10 minutes Judo knowledge of Masahiko Kimura

  • Опубліковано 18 чер 2008
  • Masahiko Kimura showes his knowledge
  • Спорт


  • @LucianoOttino
    @LucianoOttino 11 років тому

    A true master of his art! A privilege to see at his work of art! An example wher you can get with a full Judo technique!

  • @Jianju69
    @Jianju69 13 років тому

    Interesting how he pulls his ousotogari to prepare for kesagatame; makes me realize how slow I am in making that transition. Also embodies the fundamental principle of using the minimum amount of force necessary. I find myself replaying this video over & over again. Excellent.

  • @bjjc51192
    @bjjc51192 14 років тому

    Much respect to this man.

  • @Codisious
    @Codisious 14 років тому

    awesome man, thank you for this footage of the great one

  • @thesensei
    @thesensei 15 років тому

    That's true too...they both did a fantastic job in that match. Truly legendary.

  • @coolasweed
    @coolasweed 14 років тому

    kimura never complained about shit he was given, he just ate it up and got stronger because of it. Its something we could ALL learn from nowadays.

  • @henh32
    @henh32 12 років тому

    18 is a very good time to start. I know many people who started in their mid 30's and achieved dan grade. Spectate at a few clubs and decide which one you like.

  • @LeonLaguna
    @LeonLaguna 14 років тому

    The Great Kimura! amazing video!

  • @electronikita
    @electronikita 14 років тому

    Hahahah and Helio had a coffin standing in the dojo saying that it was for Kimura=) Makes me smile.

  • @kevanowich1
    @kevanowich1 13 років тому


  • @dannielpreto
    @dannielpreto 13 років тому

    He really likes that Reverse Ude Garami

  • @nior000
    @nior000 15 років тому

    i been mostly obsessed with ninjutsu for a while now but after seing some judo im starting to admire judo a lil more

  • @cmurphy0707
    @cmurphy0707 11 років тому

    He is the king of the hold, from what I hear he wasn't even taken off his feet in judo.

  • @MaxLohMusic
    @MaxLohMusic 11 років тому

    haha, I can see why they named it the Kimura! He loves it so much

  • @chongisTiberius
    @chongisTiberius 15 років тому

    very true. they even renamed one of their favorite armlocks after him in their schools.

  • @brentshiver777
    @brentshiver777 15 років тому

    love the osoto makikomi at 4:09

  • @nucopia
    @nucopia 16 років тому

    Very nice

  • @Brady2k10
    @Brady2k10 14 років тому

    they say no one before Kimura, no one after, but i think differently, THEY say that, i think Kimura worked hard to ensure students of his would carry on his excellent teaching methods

  • @SpawnofHastur
    @SpawnofHastur 15 років тому

    I love how Kimura seamlessly shifts from an ippon seionage into an uchi-makikomi. Although I myself prefer hip throws (o-soto-gari is pretty cool, but not as fun), I might have to crib that trick for myself.
    I love the makikomi throws; they're perfect for a submission match- you land right in position for ne-waza, and wind your opponent with the impact.

  • @CovenantOfLove
    @CovenantOfLove 10 років тому

    underlying levels

  • @juhas514
    @juhas514 12 років тому

    i like the part when he was applying a kimura

  • @madeira149
    @madeira149 12 років тому

    @madeira149 ou seja o grande campeao é aquele que nos passou todo seu conhecimento e todo sua tecnica para ser usada por aquelas que nao precisao da força bruta apenas do conhecimento!!

  • @tune5k
    @tune5k 14 років тому

    He says I can be champion. In fact he says I must be champion.
    It pushes us beyond our physical limits....to another place....way outside or way inside...I don't where exactly.....but I've been there.

  • @VCthaGOATdunker
    @VCthaGOATdunker 14 років тому +1

    Helio was hilarious in claiming that he would have submitted Kimura if they were the same weight.
    He was thrown around, completely dominated every single second of the match and ended up with a broken arm in 2 places. Yet if WEIGHT wasn't an issue he would have submitted him?
    Wow, I guess an issue with weight makes a guy go from being completely destroyed to winning with submission..

  • @publicatdamagnificen
    @publicatdamagnificen 15 років тому

    Hehehe....Yeah, you're 100% right Iscariott2.

  • @UnitedPebbles
    @UnitedPebbles 13 років тому

    Mori men liked to come down from the mountain in surprise visits to the flat land of farming villages of "Owari". Then you know Judo is a "close encounter" art of "force". You know all those years of lonesome on the mountains, even zen itself can't cure!

  • @rogeres83
    @rogeres83 12 років тому

    muito bom gostei

  • @rofldan
    @rofldan 14 років тому

    the dude looked like he had waaaaaay more than 15 pounds on helio.

  • @tgtennis
    @tgtennis 14 років тому

    That was the case, but let's also consider this was the first time Kimura had been in a match that he could not win by throw or pin - as I recall reading in his book. Therefore the weight advantage was at least partially offset by Helio's selection of the rules. The mats were also too soft for Kimura's throws to seriously hurt Helio, an advantage Kimura was used to.

  • @KenpoKid77
    @KenpoKid77 12 років тому

    @KatameDo They had more just books, they had training from a senior student of Jigoro Kano himself. Helio's brother Carlos, was taught judo by Mitsuyo Maeda, and then Carlos taught Helio and his other brothers. Then Helio modified what he learned to suit his body type, BJJ was the result.

  • @publicatdamagnificen
    @publicatdamagnificen 15 років тому

    You're absolutely right!...Judo is still a good self defense system, but Judo allowed it's self defense apsects be compromised by the Olympics....Same thinkg with Tae Kwon Do.

  • @chavamma
    @chavamma 14 років тому

    No, you're still wrong, Notice I mentioned self defense not Karate. Goshin Jutsu which translates as self defense art, goes back further to ancient egyptian origin. Also all self defense has it's origin however it all end up in Okinawa Japan.
    -Kind Regards- ChavaMMA

  • @spurious
    @spurious 14 років тому

    @josh09295 Kimura himself said that due to the weight discrepancy, if Helio would last more than three minutes, he could have considered the fight a win in his favor.

  • @LtGlenn
    @LtGlenn 12 років тому

    I know man... just today I was doing some grappling and someone said that the triangle choke was created by Brazilian Jiu Jitsu... it's sad that more martial artists don't learn the history behind their art... For example, I do Enshin Karate, we use many throws from Judo, so I consider Judo my sister art, although I use them, I don't think they were invented by Joko Ninomiya (founder of Enshin) and he would never claim the same. After all, he got a black belt in Judo before even starting Karate.

  • @LouPicardo
    @LouPicardo 14 років тому

    @sabreharyanto Oyama practiced not only Shotokan, but goju ryu, Judo and taikiken. Our sosai was great, but I don't think kimura would be "afraid" to fight him. Let's say they had respect for each other, as it should be.

  • @VCthaGOATdunker
    @VCthaGOATdunker 12 років тому

    This was Kimura in his 60s though. If he did this demonstration in his prime, you best believe he would have man handled these guys with any move.

  • @publicatdamagnificen
    @publicatdamagnificen 15 років тому

    Allow me to explain: I really didn't explain myself thoroughly. What I meant to say was that many dojo's emphasize the "sport" aspect of Judo over the "self defense" aspects of Judo b/c they want to train Olympic & tournament champions. do you feel me?

  • @barrettokarate
    @barrettokarate 12 років тому

    I think the thing with Rogan is that he doesn't really knows much about martial arts history. The history of ancient civilizations yes, but maybe not MA. Plus for the first 15 years of his MA training he was a striker, then switched to BJJ. He did take judo briefly, but probably only learned tachi-waza. Eddie Bravo same thing. When Ronda Rousey was on Rogan's show Bravo asked her about her BJJ training & she said she had never done any. Bravo was shocked. They just need to educated that's all.

  • @joopsnoop
    @joopsnoop 14 років тому

    @kashpc Oyama did not do Taikiken. That is a myth. He did Shotokan as a teen. His Goju was with So Neichu who was the dojo and business partner of Yamaguchi. And Kimura ALSO taught Goju at this dojo!
    There is some really interesting information about Kimura and his relationship with Oyama and So Neichu in an online ebook called "The Budo Karate of Mas Oyama" by Shihan Cameron Quinn. He has a web page where it is for sale very cheap. Great reading if you like Kimura.

  • @maikopskoy
    @maikopskoy 12 років тому

    i tried it in my dreams, i think it worked :)

  • @madeira149
    @madeira149 12 років тому

    Helio gracie foi e sempre sera o nosso grande campeao,transformou uma "pedra em um predio" em um continente aonde nao se tinha a menor ideia do que era o jiu-jitsu!ele treinou,aperfeiçoou e dedicou se bastante! so nao venceu kimura porque seu conhecimento nao era tanto quanto o de kimura sem contarmos que kimura era 20 kilos mais pesado que helio! é a mesma coisa de querermos colocar um campeao dos leves pra lutar com um campeao dos pesados do ufc!

    @TENNSUMITSUMA 12 років тому

    what about the person that taught him, and his teacher, and so on all the way back to who ever invented jap jujutsu (notice the spelling)

  • @Endru85x
    @Endru85x 14 років тому

    Wrestling is dated from 3500 to 5000 bc so it is still older. Kung fu is older than karate too. The term "karate" means empty hands now, but in former times it had other meaning- chinese hands. If i remember corecctly, Gichin Funakoshi made the change of meaning. So no need to correct, i am right :)

  • @aftercarecarez
    @aftercarecarez 13 років тому

    the kimura was a catch wrestling move before it ws a judo move, and then bjj got it from kimura himself....same as the standing choke/neck crank he shows at around 7 minute mark....that was a catch wresting move....however i guess no move belongs to any art becasuse they all grow and evolve off each other.....kimura was the man tho!!! id love to learn some judo

  • @wkennedypsyd1
    @wkennedypsyd1 11 років тому

    Actually, point of fact, the triangle choke is a Japanese Jujitsu technique. It predates Judo. So it is a Jujitsu technique originally, but Japanese.

  • @sleepykid156
    @sleepykid156 15 років тому

    this is what happens when Sensei and Sahbumnims are filled with vain glory and blinded by money

  • @saltyseaweed
    @saltyseaweed 12 років тому

    @KatameDo While Judo is older than BJJ, Judo did not invent any of those moves. Submission grappling is thousands of years old.

  • @captainawsomeface
    @captainawsomeface 12 років тому

    you do know rogan is a green belt in judo, it's not exactly like he doesn't respect it

  • @Rayman77792
    @Rayman77792 12 років тому

    @jimmcom What about Kano Jigoro the founder of judo.

  • @Brady2k10
    @Brady2k10 14 років тому

    but then again, thats me talking with ignorance, i apologise. He was a skilled martial artist and deserves respect. I need to learn not to judge before i know about things, like ive never done BJJ, how and why should i judge it right? i take tht last comment back, that was my ignorance speaking.

  • @katamedo5703
    @katamedo5703 11 років тому

    Bill, tell me EXACTLY where I can find a picture or a detailed description of the TRIANGLE choke in Japanese JJ. Not the scissor choke where feet are along side the neck.

  • @chavamma
    @chavamma 14 років тому

    I feel sorry to correct you but, self defense originated in Okinawa Japan although there was massive trade between India, China, Japan and many other countries that had a big part in its origin. The history is derrived to around 500bc.

  • @karateman83
    @karateman83 12 років тому

    @jimmcom one of the greatest... but what aobut Kyozo Mifune?? He has more reputation in Japan

  • @madeira149
    @madeira149 12 років тому

    @madeira149 Nessa epoca o Brasil nao tinha conhecimento nenhum sobre artes marciais,ja kimura nasceu no berço das lutas! Vamos dar um exemplo,é querer colocar Pelé pra jogar bola com um japones,arranjar uma bola pra um japones ou chines e falar,ta aki a bola treina ai aprende porque daqui alguns anos vc vai jogar com o pele! hahahaa!!! hoje as tecnicas de jiu-jitsu usadas no ufc sao graças a familia gracie e ao grande mestre Helio!

  • @EvolutionaryLoophole
    @EvolutionaryLoophole 14 років тому

    They could have both been the same weight and it wouldn't have mattered. Kimura would have tooled him.

  • @Endru85x
    @Endru85x 14 років тому

    Well, i thought you mean sports of fighting.
    BUT.....kung fu be treated as self defence. It was not created for fighting in tournaments. All those self defense techniques as joint locks, throws, defence against weapon comes form kung fu. Maybe it took other shape in Okinawa. For me, kung fu is still older- as self defense and martial arts in general. Anyway, thank for nice discussion.

  • @publicatdamagnificen
    @publicatdamagnificen 15 років тому

    Another thing. Az: You are so right on. The Gracie's attitude was contrary to the spirit of the martial arts. I'm sure you guys are like me: If you lose, own up to it, but I hate excuses!!
    When Royce lost once, it was "because he got married"...Next loss: "I had the flu"...Next loss: "I was outweighted by 50lbs". It's like dude, shut the f**k up. Ya lost, now deal with it podnah!

  • @Not2Be0utDone
    @Not2Be0utDone 15 років тому

    I'm not entirely sure about that, according to Kimura when he grapped with Helio, he had a 15 lb advantage. However, depending on which Gracie you ask, the weight difference is somewhere in the 50-80 lbs. range. So what's with the discrepancy?

  • @chavamma
    @chavamma 14 років тому

    No not sports fighting, also TKD is a great art & I respect it however, It's not GOSHIN JUTSU. Due to that it Compromises your balance alot A Judoka or JuJutsu practitioner would more than likely be victorious over a Taekwondo practitioner. Like wise nice sharing facts with you, glad there's knowledgeable people whom I can have a good conversation with on youtube. Other's would have lost it & trolled at me with profanity and what not.
    -Kind Regards- ChavaMMA

  • @katamedo5703
    @katamedo5703 12 років тому

    I can't wait for the day when a BJJ vs KOSEN tourney is held. If you think that Fusen Ryu was the shit as far as Newaza goes, you're sadly mistaken. Judoka like Oda and others made Newaza an art form with Kosen Judo and not abiding by Kodokan limitations on Newaza Granted, present day Judo is best 50/50 Tachi/Ne waza because of TIME LIMITS in competition. Everyone wants to see the big throw for a win rather than watch newaza for 20 min. Name one BJJer who taught outside Brazil prior 2 UFC.

  • @IscariottActual
    @IscariottActual 13 років тому

    @ticosexy22 Royce after his fight with Saku in the states.

  • @thesensei
    @thesensei 15 років тому

    He nearly killed the founder of Gracie (aka Brazilian) Jiujitsu and that's not an exaggeration in the least, it's a well documented fact. ;)

  • @Not2Be0utDone
    @Not2Be0utDone 15 років тому

    you just had to mention you met helio, do you enjoy name dropping?

  • @ticosexy22
    @ticosexy22 13 років тому

    @Iscariott2 Who was caught taking roids?

  • @TheFreedomSpeaker
    @TheFreedomSpeaker 13 років тому

    i didnt get the last tap-out.. what did he do to make him tap?

  • @Not2Be0utDone
    @Not2Be0utDone 15 років тому

    After the fight, Helio concluded that if they weighed the same then he would've submitted Kimura. Yes, there's some validity to that statement, but isn't BJJ supposed to be "small man" jiu jitsu. Meaning, with the right technique, you can overcome size and strength? They always have excuses why they lost.

    @DUDEABIDES001 12 років тому

    first joe rogan isnt a douche. second. most fights in MMA practice BJJ not judo, so their submissions would technically be BJJ

  • @1308lee
    @1308lee 14 років тому

    @chavamma hang on... 'self defense' didnt 'originate' anywhere... im guessing it 'originated' when someone hit someone else, and they didnt like it, so they hit em back?

  • @juicespirit
    @juicespirit 13 років тому

    @TheFreedomSpeaker armbar

  • @IscariottActual
    @IscariottActual 15 років тому

    And then he got caught taking roids

  • @6ookstazz
    @6ookstazz 14 років тому

    I think its funny that theres a bunch of gracies making excuses of Helios loss so what if there was a weight difference did anybody notice the height or the reach difference between Helio and masahiko???

  • @joopsnoop
    @joopsnoop 14 років тому


  • @publicatdamagnificen
    @publicatdamagnificen 15 років тому

    Safa: What you said was politically incorrect. Nevertheless, is so true. I used to work out at the San Diego Fight Club. to make a long story short, we'd cross the border into Mexico and participate in tourneys.
    We handed the Latino's asses to thems, I mean, we ate their lunch, and popped the bag. Do you not know, that they always came up with one excuse after another about why they lost.
    Heat, water, flu, traffic, domestic shit. Not ONCE did they say: "Hey you beat us fair and square"

    @CNCTEMATIC 13 років тому

    How the fuck did grappling skill come to be thought of as Brazillian??

  • @Jozsef86330
    @Jozsef86330 14 років тому

    @tune5k lol

  • @Endru85x
    @Endru85x 14 років тому

    The martial arts were not created by asians. Probably the wrestling is the oldest art of fighting, and it was not invented by Asians.
    No disrespect for any art, I do Kung fu and BJJ and i like them both:) One art is not enough for all situations...

  • @elcriticonomega
    @elcriticonomega 11 років тому

    it is false jiu jitsu was the first martial art to create all that, then it appear judo, then brazilian jiu jitsu; helio gracie didn´t say that he invented all that he just said that he make it better

  • @publicatdamagnificen
    @publicatdamagnificen 15 років тому

    I used to be, in my opinion the greatest fan of the Gracies. I talked shit...Major shit! Bjj is the greatest thing on earth blah blah blah. Well, I saw the Gracies have their asses handed to them one-by-one!
    Renzo, Royler,Ryan, Royce, got either choked out, tapped out, or knocked the f**k out! I saw other Bjj practioners get a royal beatdown. I saw my sifu get beat in Tijuana (I lived in San Diego)
    Then I had a revelation:

  • @UnitedPebbles
    @UnitedPebbles 13 років тому

    Judo is a wrestling art? No? I read in an old magazine a long time ago, that the art was practiced by the Mori clan. It is used by monks to neutralize protesting female villagers/Oda clan. It have an incentive of it own! Most of the practitioners are exceptional thick in bone mass, body weight, and penis size! Yes, penis size. Why would a Buddhist monk need any of these criteria?
    Originally, I thought every cavalry man practiced Judo. Maybe you know something? I don't pract. Judo!

  • @JudoLife
    @JudoLife 14 років тому

    Sosai oyama copy kimura sensei 100 man challenge!
    Judo's strength is randori compared to traditional jujitsu!??
    Randori is a Kano sensei invention!

  • @jiujitsu4life1
    @jiujitsu4life1 12 років тому

    Kimura was good, but dude let him do every move to him, why all the kicking around and wincing in pain faces like he was trying to resist. He wasn't trying to resist. And if you want to know why they call it Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, recognize that it was Meada who brough JUDO over to brazil, which was then turned back into Jiu Jitsu, through refinement of the art. Look it up on wiki. Respect to these guys though. True martial artists. Joe Rogan trains & would tap you internet warrior asses out

  • @katamedo5703
    @katamedo5703 12 років тому

    Oooh green belt. BFD. I'm sure Joe is taking Judo to learn how to fight on his feet. The ONLY time he mentions judo in a UFC match is after a throw. All submissions to him are BJJ. Total joke. Seriously, look up Tsunetane Oda on youtube. There are three black and white vids. not very good lighting, but he and other JUDO players took the LIMITED Fusen Ryu techniques and made it straight sick.

  • @katamedo5703
    @katamedo5703 12 років тому

    Not at all. I just follow BJJ fan boys around stirring up shit. Not that it matters, because what I speak is the truth. I'm a Godan in Judo. I spent the last 12 years of my Air Force career in Japan studying Judo. I see now that a lot of BJJ clips are introducing more and more throws. Hmmm they look exactly like Judo throws. Why didn't the Gracies send people around the world to teach their new art before the 90's? Because they would have been laughed at for teaching old judo newaza.

  • @young0813
    @young0813 14 років тому

    brazilian propaganda makes heros out of the gracies even though they got there ass kicked its annoying that asians are not given enough respect we created martial arts