New idea for a Pokemon in Smash Bros 4: Magikarp. Initially does nothing and splashes around, but has a 1/5 chance of evolving into Gyarados and using Hyper Beam, which has more knockback than the bat when contact with it is made.
top 10 troll moments in smash bros 4: 10: getting homerun batted 9: getting hit with the flower smash 8: getting stunned by mewtwo with 100% damage and getting full charged forward smashed 7: getting gang banged in battle royale 6: getting grabbed way too often 5: get killed by spamming 4: missing the ledge 3: get goldeen 2: get killed IMMEDIATELY in a 1 life stock battle 1: get pushed off the stage with the dreaded gust bellows
Liveandlearn789 10: Happens with anyone. 9: Same 8: Mewtwo IS powerful... 7: Yeah, that mode is brutal 6: Especially by Yoshi. He's grab-happy. 5: Expect that if you face me 4: Happens a lot 3: WHY GOLDEEN!? 2: Lol wut? 1: I hate that too!
For the upcoming Smash Game, it would be cool to see a top 10 list of top or favorite Final Smashes. Because you gotta admit, when it comes to smash, the final smashes go all out~
10. Metal Box 9: Dragoon Parts 8: Starman 7: Normal Hammer 6: Pokeball 5: Assist Trophy 4: Mega Mushroom 3: Superspicy Curry 2: Home Run Bat 1: The FAN
Very nice list JWittz! It is actually hard for me to come up with a top 10 list of my own because there are DOZENS AND DOZENS of items to choose from. However, I do agree with your number 1 though. Pokeballs and Assist Trophies are definitely the most FUN items to use in Smash games IMO! :)
Final D is good, however battlefield, town and city, lylate cruise, and I think the whispy wood stage are all good viable options for duking it out 1v1 with your opponent.
My mother once bought a "Nintendo Wii" in a garage sale for me, that was really obvious that it wasn't a real Nintendo Wii and I told her, then the man who was selling it ran away like a ninja, went in a plane to go to Japan, and I shot the ninja with my .50 sniper then he fell down, he hit the ground and I stopped him. He told me that it wasn't him, and he said it was a plan made by the US Government. I asked him to tell me more details then he got shot by a sniper I didn't really knew where he shot from... I looked around and couldn't see anybody, so I let the man's body in there and went away in my home. I told my mother what happened and she told me to rest a bit, so I went to bed. In the middle of night, I heard someone going inside, I pretended I was sleeping. It was an assassin from the US government. He pulled a pillow to my face and I shaked and pretended I died. When he turned around, I took my cool hachet and swang it to his neck, there was blood everywhere. I checked his pockets, I've found a note saying: 1. Kill Cuddlepuff 2. Steal his godddamn nighttable I want 3. Come back with the nighttable 4. Don't tell anyone that it's me, Barrack Obama! I said "So his name is Barrack Obama. I will find you and I will kill you, Barrack Obama...." The next day, I went to USA and Barrack Obama was doing some speech about being the best president ever, which was not. I went behind him, I said "So we meet, Barrack Obama!!", he turned around and said "Ahh, Cuddlepuff!" He took out his sword, so I did the same. We battled each other like Jedis from Star Wars. I kept swinging, swinging and swinging while he blocked all of my attacks, he then trie to hit me many times as I also blocked all of his attacks. He shot me with his lightning power and I dodged to the right, then he used it as advantage of attacking, but I luckily blocked his attack. He odered his CIA warriors to attack me, like 5 vs 1, and ran away. I killed them one by one, then I ran trying to catch Barrack Obama. Our battle continued ontop of the White House, where it was meant to be his last moments of his life, but ended up the place of my last moments. He used his lightning power to paralyze me, swang his sword to take away mine, then he pierced into my stomach. I slowly fell down while he watched me. He sheathed his sword and then ran back to his public to continue his speech, letting my body there to be forgotten forever...
Take a course in writing. You're changing from first person to third person from line one and putting punctuation where it doesn't belong. I mean: in one line you refer to yourself as the sniper and then you talk about the sniper as another character. I also understand you have homes and families in different places of the planet: as you flew to Japan then went home and then took a plane to the USA. Well, I suppose you flew to Japan... or you sniped the ninja from another country, kudos for those sniping skills. Also I'm pretty sure Washington D.C. has the same gravity as the rest of the planet, so I don't know how you fell slowly from the top of the Whitehouse.
Ignoring that stupid ratio. You notice most of his Nintendo Videos have Pokemon in them. Plus he had to expand beyond pokemon since, let's be honest, there's only so many top 10's of Pokemon you can do. If anything it's like 89% Pokemon, 11% Other Nintendo stuff that doesn't have Pokemon in it
Pokeball only matches can be so chaotic too. One time I played Ice Climbers, picked two (cause both climbers take and use items) and got Lugia AND Ho Oh at the same time.
Most Pokeball Pokemon in the smash series are more based on the anime then the games. Which is weird because Smash Bros is about, well, GAME universes.
Something I'd like to see in Smash 4. When items are turned off. Smash Balls will still spawn but very rarely. Smash Balls are the one item that would add to competitive gameplay IMO.
If I remember correctly one of the only reasons competitive didn't use them, other than thinking Melee was superior, was Sonic's smash being to over powered. Since it is nerfed I guess we'll have to see :-D
Personally, I love the Surface Mine (that's not what it's called. It's the purple thing from Brawl). You see when you have the mine, you have several choices. You can set it up in a discreet spot that no one would expect it to be in while the other fighters are busy, you can throw it into the heat of the fray, causing chaos and adding to the tensity of the fight, or you can just throw it at people and keep catching it. With the first two choices you add a little extra tension because everyone has to watch the other fighters and remember that spot so they don't get launched by the explosion. On top of that putting the mine in a discreet area is fun because you can throw your enemies into it if you're using the right characters. Just my two cents :)
I was waiting for someone to mention the mines! It's soooo satisfying to lure someone into set traps, or to throw them in locations where they're forced to get blown up by them (like at the edges of platforms while they're recovering or in those random pitfalls)
To clarify, regular pokéballs can summon all Pokemon, including legendaries, but a master ball with only summon rare Pokemon, which is mostly legendaries.
Mewtwo left smash because he has tiered of holding back. Face it if he use his full power he could use some of the smaller stages as a home run bat. Even if he miss you are gone.
The exclusion of Cloaking Device in later games makes me curious. if Smash Bros Brawl. redesigned both the Ray Gun and Motion-Sensor Bomb (which was designed after the bomb from Goldeneye and based on the Proximity Mine from Perfect Dark), why not redesign the Cloaking Device to look different as well? who knows? I never really did find a use for it... I never knew you couldn't take damage when you're invisible until now!
one of my very favorite items was the motion sensor bomb. i loved throwing it in strange places and then hitting my enemies into it. it was especially fun against my friends because they never expected the explosions that ended up killing them
He's still going to do Pokémon content. While there isn't much Pokémon content he hasn't covered, there is probably going to be a lot of ORAS content coming up, as well as 3rd gen videos. And, of course there's Toy Box!
The smart bomb is my personal favourite as it can trap several players in a increasingly-large blast that deals _major_ damage, and the finishing knockback can just catapult players into the air. This combined with the final smashes of characters like Olimar or the Pokemon trainer can easily result in 150-200% damage to practically ensure victory!
Kirby's AirRide was awesome! I loved that game so much! The Dragoon was always my choice vehicle, and the Hydra was cool, too. Such an underrated game... META KNIGHT WAS BOSS IN THAT GAME!!!
So boss to the point that it made me sick to race him, and I was too stubborn to change into him TO race him. Seriously, no vehicle besides a legendary vehicle could beat him when I played...
I always loved the ray gun. The fan is a very underrated item for racking up lots of damage on opponents. I love the Motion sensor mine. It's hilarious when you SD because you forgot you where you dropped it.
I really liked the mine. Not just because, in the heat of battle, it's hard for your enemies to see, but for that moment when you forgot you put it down and blow yourself off the stage. One of the best things I ever did, only mines as items. LET THE FUN BEGIN!
The green shell in the original Smash Bros. was one my favorites because it was OP in my opinion. Even if the player doesn't throw it too hard, it can still hurt a lot. I also liked the fan in Melee because despite it being weak, it was still fun to slap people around. When several CPU's have one, it's pretty much slapstick comedy.
It's a Goldeen because in the first pokemon episode when team rocket attacks the pokemon center ash and misty try to use the pokeballs at the center to fight back but all that comes out is a useless Goldeen.
I personally LOVE items in the smash bros universe. having no items in smash bros is like having Mario Party without minigames, a Castlevania without Dracula, and a sandwich without anything in it. (yes I disagree with people who say a real smash bros competition shouldn't have items) but my favorites other then what you mentioned are: the motion sensor bomb, Smart bomb, Smash Ball, Goey Bomb, and the Pitfall
It's... just more fair in prime competitions to see which players is the strongest with the character they've practiced with for hours and days to show the skill and determination they've put into their character. This is kinda one of the main reasons why For glory doesn't have items.
Lip's stick. It looks dorky, but forcing a foe's damage percentage to skyrocket exponentially is SO satisfying, especially since it does moderate damage with smash attacks. (It also works really well for hit-and-run gameplay styles since the only way your opponent can force you to drop it is by trying to attack you *evil laugh*)
Alright, to any fuckboys saying "Items should be in competitive!1one!" No, they shouldn't. The point of a competitive smash scene is to use barebones skill to beat the other person. Despite Sakurai saying comp. has no future, there is a *reason* there is an option for 'For Glory' and 'For Fun'. Items make the game unbalanced, and also cause minor inconveniences such as going in for an attack and accidentally picking something up. Let's make a small scenario : - Mang0 1v1 Leffen - Leffen getting rekt - 4 stocks to 1 When Mango goes in for the final kill... leffen picks up a max tomato. He's now at full heal. Then he gets 2 pokeballs, one entei and the other kyogre. Mango gets thrown into the entei pillar and is killed. Next stock, leffen gets a ray gun and spams mango off the map. etc etc.
Competitive Smash really doesn't have a future. Maybe that's why Nintendo hardly supports it, if at all. Though I do agree, items aren't for competitive. I just play with items for the crazy stuff that happens! It is overall, in my opinion, a fun time!
Hi, I'm a new addition to the Nintendo community and I just recently bought a Switch and I am quite bad at Smash Bros for 3DS so I was just wondering, why does competitive Smash not have a future? I thought Smash is one of the most beloved franchises in gaming and by Nintendo?
MMMMMmmmmm.... NOT EVEN CLOSE BABY! Melee and smash 4 will always... ALWAYS have tournaments, sponsors, Competitive players, Price pools, people to come see them, etc... Smash (especially melee and 4) are here to stay for a good long time.
the beam sword, what you may not know is in SB64 it loses its charge and it's awesome knockback ability after extended use, but still is a weapon to use for safe-distance close combat since it has a long reach in both SB64, and the super smash brothers 3DS game, n the 3DS version it doesn't lose its additional knockback effect even after its max uses are used, and the knockback effect stays on, the only difference is dropping it on its max uses in the 3DS version destroys it, meaning enemies cant steal it from you if you overuse it.
I love the Super Mushroom. It's a nice stat-buff that reduces knockback quite a bit and is usually a quick kill. Also, taunting with that thing while playing a character with a vocal taunt is hilarious. I never miss the oppertunity. Smash 4 actually introduced really cool new items nd it makes me wish this video came out after it's release. The first one I loved from there was the Galaga-ship. It's a hectic thing that make people panic a bit, but is ultimately not hard to either escape or plain kill. The Scarab is simular to it, but it's way too accurate and hard to shake out of for it's own good. Daybreak was awsome. An upgrade from the Dragoon, I feel. It's easier to land, but then balances out with less knockback. It all evens out with an increased damage-output from Dragoon. My favourite had to be the Cuckoo though. Not much to explain. You toss it at a dude and he suffers the wrath of Link's most dreaded foe. Or you can just accidentally hit it and you both endure the punishment. I'm surprised it took us this long to get it, although I think it would've been cooler as like a Final Smash for Toon Link (Just to seperate the 2). I almost think you should make a seperate top list for all the best Assists and Pokemon in Smash bros. Too many to just leave at a simple 1 entry at the Smash items list.
The magic staff/wand (which has a star on the end of it). It fires a projectile that goes for a short distance, and deals a lot of damage, +it can be spammed, and it is a strong melee weapon, sometimes blasting it's victims off.
Drew Deeds Heres my modified list of yours :) 10. No items 9. No items 8. No items 7.No items 6.No items 5.No items 4.No items 3.No items 2. Fox Only 1. Final Destination
The bob-omb has another huge effect. If you are in a sudden death match for more than 15 seconds (I believe its 15 seconds from my experience). Multiple bombombs will fall and spawn but when they hit the ground they explode
I personally like Capsules the most. They can explode, or give you a random item, and they're throwable as a weapon. Also the land mine was neat, since you could kinda stick it to anything.
Jawjawjaw3 I respect your opinion,but I hate it for 2 you said,it's cheap 2.I think it's a dumb idea,a FAN? As an ITEM? In a SMASH BROS GAME? -_-
3:05 “Now you’ll never get Banjo-Kazooie in Smash...”
*E3 2019 announces Banjo-Kazooie for Smash*
New idea for a Pokemon in Smash Bros 4: Magikarp. Initially does nothing and splashes around, but has a 1/5 chance of evolving into Gyarados and using Hyper Beam, which has more knockback than the bat when contact with it is made.
OK yea!! Gyarados with waterfall for melee damage, or hyper beam for ranged damage I like that idea.
"and never banjo kazooie in smash."
I think the real reason is because sakurai thought it was too broken and decided to nerf it beyond even greninja
This vídeo was resealed on 2015 priot to banjo-kazooie annluncement
No Banjo In Smash?
Well about that
"You'll never get... Banjo-Kazooie in smash..."
**walks through time portal*
"Ahem... Guh-Huh!!"
Watching in 2019, 3:03 "and that's why we'll never get Banjo Kazooie in smash..." Poor young naive Jwittz!
Yep I thought the same
I like how you change pokeballs in every number countdown animation. Also I love the hammer!
If you look closely, the pokeballs are the same as his top ten pokeball.
(#1 is the master ball)
Darn, you beat me to that comment! xD
Shiet! I didnt know ;o how do people notice these things >w
***** Watch the first couple lists. You're wrong.
"You'll never get Banjo & Kazooie in Smash" lol, this is dated.
Yea most comments are from 4 years ago.
top 10 troll moments in smash bros 4:
10: getting homerun batted
9: getting hit with the flower smash
8: getting stunned by mewtwo with 100% damage and getting full charged forward smashed
7: getting gang banged in battle royale
6: getting grabbed way too often
5: get killed by spamming
4: missing the ledge
3: get goldeen
2: get killed IMMEDIATELY in a 1 life stock battle
1: get pushed off the stage with the dreaded gust bellows
Liveandlearn789 Why you don't play with items 101
what is that
10: Happens with anyone.
9: Same
8: Mewtwo IS powerful...
7: Yeah, that mode is brutal
6: Especially by Yoshi. He's grab-happy.
5: Expect that if you face me
4: Happens a lot
2: Lol wut?
1: I hate that too!
Liveandlearn789 Nothing enrages me more than being grabbed way too often and then being KO'd by a throw.
Christian Searcy I've been Throw-KO'd before, and it's not fun. Yoshi ESPECIALLY likes to grab you a lot. But, he's kinda cute.
I can't wait for the new one
ty hara Who doesnt?
MasterManatees 6 billion 999 million people
ty hara of course :) Gotta stay current ;)
they are forgot where it was shown, but it was confirmed
They wont, because Mega's dont go in pokéballs.
For the upcoming Smash Game, it would be cool to see a top 10 list of top or favorite Final Smashes. Because you gotta admit, when it comes to smash, the final smashes go all out~
Yah greninjas is awesome
Mega Man wins
I’m watching this 5 years later, and I can’t believe how many items we have now
In all the years I played Smash, I never realized the invisibility cloak was also an invincibility cloak.
Me too man
Same. xD
Wish I wasn't so cautious now.
Next you're going to tell me that I can use my frying pan as a drying pan.
Same, that's crazy that I never noticed....
Probably because you end up falling off the edge before anyone can actually hit you
The fan. Nothing. Beats. The fan.
I love making my friends try to slap me as i fan lock them :3
I spammed it for so long that I created a cramp that paralyzed my thumb for twenty minutes.
The fan is power. Once I got the fan and my friend just walked away.
I loved constantly slapping enemies in the face with the fan, then when their health is high enough finish them off with a charged up attack.
***** Master Hand, but I like Mister Hand better now that you say it.
10. Metal Box
9: Dragoon Parts
8: Starman
7: Normal Hammer
6: Pokeball
5: Assist Trophy
4: Mega Mushroom
3: Superspicy Curry
2: Home Run Bat
1: The FAN
I just love spamming the fan to do massive damage and then smashing my opponent off the fieldThis also would apply to super smash flash for the fan
+רון פולק I don't really care xD
A Meme Dude I played with the hammer and homerun bat on smash bros crusade with turbo on me and they are broken
What happened to the smash ball?😕
Very nice list JWittz! It is actually hard for me to come up with a top 10 list of my own because there are DOZENS AND DOZENS of items to choose from. However, I do agree with your number 1 though. Pokeballs and Assist Trophies are definitely the most FUN items to use in Smash games IMO! :)
"We'll never get Banjo - Kazooie into smash"
Jwittz, he just got announced as dlc for ssbu.
"You'll never get banjo-kazooie in smash"
the satisfying sound of the home run bat makes me so happy.
One of the best sound effects ever.
Top 10 Final Smashes confirmed
Number one is obviously Mega Man. :D
I mean, i have two sides to this game.
+Assassinpro 913 now that sounds alot of fun lol
Final D is good, however battlefield, town and city, lylate cruise, and I think the whispy wood stage
are all good viable options for duking it out 1v1 with your opponent.
My mother once bought a "Nintendo Wii" in a garage sale for me, that was really obvious that it wasn't a real Nintendo Wii and I told her, then the man who was selling it ran away like a ninja, went in a plane to go to Japan, and I shot the ninja with my .50 sniper then he fell down, he hit the ground and I stopped him. He told me that it wasn't him, and he said it was a plan made by the US Government. I asked him to tell me more details then he got shot by a sniper I didn't really knew where he shot from...
I looked around and couldn't see anybody, so I let the man's body in there and went away in my home. I told my mother what happened and she told me to rest a bit, so I went to bed.
In the middle of night, I heard someone going inside, I pretended I was sleeping. It was an assassin from the US government. He pulled a pillow to my face and I shaked and pretended I died. When he turned around, I took my cool hachet and swang it to his neck, there was blood everywhere. I checked his pockets, I've found a note saying:
1. Kill Cuddlepuff
2. Steal his godddamn nighttable I want
3. Come back with the nighttable
4. Don't tell anyone that it's me, Barrack Obama!
I said "So his name is Barrack Obama. I will find you and I will kill you, Barrack Obama...."
The next day, I went to USA and Barrack Obama was doing some speech about being the best president ever, which was not. I went behind him, I said "So we meet, Barrack Obama!!", he turned around and said "Ahh, Cuddlepuff!"
He took out his sword, so I did the same. We battled each other like Jedis from Star Wars. I kept swinging, swinging and swinging while he blocked all of my attacks, he then trie to hit me many times as I also blocked all of his attacks. He shot me with his lightning power and I dodged to the right, then he used it as advantage of attacking, but I luckily blocked his attack. He odered his CIA warriors to attack me, like 5 vs 1, and ran away. I killed them one by one, then I ran trying to catch Barrack Obama. Our battle continued ontop of the White House, where it was meant to be his last moments of his life, but ended up the place of my last moments. He used his lightning power to paralyze me, swang his sword to take away mine, then he pierced into my stomach. I slowly fell down while he watched me. He sheathed his sword and then ran back to his public to continue his speech, letting my body there to be forgotten forever...
Tell me more of your life story.
A wise man once said, "Random does not equal funny."
I would like to hear how you made this comment if you are dead. If you are zombie, I call police.
Take a course in writing. You're changing from first person to third person from line one and putting punctuation where it doesn't belong. I mean: in one line you refer to yourself as the sniper and then you talk about the sniper as another character. I also understand you have homes and families in different places of the planet: as you flew to Japan then went home and then took a plane to the USA. Well, I suppose you flew to Japan... or you sniped the ninja from another country, kudos for those sniping skills. Also I'm pretty sure Washington D.C. has the same gravity as the rest of the planet, so I don't know how you fell slowly from the top of the Whitehouse.
That freakin' Scout's a changeling!
Top 10 features that you never knew what button to press to use.
Shield shifting
"Banjo and Kazooie will never be in smash"
5 years later
Banjo and Kazooie confirmed for smash
I miss my old nigga Jwittz... :(
Jwittz channel: 99.9% Nintendo news, and 1% Pokemon stuff.
Ignoring that stupid ratio. You notice most of his Nintendo Videos have Pokemon in them. Plus he had to expand beyond pokemon since, let's be honest, there's only so many top 10's of Pokemon you can do.
If anything it's like 89% Pokemon, 11% Other Nintendo stuff that doesn't have Pokemon in it
"89% Pokemon" LOL whatever helps you sleep good at night NeotheDarkspine
There are many top 10s for Pokemon that can be done. And honestly there hasn't been a good Pokemon video in a long time.
There isn't much stuff going on with Pokemon right now anyway. Just wait until some news about Alpha and Omega pops up.
Julia Martines Well Korean Pokemon guys somehow accidentally uploaded the details on Mega 'Bro and Mega 'Dino
Pokeball only matches can be so chaotic too. One time I played Ice Climbers, picked two (cause both climbers take and use items) and got Lugia AND Ho Oh at the same time.
I'm so jelly
I got groudon and kyogre
I got goldeen...
Antony Di Placido I got a rock
We got a hulk
Fun little fact: Goldeen was the first Pokemon in the anime to be seen splashing around on land. (Source: 2nd episode)
why would anyone want to know the first pokemon to splash on land in the anime
AsianTheEquation Because we're nerds.
A Granola Bar I mean that the fact is so specific that no one would want to know
Most Pokeball Pokemon in the smash series are more based on the anime then the games. Which is weird because Smash Bros is about, well, GAME universes.
AsianTheEquation I would want to know so...... thanks for calling me a "no one"
kirby's air ride is well.. THE BEST GAMECUBE GAME EVER
too true.... except for shadow the hedgehog and smash bros melee and mario party 4
ill agree on smash bros melee being better but not shadow the hedgehog and mario party 4 even though they are both great games.
yeah, i kinda agree
yup thanks for reminding me of those ;)
Cole Ferguson those are all games i used to play :D the nostalgia is real. I also liked super monkey ball 1 and 2
mr saturn is my favorite item and i'm not even kidding
waa waa
Something I'd like to see in Smash 4. When items are turned off. Smash Balls will still spawn but very rarely. Smash Balls are the one item that would add to competitive gameplay IMO.
Why don't you just turn the items to low, and turn off every item but smash balls?
Sanic Fast because he doesn't think *fast* enough
I did that in brawl but Smash balls still spawned more frequently than I liked.
Lol, no. Items are too much of a random factor. Final Smashes don't take skill to use and take stocks away.
If I remember correctly one of the only reasons competitive didn't use them, other than thinking Melee was superior, was Sonic's smash being to over powered. Since it is nerfed I guess we'll have to see :-D
Number 1 item in Smash Mr.SATURN !!!!!!
Saturn bless you! (I really wonder if anyone knows that reference to the Smashinima)
You beat me to the punch. It can break shields, though. Along with your opponent's sanity. DAT NOISE!
Pwaah. Pwaah.
I salute whoever understands that.
+Morgan Aramburu That show isn't that obscure...
DarthDroid1 That point is extremely debatable.
Personally, I love the Surface Mine (that's not what it's called. It's the purple thing from Brawl).
You see when you have the mine, you have several choices. You can set it up in a discreet spot that no one would expect it to be in while the other fighters are busy, you can throw it into the heat of the fray, causing chaos and adding to the tensity of the fight, or you can just throw it at people and keep catching it.
With the first two choices you add a little extra tension because everyone has to watch the other fighters and remember that spot so they don't get launched by the explosion. On top of that putting the mine in a discreet area is fun because you can throw your enemies into it if you're using the right characters.
Just my two cents :)
I was waiting for someone to mention the mines! It's soooo satisfying to lure someone into set traps, or to throw them in locations where they're forced to get blown up by them (like at the edges of platforms while they're recovering or in those random pitfalls)
Now there's the master ball, which can summon legendaries!
Make that a set item where you can just turn off all items but Masterball and make item spawn high...
Have Fun
To clarify, regular pokéballs can summon all Pokemon, including legendaries, but a master ball with only summon rare Pokemon, which is mostly legendaries.
well, the Pokeball used to spawn legendaries too, but its awesome to get a 100% chance to get one :)
Well Legendaries, Mythicals, Zoroark.
and Goldeen...
All of them are my exact top ten. Great job on the video, JWittz! :)
No Spammy Fan? You grab the fan and you just use it over and over on an opponent so they can't get out easily and you just rack up the damage...
i just throw the beam sword at people then expertly grab it.
You get duo fans with ice climbers and you go on a super fun slapping rampage
Pokemon Special that's sounds so fun(if you're not being hit by it)
***** its amazing.
Screw the fan. People abuse it soooo much.
The Home Run Bat, my favorite weapon in smash history. As Jwitts said it commands respect and is feared by all.
"No Banjo-Kazooie in Smash"
Oh please!
Top 10 Best/Worst Final Smashes is totally the next video.
U creepy
Xstreme k
*FINAL TRASH* they are all worse and if you use them your a pathetic loser with no skill in smash games
Banjo Kazoo are in Super Smash Bros 2019!!
50% depression is gone!!!
Pokeballs will be the biggest surprise in the next SSB.. I wonder who will appear..
not really... if you watch the greninja trailer you can see all pokeball characters for the new smash bros. youre welcome ;)
most, but not all
* Mewtwo comes out of pokeball * Mewtwo fans: FUUUUUUUU
^T H I S
Mewtwo left smash because he has tiered of holding back. Face it if he use his full power he could use some of the smaller stages as a home run bat. Even if he miss you are gone.
I can see it already, all the clueless people yelling "WTF WERE IS DA SMASH BALL"?! There's a thing called a description people.
Already saw 3 people ask. Oh UA-cam, you never let us down! Lol
He also wrote in on the video.
i love the home run bat for no reason other then the sound it makes when you connect with the smash attack
You just hear an awkward grunt if it doesn't connect. XD
nothing beats bonsly! Its knockback is spectacular. Whenever I get him I prey to the bonsly god which I never do normally
Just hard to carry around.
The exclusion of Cloaking Device in later games makes me curious. if Smash Bros Brawl. redesigned both the Ray Gun and Motion-Sensor Bomb (which was designed after the bomb from Goldeneye and based on the Proximity Mine from Perfect Dark), why not redesign the Cloaking Device to look different as well?
who knows? I never really did find a use for it... I never knew you couldn't take damage when you're invisible until now!
Good point! The trophy description says "TOP SECRET" in the origin section. It really is that simple!
Timothy Gauker I
one of my very favorite items was the motion sensor bomb. i loved throwing it in strange places and then hitting my enemies into it. it was especially fun against my friends because they never expected the explosions that ended up killing them
Mr. Saturn is the best item. Ever.
I think you forgot to add 'is the best thing ever' at the end of your comment
JWittz I really miss all your awesome pokemon content. pokemon top tens and all the fun things pokemon... :c
what happaned?
He covered all that Pokemon has
He's done pokemon videos to a point where there is almost nothing left, he does everything nintendo now
He's still going to do Pokémon content. While there isn't much Pokémon content he hasn't covered, there is probably going to be a lot of ORAS content coming up, as well as 3rd gen videos. And, of course there's Toy Box!
sticking to just pokemon is quite difficult because so many people do it to death
Not to mention, I wouldn't be surprised if he did an OR/AS playthrough
The smart bomb is my personal favourite as it can trap several players in a increasingly-large blast that deals _major_ damage, and the finishing knockback can just catapult players into the air. This combined with the final smashes of characters like Olimar or the Pokemon trainer can easily result in 150-200% damage to practically ensure victory!
Come on, what about the Fan! Keep hitting your enemy and they're trapped in your swing with nothing to do as they rack up damage.
With DK, it is awesome if you have charged your punch
Michael Thayres Super scopes runs out of bullets
Smash Ball xD the fight to get it is so fun!
I lol'ed at "Why isn't this a Magikarp"
Kirby's AirRide was awesome! I loved that game so much! The Dragoon was always my choice vehicle, and the Hydra was cool, too. Such an underrated game...
So boss to the point that it made me sick to race him, and I was too stubborn to change into him TO race him.
Seriously, no vehicle besides a legendary vehicle could beat him when I played...
Brandon Pierce
it was all fun and games until you die as meta knight in city trial - free run and all you can do is flop in self pity T^T
How about top 10 smash ball moves?
Anything Shimo draws ends up being much darker than canon, hence Remi-chan sucking really hard at drinking blood.
she is has so much blood
They're called 'Final Smashes', and in the beginning, he put a caption saying he's saving it for another video.
like top ten final smashes
Clone characters wouldn't get on the list because they share final smashes :(
I always loved the ray gun. The fan is a very underrated item for racking up lots of damage on opponents. I love the Motion sensor mine. It's hilarious when you SD because you forgot you where you dropped it.
5 years ago: Banjo can not be in smash
Now: Guys Banjo and sans as mii gunner is in smash
I really liked the mine. Not just because, in the heat of battle, it's hard for your enemies to see, but for that moment when you forgot you put it down and blow yourself off the stage. One of the best things I ever did, only mines as items. LET THE FUN BEGIN!
Do a top 10 for characters for the next smash
He should wait till September where we know the full roster
Hunter Murray like for smash bros 5 for whatever nxt gen consol, he can do that whenever
There are Items in Super Smash Brother? xD Love your face buddy
Ksic??? dafuq you doin here??? WHY AREN'T YOU SCREAMING IN DA OCULUS........jk
What, did you have them turned off at all times or something?
Ksic is what Jwittz said...a competitive player so he doesn't play with items
You know what's better than turning invisible but still suffering from knock back? Turning invincible entirely with a Super Star!
I think a full grown beard will look good on you. You should grow one. Not to long... love you
The facial hair you usually see me with is unfortunately as much as my face will allow :(
Wow, famous youtubers don't usually reply!!!
and When they do, other fans almost always but in!
Oh my god a Jwittz video
I have no idea why people are freaking out over a youtuber replying to a comment. Its not like hes any different from you and me. :P
The fan is the most powerful item. My friends and I discovered a glitch with it where if you spam it your opponent can't move at all
It's not a glitch. It's actually what the fan does thanks to its crazy "gatling" attacks.
You could easily acquire a modded Wii U pro controller with a turbo button and wreck everyone.
I have a gamecube controller with the turbo button
The green shell in the original Smash Bros. was one my favorites because it was OP in my opinion. Even if the player doesn't throw it too hard, it can still hurt a lot.
I also liked the fan in Melee because despite it being weak, it was still fun to slap people around. When several CPU's have one, it's pretty much slapstick comedy.
It's a Goldeen because in the first pokemon episode when team rocket attacks the pokemon center ash and misty try to use the pokeballs at the center to fight back but all that comes out is a useless Goldeen.
Don't want to be that guy but it's the second pokemon episode not the first
Plus it was Misty's useless Goldeen
Yes, that's why.
Styleus I doubt that's the reason. Smash Bros. is a video game based series, I doubt it would reference the anime.
Ultimate Chimera Productions That's most likely true. TV and Video Games have a ton of differences that we don't like to discuss...
i agree :D
goldeen is not useless, i dont even think it learns splash.
instead, it can use horn attack.
I personally LOVE items in the smash bros universe. having no items in smash bros is like having Mario Party without minigames, a Castlevania without Dracula, and a sandwich without anything in it. (yes I disagree with people who say a real smash bros competition shouldn't have items) but my favorites other then what you mentioned are: the motion sensor bomb, Smart bomb, Smash Ball, Goey Bomb, and the Pitfall
ps after reading that flame war on items below this comment makes me wanna say two words "Smash. Run."
I agree. Competitve is fun for a faor match but items is what makes this game so unique every match.
Why can't there be both? No one's trying to stop you from using items. Why can't you let people play without items if they want to?
It's... just more fair in prime competitions to see which players is the strongest with the character they've practiced with for hours and days to show the skill and determination they've put into their character.
This is kinda one of the main reasons why For glory doesn't have items.
No love for the Smart bomb? Lol that thing is amazing, you could even say its.... Da bomb!
Okay I'll leave after that....
OMG LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL that was so bad it was funny
fun fact, if a match in sudden death takes too much time to end bob-ombs will start falling from the sky
You don't say?
It's basically the game saying:
"F**k it, this is taking too long so Imma gonna end it myself."
I only use items when doing a Smash/Brawl battle, but in singleplayer progression modes (classic, all star, events), THEY ARE A LIVING NIGHTMARE.
Welp with the new Nintendo direct today I hope your depression is over
Lip's stick. It looks dorky, but forcing a foe's damage percentage to skyrocket exponentially is SO satisfying, especially since it does moderate damage with smash attacks. (It also works really well for hit-and-run gameplay styles since the only way your opponent can force you to drop it is by trying to attack you *evil laugh*)
Banjo and Kazooie would've been an awesome addition to Smash Bros
They were at one point planned to be in the original smash bros
or at least an assist trophy, that would've been cool.
yup, sure would've been cool if Banjo and Kazooie were in Smash Bros 4 years later
Top 10 Super Smash Bros. Stages
i love how you put Iggy on the screen when you said, "First things first." XD
In the next smash they are adding a masterball that unleashes only legendaries...
if you thought the mad dash for the pokeball was a lot....
it's actually got, like, a 3% chance to not be a legendary
The Wisest Crafter Well, yeah. But when its not a legendary, its ALWAYS gonna be Goldeen.
+Dynamo Alligatz lol
Kirby Air Ride is so fucking underrated. O_O
I really love the Beetle, just sticking it on someone and seeing them fly away is so satisfying.
I came back to this vid to say that Banjo is in smash Lol I guess I were wrong
same it's actually funny how dated this video is
whenever the bouncer appeared in brawl, I panicked.
No Mr. Saturn?
You disgust me
That face is perfect with your comment.
mr saturn OP pls nerf
Alright, to any fuckboys saying "Items should be in competitive!1one!"
No, they shouldn't. The point of a competitive smash scene is to use barebones skill to beat the other person. Despite Sakurai saying comp. has no future, there is a *reason* there is an option for 'For Glory' and 'For Fun'. Items make the game unbalanced, and also cause minor inconveniences such as going in for an attack and accidentally picking something up. Let's make a small scenario :
- Mang0 1v1 Leffen
- Leffen getting rekt
- 4 stocks to 1
When Mango goes in for the final kill... leffen picks up a max tomato. He's now at full heal. Then he gets 2 pokeballs, one entei and the other kyogre. Mango gets thrown into the entei pillar and is killed. Next stock, leffen gets a ray gun and spams mango off the map. etc etc.
Competitive Smash really doesn't have a future. Maybe that's why Nintendo hardly supports it, if at all. Though I do agree, items aren't for competitive. I just play with items for the crazy stuff that happens! It is overall, in my opinion, a fun time!
Hi, I'm a new addition to the Nintendo community and I just recently bought a Switch and I am quite bad at Smash Bros for 3DS so I was just wondering, why does competitive Smash not have a future? I thought Smash is one of the most beloved franchises in gaming and by Nintendo?
Melee and smash 4 will always... ALWAYS have tournaments, sponsors, Competitive players, Price pools, people to come see them, etc...
Smash (especially melee and 4) are here to stay for a good long time.
the beam sword, what you may not know is in SB64 it loses its charge and it's awesome knockback ability after extended use, but still is a weapon to use for safe-distance close combat since it has a long reach in both SB64, and the super smash brothers 3DS game, n the 3DS version it doesn't lose its additional knockback effect even after its max uses are used, and the knockback effect stays on, the only difference is dropping it on its max uses in the 3DS version destroys it, meaning enemies cant steal it from you if you overuse it.
Never get Banjo in smash..... Ha ha ha.
YAH IK IM PUMPED 4 regular upload times!!!!!!!
I love the Super Mushroom. It's a nice stat-buff that reduces knockback quite a bit and is usually a quick kill. Also, taunting with that thing while playing a character with a vocal taunt is hilarious. I never miss the oppertunity.
Smash 4 actually introduced really cool new items nd it makes me wish this video came out after it's release. The first one I loved from there was the Galaga-ship. It's a hectic thing that make people panic a bit, but is ultimately not hard to either escape or plain kill. The Scarab is simular to it, but it's way too accurate and hard to shake out of for it's own good.
Daybreak was awsome. An upgrade from the Dragoon, I feel. It's easier to land, but then balances out with less knockback. It all evens out with an increased damage-output from Dragoon.
My favourite had to be the Cuckoo though. Not much to explain. You toss it at a dude and he suffers the wrath of Link's most dreaded foe. Or you can just accidentally hit it and you both endure the punishment. I'm surprised it took us this long to get it, although I think it would've been cooler as like a Final Smash for Toon Link (Just to seperate the 2).
I almost think you should make a seperate top list for all the best Assists and Pokemon in Smash bros. Too many to just leave at a simple 1 entry at the Smash items list.
Kirby Air Race? Most underrated?
**COUGHCOUGH** Legend Of Zelda: Minish Cap **COUGHCOUGH**
***** Umm... GamerFromMars (That's all I have to say... search up 'The Most Underrated Zelda Game')
Are the four sword games underrated, or the other adult are games underrated?
(I'm genuinely curious.)
what game is this
Logan Fredwest
what is super smash brothers
X'Zavier White
how can i download it in the app store without using money
It's not a app... You are trolling aren't you?
Please tell me that you are trolling...
The magic staff/wand (which has a star on the end of it). It fires a projectile that goes for a short distance, and deals a lot of damage, +it can be spammed, and it is a strong melee weapon, sometimes blasting it's victims off.
My list:
10. No items
9. No items
8. No items
7. No items
6. No items
5. Fan
4. No items
3. No items
2. No items
1. No items
Michael Thayres I personally just find them annoying and kinda clog up gameplay. its fine if you like them.
Michael Thayres fun is totally subjective. I find 1v1s with no items a lot more fun than free for alls with items.
Oh the fan. So much love and hate towards it. If i do play with items its only the smash ball
Drew Deeds Heres my modified list of yours :)
10. No items
9. No items
8. No items
7.No items
6.No items
5.No items
4.No items
3.No items
2. Fox Only
1. Final Destination
Cameron White nice one! Never heard that before!!!
where's the smart bomb
my brother commented this :/
Nyansha lol wtf why don't you just delete it ?
My sister commented this :/
LAL TheWizard Delete it
Kiera Lambert That was the joke...
The bob-omb has another huge effect. If you are in a sudden death match for more than 15 seconds (I believe its 15 seconds from my experience). Multiple bombombs will fall and spawn but when they hit the ground they explode
I think that's just the game saying "alright you've had enough time standing around, dodging and evading each other time for this game to end!"
Smart Bomb? Anyone?
no NO NOOOOO!!!!
+King D-Pooly I love the smart bomb
I personally like Capsules the most. They can explode, or give you a random item, and they're throwable as a weapon. Also the land mine was neat, since you could kinda stick it to anything.
TheFinalSmash #fourstock
Like if you ever played smash with pokeballs items only.
And it looks AWESOME when Greninja holds it
Fan, anyone?
honestly I can't stand the fan
BrawlPlayer245 It's the most obnoxious thing ever, but I still love it :P
Jawjawjaw3 I respect your opinion,but I hate it for 2 you said,it's cheap 2.I think it's a dumb idea,a FAN? As an ITEM? In a SMASH BROS GAME? -_-
BrawlPlayer245 I don't see the problem with your second point, but to each his own. :D
Jawjawjaw3 :D