Sonic The Hedgehog Has Changed Forever

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024


  • @andreaescalante3396
    @andreaescalante3396 4 роки тому +278

    I think the key that has made this version of Sonic so likeable is his flaws: he is super fast, yes, but his sadness for being lonely makes you connect with him, and rooting for him. That doesn't mean other depictions of Sonic aren't bad, but movie's Sonic is almost perfect... because he isn't.

    • @ink_blot25
      @ink_blot25 4 роки тому +21

      Plus they actually gave him a somewhat "origin" of his powers and his speed. Granted it doesn't go TOO far, Sonic only mentions he was born with them, and I hope they still keep a bit of mystery there. But in the games Sonic just...has them. They don't explain if he was born with them or whether he's a hybrid, no one ever questions it. I always felt that was odd

    • @christiangreen2324
      @christiangreen2324 4 роки тому +2

      @@ink_blot25 unless you go by the sonic bible, in which case Robotnik gave him the power

    • @ink_blot25
      @ink_blot25 4 роки тому +1

      @@christiangreen2324 Ah yes I know about that one 😊 Is it even still canon? Isn't it part of the comics?

    • @itsveeo
      @itsveeo 4 роки тому +2

      @@christiangreen2324 Where did you find that? There's a sonic bible?

    • @christiangreen2324
      @christiangreen2324 4 роки тому +1

      @@ink_blot25 I think its partially cannon, I mean Sonic's still an orphan in both origin stories, the only difference is in one he's already got super sonic speed and in the other Robotnik uses the six of the seven emeralds to grant him super sonic speed

  • @theultimategaminghero3652
    @theultimategaminghero3652 4 роки тому +146

    I agree so much.
    My mom even said she would want this Sonic in our home since he's such a sweet and loveable character.

  • @maddrone7814
    @maddrone7814 4 роки тому +96

    I don’t know if it’s early to say, but movie sonic has given sonic the most character development that we’ve seen since maybe his inception. That hour and a half showed more emotion of sonic than the entire tv shows, games, and even comics (not IDW) combined. The closest we’ve seen is him going dark in sonic X but that’s about it. Maybe even when he’s down because he’s the Werehog, but that transformation is gone.
    He’s never had any sort of arc. He’s just supposed to be cool and free. He is. But we never see anything past that. We want to see him struggle. If he’s a hero, he shouldn’t be immune to the hero’s story. Which is about sacrifice, him or others, and selflessness

    • @theinktician
      @theinktician 4 роки тому +8

      Easily - he was created to be a flagship. And those lead characters must always have a simplicity about them so people can put them into any situation without it being strange. Sonics already been called out for strange inclusions, so they took a step in the right direction by giving him character.
      Maybe. I'm no expert.

    • @mep6302
      @mep6302 4 роки тому +3

      You're exaggerating TOO MUCH. He's been more developed in Sonic games (old ones) and the comics than in this movie.

    • @icealpha1035
      @icealpha1035 4 роки тому +2

      Bruh do you know how much sonic had to suffer in the comics he found his whole town burn and all his friends and family get captured. Do you know how much he has had to suffer?

  • @superdeionbro8163
    @superdeionbro8163 4 роки тому +113

    While I'm a fan of the movie's interpretation of Sonic and appreciated the atmosphere of this video, I felt like I disagreed with several points in this video (and I'm A-OK with your interpretation of him, Ricardo!)
    Game Sonic (pre-Graff and Pontac) never felt like a character that thought of saving the day as a 'chore'. When I say this, I'm referring to games like Adventure 1, 2, Heroes, and Unleashed, mainly. In Adventure, Sonic's personality felt like a required evolution of the character with the addition of dialogue (something previously impossible with hardware limitations). It established Sonic as a character, that while he enjoyed being sarcastic and making fun of the villain, he never hesitated to save either his friends or the city, given than when his friends were in danger, his sense of humor diminished and he became serious. (In truth, he really only pokes light-hearted jokes at Robotnik, Knuckles, and Shadow) Sonic saves the day and by the end of it, always had a smile on his face, something uncharacteristic of a person who finds saving the day a chore. He's no 'superhero', but he doesn't tolerate when his friends or other innocents are in danger, and enjoys the thrill of saving the day.
    When Sonic was first announced to the world as Super Mario's competitor, he was described as 'too cool to be saving princesses' (as a playful mascot insult most companies did during the late 90s) and this was established so that audiences are aware that Sonic isn't some "good-two-shoes", but instead has snark and attitude; something kids and teenagers gravitated towards. Flaws in his character would be expanded upon in the Archie Comics several times where his attitude and speed got him in more trouble than good in contrast to Robotnik's calculated genius. (There are tons of examples, but refer to when Sally Acorn was roboticized, and Sonic couldn't do anything to stop it as a consequence of his lack of paying attention. Sonic had to both emotionally and literally fight Mecha Sally, which partly was his fault. During their battles, Sonic never jokes or made any snark; instead, he was constantly pleading for Sally to come back.) Another example is present in IDW's current 'Metal Virus' Arc where *(SPOILER BEGIN)* Sonic, now infected with the virus and everything Robotnik's done to enhance the issue, all Sonic can do now is fight, tired. In recent confrontations with Robotnik, he doesn't share the same sass he usually does; instead, he's frustrated with the Doctor, and constantly berates the man for the heinous acts he's done, pleading for him to be more like Mr. Tinker. *(SPOILER END)*
    Addressing what Evan said concerning Sonic's 'flawless' character (the gentleman you referenced at 6:23), I interpreted what he said as 'the character whose personality is concrete given the history of scenarios he's involved in' (I'll give you: 'flawless' may not have been the best word choice). (Granted, my argument is also thanks to Game Sonic having existed so long, and Movie Sonic hasn't, which doesn't give his character the luxury to expound on his personality). Just mentioning that if both characters would happen to exist in the same scenario, I genuinely think Game Sonic would behave differently than Movie Sonic, and I'm all for how Game Sonic handles situations, never wanting to show weakness to his friends or enemies, but still having a crazy fun time, and looking darn cool doing it.
    I used to look up to Sonic as a child due to his quick wit, attitude, and inherent ability to inspire others, along with his speed. Movie Sonic, to me, feels like a prequel to Game Sonic, in the way that he often seems more concerned about goals like making friends, where Modern Sonic feels older, more experienced, (has already achieved the goals of making true friends) and is at the point where he's almost like the Tom to Tails!
    The way Sonic's currently written, indeed: he comes off as incredibly snarky in too many situations. Adventure, Heroes, Unleashed, and ESPECIALLY Black Knight characterizations of Sonic are certainly more (imo) true to the character where they include his quip skill but make sure to display that he's still a guy with heart that prefers saving others, well aware of his own mortality and imperfections. He's not the strongest out there, and when he gets knocked down, he won't give up, and will put his life on the line, abut he also won't reject help if he needs it.
    Some of the most iconic moments for Sonic's character IMO are:
    -SA2: Sonic gets trapped by Robotnik (when he and Tails tried to bait Robotnik with the fake chaos emerald) and Sonic genuinely waved bye to both Tails and Amy, wishing them to take care of themselves. He then later surprised Tails by surviving on the ARC, and the story ended with Sonic revealed to be alive and winning. And after the Biolizard is defeated, Sonic and friends show genuine emotion for Shadow and his sacrifice.
    -Unleashed: Really, just the whole way Sonic was like a big brother to Chip, treating him like a buddy even though the two had never previously met. Sonic never acted like helping Chip regain his memory was a 'chore', instead Sonic found it fun to travel everywhere and restore the planet with Chip, and the two had a great time together! In the end, Chip was revealed to be Light Gaia, and after he and Sonic teamed to fight the threat, Sonic was left with a reminder of both his and Chip's adventures. The ending cutscene always got me.
    -Black Knight: End cutscene. Look it up. It's pretty great. Sonic reminds Merlina about the importance of living every day to the fullest and help others, because there'll come a time where you won't be around anymore.
    -Sonic Rush: Blaze was reserved and almost pessimistic, until Sonic entered the scene and was like this shining ray of youth and enthusiasm in Blaze's eyes, and by the end, they both part with Sonic having given Blaze a new, more optimistic outlook on life, something that would pay off, as they're friends in the sequel.
    -Bonus: Sonic 06 (Ricardo's favorite game Kappa) Last story end cutscene how Sonic tells Elise to smile, to let go of her worries. In the end, they never met (due to narrative ret-con), but Sonic catches up to the parade to see Elise one last time, and sees she's doing fine, smiles, and then runs off, to another adventure.
    I've never typed a UA-cam comment this extensive, and I also don't think anyone's going to read it, haha. Thanks to those of you that do, I've been growing up with this series since I was like 5, and still love it now that I'm going on 23.
    Ricardo's analysis of the character is perfectly valid, though I don't find Movie Sonic as the definitive character. Pre-Graff and Pontac Modern (and Post-Genesis Wave Archie Comic) are, for me, the definitive Sonic that still inspires me in my daily life!

    • @EdiblePotatoes
      @EdiblePotatoes 4 роки тому +10

      Deion with the comprehensive essay!!!

    • @KiddKyle67
      @KiddKyle67 4 роки тому +21

      This sums up everything I feel perfectly. I think a lot of older sonic fans take a liking to movie sonic more because they've moved past their rebelious/independent stage and are adults that are more interested in a idealized depiction of youth where everything is easy, sweet, and cute. This also explain the baby craze that's going on.

    • @superdeionbro8163
      @superdeionbro8163 4 роки тому +5

      For real tho haha, thanks for reading it! It honestly means a ton!

    • @anthonyboodram608
      @anthonyboodram608 4 роки тому +9

      I think this perfectly encompasses how I feel about Sonic as a character. Great essay man.

    • @itachisusanoo3689
      @itachisusanoo3689 4 роки тому +13

      @@KiddKyle67 I'd take that a step further and say a lot of people find a lot of value in an idealized character. To just admire them and feel inspired by them and take after them. You don't HAVE to learn from characters WHILE they are learning, you can learn from others that have already learned. Having an already complete, idealized character (rather than have a character arc) can make the idea/s they represent more desirable. You could have some games where he's his idealized character, and other games where you have a more down-to-earth flawed character.

  • @sonichd7810
    @sonichd7810 4 роки тому +62

    I can relate entirely.
    Personally, the reason I connected with this version of sonic so much was simply because he was everything I always thought sonic should be: a youthful kid with super speed who’s on the adventure of his life...I really don’t want sonic to die..But when I think about it, I can’t help but see him as an abused child (Sega being the parent) in need of our support. He has so much potential and hasn’t even fully grown up yet...But at the same time, I don’t want to see him in pain anymore...Constantly being abused by his greedy (...not to mention manipulative; “This is not sequel”) parent and put on display for the world to laugh at his incompetence. I’m tired of this. I’m so tired of this.😞 Being a Sonic fan this past decade has left me with this dead feeling in my heart. It’s probably because that child I just mentioned is one of the closest childhood friends I’ve ever had.....In the Sonic movie, Sonic felt the depression and loneliness I often feel. He plays baseball with himself and puts on a joyful mask to hide his pain. And in the real world, no matter how hopeless his circumstances have and may continue to be...he keeps on running anyway....Perhaps that’s why we are so attached to this empty shell of what once was...because what once was can still be...

    • @Sinnaktuq
      @Sinnaktuq 4 роки тому +3

      Omg i tought i was the only one thinking that (well not the ONLY one but you know what i mean). Like Sonic is an abused child by Sega and even his dad Yuji Naka abandoned him... This character deserves so much more love and care ;-;

    • @sonicfan1984
      @sonicfan1984 4 роки тому +5

      @Abcity Well, we also said the same thing about Mania in 2017 and people saying that the 'franchise is saved' and calling it the best Sonic game or the only good thing to happen to Sonic in over 20 years because it's very successful and it will make them wake up. SEGA has been riding on Mania's success for a few years after that releasing animated shorts and whatnot. And yet here we are, people are still here in 2020 talking about how terrible SEGA is and the movie will change things around... like wtf happened between 2017 and 2020? The future of Sonic will not improve at this rate.
      If people had already forgotten about Mania, or any other good Sonic game or Sonic related thing that Sonic appeared in within the last or previous decades, then things will never improve and the cycle will keep repeating itself. People will keep grasping on to the next new thing hoping it will turn things around only for it to be brushed off and forgotten in the next few months or years. If Generations (which came out nearly a decade ago!) and even Mania didn't change things around then I doubt that this movie will.

    • @Sinnaktuq
      @Sinnaktuq 4 роки тому +1

      @sonicfan1984 i hate to agree with you but yeah... even tho something new that is good about Sonic gives us hope for the futur, we can't be sure things really are gonna change since sega are the only one able to do this change. Really i hate sega. There, i said it. Even tho i'm more of a Sonic fan than a Mario fan, i'm more of a nintendo fan than a sega fan *by far* . At this point i wish Sonic could just leave sega and get taken care of by nintendo? Even tho we're gonna miss the ''SEGAAAA'' nostalgic sound lol. Unless of course sega hire people who actually love and care about Sonic, like Tyson Hesse for example.

    • @sonicfan1984
      @sonicfan1984 4 роки тому

      @@Sinnaktuq I thought that's what they're already been doing? They hiring more fans to be on board to help with the series, and we haven't gotten any really terrible stuff lately, except maybe Forces which turn out to be more mediocre. That's really the only stepback we've had recently.

    • @Sinnaktuq
      @Sinnaktuq 4 роки тому +4

      Imo i still hate Sonic's personality and voice in recent games tho... Sorry for those who like Roger Craig Smith, i don't dislike him as a person but i *HATE* him as Sonic... it just doesn't feel like Sonic. Like yeah he's good at being a sassy character but that's the only personality trait he's good at showing when it comes to Sonic and being sassy and cocky all the time just makes Sonic seem like a jerk. Plus, umm.. his voice?!? When they changed Sonic's voice to Roger i was like what the heck? I thought Sonic was supposed to sound youthful? Especially since he's just 15... Like, Ben Schwartz is not only good at making Sonic a good character but he also makes the effort to make a higher pitch voice to make him sound youthful.
      Also, Tails is still as useless. They need to make Tails playable and brave again.

  • @PixelrushTheFunnyPixelMan
    @PixelrushTheFunnyPixelMan 4 роки тому +14

    Personally, I’d say that the biggest thing holding Sonic back is the current writers. To me, Sonic is a character that has always screamed potential, potential that is very rarely utilised nowadays. Sonic used to be three dimensional in both games and television. He was confident and snarky and despite his cocky exterior, he genuinely cared for his friends and his world even if he didn’t always show it. He was a character who lives his life to the fullest, constantly seeking new adventures and experiences, THAT was Sonic. What movie Sonic proved was that the Sonic I love is still there and still CAN work, he just has to be utilised properly and written by writers who understand why we love this character so much.
    Great video as always Ricardo.

    • @zacharygadzinski3147
      @zacharygadzinski3147 4 роки тому +1

      I think new writers and new gameplay would do Sonic some good. An approved Adventure playstyle with parkour and the ability to equip Chao within the Chao Garden.

  • @BrokenAce1295
    @BrokenAce1295 4 роки тому +13

    Movie Sonic is definitely my favorite interpretation of Sonic out of all of them. This emotional complex he has where his happy-go-lucky and cocky personality conceals his loneliness and desire for friendship and someone to protect makes him an endearing and charming character compared to how he is in the video games. Sonic (both Classic and Modern) rarely ever had much of a character arc in the video games. He's mostly been a static character who hardly has any depth or weaknesses to his character. He just remains an arrogant and carefree character who can be impulsive, but still remains a well-rounded hero. I at least like how he's written in 06, Secret Rings, Unleashed and Black Knight where he has support characters like Elise, Shahra, Chip, Merlina, and Caliburn, who each have their own flaws, motivations, and personalities.
    With support characters like that to accompany Sonic, they bring more out of his character than just his cocky attitude. Otherwise, on his own, Sonic's just a bland character with little to no imperfections or motivations to him. I'm not even going to get into how he's written in Colors, Generations, Lost World, Boom and Forces (thanks to Pontac and Graff) since I hate Sonic's characterization so much in those games. His arrogance and obnoxiousness are cranked up and he still remains a bland character. The movie, on the other hand, changes that to where Sonic has character motivation, flaws and weaknesses, and a character arc that leads to him developing into a well-rounded character. I definitely want to see more of this interpretation of Sonic in the distant future in terms of having his own merchandise, movie sequels, comic books, video games (possibly), etc...I don't exactly want him to replace Modern Sonic, but remain a separate branch of the franchise. Movie Sonic is supposed to be Sonic in a different universe with his own backstory and personality compared to Sonic in the video games after all. It's better if Movie Sonic has his own identity.

  • @realmetatron
    @realmetatron 4 роки тому +42

    I agree with every word. This is the real Sonic to me.

    • @JDog2656
      @JDog2656 4 роки тому +4

      If he could develop into more like the version in the games like Black Knight and 06, that would be great. Good philosophical depth

    • @windandfireproductions5358
      @windandfireproductions5358 4 роки тому +1

      @@JDog2656 don't forget unleashed

    • @zoemaliya6408
      @zoemaliya6408 4 роки тому +1

      @@windandfireproductions5358 and adventure 1/2

  • @Reos-Domain
    @Reos-Domain 4 роки тому +80

    This was a good movie and I dont get how people hated the sonic movie entirely because I thought it was good and so many others did and thats based on the imbd scores it was and still is a good movie

    • @Captain_Flood
      @Captain_Flood 4 роки тому +5

      I think people didn’t like it because it wasn’t really match of a sonic movie.
      It didn’t have his friends or creative worlds so that might be why.

    • @Captain_Flood
      @Captain_Flood 4 роки тому +2

      Adventure sonic had emotion

    • @Captain_Flood
      @Captain_Flood 4 роки тому

      Ʀed Ɗrɑgon
      Well I sure did

    • @Reos-Domain
      @Reos-Domain 4 роки тому

      Woah thx for the likes people

    • @Reos-Domain
      @Reos-Domain 4 роки тому

      @@Captain_Flood I think the first reason is the most of the case but the seco d had little do with that

  • @ChocoLatemm
    @ChocoLatemm 4 роки тому +40

    The movie of Sonic the hedgehog is a real and the best Sonic . 😭 This movie make me go back for Sonic.

    • @icealpha1035
      @icealpha1035 4 роки тому +2

      Yup I love the movie. But hope he grows up in the next movie

    • @kiwuoi_mousie1446
      @kiwuoi_mousie1446 3 роки тому +1

      @@icealpha1035 I'm perfectly fine with him being childish,because if he grows up,and is more mature,I'll begin to feel he is like Shadow,ya know what I mean?

    • @icealpha1035
      @icealpha1035 3 роки тому +1

      @@kiwuoi_mousie1446 haha ya

  • @p0p525
    @p0p525 4 роки тому +44

    I (almost) totally agree with this video
    Sonic recent has indeed became a basic protagonist and that was incredibly visible in forces.
    I love that game,,, yet I hate it. Sonic is expressionless, flawless, boring and very cheesy in it and i hate it!
    The game had so much potential and such a great concept but executed is a terribly bland and boring way.
    ALSO I believe the reason why the sonic shorts (like mania and racing or the chao in space) are so appreciated is....
    BECAUSE they dont talk! ("Wow what does that have to do with this?"someone could ask)
    well simple... If a character dont talk they are forced to show their
    Personality, feelings and words TROUGH their movements to get the story moving.
    Sonic is definitely lacking in personality recently so mania did a very great job at fixing that for a bit.
    If that much personality could be conveyed through dialog in game I'll be a very happy person.... and this would mean I'm in an alternative timeline-
    The games should just be better scripted, sonic should be more than "IM GONNA SAVE THE DAY *insert sarcastic insults to the enemy*"

    • @gameman5804
      @gameman5804 4 роки тому +1

      Jauque p0pland for now • 5 years ago
      I think Sonic Characters are allowed to speak, though. And we’ve got some good VA’s over the years. We’re lucky that we still have Mike Pollock.
      Tbh, one of the highlights for Forces for me was the overall performance. Direction aside, I think everyone did a decent job, even Shadow doesn’t sound too bad here.

    • @gold9523
      @gold9523 4 роки тому +1

      I liked the sonic shorts because they were funny

  • @luisantunes445
    @luisantunes445 4 роки тому +40

    I have to dissagre on sonic being an asshole. He is arrogant and cocky but that has always been his traits. If you watch sonic x or any sonic game (except colour and lost world because the writing sucks) he is lazy but when he needs to help his friends he is always there and does anything for them. I dont think being confident is a bad thing, if anything it even makes him cooler. Although the game isnt great in sonic forces he always defends his friends and cares about them. But hey this is only my opinion.

    • @turtle4283
      @turtle4283 4 роки тому +1

      Маргарита Мирчева.

    • @theminecraft2516
      @theminecraft2516 4 роки тому +1

      No, Sonic shows no emotion in Forces, he gets tortured and has a smile and cracks jokes, and He teases infinite because he has no friends. Sonic is literally an asshole now

    • @luisantunes445
      @luisantunes445 4 роки тому +1

      @@theminecraft2516 Although I agree that he didn't show emotion while "tortured" he's not an asshole for cracking jokes at infinite because infinite literally killed thousands of innocents, he's just trying to be entertaining at the end of the day. Also there's a comic book series called the IDW comics that continues the events of Sonic Forces (and its canon too) and there Sonic's an his friends personalities are at its best. So no he's not an asshole at all

    • @icealpha1035
      @icealpha1035 4 роки тому +1

      Yup I liked the old sonic now he just feels🤔😐😶 the perfect hero

  • @obd9660
    @obd9660 4 роки тому +8

    About what you said about it being the 2020's now, and people gravitating towards different things in a different society, that doesn't mean Sonic should be entirely changed to fit the times. Look at the Muppets, they've been going since the 1950's, and they haven't changed to fit the times; I remember Kermit saying in an interview in the 90's, "I'm not gonna say "yo, dude!"", explaining how the Muppets are timeless.

  • @ink_blot25
    @ink_blot25 4 роки тому +18

    Remember, Movie Sonic has started off with a backstory and struggles. Game Sonic has not. I'd argue most games just throw you in, introduce Sonic's heroism and "I can do whatever" attitude. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to the writing. Game Sonic can show multiple emotions, we saw it in games like Sonic Unleashed. It's just that most recent games like Lost World have been "Oh just throw in cheesy lines in there and call it a day!", or games like Forces that COULD'VE had the potential to go deeper with its themes and characters (not just Sonic) but don't bother.
    It's clear that at this point, Sega feel that all they need to do is slap Sonic's name on a game, put little effort into his character, and they'll still make money.
    And it makes me sick.

    • @JDog2656
      @JDog2656 4 роки тому +5

      Agreed. Everything before that even with games like 06 had heart and depth to them. Shoot, even the music reflects Sonic and other characters in really inspirational ways.

  • @NOTmariusbtw
    @NOTmariusbtw 4 роки тому +13

    I Never Had Sat Down And Thought Of Sonic This Way Thx SpeedSuperSonic I Needed This Video.

  • @bluenderd
    @bluenderd 4 роки тому +41

    When I grew up, Sonic made Dad jokes, but I love his personality in the adventures games and in the Movie. Movie Sonic is the first Sonic, I actually wanna see more of. Sonic has been ruined over the years.

    • @ketiamoment
      @ketiamoment 4 роки тому +1

      I hope they bring back that personality of the characters but they probably won’t

    • @bluenderd
      @bluenderd 4 роки тому +5

      @@ketiamoment Yeah, they won't. Sega will just use shitty writers, because they are cheap tp pay.

    • @bluenderd
      @bluenderd 4 роки тому

      @Yung SootyYes. I think it sucks, how a franchise can be butcherd.

    • @Surfbot_animations
      @Surfbot_animations 4 роки тому +1

      @@bluenderd well... We don't know if sega will give that personality or not to sonic... sega can surprise everyone... Like... They said that 2021 was going to be the best year to sonic... We only have to wait

    • @bluenderd
      @bluenderd 4 роки тому

      @@Surfbot_animations Companies say a lot of things. Sega says 2021 will be a fantastic year for Sonic, but can they really say that? They also said 2017 was a "big" year for Sonic. But it wasn't (not counting Sonic Mania).

  • @hotchocolate8008
    @hotchocolate8008 4 роки тому +15

    Honestly, I love movie sonic, but to me, he isn't or shouldn't be the definitive sonic.
    I do understand how sonic is a horrible character, but not to the extent you're setting it at.
    Up until colors, I actually loved sonic's personality. He was a lot like the flash from the DC cartoons in a weird sense. Extremely cocky, heroic, and charming, but underestimated his opponents sometimes because of his cockiness and speed. It was a great weakness for a character. But sonic is kind of a horrible character now. He's become a parody, or a shell of his former self. He's cocky, and heroic, but rarely anything else emotionally taxing. Sure, tails was kidnapped in lost world because of sonic's confidence, but it was less of an emotional scene because it was more tell, not show. It felt too serious, especially in such a random moment.
    To me, I absolutely love movie sonic, and I believe movie sonic should stay in other forms of media or side games. His character is vastly different, and he is not the sonic i remember, but a sonic i've learned to love quickly. He's relatable, he's believable, and he is still kinda cocky, but for a good reason besides speed.
    Overall, all of this can be generalized into to.. we need better writers for the sonic series. Before colors, sonic, while kinda inconsistent, was tolerable, and had more emotion. He felt fear, and pain, but it wasn't overboard. It felt natural.

  • @9-bitfox
    @9-bitfox 4 роки тому +4

    Narrator: This isnt the best film of 2020
    Covid-19: You sure about that?

  • @vohloo9797
    @vohloo9797 4 роки тому +10

    While I do agree that the release of this movie and the success it's been having with both children and adults is a positive thing, I think that this version of the character should exist on its own canon or continuity. Not because I think that he's a particularly bad character or bad interpretation of him, far from it. It's kinda refreshing to see a different take on Sonic that is both more sympathetic and likeable than the original, but I feel it should stay like that a "different take".
    From his portrayal in the games and other medias Sonic has always been what can be considered a static character. Meaning that he is the character whos morals and views remain the same while the characters around him are the ones that learn and probably even adopt his way of thinking (Tails, Amy, Blaze, Chip, Merlina). This is the case in Sonic x, because while in retrospect it might seem like he was mostly arrogant, self centered and only saving the day when pestered to do it. That couldn't be further from the truth, since in the show he embodies the static character quite nicely. He was written to mostly be carefree and irritable when annoyed to do things that seem trivial or unnecessary (e.g. when Sam wanted to race him just to see who's faster), but in situations that involved saving someone or getting people out of harm he did it without a second thought. This trait remained with him through out the entire run of the show and other characters like Chris learned from him, and while there might be moments when he acted selfish or egocentric that doesn't mean that it's the norm but the exception.
    What I'm trying to get at is that this particular type of character is what defines him, it sorta makes him the role model for the other characters whos personalities bounce of his and in the case of the villains their ideologies clashes with his own. In many regards this sorta character arc type might seem dull and boring, but what truly breaks or makes these characters is the quality of the writing in which they're implemented in, some famous characters also go by this arc type and are well loved and received(Sherlock Holmes, Batman, Superman, Lupin III, etc.). But if you want some dynamism with the character you can always put him in a situation that makes him question his own beliefs while still remaining loyal to the core principal that defines him. He might not have changed much afterwards, but that moment in where his convictions where tested and he managed remain true to them to the very end are things that could make him stand out as a character, in some ways you can say that's what's happening right now with the IDW run of the character(whether or not his ideals change or remain is something we'll have to wait and see).
    In no way am I saying the movie interpretation of the character is bad or unrecognizable to the iconic blue hedgehog, but that he is instead entirely unique version of him that I would love to see grow and change if they decide to do sequels. But that also the game version of the character should stick with the already established characteristics that he's been known for. If anything what needs to change is the direction the games are going story wise and actually bring in people that can use the character to his fullest potential and write compelling and interesting stories for him *cough*IanFlynn*cough*ShiroMaekawa*cough*.
    (Geez how do people write big comments like these constantly?)
    edit: grammar

  • @caramellesalley1250
    @caramellesalley1250 4 роки тому +13

    That was very interesting. I guess I never really thought about this that way, even though I knew Sonic pretty much since his birth. To me, Sonic was always a cheeky, kinda jerky, rebellious cool hero who won't be stopped. His cartoons before Sonic X portrayed him like that too. And if I caught myself wishing he was just a tad less jerky sometimes, I always pushed those thoughts aside because I had long come to terms with it being part of his personality, part of his charm. I always thought it was good he had a "major" flaw like this. Sonic is immature, Sonic has a bit of an ego, Sonic is a teenager. I accepted that. I liked that and I still do.
    But it's true that when I saw the movie, I actually, truly WISHED the Sonic I knew was more like his movie counter-part. But Movie Sonic seemed way younger, hyper, "youthful" like you said, maybe a little too much for his age. So I scratched that thought too. But who knows? Perhaps Movie Sonic would grow more like Modern Sonic? More assured, more witty, maybe even insolent as he grows up?
    OR, Modern Sonic could change and be more like his movie counterpart, if only Sega/Sonic Team actually sit down and have a real good talk about the future of their beloved mascot and possible character developpement I believe everybody is waiting for?
    I mean, I can't be the only one lamenting over the fact that there are so many good characters with loads of unexploited potential, not to mention, very little screentime/spotlight? I wish Sega would map out Sonic's world once for all, allow us to play with each of these characters in a way that doesn't involve olympics or racing games.

  • @ksomiak8623
    @ksomiak8623 4 роки тому +11

    *10 years later...*
    Mephiles: inevitable...
    Sonic: And i am..Sonic The Hedgehog... *Flicks Chaos Gauntlet*

  • @modux540
    @modux540 4 роки тому +10

    Personally I wouldn't say this is the best version of Sonic (I'd say that goes to the adventure era), but it's definitely better than the personality we got from Colours to Forces.

  • @coftdaman5124
    @coftdaman5124 4 роки тому +13

    No views, 11 likes
    good to see UA-cam’s still the same

  • @matttattack3655
    @matttattack3655 4 роки тому +5

    Awesome vid and I hope you have a great day and keep up the great work and I hope you hit 100,000 subs and then after 1 million subs

  • @magicvampirelver1321
    @magicvampirelver1321 4 роки тому +22

    Lol I'll always have a thing for Sonic the Hedgehog♡NO MATTER WHAT or how old I get or if he looks different he has already again N' again Loved this blue Hedgehog since he was born

    • @jackiebrown7229
      @jackiebrown7229 4 роки тому +1

      Me too. Since 23rd June 1991. Just love him ☺️

  • @MelonTartVA
    @MelonTartVA 4 роки тому +16

    NGL, I think Sonic in Sonic X season 3 is closer to who he always was.
    Season 3 Sonic is proactive and does what has to be done without a complaint or pushing it off.

    • @vohloo9797
      @vohloo9797 4 роки тому +1

      imo the mayor difference he had in the first 2 seasons was that he was very passive and only acted when eggman did a thing or something went wrong. Not saying that's bad since I personally enjoyed that more laid back version of his character.

  • @javieralvarado5899
    @javieralvarado5899 4 роки тому +2

    This is a masterpiece of a video thank you so much for this video, it really made me rethink sonic (n a good a good way) and it made me really emotional. You did a great job on this video keep it up ^_^

  • @SaturnSZN
    @SaturnSZN 3 роки тому +1

    It’s amazing how the Sonic from the Sonic Movie has all of the character traits from the games like being egotistical, or sarcastic or funny, but he also has a an emotional side which gives him so much more life and personality while still staying true to his core spirit and character.
    This really is the best depiction of Sonic.

  • @sonicthemoviecritic146
    @sonicthemoviecritic146 4 роки тому +2

    He explained my thoughts perfectly,he was right a character with flaws is in fact a good character

  • @Captain_Flood
    @Captain_Flood 4 роки тому +14

    I’m not trying to be all negative with disagreeing, I just enjoy sharing my opinion.
    Personally, I disagree with movie Sonic. I personally think that Sonic in the adventure games was the best depiction. He was cocky and likeable and I always liked how he was trying to save the world and have the most fun at the same time. I liked how he stopped for no one and wasn’t interested in romance, because what you see is what you get, just a guy who loves adventures. I liked how there where limitations to his ego like when he saw the egg Gollum and showed genuine concern. I like how smug he was too. My favourite sonic moment ever was when sonic said to eggman “you’ve become a big time villain, doctor” in a very smug way, it never fails to make me smile. I like how upbeat he is too.
    But movie sonic, I liked him but parts like the bar scene really made me not like him, he just starts a huge fight and then slows down time so he can irritate people who weren’t even fighting him like when he wrapped that guy in toilet paper. Also sonic flosses and that’s no good.
    But that’s only what I think, please don’t teakettle this the wrong way.

  • @PontiusTheKnight
    @PontiusTheKnight 4 роки тому +2

    Awesome video, Ricardo! Loved it

  • @KiddKyle67
    @KiddKyle67 4 роки тому +11

    I actually dont like movie sonic. I love sonic's arrogant and rebellious attitude. I felt movie sonic was too childish. He went from the older brother type character to a younger brother. Anyone who has read the comics knows that sonic is a fleshed out character. Sonic is fearless, carefree, and does what he likes but those traits leads to him getting in over his head and sometimes making things worse. That's why most other characters are more down to earth to compliment his character. Sonic appeal has always been with preteens who are starting to become more rebellious and independent.

  • @MarkTheGreat555
    @MarkTheGreat555 4 роки тому +1

    The movie blew away everyone's expectations and did justice for the franchise, moreso than the comics and video games.Aside from Sonic's redesign which was largely the critical component of the movie's success, the fact that the movie gave us a solid but brief (and unofficial) origin of his super-speed and Sonic's realistic and believable character development was what made him likable and relate-able to the audience. This also proves that Sonic belongs in the hands of Sega of America since the West was largely instrumental in his success in all forms of media since his inception. Let's just hope SoJ gives back full creative control to SoA so we can see more Sonic movies or even a TV series based on the Archie-comics series fans have been waiting years for.

  • @universeamvs
    @universeamvs 4 роки тому +2

    I agree that sonic has probably changed forever. Lately in all of his games he hasnt had much of a personality. He just doesn't seem to be himself. Since this movie came out though, it showed a whole different sonic. A very lovable sonic that everyone loves and wants. I hope we see more of him in the future. But only time will tell. I honestly enjoyed the movie. I had waited so long for a sonic movie too. Great video!
    Also thank you for showing the Instagram part. My name just happened to appear when you typed sonic. 👀

  • @GameApologist
    @GameApologist 4 роки тому +1

    Digging this format, man! Excellent video!

    • @surgeeo1406
      @surgeeo1406 4 роки тому +1

      Hey, I know you!!!

    • @GameApologist
      @GameApologist 4 роки тому +1

      *puts on glasses*
      No you don't.

  • @doclouis4236
    @doclouis4236 4 роки тому +2

    Fun Fact: Sega has rules in place to make sure Sonic is portrayed as they see fit if they license out the character to any type of media. For example, Sega has a rule where Sonic can't cry for some reason.

    • @superhedgehog6447
      @superhedgehog6447 4 роки тому +3

      But why can't characters have emotions that makes no sense. Sega ruins everything

  • @cm-ih1jb
    @cm-ih1jb 4 роки тому +1

    This was just a great video. Really loved watching this. 😊👍

  • @sonicandtailsfirstgenerati4041
    @sonicandtailsfirstgenerati4041 4 роки тому +11

    My theory is SEGA has split into a couple of teams one doing movies and the other doing games. (I hope that’s true. I want more sonic games)

    • @stonalisa3729
      @stonalisa3729 4 роки тому +2

      Sonic And Tails First Generation We need good sonic games. Not any more rushed games that are lazily done.

    • @matti.8465
      @matti.8465 4 роки тому +1

      The movie and any movies going forward are entirely Paramount's, Sega was most likely there as a consultant.

    • @sonicandtailsfirstgenerati4041
      @sonicandtailsfirstgenerati4041 4 роки тому +1

      Right. Not like Sonic 06. Not like Sonic Boom game. We need good games that have good story fun bosses and good levels

    • @sonicandtailsfirstgenerati4041
      @sonicandtailsfirstgenerati4041 4 роки тому +1

      Matt I.
      Well yes but Sonic is still SEGA’s character and property. Paramount is just working with SEGA making the movie

    • @matti.8465
      @matti.8465 4 роки тому +1

      The point is that Sega doesn't need to create a separate team to work on future movies, they are mostly done by Paramount.

  • @lourdesmeza2241
    @lourdesmeza2241 3 роки тому +1

    I remember the time where I went to time square movie theater and there was so many people

  • @Mew4U
    @Mew4U 4 роки тому +1

    Don't forget about 90s Sonic! To me, Movie Sonic feels like it originated from that personality.

  • @Trance88
    @Trance88 4 роки тому +1

    Hey SSS! This is a great video and you've hit a lot of points that I've come to realize since I became a Sonic fan in the mid 90's, so I pre-date the Sonic Adventure stuff! Something I would recommend you to check out if you haven't already is the original "Saturday morning" Sonic cartoon series from the 90's. If you want more of a heart felt Sonic similar to the Sonic in the movie, you've gotta watch it! It shouldn't be too hard to find. I never liked Sonic X. The main reason was really how Sonic was portrayed in that show as you've pointed out.

  • @joannewinifredkerrigan5
    @joannewinifredkerrigan5 4 роки тому +2

    Sonic has a attitude that is what makes him a great character

    @STAXONDECK1 4 роки тому +2

    Sonic Adventure 1&2, Sonic X and Sonic Underground the real Sonic for me lol

  • @infiniteoctopaw
    @infiniteoctopaw 4 роки тому +1

    Sonic and the black knight was the last time Sonic was a nice person.

  • @TakeruDavis
    @TakeruDavis 4 роки тому +1

    I know I am investing way too much of my interest into Sonic, but I am just happy to hear all the praise he's getting and especially about the movie. There is still hope Sonic will have a bright future.

  • @andreasmeelie1889
    @andreasmeelie1889 4 роки тому +2

    I enjoyed this video and I see where he is getting at with Sonic in Sonic X being a jerk and at times acting like being a hero is a chore but I also disagree with it as well. Yes, there are episodes that portray that of Sonic, but, I can also think up a whole lot of episodes where Sonic is determined to get things right and is a wonderful friend to everybody especially Chris and you can very well tell that he wants to protect people any chance that he can get.
    He showed it in the Metarex saga, he showed it in the season 1 finale episodes of season 1 where he goes looking for Chris and is determined to make sure that Chris is alright, he's determined to save people from Chaos and the Biolizard, he's always looking for adventure, he gets pissed off seeing Cosmo and Chris get hurt that he becomes Dark Super Sonic, and he rather risk his life to defeat Dark Oak.
    I also admit I wish that he did show more emotion but there are moments where he does show some emotion like why do people keep on picking on him over that scene where Tails is crying over the seed over Cosmo being sacrificed by him? He's definitely showing a whole lot of emotion right there! He's pissed off at Tails for killing off Cosmo yet at the same exact time he's torn because he knew that Tails had to do what he had to do! It's the angriest yet conflicted emotion I've EVER seen Sonic from the show itself and he cries over saying goodbye to Chris in the last final episode of season 2!
    So yeah while I do admit there are times where I wish Sonic had more emotion in the show he still has those moments.
    I admit Sonic doesn't really have an arc in that show and is the exact same throughout the show but it greatly surprises me to see Speed Super Sonic miss the point here. He still has moments of heroism in his own ways and being there for people because he wants to be and not because it's just some chore. He's not always just sleeping around. It surprises me that he missed that. I watch the show millions of times since I was ten so I should very well know that. It's my favorite show of all time after all.

  • @Ultraman1fan2023x
    @Ultraman1fan2023x 4 роки тому +20

    I ❤️ modern sonic better but I still this 🎥 sonic

  • @jamesborlan2850
    @jamesborlan2850 4 роки тому +7

    To be fair the sonic movie wasn’t the first incarnation of sonic the give him a complex character
    As sonic satam gave sonic a fairly complex character for its time this would later be used for the Archie sonic comics although the ken penders era was trying way too hard to be like satam to a point where the characters were even more unlikable than the game version
    Thankfully Ian Flynn cleaned up the mess ken penders created and improved the comic for a new generation even durring the reboot
    But I am glad the Sonic dark age since lost world is finally coming to a close I am aware that colors or 06 could’ve been the cause but honestly 06 actually has potential the problem is the game is rushed and sonic colors I thought was a fun side story although you can definitely tell the drop in quality of writing there
    Needless to say sonic mania and even forces (although i agree it’s flawed) gave us the question if the dark age will end
    And then came sonic mania adventures which became my second favorite sonic cartoon the idw sonic comics were just as good as archie and while I havnt seen the movie yet I can totally understand why this movie may rejuvenate sonic
    Great video

  • @Cisconic
    @Cisconic 4 роки тому +4

    well done m8!

  • @WYVERN_76
    @WYVERN_76 4 роки тому +13

    He actually has feelings now

    • @Captain_Flood
      @Captain_Flood 3 роки тому

      He always did, if anything he’s more annoying now

    • @WYVERN_76
      @WYVERN_76 3 роки тому

      @@Captain_Flood why did you reply on a 8 month comment

    • @Captain_Flood
      @Captain_Flood 3 роки тому

      Nothing wrong with saying your opinion

    • @WYVERN_76
      @WYVERN_76 3 роки тому

      @@Captain_Flood I guess you’re right

    • @WYVERN_76
      @WYVERN_76 3 роки тому

      @@Captain_Flood in my opinion I think when Roger started voicing sonic. sonic started sounding annoying

  • @sonicfan1984
    @sonicfan1984 4 роки тому +2

    I do like that Movie Sonic is more flawed, emotional, vulnerable, relatable, and endearing. It's easy for people to sympathize and cheer for him to win and reach his goals... but after watching the movie for the 3rd time I can't help but notice that he lacks some of Sonic's established attitude and personality traits that always been a part of Sonic's character and makes him unique since the very beginning. Sonic in the movie didn't really show that until the bar scene (which was really funny) 3rd act and final battle of the movie.
    When you shown that clip of Sonic in Lost World mocking Zazz that he needed a bath and claiming "That's not Sonic!" and then proceed on about how Sega is abusing and mistreating the character. YES, it is still Sonic because Sonic is being cocky and teasing his enemies like he usually do. That's still a part of his character whether you don't really like that or not, and he's been that way for nearly 30 years. It's even more apparent in the 90's especially in the older cartoons and comics. You grew up on Sonic X, and that's a more mellow and sort of generic interpretation of Sonic's character.
    I know it's an origin story and they're still evolving Sonic for later movies, and he'll slowly become the character that people know and love (or not, if you're not into sassy, self-absorb but still a good guy with big heart Sonic). If they use Sonic's endearing traits from the movie along with Sonic's personality, attitude and self-confidence from the games, then that will be my definitive Sonic BY FAR.
    But that's the only part of the video that I disagree with, I agree with the rest.

    • @Lionheart82000
      @Lionheart82000 4 роки тому +1

      That how I feel about this thank you for explaining it

    • @sonicfan1984
      @sonicfan1984 4 роки тому

      @@Lionheart82000 You're welcome. I'm curious though, how do you feel about it?

    • @Lionheart82000
      @Lionheart82000 4 роки тому

      @@sonicfan1984 I feel like the same as you feel like you can keep movie Sonic like he is. I also want him to be have the egocentric sassy roasting eggman. But still want him to act like a hero and a caring friend like movie Sonic is. So I want a fusion between modern and movie Sonic.

    • @Lionheart82000
      @Lionheart82000 4 роки тому

      @@sonicfan1984 I feel the same way about disagreement about the video

  • @crock6108
    @crock6108 4 роки тому

    I agree with you because as I used to watch sonic boom i realised that whenever someone walked up to him he was like, what, you want an autograph or a pic? But to his friends he was so amazing, and the movie sonic proved that Sonic isnt the sarcastic lazy dude anymore, he's actually a friend.

  • @giuliacf4180
    @giuliacf4180 4 роки тому +1

    I think this is an appropriate moment for me to comment that I'm REALLY thankful for this movie, because this movie was what got me interested in Sonic, this movie got me in the fandom, after the second trailer I thought "... Huh this movie looks interesting, I wonder what's going to happen in it or in the possible sequel" so to make theories I started searching things about the games, I watched youtubers explaining the stories and characters, then I played the classics like Sonic 1, 2 and CD on my phone, I watched the cutscenes of the games, and I LOVED everything. I loved the characters, I loved the stories, I loved the gameplay style, I can't say I know everything about the franchise (yet) but this movie made me a Sonic fan, and for that I'm really thankful

  • @jackmations1855
    @jackmations1855 4 роки тому +1

    I'm happy this is is the version of sonic kids are experiencing

  • @backfatfairy
    @backfatfairy 4 роки тому +2

    I hope he does become more confident and cocky in sequels but still shows emotion time to time

  • @lunar4968
    @lunar4968 4 роки тому

    He has changed a lot, and I didnt know much about sonic before the movie was announced, but now I think Sonic has changed for the better

  • @BenSchubert1995
    @BenSchubert1995 4 роки тому +1

    Personally, I think the character traits of Movie Sonic should be instilled into the 1998 Modern Sonic design by Yuji Uekawa.

  • @FinnthehumanFazhog
    @FinnthehumanFazhog 4 роки тому +1

    Past me: Nintendo forever
    *Sonic movie*
    Present me: Make way for the next Sega fan

  • @Jason-..-
    @Jason-..- 4 роки тому +8

    That is stupid...WHY do people always think that the movie design is a replacement? It is just for the movie and nothing more.
    Modern Sonic will always be the main Sonic. FOR GODS SAKE

    • @magicvampirelver1321
      @magicvampirelver1321 4 роки тому +4

      I agree

    • @ElijahKMcCoy
      @ElijahKMcCoy 4 роки тому +2

      Agreed 💯.

    • @theresnorice
      @theresnorice 4 роки тому +1

      nah, Classic was the original. Modern Sonic REPLACED him.

    • @magicvampirelver1321
      @magicvampirelver1321 4 роки тому +2

      @@theresnorice both my fave anyways but all the Sonics are cool fr

    • @Jason-..-
      @Jason-..- 4 роки тому +2

      @@theresnorice i wouldnt say REPLACED bro. I mean, we still see him in classic games like in Sonic Mania. But modern is defenetly more common.
      I love both

  • @colmiga
    @colmiga 4 роки тому

    The moment I saw the trailers I knew this was not the Sonic we have seen in many a game, comic and TV show of the last couple of decades but instead was his own canon. It's a version I fell in love with straight away as you can see he is not perfect, you can see the his emotions and vulnerabilities, which makes him a much more real character. This was similar to the Sonic I imagined as a kid playing the Mega Drive/Genesis games and watching the SatAM series.
    People need to remember when thinking of the movie Sonic universe is that while it borrows from the games, aspects of what it has borrowed can be different and completely new concepts and characters will be (and have been) created. This is why I am really eager to explore this universe in future sequels. I've been a Sonic fan since the early games but this has reawakened my love of the character no previous media of the last few years has done. I agree with your sentiment, this movie has changed Sonic forever and in a very positive way.
    The problem Sega has had for many years is financial and management issues which I think is the main reason they left the Sonic universe to languish and stagnate. It has become apparent Sega did not know what to do with this IP apart from licensing it, and have been very lucky with outside teams who love Sonic to produce the likes of Sonic Mania and the movie. In some ways this 'mishandling' of Sonic by Sega may have been a blessing as it allowed the movie to 're-invent' Sonic as it seems the licence contract wasn't the most restrictive. If it was we wouldn't have seen the god awful first version of movie Sonic, which luckily they changed.

  • @georgejohnson7637
    @georgejohnson7637 4 роки тому +1

    I remember the days when Sonic was confident...not arrogant.

  • @chomperelectric2676
    @chomperelectric2676 4 роки тому +1

    I saw your tease in the leak video, I'm not a fool >:)

  • @sonicthehedgehog9945
    @sonicthehedgehog9945 4 роки тому +6

    We're is your merch hunt dad

  • @theallenbros0446
    @theallenbros0446 4 роки тому +2

    I like movie sonic I really do...but I don’t want modern replaced. I’d like it if they kinda merged the two

  • @Kermurai
    @Kermurai 4 роки тому +1

    I watched sonic when I was like 3 years old and still love it

  • @Cooldude15104
    @Cooldude15104 4 роки тому +1

    Sorry I’m late but my little cousin know loves sonic because of the Sonic movie

  • @somaricraftbros6283
    @somaricraftbros6283 4 роки тому

    I cannot argue with you because I agree with you so much. Sonic movie sonic...has the most emotion, most personality, and most love that sonic has gotten in...almost 30 years.

  • @MadChristoph
    @MadChristoph 4 роки тому +1

    You gotta admit that Paramount gave fans what they want, they redesigned Sonic and that was a big deal, the movie also leads into a direct sequel

  • @itsveeo
    @itsveeo 4 роки тому +1

    They released it just in the nick of time before corona got too serious

  • @dr.thunder1567
    @dr.thunder1567 4 роки тому

    I don't feel like crying... But this is so true and I've been thinking this for so many years
    I love this

  • @goldenwing5960
    @goldenwing5960 4 роки тому +1

    While I agree with some points, I disagree with others. Like you, my first Sonic experience was Sonic X and I loved it! I was 10 back then. I went to see the movie and it brought back memories of watching Sonic X on Saturday mornings and later going on to play SA1 and SA2, along with Heroes, so I rewatched Sonic X and got myself a Nintendo Switch so that I could play the current games.
    Movie!Sonic and Modern!Sonic are both very different characters, that I agree with. However, I don't think that they're completely different. Movie, while not completely developed, definitely seems more well-rounded than Modern, though they share many of the same traits. You just don't see it much with Modern, unless you pay close attention. They both care about those close to them, have an innate curiosity (in Sonic X, you often see him running around and finding himself in different places), and, of course, their need for speed.
    I also disagree with Modern looking at saving the world and his friends as a chore. He enjoys fighting, always making sassy and sarcastic remarks. That is, until his friends get hurt. He always makes sure to save them. Heck, later in Sonic X, he actually gets angry when his friends are injured and, boy, was that scene glorious! Enough of that, though.
    I think I'll end this here, since I seem to have lost track of the point that I was trying to make. As for the movie being a completely different interpretation of the character we know and love and (hopefully) taking the franchise in a different direction, I totally agree.

  • @Goat0423
    @Goat0423 4 роки тому

    Damn, you described perfectly what I’ve been trying to say myself but couldn’t for a month now.

  • @hayatojp1249
    @hayatojp1249 4 роки тому +4

    its not out in japan and because of corona virus it has been postponed indefinitely
    so i havent seen it yet

  • @muii6319
    @muii6319 3 роки тому +1

    I just want the modern sonic design to stay but everything else can be like the movie

  • @flamin5889
    @flamin5889 4 роки тому +1

    The sonic in the movie is Teenager Sonic, seriously, BELEIVE ME!

  • @BlackBloodCombatClub
    @BlackBloodCombatClub 4 роки тому +1

    I don't think we should just abandon Modern Sonic for Movie Sonic. As much as I liked the Sonic movie, I am still invested in the Modern timeline and don't wanna see it go, or at least not yet. Potac and Graff are what really ruined Modern as a character. Games like Adventure, Colors *_for DS_* , Unleashed, and even Black Knight are good examples of Modern Sonic done right. The IDW comics seem to be doing a good job as well. Again, nothing against Movie Sonic, but I don't think that movie tie-in games are gonna be what saves the Sonic series. They are both good in their own right. Just let Movie Sonic stay in the movies and Modern Sonic stay in the games, cartoons, etc.

  • @borausta8598
    @borausta8598 4 роки тому +4

    6:30 best movie scene ever

  • @pricklyproductions2587
    @pricklyproductions2587 4 роки тому

    It’s just time for sonic to evolve into his better version of himself you will never know if he will change in the future again

  • @yellowvoltage_
    @yellowvoltage_ 4 роки тому +1

    I like movie Sonics personality but I don’t want him to stick with and I prefer Sonics personality from 06 and I like the modern design

  • @Thomas_Fan2024
    @Thomas_Fan2024 4 роки тому

    Can't wait for the SONIC The HEDGEHOG movie 2

  • @zhanehoyle8269
    @zhanehoyle8269 4 роки тому

    Y'know, even before the movie, I always had the feeling that game sonic is hiding a part of himself that most of the cast in the series barely takes a glimpse at. I had these thoughts and headcanons like when in generations, when classic sonic was mute while modern is not. So, I made up a headcanon that since he was an orphan, he didn't have anyone to talk to until he met tails and didn't start talking until before sonic adventure.
    Even today, I still that cool facade is him avoiding his trauma and past and keeping to himself so other don't worry about him. I thought It was just me projecting but, the movie + the comics actually confirms how some fans see him.

  • @supermariobros1213
    @supermariobros1213 4 роки тому +1

    Movie sonic is the BEST sonic we ever had

  • @Ronan34753
    @Ronan34753 4 роки тому +4

    While I agree that as of recently SEGA has treated ALL the characters badly for the past decade.
    Honestly I don't like movie Sonic, for the reasons people seem to like him funnily enough.
    My gripe with him in the movie is it misses the point of Sonic's character, and goes too far in order to make him relatable, to the point of feeling superficial and forceful (especially when he's literally a GOD in this movie).
    That and just like 'Modern' Sonic (2010s), he spews out memes left and right every 5 seconds.
    In my opinion I don't see anything wrong with a confident protagonist that's very skillful in Athletics.
    It becomes harder to write a story around them admittedly, but no one can tell me the stories in SA2 and Black Knight weren't good.
    The personal appeal I saw in Sonic was he wasn't someone who needed to do things the normal way, he played by his own rules.
    He enjoyed his freedom from the societal shackles most people live with in their lives.
    His small height wasn't a weakness to him, since he knew how to use his abilities in athletics to his advantage.
    That and he was sincere with himself and towards others (which I haven't seen since Sonic and the Black Knight, not even this movie got that).
    These sort of details made him inspiring if I'm honest.
    At the same time, Sonic needs characters like Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Blaze, Silver, etc. to balance the playing field out as to not make Sonic "The Sonic".
    Like this isn't a world where Sonic runs things and needs to be constantly relied on for every little thing, but rather it's a world he's a part of where he's respected and looked up to alongside other characters.
    Forces messed that one up, and the movie just couldn't decide which one it was.
    Think about how the Avengers movies treat their superheroes, compared to the solo hero movies where they're the special one.
    Or better yet, the Captain America Civil War (3rd)movie is a better example where Captain America is the main character, but he's also not the only hero.
    I'm not against origin stories, but I knew they would miss the point of the character and re-mold him into their "relatable" fast boy the flash character.
    That and does an origin story really matter?
    I mean does it matter to tell an origin story that spans a movie, when we've already got what makes our character special and interesting (pretending the 2010 games didn't happen).
    Here's his backstory the way I see it.
    Sonic lived on South Island, Dr.Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik's visit interrupted his peaceful care-free days on this Island.
    Forcing Sonic to step up and go on a little adventure to stop this Eggman to return things back to normal and free the other inhabitants.
    By the end of this little venture, Sonic visited different locations, saw different technology, and was left curious as to where this mad scientist came from and what he was.
    Making him realize the world was bigger than this little Island of flickies, and decided to start traveling.
    Boom, backstory complete!
    It doesn't have enough drama or character motivations to deserve a movie or video game re-telling, but it's simple and understandable for those curious enough to go searching for it.
    Now let's continue with his adventures and pull him out of this detached, boring sitcom, chosen one ditch he's been in for the past 10 years.
    And stop being afraid of introducing characters in the fear of "too many characters" from people who have a complex about not knowing everything about every popular game series.
    Like not every character will be used for every adventure, some might never be used again (Tikal and Chaos for example).
    Because it's hardly an adventure, if you don't meet somebody new now, is it?
    Sonic exists in a world bigger than him, the way I see it.
    He brings his own touch to each place he visits, each character he meets, as well as taking something from the Adventures with himself.
    The same can actually be said for the rest of the characters.

  • @Sinnaktuq
    @Sinnaktuq 4 роки тому

    Kid: Mom, i want this Sonic! (from the movie)
    Mother: No, we already have a Sonic at home.
    Sonic at home: 3:44

    • @demitsimp6060
      @demitsimp6060 4 роки тому

      The Sonic we all know and love... 👍

  • @catchannel1484
    @catchannel1484 Рік тому +1

    The only thing I disagree with is your opinion on the Sonic from Sonic X. X's Sonic is not an entitled asshole. He's just far more introverted than you might expect. There is a really good video discussing Sonic's actions that come across as introverted:
    As an introvert myself, I can 100% confirm that the signs of Sonic's introversion aren't him being an asshole, just him being introverted.
    It's not that he shows no emotion, it's that he keeps them inside because that's how he prefers it. I can confirm, this is how I behave. It takes a *lot* to get an emotional response from me, but that doesn't mean the emotions aren't there. The clip you showed has Sonic allowing Tails to vent his emotions on him, while keeping his own emotions inside. It's not Sonic not caring, it's Sonic caring but not physically showing it, because that's how he prefers it.
    It's not that when people need him, he'd rather sleep on a roof. First of all, the clip you showed was not Amy, "needing", Sonic. The clip you showed was Amy asking Sonic to join her for a picnic. Sonic just refused to go to a picnic. Once again, I can confirm this is how introverts behave. I don't like going to parties, picnics, or any kind of family gatherings. It doesn't mean I'm, "not there", for my family and/or friends when they need me. It's just because I'm uncomfortable with social gatherings like that, which Sonic clearly is. He can spend time with his friends, and he genuinely cares about them, but he needs time to himself. He'd much rather be on a rooftop with his own thoughts than stay in a social situation.
    Saving lives is absolutely *not* a chore to Sonic. It's clearly shown, multiple times, that Sonic *will* go out of his way to save lives because it's something he has to, and very much *wants* to, do. The clip you showed was Knuckles challenging Sonic to a fight during his alone time. Sonic wasn't frustrated because he had to do a "chore". He wasn't in the mood to play games with Knuckles, and he was angry because Eggman's TV literally blew up in his face. Hell, he didn't even know lives were on the line until he got there.
    You're entitled to disliking Sonic X's version of Sonic. That's fair. I just find your arguments as to why you dislike X's Sonic very weak, and completely misunderstanding the surprisingly subtle nature of Sonic's character.

  • @SonicFan2525
    @SonicFan2525 4 роки тому

    I'm not totally on board everything you said, but your point about Sega and their poor treatment of Sonic really hit with me. How Sonic went from this great, inspiring character from our childhoods to an uninspired, poorly thought out mess. I couldn't agree more.
    I've felt this way for a long time honestly. As much as I loved Sonic Mania, it was one good game made by a group of fans in a sea of nothing but mediocrity. Sonic Team, and by extension Sega, have been so directionless for years now. Even when Sonic was at his "worst", the franchise was still doing interesting things. This movie, despite being by the books and simple on paper, had more heart in it than anything Sega or Sonic Team have put out in the past 9 years. That makes all the difference, and it's sad that Sonic's own creators haven't figured that out yet.
    There is nothing worse than seeing something you love slowly become a husk of it's former self. We can only hope Sega uses the success of this film to their advantage with the upcoming 30th anniversary and beyond. I'm always gonna cherish the Sonic I grew up with, but something has to change if I am going to stay invested in the franchise's future. Great video, and lets hope the movie gets a sequel!

  • @Sonicice24
    @Sonicice24 4 роки тому

    This video is so deep I wasn't expecting that.

  • @redx452
    @redx452 4 роки тому +2

    How do you feel about the Sonic in the Sonic Comics? He's personally my favorite version of Sonic. He just seems to have more personality in the comics, than he does in recent games. But that's just my opinion.

  • @darkblufyre903
    @darkblufyre903 4 роки тому

    I grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog, I will stay a fan.

  • @plasmabullet5471
    @plasmabullet5471 4 роки тому +12

    Alright I love the movie design and stuff but NO just NO I love the original sonic

    • @Josh-The_Spooky_Bastard-
      @Josh-The_Spooky_Bastard- 4 роки тому +3

      I agree. As good as the movie was, I don’t think Sonic should change to be like this permanently.

    • @demitsimp6060
      @demitsimp6060 4 роки тому +1

      100% agree with you! Modern Sonic is my original Sonic

  • @princesstt9778
    @princesstt9778 4 роки тому +3

    I became a Sonic fan because of the movie.

    • @itsveeo
      @itsveeo 4 роки тому

      Happy to have ya!

    • @princesstt9778
      @princesstt9778 4 роки тому +1

      @@itsveeo Thank you!

    • @itsveeo
      @itsveeo 4 роки тому

      Princess TT you should play the games! Especially the older ones

    • @princesstt9778
      @princesstt9778 4 роки тому

      @@itsveeo I would if I had the console for them.

    • @totheranch5604
      @totheranch5604 4 роки тому

      Same! I’d watch my bro play the games when I was little but I was never super invested in it until after I saw the movie.

  • @mattbellacotti
    @mattbellacotti 4 роки тому

    My first encounter with Sonic was Sonic The Hedgehog 2 on sega genesis. Back in 1996

  • @ZonictheZoneCop
    @ZonictheZoneCop 4 роки тому

    I've gotta push back on the "Snyder Superman" thing some here. That Superman had character development that was supposed to go through more than 2 movies. In MoS he struggles because he doesn't want his heroic actions to affect his family. Then in BvS he struggles because his actions affect the entire world. He always *wants* to help. In fact he loves to help. That's why he bounced around, across the country, job to job helping until he was close to being found out. This before he even puts on the costume. Just because he doesn't smile literally ALL the time, doesn't mean his heart isn't in it. He just has to think of the people around him.
    I agree with your video for the most part though. The movie gave Sonic some depth that he's lacked in the games. I haven't really missed that too much because I've always read the comics.

  • @knux7468
    @knux7468 4 роки тому +1

    This is beautiful I hope this video reaches out to the community so they can hear your message. I believe this deserves to be heard. This is honestly one of your best videos well done.

  • @sams4054
    @sams4054 4 роки тому +1

    In my opinion the perfect sonic is adventure sonic with a bit of movie Sonic in the mix

  • @surgeeo1406
    @surgeeo1406 4 роки тому

    I've met the character in 1992,I was 12 years old, I gleaned into it's personality through it's pixel art. There is a lot that can be portrayed through posture and movement, and the games's artists did a good job at making a nuanced hero. Like how he looked shocked when someone hit him, or how he grabbed his head when he ducked. This was not cocky moron Adventure Sonic at all, Movie Sonic is the return of Original Sonic.

  • @SonicPAJ
    @SonicPAJ 4 роки тому

    So in other words for Sonic to be an effective character he's gotta: Live and Learn.........

  • @rizuzechocolate
    @rizuzechocolate 4 роки тому +5

    Tom is so hot omg lol sorry I just had to say that. I was distracted everytime there was a clip of him.

  • @bigdickbee8146
    @bigdickbee8146 4 роки тому

    It’s like I always say. The *character* doesn’t *make* the mistakes, the mistakes *make* the *character* .

  • @jovani6044
    @jovani6044 4 роки тому +1

    *This was the biggest reality check video I have ever seen* 🤔😭
    Movie Sonic > Modern Sonic