The Rock has basically become the character "Subway" from Community. He is no longer a real human with his own personality and opinions. He is a mascot.
He's not a bad guy like he's not exactly doing anything malicious. He's just a total sellout without any integrity who'd say anything he's paid to say.
I'm sorry for endorsing calories when obesity is a thing. I'm sorry for taking back my endorsement of calories when anorexia is a thing. I'm sorry for going back on going back on my endorsement of calories when (...)
@@AwesomeCrabman Well, you say that, and yet everyone will sit here and talk like "Why did he say that? How could he forget again? What's going on here?" So, apparently it's not that obvious.
For a guy with a net worth of $800 million you'd think he could be himself. He comes across as completely disingenuous and ultimately... kind of cringy
you need to learn how hollywood works, my guy. these are not people, they are owned assets in that every single word they say and action they take is very closely monitored by people who have the power to make or break him on a moment's notice. the more famous you become, the less you will be able to "be yourself".
My coach freshman year of football used to always say “I’m not racist, I fucking hate everybody. No one’s excluded.” Fuck I loved that guy. One of the best lessons I ever learned.
@ hey, I’ll be honest with you mate, I don’t particularly remember. That was 4 months ago :( I know it must have popped into my head due to some line of relevancy in the video tho. I typically comment somewhat off the top of my head things if there’s something that clearly strikes the thought while I watch. Maybe it was just about how much celebs are finally being hated in the public eye these days, and with that context in mind, I related it to the quote about hating everyone fairly. That’s my best guess at recollecting why I left this comment, hope it helped! Also, if you or anyone else actually reads this far, Delta Sleep is a great band and you should all check them out.
The problem is once people realize every single thing that comes out of your mouth is an ad or bs statement and NEVER a candid moment, eventually people dont want to hear anything your have to say and start rolling their eyes as soon as you open your mouth.
I was trying to phrase the feeling I get when he or someone like him opens their mouth but I kept falling short. You hit the nail on the head with your comment
You understand that you've just described 99% of the people on the planet, right? The average person is about as genuine or sincere as a ruthless (term for keepers of ladies of the evening) in debt.
His biggest lies for me are his ads saying he only had $7 dollars at one point in his life like bro your family is rich and your dad was a famous wrestler..
@@hez8719 There probably WAS a point when the Rock truly only had $7 to his own name. He just omits the part where he was barely over the age of 18 at the time, living with his parents still, and paid for things using daddy's credit card.
My mom is a self made millionaire, I too have had the infamous "zero" in my bank account. I get your point, and I'm not defending him, I'm simply saying having old money in your family doesn't mean you will or even want to use it. I agree with your take, he probably did use it, but the case in general says nothing. There are better things to pick at in my opinion.
@@Killerofgods529 Owch. Remember Rock in 1996 when he came out as Maivia? He was lame as hell, everyone hated him. It was Stone Cold that got him out that rut. Dude is fake as hell.
The thing that bugs me the most about him is the “hey guys! I’m just like you!” Like shut up stop pretending. Then he gets on with Oprah and asks average people to save their mansions in Hawaii.
Yeah, that's why it doesn't bother me too much. He's a Hollywood actor. That's how they tend to be. Actors on and off screen. He's not my hero. I think he's a great actor. Like Hollywood, he's kind of fake. Oh and he doesn't juice. He just does protein and gets ripped like someone who juices. Ok, he probably juices.
@@bl8388 Yup. Actors are generally worse people than the average, not better, don't make them your heroes, but appreciate their skill (when appropriate).
This explains why Rock refuses to lose a fight or have his character die in any of the movies/shows he does, and still to this day, he hasn't. He is so obsessed with his image and has to constantly be on the winning side in everything to be as promotional as possible. That's why Shazam 2 flopped so bad, because Black Adam was supposed to fight Shazam, and Black Adam, being the super-villain, was probably supposed to lose or at least take a heavy beating. Rock refused this premise, saying he only wanted to fight Superman and quit the DCEU all together. The dude is so far up his own ass, he can't even be a real actor at the cost of a few macho-points. The video says it perfectly. The man is a walking billboard and an egomaniac.
@@andreivasile821 That movie was made long before he became anywhere near the celebrity he is now. I'm sure he died or something in The Mummy too but it was all at the foundation of his movie career, where he was forced to be humble.
His movies would be so much better if you didn't know if his character was going to survive or come out of a situation unscathed. It would also help if he stopped wearing the same outfits and taking the same roles in every movie he stars in (he literally wears the same thing almost every movie these days).
"Hey look I'm just like you guys!" he said from his multimillion dollar home, and garage with cars that cost more than I'll ever see in my bank account
Sure, he has a lot of capital, and, as long as he remains popular, huge income. Doesn't mean he cannot relate to SOME issues other people have, nor does it mean that setting up a fund for Maui is a bad thing. Just because some people have it worse, and some people have it a lot worse, doesn't mean there aren't a lot of people who could easily donate tens, hundreds or thousands of dollars without it affecting their life at all. I do think Dwayne's public image is largely a marketing front though, and that his products are largely unhealthy, over expensive, addictive shit. And yeah, definitely using a whole slew of PEDs.
I'm curious.. what do you mean by this? Why do you have to pick a side? Furthermore, why does his opinion matter more than yours, mine or anyone else's for that matter?
You dont have to "pick a side." Thats a dumb false diochotomy and the tribal/sports team mentality is destroying everything. He is fake and tries to avoid controversy. That alone wasnt enough to shift people to hate him either. Its combining that with the constant self-absorbed shilling of everything and tone-deaf attitude.
@@Vyperus69 Nah it’s WWE for sure. It makes sense. Theme songs for entrance. They talk trash to each other. Announce what moves they’re gonna do or say how they’re gonna beat em. They even slow motion prep the final attack. Everything is over exaggerated. Nascar is an actual pure competing sport.
@@sapperEvO Yeah cause it's entertainment. It literally says it in their slogan. You people discredit wrestlers but you couldn't stand 1 minute in their shoes. As fans we know it's scripted.
Pretty sure they didn't tell him to say it's his "first time", advertising people should know better than stipulate that. It just feels like a gaff from his end.
Yea i can't lie he had a point and I ain't watch it in so long but when i thought about it. I was like you know what he is dead on with that statement.
When the Rock threw Joe Rogan under the bus, a supposed good friend, I lost respect for him. If you publicly turn on a friend because some social media weirdos gave you a little pushback, then you have a deficit of character.
Yeah.... I definitely would not call them "good friends" lmao. Just two individuals playing at a very high level who know of and have respect for each other. That's really it.
This video doesn't go over how messed up that Maui thing really was with Oprah having so much land in Hawaii all privatised with armored guards and extra fireman keeping her property safe while the rest burned and her guards made sure residents couldn't go anywhere near.
@MerthanMerter I thought rock bottom was when a guy that has 8hundredmill asked regular people to pay for Hawaii burning...not rock bottom for oprah though, she's done waaay worse
Joe Rogan doesn't hate black people. He was making a quote that happened to contain the N-word. He was asking about his opinion regarding the quote. It's the Maui fire where I lost respect for The Rock. I agree. I can see it becoming a meme for the Rock to start every post about In-N-Out with "Trying In-N-Out for the first time."
I just googled it. You’re right (In America) Worldwide it’s 5’7.5. But That would make The Rock actually quite a bit taller than average. Idk what Asmon was on💀
For context 6000-8000 calories is how much a competitive strongman eats to stay above 330lbs… the rock is a lean 265 Greg is right he’s closer to 3500-3900 calories a day to keep his size and physique. Even professional athletes don’t normally eat 6000 calories everyday unless it’s spring training camp and the work load demands that much for recovery/maintenance
michael phelps consumed 8-10,000 calories when training for the olympics. wouldnt be a stretch to assume rock can due to size and weight. neither had a real job, so can work out all day. this is the weakest of his arguments IMO.
Michael Phelps was able to burn those calories because he spent hours in the pool that’s forcing him burn calories to maintain body heat. If you discount that, he will need to swim at full intensity for 16 hours straight to burn that much calories per day. Thus making power lifters burning calories like Phelps seem far fetch.
Competitive strongmen probably don’t train with as much volume or live a lifestyle thats generally as active. You should compare the rock to bodybuilders , not strongmen, as his training would more closely align with theirs. strength training is about a low number of repetitions with a high weight and long rest breaks, it doesn’t burn very many calories. As a bodybuilder I wouldn’t say it’s off the table that the Rock could have phases in his diets where has consistently eats 5-6k calories per day.
When I was in high school I used to eat a half dozen candy bars and sodas every day on top of eating 5 times a day. My normal meals were bigger than both of my parents combined. I made a calorie log for one of my classes and I was consuming 10-15,000 per day. At that time I was 6' and 155 lbs. I was always active with biking, running, and climbing etc. I used to get low blood sugar headaches if I didn't eat enough. An average dude at 6' with minimal activity needs around 3000 calories a day to maintain their weight. So personally I don't think that 8-10k is that out there for someone that is very active. Tl;dr metabolism and activity level make a big difference on calorie usage.
Dwayne's agent is his ex-wife, who's also Henry Cavill's agent. Whether that's the reason Cavill hasn't been getting more roles until recently or not remains to be seen, but a man like Dwayne who makes a movie about a comic book character who started out as a Shazam villain and intentionally changes the direction to _not_ have Shazam in it is likely to have other demands to favor him as well.
most celebs ignore the public almost entirely. it gets filtered through their pr team, but i think its at least a little admirable that the rock personally responds and talks about it. but everybody NEEDS to understand most of the celebs are not who you think. and your lives would be healthier not having any strong opinions about the manufactured people you watch on your computers
Oh wow you mean the guy I've been using as an example for 10 fucking years when I wanna say "Don't just listen to celebrities when they tell you who to vote for, they are people who's careers are literally being paid to pretend to be someone else and read words on a script. Just because The Rock told you to vote for someone doesn't fucking mean you should believe him" is actually finally losing followers because people are realizing that movie stars and celebrities of other varieties just happen to be people who can easily be paid to say whatever you want them to say? Wow! Anyway.
Honestly my mind is blown. Nothing in the video made me like him more or less because it's all the type of shyt I know he does. And you know.. he's a celebrity. This is like watching a group of men suddenly outrage when they realize wrestling isn't real ironically enough.
@@ColdMetalz Pretty much same yeah. Dwayne's just a guy who gets paid to say shit. I don't think he's a dipshit I think he's just a celebrity, like any other. We can enjoy when they're on screen without becoming parasocially attached to them and taking political advice from them, you know?
I guess the difference between him and other celebrities is that he posts way more online than others which made people go like "wAiT tHaTs NoT tRuE!😱" way faster. This isn't any different from any other celebrity and i find this backlash kind of hilariously ridiculous, its like telling a kid that Santa isn't real and the kid is throwing a fit after that.
The problem with lying about small things like that (especially over and over), is they are most likely are pathological liars. This would then mean they lie about EVERYTHING, big or small, even lies supporting the lies. Now they can't be trusted, and when you can't trust someone, you tend to not like them.
Give him a chance guys, memory loss is no joke, my uncle had that until it became Alzheimer, that's how you start, forgetting the smallest, insignificant things For an example, I'm lying as well, I don't have an uncle with Alzheimer 😬.. but yeah that's how you start
@AtelierOfWeebs: Three minutes in, and I was thinking the same thing. Who knows how many head hits he took as a wrestler, but he could have early onset dementia or some other form of memory impairment.
That phrase is money for real they just don't know it yet! LOL "Every time the Rock eats a Double Double with grilled onions it's like the very first time!" [fade in Foreigner song as Dwayne bites his In N Out burger and satisfyingly smiles] The commercial makes itself. LOL
That’s the thing he want to be in everything and it has to be done his way if not his princess guts get hurt 😂💀 in every movie “the rock” can’t never lose a fist fight is such disgusting acting like a Steven Seagal 🤡
i think the big problem is rock teaming up with oprah on the maui bullchit that is going on. i think there is a very real chance that land that got burned up in maui is being stolen by the powers that be. it is prime real estate for devlopment. but the majority of it was houses. alot of smoke around that whole situation.
Yes. Maui's sugar cane industry has now entirely moved to Florida and Louisiana, that land will be much more valuable converted to luxury eco tourism properties. Timed during peak interest rates so most fire victims couldn't reasonably rebuild.
I mean how else are the uber rich supposed to 'conquer' if colonialism and brute force isn't an option? Gotta manufacture a crisis that everyone believes, pull on some heart strings, and sneak in the back door to do your real biding and no one will bat an eye.
I don't think the Rock is a villain, yet. I do think this is a move to stay relevant in the public because he's only known for three things: superhero movies (or movies in general) Wrestling, and working out. If the man is in his 50s and losing ground in these 3 categories, look for some important topic to attach yourself to, and mold yourself around it. That doesn't make him a villain, it makes him a stupid idiot. He's not standing for anything, he's falling for everything. He's not dipping his toes into a topic 100% to avoid conflict, but can't keep his mouth shut and stay out of the situation to prevent even the smallest backlash. The only way he can become a villain is if he goes against the public who made him who he is or drops his PR team and just runs his mouth without filters.
I looked up to him. Now he has amnesia. It's so sad. I hope he's ok. I learned to do the eyebrow thing because of him. Legit. He's always been a rock in my life. Without him I wouldn't know what a rock is.
I see the rock as Homelander for some reason. I think its something with all the smiles and the fact he could most likely crush your skull with one hand
this reminds me of commander Shepard and him saying "I'm commander Shepard this is my favorite store on the citadel" only this is in real live and people are mad at it
@luissalles3861 Wrong. What does you working in a grocery store have anything to do with the topic at hand? I can't speak for every employee ever who was out emptying trash, but Rock is clearly lying and that's the point. Your argument doesn't make much sense
@luissalles3861I've heard that happens at places like Fresh Market. People get tips for bringing people's groceries out even though upper management doesn't want them to.
@Wigglers Most non-tipping services do not allow their employees to accept tips because of tax purposes. It's something they have to record and send to the IRS, as recorded tips (including cash) have to be reported so taxes are deducted from the employees pay properly and its something that most companies don't want to have to deal with.
@@ValkynShade the only thing I can think is that people are so bored that they need some drama to spice their life, at least is better than living in some parts of africa, haiti right now or a lot of countries in latinoamerica that have a lot of really huge problems
@@ValkynShadeFamous people have taken the place of our ancient gods. It is not strange or weird, it's embedded in the human psyche. Seeking a higher power, demi-gods, powerful humans to distract us, soothe us, beings to identify with, or provide the morals of a culture and finally provide our salvation. Acting like it's weird is ignoring what humanity is because you wish it were not what it is.
Didnt the rock and oprah keep the donation money? I wish he also talked about dwayne’s “rules” that he has set for any movie that he’s apart of, like how he can never lose, never be the villian, etc
That's correct. It's also not a good look for advertisers and companies who would use your brand for their exposure to have a celebrity openly admitting to taking illegal drugs.
Reason I got mad respect for Noel Deyzel. His entire career is built on transparency, he even says why he went into steroid use and if / how he'd recommend it or not.
My pops had an interesting theory. Haven’t watched all this and pops is a super conspiracy nut but I mentioned the rock around him once and he went off on this rant about how this is the third time they’ve cloned the rock and he’s melting down. Truly a wild ride. My guess is he’s busy like Asmon said and is SUPER into roids.
Yeah The Rock got bigger ever since that one movie about the Miami guy with Mark Walberg. He admitted that the DNC came forth and wanted him to run for president.
Dude, he leaked false information to the press to get a positive article about the financial situation of Black Adam. If that's not lying i don't know what is 😂
I agree with Asmond. I went burger hopping in my town, trying all the best/promoted name burgers at places in my town. My girlfriend pointed out a few times when I mentioned wanting to try a certain burger that night that I already judged that place and their burger a few months ago. I'm also very busy, every day is cramped with stuff to do and barely any time for myself. It's easy to forget these things when you have a lot going on.
Or the worlds fattest man. 6k is getting up there but its not a crazy amount. To do a couple times a week…im a fairly skinny guy under 6 feet and trust me, i have put away 5k in a sitting many times. There are some foods that are devastating calorie wise…eat a full days worth of food and then sit down at night with some games and big bag of honey roasted mixed fancy nuts and some reeses cups and tell me u cant do 6k calories.
As someone who's trained in Bodybuilding and is over 6'0, 6,000-8,000 cals/day is NOT easy even for someone of his size. As Greg Doucette said- the Rock, in his own words when explaining or demonstrating his diet accounts for 3,000-4,000 calories (which is a normal calorie allotment for a hypertrophy goal for someone of his size). So it is definitely odd for him to say in interviews that he eats 6,000-8,000 calories a day. Maybe during one of his infamous cheat days, MAYBE. But those cheat days account for one day in a several month program. Bottom line- I think he lies and pads his calories to the extreme during promotion events for his movies so it makes him look more hard-core than he actually is. (Because the missing x factor in his diet that he doesn't advertise is probably HGH and T supplementation)
I think hes trying to cover up his steroid use. Normies who don't know anything about diet/exercise will assume that the high calories are an explanation for how he can stay so jacked in his 50's, even though it doesn't work like that.
100% Even when I was working at Chipotle and tracking everything in my diet for bodybuilding, I maxed out at 5,000 calories in a day with the free meals they offered for the slave labor. It was way more than I needed to put on muscle.
@@Tdawg-b2b exactly, I was a body builder in the early 90s and competed etc.. one thing I never did was lie about steroids. Yes I did them for over 3 years straight because YOU HAVE TO to get that kind of size, but when I was on them and later when I was off I would always tell the truth, why not. So please when all these guys lie, it pisses me off, just tell the truth
Thing is, it seems like everyone pretends to know what they're talking about when it comes to calories and weight. I have first hand experience, I spent weeks eating over 10k calories which is actually insanely easy considering a fucking honeybun is 400+ calories. Some people that smoke bud(myself included) have an endless appetite when they smoke. 10k calories is a joke, I could hit well over 20k if I had the money, I literally just don't get full. I ate 15 MASSIVE plates of popcorn shrimp in 2 hours at a buffet with a girlfriend just for the fuck of it, I almost got kicked out because of it, they were pretty mad. And what do you know, I didn't gain any weight, just as I never do, regardless of how much I eat. I eat less than 1k calories now 95% of days for well over a year and I drop like 5 pounds. My body is virtually resistant to weight change. My mother, who I take care of, weighs like 220 and her weight only budges plus or minus 10-15 pounds and she eats less than 750 calories pretty much every day and has for years upon years. I also have a friend who's weight barely moves and he eats less than 1k calories most days.
It would be wild to find out a certain ingredient in an innout burger gives the rock amnesia and then proceed to see him eat more through out the years and then record every instance like it was the first time.
Uh, those hits are real you know lmao Sure they aren't getting hit as hard as if the person hitting them was actually trying to do damage, but they are still getting hit
Wrestling is staged, but you can't fake a 300 pound man elbow dropping you. Even if the floor is designed to soften the impact by not being rigid like concrete. The winner is determined. But the moves are as real as you can get a stage play. Hell, I couldn't do it. Getting thrown onto a bed of nails, having a chair smashed over your skull - Even if it's designed to bust on impact, it's still being swung by a gorilla of a man, then being expected to get up and keep going.
@@Naxthural I wouldn't say the moves are "real" as they train the choreography of the moves in advance to prevent injury. But yes there is a limit to how much they can mitigate, they just tank some of that shit. And sometimes there are accidents.
If the chair shots were fake, they wouldn't have banned them in WWE after all of the concussions people got. This is common knowledge that is well documented and any wrestling fan will tell you the same.
He's always been a crook. And! A huge thing was that they had fire fighters at their mansions ready to fight the fires off in Hawaii well before the fire started. So that's actually when they turned the comments off. Not because of lack of funding. So the people are confused.. as they should be.
celebrities doesn't comment of UA-cam, doesn't write their Instagram's and doesn't thank you on Facebook for being on their show. They probably doesn't even read their emails. They all have dedicated teams to deal with that online presence and fans.
Not sure about celebrity life, but after a certain wealth level people outsource every part of their lives. Only their physiological functions can't be done by someone else.
What's weird to me is that he's OK with being a shill for a fast food company. He has $squillions, so doesn't need the money. So why be a sellout? Seems unnecessary and a bit greedy.
@@paulw5039 I mean, if a company came up to me regardless of level of wealth im at and said, we will give you XXXXX amount of dollars to put on your social media that would take me less than a half hour to make with a picture of a fast food joint, I am taking it. Money is money and even as a millionaire, if your not careful, that money can disappear fast. Its why people at that wealth go bankrupt so fast due to lack of foresight on spending and as a celebrity, as the video showed, your image is the most important way to make money and keep you in the biz.
@@klavier285not even just that but the richer you are the higher the taxes and maintenance for there lifestyle also probably a brand ambassador to drop a ad every now and then
I can totally believe that the rock forgets he's been to In-N-Out every couple of years. There are streamers who completely forget that they play certain games (even full playthroughs of them) because they play so many games all year, every year. I'm pretty sure Asmon has forgotten some games he's done full playthroughs of a couple of years ago. Considering all the various things he does and how busy he probably is every day, I can totally see him just not remembering eating a certain restaurant multiple times.
@@the_ejj Why not 3 times? The gap between each one was like 2-5 years each. Consider how this guy eats normally. He's super rich and super famous. He probably eats the most amazing, high quality, Michelin star food from all over the world. You think he's gonna remember so mid fast-food burger he had once 2 or more years ago? It's just like streamers again. They remember the games that they thought were legitimately amazing and good.. Or ones that were exceptionally bad, because both leave a lasting impression. Some okay or mid game is the first to be forgotten.
the rock (for the 18th time): So this is my first time going to an in&out burger, never had this before and I'm pretty excited (burning memory starts playing)
That's the weird thing tho. Dudes a billionaire. Why does he still value putting up lies for money when he could actually come clean, be liked and not sell a fake narrative to kids who look up to him? Dudes basically an icon for alot of young people yet he sells this idea of "eat 8000 calories and work out and you'll look like me" when in reality all that'll do is sell this fake dream to thousands of impressionable kids. At some point he should just be himself cause he's literally drowning in cash. He's got generational wealth that'll last a millenia. Just shows what kind of dude he is.
@@Unknownz000 Yeah, that's what I would think too. But then again, perhaps there are a lot more people involved with his "businesses" that are also on "roids" and, other companies that affiliate with the rocks businesses, etc, etc, etc. That make it so from a business perspective its better to lie about. The problem is that telling the "truth" about steroid use is only somewhat starting to be accepted since about the last 5 years or so. All generations before that are still in the mindset it has to be a secret. But in the case of the rock, he could indeed just set the example! Especially considering how he's situated nowadays.
"apparently people hate the rock now" hell i couldn't stand the dude years ago lol became obvious to anyone with an average awareness that the dude is super narcissistic and fake, he has this main character syndrome with that smile he gives you where after he walks away he is like "this fuckin loser should've kissed the ground i walked on". Like all of his "kindness" comes off super fake and PR like, he has a history where certain people didn't take his shit and his narcissistic like personality started leaking into the open... not diagnosing him just saying how it comes off. At the end of the day though idc, like him or not i just don't watch movies he is in, i don't hate on him, and i live my own life usually at bare minimum rolling my eyes when someone gushes over him.
You're technically correct... if they're only using the amount to do so. but yeah, that dude was juiced to the balls even in WWE. The year he wore that shirt following his gyno surgery gets overlooked a lot.
I'm w/ you. He's definitely on other gear. But as a 42YO man that's on TRT, myself. I can tell you that it's easy to abuse the TRT thing also. Especially if you're rich like the Rock. All you need is a yes man type doctor. It's just weird that he lies.
*"What else has he lied about?"*
Right? He's probably not even a rock!
Bro you just broke internet with this comment! 😂😂😂
No it still works for me
He’s a mineral.
Biboo lost her faith 😢
Rock ain’t lying…he’s been cloned 3 times so it was his first time having In-n-Out Prace
monkaW the clones escaped from the factory
The Rock, The Boulder, The Crag, The Mineral
lol, loved that you included prace
@@RDV333😂The little deformed clone is The pebble
The Rock has basically become the character "Subway" from Community. He is no longer a real human with his own personality and opinions. He is a mascot.
Eat fresh.
Nothing about him seems genuine
Love this comment
At least he isn't a chomo.
you saying he's a mascot actually makes a lot of sense
"I'm in a movie called Black Adam. This is my first movie and I'm so excited that I'm finally getting my big break!"
What are you talking about man? He was fucking awsome in be cool
@@claeslindgren2704 Read the room, dude. Read the title. Watch the video. Understand the scenario. Understand the concept of a joke.
I would say his big break was The Scorpion King
@@claeslindgren2704 I didn't see the movie "Be Cool"
Wait a second! I distinctly remember his most famous movie he was in! DOOM
He's not a bad guy like he's not exactly doing anything malicious.
He's just a total sellout without any integrity who'd say anything he's paid to say.
That's all politicans actors bankers and lawyers you described and 99% of humanity.
@@zarhun7You might want to talk to somebody about that crippling lack of trust.
@@zarhun7 99% is a huge exaggeration. It's more like 98.7%.
A real "Ron Burgundy"
Johnny sins be like “Guys, I just lost my virginity”
Nah, i think most straight dudes could say that without it being a lie. Its just not the kind of virginity youre thinking of.
What? Grammar ain't grammaring in this one.
@@divypatel1002 damn you autocorrect!!!
Wait, why did it autocorrect me to begin with?
@@eugenesis8188 youre right, cause gay dudes lose it when theyre 14-16 to a 40-45 year old(actually a huge issue in the community)
Johnny has done both "styles" my friend @@eugenesis8188
Dwayne "The Ad" Johhnson was an excellent analysis. Perfect accuracy.
It’s how I feel too. Every time I see him he’s selling something lol.
I like this name lol
He's not just a person anymore. He's a walking, talking brand
"Why the f*ck does everybody care about celebrity endorsements???" Truest sh*t I've always wanted to yell out for many years! THANK YOU.
we're herd animals...
a nation of followers looking
for someone to follow.
the rock regrets endorsing water after learning about all the people who drowned
But then next week do a Dasani ad and say he never tried it before didn’t even know how to buy it.
I'm sorry for endorsing calories when obesity is a thing.
I'm sorry for taking back my endorsement of calories when anorexia is a thing.
I'm sorry for going back on going back on my endorsement of calories when (...)
First time having water. Wish me luck guys.
@@BloodfelX Binge Purge! Binge Purge!
@@strategygaming5830you know who drank water? Hitler.
It's a technique. Those In-n-Out videos are CLEARLY paid ads.
Ya think?😂
is there any actual footage of him actually eating it? I doubt people that rich would even consider eating that crap.
No shit Sherlock
@@MultiChrisjb You don't think it's good?
@@AwesomeCrabman Well, you say that, and yet everyone will sit here and talk like "Why did he say that? How could he forget again? What's going on here?"
So, apparently it's not that obvious.
For a guy with a net worth of $800 million you'd think he could be himself. He comes across as completely disingenuous and ultimately... kind of cringy
Old school rock was my favorite.. the guy sold out
He gives Will Smith vibes...
he always seemed like a tool
Can you smellllllllllllllllllllllllllll
you need to learn how hollywood works, my guy. these are not people, they are owned assets in that every single word they say and action they take is very closely monitored by people who have the power to make or break him on a moment's notice. the more famous you become, the less you will be able to "be yourself".
My coach freshman year of football used to always say “I’m not racist, I fucking hate everybody. No one’s excluded.” Fuck I loved that guy. One of the best lessons I ever learned.
How does that relate to this video?
@ hey, I’ll be honest with you mate, I don’t particularly remember. That was 4 months ago :( I know it must have popped into my head due to some line of relevancy in the video tho. I typically comment somewhat off the top of my head things if there’s something that clearly strikes the thought while I watch. Maybe it was just about how much celebs are finally being hated in the public eye these days, and with that context in mind, I related it to the quote about hating everyone fairly. That’s my best guess at recollecting why I left this comment, hope it helped! Also, if you or anyone else actually reads this far, Delta Sleep is a great band and you should all check them out.
So Dwayne Johnson's popularity is sinking like a..
I c wut u did ther and I like it! :)
Daaaaaaamn! Like a dwayne, right? Does a johnson float? English is not my native tongue. 🥲
He's going over like a lead zeppelin.
It's going down the Dwayne
Like a Stone Cold Steve Austin
The problem is once people realize every single thing that comes out of your mouth is an ad or bs statement and NEVER a candid moment, eventually people dont want to hear anything your have to say and start rolling their eyes as soon as you open your mouth.
Remember when the rock and Kevin hart were the top comedy duo ?
@@ryanmussell739 Who? When?
I was trying to phrase the feeling I get when he or someone like him opens their mouth but I kept falling short. You hit the nail on the head with your comment
You understand that you've just described 99% of the people on the planet, right? The average person is about as genuine or sincere as a ruthless (term for keepers of ladies of the evening) in debt.
@@dvaunt3516 Yeah that's just pessimism talking. Most people are genuine. You're just looking for the worst of people.
I just don't care about celebrities. They mean nothing to me, and don't enrich my life in any way, so why should I invest any emotion into them?
I hope more people are like that on planet earth
hes the final boss. show some respect. he beat cody rhodes and seth rollins in a tag team match with roman reigns
Gotta love when news write something abot "some star" or "influenser" did someting and i'm like who and why i should care
They take from you and everyone else, so at least harbor some resentment. If you ignore them they'll just take everything.
Because putting your head in the sand doesn't make bad things disappear.
The difference between The Rock and Stone Cold is that Steve Austin isn't and A-Hole IRL.
Lol steve austin always looked like someones abusive step dad
@@jasonisfamous6544 right Hahha
He got in trouble for beating his ex wife. The drunk loser schtick wasn't an act.
Uhhhh….i guess you’ve never looked into his real life
His biggest lies for me are his ads saying he only had $7 dollars at one point in his life like bro your family is rich and your dad was a famous wrestler..
It’s the typical I had nothing I was raised from nothing type deal
The Rock at some point probably only had $7 in his pocket.... his bank account however..
The Rock. The type of guy to say he has no food because all the food in the house needs to be cooked.
@@hez8719 There probably WAS a point when the Rock truly only had $7 to his own name. He just omits the part where he was barely over the age of 18 at the time, living with his parents still, and paid for things using daddy's credit card.
My mom is a self made millionaire, I too have had the infamous "zero" in my bank account. I get your point, and I'm not defending him, I'm simply saying having old money in your family doesn't mean you will or even want to use it. I agree with your take, he probably did use it, but the case in general says nothing. There are better things to pick at in my opinion.
A Hollywood star is fake... WoW!!! Didn't see that one coming at all! 🤦🏻♂
A WWE wrestler, going by his stage name, is faking things other than wrestling?
You don't get it. The point is that he's fake even COMPARED TO EVERY OTHER HOLLYWOOD STARS.
@@Killerofgods529 the fact that you comment this much it means you care too
@@Killerofgods529 Owch. Remember Rock in 1996 when he came out as Maivia? He was lame as hell, everyone hated him. It was Stone Cold that got him out that rut.
Dude is fake as hell.
@@Tchudstone cold? It was the nation.
The thing that bugs me the most about him is the “hey guys! I’m just like you!” Like shut up stop pretending. Then he gets on with Oprah and asks average people to save their mansions in Hawaii.
He got it on with Oprah? That sly dog.
Nah, there were normal homes being destroyed. People who have lived in the islands for literally centuries.
Yeah, that's why it doesn't bother me too much. He's a Hollywood actor. That's how they tend to be. Actors on and off screen. He's not my hero. I think he's a great actor. Like Hollywood, he's kind of fake. Oh and he doesn't juice. He just does protein and gets ripped like someone who juices. Ok, he probably juices.
@@bl8388 Yup. Actors are generally worse people than the average, not better, don't make them your heroes, but appreciate their skill (when appropriate).
@@bl8388 he's not a great actor though. Just a Schwarzenegger wannabe with 0 charisma.
II've been saying for ages the rock NEVER eats his cheat meal or even HIS OWN energy drink on screen!
This explains why Rock refuses to lose a fight or have his character die in any of the movies/shows he does, and still to this day, he hasn't. He is so obsessed with his image and has to constantly be on the winning side in everything to be as promotional as possible. That's why Shazam 2 flopped so bad, because Black Adam was supposed to fight Shazam, and Black Adam, being the super-villain, was probably supposed to lose or at least take a heavy beating. Rock refused this premise, saying he only wanted to fight Superman and quit the DCEU all together. The dude is so far up his own ass, he can't even be a real actor at the cost of a few macho-points.
The video says it perfectly. The man is a walking billboard and an egomaniac.
He did die with Samuel L Jackson in THE OTHER GUYS
@@andreivasile821 That movie was made long before he became anywhere near the celebrity he is now. I'm sure he died or something in The Mummy too but it was all at the foundation of his movie career, where he was forced to be humble.
@@Sammy-mm6rv hmmm true dat
He may be an ego maniac, but he's The People's Maniac.
His movies would be so much better if you didn't know if his character was going to survive or come out of a situation unscathed. It would also help if he stopped wearing the same outfits and taking the same roles in every movie he stars in (he literally wears the same thing almost every movie these days).
"Hey look I'm just like you guys!" he said from his multimillion dollar home, and garage with cars that cost more than I'll ever see in my bank account
Hey we will see it in our bank account just the negative version 😂
Wait until the Zimbabwe inflation. Everyone's gonna be a millionaire. Gallon of milk will be $250,000.
@@matthewgordon9341those options tradings really didn’t work out.
Sure, he has a lot of capital, and, as long as he remains popular, huge income. Doesn't mean he cannot relate to SOME issues other people have, nor does it mean that setting up a fund for Maui is a bad thing. Just because some people have it worse, and some people have it a lot worse, doesn't mean there aren't a lot of people who could easily donate tens, hundreds or thousands of dollars without it affecting their life at all.
I do think Dwayne's public image is largely a marketing front though, and that his products are largely unhealthy, over expensive, addictive shit. And yeah, definitely using a whole slew of PEDs.
hey bro, you are being pessimistic, with inflation you might see that much in your bank account someday
rock is a example of how in trying to please everybody you end up pleasing nobody, as unfortunate as it is you really have to pick a side to succeed
I'm curious.. what do you mean by this? Why do you have to pick a side? Furthermore, why does his opinion matter more than yours, mine or anyone else's for that matter?
@@KenrikStarling when did he say his opinion matters more than anyone elses?
it's pretty funny that he doesn't understand this because he was wrestling while Steve Austin was at his peak
It's not that you have to "pick a side", you just have to be genuine.
You dont have to "pick a side." Thats a dumb false diochotomy and the tribal/sports team mentality is destroying everything. He is fake and tries to avoid controversy. That alone wasnt enough to shift people to hate him either. Its combining that with the constant self-absorbed shilling of everything and tone-deaf attitude.
If someone will lie about something pointless they will lie about anything.
Its the biggest red flag of all time.
"Redneck anime"
Best description of WWE Ive ever heard lol
That’s the first time I’ve heard this😂
I thought NASCAR was the "Redneck Anime" lol
@@Vyperus69 Nah it’s WWE for sure. It makes sense. Theme songs for entrance. They talk trash to each other. Announce what moves they’re gonna do or say how they’re gonna beat em. They even slow motion prep the final attack. Everything is over exaggerated.
Nascar is an actual pure competing sport.
South Park had the best take on wrestling. It's basically redneck theatre. 🤣
@@sapperEvO Yeah cause it's entertainment. It literally says it in their slogan. You people discredit wrestlers but you couldn't stand 1 minute in their shoes. As fans we know it's scripted.
The problem is every time he forgot he was conveniently getting paid for it but I'm sure that's just a coincidence...
Pretty sure they didn't tell him to say it's his "first time", advertising people should know better than stipulate that. It just feels like a gaff from his end.
@@KurosuKirie it's not a good look when you lie constantly
@@KurosuKirie Who cares? We live in a world where literally everyone is trying to sell you crap, but "Who cares" about the liers right?
@KurosuKirie 224.288 people seem to care. You care because you wrote the comment. Otherwise, you would have just ignored everything.
He went to In-and-out three times over the span of 7 years. I would probably forget that I went there too.
The Rock is like the girlfriend that tells you she's never done this before... but you've seen the video of her with the basketball team.
"Oh yeah I'm a virgin."
Err that's oddly specific.
@@alexanderg1935 Met your mom.
@@potato051489 😄 Fair play
He's also weird about his height. His bios and official media claim he is 6'4" or even 6'5", when he is actually only 6'1" or 6'2".
That comes from wrestling, no doubt. They always add to height and weight.
Buddy have you see him standing up straight or are you just assuming
I’m 6 2 the rock is clearly taller than I am
Calling WWE "redneck anime" is the greatest description of anything I've ever heard lol, SO accurate 😄
Yea i can't lie he had a point and I ain't watch it in so long but when i thought about it. I was like you know what he is dead on with that statement.
Specifically, Redneck Dragonball Z.
What makes it funnier is that Roman Reigns, the whole Bloodline and the Rock himself aren't white, but Samoan.
How so? WWE is very popular in Japan, are they rednecks/hillbillies too? also in India, Germany, The UK South America and now France
When the Rock threw Joe Rogan under the bus, a supposed good friend, I lost respect for him.
If you publicly turn on a friend because some social media weirdos gave you a little pushback, then you have a deficit of character.
Yeah.... I definitely would not call them "good friends" lmao.
Just two individuals playing at a very high level who know of and have respect for each other. That's really it.
@@DefeatLust nah
@@bandit6272 Yup.
@@DefeatLust silly people get ignored. Bye
This video doesn't go over how messed up that Maui thing really was with Oprah having so much land in Hawaii all privatised with armored guards and extra fireman keeping her property safe while the rest burned and her guards made sure residents couldn't go anywhere near.
What has their fund actually done???
Someone see the actual beneficial effects of any of that sheeeit?
Real talk.
Damn. That's fucked up.
Yewtewb straight up cack blockin bro!
Effers!💪🖕 😝
Where's the proof? Could you provide a link?
UA-cam tends to delete comments with links, just do a quick google search.
The Rocks hero is Steven Seagull 😂
21:57 "rock bottom" this will be the title of his netflix documentary
That’s like a triple play on words there lmao his signature move
Let me guess, everyone is dressed in leather and he's doing a doggy pose
@MerthanMerter I thought rock bottom was when a guy that has 8hundredmill asked regular people to pay for Hawaii burning...not rock bottom for oprah though, she's done waaay worse
Roid bottom
Joe Rogan doesn't hate black people. He was making a quote that happened to contain the N-word. He was asking about his opinion regarding the quote. It's the Maui fire where I lost respect for The Rock.
I agree. I can see it becoming a meme for the Rock to start every post about In-N-Out with "Trying In-N-Out for the first time."
You not that slow. He found way he thought could say n word and get away with it. Knowing would appeal to certain type his audience.
Wait do you guys think Rogan is a bad guy racist or something? Lmao
It's so rediculous. Joe is obviously no racist.
@@xavierb9061 pure brainrot.
@@xavierb9061how very liberal of you. Way to misrepresent and take out of context.
The first time the Rock picked In & Out it was for his friend Dwayne Johnson.
Humburger prace 1:26
Literally read this comment as he said it. Now I can’t stop listening to it. Lol
@@justinofioravanti2841it's UA-cam showing time-stamped comments as the video plays. Nice feature
*Hamburger prace
"The rock isnt that big. 6'4 isnt that tall compared to average" does asmon not realize average male height is only around 5'8/5'9? LMAOO
I just googled it. You’re right (In America) Worldwide it’s 5’7.5. But That would make The Rock actually quite a bit taller than average. Idk what Asmon was on💀
@@elbizz.9759 Asmon isn't known for his smarts or common sense.
So average Asmon thoughts as I know it.
Global male average is 5'7" and American male average is 5'9"
I think only 1% of men worldwide are 6'4
Idk I have a friend whose 6'5". I get it. Like he is definitely tall, but not like, freakishly so. Still, yes, it's rare to be that tall.
For context 6000-8000 calories is how much a competitive strongman eats to stay above 330lbs… the rock is a lean 265 Greg is right he’s closer to 3500-3900 calories a day to keep his size and physique. Even professional athletes don’t normally eat 6000 calories everyday unless it’s spring training camp and the work load demands that much for recovery/maintenance
michael phelps consumed 8-10,000 calories when training for the olympics. wouldnt be a stretch to assume rock can due to size and weight. neither had a real job, so can work out all day. this is the weakest of his arguments IMO.
Michael Phelps was able to burn those calories because he spent hours in the pool that’s forcing him burn calories to maintain body heat. If you discount that, he will need to swim at full intensity for 16 hours straight to burn that much calories per day. Thus making power lifters burning calories like Phelps seem far fetch.
@@whatsyourba would be a massive fucking stretch, and without steroids? lol. lmao even
Competitive strongmen probably don’t train with as much volume or live a lifestyle thats generally as active. You should compare the rock to bodybuilders , not strongmen, as his training would more closely align with theirs.
strength training is about a low number of repetitions with a high weight and long rest breaks, it doesn’t burn very many calories.
As a bodybuilder I wouldn’t say it’s off the table that the Rock could have phases in his diets where has consistently eats 5-6k calories per day.
When I was in high school I used to eat a half dozen candy bars and sodas every day on top of eating 5 times a day. My normal meals were bigger than both of my parents combined. I made a calorie log for one of my classes and I was consuming 10-15,000 per day. At that time I was 6' and 155 lbs. I was always active with biking, running, and climbing etc. I used to get low blood sugar headaches if I didn't eat enough.
An average dude at 6' with minimal activity needs around 3000 calories a day to maintain their weight. So personally I don't think that 8-10k is that out there for someone that is very active.
Tl;dr metabolism and activity level make a big difference on calorie usage.
Dwayne's agent is his ex-wife, who's also Henry Cavill's agent. Whether that's the reason Cavill hasn't been getting more roles until recently or not remains to be seen, but a man like Dwayne who makes a movie about a comic book character who started out as a Shazam villain and intentionally changes the direction to _not_ have Shazam in it is likely to have other demands to favor him as well.
Oh so that’s how they got Cavill for BA.
Witcher is dead show bc he didn’t want to do it anymore
I think Cavill just fired her recently.
Wut, DC's cinematic Shazam was already dead in the second movie, there was no reason to put him in the Black Adam movie
When u see this, over and over, it's just the tip of the iceberg. Dam, probably gonna hear about an even bigger event soon
most celebs ignore the public almost entirely. it gets filtered through their pr team, but i think its at least a little admirable that the rock personally responds and talks about it.
but everybody NEEDS to understand most of the celebs are not who you think. and your lives would be healthier not having any strong opinions about the manufactured people you watch on your
100% true and real. Keep preaching and maybe someone other than the choir will hear you.
Now I picture the Rock riding around in a convertible listening to Dennis Leary's song "I'm an Asshole" laughing the entire time.
That one for sure!
You know he be blastin that Tay Tay for realz yo!
_Shake it off!!! Shake it off!!!_
"I use public toilets, and I piss on the seat, I walk around in the summertime saying 'how bout this heat' "
@@chrisw1555 My favorite line “Sometimes I park in handicapped places,while handicapped people make handicapped faces.”
“I drive real slow, in the ultrafast lane. While the people behind me, are going insane!”
I’m an asshole!!!🎶😂
@@JediMindTrix420 My boyfriend and I quote this line every time we're taking a long drive.
"Ok, maybe I've been to In&Out before, but it was so forgettable I never want to go there for the first time again"
It went In-n-out of him
He forgot the first 2 times he been there yet documented all of it.
I mean...the guy is a wrestler...he got hit on the head a lot...
@@TheGerudan And the juice is diluting his memory.
These people get so famous they actually think the rest of the world is stupid and don’t have Brian’s and are just fake numbers on there instagram
Well I don't have a Brian 😮💨
Dwayne took steroids at in-n-out burger, big reveal
he tried to burn down an island burger because it reminded him of Hawaii
Bruh he's not on steroids, he's on the 9 ancestral tenants lol😂
It was his first time doing them at the In-and-Out Burger. Probably.
Don't forget "for the first time" 😂
Wtf? No I didn’t
Never trust celebs, people should know this
And also everyone else. Why would I trust you?
Trust No 1 period.
Don't trust Henry Cavil.
@@harpy321 because I'm awesome
Oh wow you mean the guy I've been using as an example for 10 fucking years when I wanna say "Don't just listen to celebrities when they tell you who to vote for, they are people who's careers are literally being paid to pretend to be someone else and read words on a script. Just because The Rock told you to vote for someone doesn't fucking mean you should believe him" is actually finally losing followers because people are realizing that movie stars and celebrities of other varieties just happen to be people who can easily be paid to say whatever you want them to say?
Wow! Anyway.
Honestly my mind is blown. Nothing in the video made me like him more or less because it's all the type of shyt I know he does. And you know.. he's a celebrity. This is like watching a group of men suddenly outrage when they realize wrestling isn't real ironically enough.
@@ColdMetalz Pretty much same yeah.
Dwayne's just a guy who gets paid to say shit.
I don't think he's a dipshit I think he's just a celebrity, like any other. We can enjoy when they're on screen without becoming parasocially attached to them and taking political advice from them, you know?
@@ColdMetalz w-what do you mean wrestling isn't real?
He's gonna show all tha haterz who don't know just who Tay Tay is!!!😆
I guess the difference between him and other celebrities is that he posts way more online than others which made people go like "wAiT tHaTs NoT tRuE!😱" way faster. This isn't any different from any other celebrity and i find this backlash kind of hilariously ridiculous, its like telling a kid that Santa isn't real and the kid is throwing a fit after that.
People grow sick of celebrities if you overuse them. That’s all. The Rock has definitely been overused. That’s why Black Adam failed
The problem with lying about small things like that (especially over and over), is they are most likely are pathological liars. This would then mean they lie about EVERYTHING, big or small, even lies supporting the lies. Now they can't be trusted, and when you can't trust someone, you tend to not like them.
^^^^^^THIS. It's not "Oh he lied about in and out and maybe 1 or 2 other things" this something he has done for years.
I unfortunately was raised by pathological liars..... So I can confirm >.
Give him a chance guys, memory loss is no joke, my uncle had that until it became Alzheimer, that's how you start, forgetting the smallest, insignificant things
For an example, I'm lying as well, I don't have an uncle with Alzheimer 😬.. but yeah that's how you start
@AtelierOfWeebs: Three minutes in, and I was thinking the same thing. Who knows how many head hits he took as a wrestler, but he could have early onset dementia or some other form of memory impairment.
Hue 👀ツ
That edit lmao
I know it's a joke but to be honest...
If he does develop alzheimers in his old age, and I don't wish that on anyone... That would make sense.
This is some Diary of a Wimpy Kid type joke 😅
people get mad at the silliest shit man, let the rock try in n out for the first time 3 or 4 times, fuck it
i say use it and turn it round. spin it has a catchphrase an meme the shit out of it
That phrase is money for real they just don't know it yet! LOL
"Every time the Rock eats a Double Double with grilled onions it's like the very first time!"
[fade in Foreigner song as Dwayne bites his In N Out burger and satisfyingly smiles]
The commercial makes itself. LOL
@@cerberus50caldawg Oh that is a perfect scene setting.👍
@@rustyhowe3907 I'm half expecting my commercial to air anytime now. 😆
1st minute: "I don't hate him."
5 minutes later: "I BET THIS GUY IS A HUUUUUUGE A**HOLE!!!"
“The rock is the fakest celebrity”. It’s because he doesn’t keep a low profile. He’s everywhere, I saw him doing UA-cam collabs and I’m like wtf bro
Oh yeah he did collabs with Logan Paul back in like 2013
That’s the thing he want to be in everything and it has to be done his way if not his princess guts get hurt 😂💀 in every movie “the rock” can’t never lose a fist fight is such disgusting acting like a Steven Seagal 🤡
@KingAchilles-ce7ho have you ever watched the Rundown? He gets his ass whooped and looses fights like 3 different times in that movie
Seagal has more problems than that though.
From what I heard there were multiple cases of sexual harassment among other things.
i think the big problem is rock teaming up with oprah on the maui bullchit that is going on. i think there is a very real chance that land that got burned up in maui is being stolen by the powers that be. it is prime real estate for devlopment. but the majority of it was houses. alot of smoke around that whole situation.
Blue roofs
Yes. Maui's sugar cane industry has now entirely moved to Florida and Louisiana, that land will be much more valuable converted to luxury eco tourism properties. Timed during peak interest rates so most fire victims couldn't reasonably rebuild.
I mean how else are the uber rich supposed to 'conquer' if colonialism and brute force isn't an option? Gotta manufacture a crisis that everyone believes, pull on some heart strings, and sneak in the back door to do your real biding and no one will bat an eye.
You're allowed to swear online, yknow
"you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain"
I don't think the Rock is a villain, yet. I do think this is a move to stay relevant in the public because he's only known for three things: superhero movies (or movies in general) Wrestling, and working out. If the man is in his 50s and losing ground in these 3 categories, look for some important topic to attach yourself to, and mold yourself around it. That doesn't make him a villain, it makes him a stupid idiot.
He's not standing for anything, he's falling for everything. He's not dipping his toes into a topic 100% to avoid conflict, but can't keep his mouth shut and stay out of the situation to prevent even the smallest backlash. The only way he can become a villain is if he goes against the public who made him who he is or drops his PR team and just runs his mouth without filters.
turn into a walking advertisement
This quote has turned into “if I don’t die early enough, people will hate me eventually.”
This is exactly the same thought that crossed my mind. It’s such a true quote.
I looked up to him. Now he has amnesia. It's so sad. I hope he's ok. I learned to do the eyebrow thing because of him. Legit. He's always been a rock in my life. Without him I wouldn't know what a rock is.
I see the rock as Homelander for some reason. I think its something with all the smiles and the fact he could most likely crush your skull with one hand
Holy shit, that is the best description of him.
He reminds me of male Kim Kardashian where he's more of a product than a person at this point.
@@colecooper5836 hahaha I retract my comment and put it on this one lol
this reminds me of commander Shepard and him saying "I'm commander Shepard this is my favorite store on the citadel" only this is in real live and people are mad at it
Used to work at In N Out. It's against company policy to accept tips and no employee will, as it will result in a write-up. Nice try Dwayne
@luissalles3861 Wrong. What does you working in a grocery store have anything to do with the topic at hand? I can't speak for every employee ever who was out emptying trash, but Rock is clearly lying and that's the point. Your argument doesn't make much sense
@@Wigglers I used to work there too and was thinking the exact same thing.
@luissalles3861I've heard that happens at places like Fresh Market. People get tips for bringing people's groceries out even though upper management doesn't want them to.
@Wigglers Most non-tipping services do not allow their employees to accept tips because of tax purposes. It's something they have to record and send to the IRS, as recorded tips (including cash) have to be reported so taxes are deducted from the employees pay properly and its something that most companies don't want to have to deal with.
I feel like reading a post about what the Rock is eating is far sadder than lying about how many times you've been to In-n-Out Burger.
Thank you! Glad someone said it. People are way too invested in weirdo celebrities.
This goes for "celebrities" in general. Why are people so obsessed with other people who are only famous because of Makeup, Marketing Deals or Sports?
Over a burger place is insane
@@ValkynShade the only thing I can think is that people are so bored that they need some drama to spice their life, at least is better than living in some parts of africa, haiti right now or a lot of countries in latinoamerica that have a lot of really huge problems
@@ValkynShadeFamous people have taken the place of our ancient gods. It is not strange or weird, it's embedded in the human psyche. Seeking a higher power, demi-gods, powerful humans to distract us, soothe us, beings to identify with, or provide the morals of a culture and finally provide our salvation. Acting like it's weird is ignoring what humanity is because you wish it were not what it is.
Didnt the rock and oprah keep the donation money? I wish he also talked about dwayne’s “rules” that he has set for any movie that he’s apart of, like how he can never lose, never be the villian, etc
Doom film, 2005, the rock was the villain and lost, things change but hey
@@katmenes420 that was 2005
@@katmenes420 Well you see, Karl Urban had the same "rules" so they played Rock Paper Scissor and Karl chose paper.
There's nothing wrong about having rules like those if you can still get roles despite them.
@@Thedarkbunnyrabbit true but his specific roles ive never seen something good come out of them
Looks like the only celebrity we could like nowadays is Keanu Reeves
Henry Caville, Gina Carano & Emily Blunt could be added to that list.
Kurt Russell
Steve Guttenberg
And me, Ryan Gosling
Don''t forget Weird Al.
The problem is that he's trying to be Schwarzenegger 2.0 and it's never good to try to be someone else.
That "this is my first time eating in and out" has the same vibe as asmon "this video change my life" lolol
I heard movie studios make the actors deny using steroids in their contracts. I think a guest on Joe Rogan said that.
The studios and WWE as well
The WWE tests them for steroids and if they don't find any they fire them.
@@KenjaTimu Unless you're Brock Lesnar
That's correct. It's also not a good look for advertisers and companies who would use your brand for their exposure to have a celebrity openly admitting to taking illegal drugs.
Reason I got mad respect for Noel Deyzel. His entire career is built on transparency, he even says why he went into steroid use and if / how he'd recommend it or not.
My pops had an interesting theory. Haven’t watched all this and pops is a super conspiracy nut but I mentioned the rock around him once and he went off on this rant about how this is the third time they’ve cloned the rock and he’s melting down. Truly a wild ride. My guess is he’s busy like Asmon said and is SUPER into roids.
Yeah The Rock got bigger ever since that one movie about the Miami guy with Mark Walberg. He admitted that the DNC came forth and wanted him to run for president.
Dude, he leaked false information to the press to get a positive article about the financial situation of Black Adam. If that's not lying i don't know what is 😂
I agree with Asmond. I went burger hopping in my town, trying all the best/promoted name burgers at places in my town. My girlfriend pointed out a few times when I mentioned wanting to try a certain burger that night that I already judged that place and their burger a few months ago. I'm also very busy, every day is cramped with stuff to do and barely any time for myself. It's easy to forget these things when you have a lot going on.
Sure, but when he starts going on about not knowing where to pay, or how to buy it's starts sounding absolutely stupid.
Him an Oprah can have one another... Always remember Hawaii.
Why? Why are people angry he asked for donations using his popularity? Isn't that a good thing?
Oprah aka devils advocate
@@yous2244 casue those same celebritys hired priavte firefigters to protect their own mansions then had the balls to beg the public to donate
@@the_ejj so what if they asked the public to donate after hire private fire fighters? It's their money. Not to mention they donated 5 million
@@the_ejj Oprah is such a hypocrite
People saying 6000-8000 calories is easy, is fucking insane. That’s literally worlds strongest man level of calories
Or the worlds fattest man. 6k is getting up there but its not a crazy amount. To do a couple times a week…im a fairly skinny guy under 6 feet and trust me, i have put away 5k in a sitting many times. There are some foods that are devastating calorie wise…eat a full days worth of food and then sit down at night with some games and big bag of honey roasted mixed fancy nuts and some reeses cups and tell me u cant do 6k calories.
What the fuck, my dude? Even after fasting for a week, I couldn't sit down and consume 5,000 kcal. Maybe 4,000 to 4,500.
Easy for Americans...
@@banhammer3904 haha i wouldnt recommend it. Its never a fun time the next day.
Hard L take. 6k-8k is easy with calorie dense (aka delicious, unhealthy) foods. 6k-8k of lettuce? That's not happening...
Imagine donating 5 million dollars and getting hate from people who hasn't donated a dollar god people are evil
As someone who's trained in Bodybuilding and is over 6'0, 6,000-8,000 cals/day is NOT easy even for someone of his size.
As Greg Doucette said- the Rock, in his own words when explaining or demonstrating his diet accounts for 3,000-4,000 calories (which is a normal calorie allotment for a hypertrophy goal for someone of his size).
So it is definitely odd for him to say in interviews that he eats 6,000-8,000 calories a day. Maybe during one of his infamous cheat days, MAYBE. But those cheat days account for one day in a several month program.
Bottom line- I think he lies and pads his calories to the extreme during promotion events for his movies so it makes him look more hard-core than he actually is.
(Because the missing x factor in his diet that he doesn't advertise is probably HGH and T supplementation)
I think hes trying to cover up his steroid use. Normies who don't know anything about diet/exercise will assume that the high calories are an explanation for how he can stay so jacked in his 50's, even though it doesn't work like that.
Even when I was working at Chipotle and tracking everything in my diet for bodybuilding, I maxed out at 5,000 calories in a day with the free meals they offered for the slave labor.
It was way more than I needed to put on muscle.
@@Tdawg-b2b exactly, I was a body builder in the early 90s and competed etc.. one thing I never did was lie about steroids. Yes I did them for over 3 years straight because YOU HAVE TO to get that kind of size, but when I was on them and later when I was off I would always tell the truth, why not. So please when all these guys lie, it pisses me off, just tell the truth
Don't forget the roids
Thing is, it seems like everyone pretends to know what they're talking about when it comes to calories and weight. I have first hand experience, I spent weeks eating over 10k calories which is actually insanely easy considering a fucking honeybun is 400+ calories. Some people that smoke bud(myself included) have an endless appetite when they smoke. 10k calories is a joke, I could hit well over 20k if I had the money, I literally just don't get full. I ate 15 MASSIVE plates of popcorn shrimp in 2 hours at a buffet with a girlfriend just for the fuck of it, I almost got kicked out because of it, they were pretty mad.
And what do you know, I didn't gain any weight, just as I never do, regardless of how much I eat. I eat less than 1k calories now 95% of days for well over a year and I drop like 5 pounds. My body is virtually resistant to weight change. My mother, who I take care of, weighs like 220 and her weight only budges plus or minus 10-15 pounds and she eats less than 750 calories pretty much every day and has for years upon years.
I also have a friend who's weight barely moves and he eats less than 1k calories most days.
It would be wild to find out a certain ingredient in an innout burger gives the rock amnesia and then proceed to see him eat more through out the years and then record every instance like it was the first time.
Internal In&Out burger 🍔 is more likely paying him for advertising
Man went from "It doesn't matter what you think!" to "The only thing that matters is what you think!"
I see what u did there lol
Michael Phelp ate 8 to 10000 calories a day. Idk if The Rock does, but its really not that crazy.
The guy used to fake his noggin getting smashed in by a fake chair for a living, he probably just developed fake amnesia from all the fake concussions
Uh, those hits are real you know lmao
Sure they aren't getting hit as hard as if the person hitting them was actually trying to do damage, but they are still getting hit
Wrestling is staged, but you can't fake a 300 pound man elbow dropping you. Even if the floor is designed to soften the impact by not being rigid like concrete. The winner is determined. But the moves are as real as you can get a stage play.
Hell, I couldn't do it. Getting thrown onto a bed of nails, having a chair smashed over your skull - Even if it's designed to bust on impact, it's still being swung by a gorilla of a man, then being expected to get up and keep going.
OP really forgot Chris Benoit
@@Naxthural I wouldn't say the moves are "real" as they train the choreography of the moves in advance to prevent injury.
But yes there is a limit to how much they can mitigate, they just tank some of that shit. And sometimes there are accidents.
If the chair shots were fake, they wouldn't have banned them in WWE after all of the concussions people got. This is common knowledge that is well documented and any wrestling fan will tell you the same.
"takes back Biden endorsement and media attacks him"
Spot on. Asmond admits he isn't paying attention to that stuff so he wouldn't even know.
- In the "The Rock's Life" game, main character Dwayne.... Has amneeeeeeeeesiaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Good reference. Makes me *feel* like im watching a Dunkey video
This is obviously a hit piece on the rock. but Dwayne "The Ad" Johnson is still hilarious. feels like an NPC, but he doesnt seem like a bad person
He's always been a crook. And! A huge thing was that they had fire fighters at their mansions ready to fight the fires off in Hawaii well before the fire started. So that's actually when they turned the comments off. Not because of lack of funding. So the people are confused.. as they should be.
It was a planned fire to acquire land.
they where the ones who lit the whole place on fire in the first place so makes sense that they didn't want to put them out
1:25 I didn't know he had some Asian in him.
And then he went full heel for Wrestlemania and it was epic. The world's a stage, and some people use the stage better than others.
celebrities doesn't comment of UA-cam, doesn't write their Instagram's and doesn't thank you on Facebook for being on their show. They probably doesn't even read their emails. They all have dedicated teams to deal with that online presence and fans.
They are letting people speak for them so in turn yes they are commenting on everything themselves.
Not sure about celebrity life, but after a certain wealth level people outsource every part of their lives. Only their physiological functions can't be done by someone else.
What even is this grammar?
Obviously the innout burger was an ad post
What's weird to me is that he's OK with being a shill for a fast food company. He has $squillions, so doesn't need the money. So why be a sellout? Seems unnecessary and a bit greedy.
The same reason why any millionaire celebrity sells out to do advertisements. They can never be wealthy enough, they always want more.
@@paulw5039 I mean, if a company came up to me regardless of level of wealth im at and said, we will give you XXXXX amount of dollars to put on your social media that would take me less than a half hour to make with a picture of a fast food joint, I am taking it. Money is money and even as a millionaire, if your not careful, that money can disappear fast. Its why people at that wealth go bankrupt so fast due to lack of foresight on spending and as a celebrity, as the video showed, your image is the most important way to make money and keep you in the biz.
@@klavier285not even just that but the richer you are the higher the taxes and maintenance for there lifestyle also probably a brand ambassador to drop a ad every now and then
I can totally believe that the rock forgets he's been to In-N-Out every couple of years. There are streamers who completely forget that they play certain games (even full playthroughs of them) because they play so many games all year, every year. I'm pretty sure Asmon has forgotten some games he's done full playthroughs of a couple of years ago.
Considering all the various things he does and how busy he probably is every day, I can totally see him just not remembering eating a certain restaurant multiple times.
This is actually a really good point lol
after the first time sure, but 3 times nar
Forgetting that you've played through an entire game is called "amnesia".
@@the_ejj Why not 3 times? The gap between each one was like 2-5 years each.
Consider how this guy eats normally. He's super rich and super famous. He probably eats the most amazing, high quality, Michelin star food from all over the world. You think he's gonna remember so mid fast-food burger he had once 2 or more years ago?
It's just like streamers again. They remember the games that they thought were legitimately amazing and good.. Or ones that were exceptionally bad, because both leave a lasting impression. Some okay or mid game is the first to be forgotten.
Asmongold talking about the Rock's size as near the average, shows how little he knows about fitness.
Who is the source that says he paid the reporter to up doot the numbers about the movie? That was legit a Trust me bro moment.
dwayne making a public appearance and loving the attention reminds me of the spiderman scene when Tobey says "look! they love me!"
the rock (for the 18th time): So this is my first time going to an in&out burger, never had this before and I'm pretty excited (burning memory starts playing)
He played make believe his whole career, first as a wrestler, then as an actor. He has no problem lying 😂. It’s just another role.
I have a pet rock and it's dense as fuck...the similarities between my pet and Dwayne are staggering
so you're saying he's genuine, at least with his name?
They can't say they're on steroids because of sponsorships that will drop them if they do.
true. only explains WHY they lie though, doesent justify it :D (not saying you said it justify it, im just adding).
That's the weird thing tho. Dudes a billionaire. Why does he still value putting up lies for money when he could actually come clean, be liked and not sell a fake narrative to kids who look up to him? Dudes basically an icon for alot of young people yet he sells this idea of "eat 8000 calories and work out and you'll look like me" when in reality all that'll do is sell this fake dream to thousands of impressionable kids. At some point he should just be himself cause he's literally drowning in cash. He's got generational wealth that'll last a millenia. Just shows what kind of dude he is.
@@Unknownz000 Yeah, that's what I would think too. But then again, perhaps there are a lot more people involved with his "businesses" that are also on "roids" and, other companies that affiliate with the rocks businesses, etc, etc, etc. That make it so from a business perspective its better to lie about. The problem is that telling the "truth" about steroid use is only somewhat starting to be accepted since about the last 5 years or so. All generations before that are still in the mindset it has to be a secret. But in the case of the rock, he could indeed just set the example! Especially considering how he's situated nowadays.
"apparently people hate the rock now" hell i couldn't stand the dude years ago lol became obvious to anyone with an average awareness that the dude is super narcissistic and fake, he has this main character syndrome with that smile he gives you where after he walks away he is like "this fuckin loser should've kissed the ground i walked on".
Like all of his "kindness" comes off super fake and PR like, he has a history where certain people didn't take his shit and his narcissistic like personality started leaking into the open... not diagnosing him just saying how it comes off.
At the end of the day though idc, like him or not i just don't watch movies he is in, i don't hate on him, and i live my own life usually at bare minimum rolling my eyes when someone gushes over him.
Been following the guy since The Attitude Era and post-Fast Five he really turned into something else
Plot twist, each time was the first time that that specific clone of the rock had ever had in-and-out
In-n-Out is so good The Rock keep smashing his head into a rock to get amnesia.
New Jumanji game confirmed. This time, the Rock got Amneeeeesiaaaa.
He is Homelander before the airplane incident
I am a first time listener. This video was hilarious!! This guy's alot like that "Penquin" dude, but different. Good chit mein. 😊
TRT only brings your T levels back to when you were younger. That wouldn't let him pack on mass like he did
You're technically correct... if they're only using the amount to do so.
but yeah, that dude was juiced to the balls even in WWE. The year he wore that shirt following his gyno surgery gets overlooked a lot.
It depends how much you use lol, test levels vary widely person to person
Theres a difference between Testosterone Replacement and Steroid abuse
I'm w/ you. He's definitely on other gear. But as a 42YO man that's on TRT, myself. I can tell you that it's easy to abuse the TRT thing also. Especially if you're rich like the Rock. All you need is a yes man type doctor. It's just weird that he lies.
"All you need is a yes man doctor type".
That line hits hard post 2020. Funny and sad at the same time.
People say its "weird" @ 2:02 ...wrong word I think... looking for a different word...its called "Deceitful" weird is something else....