Why The Narcissist Cannot Be happy With New Supply

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @jamesl2846
    @jamesl2846 Рік тому +256

    And the old supply should not be the least bit concerned about whether the narcissist is happy or not ❤

    • @donnamarrie3272
      @donnamarrie3272 Рік тому +9


    • @coffeegirl6854
      @coffeegirl6854 Рік тому +8

      She is happy in the most sick and perverted way. She slandered me all my life. I realize that she just hates that any other siblings were ever born. Then further down the line she slandered me toy own kids. My daughter my grands and great grands. AND every one else. May our Creator rebuke her. And all that joined in.

    • @cheezinhoweree
      @cheezinhoweree Рік тому +8

      If you're dealing with one that can be happy he/she is probably not a narcissist

    • @nicolelang3109
      @nicolelang3109 Рік тому +1

      @@coffeegirl6854how are u doing now? My heart goes out to you!

    • @elkebanhart7045
      @elkebanhart7045 Рік тому +22

      A narcissist always has women in the line. Remember they are predators, they are addicted to be always on the hunt for a better, greater deal which is not you, but the greener grass on the other side.
      We cannot understand that mess, but it's reality. I wished nothing more in my life, that the almighty God would have saved and protected me of an encounter with the evil.

  • @louiseelliott6404
    @louiseelliott6404 Рік тому +62

    It’s Game Over if you are the one who discards the narcissist/pulls the plug on the relationship as you take back your power and control. They lose control and Anoushka is so right in what she says as they can no longer predict your next move when you remove their power over you. That’s why no contact is so important. Your silence ultimately speaks volumes. The new supply will just find themselves in the same situation that you were. The dream they were sold by the narcissist turns into a living nightmare.

    • @selinaogorman8380
      @selinaogorman8380 Рік тому +3

      I believe it to this is part of the karma once you kick the narcissist out of your life you do start to gain control of your own life and there not around anymore plus the energy is so peaceful because when your around a toxic person like a narcissist you can feel the negative and positive energy collide the positive energy will always win!

  • @Shalom.4.4.
    @Shalom.4.4. Рік тому +87

    What these weirdos really need, and ultimately want is a robot that’s programmed to tell them what they want to hear, and act the way they want them to act. Instead of trying to get real people with real emotions, messing up a whole persons life and reality, and wrecking their whole personality, they need a constantly happy replacement that they can treat however they want and still receive the best supply ever! It really should be a crime what these people do to others. I don’t understand how it’s not.

    • @transphotography
      @transphotography Рік тому +17

      Multiple robots, that behave differently. Otherwise, they get bored.

    • @mobileradiofitter
      @mobileradiofitter Рік тому +7

      Your so right with this comment, it's horrible. At the beginning she was happy with who I was enough that she sucked me right in, texts, calls, come over, don't go, sex. Then 3 months into things, she changed so fast, all of a sudden she's picking fault in who I am, my food choices, my working pattern, even my history and picking fault in my past telling me that's why I'm like I am, then telling me my friends are bad for me, my parents are bad for me, constant choices having to choose her way or face sadness, anger or silence. She was 52 years old. Everything she said she was Inc beliefs and stuff was rubbish, zero empathy and lots of aggression towards anyone who didn't do what she wanted. Or expected. She hated me being happy, it was like I had to be unhappy when I saw her and she wanted to lap it all up, it was so weird. I really didn't need any of it at all. I didn't want to know what a narcissist is, she got right into my head like an illness. I rememeber a few times she would treat me like I was broken and she's fixed me making a point of saying I'll be haopy now alone and don't need anyone. This would create a tremendous feeling of loneliness .yet its a feeling I never had before. I've never felt lonely. It was all a bit to weird, the most foolish thing I did was hanging in there in hope the person she was when I met her would return. But the truth is that person never excited, again even that was so hard to try to understand. But I guess that's what they do well, filling our head with thinking when normally our mind is relaxed and focused on life.

    • @aprilelizabeth9967
      @aprilelizabeth9967 Рік тому

      @@mobileradiofittersounds similar to my experience.

    • @myutube5882
      @myutube5882 Рік тому +1

      Stepford wives

    • @rhododendrons_509
      @rhododendrons_509 Рік тому +1

      Teflon Don is finally facing the music. Let's just hope that this country doesn't succumb to admiring and being DUPED by toxic NPD ever again.

  • @metatechnologist
    @metatechnologist Рік тому +27

    If they aren't happy they're sure as heck gonna make sure you're not happy.

    • @1stBorn538
      @1stBorn538 9 місяців тому

      Yelp misery loves company

  • @mommaboombam3764
    @mommaboombam3764 Рік тому +46

    A narcissist will never be truly happy, thats why they do what they do. Never give up on yourself bc your worth it. ❤

    • @jasonforsyth6191
      @jasonforsyth6191 5 місяців тому

      Just wish I could fix her , and not for me. For her and our boys. I don't let it effect me

  • @dcikaruga
    @dcikaruga 3 місяці тому +4

    Pretty sure she was experiencing joy when she was thought she was hurting me and in control.

  • @mos456mos45
    @mos456mos45 Рік тому +42

    The narc i’m referring to seemed like the happiest person in the world to me. It’s very interesting to learn that it was a behavior not a feeling.

    • @selinaogorman8380
      @selinaogorman8380 Рік тому

      True however they fake it there not truly happy they pretend to be happy so they don’t expose themselves they take it as a weakness if there truly happy they wouldn’t have to always seeking attention and getting supply all the time tells you there not content either.

  • @divamori
    @divamori Рік тому +43

    To me they are always going to be a sad person till the end of their lives
    because they are Evil people

    • @angelahart1479
      @angelahart1479 Рік тому +3

      No just unwell. Blame the caregivers for screwing up their minds as kid. Sad.

    • @transphotography
      @transphotography Рік тому +5

      @@angelahart1479At some point, personal responsibility needs to kick in too. I thinks it’s likely a little of nurture and nature. Not all people who are treated badly as kids turn out to be narcs.

  • @hibbertsh
    @hibbertsh 10 місяців тому +12

    As soon ad things get hot they run like hell.
    They choose Empathic people who have love and emotions they cannot handle.
    Aren't they just so despicable!

  • @sirg-had8821
    @sirg-had8821 Рік тому +36

    My narc ex will find an excuse to push away my replacement as much as easily as she pushed me away.

    • @MosesMoses-sr2me
      @MosesMoses-sr2me Рік тому +7

      Funny that.
      I caught my (now) ex Narc in a relationship with an old friend. She was never happy honest or supportive and her demands were excessive. As I have now found out she has a string of Ex's. Add to that she is a big player in the 'Red Light' at night brigade. Disgusting. I was told by her I was never to visit her home. Always wondered why until I took a trip there to satisfy my curiosity.
      Thank heavens I'm strong enuf to give her the 'No Contact' treatment. Though it hurts.
      Yes I agree Anoushka. She was sent to me to teach teach me a lesson. One I will never forget. M.

    • @12BY6
      @12BY6 Рік тому

      Mine couldn't be happy if i looked like Brad Pitt and had 💰 like Trump and a 🥒 like Ron Jeremy, she is just miserable and surly af

    • @erekalvin
      @erekalvin Рік тому +5

      I have a similar story except I was never curious….until a friend of mine sent me a meme that said “if you think you have it bad, there is someone meeting your ex right now thinking they found someone special. “ At first I found it funny but after a few minutes I started pondering on it. I mean we were only on “break” for a couple days. Surely there’s no way after all we been through she could be seeing someone else that fast. That night I couldn’t sleep so I texted her to talk. The next morning she replied by text but when I called to talk she wouldn’t answer. So I drove by the house and wow there’s the dude leaving the house. Totally disgusting. So I call my friend later and tell him what happened but hes shocked because he always sends memes to be funny but this time he was absolutely right.

  • @jm-ve8ry
    @jm-ve8ry Рік тому +41

    I came across this a while ago,| "The narcissist can take pleasure in the exercise of power and the subjugation of others, but they can't feel happiness from any source. They can't feel the joy of a loving relationship-they are incapable of love." Mostly it's incredibly sad, especially when you love a narcissist and eventually realize it's a waste of time. They are sad.

    • @transphotography
      @transphotography Рік тому +4

      I think they can and do feel love, but then their insecurities set in or they get bored easily and then the devaluing and temporary discarding starts. They never fully discard if they think you’re still a potential source of supply.

    • @traceybiles2061
      @traceybiles2061 7 місяців тому +1

      They get off on the pain and controlling others

  • @LadyLibra-kp8ox
    @LadyLibra-kp8ox 4 місяці тому +2

    In the very beginning, as friends, we’d talk for hours. It was vulnerable while painting its victim story. When I thought back, I remember it once telling me that it felt different and that it wasn’t able to connect with people. Of course being the empath that I am I just took that as a challenge and assumed it just hadn’t been loved properly. Here I come to the rescue 🦸🏾‍♀️ 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ It even asked me what it’s supposed to do when I cry. I thought it was cute and funny. I know now it was sincerely asking for help.

  • @Imnotyourdoormat
    @Imnotyourdoormat Рік тому +31

    Big part of the anguish for these hobgoblins is they put an enormous amount of time and effort plowing their targeted Empaths garden only to have their crops uprooted not reaping their reward at harvest time being forced to go till another plot of land. This frustrates them to no end knowing if they could just Hoover their old victim back they could be filling their barn right now with narcissistic supply from a high-speed conveyor belt. Instead of replanting out in the hot sun again.

  • @erekalvin
    @erekalvin Рік тому +7

    the way I see it, my distraction is distracted. Thank God

  • @patricksicard_psych
    @patricksicard_psych Рік тому +12

    I don’t care. I pity any new supply. He’s sick, twisted and evil. I discarded him a year ago. I’m not active on social media so he has no idea what I’m doing or where I live. He knows nothing and I love it that way. I freed myself from his bondage ❤

    • @patricksicard_psych
      @patricksicard_psych Рік тому +2

      He is incapable of true happiness thus the mask

    • @themoontoonshines923
      @themoontoonshines923 Рік тому

      Similar here! Peace be with you!

    • @mzbarb
      @mzbarb 11 місяців тому

      I figured my ex narc over a month ago.
      We don't have each other on social media.
      I'm so glad
      I don't care what he's doing!!!
      It's been two weeks since he's text me and I pray that he's found a new supply.
      7 years of emotional abuse and almost the last 4 years we'd only had sex once per year.
      I've been celibate now for 19 months

    • @1stBorn538
      @1stBorn538 9 місяців тому +1

      I don't pity either one of them...they deserve each other...If she likes her men to be high strung emotionally unstable short fused controlling manipulative lying cheating hot heads...👍👍👍go for it!!!!...He's not my issue anymore...

    • @chellotrevino7323
      @chellotrevino7323 7 місяців тому

      Ong mine got caught cheating and attacked me with a hammer all I know is I would’ve had a self defense lawyer cuz i would of had every right to do so ❤

  • @yougotgroove
    @yougotgroove Рік тому +20

    I think it is because they are disconnected with themselves.
    They mirror people that are connected with themselves.
    Love and happiness only exists from within...
    Two people don't create love for each other out of thin air.
    It doesn't just arrive,
    It stirs us to realise it, becomes awareness and wonderfully present from within ourselves,
    That is why I fell in love in the first 6 months.
    Once I00 % I expressed by loyalty and commitment, the devaluation, push and pull, discard cycle started.
    The cycles repeated, and became more often, the roller coaster ride became more turbulent, and I became hypervidgilant, and eventually disconnected with myself.
    Reconnected, and working really hard on myself.
    Just myself.
    Priority number one

    • @AGBVON992
      @AGBVON992 Рік тому

      They literally want control over you if they can’t control you or program you to act like a narcissist then you are look at as a enemy to them

  • @brunopannemans5729
    @brunopannemans5729 Рік тому +18

    It's a one way take thing, they only take.... Like a clown in a circus is used to get aplause by the faces he makes... 😂....

  • @sabrinapetersen5358
    @sabrinapetersen5358 11 місяців тому +6

    For the narcissist or other narcissists no connection she is so right!

  • @TonyZehnder
    @TonyZehnder Рік тому +6

    Poor things will never ever quench their thirst......the lush gardens and water flowing is yet one more mirage...

  • @aprilelizabeth9967
    @aprilelizabeth9967 Рік тому +19

    One of our early red flags was how fast he wanted to move despite not knowing me, acting like I was the best person he’d ever met and being desperate to show off how happy he was on social media.
    He did not give a damn I was unhappy, wanted to move slow, wanted him to stop groping me or pressuring me into sex, was not interested in social media and repeatedly dismissed everything I said about needing to get to know each other.
    A lot of people apparently get sucked in by the love-bombing and find it magical. I found it traumatic and horrific. I wish I knew self-defence because if I could properly have stopped his repeat unwanted physical advances I wouldn’t have been so quickly traumatised that I kept giving up when trying to fight him and resist him. If I could’ve just defended myself with that I’d have probably broken his arm by day 2 and never went through what I went through.
    He only kept coming at me because I was so defenceless physically.

    • @yougotgroove
      @yougotgroove 10 місяців тому

      First meeting in erson after I sent 6 weeks on the phone during. COVID (otherwise I would never go on a dating site and never will again)
      She said I could stay overnight, no sex but we can cuddle, well that was a lie, slept with her the first night 3 years ago, she's 57, I am 59, I went no contact 3 days ago ,(I was discarded for setting a boundary) and she broke no contact today

  • @ericnorthman9410
    @ericnorthman9410 Рік тому +8

    He pretended to be me so Im thinking heres my soulmate LOL - till he got tired of his role with me.

  • @douglaschandler199
    @douglaschandler199 Рік тому +20

    Burn everything they gave you. Destroy all the pictures you have of them ,and you together or even them alone. This spirit is a Jezebel spirit. Remember how GOD hated Jezebel, and how he destroyed her. I myself was in a relationship with one! They don’t love!!! Erase your thoughts of them. I know it’s not easy but remember they were nothing they showed you.

  • @julieraymond6870
    @julieraymond6870 Рік тому +5

    Good luck to them both

  • @donnahale1011
    @donnahale1011 Рік тому +9

    This is GREAT information...thx so much...I tell u these narcs have MAJOR ISSUES...I'm glad I'm no longer with the ex narc!!!!!

  • @erictruelove-so1de
    @erictruelove-so1de 14 днів тому

    I am so appreciative of these videos. My experience with a narccist occurred over 40byears ago, Yes 40 years ago! And, I didn't realize how much that experience disrupted my life. I don't blame myself anymore which is so freeing! Thank you!

  • @td2968
    @td2968 Рік тому +9

    They are never happy and they necer ecer have enough

  • @1stBorn538
    @1stBorn538 9 місяців тому +3

    I don't care what those social media pictures show... You can't be too happy if you're re-hoovering your ex immediately after you married the new supply...Narcs use everyone, even the new person.. Everyone has an expiration date with the narc..Only time will tell

  • @AlwaysHope2019
    @AlwaysHope2019 Рік тому +30

    He’s love bombing her and she doesn’t even see what’s coming. Sad thing is she’s a successful, beautiful woman,
    time will tell

    • @chellotrevino7323
      @chellotrevino7323 7 місяців тому


  • @shirleydaniels4616
    @shirleydaniels4616 Рік тому +9

    Too bad they can't be rounded up & placed in mental institutions😅

  • @kellywilliams5112
    @kellywilliams5112 Рік тому +19

    I could kick myself today, I'm having a bad day and was crying even before he left to be with his new supply.. I HATE that I gave him that satisfaction.

    • @sleepydoppy8516
      @sleepydoppy8516 Рік тому +1

      I did the same thing only I cried every day for the last month I had to live with her. So, you did just fine.

    • @sleepydoppy8516
      @sleepydoppy8516 Рік тому +1

      How can they not be happy. She runs around happy all the time.

    • @heatherwagar5868
      @heatherwagar5868 Рік тому +4

      You can always take control. Get angry and take a big step in your life for yourself. I know it’s hell but you have to fight to move forward ❤

    • @BryanTrotter-op2dx
      @BryanTrotter-op2dx Рік тому +1

      Stay strong pretty lady 💪 you'll have good days and bad days eventually you'll step into the clearing and you'll be just fine remember what you learned you got to have boundaries

    • @pwilliams4073
      @pwilliams4073 Рік тому +3

      Me too .. because we cared and loved them .. I’m wise now

  • @Allen-s4g
    @Allen-s4g 10 місяців тому +2

    Your whole explanation make me questions types of narcissist. Make me realize that it will not last.Its sad about the void they feel. Only God can only give true and long lasting love.

  • @selinaogorman8380
    @selinaogorman8380 Рік тому +5

    Narcissists are never happy with anyone not even new supply also it comes to them there never happy with themselves or there own lives there so wicked anyway there toxic all around there negativity is toxic to so there better off to be by themselves because so they don’t hurt people like us so yes it’s not our fault that the narcissist is happy or miserable there the ones going to suffer regardless so it’s great to know it’s not me because I had a narcissist friend well not friends anymore because I found out the truth about her most of it so toxic I got tired of her behavior so kicked her out of my life and it’s so much better when we remove toxic people from our lives it gets better and we know we deserve better.🙏🏻

  • @BarbNBarb
    @BarbNBarb 11 місяців тому +4

    Oh maaaan, this one made my stomach hurt. It's really freakin' sad...and definitely so difficult to wrap your mind around. Yeah....sad for sure though. 😢 ...and not fair...for them.... initially at least.
    Your videos keep getting better and better. I really appreciate your compassionate delivery and though knowledge.
    Thanks Anouska ❤

  • @debprobst330
    @debprobst330 Рік тому +13

    I didn't think this would happen in my situation but today 8/1/23 I received an email from my narc after almost 2 years this is after he went to prison for 14 months for DV against me ...this man has a toddler he had while we were together.... Great thing is I really don't feel much about it other then I missed that address when I blocked him. They think we're stupid.

    • @Yathome00
      @Yathome00 Рік тому

      Exactly!!! Narcs think they are smarter than everyone else and think we don’t know what BS they are up to. They firmly believe that, so the only way to deal with that is to remain NO CONTACT

  • @BJBlaskovichGaming
    @BJBlaskovichGaming Рік тому +3

    It always makes me sad when you say goodbye, Anoushka.

  • @Gypsy-lq1xh
    @Gypsy-lq1xh Рік тому +8

    Mine has a new supply now….he calls me OFTEN to tell me what’s going on in his life… she is a total EMPATH…and is CRAZY about him…. But he is not as crazy for her as she for him….. the ONLY thing that made my ex HAPPY was going to prostitutes….

    • @Emmm777
      @Emmm777 Рік тому +5

      I wouldn't want to hear from a narc. Why would you care about his life, his new supply? Seems like he's keeping you on a leash? Manipulating you? Block.

    • @Gypsy-lq1xh
      @Gypsy-lq1xh Рік тому +6

      @@Emmm777 it’s complicated…. At least I’m thousands of miles away… I know he’s still trying to play games with me…I am poor and he will send me money… so I try to keep the peace between us….i know I need to totally break free of him…but I am dependent on that little bit of money he sends me….😕 I know………

  • @lovejasmine4723
    @lovejasmine4723 Рік тому +3

    I guess I’m watching these videos for healing lol

  • @pattreac3429
    @pattreac3429 Рік тому +2

    So on point clap 👏👏.....internal dialogue. They are locked inside their head. Can never have a honest dialogue with you. They think you are trying to trap them into an honest answer. In a simple conversation about a video he was watching ....I asked so how do you see this in our relationship?? He said oh I want him to confess. All I wanted was for us to have a
    dialogue.....so because I wanted a conversation he shuts down and come hell or high water I could not get another word out of him. And that's what I have experienced over the years.....SILENCE......only if necessary. MUTE.....it is frustrating and evil. 😢

  • @Crystalblue58
    @Crystalblue58 10 місяців тому +2

    The narcissist knows what they are doing and why they are doing it. Since the narcissist knows they cannot experience feelings, they deem that as a flaw, not a loss. Since you posses the ability to have feelings, you are one upping them. You become the enemy. They will take you down like a hungry hyena because of it.

  • @glassdragon-64
    @glassdragon-64 6 місяців тому

    Therefore, he was never happy with me. Thankyou...that helps me move on.

  • @donaldgansky5907
    @donaldgansky5907 5 місяців тому

    I blamed myself in the past. Not anymore. I now know what I didn’t know. Thanks

  • @thatgirl6048
    @thatgirl6048 Рік тому +3

    Yup three weeks and today I find out he is trying to tap into an account I made him a signer on. I forgot about it but I canceled and removed him immediately. Not that way, not today. 😂😂😢😂😂

  • @josecenteno1591
    @josecenteno1591 6 місяців тому +1

    It's their childhood that they won't happy

  • @lorithrall9847
    @lorithrall9847 Рік тому +4

    The new supply is a young girl- the babysitter. I am so disgusted and told her mother but it doesn't matter because she was his supply / flying monkey. He convinced everyone how horrible I am and smeared my reputation and left me for the mother and her daughters. His father and mother taught him this. They are the most disgusting demons and all I can do is hold onto myself and be the best mom I can be and escape this dark fantasy circus that my narc created.

    • @pieramorra2423
      @pieramorra2423 10 місяців тому +1

      GI'd take care of yourself!!

    • @cherankimiorak1739
      @cherankimiorak1739 3 місяці тому

      I hope you’re healing now.. My ex narc, cheated on me with an underage girl. He was old enough to be her grandfather. Don’t ever deal with these type of demons again.

  • @delaynejacobstribeporter4245
    @delaynejacobstribeporter4245 Рік тому +2

    Great insight, thank you

  • @ladyvirgo013
    @ladyvirgo013 Рік тому +12

    Sadly didn't realize my husband was faking our entire marriage of 12 years. He abruptly discarded me back in May after 12 years

    • @anne4116
      @anne4116 Рік тому +7

      He did you a favour. You're now free.

    • @ladyvirgo013
      @ladyvirgo013 Рік тому +3

      @@anne4116 I need to feel that way

    • @transphotography
      @transphotography Рік тому +2

      It’s painful, but the pain will be less and less with time. There is hope. Focus on self-care and building new experiences. It will be tough, but with time, you will notice that you are better without them. When you remember all the good things, also remind yourself of the bad things. Good luck and be kind to yourself. Love yourself.

    • @ladyvirgo013
      @ladyvirgo013 Рік тому

      @transphotography thanks for the encouragement 🙏 🤍

    • @anne4116
      @anne4116 Рік тому +1

      @@ladyvirgo013 you will in time. It's a grieving process so be gentle with yourself.

  • @ScorpioWawaMom
    @ScorpioWawaMom Рік тому

    I watch you all the time and this one, tonight, right now... I'm just nodding my head while listening to you validate this whole mess. Coparenting😢 But. They are the dumb kind. ,( daughters 10 and 3, two narc dads), one registered sex offender. Taking him to court first. Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @angelahart1479
    @angelahart1479 Рік тому +3

    So true but confusing because when I was dumped one thing she told me was that she was happy when she was with me????? Wow such a terrible way to live. Feel sorry for my ex narc😢

  • @ntianuka
    @ntianuka 8 місяців тому

    @Korra Obidi, this will help! Learn as much as you can about narcissists

  • @jd-jw1oi
    @jd-jw1oi Рік тому


  • @sabrinapetersen5358
    @sabrinapetersen5358 11 місяців тому +1

    It's the same act that the narcissist does to the new supply who will believe in everything that the narcissist says to the new supply! The narcissist does not have a stable sense of self just like this lady said! These disfunctional people have no respect or understanding of real love or friendship that is sad! But there is little or nothing you can do about someone who is very inconsiderate and very self Exorbed! The new supply will discover this in the changes in their so-called friend who is this narcissist himself!

  • @craigy691
    @craigy691 Рік тому +3

    My wife has never been happy her whole life words from me and her father and mother !!! So when she said to me I want a divorce I’m not happy I just laughed and said your never happy who is he?? There’s no one else !!!! I packed my things up while she cried ( yes she cried as I moved out ) isn’t this what you wanted not this soon !!! Since I left and my head cleared i started hearing about narcissists everything was my fault I’m the reason she’s fat in the reason she’s not happy blame shifting all the time always has to be in control everything is about her no one else always has to be right angry all the time cry’s on cue !!! My head and eyes are wide open I’ve went no contact I’m done

  • @stevebennett5479
    @stevebennett5479 5 місяців тому

    I really don't care happy or not its not my concern I'm.liveing my best life been a long road of recovery

  • @Babyposhx
    @Babyposhx Рік тому +1

    It's so disturbing because if they are so great at copying why can't they learn at some point in their lives. My mom has been the bain of my existence and i understand that because shes not connected to anyone and her karma has been endless she can't learn but come on im sure there has to be a mental dysfunction there. I never got it and it pains me to have been conditioned to oversee my life and only be her slave. Some people shouldn't be parents. If only she would've took care of herself instead. It sucks.

  • @kathpercy7941
    @kathpercy7941 Рік тому

    After 30 years of marriage with abuse on every level I filed for divorce 3 years ago and still on going still in marital home he is living with his father across the farmyard he can see everything I do trying to control situation with everyone forbidden to talk to me been totally isolated no one allowed in house
    he has just had another supply turn up tonight for a sleepover it’s still so painful and crucifying even though I found out about adultery feel absolutely devastated 💔😢

  • @rhododendrons_509
    @rhododendrons_509 Рік тому

    This topic (that the tumbnail references), like so many on NPD abuse is a solace but simultaneously devastating. Most of us want, I would assume clicking on this thumbnail, want to believe that we DO IN FACT MATTER to the ex-narc. That maybe theres even a sliver of a chance that they know they did us wrong; and maybe just maybe feel SOME regret (especially for those of us who gave DECADES of our lives in a futile attempt to please them to no avail only to be cheated on, abandoned, given a laundry list of our faults supposedly justifying their behavior).While reassuring they aren't going to be happy with the 'new supply'- coming to 'radical acceptance' that you didn't matter either, and that they'll continue on their cycle is also very painful. Yes everyone reading this- YOU WERE PREYED UPON. I think the lesson here is youre more galvanized now. It's time to listen to 'your gut'. Never again work for somebody who only gives you 'breadcrumbs' in return.

  • @Drogonmoon
    @Drogonmoon 6 місяців тому

    I still feel sorry for her having to live with this condition

  • @MelissaClarke-t6j
    @MelissaClarke-t6j 8 днів тому

    But he said so to my face

  • @heatherfraser1377
    @heatherfraser1377 Рік тому +5

    It's difficult when the narc is following in his father's footsteps. My son is using his kids as a way of punishing me now. My son has always wanted to make his Dad proud of him but that'll never happen, my son doesn't realise this. My husband and I are going through a divorce because of his narcissistic behaviour for 30years towards me/ family,so because I challenged my sons attitudes and behaviour I'm now the one who is the target. I feel that many parents need some advice on how to deal with this dynamic, especially when grandkids are being used as a weapon,it is practically none exsistent! I've been told to stay away from my son, his wife and my grandkids! For being open,honest and truthful, not well received as you can imagine.Can you provide any advice?

    • @lorraineolivera24
      @lorraineolivera24 Рік тому +1

      Wow! Been down that road. It's very sad and hurtful. Usually what ends up happening later on is that when the s*** hits the fan and karma starts to kick in all of a sudden they need you and YOU become their best friend!! Is crazy when table's have turned. When u least expect it could be years later but I PROMISE u it WILL happen. I'm living proof it's happening right now. My advice leave it alone let them go they'll be back with their tails between their legs when finally do realize. 👌

    • @heatherfraser1377
      @heatherfraser1377 Рік тому +1

      @@lorraineolivera24 thanks for your reply. Yes I've been told this and I know it will happen eventually but it is abusive, hurtful and so vindictive. Myself and my grandkids are the ones missing out, it's sad but this is the reality at the moment. Hopefully this will change sooner rather than later who knows 🤷

    • @lorraineolivera24
      @lorraineolivera24 Рік тому +2

      Your very welcome. Yes it is very hurtful vindictive and abusive it hurt to my core. God sees EVERTHING. No one in this world gets away with anything. I know at the moment it's happening it stings and crushes your heart but those people that are consumed with hate, anger and every kind of evil intent God will repremend and take down to their knees I have seen it happen with my own eyes. When you hurt a CHOSEN ONE GOD WILL DEAL WITH YOU. 😇🤨 hang in there it will get better. I will pray it happen sooner then later. 🙏

  • @jasonforsyth6191
    @jasonforsyth6191 5 місяців тому

    I feel like you are stalking me. Literally my 15 year relationship has come to a point where we are living separately but in the same house. For the kids.. I'm Literally going through this right now

  • @sleepydoppy8516
    @sleepydoppy8516 Рік тому +1

    If they are not happy, than way is she always happy

    • @transphotography
      @transphotography Рік тому

      It’s all a front to manipulate you. Inside, they hate themselves.

  • @ice11.
    @ice11. 11 місяців тому

    Believe me, they understand depth of feelings more than anyone, but they are unstable it finished for them. Because of that, they are in several relationships, maybe normal people never experience love bombing they want to reach to that level every time but it's not possible with the same person . It's really complicated, maybe sad. Just forgive them and leave .

  • @junis673
    @junis673 Рік тому

    Love ur content and also ur jewelry..where do u get those????

  • @rhododendrons_509
    @rhododendrons_509 Рік тому

    She was a TV addict which I found very unattractive from the outset and it only got worse the advent of smartphones. Now I know why she was an addict- all those shows were 'school' for her; to refine her skills of manipulation, and give off the appearance of empathy etc etc etc. Narcissists are actors; and not good ones. It's time to cancel narcissism. Don't renew them for another season. Go on strike- whatever you have to do. Enough is enough.

  • @etaokha4164
    @etaokha4164 Рік тому +1

    I walked away glad I did and its final

  • @kwc7391
    @kwc7391 9 місяців тому

    My ex-girlfriend has many traits of a covert narcissist, but we’ve been apart for over seven months, and she is now seeing a guy who is working on remodeling her basement. She’s pretty much keeping it a secret that she is seeing this guy, I know because I found out. She’s not putting any pictures of him on Facebook or anywhere else. It’s pretty much a secret, so would she still be considered a covert narcissist or she has just moved on from me and is attached to this new guy?
    Since it is Christmas coming up, I’m sure she’ll have 15 or 20 Christmas gifts for him to open. She really goes elaborate like she did with me at Christmas with about 15 or so gifts.

  • @user-vb9bq7uj7l
    @user-vb9bq7uj7l 2 місяці тому

    I honestly don't care if he's happy or not. But interesting

  • @margorolle9453
    @margorolle9453 6 місяців тому

    They are chameleons.

  • @wizardlvl5124
    @wizardlvl5124 Рік тому

    I dumped my gf cause she bread crumb me for 10 months and forced me to be the one to end it after last 4 months I was abused verbally. I blocked her on all social media and phone.

  • @MichelleMcCormack-gt6wn
    @MichelleMcCormack-gt6wn 10 місяців тому

    My ex narc got the new supply (with her 2 days after we split) pregnant after 3 months. She’s just announced that she’s 3 months pregnant. He never gave me the time of day or put my pic up once. But always with her showing her off as his profile pic since the day he got with her. They spend all their time together. She is only in her 20s and looks about 16 the narc and myself are in our 40s. He had a boy and was cheating on his ex when his son was 10 months old. And said he felt trapped and that he 100 % didn’t want anymore kids. So this wouldn’t be planned by him. How do you think he feels about this one and what will the outcome be?

  • @savanahtherainbowkids3256
    @savanahtherainbowkids3256 Рік тому

    Could we have a 1 on 1

  • @thetruther954
    @thetruther954 7 місяців тому

    Screw you Jeff, I guess is the thing that he wanted.

  • @saucytart2263
    @saucytart2263 Рік тому

    Will the narc live with or eventually marry the new supply? He seems so happy w her

    • @transphotography
      @transphotography Рік тому +4

      Perhaps, but don’t worry, she will suffer the same fate. It’s better off if she wasn’t married to him because at least it will be less messy when they break up. Or she could be completely clueless and stay in the relationship while being cheated on, used and devalued. Either way, it won’t end well.

    • @saucytart2263
      @saucytart2263 Рік тому +1

      @@transphotography Thank you for your insight…he’s been in many relationships as well as overlapping them simultaneously…I believe the new supply is naive and very compliant…she was warned by others but refuses to listen. Some ppl have to learn the hard way.

  • @ursulanicholson5166
    @ursulanicholson5166 Рік тому +1


  • @alkebu-lanuniversity2227
    @alkebu-lanuniversity2227 Рік тому

    Are narrcissists promiscous? For energy supply with no feeling nor connection?

    • @1stBorn538
      @1stBorn538 9 місяців тому +4

      Yes some will use sex as a weapon or a tool to manipulate play with your emotions get your to fall in love quicker....to trap you into relationships

  • @bobbyjj5372
    @bobbyjj5372 Рік тому

    Why is this obsession with the narcissist? They have discarded you the most cruel way, you still want to know what they're doing and whether they're happy with the new supply? I guess so maybe that's why the narcissist left you exactly for what you're doing right now. This is not right what you're doing you should be just moving on.

    • @1stBorn538
      @1stBorn538 9 місяців тому +3

      It's called a trauma bond, you would know that if you were paying attention instead of criticizing the victims..