As I mentioned Os Iusti by Anton Bruckner, here is a link to this heavenly piece: Click it and thank me later. And here the text of the reflection for those who want to run it through deepl for translation: So far in these reflections we have looked at religion as a virtue connected to justice. We have seen its concreteness and its truth claims giving shape to interior and exterior acts of worship - corresponding to our nature as rational, emotional and physical beings. And I have suggested in the last episode that the social dimension of our nature makes religion not a mere private phenomenon but one that - being social - builds societies, cultures, institutions and shapes civil life. Organized religion, in its different forms, is not an accident or a corruption but the natural development of what it means to be human and to hold that some God or gods exist. In contrast spirituality in the sense of how the term is often used these days - and I use it here - was less defined, more focused on the self, was not viewed as a debt and for that reason did not typically have actual worship or a clear social expression. Its core is individualistic. I happen to think that these things are deficits, but especially the last point is maybe the most attractive feature of mere spirituality. The modern western world is defined by individualism and we relish it. It may have a dark side, as the philosopher Hanna Arendt explores in her most famous work. For ironically when the individual is fragmented, deconstructed and isolated enough, to the point of being purely individual - that is alone - it may become susceptible to the worst forms of totalitarianism. But Individualism not only has this danger. It has also strengths. And individualistic spirituality can play to them. For the proponent of modern spirituality there are no embarrassing past deeds by other adherents, for example; deeds that are re-evaluated later, defy justification or stand as permanent shame. There is no church history. No religious history. There is no history. For as an individualistic project it is so limited as to be almost a-historical. But more importantly the individualism of modern spirituality removes not only the people of the past but also the people of the present. You stand alone. You are, as it were, your own church. And when you look at physical or spiritual abuse that can happen wherever there is a multitude, then, no doubt one can see the attraction and value of being and remaining solitary. As much as I can understand and even sympathize with this position, I still find it unfeasible. Why? Because we are not isolated individuals. We are on account of our social nature not meant to be alone. For a while we can survive. But we can't thrive. If we really want to be self sufficient, then the cave is our lot. Not the log cabin. For to build a log cabin you need an ax. And if you are not digging for iron, discovering fire and inventing smelting yourself, you are indeed standing on the shoulders of others and are not self-sufficient. Much less so, if you are watching this on youtube which is made possible only by a whole host of people having opted for cooperation rather than isolation, for innovation - but also the whole messy affair of setting up businesses, market analysis, competing, out-competing others, and probably bribing, inside dealing, and a whole host of other unethical behaviors that all together have put youtube in front of us right now. Together we are capable of great things - much greater things than if we were alone. But most - if not all of these things - will also be in some way tainted by our weaknesses and failures. When you choose radical individualism you may prevent some evil, but you also forego much good. You never start building the west facade of the cathedral of Reims. You ban into an eternal silence the polyphony of Anton Bruckner's Os Iusti. Isolating yourself is often a response to hurt. It is very understandable. But it is no path to human flourishing. Yes, if you withdraw, you will not be harmed by flawed people. But you will also not know the joy of friends. If you open yourself to others you will be disappointed, you will experience pain, but you will also have the chance to taste goodness and love. That is the human experience and its fragility. If you concede this, I think, you can concede the value of organized religion. If it goes wrong religion, like anything else, is worse than what any individual could inflict on the world. If gone right it is greater than what any individual can achieve. It does not make any of the religions true, of course. That is not the argument here. My point is that individual spirituality may not so much be a solution to a problem, but the often quite understandable refusal to face it. I know this from my own life as readers of “Following Columban” will have discovered in the first chapter. So isolation is not the way. It does not correspond to our human nature. It does not solve the problem, or fight it, but merely avoids it. Now if for better or worse we are stuck with human institutions and thus human failing, how do we best proceed? I would say that we can both examine the structure of these institutions and we can examine ourselves. I will share some thoughts regarding the first here and regarding the second in next weeks episode. Concerning structure I will turn to Christianity for illustrative purposes. Why? Because its organizational forms will probably be the most familiar to this audience and because the spectrum is wide enough to allow for a range of considerations. It will also allow me in the next and final episode to conclude with thoughts that pertain to particular problems of my Catholic faith and how I, being a priest, approach them. But that said, overall I think most of what follows will also be applicable to other organized religions even if the details are different. [continued below in the comment]
[reflection continued] Alright. There appear to be 4 main types of organizational models which we find in Christianity. The first is the congregational model seen, for example, in baptist congregations. It has for the most part a democratic structure in which all members have an equal say. The Community decides. The second is the presbyterial system, which has also a democratic bend but one that is less direct. In the presbyterial system the members elect elders and these elders then lead the congregation by exercising legitimate authority conferred to them by their congregations. Most of the movements that have their origins in the Swiss brand of reformation have such a structure. The third is the episcopal system. In the episcopal system the leaders may be elected, as is the case in the US-Episcopalian Church, or designated top down as in Anglicanism and most other cases. The Eastern Orthodox also follow an episcopal system. There, for historic reasons, churches typically followed the borders of nations and showed a greater ethnic unity and being linked closely to the secular rulers of those realms. Consequently there is a Russian Orthodox Church, a Romanian Orthodox Church or a Serbian Orthodox Church. These autocephalus churches - meaning Churches having their own head - govern themselves. They can act in unity through tradition, church councils and synods. Or be separated from each other through schisms and excommunication. The fourth model is that of the Catholic Church. I say Catholic Church and not Roman Catholic Church, because unbeknownst to many in the West the Catholic Church with its pope actually consists of 24 Churches, of which the Roman Church is only one - albeit the largest. There are the various Byzantine Catholic churches, the Chaldean, Melkite or Marionite Catholic Christians - to name a few. They all have their own rites, traditions and customs, even married clergy, but they accept the pope as the head of the One Catholic Church. And that universal jurisdiction of the pope, and, as I should say: his very limited power, often misunderstood by critics but perceived by Catholics as in service of the unity of all these Churches, is what differentiates the catholic episcopal system from the other episcopal systems mentioned. More could be said. But not here. Now, I imagine the sympathy of many secular people today will lie with the more democratic structures. Modern democracy is the fruit of limiting power. In that enterprise the separation of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government has an important function. In the realm of human affairs democratic decisions through consensus or compromise are not only a valid but valuable approach. All can contribute from their own experience. But the obvious problem of any democratic model arises when its concerns are not practical affairs but truth. Truths cannot be established by a vote. Think of any truth-claim of science or religion. I'm not suggesting that science and religion are the same. I'm only saying that either of their claims are such that they cannot be determined by a vote. Truth is not about numbers. And that is a chief difficulty that a democratic model of organized religion has to face Protestant communities try to overcome this difficulty by one of two ways. They either propose that the source of their religion, namely the bible, is so clear that it cannot be misunderstood. Or they say that every true believer has the Spirit as a guarantee that will not let him err - at least in anything important. This sound fair and good, but does it bear out in history? Well, the reformers could not agree on so fundamental a question as baptism or the Eucharist by consulting “the bible alone”. Lutherans soon persecuted deviant views such the Anabaptists. And later sects splitting from Protestantism would use the same bible to deny the Trinity, Sunday-worship and a host of other things. The supposed clarity and sufficiency of Scripture proved a practical illusion as soon as two people put their heads together for long enough. What is worse: all claimed the Spirit as the infallible witness for their interpretations. In a way the reformation had abolished one pope and set up a thousand in his stead. The myriad of Christian denominations that are split among themselves are the tragic legacy of a project that doubtlessly had set out to counter the very human failings that were visible in many members of the Catholic Church. The old apostolic churches with an episcopal order - though they may at times also suffer from disunity - and a disunity in some cases that goes back much longer - interestingly display a much greater unity in doctrine. Some of their splits are indeed mostly over the understanding of words that have since found some resolution through dialogue. Why is that? The old apostolic churches also reference Scripture and the Holy Spirit, but there is something else. Their reading is not individualistic, but always occurs in the context of the very community that handed on this text; a community which in fact predates the biblical texts. What gives them greater cohesion is the element of tradition. For Christ, as they would point out, had not written a book to pass on his message but had founded a living community, the Church. He had even given it a structure by selecting 12 out of the many that followed him. And those 12 had maintained this structure after Christ's resurrection when they replaced Judas with one man, Mathias though they had two worthy candidates. They also laid hands on 7 and not 6 or 8 men for the special office of deacons in the Church. Catholics would of course also point to the very special role of Peter in the gospels and the early Church, saying that the office of Peter was not only important at the time of the apostles but continues to be so today. His office, Catholics argue, is part of the structure instituted by Christ. For Episcopal systems by themselves without a unifying arbiter - especially when bound up in regional interests - may be quick to disintegrate as it happens not infrequently among the Orthodox who are for example currently in schism with each other on account of the question of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Further, reliance on tradition as the only arbiter, makes for slow responses to solve new emerging questions. The whole and rapidly evolving area of bioethics unlike in the Catholic Church has not found a consensus in the East leading to the failure to address vital issues. For much like at the council of Jerusalem, related in the book of Acts, chapter 15, there was a lot of discussion on an important point until Peter spoke his mind. And then the question was settled. No more discussion, only the working out of details. Tradition - as important as it seems to me - also has an Achilles heel when left to its own devices and when no clear final voice can sort between the essential and the human element. The Russian Church for example split over minute details in the 17th century, when believers saw tiny changes to hand gestures and the spelling of the name of Christ as the falling away from the true Church. These Old believers, persecuted by the rest of the Orthodox, soon were left without priesthood and sacraments living in apocalyptic visions that never materialized. While hierarchical systems of different stripes thus have clear benefits, they also have downsides. The episcopal and even more so the catholic papal system, are more prone to suffer from power hungry people, careerism, cronyism and abuse of power. All of these things, to be clear, can exist in some form also in congregational or presbyteral churches. Think not least of dubious Pentecostal leaders and prosperity gospel megachurches. But there is not only more opportunity in hierarchical systems, but they also often promote the wrong people, lick-spittles and ambitious men who seek power and prestige; men who have learned how to go undetected and play the game. Regarding the political order Churchill is often - and by the way falsely - quoted to have said: democracy is a horrible form of government, except that it is better than anything else we have tried. I'm inclined to say something similar for Christianity: the episcopal hierarchy with the pope is a really bad and risky system, except that the others are worse. I obviously have a horse in the race and you might bet on another. We will have more reasons for that, than could be discussed here. If you are interested in some of mine I recommend the book Pope Peter by Joe Heshmeyer. I think it is a fine accessible introduction to the lay reader wanting to understand a catholic reading of the relevant Scripture passages drawing on their original Jewish context. So I end up holding the catholic position, because I think it true. Meaning that I hold that it was instituted by Christ - not because it was perfect and without flaw, but because even in its very evident imperfection, it still could accomplish a very important good. But given that I myself have called the episcopal system - even more so with the pope - prone to the particular ill of power and its abuse I think I owe you all an attempt to explain how I navigate this danger and what I suggest to mitigate the risk that this poses to all believers. I will try to answer this in the next and final episode of the current series.
@@donjojohannes Really enjoy these theological reflections. Your views are reflective and philosophical in origin. I respect that and hope you will continue these teachings in the future. All the best !
Thank you Johannes for this beautiful episode. I loved seeing you and Martijn dining and just talking. Your scenes are like magnificent paintings. And I so appreciate your thoughts on religion vs. spirituality. And a solitary life vs together, fear vs love. Thank you for my Saturday visual and thoughtful feast. You and Martijn are my favorite people on You Tube. Be well, be safe. 💜🙏❄️
It was a treat to see you with Ben Fogel last night and a guest appearance by Martijn too ! I hope the exposure will bring more people to your channel to benefit from your example and teachings.
for those not in UK here's a teaser trailer from Channel5's UA-cam channel for _Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild_ p.s. Brits call our brown vinegar *malted* as used for pickled onions, it is cured with spices and malt sugars (hence brown colour) for less astringent more mellow flavor
Malt vinegar is the one served in our fish and chip shops..only really good on fish and chips to be honest, it's a bit brutal for anything else!😆 Although some frugal housewives do put a dash of vinegar in their bucket of water when cleaning helps with dirt and grease accumulation, not that grease will be a problem in your mountain air.
As always - deeply truthful and beautifully explained insights into religion and spirituality. I strongly believe that true spirituality must be rooted in sacraments of which the Eucharist - true Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ is the very Essence & Summit of our existence. THANK YOU, Father Johannes!
Hello Father. Saw you on the Ben Fogle programme yesterday and looked you up and found you here today. Wonderful life you live. The vinegar you require is Malt Vinegar and as we say here in UK it is "cheap as chips". Best wishes to you.
Father Johannes, thank you for another series of reflections. You have raised, broadened my understanding of religion. I am grateful for your teachings. So good to see Martijn in for a visit. God bless you and your ministry. James from Tennessee, USA
Thank you, dear Father Johan, for your warm conversations. I constantly write down some of your thoughts so that I can reflect on them myself. And today is a real discovery for me. I was always surprised how Catholics do not see how much better Orthodoxy is. But now I can see another point of view.
Johannes, God Bless you! Thank you for another soul relaxing episode, lovely to see both you and Martijn enjoying the solitude, a good meal and the company in such a most beautiful area of Italy. 🙏😇
Found the Channel 5 listing: "Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild - Ben meets Father Johannes, who lives an isolated life while fulfilling duties as a priest." 21st Jan 9pm. It might also be available to watch on their website after the scheduled screening. Greetings from Oxford, UK.
Farther I am such a fan of you and your achievements! I am from the UK currently watching you on Ben Fogle! It’s an excellent insight of your life! I am 33 year old catholic with a heart for Christ our lord i have brought a house to restore in Puglia Italy and feel I can relate to you in your blessings! May GOD continue blessing you! Much love father ❤✝️
What a masterful take on spirituality and religions within and outside the Catholic Church, such an honest approach, I am learning so much from your reflections. Perhaps you will consider writing a little pamphlet for reading and rereading on all these episodes. Blessings
Grazie per tutto quello che Lei fa e offre a chi la segue attraverso questi video. Oggi mi sono divertita a sentire Lei e Martijn chiacchierare a proposito delle vostre interazioni con l’ambiente valligiano. Nel vostro interlocquio le espressioni in italiano sembravano provenire dal vostro appartenere a quelle montagne. Vivo all’estero e ogni settimana vi guardò con affetto anche perché avete scelto di vivere nella mia cara patria.
absolutely. The one that arrived the next day was artisan malt vinegar brewed aged and bottled at the Old Nuclear Bunker in Coverack, Cornwall :-) Fitting, as I had an excellent time in Cornwall and a lot of chips (and some pasties)
Thank you for the time you take putting together these videos, especially the reflections, which I listen to, then read. The Ben Fogle programme was excellent, a great introduction to your work and your faith.
A very enjoyable and interesting video Johannes. Your knowledge on Religion and the way you convey it through your videos is very captivating and moving. Thank you and God bless.
Hi Johannes, 😊 Happy Blessed Saturday!!✝ Wonderful to have Martijn ...Over for Dinner & Discuss the Shingles!! ❤ Drone Shots of the Sky Being Unique & Snow on the Mountains Gorgeous!! Making Homemade Shelves is So Much Better & a Beautiful Job!! Watering & Cleaning Windows, So Very Clean!! Close Reflection : Religion & Spirituality... Always Great to Hear!!❤ I Believe Isolation is Not Good, Because My Dad Stop Communicating with the World & Got Dementia & Loss Contact, & Later Died !! Having Friends & Communicating is a Good Thing!! Take Care & have a Blessed Weekend, Johannes!! ❤✝ Love Barb from Central Illinois USA❣ I Will Share Your Video to Facebook/Newsfeed
Dear Johannes, Thank you for your wonderful videos, which my wife and I watch eagerly each week. We both enjoy your reflections but gain different perspectives from them she does not believe in Jesus Christ, and I do. So, whilst we both enjoy your reflections, discussion is limited. As an Evangelical Anglican, I find your Catholic perspective challenging. We, of, course trace our roots through Luther to Cranmer, but for Evangelical Christians. John Westley provides a beacon for us. The notion of Grace through Faith enabled by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is paramount. I am sure none of this is a surprise to you. I was interested in your comments on church governance, particularly your comments on Peter, and the role of the Holy Spirit. I note disagreement between Peter and Paul at times. Protestants tend to be Pauline in interpretation. The value of belonging to the Anglican congregation, for me, is being a part of a communion of saints which has been faithful for over 2000 years. In addition, I find solace in the Anglican liturgy. The words have meaning and because I have used them all my life, they serve to sustain my faith in times of trial or when I am tempted to stray from the Gospel. it also gives me a language that I can use with brothers and sisters in Christ which instantly has a shared meaning. The authority of the church hierarchy holds very little value for me, partly due to my rejection of the Catholic model with Papal authority. I would want to test everything I hear against the Gospel in prayer, trusting the Holy Spirit to guide me. The failure of reliance on Bishop or Pope is that no human is infallible. I note the Falklands War where Argentina claimed that a statement by a long dead Pope had authority in the modern world. Not a good idea in my world view. I look forward to seeing how you negotiate your Christian life in the Roman Catholic context. You are a man of great faith, and I am sure there will be lessons for me in your next episode. Warm regards, David
Very insightful, thank you. Malt vinegar is delicious on french fries (chips) but i have never used it on anything else, so buy small to see if that was the vinegar you were thinking of. It is produced from the same grains as beer.
Growing up in the New England area, at the tip of what is known as Cape Cod, the mainstay of the people are Portugese as well as French. When attending High School there I worked as a waitress. On all our tables was a bottle of Tarragon Vinegar of which we had the option to put on our fish and/or chips (french fries). Tarragon is known as the 'king of herbs' in France and is used in a lot of french cooking. It has become apparent to me that it was special ordered back in the day. It might be easier to acquire where you are.
Just watched the Ben Fogle episode. Really, really good, I hope it helps you reach more people with your mission. It certainly helped give context to what you’re doing and why…alongside your monologues in each UA-cam episode it’s helping to join the dots. Or at the very least recognise that there are actually dots to be joined out there. Also good to see Martijn make a guest appearance too 😆
Der Anfang hat mir besonders gut gefallen, die gemütliche Stube, ein gutes Gespräch zwischen 2 Personen, die sich gut verstehen. Was will man eigentlich mehr. Danke für die wundervollen Videos!
Friend! Please wear safety glasses while using your power tools! God bless you Johannes! Your words and beautiful videos bring peace to my heart! (the lack of eye protection brings me anxiety)
Blessings and peace to you Father Johannes. I too have just finished watching the Ben Fogle programme about you and your life. I found it to be very uplifting and spiritual. In it I think you mentioned that you have written diaries about your travels and life, am I correct? If so, are they in print in English and would you be kind enough to let me know their titles? I would love to read about your pilgrimmages. Thank you. 😊
Grazie padre Johannes per questo nuovo, piacevolissimo episodio. Aspetto di sentire le tue prossime riflessioni sulla Chiesa Cattolica, alla quale appartengo, con un po' di dispiacere perché sarà l'ultima puntata...di questa serie. 🤗
Your reflections are so thoughtful and inspiring. Would you ever consider posting your regular homilies? I don’t know you preach to a congregation, and if so, in which language. Regardless, I imagine your homilies would be very interesting!
I enjoy the quiet times in the mountains seeing the small progressions. I have ordered your book "Following Columban". I always wanted to do the Camino, but alas, it has not happened. So I hope to get the flavor from your extensive treks! (Perhaps list some links to your books for people to find more easily!)
Perhaps the low volume in your outdoor work is intentional, or an accident. I used to watch my father work in his wood shop, and the loudness of it was part of the overall picture of the moment. I hope to hear those outdoor sounds in your videos soon. Thank you for sharing your projects and thoughts with us in your journeys!
When you’re alone in your place, how do you avoid the buildup of time on your computer or phone? It’s a major temptation and, to be honest, addiction for me. Do you have set boundaries for yourself?
Thank you for addressing some of the issues I raised. If I understand your position correctly, you are saying that humans are by definition social beings. As such, we require a social contract for cooperation, collaboration and meaning. Even absent any god/gods, the best social "technology" for this is established religion with history, structure and institutions. I don't necessarily disagree with this even though it's not my own personal inclination. (I'm neither religious nor spiritual, but am deeply active and participatory in community activities and support). I think my fundamental block is that acquiring certification as a religious spiritual leader, whether Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, etc., does not magically bestow personal, social or psychological wisdom that contributes to the well being of congregants or the world at large. Once one groks the reality that is the moral frailty and venality of humans, allowing oneself to be told or coerced into behaviors under threat of divine punishment via the vessel of a vastly imperfect religious leader, can and all too often leads to great harm. But that's also the case for anyone in positions of coercive power throughout society. In a bit of irony, religion is no better or worse IMO. I will avoid the discussion of truth claims, as we will not see eye to eye on that topic. Thanks again and I look forward to your next episode 🙏
But if that religious leader is true to the doctrines of the church, then the chances of a good outcome are greater than a bunch of individuals running around (I'm looking at western individuality, and its now obvious totalitarian structures)
Hi @elbowspeak, I agree with your comment. Having just watched this latest episode from Johannes, on the same day I listened to a recent episode of the The Great Simplification by Nate Hagens talking to John Veraeke in which many of the same concepts came up - particularly to do with humans as social beings. It's here on UA-cam or as a podcast and is worth a listen.
Hi Johannes, Thank you for this series. Off topic, but being reminded of your art skills during the reflection, I wondered who drew your UA-cam channel profile picture?
Well, that's interesting timing. Johannes, i was going to contact you about how to lead a more individual religious life without society. But you answered my question, without me asking it? How did you know?
You have just reached out to millions with the assistance of the World Wide Web and your words will reach a potential audience of the same, but today I wants to explain to you that this morning, I have hosted an event. I have invited only a handful of people I care about to attend my event which is essentially about the common currency that we all can use, the unchanging value of True Light. The event is scheduled at a few hours before the President of the United States inauguration after which the currency everyone uses on a daily basis will overwhelm True Light. I have invited the God of Eden to speak at my event while he still has breath in his body. The Garden is his and Mammon is about to defeat him.
Thank you for your videos, enjoyable and very thought provoking. You are a truly a remarkable man. I must point out though that in your discussion of the different sects of Christianity you did not mention the subjugation and dismissal of women in the Catholic and Orthodox sects. I find these attitudes towards women to be the antithesis of what Christianity should be. In my many decades of life I have witnessed that women are often the better leaders, more sensible decision makers, more intuitive, and far more empathetic and intelligent than their male counterparts. Why should they not lead and preach in those congregations, other than because of misogynist tradition? Maybe in your beautiful isolated world you have not thought about this, or perhaps it is not important to you. But I hope you do think about it. And I pray for change.
Dear Abbey, thank you for raising your concern. This series is about a particular question relating to spirituality and religion and does not discuss a host of things. This episode looks at organizational models, not who specifically is best qualified to do the leading. You might still think it relevant seeing as you bring up questions of leadership competence and in fact credit women with the higher qualifications (sensible, intuitive, empathetic, intelligent). These are bold claims if I look at the record of female politicians all over the world and I will leave it to others to argue over Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi, Sirimavo Bandaranaike, Angela Merkel, Giorgia Meloni, Aung San Suu Kyi or Jacinda Ardern. Depending on where you stand politically you might have a lot of good or bad to say about any of them. I tend to be a bit more egalitarian here, looking for qualities in a particular person, rather than an average distribution across a gender. For one, your list of qualities is surely not exhaustive. There are qualities, I dare say, in which men on average shine. If you should have difficulty in finding any at the top of your head, I'm not charging you with misandry but I invite you to give it more thought: what does our world look like behind thin facades. For they say civilization is only ever 3 full meals from collapse. Secondly, for better or worse, it is usually a particular quality (and not any in your list) in both men and women that will make them seek leadership rather than just being fit for it. All of this is interesting, I think, but of course your point was more directed at religious leadership. I agree and lament that misogyny (and misandry) are real - in churches and in the world. But your diagnosis surprises me when directed particularly at Catholics and Orthodox with such confidence. My surprise will doubtlessly surprise you in turn. The case you lay out seems so clear. But here is where I see it falter: Misogyny is contempt for women. Now if anyone places a woman above all saintly human heroes, it is the Catholic and Orthodox, by the place they assign to Mary. In fact they place her above the angels. No mere human, not any man, has any such exulted place. But the misogyny seems strange throughout when you think of all the other saints be they virgins, mothers, widows, nuns, mystics that are venerated by Catholics and Orthodox and are thus said to better than virtually all men alive. Then you have Jean d'Arc leading men in battle or Catherine of Siena telling off the pope - and being celebrated for it. Catholics rallied around Mary Tudor (yet another female leader that you might judge quite differently going through your list of female excellence). In fact Catholics and Orthodox including their hierarchies seem to have taken little issue with women as leaders of states. There were after all catholic queens and empresses such as Theodora long before there were catholic prime ministers of any gender. And indeed in the Church itself abbesses often wielded territorial power. Google Fontevraud Abbey and you'll even have an example of how an abbess ruled over an order of men. Whatever all of that is, it is not a contempt for women; it is not your charge of misogyny. But then, you may ask, why is this not reflected in their roles as female bishops, priests and deacons? Because, so I would argue, you misunderstand what these are. It is a fair misunderstanding. And it does not even have to result from a marxist or marxist-feminist view of the world in which all human relations are re-read (and distorted) as a power struggle. It may be a simple misunderstanding from a protestant background in which ministers are but leaders of the religious community. Under this view I hold it perfectly logical to have women as ministers. But here is where the misunderstanding lies: the priesthood in the old apostolic Christian Churches, such as Catholics and Orthodox is sacramental - meaning it belongs to the order of a sign. The priest sacramentally represents Christ in the liturgical function (with Christ Himself being the actual acting person) while the Church as a whole represents the Bride of Christ (and is typified by Mary). You can't change that bridal symbolism (which comes from Judaism) without changing the nature of what you do liturgically. You might think it fancy to switch genders in role plays and it can be interesting for effect. You might think it great to see a play in which Napoleon was a woman. You might get excited to go to a theater in which Hitler was female. Its novel and thus exciting, I guess. But it is no way to tell a story without altering it - and liturgy which looks at a historical event (Christ's death on the cross) has no liberty to do so. That is the short of it and I realize that it is little to make a full case. But I hope at least you can see that misogyny - while real in people inhabiting the Church and the World in any age - is not in fact where you think to see it.
@@donjojohannes Thank you for your reply. I am of Armenian ancestry on my father's side. My Uncle was the Archbishop of Bagdad in the 1920-30, and later the Archbishop of Jerusalem in the 1940s-1950s. My father was an atheist, but had me baptized as a baby, just in case. Many millions were spent by the Armenian community (really just one very wealthy man) in the city where I now live, they hired a fancy architect, and with the input of our young priest, they built a new church. I might add that my first name, Gayane, is also the name of one of the earliest and most important saints in the Armenian church. I attended an introduction to the new sanctuary, listened to the priest point out and define the iconography on the walls. There appeared to be no Mary, Gayane or any other women saints on the walls. Gayane and her companion nuns were responsible for the conversion of the pagan Armenian king in the early 300s AD, and the adoption of Christianity as the national religion of Armenia at that time. The pagan king converted to Christianity after he had brutally murdered Gayane and her companion nuns. He demanded they join his harem and they declined because they were "married" to Christ. These women were majorly important, strong and valiant figures. I raised my hand and asked why they were absent. There were many male figures on the walls. He replied that they were there but delegated to a tiny unseen nook in the church. Typical! I don't think any women would want to be seen as a Napoleon or Hitler, ruthless disastrous failed leaders, most likely suffering from severe mental/personality disorders, and responsible for countless deaths and misery. Like the Catholic Church, you might argue Hitler and Napoleon had great organizations, they adhered to their own bizarre rules and ideologies, marched around in their fancy uniforms, lived in splendor while their own people suffered. but does this matter when the outcome of their organizations wrought evil and great suffering, and death for millions? I don't understand the concept of God or Jesus as a father figure. Our bodies are assigned a gender sometime between conception and gestation (not a scientist) but do you really think genders are sustained after death? Gender is for reproduction. Not needed in the afterlife. God is everywhere and everything and is not bonded into a gender, neither does he prefer one gender over the other. That is a mired earthling concept. I know you will majorly balk at this and forgive me for making you feel disgust, but I believe the minutia of the liturgy, and the parading around in robes is a distraction. God is staring us in the face all the time, we just need to be still and see God before of us. I think Jesus would be more pleased if we emulated him rather than worship him. I understand idol worship has been present within humans for millions of years and is ingrained within our psyches. When one lives in a major metropolitan American city, and you see the heinous crimes committed everyday (and yes, definitely the vast majority perpetrated by men), the senseless murders, rapes, lives ruined and lives left in tatters, the people killed and maimed by drunk men drivers, one sees the flaws in our religions.
Sorry, only a question: Does anyone know the title of the piano piece from min. 0 to min. 1? Apologize, that my "comment" is a only music related question. Thank you.
I have a question for you Father, "I am Catholic and that is why I call you father" Why don't you inform your friend Martin that if he comes to the house of a Catholic Priest and sits at the table to eat a meal without taking off his head cover so that he knows that it is not polite and disrespectful to the host. Because I notice that you feel comfortable with each other, a little education will not hurt him. I watch his UA-cam Channel and see that he is a cultural man but has these deficiencies in his upbringing. Please accept my wishes that God will bless you in your pastoral work
I'll be in the Stuttgart Theaterhaus on December 8th (with the Jerusalem pilgrimage presentation). It's with these guys: It's not in their program yet, because the "speaking event season" runs from October to March
Ich freu mich schon auf den Vortrag in Graz. Ich hoffe, dass wir dort ein paar Worte wechseln können und dass auch das Buch vom Columban im Gepäck ist. Lg
Imho, Details don't matter in major religions. As a Muslim, I believe my Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters will also go to heaven if they follow God's path. Just don't fall to evil, they're is enough room in God's heaven❤ love to you all.
Padre so di non essere una maggioranza tra i tuoi ascoltatori, ma mi piacerebbe ascoltare o leggere qualche sottotilo in italiano. Buona serata e grazie Giuseppe
ciao. Ci sono i sottotitoli automatici che servono per spiegazioni brevi, ma non sono molto buono per i discorsi lunghi. Per leggere il testo della riflessione in Italiano c'è sempre la possibilità di coppiare il testo nel primo commento e far la traduzione su
@donjojohannes Grazie sono sempre piacevolmente colpito dai tuoi video dalle immagini meravigliose che ci doni. Invidio un po' il tuo saper fare mille cose e la bellezza dei luoghi dove vivi... Se poi aprirai un punto di accoglienza per pellegrini magari un salto lo faccio... Il Signore Gesù Ti Benedica....
dear donjojohannes thankyou... i wonder where groups such as plymouth brethren, amish and menonites fit into christianity... could you explain anything of this please?... i send you my love ... xxc
the Amish have a congregational/presbyterial system (with "bishops" but not in the sense of the old apostolic churches) in which they vote for elders (with some element of "chance" or "the hand of God"). Their authority is very strong, as is however the element of tradition, which guides and limits their authority greatly. I think it is much the same for the Menonites, but don't know for the Plymouth Brethren
@@donjojohannes it would be wonderful if your books could become available as audio books... your voice is good to hear, your phrasing and tone is so relaxing and clear... i find what you say is easy for me to grasp and understand... and still leaves me room to think and reflect... thankyou donjojohannes... much love xxc
Some thoughts upon reflection of your words brother Johannes. I'm reflecting on Messiah Yahushua's isolation, along with Yahuchanan (John) the immerser's isolation our in the wilderness, Moshe's isolation for some 80 years in the wilderness to some extent, to Yosef's 13 years in captivity and much isolation from the world, and many of YAHUWAH Elohiym Most High's true prophets which underwent much isolation in their lives. I'm sitting here thinking whether Messiah Yahushua was running away from the world or whether he was drawing closer to his father YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High in his alone time, in all the early mornings when he was alone, on a mountain with only YAH Most High? Organised religion, or fake, false religions have never been the TRUTH, nor never been the Way taught by our heavenly Father YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High. Messiah Yahushua himself never established any hierarchy of governance for his very teachings truly destroyed any possibility of organised religion. All we to be brothers and sisters. An example. Messiah Yahushua himself taught to not be called Rabbi, Master, Pastor , teacher, etc. for we have one spiritual teacher, Messiah Yahushua, whom he, himself did't even claim that his own words were his, but rather were his Father's words. He taught to call no man here in earth Father... What do we get in Christianity? Within the two wings of the same bird, Roman Catholic Christianity and Protestant Christianity, there's so much doctrines of devils and demons it ain't in any way funny brother. It's diabolical. We see men calling themselves Father, blasphemous titles of Pope, directly flying in the face of Messiah Yahushua's teachings. I truly wonder if protestants and Catholic Christians alike actually read the words coming out of Messiah Yahushua's mouth? Do they read the TORAH? Matthew 23:8-15 KJV - "But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves." Messiah Yahushua I believe after studying politics and international relations, systems of governance and idealogies, instituted a near PERFECT system, that would be incorruptible, should it have actually been followed, for it is truly the most wide, diffuse system of governance I've ever studied, with zero positions of power, without any bishops, Cardinals, deacons, presbyterian elders, none of that, and definitely no Pope, with all the host of diabolical deeds done by religions leaders, wolves in sheep's clothing, pretending to be sheep to prey upon the innocent children, that have been abused at the hands of such false religions and their leadership through thousands of years. YAH Most High knows the filth, the true heinous, diabolical truth of what goes on, and continues to go on in the Jesuit orders, the Templar orders, the secret orders. I'm so very grateful that Christians have shown me a slice of their true nature, being a Hebrew man myself, called a heretic and "son of Satan" by the very "self professing Bible believing, born again Christians" who claim to know my father YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High or his only begotten son Messiah Yahushua. I forgive these souls and pray for them, and will continue to pray for them, but these fake religions are the bane of truth, the very poison and venom spit out by the serpent in the garden of Eden courses through every false religion, whether it's called Judaism with its Talmudic blasphemies and kabalistic mysticism, to Christianity with 2000 years of true horror, to the latest false religion Islam, likewise with 2 false wings, bickering and fighting with one another, the Sunni vs the Shia Muslims.... The devil ha'satan and the kingdom of darkness ain't dumb, i don't for one second assume our enemies are stupid. They don't need to recreate the wheel, if the same false narrative and false soup of traditions of man, taught by devil worshipping seed of the serpent, children of the devil is just updated and reiterated upon every once in a while. There's only one path Messiah Yahushua himself taught. His "gospel of the kingdom of heaven" and the TORAH of his and my heavenly Father YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High. He didn't come abolishing his Father's everlasting commandments ie the Torah, for of he tried to do that, he would by definition be proven to be a false prophet by the very TORAH of his father YaHuWaH, he proclaimed to follow. Deuteronomy chapter 13 would prove Messiah Yahushua himself, to be a false prophet. Now, i don't believe in any way he was or is a false prophet. I do believe John the revelator, when he clearly showed that many anti Messiah's were alive and well in his day, and many more would come after. Ginger are the days when I will trust in men, in MAN or woman or child coming after Messiah Yahushua, pretending to be his followers and distinctly walking in apostasy versus his teachings. I truly hope you fast and pray like you've never fasted and prayed brother Johannes, for where the world is about to be taken, there ain't gonna be any salvation founded in the false teachings of false prophets and false apostles and false religions. May YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High, guide you to the truth without any leaven of Herod nor the leaven of the Pharisees, in Messiah Yahushua's mighty name aw-mane. Shalom be with you brother. Hope to see you in New Yerushalayim one fine day.
As I mentioned Os Iusti by Anton Bruckner, here is a link to this heavenly piece: Click it and thank me later.
And here the text of the reflection for those who want to run it through deepl for translation:
So far in these reflections we have looked at religion as a virtue connected to justice. We have seen its concreteness and its truth claims giving shape to interior and exterior acts of worship - corresponding to our nature as rational, emotional and physical beings. And I have suggested in the last episode that the social dimension of our nature makes religion not a mere private phenomenon but one that - being social - builds societies, cultures, institutions and shapes civil life. Organized religion, in its different forms, is not an accident or a corruption but the natural development of what it means to be human and to hold that some God or gods exist. In contrast spirituality in the sense of how the term is often used these days - and I use it here - was less defined, more focused on the self, was not viewed as a debt and for that reason did not typically have actual worship or a clear social expression. Its core is individualistic.
I happen to think that these things are deficits, but especially the last point is maybe the most attractive feature of mere spirituality. The modern western world is defined by individualism and we relish it. It may have a dark side, as the philosopher Hanna Arendt explores in her most famous work. For ironically when the individual is fragmented, deconstructed and isolated enough, to the point of being purely individual - that is alone - it may become susceptible to the worst forms of totalitarianism. But Individualism not only has this danger. It has also strengths. And individualistic spirituality can play to them.
For the proponent of modern spirituality there are no embarrassing past deeds by other adherents, for example; deeds that are re-evaluated later, defy justification or stand as permanent shame. There is no church history. No religious history. There is no history. For as an individualistic project it is so limited as to be almost a-historical.
But more importantly the individualism of modern spirituality removes not only the people of the past but also the people of the present. You stand alone. You are, as it were, your own church. And when you look at physical or spiritual abuse that can happen wherever there is a multitude, then, no doubt one can see the attraction and value of being and remaining solitary.
As much as I can understand and even sympathize with this position, I still find it unfeasible. Why? Because we are not isolated individuals. We are on account of our social nature not meant to be alone. For a while we can survive. But we can't thrive. If we really want to be self sufficient, then the cave is our lot. Not the log cabin. For to build a log cabin you need an ax. And if you are not digging for iron, discovering fire and inventing smelting yourself, you are indeed standing on the shoulders of others and are not self-sufficient. Much less so, if you are watching this on youtube which is made possible only by a whole host of people having opted for cooperation rather than isolation, for innovation - but also the whole messy affair of setting up businesses, market analysis, competing, out-competing others, and probably bribing, inside dealing, and a whole host of other unethical behaviors that all together have put youtube in front of us right now.
Together we are capable of great things - much greater things than if we were alone. But most - if not all of these things - will also be in some way tainted by our weaknesses and failures.
When you choose radical individualism you may prevent some evil, but you also forego much good. You never start building the west facade of the cathedral of Reims. You ban into an eternal silence the polyphony of Anton Bruckner's Os Iusti.
Isolating yourself is often a response to hurt. It is very understandable. But it is no path to human flourishing. Yes, if you withdraw, you will not be harmed by flawed people. But you will also not know the joy of friends. If you open yourself to others you will be disappointed, you will experience pain, but you will also have the chance to taste goodness and love. That is the human experience and its fragility.
If you concede this, I think, you can concede the value of organized religion. If it goes wrong religion, like anything else, is worse than what any individual could inflict on the world. If gone right it is greater than what any individual can achieve.
It does not make any of the religions true, of course. That is not the argument here. My point is that individual spirituality may not so much be a solution to a problem, but the often quite understandable refusal to face it. I know this from my own life as readers of “Following Columban” will have discovered in the first chapter.
So isolation is not the way. It does not correspond to our human nature. It does not solve the problem, or fight it, but merely avoids it.
Now if for better or worse we are stuck with human institutions and thus human failing, how do we best proceed? I would say that we can both examine the structure of these institutions and we can examine ourselves. I will share some thoughts regarding the first here and regarding the second in next weeks episode.
Concerning structure I will turn to Christianity for illustrative purposes. Why? Because its organizational forms will probably be the most familiar to this audience and because the spectrum is wide enough to allow for a range of considerations. It will also allow me in the next and final episode to conclude with thoughts that pertain to particular problems of my Catholic faith and how I, being a priest, approach them. But that said, overall I think most of what follows will also be applicable to other organized religions even if the details are different.
[continued below in the comment]
[reflection continued] Alright. There appear to be 4 main types of organizational models which we find in Christianity. The first is the congregational model seen, for example, in baptist congregations. It has for the most part a democratic structure in which all members have an equal say. The Community decides.
The second is the presbyterial system, which has also a democratic bend but one that is less direct. In the presbyterial system the members elect elders and these elders then lead the congregation by exercising legitimate authority conferred to them by their congregations. Most of the movements that have their origins in the Swiss brand of reformation have such a structure.
The third is the episcopal system. In the episcopal system the leaders may be elected, as is the case in the US-Episcopalian Church, or designated top down as in Anglicanism and most other cases. The Eastern Orthodox also follow an episcopal system. There, for historic reasons, churches typically followed the borders of nations and showed a greater ethnic unity and being linked closely to the secular rulers of those realms. Consequently there is a Russian Orthodox Church, a Romanian Orthodox Church or a Serbian Orthodox Church. These autocephalus churches - meaning Churches having their own head - govern themselves. They can act in unity through tradition, church councils and synods. Or be separated from each other through schisms and excommunication.
The fourth model is that of the Catholic Church. I say Catholic Church and not Roman Catholic Church, because unbeknownst to many in the West the Catholic Church with its pope actually consists of 24 Churches, of which the Roman Church is only one - albeit the largest. There are the various Byzantine Catholic churches, the Chaldean, Melkite or Marionite Catholic Christians - to name a few. They all have their own rites, traditions and customs, even married clergy, but they accept the pope as the head of the One Catholic Church. And that universal jurisdiction of the pope, and, as I should say: his very limited power, often misunderstood by critics but perceived by Catholics as in service of the unity of all these Churches, is what differentiates the catholic episcopal system from the other episcopal systems mentioned. More could be said. But not here.
Now, I imagine the sympathy of many secular people today will lie with the more democratic structures. Modern democracy is the fruit of limiting power. In that enterprise the separation of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government has an important function. In the realm of human affairs democratic decisions through consensus or compromise are not only a valid but valuable approach. All can contribute from their own experience. But the obvious problem of any democratic model arises when its concerns are not practical affairs but truth. Truths cannot be established by a vote. Think of any truth-claim of science or religion. I'm not suggesting that science and religion are the same. I'm only saying that either of their claims are such that they cannot be determined by a vote. Truth is not about numbers. And that is a chief difficulty that a democratic model of organized religion has to face
Protestant communities try to overcome this difficulty by one of two ways. They either propose that the source of their religion, namely the bible, is so clear that it cannot be misunderstood. Or they say that every true believer has the Spirit as a guarantee that will not let him err - at least in anything important.
This sound fair and good, but does it bear out in history? Well, the reformers could not agree on so fundamental a question as baptism or the Eucharist by consulting “the bible alone”. Lutherans soon persecuted deviant views such the Anabaptists. And later sects splitting from Protestantism would use the same bible to deny the Trinity, Sunday-worship and a host of other things. The supposed clarity and sufficiency of Scripture proved a practical illusion as soon as two people put their heads together for long enough. What is worse: all claimed the Spirit as the infallible witness for their interpretations. In a way the reformation had abolished one pope and set up a thousand in his stead. The myriad of Christian denominations that are split among themselves are the tragic legacy of a project that doubtlessly had set out to counter the very human failings that were visible in many members of the Catholic Church.
The old apostolic churches with an episcopal order - though they may at times also suffer from disunity - and a disunity in some cases that goes back much longer - interestingly display a much greater unity in doctrine. Some of their splits are indeed mostly over the understanding of words that have since found some resolution through dialogue. Why is that?
The old apostolic churches also reference Scripture and the Holy Spirit, but there is something else. Their reading is not individualistic, but always occurs in the context of the very community that handed on this text; a community which in fact predates the biblical texts. What gives them greater cohesion is the element of tradition. For Christ, as they would point out, had not written a book to pass on his message but had founded a living community, the Church. He had even given it a structure by selecting 12 out of the many that followed him. And those 12 had maintained this structure after Christ's resurrection when they replaced Judas with one man, Mathias though they had two worthy candidates. They also laid hands on 7 and not 6 or 8 men for the special office of deacons in the Church.
Catholics would of course also point to the very special role of Peter in the gospels and the early Church, saying that the office of Peter was not only important at the time of the apostles but continues to be so today. His office, Catholics argue, is part of the structure instituted by Christ. For Episcopal systems by themselves without a unifying arbiter - especially when bound up in regional interests - may be quick to disintegrate as it happens not infrequently among the Orthodox who are for example currently in schism with each other on account of the question of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Further, reliance on tradition as the only arbiter, makes for slow responses to solve new emerging questions. The whole and rapidly evolving area of bioethics unlike in the Catholic Church has not found a consensus in the East leading to the failure to address vital issues. For much like at the council of Jerusalem, related in the book of Acts, chapter 15, there was a lot of discussion on an important point until Peter spoke his mind. And then the question was settled. No more discussion, only the working out of details.
Tradition - as important as it seems to me - also has an Achilles heel when left to its own devices and when no clear final voice can sort between the essential and the human element. The Russian Church for example split over minute details in the 17th century, when believers saw tiny changes to hand gestures and the spelling of the name of Christ as the falling away from the true Church. These Old believers, persecuted by the rest of the Orthodox, soon were left without priesthood and sacraments living in apocalyptic visions that never materialized.
While hierarchical systems of different stripes thus have clear benefits, they also have downsides. The episcopal and even more so the catholic papal system, are more prone to suffer from power hungry people, careerism, cronyism and abuse of power. All of these things, to be clear, can exist in some form also in congregational or presbyteral churches. Think not least of dubious Pentecostal leaders and prosperity gospel megachurches. But there is not only more opportunity in hierarchical systems, but they also often promote the wrong people, lick-spittles and ambitious men who seek power and prestige; men who have learned how to go undetected and play the game.
Regarding the political order Churchill is often - and by the way falsely - quoted to have said: democracy is a horrible form of government, except that it is better than anything else we have tried. I'm inclined to say something similar for Christianity: the episcopal hierarchy with the pope is a really bad and risky system, except that the others are worse. I obviously have a horse in the race and you might bet on another. We will have more reasons for that, than could be discussed here. If you are interested in some of mine I recommend the book Pope Peter by Joe Heshmeyer. I think it is a fine accessible introduction to the lay reader wanting to understand a catholic reading of the relevant Scripture passages drawing on their original Jewish context.
So I end up holding the catholic position, because I think it true. Meaning that I hold that it was instituted by Christ - not because it was perfect and without flaw, but because even in its very evident imperfection, it still could accomplish a very important good.
But given that I myself have called the episcopal system - even more so with the pope - prone to the particular ill of power and its abuse I think I owe you all an attempt to explain how I navigate this danger and what I suggest to mitigate the risk that this poses to all believers. I will try to answer this in the next and final episode of the current series.
@@donjojohannes Really enjoy these theological reflections. Your views are reflective and philosophical in origin. I respect that and hope you will continue these teachings in the future. All the best !
Thank you Johannes, that is a glorious piece beautifully presented by Tenebrae.
You and Martijen sharing a the "old days"...all is as it should be, thanks for posting!
Thank you Johannes for this beautiful episode. I loved seeing you and Martijn dining and just talking. Your scenes are like magnificent paintings. And I so appreciate your thoughts on religion vs. spirituality. And a solitary life vs together, fear vs love. Thank you for my Saturday visual and thoughtful feast. You and Martijn are my favorite people on You Tube. Be well, be safe. 💜🙏❄️
It was a treat to see you with Ben Fogel last night and a guest appearance by Martijn too ! I hope the exposure will bring more people to your channel to benefit from your example and teachings.
for those not in UK here's a teaser trailer from Channel5's UA-cam channel for _Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild_
p.s. Brits call our brown vinegar *malted* as used for pickled onions, it is cured with spices and malt sugars (hence brown colour) for less astringent more mellow flavor
Ahh it was you who showed Martijn how to shingle!
Beautiful. On all levels. Thank you, Father.
Dear Father, thank you for bringing light into a somewhat darkened world. You are very much appreciated.
You're nearing 100K!!! Well deserved!
Malt vinegar is the one served in our fish and chip shops..only really good on fish and chips to be honest, it's a bit brutal for anything else!😆 Although some frugal housewives do put a dash of vinegar in their bucket of water when cleaning helps with dirt and grease accumulation, not that grease will be a problem in your mountain air.
Also good on peas and tuna mayonnaise sandwich
White vinegar for cleaning and laundry.
Malt vinegar on beans on toast too! and sausages cut open in a sausage sandwich.
I thought the malt vinegar used in chip shops wasn’t the malt vinegar in shops!
We really enjoyed the program with Ben Fogel, my wife had never seen you on UA-cam and thought you were a lovely man and very engaging.
As always - deeply truthful and beautifully explained insights into religion and spirituality. I strongly believe that true spirituality must be rooted in sacraments of which the Eucharist - true Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ is the very Essence & Summit of our existence. THANK YOU, Father Johannes!
Hello Father. Saw you on the Ben Fogle programme yesterday and looked you up and found you here today. Wonderful life you live. The vinegar you require is Malt Vinegar and as we say here in UK it is "cheap as chips". Best wishes to you.
I was just imaging a Johannes and Martijn podcast talking wood shingles and tools.
“Truth cannot be established by vote.” A memorable, temporal adage.
Father Johannes, thank you for another series of reflections. You have raised, broadened my understanding of religion. I am grateful for your teachings. So good to see Martijn in for a visit. God bless you and your ministry. James from Tennessee, USA
Its malt vinegar Johannes, looking forward to seeing you and Ben on Tues night. Thanks for your wonderful peaceful videos.
Thank you, dear Father Johan, for your warm conversations. I constantly write down some of your thoughts so that I can reflect on them myself. And today is a real discovery for me. I was always surprised how Catholics do not see how much better Orthodoxy is. But now I can see another point of view.
Glad that Ben is covering your life and work this week on C5. A wonderful programme
Johannes, God Bless you! Thank you for another soul relaxing episode, lovely to see both you and Martijn enjoying the solitude, a good meal and the company in such a most beautiful area of Italy. 🙏😇
Found the Channel 5 listing: "Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild - Ben meets Father Johannes, who lives an isolated life while fulfilling duties as a priest."
21st Jan 9pm. It might also be available to watch on their website after the scheduled screening. Greetings from Oxford, UK.
Farther I am such a fan of you and your achievements! I am from the UK currently watching you on Ben Fogle! It’s an excellent insight of your life!
I am 33 year old catholic with a heart for Christ our lord i have brought a house to restore in Puglia Italy and feel I can relate to you in your blessings! May GOD continue blessing you! Much love father ❤✝️
I so look fwd to your content, and appreciate your views, and creativity on various topics. Thank-you 🙏🏻💕
What a masterful take on spirituality and religions within and outside the Catholic Church, such an honest approach, I am learning so much from your reflections. Perhaps you will consider writing a little pamphlet for reading and rereading on all these episodes. Blessings
Grazie per tutto quello che Lei fa e offre a chi la segue attraverso questi video. Oggi mi sono divertita a sentire Lei e Martijn chiacchierare a proposito delle vostre interazioni con l’ambiente valligiano. Nel vostro interlocquio le espressioni in italiano sembravano provenire dal vostro appartenere a quelle montagne. Vivo all’estero e ogni settimana vi guardò con affetto anche perché avete scelto di vivere nella mia cara patria.
The vinegar used in British fish and chip shops is called "Malt Vinegar"
absolutely. The one that arrived the next day was artisan malt vinegar brewed aged and bottled at the Old Nuclear Bunker in Coverack, Cornwall :-) Fitting, as I had an excellent time in Cornwall and a lot of chips (and some pasties)
What a beautiful view....
Yes what I heard in my spirit today was....Be still and know that I Am God❤
Am British, can confirm.
Thank you for the time you take putting together these videos, especially the reflections, which I listen to, then read. The Ben Fogle programme was excellent, a great introduction to your work and your faith.
Thank you for your thoughts and introspection on religion.
A very enjoyable and interesting video Johannes. Your knowledge on Religion and the way you convey it through your videos is very captivating and moving. Thank you and God bless.
Thank you Johannes
Just found your channel and I subscribed....Loved seeing you and Martijn ❤
Hi Johannes, 😊 Happy Blessed Saturday!!✝
Wonderful to have Martijn ...Over for Dinner & Discuss the Shingles!! ❤
Drone Shots of the Sky Being Unique & Snow on the Mountains Gorgeous!!
Making Homemade Shelves is So Much Better & a Beautiful Job!!
Watering & Cleaning Windows, So Very Clean!!
Close Reflection : Religion & Spirituality... Always Great to Hear!!❤
I Believe Isolation is Not Good, Because My Dad Stop Communicating with the World & Got Dementia & Loss Contact,
& Later Died !! Having Friends & Communicating is a Good Thing!!
Take Care & have a Blessed Weekend, Johannes!! ❤✝ Love Barb from Central Illinois USA❣
I Will Share Your Video to Facebook/Newsfeed
Yay! Evening from Australia's Gold Coast Father Johannes. Thank you for another warm reflection. Simply great to see you and Martijn sharing a meal.
Enjoyed seeing a bit of your pre UA-cam story on ‘New Lives in the Wild’. Malt vinegar makes great tomato/veggie chutney as well as on chips.
I am really looking forward to watching you on Ben Fogle's programme.
7:55 this hill reminds me of places like Avalon or Mount St Michael in the UK, or Mont Saint Michel in France. It has this mystic vibe to it.
Dear Johannes,
Thank you for your wonderful videos, which my wife and I watch eagerly each week. We both enjoy your reflections but gain different perspectives from them she does not believe in Jesus Christ, and I do. So, whilst we both enjoy your reflections, discussion is limited.
As an Evangelical Anglican, I find your Catholic perspective challenging. We, of, course trace our roots through Luther to Cranmer, but for Evangelical Christians. John Westley provides a beacon for us. The notion of Grace through Faith enabled by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is paramount. I am sure none of this is a surprise to you.
I was interested in your comments on church governance, particularly your comments on Peter, and the role of the Holy Spirit. I note disagreement between Peter and Paul at times. Protestants tend to be Pauline in interpretation.
The value of belonging to the Anglican congregation, for me, is being a part of a communion of saints which has been faithful for over 2000 years. In addition, I find solace in the Anglican liturgy. The words have meaning and because I have used them all my life, they serve to sustain my faith in times of trial or when I am tempted to stray from the Gospel. it also gives me a language that I can use with brothers and sisters in Christ which instantly has a shared meaning.
The authority of the church hierarchy holds very little value for me, partly due to my rejection of the Catholic model with Papal authority. I would want to test everything I hear against the Gospel in prayer, trusting the Holy Spirit to guide me.
The failure of reliance on Bishop or Pope is that no human is infallible. I note the Falklands War where Argentina claimed that a statement by a long dead Pope had authority in the modern world. Not a good idea in my world view.
I look forward to seeing how you negotiate your Christian life in the Roman Catholic context. You are a man of great faith, and I am sure there will be lessons for me in your next episode.
Warm regards,
Don Johannes è sempre un piacere ascoltare le tue riflessioni👍👍👍
very much appreciate the music selections you choose for your videos
Beautiful and thought provoking. Thank you.
🇺🇸🙏✝️ Thank you
Thank you for your time and rational explanation
A triple feature watch for me this Sunday, thank you for your beautiful thoughtful episodes. 💞🙏
Very insightful, thank you. Malt vinegar is delicious on french fries (chips) but i have never used it on anything else, so buy small to see if that was the vinegar you were thinking of. It is produced from the same grains as beer.
Johannes, the image of you at 42:06 brings to mind of Rembrandt’s “Philosopher In Meditation”. My personal favorite. God bless you Sir.
Growing up in the New England area, at the tip of what is known as Cape Cod, the mainstay of the people are Portugese as well as French. When attending High School there I worked as a waitress. On all our tables was a bottle of Tarragon Vinegar of which we had the option to put on our fish and/or chips (french fries). Tarragon is known as the 'king of herbs' in France and is used in a lot of french cooking. It has become apparent to me that it was special ordered back in the day. It might be easier to acquire where you are.
Just watched the Ben Fogle episode. Really, really good, I hope it helps you reach more people with your mission. It certainly helped give context to what you’re doing and why…alongside your monologues in each UA-cam episode it’s helping to join the dots. Or at the very least recognise that there are actually dots to be joined out there. Also good to see Martijn make a guest appearance too 😆
thank you
Thank you father.🙏🏻. Another great video.
Der Anfang hat mir besonders gut gefallen, die gemütliche Stube, ein gutes Gespräch zwischen 2 Personen, die sich gut verstehen. Was will man eigentlich mehr.
Danke für die wundervollen Videos!
Wonderful insights & mountains ❤😊
Friend! Please wear safety glasses while using your power tools! God bless you Johannes! Your words and beautiful videos bring peace to my heart! (the lack of eye protection brings me anxiety)
Blessings and peace to you Father Johannes. I too have just finished watching the Ben Fogle programme about you and your life. I found it to be very uplifting and spiritual. In it I think you mentioned that you have written diaries about your travels and life, am I correct? If so, are they in print in English and would you be kind enough to let me know their titles? I would love to read about your pilgrimmages. Thank you. 😊
Looking forward to the next reflection. Thank you
This is a good place to be for those who are seeking the truth.
Grazie padre Johannes per questo nuovo, piacevolissimo episodio. Aspetto di sentire le tue prossime riflessioni sulla Chiesa Cattolica, alla quale appartengo, con un po' di dispiacere perché sarà l'ultima puntata...di questa serie. 🤗
The Os Justi link was a special wonder. Thank you.
I look forward to reading your book. I hope that you are able to publish it on Audible.
Your reflections are so thoughtful and inspiring. Would you ever consider posting your regular homilies? I don’t know you preach to a congregation, and if so, in which language. Regardless, I imagine your homilies would be very interesting!
I enjoy the quiet times in the mountains seeing the small progressions. I have ordered your book "Following Columban". I always wanted to do the Camino, but alas, it has not happened. So I hope to get the flavor from your extensive treks! (Perhaps list some links to your books for people to find more easily!)
I was not expecting math…😉 I’ll shelve that to thank you for a wonderful thought provoking video.
Hey Johannes! gr8 vid. Love the storage units you made. Interesting comments at the end. Always interesting.
Perhaps the low volume in your outdoor work is intentional, or an accident. I used to watch my father work in his wood shop, and the loudness of it was part of the overall picture of the moment. I hope to hear those outdoor sounds in your videos soon. Thank you for sharing your projects and thoughts with us in your journeys!
Oh, I just love your intro music.
When you’re alone in your place, how do you avoid the buildup of time on your computer or phone? It’s a major temptation and, to be honest, addiction for me. Do you have set boundaries for yourself?
Eloquent. Thank you.
Didn’t expect to hear Joe Heschmeyer’s name! A great UA-camr as well!
Your meal looked delicious …vinegar potatoes a great idea. 😊❤
Thank you 🙏
Malt vinegar for the fish and chips here in uk.
Just ordered your book, and looking forward to reading it.
If you’re Orthodox and someone says to you “I don’t like organized religion”, a good response we can offer is “well then you’ll love Orthodoxy”
Thank you for addressing some of the issues I raised. If I understand your position correctly, you are saying that humans are by definition social beings. As such, we require a social contract for cooperation, collaboration and meaning. Even absent any god/gods, the best social "technology" for this is established religion with history, structure and institutions. I don't necessarily disagree with this even though it's not my own personal inclination. (I'm neither religious nor spiritual, but am deeply active and participatory in community activities and support).
I think my fundamental block is that acquiring certification as a religious spiritual leader, whether Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, etc., does not magically bestow personal, social or psychological wisdom that contributes to the well being of congregants or the world at large. Once one groks the reality that is the moral frailty and venality of humans, allowing oneself to be told or coerced into behaviors under threat of divine punishment via the vessel of a vastly imperfect religious leader, can and all too often leads to great harm. But that's also the case for anyone in positions of coercive power throughout society. In a bit of irony, religion is no better or worse IMO.
I will avoid the discussion of truth claims, as we will not see eye to eye on that topic.
Thanks again and I look forward to your next episode 🙏
But if that religious leader is true to the doctrines of the church, then the chances of a good outcome are greater than a bunch of individuals running around (I'm looking at western individuality, and its now obvious totalitarian structures)
Hi @elbowspeak, I agree with your comment. Having just watched this latest episode from Johannes, on the same day I listened to a recent episode of the The Great Simplification by Nate Hagens talking to John Veraeke in which many of the same concepts came up - particularly to do with humans as social beings. It's here on UA-cam or as a podcast and is worth a listen.
The cube in the left of the wood stove is a tank or what ?! 😊
Hi Johannes,
Thank you for this series.
Off topic, but being reminded of your art skills during the reflection, I wondered who drew your UA-cam channel profile picture?
Well, that's interesting timing. Johannes, i was going to contact you about how to lead a more individual religious life without society. But you answered my question, without me asking it? How did you know?
You have just reached out to millions with the assistance of the World Wide Web and your words will reach a potential audience of the same, but today I wants to explain to you that this morning, I have hosted an event. I have invited only a handful of people I care about to attend my event which is essentially about the common currency that we all can use, the unchanging value of True Light. The event is scheduled at a few hours before the President of the United States inauguration after which the currency everyone uses on a daily basis will overwhelm True Light. I have invited the God of Eden to speak at my event while he still has breath in his body. The Garden is his and Mammon is about to defeat him.
Thank you for your videos, enjoyable and very thought provoking. You are a truly a remarkable man. I must point out though that in your discussion of the different sects of Christianity you did not mention the subjugation and dismissal of women in the Catholic and Orthodox sects. I find these attitudes towards women to be the antithesis of what Christianity should be. In my many decades of life I have witnessed that women are often the better leaders, more sensible decision makers, more intuitive, and far more empathetic and intelligent than their male counterparts. Why should they not lead and preach in those congregations, other than because of misogynist tradition? Maybe in your beautiful isolated world you have not thought about this, or perhaps it is not important to you. But I hope you do think about it. And I pray for change.
Dear Abbey, thank you for raising your concern. This series is about a particular question relating to spirituality and religion and does not discuss a host of things. This episode looks at organizational models, not who specifically is best qualified to do the leading. You might still think it relevant seeing as you bring up questions of leadership competence and in fact credit women with the higher qualifications (sensible, intuitive, empathetic, intelligent). These are bold claims if I look at the record of female politicians all over the world and I will leave it to others to argue over Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi, Sirimavo Bandaranaike, Angela Merkel, Giorgia Meloni, Aung San Suu Kyi or Jacinda Ardern. Depending on where you stand politically you might have a lot of good or bad to say about any of them. I tend to be a bit more egalitarian here, looking for qualities in a particular person, rather than an average distribution across a gender. For one, your list of qualities is surely not exhaustive. There are qualities, I dare say, in which men on average shine. If you should have difficulty in finding any at the top of your head, I'm not charging you with misandry but I invite you to give it more thought: what does our world look like behind thin facades. For they say civilization is only ever 3 full meals from collapse. Secondly, for better or worse, it is usually a particular quality (and not any in your list) in both men and women that will make them seek leadership rather than just being fit for it.
All of this is interesting, I think, but of course your point was more directed at religious leadership. I agree and lament that misogyny (and misandry) are real - in churches and in the world. But your diagnosis surprises me when directed particularly at Catholics and Orthodox with such confidence. My surprise will doubtlessly surprise you in turn. The case you lay out seems so clear. But here is where I see it falter: Misogyny is contempt for women. Now if anyone places a woman above all saintly human heroes, it is the Catholic and Orthodox, by the place they assign to Mary. In fact they place her above the angels. No mere human, not any man, has any such exulted place. But the misogyny seems strange throughout when you think of all the other saints be they virgins, mothers, widows, nuns, mystics that are venerated by Catholics and Orthodox and are thus said to better than virtually all men alive. Then you have Jean d'Arc leading men in battle or Catherine of Siena telling off the pope - and being celebrated for it. Catholics rallied around Mary Tudor (yet another female leader that you might judge quite differently going through your list of female excellence). In fact Catholics and Orthodox including their hierarchies seem to have taken little issue with women as leaders of states. There were after all catholic queens and empresses such as Theodora long before there were catholic prime ministers of any gender. And indeed in the Church itself abbesses often wielded territorial power. Google Fontevraud Abbey and you'll even have an example of how an abbess ruled over an order of men. Whatever all of that is, it is not a contempt for women; it is not your charge of misogyny.
But then, you may ask, why is this not reflected in their roles as female bishops, priests and deacons? Because, so I would argue, you misunderstand what these are. It is a fair misunderstanding. And it does not even have to result from a marxist or marxist-feminist view of the world in which all human relations are re-read (and distorted) as a power struggle. It may be a simple misunderstanding from a protestant background in which ministers are but leaders of the religious community. Under this view I hold it perfectly logical to have women as ministers. But here is where the misunderstanding lies: the priesthood in the old apostolic Christian Churches, such as Catholics and Orthodox is sacramental - meaning it belongs to the order of a sign. The priest sacramentally represents Christ in the liturgical function (with Christ Himself being the actual acting person) while the Church as a whole represents the Bride of Christ (and is typified by Mary). You can't change that bridal symbolism (which comes from Judaism) without changing the nature of what you do liturgically. You might think it fancy to switch genders in role plays and it can be interesting for effect. You might think it great to see a play in which Napoleon was a woman. You might get excited to go to a theater in which Hitler was female. Its novel and thus exciting, I guess. But it is no way to tell a story without altering it - and liturgy which looks at a historical event (Christ's death on the cross) has no liberty to do so. That is the short of it and I realize that it is little to make a full case. But I hope at least you can see that misogyny - while real in people inhabiting the Church and the World in any age - is not in fact where you think to see it.
@@donjojohannes Thank you for your reply. I am of Armenian ancestry on my father's side. My Uncle was the Archbishop of Bagdad in the 1920-30, and later the Archbishop of Jerusalem in the 1940s-1950s. My father was an atheist, but had me baptized as a baby, just in case. Many millions were spent by the Armenian community (really just one very wealthy man) in the city where I now live, they hired a fancy architect, and with the input of our young priest, they built a new church. I might add that my first name, Gayane, is also the name of one of the earliest and most important saints in the Armenian church. I attended an introduction to the new sanctuary, listened to the priest point out and define the iconography on the walls. There appeared to be no Mary, Gayane or any other women saints on the walls. Gayane and her companion nuns were responsible for the conversion of the pagan Armenian king in the early 300s AD, and the adoption of Christianity as the national religion of Armenia at that time. The pagan king converted to Christianity after he had brutally murdered Gayane and her companion nuns. He demanded they join his harem and they declined because they were "married" to Christ. These women were majorly important, strong and valiant figures. I raised my hand and asked why they were absent. There were many male figures on the walls. He replied that they were there but delegated to a tiny unseen nook in the church. Typical! I don't think any women would want to be seen as a Napoleon or Hitler, ruthless disastrous failed leaders, most likely suffering from severe mental/personality disorders, and responsible for countless deaths and misery. Like the Catholic Church, you might argue Hitler and Napoleon had great organizations, they adhered to their own bizarre rules and ideologies, marched around in their fancy uniforms, lived in splendor while their own people suffered. but does this matter when the outcome of their organizations wrought evil and great suffering, and death for millions? I don't understand the concept of God or Jesus as a father figure. Our bodies are assigned a gender sometime between conception and gestation (not a scientist) but do you really think genders are sustained after death? Gender is for reproduction. Not needed in the afterlife. God is everywhere and everything and is not bonded into a gender, neither does he prefer one gender over the other. That is a mired earthling concept. I know you will majorly balk at this and forgive me for making you feel disgust, but I believe the minutia of the liturgy, and the parading around in robes is a distraction. God is staring us in the face all the time, we just need to be still and see God before of us. I think Jesus would be more pleased if we emulated him rather than worship him. I understand idol worship has been present within humans for millions of years and is ingrained within our psyches. When one lives in a major metropolitan American city, and you see the heinous crimes committed everyday (and yes, definitely the vast majority perpetrated by men), the senseless murders, rapes, lives ruined and lives left in tatters, the people killed and maimed by drunk men drivers, one sees the flaws in our religions.
Sorry, only a question: Does anyone know the title of the piano piece from min. 0 to min. 1? Apologize, that my "comment" is a only music related question. Thank you.
eccolo: Mattia Vlad Morleo - Chasing Light
@@donjojohannes Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort, Don Johannes. Sehr gute Musikauswahl, sehr inspirierende Aufnahmen und Worte.
Johannes I would be happy to send you some malt vinegar from England if you can't get it locally.
this is very kind, but I'm the proud owner of a bottle from Cornwall (which arrived the day after our dinner)
Please can you tell me what book you looking at while sat drawing by your fire.
Pugin's Gothic Ornament: The Classic Sourcebook of Decorative Motifs with 100 Plates
Thank you, looks fascinating.
I have a question for you Father, "I am Catholic and that is why I call you father" Why don't you inform your friend Martin that if he comes to the house of a Catholic Priest and sits at the table to eat a meal without taking off his head cover so that he knows that it is not polite and disrespectful to the host. Because I notice that you feel comfortable with each other, a little education will not hurt him. I watch his UA-cam Channel and see that he is a cultural man but has these deficiencies in his upbringing. Please accept my wishes that God will bless you in your pastoral work
Dear Father Johannes, is there a chance that you will visit Stuttgart region this year?
I'll be in the Stuttgart Theaterhaus on December 8th (with the Jerusalem pilgrimage presentation). It's with these guys: It's not in their program yet, because the "speaking event season" runs from October to March
Thank you very much for your fast response. I have added the event to the calendar. Looking forward to meet you!
Ich freu mich schon auf den Vortrag in Graz. Ich hoffe, dass wir dort ein paar Worte wechseln können und dass auch das Buch vom Columban im Gepäck ist.
Waht do you think about to come to the North of Germany for a lecture?
Imho, Details don't matter in major religions. As a Muslim, I believe my Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters will also go to heaven if they follow God's path. Just don't fall to evil, they're is enough room in God's heaven❤ love to you all.
I have discovered that regular glass cleaners with ammonia will , over time, fog lexan and Plexiglas products..:-)
yes, only mild soap allowed on this
Padre so di non essere una maggioranza tra i tuoi ascoltatori, ma mi piacerebbe ascoltare o leggere qualche sottotilo in italiano. Buona serata e grazie Giuseppe
ciao. Ci sono i sottotitoli automatici che servono per spiegazioni brevi, ma non sono molto buono per i discorsi lunghi. Per leggere il testo della riflessione in Italiano c'è sempre la possibilità di coppiare il testo nel primo commento e far la traduzione su
@donjojohannes Grazie sono sempre piacevolmente colpito dai tuoi video dalle immagini meravigliose che ci doni. Invidio un po' il tuo saper fare mille cose e la bellezza dei luoghi dove vivi... Se poi aprirai un punto di accoglienza per pellegrini magari un salto lo faccio... Il Signore Gesù Ti Benedica....
dear donjojohannes thankyou... i wonder where groups such as plymouth brethren, amish and menonites fit into christianity... could you explain anything of this please?... i send you my love ... xxc
the Amish have a congregational/presbyterial system (with "bishops" but not in the sense of the old apostolic churches) in which they vote for elders (with some element of "chance" or "the hand of God"). Their authority is very strong, as is however the element of tradition, which guides and limits their authority greatly. I think it is much the same for the Menonites, but don't know for the Plymouth Brethren
@@donjojohannes thankyou... xxc
@@donjojohannes it would be wonderful if your books could become available as audio books... your voice is good to hear, your phrasing and tone is so relaxing and clear... i find what you say is easy for me to grasp and understand... and still leaves me room to think and reflect... thankyou donjojohannes... much love xxc
Father ,how i can write you ,is there a possibility for email or other type of more one to one conversation,i would like some advice?
Leiiiider nicht in Salzburg 😢, wie schade (als Rollstuhlfahrerin sind andere Ziele zu weit
malt vinegar, Johannes 🙂
Some thoughts upon reflection of your words brother Johannes.
I'm reflecting on Messiah Yahushua's isolation, along with Yahuchanan (John) the immerser's isolation our in the wilderness, Moshe's isolation for some 80 years in the wilderness to some extent, to Yosef's 13 years in captivity and much isolation from the world, and many of YAHUWAH Elohiym Most High's true prophets which underwent much isolation in their lives. I'm sitting here thinking whether Messiah Yahushua was running away from the world or whether he was drawing closer to his father YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High in his alone time, in all the early mornings when he was alone, on a mountain with only YAH Most High?
Organised religion, or fake, false religions have never been the TRUTH, nor never been the Way taught by our heavenly Father YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High. Messiah Yahushua himself never established any hierarchy of governance for his very teachings truly destroyed any possibility of organised religion. All we to be brothers and sisters.
An example. Messiah Yahushua himself taught to not be called Rabbi, Master, Pastor , teacher, etc. for we have one spiritual teacher, Messiah Yahushua, whom he, himself did't even claim that his own words were his, but rather were his Father's words. He taught to call no man here in earth Father... What do we get in Christianity? Within the two wings of the same bird, Roman Catholic Christianity and Protestant Christianity, there's so much doctrines of devils and demons it ain't in any way funny brother. It's diabolical. We see men calling themselves Father, blasphemous titles of Pope, directly flying in the face of Messiah Yahushua's teachings. I truly wonder if protestants and Catholic Christians alike actually read the words coming out of Messiah Yahushua's mouth? Do they read the TORAH?
Matthew 23:8-15 KJV - "But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.
But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves."
Messiah Yahushua I believe after studying politics and international relations, systems of governance and idealogies, instituted a near PERFECT system, that would be incorruptible, should it have actually been followed, for it is truly the most wide, diffuse system of governance I've ever studied, with zero positions of power, without any bishops, Cardinals, deacons, presbyterian elders, none of that, and definitely no Pope, with all the host of diabolical deeds done by religions leaders, wolves in sheep's clothing, pretending to be sheep to prey upon the innocent children, that have been abused at the hands of such false religions and their leadership through thousands of years. YAH Most High knows the filth, the true heinous, diabolical truth of what goes on, and continues to go on in the Jesuit orders, the Templar orders, the secret orders.
I'm so very grateful that Christians have shown me a slice of their true nature, being a Hebrew man myself, called a heretic and "son of Satan" by the very "self professing Bible believing, born again Christians" who claim to know my father YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High or his only begotten son Messiah Yahushua. I forgive these souls and pray for them, and will continue to pray for them, but these fake religions are the bane of truth, the very poison and venom spit out by the serpent in the garden of Eden courses through every false religion, whether it's called Judaism with its Talmudic blasphemies and kabalistic mysticism, to Christianity with 2000 years of true horror, to the latest false religion Islam, likewise with 2 false wings, bickering and fighting with one another, the Sunni vs the Shia Muslims....
The devil ha'satan and the kingdom of darkness ain't dumb, i don't for one second assume our enemies are stupid. They don't need to recreate the wheel, if the same false narrative and false soup of traditions of man, taught by devil worshipping seed of the serpent, children of the devil is just updated and reiterated upon every once in a while.
There's only one path Messiah Yahushua himself taught. His "gospel of the kingdom of heaven" and the TORAH of his and my heavenly Father YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High. He didn't come abolishing his Father's everlasting commandments ie the Torah, for of he tried to do that, he would by definition be proven to be a false prophet by the very TORAH of his father YaHuWaH, he proclaimed to follow. Deuteronomy chapter 13 would prove Messiah Yahushua himself, to be a false prophet.
Now, i don't believe in any way he was or is a false prophet. I do believe John the revelator, when he clearly showed that many anti Messiah's were alive and well in his day, and many more would come after.
Ginger are the days when I will trust in men, in MAN or woman or child coming after Messiah Yahushua, pretending to be his followers and distinctly walking in apostasy versus his teachings.
I truly hope you fast and pray like you've never fasted and prayed brother Johannes, for where the world is about to be taken, there ain't gonna be any salvation founded in the false teachings of false prophets and false apostles and false religions.
May YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High, guide you to the truth without any leaven of Herod nor the leaven of the Pharisees, in Messiah Yahushua's mighty name aw-mane.
Shalom be with you brother. Hope to see you in New Yerushalayim one fine day.