Reddit was ruined by the moderators. The are just typical Redditors with an "I win" button. They don't moderate, they are active participants who cull dissent until the sub is full of users that confirm the moderator's opinion. (This was my reply to the last video and then it went missing, I thought I was on Reddit for a sec).
Hit the nail on the head, it’s also just over moderated in general, it feels like what happens when you give the average twitter user some small shred of power lol
this is exactly true. Sadly as a right leaning person the official moderators of reddit shutdown right leaning pages too. So 90% of reddit is leftist echo chambers, its kinda sad
Dont be naive either, most major reddit mods are paid by corporations and political entitied to create and enforce certain worldviews which benefit them.
“Reddit is a place where people who don’t have problems, invent them.” I’ve never seen someone so succinctly describe not only the exact feeling Reddit gives off, as well as the core reason why everyone hates it.
I think the reason it’s considered generally ok to shit on Christianity is that you can mock their stuff without having some random come to hunt you down. Usually it’s the same for Shinto and Buddhism.
this and the fact that most people on the internet are from europe and other parts of the west, thus their parents were christian, so when they turn from the faith they feel they have the 'right' and 'authority' to sht on it. however you are also right, im a catholic, sht on my faith and i couldnt care less, i argued with a muslim coworker months ago, and he got really aggressive and threatened me, big fcking difference.
Well, as a Christian I'd prefer you didn't but I'm not going to do anything about it other than try to help you understand, if i can't do that...yeah, there's not really much else I'm supposed to do and God doesn't want me to force it on you anyway, its a willing thing.
It's interesting because i just googled that in 2023 over 3.600.000 christians were "hunted down" for being christian. On the other hand there are many christian terrorists like for example the ku-klux-klan or the Lord Resistance Army.
It is safe to pick on, discuss Christianity, Catholicism. But if one was to do the same with Islam Judaism Hinduism ect.. you might be charged with a hate crime. So yeah there is a clear difference in how it is treated
In western societies where Christianity is the dominant religion, yes. However I was discussing my Christian upbringing with someone and how crazy the members were and how they made my grandad's funeral unbearable with their manipulative condemnation, and I was met with the comment "I was raised to believe all religions and religious people should be treated with respect and dignity". I wasn't shitting on their religion, just their use of it in that manner. A lot of non religious people don't want people to criticise any religion, or any consequence of any religion, or any action of people who are religious, regardless of the religion.
@alwayslearningtech do a simple experiment. Write a joke. Mocking Christianity. So if it gets removed by the algorithm. The try the same joke. But swap Christian to, One of the other two Semitic religions and see if those get removed. I can tell you the results will be the same. You will get a suspension and comment removed for "harrassment and hate speech. Funny thing is that. It only happens with 2 out of the 3 for some reason. No matter how vile. If you mock Christ. The algorithm is programmed to let those be but don't dare say anything about the other
My former coworker is a proud Reddit mod. He once bragged about how he created a bunch of sock accounts to fake backlash against one member he didn't agree with and create enough "evidence" to get them banned from the thread. Yeah...
Congrats I guess... you win??? XD most reddit mods think debates are a fight instead of an attempt at reaching intellectual honesty and truth. Good for him if that's what he wants out of any conversation.
I remember being an atheist and trying to lash out at religion in general. I even got a Zombie Jesus tattoo and really thought I was being an absolute rebel. As time went on and I got older and wiser, I realized that tattoo and everything that went into it were wrong. Not necessarily from a religious point of view, but because it helped turn me into an antagonistic person who knee-jerked when people would say "thoughts and prayers" and I could only view religion as a crutch or a hindrance. I didn't understand that a person's prayers weren't actually harming me and weren't some kind of passive aggressive attack like "bless your heart". You could spend your entire life being religious or nonreligious, but the moment you develop a cult-like mentality and see others as offensive to your own lifestyle, that's where it becomes a problem. Don't be a religious or anti-religious zealot. Respect others and let people walk their paths unless it genuinely harms others or themselves.
I'd say people are welcome to be zealous for or against religion, but they need to be ready to be disliked / fought over it. If zealous christians want to argue with zealous atheist, more power to em I guess. If zealous muslims want to jihad, gotta be prepared for a resistance force. Dont want the heat stay out the kitchen
God gave us free-will. I chose God, as I was made by Him to return home to Him. Hell is a terrifying reality and I want no part of it and am fighting to come back to God spiritually. There' been a spiritual war from day one when the angels fell, we cannot see, but look around at the world, its poison has poisoned the world. Only through Christ can we return home.
''Bless your heart'' is considered a passive aggressive attack? , what?, oh well I guess people who don't believe in God are the ones who use it that way, because it makes no sense to use it to insult others if you do
@@xLuis89xwhat? Have you not heard the southern religious moms that use it as a sarcastic phrase to spite those they dont like? Yes it wasnt that way before but over the last decade or two its been bastardized
"We all know a banana is yellow, but why?" Asmongold: "Because it is what it is, because is made of banana". Can't argue against that, have a good day sir.
It's actually not "ironic" though, we over "ironize" everything when really it's that harvey dent quote in action "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain..."
@@GravityVT lmfao dude it’s not a Bored Ape, or ironic for the reason you think I flipped it, made a grand and kept the screenshot So it is ironic, but you don’t know how to use the word
I think also what makes 4chan work is that nobody on 4chan would admit they are on 4chan. Status means nothing its entirely the content you post that has meaning. Complete meritocracy
literally the reason for the "tits or gtfo" rule. it aint even about the tits, it's just about shaming people for trying to use who they are to ascend social ladders where there are no social ladders to ascend.
The worst part of all of this is the unjust slander against Fedoras. The reddit neckbeards wear Trillby hats....Fedoras are like what Indiana Jones wears.
R/atheism is the most religious place. All my posts were deleted. I pointed out bogus religious stuff, like a Ted video on "Why there's no such thing as objective reality". Ted's part of their religion.
You’re right. I’ve seen more atheists defend their belief with more religious zeal than most Christians I know. An atheist chiding religion is unwittingly sawing off the branch he’s perched upon.
@@CiscoWes I wouldn't defend my atheistic *views* because i don't care what people think about them. Being an atheist is not some kind of "reverse believing".
4chan was great just memes, laughs and actually real helpful stuff from cooking to Sshhhposting Reddit is just full on "omg I am so offended" every second.
@@yagsipcc287 well that's a bit of a stretch, too. Let's not forget that 4chan had people bricking Xboxes, voted Kim Jung Un NY Times man of the year, made a flavor for Mt Dew called "Squirtin' Granny Apple" and it won, and did a Lays flavor called "Hitler did nothing wrong" and it won. While those aren't entirely life ruining like reddit can be they were still pretty bad. That's just the tip of the iceberg too. I love 4chan by the way, been a user on their boards for over 15 years but they're evil when they want to be. Not as bad as they were.
@@Hertacles oh yeahfor sure some high class Sshhhposting ha they also done more to help people, helped countless times to find missing people, helped people in need got their stories out there, stopped hackers, caught child abusers etc... no one or nothing is all good or all bad. But God reddit is so lame, it used to be pretty good 4chan lite but then the owners got all weird made changes to it to suite their needs and wants disreguading the users. Thats when we got the major cringe mods. Look at Nexus mods once amazing now they censor stuff non stop not even bad stuff.
It's a two sided battle that's unfortunate and taints both sides. On one hand you've got theists fanatics that proselytize the anti-theists and call them demons or satan worshippers for their beliefs. And the other you've got hardcore anti-theists who feel the need to out religious people and make them feel miserable for their choice of faith. Personally my answer is let and let live, but defend against those who don't want to let live and wish to put down people for it.
I used to be an edgy anti-theist atheist for years, then I grew up and realized it isn't the way to go if you want to get along in society. Live and let live.
I'm an anti theist but I stay away from the edgy part. I'm not worried about God on the money or that the g in God just auto corrected for me lol. I have tons of religious and atheist friends it only comes up when my friends try to save me from hell.
Lol I kinda was like that too, now I don't let it define me as a person, now if I meet a stranger and engaged in chatter, me being an atheist is the last thing you'd find out, unless they ask or something else told them
same i am a agnostic athiest but i dont care what other people do i dont try and convert anyone never have im willing to debate people but ive had people cuss me out and tell me im going to hell merely because they found out i dont go around proclaiming it or telling people there views are wrong but we are still hated him saying we "won" and are somehow punching DOWN is laughable even at its peak athiests made up like 2% of the population we dont have any places like churchs or any presidents that are athiests him trying to make it out like we can punch down is laughable
I remember reading the book Inherit the Wind, and the dude (I forgot his name) held a science book in one hand and a Bible in the other as if weighing them. Then he placed both in his briefcase. I took that to mean that both faith and reason have value.
I think it’s ludicrous to make it a dichotomy. If you can’t defend your faith through science or any other means, then I think you’ve failed yourself. Faith is confidence and you’re supposed to build confidence by tackling all the tough questions that come your way and answering them. If you just ignore any pushback and tell yourself that you just gotta believe than you’ve sullied your perspective and missed the whole point, I think. I believe in God because of science. Because of entropy, irreducible complexity, circular systems, and many other pointers. I think Christian’s are the ones that started this dichotomy. Science started in religious communities, but isolated religious communities began to fight against more modern advancements and then it became a sort of enemy to those communities, until even people who were fine with those advancements began to take to heart the split that developed between science and religion, but any critical theologian will think for themselves and not follow these red herrings and meaningless trends. Anyways, I wish you the best. I just wanted to say my piece on that.
Getting permabanned from Reddit was the best thing that I ever got out of Reddit. It's such a toxic place filled with perpetually miserable, ego-driven morons and I was becoming one of them myself.
didnt do that reddit stuff but getting permanently banned from league of legends actually made me a happy person. if you play that game and you are addicted to suffering. do urself a favor and type the sickest sjit to get a perm ban and you slowly turn into a true life enjoyer
leaving basically all the default subs and only joining subs of things I am interested in was the winning strat for the past ~11 years out of the 12 I've been on Reddit. Unfortunately, now that the Reddit app randomly suggests subs to people based on their algorithm (and they forced 95% of the 3rd party apps out of business), I've noticed a huge decline in discourse even in these niche subs in the past few months. That, combined with obvious ChatGPT bot accounts answering bullshit, I'm on the verge of leaving. Used to be I needed to go to different sites for every interest I had. Reddit helped that, now Reddit is killing it.
I was literally in there four hours ago having a look and I thought to myself about how they turned into a cesspool of rage against anything different to them. They became what they hate.
@@Rubycheckers no idea but if money is involved in any way I stop trusting the words coming from said groups. mainly because ethics sadly seem to take a backseat when money gets involved.
And you can already see Christians acting like antagonistic trolls, just like the examples in this video, because it is a good way to get attention. A Christian youtuber named Melonie Mac recently mocked a Church for burning because they did an lgbt event. Eventually it will circle around again.
@eXelenCe LGBTQ+ advocates of course. Claim to be "awakened," check, toxic response to people who don't share their view, (racisthomophobetransphobebigotsexist spam) check, claim they're tolerant but they're intolerant as heck, (becoming what they hate,) check... I could go on and on and on. And both atheists and LGBTQ+ advocates love reddit. Dude... Are they the same people?
I quit reddit a few months ago. I had only used it for gaming for year's but started to branch of into other areas. I knew it was a bit if a negativity amplifier, but boy once I went outside of gaming I realized things were worse than I imagined. The mods were what did me in though. I wasn't PC enough in one group, then a mod thought I had made up a true story about myself and some advice I was asking for. My post was deleted. I threw a fit at the mod, got suspended so I deleted my reddit account and haven't gone back. Mentally, I'm better for it.
I don't use it anymore. I have to agree with you as mods ruined everything, but there is more to play that bothered me. The mods would push agendas, each subreddit was an echo chamber, and everyone was angry in the comment section. Nothing felt real and genuine, and started feeling like the comments I'm reading weren't made by real people, but rather bots. I go back here and there, but all of it feels the same.
100% agree. I mainly only ever used it for gaming info, and still do, but on the odd occasion i might stray into a more political sub it becomes immediately obvious how its filled with chronically online over opinionated toxic losers. Who's ,quite often misguided, 'opinions' are safeguarded and validated by equally toxic mods. Hell, even some of the gaming subs are now over political cesspits. But it is what it is i guess
It's all about who's a troll and everything is made up now. I hate it. Maybe I should start moving away from it. It's just getting worse and worse, and everyone wants to point a finger at anyone and call them a troll. That's no way to live life, tbh.
Been on reddit for 12 years now. That sub was ALWAYS insufferable, even back in the day. Haven't cared to look recently, but it's not like they could've ever gotten better over time with the amount of mind-blowing obsession with "dunking" on religious people while simultaneously contradicting their own logic every other post.
Agree. A lot of users said back in the day that they stopped being a lurker and made an account on Reddit (you could browse without an account back then), so that they could disable r/atheism from the main bar.
@@justusP9101best example is how they criticize “groupthink” but then all live in the echo chamber that is Reddit and r/atheism and only allow agreeing opinions
@@burtreynolds8030 Yeah i agree. As a anti-theist i really dislike that sub for exactly that reason. They don’t even notice their hypocrisy that they are acting like r/Islam or r/Christianity
Atheism is simply the lack of belief in a god, and it should've remained that simple. There was no need to be "rational" or "irrational" about it. It shouldn't have mattered whether the atheist in question is angry at Christendom or loves the theory of Evolution that much. Yet along came social media, which, as usual, had a way of making things more complicated than they should've been.
Atheism was always more than a "lack of belief." It was always tied to a view of rationality. I've never heard an atheist present that choice as anything but rational.
Atheism tried to do a LOT more than a simple rejection of god(s), they tried to replace all of the mental / emotional / spiritual pillars that religion provided with "Intellectual euphoria" and clearly that has not worked.
I must admit that I was raised in a religious community, but I was bullied a lot when I was growing up. Everything was just complete shit basically, and then I decided to just let go of my religious upbringing and became an atheist, until a few Months ago when my spiritual journey began. Some people still treated me like shit, but for some reason I feel peaceful at heart. In the end, we cannot control what other people could or couldn't do to us. But, it doesn't mean that we should lose our faith because of those dipshits.
idk Im and Atheist and Believe isn't really something you can control. I think arguments for and against god are stupid because there is no evidence either way and if you personally believe or don't believe in god that's not something you should have to prove logically. We should simply acknowledge that it's more of a very personally important opinion or you could call it a value/value system
Yeah, I got picked on at my Catholic school for going to church- by a Muslim kid of all people. Became a cringe Reddit atheist at 16 and only opened my mind a few years ago through dealing with addiction and surviving a near-death experience. Turns out, I was just going along with what I heard in UA-cam videos, not actually thinking for myself, just like being in church ironically.
The reason why people gravitate towards religion as they get older is that when you are young, you think youre invincible. Then life happens and you realize you had no clue about anything. I think it comes from a place of humility.
Almost there, the real reason it that people have weak minds and are afraid to die so they become religious to lie themselves but deep down they obviously know it is all a charade.
I think it comes from authority figures telling you that it exists and that you're going to hell if you don't believe. And if you're in a religious family, they could treat you differently for it. Also there are countries where religion guides law. In the past, people were murdered for not believing, and entire wars were fought. So I definitely don't think it's from a place of humility. There's some deeper stuff going on that I don't understand enough to speak on. I'm not smart enough for that.
Am I the only person here that grew up with Christians that were normal? Never heard pokemon or yu-gi oh was satanic. Though I grew up in a catholic household, not sure if its different for protestants or other christian denominations. But my love for pokemon came to be because my dad bought me every pokemon game everytime it came out. My mom (really religious), would sometimes watch cartoons like pokemon, yu gi oh, shaman king, etc. on the TV while she cooked. Wasnt banned in my catholic school either, teachers always saw us play pokemon cards during break. The only game that I do remember my mom telling us to be careful was Diablo, for obvious reasons 😂but she never told us not to touch it, she always explained to us to make the right decisions and to be always careful with what we consume such as Ouiji boards (never dared touching that). My mom would always try to counter act these things by showing us content she liked like JRR Tolkien's books, CS Lewis, Catholic saint movies, without actually banning anything. As I grew older, ive come to love both secular and religious content. Probably why I never had an atheist phase was because I had no reason to resent what I grew up in. I still go to sunday mass.
I am similar experience as a protestant but I knew some people who were restricted. They definitely rebelled a lot harder. The only thing I experienced was as an adult my grandmother coming to tears learning I was playing dnd. I explained a bit. Two of my closest friends that I played with came to Christ and are happier than ever because of that game. Definitely changed my grandmothers perspective.
no your not. I grew up in a pretty normal Christian household. while yeah sometimes my family would try to say some things were evil, like Pokémon and all that, I knew they weren't. now as a 31 year old man, I still have religious beliefs, but don't lean into them very much. I mean hell I believe the multiverse exists and that goes against my religion lmao
Same. I'm Catholic and we all loved D&D and Tolkien. 🤷🏾♀️ Also I'm bemused by the Wokeists claim that Christians are White Supremacists, I'm nowhere near White. 😂
What I really don’t like about Reddit is that it feels like a bubble. If you don’t have the same opinion, your posts are just removed even if there is nothing wrong on the post
@@thevannmann as if any sane person cares what young people today think . Especially when they go around speaking TikTok language and getting education by watching XQC and Hasan . I dare say a religious home schooled kid might be more knowledgeable and smarter than the average zoomer with TikTok brain-rot
I get why people want God to come down and perform a miracle to prove they are real, but Moses and Jesus performed miracles and they weren't believed in their stories. And the way people are today, I doubt we would believe it too. I can already hear people shouting "Smoke and mirrors!"
Sad thing is we as humans created and discovered amazing things the internet alone the fact I can talk to u from wherever is magic. I think God would want us to do the best we can with the playground he gave us. We are to subservient mined always crying and praying for help when the answers are in front of us. We have to find a way to wake up and realize it's us we can continue it or end it. God did make us in his image after all
If a giant alien space ship came down over new york right now. People would not believe it. Hell I’ve seen an actual ghost before but never mention it because there is no point.
People reject basic things like the shape of the earth and the moon landing, God coming down (again) won’t change minds lol. They killed him the last time
That's literally not at all how statistics and averages work. If 9 people have an IQ of 88.8 and 1 person has an IQ of 200, the average is 100. Did 50% of those people have an IQ above 100?
As an atheist myself I don't know why there's even a community for it. At least religious groups are unified (on paper anyway) by their belief in something. Its just bizzarre to me to want to band together over the lack of belief in something.
The big issue is some people believe all religions are bad based on tha actions of some wyo CLAIMED to represent that group like the Catholic church just because some people used it for power, r*pe and extortion doesn't mean everyone does as a matter of fact if you read the bible you'll see explicitly call these types of people out and say they are not genuine followers of Jesus "Pharisees" by example you can't generalize because of the bad actions of some its not that the religion is bad its that some people represent it wrongfully however theres a point where religion becomes bad and its when again you use it to do evil or when you start to think you're better than everyone else because of it
Atheism was oppressed A LOT back in the day, and people that experience oppression together tend to bad together. Especially on websites like Reddit where the whole point is in community 💀
I suppose you have been an atheist your entire life, or at least didn't grow up in a very religious family. If I'm wrong on this, please correct me. But leaving a religion you have been part of for a significant part of your life isn't just some process that you just do without any influence or consequences on yourself and/or others. I've been very lucky in that I wasn't abused as a child because of the religion, or disowned when my parents found out I don't believe anymore. However, there are many people who are not as lucky and have experienced these things at the hand of their respective religion. And if people leaving their faith, which for many has been a large part of their identity, this of course leads to a significant part of their identity being stripped away in a sense. And this can be traumatic. The deeper you were into the faith and the more this was part of your identity, the more traumatic this has the potential to be in my eyes. And then it makes sense that you might have some vitriol against the thing that caused you this trauma. And banding together in a community to see that you're not alone in your experience is just a logical next step. This of course then can stoke the anger against their former religion that many people feel, which is also not a good thing yet understandable in my eyes. I've been in that camp in the past myself, and still to an extent am, though I don't consider myself as angry as I used to be after my deconversion. If you've never been religious, then I understand why you don't understand why there are atheist communities. These are in large part comprised of people who left toxic religion, from what I'm seeing. Though of course there are edgy teens in there as well.
Moral of the story: Be humble about your beliefs, or your lack thereof. Because after all, nobody has answers that are good or satisfying for everybody. Humans are more complicated than that.This world is too big for just one belief system. Edit: Someone made a good point about atheism being a lack of belief. So, I corrected myself.
And yet, the One true God of this world has fallen to evil' plan of believing He does not exist. I pray for you all, because the day is coming every knee WILL bow to His return. I only hope more, not less are prepared... and looking at the state of the world overall, hell' going to be bursting at the seams. I wish not even an enemy to be eternally damned.
Yeah… the problem with religion is that it promotes illogical magical thinking. I’m for it making people’s lives feel better, but it’s based on lies. If you’re good with that, more power to you, but remember that it brings craziness as well.
@@ToKnowTheLivingGod-GJCHS7amenfunny when it seems there has been a massive swing in the west back towards heavy religious value. There was a slight move towaeds atheism in the early 2000s to mid 2010s. Ever since its just growing
@@Prussia_ it's basically Dawkins coming so close, yet still remaining far from the following: > If you want a culture that is Christian, most people are gonna have to be Christian. Otherwise the Christian culture will disappear and it's gonna be replaced by one of the other predominantalternatives: > Islam(another Abrahamic religion) > Woke-ism(deification of "marginalized groups" with a healthy dose of anti-whiteism) > Socialism/Communism (see also: deification of the State) > Transhumanism(see also: autotheism, deification of the self and/or mankind) Take your pick. Cause people are gonna deify something. The Christian would say that's because God wrote his existence and morals onto the hearts of all men. Therefore human beings are ingrained with a moral sense and a yearning for something to recognize as a higher power/authority and/or explanation for why existence, in itself, is.
He assumed that because he was free to critique Christianity, he was free to critique a certain other religion that's becoming increasingly popular in the UK and Europe. Strange blind spot for such an intelligent guy.
As someone that is not religious but goes to church with family, I can see why people get more religious as they get older. Its much more comforting to be surrounded with people espousing kindness / love rather than edgelords. I say this as an edgelord myself.
I agree with this but I feel like their nice attitudes go away as soon as you stop pretending that you think exactly like them. If religious people found out I'm an atheist and just said okay well to each their own I would be a lot more accepting of their religions.
I'll say that's questionable. Religion has been the root of a lot, lot, lot of hate. From the crusades to Djihad, nonwithstanding gay hate & other niceties, members of religion are rarely nice to outsiders. That doesn't mean the individuals are all hostile, but religion at large has never been a source of kindness and love over hate and violence, and it's not likely to change.
@@Dekharen you dont need religion, you dont need to go to church, you dont need a other pearson to tell you what God is and to have a relation with him...he alredy said it himsel thah he IS (meaning when you look at sky he IS, when you hear bird song he IS, when you breathe a *frash* air he IS, when you look in a mirror he IS) and his glory and love have bin demonstrated to us thru life and secrifice of Jesus Christ.
A lot of 2008-2012 era internet atheism was less about science and reason and more about the appreance and posturing as an "intellectual". Once the image of the outspoken atheist moved away from the "smart asshole" to the psuedo-intellectual neckbeard, it was over. People want to be like Dr. House, not the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons.
It got coopted by the Progressives as Atheism+ From that point on, it was used to attack the basics on which western society was founded (it also went from general criticism of religious ideology to 'just' hating on the western Abrahamic beliefs, since from that moment, Muslims were considered an "oppressed group")
People over try to oversimplify this. It’s actually a paradox. If you’re tolerant of hateful people, you’re being intolerant towards the target of the hate.
@@Tyro_ Well then that goes doubly so for your position. You seems to think being hateful towards intolerant people makes you yourself intolerant. An obvious counter-point would be the Nazis. You can’t be tolerant of the Nazis without tolerating their hatred of the Jews.
Why did atheism die off? Not only because it became the norm where it had been the counterculture, but because Cristopher Hitchens died at the end of 2011, no longer able to gatekeep it from the woke horde.
I think Atheism would appeal to more people if it was delivered differently. I hate religion not because I hate the concept of a creator or God (I don’t agree but I don’t hate) but because of stringent dogma and fear based ideologies and quick moral judgments that have caused far more harm than good over the course of centuries. If people could see that atheism doesn’t equal hating the concept of god or spirituality but hating the involvement of human error that ruins otherwise helpful philosophical teachings, I think it would make a little more sense to them.
The problem with "that type" of atheist is that with them literally everything bad ever has come from religion and nothing good ever came from it. That's just not true. There are many good people who do take their faith seriously and lead exemplary lives. There are many that don't but to pretend it is all bad is just dumb.
If you want a name for it, it'd be antitheism. It's the difference between not believing in something, and not believing in something AND thinking that others believing in that thing is bad.
Their are some good old wisdom in religion, but it seems like a lot of people do not learn how to live their loves and now we are learning the hard way again with consequences to come especially concerning the hyperindividualistic society
It's the same mentality that creates the "capitalism is evil" mentality. They simply do not realize that no system is perfect, and that we're running on "The best imperfect system" and that any attempts to introduce a replacement is often a much worse solution to the problem at hand. Considering how quickly social cohesion is falling apart, it becomes increasingly more obvious that a LOT of good came from it. The Christian religious right might have been annoying to straight up oppressive, but at least you knew that ultimately it came from a place of love. The stuff we see today is coming from either the absence of love or straight up hate.
@@Yggdrasill8 Wisdom like what? It's called the Golden rule, it's called empathy.. it doesn't need to be from religion. It's basic human instinct my guy.
I've only made it about a third of the way through the video so far, but this is what I can say. As for how the American culture of religion isn't the same as it used to be, I think I know what you mean. While our society is deeply religious, it's not as evangelical as it was 20, or maybe even 10 years ago. Plenty of people still go to church and pray, but they're not doing the crazy stunts they used to. As for why religion is making a comeback, I think it's because our current culture (not exactly mine as a 26 year old, but the generation behind me) is in probably the worst spot it's ever been in. If you don't politically tow the line, you're an outcast. Socializing publicly is all but dead. Online interaction may be fun, but it's no replacement for meeting up with your friends and playing Halo on the couch until the early morning hours. Even online communities have become somewhat more reclusive. Between social media, online gaming, and parasocial relationships that people are starting to have with content creators, you're considered weird for trying to start a conversation in public with someone you don't know. This is the same reason dating has also become so much harder. On top of ALL OF THAT, these are people that are realizing that the real world has become a daunting place. Wages aren't even trying to keep up with inflation, housing is probably worse than it's ever been, and the job market has become increasingly absurd to navigate, with most companies doing online applications only, and calling to see if the company has reviewed your application, something that used to be commonly viewed as favorable from an applicant, as it displayed eagerness and ambition, the narrative has been turned to now view it as being impatient and
Entitled. Most jobs require a college degree of some kind, which means you'll have to go into a massive amount of debt if you want a job. There are trade jobs, but they're mostly stigmatized as being too "blue collar" or "conservative", as if gay people can't be electricians, or women can't be mechanics or something. And if you can't find a job because of being underqualified for all the jobs that will meet your financial needs, and don't want to take a minimum wage job because you can't live on 7.25 an hour, the older generation will call you lazy, and they always take every possible opportunity to let anybody know that "no one wants to work anymore", even though we're working more hours, and getting paid less (again, relative to inflation) than any point since the great fucking depression. And lastly, as a Christian myself, I can say that reddit atheism is a completely different ballpark from just your everyday atheist. If anything, I'd say the evangelism that used to be with Christians got transfered to the atheists around 2010. Christians, while still being vocal about our faith, are no longer going around saying that Harry Potter and Monster energy drinks are demonic (well... maybe the pentecostals are 😂). However, most of the chronically online atheists will never pass up an opportunity to point out how evil they think you are for believing something that doesn't agree with lifestyles that, just a couple decades ago, even they found strange.
@@southernstylegaming8580 This is what I've seen with the Reddit atheists. I'm starting to call them rabbid atheists. I've tried to have meaningful discussions on Reddit about faith and creationism, but I always get dog piled on and told that I'm what's wrong with the world. When I respond with a challenge to their worldview, they lose their minds. I get name called and they don't engage in any meaningful debate. I'm at the point now where I've decided that I should just stop engaging with them and ignore their "heathen rages". My father-in-law is an atheist, and we have wonderful and civil discussions about faith, ethics, and culture that challenge both of us.
I agree, well said. They're missionaries of Wokeism, with all the fury and zeal of the Spanish Inquisition, lacking only its power. They'd love to unalive "heretics" who disagree with any of their mercurial tenets, which change so rapidly they can cause psychological whiplash to their most avid adherents.
In 2008 I went to a church thing with my dad. I was talking about Morrowind with one of the other kids and some old lady heard me talking about "magic" and "alchemy" and said I need to be careful because it's devil worship. It really was a different time, lol.
My baby sitter in elementary school told me and my brother all out books like R L Stine and cartoons like Ben 10 were devilry lol. It was funny as hell.
Reminds me of my first gf and her mom. They couldn't celebrate Halloween, or even watch Harry Potter. Plus her Christian mom didn't like me because I was Roman Catholic lol. Right around that time period too
My Grandma is a super religous and superstitious so when she was visiting from Mexico she took a big issue with my WoW disk and me playing the game. She said the same thing about it being devil worship. So she ended up throwing away my disk. Rip OG vanilla box. But she was beyond confused when she saw me playing it still. She probably though it was being channeled from the depth of hell to my PC haha.
You can't go around claiming that religion starts all wars and have everyone believe you're not religious in some sense of the word. The reason is most often even in religious wars religion isn't the only Central issue. Almost all wars are about territory and resources even when that does not seem to be key central issues.
@@Islamzindabad-z7gNot the Japanese, but the Nazis were that according to ideology. Fascists in WW2 was split in the middle between Catholics and Atheists
Making friends and finding a community is harder as you get older. I think one of the greatest components of organized religions is finding a community of friends (that often become as close as family) that you know you will see on a regular basis... And I think it's one of the best parts of organized religions.
It's something I found interesting, studies have shown that religious people are by and large more happy than their non-religous counterparts, and the studies attribute this mostly to the sense of local community that religion brings.
absolutely! im non-religious. i dont like to say atheist but not for any reason other than i just dont really find i identify that way. however, back in college i was dating a christian man, and the one thing i actually miss about going to church is the sense of community. everyone was so nice and welcoming and i loved the events. i have routinely thought about going back to church just for the community aspect over the religious aspect. though the christian faith teaches really good morals and a sense of direction in life, even though i am not the type to feel dedication to a higher being.
I always cringe when I think back in my life and when I was 15/16 I was big into people like the amazing atheist, I have since matured and just say "live and let live", I'm not religious, but I do respect them and admire their devotion, I also find religion interesting to read about.
Atheism died when their response to the question "does god exist?" Changed from "I don't beleive so" to "No, and you are stupid for even asking the question"
@@MayteraMarblethat is exactly the response that definitely convinces people that every person on this planet who believes in God is obviously wrong and stupid for thinking otherwise.
In science you cannot prove unfalsifiable propositions, that's how logic and science works. If you need a better explanation you can read "The Dragon in My Garage " analogy by Carl Sagan.
@Odrade100 Exactly. Anyone who says God does not exist because science proves it is nothing more than a religious zealot themselves. And thus, the deth of Atheism.
The absence of a religion has been replaced with treating ideologies like a religion. Examples would be scientism and wokeness. Even if those ideologies don't believe in god, they still have aspects of them that are similar to religions. Even things like inquisitions that hunt down and attack non-believers.
r/atheism is a prime example of when not believing in god and hating religion ironically turns into a religion. I'm atheist, but I never bring it up in everyday conversation and I don't go out of my way to tell religious people that their beliefs are wrong. Seems like a great way to alienate yourself from others for no good reason.
Same here. I think the main difference between these "Atheists" and ones like us, is that they need to belive there is no god, and we just flat out don´t believe and don´t care. Religion never made sense to me, I never believed it it. Even as a kid I sat in church just thinking "Why is this real but the story I heared yesterday isn´t?". And that´s really what it boils down to. We just cannot believe, not in an active way of denial, but because we just are not capable on some level to just accept a story. Especially when the answer basically always ultimately ends with "Because God." And it´s generally not something I really ever think about. I don´t pray to anything. Don´t think of gods or even religion as a whole when not prompted. It just never is a topic for me. And I also don´t care if people are religious or not so long as they leave me alone in my "believes", or better the lack thereof. I don´t need some deeper answer or reason in life. I am perfectly happy with life just being a coincidence and there being no reason for it. I don´t need a reason to exist. The important part is that I do, and what I do with that. And I don´t need some paradise after life, because I cannot remember the last 13.5 billion years before my birth, so I know what expects me afterwards. And while it would be neat if there was an existance after death, it is very unlikely and the most likely case isn´t scary. I just go back to where I came from, non existance. So in the end I just don´t care for religion, I don´t generally need to talk about it, but ocassinally like to nshare my point of view. But as we all got that free will everyone else can decide for themselves what they want or need. And I would be the last to argue against that, after all I don´t want to be pestered about not believing. I think Christianity has a nice rule for that, leaving the belives out: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
@@theexchipmunk why write something on a topic you don't put much thought into? How do you know their isnt life after death?, How do you know something came from nothing? small particles 13.5 billion years ago, where does that come from, nothing, it just appeared for no reason? If you say cause science, how the fuck does science observe something that is outta of the materialistic world? God is outside the materalistic world, if God some guy in the sky, that would contridict the all powerful God? You know Iwasted my time God has to be real and very much a nessary condition to many things in the world.
One of my favourite things relating to atheism is from Terroriser an irish youtube who's close friends with a devout Catholic, his friend said he's an atheist and he responded "no those people are just as obnoxious as religions, I just don't believe in shit, atheist as a word's been ruined by the internet". And that feels like a TL:DR of this video.
Yea atheism became the religion of disproving god their faith in nonfaith became their oen religion. I just dont belive in god let others do whatever they want
In my experience, religious people don’t go out of their way generally to let you know they are religious, but Atheists will break their backs to let you know what they believe.
In real life, no, no one has ever gone out of their way to tell me their religion. So if you met any, it might do you some good to think about where exactly you live and how justified you are in thinking that your surroundings represents the “normal” other people speak of.
I can definitely relate to Asmon's examples of overbearing Christians. As a teen I reacted to it by joining the edgy angry atheist club and shitting on religion. Leaving religion was the right move for me but I overreacted and abandoned the whole non-secular endeavor as a waste of time. As an adult now I've only just begun to reexplore my spiritually and see how beneficial it is. I'll probably never be religious again but I do miss the sense of community it granted. As an adult it takes a LOT more work to develop that in your life on your own
The fanatical atheists...are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who-in their grudge against the traditional 'opium of the people'-cannot hear the music of the spheres. - Albert Einstein
Yeah, religion is an important part of being human and it's insane to pretend you don't have fundamental beliefs... Even many of the most prominent atheists including Richard Dawkins have admitted that there could be no evidence for the existence of God that he would accept. He was asked if Jesus descended from heaven, spoke to him, and wrote a message to him out of the stars, Richard would rather assume he was going crazy than accept any affirmative evidence. I'm not even trying to say that he is wrong, but that is 100% without question a faith based position. Also I personally think our societal morals will continually degrade every generation if we don't get God back into the equation... But that's a controversial opinion these days. The first part though, that's an indisputable fact
@@bschneidezatheists by definition are antitheists, so you're right about that, but agnostics genuinely don't have a belief. I've known some that have had general "we'll reincarnate" beliefs or similar, but the general non religious individual doesn't believe anything spiritually
@@bschneidez BS, Dawkins has stated numerous times that he cannot be 100% sure that (a) god(s) don't exist. Also, what you're doing is quite clearly a false equivalence. God believers are making the positive claim, its on them to produce proof. All atheists are saying is that since there is no verifiable proof of the existence of any god or gods, they opt for the more likely explanation which is that there are no such beings. Easy as that.
@bschneidez It isn't. Religion isn't a fundamental belief that applies to everyone. Everyone has their own compass in their life, and they choose to direct that using philosophy or/and religion. Whilst it's a great tool, that doesn't mean you should impose and condemn everyone to being stuck to religion.
The whole “black people make black jokes, white people make white jokes” statement falls completely apart when you realize everybody clowns on white people.
One has to also consider this is *very* much America-centric. The rest of the world doesn't necessarily follow these trends at all. Not even the rest of the west. In Brazil, for instance, about 90% of the country is Christian. The same goes to many countries in Europe. The problem is, particularly with Protestantism, is that there isn't much unity in instruction, so you have whole cities, like you said, in the 80s, that are guided by a pastor that doesn't necessarily understand the Bible very well, that is very much guided by their own vices and flawed world views, and so you have religious hysterias, such as pokemon is a work of the devil-- not because these people are religious, given these same hysterias DIDN'T happen on the rest of the world, but because of their ignorance and lack of proper spiritual guidance. A bit of a "Blind leading the blind" sorta thing.
"The same goes to many countries in Europe." You are wrong, there are more atheists in Europe than any other region in the world, the more advanced(not technically but in education) the country the more atheist it is, that's why religion is so tied to poverty in general.
@@Odrade100 I'm not, really. Although I can understand why you'd like that to be true. Not only is your statement untrue, as there is no measurable co-relation between higher education and loss of faith and that's just something atheists like to tell themselves to feel smarter then others, but as for Europe, I'm sure there's plenty of atheists there too, that's why I didn't say they were all religious over there, but hell, go to Italy, France, Poland, Austria- any of the eastern european nations, really, and the great majority of citizens is religious or at least believes in God, so.
@@Odrade100 This coming from a region that was predominantly Christian for hundreds of years and was the home of some of the world's most prosperous super powers until the post-modern era. Now in modern times, you take that wealth and power built up over thousands of years and say it was all because Europe was "enlightened." This is pure revisionism. That's like saying Sweden is rich because it's socialist. No. Sweden was extremely capitalist and it has been stagnating for decades after it went in the direction of socialist policies. Only now that they have become more centrist, are they starting to see their GDP grow a lot more.
The dog walker from anti-work also performed really really really really poorly. The entire subreddit is misguided. That’s the caliber of person that was in there. Wasn’t just their looks.
r/Atheist only highlighted how you don’t need to be religious to act religious. They have a common belief that has the same flaws as the very religions they get on. Science cannot back them up. They believe the universe was created by nothing and that everything will eventually return back to nothing. As a science junkie myself, that belief is less likely than there being a god. It’s best to be agnostic than to be atheist because it’s best to keep an option mind to any possibilities rather than to believe something without a reason of a doubt.
my explanation is in that regard if there is the need that some creator created the universe because something cant come out of nothing what then created this creator because he cant come out of nothing either and if that creator could have simply come into being or simply have always existed why cant matter have always existed or came into being why does an allpowerfull entity need to come frist out of nothing that can then create matter out of nothing ? regarding our universe i think it got created by an implusion of a super black hole that absorbed everything in its influence and then grew instabil there can be several of those that constantly get created we can observe several small and rather big once that contuie to grow and absorbing more and more at somepoint they will merge as we have observed and grow bigger and bigger if at somepoint there isnt enough for them to contuie they can become instable and implode creating a new "big bang" creating a chycle (we dont have observed that yet but is my explanation for how it could happen)
@@abyssmoon6940Ultimately your theory doesn't actually answer how matter came into existence, as the op originally said, believing that it just existed is just as much a belief as an all powerful entity created it. Ultimately we don't know and probably can't ever actually know how matter came into existence, so it's better not to lock yourself into one particular belief system, leaving your self open to ideas until evidence is found that proves a theory is true comes along, God or no God
@@cosmicelectron yeah it dosent but till now their is simply no one that can really prove the issue regarding matter and i think it will take a really long time till it ever can be 100% proven maybe we never will but i find my theory more likely then their being a god if matter always existed -> no need for a god if matter did not always exist -> it came out of nothing since if god has always existed why cant matter have always existed ? if god could come out of nothing to then create matter out of nothing why cant matter have come out of nothing directly ? i cant prove that a god dosent exist i can only disprove certain storys about gods but their is also no prove that a god exists maybe my theorie is wrong and we will find its something else entirely but for now its the best explantion i have maybe thats how gods got imagined in the frist place to explain things we didnt understand at that time its alot easyer to say to someone Zeus was angry at them and fired a lighning strike at their barn burning it down then to find out how lighning works and then explain all that to some poor farmer
I was that kid in like 2009 at 14/15 years old. I became a Christian in 2014. I don't think religion is falling off at all. I think people in general are searching for a higher purpose. Religion is huge in that regard. And most aren't "out to get you" or trying to destroy a person's argument. Just like there is the cringy atheist, there's also the overzealous religious types who are so far removed from reality they can't comprehend not everyone is going to believe what they think. I actually think growing up not believing in Christ actually strengthened my belief in Christianity. I am sure the same is for any religion.
i agree. i don't think religion has dropped at all, it looks to me that it's actually circling back around and starting to become the new counter culture to the liberal atheist culture (at least in america). or at least people are becoming a bit more vocal about it, while before people would just keep to themselves and not announce what religion they followed. for example in my teens one of my closest friends was a Jehovah's witness and i had no idea until maybe year after knowing him. but these days i see a lot more people posting (and younger generations) a lot more about their religion than before. maybe the internet wasn't as big back then as it is now, or maybe this is my experience on my corner of the planet, generally we tend to mind ourselves and not nose around other people's business or beliefs.
People don’t realize that if you look at history religiosity has always been a pendulum that swings back and forth. Many of the internet atheists think that everybody used to be religious and it’s been slowly falling off over time, but that’s just not true at all. The easiest example of this is looking at Western Europe in the 20th century, in the 20s-40s religions and religious influence was on a huge decline as society became more and more focused on secular politics. Then after WW2 there was a huge return to religion and community, which has been declining again in recent decades. For sure American society is now less religious than it was 20 years ago, but we’ll probably see multiple swings back and forth again in the rest of the century.
I am of the belief that people are not just searching for a higher purpose as they get older, but that the atheist phase has played out and people have recognized that it isn't working. The high-trust space-faring society that got promised if we all just became "rational"? Never came to fruition. And by the looks of things, will never. And so people try to find meaning because no meaning and fulfillment was found within atheism. Some of that involves making their political beliefs idols, because they got nothing else and the solution "can't be spiritual" because "we are just meatbags". Others look into faith.
Tbh, I always thought the edgy atheist community was cringe, even when it was in its prime. They always came off as pretentious, d-bag, dorks. They're just as annoying as the people who push their religion too hard on other people. I was born into a Catholic family, and consider myself Catholic, but I don't talk about it with anyone unless it's relevant. I've gotten used to people dunking on Catholics and Christians. It bothers me a lot that you don't see them talk about any of the other religions. It's always the same insult too, which isn't nearly as true as they like to think it is. It is what it is though.
Well, if you live in Western countries you are more likely than not to brush up against an Abrahamic belief set - the dominant population historically and in recent times in the US for example being Christians of various denominations. If you had a large sect of Hindus, or Buddhists, you'd likely see criticism directed at them as well, though only one species of religion seems to pervade government and education and receive specialized treatment, hence the spotlight. That being said, it really doesn't matter much whether someone is vocal or holds their tongue about their belief set - if someone feels justified (by their scriptures or institutions) to preach to a congregation they are going to do so, and if someone feels a "moral" injury caused by religion across history, they are likely going to speak up about it as well. Thankfully our species has proven itself to be mildly insane and disagreeable, and so we get the lunacy of proselytizing apologetics combined with the lunacy of aggressive atheistic groups. It's a consequence of secularism and societies that "allow" for diversity of thought - a good thing! "It's always the same insult too, which isn't nearly as true as they like to think it is. It is what it is though." Include the insult lol!
@@thomabow8949 you say abrahamic when its only ok to publicly shit on christianity and these athiests grow a "moral compass" when it comes to judaism and islam
@@brydro1505 So what I said was this: "if you live in Western countries you are more likely than not to brush up against an Abrahamic belief set" Then I said this: "the dominant population historically and in recent times in the US for example being Christians of various denominations" So when you say this: "its only ok to publicly shit on christianity and these athiests grow a "moral compass" when it comes to judaism and islam" I will again refer you to what I said here: "the dominant population historically and in recent times in the US for example being Christians" - I will actually expand that to "the western world" in general. Then I said this: "though only one species of religion seems to pervade government and education and receive specialized treatment, hence the spotlight..." which hopefully provides clarity as to why Christianity gets shit on in the countries in which it was rooted most over Islam and Judaism, such as the US & Western World? Which really, has nothing to do with you writing this: "athiests grow a "moral compass" when it comes to judaism and islam" as I entirely agree with that being ridiculous, each religious and secular world view deserves equal skepticism
I am a Christian and I have been my entire wife but I am so freaking. Glad that my mom let us play pokemon and was not one of these helicopter parent christians. Yes, obviously she had her limits on what we could and could not Watch just like any normal parenthood, but for the most part, she didn't just stick us in front of vegetables and say that's it. She let us play games like Pokémon immortal, combat and stuff like that. now she wouldn't let us play video games. She told my Uncle no Nintendo, so he decided to sneak a second Genesis cause he followed her words to the letter. But that's a whole different story. she didn't think Pokémon was evil. She had no problems with it. And even now she's even more lenient as to what we can play and what we can't play and. I love it she's not a video game person but she doesn't hate them either.
this is so true. part of the reason why kids of christians leave the faith is out of rebellion. when i have my kids, i’ll share my beliefs. but they’ll have the power to choose.
@@HfxnnI was born a Christian, have been an atheist for a long, long time. I still go to church for weddings, baptisms, funerals, I married in a church, my kids ar baptized. The reason is that it is the tradition of my people, and I am a part of it. My kids will learn about religion from me, my wife, priests and others. Eventually they will make up their own mind and I'm fine with that. I think this is the right approach whether you are religious or atheist. Rebelion is not a valid reason to believe or not believe in God. Most atheists around here are the same as me. You wouldn't know they are atheists unless you actually discuss the subject with them. We don't avoid the subject, but we are not actively trying to convince people around us, or wear atheism as a badge of honor. I have friends that I have no idea if they are religios or atheists. I have friends that switched sides at some point or another. Nobody thought any worse of them. In short, I guess I'm saying I agree with you.
@@darktoranaga very nice response :) and i know it’s not always out of rebellion. it’s just from my own life experience that’s what i’ve noticed. and i would add to this saying that i want my kids to think for themselves with their free will, the same way god lets us think for ourselves using free will
@@darktoranaga also i think it’s funny that we’re the opposite lol. you came from a christian house and became an atheist and i came from an atheist household and became christian. funny observation lol
@@darktoranagaAs a Catholic i have to say good n you that is the proper way on doing it many Atheistic parents who may force view point wonder why their kids rebelled by join a faith and becoming extreme in said faith two wrongs don't make a right I wished more were like you.
“We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which furious party cries will be raised against anybody who says that cows have horns, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening mob with the news that grass is green.” Chesterton
Chesterton would have been king on Reddit. Thinking that you are so smart you can tell the future is what Reddit was made for. He even has the build for it. If he got that big in his time he would surely be over 600 pounds if he lived now.
I was definitely way into atheism and anti-religious discourse back when I was an angsty teen. A lot of people do go out of their way to feel victimised especially at younger ages, and they're very quick to make one thing their entire personality. Now its clear that just makes for a one-dimensional boring ass person, thank fuck
Same when people turn their sx and sxuality into their entire person. Or people who dress differently to be "unique". They all lack personality and just try to compensate it with some labels and clothing.
I remember watching TJs old podcast every time an episode dropped and just being fuming about whatever dumb unimportant stuff they were going to talk about.
Ah, r/atheism, where a man once posted with the headline "Why can't christians understand that it is just to hate them!?" I responded with "As a christian I understand that most atheists aren't as angry as you are. God bless you" and got banned for spreading "religious propaganda" 😂😂😂
It genuinely did. By being as insufferable as possible (that they actually became even more annoying and toxic than religious people), they pretty much pushed a number back to the faith.
The real reason isn't because they put their faces up, it's because they found a new religion to latch onto, something new where they could continue to be a victim while incessantly inserting themselves into other conversations - Social Justice. They didn't go away, they just changed what they're saying, and changed their victim status.
I was in the local "'atheist scene" in my city...that is exactly what happened here. I liked being part of a community that questioned, well the big questions. I loved that I found a community of people not afraid to discuss and debate and were not hostile about it. Open debate was welcomed during our get togethers, and in the end we would agree to disagree if the debates left us wanting. Then, the social justice latched on. Social justice or Atheism+ came in like a disease and killed off everything. We no longer discussed philosophical topics or how we could contribute to the community in a positive way...nope, it became how do we help the marginalized, why our whiteness is bad, all the fun buzzwords you hear now.....and this was 2012/2013. If any members questioned why are we focusing on that and not what we were building, well, you are just a bigot, homophobe, racist...whatever. It made people incredibly insufferable (which some would argue most probably were) which resulted in all the sane people leaving, and then it just simply died. I watched people, that I thought were logical and rational, turn into these weird cult like people that you didn't dare question the group think. It was incredibly heartbreaking yet fascinating. You hit the nail on the justice in it's current form is just mainstream now....I saw it in it's infancy.
That was what made the "atheism movement" fall apart, really. It became divided into those who opposed religion because they opposed the authoritarian way it imposed its values on everyone, and those who merely felt that *they* should be the ones enforcing their values instead.
@@phi4721 Yep exactly this. Not only have they become moral busybodies attacking anyone who goes even slightly against their new religion, they've also latched on to nonsense like zodiac signs, crystal healing, Raiki, tarot cards and other stupid things, sometimes witchcraft. The difference between their new religion and with Christianity is at least you can be forgiven in the latter.
I'm agnostic because the the whole unifying factor of religion is quite fascinating. So many different people sharing and agreeing on the same ideas and principles from something they can extract joy from. Warms my heart. Also Jesus is real enough of a person according to nearly every religion ever, meaning there was a guy at some point in history that really did love everybody unconditionally and still does. Also warms my heart. I got gripes, but the validity of it all doesn't really matter when it's existence is mostly a net positive.
Religious texts are also fascinating to study, and they provide a lot of wisdom even in the modern age. Jesus's rhetorical question of how to take the speck of sawdust out of your brother's eye when you have a large plank in your own? Brilliant, and a lesson that more people today really need to hear.
I think a lot of people vastly underestimate the groundbreaking nature of some of the things Christ taught. The sermon on the mount, in my eyes, laid the foundation for modern ethics and what they should look like. Some serious genius in there, even for non believers.
When I went to summer camp as a kid I remember I had this Tshirt "One by one the penguins steal my sanity" and thought it was the most hilarious thing I ever saw
I was raised on an internet of skeptics and atheists. I appreciate them helping me question religion and honestly everything, it made me enjoy learning. Man I wish I could enjoy any of that content now without cringing. I legit feel like the bashing of religion that they still continue-- along with them being yknow, losers, just makes Atheist focused content feel so garbage to intake. Atheism, especially on reddit, became its own religion of being terrible to everyone who disagrees-- and this need to be "right" about Atheism makes the religious go from the attackers of Atheism to defenders of their way of life. Alot of religions have problems but a lack of religion is not the end all be all solution for everyone. maybe we get to a c'est la vie let people live how they want type beat with the ability to just discuss beliefs openly. rip aaLewis the 13th apostle.
religion provides a guideline to lead a happy life. You can lead a happy life without religion too but you have to be smart. Unfortunately not everyone is smart. Hence more people will perform better in life if they subscribed to a religion's ideology than making their own morals and ethics from scratch.
@@xecor4450 no religion is a not a guide on how to be happy , and no you’re not smarter because you don’t believe in God. The pure ignorance that you just typed is crazy .
@@hm-tr2lh legit arguing over the most semantic trivial shit is exactly the problem. xecor believes no religion = smarter the same way a religious person thinks religion = Good. Whatever internal beliefs they hold doesn't matter if it means treating people you disagree with as people. That means being able to conversate, communicate, relate, do anything to connect despite differences. you spent your time looking for a reply on a yt comment you disagree with.. to actively try and argue over a comment pointing out how fucking cringey it is to argue over someone's beliefs, unprompted. what's crazier is they're right-- for themselves personally-- you had to be RIGHT-er and prove a point. Jesus Christ man.
@@xecor4450 Religion very often had me learning against science which reinforced my beliefs usually in Sunday school but I think inherently calling someone dumb for wanting to have faith-- as opposed to them not having the same toolset that enables them to not need (or want) faith for their morality for whatever reason-- is unfair. Religion may have its issues but the same goes without. tell me what group of people you see less community focused, more lonely, less involved than an atheist who makes that their entire identity. beliefs or not no matter which way you look someone's going to be fucking stupid. sometimes they don't believe and just want community. it's individual based.
I feel like I grew up in a place that was like stuck ten years behind in time. Asmon is 30 something, and I’m turning 19. He was describing my childhood pretty much verbatim and ascribing it to his generation. One of my most vivid memories is being in elementary school, and I got in trouble for wearing a “satanic” shirt, and drawing vampire teeth on my class photo. For context, the shirt had a stick figure with horns, and the “vampire teeth” was actually a smiley face because our teacher told us to decorate our class photos. Also it is kind of crazy to see how with younger kids it’s almost “rebellious” to be religious. When I was 10 it was the other way around, but now I see kids my brother age being all about god and putting Bible verses in their social media bios.
@@PulseGrove Couldn’t be further from the truth with my parents. My whole immediate family used to be Catholic. My mom, and brother are both hardcore Christian, and all I know with my dad is that he believes in god. I was raised in Catholicism, and Christianity in my mid teens. I’m fairly certain that I’ve never worshipped/venerated satan. I have my own personal beliefs these days, all Christianity has done for me is push me away from it.
It’s pretty awesome that kids see religion as being rebellious these days. I’m 35 and I’ve developed drug and alcohol problems I regularly battle with cos I wanted to “rebel” and thought I was being cool I miss being a teen with good morals, values and lifestyle It’s hard to break free of the shit once you get into it
@@Wighafoc "‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me" Mark 7:6. It's sad to hear your experiences with Christianity have been so negative. There are plenty of hypocrites to go around. So many people see Christianity as a religion or following some set of rules. I like to see it as a relationship with God and the world we've been given. You seem pretty thoughtful and I am sure you've put effort into discovering your own beliefs. But I'd urge you, if you haven't already, to read the Bible yourself. Yeah there are plenty of boring stories. But there are also a lot of useful principles that you can discern from yourself. The real test is to see how it affects your life after YOU have decided what it means, and YOU have accepted following Him. I hope the best for you man!
10:00 this is only if your looking at a purely american and western perspective and only if your lookin at peoples opinions. Globally, Christians are persecuted the most and face thr most discrimination. Go ask Christians how they are treated in the middle east, most of Asia, China, or Oceania and youll see how its different.
Agnosticism and Atheism are two different things though, you can be both, but you cannot be agnostic instead of atheist, or atheist instead of agnostic
@@halosaft ... Yes? Asmongold whole stance was 'we don't know enough to make a call yet' ... which is 100% agnostic. But right before that he told a chatter being agnostic made no sense.
I think some people are still treated like the in rural areas. I said "oh my god" at the back of the school bus once and the bus driver stopped the bus and lectured me about using gods name in vain. same thing happened the next year with a different bus driver with a little kid and he was yelling at him and making him cry and it was honestly f'd up. 20:40
Orthodox Judaism, Reform Judaism, and Conservative Judaism, Roman Catholic; Eastern Orthodox; Coptic; Lutheran; Reformed & Presbyterian; Anabaptist (Amish, Mennonite, and German Brethren), Anglican, Congregational, Baptist, Wesleyan-Methodist; Restorationist Christian (Christian Churches, Churches of Christ, and Disciples of Christ); Holiness; Pentecostal and Charismatic. Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, and Vajrayana Buddhism. This applies to all major religions
Everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want to believe. What I don’t like is the mentality of “I’m right you, you are wrong” Have peace with everyone regardless of what they believe as long as there is no harm involved.
Claiming that any particular religion is true is on the same level as claiming that the sun revolves around the earth or that the earth is flat. You would not correct people like that?
@@divusartemis2045 What are the chances that you of all people are able to convince them that their believes are wrong when they lived their whole lives believing in what they believe? Unless they open to discussing their opinions about something or are out there bothering others about their beliefs then rather best to keep to yourself. Otherwise it'll just mean you looking for conflict. let them be. if they out there happy with their lives and living peacefully with people different and you happy with yours then it shouldnt be a problem as to if they believe in unicorns or as if Earth is shaped like Chuck Noris face.
Let people believe in what they wish, if that gives them peace and comfort. If it doesn't harm anyone, it should be totally fine. In my experience, the problem with religion usually comes in the form of harm, even if it is done subconsciously. I grew up in a Muslim family, and it's basically not an option to change beliefs as you will get into some serious shit with your family for that. I guess the tolerance level is different for everyone.
Yeah, religion is less of an issue somewhere like Europe. But try saying that we should all just "let everyone believe what they believe" in a non European country. In the US it's in the middle, in the middle east it's not exactly something that goes well. Too much genocide, oppression, and violent hate.
48:40 There are tablets from Ashnurbanepal's library (where the Epic of Gilgamesh was found), that complain about this very thing millennia prior to the Greek Philosophers. "Everybody wants to write a book nowadays! Society is falling apart!" - along those lines.
tbh most people think Christianity is a white religion but it started in the middle east and was in africa WAYYY before any of the white people got to it. I used to be atheist like crazy but something hit me last year and I got back into it, I understand spreading the word but theres a difference between that and forcing the religion and actually practicing opposite of the bible such as judgement and ridicule, so both "christians" that do that, and atheists that do it too are both equally cringe basically just dont be a dick either way EDIT: to clarify the edgy atheists that just spread hate and ridicule every ounce of religious text or prayers or believers etc are no better than christians who do the same except to non religious people. the people that are such are not real christians. as the bible said even brothers and sisters are wolves and sheeps clothing. other than that idc what religion you are or not you cool god bless yall
I honestly don't care if people believe in divinity or not. It's their own life and they can do whatever they like with it. The only thing that bothers me is when some of them try to convert me to believe in their value system.
But thats like the core principle of their religion. Like i dont even consider person a christian if he hasnt tried to tell me about hes saviour Jesus. Once you get that it gets easy to tell them to fuck off because trust me than they get normal because rejection is normal for real christians. Source:non-believer married to crazy christian lady.
Members of a church... not all, but many... are encouraged to reach out and ask you to join. That is because when you reject them, they feel bad, and when they return to the community with a story of the rejection, they are welcomed home with open arms. The urge to leave a group that one feels is there when they are down is, therefore, snuffed out. The behavior is, ironically, the same among r/atheism redditors. They brag about wanting to turn people away from religion, attempt to do so irl, get rejected, and find comfort in upvotes from the community.
@Bocchi-673e How is their going or not going to hell your problem? Mind your own sh.t! I for one, I have no need for you to meddle in my affairs. You can go wherever you choose or wherever you are welcome, as far as I am concerned.
@@Rat-King27 because asmongold viewers are part of the old demographic, if the video were talking about Anime, a lot of commenters would be the opposite of civilized and attacking it, 😂
The thing about needing a sign from God that he is real according to the Bible is that they won't believe even if they see the sign. It will be denied or explained away. That type of thing.
What makes Reddit especially garbage with the upvote-downvote system, is the fact that it only shows the difference. If you make a post with 1000 upvotes and 1100 downvotes, it doesn't look like a fairly divisive post with people on both sides. It looks like a post that is massively hated with 100 downvotes. But it's even worse, because people first look at the votes on a post before they even think about it. So in reality a post is massively affected by the first few interactions, as those will set the expectations of future viewers who might have been on the fence. And so everyone who could have been neutral, have now been influenced by a deceptive "score" to think that this post is something almost unanimously hated by the community. And for many people their group think brain kicks in and reasons why they agree as well.
The irony is that the Judeo-Christian sects are are all about how unbelievers will hate you and that proves the religion correct. So being nasty to them will not cause them to reject the faith, it will cause them to dig in!
What I've always liked about 4chan is nobody pretends to be civil or intelligent. In the jungle, everybody goes apedick on everybody else. Reddit's failure is they tried to be serious.
thing is... you didn't need moderators in there. The reason is that intelligent people could easily destroy trolls emotionally if they were given free hands. Meanwhile in reddit and steam moderators like to protect trolls by banning both users (they only touch trolls in one month and only if there was actual flamewar).
I remember my atheist phase believe it or not it was very short lived and tbh i never went out of my way to as a 13 to 15 year old to go out of my way to insult others for religous beliefs (probably because i never had a reddit account) because i was and still am socially conservative but anyway just another chapter in my life i thought id shared with you fellow strangers anyway have a good day
You feel guilty because you know that it is sin. Sexual immortality is wrong. We are all guilty of sin infront of a holy God and deserve punishment! The good news is Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross for our sins! All those that believe in Jesus Christ alone are saved! Don't reject God's love! Don't reject God's gift of salvation! Repent and follow Jesus! 🙏❤
@@WindayDoinDamage Sin is bad, because it is bad for you. It is addiction that will put you into repeating cycle, eventually you will lose so much because of it, it will affect your life badly. Eventually at the very end every sin leads to death. And that is why it can not be accepted, God does not want that cycle that eventually leads to death. So everyone is given the choice, eventually he will take people that don't want to sin into his kingdom. It's very simple to understand.
The thing with hair loss thing is that you have to constantly take care of it, even after surgery. (Pills, micro needling, topical ointments...).. It's always prolonging the inevitable. No matter what you do, at some point in ur life, you will lose ur hair if you genes tell you to. I have researched the shit out of it. And as a dude who girls stop on the road to ask me "can u pls tell me what do you do with ur hair" (I'm tryharding that shit),... I chose to just let it go if it starts falling. I see the people who have emotional problems are the ones who don't let go, I ain't gonna go trough that. I'ma just get bigger, shave my head and let the beard grow.
I was curious how effective those hair treatments are. How frequent do you have to do the needling or ointment? I went bald (gotta shave actually it's a few millimeters long now) purely because my hairline started fading and giving me a rounded widows peak. Oh well, guess I'll take care of my beard instead
Read Small Gods by Terry Pratchet! 1 of the main points the book makes is that by going out of your way to disprove religion, you're giving the god or religion more power. I highly fucking recommend! It's an absurdist fantasy novel that's actually really funny and does such a good job on explaining religion and gods in a very fair manner
I dont remember that being a point in it. It came across to me as a critique of following the dogma and rituals of religion without actually thinking about what you are doing, or even beleiving in it. Also the danger of group think and how it can get more and more extreme and toxic when no one stops and thinks "hey should I really torture this guy to death because he prayed wrong?" Stuff like that. Just curious, what in the book led you to your conclusion? 😊
I havent read the book but I don't think that really makes much sense. You can say that about anything. The more you show hostility towards someone for something, the less likely you are to convince them to change their mind. But trying to disprove religion doesn't really give it more power(unless your method of disproving is hostile) questioning it and pointing out its flaws, weakens it as it leads to less people believing, no?
I was a hardcore atheist for nearly 40 years. I nearly died and had an outer body experience. I could see my own body from 3 meters in the air. I remember my grandmother talking about how she had one and i never believed her. Since then I'm religious. I can't deny we have a soul as mine tried to leave.
Out of body experiences have been scientifically tested and proven only to be a figment of their imaginations. When the body is about to die, the brain starts lighting up like crazy and hormones like dmt are released in spurts giving you all these weird experiences. Sadly, everything that makes you "you" is situated in the brain. There is no reason to suggest that there is anything more than that.
they have done experiments where they put a piece of paper near the patient's body as they are being resusitated. None of the people who claimed an out of body experience could say what the paper said
As I’ve gotten older (I’m 33) I’ve gotten more religious. If I have spare time and was near a church I would go in and sit for 15 minutes which then turned into me praying. I wasn’t going to mass but just being in the chapel and surrounded with the faith it actually makes me feel good and at ease.
@@hm-tr2lh I was raised catholic and went to a catholic school and I believe I still have my bible from school somewhere in my parents house. I was never fully atheist but I did “fall off” and didn’t go to mass for years outside of weddings, funerals etc.
@@fossilfern I became a Christian 5 years ago after starting seeking God who I was not sure if was real at the time. I read the whole Bible for myself, and one day God opened my eyes and ears to the truth, it was a personal miracle I would say, when I got real saving faith, I think that is when you are born again by the Holy Spirit and everything change. I then knew what the Lord Jesus Christ had done for me on the cross and that it was true, that He had paid for my sins to save me from the judgment of sin. He gave me understanind and assurance that I was saved by what He had done to save me, that it is by faith we are saved, our good works (trying to be a good person) do not add to His work on the cross. As we can't work our way to heaven, it is a gift from Him that is given to those who have their faith and trust in His work on the cross to be sufficient. I don't have a Church building or know any other Christians, so I know you don't need that to be a Christian, as tradition and a building don't save us, the Lord Jesus Christ do, and He change our heart and give us the Holy Spirit. All you need is a Bible and time to read it. May God bless you and open your eyes and ears to the truth as He diid for me 5 years ago! Some verses for you: Psalm 14:2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures 1 John 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. Romans 3:19-26 Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Romans 10:9-11 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. John 3:15-18 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:3-7 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. Romans 5:1-2 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Galatians 1:3-5 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Jeremiah 6:10 To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.
I'm a zealous Christian, but my particular sect of Christianity is almost universally misunderstood and dehumanized by other Christians - to the point that I came to expect better treatment from Jews, Agnostics, Muslims, Atheists, Sikhs, Wiccans, Bahá'ís, and Pagans than from other Christians. Religious tolerance and proactive altruism are meant to be part of Christian life, but it seems so many forget that. I can't apologize on behalf of others, but when an intolerant Christian tries to shame you, try (politely) bringing this up: The Good Samaritan was favored over even a priest, despite his heretical beliefs, because of his love for others. I found that it usually either shuts them up or calms them down enough to cooperate.
I'm an atheist, but I don't go around telling people about it because I hate it when religious people constantly talk about how religious they are. Why would I want to be as obnoxious as people that annoy me?
Exactly. I'm Christian but I've had coworkers from many different religions and also atheist coworkers and we all got along well because we didn't rag on each other's beliefs. We focused on what we have in common, and our job.
Well said OP, it’s just as obnoxious and annoying both ways around. If you don’t like it, don’t do it to others. The internet needs to learn that lesson, there’s way too much ‘oh but it’s different when I do it’ BS going on
I personally think that the issue with Reddit Atheism is simply the fact that Atheism is not a religion, it's the absence of one. Most atheists never mention their belief at all, because they don't have any to begin with. So atheist communities are very rarely about actual atheism, it's about anti-theism. The dislike or hatred of religion. I don't think there is anything wrong with disliking religion as a concept, but when you make disliking a broad unspecific thing an integral part of your community that community is in most cases going to turn to shit.
@@Zemlja_je_ravnano, there is a difference between not having a believe in god and having a believe that god doesn't exist. Atheism is merely the lack of a believe in god.
@@hermaeusmora424 Truth is truth whatever u choose to believe. There is undeniable evidence of God's existence, it's a fact, but what you choose to believe it is your choice.
Reddit was ruined by the moderators. The are just typical Redditors with an "I win" button. They don't moderate, they are active participants who cull dissent until the sub is full of users that confirm the moderator's opinion. (This was my reply to the last video and then it went missing, I thought I was on Reddit for a sec).
Some might seem like decent folks to be around, but sooner or later they all fall victim to the petty power they hold
There's a reason that calling someone a reddit tier moderator is considered an insult.
Hit the nail on the head, it’s also just over moderated in general, it feels like what happens when you give the average twitter user some small shred of power lol
this is exactly true. Sadly as a right leaning person the official moderators of reddit shutdown right leaning pages too.
So 90% of reddit is leftist echo chambers, its kinda sad
Dont be naive either, most major reddit mods are paid by corporations and political entitied to create and enforce certain worldviews which benefit them.
“Reddit is a place where people who don’t have problems, invent them.”
I’ve never seen someone so succinctly describe not only the exact feeling Reddit gives off, as well as the core reason why everyone hates it.
Dunno there are a couple of subreddits I quite enjoy. Then again those are pretty much only pictures.
@@JCGver The niche/picture subs are fine because they generally focus on things rather than people. As soon as the subject is people, it's garbage.
No, people WITH problems invent them to others.
Cause why someone need proves something 24hrs when can not.
make me think ofn twitter tool tho
I think the reason it’s considered generally ok to shit on Christianity is that you can mock their stuff without having some random come to hunt you down. Usually it’s the same for Shinto and Buddhism.
this and the fact that most people on the internet are from europe and other parts of the west, thus their parents were christian, so when they turn from the faith they feel they have the 'right' and 'authority' to sht on it. however you are also right, im a catholic, sht on my faith and i couldnt care less, i argued with a muslim coworker months ago, and he got really aggressive and threatened me, big fcking difference.
Well, as a Christian I'd prefer you didn't but I'm not going to do anything about it other than try to help you understand, if i can't do that...yeah, there's not really much else I'm supposed to do and God doesn't want me to force it on you anyway, its a willing thing.
@@apan990 hadji doesn’t surf.
It's interesting because i just googled that in 2023 over 3.600.000 christians were "hunted down" for being christian. On the other hand there are many christian terrorists like for example the ku-klux-klan or the Lord Resistance Army.
Unlike islam
It is safe to pick on, discuss Christianity, Catholicism.
But if one was to do the same with Islam Judaism Hinduism ect.. you might be charged with a hate crime. So yeah there is a clear difference in how it is treated
In western societies where Christianity is the dominant religion, yes. However I was discussing my Christian upbringing with someone and how crazy the members were and how they made my grandad's funeral unbearable with their manipulative condemnation, and I was met with the comment "I was raised to believe all religions and religious people should be treated with respect and dignity". I wasn't shitting on their religion, just their use of it in that manner. A lot of non religious people don't want people to criticise any religion, or any consequence of any religion, or any action of people who are religious, regardless of the religion.
@alwayslearningtech do a simple experiment. Write a joke. Mocking Christianity. So if it gets removed by the algorithm. The try the same joke. But swap Christian to, One of the other two Semitic religions and see if those get removed. I can tell you the results will be the same. You will get a suspension and comment removed for "harrassment and hate speech. Funny thing is that. It only happens with 2 out of the 3 for some reason. No matter how vile. If you mock Christ. The algorithm is programmed to let those be but don't dare say anything about the other
@@alwayslearningtechYour point...?
My former coworker is a proud Reddit mod. He once bragged about how he created a bunch of sock accounts to fake backlash against one member he didn't agree with and create enough "evidence" to get them banned from the thread. Yeah...
pray for that homie
Nah, let him sink if he refuses to learn to swim.
@@CAiNiAC for real. hopefully he'll lose his sense of reality and try that in the real world, and face real world consequences.
@@TheBuffPlease I believe that Jesus can redeem anyone. Even redditors. Possibly even gingers 🙏
Congrats I guess... you win??? XD most reddit mods think debates are a fight instead of an attempt at reaching intellectual honesty and truth. Good for him if that's what he wants out of any conversation.
I remember being an atheist and trying to lash out at religion in general. I even got a Zombie Jesus tattoo and really thought I was being an absolute rebel. As time went on and I got older and wiser, I realized that tattoo and everything that went into it were wrong. Not necessarily from a religious point of view, but because it helped turn me into an antagonistic person who knee-jerked when people would say "thoughts and prayers" and I could only view religion as a crutch or a hindrance. I didn't understand that a person's prayers weren't actually harming me and weren't some kind of passive aggressive attack like "bless your heart". You could spend your entire life being religious or nonreligious, but the moment you develop a cult-like mentality and see others as offensive to your own lifestyle, that's where it becomes a problem. Don't be a religious or anti-religious zealot. Respect others and let people walk their paths unless it genuinely harms others or themselves.
I'd say people are welcome to be zealous for or against religion, but they need to be ready to be disliked / fought over it. If zealous christians want to argue with zealous atheist, more power to em I guess. If zealous muslims want to jihad, gotta be prepared for a resistance force. Dont want the heat stay out the kitchen
God gave us free-will. I chose God, as I was made by Him to return home to Him. Hell is a terrifying reality and I want no part of it and am fighting to come back to God spiritually. There' been a spiritual war from day one when the angels fell, we cannot see, but look around at the world, its poison has poisoned the world. Only through Christ can we return home.
''Bless your heart'' is considered a passive aggressive attack? , what?, oh well I guess people who don't believe in God are the ones who use it that way, because it makes no sense to use it to insult others if you do
@@ToKnowTheLivingGod-GJCHS7amenif your only reason for faith is fear of hell or death then you do not have faith at all
@@xLuis89xwhat? Have you not heard the southern religious moms that use it as a sarcastic phrase to spite those they dont like? Yes it wasnt that way before but over the last decade or two its been bastardized
"We all know a banana is yellow, but why?"
Asmongold: "Because it is what it is, because is made of banana".
Can't argue against that, have a good day sir.
But bananas can be green, brown, pink(in some species)...
@@stefankroon4615 "Actually...
"Rapid eye brow twitch and death stare to challenge me so I can tell you I don't give a fuck " enters here.
Because electrons in banana molecules absorb the opposite of yellow in the color spectrum (violet, a relatively high energy photon)
@@sirdiealot53 Don't tell me, tell asmon 😂
Christian Bale saved the Gotham City, Atheist Bale did not. Christians 1-0 Atheists .
This is a funny one
Yeah, but Godzilla destroyed Tokyo, and sciencezilla didn't. 😕
They tied up the ballgame.
@@MeanBeanComedy Godzilla
I am now a believer.
@MeanBeanComedy Sciencezilla took out two different Japanese cities.
The irony of becoming what you hate is so common nowadays it’s hilarious 😂
It's actually not "ironic" though, we over "ironize" everything when really it's that harvey dent quote in action "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain..."
What’s ironic is your bored Apes NFT and making this comment
@@shelbyspeaks3287 actually it’s literally ironic lmfao, think “fire truck on fire”
@@GravityVT lmfao dude it’s not a Bored Ape, or ironic for the reason you think
I flipped it, made a grand and kept the screenshot
So it is ironic, but you don’t know how to use the word
I think also what makes 4chan work is that nobody on 4chan would admit they are on 4chan. Status means nothing its entirely the content you post that has meaning. Complete meritocracy
And its mostly people lurking and watching the freak show
literally the reason for the "tits or gtfo" rule. it aint even about the tits, it's just about shaming people for trying to use who they are to ascend social ladders where there are no social ladders to ascend.
When Moot abandoned 4chan most Redditers went to chan and the tumblr dopes went to Reddit. Hasn't been the same since tbh.
I broke rules 1 and 2 all the time, I was on 4chan from 2003-2022!
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Only good posts are replying.
The worst part of all of this is the unjust slander against Fedoras. The reddit neckbeards wear Trillby hats....Fedoras are like what Indiana Jones wears.
Hats are for stat buffs only
@@andrewmoluf4299 hats are The end game of life.
Tf2 taught me
the different between trillbys and fedoras is only a few inches of brim size so I'm so confused how you could even know this from an image lol
@@defconbois Their entire size is different, not just the brim. Like there is no way to confuse the two.
Everybody knows that the best hats are Stetsons.
R/atheism is the most religious place.
All my posts were deleted. I pointed out bogus religious stuff, like a Ted video on "Why there's no such thing as objective reality". Ted's part of their religion.
You’re right. I’ve seen more atheists defend their belief with more religious zeal than most Christians I know. An atheist chiding religion is unwittingly sawing off the branch he’s perched upon.
God's pretty cool guys
@@CiscoWes I wouldn't defend my atheistic *views* because i don't care what people think about them. Being an atheist is not some kind of "reverse believing".
@@Rai2M Not sure what reverse believing is. Atheism is simply the belief based on faith that God doesn’t exist.
@@CiscoWes Atheism is absence of belief. It's not a belief based on faith at all smh. It's a lack of faith in the first place.
Reddit ruins a lot of things. Faster than sites like 4chan ever could.
Reddit has become more toxic than 4chan
4chan was great just memes, laughs and actually real helpful stuff from cooking to Sshhhposting Reddit is just full on "omg I am so offended" every second.
@@yagsipcc287 well that's a bit of a stretch, too. Let's not forget that 4chan had people bricking Xboxes, voted Kim Jung Un NY Times man of the year, made a flavor for Mt Dew called "Squirtin' Granny Apple" and it won, and did a Lays flavor called "Hitler did nothing wrong" and it won. While those aren't entirely life ruining like reddit can be they were still pretty bad. That's just the tip of the iceberg too. I love 4chan by the way, been a user on their boards for over 15 years but they're evil when they want to be. Not as bad as they were.
It's the up doots and ego.
@@Hertacles oh yeahfor sure some high class Sshhhposting ha they also done more to help people, helped countless times to find missing people, helped people in need got their stories out there, stopped hackers, caught child abusers etc... no one or nothing is all good or all bad. But God reddit is so lame, it used to be pretty good 4chan lite but then the owners got all weird made changes to it to suite their needs and wants disreguading the users. Thats when we got the major cringe mods. Look at Nexus mods once amazing now they censor stuff non stop not even bad stuff.
As someone who is religious but doesn't project it, watching athiesm go from chic to distilled cringe was fascinating. I didn't know who to blame.
Atheism is fine thanks for your concern.
@@ericvulgate7091Man youre exactly the kind of person we are making fun of.
@@ZeallustImmortal he activated his trap card
It's a two sided battle that's unfortunate and taints both sides. On one hand you've got theists fanatics that proselytize the anti-theists and call them demons or satan worshippers for their beliefs. And the other you've got hardcore anti-theists who feel the need to out religious people and make them feel miserable for their choice of faith. Personally my answer is let and let live, but defend against those who don't want to let live and wish to put down people for it.
@@ericvulgate7091*tips fedora*
I used to be an edgy anti-theist atheist for years, then I grew up and realized it isn't the way to go if you want to get along in society. Live and let live.
Ok but why need god ? I am joking 🤣
I'm an atheist-atheist So I don't believe you exist 🤣 @@Maximum7077
I'm an anti theist but I stay away from the edgy part. I'm not worried about God on the money or that the g in God just auto corrected for me lol. I have tons of religious and atheist friends it only comes up when my friends try to save me from hell.
Lol I kinda was like that too, now I don't let it define me as a person, now if I meet a stranger and engaged in chatter, me being an atheist is the last thing you'd find out, unless they ask or something else told them
same i am a agnostic athiest but i dont care what other people do i dont try and convert anyone never have im willing to debate people but ive had people cuss me out and tell me im going to hell merely because they found out i dont go around proclaiming it or telling people there views are wrong but we are still hated him saying we "won" and are somehow punching DOWN is laughable even at its peak athiests made up like 2% of the population we dont have any places like churchs or any presidents that are athiests him trying to make it out like we can punch down is laughable
I remember reading the book Inherit the Wind, and the dude (I forgot his name) held a science book in one hand and a Bible in the other as if weighing them. Then he placed both in his briefcase. I took that to mean that both faith and reason have value.
I think it’s ludicrous to make it a dichotomy. If you can’t defend your faith through science or any other means, then I think you’ve failed yourself. Faith is confidence and you’re supposed to build confidence by tackling all the tough questions that come your way and answering them. If you just ignore any pushback and tell yourself that you just gotta believe than you’ve sullied your perspective and missed the whole point, I think. I believe in God because of science. Because of entropy, irreducible complexity, circular systems, and many other pointers. I think Christian’s are the ones that started this dichotomy. Science started in religious communities, but isolated religious communities began to fight against more modern advancements and then it became a sort of enemy to those communities, until even people who were fine with those advancements began to take to heart the split that developed between science and religion, but any critical theologian will think for themselves and not follow these red herrings and meaningless trends.
Anyways, I wish you the best. I just wanted to say my piece on that.
Getting permabanned from Reddit was the best thing that I ever got out of Reddit. It's such a toxic place filled with perpetually miserable, ego-driven morons and I was becoming one of them myself.
When getting banned is a blessing 😂 never really used it myself but I know the memes.
didnt do that reddit stuff but getting permanently banned from league of legends actually made me a happy person. if you play that game and you are addicted to suffering. do urself a favor and type the sickest sjit to get a perm ban and you slowly turn into a true life enjoyer
Same here broski
leaving basically all the default subs and only joining subs of things I am interested in was the winning strat for the past ~11 years out of the 12 I've been on Reddit. Unfortunately, now that the Reddit app randomly suggests subs to people based on their algorithm (and they forced 95% of the 3rd party apps out of business), I've noticed a huge decline in discourse even in these niche subs in the past few months. That, combined with obvious ChatGPT bot accounts answering bullshit, I'm on the verge of leaving. Used to be I needed to go to different sites for every interest I had. Reddit helped that, now Reddit is killing it.
ok, i gotta know how you got banned
I was literally in there four hours ago having a look and I thought to myself about how they turned into a cesspool of rage against anything different to them. They became what they hate.
Gee, which modern well meaning group do they remind me of.
@@Rubycheckers no idea but if money is involved in any way I stop trusting the words coming from said groups. mainly because ethics sadly seem to take a backseat when money gets involved.
And you can already see Christians acting like antagonistic trolls, just like the examples in this video, because it is a good way to get attention. A Christian youtuber named Melonie Mac recently mocked a Church for burning because they did an lgbt event. Eventually it will circle around again.
@@insensitive919 I think you have a very good point about it often being used as a tool for attention.
@eXelenCe LGBTQ+ advocates of course. Claim to be "awakened," check, toxic response to people who don't share their view, (racisthomophobetransphobebigotsexist spam) check, claim they're tolerant but they're intolerant as heck, (becoming what they hate,) check... I could go on and on and on. And both atheists and LGBTQ+ advocates love reddit. Dude... Are they the same people?
I quit reddit a few months ago. I had only used it for gaming for year's but started to branch of into other areas. I knew it was a bit if a negativity amplifier, but boy once I went outside of gaming I realized things were worse than I imagined. The mods were what did me in though. I wasn't PC enough in one group, then a mod thought I had made up a true story about myself and some advice I was asking for. My post was deleted. I threw a fit at the mod, got suspended so I deleted my reddit account and haven't gone back. Mentally, I'm better for it.
I don't use it anymore. I have to agree with you as mods ruined everything, but there is more to play that bothered me. The mods would push agendas, each subreddit was an echo chamber, and everyone was angry in the comment section. Nothing felt real and genuine, and started feeling like the comments I'm reading weren't made by real people, but rather bots. I go back here and there, but all of it feels the same.
I think the top few hundred subreddits had the same few mods. They're lifeless crazy people, lol.
100% agree. I mainly only ever used it for gaming info, and still do, but on the odd occasion i might stray into a more political sub it becomes immediately obvious how its filled with chronically online over opinionated toxic losers. Who's ,quite often misguided, 'opinions' are safeguarded and validated by equally toxic mods. Hell, even some of the gaming subs are now over political cesspits. But it is what it is i guess
It's all about who's a troll and everything is made up now. I hate it. Maybe I should start moving away from it. It's just getting worse and worse, and everyone wants to point a finger at anyone and call them a troll. That's no way to live life, tbh.
I got permabanned when the rainbow-cult didn't like what I said on the Asmongold sub.
Sadly, his sub is as toxic as any other
Reddit atheists when someone forces religion on their kid 😡
Reddit atheists when someone forces atheism on thier kid😊
Been on reddit for 12 years now. That sub was ALWAYS insufferable, even back in the day. Haven't cared to look recently, but it's not like they could've ever gotten better over time with the amount of mind-blowing obsession with "dunking" on religious people while simultaneously contradicting their own logic every other post.
Agree. A lot of users said back in the day that they stopped being a lurker and made an account on Reddit (you could browse without an account back then), so that they could disable r/atheism from the main bar.
How do they contradict their logic?
@@justusP9101best example is how they criticize “groupthink” but then all live in the echo chamber that is Reddit and r/atheism and only allow agreeing opinions
@@burtreynolds8030 Yeah i agree. As a anti-theist i really dislike that sub for exactly that reason. They don’t even notice their hypocrisy that they are acting like r/Islam or r/Christianity
Atheism is simply the lack of belief in a god, and it should've remained that simple. There was no need to be "rational" or "irrational" about it. It shouldn't have mattered whether the atheist in question is angry at Christendom or loves the theory of Evolution that much. Yet along came social media, which, as usual, had a way of making things more complicated than they should've been.
*Supposed to be lack of belief. It has become the belief in disbelief.
Atheism was always more than a "lack of belief." It was always tied to a view of rationality. I've never heard an atheist present that choice as anything but rational.
@@ratdoto2148No, it hasn't. That's only how it is portrayed by others. The vast majority of atheists i know are not like that.
@powdergate That's called agnostic.
Atheism tried to do a LOT more than a simple rejection of god(s), they tried to replace all of the mental / emotional / spiritual pillars that religion provided with "Intellectual euphoria" and clearly that has not worked.
I must admit that I was raised in a religious community, but I was bullied a lot when I was growing up. Everything was just complete shit basically, and then I decided to just let go of my religious upbringing and became an atheist, until a few Months ago when my spiritual journey began. Some people still treated me like shit, but for some reason I feel peaceful at heart.
In the end, we cannot control what other people could or couldn't do to us. But, it doesn't mean that we should lose our faith because of those dipshits.
the world hates the truth, God bless you dude
Well said
The world is cruel, you are right to come back to your faith, you learned that its better to be you than to be liked.
idk Im and Atheist and Believe isn't really something you can control. I think arguments for and against god are stupid because there is no evidence either way and if you personally believe or don't believe in god that's not something you should have to prove logically. We should simply acknowledge that it's more of a very personally important opinion or you could call it a value/value system
Yeah, I got picked on at my Catholic school for going to church- by a Muslim kid of all people. Became a cringe Reddit atheist at 16 and only opened my mind a few years ago through dealing with addiction and surviving a near-death experience. Turns out, I was just going along with what I heard in UA-cam videos, not actually thinking for myself, just like being in church ironically.
The reason why people gravitate towards religion as they get older is that when you are young, you think youre invincible. Then life happens and you realize you had no clue about anything. I think it comes from a place of humility.
Almost there, the real reason it that people have weak minds and are afraid to die so they become religious to lie themselves but deep down they obviously know it is all a charade.
The most humbling thing , consequences for what you done
@@CommentThinkTips Fedora...
I think it comes from authority figures telling you that it exists and that you're going to hell if you don't believe. And if you're in a religious family, they could treat you differently for it. Also there are countries where religion guides law. In the past, people were murdered for not believing, and entire wars were fought. So I definitely don't think it's from a place of humility. There's some deeper stuff going on that I don't understand enough to speak on. I'm not smart enough for that.
Am I the only person here that grew up with Christians that were normal? Never heard pokemon or yu-gi oh was satanic. Though I grew up in a catholic household, not sure if its different for protestants or other christian denominations. But my love for pokemon came to be because my dad bought me every pokemon game everytime it came out. My mom (really religious), would sometimes watch cartoons like pokemon, yu gi oh, shaman king, etc. on the TV while she cooked. Wasnt banned in my catholic school either, teachers always saw us play pokemon cards during break. The only game that I do remember my mom telling us to be careful was Diablo, for obvious reasons 😂but she never told us not to touch it, she always explained to us to make the right decisions and to be always careful with what we consume such as Ouiji boards (never dared touching that). My mom would always try to counter act these things by showing us content she liked like JRR Tolkien's books, CS Lewis, Catholic saint movies, without actually banning anything. As I grew older, ive come to love both secular and religious content. Probably why I never had an atheist phase was because I had no reason to resent what I grew up in. I still go to sunday mass.
OMG Same here ironically my mother and late grandfather got me into the Diablo games ironically lol.
I am similar experience as a protestant but I knew some people who were restricted. They definitely rebelled a lot harder. The only thing I experienced was as an adult my grandmother coming to tears learning I was playing dnd. I explained a bit. Two of my closest friends that I played with came to Christ and are happier than ever because of that game. Definitely changed my grandmothers perspective.
I didn't grew up in a Christian household and my parents demonized all that stuff because they just thought it's dumb.
no your not. I grew up in a pretty normal Christian household. while yeah sometimes my family would try to say some things were evil, like Pokémon and all that, I knew they weren't. now as a 31 year old man, I still have religious beliefs, but don't lean into them very much. I mean hell I believe the multiverse exists and that goes against my religion lmao
Same. I'm Catholic and we all loved D&D and Tolkien. 🤷🏾♀️
Also I'm bemused by the Wokeists claim that Christians are White Supremacists, I'm nowhere near White. 😂
What I really don’t like about Reddit is that it feels like a bubble. If you don’t have the same opinion, your posts are just removed even if there is nothing wrong on the post
2010 mah birth year yuhhh
I called an obvious dude a dude and got banned. I guessing being a male is an insult in their books.
I got banned for arguing with a vegan that plants feel pain too lol
Reddit is like an echo chamber, keep on repeating stuff they like, what they don’t like they remove
@@NoobTheNewt0987 things that were once thoughts are now comments for every to look. It’s like our real self is online than in real life
The photo of the fat guy with the black fedora single handedly banished the atheists into the shadow realm
Better that then how religious people are seen these days by young people.
@@thevannmann as if any sane person cares what young people today think . Especially when they go around speaking TikTok language and getting education by watching XQC and Hasan . I dare say a religious home schooled kid might be more knowledgeable and smarter than the average zoomer with TikTok brain-rot
@@thevannmann Depends on the young people I suppose.
@thevannmann I don't think you're in tune with young people haha
@hidetakamiyazaki1825 No, no they're not.
I get why people want God to come down and perform a miracle to prove they are real, but Moses and Jesus performed miracles and they weren't believed in their stories. And the way people are today, I doubt we would believe it too. I can already hear people shouting "Smoke and mirrors!"
Sad thing is we as humans created and discovered amazing things the internet alone the fact I can talk to u from wherever is magic. I think God would want us to do the best we can with the playground he gave us. We are to subservient mined always crying and praying for help when the answers are in front of us. We have to find a way to wake up and realize it's us we can continue it or end it. God did make us in his image after all
If a giant alien space ship came down over new york right now. People would not believe it. Hell I’ve seen an actual ghost before but never mention it because there is no point.
People reject basic things like the shape of the earth and the moon landing, God coming down (again) won’t change minds lol. They killed him the last time
If there is a god it would know what it takes and have the ability to prove to each individual it exists
@@danielsmith7324no in this world he is testing it’s your choice to believe
" I have an IQ in the triple digits, whatever" considering the average IQ is 100 , 50% of people do. 😂
That's literally not at all how statistics and averages work.
If 9 people have an IQ of 88.8 and 1 person has an IQ of 200, the average is 100. Did 50% of those people have an IQ above 100?
You're talking about median not average...
@@dreddscott3873 Yes but QI is on a bell curve, the median and the average are the same
Central limit theorem. Checkmate Matheists!
As an atheist myself I don't know why there's even a community for it. At least religious groups are unified (on paper anyway) by their belief in something. Its just bizzarre to me to want to band together over the lack of belief in something.
The big issue is some people believe all religions are bad based on tha actions of some wyo CLAIMED to represent that group like the Catholic church just because some people used it for power, r*pe and extortion doesn't mean everyone does as a matter of fact if you read the bible you'll see explicitly call these types of people out and say they are not genuine followers of Jesus "Pharisees" by example you can't generalize because of the bad actions of some its not that the religion is bad its that some people represent it wrongfully however theres a point where religion becomes bad and its when again you use it to do evil or when you start to think you're better than everyone else because of it
because people band together over anything think about it asmongold fans band together as well
Atheism was oppressed A LOT back in the day, and people that experience oppression together tend to bad together. Especially on websites like Reddit where the whole point is in community 💀
You can't imagine somebody who just lost his belief, be disowned by pretty much everyone they know, to desire a community to talk with?
I suppose you have been an atheist your entire life, or at least didn't grow up in a very religious family. If I'm wrong on this, please correct me.
But leaving a religion you have been part of for a significant part of your life isn't just some process that you just do without any influence or consequences on yourself and/or others.
I've been very lucky in that I wasn't abused as a child because of the religion, or disowned when my parents found out I don't believe anymore. However, there are many people who are not as lucky and have experienced these things at the hand of their respective religion. And if people leaving their faith, which for many has been a large part of their identity, this of course leads to a significant part of their identity being stripped away in a sense.
And this can be traumatic. The deeper you were into the faith and the more this was part of your identity, the more traumatic this has the potential to be in my eyes. And then it makes sense that you might have some vitriol against the thing that caused you this trauma. And banding together in a community to see that you're not alone in your experience is just a logical next step. This of course then can stoke the anger against their former religion that many people feel, which is also not a good thing yet understandable in my eyes.
I've been in that camp in the past myself, and still to an extent am, though I don't consider myself as angry as I used to be after my deconversion.
If you've never been religious, then I understand why you don't understand why there are atheist communities. These are in large part comprised of people who left toxic religion, from what I'm seeing. Though of course there are edgy teens in there as well.
Moral of the story: Be humble about your beliefs, or your lack thereof. Because after all, nobody has answers that are good or satisfying for everybody. Humans are more complicated than that.This world is too big for just one belief system.
Edit: Someone made a good point about atheism being a lack of belief. So, I corrected myself.
Truth is simple.
@@Zemlja_je_ravna Be specific and you'll realize it isn't.
And yet, the One true God of this world has fallen to evil' plan of believing He does not exist. I pray for you all, because the day is coming every knee WILL bow to His return. I only hope more, not less are prepared... and looking at the state of the world overall, hell' going to be bursting at the seams. I wish not even an enemy to be eternally damned.
Yeah… the problem with religion is that it promotes illogical magical thinking. I’m for it making people’s lives feel better, but it’s based on lies. If you’re good with that, more power to you, but remember that it brings craziness as well.
@@ToKnowTheLivingGod-GJCHS7amenfunny when it seems there has been a massive swing in the west back towards heavy religious value. There was a slight move towaeds atheism in the early 2000s to mid 2010s. Ever since its just growing
Richard Dawkins, changing his tune now that his country is being culturally enriched, now a stated ‘cultural Christian’
Wait what? Where did he say that?
@@Prussia_ broader context than this video. LBC interview on 4/01/2024, the interview starts out with this declaration
@@curlybillbrocius25 thank you, i'll watch that.
@@Prussia_ it's basically Dawkins coming so close, yet still remaining far from the following:
> If you want a culture that is Christian, most people are gonna have to be Christian. Otherwise the Christian culture will disappear and it's gonna be replaced by one of the other predominantalternatives:
> Islam(another Abrahamic religion)
> Woke-ism(deification of "marginalized groups" with a healthy dose of anti-whiteism)
> Socialism/Communism (see also: deification of the State)
> Transhumanism(see also: autotheism, deification of the self and/or mankind)
Take your pick. Cause people are gonna deify something. The Christian would say that's because God wrote his existence and morals onto the hearts of all men. Therefore human beings are ingrained with a moral sense and a yearning for something to recognize as a higher power/authority and/or explanation for why existence, in itself, is.
He assumed that because he was free to critique Christianity, he was free to critique a certain other religion that's becoming increasingly popular in the UK and Europe. Strange blind spot for such an intelligent guy.
As someone that is not religious but goes to church with family, I can see why people get more religious as they get older. Its much more comforting to be surrounded with people espousing kindness / love rather than edgelords. I say this as an edgelord myself.
I agree with this but I feel like their nice attitudes go away as soon as you stop pretending that you think exactly like them. If religious people found out I'm an atheist and just said okay well to each their own I would be a lot more accepting of their religions.
I'll say that's questionable. Religion has been the root of a lot, lot, lot of hate. From the crusades to Djihad, nonwithstanding gay hate & other niceties, members of religion are rarely nice to outsiders. That doesn't mean the individuals are all hostile, but religion at large has never been a source of kindness and love over hate and violence, and it's not likely to change.
Well, as they get older, fear dead and no afterlife gets many people to trade logic for blind faith in the supernatural, it seems
@@Dekharen you dont need religion, you dont need to go to church, you dont need a other pearson to tell you what God is and to have a relation with him...he alredy said it himsel thah he IS (meaning when you look at sky he IS, when you hear bird song he IS, when you breathe a *frash* air he IS, when you look in a mirror he IS) and his glory and love have bin demonstrated to us thru life and secrifice of Jesus Christ.
A lot of 2008-2012 era internet atheism was less about science and reason and more about the appreance and posturing as an "intellectual". Once the image of the outspoken atheist moved away from the "smart asshole" to the psuedo-intellectual neckbeard, it was over. People want to be like Dr. House, not the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons.
Fantastic analysis in that last statement. You've hit the nail on the head with that one!
Nailed it!
It got coopted by the Progressives as Atheism+
From that point on, it was used to attack the basics on which western society was founded
(it also went from general criticism of religious ideology to 'just' hating on the western Abrahamic beliefs, since from that moment, Muslims were considered an "oppressed group")
Hatefully telling someone they’re hateful pretty much sums up the 2020’s I feel
Covid was hateful
People over try to oversimplify this. It’s actually a paradox.
If you’re tolerant of hateful people, you’re being intolerant towards the target of the hate.
@@mcmatthew7898 lol untrue
@@mcmatthew7898 lol that’s a mighty simplified way of looking at things wtf 🤣
@@Tyro_ Well then that goes doubly so for your position.
You seems to think being hateful towards intolerant people makes you yourself intolerant.
An obvious counter-point would be the Nazis. You can’t be tolerant of the Nazis without tolerating their hatred of the Jews.
Why did atheism die off? Not only because it became the norm where it had been the counterculture, but because Cristopher Hitchens died at the end of 2011, no longer able to gatekeep it from the woke horde.
I think Atheism would appeal to more people if it was delivered differently. I hate religion not because I hate the concept of a creator or God (I don’t agree but I don’t hate) but because of stringent dogma and fear based ideologies and quick moral judgments that have caused far more harm than good over the course of centuries. If people could see that atheism doesn’t equal hating the concept of god or spirituality but hating the involvement of human error that ruins otherwise helpful philosophical teachings, I think it would make a little more sense to them.
Nah, Christopher was just another reddit atheist
The problem with "that type" of atheist is that with them literally everything bad ever has come from religion and nothing good ever came from it. That's just not true. There are many good people who do take their faith seriously and lead exemplary lives. There are many that don't but to pretend it is all bad is just dumb.
If you want a name for it, it'd be antitheism. It's the difference between not believing in something, and not believing in something AND thinking that others believing in that thing is bad.
Their are some good old wisdom in religion, but it seems like a lot of people do not learn how to live their loves and now we are learning the hard way again with consequences to come especially concerning the hyperindividualistic society
It's the same mentality that creates the "capitalism is evil" mentality. They simply do not realize that no system is perfect, and that we're running on "The best imperfect system" and that any attempts to introduce a replacement is often a much worse solution to the problem at hand.
Considering how quickly social cohesion is falling apart, it becomes increasingly more obvious that a LOT of good came from it. The Christian religious right might have been annoying to straight up oppressive, but at least you knew that ultimately it came from a place of love. The stuff we see today is coming from either the absence of love or straight up hate.
@@Yggdrasill8 Wisdom like what? It's called the Golden rule, it's called empathy.. it doesn't need to be from religion. It's basic human instinct my guy.
@@thevannmann I'm pretty sure road rage is a basic human instinct. Empathy is something that needs to be taught.
I've only made it about a third of the way through the video so far, but this is what I can say.
As for how the American culture of religion isn't the same as it used to be, I think I know what you mean. While our society is deeply religious, it's not as evangelical as it was 20, or maybe even 10 years ago. Plenty of people still go to church and pray, but they're not doing the crazy stunts they used to.
As for why religion is making a comeback, I think it's because our current culture (not exactly mine as a 26 year old, but the generation behind me) is in probably the worst spot it's ever been in. If you don't politically tow the line, you're an outcast. Socializing publicly is all but dead. Online interaction may be fun, but it's no replacement for meeting up with your friends and playing Halo on the couch until the early morning hours. Even online communities have become somewhat more reclusive. Between social media, online gaming, and parasocial relationships that people are starting to have with content creators, you're considered weird for trying to start a conversation in public with someone you don't know. This is the same reason dating has also become so much harder. On top of ALL OF THAT, these are people that are realizing that the real world has become a daunting place. Wages aren't even trying to keep up with inflation, housing is probably worse than it's ever been, and the job market has become increasingly absurd to navigate, with most companies doing online applications only, and calling to see if the company has reviewed your application, something that used to be commonly viewed as favorable from an applicant, as it displayed eagerness and ambition, the narrative has been turned to now view it as being impatient and
Entitled. Most jobs require a college degree of some kind, which means you'll have to go into a massive amount of debt if you want a job. There are trade jobs, but they're mostly stigmatized as being too "blue collar" or "conservative", as if gay people can't be electricians, or women can't be mechanics or something. And if you can't find a job because of being underqualified for all the jobs that will meet your financial needs, and don't want to take a minimum wage job because you can't live on 7.25 an hour, the older generation will call you lazy, and they always take every possible opportunity to let anybody know that "no one wants to work anymore", even though we're working more hours, and getting paid less (again, relative to inflation) than any point since the great fucking depression.
And lastly, as a Christian myself, I can say that reddit atheism is a completely different ballpark from just your everyday atheist. If anything, I'd say the evangelism that used to be with Christians got transfered to the atheists around 2010. Christians, while still being vocal about our faith, are no longer going around saying that Harry Potter and Monster energy drinks are demonic (well... maybe the pentecostals are 😂). However, most of the chronically online atheists will never pass up an opportunity to point out how evil they think you are for believing something that doesn't agree with lifestyles that, just a couple decades ago, even they found strange.
@@southernstylegaming8580 This is what I've seen with the Reddit atheists. I'm starting to call them rabbid atheists. I've tried to have meaningful discussions on Reddit about faith and creationism, but I always get dog piled on and told that I'm what's wrong with the world. When I respond with a challenge to their worldview, they lose their minds. I get name called and they don't engage in any meaningful debate.
I'm at the point now where I've decided that I should just stop engaging with them and ignore their "heathen rages". My father-in-law is an atheist, and we have wonderful and civil discussions about faith, ethics, and culture that challenge both of us.
I agree, well said. They're missionaries of Wokeism, with all the fury and zeal of the Spanish Inquisition, lacking only its power. They'd love to unalive "heretics" who disagree with any of their mercurial tenets, which change so rapidly they can cause psychological whiplash to their most avid adherents.
In 2008 I went to a church thing with my dad. I was talking about Morrowind with one of the other kids and some old lady heard me talking about "magic" and "alchemy" and said I need to be careful because it's devil worship. It really was a different time, lol.
"That's what this is you know, Satanic Black Magic. Sick Shit" - Paulie, The Sopranos.
My baby sitter in elementary school told me and my brother all out books like R L Stine and cartoons like Ben 10 were devilry lol. It was funny as hell.
Reminds me of my first gf and her mom. They couldn't celebrate Halloween, or even watch Harry Potter. Plus her Christian mom didn't like me because I was Roman Catholic lol. Right around that time period too
My Grandma is a super religous and superstitious so when she was visiting from Mexico she took a big issue with my WoW disk and me playing the game. She said the same thing about it being devil worship. So she ended up throwing away my disk. Rip OG vanilla box. But she was beyond confused when she saw me playing it still. She probably though it was being channeled from the depth of hell to my PC haha.
magik and alchemy LITERALLY is devil worship. the Christian Bible says not to practice magik
You can't go around claiming that religion starts all wars and have everyone believe you're not religious in some sense of the word. The reason is most often even in religious wars religion isn't the only Central issue. Almost all wars are about territory and resources even when that does not seem to be key central issues.
something as little as 7% of all wars were due to religon, and even in those 7% they were as you say influeneced by power money and territory
@@PabloVelasco-hr3koyeah also werent stalin mao polpot and the Japanese ww2 atheists?
@@Islamzindabad-z7gNot the Japanese, but the Nazis were that according to ideology. Fascists in WW2 was split in the middle between Catholics and Atheists
Making friends and finding a community is harder as you get older. I think one of the greatest components of organized religions is finding a community of friends (that often become as close as family) that you know you will see on a regular basis... And I think it's one of the best parts of organized religions.
It's something I found interesting, studies have shown that religious people are by and large more happy than their non-religous counterparts, and the studies attribute this mostly to the sense of local community that religion brings.
absolutely! im non-religious. i dont like to say atheist but not for any reason other than i just dont really find i identify that way. however, back in college i was dating a christian man, and the one thing i actually miss about going to church is the sense of community. everyone was so nice and welcoming and i loved the events. i have routinely thought about going back to church just for the community aspect over the religious aspect. though the christian faith teaches really good morals and a sense of direction in life, even though i am not the type to feel dedication to a higher being.
@@Rat-King27ignorance is bliss it ain't that complicated
@@JarczenkoYou really just chalk up all of those statistics to people being ignorant to "the truth"? Really weird outlook ngl.
@@Jarczenko "Pull up fedora"
I always cringe when I think back in my life and when I was 15/16 I was big into people like the amazing atheist, I have since matured and just say "live and let live", I'm not religious, but I do respect them and admire their devotion, I also find religion interesting to read about.
Or that video "atheist walking"
i was into the amazing racist we are not the same
Yeah it's sad seeing the amazing atheist now. He hasn't matured in his thinking at all, just gotten into politics more instead of atheism.
When you are 16-19, aside from feeling physically invinceable, you feel like you already have all the major facts of life figured out.
I was the same. I really liked his podcast for years then it just dissolved into him screaming and being annoying to his friends.
Atheism died when their response to the question "does god exist?" Changed from "I don't beleive so" to "No, and you are stupid for even asking the question"
Which was the correct answer. Pray to sky daddy losers.
@@MayteraMarblethat is exactly the response that definitely convinces people that every person on this planet who believes in God is obviously wrong and stupid for thinking otherwise.
@MayteraMarble Pray to me. I am a God and you can't prove me wrong.
In science you cannot prove unfalsifiable propositions, that's how logic and science works. If you need a better explanation you can read "The Dragon in My Garage " analogy by Carl Sagan.
@Odrade100 Exactly. Anyone who says God does not exist because science proves it is nothing more than a religious zealot themselves. And thus, the deth of Atheism.
The absence of a religion has been replaced with treating ideologies like a religion. Examples would be scientism and wokeness. Even if those ideologies don't believe in god, they still have aspects of them that are similar to religions. Even things like inquisitions that hunt down and attack non-believers.
Atheism became a religion.
@@eathecommie you're not wrong.
@@eathecommieyep socialism shows it
What is scientism?
r/atheism is a prime example of when not believing in god and hating religion ironically turns into a religion.
I'm atheist, but I never bring it up in everyday conversation and I don't go out of my way to tell religious people that their beliefs are wrong. Seems like a great way to alienate yourself from others for no good reason.
You bring this up to a religious atheist and they go through hurdles to deny it.
Same here. I think the main difference between these "Atheists" and ones like us, is that they need to belive there is no god, and we just flat out don´t believe and don´t care. Religion never made sense to me, I never believed it it. Even as a kid I sat in church just thinking "Why is this real but the story I heared yesterday isn´t?". And that´s really what it boils down to. We just cannot believe, not in an active way of denial, but because we just are not capable on some level to just accept a story. Especially when the answer basically always ultimately ends with "Because God."
And it´s generally not something I really ever think about. I don´t pray to anything. Don´t think of gods or even religion as a whole when not prompted. It just never is a topic for me. And I also don´t care if people are religious or not so long as they leave me alone in my "believes", or better the lack thereof. I don´t need some deeper answer or reason in life. I am perfectly happy with life just being a coincidence and there being no reason for it. I don´t need a reason to exist. The important part is that I do, and what I do with that. And I don´t need some paradise after life, because I cannot remember the last 13.5 billion years before my birth, so I know what expects me afterwards. And while it would be neat if there was an existance after death, it is very unlikely and the most likely case isn´t scary. I just go back to where I came from, non existance.
So in the end I just don´t care for religion, I don´t generally need to talk about it, but ocassinally like to nshare my point of view. But as we all got that free will everyone else can decide for themselves what they want or need. And I would be the last to argue against that, after all I don´t want to be pestered about not believing. I think Christianity has a nice rule for that, leaving the belives out: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
@@theexchipmunk You care enough to make a too long didnt read comment about how much you dont care
@@theexchipmunk why write something on a topic you don't put much thought into? How do you know their isnt life after death?, How do you know something came from nothing? small particles 13.5 billion years ago, where does that come from, nothing, it just appeared for no reason? If you say cause science, how the fuck does science observe something that is outta of the materialistic world? God is outside the materalistic world, if God some guy in the sky, that would contridict the all powerful God? You know Iwasted my time God has to be real and very much a nessary condition to many things in the world.
The funny thing is the majority of modern science came from discoveries by catholic priests and nuns rofl
One of my favourite things relating to atheism is from Terroriser an irish youtube who's close friends with a devout Catholic, his friend said he's an atheist and he responded "no those people are just as obnoxious as religions, I just don't believe in shit, atheist as a word's been ruined by the internet".
And that feels like a TL:DR of this video.
Yea atheism became the religion of disproving god their faith in nonfaith became their oen religion. I just dont belive in god let others do whatever they want
In my experience, religious people don’t go out of their way generally to let you know they are religious, but Atheists will break their backs to let you know what they believe.
@@mythoceanas8874 Because it's important to let you know that they're better than you.
@@mythoceanas8874That's just not true tho, maybe on the internet but certainly not in real life.
In real life, no, no one has ever gone out of their way to tell me their religion. So if you met any, it might do you some good to think about where exactly you live and how justified you are in thinking that your surroundings represents the “normal” other people speak of.
I can definitely relate to Asmon's examples of overbearing Christians. As a teen I reacted to it by joining the edgy angry atheist club and shitting on religion. Leaving religion was the right move for me but I overreacted and abandoned the whole non-secular endeavor as a waste of time. As an adult now I've only just begun to reexplore my spiritually and see how beneficial it is.
I'll probably never be religious again but I do miss the sense of community it granted. As an adult it takes a LOT more work to develop that in your life on your own
The fanatical atheists...are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who-in their grudge against the traditional 'opium of the people'-cannot hear the music of the spheres. - Albert Einstein
Yeah, religion is an important part of being human and it's insane to pretend you don't have fundamental beliefs... Even many of the most prominent atheists including Richard Dawkins have admitted that there could be no evidence for the existence of God that he would accept. He was asked if Jesus descended from heaven, spoke to him, and wrote a message to him out of the stars, Richard would rather assume he was going crazy than accept any affirmative evidence. I'm not even trying to say that he is wrong, but that is 100% without question a faith based position.
Also I personally think our societal morals will continually degrade every generation if we don't get God back into the equation... But that's a controversial opinion these days. The first part though, that's an indisputable fact
@@bschneidezatheists by definition are antitheists, so you're right about that, but agnostics genuinely don't have a belief. I've known some that have had general "we'll reincarnate" beliefs or similar, but the general non religious individual doesn't believe anything spiritually
@@bschneidez BS, Dawkins has stated numerous times that he cannot be 100% sure that (a) god(s) don't exist. Also, what you're doing is quite clearly a false equivalence. God believers are making the positive claim, its on them to produce proof. All atheists are saying is that since there is no verifiable proof of the existence of any god or gods, they opt for the more likely explanation which is that there are no such beings. Easy as that.
@bschneidez It isn't. Religion isn't a fundamental belief that applies to everyone. Everyone has their own compass in their life, and they choose to direct that using philosophy or/and religion. Whilst it's a great tool, that doesn't mean you should impose and condemn everyone to being stuck to religion.
49:55 I'm imagining Jesus standing there like that "disappointed pakestani guy at a sports game" meme.
The whole “black people make black jokes, white people make white jokes” statement falls completely apart when you realize everybody clowns on white people.
But.. but White man bad?
We should bring back blackface
Get real dude, everybody makes jokes about everyone. Stop making yourself a victim, it's jokes
@@fordishonor1277Their kind is always the first to play the victim. They wanna hit others, but can't take a hit themselves.
Praise the good man, Uncle Ruckus
One has to also consider this is *very* much America-centric. The rest of the world doesn't necessarily follow these trends at all. Not even the rest of the west. In Brazil, for instance, about 90% of the country is Christian. The same goes to many countries in Europe. The problem is, particularly with Protestantism, is that there isn't much unity in instruction, so you have whole cities, like you said, in the 80s, that are guided by a pastor that doesn't necessarily understand the Bible very well, that is very much guided by their own vices and flawed world views, and so you have religious hysterias, such as pokemon is a work of the devil-- not because these people are religious, given these same hysterias DIDN'T happen on the rest of the world, but because of their ignorance and lack of proper spiritual guidance. A bit of a "Blind leading the blind" sorta thing.
"The same goes to many countries in Europe." You are wrong, there are more atheists in Europe than any other region in the world, the more advanced(not technically but in education) the country the more atheist it is, that's why religion is so tied to poverty in general.
@@Odrade100 I'm not, really. Although I can understand why you'd like that to be true. Not only is your statement untrue, as there is no measurable co-relation between higher education and loss of faith and that's just something atheists like to tell themselves to feel smarter then others, but as for Europe, I'm sure there's plenty of atheists there too, that's why I didn't say they were all religious over there, but hell, go to Italy, France, Poland, Austria- any of the eastern european nations, really, and the great majority of citizens is religious or at least believes in God, so.
Well he is an American streamer talking about an American phenomenon on an American website, it’s going to be America-centric
@@burtreynolds8030 I know. That's why I pointed it out. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just adding context.
@@Odrade100 This coming from a region that was predominantly Christian for hundreds of years and was the home of some of the world's most prosperous super powers until the post-modern era. Now in modern times, you take that wealth and power built up over thousands of years and say it was all because Europe was "enlightened." This is pure revisionism.
That's like saying Sweden is rich because it's socialist. No. Sweden was extremely capitalist and it has been stagnating for decades after it went in the direction of socialist policies. Only now that they have become more centrist, are they starting to see their GDP grow a lot more.
The dog walker from anti-work also performed really really really really poorly. The entire subreddit is misguided. That’s the caliber of person that was in there. Wasn’t just their looks.
r/Atheist only highlighted how you don’t need to be religious to act religious. They have a common belief that has the same flaws as the very religions they get on. Science cannot back them up. They believe the universe was created by nothing and that everything will eventually return back to nothing. As a science junkie myself, that belief is less likely than there being a god. It’s best to be agnostic than to be atheist because it’s best to keep an option mind to any possibilities rather than to believe something without a reason of a doubt.
my explanation is in that regard
if there is the need that some creator created the universe because something cant come out of nothing what then created this creator because he cant come out of nothing either and if that creator could have simply come into being or simply have always existed why cant matter have always existed or came into being
why does an allpowerfull entity need to come frist out of nothing that can then create matter out of nothing ?
regarding our universe i think it got created by an implusion of a super black hole that absorbed everything in its influence and then grew instabil there can be several of those that constantly get created we can observe several small and rather big once that contuie to grow and absorbing more and more at somepoint they will merge as we have observed and grow bigger and bigger if at somepoint there isnt enough for them to contuie they can become instable and implode creating a new "big bang" creating a chycle (we dont have observed that yet but is my explanation for how it could happen)
@@abyssmoon6940Ultimately your theory doesn't actually answer how matter came into existence, as the op originally said, believing that it just existed is just as much a belief as an all powerful entity created it. Ultimately we don't know and probably can't ever actually know how matter came into existence, so it's better not to lock yourself into one particular belief system, leaving your self open to ideas until evidence is found that proves a theory is true comes along, God or no God
@@cosmicelectron yeah it dosent but till now their is simply no one that can really prove the issue regarding matter and i think it will take a really long time till it ever can be 100% proven maybe we never will
but i find my theory more likely then their being a god
if matter always existed -> no need for a god
if matter did not always exist -> it came out of nothing
if god has always existed why cant matter have always existed ?
if god could come out of nothing to then create matter out of nothing why cant matter have come out of nothing directly ?
i cant prove that a god dosent exist i can only disprove certain storys about gods
but their is also no prove that a god exists
maybe my theorie is wrong and we will find its something else entirely
but for now its the best explantion i have maybe thats how gods got imagined in the frist place to explain things we didnt understand at that time its alot easyer to say to someone Zeus was angry at them and fired a lighning strike at their barn burning it down then to find out how lighning works and then explain all that to some poor farmer
It's almost as if humans are hardwired to create a religion if they don't have one already
I was that kid in like 2009 at 14/15 years old. I became a Christian in 2014. I don't think religion is falling off at all. I think people in general are searching for a higher purpose. Religion is huge in that regard. And most aren't "out to get you" or trying to destroy a person's argument. Just like there is the cringy atheist, there's also the overzealous religious types who are so far removed from reality they can't comprehend not everyone is going to believe what they think. I actually think growing up not believing in Christ actually strengthened my belief in Christianity. I am sure the same is for any religion.
i agree. i don't think religion has dropped at all, it looks to me that it's actually circling back around and starting to become the new counter culture to the liberal atheist culture (at least in america). or at least people are becoming a bit more vocal about it, while before people would just keep to themselves and not announce what religion they followed. for example in my teens one of my closest friends was a Jehovah's witness and i had no idea until maybe year after knowing him. but these days i see a lot more people posting (and younger generations) a lot more about their religion than before. maybe the internet wasn't as big back then as it is now, or maybe this is my experience on my corner of the planet, generally we tend to mind ourselves and not nose around other people's business or beliefs.
People don’t realize that if you look at history religiosity has always been a pendulum that swings back and forth. Many of the internet atheists think that everybody used to be religious and it’s been slowly falling off over time, but that’s just not true at all.
The easiest example of this is looking at Western Europe in the 20th century, in the 20s-40s religions and religious influence was on a huge decline as society became more and more focused on secular politics. Then after WW2 there was a huge return to religion and community, which has been declining again in recent decades.
For sure American society is now less religious than it was 20 years ago, but we’ll probably see multiple swings back and forth again in the rest of the century.
@@BuceesfanmaartenI hope we not!
It’s actually rising up like never ever!
I am of the belief that people are not just searching for a higher purpose as they get older, but that the atheist phase has played out and people have recognized that it isn't working. The high-trust space-faring society that got promised if we all just became "rational"? Never came to fruition. And by the looks of things, will never. And so people try to find meaning because no meaning and fulfillment was found within atheism. Some of that involves making their political beliefs idols, because they got nothing else and the solution "can't be spiritual" because "we are just meatbags". Others look into faith.
Tbh, I always thought the edgy atheist community was cringe, even when it was in its prime.
They always came off as pretentious, d-bag, dorks. They're just as annoying as the people who push their religion too hard on other people.
I was born into a Catholic family, and consider myself Catholic, but I don't talk about it with anyone unless it's relevant.
I've gotten used to people dunking on Catholics and Christians. It bothers me a lot that you don't see them talk about any of the other religions. It's always the same insult too, which isn't nearly as true as they like to think it is. It is what it is though.
Well, if you live in Western countries you are more likely than not to brush up against an Abrahamic belief set - the dominant population historically and in recent times in the US for example being Christians of various denominations. If you had a large sect of Hindus, or Buddhists, you'd likely see criticism directed at them as well, though only one species of religion seems to pervade government and education and receive specialized treatment, hence the spotlight.
That being said, it really doesn't matter much whether someone is vocal or holds their tongue about their belief set - if someone feels justified (by their scriptures or institutions) to preach to a congregation they are going to do so, and if someone feels a "moral" injury caused by religion across history, they are likely going to speak up about it as well. Thankfully our species has proven itself to be mildly insane and disagreeable, and so we get the lunacy of proselytizing apologetics combined with the lunacy of aggressive atheistic groups. It's a consequence of secularism and societies that "allow" for diversity of thought - a good thing!
"It's always the same insult too, which isn't nearly as true as they like to think it is. It is what it is though." Include the insult lol!
@@thomabow8949 you say abrahamic when its only ok to publicly shit on christianity and these athiests grow a "moral compass" when it comes to judaism and islam
@@thomabow8949 *tips fedora*
Stunning and brave
lol @@lobot6894
So what I said was this: "if you live in Western countries you are more likely than not to brush up against an Abrahamic belief set"
Then I said this: "the dominant population historically and in recent times in the US for example being Christians of various denominations"
So when you say this: "its only ok to publicly shit on christianity and these athiests grow a "moral compass" when it comes to judaism and islam" I will again refer you to what I said here: "the dominant population historically and in recent times in the US for example being Christians" - I will actually expand that to "the western world" in general.
Then I said this: "though only one species of religion seems to pervade government and education and receive specialized treatment, hence the spotlight..." which hopefully provides clarity as to why Christianity gets shit on in the countries in which it was rooted most over Islam and Judaism, such as the US & Western World?
Which really, has nothing to do with you writing this: "athiests grow a "moral compass" when it comes to judaism and islam" as I entirely agree with that being ridiculous, each religious and secular world view deserves equal skepticism
"Reddit has always been a place where people that don't have problems invent them. BINGO
Lies, all reddit users have weight problems!
How does this man turn a 12 minute video into a hour long video? Content!
he keeps pausing and getting distracted
I am a Christian and I have been my entire wife but I am so freaking. Glad that my mom let us play pokemon and was not one of these helicopter parent christians. Yes, obviously she had her limits on what we could and could not Watch just like any normal parenthood, but for the most part, she didn't just stick us in front of vegetables and say that's it. She let us play games like Pokémon immortal, combat and stuff like that. now she wouldn't let us play video games. She told my Uncle no Nintendo, so he decided to sneak a second Genesis cause he followed her words to the letter. But that's a whole different story. she didn't think Pokémon was evil. She had no problems with it. And even now she's even more lenient as to what we can play and what we can't play and. I love it she's not a video game person but she doesn't hate them either.
this is so true. part of the reason why kids of christians leave the faith is out of rebellion. when i have my kids, i’ll share my beliefs. but they’ll have the power to choose.
@@HfxnnI was born a Christian, have been an atheist for a long, long time. I still go to church for weddings, baptisms, funerals, I married in a church, my kids ar baptized. The reason is that it is the tradition of my people, and I am a part of it. My kids will learn about religion from me, my wife, priests and others. Eventually they will make up their own mind and I'm fine with that. I think this is the right approach whether you are religious or atheist. Rebelion is not a valid reason to believe or not believe in God. Most atheists around here are the same as me. You wouldn't know they are atheists unless you actually discuss the subject with them. We don't avoid the subject, but we are not actively trying to convince people around us, or wear atheism as a badge of honor. I have friends that I have no idea if they are religios or atheists. I have friends that switched sides at some point or another. Nobody thought any worse of them.
In short, I guess I'm saying I agree with you.
@@darktoranaga very nice response :) and i know it’s not always out of rebellion. it’s just from my own life experience that’s what i’ve noticed. and i would add to this saying that i want my kids to think for themselves with their free will, the same way god lets us think for ourselves using free will
@@darktoranaga also i think it’s funny that we’re the opposite lol. you came from a christian house and became an atheist and i came from an atheist household and became christian. funny observation lol
@@darktoranagaAs a Catholic i have to say good n you that is the proper way on doing it many Atheistic parents who may force view point wonder why their kids rebelled by join a faith and becoming extreme in said faith two wrongs don't make a right I wished more were like you.
“We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which furious party cries will be raised against anybody who says that cows have horns, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening mob with the news that grass is green.” Chesterton
Chesterton the OG
Chesterton would have been king on Reddit. Thinking that you are so smart you can tell the future is what Reddit was made for. He even has the build for it. If he got that big in his time he would surely be over 600 pounds if he lived now.
@@treeforged9097 Can you imagine if his brain were fueled by energy drinks and krispy-kremes instead of steak and beer?
We're already there.
I was definitely way into atheism and anti-religious discourse back when I was an angsty teen. A lot of people do go out of their way to feel victimised especially at younger ages, and they're very quick to make one thing their entire personality. Now its clear that just makes for a one-dimensional boring ass person, thank fuck
Just for fun. Roe vs wade ?
Same when people turn their sx and sxuality into their entire person. Or people who dress differently to be "unique". They all lack personality and just try to compensate it with some labels and clothing.
I remember watching TJs old podcast every time an episode dropped and just being fuming about whatever dumb unimportant stuff they were going to talk about.
@@ZeallustImmortal lmfao
Ah, r/atheism, where a man once posted with the headline "Why can't christians understand that it is just to hate them!?"
I responded with "As a christian I understand that most atheists aren't as angry as you are. God bless you" and got banned for spreading "religious propaganda" 😂😂😂
Reddit has brought more people back to religion than the Missionaries. Lmaoooo
The churches and Mosques should Hire R/Atheist.
It genuinely did. By being as insufferable as possible (that they actually became even more annoying and toxic than religious people), they pretty much pushed a number back to the faith.
So have drugs
@@synapses9973Drugs have done both, so that doesnt really count
The only thing I have to remember my grandfather who passed before Y2K was his beloved fedora.
Damn you r/Atheism and Reddit in general.
My grandpa also used to wear fedora like hats, he passed away in 2012.
The real reason isn't because they put their faces up, it's because they found a new religion to latch onto, something new where they could continue to be a victim while incessantly inserting themselves into other conversations - Social Justice.
They didn't go away, they just changed what they're saying, and changed their victim status.
I was in the local "'atheist scene" in my city...that is exactly what happened here. I liked being part of a community that questioned, well the big questions. I loved that I found a community of people not afraid to discuss and debate and were not hostile about it. Open debate was welcomed during our get togethers, and in the end we would agree to disagree if the debates left us wanting.
Then, the social justice latched on. Social justice or Atheism+ came in like a disease and killed off everything. We no longer discussed philosophical topics or how we could contribute to the community in a positive way...nope, it became how do we help the marginalized, why our whiteness is bad, all the fun buzzwords you hear now.....and this was 2012/2013. If any members questioned why are we focusing on that and not what we were building, well, you are just a bigot, homophobe, racist...whatever. It made people incredibly insufferable (which some would argue most probably were) which resulted in all the sane people leaving, and then it just simply died. I watched people, that I thought were logical and rational, turn into these weird cult like people that you didn't dare question the group think. It was incredibly heartbreaking yet fascinating. You hit the nail on the justice in it's current form is just mainstream now....I saw it in it's infancy.
That was what made the "atheism movement" fall apart, really. It became divided into those who opposed religion because they opposed the authoritarian way it imposed its values on everyone, and those who merely felt that *they* should be the ones enforcing their values instead.
This is what I've been thinking- People don't stop being religious, they just choose new things to be religious about.
@@phi4721 Yep exactly this. Not only have they become moral busybodies attacking anyone who goes even slightly against their new religion, they've also latched on to nonsense like zodiac signs, crystal healing, Raiki, tarot cards and other stupid things, sometimes witchcraft.
The difference between their new religion and with Christianity is at least you can be forgiven in the latter.
@@therealMattikaiAtheism is a disease, not a cure.
I'm agnostic because the the whole unifying factor of religion is quite fascinating. So many different people sharing and agreeing on the same ideas and principles from something they can extract joy from. Warms my heart. Also Jesus is real enough of a person according to nearly every religion ever, meaning there was a guy at some point in history that really did love everybody unconditionally and still does. Also warms my heart.
I got gripes, but the validity of it all doesn't really matter when it's existence is mostly a net positive.
Religious texts are also fascinating to study, and they provide a lot of wisdom even in the modern age. Jesus's rhetorical question of how to take the speck of sawdust out of your brother's eye when you have a large plank in your own? Brilliant, and a lesson that more people today really need to hear.
I think a lot of people vastly underestimate the groundbreaking nature of some of the things Christ taught. The sermon on the mount, in my eyes, laid the foundation for modern ethics and what they should look like. Some serious genius in there, even for non believers.
When I went to summer camp as a kid I remember I had this Tshirt "One by one the penguins steal my sanity" and thought it was the most hilarious thing I ever saw
I was raised on an internet of skeptics and atheists. I appreciate them helping me question religion and honestly everything, it made me enjoy learning. Man I wish I could enjoy any of that content now without cringing. I legit feel like the bashing of religion that they still continue-- along with them being yknow, losers, just makes Atheist focused content feel so garbage to intake. Atheism, especially on reddit, became its own religion of being terrible to everyone who disagrees-- and this need to be "right" about Atheism makes the religious go from the attackers of Atheism to defenders of their way of life.
Alot of religions have problems but a lack of religion is not the end all be all solution for everyone. maybe we get to a c'est la vie let people live how they want type beat with the ability to just discuss beliefs openly.
rip aaLewis the 13th apostle.
religion provides a guideline to lead a happy life. You can lead a happy life without religion too but you have to be smart. Unfortunately not everyone is smart. Hence more people will perform better in life if they subscribed to a religion's ideology than making their own morals and ethics from scratch.
@@xecor4450 no religion is a not a guide on how to be happy , and no you’re not smarter because you don’t believe in God. The pure ignorance that you just typed is crazy .
Also I tell everyone don’t follow religion follow the Bible and Jesus .
@@hm-tr2lh legit arguing over the most semantic trivial shit is exactly the problem.
xecor believes no religion = smarter the same way a religious person thinks religion = Good.
Whatever internal beliefs they hold doesn't matter if it means treating people you disagree with as people. That means being able to conversate, communicate, relate, do anything to connect despite differences.
you spent your time looking for a reply on a yt comment you disagree with.. to actively try and argue over a comment pointing out how fucking cringey it is to argue over someone's beliefs, unprompted.
what's crazier is they're right-- for themselves personally-- you had to be RIGHT-er and prove a point.
Jesus Christ man.
@@xecor4450 Religion very often had me learning against science which reinforced my beliefs usually in Sunday school but I think inherently calling someone dumb for wanting to have faith-- as opposed to them not having the same toolset that enables them to not need (or want) faith for their morality for whatever reason-- is unfair. Religion may have its issues but the same goes without. tell me what group of people you see less community focused, more lonely, less involved than an atheist who makes that their entire identity.
beliefs or not no matter which way you look someone's going to be fucking stupid.
sometimes they don't believe and just want community. it's individual based.
I feel like I grew up in a place that was like stuck ten years behind in time. Asmon is 30 something, and I’m turning 19. He was describing my childhood pretty much verbatim and ascribing it to his generation. One of my most vivid memories is being in elementary school, and I got in trouble for wearing a “satanic” shirt, and drawing vampire teeth on my class photo. For context, the shirt had a stick figure with horns, and the “vampire teeth” was actually a smiley face because our teacher told us to decorate our class photos.
Also it is kind of crazy to see how with younger kids it’s almost “rebellious” to be religious. When I was 10 it was the other way around, but now I see kids my brother age being all about god and putting Bible verses in their social media bios.
Not Christian but good brother you have, I hope he finds the truth though.
Bro if you had a satanic shirt as a kid that young that means your parents raised you to have that mentality
@@PulseGrove Couldn’t be further from the truth with my parents. My whole immediate family used to be Catholic. My mom, and brother are both hardcore Christian, and all I know with my dad is that he believes in god. I was raised in Catholicism, and Christianity in my mid teens. I’m fairly certain that I’ve never worshipped/venerated satan. I have my own personal beliefs these days, all Christianity has done for me is push me away from it.
It’s pretty awesome that kids see religion as being rebellious these days. I’m 35 and I’ve developed drug and alcohol problems I regularly battle with cos I wanted to “rebel” and thought I was being cool
I miss being a teen with good morals, values and lifestyle
It’s hard to break free of the shit once you get into it
@@Wighafoc "‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me" Mark 7:6. It's sad to hear your experiences with Christianity have been so negative. There are plenty of hypocrites to go around. So many people see Christianity as a religion or following some set of rules. I like to see it as a relationship with God and the world we've been given. You seem pretty thoughtful and I am sure you've put effort into discovering your own beliefs. But I'd urge you, if you haven't already, to read the Bible yourself. Yeah there are plenty of boring stories. But there are also a lot of useful principles that you can discern from yourself. The real test is to see how it affects your life after YOU have decided what it means, and YOU have accepted following Him. I hope the best for you man!
10:00 this is only if your looking at a purely american and western perspective and only if your lookin at peoples opinions. Globally, Christians are persecuted the most and face thr most discrimination. Go ask Christians how they are treated in the middle east, most of Asia, China, or Oceania and youll see how its different.
Asmon saying being agnostic makes no sense and then acting like an agnostic himself is comedy gold lol
Agnosticism and Atheism are two different things though, you can be both, but you cannot be agnostic instead of atheist, or atheist instead of agnostic
@@halosaft ... Yes? Asmongold whole stance was 'we don't know enough to make a call yet' ... which is 100% agnostic.
But right before that he told a chatter being agnostic made no sense.
He didnt say being agnostic was dumb, he was responding to somebody who said that its dumb to not believe that there has be a higher power.
Agnostic is probably most normal atheists.
Reddit didn't ruin Atheism, people like the Amazing Atheist ruined it, started getting all political and, ironically, holier-than-thou.
Atheism was broken when their leaders became religious after debating God's topic for years.
@@Zemlja_je_ravna Atheism has no leaders
I think some people are still treated like the in rural areas. I said "oh my god" at the back of the school bus once and the bus driver stopped the bus and lectured me about using gods name in vain. same thing happened the next year with a different bus driver with a little kid and he was yelling at him and making him cry and it was honestly f'd up. 20:40
oh shit, it's so fucked up! A kid cried, and now is traumatized for life!
Imagine telling the therapist that horrible story!
@@xLuis89ximagine defending making kids cry
10:45 Islam is fragmented. It's a 1400 year old religion. Sunni and Shia are the major faction. Islam in Iran is very different from Islam in Suadi.
Orthodox Judaism, Reform Judaism, and Conservative Judaism,
Roman Catholic; Eastern Orthodox; Coptic; Lutheran; Reformed & Presbyterian; Anabaptist (Amish, Mennonite, and German Brethren), Anglican, Congregational, Baptist, Wesleyan-Methodist; Restorationist Christian (Christian Churches, Churches of Christ, and Disciples of Christ); Holiness; Pentecostal and Charismatic.
Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, and Vajrayana Buddhism.
This applies to all major religions
Everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want to believe. What I don’t like is the mentality of “I’m right you, you are wrong” Have peace with everyone regardless of what they believe as long as there is no harm involved.
I agree with the whole keep it peaceful however, 1 side will be wrong. We all have to find out when we die.
And the there is religion
Israel and Palestine are the perfect example of using their Holy Book as source from thousand of years ago to evict the local there
Claiming that any particular religion is true is on the same level as claiming that the sun revolves around the earth or that the earth is flat. You would not correct people like that?
@@divusartemis2045 What are the chances that you of all people are able to convince them that their believes are wrong when they lived their whole lives believing in what they believe? Unless they open to discussing their opinions about something or are out there bothering others about their beliefs then rather best to keep to yourself. Otherwise it'll just mean you looking for conflict. let them be. if they out there happy with their lives and living peacefully with people different and you happy with yours then it shouldnt be a problem as to if they believe in unicorns or as if Earth is shaped like Chuck Noris face.
Let people believe in what they wish, if that gives them peace and comfort. If it doesn't harm anyone, it should be totally fine. In my experience, the problem with religion usually comes in the form of harm, even if it is done subconsciously.
I grew up in a Muslim family, and it's basically not an option to change beliefs as you will get into some serious shit with your family for that. I guess the tolerance level is different for everyone.
Yeah, religion is less of an issue somewhere like Europe. But try saying that we should all just "let everyone believe what they believe" in a non European country. In the US it's in the middle, in the middle east it's not exactly something that goes well. Too much genocide, oppression, and violent hate.
48:40 There are tablets from Ashnurbanepal's library (where the Epic of Gilgamesh was found), that complain about this very thing millennia prior to the Greek Philosophers.
"Everybody wants to write a book nowadays! Society is falling apart!" - along those lines.
tbh most people think Christianity is a white religion but it started in the middle east and was in africa WAYYY before any of the white people got to it. I used to be atheist like crazy but something hit me last year and I got back into it, I understand spreading the word but theres a difference between that and forcing the religion and actually practicing opposite of the bible such as judgement and ridicule, so both "christians" that do that, and atheists that do it too are both equally cringe basically just dont be a dick either way EDIT: to clarify the edgy atheists that just spread hate and ridicule every ounce of religious text or prayers or believers etc are no better than christians who do the same except to non religious people. the people that are such are not real christians. as the bible said even brothers and sisters are wolves and sheeps clothing. other than that idc what religion you are or not you cool god bless yall
So basically the athiests are upset with the Catholic Church but blame it on Christianity in general
I honestly don't care if people believe in divinity or not. It's their own life and they can do whatever they like with it. The only thing that bothers me is when some of them try to convert me to believe in their value system.
Same, I'm not an atheist but I'm supportive of people who limit themselves, if they try to enforce their own law then I have a problem
But thats like the core principle of their religion. Like i dont even consider person a christian if he hasnt tried to tell me about hes saviour Jesus. Once you get that it gets easy to tell them to fuck off because trust me than they get normal because rejection is normal for real christians. Source:non-believer married to crazy christian lady.
Members of a church... not all, but many... are encouraged to reach out and ask you to join. That is because when you reject them, they feel bad, and when they return to the community with a story of the rejection, they are welcomed home with open arms. The urge to leave a group that one feels is there when they are down is, therefore, snuffed out.
The behavior is, ironically, the same among r/atheism redditors. They brag about wanting to turn people away from religion, attempt to do so irl, get rejected, and find comfort in upvotes from the community.
@Bocchi-673e How is their going or not going to hell your problem? Mind your own sh.t! I for one, I have no need for you to meddle in my affairs. You can go wherever you choose or wherever you are welcome, as far as I am concerned.
@Bocchi-673e You got the demon to lash out. Lol. 2EZ GG
Finally, the full version
Time to watch the comment section be totally well mannered.
@@Rat-King27seems to be on good track right now. Not saying that ironically either. But theres still time.
@@Hertacleshonestly surprised, whenever religion is bought up people tend to get blood thirsty, but I've only seen a handful of cringelords.
@@Rat-King27 because asmongold viewers are part of the old demographic, if the video were talking about Anime, a lot of commenters would be the opposite of civilized and attacking it, 😂
The thing about needing a sign from God that he is real according to the Bible is that they won't believe even if they see the sign. It will be denied or explained away. That type of thing.
"For those with faith, no evidence is necessary. For those without faith, no evidence is sufficient."
Case in point: Jesus
"I wish God would come down and tell me"
*Jesus shrugs*
What makes Reddit especially garbage with the upvote-downvote system, is the fact that it only shows the difference. If you make a post with 1000 upvotes and 1100 downvotes, it doesn't look like a fairly divisive post with people on both sides. It looks like a post that is massively hated with 100 downvotes.
But it's even worse, because people first look at the votes on a post before they even think about it. So in reality a post is massively affected by the first few interactions, as those will set the expectations of future viewers who might have been on the fence. And so everyone who could have been neutral, have now been influenced by a deceptive "score" to think that this post is something almost unanimously hated by the community. And for many people their group think brain kicks in and reasons why they agree as well.
Reddit is group think incapsulated.
I used to hate preachers and religious zealots until I met an internet Atheist.
Lol I guess atheism can be a religion after all
If people lack self awareness they gonna be what they hate@@1x1boop28
@@1x1boop28It is!
The irony is that the Judeo-Christian sects are are all about how unbelievers will hate you and that proves the religion correct. So being nasty to them will not cause them to reject the faith, it will cause them to dig in!
I'm a Christian and the amount of hostility I encounter online is staggering. In my personal life, I haven't ran into this kind of hostility.
Yeah I know right.
all keyboard warriors
True...everyone seems so divided until you freaking take a walk outside.
Anonymity brings out the worst in people
I got banned from there for quoting Ayn Rand on a flaw of communism.
What I've always liked about 4chan is nobody pretends to be civil or intelligent. In the jungle, everybody goes apedick on everybody else. Reddit's failure is they tried to be serious.
thing is... you didn't need moderators in there. The reason is that intelligent people could easily destroy trolls emotionally if they were given free hands. Meanwhile in reddit and steam moderators like to protect trolls by banning both users (they only touch trolls in one month and only if there was actual flamewar).
@@Tespri LMAO groupthink is just as pervasive on 4chan. That's why it's always been so easy to farm >(YOU)'s
@@exmerion not comparable and farm? What?
@@exmerion How do you farm when there's no karma to farm
@@williamdrum9899 it's not karma. Farming (YOU)s is just collecting a bunch of replies in a thread. Usually angry replies.
I remember my atheist phase believe it or not it was very short lived and tbh i never went out of my way to as a 13 to 15 year old to go out of my way to insult others for religous beliefs (probably because i never had a reddit account) because i was and still am socially conservative but anyway just another chapter in my life i thought id shared with you fellow strangers anyway have a good day
You have a good day, too, I hope :)
10:40 it's globally. Especially in Muslim countries there are many christians that are persecuted.
I still feel guilty after watching porn atheism never stopped me
It's cucking... I try to remember that when I watch it.
You feel guilty because you know that it is sin. Sexual immortality is wrong.
We are all guilty of sin infront of a holy God and deserve punishment! The good news is Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross for our sins! All those that believe in Jesus Christ alone are saved! Don't reject God's love! Don't reject God's gift of salvation! Repent and follow Jesus! 🙏❤
@@daltonnelson94 thanks dad
@@WindayDoinDamage Sin is bad, because it is bad for you. It is addiction that will put you into repeating cycle, eventually you will lose so much because of it, it will affect your life badly. Eventually at the very end every sin leads to death. And that is why it can not be accepted, God does not want that cycle that eventually leads to death. So everyone is given the choice, eventually he will take people that don't want to sin into his kingdom. It's very simple to understand.
@@Zemlja_je_ravnanobody asked.
The thing with hair loss thing is that you have to constantly take care of it, even after surgery. (Pills, micro needling, topical ointments...).. It's always prolonging the inevitable. No matter what you do, at some point in ur life, you will lose ur hair if you genes tell you to. I have researched the shit out of it. And as a dude who girls stop on the road to ask me "can u pls tell me what do you do with ur hair" (I'm tryharding that shit),... I chose to just let it go if it starts falling. I see the people who have emotional problems are the ones who don't let go, I ain't gonna go trough that. I'ma just get bigger, shave my head and let the beard grow.
I was curious how effective those hair treatments are. How frequent do you have to do the needling or ointment? I went bald (gotta shave actually it's a few millimeters long now) purely because my hairline started fading and giving me a rounded widows peak. Oh well, guess I'll take care of my beard instead
Read Small Gods by Terry Pratchet! 1 of the main points the book makes is that by going out of your way to disprove religion, you're giving the god or religion more power. I highly fucking recommend! It's an absurdist fantasy novel that's actually really funny and does such a good job on explaining religion and gods in a very fair manner
I dont remember that being a point in it. It came across to me as a critique of following the dogma and rituals of religion without actually thinking about what you are doing, or even beleiving in it.
Also the danger of group think and how it can get more and more extreme and toxic when no one stops and thinks "hey should I really torture this guy to death because he prayed wrong?"
Stuff like that.
Just curious, what in the book led you to your conclusion? 😊
Thanks for the recommendation
Wasn’t the Oh God Of Hangovers in that book? I think that’s one we’ve all worshipped at one stage or another….
I havent read the book but I don't think that really makes much sense.
You can say that about anything. The more you show hostility towards someone for something, the less likely you are to convince them to change their mind.
But trying to disprove religion doesn't really give it more power(unless your method of disproving is hostile) questioning it and pointing out its flaws, weakens it as it leads to less people believing, no?
I was a hardcore atheist for nearly 40 years. I nearly died and had an outer body experience. I could see my own body from 3 meters in the air. I remember my grandmother talking about how she had one and i never believed her. Since then I'm religious. I can't deny we have a soul as mine tried to leave.
Out of body experiences have been scientifically tested and proven only to be a figment of their imaginations. When the body is about to die, the brain starts lighting up like crazy and hormones like dmt are released in spurts giving you all these weird experiences.
Sadly, everything that makes you "you" is situated in the brain. There is no reason to suggest that there is anything more than that.
they have done experiments where they put a piece of paper near the patient's body as they are being resusitated. None of the people who claimed an out of body experience could say what the paper said
NDEs are just brain doing crazy stuff
I actually loved this video, usually Reddit is just weird as a whole entity for me but I’ve found it useful for little tidbits of information/content
As I’ve gotten older (I’m 33) I’ve gotten more religious. If I have spare time and was near a church I would go in and sit for 15 minutes which then turned into me praying. I wasn’t going to mass but just being in the chapel and surrounded with the faith it actually makes me feel good and at ease.
Pick up the Bible New Testament is a really good read ( it’s all good ) your doing good my Man
@@hm-tr2lh I was raised catholic and went to a catholic school and I believe I still have my bible from school somewhere in my parents house. I was never fully atheist but I did “fall off” and didn’t go to mass for years outside of weddings, funerals etc.
@@fossilfern I became a Christian 5 years ago after starting seeking God who I was not sure if was real at the time.
I read the whole Bible for myself, and one day God opened my eyes and ears to the truth, it was a personal miracle I would say, when I got real saving faith, I think that is when you are born again by the Holy Spirit and everything change. I then knew what the Lord Jesus Christ had done for me on the cross and that it was true, that He had paid for my sins to save me from the judgment of sin.
He gave me understanind and assurance that I was saved by what He had done to save me, that it is by faith we are saved, our good works (trying to be a good person) do not add to His work on the cross. As we can't work our way to heaven, it is a gift from Him that is given to those who have their faith and trust in His work on the cross to be sufficient.
I don't have a Church building or know any other Christians, so I know you don't need that to be a Christian, as tradition and a building don't save us, the Lord Jesus Christ do, and He change our heart and give us the Holy Spirit.
All you need is a Bible and time to read it. May God bless you and open your eyes and ears to the truth as He diid for me 5 years ago!
Some verses for you:
Psalm 14:2
The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.
Jeremiah 29:13
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you,
which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you,
unless ye have believed in vain.
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received,
how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures
1 John 1:8-10
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Romans 3:19-26
Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law:
that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.
Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight:
for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested,
being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all
and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood,
to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past,
through the forbearance of God;
To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness:
that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
Isaiah 1:18
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord:
though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Romans 10:9-11
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness;
and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
John 3:15-18
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
John 3:3-7
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old?
can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit,
he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
Romans 5:1-2
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Galatians 1:3-5
Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,
Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Romans 10:17
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Jeremiah 6:10
To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.
The fall of a Reddit communit? Insert Jeremy Clarkson’s “oh no, anyway” meme.
I'm a zealous Christian, but my particular sect of Christianity is almost universally misunderstood and dehumanized by other Christians - to the point that I came to expect better treatment from Jews, Agnostics, Muslims, Atheists, Sikhs, Wiccans, Bahá'ís, and Pagans than from other Christians.
Religious tolerance and proactive altruism are meant to be part of Christian life, but it seems so many forget that. I can't apologize on behalf of others, but when an intolerant Christian tries to shame you, try (politely) bringing this up:
The Good Samaritan was favored over even a priest, despite his heretical beliefs, because of his love for others.
I found that it usually either shuts them up or calms them down enough to cooperate.
What sect?
I'm an atheist, but I don't go around telling people about it because I hate it when religious people constantly talk about how religious they are. Why would I want to be as obnoxious as people that annoy me?
Exactly. I'm Christian but I've had coworkers from many different religions and also atheist coworkers and we all got along well because we didn't rag on each other's beliefs. We focused on what we have in common, and our job.
Well said OP, it’s just as obnoxious and annoying both ways around. If you don’t like it, don’t do it to others. The internet needs to learn that lesson, there’s way too much ‘oh but it’s different when I do it’ BS going on
I personally think that the issue with Reddit Atheism is simply the fact that Atheism is not a religion, it's the absence of one. Most atheists never mention their belief at all, because they don't have any to begin with. So atheist communities are very rarely about actual atheism, it's about anti-theism. The dislike or hatred of religion. I don't think there is anything wrong with disliking religion as a concept, but when you make disliking a broad unspecific thing an integral part of your community that community is in most cases going to turn to shit.
Atheists needs to believe that there is no God, that is belief as well, it probably can be a religion. It's a rebellious state.
@@Zemlja_je_ravnano, there is a difference between not having a believe in god and having a believe that god doesn't exist. Atheism is merely the lack of a believe in god.
@@hermaeusmora424 God existing is a fact, now you can believe in him or not believe in him both of those are beliefs.
@@Zemlja_je_ravna No lol. You belief it is a fact. It is not a fact though no matter how much you want it to be the case.
@@hermaeusmora424 Truth is truth whatever u choose to believe. There is undeniable evidence of God's existence, it's a fact, but what you choose to believe it is your choice.
Aw man I was so confused when the video just cut mid sentence
49:54 he did come down and tell us 2000 years ago. We killed Jesus because of our own disbelief and pride.