I love this. My wife is transitioning and I don’t see her any differently, I only love her more for being true to herself and trusting me to be her partner. She’s a parent with me and our 5 month old baby will be raised with an open mind, never doubting that his parents are loving towards one another and towards him.
My wife and I watched this and smiled as we realized that we were not alone in this journey. I appreciate the love you share with each other as well as your viewers. I do remember the day of reckoning and coming out...one of the bumps in the road that make us and our relationships that much stronger! Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.
You two are so cute together! I’m also a trans woman and my wife and I have been together for nearly 25 years, your story is almost identical to ours! Isn’t it wonderful how someone can blossom when they are able to be their authentic self with someone who believes and supports them?!
The most important thing my wife ever said to me when I came out as trans, (even though she couldn't understand it) was..."I married you. I didn't marry a man, any man, or the man of my dreams. I didn't marry for gender or sexual orientation, I married you and we will figure this out come hell or high water." This was probably about one of the few times I have ever cried in my life. That statement has kept me going when I wanted to give up so many times.
Anya, thank you for being such a great support for my trans-sister. It really was a breath of fresh air to hear that you are so there for your wife/partner.
I watched this in sobs of tears. I kept myself hidden until my dad died. I was 45. I'm 54 now and think I've wasted most of my life. I'm loving your contact. Mange tak x
After the first couple of weeks with my gf I told her about my gender identity and that I didn't need to transition to be happy. 1 year later still together and I came out to her again and she said she was gonna love me no matter what. Now I'm on hrt!
Never have I ever seen such a beautiful and romantic relationship. My partner and I are big fans and so very impressed at how wise the both of you are in so many ways.
Thank you so so much for all you share! As a trans woman myself, I find you girls so extremely genuine and interesting! You’re the kind of people I’d be always hanging out with as friends!!!
We're happy to have you, thanks for watching our stuff! We hope to make a "safe harbour" where other people can feel seen and acknowledged - and hopefully entertained 😅
I wish I could've had this conversation with my wife a long time ago. But, we didn't and now we're working out way through my transitioning. I just started my HRT and I'm so thrilled! But she isn't. She's happy that I'm being my authentic self, but she's worried that we're going to lose what we had. She can't get over the lable and a few other things. Loved the video, hope to see more.
I always look forward to new content from you gals! Your videos always move me emotionally. I laugh; I cry; and I always feel lighter at the end. Like a burden has been lifted from my shoulders. While I agree with your being open and honest come what may advice, it’s so difficult because of the personal ignorance (not knowing what’s going to happen or where you’ll finally end-up on the gender spectrum), the pain, the anguish and the terror we feel, especially in the beginning. Much of what one might say will ultimately prove wrong anyway. At least that was my experience. Thanks again for the wonderful video!!
Thanks for telling this story. It's great hearing both of you talk openly about Jackie's transition and your relationship. Hearing both of your perspectives is really nice.
I think that would also be what I would tell my teenage self... If you really love someone, you should trust them enough to have the opportunity to love you as you are. Granted, I think maybe that would have been a bit too advanced for me to understand back then... I think what I really needed at that time was just for someone who cared for me to tell me "its going to be okay, its okay to be who you want to be. You will still be loved". Unfortunately, I nobody ever told me this as a kid, and I went through most of my life thinking that I had to take this to the grave. Until I couldn't do it anymore. Fortunately, my wife accepts me for who I am :)
I have always been open about being trans with potential partners that I have grown feelings for well before I decided to transition. It was not always easy and some girls reacted negatively, but I was being honest with them and myself. Most appreciated that as we knew things could not work. Other girls became my partners and were quite supportive. It always encouraged honest communication regardless of outcome. It was sure hard to do the first couple of times though.
-holy shit I haven't heard or thought about that Genitals song in over a decade -oh whoops, maybe these overalls aren't the best paired with this mic :') -it really is strange and interesting to think about that period in time where, like you said we didn't have this vocabulary to talk about these things, and I think about how much harder it must have been for you to navigate these feelings and these changes without any examples, representation, or even words to discuss it, but to me that also goes to show just how... real and genuine being trans is, because even without any of those things, it was still happening and could have never been ignored -absolutely agree about how breakups are far from tragedies, on the contrary they are always a good thing! they wouldn't be happening if both parties were happy
When I came out to my ex it was an immediate dealbreaker for both of us and I couldn't be happier finding other people that show me the love I need and deserve!😊
I transitioned at a similar time, I was ordering oestrogen online because of long UK NHS waiting lists, and holy fuck the language Jackie uses about herself at the time she began exploring who she is is a mirror of mine I transitioned because it was the only way I could envision to have the smallest chance of living past 30. I also wanted nothing to do with the community because my own anecdotal experience was of people who were drama llamas, falling apart at a slight, and just not robust. Obviously I only saw a sliver of the whole of these humans, but I didn't want to be seen as that. I am a very practical ADHD human who when shit gets hard and chaotic is in their prime. I was shite at being a boy, in my heart I was a tomboy queer woman. I was a live sound engineer, and doing masculine jobs to reinforce the "you're a boy you're a boy you're a boy", because trans women have to be precious flowers of femininity. I'm a loud and crass human, boisterous and chaotic, most comfortable in shorts and a vest. The two things I would would love to go back and tell myself are: - you can absolutely be a tomboy queer woman and be trans. Do it. Own it. It's you. - things take time. It'll be hard, you'll be worried of losing people, jobs, housing. But, you're nearly 40, and engaged to the woman who gets you and all of your trauma. You don't need alcohol to cope anymore. You have a great pair of tits thanks to the mild androgen insensitivity intersexness and the family genetics on both sides. And you're happy. So. Very. Happy. You got this kiddo
Oh my gosh, it is so comforting to see this video. My fiancé recently came out to me as trans, and a few days later I finally came to terms with my sexuality as a lesbian. We are so much happier now that we are not suppressing these things, but we are still very new to things being from the Midwest and all... I love my trans gf, and I want to do my best to support her through her transition process, but I find myself worrying about her attraction to me changing as her hormones change. (Any advice would be so appreciated... Thank you for reading my comment☺️💕)
I actually have an ex from high school who’s now transgender MTF of course. I’m obviously a straight cisgender female. She actually broke up with me back then so I wouldn’t have to face a lot of the flack I woulda faced according to her. She’s a witch so she had visions and did divination like scrying and tarot. But she was also fearful at the time about our love for each other growing, and then he at the time telling me how he felt when it came to gender and the journey he at the time needed to take, it would hurt so much more than cutting off where he had at the time. My ex definitely did help me to dodge a bullet I suppose. But I’m definitely happy she found herself! Sorry for mixing up the pronouns btw! Thanks for sharing your guys’ story!
I wish I had that kind of support. I'm extremely happy for you both. It's terribly scary and lonely transitioning without a best friend. I hid it for decades, finally came out to wife and family two years ago. In some situations, I suppose unhappy and miserable, is better than destroying a family. It's amazing to me how anyone can make changes to improve their life and well being, but if you are Trans and make changes, you are selfish, uncaring and a bad person.
Idk why it recommended ur channel to me THIS FCKIN LATE , i'm trans myself , pre-everything and oh my goodness i'm soo glad that i did find ur channel , subbed , Love u both (: and ur content
You are encouraging. Years ago, I came out to my then wife. It was a disaster! We stayed together, in part because of children and in part because we both made a marriage commitment. But it was a disaster for me. Maybe for her too. We eventually divorced. She died in 2010. I went through very hard times from 2001 to 2019. (I worked as a pet sitter & dog walker. I loved the pets but didn't make much money, And it was very irregular.) I have not had a girlfriend since 2001. Althogh I did have a strong friendship with a woman who retired and moved to Florida in 2014. I retired in 2019. I just started to get my life together and then in 2020, Covid Lock Downs. I am still locked down, but I may change that soon! The Lockdowns made me more depressed. I learned skills for evading the worst of depression, but there are still malingering after effects. I feel old and fat and think no sensible woman would be interested n me. I've become a recluse and happy with my cats. (Yes, I'm an Old Cat Transwoman!) You encourage me. I see you two and think, "Somewhere, out there, there may be a woman, a true love, for me!" (I wish I reached this state 50 years ago! Whatever.)
I came out to my wife 6 months after we moved in together (so Spring 1989) and she still struggles with it. I have spent 34 years putting her first but no more. Me now.
My journey: "I'm a guy but I hate it" -> "I'm a feminine boy" -> "Oh no I'm ageing in a masculine way stoppppp" -> "OK fine yeah I'll give things a go but I'm not hopeful" -> "I love women but I have doubts that women could love me so I'm just going to be with men" -> "I'm a lesbian, I'm somehow actually attractive to women despite my doubts, but it's still lonely and oh no there's a pandemic now" I can relate to being ignorant of what transness was, and the awful portrayals of trans women in media really, really didn't help. Sometimes I wish I could've known earlier, but in hindsight I know it would've been impossible for me to transition earlier than I did. I didn't have the money for it back then. I'm thankful things worked out the way they did.
You are so ispiring for me, you are the proof that love can survive over a transition. I'm facing so much troubles and depressions since 2 years when I came out to my partner. She says that she don't know if she will stay with me, we have two kids and some days I can't stay strong. How can I convice her that gender is not the most important in a relationship ? Thank you. Eloïse from France.
I do identify as Non-Binary, as I have more softer feelings to the female gender, I do have trans feelings, it is much harder to come out as trans, my preferred name is Petra, birth name is Peter. Much live Love ❤ and best wishes from Petra
I remember realising I was trans in 2013. I had met briefly just a few trans people through the indie video game world, but back in Ireland it felt like something that didn't exist at all. I'm really glad things have changed since.
I'm getting ready to come out to my partner. We have already been making plans to spend the rest of our lives together. I'm sure she will be accepting and understanding but am still very very scared. Both of our families are pretty "traditional" and even conservative at times and have a lot of expectations for us to build a "traditional family". I'm so scared to ruin this for her, even though I know she never wanted a "traditional family" herself ...... I wanna be a mom someday tho 😭
Yeah the “perfect the way you are” is a pet peeve it’s like the guilt of complaining over a body that on paper is fine while others have illnesses that are more traditional when you think of needing medical intervention. But I also think it’s like how would a cis women feel if they began to grow a beard have receding hairlines chest and back hair and technically it is all not life threatening but it’s still very incongruent and debilitating. It’s also like that idea of cis women getting to feel pretty, express themselves femininely be in touch with their emotions but then say “your perfect as you are” to a male with more of a feminine consciousness and it’s like in YOUR EYES from the perspective of someone with all the femininity right on their fingertips with a world that accepts and praises it it’s easy to say that but again it’s just a matter of a disconnect between shared experiences
Exactly - when society is the way it is, how we look and are perceived matters ^^; at the end of the day, it's important that we are true to ourselves and feel good in our bodies ❤️
You mentioned that you started hormones estradiol did you not take spironolactone too? And this is a question that a lot of us would have for you. Did you get your SRS or no?
I am the beginning of my journey. I started out getting 2 cc of estradiol injections per week from my doctor. Approximately 10 years after that I had moved and I had to get another doctor and she would not give me the injections anymore. I don’t know why, but anyhow, I took Spiraolactone and estradiol pills until my surgeries
I am the beginning of my journey. I started out getting 2 cc of estradiol injections per week from my doctor. Approximately 10 years after that I had moved and I had to get another doctor and she would not give me the injections anymore. I don’t know why, but anyhow, I took Spiraolactone and estradiol pills until my surgeries
I am the beginning of my journey. I started out getting 2 cc of estradiol injections per week from my doctor. Approximately 10 years after that I had moved and I had to get another doctor and she would not give me the injections anymore. I don’t know why, but anyhow, I took Spiraolactone and estradiol pills until my surgeries
I need to find a partner like that I'm just coming out at 49 years old and want to start taking hormones but can't see myself doing it alone. Any advice please.
Yes Anya is a rare treasure, beautiful, intelligent, empathic, considerate and sensitive, A and J are a very well suited couple who are completely open with each other about anything and seem to only have eyes for each other, so sweet.
I wish my wife would be as understanding but she has been brought up man and woman together and nothing else. I tried to tell her that I was a woman trapped in a man's body but she would not listen. She said she loved me but not my lifestyle
This is the hardest thing in the transwomen community. Everyone wants to assume that we like guys and I for one am a translesbian. But then you are limited to who will love you. Your even have a pansexual or a lesbian and most want nothing to do with us. Sadly
Jeg kan ikke helt huske, hvornår skiftet skete, men før det foregik behandlingen gennem Sexologisk Klinik, som varetog en række sexologiske emner, og der havde man ment, at transpersoner passede ind fint - med CKI fik man så et fokus på kønsidentitet, og ikke nødvendigvis sexualitet ^^;
@@WivesVsWorld tak ❤️ jeg er selv rimelig ny i processen 😅 ville på nogen punkter ønske jeg gik igang før, men har en følelse af at det er noget nemmere nu end det har været behandlingsmæssigt
Okay... I got a question... your genitals? XD No, don't worry. I'm not going to get into that. It is tough. I started my relationship with the truth this time after being burnt so many times before. I didn't do anything about it, just gave a heads up that something might pop and happen. We're there now... and I truly hope that we will survive and strive. The thing is that even if I wouldn't do anything things might not work out in the long run either. Then I would just be depressed for all those years without anything changing. I ramble... great video and keep up the good work.
Impressive. I just had to learn the words to describe to people what types of people there are and if those which type I am in. It's not like I chose who I am. It chose me. I just had to learn the words. Now my chosen family is others like me or orders happy with me.
I have had three girlfriends that said they were cool with my feminine side, but I think they hid their struggles with it and weren't truly at peace with it. You two are both very fortunate human beings! Lots of love to you both. M xXx
What does one mean by "think?" You need to be a 1000% sure you are without a doubt, medical transition is not a game, or a trend, not like taking drugs to have fun at a techno party, you wake up the next day happy the effects have worn off and you feel normal again after some caffine. People should only really transition if they are constantly mistaken for the opposite of their sex identified by genitalia at birth and their life or death depends on. The grass is definitely not always greener on the other side, and transitioning will definitely not guarantee all your problems from before will disappear and you find a woman like Anya, you will likely just have new problems on top of the old ones. It is not my intention to be mean, just to caution one and all. The incel to trans pipeline is becoming a more common thing in recent years, along with growing numbers of people old and young, who falsely presumed they were trans women, or trans men, who are now de-transitioning and very unhappy. So please do your homework thoroughly, despite what haters say and do there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a non Alpha cis het 'white' boy/man who does not fit societies stereotype for masculine male gender rolls.
I wouldn't mislead ppl into thinking that they're going to find a partner, and that everything will be wonderful....I don't think that is the case for the large majority of us, especially transwomen who like women. I'm glad things worked out so wonderful like daisies for you guys...I don't think that's the norm though.
I don’t think they’re misleading anyone, they’re sharing their story and experience. And I know plenty of trans lesbians in relationships, so it’s certainly possible
I love this. My wife is transitioning and I don’t see her any differently, I only love her more for being true to herself and trusting me to be her partner. She’s a parent with me and our 5 month old baby will be raised with an open mind, never doubting that his parents are loving towards one another and towards him.
My wife and I watched this and smiled as we realized that we were not alone in this journey. I appreciate the love you share with each other as well as your viewers. I do remember the day of reckoning and coming out...one of the bumps in the road that make us and our relationships that much stronger! Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.
You two are so cute together!
I’m also a trans woman and my wife and I have been together for nearly 25 years, your story is almost identical to ours! Isn’t it wonderful how someone can blossom when they are able to be their authentic self with someone who believes and supports them?!
The most important thing my wife ever said to me when I came out as trans, (even though she couldn't understand it) was..."I married you. I didn't marry a man, any man, or the man of my dreams. I didn't marry for gender or sexual orientation, I married you and we will figure this out come hell or high water." This was probably about one of the few times I have ever cried in my life. That statement has kept me going when I wanted to give up so many times.
That's beautiful :') ❤
Is that what every person coming out as trans dreams of hearing from their partner?? Now its my turn to tear up....
You are lucky
You are so blessed...ans you have an amazing wife...so happy foe you
Anya, thank you for being such a great support for my trans-sister. It really was a breath of fresh air to hear that you are so there for your wife/partner.
This makes me so happy 😭 thank you so much for saying that ❤
I watched this in sobs of tears. I kept myself hidden until my dad died. I was 45. I'm 54 now and think I've wasted most of my life.
I'm loving your contact. Mange tak x
Clicked on this video and just saw two happy ladies - I had no idea which one of you was transgender! Heart warming to see people happy and smiling.
After the first couple of weeks with my gf I told her about my gender identity and that I didn't need to transition to be happy. 1 year later still together and I came out to her again and she said she was gonna love me no matter what. Now I'm on hrt!
Mine said I'm not what she pictured and she will move on and be happy. Got very angry with me and says she will take the kids.
Never have I ever seen such a beautiful and romantic relationship.
My partner and I are big fans and so very impressed at how wise the both of you are in so many ways.
That is such a kind thing to say :') Thank you so much!! We are so happy to have you here ❤
Thank you so so much for all you share! As a trans woman myself, I find you girls so extremely genuine and interesting!
You’re the kind of people I’d be always hanging out with as friends!!!
We're happy to have you, thanks for watching our stuff! We hope to make a "safe harbour" where other people can feel seen and acknowledged - and hopefully entertained 😅
I wish I could've had this conversation with my wife a long time ago. But, we didn't and now we're working out way through my transitioning. I just started my HRT and I'm so thrilled! But she isn't. She's happy that I'm being my authentic self, but she's worried that we're going to lose what we had. She can't get over the lable and a few other things.
Loved the video, hope to see more.
I always look forward to new content from you gals! Your videos always move me emotionally. I laugh; I cry; and I always feel lighter at the end. Like a burden has been lifted from my shoulders.
While I agree with your being open and honest come what may advice, it’s so difficult because of the personal ignorance (not knowing what’s going to happen or where you’ll finally end-up on the gender spectrum), the pain, the anguish and the terror we feel, especially in the beginning. Much of what one might say will ultimately prove wrong anyway. At least that was my experience.
Thanks again for the wonderful video!!
Thanks for telling this story. It's great hearing both of you talk openly about Jackie's transition and your relationship. Hearing both of your perspectives is really nice.
I think that would also be what I would tell my teenage self... If you really love someone, you should trust them enough to have the opportunity to love you as you are.
Granted, I think maybe that would have been a bit too advanced for me to understand back then... I think what I really needed at that time was just for someone who cared for me to tell me "its going to be okay, its okay to be who you want to be. You will still be loved". Unfortunately, I nobody ever told me this as a kid, and I went through most of my life thinking that I had to take this to the grave. Until I couldn't do it anymore. Fortunately, my wife accepts me for who I am :)
I love your story! Keep sharing your videos!! Thank you!!
You two are so cute 😍 it's really lovely to see
Thank you so much :') ❤
@@WivesVsWorld Honor what cars and cards
I have always been open about being trans with potential partners that I have grown feelings for well before I decided to transition. It was not always easy and some girls reacted negatively, but I was being honest with them and myself. Most appreciated that as we knew things could not work. Other girls became my partners and were quite supportive. It always encouraged honest communication regardless of outcome. It was sure hard to do the first couple of times though.
Where are you from
-holy shit I haven't heard or thought about that Genitals song in over a decade
-oh whoops, maybe these overalls aren't the best paired with this mic :')
-it really is strange and interesting to think about that period in time where, like you said we didn't have this vocabulary to talk about these things, and I think about how much harder it must have been for you to navigate these feelings and these changes without any examples, representation, or even words to discuss it, but to me that also goes to show just how... real and genuine being trans is, because even without any of those things, it was still happening and could have never been ignored
-absolutely agree about how breakups are far from tragedies, on the contrary they are always a good thing! they wouldn't be happening if both parties were happy
When I came out to my ex it was an immediate dealbreaker for both of us and I couldn't be happier finding other people that show me the love I need and deserve!😊
That's the spirit ❤ well done on getting through and finding the right people! 🥰
@@WivesVsWorld aww thank you! It's been rough but well worth it!
I transitioned at a similar time, I was ordering oestrogen online because of long UK NHS waiting lists, and holy fuck the language Jackie uses about herself at the time she began exploring who she is is a mirror of mine
I transitioned because it was the only way I could envision to have the smallest chance of living past 30. I also wanted nothing to do with the community because my own anecdotal experience was of people who were drama llamas, falling apart at a slight, and just not robust. Obviously I only saw a sliver of the whole of these humans, but I didn't want to be seen as that. I am a very practical ADHD human who when shit gets hard and chaotic is in their prime.
I was shite at being a boy, in my heart I was a tomboy queer woman. I was a live sound engineer, and doing masculine jobs to reinforce the "you're a boy you're a boy you're a boy", because trans women have to be precious flowers of femininity. I'm a loud and crass human, boisterous and chaotic, most comfortable in shorts and a vest.
The two things I would would love to go back and tell myself are:
- you can absolutely be a tomboy queer woman and be trans. Do it. Own it. It's you.
- things take time. It'll be hard, you'll be worried of losing people, jobs, housing. But, you're nearly 40, and engaged to the woman who gets you and all of your trauma. You don't need alcohol to cope anymore. You have a great pair of tits thanks to the mild androgen insensitivity intersexness and the family genetics on both sides. And you're happy. So. Very. Happy. You got this kiddo
Oh my gosh, it is so comforting to see this video. My fiancé recently came out to me as trans, and a few days later I finally came to terms with my sexuality as a lesbian. We are so much happier now that we are not suppressing these things, but we are still very new to things being from the Midwest and all... I love my trans gf, and I want to do my best to support her through her transition process, but I find myself worrying about her attraction to me changing as her hormones change. (Any advice would be so appreciated... Thank you for reading my comment☺️💕)
I actually have an ex from high school who’s now transgender MTF of course. I’m obviously a straight cisgender female. She actually broke up with me back then so I wouldn’t have to face a lot of the flack I woulda faced according to her. She’s a witch so she had visions and did divination like scrying and tarot. But she was also fearful at the time about our love for each other growing, and then he at the time telling me how he felt when it came to gender and the journey he at the time needed to take, it would hurt so much more than cutting off where he had at the time. My ex definitely did help me to dodge a bullet I suppose. But I’m definitely happy she found herself! Sorry for mixing up the pronouns btw!
Thanks for sharing your guys’ story!
I wish I had that kind of support. I'm extremely happy for you both. It's terribly scary and lonely transitioning without a best friend. I hid it for decades, finally came out to wife and family two years ago. In some situations, I suppose unhappy and miserable, is better than destroying a family. It's amazing to me how anyone can make changes to improve their life and well being, but if you are Trans and make changes, you are selfish, uncaring and a bad person.
OMG your wife is AMAZING, I hope as a trans lesbian I find the love you’ve found. But I’m not holding my breath.
She is truly a breathtaking person - I don't think in a million years I could find someone better for me
Good. Don't hold your breath.
You need to breath to remain conscious and it's much harder to find love of you're not conscious!!
Idk why it recommended ur channel to me THIS FCKIN LATE , i'm trans myself , pre-everything and oh my goodness i'm soo glad that i did find ur channel , subbed , Love u both (: and ur content
Don’t mutilate your body. You will regret it! And remember, surgery will NEVER MAKE YOU A DIFFERENT GENDER THAN YOU WERE BORN!!!
Such a beautiful story! I’m so happy for both of you
😂😂😂 that song is so hilarious and offensive at the same time🎉 so appropriate for this!
You are encouraging. Years ago, I came out to my then wife. It was a disaster! We stayed together, in part because of children and in part because we both made a marriage commitment. But it was a disaster for me. Maybe for her too. We eventually divorced. She died in 2010. I went through very hard times from 2001 to 2019. (I worked as a pet sitter & dog walker. I loved the pets but didn't make much money, And it was very irregular.) I have not had a girlfriend since 2001. Althogh I did have a strong friendship with a woman who retired and moved to Florida in 2014. I retired in 2019. I just started to get my life together and then in 2020, Covid Lock Downs. I am still locked down, but I may change that soon!
The Lockdowns made me more depressed. I learned skills for evading the worst of depression, but there are still malingering after effects. I feel old and fat and think no sensible woman would be interested n me. I've become a recluse and happy with my cats. (Yes, I'm an Old Cat Transwoman!)
You encourage me. I see you two and think, "Somewhere, out there, there may be a woman, a true love, for me!"
(I wish I reached this state 50 years ago! Whatever.)
You are such a beautiful couple, I am so envious. Love you 🙏❤️🙏
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️❤️
You two really do inspire me and my girlfriend (am trans lesbian too 💜)
I came out to my wife 6 months after we moved in together (so Spring 1989) and she still struggles with it. I have spent 34 years putting her first but no more. Me now.
Oh that must have been difficult! Happy to hear you're going to try putting yourself first now ❤️ sounds like it's about time ✨️
You have the best communication you can really hear each other!!!
you both look like you came out of a barbie set! thanks for your content
My journey:
"I'm a guy but I hate it" -> "I'm a feminine boy" -> "Oh no I'm ageing in a masculine way stoppppp" -> "OK fine yeah I'll give things a go but I'm not hopeful" -> "I love women but I have doubts that women could love me so I'm just going to be with men" -> "I'm a lesbian, I'm somehow actually attractive to women despite my doubts, but it's still lonely and oh no there's a pandemic now"
I can relate to being ignorant of what transness was, and the awful portrayals of trans women in media really, really didn't help. Sometimes I wish I could've known earlier, but in hindsight I know it would've been impossible for me to transition earlier than I did. I didn't have the money for it back then. I'm thankful things worked out the way they did.
So beautifully expressed!
Thank you for this. As a newly hatched egg, I find this very hopeful as a way of telling my wife.
Glad it was helpful! Hoping for the best 🩷
You are so ispiring for me, you are the proof that love can survive over a transition. I'm facing so much troubles and depressions since 2 years when I came out to my partner. She says that she don't know if she will stay with me, we have two kids and some days I can't stay strong. How can I convice her that gender is not the most important in a relationship ? Thank you.
Eloïse from France.
I'd also love to hear Anya's take on how it was for her to transition from a straight passing relationship to a visibly queer relationship?
Lucky are those couples that love with the person and not what the person has to offer.
I do identify as Non-Binary, as I have more softer feelings to the female gender, I do have trans feelings, it is much harder to come out as trans, my preferred name is Petra, birth name is Peter.
Much live
Love ❤ and best wishes from Petra
Love to you from us, Petra! ❤️✨️
I remember realising I was trans in 2013. I had met briefly just a few trans people through the indie video game world, but back in Ireland it felt like something that didn't exist at all. I'm really glad things have changed since.
Who doesn't know the "Show me your genitals" song?! Great video as always.
I'm getting ready to come out to my partner. We have already been making plans to spend the rest of our lives together. I'm sure she will be accepting and understanding but am still very very scared. Both of our families are pretty "traditional" and even conservative at times and have a lot of expectations for us to build a "traditional family". I'm so scared to ruin this for her, even though I know she never wanted a "traditional family" herself ...... I wanna be a mom someday tho 😭
That does sound scary 🥺 I hope talking to her about it goes well! Much love from us!
@@WivesVsWorld 🙏
Yeah the “perfect the way you are” is a pet peeve it’s like the guilt of complaining over a body that on paper is fine while others have illnesses that are more traditional when you think of needing medical intervention. But I also think it’s like how would a cis women feel if they began to grow a beard have receding hairlines chest and back hair and technically it is all not life threatening but it’s still very incongruent and debilitating. It’s also like that idea of cis women getting to feel pretty, express themselves femininely be in touch with their emotions but then say “your perfect as you are” to a male with more of a feminine consciousness and it’s like in YOUR EYES from the perspective of someone with all the femininity right on their fingertips with a world that accepts and praises it it’s easy to say that but again it’s just a matter of a disconnect between shared experiences
Exactly - when society is the way it is, how we look and are perceived matters ^^; at the end of the day, it's important that we are true to ourselves and feel good in our bodies ❤️
: "Honey, I'm trans."
: "Oh really? Me too!"
Broo I think other one is bio girl
Quite lovely and cozy.
You mentioned that you started hormones estradiol did you not take spironolactone too? And this is a question that a lot of us would have for you. Did you get your SRS or no?
In the beginning it was only estradiol, and then 3 years in I started spiro : )
I am the beginning of my journey. I started out getting 2 cc of estradiol injections per week from my doctor. Approximately 10 years after that I had moved and I had to get another doctor and she would not give me the injections anymore. I don’t know why, but anyhow, I took Spiraolactone and estradiol pills until my surgeries
I am the beginning of my journey. I started out getting 2 cc of estradiol injections per week from my doctor. Approximately 10 years after that I had moved and I had to get another doctor and she would not give me the injections anymore. I don’t know why, but anyhow, I took Spiraolactone and estradiol pills until my surgeries
I am the beginning of my journey. I started out getting 2 cc of estradiol injections per week from my doctor. Approximately 10 years after that I had moved and I had to get another doctor and she would not give me the injections anymore. I don’t know why, but anyhow, I took Spiraolactone and estradiol pills until my surgeries
I need to find a partner like that I'm just coming out at 49 years old and want to start taking hormones but can't see myself doing it alone. Any advice please.
I love you both!! Your amazing
1:38 "definitely not gonna be a man, you went to japan" oh I love that rhyme 😂
Being someone from India, whatever you said about people misunderstanding trans people is going on here right now and I hate it. Tbh I hate it.
the doobleydoo!! are you fans of vlogbrothers or wheezywaiter?
Not really haha - Honestly I think we're just from a time when people said that a lot 😂
I want my Anya too. I can see so much love between you two and I need that too. I wish I had what Jackie has.
Yes Anya is a rare treasure, beautiful, intelligent, empathic, considerate and sensitive, A and J are a very well suited couple who are completely open with each other about anything and seem to only have eyes for each other, so sweet.
You two are so lovely. !
Thank you so much!! 🥰
I love you girls, I'm thankful I found you.
What a beautiful video, I wish I had a partner like that
Thank you so much. They're out there! ;A; I hope you will find the perfect person for you ❤
I wish my wife would be as understanding but she has been brought up man and woman together and nothing else. I tried to tell her that I was a woman trapped in a man's body but she would not listen. She said she loved me but not my lifestyle
This is the hardest thing in the transwomen community. Everyone wants to assume that we like guys and I for one am a translesbian.
But then you are limited to who will love you.
Your even have a pansexual or a lesbian and most want nothing to do with us. Sadly
I er så cute sammen 🥰
Mere fordi jeg er totalt uvidende og blev lidt forvirret af jeres forklaring.. var CKI ikke en ting tilbage i 2011?
Jeg kan ikke helt huske, hvornår skiftet skete, men før det foregik behandlingen gennem Sexologisk Klinik, som varetog en række sexologiske emner, og der havde man ment, at transpersoner passede ind fint - med CKI fik man så et fokus på kønsidentitet, og ikke nødvendigvis sexualitet ^^;
@@WivesVsWorld tak ❤️ jeg er selv rimelig ny i processen 😅 ville på nogen punkter ønske jeg gik igang før, men har en følelse af at det er noget nemmere nu end det har været behandlingsmæssigt
Okay... I got a question... your genitals? XD No, don't worry. I'm not going to get into that. It is tough. I started my relationship with the truth this time after being burnt so many times before. I didn't do anything about it, just gave a heads up that something might pop and happen. We're there now... and I truly hope that we will survive and strive. The thing is that even if I wouldn't do anything things might not work out in the long run either. Then I would just be depressed for all those years without anything changing. I ramble... great video and keep up the good work.
Also jade I had a similar experience
So much fun 😊
Impressive. I just had to learn the words to describe to people what types of people there are and if those which type I am in. It's not like I chose who I am. It chose me. I just had to learn the words.
Now my chosen family is others like me or orders happy with me.
Sweet story and lovely to see... as I'm prepping for my divorce lol :(
Very interesting 👌
Wow! Big love to you both! M xXx
I have had three girlfriends that said they were cool with my feminine side, but I think they hid their struggles with it and weren't truly at peace with it. You two are both very fortunate human beings! Lots of love to you both. M xXx
Thank you so much ❤️ We're so sorry to hear that. You deserve someone who loves you for exactly who you are. Lots of love right back at you!
I wish I had a girlfriend.
0:38 - omg onision XD
Is that what that is??? 😅
@@WivesVsWorld Lmaooo :D “We don’t talk about Bruno…”
Deal 🙌
I think I am trans my pronouns are They them she her
What does one mean by "think?" You need to be a 1000% sure you are without a doubt, medical transition is not a game, or a trend, not like taking drugs to have fun at a techno party, you wake up the next day happy the effects have worn off and you feel normal again after some caffine.
People should only really transition if they are constantly mistaken for the opposite of their sex identified by genitalia at birth and their life or death depends on.
The grass is definitely not always greener on the other side, and transitioning will definitely not guarantee all your problems from before will disappear and you find a woman like Anya, you will likely just have new problems on top of the old ones.
It is not my intention to be mean, just to caution one and all. The incel to trans pipeline is becoming a more common thing in recent years, along with growing numbers of people old and young, who falsely presumed they were trans women, or trans men, who are now de-transitioning and very unhappy.
So please do your homework thoroughly, despite what haters say and do there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a non Alpha cis het 'white' boy/man who does not fit societies stereotype for masculine male gender rolls.
Yall r very beautiful young women from Jeff
You're so cute, do you plan to have babies ?
Thank you~ No we don't 🥰
I wouldn't mislead ppl into thinking that they're going to find a partner, and that everything will be wonderful....I don't think that is the case for the large majority of us, especially transwomen who like women. I'm glad things worked out so wonderful like daisies for you guys...I don't think that's the norm though.
I feel like in no way did they intend to say that anyone will find someone to love. They are literally just telling their story.
I don’t think they’re misleading anyone, they’re sharing their story and experience. And I know plenty of trans lesbians in relationships, so it’s certainly possible
@@Chloe-ov2xr I've never met one that wasnt in a long term relationships before they transitioned.
@@Chloe-ov2xr maybe I'm being negative. Maybe portraying it in a positive light is more beneficial, even if what I'm saying is true to my experience.
Pls get marriage
wtf dawg..she came out as trans and shes hooked up with a lez...wtf...
W... What? Did I miss something in the video?
Post op trans?
Both so beautiful
We agree!