I think it's funny that the expected life span of this fish is about 10 years. My grandparents got one as a teeny baby when my mother was 17 and the thing lived until I was 13. I was born when my mother turned 20, so he was about 16 years old when he finally died. He ended up with HITH 6 times in my own memory. He really was a family member, and he would get depressed when my grandparents would go out of town, refusing to eat and sinking to the bottom of the tank. Super cool that you have one and that you love him so much!
Oscars are amazing pets, super friendly and do remind me of a pet dog, so much characteristics and personality!!! I agree that everyone should have an oscar once in their lives☺️
You can tell he loves you, he does the old "Wagy Pants" thing when he knows you are paying attention to him. I never fed my 'kids' feeder-fish. The best live food for New World cichlids has to be earthworms, or maybe crickets...properly purged, and obtained from a known source. I had a 14' tiger oscar named 'Newton' who rang his dinner bell constantly till I disconnected it. He lived in a 125 all by hiss-bad self, would rub up and down my arms when I did water changes/ gravel cleanings, and was just the best all around fish I ever had!! He lived in my care for 13 years, and it tore my heart out to see him begin to suffer from old age, I talked to a Vet when he started 'listing' in the tank, and we both agreed that it was better for him to go down...Tore my tank down, sold it, and have not kept any indoor fish since. Just my pond, some lillies, and a few goldfish...
Sorry you lost s good friend partner. I thought it was gonna lose 3-4 month old Oscar and I started to tear up instantly..... Until the little witch decided to stop pump faking me and dated up for a feeding lol My first loss was the worst so far, it wasn't old age and I still don't know what happened. I felt like a complete failure. These fish do have the greatest personalities!
I know this is an older video but it seemed the appropriate venue to ask about this particular breed. My uncle had an oscar, that I loved, while I was growing up. I got to feed him on the weekends when I went to visit my cousins. Yeah, it was the late 80's and I think the average hobbyist did less research then or rather information was not as readily available(or maybe I was--am naive), so his tank was vastly overstocked! A 55 with a pair of convicts, a pair of firemouths, 5 SDs and the oscar! Regardless, the fish left an impression on me all these years later and seeing your videos about captain made me seek them out over the past months with each visit to the pet store. Now, even my wife sorts through them at the pet store trying to find the one that will follow her finger--lol. We seem to like reds. Anyway, I was wondering if you could go more in-depth about how you, personally, would setup an oscar tank if you were to buy one as a baby today. (A single oscar with no tank mates.) Or, rather what you might suggest others do. I mean, we always hear talk of "the minimum" but not often about ideal. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the ideal habitat for an oscar, or as close are reasonably possible, in a home aquarium! The thing is, we have been reading forums and there is just so much conflicting information out there. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Yes, more monster uploads please! Whatever Capt. Cranypants is lacking, I'll bet he makes up for with sheer personality. He must be a real comfort when you have severely busy days cranking out multiple shipments.
When I was a volunteer tour guide at the New England Aquarium back in the 80's, they had a 1K gallon tank with giant plecos, oscars, and arawana and they would feed baby mice to both the oscars and arawana. They also fed them pellets as well as algae waffers for the plecos. One thing to note the oscars had eaten all the plecos' eyes, and all the placos were blind but still able to swim and forage for food
Only been in the hobby about 9 months or so, I got an Oscar about 6-7 months ago and he's definitely become my buddy. I decided, with a risk of being wrong, to grab a second Oscar in hopes of getting a female. They are my babies. I think I may have chosen correctly. I'm about 90% sure she's a female. Still slightly early to tell for sure, but I'm fairly certain. I knew my buddy was a male within the first few months.
I just got my first Oscar and of the 60 odd fish I have, he's quickly become my favorite... proven to be almost dog-like in his desire to please me and be seen. Thanks for sharing Captain with us!
I used to work at a small pet shop and one of our juvenile Oscar's, not really sure how, got nailed by a crawfish. Took him home to my 39 and managed to nurse him back to health. his tail was half gone, down to the bone in one spot. it never grew back in that one spot but you could hardly tell. Found him a home with a nice gentleman with a 150 looking specifically for a new fish friend. He was my little foster water pup. Begged, ate from my fingers and followed me around my room.
I had 3 Oscar's with red in there bogeys when I use to breed show Guppies in my younger years. He was playing with you when he gave you his back and turn around fast. Every time I see an Oscar I remember the oneshe I had. Thanks for sharing the video.
It's really like a dog in the water,very interesting and good fish for beginners.I currently have one,at first it was shy and a bit nervers,but now whenever it saw me it came to me and asked for food.
I had 2 pacu in s 75. They were about 16 inches long. 1 Red belly, 1 black. They really have personality, the most of any fish I ever had. They recognize you, react to you. I used to hand feed them shrimp. They liked to be pet and loved their shrimp. Really cool fish. They ended up going to a 1000 gal tank via my donation. They were too big for me at the time and deserved a better home. I had them since they were about 2 inches long... Great fish
Oscar really has an attitude. If it senses danger it pretends to be dead. Mine does that specially when I am cleaning its tank. But what I really love about Oscar Fish is it acknowledges my presence. I stopped feeding mine with peletes because it seems to be not too healthy for them, mine developed some holes on its face. I feed mine with little shrimps i buy from the market. Since I started feeding mine with shrimps it became more healthy and the holes disappear as well after a couple of weeks.
I've just recently found your page while watching The King of DIY. i love these monster fish, i have two Oscars my self. love your videos keep up the awesome videos!!!
Yes! I really like the Monster Fish series idea. Right now I have both a nano fresh water and a saltwater tank. I keep thinking that getting a big tank and a monster fish will be my next adventure. So I'm very interested.
Thank you Rachael. I have a red tiger oscar called Oscar the Grouch (original, I know. Lol). He got me into the hobby and like you, is the only fish I have named. They are like lil puppies and so interactive as well as moody. They seem to cop a bad wrap and that's a shame as they are an awesome pet. Thanks again, Captain is awesome!
awesome fish! I keep a 5yr old Oscar named king Zeus. he's about 15" and also a young jardini arowana.your Oscar looks great! love to see more of him. have a great day!
I'm glad to get a closer look at Capt. Crankypants. By the way, Captain is not a gender specific rank. There have been women holding the rank since WWII, especially in the medical corps, but now in combat roles as well.
I have a friend who has a giant 2.5m tank with a whole community of wild type oscars and other big cichlids and loaches and they live peacefully. pretty amazing
Great talk, I love his name, I understand what you mean. I had tiger oscar, albino oscar, Clown Knife, and two pacu. I moved to Hawaii and couldn't take them; Hart breaking. Now 10 years later I am back on the main land. Have a few small tanks but not the same. I looking at getting a large aquarium again. Pacu also have great personality. My Pacus love eating "hot dog" I know you shouldn't. I did it only when I didn't get a chance to get there fish food and that was rare..
My Oscar looks just like yours. Bought him in 2003 and still kicking! We finally found a tank mate that he likes, a giant Pleco we rescued from the family.
Though I love smaller fish it's awesome to see the oscar get some love! I have 2 curently. Bonnie I bought from my lfs and is a stunning patterned red while Clyde, a rescue, is a wild type.
I'd love to see a video made about knife fish, particularly the black ghost knife fish. I know they can grow to be several inches, have unique feeding and housing requirements, and interesting personalities.
He is gorgeous, an Oscar was my first cichlid. lived a long long happy life, I do miss him and have not been able to buy another even tho I've bought many different fish. hope he lives longer than the estimated time.🙏
He is a beautiful fish. As a layman, I wouldn't notice any imperfections. His name quite suits his pouty mouth. Beautiful eyes. I enjoy your monster fish.
love the astronatus ocellatus i have one with some silver dollars and jack Dempsey for about a year and do far doing great not a single problem great personality and some times even fearless love this fish...😉 great vid BTW.
monster spotlight is a great idea. having owned an Oscar for years . I understand that they need not be perfect. But become immensely important to us as keepers. I still mourn my loss of Bubba when I see Oscars that have that I am king attitude.
Got my first Oscar 7 months ago. He's currently about 8-9", a red tiger, and his name is Arnold (after Schwarzenegger). I always wanted one that was virtually jet black with vibrant orange stripes. Lol little did I know, they change colors as they matured. When he's happiest, he's nearly jet black with the orange stripes, absolutely gorgeous in my opinion. About 3 months ago I grabbed another lutina Oscar. She's absolutely stunning as she's keeping her golden white color and very vibrant orange markings. She's only about 4-5" but definitely a little beast. I was hoping to find a mate for Arnold. Her name is Baby, as we didn't know what to name her and she used to be the tiniest one in the community tank. Yes guys, I said community tank. It consists of 2 pleco, 1 ornate bichir, ghost knife, 3 Cory's. Eventually my yo-yo loaches will go in when they're big enough. The bichir likes trying to eat them in their current small status.
Love Oscars, how many other fish have that cool of a personality? I like to see them well kept, because as you said, more often they are not. Great channel
I've wanted one since I was 11, I got a 75 gallon tank last year thinking I was gonna finally be able to get one with some silver dollars and a pleco only to find out I could basically have one happy oscar. Well, I love my giant community tank now but I still hang my head every time I walk past them in the pet store. When I settle down eventually I'm gonna have a 300 gallon oscar tank, and it's gonna be epic.
i currently have 2 oscars 1 tiger and 1 strawberry veil fin.. they were given to me as christmas presents a little over a year ago and were less than 1/2" in length now the tiger is about 8" and the strawberry around 10" and they are just like underwater puppies! LOL... They are in desperate need of a tank upgrade as i only have a 55 gal, unfortunately an abusive boyfriend shattered my knee and i havent been able to get back to work yet... but when i do these beauties are getting a serious upgrade!!!
My red Oscar is about the same size, never measured but is in 4x2x2 tank as well and looks a similar size to yours. He's only 3 at the minute and I've only had success keeping him with a pleco which is about an inch longer than him.
Hi new to your youtube channel saw you on The king of DIY love your video I working on my new web site and I will include your youtube channel keep up the good work
Love my Oscar, names Lieter. He gets so psyched when he sees me as well, and hides from others. He's going through some fungus now which I'm having a treatment going for. He also has a wicked underbite.
awesome video, awesome fish! I have a pair of males thst are nearing 13 years old... two totally different personalities! I know how you feel about yours, I feel the same. And nevermind "perfect", my Oscars have been through broken heaters, tank jumpouts, and yup, murderous battles with others.. scars are part of life for big fishes, and adds to their character. Have a peek at my channel for a few videos of my beasts... like yours, one spends life alone in his own tank.. the other is so docile he's part of my 300g community tank. :)
Very cool video, thank you for posting it. It neat to see what different people cherish and love. It cool to hear the different stories of their fish. Oscars are definitely my favorite fish and have been for 25+ years. As far as fish not liking people I had a Jack Dempsey that didn't like my wife when her and I starting dating. The fish would stay to the side of the aquarium she was the closest to watch he. It would flare up every time she moved. I guess it got use to me and my two sons. I miss that fish. I miss every large fish I no longer have to some extent.
I'm pretty sure a steady diet of feeder fish gave my Oscar's hole in the head. I loved those fish. I got them at about 2 inches, they got about 6-8 inches before they died. I was so depressed.
My Oscar seems the same as yours. Can't be kept with anything including plants. Now he has decided to go to war with his heaters and filters. I learnt my lesson after he broke 3 heaters and 2 thermometers. His heaters have heater guards now lol
Had one years ago. He was a pill. He would launch out of the tank at feeding and one time latched onto my wifes finger. You could imagine her scream.lol I did feed him feeders and he let one live and grow to a huge beautiful gold fish that got as big as the Oscar. It was a strange relationship. Match made in Heaven.
In so many years during my hobby i never found any fish more appealing and full of personality like Oscars. We have so many hybrids and unique fish in hobby today but oscars still tops the chart when it comes to favourite fish and i personally believe all variants of black oscars are more agressive and behave like a mafia in tank in comparison to other oscars like albino or copper .
Love this videos, i really want an Oscar or 2 but i need to get a tank for them, everytime i see one they look so intelligent av observant. How is it to keep Oscars with Heroes, or/ and Jack dempsey? If they get a big enough tank that is?
My absolute favorite fish. Once I get my own place that I have the room for it I will get another one of these for sure miss having one. When I moved I had sell my 65gallon tank and made sure my Oscar got good home. I will get one again for sure another favorite fish is fw archer fish. You had or have archer fish and do you ever do saltwater. I l9ve colors of saltwater but I don't know much on how to run one.
I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know but there is a UA-cam video of a guy in Florida fishing for Oscars in his local pond or stream. Oscars are obviously non-native, an invasive species, I guess that at some point somebody has either accidentally or intentionally released some into the local water, probably when they became too big for the tank. Anyway, in a very short space of time this guy had caught about 15 Oscars all around the 6-7 inch size. The really sad part is that because they are invasive it is illegal to release them back into the water that they had just come from so he had to kill them all. The thought did occur to me that if he were able to bag them up and ship them to UK (or anywhere else for that matter) they would be worth an absolute fortune to the aquarium trade. Certainly in UK you just can't get Oscars at that size, they are normally about 2 inches and very expensive.
it is possible it is from hobbyists, but more likely its from befor the fish farms had to have the culverts dug around their farms. In times of flooding,t he fish ponds would overflow.
andy stokes There is a lot more than Oscars in Florida, there are numerous introduced species of fish. Many cichlids like Oscars, as well as peacock bass and snakeheads, even koi. From what I have heard it is believed that fish farms that flooded are the main reason why so many were introduced into Florida waters but I'm sure people illegally releasing pets the grew to big for their tanks has contributed to it as well. Also the Burmese python and Iguanas that were introduced through the pet trade.
i have an oscar i rescued and addded to my oscar tank, his injuries healed well but we call him nibbles cause you can tell something was eating the poor guy alive before i got him. He's quite happy now! They all ganged up on my plecos and killed one that was armoured. A GIANT sailfin got mauled by my five big mean oscars. I find they get very aggressive if they dont get some sort of live food, mine like live food and hunting it. They're more like piranha than anything lol and yes THEY ARE EXTREMELY MESSY PEOPLE, alot of waste in the bottom. The sailfin is quite messy too, he is good for algae but the waste in the bottom of my tank is gross, even with a canister filter thats too big for the tank actually. and all mine have their own personality. And they can get 18" or bigger if properly cared for
Hi Rachel, have you seen this guys videos on YT/ Dr. Richmond Loh aka the Fish Doctor. Certified Aquatic Veterinarian Doctor. Herre is a linkto one of his vids on HITH disease. Aquatic
I had a brown oscar with no colour, then added a oscar with the flame red zebra markings, after a few months my brown oscar is the same colour as the new!
Just a couple of months ago we lost our Giant Gourami, I believe that he was around 14 years old.. We are now looking at Oscars. It's how we found you.
I just lost my 8 years old Oscar due the tank broke (and my heart). I have six years old pacu in 442gallon tank, do you think I could someday have Oscar there to live happy life with pacu?
well captain looks perfect to me.. I got 1 oscar too I named him yoongie after from my favourite kpop BTS member.. my yoongie is savage at the same time so sweet. 😊
man I miss my Oscars grom when I was younger sadly I was a stupid kid and we had 3 in a 50 gal. if I had a bigger tank now I'd definately get one but I'll stick to guppies in my 36gal. Maybe when i get my 100gallon for my map turtle I'll get an Oscar
I think it's funny that the expected life span of this fish is about 10 years. My grandparents got one as a teeny baby when my mother was 17 and the thing lived until I was 13. I was born when my mother turned 20, so he was about 16 years old when he finally died. He ended up with HITH 6 times in my own memory. He really was a family member, and he would get depressed when my grandparents would go out of town, refusing to eat and sinking to the bottom of the tank. Super cool that you have one and that you love him so much!
Would definitely love to see more monster edition spotlights!
Oscars are amazing pets, super friendly and do remind me of a pet dog, so much characteristics and personality!!! I agree that everyone should have an oscar once in their lives☺️
You can tell he loves you, he does the old "Wagy Pants" thing when he knows you are paying attention to him. I never fed my 'kids' feeder-fish. The best live food for New World cichlids has to be earthworms, or maybe crickets...properly purged, and obtained from a known source. I had a 14' tiger oscar named 'Newton' who rang his dinner bell constantly till I disconnected it.
He lived in a 125 all by hiss-bad self, would rub up and down my arms when I did water changes/ gravel cleanings, and was just the best all around fish I ever had!! He lived in my care for 13 years, and it tore my heart out to see him begin to suffer from old age, I talked to a Vet when he started 'listing' in the tank, and we both agreed that it was better for him to go down...Tore my tank down, sold it, and have not kept any indoor fish since. Just my pond, some lillies, and a few goldfish...
+James O'Connell I enjoyed reading your story
Dinner bell? O__o
Sorry you lost s good friend partner. I thought it was gonna lose 3-4 month old Oscar and I started to tear up instantly..... Until the little witch decided to stop pump faking me and dated up for a feeding lol
My first loss was the worst so far, it wasn't old age and I still don't know what happened. I felt like a complete failure. These fish do have the greatest personalities!
I know this is an older video but it seemed the appropriate venue to ask about this particular breed. My uncle had an oscar, that I loved, while I was growing up. I got to feed him on the weekends when I went to visit my cousins. Yeah, it was the late 80's and I think the average hobbyist did less research then or rather information was not as readily available(or maybe I was--am naive), so his tank was vastly overstocked! A 55 with a pair of convicts, a pair of firemouths, 5 SDs and the oscar! Regardless, the fish left an impression on me all these years later and seeing your videos about captain made me seek them out over the past months with each visit to the pet store. Now, even my wife sorts through them at the pet store trying to find the one that will follow her finger--lol. We seem to like reds.
Anyway, I was wondering if you could go more in-depth about how you, personally, would setup an oscar tank if you were to buy one as a baby today. (A single oscar with no tank mates.) Or, rather what you might suggest others do. I mean, we always hear talk of "the minimum" but not often about ideal. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the ideal habitat for an oscar, or as close are reasonably possible, in a home aquarium! The thing is, we have been reading forums and there is just so much conflicting information out there.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Yes, more monster uploads please!
Whatever Capt. Cranypants is lacking, I'll bet he makes up for with sheer personality. He must be a real comfort when you have severely busy days cranking out multiple shipments.
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Really enjoyed meeting your mascot. Hope he is around for more years to come.
I do hope to see more monster fish. Captain has amazing and I can see why you are very fond of him. Looking forward to more of you informative videos!
When I was a volunteer tour guide at the New England Aquarium back in the 80's, they had a 1K gallon tank with giant plecos, oscars, and arawana and they would feed baby mice to both the oscars and arawana. They also fed them pellets as well as algae waffers for the plecos. One thing to note the oscars had eaten all the plecos' eyes, and all the placos were blind but still able to swim and forage for food
Such a cool fish. Hilarious that he didn't like your husband- they sure have their own personalities.
my two O's refuse to eat for my husband.....
MaeglinBoots my dad had an oscar that tried to attack his one girlfriend through the tank
Only been in the hobby about 9 months or so, I got an Oscar about 6-7 months ago and he's definitely become my buddy.
I decided, with a risk of being wrong, to grab a second Oscar in hopes of getting a female. They are my babies. I think I may have chosen correctly. I'm about 90% sure she's a female. Still slightly early to tell for sure, but I'm fairly certain. I knew my buddy was a male within the first few months.
I like the way you take us on a journey through your videos, it is so nice getting to know you.
I just got my first Oscar and of the 60 odd fish I have, he's quickly become my favorite... proven to be almost dog-like in his desire to please me and be seen. Thanks for sharing Captain with us!
I love oscars. They have such unique personalities. Thanks for sharing !
I really like the "Monster Edition," keep'em coming and Captain Crankypants made me smile. He's a cool old fish:)
I used to work at a small pet shop and one of our juvenile Oscar's, not really sure how, got nailed by a crawfish. Took him home to my 39 and managed to nurse him back to health. his tail was half gone, down to the bone in one spot. it never grew back in that one spot but you could hardly tell. Found him a home with a nice gentleman with a 150 looking specifically for a new fish friend. He was my little foster water pup. Begged, ate from my fingers and followed me around my room.
I had 3 Oscar's with red in there bogeys when I use to breed show Guppies in my younger years. He was playing with you when he gave you his back and turn around fast. Every time I see an Oscar I remember the oneshe I had. Thanks for sharing the video.
It's really like a dog in the water,very interesting and good fish for beginners.I currently have one,at first it was shy and a bit nervers,but now whenever it saw me it came to me and asked for food.
You just have got to love him. He's beautiful and a real character by all accounts
I had 2 pacu in s 75.
They were about 16 inches long. 1 Red belly, 1 black.
They really have personality, the most of any fish I ever had. They recognize you, react to you. I used to hand feed them shrimp. They liked to be pet and loved their shrimp. Really cool fish.
They ended up going to a 1000 gal tank via my donation. They were too big for me at the time and deserved a better home. I had them since they were about 2 inches long... Great fish
Oscar really has an attitude. If it senses danger it pretends to be dead. Mine does that specially when I am cleaning its tank. But what I really love about Oscar Fish is it acknowledges my presence.
I stopped feeding mine with peletes because it seems to be not too healthy for them, mine developed some holes on its face. I feed mine with little shrimps i buy from the market. Since I started feeding mine with shrimps it became more healthy and the holes disappear as well after a couple of weeks.
I've just recently found your page while watching The King of DIY. i love these monster fish, i have two Oscars my self. love your videos keep up the awesome videos!!!
+aaron gosnell thanks aaron. Joey is my number one fan
yours and Joeys channels are my favorite i look forward to every new video the both of you put out.
+aaron gosnell thanks aaron
Yes! I really like the Monster Fish series idea. Right now I have both a nano fresh water and a saltwater tank. I keep thinking that getting a big tank and a monster fish will be my next adventure. So I'm very interested.
Thank you Rachael. I have a red tiger oscar called Oscar the Grouch (original, I know. Lol). He got me into the hobby and like you, is the only fish I have named. They are like lil puppies and so interactive as well as moody. They seem to cop a bad wrap and that's a shame as they are an awesome pet. Thanks again, Captain is awesome!
awesome fish! I keep a 5yr old Oscar named king Zeus. he's about 15" and also a young jardini arowana.your Oscar looks great! love to see more of him. have a great day!
I'm glad to get a closer look at Capt. Crankypants. By the way, Captain is not a gender specific rank. There have been women holding the rank since WWII, especially in the medical corps, but now in combat roles as well.
Good point!
He's gorgeous! I love him. I'm going to pick up an Oscar for my 65 gallon corner tank soon! I can't wait to get one.
That was great! He looks great , none of us are perfect. The red tigers are beautiful, but wild types are still my favorite.
Looks like a heart on his back fin!!!❤️
I find it funny he is the only fish you ever named and you had gone with the best name I have ever heard for an Oscar... Well done.
I have a friend who has a giant 2.5m tank with a whole community of wild type oscars and other big cichlids and loaches and they live peacefully. pretty amazing
Love seeing Captain Cranky Pants !
I really enjoy all your videos. I would definitely enjoy some monster videos as well. Thank you
My first aquarium as a kid had an Oscar a Jack Dempsey and a Blue Channel catfish. Talk about learning a hobby the hard way.
Great talk, I love his name, I understand what you mean. I had tiger oscar, albino oscar, Clown Knife, and two pacu. I moved to Hawaii and couldn't take them; Hart breaking. Now 10 years later I am back on the main land. Have a few small tanks but not the same. I looking at getting a large aquarium again. Pacu also have great personality. My Pacus love eating "hot dog" I know you shouldn't. I did it only when I didn't get a chance to get there fish food and that was rare..
I love Oscars. Me and my dad, we are planning to build a tank for only one Oscar. Great video, Rachel ! Now I see it's a 75G.
My Oscar looks just like yours. Bought him in 2003 and still kicking! We finally found a tank mate that he likes, a giant Pleco we rescued from the family.
+Marc Soucy captain has killed numerous large plecos. He likes the pim, or at least tolerates it
So cute and nice how youve shown love for your fish pet. Especially oscars.. i love oscars..😍
Though I love smaller fish it's awesome to see the oscar get some love! I have 2 curently. Bonnie I bought from my lfs and is a stunning patterned red while Clyde, a rescue, is a wild type.
I'd love to see a video made about knife fish, particularly the black ghost knife fish. I know they can grow to be several inches, have unique feeding and housing requirements, and interesting personalities.
Totally agree with you i have a full size oscar n he is a total character, love him 2 pieces!!
He is gorgeous, an Oscar was my first cichlid. lived a long long happy life, I do miss him and have not been able to buy another even tho I've bought many different fish. hope he lives longer than the estimated time.🙏
He is a beautiful fish. As a layman, I wouldn't notice any imperfections. His name quite suits his pouty mouth. Beautiful eyes. I enjoy your monster fish.
love the astronatus ocellatus i have one with some silver dollars and jack Dempsey for about a year and do far doing great not a single problem great personality and some times even fearless love this fish...😉 great vid BTW.
😂😂😂😂😂 captain cranky pants I love it Rachel
monster spotlight is a great idea. having owned an Oscar for years . I understand that they need not be perfect. But become immensely important to us as keepers. I still mourn my loss of Bubba when I see Oscars that have that I am king attitude.
Got my first Oscar 7 months ago. He's currently about 8-9", a red tiger, and his name is Arnold (after Schwarzenegger). I always wanted one that was virtually jet black with vibrant orange stripes. Lol little did I know, they change colors as they matured. When he's happiest, he's nearly jet black with the orange stripes, absolutely gorgeous in my opinion.
About 3 months ago I grabbed another lutina Oscar. She's absolutely stunning as she's keeping her golden white color and very vibrant orange markings. She's only about 4-5" but definitely a little beast. I was hoping to find a mate for Arnold. Her name is Baby, as we didn't know what to name her and she used to be the tiniest one in the community tank.
Yes guys, I said community tank. It consists of 2 pleco, 1 ornate bichir, ghost knife, 3 Cory's. Eventually my yo-yo loaches will go in when they're big enough. The bichir likes trying to eat them in their current small status.
Love the monster spotlight!!! !
Love Oscars, how many other fish have that cool of a personality? I like to see them well kept, because as you said, more often they are not. Great channel
Love the monster fish series idea!
I've wanted one since I was 11, I got a 75 gallon tank last year thinking I was gonna finally be able to get one with some silver dollars and a pleco only to find out I could basically have one happy oscar. Well, I love my giant community tank now but I still hang my head every time I walk past them in the pet store. When I settle down eventually I'm gonna have a 300 gallon oscar tank, and it's gonna be epic.
i currently have 2 oscars 1 tiger and 1 strawberry veil fin.. they were given to me as christmas presents a little over a year ago and were less than 1/2" in length now the tiger is about 8" and the strawberry around 10" and they are just like underwater puppies! LOL... They are in desperate need of a tank upgrade as i only have a 55 gal, unfortunately an abusive boyfriend shattered my knee and i havent been able to get back to work yet... but when i do these beauties are getting a serious upgrade!!!
Don't worry about Cap Cranky's lifespan...some O's live to be 20!
You wanted my comment, Rachel -- so......I'd like to see more of your monster fish~!
+John Carlson I will do an update
Love his name!
Great video!!
My red Oscar is about the same size, never measured but is in 4x2x2 tank as well and looks a similar size to yours. He's only 3 at the minute and I've only had success keeping him with a pleco which is about an inch longer than him.
maybe he's getting "soft" in his old age, since his tankmate is still alive! LOL. Mr. Crankypants is gorgeous.
Yes I LOVE these monster editions! :)
Hi new to your youtube channel saw you on The king of DIY love your video I working on my new web site and I will include your youtube channel keep up the good work
He's cute, my Oscar had the same color/pattern and lived to be about 11 yrs old :) .
Love my Oscar, names Lieter. He gets so psyched when he sees me as well, and hides from others. He's going through some fungus now which I'm having a treatment going for. He also has a wicked underbite.
i have three very big oscars their growth is explosive
awesome video, awesome fish! I have a pair of males thst are nearing 13 years old... two totally different personalities! I know how you feel about yours, I feel the same. And nevermind "perfect", my Oscars have been through broken heaters, tank jumpouts, and yup, murderous battles with others.. scars are part of life for big fishes, and adds to their character. Have a peek at my channel for a few videos of my beasts... like yours, one spends life alone in his own tank.. the other is so docile he's part of my 300g community tank. :)
Very cool video, thank you for posting it. It neat to see what different people cherish and love. It cool to hear the different stories of their fish. Oscars are definitely my favorite fish and have been for 25+ years. As far as fish not liking people I had a Jack Dempsey that didn't like my wife when her and I starting dating. The fish would stay to the side of the aquarium she was the closest to watch he. It would flare up every time she moved. I guess it got use to me and my two sons. I miss that fish. I miss every large fish I no longer have to some extent.
I'm pretty sure a steady diet of feeder fish gave my Oscar's hole in the head. I loved those fish. I got them at about 2 inches, they got about 6-8 inches before they died. I was so depressed.
My Oscar seems the same as yours. Can't be kept with anything including plants. Now he has decided to go to war with his heaters and filters. I learnt my lesson after he broke 3 heaters and 2 thermometers. His heaters have heater guards now lol
And his name is Ivan the terrible because his killed 5 fish
Great Oscar :-). More videos on big Cichlids plz.
Cap't Cranky Pants...love it.
and the spot on the base of his tail looks like a heart (I just noticed this).
+dena butler aww, I never noticed that
love it!!!!i got 8 oscars! 6 of them in a 200gal and 2 in another 200gal albinos and regular
We kept one 15 years in a 55 gallon. Everybody said he was the biggest they've ever seen
I love oscars. I have one about 8.5 to 9 inches. he has an amazing personality.
Had one years ago. He was a pill. He would launch out of the tank at feeding and one time latched onto my wifes finger. You could imagine her scream.lol I did feed him feeders and he let one live and grow to a huge beautiful gold fish that got as big as the Oscar. It was a strange relationship. Match made in Heaven.
In so many years during my hobby i never found any fish more appealing and full of personality like Oscars. We have so many hybrids and unique fish in hobby today but oscars still tops the chart when it comes to favourite fish and i personally believe all variants of black oscars are more agressive and behave like a mafia in tank in comparison to other oscars like albino or copper .
mine is growing out in a 20 long cant wait to see him bigger
Actually considering getting an oscar. I like the "monster" editions. 😄 very cool fish
Okay, Captain Crankypants is my new spiritual leader.
Love this videos, i really want an Oscar or 2 but i need to get a tank for them, everytime i see one they look so intelligent av observant. How is it to keep Oscars with Heroes, or/ and Jack dempsey? If they get a big enough tank that is?
My absolute favorite fish. Once I get my own place that I have the room for it I will get another one of these for sure miss having one. When I moved I had sell my 65gallon tank and made sure my Oscar got good home. I will get one again for sure another favorite fish is fw archer fish. You had or have archer fish and do you ever do saltwater. I l9ve colors of saltwater but I don't know much on how to run one.
I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know but there is a UA-cam video of a guy in Florida fishing for Oscars in his local pond or stream. Oscars are obviously non-native, an invasive species, I guess that at some point somebody has either accidentally or intentionally released some into the local water, probably when they became too big for the tank.
Anyway, in a very short space of time this guy had caught about 15 Oscars all around the 6-7 inch size. The really sad part is that because they are invasive it is illegal to release them back into the water that they had just come from so he had to kill them all.
The thought did occur to me that if he were able to bag them up and ship them to UK (or anywhere else for that matter) they would be worth an absolute fortune to the aquarium trade. Certainly in UK you just can't get Oscars at that size, they are normally about 2 inches and very expensive.
it is possible it is from hobbyists, but more likely its from befor the fish farms had to have the culverts dug around their farms. In times of flooding,t he fish ponds would overflow.
andy stokes There is a lot more than Oscars in Florida, there are numerous introduced species of fish. Many cichlids like Oscars, as well as peacock bass and snakeheads, even koi. From what I have heard it is believed that fish farms that flooded are the main reason why so many were introduced into Florida waters but I'm sure people illegally releasing pets the grew to big for their tanks has contributed to it as well. Also the Burmese python and Iguanas that were introduced through the pet trade.
I love Oscars! I kept them in the 80's. Mine were like puppies!
I love your Oscar! I love my Oscar :)
i have an oscar i rescued and addded to my oscar tank, his injuries healed well but we call him nibbles cause you can tell something was eating the poor guy alive before i got him. He's quite happy now! They all ganged up on my plecos and killed one that was armoured. A GIANT sailfin got mauled by my five big mean oscars. I find they get very aggressive if they dont get some sort of live food, mine like live food and hunting it. They're more like piranha than anything lol and yes THEY ARE EXTREMELY MESSY PEOPLE, alot of waste in the bottom. The sailfin is quite messy too, he is good for algae but the waste in the bottom of my tank is gross, even with a canister filter thats too big for the tank actually. and all mine have their own personality. And they can get 18" or bigger if properly cared for
Hi Rachel, have you seen this guys videos on YT/ Dr. Richmond Loh aka the Fish Doctor. Certified Aquatic Veterinarian Doctor. Herre is a linkto one of his vids on HITH disease. Aquatic
I had a brown oscar with no colour, then added a oscar with the flame red zebra markings, after a few months my brown oscar is the same colour as the new!
Captain cranky pants is awsome.
Love Oscars so much personality that and arrowana are my favourites of all time but love all fish :)
That tank looks filthy
Just a couple of months ago we lost our Giant Gourami, I believe that he was around 14 years old.. We are now looking at Oscars. It's how we found you.
I just lost my 8 years old Oscar due the tank broke (and my heart).
I have six years old pacu in 442gallon tank, do you think I could someday have Oscar there to live happy life with pacu?
well captain looks perfect to me.. I got 1 oscar too I named him yoongie after from my favourite kpop BTS member.. my yoongie is savage at the same time so sweet. 😊
love him Rachel keep up with the vid
Love the shirt!
can u do some more of those.....
great information!
great video!!!
I think Captain Crankypants is beautiful.
I’ve seen SO MANY people keep multiple oscars in 55 gal. Tank. 😢😧 but that s guy is beautiful! You are a good fish mommy/ pimp lol
man I miss my Oscars grom when I was younger sadly I was a stupid kid and we had 3 in a 50 gal. if I had a bigger tank now I'd definately get one but I'll stick to guppies in my 36gal. Maybe when i get my 100gallon for my map turtle I'll get an Oscar
first time I seen this video.. just want to say Oscars are my favorite fish!...... he's beautiful.... do u still have him?
+Michael Mitchell yes!