Next Chapter: Link: Previous Chapter: Hiya Folks! Our belated first update on the latest patch after a lengthy hiatus, as Molly underwent surgery after her breast cancer diagnosis, and has since been in recovery mode the last few months. Welcome to the Dawn of Eternity’s End. Megatron and WonderBoi Sidekick go hiking through dimensions while undead elf shares tender moment with the corrupted half soul of a paladin-turned smurf angel, as they reminisce about their past dates gone wrong with fallen Prince of Lordaeron. Looking forward to helping WoW in it’s latest hour of need! Despite how bad things may be, there could be a great future ahead for the franchise with a bit of love. And y’know, maybe not have the whole story revolve around Undead elf /cough.
I wish Molly a speedy recovery, and also agree with that last sentence 100%. WoWs overarching storytelling was never anything amazing, but it just got worse over the years since arguably Cataclysm, and yet I hope for something better still like the clown I am.
There should be a conversation between Jaina and Tyrande, and Jaina and Arthas will reunite and share a kiss in cinematic form. That’s what should happen in the next part of the storyline.
Later on both sylvannas and uther touch each others wound.. Uther: those fools.. They never knew about our real plan lol Sylvannas: we gonna stab em all at the back later on lol
You know, not every character has to do big things. Bane is there to show the most, how terrible the time in Thorgast was. Player just love to ignore it, because for them it's just some slaughtering around. That's okay. You don't have to care for story and lore. But people then indeed should not talk about it, if they don't care.
Hope this is the real ending. We beat jailer but he uploads his brain to the computer, and it likes break space-time. So hes now existing in the past and future etc. Corrupts timelines with Infinite dragonflight being introduced. Players and Heroes are faced with a choice, stay in Shadowlands and figure out what happened or go back to Azeroth. Sylvannas stays behind to find nathanos and then in theory be the messenger when they have figured out what has gone on and need our help again. On Azeroth they find the current dragonflights responding, Alliance go through Bolvar and the Red Dragonflight, Horde through Wrathion and the Black Dagonflight
Chromie can change the past aight, but she can't prevent the disaster that is the next expansion. In fact...they might as well kill Chromie off now. That's what they are doing anyways...someone's lore is too complicated? ...shit, let's kill em off then.
@@Dowlphin It will be bad.... The same infection that got Hollywood has been hammering Blizzard for a decade now. It broke free when Activision bought them. From the dialogue to lore the game, their writing no longer allows robust pretty much know how the end will look by the beginning of the expan. Don't even get me started on Torghast, and the M+ loot caps coupled with dev decisions just ruining raiding, and boiling it down to just a zerg through some hallways for shiny lewt. The killing blow for me was when the genocidal maniac gave a speech over the withering soul of one of the most complicated characters in all of nerdom. While that souls friends in life just stood there with their dicks in their hands and said nothing. I guess she got her W...."Slaaaaay Kweeeeeen". They didn't want to kill her though, cause soy-based fanboys would be real angry...which she deserved....instead they make her do some mundane task that essentially does make her dead. Oof, could you imagine if they killed her off... they might be called "misogynist" or any other ists. That's why I just don't care what the do anymore. The game died with Arthus' soul. Garrosh had the right idea....he just raged himself out of existence before all that went down. Didn't want to see the rest cause he knew there wouldn't be propper justice for necrofetish ranger girl. Edit: I didn't even notice the
Did you notice that when Jaina, Talia, and Calia were talking about all the poor souls who had come in contact with Frostmourne, and the horrible effect it had on them, they failed to mention Sylvanas?
What's hillarious about it? That's not unusual behavior at all. Plus she can trust Uther while still not trusting Sylvanas, what's the point? Uther as Kyrian can look into the souls of people. Sylvanas can freeze stuff and play around with whater. Plus she also got quite somd blood at her hands - for far lesser reasons than Sylvanas.
"There must always be a Lich King" Helm gets broken No one is controlling the scourge Helm gets reforged into free will to fight Jailor "There will never be a Lich King in Icecrown again" Really?
@@robfus Uther becoming Kyarin is a recent thing. It specifically said that in this expansion. There's a whole series of cutscenes showing him going through (from his perspective) lifetimes of training to give up his former self and become what he is now. So, it makes sense that he would have been a simple ghost then. And, all of his training focused on letting go of his past life, which was very difficult for him. So, it makes sense that, as a ghost, he still has a connection to what happens in Azeroth.
I kinda like in Halls of Reflection Sylvania instantly recognized Uther who died before her so she must have known him in life. But in recent cinematic she ask who he is, which perfectly illustrate how modern writers ignore previous instances of lore for no reason save laziness to read through it.
@@madbunny1002 It is very unlikely that Sylvannus would not have at least heard of Uther. Know him personally? Probably not, the elves were fairly reclusive. But Uther fought in the 2nd war against the Orcs (Warcraft II), and the elves of Silvermoon were a pivitol force in that war, and I believe both Windrunner sisters were involved in that combat. To say Sylvannus hadn't even heard of Uther would be similar to a British general having no idea who Eisenhower was in WW2. Maybe never spoke to him personally, but yes, he would know who the fuck that was.
@@darthimperious1594 I dont see anywhere where it says she didn't know anything about him. He introduced himself, she just didnt recognize him right off the bat, how could she. Additionally, why is it impossible someone might forget such a trivial detail over the last however many decades? I mean I dont remember the names of school teachers i've personally had for a full year at a time, but you expect her to remember every detail, right down to physical appearance, of someone she never met or saw even one time, from over 10 years ago, and no, time didnt stand still, shes aware of current events. This is a detail that is silly to get hung up on. its people just looking for a reason to complain. I think its actually more impressive of a detail for her to NOT know him. Tired of everyone always knowing everyone else. It shows more world development when the characters dont seem to always share the same pool of information as the writers.
"We cannot change the past. Except by retconning everything and writing a nonsensical story that ruins everything that came before while adding nothing but garbage to the lore. We can totally do that. And have. For a looooong time now."
IIRC, Thrall didn't. He wanted no business with the undead. I believe it was the Taurens who had faith and saw that Undead weren't monsters, just screwed. I think there was some early vanilla quest lines about this, something along the lines of, find a cure for the undead to return back to living.
The High Elf Sylvanas who does not know him is the frozen in time fragment of her soul that knows nothing beyond her death and only very little glimpse of the worst things her not frozen part did then (and likely without even getting shown the reasons, she just see someone slaughtering people, that's why the not frozen part is so pissed about her yelling)- what of course includes ICC.
@@miriamweller812 At the time of their split, neither had met Uther, I believe. Their relationship with him should be the exact same at the time of meeting.
@@cvanims The Banshee Sylvanas nows everything up to that point of the story. Only the High Elf, frozen soul self was cut out and got a giant hole of 'what the fuck happened' between the moment of her death and her frozen soul being reunited with the rest again. That the Banshee Sylvanas also will not know a lot about Uther beyonds tories, since he was also killed, yeah. But she will likely at least have heared of him - not that it plays much of role if she does. For her frozen in time soul part, the only thing that matters is, that he died the same way as she did - and explains to her, why she must accept this 'monster with her face': for the sake of others, what of course goes well with her frozen self, who already had given her life once to defend others.
The way Blizz treated Sylvanas after Wrath was abysmal. The way they butchered the Lich King in Shadowlands was beyond atrocious. To me, WoW ended with Wrath.
What I get from you crybabies is always just WAH WAH WAH - never an explanation. And when someone mentions something, it just shows he got no clue what he is talking about. In contrary, with Shadowlands the whole Lich King thing makes much more sense. What had fel ever to do with Undead or Domniation? It corrupted, sure, but not making people undead, but demons. Undead were always linked to Necromancy and Necromancy to Death. And while Domination magic wight not exactly sound directly linked, the whole thing abhout comanding the dead via enslaving their souls or other magic, well, it IS Domination. You got this in other fiction to, where you even quite often got the case, that it is simply easier to command a dead body, because the souls is gone, while if you are able to command the living, you have to much more powerful. Nothing was ruined. In contrary. And the includes Sylvanas. She clearly got more brutal after being soul raped and distorted by Arthas, but overall, even now Sylvanas indeed follows a way of freedom. She simply realised, that the wars in the mortal realms are utterly pointless, that whole life is pointless, because after life comes the eternity of death. She simple went for brutal means to reach her goal, but she never swaped the overall goal she was fighting for.
How I see it 1. Edge of Night: Zovaal pretended he was a helpless eternal one imprisoned in the Maw when he first met Sylvanas. 2. Zovaal used his power and link to Sylvanas to nudge her towards her worst impulses during Battle For Azeroth starting with Teldrassil 3. Zovaal didn't control Sylvanas. He controlled her impulses and morality inside of her. That is the case. Eternity of Torment 1. During the compass scene, Anduin secretly relayed a message that Domination actually makes its victims more malevolent over time 2. Zovaal likely became more malevolent due to Domination and his role as the Maw's Jailer which made him addicted to torturing mortals 3. Denathrius and Nathrezim's hobbies are also to torture and torment mortals as seen in both Revendreth and the Legion's actions 4. Therefore, the Mawsworn's goal is for Death to rule the universe and create a cycle of torture and torment. What should happen 1. Sargeras learned about Denathrius after finding out the Void Nathrezim are not natives of the Realms of Shadow 2. Sargeras met and made an alliance with Denathrius to remake the cosmos 3. Denathrius will corrupt Zovaal while Sargeras will capture legions of demons in Mardum to form the Burning Legion. 4. Sargeras manipulated Zovaal, not the other way around. 5. Zovaal disrupting the function of Zereth Mortis caused all other Zereths to fall. 6. With Azeroth’s weakening and Zovaal’s fall, Sargeras will use the Burning Legion and the Mawsworn to continue his burning crusade and fight the Void Lords. 7. The next World of Warcraft book should be one that is written from the Primus. As a thank you to the heroes of Azeroth for saving the Shadowlands, he writes down the First Ones, the cosmic forces, their hierarchy, stolen Nathrezim intelligence, Void Lords, art of war, etc. Sun Tzu: Art of War (Why Domination is an effective tool. In fact, Zovaal's defeat led to Domination's invention. A victory not a defeat) 1. In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to destroy them. Robert A. Heinlein: “Victory in defeat, there is none higher." Made up story 1 Sometime after his deal with Denathrius, Sargeras approached the Titan Pantheon and explained to them his view that all life in the universe should be destroyed. The Titan Pantheon were horrified at Sargeras' suggestion and told him that if that happens, everything they worked towards will be pointless. Sargeras responded by saying that there Void Lords managed to create Old Gods that can corrupt world inhabitants and world souls themselves. If a Void World Soul were to awake, there is nothing that they can do to stop it. Also, the lives of mortals would still continue and be protected in the Shadowlands so it shouldn't be a problem. The Titan Pantheon refused to follow Sargeras' plan as seen in the events shown in the Chronicles. Nevertheless, Sargeras did not need the Pantheon's approval. He continued to work to imprison demons in Mardum and once he has the required number, he will release the demons and give them an ultimatum to join his Burning Legion or die. Before enacting his plan to create the Burning Legion, Sargeras confronted and destroyed the Pantheon of Disorder. He would later devour the Pantheon of Disorder's essences after he creates his Burning Legion by destroying Mardum. Made up story 2 Denathrius followed Sargeras' plan and approached Zovaal in Oribos. Zovaal, as the Arbiter, already had doubts about the First Ones' purpose after reviewing and experiencing the lives of many mortals as he judges them. The Arbiter sees how the mortals' lives were influenced by the cosmic forces. Knowing Zovaal's current state, Denathrius began to plant seeds of even more doubt into Zovaal regarding the flaw of the First Ones' purpose through the use of information given to him by the Nathrezim and his charisma. This led Zovaal to plan his full take-over of the Shadowlands and invasion on Zereth Mortis. Zovaal and Denathrius knew that if Zovaal fails, he will be imprisoned in the Maw. Therefore, both Eternal Ones worked to change the fabrics of the Maw so that Zovaal can have complete control of the realm's expansion and the tower of Torghast. Zovaal would attempted to steal the Eternal Ones' sigils. However, the Primus used his cunningness to corner and defeat Zovaal along with the other Eternal Ones including Denathrius. Denathrius advised the Primus to spare Zovaal and instead make a magic to bind Zovaal. The Primus, thus, created Domination magic which Denathrius see as a potential weapon that he, Sargeras, and Zovaal can use. In addition, Denathrius added some corruption in the magic of Domination which will make the victims malevolent if they have been touched by Domination for too long.
Sorry, but what changed? She simply realised, that she just fought a pointless battle inside a machine and since she knows that, she wants to stop that machine, just like she wanted stop the Lich King.
"We cannot change the past. And we may never find forgiveness in the future. But inaction damns us all." It would take someone like Uther to redeem Sylvanas after all Blizz has done. You were always The Real One, Ligthbringer
BTW, there is an alternate view, a very interesting one following the spiritual path, stating that we can ONLY change the PAST. (As usual, and in Dào De Jíng style, enlightenment comes with seeming contradiction.) Because the future is determined by our actions influenced by all our past experiences, but when we change ourselves and thus enable us to see the past in a different light, then we have pretty much changed the past. We have worked on it. And that then, too, guides our actions that create a future. A future which also cannot be changed because it hasn't happened yet, so it can only be made, but it is also not so much made as that is simply comes to be inevitably. Thisc hanging of the past also involves finding truth, becasue a past of unrecognized lies is lived as if it was true, and thereby you perpetuate a fake world.
have not watched the video yet, but even if I don't play wow and don't quite have a hook line and sinker on me for this story/lore. Really glad to see an upload from you! it's been far to long
@@cameronmcewen9666 she's undead and she doesn't bathe... she DOESN'T BATHE--- AGAIN... SHE DOESN'T BATHE dude. She WREAKS of Sulfur which is ROTTEN eggs. SHE--- DOES NOT----BATHE.. NOT EVEN a SIMP will smash that. But Knowing americans you would.
Seems to me its the same graphics from 1990. no difference whatsoever, the cut scenes arent even any better (They were always amazing.) But, until we all quit playing, and just let WoW die, we'll never get an updated game. I mean look at WoW and compare it to any game thats come out in the last 10 years. Fuck Castlevania from 2008 onward has always looked better than anything WoW has done. They just can't change the engine, they'd need to build a brand new everything. And they never will, because its still bringing in millions of dollars.
The plot is too cheap! 1: If Sylvanas's spirit really was split in two, with one banshee who was doing all the things from the moment Sylvanas awoke as a concious being from death, then the character still went through a ridiculous shift where at one point she did everything to protect the Forsaken and the Horde, to a point where she suddenly.... didn't care??? And even that retcon of character aside, why should Sylvanas, the Ranger General be held accountable for the actions for the Banshee that she didn't know how to prevent? Not to mention, it's just fucking cheap, given how this twist was not foreshadowed well at all, and it is just much more interesting an idea that Sylvanas, once a ranger-general and leader of the elves, was forced to adapt to her new state, and was able to eventually emphathise with the undead Forsaken who should, by all accounts, remind her of the ugliness of all that happened to her people to begin with! That's a really interesting story, and yet it was butchered, no matter how much the writers try to justify it! 2: if we believe that the split into two souls isn't true (and sadly, we are more or less meant to accept that it is, but fuck that!) it is still a character assassination, because the character just acts differently than what was properly established for no good reason!
Sylvanas will always be the queen bitch in my memory. Sick of Blizzard pulling WTFBBQ moment outta their arses to try to redeem queen bitches. First Kerrigan in SCII, and now Sylvanas.
She wasn't rededdom at all, hell. The Ranger General self you see was just a fragment of her soul frozen in time. The other part is still ther 100% and it was't dominated. The raid cutscene made 100% clear, that Sylvanas indeed follows her plan she openly mentioned endless times. Got nothing to do with Zovaal. He just lied about the whole thing, that he would only break the machine. And not, it's not obvious. The others, Sylvanas mainly fights, are the ones who banished him with domination magic - for trying to break the machine before. Who knows if his goal was that extreme the first time? He might even have showed Sylvanas the truth about it - just not that his views had changed meanwhile.
In starcraft 2 kerrigan was literally forced to become a zerg and was under control, so her being redeemed was literally a good thing since if she wasn't abandoned by mengsk then she wouldn't have become the queen of blades and she did own up to her actions when she was still under control of the zergs hive mind when she killed mengsk she didn't stay around much longer and command her entire forces to leave the planet, Now as for sylvanas her case is literally hard to make of since in the past i would agree that she should be punished for her actions all for the sake of revenge against arthas but seeing this its hard to whether she should be redeemed or not since i wasn't expecting for her to be actually split in the soul making it where the banshee queen and the ranger general are separate beings all this time while going up against arthas
First, she didn't say that, YOUR writing sucks. Uther just makes an argument and it's not like they have much of say in it, he's a Kyrian, they are just some still living mortals who should not even be in the Shadowlands. He got all reason on his side, while they are just driven by hate. He clealry doe not care, what they think about it, he does not ask, he's just doing it. What shall the others do? Go on a rampage to kill her? And then what? Hope for the best beating a god? Just make up something out of nothing to try getting Anduin back?
The way the story was written sucks. But it is not weird that Jaina would trust Uther without question... in Wc3 she trusted him, he was the first Paladin and she knew what he stood for. It just sucks they shit on everyone from WC3 to tell this story so poorly.
1. That wasn't said at all. 2. The tragic of Arthas always played a role, problem was, he wanted indeed to destroy all Azeroth, so he had to be stopped. He clearly got his clear moment when he died, where you could see, that there was indeed still a part of Arthas inside, holding back the Scourge. You CAN see this part as a hero. Still a tragic one, since Arthas was not strong enough to resist the temptation, manipulation and following a wrong way.
So nice to see the true Sylvanas as her High Elf self. At lest this expansion had some relevant story by the end. Great to see Uther doing the light's work one last time.
I do believe that Uther has already acknowledged his mistake. The point of the scene was to show Uther's corruption, not to give Arthas what he deserved. Rather sad that Arthas had to be obliterated to demonstrate his corruption, though. Edit: Sorry, to be clear, I meant it's sad that Arthas had to be obliterated to demonstrate UTHER'S corruption.
Yeah, I don't get that. Why are we suppose to regard Arthas's fall as his own fault but Sylvanas's fall as being the Jailer's fault? The Jailer screwed them both over in my opinion.
Her eyes were brown when she skewered herself on Frostmourne. Sylvanas was "fractured" at the moment of her mortal death. The jailer kept a fraction of her under lock and key. The banshee remembers everything about her former life and all the days since. The ranger remained present in the villain she became. Even Anduin noticed that. Her rage against Arthas is all based upon that memory. I have to conclude the blue-eyed blonde is an insignificant percentage.
Its not percentages. Its the same soul split in half. One stayed frozen in time as ranger general, the other experienced slavery to undeath and then coming to understand the dreadful reality of being a moving corpse. They were the same person until their paths became different. If somebody violated you beyond belief, took your autonomy, made you kill your loved ones; and after you finally get revenge you realize you're empty and want to die; and no matter what you can't have the life you used to have and love who you used to love, having half rotten corpses as "family" and "people" now, then seeing how world is essentially cycles of peace and war, how her new people were used as fodder by Garrosh. How she could never love Nathanos the way she loved him when they were alive, because they're both corpses. People are rarely the perfect heroes. After that much of pain no wonder the "living part" of Sylvanas got dark. She hoped to change that reality with Jailer. All her actions was in hopes to change the system of the world and undo the suffering. Too bad (in the novels) she got convinced that what the Lich king did wasn't Jailer's bidding.
Sylv: Now i'm good/ i Will get My vengeance Arthas!! Tyrande: i Will kill Sylvanas!/ Disapears. Elune: denies Tyrande's revenge/ Tyrande invoqued me, she must choose vengeance or renuwal.
I don't play wow so I need context, is this a complete retcon? In WC3 it was established that Kiljaedon is the one that came up with the whole Lich King idea, trapping Ner'zhul's soul inside the helm of domination, encasing him in ice and throwing him in Azeroth to prep it for the Legion's invasion, and it was Ner'zhul who made the blade in order to set up Arthas.
@@goncalves4269 No, that's wrong. People are used to shit writing so much, that everything has to be a 'masterplan' it seems, where everything is under control. That's not how the whole thing works, it's not how manipulatiojn works. WoW actually shows very nicely, how manipulation is done. With a big oversight over things from the shadows and then pulling a string here and pushing someone there, wait for the outcome and use this for further manipulation. There wasn't one masterplan. A lot of what Jailer/Dreadlords and co did, did not work out at all as they planed - but since they themselves weren't revealed, they just continued and used the failed plan for other means. A succesful manipulator does not jut have one plan that has to succeed. They have thousands plans and use the one that fits.
Uther: There must always be a lich king. Primus: There will be no more lich king, oh and btw i reforged the helm into a low level ugly looking green crown. Uther: WTF
@@natsumiru3485 "Pre Arthas" Sylvanas must've known Uther, he was the first paladin ordained ibln Stratholme, city bordering with Quel'thalas. Icc encounter just confirms that she knew Uther. The reason behind "who are you?" is pure incompetence of writing team.
@@josephford2226 fair though in hindsight, he could have atleast left someone better then garrosh to lead the horde. their were alot of other worthy candidates, Eitrig, Vol'jin, Cairn Bloodhoof, hell i would have settled for Saurfang even though i hated his constant rants about honor and then never following up on it during BFA. (yeah i might have a little bias because i was loyal to sylvannas during BFA, i personally liked her leadership up until 8.2 where they decided to go full on villain with her). not saying i hate garrosh (far from it, he's a fucking badass) but given everything thats happened under his watch during cata and ESPECIALLY during MoP, its easy to see that he wasn't ready to be a leader yet. infact now that i think about it, i think there could have been alot of potential with Saurfang as Warchief and Garrosh as an Advisor/Grand warlord.
Remember, Tarande's Eyeliner was evil, and Sylvanis Blue Skin was evil. Good to know that these people aren't responsible for their actions and can be redeemed into marketable characters fit for merchandising.
@@MrOnionRing And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. They've been retconning this story like crazy, once in LK, again in Cata, again again in Legion, and one last time here as we wind up to (hopefully) the end.
honestly ill come back to wow when arthas shows up and is like im the true Lich King and i want my throne back! all scourge will submit to me and the world will be reset to the way it was..end expansion
"Never in a thousand lifetimes would I betray EVERYTHING I stood for! You could never possibly understand..." Yeah and the guy who DOES never even shows up.
I find it interesting that only Bolvar wanted her to awaken. Interestingly enough, he’s the only person other than either who directly suffered under Arthas.
i think the reason is becus she is essentially 2 souls her banshee self and her high elf self so when her high elf self sees uther she doesnt recognise him
"It is not my fault, it is all Arthas' fault!" "It is not my fault, it is all Jailer's fault!" "But I will still say that I am unforgiveable so that everyone thinks that I am innocent and I get to be redeemed!"
So Tarande's Eyeliner was evil, and Sylvanis Blue Skin was evil. Good to know that these people aren't responsible for their actions and can be redeemed into marketable characters fit for merchandising.
@@cameronmcewen9666 thank you. You’re in the minority. People like us who actually watched the cinematic know this. Everyone else just hopped on the bandwagon of misinterpretation made by Asmongold, Preach and the like. Gotta love it.
Fucking hell. If they do that to Arthas, no way that Sylvanas should be redeemed. Hell, we all know that the only reason she gets to live is because she is a 'hot chick'. Fucking hell, show some spine and hold her accountable.
And so Blizzard once again tries to force down Sylvannas' redemption arc on us, and the method they have chosen is *spin wheel* It was an evil copy the whole time! I guess the writers at Blizzard are fans of soap operas or something.
The entire point of the cinematic is to show the opposite, you clearly didn't watch it. It wasn't an evil copy, it is herself, she did all those things and has to live with that,
@@NanoLT till forcing her redemption lol, I’ll be more interested when I see what they did to my boy (andy) and how they’ll just skim over how fucked up it was what happened to him.. fun times lol
@@CNTango I mean they will probably fuck it up and make it shit. But this is a step in the right direction and blindly hating everything isn't constructive.
You know I can’t helped but feel bad for Sylvanas. The true Sylvanas. Watching her true soul see the Burning of Teldrassil gave me chills man. Her entire life and death she’s spent it being screwed over by everything and everyone. What’s worse is that she’s alone in it all. Almost no one understands or wants to understand the hell her existence is. She’s a literal abomination. But I don’t think she planned to be that way.
Oh poor her. The genocidal maniac coming to terms with all her chosen atrocities. The horror! Please!! She had chance after chance at redemption. Stop making excuses because she has a pretty face. At least garrosh stuck with his choices.
I really wonder how ppl will react when Arthas returns in 9.2, lets be real at this point its nearly confirmed. i feel like Jaina will break man... especially when he leaves for good.
whats the music at 5:04 ? wasnt it the same as when she was crowned chief ? nvm found it if anyone is interested its fate of the horde theme from legion
A lot of people give Shadowlands shit, but I finally have come to a place where I have compassion for Sylvanas. I think they brought this around as well as it could have been done.
I just realized that sylvanas should have been mind controlled the second she got within range of the lich King, the only reason he lost control was because of a power outage, he no longer has that so in theory Silvana should just be his slave again
Everything that’s wrong with this specifically stems from them blowing their “wad” too early with Wrath. Arthas and Sargares are the Motivators and faction War is the preoccupation. Arthas fell within 4 years and was by far the most important villain they had and Sargares felt cheese balled. Not sure how they dig themselves out of this.
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Hiya Folks! Our belated first update on the latest patch after a lengthy hiatus, as Molly underwent surgery after her breast cancer diagnosis, and has since been in recovery mode the last few months. Welcome to the Dawn of Eternity’s End. Megatron and WonderBoi Sidekick go hiking through dimensions while undead elf shares tender moment with the corrupted half soul of a paladin-turned smurf angel, as they reminisce about their past dates gone wrong with fallen Prince of Lordaeron.
Looking forward to helping WoW in it’s latest hour of need! Despite how bad things may be, there could be a great future ahead for the franchise with a bit of love. And y’know, maybe not have the whole story revolve around Undead elf /cough.
Thank you for the update! Hope she is feeling better!
And welcome back
I wish Molly a speedy recovery, and also agree with that last sentence 100%. WoWs overarching storytelling was never anything amazing, but it just got worse over the years since arguably Cataclysm, and yet I hope for something better still like the clown I am.
There should be a conversation between Jaina and Tyrande, and Jaina and Arthas will reunite and share a kiss in cinematic form. That’s what should happen in the next part of the storyline.
Wishing Molly a speedy recovery!
@@pendulum5594 Who?
Uther: trust me?
Jaina: oki :3
"I mean, since you asked so nicely and firmly" - anonymous mage
Uther doesn’t trust Sylvanas either, but so long as he’s around, she won’t betray any of them.
Later on both sylvannas and uther touch each others wound..
Uther: those fools.. They never knew about our real plan lol
Sylvannas: we gonna stab em all at the back later on lol
The dialogs make me cringe harder than anything tbh
Yet she love her father but Rexxar along with Rokhan and Chen together murder her racist father in front of her
sitting in a corner has been so stable for baine's character development he has become the most based character in wow
Right, him and LOR’THEMAR. It’s like they put them in the background to remind us they’re still relevant.
@@Mr_Edwards_1995 theyre trying to hide so thier charecters dont get ruined anymore
@@mayalewis2956 I didn't think of it like that, shit. You're right lol.
"maybe she shouldn't" I like that
You know, not every character has to do big things.
Bane is there to show the most, how terrible the time in Thorgast was.
Player just love to ignore it, because for them it's just some slaughtering around. That's okay. You don't have to care for story and lore. But people then indeed should not talk about it, if they don't care.
Uther: "You cannot change the past."
Chromie: *Laughs in bronze dragon"
Hope this is the real ending.
We beat jailer but he uploads his brain to the computer, and it likes break space-time. So hes now existing in the past and future etc. Corrupts timelines with Infinite dragonflight being introduced.
Players and Heroes are faced with a choice, stay in Shadowlands and figure out what happened or go back to Azeroth. Sylvannas stays behind to find nathanos and then in theory be the messenger when they have figured out what has gone on and need our help again.
On Azeroth they find the current dragonflights responding, Alliance go through Bolvar and the Red Dragonflight, Horde through Wrathion and the Black Dagonflight
Chromie can change the past aight, but she can't prevent the disaster that is the next expansion. In fact...they might as well kill Chromie off now.
That's what they are doing anyways...someone's lore is too complicated? ...shit, let's kill em off then.
@@Dr.Cosmar The next expansion will probably drag on big-time.
@@Dowlphin It will be bad....
The same infection that got Hollywood has been hammering Blizzard for a decade now. It broke free when Activision bought them.
From the dialogue to lore the game, their writing no longer allows robust pretty much know how the end will look by the beginning of the expan.
Don't even get me started on Torghast, and the M+ loot caps coupled with dev decisions just ruining raiding, and boiling it down to just a zerg through some hallways for shiny lewt.
The killing blow for me was when the genocidal maniac gave a speech over the withering soul of one of the most complicated characters in all of nerdom.
While that souls friends in life just stood there with their dicks in their hands and said nothing.
I guess she got her W...."Slaaaaay Kweeeeeen".
They didn't want to kill her though, cause soy-based fanboys would be real angry...which she deserved....instead they make her do some mundane task that essentially does make her dead.
Oof, could you imagine if they killed her off... they might be called "misogynist" or any other ists.
That's why I just don't care what the do anymore. The game died with Arthus' soul. Garrosh had the right idea....he just raged himself out of existence before all that went down. Didn't want to see the rest cause he knew there wouldn't be propper justice for necrofetish ranger girl.
Edit: I didn't even notice the
Well Uther isn't lying. SHE can't change the past. The Bronze Dragons can though.
Did you notice that when Jaina, Talia, and Calia were talking about all the poor souls who had come in contact with Frostmourne, and the horrible effect it had on them, they failed to mention Sylvanas?
Oh, right !
And Uther, Terenas, various Lordaeron citizens, murlocs and the occasional Night Elf Demon.
@@Athelarius we all know illidan possesses an IMMORTAL DEMON SOUL lol
and Arthas himself. It was the first soul that Frostmourne took
That’s the point. She refuses to admit Sylvanas is just like everyone else they mentioned because of her own personal grievances.
The writing is hillarious.
Uther " well trust in me"
Jaina " k"
What's hillarious about it? That's not unusual behavior at all. Plus she can trust Uther while still not trusting Sylvanas, what's the point?
Uther as Kyrian can look into the souls of people. Sylvanas can freeze stuff and play around with whater. Plus she also got quite somd blood at her hands - for far lesser reasons than Sylvanas.
I prefer it short simple and proper instead of a several minutes of empty arguing where we all know are there "as a filler to justify".
oKaY i BeLiEvE yOu
Thats pretty classic...
I laughed so hard when it happened
"Uther enters Sylvanas"
My perverted brain : "Wait this isn't rule34"
If really makes the Danuser narrative clear.
"There must always be a Lich King"
Helm gets broken
No one is controlling the scourge
Helm gets reforged into free will to fight Jailor
"There will never be a Lich King in Icecrown again"
Just because a character says something doesn't mean it's infallible truth... They can be wrong you know
Very convenient excuse for poorly planned writing.
I mean, are we forgetting the upcoming blood elf quest line?
Where the scourge are literally going ape shit???
WotLK II: Electric Boogaloo!
@@BaileysDad why should we trust any character then? Its a very high possibility that none of them know shit.
Anduin: I'm sorry,,, I don't know how to resist domination...
Darion, standing 10 feet away:
The Jailer is absolutely fuck-tons more powerful than Arthas was though.
@@L1vingAshlar Shhh, don't ruin the fun of this comment
My DK is standing there too, right behind Darion.
Sylvannas resisting Arthas in WotLK seemed like a hope story to me.
@@brendamobley that was because the hole in the Frozen Throne leaked Nerzhul's power
UA-cam comment are always interesting to read
Uther really deserves his nickname/title as the Lightbringer. He always gives light to all those who lost in the darkness
except for Arthas, who he yeeted to oblivion and caused shit to get worse
@@phantom1a2 i mean... Fuck Arthas, it's not like he was an easy case
Yeah seriously I love this guy
"its me, the lightbringer"
@@phantom1a2 ...after abandoning him in Stratholme when his pupil made the heaviest decision in his life. Reliable AF.
Tbh, I miss the old sylvanas in wotlk... A very long time agon...
Miss the old "EVERYTHING" from WoTLK and older expansions.
I think this does a good job with showing how out of sync the current story is with what had already been established.
When Uther ghost appeared i remembered that yeah how he appearex if he is a Kyarin now? How ghost works?
@@robfus Uther becoming Kyarin is a recent thing. It specifically said that in this expansion. There's a whole series of cutscenes showing him going through (from his perspective) lifetimes of training to give up his former self and become what he is now. So, it makes sense that he would have been a simple ghost then. And, all of his training focused on letting go of his past life, which was very difficult for him. So, it makes sense that, as a ghost, he still has a connection to what happens in Azeroth.
You can't complain that the people who made the lore added to the lore
World of Sylvanas
@@ScorpioTear wrong. You in fact can and should talk shit about dogshit
I kinda like in Halls of Reflection Sylvania instantly recognized Uther who died before her so she must have known him in life. But in recent cinematic she ask who he is, which perfectly illustrate how modern writers ignore previous instances of lore for no reason save laziness to read through it.
Not really, the Sylvannas in the recent Cenematic was her old rememnant memories, in a time which she didn't know Uther, so it's logical.
@@madbunny1002 So many people lack critical thinking skills. Be careful!!!
@@madbunny1002 It is very unlikely that Sylvannus would not have at least heard of Uther. Know him personally? Probably not, the elves were fairly reclusive. But Uther fought in the 2nd war against the Orcs (Warcraft II), and the elves of Silvermoon were a pivitol force in that war, and I believe both Windrunner sisters were involved in that combat.
To say Sylvannus hadn't even heard of Uther would be similar to a British general having no idea who Eisenhower was in WW2. Maybe never spoke to him personally, but yes, he would know who the fuck that was.
@@darthimperious1594 I dont see anywhere where it says she didn't know anything about him. He introduced himself, she just didnt recognize him right off the bat, how could she. Additionally, why is it impossible someone might forget such a trivial detail over the last however many decades? I mean I dont remember the names of school teachers i've personally had for a full year at a time, but you expect her to remember every detail, right down to physical appearance, of someone she never met or saw even one time, from over 10 years ago, and no, time didnt stand still, shes aware of current events.
This is a detail that is silly to get hung up on. its people just looking for a reason to complain. I think its actually more impressive of a detail for her to NOT know him. Tired of everyone always knowing everyone else. It shows more world development when the characters dont seem to always share the same pool of information as the writers.
@@darthimperious1594 Even if she heard about him she wouldnt how he looks like lmao
"We cannot change the past. Except by retconning everything and writing a nonsensical story that ruins everything that came before while adding nothing but garbage to the lore. We can totally do that. And have. For a looooong time now."
Besides shadowlands, story wasn't that retconed
Thrall: How can we possibly trust her?
Me: Just like how you trusted the Forsaken to join the Horde.
Again, that's just racist against the sentient undead.
IIRC, Thrall didn't. He wanted no business with the undead. I believe it was the Taurens who had faith and saw that Undead weren't monsters, just screwed. I think there was some early vanilla quest lines about this, something along the lines of, find a cure for the undead to return back to living.
Sylvanas didn't do all of this just because she's undead. A great injustice was done to the Forsaken and they're just people trying to carry on.
Well the Horde did offer an interesting prospect for the Forsaken's Advanced Science Division. So many delightful test subjects!
yall also know that the forsaken calling themselves that isnt just to have a 'cool' and dramatic name right?
theres a reason they call themselves such
Uther (ICC): *appears*
Sylvannas (ICC): "Uther..!"
Uther (Today): *appears*
Sylvannas (Today): "Who are you?"
“Uther..? Uther the Lightbringer? “
The High Elf Sylvanas who does not know him is the frozen in time fragment of her soul that knows nothing beyond her death and only very little glimpse of the worst things her not frozen part did then (and likely without even getting shown the reasons, she just see someone slaughtering people, that's why the not frozen part is so pissed about her yelling)- what of course includes ICC.
@@miriamweller812 At the time of their split, neither had met Uther, I believe. Their relationship with him should be the exact same at the time of meeting.
@@cvanims The Banshee Sylvanas nows everything up to that point of the story. Only the High Elf, frozen soul self was cut out and got a giant hole of 'what the fuck happened' between the moment of her death and her frozen soul being reunited with the rest again.
That the Banshee Sylvanas also will not know a lot about Uther beyonds tories, since he was also killed, yeah. But she will likely at least have heared of him - not that it plays much of role if she does.
For her frozen in time soul part, the only thing that matters is, that he died the same way as she did - and explains to her, why she must accept this 'monster with her face': for the sake of others, what of course goes well with her frozen self, who already had given her life once to defend others.
@@miriamweller812 the ranger-general of Silvermoon and the leader of the paladins of the silver hand didn't know each other?
The way Blizz treated Sylvanas after Wrath was abysmal.
The way they butchered the Lich King in Shadowlands was beyond atrocious.
To me, WoW ended with Wrath.
Ideally, Sylvanas should've perished and stayed perished when she jumped from Icecrown in that short story. We'd all be better off.
Beyond true
What I get from you crybabies is always just WAH WAH WAH - never an explanation.
And when someone mentions something, it just shows he got no clue what he is talking about.
In contrary, with Shadowlands the whole Lich King thing makes much more sense.
What had fel ever to do with Undead or Domniation? It corrupted, sure, but not making people undead, but demons. Undead were always linked to Necromancy and Necromancy to Death. And while Domination magic wight not exactly sound directly linked, the whole thing abhout comanding the dead via enslaving their souls or other magic, well, it IS Domination.
You got this in other fiction to, where you even quite often got the case, that it is simply easier to command a dead body, because the souls is gone, while if you are able to command the living, you have to much more powerful.
Nothing was ruined. In contrary.
And the includes Sylvanas. She clearly got more brutal after being soul raped and distorted by Arthas, but overall, even now Sylvanas indeed follows a way of freedom. She simply realised, that the wars in the mortal realms are utterly pointless, that whole life is pointless, because after life comes the eternity of death.
She simple went for brutal means to reach her goal, but she never swaped the overall goal she was fighting for.
@@miriamweller812 sounds like someone never played Warcraft 3 to understand the massive retcon they pulled just to have this bullshit make sense.
@@miriamweller812 I fell asleep reading your… comment?
Whatever dude… WoW died with Activision and wokeness.
Even to this day the OG Lich King is still so much more imposing than the jailor
Jaina: She's the one who turned Anduin.
Me: And Arthas is the one who turned Sylvanas.
She does not know that yet but i dunno if she knows
@@beadreacts They all know that
yep, and she(Jaina) was the one who left Arthas alone on that path...
Lore: Jailer is the one who turned Arthas.
How I see it
1. Edge of Night: Zovaal pretended he was a helpless eternal one imprisoned in the Maw when he first met Sylvanas.
2. Zovaal used his power and link to Sylvanas to nudge her towards her worst impulses during Battle For Azeroth starting with Teldrassil
3. Zovaal didn't control Sylvanas. He controlled her impulses and morality inside of her. That is the case.
Eternity of Torment
1. During the compass scene, Anduin secretly relayed a message that Domination actually makes its victims more malevolent over time
2. Zovaal likely became more malevolent due to Domination and his role as the Maw's Jailer which made him addicted to torturing mortals
3. Denathrius and Nathrezim's hobbies are also to torture and torment mortals as seen in both Revendreth and the Legion's actions
4. Therefore, the Mawsworn's goal is for Death to rule the universe and create a cycle of torture and torment.
What should happen
1. Sargeras learned about Denathrius after finding out the Void Nathrezim are not natives of the Realms of Shadow
2. Sargeras met and made an alliance with Denathrius to remake the cosmos
3. Denathrius will corrupt Zovaal while Sargeras will capture legions of demons in Mardum to form the Burning Legion.
4. Sargeras manipulated Zovaal, not the other way around.
5. Zovaal disrupting the function of Zereth Mortis caused all other Zereths to fall.
6. With Azeroth’s weakening and Zovaal’s fall, Sargeras will use the Burning Legion and the Mawsworn to continue his burning crusade and fight the Void Lords.
7. The next World of Warcraft book should be one that is written from the Primus. As a thank you to the heroes of Azeroth for saving the Shadowlands, he writes down the First Ones, the cosmic forces, their hierarchy, stolen Nathrezim intelligence, Void Lords, art of war, etc.
Sun Tzu: Art of War (Why Domination is an effective tool. In fact, Zovaal's defeat led to Domination's invention. A victory not a defeat)
1. In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to destroy them.
Robert A. Heinlein: “Victory in defeat, there is none higher."
Made up story 1
Sometime after his deal with Denathrius, Sargeras approached the Titan Pantheon and explained to them his view that all life in the universe should be destroyed. The Titan Pantheon were horrified at Sargeras' suggestion and told him that if that happens, everything they worked towards will be pointless. Sargeras responded by saying that there Void Lords managed to create Old Gods that can corrupt world inhabitants and world souls themselves. If a Void World Soul were to awake, there is nothing that they can do to stop it. Also, the lives of mortals would still continue and be protected in the Shadowlands so it shouldn't be a problem. The Titan Pantheon refused to follow Sargeras' plan as seen in the events shown in the Chronicles. Nevertheless, Sargeras did not need the Pantheon's approval. He continued to work to imprison demons in Mardum and once he has the required number, he will release the demons and give them an ultimatum to join his Burning Legion or die. Before enacting his plan to create the Burning Legion, Sargeras confronted and destroyed the Pantheon of Disorder. He would later devour the Pantheon of Disorder's essences after he creates his Burning Legion by destroying Mardum.
Made up story 2
Denathrius followed Sargeras' plan and approached Zovaal in Oribos. Zovaal, as the Arbiter, already had doubts about the First Ones' purpose after reviewing and experiencing the lives of many mortals as he judges them. The Arbiter sees how the mortals' lives were influenced by the cosmic forces. Knowing Zovaal's current state, Denathrius began to plant seeds of even more doubt into Zovaal regarding the flaw of the First Ones' purpose through the use of information given to him by the Nathrezim and his charisma. This led Zovaal to plan his full take-over of the Shadowlands and invasion on Zereth Mortis. Zovaal and Denathrius knew that if Zovaal fails, he will be imprisoned in the Maw. Therefore, both Eternal Ones worked to change the fabrics of the Maw so that Zovaal can have complete control of the realm's expansion and the tower of Torghast. Zovaal would attempted to steal the Eternal Ones' sigils. However, the Primus used his cunningness to corner and defeat Zovaal along with the other Eternal Ones including Denathrius. Denathrius advised the Primus to spare Zovaal and instead make a magic to bind Zovaal. The Primus, thus, created Domination magic which Denathrius see as a potential weapon that he, Sargeras, and Zovaal can use. In addition, Denathrius added some corruption in the magic of Domination which will make the victims malevolent if they have been touched by Domination for too long.
Sounds good, but Blizzard probably won't come up with something as interesting as this.
Man thats better writting than what bliz has come up with for years now.
Blizzard better hire you ! Or they suck big time
Now that is actually interesting. But I’m too drowsy to read all of it.
@@MpoxCovid19 They should hire him to work on the animated shows.
Uther enters Sylvanas? Oh my.
*watches video*
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Yo same.
Next expansion: Enter the dragon. (Preferrably Ysera or Alexstrasza, but don't wait for their final form.)
Seriously this is a moment for archer to step in with “phrasing!”
Halls of reflection sylvannus is so much better than what followed. That was one of my favorite instances of all my time in wow.
Sorry, but what changed? She simply realised, that she just fought a pointless battle inside a machine and since she knows that, she wants to stop that machine, just like she wanted stop the Lich King.
@@miriamweller812 No. Sylvanas wanted revenge. She got it. What came afterward was tacked on bullshit for more plot.
"We cannot change the past. And we may never find forgiveness in the future. But inaction damns us all."
It would take someone like Uther to redeem Sylvanas after all Blizz has done. You were always The Real One, Ligthbringer
No one redeems us but ourselves. The *REAL* Sylvanas would know that.
BTW, there is an alternate view, a very interesting one following the spiritual path, stating that we can ONLY change the PAST. (As usual, and in Dào De Jíng style, enlightenment comes with seeming contradiction.)
Because the future is determined by our actions influenced by all our past experiences, but when we change ourselves and thus enable us to see the past in a different light, then we have pretty much changed the past. We have worked on it. And that then, too, guides our actions that create a future. A future which also cannot be changed because it hasn't happened yet, so it can only be made, but it is also not so much made as that is simply comes to be inevitably.
Thisc hanging of the past also involves finding truth, becasue a past of unrecognized lies is lived as if it was true, and thereby you perpetuate a fake world.
have not watched the video yet, but even if I don't play wow and don't quite have a hook line and sinker on me for this story/lore. Really glad to see an upload from you! it's been far to long
@Quick Action Figure I'm also not playing anymore
@Quick Action Figure This is why we need an animated series. And don’t make it a compilation of cutscenes!
Damn Sylvanas is Slaying her Outfit in High Elf form
Alleria: *sad High-Elf Outfit Noises*
She looks more attractive in the getup.
story of her life were it begins in a cold place were she died because of arthas.
@@cameronmcewen9666 she's undead and she doesn't bathe... she DOESN'T BATHE--- AGAIN... SHE DOESN'T BATHE dude. She WREAKS of Sulfur which is ROTTEN eggs. SHE--- DOES NOT----BATHE.. NOT EVEN a SIMP will smash that. But Knowing americans you would.
The amount of cringe here...
Uther ENTERS Sylvanas without consent
Just like blizzard devs
As someone who hasn't played WoW since TBC, these are pretty good graphics. This plot seems a bit . . . crazy though.
A bit too Avengers-like to my taste. This isn't fantasy anymore
Doood.. in compare to tbc cinematics Sylvanas looks like she has downs syndrome
Seems to me its the same graphics from 1990. no difference whatsoever, the cut scenes arent even any better (They were always amazing.)
But, until we all quit playing, and just let WoW die, we'll never get an updated game.
I mean look at WoW and compare it to any game thats come out in the last 10 years. Fuck Castlevania from 2008 onward has always looked better than anything WoW has done. They just can't change the engine, they'd need to build a brand new everything. And they never will, because its still bringing in millions of dollars.
That's a funny way to say "utter garbage".
The plot is too cheap!
1: If Sylvanas's spirit really was split in two, with one banshee who was doing all the things from the moment Sylvanas awoke as a concious being from death, then the character still went through a ridiculous shift where at one point she did everything to protect the Forsaken and the Horde, to a point where she suddenly.... didn't care??? And even that retcon of character aside, why should Sylvanas, the Ranger General be held accountable for the actions for the Banshee that she didn't know how to prevent? Not to mention, it's just fucking cheap, given how this twist was not foreshadowed well at all, and it is just much more interesting an idea that Sylvanas, once a ranger-general and leader of the elves, was forced to adapt to her new state, and was able to eventually emphathise with the undead Forsaken who should, by all accounts, remind her of the ugliness of all that happened to her people to begin with! That's a really interesting story, and yet it was butchered, no matter how much the writers try to justify it!
2: if we believe that the split into two souls isn't true (and sadly, we are more or less meant to accept that it is, but fuck that!) it is still a character assassination, because the character just acts differently than what was properly established for no good reason!
They'll do my poor Arthas even more dirty than they already have, I know it
"We can't change the past".
Bronze dragons : hah.
Sylvanas will always be the queen bitch in my memory. Sick of Blizzard pulling WTFBBQ moment outta their arses to try to redeem queen bitches. First Kerrigan in SCII, and now Sylvanas.
She wasn't rededdom at all, hell.
The Ranger General self you see was just a fragment of her soul frozen in time. The other part is still ther 100% and it was't dominated.
The raid cutscene made 100% clear, that Sylvanas indeed follows her plan she openly mentioned endless times. Got nothing to do with Zovaal. He just lied about the whole thing, that he would only break the machine.
And not, it's not obvious. The others, Sylvanas mainly fights, are the ones who banished him with domination magic - for trying to break the machine before. Who knows if his goal was that extreme the first time? He might even have showed Sylvanas the truth about it - just not that his views had changed meanwhile.
In starcraft 2 kerrigan was literally forced to become a zerg and was under control, so her being redeemed was literally a good thing since if she wasn't abandoned by mengsk then she wouldn't have become the queen of blades and she did own up to her actions when she was still under control of the zergs hive mind when she killed mengsk she didn't stay around much longer and command her entire forces to leave the planet,
Now as for sylvanas her case is literally hard to make of since in the past i would agree that she should be punished for her actions all for the sake of revenge against arthas but seeing this its hard to whether she should be redeemed or not since i wasn't expecting for her to be actually split in the soul making it where the banshee queen and the ranger general are separate beings all this time while going up against arthas
@@deltaxiii7803 Split souls of Sylv is another last minute asspull by Blizzard. There was zero prior indication of such situation. Eff that.
"Trust me then!"
*Okay I believe you!*
Fuck this story sucks.
should've renamed this piece of shit expansion pack world of sylvanas: the redemption arc or sth
First, she didn't say that, YOUR writing sucks. Uther just makes an argument and it's not like they have much of say in it, he's a Kyrian, they are just some still living mortals who should not even be in the Shadowlands. He got all reason on his side, while they are just driven by hate.
He clealry doe not care, what they think about it, he does not ask, he's just doing it.
What shall the others do? Go on a rampage to kill her? And then what? Hope for the best beating a god? Just make up something out of nothing to try getting Anduin back?
The way the story was written sucks. But it is not weird that Jaina would trust Uther without question... in Wc3 she trusted him, he was the first Paladin and she knew what he stood for. It just sucks they shit on everyone from WC3 to tell this story so poorly.
"Yo Arthas did all that on his own, maybe.... But Sylvanas should get full excuses and forgiveness." wow writing.
1. That wasn't said at all.
2. The tragic of Arthas always played a role, problem was, he wanted indeed to destroy all Azeroth, so he had to be stopped. He clearly got his clear moment when he died, where you could see, that there was indeed still a part of Arthas inside, holding back the Scourge. You CAN see this part as a hero. Still a tragic one, since Arthas was not strong enough to resist the temptation, manipulation and following a wrong way.
So nice to see the true Sylvanas as her High Elf self. At lest this expansion had some relevant story by the end. Great to see Uther doing the light's work one last time.
So.. when Arthus was controlled by the jailer its Arthus fault but when it happened to Sylvanas its jailers fault? Am I missing something here?
nope, its just disney level writing now.
I do believe that Uther has already acknowledged his mistake. The point of the scene was to show Uther's corruption, not to give Arthas what he deserved.
Rather sad that Arthas had to be obliterated to demonstrate his corruption, though.
Edit: Sorry, to be clear, I meant it's sad that Arthas had to be obliterated to demonstrate UTHER'S corruption.
Yeah, I don't get that. Why are we suppose to regard Arthas's fall as his own fault but Sylvanas's fall as being the Jailer's fault? The Jailer screwed them both over in my opinion.
It was more manipulation rather than control
"I'll never trust her!"
"Then trust in me"
Jesus am I glad they are ending this story asap.
@@miriamweller812 Story too complex and full of bullshit doesn't make who hate it crybabies.
@@miriamweller812 weak insult
Her eyes were brown when she skewered herself on Frostmourne. Sylvanas was "fractured" at the moment of her mortal death. The jailer kept a fraction of her under lock and key. The banshee remembers everything about her former life and all the days since. The ranger remained present in the villain she became. Even Anduin noticed that. Her rage against Arthas is all based upon that memory. I have to conclude the blue-eyed blonde is an insignificant percentage.
Its not percentages. Its the same soul split in half. One stayed frozen in time as ranger general, the other experienced slavery to undeath and then coming to understand the dreadful reality of being a moving corpse. They were the same person until their paths became different.
If somebody violated you beyond belief, took your autonomy, made you kill your loved ones; and after you finally get revenge you realize you're empty and want to die; and no matter what you can't have the life you used to have and love who you used to love, having half rotten corpses as "family" and "people" now, then seeing how world is essentially cycles of peace and war, how her new people were used as fodder by Garrosh. How she could never love Nathanos the way she loved him when they were alive, because they're both corpses.
People are rarely the perfect heroes. After that much of pain no wonder the "living part" of Sylvanas got dark. She hoped to change that reality with Jailer. All her actions was in hopes to change the system of the world and undo the suffering. Too bad (in the novels) she got convinced that what the Lich king did wasn't Jailer's bidding.
Nice to have you back, Athelarius! 👏👏
*understands the entire Danuser narrative instantly*
-Dan- uther ENTERS SYLVANAS* Fixed fo ya, np!
Sylv: Now i'm good/ i Will get My vengeance Arthas!!
Tyrande: i Will kill Sylvanas!/ Disapears.
Elune: denies Tyrande's revenge/ Tyrande invoqued me, she must choose vengeance or renuwal.
Players "When we will get a good Lore and not a crap like this?
Blizzard "You will get your good Lore when we will Fix this DAMN DOOR"
I don't play wow so I need context, is this a complete retcon? In WC3 it was established that Kiljaedon is the one that came up with the whole Lich King idea, trapping Ner'zhul's soul inside the helm of domination, encasing him in ice and throwing him in Azeroth to prep it for the Legion's invasion, and it was Ner'zhul who made the blade in order to set up Arthas.
Yup it got retconned.. ;__; its all about Zoval now aka the Jailer and The Maw, shadowlands, afterlife, bla bla xD
I’m quite ticked off about that myself.
@@dariosubara6521 oh I see why people are a little testy about this expansion now
Yeah, basically "No, no, it was all the Jailer's master plan!" which probably is part of someone else's master plan, etc. and so on.
@@goncalves4269 No, that's wrong. People are used to shit writing so much, that everything has to be a 'masterplan' it seems, where everything is under control.
That's not how the whole thing works, it's not how manipulatiojn works. WoW actually shows very nicely, how manipulation is done. With a big oversight over things from the shadows and then pulling a string here and pushing someone there, wait for the outcome and use this for further manipulation.
There wasn't one masterplan. A lot of what Jailer/Dreadlords and co did, did not work out at all as they planed - but since they themselves weren't revealed, they just continued and used the failed plan for other means.
A succesful manipulator does not jut have one plan that has to succeed. They have thousands plans and use the one that fits.
Uther: There must always be a lich king.
Primus: There will be no more lich king, oh and btw i reforged the helm into a low level ugly looking green crown.
Uther: WTF
That was not Uther who said that but Tirion Fordring. When that quote happened in WoTLK Uther had been dead for 6 years
@@ViewTube_Dan It was Terenas, not Tirion. Also Uther said that in the halls of reflection dungeon.
The writers are on crack... in new cinematic Sylvanas to Uther: who are you.
In Icecrown Sylvanas to Uther: Uther the Light bringer!
because cinematic sylvanas is basicly pre arthas sylvanas. only human contact she had was her boy toy nathanos
@@natsumiru3485 "Pre Arthas" Sylvanas must've known Uther, he was the first paladin ordained ibln Stratholme, city bordering with Quel'thalas. Icc encounter just confirms that she knew Uther.
The reason behind "who are you?" is pure incompetence of writing team.
Uther enters Sylvanas
Uther. Enters. Sylvanas.
Arthas and Thrall are the biggest character in all the Lore! They can't mess up with Arthas
Yeah, but with how things have been going. Don't want them to mess up those two, two biggest characters from Wc3. But I ain't so hopeful.
they already messed up thrall after blizzard decided to make him green Jesus in cataclysm.
Blizzard…hold my beer
@@Off_Screen Thrall was too good for the horde. It was the best thing to do with him.
@@josephford2226 fair though in hindsight, he could have atleast left someone better then garrosh to lead the horde. their were alot of other worthy candidates, Eitrig, Vol'jin, Cairn Bloodhoof, hell i would have settled for Saurfang even though i hated his constant rants about honor and then never following up on it during BFA. (yeah i might have a little bias because i was loyal to sylvannas during BFA, i personally liked her leadership up until 8.2 where they decided to go full on villain with her).
not saying i hate garrosh (far from it, he's a fucking badass) but given everything thats happened under his watch during cata and ESPECIALLY during MoP, its easy to see that he wasn't ready to be a leader yet.
infact now that i think about it, i think there could have been alot of potential with Saurfang as Warchief and Garrosh as an Advisor/Grand warlord.
I Like Sylvanas Face Before Become Banshee and I Love How Other Judge Her Except Uther Saw Her Wounds :( and Know She Is Suffer Inside
Yes :( ♥
she's like Sasuke, you relate to her or you utterly hate her
"Why can I not escape this torment?"
-Me watching Blizzard's hamfisted attempt to justify redeeming one of Warcrafts worst villains.
That’s cuz she’s not a Villain, she’s the main character of the lore. This is the storyline she had planned since her inception.
Remember, Tarande's Eyeliner was evil, and Sylvanis Blue Skin was evil. Good to know that these people aren't responsible for their actions and can be redeemed into marketable characters fit for merchandising.
@@MrOnionRing And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. They've been retconning this story like crazy, once in LK, again in Cata, again again in Legion, and one last time here as we wind up to (hopefully) the end.
@@MrOnionRing You've shown me that reason is beyond some.
@@josephmackie6434 You are forgetting the most basic thing in all fiction, the story never lies. =)
"Uther enters Sylvanas..."
Is perfect
"I've done all i can" - Uther, the incompetent
Imagine if this guy stood for his prince and student.
I just hope they won't kill Arthas off for good.
We’ll be seeing him later. And kissing Jaina for the final time.
@@cameronmcewen9666 Hopefully.
@@cameronmcewen9666 I had shipped Arthas and Slyvanas once. Before Arthas been consumed by the Frostmorne.
"Uther Enters Sylvanas"
Me, Clicking without reading the rest of the title.
Uther "Enters" Sylvanas
I think i clicked the wrong website..
Lmao 🤣
I now noticed how beautiful Sylvanas was
still is.
honestly ill come back to wow when arthas shows up and is like im the true Lich King and i want my throne back! all scourge will submit to me and the world will be reset to the way it was..end expansion
I will come back when the truer Lich king comes along with the armies of the legion and have control all over azoerath once again
For Narzul!
"Never in a thousand lifetimes would I betray EVERYTHING I stood for! You could never possibly understand..."
Yeah and the guy who DOES never even shows up.
Are you talking about illidan ?
Amassing work as always! Thanks for keeping me up to date, I was wondering how Sylvanas was going to be redeemed.
The power in that the scene with Sylvanas lying on her deathbed, and the sad music, and the way it mirrors Vol'jin's death is powerful.
Jaina: Ok i turst her.
Next Expanison: *Sylvanas destroys Stormwind*
Jaina: Yes...i'm the mightiest wizard in Azeroth...but also the dumbest.
Jaina is walking dumb blonde tropes when he left Arthas in Stratholme and when She killed her dad Admiral Proudmore to save Thrall .
They did an amazing job with her artwork. Vanilla nostalgia - she's even more of a babe alive.
"Inaction damns us all."
Oof, Blizzard quoting their court case or something?
7:21 Does anyone know the name of the rendition of the song that is being played in the background of the Halls of Reflection?
let me know if you find it!
I find it interesting that only Bolvar wanted her to awaken. Interestingly enough, he’s the only person other than either who directly suffered under Arthas.
I wish they can get the original warcraft 3 voice to voice arthas again
I love how in the scene from the Halls of Reflection, Sylvanas recognizes Uther perfectly, yet in the one from Shadowlands, she has no clue.
i think the reason is becus she is essentially 2 souls her banshee self and her high elf self so when her high elf self sees uther she doesnt recognise him
I hope we don't have to collect Xel Naga artifacts again...
Sylvanas in xelnaga form yesyesyes
"Uther Enters Sylvanas"
A very curious choise of words.
"It is not my fault, it is all Arthas' fault!" "It is not my fault, it is all Jailer's fault!" "But I will still say that I am unforgiveable so that everyone thinks that I am innocent and I get to be redeemed!"
So Tarande's Eyeliner was evil, and Sylvanis Blue Skin was evil. Good to know that these people aren't responsible for their actions and can be redeemed into marketable characters fit for merchandising.
There’s NO redemption! They literally said that in the cinematic!
So Sylvanas is the undead magical Karen?
@@cameronmcewen9666 thank you. You’re in the minority. People like us who actually watched the cinematic know this. Everyone else just hopped on the bandwagon of misinterpretation made by Asmongold, Preach and the like. Gotta love it.
I’m surprised your even here to comment, I’d expect you to be donating to some FF14 streamer or something.
Fucking hell. If they do that to Arthas, no way that Sylvanas should be redeemed. Hell, we all know that the only reason she gets to live is because she is a 'hot chick'. Fucking hell, show some spine and hold her accountable.
And so Blizzard once again tries to force down Sylvannas' redemption arc on us, and the method they have chosen is *spin wheel* It was an evil copy the whole time! I guess the writers at Blizzard are fans of soap operas or something.
The entire point of the cinematic is to show the opposite, you clearly didn't watch it. It wasn't an evil copy, it is herself, she did all those things and has to live with that,
@@NanoLT till forcing her redemption lol, I’ll be more interested when I see what they did to my boy (andy) and how they’ll just skim over how fucked up it was what happened to him.. fun times lol
This isn't even a soap opera. This is more like a fanfic of a Tommy wiseau film
@@CNTango I mean they will probably fuck it up and make it shit. But this is a step in the right direction and blindly hating everything isn't constructive.
Man, I just noticed how long Sylvanas' eyebrows really were-
Shout out to the little spider at 7:31 what a star
Why Sylvaness's blades are purple in the Hall of Reflection? My unanswered question since 2011!
You know I can’t helped but feel bad for Sylvanas. The true Sylvanas. Watching her true soul see the Burning of Teldrassil gave me chills man. Her entire life and death she’s spent it being screwed over by everything and everyone. What’s worse is that she’s alone in it all. Almost no one understands or wants to understand the hell her existence is. She’s a literal abomination. But I don’t think she planned to be that way.
Apparently the recent writers did. The original lore didn't make her out to be so helpless nor so genocidal. Unbelievable what they did to her.
@@SonOfNone this!
Oh poor her. The genocidal maniac coming to terms with all her chosen atrocities. The horror!
Please!! She had chance after chance at redemption. Stop making excuses because she has a pretty face. At least garrosh stuck with his choices.
You knew what you did with that title
I really wonder how ppl will react when Arthas returns in 9.2, lets be real at this point its nearly confirmed. i feel like Jaina will break man... especially when he leaves for good.
Arthas: "What did you bring me in to? Send me back, the raid resets on Tuesday!"
Blizzard: No can do we need you
Arthas falling to his knees: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Jaina and Arthas should share a kiss in cinematic form.
@@cameronmcewen9666 ye that would be awesome
@@cameronmcewen9666 jaina deserves better
"Uther enters Sylvanas". Damn, lucky Uther
After all these years, they still can't time interrupted speeches right. /sigh
Wow Thats So Amazing ❤️😍
Oh cool we get to see Sylvanas before she became undead!
… Warcraft 3?
Her skin was so fair and her outfit was rather saucy.
And her accent seems different from her evil counterpart lol
@@lionsinofprideescanor8709 What are you complaining about?
@@cameronmcewen9666 what do you mean i'm complaining? I'm just stating the truth.. her accent before she turn into the evil one indeed different..
whats the music at 5:04 ? wasnt it the same as when she was crowned chief ?
nvm found it if anyone is interested its fate of the horde theme from legion
Activision Blizzard simp for their waifu sylvanas is ruining the wow Lore to the gutter
The title though.
I'd like to enter Sylvanas
Bro iam laughing to death
same with everyone else.
In the words of the great sterling archer: "PHRASING!"
Interviewer: Steve, how do you right women so well?
Steve Danuser : I think of a man, and then I take away reason and ACCOUNTABILITY.
Where exactly is that moment when Uther enters Sylvanas ?
Does Tyrande still want to murder Sylvanas?
Doesn't seem like it last time we saw her. She was full "The future is important, let us get over our genocide!".
Waiting for when we go away so she can turn her into Banshee Sashimi
She still hates her.
@@Mediados She isn’t over genocide, and neither is Shandris.
@@cameronmcewen9666 Unless Blizzard makes her. The thing is, they made characters act out of character before, they will do so again.
Nice. I'd only seen half of these.
"Uther enters Sylvanas" man theyre really pulling out all the stops for the sake of story these days
A lot of people give Shadowlands shit, but I finally have come to a place where I have compassion for Sylvanas. I think they brought this around as well as it could have been done.
Someone who shared your fate, felled by the blade of the very same "prince". Let me correct you Uther: by the blade of the One True King himself.
"Me reads title," chuckles like a kid."
Sylvanas living form is so beautiful 😍
This isn't the video I expected when I clicked this
Does any one know the theme that is playing when Sylvanas talks to Uther next to Forstmourne? It is so epic :D
It’s the WotLK trailer music “Arthas, my son”
@@YoungCraggy yea, but I cant find the exact version playing in the backround. It's more calm and epic... 😄
I just realized that sylvanas should have been mind controlled the second she got within range of the lich King, the only reason he lost control was because of a power outage, he no longer has that so in theory Silvana should just be his slave again
Is it just me, or did the cutscene model quality take a noticeable hit?
Given everyone leaving Blizzard at this point, they probably don't have much of a team left.
Everything that’s wrong with this specifically stems from them blowing their “wad” too early with Wrath. Arthas and Sargares are the Motivators and faction War is the preoccupation. Arthas fell within 4 years and was by far the most important villain they had and Sargares felt cheese balled. Not sure how they dig themselves out of this.