Ahhh thanks 54 years young I would say 😀 That is extremely kind and that moment sitting in from of the tv when this come out I still remember vividly too. I think that was the moment I fell in love with electronic music for ever. Weird to think it's a few (he hem) years a go! Have a wonderful day and thanks again Phill
Давно у себя держал трек «Dim Zach - The Super Model», но уже, как говорят в России, «приелся». А этот ремикс вновь заставил меня послушать его 100 раз за последние несколько часов!)) Спасибо!
Respect - well made, but also an evidence how timeless, on point and far ahead Kraftwerk‘s music is - this version is just now in time, Kraftwerk´s version will be listen in 100 years…. like Beethoven, Mozart etc.
Thanks Roy. You are so right you could take the notes and play them with any instrument and they would hold the original charm and personality. I also think that the robotic simplistic melodies always sound computer like with any instrument. Kraftwerk made it feel exciting and be cold and mechanical all at the same time… just genius. Thanks again Roy Phill
Era niño de 5 años y este tema siempre me quedo grabado lo podía escuchar de lejos el mejor grupo kraftwerk se extraña a Florian r.i.p bendiciones para todos desde Uruguay 🇺🇾🙏
¡Qué hermoso recuerdo! Es increíble cómo la música puede impactarnos desde tan pequeños y quedarse grabada en nuestra memoria para siempre. Kraftwerk, con su sonido innovador, realmente marcó un antes y un después en la música, y es un honor haber sido testigos de su genialidad. Tu historia me ha conmovido, y me alegra saber que aprendiste a tocar esa música que tanto te inspiró. Florian Schneider dejó un legado impresionante, y es maravilloso ver cómo su obra sigue tocando corazones en todo el mundo, desde Uruguay hasta cualquier rincón del planeta. ¡Un saludo enorme para ti y para todos en Uruguay! Gracias por compartir este hermoso recuerdo. ¡Bendiciones para ti también! 🙏
@@phillipturner muchas gracias por tus palabras lastima acá en Uruguay nunca vienen grupos buenos pude ver a los chemical brothers a el grupo PIL de Jhony Rotem a un italiano llamado Lorenzo Jovanotti pero me faltó poder ver a Blur . En Punta del Este vinieron los pet shop boys hace años y el año pasado vino David Guetta y en el año 2018 vinieron djs de los mejores del mundo no me acuerdo cómo se llamaban fue justo un sábado 13 de enero que era mi cumpleaños y fuimos de casualidad con un Migo mío que vive en España y vino a visitarme a ese amigo yo le mostré kraftwerk y otros grupos el si los pudo ver en Bilbao yo siempre le dije que la música de kraftwerk es como subir a una nave espacial y el me contó que el show de ellos en Bilbao empezó con un ovni que baja a la tierra fue mucha casualidad jeje es como Vangelis Jarre música que de niño queda marcada pero por lo general acá en Uruguay la mayoría de las personas no escuchan esa música yo por qué siempre me llamo la atención la música electrónica y clásica en fin gracias por tu amable contestación y ya me subscribi al canal tuyo bendiciones para ti de corazón 🙏👍🏻
I’m on my phone so it’s in English… great bands you have seen and listened to. Chemical brothers I nearly broke the cd I played it so many times!! Have a fantastic Sunday and thank you once again!!!!
@@phillipturnerbuen trabajo en los covers bendiciones y un gusto conocerte bendiciones de corazón y que Inglaterra salga adelante fue muy triste lo de las niñas y lo que está pasando 🙏👍🏻
Danke . Ich liebte dieses Lied so sehr, als es herauskam. Danke für Ihre Unterstützung. Hast du die anderen Songs gefunden, an denen ich gearbeitet habe?
I really like the band Kraftwerk! Most of all, I really love the song The Robots; in general, my favorite album is The man machine. By chance, I managed to purchase this album at that distant time. Somehow, without suspecting it, they began to study the style and movements of electric boogie and top breakdancing. In front of the girls they danced to robots. By chance, I happened to go on a business trip to Moscow in 2004 for work. And lo and behold, in Moscow I saw posters that for the first time the pioneers of the techno style and electro group Kraftwerk were coming to Russia on a tour. My happiness knew no bounds. But as it turned out, the tickets were already sold out. And then luck smiled at me again, one of the guys who had previously bought a ticket to a Kraftwerk concert urgently decided to sell it because his wife gave birth to a child and he urgently needed to go to the maternity hospital. Already completely happy, I went to the concert with a ticket in my hands, not yet fully realizing that my dream had come true and I would see my favorite band. We can say that I saw live legends of the electro style Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider - may he rest in heaven! A year later, the group Kraftwerk released this album in live sound called Minimum Maximum. When I already purchased this live album and began to listen to it, my gaze stopped at the track list of the album. Having reached the topic of The Robots (Moscow), I realized that I was among the jubilant crowd of fans! This is what happened to me! Thanks to your channel and musical skill, I have no words, everything is very juicy, incredibly beautiful and delicious! I wish you further creative success in promoting your channel to many subscribers and from you to continue to delight us with your musical delicious things. Sincerely,
Wow amazing story thank you for sharing! , In may a radio station contacted me to play this on the radio in Laguna beach next to the Disney centre where kraftwerk were playing. I gave the ‘electro city’ album I made cover versions of 13 songs and the djs talked one used to be the manager of kraftwerk before they played the whole album. It’s my destiny to do this! I love stories like yours 😀🙏
Tenía 14 años cuando escuché The model x primera vez y me enamoré totalmente de ése tema y Kraftwerk.. éste arreglo es fantástico!!! Felicitaciones!!! 😎💪💪💪👏👏👏🤙🤙
Mee Too Something changed when I heard it and thank you so much for your kind words. Algo cambió cuando lo escuché y muchas gracias por tus amables palabras.
This is Brilliant 👍👍🎉no one in the world could ever make music like kraftwerk ..and you have just brought back lots of 80s teens memories back .. this is an amazing tribute to the incredible music of Kraftwerk the 80s children growing up listing to Kraftwerk thank you
I had a Original Kraftwerk Lp /German Vocals that I used to spin @ The Twilight Zone in Vancouver ,would have Loved to hear Deutsche Vocals over this Masterpiece. BIG THNX !
Bin quasi Fan des Originals seit der ersten Stunde. Habe nie (auch nicht bei anderen Titeln u. v. anderen Interpreten) einen besseren REMIX gehört. Die Seele des Originals erhalten. Absoluten Respekt vorm Original gezeigt. Soviel ursprüngliche Einflüsse eingearbeitet. Mach weiter so Phill. ...oder besser noch: Trete die geistige Nachfolge an. Du hast diese Musik offensichtlich verstanden. I am Fan of this Track since I can Remember. Never heared a better Remix. (Neer heared a better RMX at all) You have saved the Soul of the Song. Youe shown Respect to the Original. You have worked with many original-Influences. Keep on Phil ....or better: Go and fill the Musical whole since KRAFTWERK is gone... You understand this Music.
Ahhh Wodash77 !!!!!!!!!!! So ein wunderbarer Kommentar!!! Es macht wirklich Lust auf mehr, wenn ich so tolle Kommentare wie deine höre. Das ist so nett von dir!!!! und es bedeutet so viel mehr, dass Sie die Originalmusik auch absolut lieben! Ich hoffe, die deutsche Übersetzung hilft mir zu sagen, was ich meine. Nochmals vielen Dank und ich wünsche Ihnen ein wunderschönes Wochenende! Phill Ahhh Wodash77!!!!!!!!!!! Such a wonderful comment!!! It really makes me want to create more when I hear such amazing comments like yours. That is so kind of you!!!! and it means so much more that you absolutely love the original music too! I hope the German translation helps me say what I mean. Thanks again and I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Phill
La primera vez que escuche música electrónica con bases rítmicas bien definidas aquí en Argentina fué de estos genios alemanes Kraftwerk a fines de la década del 70. Simplemente sorprendentes.
Superb! Primele miscari de Breakdance au fost pe aceste piese! Anii 80 cei mai frumosi si productivi pentru industria muzicii ulterioare!!! MULȚUMESC Bro pentru munca ta! Continua tot așa!❤
Hi Karen That is so kind thank you! Always so nice to hear someone had a much joy listening as I had creating it. I hope you have a wonderful week. Many thanks again Phill
My pleasure next week another thank u will be sent 2 u... I placed your lovely RAdioactivity as opener on my very popular DANCE WAVE 2027 BUT ALL THE OTHER 169 CUTS PLAY VIDEO EXCELT your Radioactivity is only Video,,even though I am an Emphat Naturalist Peacemaker against Technology Damaging our Earth and I am not an I.t.Wiiz But I tried every way from going to utubea d also u tube music which on both the first time is only Audio no matter what I try ,when I go to your subscription it does play your nice New video,but not as the first song on Dance Wave 2070 which certainly u will get many many more comments than the 55 showing now,,,no problem with your rnice new T.E..E.video which I placed in the Middle of the new ENERGIZE ANUNAKI right after Trance Dance in the second half... So please check it out and let me know,,I think I told u before I was Hit and Run on the way to my Vegas place at 100 miles a. Hour speed and I took 6 rolls on the other side of the Autobahn at 8 p.m. on the busiest highway in America and I suffered many injuries and Several Brain Damage and T.B.I.,s and I went upstairs and saw the Most Beautiful life and was sent back to earth with A few weeks in coma and still in comatose state and lost most of my hearing and sence of smell and taste and .y fiance and more than 3 millions of my inheritance and and,,,but Thanx God I am not on wheel chair.... P.S. in u tube shorts here I just saw England is the most boring team and British fan was sleeping during today's game and good luck to you ,, It be a pleasure to talk to u in person via my phone at 001,747.8545, and may be u can be my guest in L.A or Vegas on your next vacation and I will help you with Air Fare and u will not need to pay for hotel and u stay in Top place in Vegas in my condo and your own private room Across the New World Famous SPHERE which is my Master bedroom and The Kitchen direct view,and u r welcome to check it out at the address, 356 DESERT inn Rd.#208, Las Vegas,Nevada, 89109... One reason No one Died in that Horrific Accident on Feb.19.2021 is Cuz I SHARE MY BLESSINGS WITH ALL I CAN and I treat all as if they are An Angle Placed on My Path of Life and ...... To be Continued... Oh my R hand had elbow and wrist operation last Monday so very hard and painful to type and text so excuse all mistakes....on Feb 16.25 I had the same operation on left hand and I am scheduled for both Shoulders surgeries in July and September... I don want to prolong this message BUT AMAZINGLY THE SONG I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT YOU IS PLAYING NOW FROM MY Playlist,and it is so Interesting I have been thinking about You and helping you to Finance your next project for world peace which is highly needed now and no matter the cost I was kept alive to continue being a Peacemaker....
Hi Phil I am now in Aircraft flying to Vegas Enjoying your New Art Works With 5 Star Platinum Headphone and The Sound is Fabulous and the Beat Waves Are Magical.. But my Favorite your New Radioactivity Version for my Devices is Audio Only and the other 179 songs in Dance Waves 2070 do not have that issue and all other videos there play o.k.... My last message to you was joking about Borrowing One of your Dancing Robots for entering Dance Contest since you Made them Dancing so Cool. Bravooooo. Hour Friend AliU.
Sądzę że dobrze poradziłem Cepięć C5, gdzie się schować przed wyłączeniem. Dziękuję w imieniu swoim i istot syntetycznych 😊. RPC VIA Cedwa C2, 02 sierpień 2024. Czas lokalny 22:53 PM.
Absolutely brilliant. This hits you in waves. At first it seems shallow and sort of ok but then it rolls you under and you are immersed in the music and graphics. Well done.
Metalstorm242 you have made me a very happy man with that bazinga of a comment. 😊 Thank you so much for your kind words of support!!!! It’s the end of the day and I will sleep a contented man. Have a wonderful evening 🙏📺🤖🤩😎👍 Phill
Hello and Peace To All My Global Music Mates. This Inventive Artistic Electronic Revival Symphonic Pleasureous Joy was Done Recently by our Great Australian Genius Mr.Phil , and I Never Ever Get Enough of it .... So I Hope you All Enjoy it as Much as I Do with 26 years of Clubing Deejaying .... Even though it is as Good as the Origional KRAFTWERK with much better Sound and Beat , But Unfortunately Despite All His Hard Fabulous Work and Time and Expenses for this Super Unique Unparallel Production and his Avan Gart New Style , my Friend Mr. Phill Turner Does Not Even Get One Penny for this Fabulous Most Popular Re masterpiece, unless Real Music Lovers Help Him to Finance Another Beautifull Art Piece Soon Please. Great Music Will Vibrate Peace Around the World as you all can see with many lovely Comments from Numerous Nations and Intenstional Fans from Brasil to India and even China for this Top Top Unique Vibes. Thank you Phil. From Dance 2025 playlist, by Dj.AliU , Losangeles.
Mi hermosa hija de 8 años disfruta ésta canción como ninguna, los robots le fascinan y cuando tocan el violín y hacen coreografía se maravilla, gran video
Estoy muy contento de que a su hija le guste el video. Gracias por tus maravillosos comentarios. ¡Yo también amo los robots! Muchas gracias de nuevo phill🤖
Shit, that was great. I can see you take pride in your work AND you love producing the video. I know how much time a vid takes. Good work, keep it up!!! Subed you and put you on my playlist. Well deserved ....
Hola mi querido y gran amigo Phill Turner expectacular!!! imagen y música perfecto 👍🏻 la música es vida bravoooo!!! Que tengas linda noche cielo con todo mi cariño y respeto saludos desde España 🇪🇦 👉🤴🏻🎼🔝💯😎🙌🔥❤🎇🌛⭐😘🤗
@@phillipturner gracias a ti por hacer tus videos me apasiona la música y agradecerte por responder mi comentario y hablar en mi idioma mil gracias yo comento segun me trasmiten los videos y siempre con cariño y respeto 😘🤗🖐🇪🇦🎼🔝💯
@@phillipturner mil gracias por hablar mi idioma y seguiré viendo tus expectaculares vídeos gracias de corazón ❤ chao que tengas linda noche cielo 😘🤗🖐🎼🔝💯
This has my heart already.... never mind the fact I am a super alien anyway, ....the boys used to sing this song to me as I walked to school hahaaa.... BRILLIANT 😃👌
Kraftwerk (German: [ˈkʁaftvɛɐ̯k], lit. "power plant") are a German electronic band formed in Düsseldorf in 1970 by Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider. Widely considered innovators and pioneers of electronic music, Kraftwerk were among the first successful acts to popularize the genre. The group began as part of West Germany's experimental krautrock scene in the early 1970s before fully embracing electronic instrumentation, including synthesizers, drum machines, and vocoders. Wolfgang Flür joined the band in 1973 and Karl Bartos in 1975, expanding the band to a quartet. Since the band's formation, it has seen numerous lineup changes, with Hütter as its only constant member. On commercially successful albums such as Autobahn (1974), Trans-Europe Express (1977), The Man-Machine (1978), and Computer World (1981), Kraftwerk developed a self-described "robot pop" style that combined electronic music with pop melodies, sparse arrangements, and repetitive rhythms, while adopting a stylized image including matching suits. Following the release of Electric Café (1986), Flür left the group in 1987, followed by Bartos in 1990. The band released Tour de France Soundtracks, their latest album of new material, in 2003. Founding member Schneider left in 2008. The band, with new members, has continued to tour under the leadership of Hütter. The band's work has influenced a diverse range of artists and many genres of modern music, including synth-pop, hip hop, post-punk, techno, house music, ambient, and club music. In 2014, the Recording Academy honoured Kraftwerk with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. They later won the Grammy Award for Best Dance/Electronic Album with their live album 3-D The Catalogue (2017) at the 2018 ceremony. In 2021, Kraftwerk was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in the early influence category. As of 2024, the band continues to tour, with the members' live performances celebrating Kraftwerk's fiftieth anniversary. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraftwerk
Hola mi querido y gran amigo Phill Turner mi gran dj ❤❤❤❤ expectacular!!! Eres fantástico me voi a trabajar otra vez no te he escrito en Inglés perdon🙏 cielo 👉🤴🏻🔝🎼💯🎧🔥😎🙌❤❤❤🤗😘🖐
Ahhh thanks Mark you are very kind and I'm sooo glad you love it. I have just finished the remix Album that features 13 of Kraftwerk's songs remixed into a Album. Some of the songs I haven't put out yet but heres what has been ... ua-cam.com/play/PL6XXApCWVpO5gwtnAdxHmLvRcPTFwC6Js.html&si=yJt5wtB8_ivvRQvX
"The Model" by Kraftwerk is a classic track from their 1978 album Die Mensch-Maschine (known as The Man-Machine in English). The song was written by Ralf Hütter, Karl Bartos, and Emil Schult
@@phillipturner Thanks Phill.. I really love the music The Kreftwerk,my best music album. But ur creation seems more and more advance upon "The Man Machine",really extraordinary work like.. sorry if I'm wrong.. love from India .. carry on.. and waiting for next one..
Hi Ahh thanks again I really appreciate it. I can see why you really love the music. I still remember seeing the video for The Model as a kid and being totally mesmerised by the tune. It was a big part of the change in the charts from pop based to synth based hits and I loved them. When I created this I wanted to keep as much of the original feeling as I could and move it on a little. India I visited a few times and it was my favourite country to visit. Next one coming soon. Many thanks again Phill
Thanks mate, not bad. However, I believe that a little bit less would provide much more. I mean that the beginning and the end is so good, in between it is too much techno-ish. Apart from this, keep up the good work, Happy New Year!
Uhh, excuse me, but even the original song was "techno-ish"!!! And, rightly so....!!! I, seeing this video remake, was very pleasantly surprised & pleased. I LOVE TECHNO!! PLS try other songs to update in this mode. THANK you!!!.
I’m 65 and been listening to Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream since the 1970’s……still resonates today nearly 50 years on
Wow yes it’s so timeless music Charlie and thank you for listening , I really appreciate it
Не очень,натура лучше.....
I m 58 yrs old. Also listening this, when ever I m free
@@divyaranjanTripathi thanks!!!
Beautifully 're-modelled' 🙂 Fantastic job.
Ahhh thanks !!
I really appreciate your kind words.
As a child of the eighty's , I have to admit good version. Greetings from France
Ahhh Merci and hello to France
I feel like it was yesterday! What a great mix........Excellent work!!!!! Strong i m 54 years old
Ahhh thanks
54 years young I would say 😀 That is extremely kind and that moment sitting in from of the tv when this come out I still remember vividly too.
I think that was the moment I fell in love with electronic music for ever.
Weird to think it's a few (he hem) years a go!
Have a wonderful day and thanks again
wish you all the best!!! @@phillipturner
and to you !!!@@oibaftv5217
Great . i find the mix on Spotify !!!! TOP
Yes I should mention that yes thanks!!!! @@oibaftv5217
This proves that great music never gets old and it can evolve forever❤❤❤❤
Timeless melody 🎶 Judi you are so right😀
Давно у себя держал трек «Dim Zach - The Super Model», но уже, как говорят в России, «приелся». А этот ремикс вновь заставил меня послушать его 100 раз за последние несколько часов!)) Спасибо!
Thank you that is very kind!!!!!!!
Одна из любимых композиций Крафт Верк! Браво!!!
Спасибо Серго.
Рад, что вам понравилось!
Вечный Крафт-вещице этой почти 45 лет.Браво.
Да, кажется, вчера, ха-ха
Respect - well made, but also an evidence how timeless, on point and far ahead Kraftwerk‘s music is - this version is just now in time, Kraftwerk´s version will be listen in 100 years…. like Beethoven, Mozart etc.
Thanks Roy.
You are so right you could take the notes and play them with any instrument and they would hold the original charm and personality.
I also think that the robotic simplistic melodies always sound computer like with any instrument.
Kraftwerk made it feel exciting and be cold and mechanical all at the same time… just genius.
Thanks again Roy
@@phillipturner i love you
@@sheilavaldes3775 😊
@@phillipturner ya
Passes the definition of Evergreen!
Era niño de 5 años y este tema siempre me quedo grabado lo podía escuchar de lejos el mejor grupo kraftwerk se extraña a Florian r.i.p bendiciones para todos desde Uruguay 🇺🇾🙏
¡Qué hermoso recuerdo! Es increíble cómo la música puede impactarnos desde tan pequeños y quedarse grabada en nuestra memoria para siempre. Kraftwerk, con su sonido innovador, realmente marcó un antes y un después en la música, y es un honor haber sido testigos de su genialidad.
Tu historia me ha conmovido, y me alegra saber que aprendiste a tocar esa música que tanto te inspiró. Florian Schneider dejó un legado impresionante, y es maravilloso ver cómo su obra sigue tocando corazones en todo el mundo, desde Uruguay hasta cualquier rincón del planeta.
¡Un saludo enorme para ti y para todos en Uruguay! Gracias por compartir este hermoso recuerdo. ¡Bendiciones para ti también! 🙏
@@phillipturner muchas gracias por tus palabras lastima acá en Uruguay nunca vienen grupos buenos pude ver a los chemical brothers a el grupo PIL de Jhony Rotem a un italiano llamado Lorenzo Jovanotti pero me faltó poder ver a Blur . En Punta del Este vinieron los pet shop boys hace años y el año pasado vino David Guetta y en el año 2018 vinieron djs de los mejores del mundo no me acuerdo cómo se llamaban fue justo un sábado 13 de enero que era mi cumpleaños y fuimos de casualidad con un Migo mío que vive en España y vino a visitarme a ese amigo yo le mostré kraftwerk y otros grupos el si los pudo ver en Bilbao yo siempre le dije que la música de kraftwerk es como subir a una nave espacial y el me contó que el show de ellos en Bilbao empezó con un ovni que baja a la tierra fue mucha casualidad jeje es como Vangelis Jarre música que de niño queda marcada pero por lo general acá en Uruguay la mayoría de las personas no escuchan esa música yo por qué siempre me llamo la atención la música electrónica y clásica en fin gracias por tu amable contestación y ya me subscribi al canal tuyo bendiciones para ti de corazón 🙏👍🏻
I’m on my phone so it’s in English… great bands you have seen and listened to. Chemical brothers I nearly broke the cd I played it so many times!! Have a fantastic Sunday and thank you once again!!!!
@@phillipturnerbuen trabajo en los covers bendiciones y un gusto conocerte bendiciones de corazón y que Inglaterra salga adelante fue muy triste lo de las niñas y lo que está pasando 🙏👍🏻
@@StephanSalve thank you Stephan
Peace is the answer have a great Sunday!
I am 64 an a big kraftwerk fan,i love this type of music an love the way they have done this.
Thanks Paul!!!!
I really appreciate your very kind words!!!
Means a great deal to me.
Thank you
Отлично получилось, обработка музыки и видеоряд с роботами слились воедино. Большое спасибо.
Ahh thank you that is extremely kind!!!!
Brilliant re-happening of an absolute classic.
Breath taking visual presentation.
I wish you every success with your channel Phill
Thanks Christopher !!
That is extremely kind.
Genial, neu aufgelegt, meine Lieblingsband damals, einfach schön....
Danke . Ich liebte dieses Lied so sehr, als es herauskam. Danke für Ihre Unterstützung. Hast du die anderen Songs gefunden, an denen ich gearbeitet habe?
I love you Kraftwerg. The founders of electronic music.🔥🚀👍
I agree glad you like it
@@phillipturner thanks 🙏
I really like the band Kraftwerk! Most of all, I really love the song The Robots; in general, my favorite album is The man machine. By chance, I managed to purchase this album at that distant time. Somehow, without suspecting it, they began to study the style and movements of electric boogie and top breakdancing. In front of the girls they danced to robots.
By chance, I happened to go on a business trip to Moscow in 2004 for work. And lo and behold, in Moscow I saw posters that for the first time the pioneers of the techno style and electro group Kraftwerk were coming to Russia on a tour. My happiness knew no bounds. But as it turned out, the tickets were already sold out.
And then luck smiled at me again, one of the guys who had previously bought a ticket to a Kraftwerk concert urgently decided to sell it because his wife gave birth to a child and he urgently needed to go to the maternity hospital. Already completely happy, I went to the concert with a ticket in my hands, not yet fully realizing that my dream had come true and I would see my favorite band.
We can say that I saw live legends of the electro style Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider - may he rest in heaven! A year later, the group Kraftwerk released this album in live sound called Minimum Maximum. When I already purchased this live album and began to listen to it, my gaze stopped at the track list of the album.
Having reached the topic of The Robots (Moscow), I realized that I was among the jubilant crowd of fans! This is what happened to me! Thanks to your channel and musical skill, I have no words, everything is very juicy, incredibly beautiful and delicious!
I wish you further creative success in promoting your channel to many subscribers and from you to continue to delight us with your musical delicious things. Sincerely,
Wow amazing story thank you for sharing! , In may a radio station contacted me to play this on the radio in Laguna beach next to the Disney centre where kraftwerk were playing. I gave the ‘electro city’ album I made cover versions of 13 songs and the djs talked one used to be the manager of kraftwerk before they played the whole album. It’s my destiny to do this! I love stories like yours 😀🙏
Отличный ремикс. Старая песня попрежнему жива !
Thank you!!!!
Thanks for sharing, it brought back many memories. You took me back to the past. Memories of my youth. 🎼🎵🎶🔈🔉🔊🕺🏻💃🏻
Ahhh when I made it I felt the same !!! So loved the song ...I can see me watching it on top of the pops !!!
Yes, it really is. Euphoria... Childhood and student years.
Weird how music can give us time travelling super powers!
Tenía 14 años cuando escuché The model x primera vez y me enamoré totalmente de ése tema y Kraftwerk.. éste arreglo es fantástico!!! Felicitaciones!!! 😎💪💪💪👏👏👏🤙🤙
Mee Too Something changed when I heard it and thank you so much for your kind words.
Algo cambió cuando lo escuché y muchas gracias por tus amables palabras.
This is Brilliant 👍👍🎉no one in the world could ever make music like kraftwerk ..and you have just brought back lots of 80s teens memories back .. this is an amazing tribute to the incredible music of Kraftwerk the 80s children growing up listing to Kraftwerk thank you
Ahhh thanks Rosemary!!!!
So very kind of you to say.
I am so pleased you love it👍😎
Hope you are having a wonderful day
Thanks again
Greetings to Our Talented AUSI Poducer of this Masterpiece PHIL TURNER,...
Thanks Ali
That is very kind!!!
What is AUSI? Aussi ? or something else ? I'm intrigued😁
fantastic remix. i've come back to this one several times. great work, phil!
Ah thanks Bill!!!!! That is so very kind!
Have loved Kraftwerk for years now.. but this is just another level.... what a perfect blend..❤❤
Ah thanks Simon so pleased you loved it!!!
Any requests on the next Kraftwerk song I should remix?
Many thanks
Der Remix ist wirklich gut. Doch das Original ist eine Legende. Die Band ist eine Legende. Ein Meilenstein.
I appreciate your wonderful comments thank you!! and yes they are like no other I totally agree!
This is one of the best videos I ever seen, and I am old, lol. Great job
Ahhh thanks Ellie
So wonderful for you to say so!
Age is just a number 😀
Glad you loved it.
Many thanks
I had a Original Kraftwerk Lp /German Vocals that I used to spin @
The Twilight Zone in Vancouver ,would have Loved to hear Deutsche Vocals over this Masterpiece. BIG THNX !
Bin quasi Fan des Originals seit der ersten Stunde. Habe nie (auch nicht bei anderen Titeln u. v. anderen Interpreten) einen besseren REMIX gehört. Die Seele des Originals erhalten. Absoluten Respekt vorm Original gezeigt. Soviel ursprüngliche Einflüsse eingearbeitet. Mach weiter so Phill. ...oder besser noch: Trete die geistige Nachfolge an. Du hast diese Musik offensichtlich verstanden.
I am Fan of this Track since I can Remember. Never heared a better Remix. (Neer heared a better RMX at all) You have saved the Soul of the Song. Youe shown Respect to the Original. You have worked with many original-Influences. Keep on Phil ....or better: Go and fill the Musical whole since KRAFTWERK is gone... You understand this Music.
Ahhh Wodash77 !!!!!!!!!!!
So ein wunderbarer Kommentar!!!
Es macht wirklich Lust auf mehr, wenn ich so tolle Kommentare wie deine höre.
Das ist so nett von dir!!!!
und es bedeutet so viel mehr, dass Sie die Originalmusik auch absolut lieben!
Ich hoffe, die deutsche Übersetzung hilft mir zu sagen, was ich meine.
Nochmals vielen Dank und ich wünsche Ihnen ein wunderschönes Wochenende!
Ahhh Wodash77!!!!!!!!!!!
Such a wonderful comment!!!
It really makes me want to create more when I hear such amazing comments like yours.
That is so kind of you!!!!
and it means so much more that you absolutely love the original music too!
I hope the German translation helps me say what I mean.
Thanks again and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Kraftwerk. forever young
La primera vez que escuche música electrónica con bases rítmicas bien definidas aquí en Argentina fué de estos genios alemanes Kraftwerk a fines de la década del 70. Simplemente sorprendentes.
It’s the same story as me… when I saw this video and heard the song things changed. Thanks for sharing ❤
wow...been listening to Jarre and pthers since 81...this gave me shivers!! well done Sir
Ahh thanks 🙏 I remixed Oxygen did you see that ???
Music, impressed, no words.Once again, I really like listening to it, a great remix.
Much appreciated! Thank you
I just cannot stop watching, this version is amazing. thank you Phill
Ahh thanks John, I really appreciate that!
Glad you're loving it!
Many thanks
A Million thumbs up
Ahhh thank you !!!!!!!!
Орегинал прекрасен, но rmx получися узумительный, это лучшее, что я слышал, благодарю за память в новом исполнении, респект!!!
Ah thank you so much that is very kind. So pleased you loved it!!!!
а как же версия Rammstein? 😉
Superb! Primele miscari de Breakdance au fost pe aceste piese! Anii 80 cei mai frumosi si productivi pentru industria muzicii ulterioare!!! MULȚUMESC Bro pentru munca ta! Continua tot așa!❤
Thanks Florin!!!!
I agree music is a time machine and I want to go back!
Thanks again!
Wow . Totally exceeded expectations. U really knocked this one out of the park. Loved it.
Hi Karen
That is so kind thank you!
Always so nice to hear someone had a much joy listening as I had creating it.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
Many thanks again
Супер.для поколения 50+ новое перерождение.Спасибо...
Yes thank you ☺️ 🙏
MAGNIFICENT! I'm a Rock & Roller but this stuff blows me away!
Thanks John 😊
Un excelente Clásico 👌👌,, pasando años y siempre un gran éxito 👍👍 Thanks saludos cordiales Dj,, desde Argentina Rosario 🥰
Mucho Gracias Nestor.
Thank you.
I am so pleased you loved it!
Oh and of course hello to wonderful Argentina!!
video musical excelente incomparable temazo futurista congratulaciones
Thank you !!!
That is very kind.
Thanks again
Młodość powróciła. Świeżutka wersja. Pozdrawiam serdecznie Wszystkich...
Dziękuję !
Tak się cieszę, że to lubisz!🤖🕺😃
Wow thank you Ali… that is so very kind! I really appreciate that😀
My pleasure next week another thank u will be sent 2 u...
I placed your lovely RAdioactivity as opener on my very popular DANCE WAVE 2027 BUT ALL THE OTHER 169 CUTS PLAY VIDEO EXCELT your Radioactivity is only Video,,even though I am an Emphat Naturalist Peacemaker against Technology Damaging our Earth and I am not an I.t.Wiiz But I tried every way from going to utubea d also u tube music which on both the first time is only Audio no matter what I try ,when I go to your subscription it does play your nice New video,but not as the first song on Dance Wave 2070 which certainly u will get many many more comments than the 55 showing now,,,no problem with your rnice new T.E..E.video which I placed in the Middle of the new ENERGIZE ANUNAKI right after Trance Dance in the second half...
So please check it out and let me know,,I think I told u before I was Hit and Run on the way to my Vegas place at 100 miles a. Hour speed and I took 6 rolls on the other side of the Autobahn at 8 p.m. on the busiest highway in America and I suffered many injuries and Several Brain Damage and T.B.I.,s and I went upstairs and saw the Most Beautiful life and was sent back to earth with A few weeks in coma and still in comatose state and lost most of my hearing and sence of smell and taste and .y fiance and more than 3 millions of my inheritance and and,,,but Thanx God I am not on wheel chair....
P.S. in u tube shorts here I just saw England is the most boring team and British fan was sleeping during today's game and good luck to you ,,
It be a pleasure to talk to u in person via my phone at
001,747.8545, and may be u can be my guest in L.A or Vegas on your next vacation and I will help you with Air Fare and u will not need to pay for hotel and u stay in Top place in Vegas in my condo and your own private room Across the New World Famous SPHERE which is my Master bedroom and The Kitchen direct view,and u r welcome to check it out at the address,
356 DESERT inn Rd.#208, Las Vegas,Nevada,
One reason No one Died in that Horrific Accident on Feb.19.2021 is Cuz I SHARE MY BLESSINGS WITH ALL I CAN and I treat all as if they are An Angle Placed on My Path of Life and ......
To be Continued...
Oh my R hand had elbow and wrist operation last Monday so very hard and painful to type and text so excuse all mistakes....on Feb 16.25 I had the same operation on left hand and I am scheduled for both Shoulders surgeries in July and September...
I don want to prolong this message BUT AMAZINGLY THE SONG I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT YOU IS PLAYING NOW FROM MY Playlist,and it is so
Interesting I have been thinking about You and helping you to Finance your next project for world peace which is highly needed now and no matter the cost I was kept alive to continue being a Peacemaker....
Hi Dj ALiu
Thanks not sure what you need from me?
But thanks all the same.
Hi Phil I am now in Aircraft flying to Vegas Enjoying your New Art Works
With 5 Star Platinum Headphone and The Sound is Fabulous and the Beat Waves Are Magical..
But my Favorite your New Radioactivity Version for my Devices is Audio Only and the other 179 songs in Dance Waves 2070
do not have that issue and all other videos there play o.k....
My last message to you was joking about Borrowing One of your Dancing Robots for entering Dance Contest since you Made them Dancing so Cool.
Hour Friend AliU.
@@aliusafee6040 Nice glad you are enjoying it Lots of people love that one... What about Computer Love?
No destruyó la melodía......solo la evolucionó ...... excelente trabajo..... el vídeo también está perfecto... saludos desde México
hola mexico Gracias, es muy amable de su parte decirlo. Realmente aprecio tus hermosas palabras. Hola desde Inglaterra
Sądzę że dobrze poradziłem Cepięć C5, gdzie się schować przed wyłączeniem. Dziękuję w imieniu swoim i istot syntetycznych 😊.
RPC VIA Cedwa C2, 02 sierpień 2024. Czas lokalny 22:53 PM.
May the future be kind for you!
Can't stop listening to this version subscribe people this man is brilliant
Thanks Steve …appreciate it!
Das model! Polska... Katowice słuchać ultra głośno! 💪🔥
Thanks and Hi to Poland!!!
POR FAVOR!QUE MUSICA! Esto no es comercial por lo tanto no pasa de moda nunca. Mi adolescencia la vivi con este tipo de musica. Que recuerdos
¡¡¡Tienes mucha razon Santiago!!!
¡Clásico absoluto!
Thanks for your comments!
The best I can say is that I enjoyed this as much as the original, I think Kraftwerk would approve too.
Thanks Steve you are very kind!!!
Absolutely brilliant. This hits you in waves. At first it seems shallow and sort of ok but then it rolls you under and you are immersed in the music and graphics. Well done.
Metalstorm242 you have made me a very happy man with that bazinga of a comment.
😊 Thank you so much for your kind words of support!!!!
It’s the end of the day and I will sleep a contented man.
Have a wonderful evening 🙏📺🤖🤩😎👍
Very nice iys consistant flow of orchestra beats lol and fact the 80s vibe keys
Thanks 🙏 I appreciate the support
Excellent! I've been listening to them since 1980. I know many of their works. Well done guys!!!👍🚀🔥
Thanks for listening that is very kind
Hello and Peace To All My Global Music Mates.
This Inventive Artistic Electronic
Revival Symphonic
Pleasureous Joy
was Done
Recently by our Great Australian Genius Mr.Phil , and I Never Ever Get Enough of it ....
So I Hope you All Enjoy it as Much as I Do with 26 years of Clubing Deejaying ....
Even though it is as Good as the Origional
KRAFTWERK with much better Sound and Beat , But Unfortunately Despite All His Hard Fabulous Work and Time and Expenses for this Super Unique Unparallel Production and his Avan Gart New Style , my Friend Mr. Phill Turner Does Not Even Get One Penny for this Fabulous Most Popular Re masterpiece,
unless Real Music Lovers Help Him to Finance Another Beautifull Art Piece Soon Please.
Great Music Will Vibrate Peace Around the World as you all can see with many lovely Comments from Numerous Nations and
Intenstional Fans from Brasil to India and even China
for this Top Top Unique Vibes.
Thank you Phil.
From Dance 2025 playlist, by Dj.AliU ,
Ahhh thank you 🙏 you’re very kind… keep on doing what you’re doing 😀😀😀
Been a Kraftwerk fan for years and years and I must confess : this a f***ing good remix 🙀🥰✨
That is awesome to hear Fenuanarchy!!!!!
Kraftwerk are epic so appreciate your kind words!
Many thanks again
OMG!! AWESOME images!! EXcellent RE-MIX!! 🤖🤖🤖🤖 !!
Thanks ✌️very much 😀🤖
I am ❤ing this! The Graphics are AMAZESAUCE and the Remix is GENIUS!
Ahhh thank you 🙏
Excellent, No Words, Thanks 2 The Maker's, This Music❤❤
Glad you loved it!
Thank you!
Mi hermosa hija de 8 años disfruta ésta canción como ninguna, los robots le fascinan y cuando tocan el violín y hacen coreografía se maravilla, gran video
Estoy muy contento de que a su hija le guste el video.
Gracias por tus maravillosos comentarios.
¡Yo también amo los robots!
Muchas gracias de nuevo
@@faviojhonbuizajordan Mucho gracias!!!!
I can't get this out of my head, it's too good
Ahhh thanks
You are very kind ...so pleased you loved it!!!!
This re-mix is amazing! Great job. Cheers from Australia ❤
Thank you 🙌 Trance Girl ...more Kraftwerk on the channel for you thanks for listening !
Hi My AUSI Friend, I am Glad U R Enjoyng my Playlist which took many Hours To Harmonize...AD.j. Aliu,L.A.🎉
@@aliusafee6040 thanks for adding me on there
@@aliusafee6040 is this on the playlist??
Shit, that was great. I can see you take pride in your work AND you love producing the video. I know how much time a vid takes. Good work, keep it up!!! Subed you and put you on my playlist. Well deserved ....
Thanks Senpai!!
Means a lot for you to say that.
Appreciate it!!!
@@phillipturner Let us keep in touch, maybe we can do something together some time.....
Ha ha that would be rather cool!
Hola mi querido y gran amigo Phill Turner expectacular!!! imagen y música perfecto 👍🏻 la música es vida bravoooo!!! Que tengas linda noche cielo con todo mi cariño y respeto saludos desde España 🇪🇦 👉🤴🏻🎼🔝💯😎🙌🔥❤🎇🌛⭐😘🤗
Muchas gracias es muy amable!!!
Ahh thanks Paqui I really appreciate that!!
Many thanks
@@phillipturner gracias a ti por hacer tus videos me apasiona la música y agradecerte por responder mi comentario y hablar en mi idioma mil gracias yo comento segun me trasmiten los videos y siempre con cariño y respeto 😘🤗🖐🇪🇦🎼🔝💯
gracias Paqui de nada y muchas gracias una vez más!
Thank you so much
@@phillipturner mil gracias por hablar mi idioma y seguiré viendo tus expectaculares vídeos gracias de corazón ❤ chao que tengas linda noche cielo 😘🤗🖐🎼🔝💯
A long time ago ...just found the replies tab OMG loads on there
Fukien Brilliant ❤xx one of my upmost fav tracks remixed into this beauty xxxxx
Ahhhh thanks Gail you are very, very kind!!!
Thank you
Temazo de Kraftwerk , mi favorito track ................. saludos de Peru 🇵🇪
Hi Victor!!
Me encanta esta canción y gracias por tu maravilloso comentario.
Hola a Perú!!!
Gracias de nuevo
Отличный видеоклип, особенно музыка!
Ahhh thanks !!!!!!! Glad you liked it!
Absolutely brilliant......sound and vision.....stunning , thankyou
Thanks Greg!!!
So kind of you to say
and your wish is my command!
OK cool great choice!!!!!!
I will do it.
Thanks again Greg!
This has my heart already.... never mind the fact I am a super alien anyway, ....the boys used to sing this song to me as I walked to school hahaaa.... BRILLIANT 😃👌
Ha ha great to hear thank you !!!
(German: [ˈkʁaftvɛɐ̯k], lit. "power plant") are a German electronic band formed in Düsseldorf in 1970 by Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider. Widely considered innovators and pioneers of electronic music, Kraftwerk were among the first successful acts to popularize the genre. The group began as part of West Germany's experimental krautrock scene in the early 1970s before fully embracing electronic instrumentation, including synthesizers, drum machines, and vocoders. Wolfgang Flür joined the band in 1973 and Karl Bartos in 1975, expanding the band to a quartet. Since the band's formation, it has seen numerous lineup changes, with Hütter as its only constant member.
On commercially successful albums such as Autobahn (1974), Trans-Europe Express (1977), The Man-Machine (1978), and Computer World (1981), Kraftwerk developed a self-described "robot pop" style that combined electronic music with pop melodies, sparse arrangements, and repetitive rhythms, while adopting a stylized image including matching suits. Following the release of Electric Café (1986), Flür left the group in 1987, followed by Bartos in 1990. The band released Tour de France Soundtracks, their latest album of new material, in 2003. Founding member Schneider left in 2008. The band, with new members, has continued to tour under the leadership of Hütter.
The band's work has influenced a diverse range of artists and many genres of modern music, including synth-pop, hip hop, post-punk, techno, house music, ambient, and club music. In 2014, the Recording Academy honoured Kraftwerk with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. They later won the Grammy Award for Best Dance/Electronic Album with their live album 3-D The Catalogue (2017) at the 2018 ceremony. In 2021, Kraftwerk was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in the early influence category. As of 2024, the band continues to tour, with the members' live performances celebrating Kraftwerk's fiftieth anniversary.
Thanks for the info..loads I didn't know.
I just realised I have the same birthday as Ralf Hütter ...
Thanks again
Hola mi querido y gran amigo Phill Turner mi gran dj ❤❤❤❤ expectacular!!! Eres fantástico me voi a trabajar otra vez no te he escrito en Inglés perdon🙏 cielo 👉🤴🏻🔝🎼💯🎧🔥😎🙌❤❤❤🤗😘🖐
Thank you Paqui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
¡¡¡Eres muy amable!!!
Sehr gut gemacht 👍 kommt zu meiner Kraftwerksammlung 😎🇩🇪
Ahhhh thank you so pleased you love it!!!!
@@phillipturner ❤😎🤘
@@erdschatz-detectinghistory7286 thanks
NEW - Autobahn - Kraftwerk (the analog sessions) 👉ua-cam.com/video/ATHJk68OIds/v-deo.html Phill🤖
Your welcome
Good job!
Ahh thanks Diana only just seen your comment!
I am so old,that this kind of music is just what i to like listen...
Ahh cool so pleased you like it!!!
The sound and visuals are awesome...This is on my headphones now ..
Ahhh thanks Mark you are very kind and I'm sooo glad you love it.
I have just finished the remix Album that features 13 of Kraftwerk's songs remixed into a Album.
Some of the songs I haven't put out yet but heres what has been ...
I loved the Techno from the beginning of Kraftwerk - it is a kind of Magic! Metropolis!
Amazing very true! Thank you for your reply
this was an acid trip i was not expecting, nice song~
Glad you liked it 😀🙏🕺
"The Model" by Kraftwerk is a classic track from their 1978 album Die Mensch-Maschine (known as The Man-Machine in English). The song was written by Ralf Hütter, Karl Bartos, and Emil Schult
Spot on!
ja, meinherr ha ha
Tremenda canción, excepcional video.
Mucho gracias 🙏
Wspaniała robota!!! Mam ciarki na całym ciele.
Ahhh thanks I'm so pleased you loved it!
Potwierdzam ..Ciarry ,,ciary ....
Wird auch mal Zeit! Den Urvätern Respekt gezollt! ;)
vielen dank
просто круть какая то.ещё в детстве кайфовал от man machine в 1980 году
Man Machine is very cool!!!!!
@@phillipturner самый лучший альбом у них.ещё the mix 1991 года cool!!!
They will live on for years 😀
Fantastic version and video phill love it
Glad you enjoyed it Steve!
Whoaaaa, I got this sometime ago and never saw the video! gonna plaster the whole intertubes with it.
Hay thank you so much!!!
Всё отлично ; и музыка и графика произведения .
This man is really awesome.. great work.. can't stop listening.. woh!!
Thanks 🙏 for that!!!
Your comments are fuelling the next one😎
Many thanks again
@@phillipturner Thanks Phill.. I really love the music The Kreftwerk,my best music album. But ur creation seems more and more advance upon "The Man Machine",really extraordinary work like.. sorry if I'm wrong.. love from India .. carry on.. and waiting for next one..
Ahh thanks again I really appreciate it.
I can see why you really love the music.
I still remember seeing the video for The Model as a kid and being totally mesmerised by the tune. It was a big part of the change in the charts from pop based to synth based hits and I loved them.
When I created this I wanted to keep as much of the original feeling as I could and move it on a little.
India I visited a few times and it was my favourite country to visit.
Next one coming soon.
Many thanks again
Great for the club scene just a bit longer ,love the beats it keeps the feel.ofvthe track.
Ahh thanks Jenson !!!! I really appreciate your wonderful comments!
Computer Love REMIX is here👉 ua-cam.com/video/07CJMeqtLa0/v-deo.html
The Robots REMIX is here👉 ua-cam.com/video/MJ4Xl4J3x7A/v-deo.html
Good futuristic music.
Thanks Joker 😀
Just scrolling through UA-cam and found this amazing piece of music have too subscribe wow
Thanks Depthcharge117!!!
I really appreciate your kind words!
Wow this is fantastic music brilliant 🎉🎉🎉
Glad you like it!
This is really good!!
Thank you 🙏
Esse som e uma orquestra do ceu .Parabens .
Thank you 🙏
Absoluter Hammer, lang lebig, immer modern. Unsterblich ✌️👍👍👍👌
Franz ❤
Yes every note is perfect they are magnificently magical 📺🤖👍
Thank you
Mega, ultra zajebiste melodia, chciałbym ja usłyszeć na swoim pogrzebie😊
Ahh weirdly great to hear but don’t go for a long while yet🙏😀👍
Какая прелесть клип шикарный❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you!!!!😁
Отличная работа! Класс!!!
Спасибо, это очень мило
Una nueva versión de las modelos bastante lograda y adaptada a los nuevos tiempos. Un tecnodance trance remix.
ahh gracias realmente aprecio tu resumen y apoyo! muchas muchas gracias 🙏 Phill
He. Way. Forward. In. Music. And. Especially. Creativity. And free. Thinking. Long live. Free. Expressing. Your. Videos.
Ahh thanks Stephen I really appreciate your kind words
Los padres del techno los epicos inigualables los magníficos kraftwerk...
So, so true Luis!!
Many thanks
Never seen Robots Dancing So Coool.
They are the best!!
Thanks mate, not bad. However, I believe that a little bit less would provide much more. I mean that the beginning and the end is so good, in between it is too much techno-ish.
Apart from this, keep up the good work, Happy New Year!
Uhh, excuse me, but even the original song was "techno-ish"!!! And, rightly so....!!! I, seeing this video remake, was very pleasantly surprised & pleased. I LOVE TECHNO!! PLS try other songs to update in this mode. THANK you!!!.
@@patriciapusztai227 Ahhh thanks!!!!
Man this is vibing.....really good!
Ahh thanks.
I appreciate your kind words there theStrataminor
@@phillipturner Keep it up and hope your work gets wider attention!!
@@TheStrataminor Ah thanks for your support !!!!!
Means a lot!
Pure genius loved every second of it
Thanks Dan !!!!!!👍
@@phillipturner your welcome my friend