The Root Cause of Today’s Chronic Illnesses by Steve Bennett

  • Опубліковано 5 сер 2022
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  • @redstarbetty7997
    @redstarbetty7997 Рік тому +6

    I blame the terrible advice given in the 80's to cut down on saturated fat, eat industrially produced seed oils instead, and eat loads of carbs. That all came from Ancel Keys and Harvard who took money from Big Sugar to say that it wasn't carbs but fat to blame for cardiovascular disease. There's till loads of health professionals (doctors, dieticians, nurses etc) trotting out this rubbish even now and blindly leading everyone towards more ill health and bad nutrition. And it's not like the quality randomised control studies, meta-analyses and whatnot aren't out there which completely debunk the lipid hypothesis of CVD - clearly the "saturated fat bad" thing has just become ingrained in people's heads to the point that the man in the street dares not take notice of those shouting "it's the sugar, carbs and seed oils that are the problem!" from the sidelines! It'd hard to fight what has become a modern, corporate-interest generated myth that plays on people's fears of sudden death! I was in a shop recently and the guy who served me saw the lamb breast I was buying and said "oh that looks so good! I love all that stuff too - all the stuff that's bad for me!" Countering this now common mythology is not going to be easy, but I always tell people that I just don't believe the idea that saturated fat and meat is bad, and that nutritional advice was better before the 80's when we were first got bombarded with this nonsense from all angles here in the UK, with disastrous results for public health!

  • @nota8386
    @nota8386 Рік тому +3

    "corporate greed is killing us" is spot on.

  • @peterparnell3965
    @peterparnell3965 Рік тому +13

    Pretty much totally correct. Check out somebody called Ben Bikman re the insulin thing.

    • @fransarahallen7887
      @fransarahallen7887 Рік тому +2

      Yes he's great 👍

    • @hilarymarshall8120
      @hilarymarshall8120 Рік тому +4

      Totally love Ben Bikman. Just finished reading Why we get sick' basically because of high insulin levels.

  • @SusanERicks
    @SusanERicks Рік тому +8

    My sister an I were avid fans of Slimming World but if we ate Jacket Potato’s we always put on weight. Fortunately I have left the dark side but my sister is still addicted to food.

    • @ceeemm1901
      @ceeemm1901 Рік тому +1

      A potatoes calorific value sits halfway between an apple and a banana. Get this, in 2022 there are still people who get a potato, pour oil all over it, then bake it in the oven. When cooked, they put on a dollop of butter, a scoop of sour cream and big sprinkle grated cheese all over it....They eat it and then blame the STARCH for making them fat!!!, Hahahahahahahaha

    • @SusanERicks
      @SusanERicks Рік тому +1

      @@ceeemm1901 That JP with all those toppings sounds delicious. Unfortunately slimming world is a no fat diet.

    • @ceeemm1901
      @ceeemm1901 Рік тому

      @@SusanERicks Cosa da fudge?

  • @basicattentionwoman5787
    @basicattentionwoman5787 Рік тому +2

    The last time I was in England most of their veggies came from other countries

  • @kevinb3529
    @kevinb3529 Рік тому

    The tree gas an item missing kidney failure is also a side effect of T2

  • @Morese56
    @Morese56 Рік тому +10

    Just eat keto or carnivore. Period

  • @learntoeatwell
    @learntoeatwell Рік тому +1

    Love the tree diagram.

  • @Wonderboywonderings
    @Wonderboywonderings Рік тому

    I've stopped calling food "real food." Why should I use the modifier? The fake fooders should have to use the modifier. Not us. It's not: "They eat food & we eat real food." It's "We eat food & they eat fake food."

  • @theRNcarnivore
    @theRNcarnivore Рік тому +2

    Not entirely correct. The cause of modern chronic diseases is not insulin resistance, it is chronic systemic inflammation.

    • @OIOnaut
      @OIOnaut Рік тому +2

      due to failed insulin signaling on the level of mitochondrion with lowered FADH2 to NADH ratio. PUFA makes this very real but certain sat fats do not.

    • @theRNcarnivore
      @theRNcarnivore Рік тому

      @@OIOnaut so how does insulin signalling fail in a cell, can you explain the mechanism there? And also, how do you measure a cells insulin resistance???

  • @davidmaiden5677
    @davidmaiden5677 Рік тому

    He blames corporate greed. Corporations are not in the health care business. Corporations have taken advantage of our want for convenience. Much more convenient to open a box of cereal or stop at MacDonald's than to take the time and effort to make a meal of real food.

    • @ragepig1059
      @ragepig1059 Рік тому

      It's much more than just us being lazy and wanting a quick fix. It's them using ingredients they've studied as addictive, chemicals, cheapest oils, lying marketing, all in search of the biggest profit.

    • @ragepig1059
      @ragepig1059 Рік тому

      As he said. Greed.

  • @gerlachsieders4578
    @gerlachsieders4578 Рік тому +3

    I am still not convinced by the carb driven model of insulin resistance: many hunter gatherers are on a high carb diet and are doing fine; our grandparents were on high carb diet of grains, potatoes etc and did fine, in fact we have been on a high carb diet ever since the agricultural revolution 10.000 years ago, it never caused modern diseases up until 50 years ago. No, it's linoleic acid from plant based oils that disrupts carb and fat metabolism, oils that were introduced also 50 years ago.

    • @hohohomer4566
      @hohohomer4566 Рік тому +2

      Completely wrong !!!

    • @if-not-now
      @if-not-now Рік тому +12

      This is incorrect. The emergence of refined sugar into the American food supply slowly began devastating health on a population level. Clearly, the propaganda around PUF and SF did not help.
      Even before the 1900s the consensus was carbs were fattening. There were many books written about this, by clinicians and others, including textbooks.
      The glorification of PUF and carbs, and demonization of SF really came at the expense of John Yudkin’s academic career and reputation, largely because Ancel Keys couldn’t stand to see any competing theories have a platform at the time.
      And then you have the DGAs. Which further increased carb consumption.
      By the way, it’s accepted by most people now that the consequences of the agricultural revolution were nutritionally devastating. It was fundamentally the trading of nutritional quality for quantity.
      So, I’m not sure what point you’re making. Neither the ag revolution nor other changes that increased carbs in the diet were nutritionally beneficial, in fact all were harmful.
      Furthermore, the best anthropological isotope data we have suggests humans were hyper-carnivores (>70% of food from animals by volume) for the large majority of the last 2.5 million years

    • @hillviewmews
      @hillviewmews Рік тому

      Which Hunter Gatherers? See many credible available “Survivor” documentaries on people who actually lived among Hunter Gatherer who show their diet.

    • @DaKeezl
      @DaKeezl Рік тому +4

      Don't make Bart Kay furious!😄

    • @robinq5511
      @robinq5511 Рік тому

      Your grandparents were not eating the processed foods we do. And their fruits and veggies were only available seasonally. The modern SAD diet is a whole different 'animal'. GMO's and oxidated industrial seed oils have ruined our 'foods'.

  • @OlaB245
    @OlaB245 Рік тому +2

    27 minutes long ad.

    • @nota8386
      @nota8386 Рік тому +3

      For something that is genuinely useful for once. We need people like Steve to help fight back against the huge system keeping people sick.

    • @randomperson8771
      @randomperson8771 Рік тому +1

      The information its self is useful, But I agree it did come across as an ad for his products

    • @redstarbetty7997
      @redstarbetty7997 Рік тому +2

      Official govt nutritional advice is basically also just one big ad for the various corporate interests who stand to gain from sponsoring training establishments and "research" from which "official guidelines" are gleaned. It's all just a bought and paid for scam. What this man is selling is at least based on something which has proven useful and effective for many people! All power to him...