I left a comment of complete despair about 90 minutes ago. Immediately after I posted it I was getting up from the chair I am permanently superglued to, to make a cup of coffee. Something clicked in my head that was triggered by you, your temperament and your entire video and I had a true moment of clarity for the first time in over five years. I just knew that if I made that coffee it would bring me back to that chair and the next cigarette and the same awful cycle that has brought me to where I am. I don't honestly understand what really happened but I ended up cleaning up my kitchen dresser and filled two black trash bags full of stuff. I have not seen the surface of the dresser in years. Is this a real breakthrough or just a flash in the pan? I also managed to do it with a fractured shoulder that is in an immobility sling so one handed! OMG fingers crossed 🤞 EDIT: One day later and I have moved on to the kitchen counters and am making headway. If even one person reads this comment, please know that if I can start to move, truly, anyone can. I have been stuck for years in absolute inertia and almost blind to my surroundings. One clean area has resulted in me 'seeing' where I need to go next. Crossing my fingers again🤞
You absolutely rock. Keep us posted!! This man has shown us acceptance and that we are not lazy. Connections must be made and we can progress. So grateful!!
me reading this as I was about to go get a cup of coffee 🗣️ I feel so called out 😹☠️ I'm the same, but instead of my chair (that's full of clothes on top of it) I'm sitting on my bed. my decluttering cycle is me getting inspired and starting things, but then I die inside and the room turns out messier than when I started 🤡 I really want that coffee tho, but I won't go back sitting, I'm gonna stay standing up while looking at the chaos and maybe my two neurons are gonna decide where I could start. thank you! hope things are going great there❤🥺
One of my favorite things about this channel is that you highlight the humanity of the client’s situation. Everyone has different struggles and the world would be so much better if we all emphasized empathy like you do.
He really made me think about judgments! I totally admire the grandma. I had a son with AD/HD who really died. He was 53. Grief and loss cannot be measured with times. We need more persons like him in this world.
I totally agree. I was just on my local Nextdoor page and someone was complaining about people who don't water their shrubs and trees. Her post wasn't too bad, but subsequent commenters kept going on and on about how awful people are who don't water their lawns, etc. I couldn't believe it! First off, who is that petty, and second, no one knows what people are going through. There may be a reason why that lawn isn't watered or mowed. It really made me mad reading that.
Never in a million years would I have thought that I would look forward to watching a person clean someone else's home, but this channel has given be a renewed faith in humanity. You are a very special person.
I know, right? It’s very relaxing and satisfying to me bc I too know the good when people are helped in such impactful ways. I also receive virtual satisfaction from his efforts based on his clear values and goals. 🇬🇧
My advice, from a family with autism and ADHD is open shelving and/or Clear bins. I redesigned my living room to have multiple bookshelves that not only hold books, but display our figures and toys. This means my family can easily see and find everything. Because of that I rarely have things pile up or become overwhelming. I've had so many things in the past get drug out and tossed on the floor in the attempt to find one item and just left there because of distractions. Problem solved with an open display option. For example, while a load of cute stuffies on the bed looks nice and adorable, the majority will wind up on the floor for sleep and never be put back. I started using wall corner nets for the ones my son likes, but doesn't interact with daily. Little things like this make a huge difference and can free up space. I think it's something to do with needing to see everything, because if you don't see it, you'll completely forget it even exists thanks to adhd😅
It also helps a lot to label all the bins. For smaller kids, they can be labeled with pictures. It doesn’t really look that great, but as a ADHD/autistic household, we have labels and notes everywhere, like lists of “how to get ready in the morning” and stuff.
@@latifx3944hi what do you mean by labeling the Tupperware? like while they are being used? with food inside in the fridge? and does the label come off?
@@kejow. Well, for the kitchen we have empty ramen bins where we wrote with a black marker "lids""cup lids" exc. For Other bins we used plastic bins and either used Acrylic pens or a label maker saying things like "shirts" "meds" exc. I don't know why it makes such a big difference, but it does. I usually go more towards book shelves when I want to keep things out and visible.
I grew up poor and now as an adult, I’ve noticed that I’m an compulsive spender, especially when it comes to makeup and things for my son. I’m working on myself to not spend money on useless crap and only buy what I or my son need. Thank you for your compassion and kindness ❤
Well done on making changes in your spending habits:) I think that overspending is a very common problem. My parents were very poor and went through the war years too, so everything had extra value because you just couldn’t go out and buy a new thing. As they got older and made a successful business and got money, my mum started collecting stuff and buying all sorts of extra things which I inherited.i was brought up the same way and was a spender…. its taken me 60 years to get to the stage where i have been decluttering bit by bit for a few years now but i still have major attachments to too much stuff that i inherited, and attach too much value to stuff in general if its a nice quality item. I know my son doesn’t want to inherit most of my stuff, so seeing videos like this and other decluttering videos really helps to keep me on track and also now, i can appreciate something that i see without having that need to buy it. I think really carefully before spending on anything that is going to take up space in the house. After all, we cant take it with us, and we dont want our children to have to waste their lives trying to clear the clutter that we leave them when we die! Good luck to you in continuing to change your life for the better :)
I grew up poor, also worked part time as an adult and was extremely tight budgeted. I've recently got a job which I make almost twice as much monthly as the most I've ever made and find myself spending all my money on fast food now because I don't have to fret over which sale I have to base my weekly meal list on.
The more of these cleaning videos I watch the more it becomes clear that the key to maintaining a neat and comfortable home is to avoid having an excessive amount of things.
Yup, one of the things my parents taught us growing up. Don't buy unnecessary decorations and stuff. Even if it gives you joy in the moment, you'll likely end up hating it just a few days/weeks later. It's about restraint and only buying things you need and / or REALLY want.
That and putting things in they proper place as soon as you can. It´s incredibly how much time you loose looking for things around the house when they either don´t have a specific place or anre misplaced.
Not joking at all - while watching this video I finally admitted to myself that I have a compulsive shopping problem. I’ve been justifying/denying but my house looks just like this and my credit/bank account tell the story. Wow. Hunh. Humbling.
My daughter does too but she's seeing a therapist and finding out that there's a hole she's using shopping to fill and she is working to take care of it. She's doing better and you can, too.
I do that too - and I’m a psychologist. Sometimes, we do things we normally wouldn’t, to get by each day. They can’t shoot you for that. I’m feeling better at the moment and am saving to move house. Having a goal helps me to save. All best. x
Not always. My kid is neurodivergent and it panics her. She has to have control over it. Piles everywhere. But……it’s not a hoard. It’s just really really messy to my eyes. I just close the door.
@@jenniferlee4893 being neurodivergent doesn’t mean you shouldn’t teach her how to be tidy. Someday your kid is going to be working and living with others, and it will be a major problem if she doesn’t know how to function around others as an adult. If she works in an office, for example, and her cubicle is a disaster zone every day, it will affect her reputation and career. If she has a family of her own, things will be completely out of control if she doesn’t get a handle on her chaotic mess habits. People love to use these mental health labels as an excuse these days, like just because you have XYZ condition you’re exempt from the norms of society. I have ADHD and have had to work hard to manage it so that my environment is neat and tidy, I arrive places on time, etc. But it’s absolutely worth it. It allows me to have a normal life. You’re not doing her any favors by indulging her and not managing the condition in a way that sets her up for success in the world. The rest of the world is not going to cater to her mess the way you have learned to.
Saying "children like x" is excatly same than saying "all 56-year olds like x". People are individuals despite their age. Of course, there's some states of development, when certain features will be more in front, but even then the strength is an individual thing.
I think a lot of kids definitely appreciate cleanliness and organization more than we think. When I cleaned houses for a living, the kids sometimes got more excited about the new state of the house than the parents did. I remember a little boy being absolutely ecstatic after I cleaned and organized his room saying something like "I'm going to bring my friends here all the time now!" It was cute.
I never thought about the growing up poor to compulsive spending pipeline. That was enlightening. (Our "fancy dinner" restaurant was KFC when i was a kid) Your commentary is so helpful and entertaining - thanks for what you do.
I love how you said "it doesn't matter if it's a first world problem". Problems are problems ans we don't need to be invalidated when we're already struggling!
I tell people who say others have it worse that yes, there's always going to be someone with worse problems but it doesn't mean the problem we have is nothing.
I love that you took the time to arrange the kiddo's stuffies so nicely on their beds. Anyone who treats a child's stuffies so nicely is A-OK in my book.😀
I know our clan stuffies so well that I can name each precious one that went on vacation with each kid without seeing them go out the door. Stuffies are precious to little people!
When I was a kid I went to Disney world and bought a bunch of plushies on the first day. Every day when we got back to the hotel the housekeeper had arranged them in a different little story scene. Still my favorite part of the trip.
I love what you said about having empathy. I’m struggling to come to terms with my father’s death in the last few days. A friend (clearly not) messaged me and said “if it’s any consolation I’m at the funeral of a 52 yr old mother and her husband and kids are devastated, at least your dad lived to old age”. Am I wrong to feel total disgust? I just replied and said “this is not a competition to see who has the deeper agony”.
I hate when people say stuff like that. There will ALWAYS be someone who has it worse than you. That doesn't make your grief less. I'm so sorry for your loss.
You're not wrong. Your friend is a jerk (or for whatever reason, made the poor decision to send you that insensitive response). Yes, there will always be someone worse off than you, but it's not an excuse to invalidate or minimize your pain. I can't stand people who view the sufferings of this life as a pissing contest over who has it worse. It's not tough love, it's assholery. I'm sorry for your loss. Take care ❤
I am so sorry for your loss. It doesn't matter the age, when you lose your parents you feel like an orphan. Your parents gave you strength and equiped you to get thru this life, and they will always be in your heart.
I love how you explain the difference between hoarding & compulsive spending. And the exact way you describe the emotional attachment hoarders have on items. I have that. When I decide to do a purge, it’s EXACTLY like that. I can’t make a decision on something even trivial. @5:14 the description of yourself getting rid of someone’s memories is hilarious! 😂
saaameeee!!! and I'm 31 but I still keep homework/texts from highschool and college that I know I'll never read again but I just can't get rid of🤡 if someone threw them away I'll probably just find out in like 10 years but I'll be sad about it. it's difficult...
I think it's that I'm looking at the item as part of a whole mess, instead of keeping it rational. Dana K. White says, "item by item, one decision at a time, progress over perfection".
I have a hard time telling whether I lean more towards hoarding or more towards what he was describing. Everytime I do go through my stuff because I'm looking for something, everything I see feels essential despite not having used it in two years. There's a random lightbulb lying in that mess for example, and the thought of throwing that out feels weird because I could use it someday (even though I haven't needed that size in like two years). It feels really hard to make a decision even over a small item like that.
I grew up very poor. I struggle with overspending, and I do have some hoarding tendencies. You're absolutely right about the difference in spending habits between people who grew up poor and those who didn't. You really don't learn how to manage money when you don't have it. I really have to keep myself in check with spending, and I always have an overstuffed pantry and fridge, because I never want to run out of food. I know that is directly related to growing up poor. Even though I live very comfortably now and don't have to worry about not having enough food, I can't let go of always making sure there is extra.😮
My husband has this issue with food, he grew up not eating enough so now he overfeeds our son....he NEVER tells him no to food, even junk food. Son is starting to get chubby. We just had this conversation the other night. He had once said “I grew up hungry so my kids will never know that feeling if I can help it” but the other night when we talked, he denied he had an issue....then slowly realized maybe he does.
I also grew up poor. Although I only earn a low wage, it's more than I need because I am very frugal. I spend as if I still am poor. But I take or get whatever people through away. I probably would dive into the dumpster to get the printer or clothes even if I already have it. I buy price reduced food or get it for free when expire date is near. I have two (small) freezers full.
Eureka moment. I grew up rock-bottom poor and am now fairly comfortable, and after watching this video I think I have compulsive spending-related hoarding. I didn't know that was a thing. I too have over-tipped, donated a lot to charities/homeless folks, and spent a lot on hobbies and collections. Every couple of months, the clutter gets so bad I have to spend a week focused on organizing and clearing it out. One of the things I'm always bringing into my house are shelves and plastic storage totes and drawers, to hold and organize all my stuff. I'm *semi* on top of it and just thought of it as a quirky "me" thing. My head is spinning - thank you for giving it a name. I obviously need to read up on it.
"you can keep anything, you just can't keep everything. The space you have is finite. Your home is a container. A container is there to set limits. Space is valuable." Dana K. White the author of a slob comes clean. She has a UA-cam channel.
Me too! None of my friends that know this about me can relate. I have so many "organizing things" & different cloth bags (Vera Bradley type). I haven't gotten rid of the organizing bins & things because I don't want to buy them again & it keeps me from buying more. Anyway, it's nice to know I'm not alone.
Watching this was SO therapeutic. I am not a shopper or a hoarder, so peeking into other houses is such a wonder to me. I am a nester. Cleaning is a joy and I treasure my daily housekeeping duties. This summer, I was trusted by my niece to guide her triplets through a complete decluttering of their shared bedroom. It has been nothing but a trash dumpster of a room for the past few years, and this was the summer each child got their own room. It meant that I was the “bad guy” who packed up and removed the ex-husband’s crap from one of the larger bedrooms. Together, the kids and I decluttered their clothes, shoes, shared games and craft supplies, and personal toys and stuffed animals. Her entire house was decluttered and organized over the summer, and each child now has a beautiful private room decorated to their unique taste. We called this the summer of transition in recognition of the big step from elementary school to middle school. The kids got to experience how to deconstruct and manage big messes, and Mom was presented with the home she dreamed of. Sometimes, you just need a helping hand to reset your space - like what happens in this video.
Sometimes I get overwhelmed and I will say something and next thing I know my husband will clean up a space and then I feel a lot better and start cleaning again. My husband works full time and I'm a stay at home mom. I've had health issues and a miscarriage over the last couple of years. So I got overwhelmed all around. But my husband knows this and is willing to jump in if needed. I love that about him.
This is the third video I’ve watched in two days. There is something satisfying about your process from start to finish. Your kindness. Your narration. Your humor. I love the care you take to help someone.
Totally agree! I’m on like day 3 binge watching while I take care of my 3 month old son and getting ready to host my mother in law. Funny, thoughtful, insightful, inspiring, playful, and just a joy of giving.
I just about cried when you described your compulsion to give. I came from a similar background and I too, would buy my kids a ton of gifts for Christmas and still wear a pair of shoes that had holes in them.
I have this same problem. Just yesterday my husband noticed that my shoes are falling apart. He asked why I hadn't mentioned it and I told him because he said next time I get shoes, to upgrade from cheap Walmart ones to something of higher quality. He said "if you'd told me, I could've budgeted for it" and I just said "but Christmas". So I guess next payday, I'm getting new shoes. Lol
Me too from modest home growing up and fighting about $$. I decided then as child i would never fight about money with fam members and be charitable to hard working folks waiting on me. I too often leave bigger tip than bill ... love to them and our universe. Love to all the great commenters on this post.
My Mom bought Foot Lockers for each of us growing up. We were to place special artwork, school papers, favorite toys, etc. in it. If it got full, you had to decide what to take out so you could put something else in. When we moved out, we were to take it with us. It was genius! Space is not unlimited. The locker is full of my favorite childhood memories. ❤
Wow. You had a nice mom! Ours threw our things away while we were at school. Then I shared an apartment with my sister and the few treasures I'd saved from high school I found in the basement trash room.
@@LorraineIwakashdan if you’ve been married 3x and you don’t even live with your current husband…. it might be a you thing. You’re the common denominator in all 3 marriages. Or maybe you’re just consistently picking the wrong men to partner with. Either way, therapy can probably help.
"You'll dirty your own house just to clean it" had me laughing! I wish there were more folks willing to help people out like you do. So many struggle with the shame around the state of their homes, but have chronic mental or physical issues preventing them from being successful. A little bit of compassion and humor go a long way. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your channel!
I've had older women who were supposed to help me walk around my house saying i'm not judging you, im not judging you. Yeah, bs or you wouldn't even say it. I dont know how you can live like this ? It really hurts when i hear that. They have no idea. Is that when i go ahead and tell them about the incest and the beatings ? The screaming and fight that went from pre-birth on for decades ? Do i tell them those things ? I wish more people understood. Don't they know that the majority of this is because of trauma ? Some days staying alive and not doing the opposite is all i can manage. I just wish people would be kinder, that's all. There's too much cruelty in the world today.
I can 10000% sympathize with that grandma. I have a 5 year old and a 1 year old and by the time I get them both to bed, I also want to pass out. Luckily, my husband is a great co-housekeeper, so we keep on top of things Much harder for people with disabilities, illness, and/or no help from anyone.
Maybe because I have allergies, just like the six pillow beds, I see it as extreme hoarding. It's always interesting to see people having a different view
I see it as overspending on kids - gosh knows I do it with my grandson and have been more mindful lately that he really doesn't need that complete HotWheels City play set that costs $20-$35 persection. I enjoy giving it to him but he loses interest and doesn't play with it as much as I thought he would.@@iHaveOneOfEach You're right, it is interesting to see how people think differently on the subject of hoarding and clutter. Neither word seems to apply well to most situations like this.
Loved your "rant" at the end there. Like you, everyone I grew up around tried to one up or downplay anyone else's problems, to the point I was constantly told "You have no right to think you have problems, X/Y/Z has it 10 times worse!". Soooo, ❤❤👊 to also getting out of that toxicity.
Sometimes I have a pity party for small things really. Even if I had a great day, my mood crashes after work. Recently I thought who can I send a text to complain. Let's see: one friend was ill, another was having surgery soon, and another's parent was dying. That put things in perspective and takes the focus off ourself. Not to say anxiety and depression are to be dismissed--I do have a doctor for it, but it certainly makes me count my blessings. And perhaps I could get moving to clean something that would reduce the stress the state of the house brings me which is often a significant contribution to my pity party.
I really like that you didn’t add any music. A lot of cleaning videos that I watch play corny music, and there was something satisfying about the moments of silence with the soft, clicking almost like ASMR.
I really enjoy your empathy for the mental health of the people you help. Thank you for clearing up the differences between actual hoarding problems and tendencies. I have thought I come from a family of hoarders but now realize it is more hoarding tendencies.
Thanks! Usually (since I retired and no longer invest in cleaning services) I watch hoarders on my “Mom Maid Monday” - but its always with a grain of salt knowing my house isn’t “filthy.” - watching this video was far more impactful because I think to myself that its more realistic of what could happen if I don’t keep things clean and control the spending on crap. Thank you for sharing this with us!!😊
My husband and I really like watching your channel. We now walk around the house saying things like " I was known as spin kick Johnny back in Detroit", and "Oh look, more dishes". Instead of saying something is filthy, we just say "Jason was here." You have increased our vocabulary.
I love that you mention and collaborate with other cleaners. I see your name mentioned on their channels also. You all give us so much inspiration and guidance. I helped my daughter clean her kitchen and followed cleaning one area as a place to gather things as I cleaned other areas and then put things away. Then I came home and did it in my kitchen. You are so inspiring. Thank you Mack!
I loved that you explained the difference between hoardind and compulsive shopping. It's so nice that you are informing people while you are helping others and making interteinment content! That's a spin kick, definetly!
This kind of conversation is gold. So important to continue learning about menthal health, because the lack of information and prejudice adds even more suffering to the person that IS already suffering. Thank you all for your coments. 🌻
Just coming to terms and starting to deal with my compulsive spending addiction. I have just discovered that I have 20 pairs of black pants. Need I say more 😂
Honey, I'm with you!! But, my addiction is to craft supplies that I end up not ever using 😬 I tell myself to stop but, but again if I'm bored or see a sale or if there's oxygen in the air... 🤦🏻♀️
Thank you for giving us permission to just throw things away instead of feeling guilty because "someone else might be able to use that!" and hanging onto it knowing we will never find that someone who can use it and keeping the house cluttered.
The deadpan humor of this guy! Love it! Also, it's so oddly satisfying watching the transformations happen in each area. Chaos to order. I guess it's not really odd to like that.
you are so right! i feel like MMC is the anti-“hoarders” - meaning not sensationalized and judgmental. this woman is loving the children in her care and doing the best she can with her skill set. that hoarders show that used to be on tv was so judgey and miserable.
@@HyperWolf those are truly extreme cases though. The shocking part is that there are so many people who ARE that extreme and they aren't that far away from where you and I live. The lady above is just living life and having a hard time keeping up with the "stuff" that comes with kiddos. It's funny, I have a friend who pays someone to mow her lawn during the summer. I can't imagine spending money to have someone else mow my lawn. But I sure would spend money on having someone help me declutter a room at a time!
Holy shit,you just put my money issues into words. I grew up poor,11 kids,a dad who was bipolar and quit jobs like it was his job. Going hungry,utilities shut off for non payment,etc.I’ve always had a need to give,but I always had the idea that I didn’t need anything. I also panic when our pantry and freezer are half empty.
i love your description of quitting jobs like it was his job....my ex son in law had 12 jobs in 3 years...some lasted a few days. He wasn't that young...he was in his 40's !!
I feel similarly. I grew up extremely poor. I never really learned how to budget until many years into adulthood. I budget now and am very good and stretching a dollar, but I panic when my car's gas tank goes below half. I also MUST have canned soup in the pantry, as if the money budgeted for food will suddenly disappear, and I'll make it through by watering down my canned soups. Childhood trauma: the gift that never stops giving.
I recently moved across country-not that the distance matters-and as a compulsive shopper I’ve been suffering the wrath of my illness. I thought I was cured because the recreational shopping stopped. But then…I had to reprovision my new place with food and staples. Yikes! I went to Dollar Tree to buy a broom and blessedly left with only the broom ( they sell the broom and the handle separately btw) and a pack of Thank You notes. My new neighbors are sooo nice. I was proud to have shown restraint but oddly sickened by my pride. Weird, I know. I appreciate your sane approach. Thank you. (This the only hand written note you’ll receive)
Something that helps me with both staying uncluttered and not compulsively buying stuff, is a "one in, one out" policy. If I love a new dress and want to get it, I donate an old dress! It works well with books and stuff too!
In an effort to straighten out my things, I adopted the one in, one out policy, and was fairly successful. But then for some reason, I just failed. I couldn’t see it at the time. But now, I can look back and see the series of events I went through, and the results. I’ve had to confront the events and consequences. I’m gradually working to get back to that previous “one in, one out” strategy that had been so helpful.
Let’s hope he didn’t make a mistake like I did once putting the giraffe next to the dragon when they where fighting about something that went down at the pandas tea party. I could never keep up on the practical Jerry Springer show level drama the stuffed animals were involved in.
That grandma is super awesome and it's wonderful that she is able to not only provide basic necessities for her grandkids, but to give out gifts and treat those kids really well. And it's also super awesome that you are cleaning for her and helping her to figure out how to regulate all of that. Great job!
Thank you for mentioning the mentality caused from being and/or growing up poor, especially over tipping wait staff. 💜 I still don’t know how to overcome programming buy I have slowly been making progress. 🥴👍 For anyone that may read this… with our oldest daughter (now in mid 20’s), we didn’t realize we created her to feel/be entitled. It took years to realize that we have to her so she’d not experience our childhood, regardless of our finances. We finally realized she had never actually gone without so she couldn’t grasp nor appreciate the receiving. Road to hell is absolutely paved with good intentions 🤪💜 Bless this Grandma & family!
I love your humor I love your videos, your kids are awesome! I hate printers too, those heavy scum bucket paper hoarders! Lol If you ever I mean ever come to Miami you must let me be your unpaid assistant for the day ❤️ And by the way thank you so much from here to infinity for not jamming my ears with crappy background music, I much rather hear the vacuum! Hugs!
This grandmother is doing what grandmothers do for their grandkids good for her. You are one of the most compasionate guys I know. BTW I miss the motor noise you make when washing dishes. And your wifes channel is really good also. Good on you both.
@@jimnelson9775 Thanks for your kind words! As for the hyperlink thing, I think how it works is when you type the @ symbol followed by the rest of the full name as displayed. Example: @sharondipity152 Include all the characters and start your comment with it, you should be good to go. We both learned something new today. :)
Bless this grandma. You are moving like greased lightning son. Always happy when you drop your vids. Looking forward to your collaboration in Oct. Enjoy your Nashville trip.
Yes! This grandma. Couldn't help thinking about how exhausted she must be when her head hits the pillow every night, but she obviously loves her grandchildren so very much. Thank you, Mack, for spin-kicking all the mess but treating her grandchildren's stuffed animals with care and arranging them into an adorable pile of cute, as always.
As someone who works in IT, I agree 100% with your take on printers. I hate them with a passion. Nothing gets my anxiety up like seeing a ticket come in with the word 'printer' in the subject.
We are in the process of getting our house ready to sell to move from a surburban area to a regional area. The house has been in our family since 1961 and has had several generations and large families through it, 13 years ago my Mum passed away and we never really touched any of her little collections. She had a collection of teddy bears, a collection of trolls, gnomes, dolls and knick knacks. We have slowly been going through everything and getting rid of the majority of it as we realised we don't want to move with everything that was in the house. And it was a lot of things and our house used to be an entertainer house so it was cram packed full of cultery, dinnerware sets and lots of extra things. But we have been going room by room, donating what we can and getting rid of what we can't and its a little sad but it also feels really good. As pretty much every surface in our house was covered in knick knacks and stuff so we are getting there. Your videos really do explain everything really nicely too.
@@Castleknight correct but where I am its kinda country but not really so the outer parts are just called regional areas instead. I'm in Australia if that helps explain why I used that term.
@@kayjays7267 I wonder if that’s like the town I grew up in, long multi-mile streets lined with family homes on large lots with hundreds of acres of farmland, woods, and swamps behind them. Since when I left, the farm owners have all been selling off chunks of their farms to housing developers so it’s quickly become very suburbia.
I am trying to watch you objectively, but I am over here dying laughing from your humor! God bless you. You have a huge heart and a compassionate, caring attitude. You are helping me with my own clutter and bad habits! Thank you, you are appreciated! ❤
My daughter and I do cleaning. We love what we do. I actually enjoy cleaning a home that "really is in need" Nothing beats getting thru and looking around and knowing the owner is going to be so impressed when they get home. Accomplishment is a great motivation.
i love your before and after pictures at the end of your videos. you speak so plainly, and humorously to the problems i have had my entire life. thank you so much for your empathetic approach to the huge problem (wink, wink) of too much stuff!
Other than the satisfaction I get from the changes made in overall appearance, I love that you explain the difference between hoarding and other mental illnesses that contribute to clutter. This channel is a great way to normalize mental illnesses and their manifestations. It improves empathy and in my case, helps motivate me to get rid of my junk!
I knew what I’d been doing wasn’t hoarding because I have no trouble tossing stuff away but I still feel awful about it and start to wonder if I’m heading in that direction. This is the first video I’ve ever seen that made me feel better. My space is not messy to that extent but it’s the closest I’ve seen and I liked hearing my thoughts validated. I’m going to need to be the heartless cold person and get rid of the old homework. 😂 My issues stem from ADHD and possible POTS. I watch you clean and I know I can’t clean for more than 15 minutes before getting lightheaded and it feels kind of hopeless. I might save up and hire someone but I’m still in the just became not poor phase.
Good for you!!! I moved out of my home of 15 years ready to leave it all behind. I owed it to myself to really sort through my life and face my difficulties. I have made lists and really mapped out how I want my life and my apartment to look. In sticking to that while trying to understand the power of “ no” and the freedoms that comes with making good decisions. Keep up the good work! Because he doesn’t criticize or belittle our struggles he inspires us instead. I wish he was closer to where I live. I’d hire him to keep me on task.
Old homework is something I’ve had a hard time getting rid of as well. I’m actually stalled in the process of scanning it all and shredding it. I don’t know if that’s better, since I should really just throw it out, but knowing I have some kind of a copy works for me. I started on it months ago, but I got distracted with something else and just haven’t picked it back up. Everything is sitting in a tote waiting to be scanned. And shredding is a really good method for getting rid of paper, because you can’t decide at the last second that you want to keep it since it’s been chewed up into little bits.
Having an image of something you want to keep is very helpful. I took photos of my kid's baby stuff that I was tempted to keep. I also am a compulsive buyer so I started taking a screenshot of things I'm wanting to buy, and usually after time passes I'm glad I didn't actually buy it. ☺️
OMG 😱 I know that I have some hoarding tendencies, but after this I realized I have a shopping problem. My friend told me I have a mail problem, for some reason I can't just open it up keep what I need to and trash the rest...nope I keep it all and go through it more than once🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ BTW...I love your content and how you don't judge but show us what we can do to help ourselves. Thank you.
I've had a truly HORRENDOUS day and boy, did I need this video! For a number of years I ran a plus size vintage and modern clothing store on Ebay. I loved the thrill of the hunt too much; my apartment was stuffed with boxes and bins! It got to where my merchandise was in every closet, the front hall, and the living room. One of the living room windows was blocked off. I'm not a hoarder, I was a compulsive buyer like your client. When I mentioned to a fellow vintage seller that I was thinking of getting a storage locked, she told me that every seller who did that forgot what was in the storage locker and kept buying! When I closed up the store I sold huge lots of clothing and gave away all kinds of stuff. I've missed hunting (and the $$) but it's great to have my apartment back!
"Flip-flip-flip stack & i would have been naked"😂,,,,I needed that laugh today. You have a great sense of humor and I absolutely love it. I especially enjoy witnessing your heart of g0ld for each individual person that you help. Tysm, for helping all these households that need you in their time of need. God bless you and your family.
You never talk about someone else unless you have walked in their shoes. I think what you do is so wonderful you are truly one in a million. I watch your channel all the time and I respect you so much for the person that you are.
I was honestly NOT planning on doing as many chores nor did I think I was capable (woke with a wee dose of PMDD and trauma-involved anxt) ... then the algorithm led me to one of your videos and I clicked on that rather than a Prime movie ... the work I've done, lessons I've learned and laughs I've had!!! You are a GIFT, dude!!
Out of all the "declutter with me" videos ive been watching (if i dont i will never go through all the junk i collect until its time to load the uhaul to move across the country) these are definitely the best. No background music no haul type segments that actually make it harder to get rid of stuff. But its time to get rid of everything i dont absolutely need.
I think there was a collective awwwwwwe each time their stuffed animals were arranged. To a child , that means everything. I think your client is amazing for taking on young grandchildren and being all in. Big hugs to her❤. Empathy should be the one thing we all can take away from your videos. You help lift weight off their backs and do so without any judgment. Instead you offer kindness and encouragement. Wouldn’t it be great if more of us could just follow your lead?
I love your channel. Its very therapeutic to listen too. I love that you're open about your autism and you are constantly displaying empathy for others.
It was by design that the media brainwashed us all to think we needed to be such consumers. I used to overspend, but have gotten better and go "window shopping" online and fill my cart and rarely ever buy things now. There are times in my life I was exactly like this woman. Exhausted and would throw around money to help with guilt of not being able to be home with my kids.
I have been decluttering pretty intensely for two years now, moved from one state to another, and yet when I watch your videos, I still go through my home and find things I get rid of. I had the hardest time with blankets and towels that were many years old, and finally, they are in the garage, ready to take to an animal rescue. Every time I do this, I feel lighter. I am not a minimalist, but had a houseful of “stuff” to get rid of when parents died. I will not do that to my children. China is gone. I use my wedding silverware for everyday, it goes into the dishwasher. Kitchen has empty drawers. When you say trash clothes and other things, I am sure some cringe, however, thrift stores trash things if they do not sell in a certain time span.
How you manage to work in 'conversational elbow of pain' into a monologue about empowerment instead of enabling while gently folding little ruffled clothes is hilarious. New subscriber here. Keep up the awesome work!
I can not believe how many clothes you folded let alone all those cables and chargers. I admire the work that you do. Keep it up, you help a lot of people move on with their lives.
What a wonderful things you do and to explain this person's issue helped me get in touch with mine. Everyone says it's hoarding. I just filled 3 dumpsters with stuff, basically everything I owned, but I believe after seeing this, it is definitely compulsive spending the high i get from buying things. I also grew up poor and can completely relate to what you said. Thank you. I can now address the problem and move forward.
I had to smile about all the toys you piled on that 1st bed. I babysat a little girl who would want so many toys to "sleep" next to her that she would have about 2" of the bed for herself! She was pretty much pressed against the wall. At least she could never fall out of bed!
I’ve really grown to absolutely love your videos. Your compassionate, kind and very informative. You are the only channel where I don’t fast forward through any part of the video. I’m too afraid to miss something you have said. Your humor is addictive and right up my alley! I can’t help financially, so I will help any other way I can. I’m subscribed and always like your videos that I’ve watched! Keep up the great work and let’s get that golden plaque!
You are such a logical and kind person. Your way of cutting through bullshit to the heart of the matter and doing so with empathy is top tier. Thank you for treating people with mental illness like people and calling out the ones who don't. Also, your mentality on your clients compulsion to tip is beautiful. I've considered re-entering the service industry and I'll keep this in mind if ever I receive an unusually large tip.
The amount of hangers and wires for electronics is crazy also. Good for grandma! The first step is always the hardest. BTW Frankie Buttboobs is my new favorite name! 😂😂
Your analogy on spending too much at Christmas or over tipping at a restaurant or that habit of feeling like your need to over tip was spot on. Now that I’m retired and my husband and I are debt-free, we are now more frugal than ever. Making ends meet is no longer a issue but that feeling of “needing to be generous” is very limited. Once again…fabulous job on getting these folks on the right track. Greetings from sunny California
What you said about people who don't have empathy to even get the slightest understanding about other's problems, or who create an evalation system for other's problems (about them being douchebags...around 36:43) was EXACTLY what I needed to hear today. I'm really struggling with PTSD, ADHD, and horrible, horrible depression right now and I so appreciate these videos, which are helping me cope, and for what you said. Thanks so much for the validation and for your compassion.
As always, your ability to organize, clean and make us smile, never ceases to amaze me. Thank you!! The homeowner seems like such a kindhearted and generous person. I loved her tie dyed bedding/blankets. Oh, and the way you organized the stuffed animals was super adorable. Have a wonderful trip!! I hope you all get a chance to rest, relax and have copious amounts of fun!! 😊
It is going to be great to watch you all cleaning together. Things just collect one piece at a time. Really, people shouldn’t store things in the basement. Flooding is becoming to common today with the way rains have been coming down, hard and fast. I used to watch a show with Niecy Nash where her crew would remove stuff and clean up the house and have a yard sale. Basements were always musty and damp.
I need you! We've taken in 2 additional children (our grandbabies) and their things, on top of our already existing clutter and I'm so overwhelmed I don't even know where to start. I started watching these in the hopes of getting the motivation, but honestly I can't physically do it.
Thank you for explaining about the kids….i was wondering why (and it’s obvious) that the kids are creating so much of the mess. Plus it also seemed like the children were/are overindulged. Now that you’ve explained that this is a grandmother who has the responsibility for three kids with three different issues….well now it all makes sense!!! I’ve worked directly with kids with physical handicaps, ADHD, fetal alcohol, ADD, on the spectrum, learning disabilities, etc and each and everyone of these kids is so precious and unique…little bundles of energy and love…and each an incredible means of learning about selflessness and humanity in general. Thank you for teaching me to be patient in your explanations ~~ Love your channel!!
My mom was a compulsive spender God rest her soul, she had a hard time letting go of things most of the time but then other times she'd get into moods where she wanted to get rid of so much. Now we are tasked with clearing out the extra stuff but in a way selling some of it has gifted my husband and I cash we can use for our future, which I feel like is her gift to us!
Ive been going through a very hard battle in my home life lately, and i have extreme anxiety and panic attacks. I also believe im undiagnosed autistic at 39 years old. Coming to your channel helps to center me when the outside world is too loud. I love cleaning and organization and clean vacation homes for a living while raising 3 kids. Thank you for your awesome content, but more importantly for your voiceovers which often give me great insight and also make me feel seen and heard. I plan to become a member ❤ would love to support your channel
I'm so excited for the collab with Barbie! I can't wait to see it. Sounds like it's going to be EPIC! 👊👊👊 Omw now to check out the reuploads with new voice-overs. Keep up the good work and thank you for creating such quality content for us ❤
This grandmother is showering her grandchildren with love and attention in a way that makes emotional sense to her. Nobody gets through this world unscathed, we all have wounds. We could all do a lot worse in how we deal with them.
I left a comment of complete despair about 90 minutes ago. Immediately after I posted it I was getting up from the chair I am permanently superglued to, to make a cup of coffee. Something clicked in my head that was triggered by you, your temperament and your entire video and I had a true moment of clarity for the first time in over five years. I just knew that if I made that coffee it would bring me back to that chair and the next cigarette and the same awful cycle that has brought me to where I am. I don't honestly understand what really happened but I ended up cleaning up my kitchen dresser and filled two black trash bags full of stuff. I have not seen the surface of the dresser in years. Is this a real breakthrough or just a flash in the pan? I also managed to do it with a fractured shoulder that is in an immobility sling so one handed! OMG fingers crossed 🤞
EDIT: One day later and I have moved on to the kitchen counters and am making headway. If even one person reads this comment, please know that if I can start to move, truly, anyone can. I have been stuck for years in absolute inertia and almost blind to my surroundings. One clean area has resulted in me 'seeing' where I need to go next. Crossing my fingers again🤞
Cross your fingers but only on your good arm. I am 'one armed' too, but it is possible. Maybe a lot slower but it’s a good start.
You absolutely rock. Keep us posted!! This man has shown us acceptance and that we are not lazy. Connections must be made and we can progress. So grateful!!
me reading this as I was about to go get a cup of coffee 🗣️ I feel so called out 😹☠️
I'm the same, but instead of my chair (that's full of clothes on top of it) I'm sitting on my bed. my decluttering cycle is me getting inspired and starting things, but then I die inside and the room turns out messier than when I started 🤡
I really want that coffee tho, but I won't go back sitting, I'm gonna stay standing up while looking at the chaos and maybe my two neurons are gonna decide where I could start.
thank you! hope things are going great there❤🥺
You’ve got this!!!!
One of my favorite things about this channel is that you highlight the humanity of the client’s situation. Everyone has different struggles and the world would be so much better if we all emphasized empathy like you do.
He really made me think about judgments! I totally admire the grandma. I had a son with AD/HD who really died. He was 53. Grief and loss cannot be measured with times. We need more persons like him in this world.
@rogettesteele5322 my condolences. Hugs and prayers going your way.
I totally agree. I was just on my local Nextdoor page and someone was complaining about people who don't water their shrubs and trees. Her post wasn't too bad, but subsequent commenters kept going on and on about how awful people are who don't water their lawns, etc. I couldn't believe it! First off, who is that petty, and second, no one knows what people are going through. There may be a reason why that lawn isn't watered or mowed. It really made me mad reading that.
well said!
your sense of humor combined with your empathy for peoples’ individual situations made me become a new subscriber.
Same here😊
His humor... Primo. Love it, him, his heart, what he does, love of family, and his channel. 🎉😂❤
Yes, funny , dry sense of humor with a great dose of kindness and humanity. Had to subscribe
He makes me laugh!
Me too!!!
Never in a million years would I have thought that I would look forward to watching a person clean someone else's home, but this channel has given be a renewed faith in humanity. You are a very special person.
Great voice...I dislike cleaners with shrill voices
I know, right? It’s very relaxing and satisfying to me bc I too know the good when people are helped in such impactful ways. I also receive virtual satisfaction from his efforts based on his clear values and goals. 🇬🇧
I agree with you 💯, he is !
Love your vibe.😂🇬🇧
My advice, from a family with autism and ADHD is open shelving and/or Clear bins. I redesigned my living room to have multiple bookshelves that not only hold books, but display our figures and toys. This means my family can easily see and find everything. Because of that I rarely have things pile up or become overwhelming. I've had so many things in the past get drug out and tossed on the floor in the attempt to find one item and just left there because of distractions. Problem solved with an open display option.
For example, while a load of cute stuffies on the bed looks nice and adorable, the majority will wind up on the floor for sleep and never be put back. I started using wall corner nets for the ones my son likes, but doesn't interact with daily.
Little things like this make a huge difference and can free up space.
I think it's something to do with needing to see everything, because if you don't see it, you'll completely forget it even exists thanks to adhd😅
Great suggestion!
(PS the past tense of drag is “dragged.”) 😉
It also helps a lot to label all the bins. For smaller kids, they can be labeled with pictures. It doesn’t really look that great, but as a ADHD/autistic household, we have labels and notes everywhere, like lists of “how to get ready in the morning” and stuff.
@@lucygoosie7726 Absolutely! My husband labeled our dishware/Tupperware. At first I was doubtful it would work, but it's been really helpful!
@@latifx3944hi what do you mean by labeling the Tupperware? like while they are being used? with food inside in the fridge? and does the label come off?
@@kejow. Well, for the kitchen we have empty ramen bins where we wrote with a black marker "lids""cup lids" exc. For Other bins we used plastic bins and either used Acrylic pens or a label maker saying things like "shirts" "meds" exc.
I don't know why it makes such a big difference, but it does.
I usually go more towards book shelves when I want to keep things out and visible.
I grew up poor and now as an adult, I’ve noticed that I’m an compulsive spender, especially when it comes to makeup and things for my son. I’m working on myself to not spend money on useless crap and only buy what I or my son need. Thank you for your compassion and kindness ❤
Well done on making changes in your spending habits:) I think that overspending is a very common problem. My parents were very poor and went through the war years too, so everything had extra value because you just couldn’t go out and buy a new thing. As they got older and made a successful business and got money, my mum started collecting stuff and buying all sorts of extra things which I inherited.i was brought up the same way and was a spender…. its taken me 60 years to get to the stage where i have been decluttering bit by bit for a few years now but i still have major attachments to too much stuff that i inherited, and attach too much value to stuff in general if its a nice quality item. I know my son doesn’t want to inherit most of my stuff, so seeing videos like this and other decluttering videos really helps to keep me on track and also now, i can appreciate something that i see without having that need to buy it. I think really carefully before spending on anything that is going to take up space in the house. After all, we cant take it with us, and we dont want our children to have to waste their lives trying to clear the clutter that we leave them when we die! Good luck to you in continuing to change your life for the better :)
I grew up poor, also worked part time as an adult and was extremely tight budgeted. I've recently got a job which I make almost twice as much monthly as the most I've ever made and find myself spending all my money on fast food now because I don't have to fret over which sale I have to base my weekly meal list on.
Try gardening and spending on plants.
@@juliettailor1616 I live in a city and have killed every plant I've touched, even a cactus.
You can order or buy things for someone else and see if it changes the equation. (who does not live in your house)
The more of these cleaning videos I watch the more it becomes clear that the key to maintaining a neat and comfortable home is to avoid having an excessive amount of things.
Yup, one of the things my parents taught us growing up. Don't buy unnecessary decorations and stuff. Even if it gives you joy in the moment, you'll likely end up hating it just a few days/weeks later. It's about restraint and only buying things you need and / or REALLY want.
YES. THIS. Minimalism and a healthy hatred for consumerism/fast fashion/trends KEEPS MY LIFE CLEAN AF.
That and putting things in they proper place as soon as you can. It´s incredibly how much time you loose looking for things around the house when they either don´t have a specific place or anre misplaced.
Thats just the opposite of what the stores tell u to do.
Indeed. Tidying up time can easily be approximated by nxn , where n is the number of items. Fewer items, fewer hours total required to tidy up.
Not joking at all - while watching this video I finally admitted to myself that I have a compulsive shopping problem. I’ve been justifying/denying but my house looks just like this and my credit/bank account tell the story. Wow. Hunh. Humbling.
My daughter does too but she's seeing a therapist and finding out that there's a hole she's using shopping to fill and she is working to take care of it. She's doing better and you can, too.
Me, too! I’ve finally cleaned up my art studio/office so that I can vacuum it!
I do that too - and I’m a psychologist. Sometimes, we do things we normally wouldn’t, to get by each day.
They can’t shoot you for that.
I’m feeling better at the moment and am saving to move house. Having a goal helps me to save.
All best. x
You can get through this and change things around, well done for taking your first step in realising the problem! That’s great!
@anna... hmmmm I wonder where that hole came from.
Children like clean and organization. I have a client with a 3 yr. Old who says: “ wow this looks good, it’s so nice in here” best compliment ever!
Not always. My kid is neurodivergent and it panics her. She has to have control over it. Piles everywhere. But……it’s not a hoard. It’s just really really messy to my eyes. I just close the door.
@@jenniferlee4893 being neurodivergent doesn’t mean you shouldn’t teach her how to be tidy. Someday your kid is going to be working and living with others, and it will be a major problem if she doesn’t know how to function around others as an adult. If she works in an office, for example, and her cubicle is a disaster zone every day, it will affect her reputation and career. If she has a family of her own, things will be completely out of control if she doesn’t get a handle on her chaotic mess habits.
People love to use these mental health labels as an excuse these days, like just because you have XYZ condition you’re exempt from the norms of society. I have ADHD and have had to work hard to manage it so that my environment is neat and tidy, I arrive places on time, etc. But it’s absolutely worth it. It allows me to have a normal life.
You’re not doing her any favors by indulging her and not managing the condition in a way that sets her up for success in the world. The rest of the world is not going to cater to her mess the way you have learned to.
Saying "children like x" is excatly same than saying "all 56-year olds like x". People are individuals despite their age. Of course, there's some states of development, when certain features will be more in front, but even then the strength is an individual thing.
What kids are you seeing? My kid has organized chaos. I think you're not meeting kids today.
I think a lot of kids definitely appreciate cleanliness and organization more than we think. When I cleaned houses for a living, the kids sometimes got more excited about the new state of the house than the parents did. I remember a little boy being absolutely ecstatic after I cleaned and organized his room saying something like "I'm going to bring my friends here all the time now!" It was cute.
I never thought about the growing up poor to compulsive spending pipeline. That was enlightening.
(Our "fancy dinner" restaurant was KFC when i was a kid)
Your commentary is so helpful and entertaining - thanks for what you do.
Our fancy restaurant was Cocos.
I love how you said "it doesn't matter if it's a first world problem". Problems are problems ans we don't need to be invalidated when we're already struggling!
I tell people who say others have it worse that yes, there's always going to be someone with worse problems but it doesn't mean the problem we have is nothing.
@@anna3036 exactly
@@anna3036 I mean maybe but like we are literally in an economic crisis lol
I love that you took the time to arrange the kiddo's stuffies so nicely on their beds. Anyone who treats a child's stuffies so nicely is A-OK in my book.😀
The way he crossed the unicorn's paws 🥰
I know our clan stuffies so well that I can name each precious one that went on vacation with each kid without seeing them go out the door. Stuffies are precious to little people!
It's that special effort that touches me too.
When I was a kid I went to Disney world and bought a bunch of plushies on the first day. Every day when we got back to the hotel the housekeeper had arranged them in a different little story scene. Still my favorite part of the trip.
@@MissSofyKoolaidAWWW YES
I love what you said about having empathy. I’m struggling to come to terms with my father’s death in the last few days. A friend (clearly not) messaged me and said “if it’s any consolation I’m at the funeral of a 52 yr old mother and her husband and kids are devastated, at least your dad lived to old age”.
Am I wrong to feel total disgust? I just replied and said “this is not a competition to see who has the deeper agony”.
I hate when people say stuff like that. There will ALWAYS be someone who has it worse than you. That doesn't make your grief less. I'm so sorry for your loss.
You're not wrong, that's extremely cruddy to try to minimize your loss like that. I'm sorry for your loss ❤
You're not wrong. Your friend is a jerk (or for whatever reason, made the poor decision to send you that insensitive response). Yes, there will always be someone worse off than you, but it's not an excuse to invalidate or minimize your pain. I can't stand people who view the sufferings of this life as a pissing contest over who has it worse. It's not tough love, it's assholery.
I'm sorry for your loss. Take care ❤
You’re not wrong! I’m so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss. It doesn't matter the age, when you lose your parents you feel like an orphan. Your parents gave you strength and equiped you to get thru this life, and they will always be in your heart.
"I threw it away like I was angry at it." Great quote. God Bless this Family and thank you for helping them.
I love how you explain the difference between hoarding & compulsive spending. And the exact way you describe the emotional attachment hoarders have on items. I have that. When I decide to do a purge, it’s EXACTLY like that. I can’t make a decision on something even trivial.
@5:14 the description of yourself getting rid of someone’s memories is hilarious! 😂
💯 I need a cold-hearted beast to throw away my children's precious doodles for me.
saaameeee!!! and I'm 31 but I still keep homework/texts from highschool and college that I know I'll never read again but I just can't get rid of🤡
if someone threw them away I'll probably just find out in like 10 years but I'll be sad about it. it's difficult...
I think it's that I'm looking at the item as part of a whole mess, instead of keeping it rational. Dana K. White says, "item by item, one decision at a time, progress over perfection".
I have a hard time telling whether I lean more towards hoarding or more towards what he was describing. Everytime I do go through my stuff because I'm looking for something, everything I see feels essential despite not having used it in two years. There's a random lightbulb lying in that mess for example, and the thought of throwing that out feels weird because I could use it someday (even though I haven't needed that size in like two years). It feels really hard to make a decision even over a small item like that.
@@emmie1176i go through this kind of process all the time. you are not alone! ❤
I grew up very poor. I struggle with overspending, and I do have some hoarding tendencies. You're absolutely right about the difference in spending habits between people who grew up poor and those who didn't. You really don't learn how to manage money when you don't have it.
I really have to keep myself in check with spending, and I always have an overstuffed pantry and fridge, because I never want to run out of food. I know that is directly related to growing up poor. Even though I live very comfortably now and don't have to worry about not having enough food, I can't let go of always making sure there is extra.😮
My husband has this issue with food, he grew up not eating enough so now he overfeeds our son....he NEVER tells him no to food, even junk food. Son is starting to get chubby. We just had this conversation the other night. He had once said “I grew up hungry so my kids will never know that feeling if I can help it” but the other night when we talked, he denied he had an issue....then slowly realized maybe he does.
I also grew up poor. Although I only earn a low wage, it's more than I need because I am very frugal. I spend as if I still am poor. But I take or get whatever people through away. I probably would dive into the dumpster to get the printer or clothes even if I already have it. I buy price reduced food or get it for free when expire date is near. I have two (small) freezers full.
The food thing was a big issue for Mom. She was also always worried to miss or be late payments on the house. THEY would take it away.
So what i bet you’re still an absolute wonderful person xx
Sometimes it manifests itself in the opposite way. My friend's hubby grew up very poor and he hates to spend money on a lot of things.
Eureka moment. I grew up rock-bottom poor and am now fairly comfortable, and after watching this video I think I have compulsive spending-related hoarding. I didn't know that was a thing. I too have over-tipped, donated a lot to charities/homeless folks, and spent a lot on hobbies and collections. Every couple of months, the clutter gets so bad I have to spend a week focused on organizing and clearing it out. One of the things I'm always bringing into my house are shelves and plastic storage totes and drawers, to hold and organize all my stuff. I'm *semi* on top of it and just thought of it as a quirky "me" thing. My head is spinning - thank you for giving it a name. I obviously need to read up on it.
"you can keep anything, you just can't keep everything. The space you have is finite. Your home is a container. A container is there to set limits. Space is valuable." Dana K. White the author of a slob comes clean. She has a UA-cam channel.
Me too! None of my friends that know this about me can relate.
I have so many "organizing things" & different cloth bags (Vera Bradley type).
I haven't gotten rid of the organizing bins & things because I don't want to buy them again & it keeps me from buying more.
Anyway, it's nice to know I'm not alone.
Watching this was SO therapeutic. I am not a shopper or a hoarder, so peeking into other houses is such a wonder to me. I am a nester. Cleaning is a joy and I treasure my daily housekeeping duties. This summer, I was trusted by my niece to guide her triplets through a complete decluttering of their shared bedroom. It has been nothing but a trash dumpster of a room for the past few years, and this was the summer each child got their own room. It meant that I was the “bad guy” who packed up and removed the ex-husband’s crap from one of the larger bedrooms. Together, the kids and I decluttered their clothes, shoes, shared games and craft supplies, and personal toys and stuffed animals. Her entire house was decluttered and organized over the summer, and each child now has a beautiful private room decorated to their unique taste. We called this the summer of transition in recognition of the big step from elementary school to middle school. The kids got to experience how to deconstruct and manage big messes, and Mom was presented with the home she dreamed of. Sometimes, you just need a helping hand to reset your space - like what happens in this video.
Yes you helpers are awesome 🎉
Sometimes I get overwhelmed and I will say something and next thing I know my husband will clean up a space and then I feel a lot better and start cleaning again. My husband works full time and I'm a stay at home mom. I've had health issues and a miscarriage over the last couple of years. So I got overwhelmed all around. But my husband knows this and is willing to jump in if needed. I love that about him.
@@Kra-ri6fd you got a good guy there. I'm sorry about your babies. Keep going!
You're not just a great aunt but a VERY great aunt!
This is the third video I’ve watched in two days. There is something satisfying about your process from start to finish. Your kindness. Your narration. Your humor. I love the care you take to help someone.
Totally agree! I’m on like day 3 binge watching while I take care of my 3 month old son and getting ready to host my mother in law.
Funny, thoughtful, insightful, inspiring, playful, and just a joy of giving.
I just about cried when you described your compulsion to give. I came from a similar background and I too, would buy my kids a ton of gifts for Christmas and still wear a pair of shoes that had holes in them.
I have this same problem. Just yesterday my husband noticed that my shoes are falling apart. He asked why I hadn't mentioned it and I told him because he said next time I get shoes, to upgrade from cheap Walmart ones to something of higher quality. He said "if you'd told me, I could've budgeted for it" and I just said "but Christmas". So I guess next payday, I'm getting new shoes. Lol
We want our kids to have all the stuff we missed out on.
Me too from modest home growing up and fighting about $$. I decided then as child i would never fight about money with fam members and be charitable to hard working folks waiting on me. I too often leave bigger tip than bill ... love to them and our universe. Love to all the great commenters on this post.
me too. TY @Chhesterification
My Mom bought Foot Lockers for each of us growing up. We were to place special artwork, school papers, favorite toys, etc. in it. If it got full, you had to decide what to take out so you could put something else in. When we moved out, we were to take it with us. It was genius! Space is not unlimited. The locker is full of my favorite childhood memories. ❤
Such a great idea!
Within minimalism this is called the container concept. @minimalmom says ”Let the container be the bad guy”. It is a genious concept 🩷
Wow. You had a nice mom! Ours threw our things away while we were at school. Then I shared an apartment with my sister and the few treasures I'd saved from high school I found in the basement trash room.
I am a 45 year old woman and I have never actually seen a man tidy or declutter a room. Amazing work!!
You’ve been with the wrong men then. I’ve had boyfriends who were very neat and clean.
Cause we don't do mess and don't buy tons of stuff we don't need. ;)
@@_niktI've been married 3 times. My current husband was awful. He now lives alone.
@@LorraineIwakashdan He was awful but you had 2 divorces and don't live with your current half. That says a lot. :)
@@LorraineIwakashdan if you’ve been married 3x and you don’t even live with your current husband…. it might be a you thing. You’re the common denominator in all 3 marriages. Or maybe you’re just consistently picking the wrong men to partner with. Either way, therapy can probably help.
"Other people's problems do not require your permission" !! Love it, and this is why I love your channel. 😘
"You'll dirty your own house just to clean it" had me laughing! I wish there were more folks willing to help people out like you do. So many struggle with the shame around the state of their homes, but have chronic mental or physical issues preventing them from being successful. A little bit of compassion and humor go a long way. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your channel!
I've had older women who were supposed to help me walk around my house saying i'm not judging you, im not judging you.
Yeah, bs or you wouldn't even say it.
I dont know how you can live like this ? It really hurts when i hear that. They have no idea.
Is that when i go ahead and tell them about the incest and the beatings ? The screaming and fight that went from pre-birth on for decades ?
Do i tell them those things ?
I wish more people understood.
Don't they know that the majority of this is because of trauma ? Some days staying alive and not doing the opposite is all i can manage.
I just wish people would be kinder, that's all. There's too much cruelty in the world today.
I can 10000% sympathize with that grandma. I have a 5 year old and a 1 year old and by the time I get them both to bed, I also want to pass out. Luckily, my husband is a great co-housekeeper, so we keep on top of things Much harder for people with disabilities, illness, and/or no help from anyone.
Came back to say, the care you took with the little girl's stuffies on her bed just speaks VOLUMES for who you are as a person. That was so sweet.
Maybe because I have allergies, just like the six pillow beds, I see it as extreme hoarding. It's always interesting to see people having a different view
I see it as overspending on kids - gosh knows I do it with my grandson and have been more mindful lately that he really doesn't need that complete HotWheels City play set that costs $20-$35 persection. I enjoy giving it to him but he loses interest and doesn't play with it as much as I thought he would.@@iHaveOneOfEach You're right, it is interesting to see how people think differently on the subject of hoarding and clutter. Neither word seems to apply well to most situations like this.
I’m surprised he put so many stuffed animals back on the bed
Loved your "rant" at the end there. Like you, everyone I grew up around tried to one up or downplay anyone else's problems, to the point I was constantly told "You have no right to think you have problems, X/Y/Z has it 10 times worse!". Soooo, ❤❤👊 to also getting out of that toxicity.
Same here. If your leg hurt, there are people without legs you know.
Sometimes I have a pity party for small things really. Even if I had a great day, my mood crashes after work. Recently I thought who can I send a text to complain. Let's see: one friend was ill, another was having surgery soon, and another's parent was dying. That put things in perspective and takes the focus off ourself. Not to say anxiety and depression are to be dismissed--I do have a doctor for it, but it certainly makes me count my blessings. And perhaps I could get moving to clean something that would reduce the stress the state of the house brings me which is often a significant contribution to my pity party.
Same here. Most are dead now. But the damage is done.
Moon. I got away from the toxic for the sake of my husband and kids. Best thing I ever did. Good choice IMO.
My current pet peeve
I really like that you didn’t add any music. A lot of cleaning videos that I watch play corny music, and there was something satisfying about the moments of silence with the soft, clicking almost like ASMR.
I totally agree. Plus I also find that music makes it difficult for me to focus on what is being said, and even the images/video
I can't stand those lol
I really enjoy your empathy for the mental health of the people you help. Thank you for clearing up the differences between actual hoarding problems and tendencies. I have thought I come from a family of hoarders but now realize it is more hoarding tendencies.
I’m glad that each generation gets better.
Thanks! Usually (since I retired and no longer invest in cleaning services) I watch hoarders on my “Mom Maid Monday” - but its always with a grain of salt knowing my house isn’t “filthy.” - watching this video was far more impactful because I think to myself that its more realistic of what could happen if I don’t keep things clean and control the spending on crap. Thank you for sharing this with us!!😊
how much did u charge for this
My husband and I really like watching your channel. We now walk around the house saying things like " I was known as spin kick Johnny back in Detroit", and "Oh look, more dishes". Instead of saying something is filthy, we just say "Jason was here." You have increased our vocabulary.
This made me laugh too much!!! TY.
Too funny 😆😅😂
I love that you mention and collaborate with other cleaners. I see your name mentioned on their channels also. You all give us so much inspiration and guidance. I helped my daughter clean her kitchen and followed cleaning one area as a place to gather things as I cleaned other areas and then put things away. Then I came home and did it in my kitchen. You are so inspiring. Thank you Mack!
I loved that you explained the difference between hoardind and compulsive shopping. It's so nice that you are informing people while you are helping others and making interteinment content! That's a spin kick, definetly!
Actually compulsive spending is part of hoarding. Or compulsively acquiring even if it's scrounging.
This kind of conversation is gold. So important to continue learning about menthal health, because the lack of information and prejudice adds even more suffering to the person that IS already suffering. Thank you all for your coments. 🌻
Just coming to terms and starting to deal with my compulsive spending addiction. I have just discovered that I have 20 pairs of black pants. Need I say more 😂
Honey, I'm with you!! But, my addiction is to craft supplies that I end up not ever using 😬 I tell myself to stop but, but again if I'm bored or see a sale or if there's oxygen in the air... 🤦🏻♀️
Just Keep Swimming! 💖
If you wear them all. May be okay.
I don’t think your alone ❤with that I have no idea my number 😮
I’m a compulsive buyer at times 😂
Thank you for giving us permission to just throw things away instead of feeling guilty because "someone else might be able to use that!" and hanging onto it knowing we will never find that someone who can use it and keeping the house cluttered.
The deadpan humor of this guy! Love it! Also, it's so oddly satisfying watching the transformations happen in each area. Chaos to order. I guess it's not really odd to like that.
I love how, once you were done, I felt like I knew this woman and how loved and prioritized these children are in her life. ❤
Me, too😊. I love how bright and cute the bedrooms are. It’s like this woman spreads her love to the children.
you are so right! i feel like MMC is the anti-“hoarders” - meaning not sensationalized and judgmental. this woman is loving the children in her care and doing the best she can with her skill set. that hoarders show that used to be on tv was so judgey and miserable.
@@vanessapierson4913I could never watch Hoarders, I always felt uncomfortable and embarrassed for the people in the show.
@@HyperWolf those are truly extreme cases though. The shocking part is that there are so many people who ARE that extreme and they aren't that far away from where you and I live. The lady above is just living life and having a hard time keeping up with the "stuff" that comes with kiddos. It's funny, I have a friend who pays someone to mow her lawn during the summer. I can't imagine spending money to have someone else mow my lawn. But I sure would spend money on having someone help me declutter a room at a time!
Holy shit,you just put my money issues into words. I grew up poor,11 kids,a dad who was bipolar and quit jobs like it was his job. Going hungry,utilities shut off for non payment,etc.I’ve always had a need to give,but I always had the idea that I didn’t need anything. I also panic when our pantry and freezer are half empty.
You speak my truth!!! I wish my friends could hear this - the money issues!
i love your description of quitting jobs like it was his job....my ex son in law had 12 jobs in 3 years...some lasted a few days. He wasn't that young...he was in his 40's !!
The same for me. My fridge is packed with food and often it gets bad and thrown away
@@Jendromeda 😊,I use humor to deal with my growing up years. My sisters husband is a non worker too.
I feel similarly. I grew up extremely poor. I never really learned how to budget until many years into adulthood. I budget now and am very good and stretching a dollar, but I panic when my car's gas tank goes below half. I also MUST have canned soup in the pantry, as if the money budgeted for food will suddenly disappear, and I'll make it through by watering down my canned soups. Childhood trauma: the gift that never stops giving.
100% agree with you about the printer thing, and it has evolved into an ink scam.
My cat is mesmerized by the whishing sounds of the trash being thrown away. I am mesmerized by the results and this man's humorous humanity.
I recently moved across country-not that the distance matters-and as a compulsive shopper I’ve been suffering the wrath of my illness. I thought I was cured because the recreational shopping stopped. But then…I had to reprovision my new place with food and staples. Yikes! I went to Dollar Tree to buy a broom and blessedly left with only the broom ( they sell the broom and the handle separately btw) and a pack of Thank You notes. My new neighbors are sooo nice. I was proud to have shown restraint but oddly sickened by my pride. Weird, I know. I appreciate your sane approach. Thank you. (This the only hand written note you’ll receive)
Yay! Congratulations! You have every reason to be proud of yourself! 🎉
You made a great step!
Take credit for the Wins, no matter how small.
Something that helps me with both staying uncluttered and not compulsively buying stuff, is a "one in, one out" policy. If I love a new dress and want to get it, I donate an old dress! It works well with books and stuff too!
In an effort to straighten out my things, I adopted the one in, one out policy, and was fairly successful. But then for some reason, I just failed. I couldn’t see it at the time. But now, I can look back and see the series of events I went through, and the results. I’ve had to confront the events and consequences. I’m gradually working to get back to that previous “one in, one out” strategy that had been so helpful.
This episode has struck home with me
I have struggled with compulsive spending all my adult life.
Thank you for highlighting this issue
Me too!
Same….thankfully I have had enough money to afford it. I grew up poor, wearing hand me downs
I love how you rearrange all the stuffed animals on the childrens beds. So sweet!❤
I love this too. Respect for the plushie pile/bed nest.
I 💯 agree, in fact I cried a little when I saw it!
Let’s hope he didn’t make a mistake like I did once putting the giraffe next to the dragon when they where fighting about something that went down at the pandas tea party.
I could never keep up on the practical Jerry Springer show level drama the stuffed animals were involved in.
I loved how he put the snake around all of them
That grandma is super awesome and it's wonderful that she is able to not only provide basic necessities for her grandkids, but to give out gifts and treat those kids really well. And it's also super awesome that you are cleaning for her and helping her to figure out how to regulate all of that. Great job!
Thank you for mentioning the mentality caused from being and/or growing up poor, especially over tipping wait staff. 💜 I still don’t know how to overcome programming buy I have slowly been making progress. 🥴👍
For anyone that may read this… with our oldest daughter (now in mid 20’s), we didn’t realize we created her to feel/be entitled. It took years to realize that we have to her so she’d not experience our childhood, regardless of our finances. We finally realized she had never actually gone without so she couldn’t grasp nor appreciate the receiving. Road to hell is absolutely paved with good intentions 🤪💜
Bless this Grandma & family!
I love your humor I love your videos, your kids are awesome!
I hate printers too, those heavy scum bucket paper hoarders! Lol
If you ever I mean ever come to Miami you must let me be your unpaid assistant for the day ❤️
And by the way thank you so much from here to infinity for not jamming my ears with crappy background music, I much rather hear the vacuum!
Yea, I don't like background music.
Yes! I hate background music!
I like chipmunk talk!
This grandmother is doing what grandmothers do for their grandkids good for her. You are one of the most compasionate guys I know. BTW I miss the motor noise you make when washing dishes. And your wifes channel is really good also. Good on you both.
Wait.. what is info for his wife's channel?
@@TheImperfectReader Emily MMC is the name of her channel.
@sharondipity I love your name (and I wish I knew how to make people’s names into hyperlinks!)
@@jimnelson9775 Thanks for your kind words! As for the hyperlink thing, I think how it works is when you type the @ symbol followed by the rest of the full name as displayed. Example: @sharondipity152
Include all the characters and start your comment with it, you should be good to go.
We both learned something new today. :)
It's very hard for a grandmother to not buy her grandchildren too many squishmellows.
Bless this grandma. You are moving like greased lightning son. Always happy when you drop your vids. Looking forward to your collaboration in Oct. Enjoy your Nashville trip.
Hi Mack, hope you have fun in Nashville, we are going in September.
Can't wait for the big cleaning.
Yes! This grandma. Couldn't help thinking about how exhausted she must be when her head hits the pillow every night, but she obviously loves her grandchildren so very much. Thank you, Mack, for spin-kicking all the mess but treating her grandchildren's stuffed animals with care and arranging them into an adorable pile of cute, as always.
I love how you move from a serious topic and normal monologue into completely crazy sarcasm 🥰
I adore the fact that the stuffed animals were placed so artistically on the child's bed. Super thoughtful and loving.
As someone who works in IT, I agree 100% with your take on printers. I hate them with a passion. Nothing gets my anxiety up like seeing a ticket come in with the word 'printer' in the subject.
Thank you for already commenting exactly what was in my head. 😂
We are in the process of getting our house ready to sell to move from a surburban area to a regional area. The house has been in our family since 1961 and has had several generations and large families through it, 13 years ago my Mum passed away and we never really touched any of her little collections. She had a collection of teddy bears, a collection of trolls, gnomes, dolls and knick knacks. We have slowly been going through everything and getting rid of the majority of it as we realised we don't want to move with everything that was in the house. And it was a lot of things and our house used to be an entertainer house so it was cram packed full of cultery, dinnerware sets and lots of extra things. But we have been going room by room, donating what we can and getting rid of what we can't and its a little sad but it also feels really good. As pretty much every surface in our house was covered in knick knacks and stuff so we are getting there. Your videos really do explain everything really nicely too.
What's a "regional" area? Do you mean you are moving to the country/rural area?
People are going to be so excited to get her collection pieces, that’s what I think would help me to focus on donating.
@@DVD927thats what I'm focusing on too :) :)
@@Castleknight correct but where I am its kinda country but not really so the outer parts are just called regional areas instead. I'm in Australia if that helps explain why I used that term.
@@kayjays7267 I wonder if that’s like the town I grew up in, long multi-mile streets lined with family homes on large lots with hundreds of acres of farmland, woods, and swamps behind them. Since when I left, the farm owners have all been selling off chunks of their farms to housing developers so it’s quickly become very suburbia.
I am trying to watch you objectively, but I am over here dying laughing from your humor! God bless you. You have a huge heart and a compassionate, caring attitude. You are helping me with my own clutter and bad habits! Thank you, you are appreciated! ❤
My daughter and I do cleaning. We love what we do. I actually enjoy cleaning a home that "really is in need" Nothing beats getting thru and looking around and knowing the owner is going to be so impressed when they get home. Accomplishment is a great motivation.
i love your before and after pictures at the end of your videos. you speak so plainly, and humorously to the problems i have had my entire life. thank you so much for your empathetic approach to the huge problem (wink, wink) of too much stuff!
I have ever compassion on this grandmother raising her 3 grandchildren. She deserves a special award!
Yes!!! So much admiration for this grandma!!;
Yes !
I love the before and after clips. Also, how are you able to get the client out of the house to get the job done?
Other than the satisfaction I get from the changes made in overall appearance, I love that you explain the difference between hoarding and other mental illnesses that contribute to clutter. This channel is a great way to normalize mental illnesses and their manifestations. It improves empathy and in my case, helps motivate me to get rid of my junk!
Came for the cleaning. Stayed for the commentary... and the looks, obviously. You are hilarious.
I knew what I’d been doing wasn’t hoarding because I have no trouble tossing stuff away but I still feel awful about it and start to wonder if I’m heading in that direction. This is the first video I’ve ever seen that made me feel better. My space is not messy to that extent but it’s the closest I’ve seen and I liked hearing my thoughts validated. I’m going to need to be the heartless cold person and get rid of the old homework. 😂
My issues stem from ADHD and possible POTS. I watch you clean and I know I can’t clean for more than 15 minutes before getting lightheaded and it feels kind of hopeless. I might save up and hire someone but I’m still in the just became not poor phase.
Good for you!!! I moved out of my home of 15 years ready to leave it all behind. I owed it to myself to really sort through my life and face my difficulties. I have made lists and really mapped out how I want my life and my apartment to look.
In sticking to that while trying to understand the power of “ no” and the freedoms that comes with making good decisions.
Keep up the good work!
Because he doesn’t criticize or belittle our struggles he inspires us instead. I wish he was closer to where I live. I’d hire him to keep me on task.
Old homework is something I’ve had a hard time getting rid of as well. I’m actually stalled in the process of scanning it all and shredding it. I don’t know if that’s better, since I should really just throw it out, but knowing I have some kind of a copy works for me. I started on it months ago, but I got distracted with something else and just haven’t picked it back up. Everything is sitting in a tote waiting to be scanned. And shredding is a really good method for getting rid of paper, because you can’t decide at the last second that you want to keep it since it’s been chewed up into little bits.
7:32 And I’m using a standalone flatbed scanner! Not one of those printer/scanner combos from the devil.
Having an image of something you want to keep is very helpful. I took photos of my kid's baby stuff that I was tempted to keep. I also am a compulsive buyer so I started taking a screenshot of things I'm wanting to buy, and usually after time passes I'm glad I didn't actually buy it. ☺️
OMG 😱 I know that I have some hoarding tendencies, but after this I realized I have a shopping problem. My friend told me I have a mail problem, for some reason I can't just open it up keep what I need to and trash the rest...nope I keep it all and go through it more than once🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
BTW...I love your content and how you don't judge but show us what we can do to help ourselves. Thank you.
I've had a truly HORRENDOUS day and boy, did I need this video! For a number of years I ran a plus size vintage and modern clothing store on Ebay. I loved the thrill of the hunt too much; my apartment was stuffed with boxes and bins! It got to where my merchandise was in every closet, the front hall, and the living room. One of the living room windows was blocked off. I'm not a hoarder, I was a compulsive buyer like your client. When I mentioned to a fellow vintage seller that I was thinking of getting a storage locked, she told me that every seller who did that forgot what was in the storage locker and kept buying! When I closed up the store I sold huge lots of clothing and gave away all kinds of stuff. I've missed hunting (and the $$) but it's great to have my apartment back!
"Flip-flip-flip stack & i would have been naked"😂,,,,I needed that laugh today. You have a great sense of humor and I absolutely love it. I especially enjoy witnessing your heart of g0ld for each individual person that you help. Tysm, for helping all these households that need you in their time of need. God bless you and your family.
I love this guy’s compassion & insight into everyone, even himself, as well as his openness about his life experiences.
This is really rewarding to watch because you're able to actually get rid of the clutter
Thank you for going over the difference between hoarding and compulsive spending!
You're my favorite channel, I love the bluntness. 😂 And the humor. Humour is very refreshing
You never talk about someone else unless you have walked in their shoes.
I think what you do is so wonderful you are truly one in a million.
I watch your channel all the time and I respect you so much for the person that
you are.
I was honestly NOT planning on doing as many chores nor did I think I was capable (woke with a wee dose of PMDD and trauma-involved anxt) ... then the algorithm led me to one of your videos and I clicked on that rather than a Prime movie ... the work I've done, lessons I've learned and laughs I've had!!! You are a GIFT, dude!!
You have the best balance of sick and twisted sense of humour, and empathy and tenderness of any UA-camr I know 😊😳😈😅
Out of all the "declutter with me" videos ive been watching (if i dont i will never go through all the junk i collect until its time to load the uhaul to move across the country) these are definitely the best. No background music no haul type segments that actually make it harder to get rid of stuff. But its time to get rid of everything i dont absolutely need.
I think there was a collective awwwwwwe each time their stuffed animals were arranged. To a child , that means everything. I think your client is amazing for taking on young grandchildren and being all in. Big hugs to her❤. Empathy should be the one thing we all can take away from your videos. You help lift weight off their backs and do so without any judgment. Instead you offer kindness and encouragement. Wouldn’t it be great if more of us could just follow your lead?
I love your channel. Its very therapeutic to listen too. I love that you're open about your autism and you are constantly displaying empathy for others.
Your are such a nice person. Thank you for helping these people. You change a lot. It's more than create a home new for the people.
I absolutely love your sense of humor and your empathy and understanding of other people. I wish there were more people like you in this world!!
It was by design that the media brainwashed us all to think we needed to be such consumers. I used to overspend, but have gotten better and go "window shopping" online and fill my cart and rarely ever buy things now. There are times in my life I was exactly like this woman. Exhausted and would throw around money to help with guilt of not being able to be home with my kids.
I have been decluttering pretty intensely for two years now, moved from one state to another, and yet when I watch your videos, I still go through my home and find things I get rid of. I had the hardest time with blankets and towels that were many years old, and finally, they are in the garage, ready to take to an animal rescue. Every time I do this, I feel lighter. I am not a minimalist, but had a houseful of “stuff” to get rid of when parents died. I will not do that to my children. China is gone. I use my wedding silverware for everyday, it goes into the dishwasher. Kitchen has empty drawers. When you say trash clothes and other things, I am sure some cringe, however, thrift stores trash things if they do not sell in a certain time span.
How you manage to work in 'conversational elbow of pain' into a monologue about empowerment instead of enabling while gently folding little ruffled clothes is hilarious. New subscriber here. Keep up the awesome work!
I can not believe how many clothes you folded let alone all those cables and chargers. I admire the work that you do. Keep it up, you help a lot of people move on with their lives.
What a wonderful things you do and to explain this person's issue helped me get in touch with mine. Everyone says it's hoarding. I just filled 3 dumpsters with stuff, basically everything I owned, but I believe after seeing this, it is definitely compulsive spending the high i get from buying things. I also grew up poor and can completely relate to what you said. Thank you. I can now address the problem and move forward.
I had to smile about all the toys you piled on that 1st bed. I babysat a little girl who would want so many toys to "sleep" next to her that she would have about 2" of the bed for herself! She was pretty much pressed against the wall. At least she could never fall out of bed!
I love love love your humor. I laughed so much listening to you talking when folding those clothes. 😂😂
I’ve really grown to absolutely love your videos. Your compassionate, kind and very informative. You are the only channel where I don’t fast forward through any part of the video. I’m too afraid to miss something you have said. Your humor is addictive and right up my alley! I can’t help financially, so I will help any other way I can. I’m subscribed and always like your videos that I’ve watched! Keep up the great work and let’s get that golden plaque!
You are such a logical and kind person. Your way of cutting through bullshit to the heart of the matter and doing so with empathy is top tier. Thank you for treating people with mental illness like people and calling out the ones who don't.
Also, your mentality on your clients compulsion to tip is beautiful. I've considered re-entering the service industry and I'll keep this in mind if ever I receive an unusually large tip.
The amount of hangers and wires for electronics is crazy also. Good for grandma! The first step is always the hardest. BTW Frankie Buttboobs is my new favorite name! 😂😂
Your analogy on spending too much at Christmas or over tipping at a restaurant or that habit of feeling like your need to over tip was spot on. Now that I’m retired and my husband and I are debt-free, we are now more frugal than ever. Making ends meet is no longer a issue but that feeling of “needing to be generous” is very limited. Once again…fabulous job on getting these folks on the right track. Greetings from sunny California
I love your commentary. You make me laugh and smile through every video. Thank you.
What you said about people who don't have empathy to even get the slightest understanding about other's problems, or who create an evalation system for other's problems (about them being douchebags...around 36:43) was EXACTLY what I needed to hear today. I'm really struggling with PTSD, ADHD, and horrible, horrible depression right now and I so appreciate these videos, which are helping me cope, and for what you said. Thanks so much for the validation and for your compassion.
I hope you are hanging in there. You do what you can do. That is your best. Just do what you can.
You’re so genuine, compassionate, funny and wise. I’m enjoying learning from you. Carry on!
As always, your ability to organize, clean and make us smile, never ceases to amaze me. Thank you!!
The homeowner seems like such a kindhearted and generous person. I loved her tie dyed bedding/blankets. Oh, and the way you organized the stuffed animals was super adorable.
Have a wonderful trip!! I hope you all get a chance to rest, relax and have copious amounts of fun!! 😊
It is going to be great to watch you all cleaning together. Things just collect one piece at a time. Really, people shouldn’t store things in the basement. Flooding is becoming to common today with the way rains have been coming down, hard and fast. I used to watch a show with Niecy Nash where her crew would remove stuff and clean up the house and have a yard sale. Basements were always musty and damp.
"Clean House" was the best!
I need you! We've taken in 2 additional children (our grandbabies) and their things, on top of our already existing clutter and I'm so overwhelmed I don't even know where to start. I started watching these in the hopes of getting the motivation, but honestly I can't physically do it.
and you just said this is a grandmother with custody of her grands
I love how you are always so respectful to those you help in such meaningful ways. Well done you. 🇬🇧
Thank you for explaining about the kids….i was wondering why (and it’s obvious) that the kids are creating so much of the mess. Plus it also seemed like the children were/are overindulged. Now that you’ve explained that this is a grandmother who has the responsibility for three kids with three different issues….well now it all makes sense!!!
I’ve worked directly with kids with physical handicaps, ADHD, fetal alcohol, ADD, on the spectrum, learning disabilities, etc and each and everyone of these kids is so precious and unique…little bundles of energy and love…and each an incredible means of learning about selflessness and humanity in general.
Thank you for teaching me to be patient in your explanations ~~ Love your channel!!
My mom was a compulsive spender God rest her soul, she had a hard time letting go of things most of the time but then other times she'd get into moods where she wanted to get rid of so much. Now we are tasked with clearing out the extra stuff but in a way selling some of it has gifted my husband and I cash we can use for our future, which I feel like is her gift to us!
Ive been going through a very hard battle in my home life lately, and i have extreme anxiety and panic attacks. I also believe im undiagnosed autistic at 39 years old. Coming to your channel helps to center me when the outside world is too loud. I love cleaning and organization and clean vacation homes for a living while raising 3 kids. Thank you for your awesome content, but more importantly for your voiceovers which often give me great insight and also make me feel seen and heard. I plan to become a member ❤ would love to support your channel
I'm so excited for the collab with Barbie! I can't wait to see it. Sounds like it's going to be EPIC! 👊👊👊
Omw now to check out the reuploads with new voice-overs. Keep up the good work and thank you for creating such quality content for us ❤
The house looks great. Thank you for helping her and the kids.😊😊
This grandmother is showering her grandchildren with love and attention in a way that makes emotional sense to her. Nobody gets through this world unscathed, we all have wounds. We could all do a lot worse in how we deal with them.
I ❤ your sense of humor!!! This is my 2nd video & i am cleaning my kitchen as i am watching you do your process. Thank you!!!