What Is Medic's Best Loadout?

  • Опубліковано 23 чер 2024
  • Medic is the backbone of a TF2 match and the center of attention, both good and bad. With such a powerful tool as an Ubercharge and healing output that no other class comes close to, your loadout selection for medic is extremely important. Let's look at what weapons medics use at the highest level of competition and why.
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  • @just_call_me_joe
    @just_call_me_joe 11 днів тому +39

    The amputators regen is only active if you have the weapon out, it is not a passive upside (the first line in the statblock is "When weapon is active:"). And I don't need to tell you that if you have your melee out you aren't healing your team and you aren't building uber (unless you commit to the taunt of course but the taunt is bad and will get you killed).
    edit: in addition to this medic's passive regen rate is doubled when you are healing an injured teammate, so the potential usefullness of the amputator is further nullified by med's base mechanics.

    • @Wild_Rumpus
      @Wild_Rumpus  11 днів тому +10

      yeah not sure how i missed that

    @N0THANKY0U 11 днів тому +40

    another thing worth noting is just how freaking boring it is to play medic without the crossbow

    • @artifactU
      @artifactU 10 днів тому

      thats a pretty big issue with tf2c tbh

    • @dootdoot8755
      @dootdoot8755 10 днів тому +2

      Yeah, crossbowless medic is a glorified dispenser with legs
      Without it you just have crit heals and uber building both of which are just mechanics that happen that you don't consciously micro around and even when you do they're over in one or two seconds and all you do is click an ally once
      During combat especially medic with a medigun gets really insignificant with his 24 hps when your pocket is dealing with 2 people capable of individually cancelling your heals 3 times over
      Crossbow adds a recurring element to your gameplay that makes you feel like a guardian angel that can actually flip fights with well placed shots and save people who were thinking they were obviously going to die

  • @OizenX
    @OizenX 10 днів тому +9

    I do think its funny that on the 100 player servers the Amputator taunt finally hits a point where its viable.

  • @fumoaddict3526
    @fumoaddict3526 11 днів тому +35

    in a pub, imo no other loadout choice (excepting obvious joke loadouts) just immediately outs you as a bad player as playing med without crossbow. having any other primary is like walking around with an unusual effect above your head that points at you and says "idiot"

    • @redstonewarrior0152
      @redstonewarrior0152 10 днів тому +2

      Unless youbare using the overdose.
      That weapon does not deserve the hate it gets.
      I have made many a spy mad by just moving faster than him.

    • @powerfultunic4891
      @powerfultunic4891 10 днів тому +3

      Someone got ignored by a battle medic

    • @dootdoot8755
      @dootdoot8755 10 днів тому +1

      @@redstonewarrior0152 no it absolutely does
      If i see a medic using that meme weapon trying to play seriously I immediately take over as medic because I know that dude's heals are awful
      I'd rather just afk on a healthpack or a dispenser than rely on getting medigunned to full

    • @matthewquan9083
      @matthewquan9083 10 днів тому +1

      @@dootdoot8755 I think there is a case for it. A medic's primary resource besides UBER and health, is their attention. You can be a medic playing seriously and still lack the experience to switch between Crossbow and Medigun while still maintaining positioning. I play seriously in the sense I'm trying my best to contribute in spite of my inexperience, but I know that me trying to use the Crossbow is a waste of time because I've yet to actually hit anyone with it when I do try it. Not using the Crossbow is me being honest that I'm not ready for it.

  • @itchylol742
    @itchylol742 11 днів тому +15

    when you mentioned the amputator i thought you were gonna talk about some insane strategy where the medic taunts and all 5 teammates gather around the medic to bodyblock any attacks while being healed (it works in 100 players)

    • @artifactU
      @artifactU 10 днів тому +3

      100 players is pretty differant to 12 players

  • @D1AntOnly
    @D1AntOnly 11 днів тому +13

    the amputater regen buff is useless since you double your regen when you heal someone below 100% health anyway

    • @qsix3205
      @qsix3205 11 днів тому +1

      12 years of TF2 and I had literally no idea that was a thing, very interesting ty for sharing

  • @puzzlepuddles6712
    @puzzlepuddles6712 11 днів тому +2

    1:30 my heart was racing looking at the points

  • @aidenb876
    @aidenb876 10 днів тому +2

    I run the pan instead of the uber saw just because the sound is funny

  • @ubermorpth2208
    @ubermorpth2208 11 днів тому +2

    Ayo another Medic video! (Here's where my Medic opinions come in with what you have to say which itself is parodied by Theory-Y who is a great medic player:)
    Crossbow hands down almost always the correct pick when it comes to Medic not just for the insane burst healing (which you point out is faster to heal with arrow spam on anyone over 150 health then beaming unless crit heals while also keeping yourself safe without being so close to beam vs arrowing), but even for protecting yourself with the projectile being more consistent to aim then the needles.
    Stock V Kritz is a rather interesting discussion to consider in 6s (casual I'd honestly argue Krtiz is really risky most of the time and only works cause of like most thing's in a normal casual setting: player's just aren't that good enough to properly punish) Most times Krtiz is like you say a good way to mix up and surprise the other team with switching to it depending on uber totals (I almost wonder if there's been a case where both teams happened to be on kritz at same time and how that round would go as a result lmao.)
    Solemn Vow for the info is super useful not just for the obvious of calling out what exact health totals are for the enemy by just peeking, but knowing the exact rough state of uber is big so you aren't off by maybe 5% or 10% and thus plays are more reliable. Also knowing if whoever's chasing you can be worth a potential aggressive play or not is super important for if you gotta book it early or not.

  • @sdfggdfg5fgdfg
    @sdfggdfg5fgdfg 11 днів тому +10

    I wonder if the syringeguns were originally supposed to heal your teammates, i would like to play on a server with that change
    without heals syringeguns are a massive downgrade, even with (better) closerange burst heals than crossbow they would be a sidegrade at best
    edit: same thing with the solemn vow really. It's weird that medic has two weapons that give him abilities that could honestly be designed into the base class

    • @artifactU
      @artifactU 11 днів тому +1

      the crossbow gives range burst healing, the mediguns give close range sustained healing. your idea removes part of what makes the corssbow good so i dont think itd be a good change

    • @oiytd5wugho
      @oiytd5wugho 11 днів тому +1

      @@artifactU the idea doesn't remove anything???? You'd still be able to use the crossbow, doesn't even touch it.
      Honestly syringes doing more HPS if every shot hits is a great idea and I always wanted to see it implemented, because you'd actually have to make choices on the loadout screen instead of "is crossbow equipped? yes, ok". Another thing is that syringeguns should get passive reload like the crossbow. Originally, to reload the crossbow you had to actually have it active while the animation played, but the comp scene _really_ wanted passive reload specifically on the crossbow, so no other gun got it (I think this was in like 2012/13 or something, long ass time ago)

    • @artifactU
      @artifactU 11 днів тому

      @@oiytd5wugho i mayve explained it badly. i meant that your syringe gun idea doesnt have some of the things that make the crossbow as good as it is

    • @sdfggdfg5fgdfg
      @sdfggdfg5fgdfg 11 днів тому

      @@artifactU if you could heal (but not overheal unless with the overdose) teammates health with syringes, and the healing was anywhere around equivalent of the damage syringes normally do, it would absolutely be an amazing burst heal tool for medium to closse range, and it would be easier to hit closerange than crossbows.
      Yes it would be a sidegrade to the ranged healing crossbow. ramp-up syringeds do A LOT of damage up close, 40x12=480 damage per clip. Of course this would be adjusted up or down for healing

    • @sdfggdfg5fgdfg
      @sdfggdfg5fgdfg 11 днів тому

      and maybe make it reload passively similarly to the crossbow

  • @brennenblanco7174
    @brennenblanco7174 11 днів тому

    Great video!

  • @fumoaddict3526
    @fumoaddict3526 11 днів тому +1

    with the amputator the bonus regen only applies while you have it out. there's extremely limited utility because apart from being the only survivor of a wipe there's like no scenario in which you'd want to be walking around with your melee out instead of just healing someone, and even in those situations where you get value from the regen from it it's unlikely to make a difference since if you get caught alone you're just dead anyways

    • @borutoburrito6547
      @borutoburrito6547 11 днів тому

      Especially because healing someone who's injured doubles medic's natural health regen anyway.

  • @jamtva
    @jamtva 10 днів тому

    I remember a video of someone coming up with nerfs for various weapons and suggesting that the crossbow could be nerfed by making it cost uber to heal teammates. I wonder what that would have done to the game. Still probably the best primary though.

  • @Blucario90
    @Blucario90 10 днів тому

    I think Valve (if they were still doing updates) should add more medic primaries and maybe melee weapons that can heal. It's clear that players like having multiple healing options, so why not give them more to choose from? As it stands, we have a total of two medic unlocks that aren't mediguns that can heal, and one of them is so situational that it's almost never used.

  • @lostmyhead8220
    @lostmyhead8220 10 днів тому

    Yayyyy rumpus uploaded

  • @robert9016
    @robert9016 10 днів тому

    Literally a healthpack gun.

  • @AtomicSpeedFT
    @AtomicSpeedFT 10 днів тому

    Wish medic had some other kind of crossbow to add more variety, but I really can’t think of anything that isn’t just a minor stat change, or just outright stealing the effect of one of the syringe guns.
    Like it feels like you’d need to add a major downside to make it more interesting, say decreasing the default Uber rate slightly, or lowering the maximum potential of crit heals. But the only impactful upside I can think of is more healing by adding a second bolt you can fire, but that’s a bit boring imo.
    I guess it ultimately doesn’t matter since it’s not like we’d ever get new weapons. Though it’s a fun thought experiment.

  • @math5690
    @math5690 10 днів тому +1

    use the battle needler video over

  • @matthewquan9083
    @matthewquan9083 10 днів тому

    I play medic without the crossbow for two reasons.
    One, I don't have the crossbow,.
    Two, since I don't have it, I can't practice with it and can't hit anyone with it.

  • @G-Man____
    @G-Man____ 11 днів тому

    Can you discuss how the other mediguns could be balanced in 6s so medic can I have more variety in their game play

  • @Capiosus
    @Capiosus 11 днів тому +2

    hate me for it but I think crossbow would be balanced if it removed medic’s passive healing, or heavily nerfed it, increasing the risk of using it, because if the reward gets tweaked then medic gameplay will be stale and terrible
    also syringes need to be synced server to client please valve, just give the client the seed for the random syringe offset and do the projectile lag compensation on the syringes
    The only balancing option to remove stale gameplay while nerfing the crossbow would have to be a rework of the medigun which we know is never going to happen.

    • @elkssr
      @elkssr 11 днів тому +1

      Why would you nerf the best designed unlock in the game? Syringe guns suck, ain't the crossbow's problem

    • @Capiosus
      @Capiosus 11 днів тому

      @@elkssr cause medic is overpowered right now, teams without medic tend to lose every game even in casual

    • @golfclubninja
      @golfclubninja 11 днів тому +3

      @@Capiosusthat doesn’t change with a crossbow nerf, it’s just an innate aspect of the gamethat medic being the best healing class with the Uber

    • @Capiosus
      @Capiosus 10 днів тому

      @@golfclubninja ☝ "No we shouldn't nerf medic, medic is supposed to be overpowered!"
      It doesn't matter if we nerf medic as a whole by fixing a weapon. He's overpowered, it's okay to nerf him a little.

    • @artifactU
      @artifactU 10 днів тому +2

      @@Capiosus how is nerfing the crossbow fixing it. also why do you even want people to play medic without the crossbow dont you know how boring that is

  • @WolfyTheDark
    @WolfyTheDark 11 днів тому

    I would sooner play no item Demoknight over a Medic without a Crossbow.
    Kritz and Uber is definitely a 50/50 (maybe 52/48) toss up, and definitely relies on teamwork.
    I personally play with the Ubersaw for the clutch safety net of getting Uber, and it's really a lot more useful for Uber than Kritz.
    Stock Bonesaw is actually pretty viable for the swing speed in a melee fight, but that means it's practically very unnecessary for competitive.
    The Vita-Saw is as you said, just a worse Ubersaw. It can only really be saved by a buff either giving it some sort of damage, speed, vampirism or regen abilities.
    I love using the Amputator, but I highly doubt that the healing is anywhere near as valuable as it may seem, especially in 6v6s. I don't think that a small AoE heal over time that completely disables the caster for 5 seconds is anywhere near as cost efficient as the information gained from the Solemn Vow or as useful as the instant-Uber gain from the Ubersaw.
    The only way to make the Amputator more viable would be to increase the AoE and gain Uber% based on healing, which without very fine tuning can easily be OP. Those additions will also definitely make it more map-dependent (where a Medic can hide on certain corners and buff the entire team).

  • @kjr1690
    @kjr1690 11 днів тому +1


  • @artifactU
    @artifactU 11 днів тому

    ive always thought the ubersaw was overated

    • @artifactU
      @artifactU 11 днів тому +4

      not to say that its bad its just that imo its value is overstated

  • @mrstudent9125
    @mrstudent9125 11 днів тому


  • @Serphentin
    @Serphentin 10 днів тому

    Are you using "whitelist" as a way to talk about banned weapons? That'd be a blacklist. A whitelist is a list of things/people who are allowed. I was confused when you said "most medi-guns are whitelisted." There's two allowed and two banned, right?
    I'm glad we don't have to deal with the ole Vita-saw. I hated giving up HP but saving ubercharge was super strong and very often worth it.

    • @Wild_Rumpus
      @Wild_Rumpus  10 днів тому

      yeah although 6s technically uses a whitelist rather than a blacklist you're right. I kinda just say whitelisted as shorthand for "not included on the whitelist"

  • @badideagenerator2315
    @badideagenerator2315 11 днів тому +1

    Imagine if the syringe guns were as good at their jobs as the crossbow.
    How much more damage would they have to do?

    • @redstonewarrior0152
      @redstonewarrior0152 10 днів тому

      They already out DPS the cross bow so I think the problem is elsewhere.

    • @badideagenerator2315
      @badideagenerator2315 10 днів тому

      @@redstonewarrior0152 they only out dps the crossbow on paper. In practice most of the syringes miss on account of their low accuracy and velocity.

    • @matthewquan9083
      @matthewquan9083 9 днів тому +1

      I don't think any amount would truly compensate for the loss of healing. I would rather have them have the same projectile speed than buff damage.