When my narcissist brother & I were on the phone with a Christian counselor about 2 years ago, my brother said I was the only person he has issues with. I knew that wasn't true and I blurted back that he has 2 ex-wives. He said that was a low blow and we haven't spoken since. Narcissists don't like truth/light.
I honestly think the narc would rather take a bullet than self reflect and just be honest, be vulnerable, be accountable and actually have godly remorse and genuine repentance. I think they'd rather say, ahh no thanks that doesn't work for me, I would rather die.
@@julienatoli8561 IMO they reject anything that's imperfect - and if they were to really self reflect (without projecting), they'd find themselves imperfect and would be so for the rest of their lives. So they'd reject themselves for the rest of their lives...they're too afraid of that to consider they could change from that perfectionism demand, so...bye bye self reflection.
I bet he couldn't unpack how it's a low blow, he just had to paint someone as doing something wrong to him (he's a victim) and the counselor (at best) wasn't skilled enough to catch that.
@@cairosilver2932 great point about the counselor. You gave me a new perspective on it. Me, not knowing better back then, apologized to my brother for saying what I said. But I just keep learning...
They usually love working in fields that make them look loving and good. They love posting spiritual quotes on the social media pages to portray themselves as deep and morally righteous.
Yes, thank you!! My narc mom tried to get back in my life with a figurative crowbar, but all narcs are stupid criminals at heart and that they are the ones that made us smart and perceptive. My mom had texted one day, "I" am sending you a blessing today, have you ever heard that? That she is in the place of God to give a blessing. It was a full on view of the grandiosity of the disease. It felt so creepy.
teachers, preachers, doctors, coaches, guides, pundits, government clerks, police, jurists, military officers - jobs where they have preferably many people listen to them, primed to assume that they know better. that's n°rc°ss°st crack. bonus points if the listeners have a high turnover rate so they never discover the limitations of the n°rc°ss°st's knowledge.
Thankyou, I got away from a narcissist in 2003 it took me a number of years till I realized it,a book and a good therapist helped me see reality. Your podcast are wonderful. I know my own truth,boundaries,truth mind now. L
Let's just put it this way: Satan masquerades as an angel of light, so a narcissist has no problem disguising darkness as light. It's just their nature
I have to believe they are in competition with decent people because they know they are not decent and hate that someone else is lovely, kind, and empathetic. The more God opened my eyes to this the worse it looked.
This was my father who adopted me. I was a 1 year old with special needs, the magistrate said to him that he had to be aware of this. He made himself out to be a saint. After a short while, he stopped my medical reconstructive care and said, "Nothing will ever change or help, and I'd better just focus on being smart instead..." He said I was just feeling sorry for myself. My mum allowed this. I have told the many mental health therapists that he used my disability for instant sainthood. All I know in my heart/soul is, being a father is for life, not just when you can't be bothered anymore. I'm not a dog/cat you can just dump at the pound. But... he's a devout, born again Catholic, always willing to help people in need..
That's awful, I'm so aorry you went through that. I can relate having a father who wanted to look good whilst not caring if his child was harmed and a mother who wasn't there to protect. ✌
I’m so grateful I found your channel…I never really knew what a narcissist was or gaslighting … I just knew I have had such a strained relationship with my daughter in-law for 11 years … I was always her cheer leader, never stood up for myself, just rolled with the punches … but since watching you and going to therapy I finally am standing up for myself and she doesn’t like it.. as much so to the point that she has told my son and grandchildren they will not be coming up for Christmas because she can’t put herself around me..I can see now it’s all a game of control now and about her! Some of the stuff she has done has made me think I’m the crazy one.. thank goodness I make sure I have someone with me who can hear what she says so she can’t gaslight me again and say things never happened.. she has drained the life out of me these last few years but I won’t tell her that .. she would be on top of the world to hear that! Therapy has been a life savor.. Thanks you for sharing all your knowledge with us!! Hope for everyone some peace love and happiness this time of year! 💚💫💚
God bless you sweetheart. To be around my mom I have to have at least one ( this year it’s 3 or 4) chaperones or else her devil side pops out and attacks me.
I grew up with a whole family of them (i was born last & not in the early cluster). Took nearly 60 years to learn about narcissism, all the actions, lies, manipulations, contempt, grudge holding etc… and how profoundly it affected me. My earliest memories involve sibling abuse, but i know now they got that way before i was born from how they were treated by parents & each other. I didnt give up on them until my parents died… just allowing myself to be harmed there & in any group/organization i got involved in. (Something early childhood victims will do, unknowingly). Now it’s clear. If i can get through this, i know you can, after “only” 11 years (there is no “only” time limit of course). You hopefully have better exam-les from the years before your son’s marriage to help you know what is normal & what is off. But sadly, Ns are very divisive & vindictive & will turn against anyone they perceive as a threat, as your daughterinlaw has done. It can be very destructive, devastating, as they’re good at turning people against you. I wish you protection from this & hope your son will not become isolated from you b/c of her. You may want a good narcissistic abuse support group. Also consider Dr. Ramani’s book, “It’s Not You.” Hang in there & never give up hope & your love for your son. 🫶🏻🕊️
I love that you're affirming that we don't need to defend ourselves to them. I think they LOVE to destabilize us and use up our energy. It's not worth it! And there's literally no end to it if you go down this path. Ugh. So exhausting. Take your time and energy back and use it for self-care and a positive distraction or time with loved ones, friends, pets, and whoever cares about you.❤🩹❤
Checklist for living in darkness: 1. Goal is not to be good, but "better than" 2. Need of the moment overrides fact 3. Moral certanties come and go 4. Justice for them, condemnation for you 5. Refusing to consider your ideas 6. When you call out their control, they dress it up 7. Point blank lying about who they are 8. A permanent disregard for you 9. Covering up what is wrong, instinctively evasive 10. When they err, it's always s.o. else's fault 11. Blatant ignoring of inconvenient facts 12. Lots of revisionist history Be aware: 》They punish you with strong, unruly anger 》Lots of blame, accusations, wrong depictions 》You will never be that person's equal, ever 》Their rejection is a backward compliment 》Your troublesome label is their projection 》Why defend that which needs no defense? 》Your decency and goodness is anathema to them 》Be glad for your own lightbulb moments Dr Carter 👨🦳 and Gus 🐶 thank you for another lesson full of insight 🌞🌟🌝🌈
This is very timely. I actually had to block my own son today. It's hard to comprehend the depth of deception and contempt they can have for someone who has knocked myself out showing them love and acceptance. I released them to live their own lives. Somehow I feel unburdened.
Yesssss. Thank goodness for you. I’m very susceptible to their false moral facade. I just can’t seem to believe someone could be this way, and I get hurt for years because of it, I just keep trying to understand them. But all it is is lies. There’s nothing else to understand. Thank you Dr Les 🙏🙏🙏
Most people tend to compare themselves to one another. I haven't come across anyone (except self-isolated people) who hasn't done this at some point of time.
I heard from my mother "you lose" because I am trying to get PhD and didn't get it yet , but I am working on it, writings articles, learning machine learning.... She hasn't even had a bachelor degree ;)
Thank you Dr. Carter! All I can say is that your description of “the dark side” just brought me instant relief. I will always appreciate your insight and your help!
The Bible says the days were coming when evil would be called good and good would be called evil. They are definitely here.And Jesus repeatedly told His followers to "not be deceived".. in others words, pay attention to whats going on and what you have been told.. Discernment..
Isaiah 5:20 King James Version Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
@@cairosilver2932 over 500 Bible prophecies have already been fulfilled - at least 2 to the exact day - and more are to come. If you want to know what they are, do your own research.. You will find them if you really want to know.
I agree with cherylcobern.. people who are Narcissists are being posesed by demons. Evil is coming. The devil is going to walk on earth sooner than you know.
Thanks so much Dr. Carter for helping me see through the infectiously bad behaviour that I myself have been guilty of as well. It's a different life when looking inward & taking my own inventory as I listen to you talk. We live in a world where it's too easy to point the finger outwards while overlooking the three pointing back inward. Let's make Common sense & being reasonable , great again 😉
It's disturbing. Once my father knew I knew, he went all in. He orchestrated this mob of loving, well-intentioned people just looking out for my well-being, saying, 'your father reached out and we're just worried.' Of course, this could trigger anyone, then giving proof of some sort of behavior malfunction that needs correction. So they use this plausible deniability, and the loving mob airs on the side of caution out of fear of not knowing the truth of the situation, doing the narcissist's bidding with this larger body of context. He was calculated and took the ground out from underneath me, sort of defining the context of the conversation before the conversation even took place. And its a tough conversation to have, if the loving mob cared to understand the truth instead of 'knowing' it, that they've actually just been manipulated by a malicious person with evil intent. In my experience, the narcissist used this larger body of context to deny my life experience, hoping to skew my memory and just go along with business as usual out of convenience. It's truly evil and can be crazy making if you don't have a good reference of reality for yourself.
YAS! 🙌🏻 That’s where I’m at too, except it’s my brother-in-law. Years ago I made a stupid, sarcastic joke about him and my sister on Facebook. I didn’t realize how close I’d stumbled on the truth until he showed his ability and commitment to whipping up a team of “flying monkeys”. No quarter given, as they say. If it wasn’t so shocking and heartbreaking, I’d say it was almost impressive. Family members with whom I’d had zero static now accuse and avoid me without actually coming to me with any curiosity about my perspective. But then again my family has a multi-generational history of obeying the loudest, scariest, (usually male), voice in the room. And that’s not me.
@@Dethiden same basic framework! Flying monkeys and all. It’s the room coming together to keep the toddler from crying. So the room in a way, empathizes more with the toddler, so its a room of toddlers keeping themselves from crying essentially. It is what it is, but they can do it over there 😆.
Thank-you, Dr. Carter. It's so painful that my ex-husband had absolutely no regard for me along with the constant lying about who he was and lying just about everything else. Blaming me for things i had no control over snd the gaslighting! The worst was the vindictive cruelty.
Narcisists are broken people who will see others More broken than themselves and they won’t stop until they accomplish that goal, like a Terminatorin the movie with Arnold Swarzenneger.
This was pure gold DR Le's, Keep shining light on the darkness, Thank you so much for this, You're a great bloke and a treasure to humanity, This speaks volumes, Merry Christmas to you Gus and everyone, Thank you universe, All glory praise and smiles to the most high :-) :-) :-)
One thing I'm finding really annoying about all this need for me to understand narcissism is I assumed life would be easier than this. I didn't think I would be walking on thin ice every time I'm around other people. I know there are some people I need to walk on thin ice around because they're psychopaths, but I didn't expect there to be narcissists around every corner all of my life.
well, there is a somewhat tricky differentiation between people who actually are n°rc°ss°sts, and most people behaving somewhat n°rc°ss°st°c in some ways. I don't think you need to particularly walk on eggshells around psych°paths, that's a n°rc°ss°st thing.
It's tough to admit this, but videos like this are a form of therapy in their own way. Narcs are predictable, and consistently seeing these videos are a reminder that you simply are never going to get the relationship you hoped for. I'm saying this from a child to narc parent point of view, but i'd assume it's similar across the board.
I am dealing with this with my husband as my dad has been hospitalized (crashed at one point, we weren't sure he would make it) over the last week or so. My husband made it all about himself. My dad is slowly recovering, but it will be a long road with possible 1.5 hour trips to the hospital that can give him the best care. My husband and I are both on our holiday break and all my husband can think about is not giving up HIS vacation to help out my family (who has helped us out in so many ways over the years, even spending time helping my family when husband when he was hospitalized several years ago). He is acting like a child (I don't know why I expect anything more). He wants to look like the good guy and me the bad guy. I don't care anymore. Anyone that knows me knows that I care deeply about others and will sacrifice my own happiness and comfort as long as you don't take advantage of me. I am over it and am living my life how I want to.
When my c-narc is giving me the business I often repeat the old verse; “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” John 1:5. Believe it or not they become bewildered.
I love this!! When I deal with the main one in my life, one of my internal songs is "This Little Light of Mine," or a mental reminder on repeat that the light snuffs out the darkness. I may use your verse when the time is right--thank you!!
@@Couscous77 your post isn’t clear. Can you clarify your point? How would you have written the original post to make it resemble your position? I am married to my c-narc for many decades if that helps you. I don’t want to say spouse because narcs don’t really qualify. The sneak in to a marriage under “false” pretenses.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1) The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (1 John 10:10) Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. (Matthew 7:15)
Was exactly what happened to me. Was led in by a very dark character who acted exactly like me (so light). Was such an act of trickery - I could feel it all the time but couldn't put my finger on it. Of course, I blamed myself due to utter gaslighting. Perspective at the end is enlightening. Perspective and distance are what you need to do the analysis. When you have solved it then they have lost - they know that there is little point in coming back to one who has 'grasped' the 'real' reality, when their victim has put the jigsaw puzzle together (after the time it takes) then game over for them. Thanks as always for the wisdom and support, Dr C. A very merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the UK! Love and light to all who reside in the 'Team Healthy' spirit. x
I know someone that "helps" people including me but with her help comes her control. No thank you. I finally went no contact from her for my self preservation and self care. She seems to help those that are intelligently less than her..... so she shows her superiority of intelligence. That wasn't my case though. That's probably why she argued with me.
Dr. Carter is probably one of the best subscription you will ever have that gives you help, wisdom and insight to what you’re dealing with that you just didn’t know what was going on!
Bless you and thank you, Dr C. Your videos are illuminating in regards to the impact of narcissistic abuse on our psyche and the healthier ways of thinking and being. Can you please do a video on connecting with other people after narcissistic abuse? How do we do that? A difficult task for those who have been socialised inside narcissistic family dynamics. Your videos give me hope and faith. Much well-wishing to you, Gus, the family and Michaela this Christmas x
This site and another give me so much strength being in the darkness of why your person is so mean and evil to you when you do everything give everything surrender everything and it's not enough 24 years and just the last year I've go strength and power and relief because i have knowledge.. thank you
The one I know denies his behavior, saying it never happened. And he says it with outrage. Is this true memory loss, or just drama to convince me he doesn't remember? This person distorts everything. Has nothing good to say about anyone. Lies are his everyday M.O. Accuses me and others of all kinds of things that never happened. I try to separate true mental illness from his narcissism, not that it would make a lot of difference. But he seems to have so many different diagnoses that I don't even know what I'm looking at any more. I am not short on compassion, but I am short on deliberate deceit. It's all mental, though, so I don't even know why I am always trying to figure it out.
It’s a normal response to try to see it in a normal way. It takes time & practice to recognize mental illness & process it as something we are not a part of. Give yourself time & practice. It will come.
Some days ago I was about to write (copy paste) in the comment section a quote for St. Lucy Day, the festival of light well-known in many "branches" of Christianity (and anyway it is also a popular traditional winter feast independent from religious faith). I didn't post it because it could be too *ambiguous* if we try to see any relation with narcissism. It was a normal quote, a "common sense" quote, good for meditation of normal people, normal experiences, etc. ...but I realized that it couldn't be a good or a helpful description of "light and darkness" when dealing with narcissism topics 🥴
Great video! So much depth in this and again just what needed to hear today. Thank you for the explanation and reminder for what I’m dealing with. Will listen again and again today. 🎄🎁💛✨🐾Happy Christmas.
@ Yes, thank you! And same to you the next day! Things are progressing in an interesting way with my case! With your wisdom to keep me on track! Sending loads and loads of love to you and yours🐾🐾🐾🐾🎄✨
My sister said straight out "You are not a priority" to me. She checks the boxes on most all of your list and it breaks my heart. My only sibling...and only surviving family member.
@@tmo.48 I considered myself equal in priority to my sister. I don't feel the need to sacrifice one to elevate the other. That's what my sister does. Having God as a priority does not guarantee alignment of all other priorities. Some people are so wrapped up in their "Godly" priorities, they have no time for mere humans.
It hurts and is a hard pill to swallow when “family” cannot or will not care about engaging in a reciprocal relationship with you. I finally accepted I am not a priority for most of my family. The sister with most dominant narcissistic personality characteristics went around to the entire extended family gathering support to circle the wagons. I’d supported her and her family in many different ways. She was offended by my asking for support and having feelings during our mother’s long illness. She was the entitled Golden Child. After mom’s death she chose to cut me out. Looking back there were a lot of devaluing episodes which escalated when I decided I’d like a more equal relationship. Still felt like huge unexpected disappointment and betrayal. I had to grieve the loss of my fantasy of our family more than the people since were always pretty fragmented and fragile relationships. I sought recovery for my people pleasing issues ❤️🩹. Hard work but better to be living in reality. You can’t replace a family but good people are out there who will cheer for and support you.
I’m so sorry .. it’s so sad especially with family members who we should be close to.. this is so so hard to even imagine unless you have been through it… I’m not sure if I’ll survive it… but then my daughter in-law would be happy .. so I’m really trying to work on loving myself and hearts to softened which eth a Nar it’s not going to happen! Praying for you to find some peace!
Tact is the unsaid part of what you think. An individual who has a narcissistic personality style uses "Tactics" in their tactless diatribes. Who needs it? Not us! We'll... Stay Healthy! Merry Christmas and Greater Blessings in the New Year, one and all! 🎄🎁🦌 ❄️ ☃️ 🛷 🍪 🍰 🦃 🍠
Merry Christmas to you!! Dr Carter is such a blessing!! The real deal in my humble opinion 🙌🕊️🕊️ Here's to knowing who we are in Christ, in His magnificent light remembering that the truth is always quiet and simple. The lies of the narc are loud and complicated and always for the agenda of dominance and control, their favorite game! Merry Christmas and may you have a beautiful New Year 🙏🕊️✝️❄️💞
😁Dr C, I am so thankful for your videos. God showed me a lantern I’m my thoughts. He is the light and we r the glass that allows His light to shine through us. If the Light within us is Light, how great is that light. But, if the light within us is darkness, how great is that darkness. I love the way u take spiritual truths and convey them in a way that can be heard by all…like CS Lewis and Narnia. Thank u and God bless u.
Thank's Dr. C! You've taught me a lot of important info! Also, he goes in my room and through my phone all day and night. He's a part time music teacher. He keep's his deceased wife's IV tube's in the living room. 😂😂
Do you mean the IV tubes are on display? How strange and weird. My ex husband had an aunt who decorated her guest room with her deceased husband's funeral wreaths. They had plastic flowers. People do the nuttiest stuff.
The secret is do not react to the games. Observe quietly and take appropriate action in response. Laughter can really help not only is it sad people act like this to control others but it is also rather absurd and funny. If you can look at it like a Monty Python skit then you avoid falling into their reactive trap. They want you to get into a struggle/argument with them. Be kind to the narcissist do not reduce yourself to their level and they have nothing to work with. Respect for all equally.
Does anyone here know of a free Christian support group for people overcoming/surviving or living with a narcissistic spouse or fiance? I wouldn't mind creating one on the Slack platform. I don't do FB.
I have one group on slack for trauma survivors. I'll have to familiarize myself with the process of creating a new group, then come back here and post the name of the group .... hopefully it works.
On the day of judgement, narcissists will stand before G*d who knows all and when he reveals their mess, they will not be able to deny their wickedness like they did before men. They operate through self-righteousness and deceit which is the armor of demons. However, the light and truth of the Most High will shatter their souls...Stay safe my friends
And be careful when you go to counseling with a narcissist. Do research and seek out a good therapist. If a narcissist can, they’ll have the therapist making the problems all about you. Trust me. I know.
@@supernana7944 I'd double-check that if I were you, and see if your husband has any narcissistic traits. Blaming the ex is very common, but often the ex-wife has been abused and realises he is a narcissist and is now trying to fight back. If he cheated on her (maybe with you?), then she is justified to feel angry and show it. That doesn't make her a narcissist. I'm speaking from experience. I'm the ex-wife of a covert, malicious narcissist, and his current wife, previously his affair partner, believes every word he tells her about me, and it's not true. Unless your husband's ex has direct contact with you and is trying to abuse and manipulate you, then it's best to double check.
Last night my narc roommate Chuck Baker, came barreling at me when I was calling my dog to my room. He had a demonic facial expression as he swiftly shuffled towards me with the look of rage! He wanted to intimidate me. How do I deflate these dark tactics that he uses to inflate his fragile ego?
Crushed it again Doc. This issue is so bad, even my good friends exibit this behavior. and when as a friend i get on them , like "Hey fam, uk im you homie, but dog, lets discuss what you just said"" OMG they become almost like small victim babies. its like they think Love and being a friend means Lie to me and agree w nonsense, but im also going to never listen to your logic, because youre dumb O_o. im like damn.. my friend.. do you hate me??? hmmm :(
Well... 🤔 I think I have collected a bunch of "backward compliments" in my life 😁😳😄 However, come on, don't be picky, girl ! 😂 A compliment is a compliment ! [just found the term "picky" in the google translator. Hope it works for this phrase 😅 ]
You must have never been a subject to one of these demons that have impacted the rest of your life or taken the life of what you loved. What a pathetic inequitable reasoning of justice. "Just be happy you are not them"! That's like the shallow person who watches someone permanently maime someone then the perpetrator stubs their toe and shallow person says " look karma"!
Hello fellow traveler - I don’t read his suggestions as shallow, but more as broad motivations of hope for viewers to keep “heading towards the light”. Because, for him, based on his years of work and experience, he knows there’s a strong possibility of light. In this UA-cam space, that’s the best and most prudent thing he can do with such a complex and highly subjective experience like narcissistic destruction. I get the sense that you’ve been hurt, legitimately and deeply hurt. I understand that. I’ve been there too and I’m traveling that road even now. That sort of pain chills me to the bone and all I want is to feel warm again. What Dr. Carter does is light candles and hand them out to his viewers. But if my pain requires a roaring campfire for me to feel warm again, then that’s what personal doctors, therapists and healthy companions can provide. So I’ll take the candle he gives me and use it to light my own campfire. And if my campfire starts to fade, I know I can come back here for another candle 🕯️ I wish you well on your journey 💞
Thank you so much This explanation of the dark shadow of power and control and fear that is within humanity. Some folks way more than others and believe me I have known many who don’t want to let go of their darkness. Thanks it’s about time with your help we unravel and detangle from that and set ourselves free!!!❄️❄️🩵❄️☃️❄️❄️⛄️❄️🩵❄️☃️
When my narcissist brother & I were on the phone with a Christian counselor about 2 years ago, my brother said I was the only person he has issues with. I knew that wasn't true and I blurted back that he has 2 ex-wives. He said that was a low blow and we haven't spoken since. Narcissists don't like truth/light.
I honestly think the narc would rather take a bullet than self reflect and just be honest, be vulnerable, be accountable and actually have godly remorse and genuine repentance. I think they'd rather say, ahh no thanks that doesn't work for me, I would rather die.
@@julienatoli8561 IMO they reject anything that's imperfect - and if they were to really self reflect (without projecting), they'd find themselves imperfect and would be so for the rest of their lives. So they'd reject themselves for the rest of their lives...they're too afraid of that to consider they could change from that perfectionism demand, so...bye bye self reflection.
I bet he couldn't unpack how it's a low blow, he just had to paint someone as doing something wrong to him (he's a victim) and the counselor (at best) wasn't skilled enough to catch that.
@@cairosilver2932 great point about the counselor. You gave me a new perspective on it. Me, not knowing better back then, apologized to my brother for saying what I said. But I just keep learning...
The narcissist demands, "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
@@brucefriedman1 do you play mobile legends. Aldos ?
There is only hope in me. - a narcissist
😂 yep
Really really really true!!!
Well guess what! Theres a God who cares and he is in control not the narc. Cry out to him when u need help. 🥰
"Justice for me, Condemnation for you" that sums it up
They usually love working in fields that make them look loving and good. They love posting spiritual quotes on the social media pages to portray themselves as deep and morally righteous.
a large number of them are in the clergy altlhough I am not saying all clergy are narcissists. but I have had personal experience with such people.
Yes, thank you!! My narc mom tried to get back in my life with a figurative crowbar, but all narcs are stupid criminals at heart and that they are the ones that made us smart and perceptive. My mom had texted one day, "I" am sending you a blessing today, have you ever heard that? That she is in the place of God to give a blessing. It was a full on view of the grandiosity of the disease. It felt so creepy.
An RN. so she could also lift pain medication.
teachers, preachers, doctors, coaches, guides, pundits, government clerks, police, jurists, military officers - jobs where they have preferably many people listen to them, primed to assume that they know better. that's n°rc°ss°st crack. bonus points if the listeners have a high turnover rate so they never discover the limitations of the n°rc°ss°st's knowledge.
@@barbarahoffman8568 it is creepy and cringe
Thankyou, I got away from a narcissist in 2003 it took me a number of years till I realized it,a book and a good therapist helped me see reality. Your podcast are wonderful. I know my own truth,boundaries,truth mind now. L
Let's just put it this way: Satan masquerades as an angel of light, so a narcissist has no problem disguising darkness as light. It's just their nature
The devil is the father of lies and the great deceiver. He patiently waits to lure you into his web of destruction. 😱
Short and precise❤
And Satan is a counterfeiter……
Masquerades as light
When he’s completely
Darkness 😂why not
Just hide in the body
Of a narcissist 😂
Its not raining, its alternative sunshine
Either that, or they're peeing on your leg.
I have to believe they are in competition with decent people because they know they are not decent and hate that someone else is lovely, kind, and empathetic. The more God opened my eyes to this the worse it looked.
This was my father who adopted me. I was a 1 year old with special needs, the magistrate said to him that he had to be aware of this. He made himself out to be a saint. After a short while, he stopped my medical reconstructive care and said, "Nothing will ever change or help, and I'd better just focus on being smart instead..." He said I was just feeling sorry for myself. My mum allowed this. I have told the many mental health therapists that he used my disability for instant sainthood. All I know in my heart/soul is, being a father is for life, not just when you can't be bothered anymore. I'm not a dog/cat you can just dump at the pound. But... he's a devout, born again Catholic, always willing to help people in need..
That's awful, I'm so aorry you went through that. I can relate having a father who wanted to look good whilst not caring if his child was harmed and a mother who wasn't there to protect. ✌
I’m so grateful I found your channel…I never really knew what a narcissist was or gaslighting … I just knew I have had such a strained relationship with my daughter in-law for 11 years … I was always her cheer leader, never stood up for myself, just rolled with the punches … but since watching you and going to therapy I finally am standing up for myself and she doesn’t like it.. as much so to the point that she has told my son and grandchildren they will not be coming up for Christmas because she can’t put herself around me..I can see now it’s all a game of control now and about her!
Some of the stuff she has done has made me think I’m the crazy one.. thank goodness I make sure I have someone with me who can hear what she says so she can’t gaslight me again and say things never happened.. she has drained the life out of me these last few years but I won’t tell her that .. she would be on top of the world to hear that!
Therapy has been a life savor..
Thanks you for sharing all your knowledge with us!!
Hope for everyone some peace love and happiness this time of year! 💚💫💚
God bless you sweetheart. To be around my mom I have to have at least one ( this year it’s 3 or 4) chaperones or else her devil side pops out and attacks me.
Hang in there!
I grew up with a whole family of them (i was born last & not in the early cluster). Took nearly 60 years to learn about narcissism, all the actions, lies, manipulations, contempt, grudge holding etc… and how profoundly it affected me. My earliest memories involve sibling abuse, but i know now they got that way before i was born from how they were treated by parents & each other. I didnt give up on them until my parents died… just allowing myself to be harmed there & in any group/organization i got involved in. (Something early childhood victims will do, unknowingly). Now it’s clear. If i can get through this, i know you can, after “only” 11 years (there is no “only” time limit of course). You hopefully have better exam-les from the years before your son’s marriage to help you know what is normal & what is off. But sadly, Ns are very divisive & vindictive & will turn against anyone they perceive as a threat, as your daughterinlaw has done. It can be very destructive, devastating, as they’re good at turning people against you. I wish you protection from this & hope your son will not become isolated from you b/c of her. You may want a good narcissistic abuse support group. Also consider Dr. Ramani’s book, “It’s Not You.” Hang in there & never give up hope & your love for your son. 🫶🏻🕊️
We need to protect ourselves that’s for sure.. thank you! You hang in there as well..💚
Our stories are similar.
I love that you're affirming that we don't need to defend ourselves to them. I think they LOVE to destabilize us and use up our energy. It's not worth it! And there's literally no end to it if you go down this path. Ugh. So exhausting. Take your time and energy back and use it for self-care and a positive distraction or time with loved ones, friends, pets, and whoever cares about you.❤🩹❤
You get it.
@ Thank you! I kind of wish I didn’t know about any of it. But so grateful to know how to avoid the spin cycle. You’re doing God’s work! 🙏🏼
Yes! That saying “ Don’t go DEEP”…..
Checklist for living in darkness:
1. Goal is not to be good, but "better than"
2. Need of the moment overrides fact
3. Moral certanties come and go
4. Justice for them, condemnation for you
5. Refusing to consider your ideas
6. When you call out their control, they dress it up
7. Point blank lying about who they are
8. A permanent disregard for you
9. Covering up what is wrong, instinctively evasive
10. When they err, it's always s.o. else's fault
11. Blatant ignoring of inconvenient facts
12. Lots of revisionist history
Be aware:
》They punish you with strong, unruly anger
》Lots of blame, accusations, wrong depictions
》You will never be that person's equal, ever
》Their rejection is a backward compliment
》Your troublesome label is their projection
》Why defend that which needs no defense?
》Your decency and goodness is anathema to them
》Be glad for your own lightbulb moments
Dr Carter 👨🦳 and Gus 🐶 thank you for another lesson full of insight 🌞🌟🌝🌈
Such good notes, Roxie! Thanks.
Thanks for the checklist. ✔
@@yukio_saitoYou are very welcome, Yukio 🙏
Number 5, number 11....crazymaking
This is very timely. I actually had to block my own son today. It's hard to comprehend the depth of deception and contempt they can have for someone who has knocked myself out showing them love and acceptance. I released them to live their own lives. Somehow I feel unburdened.
Yesssss. Thank goodness for you. I’m very susceptible to their false moral facade. I just can’t seem to believe someone could be this way, and I get hurt for years because of it, I just keep trying to understand them. But all it is is lies. There’s nothing else to understand. Thank you Dr Les 🙏🙏🙏
Wow! I think THAT'S WHY I have had problems with certain problematic people seeming to ESPECIALLY dislike me 😮🤯 That makes sense. Thanks, Dr. C 👍✨️
5:16 This explains so much. Narc compares himself to me, and guess who is the “less than” 😒. “At least I…blah blah blah.” Evil people.
Most people tend to compare themselves to one another. I haven't come across anyone (except self-isolated people) who hasn't done this at some point of time.
I heard from my mother "you lose" because I am trying to get PhD and didn't get it yet , but I am working on it, writings articles, learning machine learning.... She hasn't even had a bachelor degree ;)
Thank you Dr. Carter! All I can say is that your description of “the dark side” just brought me instant relief. I will always appreciate your insight and your help!
The Bible says the days were coming when evil would be called good and good would be called evil. They are definitely here.And Jesus repeatedly told His followers to "not be deceived".. in others words, pay attention to whats going on and what you have been told.. Discernment..
Isaiah 5:20
King James Version
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
@Mr8t0 😊👍🏻🙏🏻
How about evidence.
@@cairosilver2932 over 500 Bible prophecies have already been fulfilled - at least 2 to the exact day - and more are to come. If you want to know what they are, do your own research.. You will find them if you really want to know.
I agree with cherylcobern.. people who are Narcissists are being posesed by demons. Evil is coming. The devil is going to walk on earth sooner than you know.
Thanks so much Dr. Carter for helping me see through the infectiously bad behaviour that I myself have been guilty of as well. It's a different life when looking inward & taking my own inventory as I listen to you talk. We live in a world where it's too easy to point the finger outwards while overlooking the three pointing back inward. Let's make Common sense & being reasonable , great again 😉
It's disturbing. Once my father knew I knew, he went all in. He orchestrated this mob of loving, well-intentioned people just looking out for my well-being, saying, 'your father reached out and we're just worried.' Of course, this could trigger anyone, then giving proof of some sort of behavior malfunction that needs correction. So they use this plausible deniability, and the loving mob airs on the side of caution out of fear of not knowing the truth of the situation, doing the narcissist's bidding with this larger body of context. He was calculated and took the ground out from underneath me, sort of defining the context of the conversation before the conversation even took place. And its a tough conversation to have, if the loving mob cared to understand the truth instead of 'knowing' it, that they've actually just been manipulated by a malicious person with evil intent. In my experience, the narcissist used this larger body of context to deny my life experience, hoping to skew my memory and just go along with business as usual out of convenience. It's truly evil and can be crazy making if you don't have a good reference of reality for yourself.
correct! super empath here
Hang on to YOUR truth!
YAS! 🙌🏻 That’s where I’m at too, except it’s my brother-in-law. Years ago I made a stupid, sarcastic joke about him and my sister on Facebook. I didn’t realize how close I’d stumbled on the truth until he showed his ability and commitment to whipping up a team of “flying monkeys”. No quarter given, as they say. If it wasn’t so shocking and heartbreaking, I’d say it was almost impressive. Family members with whom I’d had zero static now accuse and avoid me without actually coming to me with any curiosity about my perspective. But then again my family has a multi-generational history of obeying the loudest, scariest, (usually male), voice in the room. And that’s not me.
@@a.pepper6687 yes! Thank you!
@@Dethiden same basic framework! Flying monkeys and all. It’s the room coming together to keep the toddler from crying. So the room in a way, empathizes more with the toddler, so its a room of toddlers keeping themselves from crying essentially. It is what it is, but they can do it over there 😆.
Thank-you, Dr. Carter. It's so painful that my ex-husband had absolutely no regard for me along with the constant lying about who he was and lying just about everything else. Blaming me for things i had no control over snd the gaslighting! The worst was the vindictive cruelty.
Narcisists are broken people who will see others More broken than themselves and they won’t stop until they accomplish that goal, like a Terminatorin the movie with Arnold Swarzenneger.
This was pure gold DR Le's, Keep shining light on the darkness, Thank you so much for this, You're a great bloke and a treasure to humanity, This speaks volumes, Merry Christmas to you Gus and everyone, Thank you universe, All glory praise and smiles to the most high :-) :-) :-)
Thank you kindly
@SurvivingNarcissism You're always welcome DR Les, Thank you again for everything :-)
One thing I'm finding really annoying about all this need for me to understand narcissism is I assumed life would be easier than this. I didn't think I would be walking on thin ice every time I'm around other people. I know there are some people I need to walk on thin ice around because they're psychopaths, but I didn't expect there to be narcissists around every corner all of my life.
well, there is a somewhat tricky differentiation between people who actually are n°rc°ss°sts, and most people behaving somewhat n°rc°ss°st°c in some ways.
I don't think you need to particularly walk on eggshells around psych°paths, that's a n°rc°ss°st thing.
It's the nice people who the narcissists are drawn toi
I get that. As a teen I thought once I got in the qorkplace and had more power from my fam it would be easier, err nope!
People lean towards them, not believing a word i've said!!😢
Same! They are surrounded by Flying Monkeys who believe every word they say.
Gus is such an Angel 🐾 😇 Santa better be delivering all his wishes 😉 🎄🎁
Times a million ❤ Gus
Thanks Dr.C and Team Healthy ❤️
It's tough to admit this, but videos like this are a form of therapy in their own way. Narcs are predictable, and consistently seeing these videos are a reminder that you simply are never going to get the relationship you hoped for. I'm saying this from a child to narc parent point of view, but i'd assume it's similar across the board.
I am dealing with this with my husband as my dad has been hospitalized (crashed at one point, we weren't sure he would make it) over the last week or so. My husband made it all about himself. My dad is slowly recovering, but it will be a long road with possible 1.5 hour trips to the hospital that can give him the best care. My husband and I are both on our holiday break and all my husband can think about is not giving up HIS vacation to help out my family (who has helped us out in so many ways over the years, even spending time helping my family when husband when he was hospitalized several years ago). He is acting like a child (I don't know why I expect anything more). He wants to look like the good guy and me the bad guy. I don't care anymore. Anyone that knows me knows that I care deeply about others and will sacrifice my own happiness and comfort as long as you don't take advantage of me. I am over it and am living my life how I want to.
When my c-narc is giving me the business I often repeat the old verse; “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” John 1:5. Believe it or not they become bewildered.
Thank you for sharing.
Never say “my narc”. Don’t do that to yourself. If one has cancer it is not their cancer it is cancer alone.
I love this!! When I deal with the main one in my life, one of my internal songs is "This Little Light of Mine," or a mental reminder on repeat that the light snuffs out the darkness. I may use your verse when the time is right--thank you!!
@@Couscous77 your post isn’t clear. Can you clarify your point? How would you have written the original post to make it resemble your position? I am married to my c-narc for many decades if that helps you. I don’t want to say spouse because narcs don’t really qualify. The sneak in to a marriage under “false” pretenses.
@@Couscous77 I also went through my c-narc’s cancer recovery with them so I know whether cancer is “cancer alone” or not.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (1 John 10:10)
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. (Matthew 7:15)
Was exactly what happened to me. Was led in by a very dark character who acted exactly like me (so light). Was such an act of trickery - I could feel it all the time but couldn't put my finger on it. Of course, I blamed myself due to utter gaslighting. Perspective at the end is enlightening. Perspective and distance are what you need to do the analysis. When you have solved it then they have lost - they know that there is little point in coming back to one who has 'grasped' the 'real' reality, when their victim has put the jigsaw puzzle together (after the time it takes) then game over for them. Thanks as always for the wisdom and support, Dr C. A very merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the UK! Love and light to all who reside in the 'Team Healthy' spirit. x
I know someone that "helps" people including me but with her help comes her control. No thank you. I finally went no contact from her for my self preservation and self care. She seems to help those that are intelligently less than her..... so she shows her superiority of intelligence. That wasn't my case though. That's probably why she argued with me.
Thank you for helping me see what I have been dealing with.
Brilliant, with excellent analogies and examples. You are so Great at this, Dr. Carter. Thank you!
Glad it resonated!
Ty dr Carter .looking forward to your video
Hope you like it!
Merry Christmas Dr. C and family!
The revisionist history is off the charts!
Thank you Gus and Dr. C.
Soooo true again. Hugs from Cynthia Ann on “TEAM HEALTHY”
Dr. Carter is probably one of the best subscription you will ever have that gives you help, wisdom and insight to what you’re dealing with that you just didn’t know what was going on!
You're kind, Susan. Thanks.
Bless you and thank you, Dr C. Your videos are illuminating in regards to the impact of narcissistic abuse on our psyche and the healthier ways of thinking and being. Can you please do a video on connecting with other people after narcissistic abuse? How do we do that? A difficult task for those who have been socialised inside narcissistic family dynamics. Your videos give me hope and faith. Much well-wishing to you, Gus, the family and Michaela this Christmas x
I can imagine how destructive these oeople can be due to causing confusion
Thanks Dr.C, Gus and Team Healthy! Thank you Dr.C for your help and validation, this is so valuable ❤️ 🙏
Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁🎅☃️❄️🦌
This is great..I have been experiencing this for years with my family. Its horrible. Its not fixable.
This site and another give me so much strength being in the darkness of why your person is so mean and evil to you when you do everything give everything surrender everything and it's not enough 24 years and just the last year I've go strength and power and relief because i have knowledge.. thank you
The one I know denies his behavior, saying it never happened. And he says it with outrage. Is this true memory loss, or just drama to convince me he doesn't remember? This person distorts everything. Has nothing good to say about anyone. Lies are his everyday M.O. Accuses me and others of all kinds of things that never happened. I try to separate true mental illness from his narcissism, not that it would make a lot of difference. But he seems to have so many different diagnoses that I don't even know what I'm looking at any more. I am not short on compassion, but I am short on deliberate deceit. It's all mental, though, so I don't even know why I am always trying to figure it out.
It’s a normal response to try to see it in a normal way. It takes time & practice to recognize mental illness & process it as something we are not a part of. Give yourself time & practice. It will come.
I like how you are talking about the light and the dark.. That is my language..
Some days ago I was about to write (copy paste) in the comment section a quote for St. Lucy Day, the festival of light well-known in many "branches" of Christianity (and anyway it is also a popular traditional winter feast independent from religious faith).
I didn't post it because
it could be too *ambiguous* if we try to see any relation with narcissism.
It was a normal quote, a "common sense" quote, good for meditation of normal people, normal experiences, etc. ...but I realized that it couldn't be a good or a helpful description of "light and darkness" when dealing with narcissism topics 🥴
Great video! So much depth in this and again just what needed to hear today. Thank you for the explanation and reminder for what I’m dealing with. Will listen again and again today. 🎄🎁💛✨🐾Happy Christmas.
Thank you, Andrea. Bring in Christmas well since we'll probably be sleeping here in the U.S.!
@ Yes, thank you! And same to you the next day!
Things are progressing in an interesting way with my case! With your wisdom to keep me on track! Sending loads and loads of love to you and yours🐾🐾🐾🐾🎄✨
Thank you
I’ll do what I can to at least check in, but I’m on airport transport duty for my BFF arrival. Grace & peace all y’all.
I hope you have a good holiday with your friend!
Safe trip Aaron.
I wonder why we have invisible comments. I can't read Dr Carters.
@ Go to “Newest” or “Recent” instead of “New.”
@aaronkwolfe Yeah, I tried that.
That exciting 👏 Aaron. You have been blessed. 🎉
My sister said straight out "You are not a priority" to me. She checks the boxes on most all of your list and it breaks my heart. My only sibling...and only surviving family member.
Is your sister your priority in your life or are you your priority. Hopefully GOD would be both of your priority and then all can be dealt with ❤
@@tmo.48 I considered myself equal in priority to my sister. I don't feel the need to sacrifice one to elevate the other. That's what my sister does. Having God as a priority does not guarantee alignment of all other priorities. Some people are so wrapped up in their "Godly" priorities, they have no time for mere humans.
It hurts and is a hard pill to swallow when “family” cannot or will not care about engaging in a reciprocal relationship with you. I finally accepted I am not a priority for most of my family. The sister with most dominant narcissistic personality characteristics went around to the entire extended family gathering support to circle the wagons. I’d supported her and her family in many different ways. She was offended by my asking for support and having feelings during our mother’s long illness. She was the entitled Golden Child. After mom’s death she chose to cut me out. Looking back there were a lot of devaluing episodes which escalated when I decided I’d like a more equal relationship. Still felt like huge unexpected disappointment and betrayal. I had to grieve the loss of my fantasy of our family more than the people since were always pretty fragmented and fragile relationships. I sought recovery for my people pleasing issues ❤️🩹. Hard work but better to be living in reality. You can’t replace a family but good people are out there who will cheer for and support you.
I’m so sorry .. it’s so sad especially with family members who we should be close to.. this is so so hard to even imagine unless you have been through it… I’m not sure if I’ll survive it… but then my daughter in-law would be happy .. so I’m really trying to work on loving myself and hearts to softened which eth a Nar it’s not going to happen!
Praying for you to find some peace!
I can relate.
Tact is the unsaid part of what you think.
An individual who has a narcissistic personality style uses "Tactics" in their tactless diatribes.
Who needs it?
Not us!
Stay Healthy!
Merry Christmas and Greater Blessings in the New Year, one and all!
🎄🎁🦌 ❄️ ☃️ 🛷 🍪 🍰 🦃 🍠
Merry Christmas and A Blessed 2025 Bara 🎄🧡✨️
Many blessings to you 🌠✨✨
Merry Christmas 🌿🎇
Fruitful New Year
@lishmahlishmah I love your emoticons!! 🧡 🫂
As for emoticons, I'm like a 5 yo child with toys... ( 🤔 even younger than a narcissist 😄 ).
🎨 I love your emoticons too ‼️
Merry Christmas to you!! Dr Carter is such a blessing!! The real deal in my humble opinion 🙌🕊️🕊️
Here's to knowing who we are in Christ, in His magnificent light remembering that the truth is always quiet and simple. The lies of the narc are loud and complicated and always for the agenda of dominance and control, their favorite game!
Merry Christmas and may you have a beautiful New Year 🙏🕊️✝️❄️💞
Should we not keep these people accountable for their behavior and the damage they have caused?
Of course.
Very good and informative video! Thank you Dr Carter 🙂👍
Glad it was helpful!
These narcs can all go…evenly yoke…with themselves.
One or both ends up unalived. I've seen it more than once.
It makes me so sick 🤢🤢🤢
It seems they are so far away from their own divine light that its gonna be dark where they operate from.
Confidence becomes suspicion!
Great video!
😁Dr C, I am so thankful for your videos. God showed me a lantern I’m my thoughts. He is the light and we r the glass that allows His light to shine through us. If the Light within us is Light, how great is that light. But, if the light within us is darkness, how great is that darkness. I love the way u take spiritual truths and convey them in a way that can be heard by all…like CS Lewis and Narnia. Thank u and God bless u.
Thank's Dr. C! You've taught me a lot of important info! Also, he goes in my room and through my phone all day and night. He's a part time music teacher. He keep's his deceased wife's IV tube's in the living room. 😂😂
Do you mean the IV tubes are on display? How strange and weird. My ex husband had an aunt who decorated her guest room with her deceased husband's funeral wreaths. They had plastic flowers. People do the nuttiest stuff.
The secret is do not react to the games. Observe quietly and take appropriate action in response. Laughter can really help not only is it sad people act like this to control others but it is also rather absurd and funny. If you can look at it like a Monty Python skit then you avoid falling into their reactive trap. They want you to get into a struggle/argument with them. Be kind to the narcissist do not reduce yourself to their level and they have nothing to work with. Respect for all equally.
I think that businesses should not engage in competition at work. Narcissistic persons use this as a means to attack other co workers.
They prefer to live in the shadows/dark, day or evening/night,read dark books and watch dark programs/t.v
Thank you for this
This must be an interesting one!
Does anyone here know of a free Christian support group for people overcoming/surviving or living with a narcissistic spouse or fiance? I wouldn't mind creating one on the Slack platform. I don't do FB.
I'd be interested in that. I'd have to get familiar with slack.
I have one group on slack for trauma survivors. I'll have to familiarize myself with the process of creating a new group, then come back here and post the name of the group .... hopefully it works.
@@kitdriscoll1288 Okay great I look forward to that. In the end, only Christ truly saved me from a lifetime of this abuse.
On the day of judgement, narcissists will stand before G*d who knows all and when he reveals their mess, they will not be able to deny their wickedness like they did before men. They operate through self-righteousness and deceit which is the armor of demons. However, the light and truth of the Most High will shatter their souls...Stay safe my friends
Ugly is alienated from my grandsons for 8 years now.
Darkness is the wolf the one who goes after softer sheep.
They remind me of cruella Deville. With the answers of course!..
Are they committed to the dark side of their personality or committed to denying it?
And be careful when you go to counseling with a narcissist. Do research and seek out a good therapist. If a narcissist can, they’ll have the therapist making the problems all about you. Trust me. I know.
Yes and watch the 12 step programs to ❤
Yep had a case dismissed for a false allegation. They didn’t like that verdict so reported another allegation again. Got all 12 do I get a prize lol 😜
Hubby's ex is doing her best to destroy him by acting as an avenging angel.
@@supernana7944 I'd double-check that if I were you, and see if your husband has any narcissistic traits. Blaming the ex is very common, but often the ex-wife has been abused and realises he is a narcissist and is now trying to fight back. If he cheated on her (maybe with you?), then she is justified to feel angry and show it. That doesn't make her a narcissist. I'm speaking from experience. I'm the ex-wife of a covert, malicious narcissist, and his current wife, previously his affair partner, believes every word he tells her about me, and it's not true. Unless your husband's ex has direct contact with you and is trying to abuse and manipulate you, then it's best to double check.
my 'ex" [ narcissist] scored 100% as ALWAYs...
Which is why he's your ex.
Last night my narc roommate Chuck Baker, came barreling at me when I was calling my dog to my room. He had a demonic facial expression as he swiftly shuffled towards me with the look of rage! He wanted to intimidate me. How do I deflate these dark tactics that he uses to inflate his fragile ego?
Hahaha very funny how the 7th one came out.
Crushed it again Doc. This issue is so bad, even my good friends exibit this behavior. and when as a friend i get on them , like "Hey fam, uk im you homie, but dog, lets discuss what you just said"" OMG they become almost like small victim babies. its like they think Love and being a friend means Lie to me and agree w nonsense, but im also going to never listen to your logic, because youre dumb O_o. im like damn.. my friend.. do you hate me??? hmmm :(
6:00 7:30 🎯📣 ...🌻
Well... 🤔 I think I have collected a bunch of "backward compliments" in my life 😁😳😄
However, come on, don't be picky, girl ! 😂
A compliment is a compliment !
[just found the term "picky" in the google translator. Hope it works for this phrase 😅 ]
You must have never been a subject to one of these demons that have impacted the rest of your life or taken the life of what you loved. What a pathetic inequitable reasoning of justice. "Just be happy you are not them"! That's like the shallow person who watches someone permanently maime someone then the perpetrator stubs their toe and shallow person says " look karma"!
Hello fellow traveler - I don’t read his suggestions as shallow, but more as broad motivations of hope for viewers to keep “heading towards the light”. Because, for him, based on his years of work and experience, he knows there’s a strong possibility of light. In this UA-cam space, that’s the best and most prudent thing he can do with such a complex and highly subjective experience like narcissistic destruction.
I get the sense that you’ve been hurt, legitimately and deeply hurt. I understand that. I’ve been there too and I’m traveling that road even now. That sort of pain chills me to the bone and all I want is to feel warm again. What Dr. Carter does is light candles and hand them out to his viewers. But if my pain requires a roaring campfire for me to feel warm again, then that’s what personal doctors, therapists and healthy companions can provide.
So I’ll take the candle he gives me and use it to light my own campfire. And if my campfire starts to fade, I know I can come back here for another candle 🕯️
I wish you well on your journey 💞
I'm convinced we need an exorcist for her!!
yup. that's isr°°l.
Les, are you a multimillionaire?
No. I have my retirement funded, so I'm ok.
Thank you so much This explanation of the dark shadow of power and control and fear that is within humanity. Some folks way more than others and believe me I have known many who don’t want to let go of their darkness. Thanks it’s about time with your help we unravel and detangle from that and set ourselves free!!!❄️❄️🩵❄️☃️❄️❄️⛄️❄️🩵❄️☃️