Antares Auto-Tune Unlimited Giveaway And Review!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ZaiXPMusic
    @ZaiXPMusic 4 роки тому +8

    Your blessings will increase due to your consistent giving your knowledge, love and kindness to us! Thank you for all you do bro! (This sounds like a birthday speech 🤣)

  • @venemushunter25
    @venemushunter25 4 роки тому +1

    Dude!!!! Thanks for this video... I forgot that I had these plugins... I haven’t used them in a long time as my clients prefer to outsource their harmonies

  • @pxlla1618
    @pxlla1618 4 роки тому

    I've been a fan of you for so long(from the Tell You OFF days lol) from Africa Ghana to the point i feel like we know each other. Thanks for being an inspiration. Stay safe Devvon

  • @OshaneC92
    @OshaneC92 4 роки тому

    I had the Harmony engine a while back but never really used it because of the genre I started in but now I’m more versed in the art it will be a great tool to have.

    • @HelpMeDevvon
      @HelpMeDevvon  4 роки тому

      Its mind blowing ive secretly been using it for years!!

  • @Lushcon
    @Lushcon 4 роки тому +2

    Entered bro! Appreciate the chance to win a great auto that you yourself also recommend! 🔥

    • @HelpMeDevvon
      @HelpMeDevvon  4 роки тому +1

      Appreciate Ya!!!! and good luck!!

  • @gxp958
    @gxp958 4 роки тому

    Do you think Antares “ Avox Warm” Is compareable to the fab filter Saturn that you like for Saturation ?

  • @IchBinJhono
    @IchBinJhono 4 роки тому

    Just entered! Thanks for helping us out man 🙌

  • @marcusscott2034
    @marcusscott2034 3 роки тому

    Dope video...I just hit that subscribe button.

  • @infergnojinn7745
    @infergnojinn7745 4 роки тому

    Devvon will always be blessed for the rest of his life. The help is always majorly appreciated.

  • @henick29
    @henick29 4 роки тому

    Yo!!! This would help out sooooo much mad appreciation to Antares for doing this fr

    • @henick29
      @henick29 4 роки тому

      And shoutout to you too Devon mad love

  • @constantslewe6030
    @constantslewe6030 4 роки тому +1

    omg chance the rapper I'm a huge huge fan and I've been wanting to get the antares autotune for a long, long time now.. been grinding with my logic pro pitch correction stock plugin I need to up my game real quick

    • @HelpMeDevvon
      @HelpMeDevvon  4 роки тому

      Good one lol

    • @constantslewe6030
      @constantslewe6030 4 роки тому

      ​@@HelpMeDevvon Thanks for all the great content you bring out, we don't deserve it

  • @timread1429
    @timread1429 Рік тому

    thats a great video...really helpful.i am a beginner to mixing so sorry if this a stupid question, but are you equing all tracks combined here or just the vocal track?

  • @jamesmusic2010
    @jamesmusic2010 Рік тому

    I actually EQ now. Thank you for that

  • @quakebeatz
    @quakebeatz 4 роки тому +2

    Avox Choir sounds like what they used on Impossible by Travis Scott

  • @ProdbyTrehnt
    @ProdbyTrehnt 4 роки тому

    Yerrr! Thanks for the giveaway Devvon

  • @JPacaldo
    @JPacaldo 4 роки тому

    I love using the Mic Mod, Choir & harmonizer

  • @withthewindowsdown
    @withthewindowsdown 4 роки тому

    Just last night I downloaded the trial! I usually do this with soundshifter but the aux way lol

  • @Bboreal88
    @Bboreal88 4 роки тому +1

    Heyy Devvon, how about a mixing contest? That would be so much fun =)))

  • @beatzbyjuli9980
    @beatzbyjuli9980 4 роки тому +11

    Never been this early in my life.

  • @KuldeepGedam
    @KuldeepGedam 4 роки тому +3

    I from india 🇮🇳
    I watched a lot of videos. There was Ads on your website and the first song. in that ad, You sing the first song, please tell her name!
    which is that, please tell me its name. I liked that very much.

  • @wesojuicy
    @wesojuicy 4 роки тому

    Entered mate! 👍

  • @johnthomas4228
    @johnthomas4228 4 роки тому

    That Mutator is Tough. 👍🏾👍🏾

  • @dinjingle7809
    @dinjingle7809 4 роки тому +1

    Yo D! I would like to see and buy POP SMOKE template from you! I know it's not your vocal range but....

  • @gatzuuu
    @gatzuuu 4 роки тому +1

    werent you supposed to post the results last night

  • @buildingouraurabeats502
    @buildingouraurabeats502 4 роки тому

    hope i win your templates work!

  • @josepharroyo4502
    @josepharroyo4502 4 роки тому

    Can you do an in depth tutorial on autotune efx+ pleeease!

  • @chevious876
    @chevious876 4 роки тому

    Helping as always🤩🤩🤗

  • @AriJordan
    @AriJordan 4 роки тому +1

    It's weird because I was thinking about doing an autotune giveaway for my IG page the other day. I have a free copy that I don't need...great minds think alike I guess.

  • @warparty
    @warparty 4 роки тому

    Thank you for all your videos

  • @gatzuuu
    @gatzuuu 4 роки тому

    love ur vids there my go to tutorials for mixing just entered the giveaway allthough i dont use instagram, will you be emailing the winners ?

  • @sergimethoxha3516
    @sergimethoxha3516 3 роки тому

    What about avox throat?

  • @JosiDmusic
    @JosiDmusic 4 роки тому +3

    Man, my mixes or masters are in different levels because of your teachings!
    Thanks man 🔥🙏🏾🏁

  • @martyblunt5613
    @martyblunt5613 4 роки тому

    Can u make video about Joyner Lucas type vocal ?

  • @GATEoRADe
    @GATEoRADe 4 роки тому

    Just discovered i won lol thanks tho

  • @KeiiVice
    @KeiiVice 4 роки тому +1

    MVP 💯

  • @msdatcher9219
    @msdatcher9219 4 роки тому

    I would ❤ Love to win.

  • @bboymac84
    @bboymac84 4 роки тому

    Wow this game changer!!

  • @jasonketa6460
    @jasonketa6460 4 роки тому

    I would love to win this. BTW what is the title of the song in this video, nice song

  • @Darksagan
    @Darksagan 4 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @theofficialgr8nis
    @theofficialgr8nis 4 роки тому

    Thank you for these gems brother.

  • @dulla8469
    @dulla8469 4 роки тому

    why did you voice over GENERATOR

  • @eduxb9140
    @eduxb9140 4 роки тому

    Just to say jurv is da goat

    @DONCUC 4 роки тому

    I'm maaaaaaad early😂

  • @squaddownproductions6264
    @squaddownproductions6264 4 роки тому

    Subscriptions suck. Let me pay for the product and own it

  • @natebeltran9336
    @natebeltran9336 4 роки тому

    Les goooo

  • @ArtDelic
    @ArtDelic 4 роки тому


  • @Salt9696
    @Salt9696 4 роки тому


  • @JayJay-wz3ho
    @JayJay-wz3ho 4 роки тому


  • @martinaatmusicmarcom6157
    @martinaatmusicmarcom6157 4 роки тому

    Hi Devvon, some of my pro audio clients would love to collaborate with you. I had sent you an email but it's probably in your spam folder :( I just resent it. Could you check? Thanks!

  • @dmyudin
    @dmyudin 3 роки тому


  • @tru_izz
    @tru_izz 4 роки тому


  • @garethde-witt6433
    @garethde-witt6433 2 роки тому

    No one should use auto tune, take lessons and learn to sing.

  • @craigdavid2025
    @craigdavid2025 4 роки тому

    This guy honestly says something wrong in every video & none of his mixes sound professional.