The Spanish Tier 10 Destroyer - Ship Request #13 : Álvaro de Bazán

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @jivie798
    @jivie798 Рік тому +49

    First here. Can we request a regolo in ranked?

  • @travelwell8098
    @travelwell8098 Рік тому +1

    Hello again..... regarding Ship Request...... Neustrashimy, please. I noticed that I'm not the only person asking for it now! 🙂

  • @ramtuff06
    @ramtuff06 Рік тому +1

    Game chat in random battles works about 10% of time , end game chat is always "candid" late game as some ppl cant accept that their own strategy isnt what others would choose, 😕 we are born to reject what is not our own perception of reality so most express their failure as hate towards team mates ....

  • @minneiskian
    @minneiskian Рік тому

    Prinz Ruprecht

  • @wesgeorge4112
    @wesgeorge4112 Рік тому +55

    You need to be using that F key a lot more. Every time you or your enemy is about to leave detection, fire off a burst. Use burst after damage control, when you are about to disappear behind an island, etc.

    • @TKDforME1
      @TKDforME1 Рік тому +1

      That’s solid advice

  • @brentbloomgren1634
    @brentbloomgren1634 Рік тому +22

    Try Halland gun build + Leg mod!
    It feels a lot less passive than the torp build and is a ton of fun

  • @joedoe6444
    @joedoe6444 Рік тому +31

    as a DD main i find that most of the toxic players are the ones that want you to stay spotted and sacrifice your ship so they can farm for free, then if you do die, they blame you for losing the spotting on that flank. everyone wants to shoot and not be shot at, then its someone else's fault if they died or the team lost the game.

    • @ramtuff06
      @ramtuff06 Рік тому +4

      Preach! And the game rewards DD spotting and flank control to encourage this behavior? non DD players have appreciation for the gauntlet DD's endure with precious HP pool, fun police CVs and radar, bot to mention knife fighting another dd, most cruisers players dont under stand if you sink up they go unspotted, reducing their exposure to 30 inch guns lol

    • @swordmonkey6635
      @swordmonkey6635 6 місяців тому

      That's not a toxic player. That's a typical Randoms player. I've played this game for 8 years and the fact that WoWS is a "team based" game without any reward for teamwork outside of blind luck or carrying is the problem. Reward team based tactics and teamwork.

  • @vampirecount3880
    @vampirecount3880 Рік тому +48

    As a criticism, I think you don't use the ship's gimick properly. If you play with Bazan to never use your gimick it doesn't make much sense to play with it. For example at 4:48 when you got out of the smoke to check on the demois, you could had shot your salvo, go inside the smoke to break line of sight for free. As you said in the port, the gimick is great when you are able to shoot, then break line of sight yet you dont do that very often. Just my 2 cents.

  • @Aceda007
    @Aceda007 Рік тому +18

    Ship request once again I am asking for Neustrashimy the T9 RU DD

  • @WindIsCalm
    @WindIsCalm Рік тому +6

    I can not find any good videos on the Fen Yang, give it a shot! See how she is these days!

  • @mknote
    @mknote Рік тому +8

    I'm sorry, but what? Turning off in-game chat is a _terrible_ idea! Okay, sure, in-game coordination isn't particularly common, but it does happen, and turning off the ability for teammates telling you what they're going to do just makes it harder to coordinate. And you've _never_ gotten good in-game advice? I find that rather hard to believe. Again, it might not be common, but never in all the time you've been playing?

    • @Just_som_Ottur
      @Just_som_Ottur Рік тому +3

      Yeah, it’s nice when folks ask me if I want smoke or vice versa at times.

  • @hagostaeldmann
    @hagostaeldmann Рік тому +5

    One of my favourite destroyers in the game solely because it rewards skill/burst fire intelligent usage so much. This thing is an absolute demon for solo play as regardless of your HP, players fear you due to your 10k burst damage ability, regardless of remaining health pool, and it's great stealth for its firepower.
    I really cannot stress enough just how poorly you're playing this ship. From the captain build being horribly, horribly bad, to your complete aversion to using burst fire, despite it being something you should be using many, many times per Watching you just constantly miss out on burst opportunities, which are typically a solid 10k dmg and if using HE a hurts. I'll typically burst 10x per game and each time is worth a bare minimum of 5k damage, usually closer to 10k.
    No wonder you don't really like this ship.

  • @wesgeorge4112
    @wesgeorge4112 Рік тому +15

    This is a fantastic DD. So many people just don't seem to understand it. It's really a hit and run anti DD ship. Also good for farming fires and spamming torps

    • @TPilloL
      @TPilloL Рік тому +1

      so, which the tier 4 cap skills u using be with her

    • @wesgeorge4112
      @wesgeorge4112 Рік тому +3

      @@TPilloL concealment and increased dispersion of enemy shots fired at you for 20 secs

    • @Ace42x
      @Ace42x Рік тому +3

      @@TPilloL Concealment. Her burst fire mode represents a massive cumulative-alpha strike potential that will wreck enemy destroyers if it connects and you are concentrating on optimal trading. You need the concealment to reduce enemy DDs' reaction times and ability to outspot you.
      She's got smokes, so trying to increase her RoF by staying spotted doesn't synergise well with her smoke-farming potential.
      Increasing gun-range is certainly an option (harder for people trying to escape your smoke-farming to leave your effective range; means you can open water gunboat in the late game when your smokes are all run out / on CD), but the increased travel time (and increased detection bloom) somewhat limit the benefit you get out of it.

    • @gblowe62
      @gblowe62 Рік тому +1

      My second game in her was almost 200k... torps and bb farming in their backfield. Very situational dd, but fun.

  • @Saddy231
    @Saddy231 Рік тому +29

    I wonder if this is even possible but here is my ship request

  • @northernzeus768
    @northernzeus768 Рік тому +9

    Ahoy hoy PQ. I really want to branch out and learn DD’s but I’m just terrible every time I bring one out of port. Can you do a “ how to play” tutorial on DD’s please. Tactics, strategy, thought process….etc?

    • @snugglyhedgehog
      @snugglyhedgehog Рік тому +2

      Hey, I’d take a peek at destroyer_kurosaki for dd play! He helped bring my wr up from 50 to 54, and gives a lot of amazing advice

    • @Ace42x
      @Ace42x Рік тому +2

      DDs are some of the most impactful ships in the game, so well worth learning.
      DDs win games by outplaying the enemy destroyers (and to lesser degree, submarines).
      Ideally this means killing them outright, but can also include out-contesting them on caps; scaring them so far away that they don't contribute whilst you provide good vision; or straight up out-farming them.
      Rule of thumb for destroyers is "If you outgun them, they out-spot you and vice versa" - although this does get somewhat confounded by some lines' reliance on gimmicks.
      For example German hybrid DDs tend to have relatively poor detection and HE DPM (and poor torpedo DPM) so in theory struggle to do their job; but they have the large-radius hydro and good AP DPM to circumstantially abuse the enemy.
      Another example is the Russian gunboats getting out-gunned by stuff like the French or Italian DDs; but having faster shells and thus better range characteristics, and thus being able to out-trade the enemy gunboats at max range (and having time to get their heals off).
      Look at your match-ups, if you can assassinate an enemy DD early on - do so; if you can outspot them, keep them permaspotted while your teammates kill them. When the match starts, push up towards the CP whilst being aware of the risk of being radar'd (particularly if you're relying on a smokescreen to disengage) - you want to get into a position where your detection radius is *juuuust* short of the far side of the capture radius.
      When the CP starts getting captured, you'll know exactly where the enemy DD is whilst being undetected yourself - depending on the match up you can slowly reverse towards the enemy DD to try and outspot them (whilst being ready to accelerate away to maintain vision without getting outspotted), or push in and assassinate them, etc.
      Once you've outplayed the DD (and / or subs) it's usually safe to cap the CP and then move on to the next CP / enemy DD / enemy sub.
      If there's no enemy DDs or subs left, you've pretty much won the game - make sure you've got enough control points to guarantee the game's not going to get lost accidentally on points, and then feel free to just go farm / kill stuff. Just make sure you don't suicide push into radars; or let your team get farmed down by island campers you refuse to spot.
      Try to find broadsides - whether you're trying to get torpedo dev strikes; or light fires on bow, stern, and mid simultaneously; or trying to farm AP damage, broadsides help. If you're torping, you want to be as close to the enemy as is safely possible - the more time it takes the torpedoes to reach the enemy, the more time they have to spread out, and the more time the enemy has to change their mind and put their ship somewhere that avoids some or all of those torps.

    • @Kireiji
      @Kireiji Рік тому +1

      ​@@Ace42xnice comment

    • @hagostaeldmann
      @hagostaeldmann Рік тому

      Personally I wouldn't recommend watching PQ for tips on how to play anything except brawling battleships. He arbitrarily chooses to play every other ship type intentionally wrong.

    • @TKDforME1
      @TKDforME1 Рік тому

      @snugglyhedgehog do you have a link?

  • @LyLongfts
    @LyLongfts Рік тому +5

    You're pretty bad at this ship xD, it's a decent gunboat dd

  • @vyhbing
    @vyhbing Рік тому +7

    yeah about the ingame chat: theres at least one person in the game that blames everyone except themselves for losing the game and after all you gotta remember its just a videogame. theyre made to have fun and if you are that serious about winning in a game, you wont have a fun time anymore but some people dont seem to understand

  • @Apollyon-er4ut
    @Apollyon-er4ut Рік тому +2

    I'm with you about the player base. People forget it's a game. Just had an Iowa push into 5 ships in the Asymmetric and want me to push with him while I'm in a Zao. NOT! He has a meltdown when he dies, but I continue to kite, and light fires, for a win. How is his stupidity my fault?🤡🤡

  • @geosama1317
    @geosama1317 Рік тому +8

    remember guys:
    when you die, it's never your fault, but always your teammate's fault

  • @salamender8547
    @salamender8547 Рік тому +6

    Hi PQ! sadly this poor alvaro can't carry, not really good at anything, what about a ship request on Cleveland? It is such a good ship!

  • @ReDiR20
    @ReDiR20 Рік тому +25

    Ship requests: Gunboat Shima with range mod and +20% range skill

  • @haiannguyen3299
    @haiannguyen3299 Рік тому +4

    day 1 of asking for Izumo :V My fav

  • @bloodfith1
    @bloodfith1 Рік тому +7

    would totally love to see you play secondary arkansas beta. The secondaries on that ship are absolutely hilarious

  • @AnonymousCapybara2050
    @AnonymousCapybara2050 Рік тому +8

    You're a font of positivity in the toxic swamp that is WoWS and I really respect you for that

  • @Grixx777
    @Grixx777 Рік тому +2

    I agree that 90% of the time in game chat is toxic. However, there are times when in game chat is good. Instances where you get teammates giving information that is useful such as pointing out when a ships DCP is down or when their about to use a consumable to assist. I wouldn't advise people to blanket not listen or turn off in game chat.

  • @djcallofduty2473
    @djcallofduty2473 Рік тому +2

    How about some Florida??

  • @cerneysmallengines
    @cerneysmallengines Рік тому +3

    I definitely agree with the chat advice of just turning it off. I just got out of an Asym match where I did 400k damage, killed 5 ships, 6 citadels in a Bourgogne, and I'm the reason we lost.

  • @AjaxPKama
    @AjaxPKama Рік тому +3

    Elbing-line got Buff this patch, isn't it? i can you review the line with Elbing?

  • @613Nightmare
    @613Nightmare Рік тому +8

    tbh the amount of time you spend playing extra passive or not doing anything in many matches can be quite frustrating

  • @daisyjohnson5103
    @daisyjohnson5103 Рік тому +4

    I think that gearing in the second game was his very first t10 ship. I didn't have enough money for mods on my very first t10 ship too lol

  • @AllAhabNoMoby
    @AllAhabNoMoby Рік тому +4

    I do think that in Arms Race, the DD's need to try and get the buffs. Of course they require support and they need to not suicide, but the DD's are the first designated to get the buffs. In this game, you never even tried.

  • @atunaco
    @atunaco Рік тому +2

    Don't worry, you have pronounced the ship's name quite well in American Spanish. Actually better than average. Greetings from Spain.

  • @tomekes5782
    @tomekes5782 Рік тому +1

    Don't agree with "disable the chat" advice, especially for novices. Not listening to frustrated criticism ora nagging is one thing, but listening to advice on chat is something completely different. You can receive useful commands regarding coordination, like "i go here, you flanke there". Aldo every once i a while I did receive some useful tips, like other players taking note of the points and clock, which you might miss in the heat of the battle.
    So leave on the chat.

  • @MrSharkswith
    @MrSharkswith Рік тому +2

    Constellation? I never see them around and would like to see how you deal with playing it.

    • @Ace42x
      @Ace42x Рік тому

      Fast relatively stealthy and nimble battlecruiser. Its survivability is very contingent on range management.
      Its battle impact comes from two main gimmicks: Its ability to quickly sneak into good (safe) crossfire positions - and to quickly get out of them if the enemy tries to counter that position; and its ability to radar DDs trying to troll you and thus wallop them.
      In theory the guns are accurate, and you can occasionally get some excellent salvoes off - but in practice the low barrel count means plenty of whiffed salvoes.
      "Brisk" is particularly strong on her.
      I've got a fair few vids of me playing her on my channel - she's quirky but not spectacular.

  • @JimBlock999
    @JimBlock999 Рік тому +1

    9:25 "I died, someone else must be responsible for this" is so common in this game ...

  • @SoldierOfFate
    @SoldierOfFate Рік тому +1

    It's always easier to blame someone for one's own shortcomings than to admit that they screwed up themselves. I've played this game too goddamn many times to have this lesson drilled into the back of my head.

  • @therepublic21
    @therepublic21 Рік тому +2

    Let’s do some Hector in randoms!

  • @fiokak1506
    @fiokak1506 Рік тому +3

    There are some ships in this game I didn't know even existed, which nobody plays. I'm talking about ships like Rochester or Litorrio. I'd like to see those in action.

    • @facemcshooty3046
      @facemcshooty3046 Рік тому

      Ah Rochester. The thinking man's Baltimore

    • @blackraen
      @blackraen Рік тому

      It'd be fun to see a Rochester. You don't need to worry about the Littorio though, it is literally a copy-pasta of the Roma. Like, when it first came out, if you turned the Littorio's special camo off, the base ship even had the "Roma" name on the hull. That said, it'd be nice to see a PQ Roma game as well.

  • @JoergKropp-j2e
    @JoergKropp-j2e Рік тому +2

    I'd like to see you play the Carnot, please

  • @ianatkinson5509
    @ianatkinson5509 Рік тому +1

    You complain to much, we can all see the frustration, c
    You come across better with the constant complaints

  • @Vageeta1000
    @Vageeta1000 Рік тому +1

    Seeing some russian DD games would be cool, feels like nobody plays them.

  • @ModernMarx-g4n
    @ModernMarx-g4n Рік тому +2

    West Viginia '41! 8x406's at tier 6 is "fair and balanced"

  • @robbie9723
    @robbie9723 Рік тому +3

    Bursting down Minotaurs point blank is one of the most enjoyable experiences in this game

  • @gaborferenc2276
    @gaborferenc2276 Рік тому +1

    if I wanted to see you suffer I'd say: ship review, Z-39

  • @philipreber3314
    @philipreber3314 Рік тому +1

    In ingamechat are Sometimes pretty funny conversations

  • @tijger5353
    @tijger5353 Рік тому +1

    Btw who actualy listens to people in the ingame chat?

  • @ludvigthebirb7131
    @ludvigthebirb7131 Рік тому +4

    I often tell the people that are mad about suboptimal plays or whatever, that there is a gamemode where you can take the game seriously, it's called ranked.

  • @richard_darwin
    @richard_darwin Рік тому +1

    My ship request would be the München. It is actually very underrated in my opinion

    • @Joshua-fi4ji
      @Joshua-fi4ji Рік тому

      It's ok, but I don't think it's great. Poor shell arcs and a super fragile hull limits its effectiveness. I find Weimar to be a generally better ship, but I appreciate the different playstyles.

  • @theheliux8197
    @theheliux8197 Рік тому +1

    I request a look at the glorious California, maybe with an AA-Build on it!

  • @Mer4ydin
    @Mer4ydin Рік тому +1

    Ship request: Z-42

  • @BraskySTU
    @BraskySTU Рік тому +4

    My experience with people upset with whatever you didn't do (in their mind) is that they are almost always below average players. Because better players ask themselves what they could have done differently, and worse players look for others to blame.

  • @simonmichaelis1492
    @simonmichaelis1492 Рік тому +1

    We want to see Erie next!

  • @tijger5353
    @tijger5353 Рік тому +1

    We want tiger 59

  • @josephgriffiths7656
    @josephgriffiths7656 Рік тому

    At the start when radar'd by the DM, i'd have burst him and ran. By the time you get away from radar you'd be very close to dropping back into conceal and you'd have done possibly 10k damage + fire. it's a great tactical thing that burst ships can do. I think you'd be very good with burst ships if you'd incorporate that playstyle a bit more. I've seen players use this tactic to great affect against me, and I great effect to them.
    I started thinking of burst ships as more as a BB salvo type thing. Every 20-30 seconds you get a massive damage potential + fire. You're fast moving, highly maneuverable, very good conceal 'battle cruiser' that bursts and pops in and out of conceal. It's exceptionally difficult for battleships/cruisers, and to some degree DDs to deal against.

  • @kylehaggard7348
    @kylehaggard7348 Рік тому +3

    Hey PQ, you should check out the Constellation. It has my highest WR of any tier 8 prem (77%). Really interesting playstyle with BB guns, radar, and torps

  • @CaspCic
    @CaspCic Рік тому

    No... thats not entirely true. Often you can say, what was in your team mates match - and what he missed to do. Even if you told him... or suggested him. Some people just dont get it. Its valid to speak up then. And its not only if YOU die... its mostly when THEY die.

  • @Baelfyr
    @Baelfyr Рік тому

    And thats the biggest problem this game has, its built to be a team based game, hpwever, everyone plays for themselves and hopes for a win, no one is calling targets and shooting the same target, no one is helping each other, its a free for all and its a toss up between the teams for who wins, lately, this game has got a lot worse, a lot of the good players have gone from the game because of the choices WG has made with CVs and Subs, so we are left with a lot of bad players, players who dont know how to play, who hide behind islands, dont know how to use their ships, who dont know how to split at the start of the game, or lemming train to one side, who suicide into the enemy in the first 3 -4 minutes of a 20 minute game, who spawn on one side of the map to only then travel to the entire other side of the map, or players who dont shoot and have 100% health in the last minutes of the game, battleship players who dont know how to use their health as a resource to win the game, this is where world of warships is heading, i have said it before and i will say it again, this game is slowly dying and its always the good players who leave first.

  • @ShaperOfThings
    @ShaperOfThings Рік тому

    Great series...
    I vote Nebraska, with full secondaries, as a future showcase. Unless it's purely t10 stuff?

  • @franz265
    @franz265 Рік тому

    Usually the biggest idiots with a hidden profile start talking smack that doesnt make sense. These people are resistant to improving themselves.

  • @gaborferenc2276
    @gaborferenc2276 Рік тому

    re DM at around the 8 min mark: I think what the guy is asking, "why are you in a DD"? Not "what are you doing there?"

  • @BladeCaptain-TRMN
    @BladeCaptain-TRMN Рік тому

    Ship Request: How about the Gearing with the new'ish Unique Upgrade?

  • @leonidas231
    @leonidas231 Рік тому

    it needs either higher fire chance, or something... its guns are only good against very very light armor

  • @albedo1237
    @albedo1237 Рік тому

    How about Moskva, if not done yet. Is it still good or has it been power crept?

  • @dirkschulz7282
    @dirkschulz7282 Рік тому

    Shutting down chat doesnt hurt one's winrate. but it improves your sanity.

  • @sardaukerlegion
    @sardaukerlegion Рік тому

    No doubt it's a better trainer then the Canarias.
    But "better" does not make it "good".

  • @TKDforME1
    @TKDforME1 Рік тому

    I like Alvaro. It’s solid, almost play it like a light cruiser

  • @erwinlyu6832
    @erwinlyu6832 Рік тому

    Flandre secondary build for next ship request?

  • @bradleysmith6599
    @bradleysmith6599 Рік тому

    Perhaps my beloved Irian? Or have you done that already?

  • @KColumbus
    @KColumbus Рік тому

    can you play mecklenburg in your next shi request

  • @blazinbenji5571
    @blazinbenji5571 Рік тому +2

    Do Erie! I genuinely want to watch you play it! And I know I'm not the only one who feels the same. And can you please do ships lower than T8 in general anyway? Lower tier ships exist too! They are just as pertinent to this game!

    • @Ace42x
      @Ace42x Рік тому

      Ships only tend to get their gimmicks when they reach Tier 8, so for the vast majority of low tier ships it's just a question of playing the game's fundamentals - which applies equally to all comparable ships.
      Of course there's a few oddballs (Strasbourg, I'm looking at you) - but typically you can figure out what to do with an oddball tier 7 by looking at a high tier ship with the same gimmick; you can't figure out how to optimally utilise a high tier ship's gimmick just by looking at generic bland T7s.

  • @AzureAlliance31
    @AzureAlliance31 Рік тому +1


  • @joca1378
    @joca1378 Рік тому

    I've tried playing this ship in every way possible, still can't make it work well. Reload booster is meh, all the rest is really bad.

    • @Ace42x
      @Ace42x Рік тому +1

      Build for concealment plus guns, figure out your match-up vs the enemy destroyer early on.
      If you outgun them, go in, farm their health down with your decent gunpower, then switch to burst-fire when their health is *juuuuust* low enough for you to delete them with that burst salvo.
      If you outspot them, do so from stealth while teammates chip away at them - again, use burst-fire to confirm the kill when they're low enough.
      If you can't comfortably do either, then spam torps to hope for some fluke damage - and then combo your burst-fire with smokescreen to out-trade the enemy DD so that you land your high cumulative-alpha damage and go invisible before they can return a comparable amount of damage. When the burst's cooldown is back, you can reacquite the enemy and potentially use the same smokescreen to repeat the manouvre.
      If you can assassinate enemy DDs / Subs you pretty much win the game by default; and it should be trivially easy to secure caps and farm down the rest of the enemy with HE Spam - either from smoke, from behind island cover, or acceleration-juking from open water at max range.

  • @JohnK68
    @JohnK68 Рік тому

    WoW is boring overall people are bad players.

  • @fostersnc
    @fostersnc Рік тому

    How about playing the Iwami?

  • @marcingawlicki
    @marcingawlicki Рік тому

    Hi, another awesome guide, thx. My idea for another "Ship Request" is "Marceau & vs Kleber" direct compare in one guide both ships or in two separate videos but still compare. Greetings

  • @kaituli
    @kaituli Рік тому

    Can you make Dalian work? :)

  • @admHackbar
    @admHackbar Рік тому

    B-Hull Monaghan with TRB

  • @43YrOldWoWCatLady
    @43YrOldWoWCatLady Рік тому

    What's 'taters precious?😁

  • @Jacob-rx4jk
    @Jacob-rx4jk Рік тому

    Next ship request: US Chester

  • @n2t460
    @n2t460 Рік тому

    Bismarck!! In random missions!!!

  • @rajmanickam7239
    @rajmanickam7239 Рік тому

    Ship request: Iwami

  • @ConcealedWeapon
    @ConcealedWeapon Рік тому

    I want to see a blow out draw.

  • @konradvalenrod8054
    @konradvalenrod8054 Рік тому

    Marco Polo, Giuseppe Verdi?

  • @Klaus_Klavier
    @Klaus_Klavier Рік тому

    The AP of this thing is like Kleber, it can citadel cruisers, you can fire a shot to make sure the sun is good then unleash a punishing salvo of pens into the side of them

  • @Swordphobic
    @Swordphobic Рік тому

    Ship request: Atlântico

  • @ticonderoga4915
    @ticonderoga4915 Рік тому

    Baltimore perhaps?

  • @fortinero3361
    @fortinero3361 Рік тому

    Ship request: Perth

  • @accurateraccoon7406
    @accurateraccoon7406 Рік тому

    Can we see a goliath

  • @booch9109
    @booch9109 Рік тому

    Fun in asymmetric

  • @captainworstpirateiveheard9842

    Hector if u got her

  • @TheL0vecake
    @TheL0vecake Рік тому

    Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, never listen to in game chat, and never learn

  • @quinnwu2054
    @quinnwu2054 Рік тому

    Maybe Nurnberg?

  • @bokelund9176
    @bokelund9176 Рік тому

    Kremlin next :)

  • @dutchtanky6988
    @dutchtanky6988 Рік тому

    Borodino next?

  • @grimmhammertv3365
    @grimmhammertv3365 Рік тому

    Colbert next?

  • @kape2978
    @kape2978 Рік тому

    Turning off chat is a tossup really. In SEA, it used to be boxes, now its just empty spaces when someone types in anything but english. However, the ability to communicate with the chat hotkeys can be helpful at times. Also I find it way easier to coordinate when someone types in english, specially ranked.

    • @travelwell8098
      @travelwell8098 Рік тому

      Yeah... I feel the same you do about this... but if you have been watching PQ for a while, you will notice that he used to turn chat off. Only recently... maybe past year or so.... has he been leaving it on. I guess since he got more popular he has left it on. He just doesn't like to communicate with the team. He has talked about it a few times, but I can't remember what he said about why.

  • @cyberdiver6072
    @cyberdiver6072 Рік тому


  • @NukieDookie
    @NukieDookie Рік тому


  • @Soebro
    @Soebro Рік тому


  • @Wincortiums_Banner
    @Wincortiums_Banner Рік тому +1

    In-game chat: if you can not coop with randomness, do not play random battle. Maybe clan battles will be your thing?