AoE2's Most one-sided civ matchups (updated stats!)

  • Опубліковано 31 тра 2024
  • Let's take an updated look at the most extreme stats around "civ wins", when one civilization really has another's number for one reason or another.
    0:30 Mayans vs Goths
    1:10 Byzantines vs Goths
    2:03 Aztecs vs Infantry civs
    3:02 Gurjaras vs Infantry civs
    4:25 Goths vs Armenians
    5:18 Archer civs vs Romans
    6:05 Archer civs vs Persians
    6:50 Cavalry archer civs vs Hindustanis
    7:45 Archer civs vs Goths
    8:32 Tatars vs Mongols
    9:15 Burmese vs Spanish
    9:35 Final matchup
    Patreon: / spiritofthelaw
    Background music from Epidemic Sound:
    Game: Age of Empires II Definitive Edition
  • Ігри


  • @Dracapane
    @Dracapane 25 днів тому +68

    Mongols being similiar to Tatars, but better in a direct head-to-head is just historical accuracy...

  • @tyranitararmaldo
    @tyranitararmaldo 25 днів тому +216

    Franks be sweating as they see Hindustanis and Gurjaras rolling up.

    • @tiestofalljays
      @tiestofalljays 25 днів тому +6

      Yeah, Camel civs are no joke.

    • @whateveausaid
      @whateveausaid 25 днів тому +29

      White knights can't handle curry?

    • @TheOhioNews
      @TheOhioNews 25 днів тому +12

      I used to pick Indians to counter the Frank pickers years ago when I was 800 elo

    • @Progeusz-
      @Progeusz- 23 дні тому +2

      Franks were always dominating Indians at high level. Simply convert the camels and control the map with cheap castles. Camels struggle to kill monks, knights less so. Knights are amazing at raiding enemy eco, camels are not. You just need to fight in early and mid castle age and Franks have huge advantage.

  • @jeromemartel3916
    @jeromemartel3916 25 днів тому +151

    Most one-sided civ matchups: My civ vs opponent civ, my opponent always plays counter and op civ compared to my civ.

    • @homoe7976
      @homoe7976 24 дні тому +26

      Fairest matchup: Anytime when I win

  • @xeladas
    @xeladas 25 днів тому +275

    I wonder if how much the rankings of "most one-sided" change if we take into consideration the Civ's overall win rate? A 44% win rate against a civ is barely anything if your normal win rate is 45%, while a 46% win rate against someone may be meaningful if you normally have a 55% win rate.

    • @teliph3U
      @teliph3U 25 днів тому +7

      Also, it assumes that player groups per civilization are equal in skill level for their ELO. I doubt that is the case.

    • @elliejohnson2786
      @elliejohnson2786 25 днів тому +6

      @@teliph3U There are always so many things to consider when analysing data, especially wide range real-world data like this.

    • @konradpyszniak976
      @konradpyszniak976 24 дні тому +5

      I guess its all about the sample size. Smaller the database then the situation you describe impacts end result. Spirit showed matchups with more than 300 or even 500 games played. That should be enough to show the trend. Overall you rarely play vs a guy who is much more higher than 100 elo or at least its minority.

  • @darkdill
    @darkdill 25 днів тому +123

    Hussite Wagons need a rework, IMO. They don't feel like "makeshift forts" anymore and feel more like a Panzer. That and they just power-creep Organ Guns.
    I really wish they were a deployable unit like a Trebuchet, but instead of being long-range artillery they would be essentially a turret that can be redeployed where needed. You'd be able to use them to creep forward by "leapfrogging" (look at how this is done in Starcraft with Siege Tanks), or use them defensively to protect resources without needing to build static defenses.

    • @Nazuiko
      @Nazuiko 25 днів тому +8

      I like the thought of them as a sort of mobile tower, and if they dont include a passive that makes projectiles stop/target a wagon if it passes it (not applying to gunpowder)

    • @muhammetaydogmus4404
      @muhammetaydogmus4404 25 днів тому +1

      @@Nazuiko pretty sure that mechanic is already in the game

    • @jesuizanmich
      @jesuizanmich 25 днів тому +4

      Hussite Wagons bringing blitzkrieg to 1419

    • @sam_sanister
      @sam_sanister 25 днів тому +5

      The problem with Hussite Wagons is they were changed at all; a unit that you rarely mass or micro rubs players the wrong way, especially at the high level. They were supposed to be mixed in with archery range units to help those against enemy ranged units, not be a generalist unit.

    • @MrEllinan
      @MrEllinan 25 днів тому +5

      @@sam_sanister that would be neat: the wagon is empty and deals no damage so you must garrison it, like a ram, in order to fire. Every unit, up to say 5, reduces time to set up, and any on foot range unit can be placed inside; if you mix units the overall damage and bonifcation may very against certain units allowing for interesting combinations against specific civs. If done correctly the wagon might be discounted since no longer is selfsufficient besides a barrier of a sort.

  • @lumptydumpty6992
    @lumptydumpty6992 25 днів тому +41

    As someone with 3000 games as Tatars (~1450 elo; max 1539) this is how I view opponent civs:
    Mongols: limit damage in fuedal. Your late game hussars tank a lot more arrows and your CA is better. Mangudai are hard to mass so as long as your castle age and later gameplan has constant aggression, you should win. Also have camels to force a switch away from steppe lancers early castle into a camel war, which scales better for Tatars with better camels and access to halbs.
    Knight civs without good halb-siege (Franks and Lith being good examples): trade in fuedal evenly then all in castle age with CA. Get a mass and ballistics before adding eco and they will never be able to take a good fight. Going late is fine too, just keep making your opponent engage with his army so he can’t afford paladin. Camels are a good option to start, but you’re strongest in castle and camels don’t kill villagers well, so switch early. Use camels as a way to force a pike switch. It actually feels like Tatars hard counter a lot of these ‘meta’ knight civs, especially Franks.
    Knight civs w/ good halb-siege: WIN EARLY DO NOT LET THEM STONE WALL. Tatars have no redemption of BBC. Halb-SO is an impossible comp to fight with competent micro. Last resort, 19 range trebs can help, but is unreliable and expensive. Use early thumbring to mass tons of archers and don’t let off the pressure. You’re probably not going to win post imp, and even raids don’t do as much as you would think because Halbs are pretty damn cheap.
    Hindustanis: Mass CA, add pikes. Camels are the biggest problem. Tech into cavalier in imp, not camel, to counter Gulam. Make sure to pick up Halb as well. Even with terrible armor, they shred camels. Will always be a tough matchup because even with you having the tools to win, Hindu units are cheaper, and their economy is just better in every way. Win condition should be Halb-Cavalier late game, CA is a possibility, but heavy CA is expensive and not as effective in this matchup as you would think. Keeping a group of regular CA a/bracer/Chem/ballistics can be nice to raid when opponent is distracted by micro, but Cavalier-halb just feels better. CA can be really nice for the gunpowder switch tho.
    Gurjaras: halb-CA and keep your CA mass. Need enough to one shot or better Shrivamshas. It’s gonna end up in a late game slug fest full of raids. CA also very nice vs Chakrams with micro.
    Berbers: win early or lose. They have all the tools to counter Tatars and cheap knights really counters early thumbring well. FU camels, and Camel archers make this really tough. Also has BBC where Tatars don’t. Mass a lot of archers in fuedal and try to win early castle before the knight mass gets out of control. If you go CA and they do a camel archer switch, you have to win with mass. Camel archers don’t have a lot of pierce armor so the hard counter only comes when the mass of units are even. Like with all CA v CA wars, ballistics is key.
    Huns: feels like a civ win for Tatars. Thumbring feels like it can negate the castle age CA discount. Pretty much a fight to see who can mass more and get ballistics first. Hills are your best friend for either side, it’s a war of DPS. Usually Huns with try a Tarkan switch when it gets to imp and they’re CA loses hard, even by cost adjusted basis, but then you have camels and they don’t have halbs. Just beware of a full commit on CA+Hussar mid castle. Huns can get to that surpringly easily if they go heavy into the scout line in fuedal.
    Archer civs: Britons feel rough, but Ethiopians, Vietnamese and Mayans feels pretty good for Tatars. Early thumbring always catches those civs off guard, especially Ethiopians. Tho beware of Ethiopian halb-siege, like with others who do that well, if they can get good stone walls and castle placements to limit raids, you will have a really hard time fighting their mass. Early imp with a forward castle will be hard for Tatars, pretty much have to mass elite skirm, but post-imp Tatar CA shreds all Arbs.
    Goths: Can feel rough or fine. If you can get Knight-xbow rolling in early castle, you will cause the goth player to hesitate with the huscarl switch. The hardest part is early imp with full goth spam before chemistry comes in. Once chemistry does come in, it’s about Hussar spam and good defensive structure placement. It will be a battle for the neutral golds, map control, and limit raiding damage. Their raids cost gold, yours don’t, and Tatar hussar with silk armor does surprisingly well vs huscarls. The biggest thing is to not take too much damage in Imp before you can get your hand cannon mass to a sufficient level to beat the spam.
    Italians: feels pretty good for Tatars, but Genoese+condos is a killer comp for Italians in this matchup. It’s not too popular, and Tatars should win fuedal and castle handily, but if you get to imp on an even playing field, that combo can be impossible to engage.
    Portugeuse: feels good so long as they don’t get monks+organs going early castle. Not bad on Arabia, scary af on nomad maps.
    Meso: Aztecs feels like a civ win for Tatars. Eagles are never a threat to Tatar CA so long as Tatars focus on mass, ballistics, and husbandry. Imp eagles for Aztecs are not good vs a CA mass. Mayans feels even across the board. Tatars feel strong early castle with thumbring (xbow wars), and mayan castle eagles aren’t good vs CA. Mayans feel better late castle because those cheap xbow will just always be easier to replace, and you won’t have a switch on your mind as mayans because you have access to arbs. Tatars will have to switch to CA, and maybe cover that switch with elite skirms temporarily. El Dorodo eagles+halb are a dreaded death ball against Tatars. It will become a war to see if the Tatars can hussar raid to a win before Mayans push that mass through the middle in the treb wars. Hussars will do decent vs eagles, but your CA will have a hard time dealing enough damage. Never make UU as Mayans vs Tatars. They trade horribly vs Tatar CA. Incas are probably the roughest. That extra pierce armor on eagles make CA untenable. Access to halbs stops a Cavalier switch. Pretty much hope you can get to your hand cannons before dying to raids or to losing the treb war. Tatar hussar again trade surpassingly well vs just eagles, but mixing in halbs makes it rough. Just hope you can raid the Incas to death.
    Koreans: surprising mention, but on maps with a lot of stone, tower spam+siege+halbs can ruin Tatars. Japanese fall into this camp too, switching out siege for CA. Win before post-imp is a must.
    Georgians: feels like a civ win for Tatars. I don’t see Georgians going into much but their UU, and Tatars have FU camels and their CA shreds the UU. Go camels for the early spam and switch into CA later. Focus on defense and map control. You win late.
    I’m sure there are other matchups I have forgot, but these were some ones I wanted to highlight. Tatars really feel like an anti-meta civ, surprising the usual archer or knight civs with their timings and their roster diversity (super strong CA and hussar, access to FU camels and hand cannons), but struggle vs other anti-meta strays (full stone wall halb-siege, late game tower spam). They also struggle vs all in early castle siege pushes with their lack of redemption and average eco. Sheep bonus on extra TCs is underrated as you can go 3TC and 3 range CA+ballistics pretty quickly as you don’t need to add farms immediately when a new TC is built, just throw 3-4 vils on sheep and you should be good for 5 minutes if you went up to castle with 14+ farms. The name of the game is to get enough CA to stop any push up the middle/forward castles, and get to hussar spam. Hold map control with CA and castles, and raid opponent with hussar with +1/+1 hussar/light cav.

    • @billakers9857
      @billakers9857 25 днів тому +1

      Nice in depth report! I always liked the Tatars and their well rounded tech tree but it seems I always come up a bit short. Maybe a little more late game economy boost or a stronger UU would have helped. Maybe an AI brain chip implant would be best for me however.

    • @krystofcisar469
      @krystofcisar469 25 днів тому +1

      Tatars are also my mazbe 2nd or 3rd favorite civ.. Sometime i forgot ballistics bcs free thumbring works so well :D

    • @Razius33Officiel
      @Razius33Officiel 25 днів тому +2

      This is an essay ! Thanks for writing this down, that is an insane effort. You should make a video out of it

    • @xotl2780
      @xotl2780 24 дні тому

      Only correction is that Huns do in fact have halberdier, just like the Tatars.

    • @QuintemTA
      @QuintemTA 23 дні тому

      Have you question the Franks not having good halb/siege. They have fully upgraded halbs. They have siege engineers, bombard cannons and onagers (not siege onagers but that tech is very expensive). Interesting read otherwise.

  • @RicardoAlmeidatm
    @RicardoAlmeidatm 25 днів тому +137

    Honestly I feel like Jaguars need a rework. I would make them faster, almost as fast as an Eagle Warrior, lower their base damage and increase their damage to infantry. This would make them more of a unique anti infantry unit and less of a "bad champion".

    • @NorthernWhisper
      @NorthernWhisper 25 днів тому +24

      for sure. You never see them used. They could also just get a fat health buff to improve them vs their own typical counters.

    • @lukew8731
      @lukew8731 25 днів тому +10

      I like that idea, would give them a true unique identity.

    • @DinnerForkTongue
      @DinnerForkTongue 25 днів тому +7

      I like that rebalance.

    • @umamifriends
      @umamifriends 25 днів тому +14

      I would love a Jaguar rework

    • @tabletuser123
      @tabletuser123 25 днів тому +21

      i hear the growl of a jaguar. is this a bad omen?

  • @ramk2443
    @ramk2443 25 днів тому +77

    Hey law , guys of the spirit here

    • @andthe6333
      @andthe6333 10 днів тому

      -Jesus' disciples talking to the Jewish leaders after Pentecost

  • @AmirMishel
    @AmirMishel 25 днів тому +792

    Hey spirit of the law, guys here.
    Edit: "Hey spirit of the law, GAYS here" 💀

    • @nok9463
      @nok9463 25 днів тому +7

      Hey AmirMishel

    • @TheOneZytel
      @TheOneZytel 25 днів тому +22

      Hey Spirit of the guys, Law here. 😂

    • @duongngole4785
      @duongngole4785 25 днів тому +9

      Hey guys of the spirit, Law here

    • @AmirMishel
      @AmirMishel 25 днів тому +4

      Hey@@nok9463, Amir of the Mishel here.

    • @moon2schyzo
      @moon2schyzo 25 днів тому +8

      Hey spirit, guys of the law here. No really. Im serious, THIS IS THE FBI, OPEN UP!

  • @thomasfplm
    @thomasfplm 25 днів тому +5

    I'd say that the Aztecs need a way to actually produce them.
    They have relatively weak castles and they also need to make trebs from them.
    I think it would be interesting if their castles were able to produce two kinds of units at the same time, so they could make trebs and Jaguar Warriors from the same castle.

  • @williamangga6164
    @williamangga6164 25 днів тому +9

    Very informative video. I didn't know Byz vs Bohemians goes that bad!
    Any Byz player facing up Bohemians can rely to their Monk with redemption. Pretty effective with spear/pikemen to keep Bohemian scouts away. Monk can heal pretty fast too. Skirms if enemy goes hand cannoneers although gold heavy, they can't afford all.
    The rest of the game is on y'all own pace. Just pray they gave up after realising that castle age push not working in their favour I guess...

    • @brandonrhoades7049
      @brandonrhoades7049 24 дні тому

      Plus anything monk, bohem does better than byz

    • @QuintemTA
      @QuintemTA 23 дні тому

      @@brandonrhoades7049 Byzantine monks don't lack anything. You could fully go into a monk war with them, only problem happens if they get the food tech and then it's food monks vs gold monks. Byzantine players just maybe not playing the match up correctly in the early to mid game then having worse siege late making Imperial age battles poor for them.
      On paper this does not seem like it would be that one sided.

    • @brandonrhoades7049
      @brandonrhoades7049 23 дні тому

      @@QuintemTA Never did I say anything that opposes that. Bohem and Byz monks are only seperated by the food tech, which makes behem slightly better.

  • @darkranger116
    @darkranger116 25 днів тому +16

    does anyone else still think its wild that they gave Roman Legionaries jaguar features AND Japanese features? it still feels like power creep to this day

    • @alyenendrovtsorokean7406
      @alyenendrovtsorokean7406 25 днів тому +1

      Pax eterna!

    • @pabloduarte1722
      @pabloduarte1722 25 днів тому +1

      Yeah, it felt bad enough to have infantry (champion) civs already losing to other civs because other units are just better than inf, and now they can't even compete with another infantry civ...
      In my opinion, legionaries are probably fine now, because they are decently usable, but they should buff champion a bit more, so top champ civs manage to beat legionaries slightly

    • @alyenendrovtsorokean7406
      @alyenendrovtsorokean7406 24 дні тому

      @@pabloduarte1722 eh, I don't think so. Legionaries should be special. Lol.

    • @nuraby_9228
      @nuraby_9228 24 дні тому +3

      It's 100% powercreep and pay2win.

    • @pabloduarte1722
      @pabloduarte1722 24 дні тому +2

      @@alyenendrovtsorokean7406 they would still be special, would still be one of the best champions while also having way cheaper tech cost and time, they only need 1 imperial upgrade, while champions have 2 that cost more resources and time and they are worse, and even legionaries get +4/+4 resistances for the cheaper cost of 2 techs, while champs get +3/+4 for the price of 3 wich the last one costs more, and legionaties can have it in castle age, just too unfair for other infantry civs...

  • @Marcara081
    @Marcara081 25 днів тому +58

    I asked and Spirit of the Law answered!

  • @HiroTeaShi
    @HiroTeaShi 25 днів тому +3

    caught it early! Love your content!

  • @troydowns7748
    @troydowns7748 25 днів тому +4

    I think it would be cool to see the top 5 or 10 most frequently picked civs and their worst matchup.

    • @nicklab1927
      @nicklab1927 25 днів тому +1

      And perhaps also the reverse. The best matchup for the least picked civs.

  • @martijnbouman8874
    @martijnbouman8874 25 днів тому +7

    As for the Persians countering archer civs, I'd like to add that they now have Parthian Tactics in Castle Age, which adds +2 pierce armor to their Cavalry Archers.
    Ethiopians vs Goths is a believable one. I once lost as Goths vs Ethiopians on the ranked ladder (1400 Elo, random civ). Shotel Warriors absolutely wrecked my units. Perhaps it's mainly the Ethiopian UU that brings the matchup in their favor, though their very early archer rush potential probably plays a role, too.

    • @krystofcisar469
      @krystofcisar469 25 днів тому

      Ethiopians were my long time favourite - true powerhouse, in this game.. if I pick ethiopians I can blame only my skills never civ match or anything else.

  • @donhooplah
    @donhooplah 25 днів тому +16

    I think Malians are a much harder anti-mayan civ than goths generally (certainly at mid elo level) - They have similar eco to the Mayans with the wood discount and their gold bonus whilst their 'Champscarls' are very hard for the Mayans to do anything about.

    • @Mattroid99
      @Mattroid99 25 днів тому +12

      Champskars don't have bonus damage against archers nor the speed of Huskarls (Nor Blast Furnace) nor the crazy Goth discount to spam them, so they still don't really kill them fast enough compared to Huskarls where them by themselves kill anything Mayans do once production gets going
      Plumed archers especially can easily micro down champskarls but not Huskarls due to the speed difference

    • @coxandrewj
      @coxandrewj 25 днів тому +8

      ​@@Mattroid99 Champskarls have 8 pierce armor while an elite huskarl has 10. This means archers, specifically arbalesters, do double damage to champskarls compared to huskarls.
      Since you did bring up Mayans, though, plumed archers do 3 damage to Champskarls, and only 2 to Elite Huskarls

    • @Mattroid99
      @Mattroid99 25 днів тому

      @@coxandrewj Exactly. And they are not fast either unlike something like Woad Raiders that have little pierce armor but are so fast that 40 of them still shred archers
      I would say though that the matchup is still decent for Malians, and Champskarls are still pretty good vs most of what Mayans can field

    • @coxandrewj
      @coxandrewj 25 днів тому +2

      @@Mattroid99 I think I meant to reply to the other guy but replied to you :D But yes, Mayans have a losing record against Malians. At the highest level they only have a 43.75% win rate

  • @stonetic2515
    @stonetic2515 25 днів тому +3

    A lot of games would be give anything for 60/40 worst matchups. Fighting games sometimes have 8-2 or even 9-1 on occasion.

  • @destruction8946
    @destruction8946 25 днів тому +2

    Hit and run hussite wagons just looks funny. They should be used like how battering rams absorb arrow fire, but they also shoot back.

  • @lincolnvolk7609
    @lincolnvolk7609 25 днів тому +3

    Spirit of the la hire!!

  • @sirgodua
    @sirgodua 25 днів тому +3

    Most one-sided matchups happen on water and hybrid maps, in my opinion. The other day I randomed into Huns vs Persians on islands. I tried my best, but the faster working docks resulted in a snowball effect eventually.

  • @guilhermecesar9185
    @guilhermecesar9185 24 дні тому

    Great Video. One thing I noticed in the Cav. Archer civs was the fact they are backed up by light/heavy cavalry who already be countered by the camels. If they have some infantry or even a halberdier, they can reduce this disvantage against them.

  • @alyenendrovtsorokean7406
    @alyenendrovtsorokean7406 25 днів тому +3

    I experienced the Byz-boi (myself) failing against Bohemians just the other day

  • @ederofempires8793
    @ederofempires8793 25 днів тому +4

    I like to play bulgarians into mezocivs on Arabia. the cheap and fast switch into the militia-line shuts down eagle play quite well and castle age lightcav play is also very strong thanks to stirrups, which counters monks.
    these fast switches between cav and infantry play + good siege in the late game means that you can simply outpace and counter mezo civs at all stages of the game. the least affected mezo civ are the mayans, but they too struggle without eagles against heavy siege play, which bulgarians can go for.
    Saw Hera playing bulgarians into atztecs in a tournament last year absolutly dominating and tried it myself in tournaments i play with friends. Works really well and aztecs and incas are also among the weakest civs against bulgarians according to the stats.
    Also bulgarians got the most banger song when you start the game. Love every excuse i get to play them.

    • @Chungabunga
      @Chungabunga 25 днів тому

      May I ask what ELO you play at? Cause on the average Bulgarians don't really counter mesociv, especially Inca and Mayans. Both can easily defend against Bulgarians, and have eco which is far superior. Only Aztecs can theoretically struggle against them, even then it's tough as Aztec eco is usually way ahead.

    • @krystofcisar469
      @krystofcisar469 25 днів тому

      @@Chungabunga I think bulgarians can smash any civ in game if you are aggressive enough, no matter elo :D

    • @Chungabunga
      @Chungabunga 24 дні тому

      @@krystofcisar469 Yeah nah that's just not right man 😂. You're assuming your opponent will just sit back and enjoy the show lmao. Mass archers and Bulgarians are nullified, at least if the same elo aka skill.

  • @kantanenakseli8886
    @kantanenakseli8886 25 днів тому +17

    Hey guys, spirit of the lawn here. In this video I will be talking about the most one-sided gardening tools

    • @devilpistons1269
      @devilpistons1269 24 дні тому

      Hey guys, spirit of the lawl here. In this video, I will be talking about the dadliest jokes since time immemorial until now.

  • @Ariamaki
    @Ariamaki 25 днів тому +3

    It's interesting to me how often you try to play off a bad matchup as being better than it is, and then turn right around and say the opposite for very similar numbers: A 46.2% winrate (terrible) is called "close to even" but then a 45.5% winrate (also terrible, just marginally worse) is bad enough to get onto one of the dedicated slides.

  • @Nazuiko
    @Nazuiko 25 днів тому +2

    Next time you make a video like this, can you include the winrate deltas?
    i.e., "this civ wins 41% in this matchup, while having a 48.7% winrate overall (Delta 7.7%)

  • @jaythejay10
    @jaythejay10 25 днів тому +2

    As a Byzantines main (granted, ~850 ELO) I always feel great as Byzantines against a Goth player. I love cleaning up huskarals and pikes with Cataphracts. I usually don't make Cataphracts but always do when I'm against a Goth player. It's surprising that Goths have a higher winrate versus Byzantines.

    • @NTab1
      @NTab1 25 днів тому


    • @gisarme113
      @gisarme113 24 дні тому +1

      Unless you already have a huge economic advantage, Goths infantry is both cheap and fast to train. Byzantines simply couldn't afford cataphract spam to counter goth mobs in long term.

  • @BrentZahradnik
    @BrentZahradnik 25 днів тому

    Composite bow vs Huskarl is such a cool trick, so satisfying. BTW I've totally won a Byz vs Bohemians match.... on Islands.

  • @MrDibara
    @MrDibara 24 дні тому

    Okay, but can we give props to that MADLASS of a Villager at 3:59, joining the Men-at-Arms in raiding with only a knife?

  • @peperoni_pepino
    @peperoni_pepino 25 днів тому +8

    Hey Spirit,
    Could you use this same data to 'diagonalise' the civs?
    There are now so many civs that it makes sense to subdivide them into subsets of 5~10 civs that play similarly. Of course most players could produce subsets if you ask them, but I wonder what the stats imply. Based on this 1v1 data, how would you group the civs?
    This grouping is relevant for new players, as learning 45 civs at once is impossible and instead learning 5~9 representatives is a lot more achievable. I know AoE2 is not pulling many new players, but it is still something to keep in the back of the mind. Essentially, the grouping would be the equivalent of League of Legends' 7 champion classes (mage, fighter, tank, ...).

  • @tomaszsmol3920
    @tomaszsmol3920 24 дні тому

    Hey Spirit, what's your opinion on the recent auto farm placement update?

  • @alejandroromero6464
    @alejandroromero6464 25 днів тому

    Hey Spirit of the law. I'm wondering if the recent infantry buff has modified the rock-paper-scissors system. If it has, can you do an updated video talking about counters and soft counters?

  • @TheClintb17
    @TheClintb17 25 днів тому

    Great content as always, cheers 👍🇦🇺

  • @iwersonsch5131
    @iwersonsch5131 25 днів тому +1

    One idea i had some time ago was to change the swordsman line's bonus damage vs. eagles from +0/2/6/8/8 to +0/3/4/5/6, in exchange for some potential buffs

  • @justincronkright5025
    @justincronkright5025 25 днів тому +1

    Against the Goths, if your unique unit is also an archer as an archer civ - that's when I think it becomes somewhat hard. The Mayan Eco Bonus alongside just being a well-rounded civ is great. But as my Vietnamese the eco bonuses are nice, but they always come at an initial cost. Goths getting both bloodlines & halbs give *0* recourse for quite a few archer focussed civs!

  • @player_0184
    @player_0184 25 днів тому +2

    I now know what to pick vs extreme AI now 😂

  • @TheRealGovika
    @TheRealGovika 25 днів тому +1

    SotL: You can probably guess who the top match ups are.
    Me, who hasn't played AoE2: DE for years, but watch SotL religiously: Probably Persians and Archer civs

  • @MicaiahBaron
    @MicaiahBaron 24 дні тому +1

    Really hope Byzantines get something someday, I miss enjoying my favorite civ but it's not so fun against the recent power creep.

  • @johnnyroe8053
    @johnnyroe8053 25 днів тому

    good stuff

  • @Sea_catch
    @Sea_catch 23 дні тому

    Hey SOTL, video request:
    Can you do an analysis what is the effect of winning the water space in Nomad? How much do you balance water investment vs. needs on land?

  • @Lonezewolflonewolf
    @Lonezewolflonewolf 23 дні тому +1

    Romens vs Byzantines would be an interesting match.

  • @lesser8531
    @lesser8531 25 днів тому +12

    I don't know why I keep watching your vids when I don't have the Definitive Edition.

  • @RaidenTV86
    @RaidenTV86 25 днів тому +5


  • @ethanbrown4167
    @ethanbrown4167 25 днів тому +1

    is it possible to get these stats but for arena only

  • @dawidszczechla3388
    @dawidszczechla3388 25 днів тому

    I really like playing as Goths vs Archers (around 1200 player here). It's really like putting enemy on a timer. You either build castle and mass Huscarls, or loose in early game.

  • @marstoes
    @marstoes 24 дні тому

    Which civ neutralizes the other civs bonuses the best?

  • @undefined6341
    @undefined6341 25 днів тому +2

    I have personally always viewed Mayans as a hard counter to Goths in a 1v1 setting. Goths don't have an eco bonus, and Mayans have cheap units just like Goths, while not needing to spend much food on their army. So they'll go up way faster than Goths and can dominate the pace of the game entirely. Your best bet with Goths is just to start laming right away and make the game super scrappy to even the odds a bit.

    • @krystofcisar469
      @krystofcisar469 25 днів тому

      basically just dont let goths build a castle and you are golden.

  • @TubeTAG
    @TubeTAG 24 дні тому

    That makes me curious. What is the least played match up in the game?

  • @PlanetZoidstar
    @PlanetZoidstar 25 днів тому +2

    *"Hey hey, people. Spirit here."*

    • @Delphsco
      @Delphsco 24 дні тому +1

      Based sseth enjoyer

  • @jackschmidt141
    @jackschmidt141 25 днів тому

    Spirit laws, hey guys

  • @widodoakrom3938
    @widodoakrom3938 25 днів тому +1

    How about Dravidian vs any naval civilization?

  • @rat_thrower5604
    @rat_thrower5604 20 днів тому

    I'd like to see how historical matchups look. How do Britons fare against Franks? Or Franks against Saracens? What about Romans against Huns and Goths?

  • @Calebgoblin
    @Calebgoblin 24 дні тому

    Spirit of the here, law guys

  • @larsn4677
    @larsn4677 25 днів тому

    brootal and total domination, oh boy

  • @arthur-yq4ic
    @arthur-yq4ic 24 дні тому

    i can imagine how hard it must be to buff or nerf until its a fair match up for all...

  • @justinhess2747
    @justinhess2747 25 днів тому

    Ahh... excellent

  • @hansoskar1911
    @hansoskar1911 25 днів тому

    The Mayan oth matchup is really interesting bc the raw eco advantage isnt that big anymore with the longer lasting hunt that is basically equal to the mayan bonus in dark age and fast Loom. That used to be a lot mroe lobsided.
    Huns can beat Hindustani in late Imp bc Halb/Paladin >> Camel/HC. most players dont know this.

  • @jaspervanheycop9722
    @jaspervanheycop9722 24 дні тому

    I guess the surprising result with the Ethiopians vs Goths is due to their strong archer rush, that probably ends a lot of games before the Goth bonuses really kick in, and late game they have Torsion Engines, which trashes infantry. Also shotels are really good versus weak defenses, which the Goths of course have.

  • @0110000101110000
    @0110000101110000 22 дні тому

    Can you guys play the game since last patch ? The game always crash mid game for me since, and never it did before :/

  • @ddurst1
    @ddurst1 25 днів тому +2

    Britons really need a buff

  • @bristleback3614
    @bristleback3614 25 днів тому

    4:58 Armenian composite bowman : "Call the medical corps, but not for me!"

  • @georgeprchal3924
    @georgeprchal3924 25 днів тому

    When I was a kid I played a skirmish as the Japanese against the Teutons and Byzantines thinking my Samurai would have the advantage with their bonus against Unique Units. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! It was a slaughter.

  • @user-wl2si7ss9h
    @user-wl2si7ss9h 23 дні тому

    I find Berbers against any cavalry or cavCheaper stable units, plus awesome camel units....

  • @sashidharan1192
    @sashidharan1192 24 дні тому

    You forgot to include darvidans civ in infantry viva why you ingonre that civ?

  • @coxandrewj
    @coxandrewj 25 днів тому

    Haven't watched but I know Gurjaras are gonna be on here

  • @mgmayank18
    @mgmayank18 23 дні тому

    They really should buff chakrams again. :'(
    Can you please do a video on that?

  • @krystofcisar469
    @krystofcisar469 25 днів тому

    Tbh all civs that have gunpowder and hussars is killer to mezo civs :D and huns should totally get steppe lancers

  • @noahsaxon
    @noahsaxon 25 днів тому

    I don't even play ranked AOE. I hardly even do multiplayer. But I am still fascinated with your videos nonetheless!

  • @michaelandreipalon359
    @michaelandreipalon359 25 днів тому

    I was actually expecting the Aztecs to be countered by a few cavalry civs, not the usual infantry.
    I wonder, were there actual real life plans for the Spaniards to have once thought to colonize Burma, so to counter Britain's spread from India?

  • @greekwarrior5373
    @greekwarrior5373 25 днів тому

    Very simple: It depends on SKILL! NOT necessarily the advantages of civs!

  • @MauricioAlsinaLee
    @MauricioAlsinaLee 24 дні тому

    As a very casual player (play every-day but rarely do ladder), my personal one-sided is Burmese against anything. I really struggle with them, can barely make them work and end up defaulting in a fast castle + siege.

  • @kettlepunch9646
    @kettlepunch9646 25 днів тому

    I wonder what's the lowest picked civ in general is

  • @jasonsmith1950
    @jasonsmith1950 25 днів тому +1

    I don't think this is one-sided, but my favorite matchup is Italians vs Bohemians. The first one Bohemians have a sizable number of advantages (including free mining techs and early access to hand cannons), but Bohemian's entire army comp (excluding Xbows) is hard-countered by Condotierri (which Italians have in imp). So Bohemians basically have to kill the Italians player before imperial age.

    • @Quyanxi
      @Quyanxi 25 днів тому

      Hmm... Am gonna have to try that one out. I'd counter the Condotierri with a combo of scorpions and hand cannoneer, possibly supported by the champion. That should do the trick, no?

    • @krystofcisar469
      @krystofcisar469 25 днів тому

      Tbh in team games - bohemians hard counter everything. But in 1V1 id still pick Italians.

    • @brandonrhoades7049
      @brandonrhoades7049 24 дні тому

      @@Quyanxi bohem doesnt have champion

  • @kinghrath
    @kinghrath 25 днів тому

    Hey heys, its hey here.

  • @idkmybffjill9682
    @idkmybffjill9682 25 днів тому

    Similar to the composite bowman v goth I like the kipchak

  • @divicospower9112
    @divicospower9112 23 дні тому

    You can check Mongols vs camels civilizations.

  • @Kawabongahlive
    @Kawabongahlive 25 днів тому

    I like to play Persians vs Franks. Camel + Xbow into full late game Hussar + Trashbow is something the Franks have little answer to unless they flat-out play better than you in terms of micro.

  • @bluedistortions
    @bluedistortions 23 дні тому

    "Whoops, we made our most recent and most expensive new DLC severely OP!
    Dont worry, we'll nerf it a little when new DLC is ready."
    -every DLC multiplayer game in the past 15 years.

  • @ClanWiE
    @ClanWiE 25 днів тому

    I don't have the numbers to back it up, but I imagine Vietnam has an edge on other archer civs between Rattan archers and imperial skirmishers

    • @krystofcisar469
      @krystofcisar469 25 днів тому

      They are great, but mass longbows are still pain to deal with.

  • @AlexandreRochon89
    @AlexandreRochon89 25 днів тому +1

    Are Ethiopians really beatiing Goths, or are surprise Shotels beating Huskarls?

    • @krystofcisar469
      @krystofcisar469 25 днів тому +1

      Shotels are beating everything Goths can do that isnt cav archer or hand canoneer :D Shotels are so good. Huscrals suck against other infantry gold units.

  • @frikativos
    @frikativos 25 днів тому

    I though Berbers against Huns would make the list. I remember the Hun player traying to attack me and nothing he could do. Cavalry? Sure, I got cheap camels. Cavalry archers? I have camel archers and genitours for that. What is the Hun player supposed to do?

  • @nascentKiller
    @nascentKiller 24 дні тому

    My favourite match up of all time was as a new player, random, I got goths, my opponent got mongols. it was hilarious

  • @iwersonsch5131
    @iwersonsch5131 25 днів тому

    Even accounting for p-hacking, we can probabilistically say that, if Gurjaras vs. Incas was a 44.8% matchup, we would be 95%+ to not see a winrate as low as 33.6%.

    • @Popcornio
      @Popcornio 25 днів тому

      But did you account for p-universes?

  • @federicoalbojer9105
    @federicoalbojer9105 25 днів тому

    I cant believe you left out the koreans vs franks. As it was the most one sided your last video

  • @deutscher1a
    @deutscher1a 25 днів тому

    i wonder how teutons vs melee civs match up
    Like teuton knight line beats franks
    Teuton uu is known for destruction
    Teuton rams are atv
    Teuton defense cant be breached by melee
    They dont even lose against "ignore armor" civs, cause of def skills and hard hits
    Its a top 5 civ since ages, but is it really just slightly above general?

  • @felixalexisortizlagos6904
    @felixalexisortizlagos6904 25 днів тому

    I think unique units not always are decisive on this matchups

  • @TestofOne
    @TestofOne 25 днів тому

    Ethiopians vs Goths makes sense to me as an Ethiopian main/favorite. Etheopians getting pikes for free in castle means Goths can't go cav as easily and the late game siege plus shotels killing the majority of the Goth Comp and being just as spamable means goths cant really win late either. I dont think it is a matter of Ethiopian archers coming into play really (though faster attack does make them the best archers against huskarls if you have a frontline)

  • @hbarudi
    @hbarudi 23 дні тому

    Give all civs more techs as they seem to miss too much of the tech tree... For example why do mayans have to miss champions? They don't have access to high hp melee soldiers except the champions and their upgraded eagle warriors...

  • @namensklauer
    @namensklauer 25 днів тому +12

    if you think Incas vs Gurjaras winning 66.4% is a high number, remember that when japanese fight japanese, the japanese win 100%

    • @brianmowry689
      @brianmowry689 25 днів тому


    • @eemesstee1686
      @eemesstee1686 22 дні тому

      ​@@capablemachinebecause every 60 minutes in japan, an hour passes

  • @hikatoyshi
    @hikatoyshi 25 днів тому

    My favourite match up is playing Koreans against dromon civs on northern islands. Just get one more relic and build tower that outranged any dromon.

  • @tankofnova9022
    @tankofnova9022 25 днів тому +1

    My favorite match up is Goths vs Britons.
    Let's assume competent level play here.
    The Briton player has to act more aggressively than is the civ norm to prevent any kind of economy that will spill over into the dreaded Huskarl.
    The Gothic player must play into their civ weakness and defend against this constant pressure long enough to pop out their I win button.
    If even a single Goth castle goes up, the game is over.
    Cheap barracks units/Huskarl rush the Briton to death.

  • @7heTexanRebel
    @7heTexanRebel 25 днів тому

    10:10 got it, instantly resign vs bohemians. I didn't pick Byzantines to NOT mass cataphracts lol (yes I'm low elo)

  • @L0B096
    @L0B096 25 днів тому +1

    One I think is really one sided is teutons against goths teutonic knight can destroy everything goths throws at them

  • @Coloscopix
    @Coloscopix 25 днів тому

    Jaguar should have a speed buff moving towards infantery unit. but no buff moving toward other kind of unit.
    Change my mind.

  • @tylerlachney1616
    @tylerlachney1616 16 днів тому

    Bad civs with 1 or 2 really good matchups

  • @incxbxs
    @incxbxs 25 днів тому +1

    Conclusion: every one beats goths nowadays.

  • @Tokey_The_Bear
    @Tokey_The_Bear 25 днів тому

    IMO the 1v1 stats just show more than 99% of games don't make it to Imp and early game eco, macro, and tactical aggression wins. Up to castle age the civ barely matters, but the player does!

  • @burgersomers
    @burgersomers 25 днів тому

    Teutons vs any cav archer civ probably also

  • @JaredKelso123
    @JaredKelso123 25 днів тому

    My beloved Aztecs :(