Newman Motor

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @TaylorSmith-godbucket
    @TaylorSmith-godbucket 6 років тому +4

    With most of your experiments I think to myself "man, that's really cool and interesting" but I never attempt them myself. That said, I'm building this damn thing as soon as I get off work today. Thank you as always!!!

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  6 років тому +5

      +Taylor Smith I hope you get it done!

    • @Lidmotor
      @Lidmotor 6 років тому +2

      Go for it! I built one of these yesterday and it was a lot of fun. I had trouble getting it to run at first because I was using too small magnets.

    • @skhumbuzocele1330
      @skhumbuzocele1330 2 роки тому +1

      @Taylor Smith has NOT made this motor even after four years. What is wrong with us people? Huh.

  • @TheArkcantos
    @TheArkcantos 6 років тому +4

    It's a well done demonstration. I have the greater AWE on the part where is actually Brush-less DC Motor without complex ESC or even hall sensor, truly great yet ultra simple design.

  • @BushCampingTools
    @BushCampingTools 6 років тому +5

    Fantastic, I'm building it right away for my son! Your videos are great keep them coming!

  • @aboismailacademy3480
    @aboismailacademy3480 6 років тому +2

    very clear and simple explanation thank you also thanks for Lidmotor for the additional explanation

  • @igrewold
    @igrewold 6 років тому +3

    Great stuff LS, thanks.
    Please, kindly next time write next to the coil the number of turns and give it an L sign & number.
    Ex. L1 150T, L2 250T
    Also the transistor, if it is not specific just say a Generic NPN or PNP with some model numbers as example, you already mentioned this @ 0:52 2N2222A, 2N3904, BC337

  • @nattsurfaren
    @nattsurfaren 6 років тому +8

    This is a brushless solution of a motor. Brushless = no sparks will wear the material. What energy efficiency is there compare to a brushless commercial motor? Thanks for the awesome video.

    • @raykent3211
      @raykent3211 6 років тому +1

      nattsurfaren it's less energy efficient than a good commercial brushless motor. Which is why they don't use this design.

  • @GrandadIsAnOldMan
    @GrandadIsAnOldMan 6 років тому +6

    Great explanation, I enjoy your projects and great to see you enjoy Lidmotor's projects too.

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  6 років тому +2

      Oh yes, i Love Lidmotor´s projects

    • @ayushmanjain4008
      @ayushmanjain4008 6 років тому +2

      Remember me sir, i am one of your subscriber

      @ARCSTREAMS 4 роки тому

      what is lidmotor?

      @ARCSTREAMS 2 роки тому

      @juliotony's energy ohh ok it's a ch, thought it was an actual type of motor

  • @Lidmotor
    @Lidmotor 6 років тому +13

    Excellent project! The only thing you might want to change is your description of how the LED lights up. It does not light up from the energy produced by the magnet going by the drive coil (not nearly enough turns) but rather by the magnetic field collapse when the transistor turns off. It is the flyback that does it just like in the Joule Thief circuit. You project is wonderful and I may try to replicate it with only a few modifications. I will give you credit. This is really not a true Newman Motor but something unique in certain ways. It steps into the realm of a John Bedini 'Window Motor'. If you connect the LED to a second smaller uf /higher v capacitor before connecting it back to the (+) rail, it will charge up the second capacitor. The voltage will climb on the second cap to a higher amount than the drive cap and give the 'illusion' of over unity. Well done!

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  6 років тому +5

      Actually I used your video as inspiration, mentioned in the beginning of vid. I see! yes you are right, it is like in the JT. One thing I have seen and cannot explain is that the led stays on when the power is applied but the motor is not running. As if the circuit were oscillating. Did you observed this in your motor too?

    • @david_pilling
      @david_pilling 6 років тому +1

      Ignoring the spinning magnet the circuit looks like a blocking oscillator - if so it would oscillate if there is enough coupling between the two coils.

    • @Lidmotor
      @Lidmotor 6 років тому +1


    • @Lidmotor
      @Lidmotor 6 років тому +3

      Yes the circuit can self oscillating. By the way I replicated your project today and had a lot of fun with it. On mine I had to change the LED to a 1N4007 diode to get it to charge up a second capacitor. It did the 'over unity' illusion trick. The cap went up to about 6 volts using 1.5v as the input.

    • @Lidmotor
      @Lidmotor 6 років тому +1

      Yes. They usually just run it to ground to protect the transistor. I think that John Bedini was the first one to take the flyback and send it into a second battery. The famous Bedini SSG circuit was the one he got a patent on.

  • @fernandodacosta6689
    @fernandodacosta6689 2 роки тому +2

    Hello people, the projects on this page are very good, but I wanted to add something about Joseph Newman's motors, generally the main winding had thousands of turns of copper wire that was quite thick and limited the current that entered the motor, his motors They were very powerful but with a very low consumption of the order of milliamps, they worked with high voltages of more than 100 volts and had a very powerful torque, the power of these motors was much greater than the energy consumption, their small motors were also very powerful.

    • @azteacher26
      @azteacher26 2 роки тому +2

      If this was possible it was be easy to measure. Yet nobody has produced a model that shows this. Newman's own demonstration failed to show this. If this model produces more energy then it takes in why hasn't a hobbyist connect one to an inverter and powered up his house for free with it? The answer is that it doesn't work. I wish we'd stop confusing increased efficiency with free energy.

    • @fernandodacosta6689
      @fernandodacosta6689 2 роки тому

      @@azteacher26 Hola amigo, el motor de Newman no era nada del otro mundo pero hay que experimentar mucho para llegar hasta donde el llego, su motor funcionaba con menos de 10 vatios y su rotor pesaba 740 kilos, giraba lento pero con 4 o 5 vatios no moves eso facilmente, el concepto de energia libre es erroneo, en realidad es energia del ambiente y simplemente la electricidad en una bobina y sus campos magneticos no siguen la primera ley de la fisica y menos con radiofrecuencia y resonancia, estos dispositivos no rompen leyes fisicas, simplemente aplican leyes que desconocemos, y si estoy de acuerdo contigo en que son dispositivos muy eficientes pues no utilizan la energia que les das, toman energia del ambiente que ya esta ahi y es dificil de detectar y medir pero existe y tambien es dificil de obtener. Yo hace poco experimente con una bobina de 7000 vueltas con alambre grueso pulsando sobre un rotor de imanes, la alimente con 12 voltios en pulsos con un circuito electrico, copie las ideas de Newman pero no su diseño de motor largo por parecerme poco practico y complicado de hacer, la bobina tiene 68 ohmios de resistencia y eso permitiria pasar 170 miliamperios en corriente continua pero como la corriente que le entraba era pulsante funcionaba con 17 miliamperios que es aproximadamente 0.2 vatios, el rotor pesa 1.5 kilos con 4 imanes, lo medi todo lo que pude y compare con otros motores y su potencia en torque y velocidad era de mas de 7 vatios, comparandolo con motores convencionales, incluso lo hice funcionar toda una noche con una pila de 9 voltios agotada. Lo que descubrio Newman es nuestros errores de diseño que usamos desde hace mucho, en la bobina que construi esos 17 miliamperios pasan por 7000 vueltas de bobina y eso es que esta sea tan potente y tenga un campo magnetico muy intenso, cada vuelta suma su campo y siempre con esa intensidad, si sumado a esto haces un circuito resonante y combinaciones con bobinas obtendras mas eficiencia, si pones bobinas secundarias en el recorrido de los imanes recolectas mas energia, podes usar el contragolpe de alto voltaje para tener mas energia tambien y si esta idea junto con muchas otras que utilizaron grandes desarrolladores como Donald Smith, Tariel Kapanadze, un ruso apodado Akula y varios mas se pueden hacer generadores de energia ambiental sin partes moviles, es posible pero se necesita mucho esfuerzo y experimentacion. Un saludo desde Uruguay.

    • @azteacher26
      @azteacher26 2 роки тому

      @@fernandodacosta6689 Hola Fernando. No soy ingeniero eléctrico. Le agradezco que se tome el tiempo para explicar los devanados y las especificaciones, pero eso es todo sobre mi cabeza. Si los motores Newman están tomando energía del campo magnético de la tierra como parece estar describiendo, eso debería ser medible. ¿Conoces a este youtuber: Construyó un motor Newman y no parece estar muy impresionado con él. Confío en su medición y análisis. No parece que el motor tenga futuro.

    • @fernandodacosta6689
      @fernandodacosta6689 2 роки тому

      @@azteacher26 Hola, le contesto en español pues los traductores son muy buenos, si quiere contestarme en ingles no hay problema, vi el video y conozco a Robert Murray Smith, me gustan mucho sus trabajos y vi lo que el mostraba sobre los condensadores de grafeno y grafito, en el video muestra un motor hecho con una bobina de alambre grueso pero tiene pocas vueltas, parecen no ser mas de 500 (parece una bobina de transformador de microondas, estas tienen menos de 400 vueltas) las bobinas de los motores Newman generalmente tenian mas de 20000 vueltas de alambre grueso, el conmutador mecanico devolvia energia al terminar su contacto en un pulso muy intenso y de alto voltaje en un arco voltaico o chispa que el canalizaba con diodos potentes y de alta tension a condensadores de alta tension (se ven en sus videos y el los nombra), en el circuito de Robert pone un diodo de recuperacion pero este maneja poca potencia y los diodos ofrecen resistencia, su recuperacion es muy pequeña, los motores de Newman fueron estudiados por mas de 40 tecnicos, ingenieros y especialistas de la epoca, confirmando su potencia mecanica mayor al consumo de entrada, luego Newman tuvo que batallar con la oficina de patentes que nunca otorga patentes de dispositivos que manejen sobreunidad (perpetuos) y luego con toda una mafia que quiere impedir que dispositivos como estos salgan al mercado y comprueben su eficiencia, va en contra de sus intereses, y mas en paises con industrias muy avanzadas con dependencia de combustibles fosiles, le hicieron la guerra hasta el final, los dispositivos de Newman no manejaban mucha electronica y el los hacia funcionar con baterias en serie o pilas de 9 voltios en serie superando los 200 voltios, estas las utilizaba durante años y a pesar de descargarse el dispositivo seguia funcionando. Pienso que explico muy bien lo que hacia pero tambien le agregaba lo de el efecto giroscopo de los electrones que pienso que en gran medida es asi pues el sentido de un campo magnetico cuando pasa una corriente en cierta polaridad y lo de energia es igual a materia a velocidad de la luz al cuadrado nombrando leyes fisicas que el desconocia, pienso que sus dispositivos funcionaban como el decia y mucha gente lo apoyo pues vieron las posibilidades. Le cuento que yo hice una bobina de 7000 vueltas de alambre 0.5 mm en un carrete plastico de 22 mm y 23 cm de largo, esta tenia 68 ohmios de resistencia y la hice funcionar con una bateria de 12 voltios, la controle con un circuito muy sencillo con un reed switch mecanico que pulsaba la corriente y solo permitia el paso de 17 miliamperios con un consumo de 0.2 vatios, como esa intensidad pasa a traves de cada una de sus 7000 vueltas su campo magnetico es muy potente, esta bobina con un nucleo de hierro mueve un rotor de imanes de 1.5 kilos, calcule su potencia por su torque y comparandolo con motores convencionales y su potencia mecanica en vatios era mayor a 7 wat, entendi sus principios pero no reproduje su motor largo por verlo poco practico y complicado de hacer, el asunto aca es que no rompe ninguna ley fisica, simplemente las leyes estan mal formuladas a la hora de tratar con electricidad, campos magneticos y radiofrecuencia. Solo piense en esto: si usted toma un alambre muy grueso, por ejemplo de 1 mm o mas y le da mas de 20000 vueltas su resistencia sera muy baja pero lo suficiente para que su consumo no sea muy alto y una intensidad relativamente alta de corriente pasara por esas miles de espiras generando un campo magnetico muy potente pero con un consumo bajo, su salida mecanica es muy potente y esta explicado por el. Hizo motores muy potentes e incluso movio un auto a 12 kilometros por hora con un consumo bajisimo, el motor que mostro en su garaje tenia un rotor que pesaba 740 kilos y lo movia con 4 vatios, y bombeaba agua, pienso que sus dispositivos son muy sencillos y faciles de entender sin embargo veo videos replicandolo mal, pues no se parecen a lo que el hacia y explicaba. Le aclaro que yo tampoco soy ingeniero pero soy experimentador de mente muy abierta. Un saludo desde Uruguay.

    • @azteacher26
      @azteacher26 2 роки тому

      @@fernandodacosta6689 Thanks again for the detailed explanation. I also believe that we are being lied to about certain historical and scientific truths. I hope you keep working on this project and other projects. I'm wondering if you've looked into sterling engines. Combined with concentrated solar they look really interesting.

  • @JustMe-im8ch
    @JustMe-im8ch Рік тому

    excellent and detailed explanation with beautiful, neat and elaborative demonstraton

  • @J.RRandallIllinois
    @J.RRandallIllinois 6 років тому +4

    His kids like dad have you seen my jenga block?

  • @filipbjelobrk9731
    @filipbjelobrk9731 6 років тому +11

    4:22- whatch the black aligator clip XD

  • @gsus3918
    @gsus3918 Рік тому +2

    It's a "Mechanical joule theif"

  • @prabhukiran934
    @prabhukiran934 6 років тому +7

    Indirectly it is a BLDC Motar right?

  • @ajborowski
    @ajborowski 5 років тому +2

    Newman motor uses voltage across the rotor, not voltage to the coils......

    • @coltx64
      @coltx64 5 років тому

      where do you have this from just wondering? how is newman then using all the mass that's in the coil and convert it to energy with the use of capturing the negative BACK emf?

    • @coltx64
      @coltx64 4 роки тому

      @@marklinsdell4260 Yes, and correct me if I'm wrong but he send higher voltage into the coils to generate a magnetic field, instead of high amperage, the coil then has high resistance and high mass ofc so he may "trick" the coil so he send high voltage throug it and the ampere never completely passes through the coil in one turn? by adjusting the communicator.
      The coil then generates high impulses of short Back-EMF because of the change in the field, he then capture the back-emf with a high puls capacitor? then he uses that charge to whatever he wants? He capture the Back-EMF by using barrier-diodes and some pulse capacitors.
      So that's why I ask what he means with "Newman motor uses voltages across the rotor, not to the coils"
      You see my point? Joseph did just say "You dont need amps to generate a magnetic field, you need voltage and voltage you can duplicate ass many times you need" something like that. And when he say rotor do he mean the axle?
      please kindly correct me if I said something I have miss analyzed or analyzed wrong
      Kind regards

  • @QuickProgramming
    @QuickProgramming 3 місяці тому

    I know this is an old video, but i heard you say Newman's motor didnt create free energy. I just wanted to correct that. The motor indeed created 8 times more power than you put in. Its just that people who try to replicate it never follow instructions properly for some reason. If you understand the principals Newman was trying to teach, you dont need to build the motor to know it works. A simple mind experiment is enough because the principals are very simple. Even your motor is slightly overunity, you just dont see it yet because you didnt test it. It runs at 1v 10ma, which is 0.01watts. What other motor have you seen run at such low power and produce such speeds? If you were to build a 10kg version of your motor, it would run at 100v 100ma, which is 10watts! In fact, you dont even need to build a motor, you can simply use the coils on their own, increase the frequency and produce even more power, like what Don Smith used to do. Same principals apply. Free energy is real

  • @user-uj8ro9lx4z
    @user-uj8ro9lx4z 11 місяців тому

    Try running the led off the cap and see how long it runs

  • @vanshsantoshi7533
    @vanshsantoshi7533 6 років тому +3


  • @dlhvac1
    @dlhvac1 6 років тому +10

    That is a pulsemotor not a Neumann motor

    • @overunityresearchchannel
      @overunityresearchchannel 5 років тому +1

      You are currect this guy should do his research before makes a state like he know its a fact Josheph Newmans motor ran off of volts not amp also he steped up the volts to run his motor to ten thousand volts and more

    • @overunityresearchchannel
      @overunityresearchchannel 5 років тому

      He didnt power his motor with just a dc power supply

    • @Mk101T
      @Mk101T 4 роки тому

      @@overunityresearchchannel How do you separate the amps from the volts so you can only use volts to run the motor ? Some kind of super duper Newman filter ? Or do you have to buy wire that is only rated with volts ? I'm trying everything I can think of , but those pesky amps still keep leaking through the wire some how .

    • @matthewvarner3603
      @matthewvarner3603 3 роки тому

      @@Mk101T IF you understand that current and magnetism are not actually related, then you would understand that applying current for longer than the required time for the magnetic field to propagate causes heat which gets calculated as complete loss due to the fact that a magnetic field requires no input to sustain itself.

    • @Mk101T
      @Mk101T 3 роки тому

      @@matthewvarner3603 Does a sustained magnetic field produce any work ?
      If not , how did you fluctuate the voltage in order to motivate something with the magnetic field ? Ergo use no Ampres (current) ?

  • @celsoalejandromorales6452
    @celsoalejandromorales6452 5 років тому +2

    Is a simple motor of induction
    Whit one desequilibrate amper-turn

  • @bvierville1
    @bvierville1 4 роки тому +1

    Very cool, thank you!

  • @fidelcatsro6948
    @fidelcatsro6948 Рік тому

    lets make it spin another similar setup but those coils are used to recharge the capacitor

  • @danielrosselli
    @danielrosselli 6 років тому +1

    just an issue. if this motor produces more energy than it consumes, when it is running with the supercapacitor, it was not going to work indefinitely?

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  6 років тому

      +Daniel - Soware the motor does NOT produce more eneegy than it consumes

  • @inyobill
    @inyobill Рік тому

    I added this little propeller, because, ?Porque no? Nice video, amigo.

  • @ayushmanjain4008
    @ayushmanjain4008 6 років тому

    One of the best channel

  • @ItaloLima
    @ItaloLima 6 років тому +1

    Nice !!

  • @AdamBechtol
    @AdamBechtol 4 місяці тому

    I like your accent :p

  • @schloumf
    @schloumf 6 років тому

    On the schema, you say that the base of the transistor is at left. So the collector is up and emitter is down.

  • @paulshields1883
    @paulshields1883 15 днів тому

    It's not obviously false. Magnetism is not rigorously shown to obey thermodynamics, especially if fields extend into the ambient space

  • @brunobreder127
    @brunobreder127 6 років тому +1

    Great! How many turns for the coils ? What is the specification for the transistor? Thks!

    • @JesseCotto
      @JesseCotto Рік тому

      I believe he said 150 upper coil and 250 the one underneath. The transistor was (idk if added after your comment) was specified as well. Hope that helps.

  • @tahirmahmud7916
    @tahirmahmud7916 4 роки тому

    Hi thanks for sharing and explaining the motor just need to know the size of magnets or a link would be helpful. Thx

  • @BakamonNO
    @BakamonNO 6 років тому +1

    Hi! How many numbers of turns should I use on the coils if I am going to use 26AWG wire?

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  6 років тому +1


    • @BakamonNO
      @BakamonNO 6 років тому

      Thank you so much for the reply. Most appreciated

  • @louisrozario6420
    @louisrozario6420 6 років тому +1


  • @capodad2u
    @capodad2u 6 років тому +1

    I think it's more pulse motor than Newman? Nice build tho !

  • @mintudoku9375
    @mintudoku9375 5 років тому

    What transistor.. do you use... can you tell me please

  • @baimaireaung7806
    @baimaireaung7806 5 років тому +1

    you are my teacher

  • @ricklec
    @ricklec 3 роки тому

    If this works, why don't you cut the cables?

  • @guylainecollett7943
    @guylainecollett7943 Рік тому

    This is not a Newman motor, it's a magnetic induction motor.

  • @osmiumtechskevenik7367
    @osmiumtechskevenik7367 6 років тому

    sir,this project is awesome.
    my doubt is that,,the current produced in the detector coil is enough to on the transistor???

  • @nicoledarling3538
    @nicoledarling3538 6 років тому

    I 3D printed my motor, bought some 28awg magnetic wire, did 150 turns on the top, 250 at the bottom. Wired everything as shown to a DC power supply set to 20mA and 2V and nothing. I then connected the input and output wires from one coil at a time to a voltage and amp meter, attached the drive shaft to a drill, ran it as fast as the drill will go and my meter is not registering any voltage or amperage. I'm at a loss here for explaining how N52 magnets rotating inside a 250 turn coil at about 180-300RPM is not generating any current or voltage. Would love to hear some feedback as to why I'm having this issue? Everything I learned in electronics 101 says the magnetic field should be generating a current in my wire, so why is it zero?

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  6 років тому

      You did set your DMM to AC right?

    • @nicoledarling3538
      @nicoledarling3538 6 років тому

      When I set it to AC and my voltage dial to 200m it shows the reading with nothing spinning is 6.9, then when I use my drill at max speed it goes to 8.0. When I set the dial to 20m on the Amp scale, it registers 0 with nothing spinning and 0.3 at max speed. When I then attach everything to the circuit as shown, nothing works. I have my DC supply set to 2v and 20mA... So how is it that when I copy your work, but use a 3D printed armature for the coils and real bearings for the drive shaft, nothing works? Or how about why my voltage and amperage output from either coil is identical despite one coil having an extra 100 turns? Or that it's nowhere near the voltage/amperage required to actually turn on a LED?

  • @larryniidji
    @larryniidji Рік тому

    No! A motor yes. A Newman motor no!

  • @pavanpratapsinghchauhan6804
    @pavanpratapsinghchauhan6804 6 років тому +2

    from where did you brouught your power supply

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  6 років тому +2


    • @igrewold
      @igrewold 6 років тому

    @ARCSTREAMS 4 роки тому

    ok so when you hand cranck it,the motor produces electricity and this eleactiricty is charging the cap and the cap is feeding it back to the the motor? but is it charging the cap more than it is drawing? what exactly is going on and how long will it run like this without using power?

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  4 роки тому

      Less than a second.

      @ARCSTREAMS 4 роки тому

      @@ludicscience what less than a second? it was runing on its own for a while with only the cap attached?

  • @Authoratah
    @Authoratah 5 років тому +2

    This is a motor, not Newman's motor

  • @louannedante7429
    @louannedante7429 6 років тому

    great project, as always!! I am right now doing a replicate :PP i have a question: Do i have to use a certain technique when winding the coils? Thank you

  • @kolinevans9127
    @kolinevans9127 6 років тому +1

    Very impressive thanks for sharing - i think you inspire people.

  • @x0x617
    @x0x617 6 років тому

    How many minutes does it work with a supercapacitor?

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  6 років тому

      +Алексей Ибрагимов 8-10

  • @osmiumtechskevenik7367
    @osmiumtechskevenik7367 6 років тому

    plz make a video about how to find mah of a battery

  • @NitinKumar-ug7yp
    @NitinKumar-ug7yp 5 років тому

    Can i use bc557 transistor

  • @ritatree77
    @ritatree77 4 роки тому

    this is not newman motor - this is BLDC motor

  • @dlhvac1
    @dlhvac1 6 років тому +1

    Doesn’t look like the Neumann motor I saw

  • @Dubswitcher
    @Dubswitcher 6 років тому

    How is the LED lighting up at 1 volt? Mine only light up at 2 volts and up.

    • @narayanbandodker5482
      @narayanbandodker5482 6 років тому +3

      It is similar to a joule thief
      Energy is stored in the coils, then released all at once through the LED, this voltage can be higher than the power supply, thus briefly lighting the LED

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  6 років тому +3

      +OBV10U3_NINJA the led voltage is proportional to the number of turns in the upper coil and the magnet strength, not the input voltage

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  6 років тому


    • @mashedpotatoes5323
      @mashedpotatoes5323 4 роки тому

      Is this why there is electric arcs with brushed motors because of the higher voltage?

  • @45secondes-info
    @45secondes-info 6 років тому

    From where you bought the supercapacitor ?
    Thank you.
    Great video

  • @gardentools2553
    @gardentools2553 3 роки тому

    Why is that a Newman motor

  • @pratoarancione7646
    @pratoarancione7646 Рік тому

    You don't say which is the capacitor value, you don't show how minutes it should work with only the capacitor, there is power consumption in the led besides that in the motor.... i think that your video is not honest, probably false: using some magnets or magnetic fields rotating under the orange table.....

  • @abarca999
    @abarca999 6 років тому

    colócalo en tu canal en tu otro canal en español, gracias

  • @girjashankarjoshi5610
    @girjashankarjoshi5610 Рік тому


  • @rigoalbertozunigaarroyo7130
    @rigoalbertozunigaarroyo7130 3 роки тому

    Enviame los planos del circuito newman

  • @spiritofhalloween9537
    @spiritofhalloween9537 6 років тому

    can i use a 1000 mf 16 cap in place of the super cap

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  6 років тому

      if you mean microfarads, no, it is not enough, it will only run for a couple of seconds

  • @TechMastianaam
    @TechMastianaam 6 років тому

    Can I please know your qualification😊😊

  • @oqueedeuseoquechamadodeus5346
    @oqueedeuseoquechamadodeus5346 5 років тому

    muito bom

  • @glennkrieger
    @glennkrieger 5 років тому +1

    Not even close to a Newman motor my friend. Neat little school project though.

    • @valveman12
      @valveman12 5 років тому

      Does not matter how you build it, the Newman Motor never did what Newman claimed it did.

    @ARCSTREAMS 4 роки тому +1

    this is juts a motor not newman

  • @arash2paris
    @arash2paris 4 роки тому +1

    this is not newman motor!

  • @ducktapetwinkies4528
    @ducktapetwinkies4528 5 років тому

    Not a Newman motor

  • @DavidSmith-hc2xu
    @DavidSmith-hc2xu 4 роки тому

    this is a big fail. clearly you like many others thought you had it figured out.

  • @LogicalLokesh
    @LogicalLokesh 6 років тому +2

    Title is wrong!!!!
    It's a free electricity generater

    • @ConstantineJoseph
      @ConstantineJoseph 6 років тому +1

      It is an excess energy generating device. If built properly using more wires, more geometry, it will give overunity performance.
      Meaning Newmans' motor is definitely MORE than 100%. A smaller motor will have less energy yield and also if built wrongly, it will not even be overunity and in this example, will be of high efficiency but does not generate extra energy.
      But if you build it to a size of a truck, it will really give you stunning results

    • @LogicalLokesh
      @LogicalLokesh 6 років тому

      Gary A. DePietro yes

    @THOMASTHESAILOR 3 роки тому

    You should *NOT* have labeled that a Newman motor.. That's completely False, an *YOU KNOW IT* ..
    You didn't measure any output at all.. *Very disappointing* . yet, made claims to it..
    The False label was just so you could put commercials on it and get more views..
    You're discrediting the Late Joe Newman, purely for profit$.. *How Shameful* ..

  • @ConstantineJoseph
    @ConstantineJoseph 6 років тому

    If it doesn't produce excess energy it isn't a Newman motor. Newman motor is able to recharge dead batteries when running on them. Clearly a smoking gun to more than the input energy it takes

    • @davidbolha
      @davidbolha 6 років тому

      Constantine Joseph Hello,
      So it's basically an efficient battery desulphator therefore. I have a video on the latter, but using an Ossie Callanan approach. 😊

  • @trueverbals4792
    @trueverbals4792 5 років тому

    NEWman Motor is zero force because he used massive amounts off magnet and wire and it only ran on 3 volts

    • @ludicscience
      @ludicscience  5 років тому


    • @trueverbals4792
      @trueverbals4792 5 років тому

      The potential energy of a 80 ft dinosaur is much greater than the potential energy of an ant even tho the ant exerts more force per area it has way less potiential energy

    • @trueverbals4792
      @trueverbals4792 5 років тому

      Thats the principle of the newman motort im working in it