Stress number one cause of all illness, metabolic disorders, mental illness, etc. Sleep most important medicine, then whole food. Sadly more people are emotionally and mentally dysregulated than ever and they cause the people around them tremendous stress. Borderline personality disorders, etc. We live in very challenging times, the Bible calls it "end times". No question managing our stress now is number one priority for our health.
Such a great podcast. It’s great that they get right into it!
Glad to hear you're enjoying it!
amazing! Look forward to the next installment! :) x
Coming soon!
Stress number one cause of all illness, metabolic disorders, mental illness, etc. Sleep most important medicine, then whole food. Sadly more people are emotionally and mentally dysregulated than ever and they cause the people around them tremendous stress. Borderline personality disorders, etc. We live in very challenging times, the Bible calls it "end times". No question managing our stress now is number one priority for our health.