I think it’s fun to see low Elo games as it’s straight coin flips while high elo is pretty polished gameplay so idk if I’m explaining it well but my experience in low Elo hasn’t been as bad as most are saying i find it alright
i mean it´s not that disconnected from high elo CC´s, most of them are telling the almost exact same things. dont tilt / you can´t win all / focus on YOURself but yes this was a cool video
I m often playing with friend in low elo and it feels not so different than when I play in master. It s just that nobody knows what they are doing. People fidget around, pick a fight or lane at random. But since they know it’s a 5v5 game, they often group in late on objective spawning, which is very standard across all elo. The difference is the lack of setup and the lack of gameplan behind decisions. Most notable difference is probably the mindset. Despite flame being somewhat consistent across elos, low elos have no self blame, introspection, self focus or whatsoever. Basically, good mental for improving * play time = high elo You can’t advise a low elo player other than telling him to play the game more (not necessary since it’s probably not where he is lacking) and to learn to improve which is basically spotting mistakes/weakness + thinking about a way to improve + practice and reminding to make it automatic. I launched a gold friend into master games and after 3 games he found out that he was mechanically superior to them but had no strategy or anything, was trying to win fights and not game, that high elo was ultra boring and strategy based, and that he actually didn’t want to get better at the game, but only on his mechanics. And I was actually in that mindstate and hardstuck plat for multiple seasons before deciding to learn and improve and just skyrocket.
you feel like you would like to watch mid elo players? i often think about starting but then i am like “im just a plat, who cares about my gameplays, all i can do is to act like a clown if i want views” serious opinions please
honestly my thoughts as a master player (wheather thats high elo for u or not) is just low elo players are mostly delusional even when they are in low elo, but thats just my expirience
As a challenger player it’s so interesting to hear other peoples takes on the game from lower elos. I coach pro players and pro teams so I’m personally surrounded by people who know almost everything about the game. And it was interesting to hear how you spoke about the challenges you face in this vid. No real feedback I just enjoyed the content. Have a great day 👍
@@TeemoUnitestart by removing "1v9" from your vocabulary. That idea implies people on your team are intentionally sabotaging your game and that's very toxic for your mental. Try to do your job. If your carries are fed, protect them. If you are the carry, be cautious. Don't be a hero. Treat other players as bots. Mute them if you need to. Watch your replays if you are above Gold. Focus on improving. Quiz yourself of things you seem to forget. Make learning objectives and try to get better at them, one at a time (tracking enemy laner Summoner spells for example or play safer when your jingler is on the other side of the map, etc). Screen record your game and find a Discord group and ask them to help you find your mistakes if you can't see them yourself. There is no 1v9. There is no 1v5. There is you and your champion needing to do a job. If you do your job well, you will win a lot. And, just to be clear, doing your job is really fking hard. It takes deliberate practice. So fix that mental attitude towards the game and respect everyone playing. Nobody is out there to ruin your game and if they do, report them. It's surprisingly effective nowadays. But in general just mute instantly whoever even start to use chat badly and focus on yourself. Good luck 👍
Im a Silver4 player and I liked how simple and straightforward the video was. Im focusing on a lot of details to improve in League, but simple keeping a cool mindset won me way more games. Something I often forget and it makes me struggle to climb by feeding the enemy laner too much.
coming from someone who has reached diamond or higher in every game ive played competitively, mindset is everything. there sure is plenty that goes into many of these games, but a good mental and mindset is imo the most important thing. its the gatekeeper to so many other aspects of the game. spending time thinking about urself instead of flaming teammates is invaluable. so many ppl are fixated on certain things, but man, if ur able to take a step back, "look at urself in 3rd person" and disconnect urself from the mindset of habits, u will easily climb out of low elo in any game. to make an example, i have plenty of friends that i know have tried to improve by watching content, studying and researching etc... but simply go back to their habits when they go into the game. always question if u did the correct play even if it worked or didnt work. always question if u couldve done it better, and how, no matter the outcome.
Biggest tip there is, is to get better macro gameplay. Everyone in low elo have very bad macro and makes mistakes all the time. I climbed from gold4 to low masters last season while watching Agurin and Tarzaned. It really was a game changer.
Love the mentality, as Silver surfer I also Never let tilt catch me. I suck at the Game and I know it. Thats why I am not Challenger. Improving Skills is the fun part. Winning Games and climbing is the Cherry on the top
When I used to play I have like this anxiety for ranked queue. My heartbeat would rise and I will feel nervous as soon as I get into drafting phase. During each game I would feel conscious of my every action, and I will start to tilt on myself when I miss CS or lose fights. Some people are indeed just stuck in the toxic loop, but in my experience, I would be tilted when I am doing pretty well and my team starts to give enemies advantages. I stopped playing years ago, and never looked back, but I'm afraid there are a lot more people like me who are just ultra nervous the entire time, and your comment about the low elo players all feeling like they are on edge reminds me of my past experience. Maybe some of these are indeed just trigger-happy toxic gamers, but maybe some of them are just tired and stressed like I was.
i have the same nervous feeling in champ select, you never know what the game ur about to enter has in store. I don't think youre missing much its still super toxic i usually just /mute all each game and its not the worst thing in the world i can still see pings. I am under constant stress during games and so nervous any deaths toplane are just gonna lead me getting one shot by a full tank late game. Whatever is causing people to be toxic it is 100% a team game and its so hard to get 4 others to have the same ideas and execute.
Same feeling its also the reason why i dodge if i see any toxicity in chat before the game even begins or when the enemy team has a more solid and better team comp.
@@amshash Jross and another comment mention that you need to understand the root of your anxiety. It's possible to get over it with more practice. I decided to leave the game since I wasn't doing well with my mental health. If you have supportive friends, you can try to communicate with them about the nervousness and hopefully be there for you to work through it.
In my opinion those people who are stressed/anxious are the less toxic ones, as they are more likely to overthink and comment on their own gameplay above teammates
you arent wrong I played rocket league semi professionally and when i was grinding to get better i had 0 ego i was trying to learn and get better, the outcome of the game didnt matter as much as what i can learn from it. if you are in a bad headspace then you will lose way more, mentality causes way more issues than people think
HEY I saw you on Curtis channel and wanted to come answer this question you had at 0:30 Its honestly because the game is complex. People dont recognize their mistakes and then to cope they think, it must have been someone elses fault, they redirect. Its being stuck in the first two or three stages of grief. Denial, Anger, Depression. And often times when people reach acceptance, their answer is to quit the game or just play goofy for fun and let their rank decline again. I know because I was there. I was a top 15% Dota player years ago and decided that the game wasnt fun anymore. So I played for fun, let my rank collapse, and eventually moved on. Cheers.
We also say back in Dota, that your mental is half your rank. There is no FF in Dota, trolls get to ruin your life for 45 minutes but we all know, if we can carry some of those games thats gonna put our winrate above 50% and were ginna make it through ya know.
OH AND YOUR ALSO RIGHT. Its CORRECT to build some protections as a carry. Because consider this. Compared to a mage or an assassian, a carry never runs out of damage. If you can oneshot someone and they never get to play the game, thats objectively the strongest thing. So why would we have a damage dealer who specializes in SUSTAINED damage? Because an assassian will never be able to oneshot a tank. And it should be VERY hard to oneshot a bruiser. A mage/assassian runs out of damage. This is where the carry comes in. The core duty of the carry role, is tank busting. But that takes time, so you need ONESHOT RESISTANCE. So GET an armor item, GET your Maw, GET a quicksilver. Because Its Trench warfare. Your job is to keep a machine gun loaded and make everyting in your attack range a no mans land that noone wants to charge. Assassians and Tanks both should be hesitating to EVER just run at you. Through a combination of constant Dps, kiting, oneshot resistance, and having your team around. Personally, Im a Xayah player here. Run at me and Im just going to dodge your oneshot and root you in front of my team. Fun, challenging, defensive, high cc. Rewarding.
100% agree with the stages of grief and it’s common with any competitive game, in my experience across the many multiplayer games I’ve played it’s very rare you’ll notice someone mention oh my bad for this and then move on usually it’s a player who points fingers even when they’re 100% in the wrong.
i went from bronze to d2 in few seasons and i think the most important thing is basis like objectives, knowing ur champions, playing 1 role, knowing how to play on map and its also good when u have good skill
ive had kinda a cynic view on ranked after kinda stagnating in d4/d3 but this kind of content always somehow motivates me to at least try knowing theres always something you can learn or enjoy playing the game. gl in your future games king 👑
After coming from a super tilting team were i was 4/0 with an 1/19 shaco/yi-botlane the things you said about staying calm and collected are so right. Iimmediately felt relieved after you said these things and realized you are 100% right. Thanks bro
as an emerald player, i would say the most important thing in order to climb out of low elo is just simply turning off chat and actually knowing how your champion works. you will be better than 90% of the players in iron-silver
Nah I've seen that early game (intelligent) aggression makes the game pretty easy. The more you make people think and get desperate the faster they lose their cool and the easier it becomes. I'm only gold 2 but I was silver 2 a week ago
@@anthonygrassi4690 its not about agression, its about knowing when and how to make the correct play. thus you need to know your champion and you need to limit test so you know what you can and cant do. this way you gain more and more knowledge and if you actually use this knowledge you will climb.
Dont forget to turn off the pings. I usually keep chat running becauae it's fun to see them tilt and to not follow a tilted int-ing player too close..but pings have no use in solo que if you can make good calls
What you said in the first two minutes about the mental aspect is super important and a real game changer for everyone playing in bronze-platinum. Like improving that stuff alone can make you climb fast
This is a great vid about low elo, I’ve never had trouble climbing out of any of the ranks up till plat where I haven’t tried to climb out of yet. But my mentality couldn’t of been better reflected in this video. League ranked is a mental test and the best way to play league is to try no to tilt, play the best you can, understand not every game is winnable. But also understand in every league game there is something you can do better and improve on. Thinking you’re better than your own rank is a noob trap. Always hold yourself accountable in a league game if you want to improve.
ima a jng main, naturally gifted at pathing and knowing when to fight and when not to saying that like entering the game i just knew more than other beginners and am usually winning in jng vs jng it’s usually one laner who’s entirely getting shit on that ends up us losing that game, usually i pick a champ that can 1v9 have been silver ik i said gifted but for being silver in my first 5 months i feel like that’s not bad, entered this season hit silver 1 was hoping to go good then just had 3 losing lanes every game for a 40-50 stretch where i’d win 1 lose 3 fell back down to silver 3, was upset have always been a good laner but everytime i go top i have a fed boy every time i’m mis it’s usually both boy and top and i’m good at every champ and not playing to aggressive and warding to prevent jnger to f over my lane, i have porofessor and i’m 90% always given unganksble laner meaning i don’t die to ganks, anyways as jng i always play for bot, almost never ganking top, maybe once or twice a whole game, i feel like bot lanes win u games soemtimes mid, and so i had that fall back down to silver was like damn i have a 64% wr after my fall been winning jng jus keep getting losing lanes, now ik ur saying, enemy jng prolly outganked prolly did more objs no, not at all, it’s really i give my laners the lead and they die, 1v1 vs their laner, mobalytics even has me as mvp for almost all my games won, like i’m smart don’t force anything, don’t fight unless i have number or item advantage or at least flash up, it was just bad luck getting rolled 2-3 losing lanes, then i went to adc l, my least gifted roll but now i’m playing at my highest lvl, play 45 games or so had a few 10 game win streaks hit gold 3 for the first time, hit gold 3, 0lp had the worlds shittiest luck, where i got shit sups, was spamming nilah and had a lot, i mean a lot of terrible sups, high lvl accts, haven’t played in like 1 szn or too, got placed in gold, lost 10+ games fell to silver, im like alr, going back to jng, hit gold 4 went back to adc, same shit b4 i got demoted played jng, won 2 games kept playing jng, also was mvp those 2 games, also my main jng champs are graves, shyv, kindred, and soemtimes tanks, used to spam gragas jng low elo, gragas is my fully mastered champ but felt like higher elo could never end games bc my team would have lead but we’d never end and i’d lose so bad to stop playing gragas anyways did my thing, was gold 4, lost 30 games prolly 6-7 wins, i am silver 3 rn, prolly left 3-4 games, i now know how annoying it is to play adc, and have the most brain dead piece of shit sups jus ruin ur game, sups deserve the worst outcome in life like bro, i hate sups wit a passion, my main adcs are nilah, draven, and zeri, sometimes i’ll play karthus or seraphine or cho as adc, but that’s rare and base on enemy team comp, moral of the story is the game is shitt and the sup ir the most inflated role in the game, most gold sups are iron in every other role and have the least amount of game sense outside of lane and post laning phase, it is truly disgusting how shitt they are, i hate sups, like it’s common fucking sense, zone, engage when ur adc hits their spike or jus poke em down or jus play of adc, it’s not hard but they are the dumbest laners in all of league
bro this dudes gold talm bout build maw on an adc, ur backline, u don’t get touched if u do, position better wtf, wits end is a maybe, depending on adc, but as kaisa or most adcs the most i’ll do is build ga or maybe boots depending on wat they have the most tabbi's if it’s like a few assassins or ad champs wit burst mercs if they have 4-5 ap or a lot of cc, like bro the fact i know wat to build and, 9 months in idk i pay myself on the back, i want to play jng and climb again bc i hit silver 1 jng but that most recent losing streak was jus unbelievable like 6 games jus, broken morale first 10 mins like gold makes me more mad than silver bc the egos are sm bigger, just such a shit game
So I watched the video and read a lot of the comments here and I just wanted to say a few things. First things first I've been playing league for little over 10 years now, I'm Emerald 4 EUW currently so I'm not really a high elo player but I also only play like two hundred ranked games a season cause I switch accounts a lot to play with friends. I just wanted to adress the fact that a lot of you guys feel anxious/nervous when in champ select/ game. Trust me this feeling will go away after a while, I had the same issues but as I played more games and realized that this game is nothing but a mental war it got way better. My advice for all of you guys is to just /mute all every game, enjoy the game, the learning stages and don't be afarid to make mistakes or go for risky plays as these ar the kinds of situations that will improve your gameplay the most. League is agreta game with a shitty community so you just gotta accept the fact that you'll be flamed for no reason sometimes and just live with it. Thanks to everyone that read all this and I wish you the best of luck on your climb
I'm a master zed otp, here's some tips for low elo mid laners - Don't die; Learn champion ranges and their cooldowns, stay out of the range and when they use an ability ( either miss u or use it on minions ) walk up while their ability is on cooldown and safely farm for a few seconds or use an ability on them. Look at your jungler; be prepared to help him with crabs and dragons, maybe even follow him up on a gank if there's no wave mid Don't die to ganks; Ward enemy raptors whenever get your minions under enemy tower ( you'll know that you need to stay away from that side then ). Or if you have an escape ability, don't use it after you pass the half way line of midlane, for example i always save Zed W, if you don't have an escape ability id recommend not passing the half way line unless you know where the enemy jungler is. Push lanes; Make sure that all lanes are pushed, if your Toplaner is top, your botlane mid, don't go mid, push the free lane ( bot lane in this example), but make sure that you are there for dragon fights or even baren fights, teleport is a good summoner spell to have on most midlaners atm. Destroy towers; If there's 2 towers destroyed bot and mid, and none top, destroy the top towers. ( unless dragon is up ) You get lots of gold by destroying towers and also there's pressure then on that lane, forcing at least one enemy to go to that lane to clean up. Mage/Assassin Teamfights; Now there's different jobs for different roles, but to simplify: Assassins - Most of the time you'll go for the adc in team fights, but there are cases where you need to go after champions like Millio/Soraka etc. Maybe even if their botlane is completely useless you should all in the other fed laner and do as much damage/kill them asap. Mage - Again it's important to know enemy range, so that you don't get caught. Your role is to do as much damage in the team fights as you can, from their frontline to their back line ( as you'll die if you instantly go for their backline ). But again there are cases where their adc will get fed, and their death is the key to winning the fight, in which case you might need to just all in them by flashing onto them or catching them mispositioned. Hope this helped
my biggest tip for players in any rank was to find a champ you enjoy, if you're having fun and not tilting you will improve faster and win more. great video :D
Hey just wanted you to know I sent this to some of my friends who were new to the game a while ago. You encapsulate the feeling of being a new player well, great video. I hope the game has treated you well. Funny enough being a new player has the potential to be the most fun. I have only jungled for the first 4 years of playing league, but about 6 months ago I committed to learning lane and it reminded me about the fun of learning again. I went from being a masters jungler to a gold laner on the new account, but the feeling of improving made it so enjoyable. I think the problem for true new players is not understanding ENOUGH of the fundamentals to actually learn the game. I hope you enjoyed the experience a lot.
it's nice to see people enjoying the game, no one wants to watch someone just be depressed and complain all the time that's just gonna put me in a bad mood too
As a 44 year old man I'm somewhat of a unicorn when it comes to this game there's very few people I know of that playat my age that being said I don't know if it was the you can't teach an old guy new tricks or what but I started ranked s6 and it was bronze 5 then b3 next two seasons I was in silver s10 I hit g3 and have stayed in high gold ever since until this past season split I finally have hit plat 4 which is mid elo I call it and for a old timer I'm good with it. What you Said about limiting your champ pool is how I started climbing that and avoiding playing with friends because they expect you to always come save them when they do something dumb. I 2 trick Teemo amd Heimer and play everything but jg. Good video it is nice to see a lower elo guy make a video that lower elo people can learn from and relate too. You got yourself a new sub
Few tips i could give as Pisslow Master player for climbing in low elo are: 1. Mute everyone if you are easily tilted 2. Play to improve and not to win games (having a wining team is always nice but it only takes you so far, since your mmr will be low, climing at this point wont matter if you dont get any better) 3. For Support mains, if you play solo ranked avoid enchanter supports and play champs with impact (Rell,Bliz,Nautilus) or high dmg (Lux,brand,Zyra,etc). i find the support role the most hard one to climb in low elo since if your team sucks specially the adc you wont be able to carry them no matter how good your roaming, vision or your saves are, they will still be out of position and do mistakes. 4. Stick to 1 main Role and 2 main champs (the most basic and effective tip). Having 1 main role and actually understanding how to macro and 2 main champs for that role, preferably 1 meta champ with consistent winrate and 1 champ you like playing , this will drastically improve your climing. (2 champs incase of banning or counterpick) TBH Meta does not really matter in lower elo since the team with the least mistakes and better mechanics wins. (different story In higher elo tho) 5. Pick Your Premades Wisely. If your premades is terrible and they dont really care about wining or improving, dont play solo/duo games with them they will only make the games harder for you and your team. Even if you boost them in higher elo it will get to a point they wont be able to play the game bcs of a huge skill gap. 6. A more andvaced tip is to understand the Core Concepts like wincon,macro-micro,lane prio,etc. For example lots poeple know what lane prio means but they dont understand the concept of it.
how do you fix dogshit mmr, do you have to wait for it to fix itself? started split bronze 2 im plat 2 now, probably going to get emerald soon and i was gaining +35 start of my climb, went down to +28 now im at +20. Is it low because I started in bronze and riot doesnt want me to climb?
@@arstar2b256 MMR is very hard to fix and thats why most people make new account's, if you actually want to fix your MMR it will take lots of games and consistent winrate. Let's say your account is sitting at Gold 1 MMR but your Visible Rank is Plat 2 at this point the game thinks you are way higher than your actual skill level so its slowing you down till your mmr catches up with your visible rank. The logic behind this is, if there is a player that is skilled enough he will climb no matter the receiving lp but if you were just a lucky guy with just winstreaks you will fall back to your main rank and keep you in check. That happens more often than you think and thats why you see people with huge climb's and huge drops. You should check your recent games if you are plat 2 and you are playing in lobbies with low plat players or even gold players your mmr is close as the lowest ranked player in that lobby meaning you get normal or slightly less lp . If you are the lowest rank in your lobbies that means your MMR is higher than your visible rank and you will gain more LP till your visible rank matches your MMR. TLDR: for you to fix mmr you will have too win lots of game and have less lose streaks in General. For example 250wins/150 defeats I hope that makes it clear
premade one is so true i was playing with my friend for 5 months we were both stuck at silver and as soon as i duo queued with another friend we went from s3 to g4 in single day with i think it was like 80% wr. And i started to play with him again i was stuck at gold for like whole season and first split next split i did solo q and got to p2 and duo q with another friend we went to emerald with apsolute dominance like in one day i went from g3 to e4 and gained 800lp just like that so imo its even better to solo q then play with a guy that doesnt want to improve or win the game(he is still gold, and currently the only one who is still stuck in gold in my friend group)
@@prettybyebye5429 some of this doesn't apply anymore since riot fucked up ranked system even more. After some research i came to concusion that when riot increased the average lp gain and loss they didn't change the mmr gain and loss with it, this way even when you are on massive winstreaks or just have good winratio your mmr is just left behind. I personally had a big issue with it last split. I had quite good winrate(~56%) even then i ended up having +16 -30 at the end of the season. The only solution that i cant think of is to wait for riot fucking games to fix the game or just don't climb to fast.
@@dozixt1864 Riot changed the match making in split 2, making it more MMR based and not that much of visible rank, and i think that's fair since its way easier to climb now. Increasing MMR gain per win while you get 30+ LP , defeats the whole purpose of MMR. MMR exists so match making is more balanced rather the LP you get. For example if you got 56% winrate in plat 2 but your MMR is gold 1, MMR System will still put you in gold 1+ lobbies which means less lp gains till your MMR catches up. But sometimes the game will actually test you and put you in higher MMR lobbies close to your visible rank which means if you win, you gain more LP and a boost on MMR, but if its a loss you lose less LP and your MMR takes a toll. This is what makes the game unbalanced for me and thats probably why most game end up in stomp's and not in 50/50 Situation. You can check that yourself by looking peoples last rank or you can check this by looking the LP gains everyone's got in the match you have won, some people get more LP than others. Basically some teams have player's with high MMR which means they are more skilled than your teammate's/enemies which end's up on a stomp. So is MMR system a good system? I think yes but its implemented wrong. I should also clarify MMR takes many games to be fixed, having 56% winrate means from the 100 games you won 56 of them but having 60%+ winrate means from the 100 games you have won 60+ games thats a huge difference. Having a slight above win rate does not mean your mmr fixes itself faster
I can promise you one thing: If you keep this curious and introspective view of the game, it will FOREVER be the "fun part of League" because it is an endless exploration and you always learn something new. Pro players learn new things all the time. Challenger players learn new things all the time. It took me a year of hard work after 9 years of being Platinum to actually get to Diamond and I even peaked Master. For the first time I took the game seriously and took it for it is.There is always something to learn. And I find the game today to be more fun than it ever was these past 11 years of playing it because I treat the game with respect and keep my ego in check. The amount of mistakes you make even at the highest levels is palpable. The type of mistakes and frequency are different, of course, but never gone. Especially the mental part. That was such a fun video to watch. Im glad you had this experience and you have such a healthy view of the game. Keep it up!!
I totally agree. I started with the misconception of having the best mechanics and make plays. I ended up stuck in silver iv because of that. Then in season 5 I understood that I need to have fun with the game first so I ended the season gold iv for the first time while playing a champ I liked without typing and it not typing made me a better player because I was understanding the game and having fun doing so. Then the gold slump came where I didn’t move for for 1-2 seasons. Then I discovered 2 things as a mid laner. You need to learn to side lane to get your xp as fast as possible and also tried Cassio which is my favourite champ till this day. I tried her in every matchup every setting so I could learn to manage different situations and matchups. That’s when I climbed to plat iv( I think at that time it was plat v if I am not mistaken). Now I have quit league because I am not really enjoying it as much anymore (with an exception when urf comes around and now that arena came out which I found really fun)
Very useful tips and the mentality is really on the perfect spot. Focus on your own gameplay and enjoying your improvement, shit happens but you can always learn a thing or two through the worst games, and that'll be instinctively applied on future games throughout your climb
the fun part indeed my friend, when you get to the point where you understand the game at a deeper level the tilt just tenfolds bc you know what should be happening and can't make it happen. and thus "feelsbadman".
The biggest part for me is that i really have to start improving my mental. Its so easy for me to get really tilted and even if i try different methods to calm down it really feels impossible in the heat of the moment. I think i could go from bronze to at least like silver 2 or 1 if i could control my mental
I’m glad there’s people who also enjoy the game lol just feels like a majority of people are have so little fun which is a bummer. Thank you for the sub as well means the world so thank you ❤️
its not just a LoL thing it also happens in DotA 2 too. playing the both games competitively I can say that there is only 1 difference, in LoL champion pick don't really matter since if you mastered your char good enough you can win most hard counter matchups but making the smallest mistake in game can tilt your team or only one teammate resulting a straight out grief or soft inting to lose while in DotA players really think games are decided on pick phase. like yesterday our midlaner was countering enemy midlaner super hardly but he lost resulting all my teammates to grief and let the enemy win they didn't even try. I think this mental was only absent in overwatch since you can always change your character during the match but that games is long dead anyways.
Thank you for making this video as somone in low elo I feel like there’s very little UA-camrs who are open about being low elo and your tips are realy good thank you
Climbing in this season is extremely easier than the previous ones. No promos, huge LP gains and lower LP losses. Literally Riot made it so easy for low elo players to reach Gold. I was getting blasted because I took a pretty long break but now I'm back and climbed to gold 3 in like a week from Silver 3. Honestly, most players I see have no eyes and tunnel vision. If you just stop for one second and think then you will see opportunities or avoid shitty choices. Also, stop aram mid when you have a free baron up, so many times my teammates are all mid for no reason while I spam ping baron and two of the enemies are dead.
I can’t believe i forgot to mention no more promos, and LP i was getting out of ranks after 5-6 wins depending on if i was on a streak or not. Tunnel vision for sure and never look at the map to know when someone is missing or they’re being ganked, congrats on hitting gold as well btw
@@Jross240 Thanks, I've reached Plat IV in S11 and it was a massive chore. First time player in that season. Started from Bronze IV all the way to Plat IV. Promos at each rank were a nightmare honestly. That's why I stopped playing in S12, it was a total burnout moment. Much happier with these changes
A Jhin enthusiast, much respect. You gain my sub kind sir. I'm struggling in the depths of plat hell and your advice honestly is useful for there too. This game is pretty much about who mental booms first and your team will often than not be so frustrating to play with, but you gotta pick up every advantage you can get and stay positive. I trust you can keep climbing with the mindset in your video.
in low elo everyone is on edge because they want to get out, and a lot of players really just want out so bad that any micro mistake makes it in their eyes a million times more difficult to get out
I recently went into low elo to help fix my friend’s MMR. I can say from first hand experience that players in low elo (from iron to silver) have a “main character” complex in that if they aren’t winning their lane, they will run the game down even if you are hard carrying them. The mental boom in these elo in particular make the game less enjoyable and make it difficult for someone that isn’t smurfing to climb (especially when LP gain is 15 and LP loss is -36). Having experienced this, I believe riot needs to make sure LP gain should never be this bad for low elo but instead make it possible in high elo as gatekeeping low elo is stupid as hell.
I'm glad someone is saying that not every game is your fault and that it is okay to lose. I understand that when higher elo people say "if you lose, it's your fault", they really mean there was something you could have done to make it less of a stomp than it was. Thing is, even if that WAS the case, that mindset in general isn't healthy. Yes, there's always your own gameplay to consider, but to say it's always your fault is crazy. High elo people blame others all the time in their games for their losses!
But its a mindset you must have otherwise you wont climb, you can always play better and blaming anyone but yourself will not gain you anything. Sometimes a loss aint your fault but instead of blaming someone else you should always look at what you could have done to maybe win the game anyways. Yeah its okay to loose, everyone looses but ALOT of losses especially in low ELO could have been prevented if you played better.
If you're ahead mechanically, you will climb, macro doesn't matter in low elo, if you try to optimize everything, just stop and get better at your mechanics, i'm only emerald 1 but I played with friends in low elo and it's just so straight forward, you destroy them in 1v1 and you climb, you can always win in my opinion
I was on a good win streak my first go round of solo queue - the next time around I was super nervous, made very silly mistakes and ended up losing lane. So I agree; keeping calm and cool is definitely part of playing well.
Im a normals player who stepped into ranked for the first time in 2 years. The difference in behaviour is staggering. Out of the last 20 games around 15 got decided by which team tilted more in all chat or an afk. I I currently learn asol in mid, jhin on adc if filled, and I got heavily flamed in 7 of these 20 games for champ choice, rune choice, item choice, not helping someone when oom, for not going in 1v5 on a drake and steal it when all 4 mates are dead, or just to shift a play that was bad on someone else. Ive played a lot of multiplayer games, but not a single one was comparable to league soloqueue in how, like you said, completely on edge everyone is. Its like theres a fuse burning down constantly, and if you try to put it out, you dont know what you throw on it is water or gasoline
One thing I’ll say is that with the addition of emerald it is now much easier to get out of low low elo because everything below diamond pretty much got roughly bumped up a division silver being new gold, gold being new plat, plat being new emeralds etc
@@jammerlammer546 nah think about it… people that were high plat before are now emerald, leaving people initially in gold to mid plat to be the range of plat now, and so on and so forth
@@Cross40Productions you gotta remember that the divisions, tiers and LP are not your elo. Let's say you had had 1200 elo and had been placed in gold 2 before the changes. After the changes, your elo stays the same but your perceived rank becomes something like, say, plat 4. You didn't learn anything, you didn't improve, but you feel like you did because you get a new color on your tier. Low elo really is anything below master, a reality all of us either cope and don't believe or don't care enough about the game to use a plan to improve over time
As an analyst on the game for esports and a high elo player ima be honest you have some really good takes on the game. I will agree with pretty much everything and you are not wrong at all. You have a really good knowledge for your rank not gonna lie , you kinda impressed me. And yea on soloQ at least the better mental you have the easiest to win it is. Even in high elo on my games i just see people raging and spamming ff just cos of 1 death when we are just 8k gold ahead which is extremely good. Also better team comps help but on soloQ thats not something you can deal with since teammates will just pick whatever honestly, but having a good champ pool and also be able to use meta champs each patch really make a difference , also banning correctly and wisely is useful. Some people think bans are a waste but for real they are not. Keep up the good work bro , you have big potential if u wanna climb and keep enjoying the game. You know a lot of stuff. The big difference on lower ranks with higher ranks is how they play the map and knowing when to recall and not. Also wave managements since they give a lot of xp and gold advantage if u know that well. If you understand the map and when to fight and when not aswell which objectives u can get and when is a big advantage. I believe a lot of gold players have the mechanical skill of a master-gm player for example , they just lack insanely on map awareness and decisions on where to be and when to be. It is just a theory you have to learn if you wanna climb :D
Dude this is awesome. Recently got back into league after a couple years away. Having fun, trying to keep it to "just a game" but obviously sometimes I get real invested and a loss hurts
It took me 36 wins to get from S2 to G4, ik i'm not the best or good but oh god some of the players and plays of them were just unbelievable, sometimes i almost lost my mind but yesterday i cleared my mind and just went for it, got 7 winstreak and hit G4 and the happiness was there
just chanced upon this video as i was about to queue up in low elo lol. i will say that for a random guy with 100 subscribers you are pretty well-articulated and easy to listen to. you should definitely try to increase your production quality and make more content because this video was a pleasant surprise on my front page.
Yes I agree mate, you earned a follow from me. Keep the content coming, but take your time as well to ensure that it's worthwhile and you will definitely grow quite rapidly on this platform.
Hi buddy, you just appeared on my frontpage and I thought I should leave a comment! First you must know that I have severe anxiety- which means I dont play ranked on my "main" account out of fear that I could drop or get hardstuck. So I buy fresh level 30 accounts and play ranked on them. I recently hit emerald on one of those accounts on EUW and I am super excited, it made me happy af. so I was like, I should try to play my main as well, and i quickly noticed a few heavy things (account is gold 4) first of all, I tilted a lot faster and lost concentration- bad mistake, dont do that. I threw my first fizz games because of that. secondly, Like you said, some people just go mental so much faster, and staying calm and farming became a lot harder when the chat was exploding, or people purposely ran it down etc. I couldn't agree more with your statements, I personally believe that as a "decent player" it *can* be "harder" to climb in low elo than in plat or emerald due to the mental stress, though the truth is, low elo is pisslow and that for a reason. my advice for everyone reading this as someone who is stuck in elo hell on my main, even though i hit emerald on a "smurf" Do not tilt. Focus on your farm. Just do your own thing if the team is trolling. Just because your team takes every fight and dies, doesnt mean you should. stay back, scale and use your advantage. and most importantly, try -everything- not to do. Canon minion but you get zoned? Leave it. Fight that looks bad? Leave it. Just stay out, play for your advantage and once a good chance comes up, take it. and a little notice: Tilting isnt worth it, focus and build against your enemies. Laning against a zed? Won the first fight? Maybe dont buy the AP item, buy a cloth mail. thats 18% less damage you take. Anyways, GL have fun everyone.
Rell & Poppy Supp Bronze main here. I was stuck for 300 games in B4, and legit tilted at my ADC every single game for never ever following up engage, and then keeping the wave perma shoved at their tower afterward so I can’t do anything and making us die to ganks. Apparently Engage supports have like a 50% WR across the board in bronze and I think it’s because Bronze ADC’s legit have no idea how to work with them. I swapped to Zyra and focus’s exclusively on keeping waves shoved out during late game so we’d have pressure for objectives, and during laning phase, wait until the enemy whiffs an ability, then run at them and try hitting them with everything I’ve got, retreating the moment all my abilities have been pressed. Over 17 games I am now B2 and feel like I wasted the entirety of last split playing engage tanks
I was plat 2 around 4 seasons ago, now tried to play placements with my mate and got bronze 3. In 2 days i'm already silver 1 and i'm gonna say that almost everything said her is correct. But want to give a few advices: 1. Get champ you are comfortable with and Learn matchups (specially mid/top). Even if its a bad one on this elo you can easily outplay your opponent 2. Most of the games are winnable, i won against 35-11 smurf on Twitch jg (with yuumi on him). 3. Dont be afraid to call the shots if you are adc/hyper-carry/got fed. Tell your team what you can/cant do, what to target. Ping your movement. Its easier to win if you work as a team. Even 0-10 malph can win if he ults enemy 35-10 hard-carry while akali 16-3 akali tries to kill him. If you are fed midlaner/jg who ganked they probably will listen. If they they dont understand that team work is a key, dont worry it happens. 4. Mental has a huge impact in this elo. Stay positive, if you see that your teammates are on the edge reassure them. Dont flame, be calm, everyone has bad days. Tilting the enemy is a good, but dirty and risky strategy. 5. If you feel tired or tilted take a break. Dont force yourself to "clib faster" or "get your lp back", you will just play worse. Rest and return when you ready
Hey man, really good video, keep it up I may not be a low elo player, Im Master + but I can confirm that the mentality is one of the most important aspects in the game, mentality can make the difference between D1 and Challengers
I completely agree with LoL being a mental game. What I felt was lacking from the video is the matchmaking tip i hear noone talking about. Basically, if you're toxic you get toxic teammates. I encourage muting the chat for a week to see a difference.
/mute all made my games so much better at times, i will see spam pings or a teammate flaming someone and i lose my focus compared to when i don’t see chat i just see pings and it made my gameplay way better
Since you asked, a good Armor Item on Kai'Sa would be Zhonya's Hourglass, since she has such good AP ratios. And on Jhin, some games you can get away with buying Plated Steelcaps for boots. Otherwise you are correct, there aren't a lot of good armor options for Marksmen currently. However, all of this will change in preseason anyway.
Another thing I've found is that if you are in the wrong lane you will tilt more. I've been playing league since late season 3 and I mained adc, I got decent at it, hitting gold, then hitting plat, but my friends kept noticing me being tilted, yet after I started watching baus, I gave top lane a chance and stopped really caring about my kda and started focusing on wave management. Now I tilt way less, enjoy my small pool of champions and while It is true that you get brutally countered in top lane or get smashed by a 2.5M mastery OTP I kinda don't let it ruin my day as you mentioned in the video. One advice I'd give anyone for climbing is - definitely mute yourself if you get spammed, your toxic teammates won't become amazing shotcallers after you muted them, there is seriously nothing to lose. glhf
Its the mental game which get me out of bronze. I started to listen music to call me down and didn't play League until I was completely down to earth. Automatically my call mind started to take place in-game I started to take player faults more lightly and motivated my team and give good input in how we can comeback without forcing it. I comically started to think I play with 10 year old which need Motivations and orders to win the game like a father figure. The moment I write this I can imagine how weird this must to read this but can somebody understand?
Anyone gonna mention the new split distributions this split. People in gold 4 were majority silver 2 last split. So his journey from silver last split to gold last split was essentially like climbing from silver 4- silver 2 or 1. Maybe thats why it feels easier is because this split every rank below diamond got a bump up due to the distribution changes.
More than likely i never really struggled in silver besides s6-s8 i was gold before then but this was my easiest climb ever more than likely due to the new rank
Great video man, keep it up. Unfortunate u are a small creator and not that many people will get to see this video. btw you could try to put some music in the background and your clips are also quite nice!
@1:10 , yes. Some games are "unwinable" however, there is ALWAYS something you can improve literally every single game. So even if the game is unwinable, please do not go with the mindset "well it was lost anyway, i couldnt do anything" because thats not true
You really should have hammered home how important cs is. I say this a plat top main but just the 300g from three waves is enough to get an extra component of finish an item faster than you oppenent. It can give you a massive advantage in the scaling department, Eclipse or Heartsteel are honestly just about getting them as fast as possible.
i feel most people in low elo are having the same issues in games but my advice is just focus on your own gameplay and if theyre being toxic just ignore /mute all and play your game
I just climbed from b4 to g4 in a week... my biggest advice is... understand that losing a play doesnt mean losing the game. If your jungler is on the other side of the map... just wait for him to rotate over before you position more agressively... if your ult is up in 15s... just wait before you teleport... if your team dies in that 15s, then at least YOU can defend the map and increase your gold... if youre in a shit matchup, its OKAY to give up a little farm...dying for farm compounds your issues... if you're a jungler, wait til your teammates are in position before you gank, and vise versa... its okay to lose a few drags early if it means you are pressuring the map in other ways... if the enemy team is in the fog... just WAIT before you push up or position for any plays... you can have faker mechanics, but you still need faker macro to carry a yourself and your team forward.
Yeah this, what you described is called "macro" gameplay. Climbing in league is all about macro, being at the right place at the right time and waiting for your enemy to make a mistake. Crazy mechanics is useless for climbing.
It was high elo players that taught their low elo audience the mentality of absolutely blasting your team with pings.. except low elo people have the game awareness of a shoe
I'm an Irelia main and I have been silver for 70% of the time I've played league and I've been kind of at the same skill level with all my champs. But when I started playing ranked and I wasn't climbing, it's when I noticed I needed to start genuinely playing better and smarter unironically and stick to one champ. (600k on Irelia at this point and and about 20 - 35 games later) I went from S1/G4 peak to now being Gold 1 omw to Plat 4. Ranked pushes you to perform better and really understand the game , your champ, matchups , situations, itemizing etc etc. All stuff you need to take into consideration every second. Positioning, vision , map pressure . At some point I just started playing and doing better consistently. And like you said there are some games you can't win which is perfectly fine it is what it is, trying to fight a force I can't controll even if I try to 1v5, is literally apart of the game and coming to terms with that is the best way to stay tilt proof in such a messy Elo.
I’ve played this in 2013 and didnt go higher than silver 5 back when iron didn’t exist. I stopped playing about 4 years ago and now I picked it back up. That drug reference really hit home 😂
I have one important tip to share, it's a real game changer for me, when auto attack , you should be looking at the enemy's feet area instead of looking at the whole body, doing so helped me spacing a lot better
I agree i think as long as you’re consistently focusing on what you need to improve on and making less and less mistakes you will notice a difference in win rate, with what the guy said he could’ve said it a bit nicer but the rng with teammates for sure impacts the game but in those specific games you play your best and try and focus on your game and i always attempt comebacks no matter how down the game is especially in silver
@@Jross240 Well, this has nothing to do with the time you spend playing LoL, actually. It all boils down to the MMR, ELO, or whatever you want to call it. The more you win, the more it raises. And when it raises, you gradually get better and better teammates, who are less likely to troll your game just like that.
@@mattreggie4481 Mate i've climbed from emerald to diamond. You're not going to have more than a 60% winrate as an average player. I consistently have played 120+ games with a solid 56% wr and that has been my success to climbing. Some games have been super troll. The games that I are meant to lose, games that I get giga carried are the ones I am meant to win. The games that are 50/50 are the games that YOU need to be the consistent denominator.
@@jacksonhylan " Mate i've climbed from emerald to diamond". Try climbing from Iron 4. You would rather eat your keyboard out of anger first, than get any higher, even to Bronze 1.
Playing yorick and only yorick(2 games a day), but in every roll, even in jngl and adc, still will stomp, for lowelo, focus on 1 or 2 champs, learn to use the map, and buy-in control wards is free lp, make sure you always have a ward on the map with your name on it. Learn to read your teammates and nothing wrong with pinging as long it serves a purpose, and remember that you win the game if you destroy nexus not getting 30 kills, you can only buy 6 items so XD.
Good video. Now I just have to find someone who can explain how to overcome my constant experience of getting 1-2 games of normal players who play and win or lose have fun and all seem to be relatively evenly skilled/knowledgeable, only to have the next 4-10 be absolute shitshows with non-stop typing, inting, griefing, and afking. the works. And in every game I do either FANTASTIC (but usually still can't carry because I'm only dmg/anything and enemy team just piles onto me while my team watches and eats popcorn), or I go even/only a little ahead. Even all my metrics place me at mid gold, but for some reason I can't keep silver IV. I gain it only to hit a a huge series of troll games and fall right back to bronze 2. It's depressing.
I'm not much of a grinder. I was iron and climbed to gold on a avg. 15 fps pc (0 on tf's) when I first tried ranked seriously and now I'm emerald-platinum on both ranks (only played placements). I mostly play this game with my friends, there are new players-stuck silvers among us and the big problem is they don't know what is what & what to do on different situations. League is a STRATEGY game and they're thinking getting kills is the only thing to win a game. That's not wrong- gold advantage plays a critical part on a game but my point is they try to kill everyone who gets on their way. If a low elo laner dies once or twice, it rolls like a snowball to an unstoppable end. think they can move to a new round when they die like it's counter strike but they're not aware how much advantage they give. There's a bunch of alternatives instead of just fighting & trying to win in that situation. Long story short, best advice I can give is observing. Not watching a best zed korea 10 min video, watching a full long game that considerably explains what they're doing at that time and why. Complete item knowledge or lee sin insecs can be saved to a different time but firstly they need to know what to do on a specific time or best choice they can make when something unexpected happens instead of continuing their npc mode.
I’ve recently got to Gold 3, and i was Silver 2 62 lp in my first season split, and I’ve learned a lot from youtuber like you and others… I’m Yone/Yasuo OTP but I know to play AP champions because they suits me very well (like Ahri, Veigar, Vex, Brand), I’m mainly playing for myself because i will get the tower with Herald pretty fast, and after the plating are off, I will roam because I have bigger advantage than others. My tip is, when you lose a game, and you’re tilted asf, just calm down a bit, watch a youtube video, have a positive mindset, because one day you may lose 3/4 games, but the next day you may regain that LP you lost…Idk this is how I play, I often have a dogshit teammates but when I have good teammates, it’s easier to win games (I mean it’s a obvious thing but i need to say it), often Bot are the most delusional players (supports mainly), but you (as a Mid Laner) can win 2v1 against them and get a pretty big shutdowns…If y’all have any tips for me or others, pls leave a comment!!😊😊
i've only been playing league for a month but recently began playing more as i started to enjoy it quite a bit. i honestly enjoyed listening to this video, in a way it was pretty refreshing to hear :D hope you keep making some more league content!
my advice would be forget ranked for a LONG time, you have over 100 champs to learn and a whole strategic game. Try and have fun while you can and remember its a game unlike me whos been stuck in the bronze/silver loop forever because of afkers and toxic players. It also tilts me a lot, I hope to make it into gold+ one day but I reeeeally need to focus on remembering its a game and not tilting myself
I started playing a year ago and what helped me alot is (dont smite me for this) playing 300-400 aram games to learn other champs. People don't care about aram, there's little to no pressure, fast que times and shorter matches. Got a champ you've never played and don't know how it works? Just give it try. At the very least it forces you to read all the abilities and get a general feel of how the champion functions, the ranges, the playstyle etc. You may end up disliking it but atleast you'll know and it'll help narrow down on the role that suits you best. Every once and a while you'll fall in love with a new champ and those moments are priceless (Elise for me)
Low elo is actually harder to climb than in higher elos i swear. I was a gold/silver hardstuck and climbed my way now to high emerald/close to dia. And it was too hard to get out of gold for me. After gold it was more easy to win games. Teammates are just not humans in gold elo
i play league for about 4 years i think im too close to diamond one time i hit it in the past i can say that no matter what happens in the game if you follow a good game macro and make less mistakes and only choose good fights u can win almost any game (except the 100% lose games) try to say to yourself that if someone has climbed then i can too , and if you see someone in enemy team higher rank than you dont get scared in fact say to yourself i will beat him and i will be better than him , last tip if you are really scared of enemy ranks dont try to search in sites the enemy team ranks mains winrates and all that because it might stress you. I hope i helped with this comment have a nice day and good luck with your grind Jross.
Thank you for the very kind words, mental is huge in this game and just in general, i think league can make people slip into a bad place mentally and i do agree with if they’re a higher rank what does it matter yknow like test yourself and see how good you are if you lose okay what did i do wrong let’s improve sort of situation
I am pretty sure I discovered why tilt happens: because you want to win too much. You tunnel vision on winning, not playing. So when something doesn't go your way you get angry, cuz you are not winning. Cure is to convince yourself that you like winning as much as losing. So play for fun, play to get better, play to tryhard, but don't play to win. Focus on (your) actions, not results.
In EU i don't really know if they spam ping you this much in low elo, cause i just turn off all chats and ping at the start of each game for the last year+, except for jng and maybe for supp if i get autofilled adc...(and even so, when they start flaming i just mute them too), but i don't know if is the thing that they're on edge or some other worst mental thing, but here in EU in alot of games if you just make a criticizing observation to the jng (who is clearly the most impactful role in a team) big chances are he will just go baby mode and throw all game, intentionally or not, like by just going alone all the time and refusing to help team even in most obvious team fights, even if your team is doing good! Alot of people here, especially junglers, have like really fragile ego, this is the no.1 reason why is so hard to climb from here (if you are not playing jng that is). They seem to lack the fundamentals and map awareness, and that's ok i guess cos this is low elo, and some of them are new players too, but yet they have like challenger egos, and i'm not exaggerating when i say in bronze and silver this is like 60%+ of them, here on the euw server.
Tbh, I found climbing from silver to gold easier than from iron to silver. In iron and bronze, almost all games are extremely one-sided. Feels like it doesnt exactly matter what you do in most games down there. Down there, one game, you get a fiora toplane that uses Riposte to poke and thus, repeatedly dies. The next game, you get someone that wards well, freezes waves, knows how to back well and doesnt die for free all the time. Feels like a smurf lottery down there.
From what I’ve been reading in the comments it sounds like it’s a rng experience and more coin flip games whilst in atleast gold silver i feel i have more ability to atleast attempt to a 1v9
Same vibes. I figured so long as I never feed, there’s a 5/9 chance we win because I won’t be contributing to the feeding problem but benefitting from it. 5/9 because 5 enemy players who might feed my team and 4 allies who might feed the enemy team. Sounds like there’s less smurfs in sliver as well making the S-G climb easier
I've just climbed from s3 to g3 within a week, I switched to play support since it felt that every time I played adc I would get match with either a passive support or a new player that didn't understand core concepts of the game. Somethign that I noticed as of my last games is that people in silver were always on edge like you mentioned (I was the same until I started playing chill champs), literally, you miss a cannon, insta ping, you missed a hook, insta ping. After getting to gold, you get pings sometimes but people play more chill and have a clear understanding of their champs (no first-timers).
I play basically all roles and I managed to climb to gold 1 and 2. Im in between the ranks currently. But when I started to focus on one role (the mid lane) and 3 champions (Annie, Fizz and Pantheon) I climbed really quickly from Silver 1 to gold 3. Then the games got easier.
Mercurial scimitar is another marksman defensive MR item. Has QSS or quicksilver sash in the build path for 1300 that removes all disables but airborne. Great against Mordikaiser R, Rammus, Lissandra R, etc.
The item is dogshit in terms of gold efficiency though. You only really build it on adc if ur against Malz or Morde, it's not worth just for liss or rammus
We need more content creators like this for low elo. The high elo players are great but the disconnect between high and low elo is very large.
I think it’s fun to see low Elo games as it’s straight coin flips while high elo is pretty polished gameplay so idk if I’m explaining it well but my experience in low Elo hasn’t been as bad as most are saying i find it alright
i mean it´s not that disconnected from high elo CC´s, most of them are telling the almost exact same things.
dont tilt / you can´t win all / focus on YOURself
but yes this was a cool video
I m often playing with friend in low elo and it feels not so different than when I play in master. It s just that nobody knows what they are doing. People fidget around, pick a fight or lane at random. But since they know it’s a 5v5 game, they often group in late on objective spawning, which is very standard across all elo. The difference is the lack of setup and the lack of gameplan behind decisions.
Most notable difference is probably the mindset. Despite flame being somewhat consistent across elos, low elos have no self blame, introspection, self focus or whatsoever.
Basically, good mental for improving * play time = high elo
You can’t advise a low elo player other than telling him to play the game more (not necessary since it’s probably not where he is lacking) and to learn to improve which is basically spotting mistakes/weakness + thinking about a way to improve + practice and reminding to make it automatic.
I launched a gold friend into master games and after 3 games he found out that he was mechanically superior to them but had no strategy or anything, was trying to win fights and not game, that high elo was ultra boring and strategy based, and that he actually didn’t want to get better at the game, but only on his mechanics.
And I was actually in that mindstate and hardstuck plat for multiple seasons before deciding to learn and improve and just skyrocket.
you feel like you would like to watch mid elo players? i often think about starting but then i am like “im just a plat, who cares about my gameplays, all i can do is to act like a clown if i want views”
serious opinions please
honestly my thoughts as a master player (wheather thats high elo for u or not) is just low elo players are mostly delusional even when they are in low elo, but thats just my expirience
As a challenger player it’s so interesting to hear other peoples takes on the game from lower elos. I coach pro players and pro teams so I’m personally surrounded by people who know almost everything about the game. And it was interesting to hear how you spoke about the challenges you face in this vid. No real feedback I just enjoyed the content. Have a great day 👍
I wanna get a coach but idk how
@@Drakkenlordz5419 plenty of good coaches on websites like metafy
Can you coach me? ( how to 1v9 )
@@TeemoUnitestart by removing "1v9" from your vocabulary. That idea implies people on your team are intentionally sabotaging your game and that's very toxic for your mental. Try to do your job. If your carries are fed, protect them. If you are the carry, be cautious. Don't be a hero. Treat other players as bots. Mute them if you need to. Watch your replays if you are above Gold. Focus on improving. Quiz yourself of things you seem to forget. Make learning objectives and try to get better at them, one at a time (tracking enemy laner Summoner spells for example or play safer when your jingler is on the other side of the map, etc). Screen record your game and find a Discord group and ask them to help you find your mistakes if you can't see them yourself.
There is no 1v9. There is no 1v5. There is you and your champion needing to do a job. If you do your job well, you will win a lot. And, just to be clear, doing your job is really fking hard. It takes deliberate practice. So fix that mental attitude towards the game and respect everyone playing. Nobody is out there to ruin your game and if they do, report them. It's surprisingly effective nowadays. But in general just mute instantly whoever even start to use chat badly and focus on yourself.
Good luck 👍
@@Drakkenlordz5419what role do u play, i might be able to recommend some
Im a Silver4 player and I liked how simple and straightforward the video was. Im focusing on a lot of details to improve in League, but simple keeping a cool mindset won me way more games. Something I often forget and it makes me struggle to climb by feeding the enemy laner too much.
coming from someone who has reached diamond or higher in every game ive played competitively, mindset is everything. there sure is plenty that goes into many of these games, but a good mental and mindset is imo the most important thing. its the gatekeeper to so many other aspects of the game. spending time thinking about urself instead of flaming teammates is invaluable. so many ppl are fixated on certain things, but man, if ur able to take a step back, "look at urself in 3rd person" and disconnect urself from the mindset of habits, u will easily climb out of low elo in any game.
to make an example, i have plenty of friends that i know have tried to improve by watching content, studying and researching etc... but simply go back to their habits when they go into the game. always question if u did the correct play even if it worked or didnt work. always question if u couldve done it better, and how, no matter the outcome.
Biggest tip there is, is to get better macro gameplay. Everyone in low elo have very bad macro and makes mistakes all the time. I climbed from gold4 to low masters last season while watching Agurin and Tarzaned. It really was a game changer.
Love the mentality, as Silver surfer I also Never let tilt catch me. I suck at the Game and I know it. Thats why I am not Challenger.
Improving Skills is the fun part. Winning Games and climbing is the Cherry on the top
When I used to play I have like this anxiety for ranked queue. My heartbeat would rise and I will feel nervous as soon as I get into drafting phase.
During each game I would feel conscious of my every action, and I will start to tilt on myself when I miss CS or lose fights.
Some people are indeed just stuck in the toxic loop, but in my experience, I would be tilted when I am doing pretty well and my team starts to give enemies advantages.
I stopped playing years ago, and never looked back, but I'm afraid there are a lot more people like me who are just ultra nervous the entire time, and your comment about the low elo players all feeling like they are on edge reminds me of my past experience. Maybe some of these are indeed just trigger-happy toxic gamers, but maybe some of them are just tired and stressed like I was.
i have the same nervous feeling in champ select, you never know what the game ur about to enter has in store. I don't think youre missing much its still super toxic i usually just /mute all each game and its not the worst thing in the world i can still see pings. I am under constant stress during games and so nervous any deaths toplane are just gonna lead me getting one shot by a full tank late game. Whatever is causing people to be toxic it is 100% a team game and its so hard to get 4 others to have the same ideas and execute.
Same feeling its also the reason why i dodge if i see any toxicity in chat before the game even begins or when the enemy team has a more solid and better team comp.
So how do u get over this? I'm always worried I won't perform its why I won't play solo duo with friends
@@amshash Jross and another comment mention that you need to understand the root of your anxiety. It's possible to get over it with more practice.
I decided to leave the game since I wasn't doing well with my mental health.
If you have supportive friends, you can try to communicate with them about the nervousness and hopefully be there for you to work through it.
In my opinion those people who are stressed/anxious are the less toxic ones, as they are more likely to overthink and comment on their own gameplay above teammates
you arent wrong I played rocket league semi professionally and when i was grinding to get better i had 0 ego i was trying to learn and get better, the outcome of the game didnt matter as much as what i can learn from it. if you are in a bad headspace then you will lose way more, mentality causes way more issues than people think
I srsly thought you were AT LEAST 10K + subs. Best advice ever
HEY I saw you on Curtis channel and wanted to come answer this question you had at 0:30
Its honestly because the game is complex. People dont recognize their mistakes and then to cope they think, it must have been someone elses fault, they redirect.
Its being stuck in the first two or three stages of grief. Denial, Anger, Depression. And often times when people reach acceptance, their answer is to quit the game or just play goofy for fun and let their rank decline again.
I know because I was there. I was a top 15% Dota player years ago and decided that the game wasnt fun anymore. So I played for fun, let my rank collapse, and eventually moved on. Cheers.
We also say back in Dota, that your mental is half your rank. There is no FF in Dota, trolls get to ruin your life for 45 minutes but we all know, if we can carry some of those games thats gonna put our winrate above 50% and were ginna make it through ya know.
OH AND YOUR ALSO RIGHT. Its CORRECT to build some protections as a carry. Because consider this. Compared to a mage or an assassian, a carry never runs out of damage. If you can oneshot someone and they never get to play the game, thats objectively the strongest thing. So why would we have a damage dealer who specializes in SUSTAINED damage?
Because an assassian will never be able to oneshot a tank. And it should be VERY hard to oneshot a bruiser. A mage/assassian runs out of damage. This is where the carry comes in. The core duty of the carry role, is tank busting. But that takes time, so you need ONESHOT RESISTANCE. So GET an armor item, GET your Maw, GET a quicksilver. Because Its Trench warfare. Your job is to keep a machine gun loaded and make everyting in your attack range a no mans land that noone wants to charge. Assassians and Tanks both should be hesitating to EVER just run at you. Through a combination of constant Dps, kiting, oneshot resistance, and having your team around.
Personally, Im a Xayah player here. Run at me and Im just going to dodge your oneshot and root you in front of my team. Fun, challenging, defensive, high cc. Rewarding.
100% agree with the stages of grief and it’s common with any competitive game, in my experience across the many multiplayer games I’ve played it’s very rare you’ll notice someone mention oh my bad for this and then move on usually it’s a player who points fingers even when they’re 100% in the wrong.
"I don't have a script or anything it's coming straight from the heart" I appreciate it
i went from bronze to d2 in few seasons and i think the most important thing is basis like objectives, knowing ur champions, playing 1 role, knowing how to play on map and its also good when u have good skill
ive had kinda a cynic view on ranked after kinda stagnating in d4/d3 but this kind of content always somehow motivates me to at least try knowing theres always something you can learn or enjoy playing the game. gl in your future games king 👑
Much love for the positive words and makes me so happy to hear that, thank you ❤️
After coming from a super tilting team were i was 4/0 with an 1/19 shaco/yi-botlane the things you said about staying calm and collected are so right. Iimmediately felt relieved after you said these things and realized you are 100% right. Thanks bro
as someone climbing from iron 3 into bronce 3 in the span of a month i can really see how helpful is this, thnx for the vid bro
as an emerald player, i would say the most important thing in order to climb out of low elo is just simply turning off chat and actually knowing how your champion works. you will be better than 90% of the players in iron-silver
Nah I've seen that early game (intelligent) aggression makes the game pretty easy. The more you make people think and get desperate the faster they lose their cool and the easier it becomes.
I'm only gold 2 but I was silver 2 a week ago
@@anthonygrassi4690 its not about agression, its about knowing when and how to make the correct play. thus you need to know your champion and you need to limit test so you know what you can and cant do. this way you gain more and more knowledge and if you actually use this knowledge you will climb.
Dont forget to turn off the pings. I usually keep chat running becauae it's fun to see them tilt and to not follow a tilted int-ing player too close..but pings have no use in solo que if you can make good calls
1:02 it's plays like these, whenever i position that close as a jhin... I instantly get punished.. ALWAYS.
What you said in the first two minutes about the mental aspect is super important and a real game changer for everyone playing in bronze-platinum. Like improving that stuff alone can make you climb fast
This is a great vid about low elo, I’ve never had trouble climbing out of any of the ranks up till plat where I haven’t tried to climb out of yet. But my mentality couldn’t of been better reflected in this video. League ranked is a mental test and the best way to play league is to try no to tilt, play the best you can, understand not every game is winnable. But also understand in every league game there is something you can do better and improve on. Thinking you’re better than your own rank is a noob trap. Always hold yourself accountable in a league game if you want to improve.
Low elo is textbook Dunning Kruger effect
ima a jng main, naturally gifted at pathing and knowing when to fight and when not to saying that like entering the game i just knew more than other beginners and am usually winning in jng vs jng it’s usually one laner who’s entirely getting shit on that ends up us losing that game, usually i pick a champ that can 1v9 have been silver ik i said gifted but for being silver in my first 5 months i feel like that’s not bad, entered this season hit silver 1 was hoping to go good then just had 3 losing lanes every game for a 40-50 stretch where i’d win 1 lose 3 fell back down to silver 3, was upset have always been a good laner but everytime i go top i have a fed boy every time i’m mis it’s usually both boy and top and i’m good at every champ and not playing to aggressive and warding to prevent jnger to f over my lane, i have porofessor and i’m 90% always given unganksble laner meaning i don’t die to ganks, anyways as jng i always play for bot, almost never ganking top, maybe once or twice a whole game, i feel like bot lanes win u games soemtimes mid, and so i had that fall back down to silver was like damn i have a 64% wr after my fall been winning jng jus keep getting losing lanes, now ik ur saying, enemy jng prolly outganked prolly did more objs no, not at all, it’s really i give my laners the lead and they die, 1v1 vs their laner, mobalytics even has me as mvp for almost all my games won, like i’m smart don’t force anything, don’t fight unless i have number or item advantage or at least flash up, it was just bad luck getting rolled 2-3 losing lanes, then i went to adc l, my least gifted roll but now i’m playing at my highest lvl, play 45 games or so had a few 10 game win streaks hit gold 3 for the first time, hit gold 3, 0lp had the worlds shittiest luck, where i got shit sups, was spamming nilah and had a lot, i mean a lot of terrible sups, high lvl accts, haven’t played in like 1 szn or too, got placed in gold, lost 10+ games fell to silver, im like alr, going back to jng, hit gold 4 went back to adc, same shit b4 i got demoted played jng, won 2 games kept playing jng, also was mvp those 2 games, also my main jng champs are graves, shyv, kindred, and soemtimes tanks, used to spam gragas jng low elo, gragas is my fully mastered champ but felt like higher elo could never end games bc my team would have lead but we’d never end and i’d lose so bad to stop playing gragas anyways did my thing, was gold 4, lost 30 games prolly 6-7 wins, i am silver 3 rn, prolly left 3-4 games, i now know how annoying it is to play adc, and have the most brain dead piece of shit sups jus ruin ur game, sups deserve the worst outcome in life like bro, i hate sups wit a passion, my main adcs are nilah, draven, and zeri, sometimes i’ll play karthus or seraphine or cho as adc, but that’s rare and base on enemy team comp, moral of the story is the game is shitt and the sup ir the most inflated role in the game, most gold sups are iron in every other role and have the least amount of game sense outside of lane and post laning phase, it is truly disgusting how shitt they are, i hate sups, like it’s common fucking sense, zone, engage when ur adc hits their spike or jus poke em down or jus play of adc, it’s not hard but they are the dumbest laners in all of league
bro this dudes gold talm bout build maw on an adc, ur backline, u don’t get touched if u do, position better wtf, wits end is a maybe, depending on adc, but as kaisa or most adcs the most i’ll do is build ga or maybe boots depending on wat they have the most tabbi's if it’s like a few assassins or ad champs wit burst mercs if they have 4-5 ap or a lot of cc, like bro the fact i know wat to build and, 9 months in idk i pay myself on the back, i want to play jng and climb again bc i hit silver 1 jng but that most recent losing streak was jus unbelievable like 6 games jus, broken morale first 10 mins like gold makes me more mad than silver bc the egos are sm bigger, just such a shit game
So I watched the video and read a lot of the comments here and I just wanted to say a few things. First things first I've been playing league for little over 10 years now, I'm Emerald 4 EUW currently so I'm not really a high elo player but I also only play like two hundred ranked games a season cause I switch accounts a lot to play with friends. I just wanted to adress the fact that a lot of you guys feel anxious/nervous when in champ select/ game. Trust me this feeling will go away after a while, I had the same issues but as I played more games and realized that this game is nothing but a mental war it got way better. My advice for all of you guys is to just /mute all every game, enjoy the game, the learning stages and don't be afarid to make mistakes or go for risky plays as these ar the kinds of situations that will improve your gameplay the most. League is agreta game with a shitty community so you just gotta accept the fact that you'll be flamed for no reason sometimes and just live with it. Thanks to everyone that read all this and I wish you the best of luck on your climb
couldnt have said that better myself
emerald 4 is top 12% of the player base
@@uzzy1364yes emerald is dogwater
@@dip9995 never said it was pro level. Just said it's the top 15% of the playerbase.
I'm a master zed otp, here's some tips for low elo mid laners -
Don't die; Learn champion ranges and their cooldowns, stay out of the range and when they use an ability ( either miss u or use it on minions ) walk up while their ability is on cooldown and safely farm for a few seconds or use an ability on them.
Look at your jungler; be prepared to help him with crabs and dragons, maybe even follow him up on a gank if there's no wave mid
Don't die to ganks; Ward enemy raptors whenever get your minions under enemy tower ( you'll know that you need to stay away from that side then ). Or if you have an escape ability, don't use it after you pass the half way line of midlane, for example i always save Zed W, if you don't have an escape ability id recommend not passing the half way line unless you know where the enemy jungler is.
Push lanes; Make sure that all lanes are pushed, if your Toplaner is top, your botlane mid, don't go mid, push the free lane ( bot lane in this example), but make sure that you are there for dragon fights or even baren fights, teleport is a good summoner spell to have on most midlaners atm.
Destroy towers; If there's 2 towers destroyed bot and mid, and none top, destroy the top towers. ( unless dragon is up ) You get lots of gold by destroying towers and also there's pressure then on that lane, forcing at least one enemy to go to that lane to clean up.
Mage/Assassin Teamfights; Now there's different jobs for different roles, but to simplify:
Assassins - Most of the time you'll go for the adc in team fights, but there are cases where you need to go after champions like Millio/Soraka etc. Maybe even if their botlane is completely useless you should all in the other fed laner and do as much damage/kill them asap.
Mage - Again it's important to know enemy range, so that you don't get caught. Your role is to do as much damage in the team fights as you can, from their frontline to their back line ( as you'll die if you instantly go for their backline ). But again there are cases where their adc will get fed, and their death is the key to winning the fight, in which case you might need to just all in them by flashing onto them or catching them mispositioned.
Hope this helped
Thats what we needed, the low elo climb from the perspective of a low elo
my biggest tip for players in any rank was to find a champ you enjoy, if you're having fun and not tilting you will improve faster and win more. great video :D
Hey just wanted you to know I sent this to some of my friends who were new to the game a while ago. You encapsulate the feeling of being a new player well, great video. I hope the game has treated you well.
Funny enough being a new player has the potential to be the most fun. I have only jungled for the first 4 years of playing league, but about 6 months ago I committed to learning lane and it reminded me about the fun of learning again. I went from being a masters jungler to a gold laner on the new account, but the feeling of improving made it so enjoyable. I think the problem for true new players is not understanding ENOUGH of the fundamentals to actually learn the game. I hope you enjoyed the experience a lot.
Very kind words thank you so much and it’s awesome to hear I am the opposite where I’ve only laned and never jg lol super intimidated by the jg
it's nice to see people enjoying the game, no one wants to watch someone just be depressed and complain all the time that's just gonna put me in a bad mood too
As a 44 year old man I'm somewhat of a unicorn when it comes to this game there's very few people I know of that playat my age that being said I don't know if it was the you can't teach an old guy new tricks or what but I started ranked s6 and it was bronze 5 then b3 next two seasons I was in silver s10 I hit g3 and have stayed in high gold ever since until this past season split I finally have hit plat 4 which is mid elo I call it and for a old timer I'm good with it. What you Said about limiting your champ pool is how I started climbing that and avoiding playing with friends because they expect you to always come save them when they do something dumb. I 2 trick Teemo amd Heimer and play everything but jg. Good video it is nice to see a lower elo guy make a video that lower elo people can learn from and relate too. You got yourself a new sub
proper mindset is a super op thing to have, even stronger and more OP than all of the modern-200-year-champions
Few tips i could give as Pisslow Master player for climbing in low elo are:
1. Mute everyone if you are easily tilted
2. Play to improve and not to win games
(having a wining team is always nice but it only takes you so far, since your mmr will be low, climing at this point wont matter if you dont get any better)
3. For Support mains, if you play solo ranked avoid enchanter supports and play champs with impact (Rell,Bliz,Nautilus) or high dmg (Lux,brand,Zyra,etc).
i find the support role the most hard one to climb in low elo since if your team sucks specially the adc
you wont be able to carry them no matter how good your roaming, vision or your saves are, they will still be out of position and do mistakes.
4. Stick to 1 main Role and 2 main champs (the most basic and effective tip).
Having 1 main role and actually understanding how to macro and 2 main champs for that role, preferably 1 meta champ with consistent winrate and 1 champ you like playing , this will drastically improve your climing.
(2 champs incase of banning or counterpick)
TBH Meta does not really matter in lower elo since the team with the least mistakes and better mechanics wins.
(different story In higher elo tho)
5. Pick Your Premades Wisely.
If your premades is terrible and they dont really care about wining or improving, dont play solo/duo games with them they will only make the games harder for you and your team.
Even if you boost them in higher elo it will get to a point they wont be able to play the game bcs of a huge skill gap.
6. A more andvaced tip is to understand the Core Concepts like wincon,macro-micro,lane prio,etc.
For example lots poeple know what lane prio means but they dont understand the concept of it.
how do you fix dogshit mmr, do you have to wait for it to fix itself? started split bronze 2 im plat 2 now, probably going to get emerald soon and i was gaining +35 start of my climb, went down to +28 now im at +20. Is it low because I started in bronze and riot doesnt want me to climb?
@@arstar2b256 MMR is very hard to fix and thats why most people make new account's, if you actually want to fix your MMR it will take lots of games and consistent winrate.
Let's say your account is sitting at Gold 1 MMR but your Visible Rank is Plat 2 at this point the game thinks you are way higher than your actual skill level so its slowing you down till your mmr catches up with your visible rank.
The logic behind this is,
if there is a player that is skilled enough he will climb no matter the receiving lp but if you were just a lucky guy with just winstreaks you will fall back to your main rank and keep you in check.
That happens more often than you think and thats why you see people with huge climb's and huge drops.
You should check your recent games if you are plat 2 and you are playing in lobbies with low plat players or even gold players your mmr is close as the lowest ranked player in that lobby meaning you get normal or slightly less lp .
If you are the lowest rank in your lobbies that means your MMR is higher than your visible rank and you will gain more LP till your visible rank matches your MMR.
TLDR: for you to fix mmr you will have too win lots of game and have less lose streaks in General.
For example
250wins/150 defeats
I hope that makes it clear
premade one is so true i was playing with my friend for 5 months we were both stuck at silver and as soon as i duo queued with another friend we went from s3 to g4 in single day with i think it was like 80% wr. And i started to play with him again i was stuck at gold for like whole season and first split next split i did solo q and got to p2 and duo q with another friend we went to emerald with apsolute dominance like in one day i went from g3 to e4 and gained 800lp just like that so imo its even better to solo q then play with a guy that doesnt want to improve or win the game(he is still gold, and currently the only one who is still stuck in gold in my friend group)
@@prettybyebye5429 some of this doesn't apply anymore since riot fucked up ranked system even more. After some research i came to concusion that when riot increased the average lp gain and loss they didn't change the mmr gain and loss with it, this way even when you are on massive winstreaks or just have good winratio your mmr is just left behind. I personally had a big issue with it last split. I had quite good winrate(~56%) even then i ended up having +16 -30 at the end of the season. The only solution that i cant think of is to wait for riot fucking games to fix the game or just don't climb to fast.
@@dozixt1864 Riot changed the match making in split 2, making it more MMR based and not that much of visible rank, and i think that's fair since its way easier to climb now.
Increasing MMR gain per win while you get 30+ LP ,
defeats the whole purpose of MMR.
MMR exists so match making is more balanced rather the LP you get.
For example if you got 56% winrate in plat 2 but your MMR is gold 1, MMR System will still put you in gold 1+ lobbies which means less lp gains till your MMR catches up.
But sometimes the game will actually test you and put you in higher MMR lobbies close to your visible rank which means if you win, you gain more LP and a boost on MMR, but if its a loss you lose less LP and your MMR takes a toll.
This is what makes the game unbalanced for me and thats probably why most game end up in stomp's and not in 50/50 Situation.
You can check that yourself by looking peoples last rank or
you can check this by looking the LP gains everyone's got in the match you have won, some people get more LP than others.
Basically some teams have player's with high MMR which means they are more skilled than your teammate's/enemies which end's up on a stomp.
So is MMR system a good system? I think yes but its implemented wrong.
I should also clarify MMR takes many games to be fixed, having 56% winrate means from the 100 games you won 56 of them but having 60%+ winrate means from the 100 games you have won 60+ games thats a huge difference.
Having a slight above win rate does not mean your mmr fixes itself faster
I can promise you one thing:
If you keep this curious and introspective view of the game, it will FOREVER be the "fun part of League" because it is an endless exploration and you always learn something new. Pro players learn new things all the time. Challenger players learn new things all the time. It took me a year of hard work after 9 years of being Platinum to actually get to Diamond and I even peaked Master. For the first time I took the game seriously and took it for it is.There is always something to learn. And I find the game today to be more fun than it ever was these past 11 years of playing it because I treat the game with respect and keep my ego in check. The amount of mistakes you make even at the highest levels is palpable. The type of mistakes and frequency are different, of course, but never gone. Especially the mental part.
That was such a fun video to watch. Im glad you had this experience and you have such a healthy view of the game. Keep it up!!
Insane dude congrats on master first off and thank you so much for the kind words ❤️
I totally agree. I started with the misconception of having the best mechanics and make plays. I ended up stuck in silver iv because of that. Then in season 5 I understood that I need to have fun with the game first so I ended the season gold iv for the first time while playing a champ I liked without typing and it not typing made me a better player because I was understanding the game and having fun doing so. Then the gold slump came where I didn’t move for for 1-2 seasons. Then I discovered 2 things as a mid laner. You need to learn to side lane to get your xp as fast as possible and also tried Cassio which is my favourite champ till this day. I tried her in every matchup every setting so I could learn to manage different situations and matchups. That’s when I climbed to plat iv( I think at that time it was plat v if I am not mistaken). Now I have quit league because I am not really enjoying it as much anymore (with an exception when urf comes around and now that arena came out which I found really fun)
Absolutely solid video, as a hard stuck emerald 2 jhin 1 trick, you're gonna keep climbing with this mentality.
Very useful tips and the mentality is really on the perfect spot. Focus on your own gameplay and enjoying your improvement, shit happens but you can always learn a thing or two through the worst games, and that'll be instinctively applied on future games throughout your climb
the fun part indeed my friend, when you get to the point where you understand the game at a deeper level the tilt just tenfolds bc you know what should be happening and can't make it happen. and thus "feelsbadman".
The biggest part for me is that i really have to start improving my mental. Its so easy for me to get really tilted and even if i try different methods to calm down it really feels impossible in the heat of the moment. I think i could go from bronze to at least like silver 2 or 1 if i could control my mental
i loved this!! you actually think about the game like me you just play it and have fun with it. my GOD this refreshing. instant sub
I’m glad there’s people who also enjoy the game lol just feels like a majority of people are have so little fun which is a bummer. Thank you for the sub as well means the world so thank you ❤️
its not just a LoL thing it also happens in DotA 2 too. playing the both games competitively I can say that there is only 1 difference, in LoL champion pick don't really matter since if you mastered your char good enough you can win most hard counter matchups but making the smallest mistake in game can tilt your team or only one teammate resulting a straight out grief or soft inting to lose while in DotA players really think games are decided on pick phase. like yesterday our midlaner was countering enemy midlaner super hardly but he lost resulting all my teammates to grief and let the enemy win they didn't even try. I think this mental was only absent in overwatch since you can always change your character during the match but that games is long dead anyways.
Thank you for making this video as somone in low elo I feel like there’s very little UA-camrs who are open about being low elo and your tips are realy good thank you
Love the content and your view of the games. Keep the grind up man you got this :)
Climbing in this season is extremely easier than the previous ones. No promos, huge LP gains and lower LP losses. Literally Riot made it so easy for low elo players to reach Gold.
I was getting blasted because I took a pretty long break but now I'm back and climbed to gold 3 in like a week from Silver 3. Honestly, most players I see have no eyes and tunnel vision.
If you just stop for one second and think then you will see opportunities or avoid shitty choices.
Also, stop aram mid when you have a free baron up, so many times my teammates are all mid for no reason while I spam ping baron and two of the enemies are dead.
I can’t believe i forgot to mention no more promos, and LP i was getting out of ranks after 5-6 wins depending on if i was on a streak or not. Tunnel vision for sure and never look at the map to know when someone is missing or they’re being ganked, congrats on hitting gold as well btw
@@Jross240 Thanks, I've reached Plat IV in S11 and it was a massive chore. First time player in that season. Started from Bronze IV all the way to Plat IV. Promos at each rank were a nightmare honestly. That's why I stopped playing in S12, it was a total burnout moment. Much happier with these changes
A Jhin enthusiast, much respect. You gain my sub kind sir. I'm struggling in the depths of plat hell and your advice honestly is useful for there too. This game is pretty much about who mental booms first and your team will often than not be so frustrating to play with, but you gotta pick up every advantage you can get and stay positive. I trust you can keep climbing with the mindset in your video.
in low elo everyone is on edge because they want to get out, and a lot of players really just want out so bad that any micro mistake makes it in their eyes a million times more difficult to get out
Main problem of low elo: too many TFblade enjoyers in every lobby.
I recently went into low elo to help fix my friend’s MMR. I can say from first hand experience that players in low elo (from iron to silver) have a “main character” complex in that if they aren’t winning their lane, they will run the game down even if you are hard carrying them. The mental boom in these elo in particular make the game less enjoyable and make it difficult for someone that isn’t smurfing to climb (especially when LP gain is 15 and LP loss is -36).
Having experienced this, I believe riot needs to make sure LP gain should never be this bad for low elo but instead make it possible in high elo as gatekeeping low elo is stupid as hell.
I'm glad someone is saying that not every game is your fault and that it is okay to lose.
I understand that when higher elo people say "if you lose, it's your fault", they really mean there was something you could have done to make it less of a stomp than it was.
Thing is, even if that WAS the case, that mindset in general isn't healthy. Yes, there's always your own gameplay to consider, but to say it's always your fault is crazy. High elo people blame others all the time in their games for their losses!
But its a mindset you must have otherwise you wont climb, you can always play better and blaming anyone but yourself will not gain you anything. Sometimes a loss aint your fault but instead of blaming someone else you should always look at what you could have done to maybe win the game anyways. Yeah its okay to loose, everyone looses but ALOT of losses especially in low ELO could have been prevented if you played better.
If you're ahead mechanically, you will climb, macro doesn't matter in low elo, if you try to optimize everything, just stop and get better at your mechanics, i'm only emerald 1 but I played with friends in low elo and it's just so straight forward, you destroy them in 1v1 and you climb, you can always win in my opinion
I have 100 games in silver elo. Whenever anyone asks me, I just say I prefer to have fun and troll instead of balding.
I was on a good win streak my first go round of solo queue - the next time around I was super nervous, made very silly mistakes and ended up losing lane. So I agree; keeping calm and cool is definitely part of playing well.
Im a normals player who stepped into ranked for the first time in 2 years. The difference in behaviour is staggering.
Out of the last 20 games around 15 got decided by which team tilted more in all chat or an afk. I I currently learn asol in mid, jhin on adc if filled, and I got heavily flamed in 7 of these 20 games for champ choice, rune choice, item choice, not helping someone when oom, for not going in 1v5 on a drake and steal it when all 4 mates are dead, or just to shift a play that was bad on someone else.
Ive played a lot of multiplayer games, but not a single one was comparable to league soloqueue in how, like you said, completely on edge everyone is.
Its like theres a fuse burning down constantly, and if you try to put it out, you dont know what you throw on it is water or gasoline
One thing I’ll say is that with the addition of emerald it is now much easier to get out of low low elo because everything below diamond pretty much got roughly bumped up a division silver being new gold, gold being new plat, plat being new emeralds etc
I think you got your tier analogy backwards, otherwise I would agree
@@jammerlammer546 nah think about it… people that were high plat before are now emerald, leaving people initially in gold to mid plat to be the range of plat now, and so on and so forth
@@Cross40Productions you gotta remember that the divisions, tiers and LP are not your elo. Let's say you had had 1200 elo and had been placed in gold 2 before the changes. After the changes, your elo stays the same but your perceived rank becomes something like, say, plat 4. You didn't learn anything, you didn't improve, but you feel like you did because you get a new color on your tier. Low elo really is anything below master, a reality all of us either cope and don't believe or don't care enough about the game to use a plan to improve over time
As an analyst on the game for esports and a high elo player ima be honest you have some really good takes on the game. I will agree with pretty much everything and you are not wrong at all. You have a really good knowledge for your rank not gonna lie , you kinda impressed me. And yea on soloQ at least the better mental you have the easiest to win it is. Even in high elo on my games i just see people raging and spamming ff just cos of 1 death when we are just 8k gold ahead which is extremely good. Also better team comps help but on soloQ thats not something you can deal with since teammates will just pick whatever honestly, but having a good champ pool and also be able to use meta champs each patch really make a difference , also banning correctly and wisely is useful. Some people think bans are a waste but for real they are not. Keep up the good work bro , you have big potential if u wanna climb and keep enjoying the game. You know a lot of stuff. The big difference on lower ranks with higher ranks is how they play the map and knowing when to recall and not. Also wave managements since they give a lot of xp and gold advantage if u know that well. If you understand the map and when to fight and when not aswell which objectives u can get and when is a big advantage. I believe a lot of gold players have the mechanical skill of a master-gm player for example , they just lack insanely on map awareness and decisions on where to be and when to be. It is just a theory you have to learn if you wanna climb :D
I love seeing league content from low elo/new players, keep it coming
ah i shall not ping my 0/8 botlane and 0/3 jungle
do u like being a toxic nerd?
Dude this is awesome. Recently got back into league after a couple years away. Having fun, trying to keep it to "just a game" but obviously sometimes I get real invested and a loss hurts
As a guy that played in almost all elo brackets in the last 3 years I say these tips are solid for the whole ranked ladder
thanks i've been getting gaslit for years having a small champ pool and having teammates who just should not be playing the game
It took me 36 wins to get from S2 to G4, ik i'm not the best or good but oh god some of the players and plays of them were just unbelievable, sometimes i almost lost my mind but yesterday i cleared my mind and just went for it, got 7 winstreak and hit G4 and the happiness was there
just chanced upon this video as i was about to queue up in low elo lol. i will say that for a random guy with 100 subscribers you are pretty well-articulated and easy to listen to. you should definitely try to increase your production quality and make more content because this video was a pleasant surprise on my front page.
Thank you so much bro 100% agree slowly but surely upgrading everything production wise. Much love bro appreciate you stopping by ❤
@@Jross240 no problem man good luck with your future videos
Yes I agree mate, you earned a follow from me. Keep the content coming, but take your time as well to ensure that it's worthwhile and you will definitely grow quite rapidly on this platform.
Hi buddy, you just appeared on my frontpage and I thought I should leave a comment!
First you must know that I have severe anxiety- which means I dont play ranked on my "main" account out of fear that I could drop or get hardstuck.
So I buy fresh level 30 accounts and play ranked on them.
I recently hit emerald on one of those accounts on EUW and I am super excited, it made me happy af.
so I was like, I should try to play my main as well, and i quickly noticed a few heavy things (account is gold 4)
first of all, I tilted a lot faster and lost concentration- bad mistake, dont do that. I threw my first fizz games because of that.
secondly, Like you said, some people just go mental so much faster, and staying calm and farming became a lot harder when the chat was exploding, or people purposely ran it down etc.
I couldn't agree more with your statements, I personally believe that as a "decent player" it *can* be "harder" to climb in low elo than in plat or emerald due to the mental stress, though the truth is, low elo is pisslow and that for a reason.
my advice for everyone reading this as someone who is stuck in elo hell on my main, even though i hit emerald on a "smurf"
Do not tilt.
Focus on your farm.
Just do your own thing if the team is trolling.
Just because your team takes every fight and dies, doesnt mean you should.
stay back, scale and use your advantage.
and most importantly, try -everything- not to do. Canon minion but you get zoned? Leave it. Fight that looks bad? Leave it. Just stay out, play for your advantage and once a good chance comes up, take it.
and a little notice: Tilting isnt worth it, focus and build against your enemies. Laning against a zed? Won the first fight? Maybe dont buy the AP item, buy a cloth mail. thats 18% less damage you take.
Anyways, GL have fun everyone.
Rell & Poppy Supp Bronze main here. I was stuck for 300 games in B4, and legit tilted at my ADC every single game for never ever following up engage, and then keeping the wave perma shoved at their tower afterward so I can’t do anything and making us die to ganks. Apparently Engage supports have like a 50% WR across the board in bronze and I think it’s because Bronze ADC’s legit have no idea how to work with them. I swapped to Zyra and focus’s exclusively on keeping waves shoved out during late game so we’d have pressure for objectives, and during laning phase, wait until the enemy whiffs an ability, then run at them and try hitting them with everything I’ve got, retreating the moment all my abilities have been pressed. Over 17 games I am now B2 and feel like I wasted the entirety of last split playing engage tanks
I was plat 2 around 4 seasons ago, now tried to play placements with my mate and got bronze 3. In 2 days i'm already silver 1 and i'm gonna say that almost everything said her is correct.
But want to give a few advices:
1. Get champ you are comfortable with and Learn matchups (specially mid/top). Even if its a bad one on this elo you can easily outplay your opponent
2. Most of the games are winnable, i won against 35-11 smurf on Twitch jg (with yuumi on him).
3. Dont be afraid to call the shots if you are adc/hyper-carry/got fed. Tell your team what you can/cant do, what to target. Ping your movement. Its easier to win if you work as a team. Even 0-10 malph can win if he ults enemy 35-10 hard-carry while akali 16-3 akali tries to kill him. If you are fed midlaner/jg who ganked they probably will listen. If they they dont understand that team work is a key, dont worry it happens.
4. Mental has a huge impact in this elo. Stay positive, if you see that your teammates are on the edge reassure them. Dont flame, be calm, everyone has bad days. Tilting the enemy is a good, but dirty and risky strategy.
5. If you feel tired or tilted take a break. Dont force yourself to "clib faster" or "get your lp back", you will just play worse. Rest and return when you ready
The defensive armor item for AD btw is Death's Dance. Kinda the Zhonyas of AD, though obviously less impactful than the active.
Thank you so much legit i forgot any items for armor on adc lol
Hey man, really good video, keep it up
I may not be a low elo player, Im Master + but I can confirm that the mentality is one of the most important aspects in the game, mentality can make the difference between D1 and Challengers
I completely agree with LoL being a mental game. What I felt was lacking from the video is the matchmaking tip i hear noone talking about. Basically, if you're toxic you get toxic teammates. I encourage muting the chat for a week to see a difference.
/mute all made my games so much better at times, i will see spam pings or a teammate flaming someone and i lose my focus compared to when i don’t see chat i just see pings and it made my gameplay way better
0:30 can confirm as former master every player is hurt somewhat and pings you for every mistake
Tip for those what want to leave low elo, don't follow everything, unless it benefits you
I subbed for the league content!
I would love to give my take on this as a plat player
Since you asked, a good Armor Item on Kai'Sa would be Zhonya's Hourglass, since she has such good AP ratios.
And on Jhin, some games you can get away with buying Plated Steelcaps for boots. Otherwise you are correct, there aren't a lot of good armor options for Marksmen currently.
However, all of this will change in preseason anyway.
Nice video! Also High Enough by Conro is a goatee song, nice choice.
Another thing I've found is that if you are in the wrong lane you will tilt more. I've been playing league since late season 3 and I mained adc, I got decent at it, hitting gold, then hitting plat, but my friends kept noticing me being tilted, yet after I started watching baus, I gave top lane a chance and stopped really caring about my kda and started focusing on wave management. Now I tilt way less, enjoy my small pool of champions and while It is true that you get brutally countered in top lane or get smashed by a 2.5M mastery OTP I kinda don't let it ruin my day as you mentioned in the video. One advice I'd give anyone for climbing is - definitely mute yourself if you get spammed, your toxic teammates won't become amazing shotcallers after you muted them, there is seriously nothing to lose. glhf
Its the mental game which get me out of bronze. I started to listen music to call me down and didn't play League until I was completely down to earth. Automatically my call mind started to take place in-game I started to take player faults more lightly and motivated my team and give good input in how we can comeback without forcing it. I comically started to think I play with 10 year old which need Motivations and orders to win the game like a father figure. The moment I write this I can imagine how weird this must to read this but can somebody understand?
Anyone gonna mention the new split distributions this split. People in gold 4 were majority silver 2 last split. So his journey from silver last split to gold last split was essentially like climbing from silver 4- silver 2 or 1. Maybe thats why it feels easier is because this split every rank below diamond got a bump up due to the distribution changes.
More than likely i never really struggled in silver besides s6-s8 i was gold before then but this was my easiest climb ever more than likely due to the new rank
Every league player needs this attitude
Great video man, keep it up. Unfortunate u are a small creator and not that many people will get to see this video.
btw you could try to put some music in the background and your clips are also quite nice!
@1:10 , yes. Some games are "unwinable" however, there is ALWAYS something you can improve literally every single game. So even if the game is unwinable, please do not go with the mindset "well it was lost anyway, i couldnt do anything" because thats not true
very insightful for a gold and below audience. Keep it up.
You really should have hammered home how important cs is. I say this a plat top main but just the 300g from three waves is enough to get an extra component of finish an item faster than you oppenent. It can give you a massive advantage in the scaling department, Eclipse or Heartsteel are honestly just about getting them as fast as possible.
It's just really nice to see someone else enjoying league as much as I do. 💕 For the sake of it. Improving whenever possible.
Good luck, man. GG. 🥰
I find myself going through exactly everything you stated in this video
i feel most people in low elo are having the same issues in games but my advice is just focus on your own gameplay and if theyre being toxic just ignore /mute all and play your game
I just climbed from b4 to g4 in a week... my biggest advice is... understand that losing a play doesnt mean losing the game. If your jungler is on the other side of the map... just wait for him to rotate over before you position more agressively... if your ult is up in 15s... just wait before you teleport... if your team dies in that 15s, then at least YOU can defend the map and increase your gold... if youre in a shit matchup, its OKAY to give up a little farm...dying for farm compounds your issues... if you're a jungler, wait til your teammates are in position before you gank, and vise versa... its okay to lose a few drags early if it means you are pressuring the map in other ways... if the enemy team is in the fog... just WAIT before you push up or position for any plays... you can have faker mechanics, but you still need faker macro to carry a yourself and your team forward.
Yeah this, what you described is called "macro" gameplay. Climbing in league is all about macro, being at the right place at the right time and waiting for your enemy to make a mistake. Crazy mechanics is useless for climbing.
This video is relevant to 90% of the people who watch league videos. The majority of people who watch league are not in masters+ elo.
It was high elo players that taught their low elo audience the mentality of absolutely blasting your team with pings.. except low elo people have the game awareness of a shoe
I'm an Irelia main and I have been silver for 70% of the time I've played league and I've been kind of at the same skill level with all my champs.
But when I started playing ranked and I wasn't climbing, it's when I noticed I needed to start genuinely playing better and smarter unironically and stick to one champ. (600k on Irelia at this point and and about 20 - 35 games later) I went from S1/G4 peak to now being Gold 1 omw to Plat 4.
Ranked pushes you to perform better and really understand the game , your champ, matchups , situations, itemizing etc etc. All stuff you need to take into consideration every second. Positioning, vision , map pressure . At some point I just started playing and doing better consistently.
And like you said there are some games you can't win which is perfectly fine it is what it is, trying to fight a force I can't controll even if I try to 1v5, is literally apart of the game and coming to terms with that is the best way to stay tilt proof in such a messy Elo.
Plat 4 this split is still gold 4
I’ve played this in 2013 and didnt go higher than silver 5 back when iron didn’t exist. I stopped playing about 4 years ago and now I picked it back up. That drug reference really hit home 😂
I have one important tip to share, it's a real game changer for me, when auto attack , you should be looking at the enemy's feet area instead of looking at the whole body, doing so helped me spacing a lot better
Consistency is key. If you play every game with a consistent level, you will climb :)
Until you get four trolls, who just wait to make you lose. Just because they can do it. Put your tips where the sun doesn't shine maybe?
I agree i think as long as you’re consistently focusing on what you need to improve on and making less and less mistakes you will notice a difference in win rate, with what the guy said he could’ve said it a bit nicer but the rng with teammates for sure impacts the game but in those specific games you play your best and try and focus on your game and i always attempt comebacks no matter how down the game is especially in silver
@@Jross240 Well, this has nothing to do with the time you spend playing LoL, actually. It all boils down to the MMR, ELO, or whatever you want to call it. The more you win, the more it raises. And when it raises, you gradually get better and better teammates, who are less likely to troll your game just like that.
@@mattreggie4481 Mate i've climbed from emerald to diamond. You're not going to have more than a 60% winrate as an average player.
I consistently have played 120+ games with a solid 56% wr and that has been my success to climbing. Some games have been super troll. The games that I are meant to lose, games that I get giga carried are the ones I am meant to win. The games that are 50/50 are the games that YOU need to be the consistent denominator.
@@jacksonhylan " Mate i've climbed from emerald to diamond". Try climbing from Iron 4. You would rather eat your keyboard out of anger first, than get any higher, even to Bronze 1.
mental rally is imporant in league, if you stay cool you will not only play better in the short term, but learn more in the long term
Playing yorick and only yorick(2 games a day), but in every roll, even in jngl and adc, still will stomp, for lowelo, focus on 1 or 2 champs, learn to use the map, and buy-in control wards is free lp, make sure you always have a ward on the map with your name on it. Learn to read your teammates and nothing wrong with pinging as long it serves a purpose, and remember that you win the game if you destroy nexus not getting 30 kills, you can only buy 6 items so XD.
Good video. Now I just have to find someone who can explain how to overcome my constant experience of getting 1-2 games of normal players who play and win or lose have fun and all seem to be relatively evenly skilled/knowledgeable, only to have the next 4-10 be absolute shitshows with non-stop typing, inting, griefing, and afking. the works. And in every game I do either FANTASTIC (but usually still can't carry because I'm only dmg/anything and enemy team just piles onto me while my team watches and eats popcorn), or I go even/only a little ahead. Even all my metrics place me at mid gold, but for some reason I can't keep silver IV. I gain it only to hit a a huge series of troll games and fall right back to bronze 2. It's depressing.
I'm not much of a grinder. I was iron and climbed to gold on a avg. 15 fps pc (0 on tf's) when I first tried ranked seriously and now I'm emerald-platinum on both ranks (only played placements). I mostly play this game with my friends, there are new players-stuck silvers among us and the big problem is they don't know what is what & what to do on different situations. League is a STRATEGY game and they're thinking getting kills is the only thing to win a game. That's not wrong- gold advantage plays a critical part on a game but my point is they try to kill everyone who gets on their way. If a low elo laner dies once or twice, it rolls like a snowball to an unstoppable end. think they can move to a new round when they die like it's counter strike but they're not aware how much advantage they give. There's a bunch of alternatives instead of just fighting & trying to win in that situation. Long story short, best advice I can give is observing. Not watching a best zed korea 10 min video, watching a full long game that considerably explains what they're doing at that time and why. Complete item knowledge or lee sin insecs can be saved to a different time but firstly they need to know what to do on a specific time or best choice they can make when something unexpected happens instead of continuing their npc mode.
I’ve recently got to Gold 3, and i was Silver 2 62 lp in my first season split, and I’ve learned a lot from youtuber like you and others… I’m Yone/Yasuo OTP but I know to play AP champions because they suits me very well (like Ahri, Veigar, Vex, Brand), I’m mainly playing for myself because i will get the tower with Herald pretty fast, and after the plating are off, I will roam because I have bigger advantage than others. My tip is, when you lose a game, and you’re tilted asf, just calm down a bit, watch a youtube video, have a positive mindset, because one day you may lose 3/4 games, but the next day you may regain that LP you lost…Idk this is how I play, I often have a dogshit teammates but when I have good teammates, it’s easier to win games (I mean it’s a obvious thing but i need to say it), often Bot are the most delusional players (supports mainly), but you (as a Mid Laner) can win 2v1 against them and get a pretty big shutdowns…If y’all have any tips for me or others, pls leave a comment!!😊😊
i've only been playing league for a month but recently began playing more as i started to enjoy it quite a bit. i honestly enjoyed listening to this video, in a way it was pretty refreshing to hear :D hope you keep making some more league content!
im glad you enjoy playing it I think it can be a very fun game with the right mindset. I do plan on making more League content in the future :)
my advice would be forget ranked for a LONG time, you have over 100 champs to learn and a whole strategic game. Try and have fun while you can and remember its a game unlike me whos been stuck in the bronze/silver loop forever because of afkers and toxic players. It also tilts me a lot, I hope to make it into gold+ one day but I reeeeally need to focus on remembering its a game and not tilting myself
^ not a joke@@remoover5420
I started playing a year ago and what helped me alot is (dont smite me for this) playing 300-400 aram games to learn other champs. People don't care about aram, there's little to no pressure, fast que times and shorter matches. Got a champ you've never played and don't know how it works? Just give it try. At the very least it forces you to read all the abilities and get a general feel of how the champion functions, the ranges, the playstyle etc. You may end up disliking it but atleast you'll know and it'll help narrow down on the role that suits you best.
Every once and a while you'll fall in love with a new champ and those moments are priceless (Elise for me)
Low elo is actually harder to climb than in higher elos i swear. I was a gold/silver hardstuck and climbed my way now to high emerald/close to dia. And it was too hard to get out of gold for me. After gold it was more easy to win games. Teammates are just not humans in gold elo
"There should be a Dirt tier where they put all the REALLY dumb players!"
-My Iron friend
i play league for about 4 years i think im too close to diamond one time i hit it in the past i can say that no matter what happens in the game if you follow a good game macro and make less mistakes and only choose good fights u can win almost any game (except the 100% lose games) try to say to yourself that if someone has climbed then i can too , and if you see someone in enemy team higher rank than you dont get scared in fact say to yourself i will beat him and i will be better than him , last tip if you are really scared of enemy ranks dont try to search in sites the enemy team ranks mains winrates and all that because it might stress you. I hope i helped with this comment have a nice day and good luck with your grind Jross.
Thank you for the very kind words, mental is huge in this game and just in general, i think league can make people slip into a bad place mentally and i do agree with if they’re a higher rank what does it matter yknow like test yourself and see how good you are if you lose okay what did i do wrong let’s improve sort of situation
I am pretty sure I discovered why tilt happens: because you want to win too much. You tunnel vision on winning, not playing. So when something doesn't go your way you get angry, cuz you are not winning.
Cure is to convince yourself that you like winning as much as losing. So play for fun, play to get better, play to tryhard, but don't play to win.
Focus on (your) actions, not results.
In EU i don't really know if they spam ping you this much in low elo, cause i just turn off all chats and ping at the start of each game for the last year+, except for jng and maybe for supp if i get autofilled adc...(and even so, when they start flaming i just mute them too), but i don't know if is the thing that they're on edge or some other worst mental thing, but here in EU in alot of games if you just make a criticizing observation to the jng (who is clearly the most impactful role in a team) big chances are he will just go baby mode and throw all game, intentionally or not, like by just going alone all the time and refusing to help team even in most obvious team fights, even if your team is doing good! Alot of people here, especially junglers, have like really fragile ego, this is the no.1 reason why is so hard to climb from here (if you are not playing jng that is). They seem to lack the fundamentals and map awareness, and that's ok i guess cos this is low elo, and some of them are new players too, but yet they have like challenger egos, and i'm not exaggerating when i say in bronze and silver this is like 60%+ of them, here on the euw server.
Tbh, I found climbing from silver to gold easier than from iron to silver.
In iron and bronze, almost all games are extremely one-sided. Feels like it doesnt exactly matter what you do in most games down there.
Down there, one game, you get a fiora toplane that uses Riposte to poke and thus, repeatedly dies. The next game, you get someone that wards well, freezes waves, knows how to back well and doesnt die for free all the time.
Feels like a smurf lottery down there.
From what I’ve been reading in the comments it sounds like it’s a rng experience and more coin flip games whilst in atleast gold silver i feel i have more ability to atleast attempt to a 1v9
Same vibes. I figured so long as I never feed, there’s a 5/9 chance we win because I won’t be contributing to the feeding problem but benefitting from it. 5/9 because 5 enemy players who might feed my team and 4 allies who might feed the enemy team. Sounds like there’s less smurfs in sliver as well making the S-G climb easier
I've just climbed from s3 to g3 within a week, I switched to play support since it felt that every time I played adc I would get match with either a passive support or a new player that didn't understand core concepts of the game. Somethign that I noticed as of my last games is that people in silver were always on edge like you mentioned (I was the same until I started playing chill champs), literally, you miss a cannon, insta ping, you missed a hook, insta ping. After getting to gold, you get pings sometimes but people play more chill and have a clear understanding of their champs (no first-timers).
you are the one on edge, pinging a missed cannon is funny and truly isn’t deeper than thay
I play basically all roles and I managed to climb to gold 1 and 2. Im in between the ranks currently. But when I started to focus on one role (the mid lane) and 3 champions (Annie, Fizz and Pantheon) I climbed really quickly from Silver 1 to gold 3. Then the games got easier.
Mercurial scimitar is another marksman defensive MR item. Has QSS or quicksilver sash in the build path for 1300 that removes all disables but airborne. Great against Mordikaiser R, Rammus, Lissandra R, etc.
I can’t believe i forgot to mention MS lol forgot about another MR item
The item is dogshit in terms of gold efficiency though. You only really build it on adc if ur against Malz or Morde, it's not worth just for liss or rammus