s found in the swedish techtree, but Finland hasn’t been a part of sweden since the early 1800s thanks to Napoleon.
This definitely under estimates the A-36, it turns just as good as any other P51 at high speed, and its insanely fast at its br made even more insane by its air spawn. The plane is dam near invulnerable and you should essentially never be shot down in it if you have the bare minimum level of skill, literally just preserve energy and don't go into extended dog fights, if someone starts turning with you go vertical and they are instantly in a energy trap. It speed is hilariously over powered, and while it looses power at high altitude no one is at high altitude at those brs and thanks to your air spawn you will be intercepting people way before they have a chance to climb and also probably a full 1-2km over them as well, you will always be faster then everyone on the enemy team except for Fw 190s, but you easily out dogfight 190s and plus you also easily turn with 109s and early Yaks, obviously only at higher speeds but you should never ever be at low speed in the A-36.
Overall the A-36 is a god tier plane for its BR, the only thing more powerful then it at its BR would be the Ki-44-I. But the Ki-44-I is a complete UFO so that's being a bit unfair (It turns better then a zero while having a higher top speed and insanely good climb rate). For reference I have a 36-4 k/d in the A36 and a 108-6 k/d in the Ki-44. Though yes the A-36 is heavily carried by its exceptionally low BR and air spawn, but those are still massive advantages that you need to play pretty badly to throw away.
bro started a war thunder video witha world of tanks ad 💀💀
My personal favorite is the P-51 Early with the Hispano 20mm cannons.
Regarding the D-5, it's not the drag, it's the weight and the new air foil suited for high altitude cruising as well as the supercharger gearing which too, got adjusted for high altitude. Once you're past the 4000m threshold, the D-5 and D-20 become rocket ships.
Imho, US C-10, D-10, F-82, D-30 and H-5, are godly for their BRs, the C-10 can be brought up to 5.0 and it'll do just fine, at least from personal experience.
If you know the weaknesses and how the Mustangs handle, none of them fall below A tier performance wise, including the Twinstang. Speaking of which, that plane with the pod is single-handedly more dangerous than the H-5 at it's current BR. Within 2km, its a no fly zone in front of that thing.
Also, the H-5 is fine at 6.3, if you wanna experience what it's like to fly a prop fighter above that BR, fly the Mk.22 and Mk.24 Spitfires, the two single most hated props by Gaijin, since they can face jets that outperform them flat, unlike a 262A, Horten, He 162, the pos J21RA and the Yak-15/17 which are much more manageable. They are at a BR where they can encounter stuff like the F3D, the F-89s, F2H, Su-11, La-200, F-84G, M.D.450, Kikka and a few others...
The P-51K, at least irl if I'm not mistaken, were just regular D-10s or D-20s that had a different propeller type made by a company in Texas, which was not the standard one designed by NAA; and that was the only reason it go the K model designation afaik.
There is one thing on the F6C different then the other P51C, it got only minimum 21 min fuel instead of 30 min, it should be much lighter but I haven't test it
please do a video on the hurricanes in the british tech tree
A better climb rate will help a Mustang D's alot. Just getting massively outclimbed without sideclimbing is annoying. And when you do sideclimb 4-6 friendlies have died before you get to a height worth being at
I remember the good days when the c-10 was tier 3 and it had 6 .50 cals
Agree for air battle but if it’s an overall you need to put D-5 on S tier for me cause the cas option is amazing but again if it’s for airbattle i agree
You really should have covered the P-51A. It's an absolute monster at 3.0, being a lighter P-51 0.7 BR lower. 4x50cals are more than enough, it easily carries every match. S-tier for sure