Words cannot adequately express how pertinent this video, and the words of Nietzsche, are right now. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and relevant videos.
He was prescient. Herd morality drives the social justice warriors. They are imposing cultural Marxism on Western society. Higher men are ridiculed and blamed for any and all problems. Call me a sexist, racist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, and I do not listen. You cannot bring me down with name calling. We all are in for a long struggle to advance society.
Herd morality doesn't drive the social justice warriors. The desire to overcome social injustice drives them. And there's less of a problem with "Higher Men" being ridiculed and blamed for all problems, then there is with racists, misogynists, homophobes, and bigots in general being held up as examples of "Higher Men." Moving through life as a moronic brute because you're unwilling or unable to do the difficult work of self-introspection combined with the even more difficult work of putting yourself into other people's shoes and developing a little empathy for your fellow man is not evidence of your superiority. It's evidence of your inferiority. To hold this personal failure up as a badge of honor is a perfect example of the "slave morality" at work. The slave turns their impotence into chastity; their poverty into asceticism. You turn lack of basic human decency into evidence of how "enlightened" you are. TLDR: If people keep calling you a bigot, maybe you're not a Nietzschean Superman...maybe you're just an asshole?
LOL thus far the only achievement of the sjw movement is the further decay of those they claim to represent. When confronted with the sorry state of their pet communities they present no ideas just anger. The biggest joke of all is that everything is the fault of the right wing yet the leaders that drove their communities to ruin have been consistantly left wing for decades. Your desire is not for equality, you want those uneffected by your failed ideology to suffer alongside it's victims.
+rbgg2010 >there's less of a problem with "Higher Men" being ridiculed and blamed for all problems, then there is with racists, >misogynists, homophobes, and bigots in general being held up as examples of "Higher Men." Oh yeah. But that is "the herd" responsability. Other than that, I wholehearty agree. Too many twats around. Then again, there is a high demand for twats in the culture of today.
Jerry Hylton honey,last time I checked it was the right who brought raigonomics and trickle down theory and crack into our community's and the right was the one who defended corporations who polluted our water and environment and is doing everything in their power to take away family planing and sex Ed because you saw a hart warming video about a clump of cells. Project your failures onto others much?
Sometimes I feel like a higher man, but other times I feel like the lowliest slave. I guess those are the competing urges for acceptance and greatness that we all face.
@@nivozen that is something that i have been thinking for a while now. but you worded that very nicely, the best i got was to describe this as being willfully blind and ignorant.
This kinda ties back to Marxist or even Feuerbach or just in general Hegelian philosophy. Marx wrote a thesis on Feuerbach: “The materialist doctrine that men are products of circumstances and upbringing, and that therefore, changed men are products of other circumstances and changed upbringing, forgets that is it men who change circumstances and that it is essential to educate the educator himself. Hence this doctrine necessarily arrives at dividing society into two parts, one of which is SUPERIOR to society.” If we were to make an analogy between this thesis to Nietzschean notions of master/slave morality, the slave is essentially the one forged from circumstances, while the master is the one shifting circumstances as they see fit for the masses.
Edro Septic, he didn’t live up to his standards either because he ended up losing his mind. The reality is that the world today is designed to prevent the masses from becoming “the higher man“. The ruling elite have worked hard to create a system that makes everybody dependent on it and in turn makes it very difficult to find motivation or meaning in life.
It's mind blowing that someone could understand these ideas. The herd is strong which causes the higher man to conceal oneself and even blend in at times just to live to see another day. Theses ideas will be passed over for many generations and then one day in the future be understood. Nietzsche was a sharp man it seems.
a higher man is a man of means, if you simply surrender to the "herd" then you're doing something wrong. there's always a way to achieving success and if there isn't then make your own way
@@hasanyahya8384 It's like classists can't possibly define an ordinary working class family, persisting for generations, to be 'successful'. If it weren't for the 'slave' class, wealthy people (which I think is what we're really talking about) wouldn't be wealthy. So it makes sense that people have resisted the constriction by industrial authoritarianism, since the Industrial Revolution. The 'slave morality' of workers insisting to their new corporate managers, that they should have a say in the employer-employee dynamic, is why democracy was introduced into business hierarchy. It's why we have overtime pay, 5-day/40-hour work week, some minimal standard of labor rights. Nietzsche wants to distinguish inferiority/superiority based on a vague definition of 'success'. But a society that defines success simply as wealth and power, will be challenged. Not everyone is going to think - I have little wealth and power so I must be inferior, and I should look to cultural prescriptions for success. The man of more means must, by definition, be superior in all ways to the man of lesser means. - It would be a sort of easy cop-out, but would leave a person always looking outside themselves for approval and validation.
@@MetalNick when i said a man of means i didn't simply mean wealth, i also meant control, which is not necessarily in a bad manner, a higher man in my opinion is a man with purpose, a man who would dedicate his life to the cause he believes in and one who is courageous enough to take necessary action to achieve that purpose no matter what people say about him. the "geniuses" Nietzsche talked about were mostly ready to endure all the difficulties they faced by the herd, being a man of means is having the willpower to achieve what you want and the tools to do so. i also agree with the points you made saying a rich class is worthless without the working one.
@@classica1fungus I learned how to read and write from playing video games and browsing the internet. The only thing school did was make me subconsciously associate the process of learning with being tortured.
@@SUNSETS-AND-SUNRISES-JAMAICA it’s brilliant- and timeless - I’m impressed my friend, and grateful to know that sentiment hasn’t been washed away in the modern currents! Well done!
Probably the single most important video ever uploaded on UA-cam. Thank you for conveying what is such a difficult subject to explain to people who have never been exposed to such material in a way that is easily absorbed. I've shared it to so many people since first watching and still do.
Indeed but I think it also shows that a 'Higher man' can wield the herd morality against the herd itself. The society we are witnessing today is not a natural progression IMO but a weaponized herd morality or pseudo religion
John J I agree but I would also say that we have improved certain parts of our tech further than we are ready for. Too much communication and digital technology. We’re good on all that.
“Broadly speaking, they [Nietzsche’s ideas] stand in direct opposition to every dream that soothes the slumber of mankind in the mass, and therefore mankind in the mass must needs to suspicious of them, at least for years to come. They are pre-eminently for the man who is not of the mass, for the man whose head is lifted, however little, above the common level. They justify the success of that man, as Christianity justifies the failure of the man below.” (H.L. Mencken, The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche). Perhaps everyone here has lifted their head, "however little, above the common level."
Womb Vacation perhaps, but I think if anyone should watch these videos, and learn from them, it should most definitely be a person from the herd. They'd benefit the most.
Everything makes so much more sense now. I have always found resentment when I follow what everyone else does. Now I'm going to change and strive to be the higher man. Towards a new Avalon!
Good for you. The more I avoid doing what everybody else does, the better I feel about myself. Always be a leader, never a follower. It's just sad and pathetic. You might suffer a lot more consequences of being the leader such as hate, isolation, and envy, but it's much better than to be a fucking COWARD! You are fueling your own flame inside while others are simply dying. Trust me, you do NOT want to be a part of the miserable herd. Stand on your own two feet always!
True To be great, you must become a servant of the herd, not a follower of the herd, but the good shepherd that leads the herd. Since no one is good but "The True And Living God", it is this God, that chooses you for his purpose and gives you your understanding of why and what you most learn before your purpose can be perceived by you. Without this God, an atheist captures too many ration thoughts from the inhumane atrocities imposed upon society. An atheist will never be able to reconcile wars of greed and subjection of humanity by lustful humans toward each other. There is a new world system coming, the chosen from every nation is taught how to live separate, as a stranger, even among their own families, and still seek to promote the truth, that only " The True and Living God", will give to those who are called for His purpose. Real truth is freedom, and freedom can only be realized from a God that say:: "I am God, and beside me their is no other". "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man can come to the father, but through me". "Great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested in the flesh, which mean God was man known in the flesh through a little itinerant preacher, who preached unto the gentiles, that another kingdom is coming, and Gods will will be done in this earth as it was in heaven. What was Gods will?, Satan was cast out of heaven, and was seen as lightning as he was falling to the earth during the time that Jesus was n the world, during the time of Rome. It is up to each of us to discover why Jesus came into the world, at the very time Satan was driven from the heavens. " in the fullness of time, God sent forth His son" to give hope to the shepherd less herd. You are heading on the wrong direction that seem right to a rational being, but you heading toward the death of your soul. The herd is anyone who have not HEARD the voice of the True And Living God declared in such a most noble and simple way: " this is life eternal, to know thee, The True And Living God, And Jesus the Christ who you God has sent"🤔🌅✝️
Sure but do be weary that if and when you fail, if you burn all bridges with the herd, you’ll be in for a very tough life. Like it or not, unless you are an absolutr creative genius, you’ll need the herd to be on your side.
Oh please wise one, share with us your great works of art and great feasts of excelencia and wonder! Seriously dude you sound like you were 14 when you wrote this comment, if you have done anything above mediocre by now I would be surprised, please prove me wrong
If read incorrectly, Nietzsche may appear offensive and belittling to many. If read correctly though, Nietzsche made it quite clear that the herd morality he so despised is just that; a mentality. It's not an innate characteristic. It's a temporary error that can and should be remedied-which is why he was so frustrated with the mass. Hence it may corrupt the great men. He never said something along the lines of "you're either a herd or a great man" in which case he would indeed have been insulting. If that is what he preached, he wouldn't have any reason to be so worried about the spread of mediocrity. I believe that Nietzsche intention was not to create a social separation between the herd and the great men. Or to urge the great men to unite and genocide the herd. Quite the contrary, the best way to eliminate the herd would not be to kill them all but to turn them into great men instead and that's exactly what he wanted imo.
Yes but it's the nihilistic and egotistical "moral masters" that are a class that, even while Nietzsche has anticipated, has crept into the power hierarchy of politics and media, imposing the "slave morality" on the stubborn and impotent masses.
I wouldn’t say “ahead of his time”. Rather, it is us who think ours is the time of great societal strife, when in reality, weak and strong individuals are in a perpetual dance. What I think at least. And slowly, with mistakes and stumbles, we will collectively mature. We have to, or we’ll die :)
He wasn’t ahead of his time. He was right in his time. Human behavior, nature and society hasn’t changed for thousands of years you know that right lol?
Obsessed with greatness. "The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves."
Thank you for this comment. In my life I have had a reawakening to this. Sometimes we take a blue pill because all the red pills cause hysteria, but in a man’s life he must go out in the world and fight for his life and attain greatness or die trying.
This world and everything in it is the physical manifestation of evolving consciousness. The meaning of life is to assist (not interrupt) this evolution. We all have a big role in this process. We just got lost along the way. As we often do.
@Dani El time is wasted when you don't enjoy the time you've had. Why would I waste my life on being a doctor if I don't enjoy being one while I could be happier being a scientist? I'll soon be turned to dust so I have to take advantage of success combined with happiness as much as I can.
It really is not really worth the effort. Equality is ok but sheep don't Know their place they get too friendly with you and try to convert you to either feminist or MGTOW groups. Hate groups that cannibalize themselves in never ending hate. Easy method of none force to cull the stupid.
Y'all crazy. You need to read Nietzsche again. Just babbling about, scrambling quotes from distinct books that support your narrative, doesn't make you right. You are literally what he would call a slave. A person that derives his sense of "greatness", of meaning, from opposing someone else, in this case being what you perceive as the "herd". When Nietzsche speaks of a "higher" individual, his famous superman, he means someone that will accept himself, accept life, and thus derive its greatness from that. He's talking about someone who is going to decide what is the value of values, why do we have certain values, and oppose others, etc.. He was not talking about there being Amazing people who are so amazing because they are amazing, and then there being a bunch of shitty morons, because they're shitcunts. That´s literally the interpretaion the Nazis gave Nietzsche... You're either dumb as shit, or just lazy
One size does not fit all. Equality, taken as an absolute, is a false god. It's converse (however it is stated) taken as an absolute, is also false. It's not difficult to see that the main function of most absolutes we formulate--via religion, social convention, and even through legislation--is to save us from thinking about things anew and responding accordingly. It's more about having a ready-made response to life. And that's more about reducing life's complexities to stark black/white, good/bad, right/wrong choices. That's more about laziness than about wisdom, because most human affairs are about shades of grey. Wisdom is about looking at the factors--such as time, place, circumstance, who all is involved--in every fresh challenge, weighing them and responding to that particular matter. We may philosophize in ways that cast things in stark contrast, to get a point across, but living that way is not advised.
@@happyhaze1526 first Nice second a core axiom of mine and a enlightenment idea is that we are all equals but we are all not the same and "Equality" has been tainted by both sides because they are both just two herd on different sides of a fence.
Equality is like a fingerprint. They're all different but everybody has them. Trying to apply equality to the function of the individual seems to be where we went wrong. P.S. personally, it is my own perspective that equity seems like it would work better than equality because while equality tries to accommodate for the individual as if they were ONLY part of a collective, equity designs itself from its vary function to serve and meet the needs of individuals weather they be independent or part of a collective. And please, if anyone has a rebuttal or disagreement I would like nothing more than to know what I'm wrong or misguided about. I'm all ears
Western man A: "I'm a higher man, I'm different from the herd with my unique rebellious tattoos, beard, piercings, social justice causes etc" Man B: Me, too Man C: Me, too Man D: Me, too etc
The philosophy of the great Hypocriteus thanks for giving everyone a simple answer like one's right one's wrong and all you had to do is break down a thousand cultures into two brilliant. I thought you were just thirsty for likes lumping half the world into one.
John Johnson bahaha 😂 great comment..that made my day... Btw...if you can self reflect like this....you can definitely make your way out...to higher ground! Lol..
A maze navigated only to find a cage at the end and alot of cheese along the way. Tribal migratorial self sufficent is the only way man ever finds himself one with the circle of higher frequency good luck hope you come to see the solution KTMSI!
For the slave despite the innocent facade he display with his herd morality and calls for equality he doesn't desire to change the world for the better instead driven by resentment and envy he seeks to gain social and political power for the purpose of provoking destruction as compensation of his own personal impotence and failure 😨😨😨😨
Precisely. Herd mentality does everything it can to convince people in non-Western nations that they have no hope but to leave their pitiful and hopeless nations. That's nihilism. Such philosophy doesn't seek world-wide change for the masses. It seeks to provoke forced or compelled alignment with a political goal else be deemed "unfeeling." It's a great con that keeps the world down. For some of these fake philosophers, deep down, they secretly take pleasure in the thought that the world's masses are less well off then themselves. To focus on changing the circumstances to bring up people of all nations within their nations is simply too distasteful to them. So they constantly drum into people's minds that they have no choice, they have no hope, that have no opportunity, so don't even try to change their nations. If you want a better life, leave. So everyone who seeks a better life, leaves, leaving fewer and fewer who can gather together to change their nations for everyone's benefit.
Nietzsche did not consider himself to be a slave or part of the herd. No one mistakes him for a mind reader or psychic either. However some accept what he says, without questioning his ability to empathize with the slave or the herd. If he considers himself higher than both, then his thinking of the others is conjecture without substantive evidence to back his theory. Therefore those who follow Nietzsche's thinking without question become the herd seeking out resentment and envy where none may exist. He believed in white supremacy and misogyny. He condemned emancipation of enslaved people in 1884.These ideas are morally wrong, therefore he was delusional about his placement on the morality scale.
@@kellyw8017 Then why don’t you go and change their nations? Oh, now you realize that it’s not just a switch that can be turned on and off? If you don’t you are just a hypocrite because the only reason stopping you is that it’s not your problem, you are privileged.
“Man is by nature a social animal... Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god.” -Aristotle
Nobody can be 100% self-sufficient only some what self-sufficient Strive for Greatness if you will Greatness to be the Higher Man is Just a Proxy for the Peacocks Plumage
@Jan Dromerda Do you make your own Tools?Do you Mine the Resources to Create the Tools?If you fell ill Could you heal yourself? Could you Build your own Dwelling? Could you Capture Animals and Domesticate Animals for your Use? Could you Build your own Transport?
Excellent presentation! Nietzche's ideas and explanation of herd morality can be seen every day. I interact with others in my business life. I find the majority of people interested in sports, celebrity gossip, or other areas of little or no value. When I attempt to converse with them concerning things that will greatly effect their lives and their children's lives they show no interest. To live as a higher human is sometimes difficult and lonely but certainly worth doing.
It takes very little to feign interest in sports or celebrity gossip without holding them in great value, to engage socially and raise your social capital. The things you believe will greatly effect their lives and their children's lives that you want to converse on; they show no interest because you have no social capital, you've lacked the nous to engage in sociable practises and so lack the ability to command attention to your important thoughts if (and when) appropriate to do so. Your whole post reeks of slave mentality and a dreadfully foolish and arrogant sense of self-importance.
If higher man is to tend to his tree in solitude, is it impossible for him to do so while engaging with the herd? If higher man is to have a life project that will provide shade to countless generations, isn't higher man just a herd member who has risen above his ressentiment? Because if he has to help other people in the future, he should understand them first. I feel like this sounds a lot like an aristocratic society. I think higher man's life project is to ultimately allow the herd to develop into higher men. I don't think people are inherently 'part of the herd'. They have just fallen victim to the demons inside them. I think.
"I think higher man's life project is to ultimately allow the herd to develop into higher men." Well said, though this only really applies to the researcher, whose work will eventually be vulgarized and taught to the masses. The creative genius' art will not be understood by the common man, or at least, it will have to be spelled out to him.
Yeah, this sounds like proto-capitalist ideology. The idea that being personally independent, while omitting that the 'higher men' often depend on the slave community for the validation of their social role, indicates a mind that lives in its own social class bubble. It sounds like the same ideology in capitalism, maybe the notion of 'meritocracy', that essentially says you make more money (and hence gain more independence) the more valuable you are to society. I know it's not a definite psychological rule, but I think many who become 'higher men' really do have more working for them in the realm of 'nurture', or, an environment and immediate family and social circle that facilitates the ascension of the individual. Wealthy families usually produce children who learn how to become wealthy and less subjected to the shortcomings of capitalist culture and government. I feel like I could go on further. Not to be redundant but the 'higher men' are often slaves themselves, to their institutional and/or cultural role. But I have to say, I realize he wasn't pointing out rich people in particular as 'higher' but I am seeing the common thread of ideology here with capitalist ideology. And I'll hold off on pointing out how what we call capitalism doesn't match with the application of our economics in the real world.
I think the rabble is more of a bar-setter, if you will. In order for someone to be great, they have to rise above the bar. So when the rabble improves, it will take even more for someone to become above them. If the higher man is able to provide shade for the herd than the higher man is not a member of the herd, necessarily. He is more one who has risen above the herd, but has used this power to help the herd. Depending on if he chose to help the herd for acceptance or because he wanted to improve mankind, is the deciding factor as to whether or not he is a higher man. Also, the higher man doesn't have ressentiment, that's kind of the point. A dictator e.g. would not be an example of a higher men because he uses his success to quell other men and tread on them. This would interfere with other higher men thus making him have ressentiment and hindering him from being considered a higher man. The higher man doesn't have to use his abilities to help the herd, however. But, if someone's goal in life is to be accepted by the herd and they succeed, they wouldn't be considered a higher man because they do not aspire for greatness but acceptance. It's overly complicated and seems hypocritical, but you have to really think about it to understand it.
you cant think of new ideas if you arent an individual. if you go with the herd, there will be no change since you are just doing what is accepted by society. you want to change society you have to be different from it and show society there is something else.
Neit was talking shit about religious morality specifically Christianity. Neit hated western religion if you ever read anything by him you would probably know
The balls it takes to emphatically advocate for the status quo..right.. While lambasting commoners for 'slave morality'he constructs a narrative in which the slave society must exist, in order to prove that slaves are really just weak, and authorities are only authorities because they are strong and intellectually, morally, spiritually superior. It's funny how hard-line conformist authoritarians love to insist they are the real outsiders.
@@MetalNick "advocate for the status quo" Ask yourself : which kind of political views are more likely to get you fired from your job, far-right wing views or far-left wing views? Which kind of political views are criminalized as hate speech in many western countries, far-right views or far-left wing views? We all know that far-right wing views are the only set of beliefs that actually carry real, tangible, economic, and legal penalties. We have all kinds of anti-scientific, batshit crazy views about gender and sexuality not only being promoted, but increasingly being enshrined in law. And to top it all off the left has successfully used mass migration and oppression fairy tales to successfully whip up a frenzy of ethnic warfare and have created an entire political coalition out of it. Deviation from this new orthodoxy is gradually being made illegal in many western countries. Your team won, why can't you just enjoy it?
@@gymnopedie4445 Who really won? My whole life I've watched the working classes get poorer, losing more civil rights, while the rich have become like the kings of old. The SJWs are given their petty victories to keep them complacent and to keep them pushing corporate powers - corporate insurance mandates, personal insurance mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine legal immunity, telecom legal immunity, criminal bank bailouts, etc. The SJWs are sheep in the employ of the elites, just as are the petty racists and 2nd amendment obsessed on the right. Guns aren't powerful. None of these people have any genuine power.
Thank you very much for this. I have heard some of this information before, but the way you mash it up and present it, it strikes something different for me.
"Over thinking is the root of all sorrow in man." I respect Nitszche and his works. That said I still take it all with a grain of salt. Some people want to be sociable in life, others can feel compelled to a project that requires solitude. To place a set value on either is a purely subjective and relativistic view.
Not only do you make banger videos with some of the best content but you always start them off right, you don’t waste time on an intro, as soon as I click the video I’m learning and I love it
Sounds like Somali & Gareth are "kids", if they're telling us "What communism is ABOUT" & not what it "Is". I might have a great idea for a new way to play basketball, But if it kills most fans & players then why would anyone defend or promote it? That's all Bernie Bros can say is theory. In reality, communism is about MASS MURDER ON AN INDUSTRIAL SCALE to further enrich(empower) the rich. The Chinese people gave 11MILLION HUMANS over 27yrs fighting communism in China, but in the first 2 "peaceful" years communist rule, the brutal PRC military went in to all farmlands & took every last grain of rice, publicly executed anyone caught with food, & 46MILLION innocent Chinese farmers & peasants were intentionally starved to death. Unless u buy that the world's best mathematicians simply failed like never before or after🥴. Or maybe the entirety of 2MILLION Armenians(Christians) for which the word genocide was created(Google it). Or Stalin's 20MILLION, or Lenin's, for whopping 1/4BILLION HUMAN LIVES in the 20th century alone. It doesn't make one fuckall "What communism(mature socialism) is about", it only matters What It Is..........HELL ON EARTH. (Start reading & stop getting your history from hollywood & CNN.)
@Mob Barley Very good summation of Communist genocide or, the Herd run amok. How anyone misses this historical fact is beyond me. On its own , proof of Herd conditioning and programming.
Jung revealed the distinguishing skill that catapulted Nietzsche into the league of Plato beyond perhaps even Schopenhauer, and Emerson. Nietzsche was highly trained as a classical philologist immersed in the original sources of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. Hence, Nietzsche gained a profound knowledge of the greatest minds of antiquity and could read the source material in a direct first hand way and not rely on second hand accounts. Imagine being able to understand all the nuances of source material from the Bible in Hebrew or Plato in Greek to appreciate the nuances and meanings of texts directly rather than to accept second hand some other scholars interpretation of the passage. Nietzsche's devastating critique of the intellectual edifice of the times originated because he knew how the professors of the time masked the truth to push an agenda, protect an intellectual moat, or just hide the truth from themselves or others for either lack of courage, intellectual depth, or other sinister reasons. Nietzsche lived and breathed for the truth. Just as a world class poker player has to live, breathe and sleep poker to be a world champion, a philosopher on the Olympian level of Nietzsche has to breathe the mountain air of truth every day in a way not possible for a man involved in a daily business or practice such as Jung. Sure, the business can keep the man "grounded", but to reach Nietzsche's Olympian level and full spectrum dominance philosophical level you need the foundational basics of classical philology combined with a passion and instinct for truth based off actual reading of ancient wisdom in the original. As German philosopher Schopenhauer observed, unless a man can read Latin and Greek in the original, there will always be a hole in the scholar's education that undermines the depth of his intellectual thought. This observation is a bitter pill for us all in a vapid age of mass media and hollow men. Nietzsche was just such an intellectual tour de force that we will probably never able to appreciate his greatness or sublime gifts to humanity. Greek and Latin are not emphasized in today's propaganda mills of liberal arts universities or even at the time of Jung when studying Latin and Greek required hard work most were not willing to endure. Nietzsche was a sublime gift to humanity, and in fact his Navy Seal like attack on the soft, descendent Western philosophers and clergy of the time came with devastating force and mountain lightning speed. Ultimately though, Nietzsche's attack came out of a deep love for man and his no limit potential. Once the blinders came off and courageous, disciplined men were made aware of what the actual classical and Biblical texts meant free of some political or mercenary agenda, Nietzsche allows us all to share in the love for the search for truth. In this sense, Nietzsche, in exposing the agendas of many "translations" and university moat protecting "degrees" brings us all back to ourselves and our higher man potential once we breathe the mountain air of truth, and discover how the truth makes us all free from the agendas and deception of the establishment.
Dude, you have explained why my life has been a nightmare. I cannot buy justice not can I scream victim. Therefore, the herd has imposed their will upon me by doing everything possible to drag me down.
I’m a new sub and I’ve been binge watching your videos, they’re brilliant. This one might be my favorite, it resonates with me deeply, as I am facing the current task of creating a life for myself outside of the heard. It’s an intimidating task, I have to admit, but not impossible
the ideas of Niezsche should always be cross-examined with real world inequality and the unfortunate reality that many people are raised inadvertently to be a member of the masses, either through poverty or social position. This specifically pertains to Nietzsche himself. "You can take a horse to water, but cannot make it drink" still applies, but some horses are never really brought to the water in the first place.
Apply this to social justice movements, I don't get the problem people seem to have with people striving for equal rights? Then again I don't live in the US, so I might not be exposed to the 'danger' they form?
The danger comes when a smaller minded person confuses themselves for a higher minded one, actual higher minded individuals are about rising above, the mistaken try to push everyone else below them.
Neitzsche believed all people could become higher minded, Neitzsche himself started realizing that inequality hinders that progress the older he got. Read more of his work from when he was older.
A lot of people seem to think that not caring about inequality or social justice makes them superior, makes them great individuals, rising above the common herd. It doesn't. It just makes them assholes. It's just egotistical posturing meant to cover their sense of inferiority, but only works to draw attention to the very shortcomings that cause them their shame and self-loathing. They're socially powerless. They can't *do* anything. They can't rise above the challenge of their own lives, much less help others to rise up...and instead of admitting to their own impotence, they embrace their powerlessness and turn it into a virtue. They don't support "social justice" or other such movements, not because they can't, but because they're too far above such *petty* concerns. Their lack of action becomes proof of their strength, instead of proof of their weakness. It's actually a wonderful example of slave morality at work.
True... This is not for everybody. This inspired me greatly to be myself and not change for people. Nietzsche has been a great inspiration for me, and it feels good to be accepted this way.
This is beautiful! It’s a bit poetic. The point being made is so brilliantly written. I could’ve describe it, but I kept saying, “I feel like we’re being pushed to lower the bar and become zombies.”
@@ctoan_ u choose to be what u want, continously declaring urself a slave only enforces these ideas. U are whatever u say r. Youll get tired of being tired one day
@@lewisalton7736 If that's true, then what about delusional people? You are what you do more then what you think and say... If I think myself as being good but my acts contradict my thaugts I am good?
@@eduardmanecuta5350 that's cognitive dissonance and many people believe they are good but we are all sinners. We are a living contradiction majority of us aren't strong enough to do as we ought what is right. We do what we want through being a slave to sin
There comes a time when the higher man struggles with the duality of his humanity and sometimes its just to much and they would rather never make human contact anymore or sacrifice that humanity for the sake of death to their mind basically sacrifice all that they know to escape from a world that causes pain that is the true quality of a fallen higher man...
@@villegasguerreroantonioale6416 uh....i clearly said that is the "True quality of a fallen higher man".....so uh thanks for the input but maybe try to be a little classy with it i value your input tho but maybe gain some respect for yourself by explaining yourself clearly and actually making a point thanks but I'm glad you agree with me
By the way for future comments to clarify what i mean by higher man never wanting human contact again is going off on their own to be consumed by their work/thoughts reasons why all the great men of yesterday are remembered for being alone for long periods of time and come back with the greatest of work and some of the higher men that want death to their mind already completed their work mentally but wanting to help the herd and knowing the herd would kill him for his ideas he is left in a state of constant back and forth within his mind on what is the socially good moral thing to do and what is the socially logical thing to do one is help the herd that will attack you...or leave the herd and help yourself so another higher man can find his work and so he lives on thru him and his work...ironic how the guy who commented sounds like a cry baby is helping me prove that so again I'm thankful for all those that read my message and those who understand it ❤
"The concept of greatness entails being noble, wanting to be by oneself, being able to be different, standing alone and having to live independently." But by doing so everyone is human and has the desire to be part of something and mean something to someone and living alone is a lonely process to endure. Over a long period of time you will feel lonely and need to occasionally visit our fellow humans.
I think it is very important to see these as archetypes. To recognize, to strive for, to move away from, but not to fully identify with being one or the other. This will only perpetuate the ego.
Philosophers and their generalizations are so entertaining with their flowery talk. Take an eloquent person with a sharp mind and they can convince one of anything especially when you can see yourself and others within categories. Everything is One. Know it.
Because we are talking about the higher man and the herb with Nietzsche's love of the arts I think this passage from Oscar Wiles book, "The Soul of Man Under Socialism" fits in nicely: "And it is to be noted that it is the fact that Art is this intense form of Individualism that makes the public try to exercise over it in an authority that is as immoral as it is ridiculous, and as corrupting as it is contemptible. It is not quite their fault. The public has always, and in every age, been badly brought up. They are continually asking Art to be popular, to please their want of taste, to flatter their absurd vanity, to tell them what they have been told before, to show them what they ought to be tired of seeing, to amuse them when they feel heavy after eating too much, and to distract their thoughts when they are wearied of their own stupidity. Now Art should never try to be popular. The public should try to make itself artistic. There is a very wide difference. If a man of science were told that the results of his experiments, and the conclusions that he arrived at, should be of such a character that they would not upset the received popular notions on the subject, or disturb popular prejudice, or hurt the sensibilities of people who knew nothing about science; if a philosopher were told that he had a perfect right to speculate in the highest spheres of thought, provided that he arrived at the same conclusions as were held by those who had never thought in any sphere at all - well, nowadays the man of science and the philosopher would be considerably amused. Yet it is really a very few years since both philosophy and science were subjected to brutal popular control, to authority - in fact the authority of either the general ignorance of the community, or the terror and greed for power of an ecclesiastical or governmental class. Of course, we have to a very great extent got rid of any attempt on the part of the community, or the Church, or the Government, to interfere with the individualism of speculative thought, but the attempt to interfere with the individualism of imaginative art still lingers. In fact, it does more than linger; it is aggressive, offensive, and brutalising."
Illya Lypyak I take this that some people didn't like his work and he was offended. Not all art fits all people, no need to call people vain and lazy and gluttons and stupid just because some of your art probably actually sucked, at least to some people. This could be a quote from every person who ever hung a goat fetus from a piece of chopped wood and called the public dullards for not praising it.
Illya Lypyak Wait, but if individual and "free", completely "unshackled" thought is so important, then truth cannot be the main goal of thought. We are philosophising here. Or at least we are trying to. Neitzche included. Just HOW are we supposed to accept anything any philosopher says as true--universally--if we say that the INDIVIDUAL is king? No one ever denied that the individual must come to accept his own beliefs for himself. The age-old dispute is what belief SHOULD be accepted as true because of it BEING so in reality. Acceptance of the doctrine of "unshackled" thought reduces any possibility of philosophical knowledge to ashes. Any thoughts?
I believe I was born at an advantage. I am a first gen 15 year old male. My dad was rarely home, he was always working, leaving me at the nurturing side of my mom. I believe this allowed me to develop into a more feminine person but I lack a true sense of morality that comes with the father figure. Recently, I "came out of the mist," the childhood mist that blinds you from your own consciousness. In the mist, you feel yourself do things but only as a reaction to a stimuli. With this coming to consciousness, I started to wonder more beyond myself. I began to think about how despite my relationship was to my dad, because of his lack of presence and bad talk from my mom, he was still seen to me as infallible. This idea enlightened me to reevaluate my life. In all sense, I am part of the herd, with a predisposed higher-order thinking. I believe I outlay from other I am surrounded by. I am still trapped in the conformity of wanting to fit in. I am also an Asian, brought up by the traditional Asian parenting style. I believe my need for conformity is predisposed by my insecurities brought about from my parenting. During elementary school, I was very active and got along with other very well. Some would say I was the top "alpha" guy. There were many girls that took me as an attractive person. I was always the dominant person in the playground and got the ball first even with my extremely small frame, as I am 5"8 120 pounds today. Afterwards, I went to a middle school with little familiarity. The school was the best school in the area and was praised by every person that worked in the school district. The caveat is the school prioritized scholarship over socializing students. So I was constantly feeling left out and unrecognized for my distinctions. With hindsight, I believed all students were at this same mindset but banded together in conformity. I was the person left out and this somewhat scarred me. I was always chosen last for PE games, where the "most popular" "good-looking" kids were always in a group. I chose to ditch this path of enduring and making the best of my situations and instead falling into the library where I read most books. I always understood each book and got maximum points on comprehension quizzes. I was getting praise from people at the school and teachers and kept reading. At 8th grade, I decided to stop reading as much books and make some "friends." Instead of actually making friends, I believe this mist guided me to the way of least resistance and I joined a clique of Mexican soccer players. I was teased for being the only one that was Asian. I knew inside that we kept appearance and were only strung together by the need for conformity. I went into high school and joined the cross country team. I was decent and kept going at it. I believe this immediate transfer from middle school to high school was less stressful as cross country gave me the chance to assimilate before others. I was ahead of the curve in that sense but I knew that Cross country was the only thing that gave me a sense of distinction. I matured up a bit and at the beginning of sophomore year I began to like a female. I was scared of talking to her but liked her. As Jordan Peterson said, the point of maturity for men is the separation of the individual woman from an ideal. This paradox continued through the majority of my sophomore year with no end in sight. I was constantly frustrated in myself for knowing the problem existed but did not try to change or address my problem. This problem escalated to the point where during summer going into junior year, I asked a girl for her Instagram in a flirty way impulsively without any thought. I flopped and left completely numb. I knew the problem was bad but I realized that the problem was not the paradox but that I was guided and motivated by conformity. I was wanting to fit in so bad. I joined cross country in desperation for "friends" right away, after my old "friends" left to different high schools. I pursued certain women not because of their individual sense, but for the need for a girlfriend. I am still currently in the summer to junior year and I believe I have recently matured psychologically. I can deeply introspect without getting tired of thinking. I can memorize music lyrics which I did not have the energy to do beforehand. I was able to write this entire comment without fatigue. I am bettering myself slowly, understanding that most problems cannot be fixed in one day, week, or even year.
Read Colin Wilson "The Outsider." Continue to THINK! You're psychological maturation is something only you can be responsible for. Paragraphs are great for rule-followers but you must decide how to express your consciousness. Be strong and very courageous!
All is MIND evolve your mind upwards Overcome your psychological self to Become your highest superior self Its not about having SUPERIORITY over others, it's about having SUPERIORITY over your lower self your herd/slave mentality self Its all but a State of Mind
do you want to? You want to be great, sure. We'd all like to be on paper. Everyone wants to be a rockstar - until they don't. Ever been so famous that ten people praise you? Can all your faults keep up with that? And when it becomes 100, 10,000, one million, all asking you to stand on your own, to support their fantasy, to support yours. You sure you earned it? Certain? Have to be. No doubt. No remorse. Decisive. It's not an easy place to be if your heart isn't fit for it.
@@azaleaslightsage1271 there is no clear defination of what superiority is. guys who trying to follow nietzsche's teachings oftenly fall to a illusion of "Yea im the übermensch because i readed some books and going to gym and i'm making girls, yeah". for example a superior self can't stand for books that offer less and he'll always in a search of "superior" ones but is there much of that kind books? then he needs to create them, right? this example can show us a thing, superior man needs to re-create all things that given to him from past. Re-creating a self means re-creating how you understand things, so you can see are you better enough to call yourself superior. A real superior man is always must be in a anxiety of "Am i created myself truly, am i enough to become something greater than past-me" Superior man can't be superior than other man because superior man isn't a social thing no more. The socially-constructed-man can not understand newly created "superior" man and society will always attack to our superior guy but superior man must be always aware of desperacy of the socially-constructed-man and i think he needs save them too. Philosophy is a instrument of enjoyment for me but i feel like i have to use my capacity of thinking and writing for saving my desperate enemy. I love my enemies, they show me who im am. And i have to pay-back their helping for me. this is how i think, and english is not my first language and i don't know how to speak academicaly in english so yeah this words can be some kind of meaningless. sorry for that!
bill Bloggs the protesters aren’t doing that, people are using the protests to loot and riot why are you mad at rioters but not cops tear gassing protesters
Regardless of his personal demons Nietzsche was spot on in his observations of mankind. I've had enough of the experiences as are referenced in this video to be able to quite abundantly appreciate his extraordinary intellect. 6/2019
I love this! I often defend Nietzsche against surface-level interpretations, as his concepts, when taken out of context in small quotes, can appear to lack 'good' morality.
As painful as it is, I realized that according to this video I`m a slave: tired, scared, neurotic, strong feelings of impotence. I'm not living up to my potential. Is this the future I envisioned for myself when I was a child? Is this the path I want to look back on, when I`m on my deathbed? While looking down in the abyss, greatness is knocking on the doors. Terror strikes my heart, my mind engulfed in horror. No glory, no shining light. Only a distant voice, calling me to be brave. This voice, is echoing deep down towards my core. And I realise I have become a creature addicted to the ways of demons. Devouring creation. Preying on the strong and wise. I have become one of the living dead. Standing on this crossroad, I can walk the path of the many, the masses, untroubled by their shackles. Or I can face the unknown, be my own hero. But for now I'm trapped between Hell and the Heavens. A zombie, aware of his condition, but unable to correct his flesh eating habits.
Nietzsche's fall was in his idea that human nature can change, and by the force of the human will or intellect - a merely human power. Human nature does not ever change/evolve. It cannot. It can only be transformed by Divine grace (the only origin of grace there was, is, and will be - but you get my point). That alone is the remedy for the herd and the individual alike.
I love this. Thank you for putting this video together so succinctly. I used to try desperately most of my life to be the slave or part of the herd, but even amongst the most eccentric of artists, musicians, creatives, etc, I have found this pursuit to be futile. Fortunately though, I'm a fairly decent actor so I can at least some extent pretend to fit in and relate to the mundane, if and when it serves me, or is even deemed necessary to stay safe from danger. I generally prefer to be alone, but I think very few of us truly want to be ostracized completely.
The faith in your true self should reign with the power of God. His creation is magnificent. In the image of Christ we are.. Grateful for every second we live on this earth with faith that we can strive ahead and succeed as we are forgivin in our quest journey.
Joseph Campbell made it abundantly clear. "Follow your Bliss" wasn't just a catchy phrase. Follow your bliss, no more profound statement has ever been spoken. Find that one thing that gives you "That moment". Musicians understand this, Artists understand it, Athletes understand it, professional race car drivers understand it, mountain climbers understand it. Why are you still in your prison cell when the door is wide open?
I have a question about this. Intuitively I feel like there's a lot of truth in this video, but I have trouble reconciling the idea against the potential danger of 'higher humans and creative geniuses' following their own morality. Chairman Mao claimed repeatedly that he was above morality, and went on to perform the Great Leap Forward, resulting in the death of more than 18 million of his own people. Does anyone have any valuable arguments or insight that they can share? Because as far as I can tell, an individual's higher morality is only as good as the person carrying it out... and humans in powerful and influential positions (as higher humans and creative geniuses would be) are notoriously corruptible.
@Liam Quigley Thanks for the reply. It's a slippery concept to grapple with, no doubt. I feel like the 'sacrifice for the greater good' story gets used a lot, especially when it's typically not the dictator who is the sacrifice lol. Instead of an end to justify the means, Gandhi, for example argued that the means and the end must both be just because a poisoned seed cannot bear good fruit. But yeah, as you suggested, there is simply no black and white answer.
@Liam Quigley It's central to Gandhi's version of nonviolence. The Kingdom of God is Within You by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy was a massive influence on Gandhi even though it's a Christian book. I'm not a Christian but I found it to be a compelling book if you're looking for anything to read at the moment.
@Liam Quigley I didn't know that paganism was still practiced. I'm curious now. And I agree that every religion has at least something to offer. The closest thing to a religion that I follow is the Roman philosophy of Stoicism. Regarding Tolstoy's book, in essence what he is doing is illustrating how emperors and religious leaders have twisted or selectively chosen scriptures to suit their needs (from the Old Testament which leaned much more heavily toward violence) instead of adhering to what Christ himself taught. Good talking with you man.
It is the essence of Liberty, of a free man. No man has any right to dictate his moral, beliefs or power over me unless I willingly allow it. Higher men disregard what the herd thinks and will act on his own accord because he is the Shepherd and they are the sheep. Quick real life example is Elon Musk opening his factory against the decree of the state. He did it anyway. He lived according to his own rules and moral
And so it goes The followers must have a leader The followers are split, the leader is thus split The followers kill the leader, the leader kills the followers And so it goes
@JONATHAN SUTCLIFFE looking at the majority of society and calling them the "herd" is dumb. And then saying there is only the herd and the "higher man" to me THAT is one dimensional. It's oversimplifying things. I dont fit either definitions and neither do most people because those ideas are RIDICULOUS
jacob yeager I disagree with you. Maybe you disagree with yourself too, if you take stock of what percentage of each definition you are at what times. Then you can maybe say you are mostly one of those types. And then I think the definitions are showing the amount of people who mostly create, and create after looking around them, and those who almost never create, and look around them only to consume other people’s creations and ideas. In life and mind. In this way, I think there’s a binary action going on here that illustrates the either/or of herd and higher man in terms of what we’re doing in life. Which then wouldn’t make it a ridiculous idea.
I think some people will use this ideology to pursue unique greatness but others will use it as a mere excuse to ignore their fellow man and be selfish
_"-the concept of the good man signifies that one sides with all that is weak, sick, failure, suffering of itself..."_ This reminds me of the mindset I had as a child that allowed me to empathize with the more villainous characters - Darth Vader, Megatron, etc. The bad guys always seemed to be going for and getting what they wanted while the virtuous ones were always reacting and having to catch up, all the while dealing with being hampered with holding moral codes that kept them from more effectively competing or dealing with the extra baggage of those who needed constant protection and only seemed to endanger themselves and the protagonist of the story. However, just because someone is inept and in great need does not make them good. My mistake was taking the needy and putting them in the camp of the virtuous simply because they were being protected. I now think the good man is just more inclined to see the good in everyone where your "bad" person will see more of the faults. I find it ironic that having watched the painful decline and death of his father as well as his own failing health, Nietzsche would praise the ideal of the Ubermensch or Superman. It might have to do with him losing his father and feeling there was no god who had his back so people would have to be strong for themselves.
I definitely am not a higher being but I'm also not a member of the herd. I guess I'm in middle of a transition from the herd to the individual. I'm 19 and have a long way ahead.
As a 30 year old, who's been struggling to find the internal peace since I can remember, I would highly recommend reading up on classical works. Both Greek and Roman. You will learn more about the human condition through classics, than any other bodies of work. What classics also give you is discipline, and structure of character. It can feel rigid at times, but men need to be like strong Oak tree. Train your body and mind, but not to give some advantage against others, but rather strength to defend those who cannot themselves.
According to this paradigm, I've spent most of my life as the Last Man, mediocre and hiding from discomfort in video games. I was even a NEET for a couple years after graduating from college. Over the past few years I've been slowly shifting towards the Creative higher man, though I wouldn't go so far as to say Creative Genius. I live now to create (writing and painting), and have become exponentially more ambitious when it comes to work. Coincidentally, I was heavily medicated with psychiatric drugs while living as the Last Man (at times was on 6-7 drugs including heavy shit like Lithium) and the past few years I've shifted almost entirely off of psychiatric drugs. Coincidence?
I hope this does not come across as insulting in any way, but what were you diagnosed with that led to being prescribed 6-7 different forms of medication? That seems very extreme for most cases and would definitely have some potentially negative side effects, but it's important to not let that create the impression of psychiatric meds being harmful as a whole.
@@mamau2003 No offence taken. When the medication started at 13 or 14 I was diagnosed with BPD. When things kept getting worse and crazier combinations of drugs weren't working I was re-diagnosed by a different doctor in my early 20s with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder as I hadn't had a manic episode since high school. I'm not a doctor so I don't know if it is extreme. I thought it was normal at the time. People would comment on the amount of drugs and point out that I wasn't getting better but I "trusted the doctors." Sleeping medication, medication to wake up / focus, anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, and anti-anxiety medication. At time multiples for one category, or an additional drug to counter a side effect, and for a year lithium and an anti-psychotic on top of everything. Now I'm on none (take CBD and OTC sleep aid for sleep). Cognitive behavioral therapy helped me a lot.
@@CandleBodyOnly Thank you. I've still have a little bit further to go, this past year I've gotten a better job (but I want and can do better), quit video games almost entirely (I still play the occasional game - poison is in the dose), I've written consistently 5-6 days a week for most of the last year and have been working on a novel (put a few short stories online for free just because I wanted to finish something). I'm adding fitness to this year's agenda. I'm not fat. But I'm not as physically capable as I should be as a man. EDIT: Also quit porn. I've conditioned myself to the point that it disgusts me. I still... could be better though... I still need to quit the other half of that equation.
Hey, I've become a NEET of late but have started using the time to develop my skills. I found that the "herd" at work would make me feel really uncomfortable with anxiety about fitting in with colleagues. What kind of work did you find? And how are things going now?
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You should do a video on Aristotle's Magnanimous Man
can you also post the titles of all those great paintings?
has a point you should use the( Harvard Technique) for all of your sources
Logan Alucard
why do you reply with only the users name?..Complete herd mentality right there.
Words cannot adequately express how pertinent this video, and the words of Nietzsche, are right now. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and relevant videos.
He was prescient. Herd morality drives the social justice warriors. They are imposing cultural Marxism on Western society. Higher men are ridiculed and blamed for any and all problems. Call me a sexist, racist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, and I do not listen. You cannot bring me down with name calling. We all are in for a long struggle to advance society.
Herd morality doesn't drive the social justice warriors. The desire to overcome social injustice drives them.
And there's less of a problem with "Higher Men" being ridiculed and blamed for all problems, then there is with racists, misogynists, homophobes, and bigots in general being held up as examples of "Higher Men."
Moving through life as a moronic brute because you're unwilling or unable to do the difficult work of self-introspection combined with the even more difficult work of putting yourself into other people's shoes and developing a little empathy for your fellow man is not evidence of your superiority.
It's evidence of your inferiority. To hold this personal failure up as a badge of honor is a perfect example of the "slave morality" at work.
The slave turns their impotence into chastity; their poverty into asceticism. You turn lack of basic human decency into evidence of how "enlightened" you are.
TLDR: If people keep calling you a bigot, maybe you're not a Nietzschean Superman...maybe you're just an asshole?
LOL thus far the only achievement of the sjw movement is the further decay of those they claim to represent. When confronted with the sorry state of their pet communities they present no ideas just anger.
The biggest joke of all is that everything is the fault of the right wing yet the leaders that drove their communities to ruin have been consistantly left wing for decades.
Your desire is not for equality, you want those uneffected by your failed ideology to suffer alongside it's victims.
>there's less of a problem with "Higher Men" being ridiculed and blamed for all problems, then there is with racists, >misogynists, homophobes, and bigots in general being held up as examples of "Higher Men."
Oh yeah. But that is "the herd" responsability. Other than that, I wholehearty agree. Too many twats around. Then again, there is a high demand for twats in the culture of today.
Jerry Hylton honey,last time I checked it was the right who brought raigonomics and trickle down theory and crack into our community's and the right was the one who defended corporations who polluted our water and environment and is doing everything in their power to take away family planing and sex Ed because you saw a hart warming video about a clump of cells. Project your failures onto others much?
Sometimes I feel like a higher man, but other times I feel like the lowliest slave. I guess those are the competing urges for acceptance and greatness that we all face.
The59thHooh remember the amount of herds are far greater than higher men so you blend in with the herd sometimes. but me I'm definitely a slaveee.
@@nivozen that is something that i have been thinking for a while now. but you worded that very nicely,
the best i got was to describe this as being willfully blind and ignorant.
7:05 can explain why this might be the case for you
This kinda ties back to Marxist or even Feuerbach or just in general Hegelian philosophy. Marx wrote a thesis on Feuerbach: “The materialist doctrine that men are products of circumstances and upbringing, and that therefore, changed men are products of other circumstances and changed upbringing, forgets that is it men who change circumstances and that it is essential to educate the educator himself. Hence this doctrine necessarily arrives at dividing society into two parts, one of which is SUPERIOR to society.”
If we were to make an analogy between this thesis to Nietzschean notions of master/slave morality, the slave is essentially the one forged from circumstances, while the master is the one shifting circumstances as they see fit for the masses.
Edro Septic, he didn’t live up to his standards either because he ended up losing his mind. The reality is that the world today is designed to prevent the masses from becoming “the higher man“. The ruling elite have worked hard to create a system that makes everybody dependent on it and in turn makes it very difficult to find motivation or meaning in life.
“Masking their envy with calls for equality” wow now that’s amazingly profound in my opinion.
its not about the society
@@snix7060 what do you mean?
@@deisk2707 I think they are sloppily trying to refer to social movements like BLM.
And I think they are wrong.
It's mind blowing that someone could understand these ideas. The herd is strong which causes the higher man to conceal oneself and even blend in at times just to live to see another day. Theses ideas will be passed over for many generations and then one day in the future be understood. Nietzsche was a sharp man it seems.
@@johnmiller7453 Nietzsche went insane because of syphilis
a higher man is a man of means, if you simply surrender to the "herd" then you're doing something wrong. there's always a way to achieving success and if there isn't then make your own way
@@hasanyahya8384 It's like classists can't possibly define an ordinary working class family, persisting for generations, to be 'successful'. If it weren't for the 'slave' class, wealthy people (which I think is what we're really talking about) wouldn't be wealthy. So it makes sense that people have resisted the constriction by industrial authoritarianism, since the Industrial Revolution. The 'slave morality' of workers insisting to their new corporate managers, that they should have a say in the employer-employee dynamic, is why democracy was introduced into business hierarchy. It's why we have overtime pay, 5-day/40-hour work week, some minimal standard of labor rights. Nietzsche wants to distinguish inferiority/superiority based on a vague definition of 'success'. But a society that defines success simply as wealth and power, will be challenged. Not everyone is going to think - I have little wealth and power so I must be inferior, and I should look to cultural prescriptions for success. The man of more means must, by definition, be superior in all ways to the man of lesser means. - It would be a sort of easy cop-out, but would leave a person always looking outside themselves for approval and validation.
@@MetalNick when i said a man of means i didn't simply mean wealth, i also meant control, which is not necessarily in a bad manner, a higher man in my opinion is a man with purpose, a man who would dedicate his life to the cause he believes in and one who is courageous enough to take necessary action to achieve that purpose no matter what people say about him.
the "geniuses" Nietzsche talked about were mostly ready to endure all the difficulties they faced by the herd, being a man of means is having the willpower to achieve what you want and the tools to do so.
i also agree with the points you made saying a rich class is worthless without the working one.
I can't wait until the masses see what's happening.
I've learned more from this channel than all of my years in the education system
Doubt that. You learned how to spell those words you just wrote in school.
@@classica1fungus I learned how to read and write from playing video games and browsing the internet. The only thing school did was make me subconsciously associate the process of learning with being tortured.
@@classica1fungus No, I learned English purely by myself lol, along with mathematics, physics, chemistry and making money.
@@potatorekt7046 i think early schooling is necessary but after like grade 6 it's rather pointless
It's a business
"True freedom belongs in greatest part, to him who dares to stand apart..."
If I may ask - where does this quote come from?
@@ryanmurdock6017 I came up with it after watching the video. I'm actually surprised at how well it has been received.
@@SUNSETS-AND-SUNRISES-JAMAICA it’s brilliant- and timeless - I’m impressed my friend, and grateful to know that sentiment hasn’t been washed away in the modern currents! Well done!
Probably the single most important video ever uploaded on UA-cam. Thank you for conveying what is such a difficult subject to explain to people who have never been exposed to such material in a way that is easily absorbed. I've shared it to so many people since first watching and still do.
Amazing this philosophy perfectly describes our current society.
Indeed but I think it also shows that a 'Higher man' can wield the herd morality against the herd itself. The society we are witnessing today is not a natural progression IMO but a weaponized herd morality or pseudo religion
I can't get a perfect description from UA-cam videos. This guy is complex. Unless one takes a la carte jewels from this man's depth?
@@snaker9er well put.
Yeah that and the gigantic amount of technology which is likely misused maybe idk 70-80 percent of the time.
John J I agree but I would also say that we have improved certain parts of our tech further than we are ready for. Too much communication and digital technology. We’re good on all that.
Witness a comments section in which each believes themselves separate from the herd.
“Broadly speaking, they [Nietzsche’s ideas] stand in direct opposition to every dream that soothes the slumber of mankind in the mass, and therefore mankind in the mass must needs to suspicious of them, at least for years to come. They are pre-eminently for the man who is not of the mass, for the man whose head is lifted, however little, above the common level. They justify the success of that man, as Christianity justifies the failure of the man below.” (H.L. Mencken, The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche).
Perhaps everyone here has lifted their head, "however little, above the common level."
Womb Vacation perhaps, but I think if anyone should watch these videos, and learn from them, it should most definitely be a person from the herd. They'd benefit the most.
The Überherd.
I guess besides asocial people, all the others are prone to herd behaviour, at some level.
That's very honest but quite pathetic.
Everything makes so much more sense now. I have always found resentment when I follow what everyone else does. Now I'm going to change and strive to be the higher man. Towards a new Avalon!
Good for you. The more I avoid doing what everybody else does, the better I feel about myself. Always be a leader, never a follower. It's just sad and pathetic. You might suffer a lot more consequences of being the leader such as hate, isolation, and envy, but it's much better than to be a fucking COWARD! You are fueling your own flame inside while others are simply dying. Trust me, you do NOT want to be a part of the miserable herd. Stand on your own two feet always!
You might be a sigma male
True To be great, you must become a servant of the herd, not a follower of the herd, but the good shepherd that leads the herd. Since no one is good but "The True And Living God", it is this God, that chooses you for his purpose and gives you your understanding of why and what you most learn before your purpose can be perceived by you. Without this God, an atheist captures too many ration thoughts from the inhumane atrocities imposed upon society. An atheist will never be able to reconcile wars of greed and subjection of humanity by lustful humans toward each other. There is a new world system coming, the chosen from every nation is taught how to live separate, as a stranger, even among their own families, and still seek to promote the truth, that only " The True and Living God", will give to those who are called for His purpose. Real truth is freedom, and freedom can only be realized from a God that say:: "I am God, and beside me their is no other". "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man can come to the father, but through me". "Great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested in the flesh, which mean God was man known in the flesh through a little itinerant preacher, who preached unto the gentiles, that another kingdom is coming, and Gods will will be done in this earth as it was in heaven. What was Gods will?, Satan was cast out of heaven, and was seen as lightning as he was falling to the earth during the time that Jesus was n the world, during the time of Rome. It is up to each of us to discover why Jesus came into the world, at the very time Satan was driven from the heavens. " in the fullness of time, God sent forth His son" to give hope to the shepherd less herd. You are heading on the wrong direction that seem right to a rational being, but you heading toward the death of your soul. The herd is anyone who have not HEARD the voice of the True And Living God declared in such a most noble and simple way: " this is life eternal, to know thee, The True And Living God, And Jesus the Christ who you God has sent"🤔🌅✝️
Sure but do be weary that if and when you fail, if you burn all bridges with the herd, you’ll be in for a very tough life. Like it or not, unless you are an absolutr creative genius, you’ll need the herd to be on your side.
Oh please wise one, share with us your great works of art and great feasts of excelencia and wonder! Seriously dude you sound like you were 14 when you wrote this comment, if you have done anything above mediocre by now I would be surprised, please prove me wrong
Or as grandma used to tell me: "90% of people are just crabs in a crabpot. Try to escape and they'll drag you right back in."
didn't know your grandma was Jordan Peterson
How true.
Then just fuckin forgive those crabs
@Gnome Enjoyer Damn.
@@zedankhan6123why would you forgive them😂 that doesn’t sound like the solution 😂
If read incorrectly, Nietzsche may appear offensive and belittling to many.
If read correctly though, Nietzsche made it quite clear that the herd morality he so despised is just that; a mentality. It's not an innate characteristic. It's a temporary error that can and should be remedied-which is why he was so frustrated with the mass. Hence it may corrupt the great men. He never said something along the lines of "you're either a herd or a great man" in which case he would indeed have been insulting. If that is what he preached, he wouldn't have any reason to be so worried about the spread of mediocrity.
I believe that Nietzsche intention was not to create a social separation between the herd and the great men. Or to urge the great men to unite and genocide the herd. Quite the contrary, the best way to eliminate the herd would not be to kill them all but to turn them into great men instead and that's exactly what he wanted imo.
Yes but it's the nihilistic and egotistical "moral masters" that are a class that, even while Nietzsche has anticipated, has crept into the power hierarchy of politics and media, imposing the "slave morality" on the stubborn and impotent masses.
It's too bad that Nietzsche was an atheist....
I must be missing something...why is it bad that he is an atheist?
You trolling? If so, well Done!
the idea of great men ridding the earth of the herd is exactly what the herd wants to think/say. haha
Nietzsche was a brilliant man. Way ahead of his time. Great video.
Nietzche was intelligent, but not very wise.
@@michaele5075 That goes for many intellectuals 😬
Out of pain great spirits have emerged. FN is one of them.
I wouldn’t say “ahead of his time”. Rather, it is us who think ours is the time of great societal strife, when in reality, weak and strong individuals are in a perpetual dance. What I think at least. And slowly, with mistakes and stumbles, we will collectively mature. We have to, or we’ll die :)
He wasn’t ahead of his time. He was right in his time. Human behavior, nature and society hasn’t changed for thousands of years you know that right lol?
Obsessed with greatness. "The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves."
Thank you for this comment. In my life I have had a reawakening to this. Sometimes we take a blue pill because all the red pills cause hysteria, but in a man’s life he must go out in the world and fight for his life and attain greatness or die trying.
To live is to suffer. To die is to perish. To survive is to find meaning in suffering.
This world and everything in it is the physical manifestation of evolving consciousness. The meaning of life is to assist (not interrupt) this evolution. We all have a big role in this process. We just got lost along the way. As we often do.
@Dani El time is wasted when you don't enjoy the time you've had. Why would I waste my life on being a doctor if I don't enjoy being one while I could be happier being a scientist? I'll soon be turned to dust so I have to take advantage of success combined with happiness as much as I can.
Whom is this quote?
“Equality is a false god” makes sense now.
It really is not really worth the effort. Equality is ok but sheep don't Know their place they get too friendly with you and try to convert you to either feminist or MGTOW groups. Hate groups that cannibalize themselves in never ending hate. Easy method of none force to cull the stupid.
Y'all crazy. You need to read Nietzsche again. Just babbling about, scrambling quotes from distinct books that support your narrative, doesn't make you right. You are literally what he would call a slave. A person that derives his sense of "greatness", of meaning, from opposing someone else, in this case being what you perceive as the "herd". When Nietzsche speaks of a "higher" individual, his famous superman, he means someone that will accept himself, accept life, and thus derive its greatness from that. He's talking about someone who is going to decide what is the value of values, why do we have certain values, and oppose others, etc..
He was not talking about there being Amazing people who are so amazing because they are amazing, and then there being a bunch of shitty morons, because they're shitcunts. That´s literally the interpretaion the Nazis gave Nietzsche... You're either dumb as shit, or just lazy
One size does not fit all. Equality, taken as an absolute, is a false god. It's converse (however it is stated) taken as an absolute, is also false.
It's not difficult to see that the main function of most absolutes we formulate--via religion, social convention, and even through legislation--is to save us from thinking about things anew and responding accordingly. It's more about having a ready-made response to life. And that's more about reducing life's complexities to stark black/white, good/bad, right/wrong choices. That's more about laziness than about wisdom, because most human affairs are about shades of grey.
Wisdom is about looking at the factors--such as time, place, circumstance, who all is involved--in every fresh challenge, weighing them and responding to that particular matter.
We may philosophize in ways that cast things in stark contrast, to get a point across, but living that way is not advised.
@@happyhaze1526 first Nice
second a core axiom of mine and a enlightenment idea is that we are all equals but we are all not the same and "Equality" has been tainted by both sides because they are both just two herd on different sides of a fence.
Equality is like a fingerprint. They're all different but everybody has them. Trying to apply equality to the function of the individual seems to be where we went wrong.
P.S. personally, it is my own perspective that equity seems like it would work better than equality because while equality tries to accommodate for the individual as if they were ONLY part of a collective, equity designs itself from its vary function to serve and meet the needs of individuals weather they be independent or part of a collective. And please, if anyone has a rebuttal or disagreement I would like nothing more than to know what I'm wrong or misguided about. I'm all ears
I believe Nietzsche is the Sith lord we have been looking for
We must go beyond Good and Evil...
Both sith and jedi. Beyond the light and dark. Like KREIA or Revan.
I have come to this agreement.
@@MaxArturo, I find your lack of faith is disturbing.
Skarthi Thorgils don’t keep replying to him. It’s a trap!
Western man A: "I'm a higher man, I'm different from the herd with my unique rebellious tattoos, beard, piercings, social justice causes etc"
Man B: Me, too
Man C: Me, too
Man D: Me, too
The philosophy of the great Hypocriteus thanks for giving everyone a simple answer like one's right one's wrong and all you had to do is break down a thousand cultures into two brilliant. I thought you were just thirsty for likes lumping half the world into one.
you forgot the #
@Mazinblaster Z can't seem to tattoo ur straw man
You forgot the man-bun
Beautiful video. Courage from within is critical now. Separation from the herd is an internal struggle.
Jesus Christ is the only way to help you get out of the slavery from this world.
@@Dzanarika1 Progressive religions like Christianity are BASED on herd morality.
I'm definitely the slave. I think I've got some work to do...
Same here, time to build a house on mount Vesuvius.
John Johnson bahaha 😂 great comment..that made my day...
Btw...if you can self reflect like this....you can definitely make your way out...to higher ground! Lol..
A maze navigated only to find a cage at the end and alot of cheese along the way. Tribal migratorial self sufficent is the only way man ever finds himself one with the circle of higher frequency good luck hope you come to see the solution KTMSI!
You are lucky to see it
we're all there on this shit. but i've been worse. every day is a new chance to overcome
“If their is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm” 🙏
For those that wish to fight, let them fight. But for those that don't there is no right to prosper or live.
Thanks for promoting this priceless material and perpetuating the development of Higher Men.
With all my Love and Respect,
One of many.
For the slave despite the innocent facade he display with his herd morality and calls for equality he doesn't desire to change the world for the better instead driven by resentment and envy he seeks to gain social and political power for the purpose of provoking destruction as compensation of his own personal impotence and failure
Precisely. Herd mentality does everything it can to convince people in non-Western nations that they have no hope but to leave their pitiful and hopeless nations. That's nihilism. Such philosophy doesn't seek world-wide change for the masses. It seeks to provoke forced or compelled alignment with a political goal else be deemed "unfeeling." It's a great con that keeps the world down. For some of these fake philosophers, deep down, they secretly take pleasure in the thought that the world's masses are less well off then themselves. To focus on changing the circumstances to bring up people of all nations within their nations is simply too distasteful to them. So they constantly drum into people's minds that they have no choice, they have no hope, that have no opportunity, so don't even try to change their nations. If you want a better life, leave. So everyone who seeks a better life, leaves, leaving fewer and fewer who can gather together to change their nations for everyone's benefit.
Makes me think of the money printers.If that was taken from them tomorrow what skills do they have outside finance to survive?None
Nietzsche did not consider himself to be a slave or part of the herd. No one mistakes him for a mind reader or psychic either. However some accept what he says, without questioning his ability to empathize with the slave or the herd. If he considers himself higher than both, then his thinking of the others is conjecture without substantive evidence to back his theory. Therefore those who follow Nietzsche's thinking without question become the herd seeking out resentment and envy where none may exist. He believed in white supremacy and misogyny. He condemned emancipation of enslaved people in 1884.These ideas are morally wrong, therefore he was delusional about his placement on the morality scale.
@@kellyw8017 Then why don’t you go and change their nations? Oh, now you realize that it’s not just a switch that can be turned on and off? If you don’t you are just a hypocrite because the only reason stopping you is that it’s not your problem, you are privileged.
“Man is by nature a social animal... Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god.”
"I would much prefer to be either a god or a beast than to be a man as they are today."
Nobody can be 100% self-sufficient only some what self-sufficient Strive for Greatness if you will Greatness to be the Higher Man is Just a Proxy for the Peacocks Plumage
Or redittor.
Being social is interacting with others. It doesn't imply herd like mentality.
@Jan Dromerda Do you make your own Tools?Do you Mine the Resources to Create the Tools?If you fell ill Could you heal yourself? Could you Build your own Dwelling? Could you Capture Animals and Domesticate Animals for your Use? Could you Build your own Transport?
Excellent presentation! Nietzche's ideas and explanation of herd morality can be seen every day. I interact with others in my business life. I find the majority of people interested in sports, celebrity gossip, or other areas of little or no value. When I attempt to converse with them concerning things that will greatly effect their lives and their children's lives they show no interest. To live as a higher human is sometimes difficult and lonely but certainly worth doing.
It takes very little to feign interest in sports or celebrity gossip without holding them in great value, to engage socially and raise your social capital. The things you believe will greatly effect their lives and their children's lives that you want to converse on; they show no interest because you have no social capital, you've lacked the nous to engage in sociable practises and so lack the ability to command attention to your important thoughts if (and when) appropriate to do so.
Your whole post reeks of slave mentality and a dreadfully foolish and arrogant sense of self-importance.
"...that will greatly affect their lives..."
If higher man is to tend to his tree in solitude, is it impossible for him to do so while engaging with the herd? If higher man is to have a life project that will provide shade to countless generations, isn't higher man just a herd member who has risen above his ressentiment? Because if he has to help other people in the future, he should understand them first. I feel like this sounds a lot like an aristocratic society. I think higher man's life project is to ultimately allow the herd to develop into higher men. I don't think people are inherently 'part of the herd'. They have just fallen victim to the demons inside them. I think.
"I think higher man's life project is to ultimately allow the herd to develop into higher men."
Well said, though this only really applies to the researcher, whose work will eventually be vulgarized and taught to the masses. The creative genius' art will not be understood by the common man, or at least, it will have to be spelled out to him.
Yeah, this sounds like proto-capitalist ideology. The idea that being personally independent, while omitting that the 'higher men' often depend on the slave community for the validation of their social role, indicates a mind that lives in its own social class bubble. It sounds like the same ideology in capitalism, maybe the notion of 'meritocracy', that essentially says you make more money (and hence gain more independence) the more valuable you are to society. I know it's not a definite psychological rule, but I think many who become 'higher men' really do have more working for them in the realm of 'nurture', or, an environment and immediate family and social circle that facilitates the ascension of the individual. Wealthy families usually produce children who learn how to become wealthy and less subjected to the shortcomings of capitalist culture and government.
I feel like I could go on further. Not to be redundant but the 'higher men' are often slaves themselves, to their institutional and/or cultural role.
But I have to say, I realize he wasn't pointing out rich people in particular as 'higher' but I am seeing the common thread of ideology here with capitalist ideology. And I'll hold off on pointing out how what we call capitalism doesn't match with the application of our economics in the real world.
I think the rabble is more of a bar-setter, if you will. In order for someone to be great, they have to rise above the bar. So when the rabble improves, it will take even more for someone to become above them. If the higher man is able to provide shade for the herd than the higher man is not a member of the herd, necessarily. He is more one who has risen above the herd, but has used this power to help the herd. Depending on if he chose to help the herd for acceptance or because he wanted to improve mankind, is the deciding factor as to whether or not he is a higher man. Also, the higher man doesn't have ressentiment, that's kind of the point. A dictator e.g. would not be an example of a higher men because he uses his success to quell other men and tread on them. This would interfere with other higher men thus making him have ressentiment and hindering him from being considered a higher man. The higher man doesn't have to use his abilities to help the herd, however. But, if someone's goal in life is to be accepted by the herd and they succeed, they wouldn't be considered a higher man because they do not aspire for greatness but acceptance. It's overly complicated and seems hypocritical, but you have to really think about it to understand it.
you cant think of new ideas if you arent an individual. if you go with the herd, there will be no change since you are just doing what is accepted by society. you want to change society you have to be different from it and show society there is something else.
You learnt lack understanding of the text
This video was posted in january 2017 and has more relevance than ever today
books written around 1979
Crucifixion of Socrates ,jesus ,osho..Hurling stones at buddha and mahavir ..Herds revenge against higher men
you're very right.....but bringing Osho onto the level of the other names you brought?!?
Neit was talking shit about religious morality specifically Christianity. Neit hated western religion if you ever read anything by him you would probably know
@Blade Strikes you have NO CLUE what Christianity is 🤦🏿♂️
@Blade Strikes really, and how does one read the Bible and get to this conclusion?
Christianity is slave morality but Jesus is the higher man
The balls it takes to make this video...
Thank you so much
2 Balls, 1 on each side
Yah man!
The balls it takes to emphatically advocate for the status quo..right.. While lambasting commoners for 'slave morality'he constructs a narrative in which the slave society must exist, in order to prove that slaves are really just weak, and authorities are only authorities because they are strong and intellectually, morally, spiritually superior. It's funny how hard-line conformist authoritarians love to insist they are the real outsiders.
@@MetalNick "advocate for the status quo" Ask yourself : which kind of political views are more likely to get you fired from your job, far-right wing views or far-left wing views? Which kind of political views are criminalized as hate speech in many western countries, far-right views or far-left wing views? We all know that far-right wing views are the only set of beliefs that actually carry real, tangible, economic, and legal penalties. We have all kinds of anti-scientific, batshit crazy views about gender and sexuality not only being promoted, but increasingly being enshrined in law. And to top it all off the left has successfully used mass migration and oppression fairy tales to successfully whip up a frenzy of ethnic warfare and have created an entire political coalition out of it. Deviation from this new orthodoxy is gradually being made illegal in many western countries. Your team won, why can't you just enjoy it?
@@gymnopedie4445 Who really won? My whole life I've watched the working classes get poorer, losing more civil rights, while the rich have become like the kings of old. The SJWs are given their petty victories to keep them complacent and to keep them pushing corporate powers - corporate insurance mandates, personal insurance mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine legal immunity, telecom legal immunity, criminal bank bailouts, etc. The SJWs are sheep in the employ of the elites, just as are the petty racists and 2nd amendment obsessed on the right. Guns aren't powerful. None of these people have any genuine power.
Thank you very much for this.
I have heard some of this information before, but the way you mash it up and present it, it strikes something different for me.
This helped transform my way of thinking, and built my psyche anew .
I am in awe of this channel and filled with grattitude
"Over thinking is the root of all sorrow in man."
I respect Nitszche and his works. That said I still take it all with a grain of salt. Some people want to be sociable in life, others can feel compelled to a project that requires solitude. To place a set value on either is a purely subjective and relativistic view.
Of course I think you're right, and I think Nietzsche would agree that everything he said was just his opinion.
That is exactly what is said in this video: create your own values
are there new values im unaware of? nothing is original. there is nothing new under the sun.
clearly ignorance and under thinking are the s.o.p. of todays masses.
@@troywalkertheprogressivean8433 your finger print..
You are a gem of a channel, great content!!! You are aiding the betterment of humanity, keep it up!!
Not only do you make banger videos with some of the best content but you always start them off right, you don’t waste time on an intro, as soon as I click the video I’m learning and I love it
Wow! Just... Wow! This explains exactly how I have been feeling about everything, but at a deeper level then I could articulate
This is so unbelievably interesting and insightful. Thank you for making these video.
"Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right." -Isaac Asimov
A bit oxymoronic isn’t it
Lol. And what if the right thing to do is to take people's right.
What exactly is "right"?
@@nowhereman6019 Might makes right.
@@murimurimrui what exactly is "might"?
this whole theory is a damnation of communism "banding together to obtain a communal feeling of power, the only type of power available to the slave"
Well Nietzsche considered socialism and liberalism to be the secular heirs of slave morality.
If you think this, you have no idea about communism or nihilism.
Sounds like Somali & Gareth are "kids", if they're telling us "What communism is ABOUT" & not what it "Is". I might have a great idea for a new way to play basketball, But if it kills most fans & players then why would anyone defend or promote it? That's all Bernie Bros can say is theory. In reality, communism is about MASS MURDER ON AN INDUSTRIAL SCALE to further enrich(empower) the rich. The Chinese people gave 11MILLION HUMANS over 27yrs fighting communism in China, but in the first 2 "peaceful" years communist rule, the brutal PRC military went in to all farmlands & took every last grain of rice, publicly executed anyone caught with food, & 46MILLION innocent Chinese farmers & peasants were intentionally starved to death. Unless u buy that the world's best mathematicians simply failed like never before or after🥴. Or maybe the entirety of 2MILLION Armenians(Christians) for which the word genocide was created(Google it). Or Stalin's 20MILLION, or Lenin's, for whopping 1/4BILLION HUMAN LIVES in the 20th century alone. It doesn't make one fuckall "What communism(mature socialism) is about", it only matters What It Is..........HELL ON EARTH. (Start reading & stop getting your history from hollywood & CNN.)
@Mob Barley Very good summation of Communist genocide or, the Herd run amok. How anyone misses this historical fact is beyond me. On its own , proof of Herd conditioning and programming.
@@mobbarley1682 --you are 🏋💪🎯👍✌😎
Jung revealed the distinguishing skill that catapulted Nietzsche into the league of Plato beyond perhaps even Schopenhauer, and Emerson. Nietzsche was highly trained as a classical philologist immersed in the original sources of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. Hence, Nietzsche gained a profound knowledge of the greatest minds of antiquity and could read the source material in a direct first hand way and not rely on second hand accounts. Imagine being able to understand all the nuances of source material from the Bible in Hebrew or Plato in Greek to appreciate the nuances and meanings of texts directly rather than to accept second hand some other scholars interpretation of the passage. Nietzsche's devastating critique of the intellectual edifice of the times originated because he knew how the professors of the time masked the truth to push an agenda, protect an intellectual moat, or just hide the truth from themselves or others for either lack of courage, intellectual depth, or other sinister reasons.
Nietzsche lived and breathed for the truth. Just as a world class poker player has to live, breathe and sleep poker to be a world champion, a philosopher on the Olympian level of Nietzsche has to breathe the mountain air of truth every day in a way not possible for a man involved in a daily business or practice such as Jung. Sure, the business can keep the man "grounded", but to reach Nietzsche's Olympian level and full spectrum dominance philosophical level you need the foundational basics of classical philology combined with a passion and instinct for truth based off actual reading of ancient wisdom in the original. As German philosopher Schopenhauer observed, unless a man can read Latin and Greek in the original, there will always be a hole in the scholar's education that undermines the depth of his intellectual thought. This observation is a bitter pill for us all in a vapid age of mass media and hollow men. Nietzsche was just such an intellectual tour de force that we will probably never able to appreciate his greatness or sublime gifts to humanity. Greek and Latin are not emphasized in today's propaganda mills of liberal arts universities or even at the time of Jung when studying Latin and Greek required hard work most were not willing to endure. Nietzsche was a sublime gift to humanity, and in fact his Navy Seal like attack on the soft, descendent Western philosophers and clergy of the time came with devastating force and mountain lightning speed. Ultimately though, Nietzsche's attack came out of a deep love for man and his no limit potential. Once the blinders came off and courageous, disciplined men were made aware of what the actual classical and Biblical texts meant free of some political or mercenary agenda, Nietzsche allows us all to share in the love for the search for truth. In this sense, Nietzsche, in exposing the agendas of many "translations" and university moat protecting "degrees" brings us all back to ourselves and our higher man potential once we breathe the mountain air of truth, and discover how the truth makes us all free from the agendas and deception of the establishment.
The higher man is immune to both praise and criticism. so relevant in my life.
beautifuly put you imbecile
Mate stfu you comment on youtube you're not Socrates lol
This is the best video I have watched in a long time, great work!
Dude, you have explained why my life has been a nightmare. I cannot buy justice not can I scream victim. Therefore, the herd has imposed their will upon me by doing everything possible to drag me down.
get over yourself. you are not as important to the world as you believe. neither am i.
@@LoveEarthHereAndNow nihilist alert!
What a stunning channel, thank you for everything you do.
I’m a new sub and I’ve been binge watching your videos, they’re brilliant. This one might be my favorite, it resonates with me deeply, as I am facing the current task of creating a life for myself outside of the heard. It’s an intimidating task, I have to admit, but not impossible
Based sneedposter
these videos are great. You break down Nietzsche's ideas so concisely. Thank you
I really like this channel and love the Nietzsche content. Please keep at it with this stuff
Ok, so this will be about the 10th time I've said this in the comment section of one of your videos: this video is absolutely brilliant!
I love this video! I love this channel! I love Nietzsche! Thank you so much for taking your time, people, into making this project!
What a superb video! Thank you for making this.
This video is literally revolutionary
the ideas of Niezsche should always be cross-examined with real world inequality and the unfortunate reality that many people are raised inadvertently to be a member of the masses, either through poverty or social position. This specifically pertains to Nietzsche himself.
"You can take a horse to water, but cannot make it drink" still applies, but some horses are never really brought to the water in the first place.
Apply this to social justice movements, I don't get the problem people seem to have with people striving for equal rights? Then again I don't live in the US, so I might not be exposed to the 'danger' they form?
Inequality is just, natural and necessary. I don't want equality, I want power.
The danger comes when a smaller minded person confuses themselves for a higher minded one, actual higher minded individuals are about rising above, the mistaken try to push everyone else below them.
Neitzsche believed all people could become higher minded, Neitzsche himself started realizing that inequality hinders that progress the older he got. Read more of his work from when he was older.
A lot of people seem to think that not caring about inequality or social justice makes them superior, makes them great individuals, rising above the common herd.
It doesn't.
It just makes them assholes.
It's just egotistical posturing meant to cover their sense of inferiority, but only works to draw attention to the very shortcomings that cause them their shame and self-loathing.
They're socially powerless. They can't *do* anything. They can't rise above the challenge of their own lives, much less help others to rise up...and instead of admitting to their own impotence, they embrace their powerlessness and turn it into a virtue. They don't support "social justice" or other such movements, not because they can't, but because they're too far above such *petty* concerns.
Their lack of action becomes proof of their strength, instead of proof of their weakness.
It's actually a wonderful example of slave morality at work.
True... This is not for everybody. This inspired me greatly to be myself and not change for people. Nietzsche has been a great inspiration for me, and it feels good to be accepted this way.
This is beautiful! It’s a bit poetic. The point being made is so brilliantly written. I could’ve describe it, but I kept saying, “I feel like we’re being pushed to lower the bar and become zombies.”
Nietzsche was such a great person…even though he died long ago he still helps so many people all over the world
He doesnt help me. I feel hopeless because of his ideas. I am a slave and i dont have the strength to be a higher man :(
@@ctoan_ u choose to be what u want, continously declaring urself a slave only enforces these ideas. U are whatever u say r. Youll get tired of being tired one day
@@lewisalton7736 If that's true, then what about delusional people? You are what you do more then what you think and say... If I think myself as being good but my acts contradict my thaugts I am good?
@@eduardmanecuta5350 that's cognitive dissonance and many people believe they are good but we are all sinners. We are a living contradiction majority of us aren't strong enough to do as we ought what is right. We do what we want through being a slave to sin
long ago? He died in 1900. Historically speaking, thats quite recent
There comes a time when the higher man struggles with the duality of his humanity and sometimes its just to much and they would rather never make human contact anymore or sacrifice that humanity for the sake of death to their mind basically sacrifice all that they know to escape from a world that causes pain that is the true quality of a fallen higher man...
great point
Wow I feel this
That isn't a higher man or a part of the herd, that's just a crybaby
@@villegasguerreroantonioale6416 uh....i clearly said that is the "True quality of a fallen higher man".....so uh thanks for the input but maybe try to be a little classy with it i value your input tho but maybe gain some respect for yourself by explaining yourself clearly and actually making a point thanks but I'm glad you agree with me
By the way for future comments to clarify what i mean by higher man never wanting human contact again is going off on their own to be consumed by their work/thoughts reasons why all the great men of yesterday are remembered for being alone for long periods of time and come back with the greatest of work and some of the higher men that want death to their mind already completed their work mentally but wanting to help the herd and knowing the herd would kill him for his ideas he is left in a state of constant back and forth within his mind on what is the socially good moral thing to do and what is the socially logical thing to do one is help the herd that will attack you...or leave the herd and help yourself so another higher man can find his work and so he lives on thru him and his work...ironic how the guy who commented sounds like a cry baby is helping me prove that so again I'm thankful for all those that read my message and those who understand it ❤
Every now and then, one stumbles into an oasis, how refreshing.
Good work sir.
"The concept of greatness entails being noble, wanting to be by oneself, being able to be different, standing alone and having to live independently." But by doing so everyone is human and has the desire to be part of something and mean something to someone and living alone is a lonely process to endure. Over a long period of time you will feel lonely and need to occasionally visit our fellow humans.
It’s 2021, and this is the first channel ever that’s inspired me beyond-beyond “inspired”, enough to actually get the Patreon app to say “Thank you”.
I think it is very important to see these as archetypes. To recognize, to strive for, to move away from, but not to fully identify with being one or the other. This will only perpetuate the ego.
Whole herds of higher men are liking this!
Hahaha good one...youre an idiot...but that was still funny
Genius. My favourite philosopher.
Bro you keep tuning my life back into order. Thanks.
“Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.” - The Dude
Thanks fot the video! I always find Nietzhe inspiring
I see I need to re-examine more than I anticipated. It always seems fruitful to listen to those who make their own paths.
Thanks haven’t read Nietzsche since I was a student. I’m going to have to re read those books. Good video well read and explained.
Even those who are sickly and physically weak can, through intense effort and determination, overcome their affliction to escape resentment.
intense effort and determination usually cost money
Philosophers and their generalizations are so entertaining with their flowery talk. Take an eloquent person with a sharp mind and they can convince one of anything especially when you can see yourself and others within categories.
Everything is One. Know it.
Because we are talking about the higher man and the herb with Nietzsche's love of the arts I think this passage from Oscar Wiles book, "The Soul of Man Under Socialism" fits in nicely:
"And it is to be noted that it is the fact that Art is this intense form of Individualism that makes the public try to exercise over it in an authority that is as immoral as it is ridiculous, and as corrupting as it is contemptible. It is not quite their fault. The public has always, and in every age, been badly brought up. They are continually asking Art to be popular, to please their want of taste, to flatter their absurd vanity, to tell them what they have been told before, to show them what they ought to be tired of seeing, to amuse them when they feel heavy after eating too much, and to distract their thoughts when they are wearied of their own stupidity. Now Art should never try to be popular. The public should try to make itself artistic. There is a very wide difference. If a man of science were told that the results of his experiments, and the conclusions that he arrived at, should be of such a character that they would not upset the received popular notions on the subject, or disturb popular prejudice, or hurt the sensibilities of people who knew nothing about science; if a philosopher were told that he had a perfect right to speculate in the highest spheres of thought, provided that he arrived at the same conclusions as were held by those who had never thought in any sphere at all - well, nowadays the man of science and the philosopher would be considerably amused. Yet it is really a very few years since both philosophy and science were subjected to brutal popular control, to authority - in fact the authority of either the general ignorance of the community, or the terror and greed for power of an ecclesiastical or governmental class. Of course, we have to a very great extent got rid of any attempt on the part of the community, or the Church, or the Government, to interfere with the individualism of speculative thought, but the attempt to interfere with the individualism of imaginative art still lingers. In fact, it does more than linger; it is aggressive, offensive, and brutalising."
the higher man and the herb - part 2
Illya Lypyak thank you very much for the post .
Illya Lypyak I take this that some people didn't like his work and he was offended. Not all art fits all people, no need to call people vain and lazy and gluttons and stupid just because some of your art probably actually sucked, at least to some people.
This could be a quote from every person who ever hung a goat fetus from a piece of chopped wood and called the public dullards for not praising it.
mirzamay ..Nice one😅
Illya Lypyak Wait, but if individual and "free", completely "unshackled" thought is so important, then truth cannot be the main goal of thought.
We are philosophising here. Or at least we are trying to. Neitzche included.
Just HOW are we supposed to accept anything any philosopher says as true--universally--if we say that the INDIVIDUAL is king? No one ever denied that the individual must come to accept his own beliefs for himself.
The age-old dispute is what belief SHOULD be accepted as true because of it BEING so in reality.
Acceptance of the doctrine of "unshackled" thought reduces any possibility of philosophical knowledge to ashes.
Any thoughts?
I believe I was born at an advantage. I am a first gen 15 year old male. My dad was rarely home, he was always working, leaving me at the nurturing side of my mom. I believe this allowed me to develop into a more feminine person but I lack a true sense of morality that comes with the father figure. Recently, I "came out of the mist," the childhood mist that blinds you from your own consciousness. In the mist, you feel yourself do things but only as a reaction to a stimuli. With this coming to consciousness, I started to wonder more beyond myself. I began to think about how despite my relationship was to my dad, because of his lack of presence and bad talk from my mom, he was still seen to me as infallible. This idea enlightened me to reevaluate my life. In all sense, I am part of the herd, with a predisposed higher-order thinking. I believe I outlay from other I am surrounded by. I am still trapped in the conformity of wanting to fit in. I am also an Asian, brought up by the traditional Asian parenting style. I believe my need for conformity is predisposed by my insecurities brought about from my parenting. During elementary school, I was very active and got along with other very well. Some would say I was the top "alpha" guy. There were many girls that took me as an attractive person. I was always the dominant person in the playground and got the ball first even with my extremely small frame, as I am 5"8 120 pounds today. Afterwards, I went to a middle school with little familiarity. The school was the best school in the area and was praised by every person that worked in the school district. The caveat is the school prioritized scholarship over socializing students. So I was constantly feeling left out and unrecognized for my distinctions. With hindsight, I believed all students were at this same mindset but banded together in conformity. I was the person left out and this somewhat scarred me. I was always chosen last for PE games, where the "most popular" "good-looking" kids were always in a group. I chose to ditch this path of enduring and making the best of my situations and instead falling into the library where I read most books. I always understood each book and got maximum points on comprehension quizzes. I was getting praise from people at the school and teachers and kept reading. At 8th grade, I decided to stop reading as much books and make some "friends." Instead of actually making friends, I believe this mist guided me to the way of least resistance and I joined a clique of Mexican soccer players. I was teased for being the only one that was Asian. I knew inside that we kept appearance and were only strung together by the need for conformity. I went into high school and joined the cross country team. I was decent and kept going at it. I believe this immediate transfer from middle school to high school was less stressful as cross country gave me the chance to assimilate before others. I was ahead of the curve in that sense but I knew that Cross country was the only thing that gave me a sense of distinction. I matured up a bit and at the beginning of sophomore year I began to like a female. I was scared of talking to her but liked her. As Jordan Peterson said, the point of maturity for men is the separation of the individual woman from an ideal. This paradox continued through the majority of my sophomore year with no end in sight. I was constantly frustrated in myself for knowing the problem existed but did not try to change or address my problem. This problem escalated to the point where during summer going into junior year, I asked a girl for her Instagram in a flirty way impulsively without any thought. I flopped and left completely numb. I knew the problem was bad but I realized that the problem was not the paradox but that I was guided and motivated by conformity. I was wanting to fit in so bad. I joined cross country in desperation for "friends" right away, after my old "friends" left to different high schools. I pursued certain women not because of their individual sense, but for the need for a girlfriend. I am still currently in the summer to junior year and I believe I have recently matured psychologically. I can deeply introspect without getting tired of thinking. I can memorize music lyrics which I did not have the energy to do beforehand. I was able to write this entire comment without fatigue. I am bettering myself slowly, understanding that most problems cannot be fixed in one day, week, or even year.
Section your writing into paragraphs bro
@@ShapurTheLegend lol you're right but some times inspiration to write comes as a stream of thought.
Bettering oneself slowly but perpetually is the most difficult but soul satisfying stuff to do in life my friend.
Tony, you will find your purpose in life and do great things...
Read Colin Wilson "The Outsider." Continue to THINK! You're psychological maturation is something only you can be responsible for. Paragraphs are great for rule-followers but you must decide how to express your consciousness. Be strong and very courageous!
Outstanding and highly relevant in the current time.
10:20 ' a true good deed goes unnoticed ' my words, analogous to his.
One of the best videos ever created !
True existence is striving for our highest, authentic self.
When you realize you’re part of the heard and now you gotta formulate a way to escape the pen
All is MIND evolve your mind upwards
Overcome your psychological self to Become your highest superior self
Its not about having SUPERIORITY over others, it's about having SUPERIORITY over your lower self your herd/slave mentality self
Its all but a State of Mind
do you want to?
You want to be great, sure. We'd all like to be on paper. Everyone wants to be a rockstar - until they don't. Ever been so famous that ten people praise you? Can all your faults keep up with that?
And when it becomes 100, 10,000, one million, all asking you to stand on your own, to support their fantasy, to support yours. You sure you earned it? Certain? Have to be. No doubt. No remorse. Decisive. It's not an easy place to be if your heart isn't fit for it.
@@azaleaslightsage1271 there is no clear defination of what superiority is. guys who trying to follow nietzsche's teachings oftenly fall to a illusion of "Yea im the übermensch because i readed some books and going to gym and i'm making girls, yeah". for example a superior self can't stand for books that offer less and he'll always in a search of "superior" ones but is there much of that kind books? then he needs to create them, right? this example can show us a thing, superior man needs to re-create all things that given to him from past. Re-creating a self means re-creating how you understand things, so you can see are you better enough to call yourself superior. A real superior man is always must be in a anxiety of "Am i created myself truly, am i enough to become something greater than past-me" Superior man can't be superior than other man because superior man isn't a social thing no more. The socially-constructed-man can not understand newly created "superior" man and society will always attack to our superior guy but superior man must be always aware of desperacy of the socially-constructed-man and i think he needs save them too. Philosophy is a instrument of enjoyment for me but i feel like i have to use my capacity of thinking and writing for saving my desperate enemy. I love my enemies, they show me who im am. And i have to pay-back their helping for me. this is how i think, and english is not my first language and i don't know how to speak academicaly in english so yeah this words can be some kind of meaningless. sorry for that!
depends who ''heard'' your snillepng, innit
This is super relevant to the riots going on... don't be sheep people.
Thanks for your comments please checking out my channel on UA-cam REEDSPORT LEGAL 😃 Light, love and protection sir ... thanks REEDSPORT LEGAL
Yeah, dont follow racist laws and police units.
bill Bloggs the protesters aren’t doing that, people are using the protests to loot and riot why are you mad at rioters but not cops tear gassing protesters
Bayblade Bayblade yeah the protesters are only assaulting cops and tearing down statues. no biggie
you really missed his point.....lol
Brilliant. I work with many, many young people as a teacher and will share. Thank you.
fabulous work here! fabulous! thank you kindly.
Regardless of his personal demons Nietzsche was spot on in his observations of mankind. I've had enough of the experiences as are referenced in this video to be able to quite abundantly appreciate his extraordinary intellect. 6/2019
I love this! I often defend Nietzsche against surface-level interpretations, as his concepts, when taken out of context in small quotes, can appear to lack 'good' morality.
This is truly brilliant, Nietzsche was a truly gifted individual
As painful as it is, I realized that according to this video I`m a slave: tired, scared, neurotic, strong feelings of impotence. I'm not living up to my potential.
Is this the future I envisioned for myself when I was a child? Is this the path I want to look back on, when I`m on my deathbed?
While looking down in the abyss, greatness is knocking on the doors. Terror strikes my heart, my mind engulfed in horror. No glory, no shining light. Only a distant voice, calling me to be brave.
This voice, is echoing deep down towards my core. And I realise I have become a creature addicted to the ways of demons. Devouring creation. Preying on the strong and wise. I have become one of the living dead.
Standing on this crossroad, I can walk the path of the many, the masses, untroubled by their shackles. Or I can face the unknown, be my own hero.
But for now I'm trapped between Hell and the Heavens. A zombie, aware of his condition, but unable to correct his flesh eating habits.
good writing skills, but you're too self defeatist. I hope you overcame your woes
@@ShapurTheLegendThx. I did :)
Nietzsche's fall was in his idea that human nature can change, and by the force of the human will or intellect - a merely human power. Human nature does not ever change/evolve. It cannot. It can only be transformed by Divine grace (the only origin of grace there was, is, and will be - but you get my point). That alone is the remedy for the herd and the individual alike.
I love this. Thank you for putting this video together so succinctly.
I used to try desperately most of my life to be the slave or part of the herd, but even amongst the most eccentric of artists, musicians, creatives, etc, I have found this pursuit to be futile.
Fortunately though, I'm a fairly decent actor so I can at least some extent pretend to fit in and relate to the mundane, if and when it serves me, or is even deemed necessary to stay safe from danger. I generally prefer to be alone, but I think very few of us truly want to be ostracized completely.
The faith in your true self should reign with the power of God. His creation is magnificent. In the image of Christ we are.. Grateful for every second we live on this earth with faith that we can strive ahead and succeed as we are forgivin in our quest journey.
Great video!!
Joseph Campbell made it abundantly clear. "Follow your Bliss" wasn't just a catchy phrase. Follow your bliss, no more profound statement has ever been spoken. Find that one thing that gives you "That moment". Musicians understand this, Artists understand it, Athletes understand it, professional race car drivers understand it, mountain climbers understand it. Why are you still in your prison cell when the door is wide open?
I have a question about this. Intuitively I feel like there's a lot of truth in this video, but I have trouble reconciling the idea against the potential danger of 'higher humans and creative geniuses' following their own morality.
Chairman Mao claimed repeatedly that he was above morality, and went on to perform the Great Leap Forward, resulting in the death of more than 18 million of his own people.
Does anyone have any valuable arguments or insight that they can share? Because as far as I can tell, an individual's higher morality is only as good as the person carrying it out... and humans in powerful and influential positions (as higher humans and creative geniuses would be) are notoriously corruptible.
@Liam Quigley Thanks for the reply. It's a slippery concept to grapple with, no doubt.
I feel like the 'sacrifice for the greater good' story gets used a lot, especially when it's typically not the dictator who is the sacrifice lol.
Instead of an end to justify the means, Gandhi, for example argued that the means and the end must both be just because a poisoned seed cannot bear good fruit.
But yeah, as you suggested, there is simply no black and white answer.
@Liam Quigley It's central to Gandhi's version of nonviolence.
The Kingdom of God is Within You by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy was a massive influence on Gandhi even though it's a Christian book. I'm not a Christian but I found it to be a compelling book if you're looking for anything to read at the moment.
@Liam Quigley I didn't know that paganism was still practiced. I'm curious now. And I agree that every religion has at least something to offer.
The closest thing to a religion that I follow is the Roman philosophy of Stoicism.
Regarding Tolstoy's book, in essence what he is doing is illustrating how emperors and religious leaders have twisted or selectively chosen scriptures to suit their needs (from the Old Testament which leaned much more heavily toward violence) instead of adhering to what Christ himself taught.
Good talking with you man.
It is the essence of Liberty, of a free man. No man has any right to dictate his moral, beliefs or power over me unless I willingly allow it. Higher men disregard what the herd thinks and will act on his own accord because he is the Shepherd and they are the sheep.
Quick real life example is Elon Musk opening his factory against the decree of the state. He did it anyway. He lived according to his own rules and moral
@@alexanderx3554 I like that. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
And so it goes
The followers must have a leader
The followers are split, the leader is thus split
The followers kill the leader, the leader kills the followers
And so it goes
Its almost like there is symbiosis here,but the difference is , the "higher men" arent leaders, they arent part of that.
These idea are ridiculous
@JONATHAN SUTCLIFFE looking at the majority of society and calling them the "herd" is dumb. And then saying there is only the herd and the "higher man" to me THAT is one dimensional. It's oversimplifying things. I dont fit either definitions and neither do most people because those ideas are RIDICULOUS
jacob yeager I disagree with you. Maybe you disagree with yourself too, if you take stock of what percentage of each definition you are at what times. Then you can maybe say you are mostly one of those types. And then I think the definitions are showing the amount of people who mostly create, and create after looking around them, and those who almost never create, and look around them only to consume other people’s creations and ideas. In life and mind. In this way, I think there’s a binary action going on here that illustrates the either/or of herd and higher man in terms of what we’re doing in life.
Which then wouldn’t make it a ridiculous idea.
There is nothing new under the sun.
Such an important video in this day and age. Well done.
I think some people will use this ideology to pursue unique greatness but others will use it as a mere excuse to ignore their fellow man and be selfish
How do you find such fitting art?
+Jamal Johnson Time, patience, and usually a lot of searching.
A serious artist and student of art, your images are far above the norm. Many of them must come from books rather than the internet. Kudos.
Hence postmodern art.
So glad I found this channel. Thank you!
_"-the concept of the good man signifies that one sides with all that is weak, sick, failure, suffering of itself..."_
This reminds me of the mindset I had as a child that allowed me to empathize with the more villainous characters - Darth Vader, Megatron, etc. The bad guys always seemed to be going for and getting what they wanted while the virtuous ones were always reacting and having to catch up, all the while dealing with being hampered with holding moral codes that kept them from more effectively competing or dealing with the extra baggage of those who needed constant protection and only seemed to endanger themselves and the protagonist of the story.
However, just because someone is inept and in great need does not make them good. My mistake was taking the needy and putting them in the camp of the virtuous simply because they were being protected. I now think the good man is just more inclined to see the good in everyone where your "bad" person will see more of the faults. I find it ironic that having watched the painful decline and death of his father as well as his own failing health, Nietzsche would praise the ideal of the Ubermensch or Superman. It might have to do with him losing his father and feeling there was no god who had his back so people would have to be strong for themselves.
I definitely am not a higher being but I'm also not a member of the herd. I guess I'm in middle of a transition from the herd to the individual. I'm 19 and have a long way ahead.
As a 30 year old, who's been struggling to find the internal peace since I can remember, I would highly recommend reading up on classical works. Both Greek and Roman. You will learn more about the human condition through classics, than any other bodies of work. What classics also give you is discipline, and structure of character. It can feel rigid at times, but men need to be like strong Oak tree. Train your body and mind, but not to give some advantage against others, but rather strength to defend those who cannot themselves.
I really appreciate your work and love for the culture of hip-hop. Can we get a Gang-Starr video some time in the future?
According to this paradigm, I've spent most of my life as the Last Man, mediocre and hiding from discomfort in video games. I was even a NEET for a couple years after graduating from college. Over the past few years I've been slowly shifting towards the Creative higher man, though I wouldn't go so far as to say Creative Genius. I live now to create (writing and painting), and have become exponentially more ambitious when it comes to work. Coincidentally, I was heavily medicated with psychiatric drugs while living as the Last Man (at times was on 6-7 drugs including heavy shit like Lithium) and the past few years I've shifted almost entirely off of psychiatric drugs. Coincidence?
I hope this does not come across as insulting in any way, but what were you diagnosed with that led to being prescribed 6-7 different forms of medication? That seems very extreme for most cases and would definitely have some potentially negative side effects, but it's important to not let that create the impression of psychiatric meds being harmful as a whole.
@@mamau2003 No offence taken.
When the medication started at 13 or 14 I was diagnosed with BPD. When things kept getting worse and crazier combinations of drugs weren't working I was re-diagnosed by a different doctor in my early 20s with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder as I hadn't had a manic episode since high school.
I'm not a doctor so I don't know if it is extreme. I thought it was normal at the time. People would comment on the amount of drugs and point out that I wasn't getting better but I "trusted the doctors." Sleeping medication, medication to wake up / focus, anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, and anti-anxiety medication. At time multiples for one category, or an additional drug to counter a side effect, and for a year lithium and an anti-psychotic on top of everything.
Now I'm on none (take CBD and OTC sleep aid for sleep). Cognitive behavioral therapy helped me a lot.
Well done Brother. I am proud of you. Well f-ing done.
@@CandleBodyOnly Thank you. I've still have a little bit further to go, this past year I've gotten a better job (but I want and can do better), quit video games almost entirely (I still play the occasional game - poison is in the dose), I've written consistently 5-6 days a week for most of the last year and have been working on a novel (put a few short stories online for free just because I wanted to finish something). I'm adding fitness to this year's agenda. I'm not fat. But I'm not as physically capable as I should be as a man.
EDIT: Also quit porn. I've conditioned myself to the point that it disgusts me. I still... could be better though... I still need to quit the other half of that equation.
Hey, I've become a NEET of late but have started using the time to develop my skills. I found that the "herd" at work would make me feel really uncomfortable with anxiety about fitting in with colleagues. What kind of work did you find? And how are things going now?
Very compelling
Was suggested this video on 27 april by a friend, watching it now in his memory.