Kristin Got Butt Surgery | Update | Kitchen & Jorn

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @kitchenandjorn
    @kitchenandjorn  6 місяців тому +1925

    update: I do NOT have POTS! I was apparently just DEEPLY dehydrated and gallons of water and salt has been helping. Will update if there are... updates lol

    • @BdazzldNails
      @BdazzldNails 6 місяців тому +39

      Glad no POTs :( it suxks

    • @betsywilliams3666
      @betsywilliams3666 6 місяців тому +27

      I’m glad to hear that it’s not POTS! I hope you feel better soon!

    • @kitchenandjorn
      @kitchenandjorn  6 місяців тому +187

      @@ellisisland6490 I have since learned this! I for sure was like, WHAT IS GOING ON and it turns out LAXATIVES!

    • @nyves104
      @nyves104 6 місяців тому +96

      glad to hear you don't have POTS! if you've had pots like symptoms before this and occasionally get them in the future, you should ask your doctor about neurocardiogenic syncope. it's an episodic version of pots that's triggered by things like dehydration, heat, overexertion (my personal enemy), or extreme emotional distress.

    • @kitchenandjorn
      @kitchenandjorn  6 місяців тому +79

      @@nyves104 ...this sounds more likely TBH

  • @fidgey
    @fidgey 6 місяців тому +403

    “Has my warranty run out?!”
    Most relatable sentiment ever

    • @fishfish7985
      @fishfish7985 6 місяців тому +1


    • @arcanadawn
      @arcanadawn 5 місяців тому

      Welcome to getting older. Everything falls apart lol.

  • @WanderingNeuroscientist
    @WanderingNeuroscientist 6 місяців тому +249

    I know some ppl will say it’s “the bare minimum”, but kudos to Jen for being such a supportive friend. As someone who has chronic conditions and has had health scares, I’ve lost a lot of friends and partners simply because they “can’t handle it”. I’ve even had some ppl accuse me of faking for attention. Obviously, those ppl weren’t true friends, but I also know being close with someone when health issues can be emotionally taxing. I’m really happy y’all have each other and wish you a speedy recovery from surgery Kristin! 🫶

    • @defectiveshark7602
      @defectiveshark7602 6 місяців тому +9

      Good friends are invaluable when you're disabled/have chronic health conditions. I've just accepted that I can be quiet about my health issues and maybe have a few friends or be open and get ghosted. It's honestly good to know that there are at least some people out there that have true friends that are there for the long haul.

    • @empressmarowynn
      @empressmarowynn 6 місяців тому +18

      I left my fiance the day he yelled at me "I can't imagine spending my life dealing with your health problems." This was after I had merely asked for a backrub because I was in a ton of pain. Like cool bro, I've been dealing with my many medical problems mostly alone for decades but yeah I guess asking for a backrub once every two weeks is really taxing. He later admitted he was spouting nonsense but too bad so sad, toodles dude.

  • @herzetty
    @herzetty 6 місяців тому +132

    10:31: "You went slip-slidin' down that mountain of ailments." DUDE my year, too

  • @emmmaleficent
    @emmmaleficent 6 місяців тому +539

    As a multiply disabled person, Kristin is so right, it's overwhelming when it seems like you're having a million issues at once and the people around you are like "why/how is this your life now." It makes you feel really self-conscious and defensive when you have to explain everything to people, because others don't want to believe it's possible for a healthy person to all-of-a-sudden have a bunch of issues. It's scary! But it's scarier to be us and not have answers. So much love to Kristin, I hope things start slowing down for you soon!
    (And so much love to Jen and Brie too, the support they've shown is awesome, and it really shows that they're in this with Kristin fully. That means a lot.)

    • @withpeacelove366
      @withpeacelove366 6 місяців тому +22

      I totally feel this. Also, for me i look young and healthy so people don't realize I'm in excruciating pain and i don't think they believe me when i tell them i have physical disabilities.

    • @Eventide215
      @Eventide215 6 місяців тому +15

      Especially so with illnesses that aren't easily visible to people. Like mental problems, this particular issue Kristin is having, etc. You try to explain to people and then they're just like "..Well have you tried..?" Yes.. It's not like the person has a serious issue and is just sitting around like "Wheee this is fun!" Just like Kristin said, she wants to go to Disneyland again. This isn't fun. She doesn't *want* this. I have similar issues with social anxiety where people always think it's fake, easy to fix, "just do it", etc and it becomes exhausting trying to explain it to people especially when it's bad enough trying to talk to people in the first place. I can't imagine having these issues Kristin's having and people doing similar things..

    • @ApatheticXer
      @ApatheticXer 6 місяців тому +13

      @@Eventide215 If one more person tells me that I can cure my multiple disabilities with coconut oil and yoga.... I feel ya.

    • @mrsadfacepancake4338
      @mrsadfacepancake4338 6 місяців тому +15

      Urgh and i hate it when people think im exagerating because i have multiple issues. Like sorry brenda, i guess i forgot there was a one disability only policy, i guess ill just return this one 🙄
      Or just, people really cant understand chronic illness. Like they cant wrap their heads around the fact that im not just going to get better. So theyre like, youre sick again?? Yes. With my chronic illness. My illness that happens chronically. The illness that is chronic. That illness

    • @Eventide215
      @Eventide215 6 місяців тому +9

      @@ApatheticXer It's especially irritating when it's something so basic that people suggest.. like you really think I didn't start there??

  • @brandchan
    @brandchan 6 місяців тому +376

    As someone who has a whole host of health problems, I appreacte the medical videos. Makes me feel less alone in all the struggles one has to deal with. The people around me may care but unless they are going through something similar it can be hard to understand.

    • @lizlorenzsonn9999
      @lizlorenzsonn9999 6 місяців тому +2

      Same ❤❤

    • @shireensasani6224
      @shireensasani6224 6 місяців тому +2

      SAME! It's heartening (and also saddening, I don't wish it on anyone!) to hear that other people are battling through multiple health issues similar to myself. Makes me feel less alone in my own daily health struggles. I SEE YOU.

    • @emilybilbow4990
      @emilybilbow4990 6 місяців тому

      I get it!!! Thank you for sharing this… 🩷

  • @rebeccac.1758
    @rebeccac.1758 6 місяців тому +151

    You are not alone. I have a nonverbal autistic child, with bone cancer. Everything has happened to him now. He has osteoporosis now. A feeding tube. A full left leg amputation. Literally EVERYTHING. Hugs for you XO

    • @stephellis7456
      @stephellis7456 6 місяців тому +3

      Poor thing I'm so sorry

    • @peachxtaehyung
      @peachxtaehyung 6 місяців тому +2

      Ah man I am so so sorry

    • @rebeccab2446
      @rebeccab2446 6 місяців тому +10

      I wish your little guy some peace with his health. hugs mama

    • @reneebeausheur523
      @reneebeausheur523 5 місяців тому +2

      I'm so sorry. 🙏

  • @feyfeline
    @feyfeline 6 місяців тому +205

    CongrASStulations on the successful surgery! 🎉

    • @bonnie1303
      @bonnie1303 6 місяців тому +5

      Ya really pushed through the pain

  • @sestra_kat
    @sestra_kat 6 місяців тому +67

    While other people may find it annoying, I really appreciate Kristin talking about their health as someone else with both diagnosed and undiagnosed chronic illnesses. The "I don't have nothing!" was something I really needed to hear. I gaslight myself so badly when it comes to undiagnosed health problems, like "well, the doctors don't know what it is so I guess it's not real" when we all know that's not how health works. And the system of the ER not knowing what's wrong so you have to wait months to see a specialist (if you can even afford one) who ALSO doesn't know what's wrong! "I love this game" is really the only way to look at it without going absolutely bonkers. Anyway, all that being said, count me as one of the two viewers who live in the cameras because I will always watch these videos if/when you continue to make them.

    • @helenm1085
      @helenm1085 6 місяців тому +3

      Ugh I know what you mean about gaslighting yourself.... I've even been told by multiple professionals now that they think I might have POTS and I'm like "Well surely not, I'm probably just overthinking", because I haven't been taken seriously for years and years and years. The worst thing for me is that I have persistent fatigue that results in brain fog, and I keep being told that it's because I'm depressed/anxious. But the doctors only see me at my worst!! I don't think I have depression and anxiety anymore!
      Anyway my latest breakthrough is looking into hypermobility - that seems to explain a lot of things! And I found a health professional who takes me seriously!! 🎉

    • @anniekate76
      @anniekate76 5 місяців тому

      ER doctors don’t mean to say nothing is wrong with you. They just say nothing is wrong that is going to kill you in the next day or so. That’s all they have the capacity to check for.

  • @lauren3173
    @lauren3173 6 місяців тому +115

    “I might as well try to raise one of these…”
    Oh Jesus Christ
    Kristin, I love you 😂♥️

  • @theatreg33k
    @theatreg33k 6 місяців тому +90

    "Chronic illnesses are chronic." Things I need to tell myself regularly.

  • @Shackbanshee
    @Shackbanshee 6 місяців тому +70

    I had a 6 month long colon cancer scare last year (it wasn't! It's something non malignant and treatable!) But honestly? Seeing other folks talk about butt problems is really helpful. I spent half a year hoding and crying basically and felt so alone.

  • @WinterC773
    @WinterC773 6 місяців тому +43

    As someone who had their tonsil's out when I was an adult (they grew too big and too far down my throat) and is allergic to all the good pain meds, I def recommend infusing water with ginger and/or mint in the fridge. It was nice to have something with flavor that was refreshing, but also it did soothe things more than just plain ice water for me. Hope your recovery for this surgery starts going better soon!

  • @monkfruit2389
    @monkfruit2389 6 місяців тому +38

    9:47 Jen is a prophet🙌 but honestly, it's also so comforting to see how understanding and loving she is to Kristen 😢 like it's so hard to be sick, but people acknowledging it really goes a long way in helping you deal with it.

  • @Brambleenbea
    @Brambleenbea 6 місяців тому +63

    Thank you for normalising that there is often things going on. I have a whole load of health stuff that pops up and it seems like ‘there’s always something’ so I thank you so much for showing that sadly, this is the case for a lot of us. Sending lots of love and speedy continuous healing

  • @sharorviktor
    @sharorviktor 6 місяців тому +31

    Oh man, Kristin's experience was so relatable as a multiply disabled person - and how that interacts with how I'm also going through braces treatment atm. I tend to summerise my health situation that I've got like 10 minor health issues, but those issues each have contradicting needs. They fall into 3 types: 'somehow unrelated illness and just my bad luck', 'kinda-related to X illness', and 'nooo why does treating X make Y worse'.
    Simultaneously while managing my the different health issues, I'm WILLINGLY putting myself through more things that cause pain and flare ups thanks to my braces treatment. (braces, TMJ and chronic pain are a terrible mix. Do not recommend, despite how positive my braces journey has been lol)
    Don't feel bad about the health update videos, there's plenty of us here who very much appreciate them and empathise with the struggle.
    Also fun chaotic tip I use for when I gotta be on opiod-based painkillers for injuries and flare-ups - I'm lactose intolerant so I just eat more dairy to contrdict the "constipation" side effect of the painkillers lol. Doesn't work for everyone, but I'm lucky it works for me.

    • @defectiveshark7602
      @defectiveshark7602 6 місяців тому +5

      Oh god, it's bad enough when you have to have multiple health problems, but why do they all have to constantly GET IN EACH OTHERS' WAY? 😭

    • @chemgirl1331
      @chemgirl1331 6 місяців тому +2

      ​@defectiveshark7602 LITERALLY!! I'm over here having conversations with my psychiatrist about how I can't focus, but we know my Vyvanse is making my pelvic floor issues potentially worse, so we've lowered the dosage (which has helped a decent amount), BUT NOW MY BRAIN WON'T CONCENTRATE ON WHAT I NEED IT TO! Thankfully all my doctors are very acutely aware of the chronic illness & comorbidity soup that we're dealing with w/me, but it really takes having that level of interdisciplinary care----which many practitioners don't like approaching from that manner, and I'm sure many of us are acutely aware of that

  • @lvwest8092
    @lvwest8092 6 місяців тому +30

    Thank you for sharing. Some others may not agree but most of us are happy that you are talking about these subjects. As someone with Crohn's, it's hard to have these discussions even for me. So thank you for giving me the courage to speak more often. I hope you still continue to recover. ❤

  • @charlottegrace6656
    @charlottegrace6656 6 місяців тому +17

    "That mountain of ailments" I FEEL THAT HARD!!! So many hospital appointments, specialists, tests, MRI's, ultrasounds. The STRESS.

  • @patriciaschiro2659
    @patriciaschiro2659 6 місяців тому +10

    As someone with many disabilities I have said so many things the same as you. Don’t worry your not alone and no one wants this. Glad your surgery went well.

  • @rebeccaondrusek7541
    @rebeccaondrusek7541 6 місяців тому +17

    I’ve been waiting for this follow up! I am currently 7 days post surgery of the very same! lol, it has been the worst week of my life! 😂 Similar to your experience, it’s began to get better about a day or two ago. Glad to hear, you’re pretty much out of the woods, and happy you don’t have POTS! Also, thank you for sharing your experience! I’ve felt very alone and these videos were a gift to me! ❤️

  • @kathryndabs203
    @kathryndabs203 6 місяців тому +12

    Thank you Kristen for sharing and being so candid with us! As a health care professional, a lot of people struggle with multiple complex health issues and are frustrated trying to find answers so hopefully your story makes others feel less alone. Glad to hear you are feeling slightly better!

  • @ohboilien
    @ohboilien 6 місяців тому +7

    As another chronically ill person I send all the best to Kristin and all your support peeps 🐥 ❤

  • @swimfectionist97
    @swimfectionist97 6 місяців тому +48

    Glad you are doing better! ❤️
    P.s. I love that you made a video about this. I love learning new things!

  • @Kangamoos
    @Kangamoos 6 місяців тому +33

    Thank you for making a video update! This is the only place I check regularly, and I eagerly await your uploads on Fridays

  • @jenniferwebb1005
    @jenniferwebb1005 6 місяців тому +13

    Glad surgery went well and that you are recovering/healing. Even when issues don’t seem related, when one system gets out of sorts it has a ripple effect on all the systems of the body. It’s like the body needs a reboot button to reset all the systems and get them functioning correctly with each other. Hope the future medical treatments go well.

  • @oxysanrioo
    @oxysanrioo 4 місяці тому +2

    this is 2 months old but i’m currently on a binge of all of their videos and i could listen them (all 3) talk all day 😭 i’m a little biased tho and LOVEEEE brie, she’s not even a youtuber but she’s somehow my favorite. a podcast would be so bomb

  • @krose6451
    @krose6451 6 місяців тому +2

    These are good things for people to hear about and to have made less taboo in general. Bodies are bodies. They have functions. Often, they dont function in the ideal fashion. Its life and should be able to be talked about like other common aspects of life. It makes it much easier when people have things go wrong then need care and support.

  • @krittikae
    @krittikae 6 місяців тому +39

    I had a similar surgery recently. Hope you heal quick and well!

  • @julesreyes1329
    @julesreyes1329 6 місяців тому +4

    I'm disabled and have multiple chronic illnesses too. It's frustrating when people aren't able to empathy. Do they think we asked for all this? Don't they think if I could choose, I would have asked for long legs and perfect pitch instead of multiple clotting diseases and arthritis?

  • @Muzikal_Kween
    @Muzikal_Kween 6 місяців тому +2

    Chronic problems definitely have comorbidities with others. Unfortunately. I feel ya gurl. Glad u have no pots no more fissures.

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. 6 місяців тому +6

    As someone dealing with a funny tummy sometimes, I’m happy you talked about ‘Day Three’.

  • @Dukedogdog
    @Dukedogdog 6 місяців тому +8

    Kristen i just wanna say i apploud you for staying on your stomach for 3 days. I had to spend three months on my stomach due to "tailbone" surgery and its the worst. You feel defeated immediately like a toddler.
    Im so glad your in better health now❤❤❤

  • @belindagritter1572
    @belindagritter1572 6 місяців тому +8

    You are a champ. I have chronic illness - degenerative disc disease in my back. It is no fun to live with pain. I hope this is just a temporary valley for you and that you will be on top of the world soon. Ps: my granddaughter has POTS so I understand a little bit about that. She’s doing really well right now. You will too. 🤗🤗

  • @erinjensen7367
    @erinjensen7367 6 місяців тому +5

    You may not even see this, but I'm 33 and got my tonsils out 2 years ago. The one thing no one told me is i would constantly need to spit after cause it was too painful to swallow but i was making SO MUCH saliva! Also, it was easier to sleep sitting up in my recliner so i did that for almost a week. I have more tips if you need them ❤

  • @Shifterai
    @Shifterai 6 місяців тому +3

    I'm just over a week in recovery from major abdominal surgery and amusingly day three was also poopmagedon for me too :D
    Also for tonsils, as someone who also had theirs out as an adult, it truly is a life changing improvement. It was painful and a long recovery definitely, but insanely worth it (but 100% take the pain meds on the schedule they give you)
    Thanks for sharing with us Kristen, it means a lot as a chronically ill person to not feel so alone. I wish you weren't here with us but I'm grateful for how much visibility you share with us

  • @DruidDreams
    @DruidDreams 6 місяців тому +7

    Welcome back, Kristen. I hope the tonsillectomy goes well! I had mine out last year as an adult, and there were definitely a few days that were not great. I found the subreddit very helpful for selecting products to help recover comfortably. Don't read the horror stories on there, though. You got this!

  • @SAmaryllis
    @SAmaryllis 6 місяців тому +4

    Nothing's scarier and more isolating than experiencing a health issue at the dead of night :( I wish there had been an emergency on-call number you could've called to explain to medical staff what was going on, but I'm glad you at least already had a backup of pain medication. Ty for sharing your health journey so candidly, it helps to hear about different ppl's struggles!

  • @rainbowcactus6774
    @rainbowcactus6774 6 місяців тому +2

    😂😂😂 as someone who's warranty has run out in less scary but very painful ways that require constant maintenance I really appreciated this video. 🍻
    My physio called it a system overload, if you're already chronically ill and something flares up or things get stressful it kind of dominoes from there to like 1000 things at once.

  • @delaneymilbradt8123
    @delaneymilbradt8123 3 місяці тому +2

    I love normalizing talking about health issues without the stigma. Keeping health issues quiet just keeps people in the dark about the disparity of access in our healthcare system AND the suffering of those affected by it. Always appreciated.

  • @allenjeannette4350
    @allenjeannette4350 6 місяців тому +5

    Hi Kristin - This is something I do when I feel extra dehydrated try combining a couple of Oral Rehydration Solution packets (Liquid IV, Drip Drop, and Walgreens have their own version) and a big bottle of Pedalyte. You can try it or not. Take care and I hope you have a speedy recovery with everything!

  • @julieblair7472
    @julieblair7472 6 місяців тому +5

    I had fissures and a horrible abscess , surgery was insane and it was days before my first BM. It felt like pooping out my skeleton, and I ripped the towel bar off the wall. Easily my least favorite day of life. I had to crawl on my hands and knees to the bathroom for a week. Stairs were impossible, you never notice you flex your butthole so much on stairs.

  • @lauren3173
    @lauren3173 6 місяців тому +2

    Kristin talking about trying to get a diagnosis for what her issues might be is so relatable. For a long while now I have been dealing with health issues that have slowly progressed to be an unbearable chronic illness… and we have no idea what it is. I’ve had over 20 blood tests, 2 ultrasounds on my thyroid, and so many doctors apointament. I have symptoms out the wazoo and I feel like I’ve been running on empty for a long time now. It’s exhausting and disheartening. I feel so hopeless that I will feel like this for the rest of my life. This is not how I pictured my early 20s.

  • @dsanchez0913
    @dsanchez0913 5 місяців тому +1

    😂😂😂There was a coup happening in my gut!
    Here's the thing. I threw out my back Friday and decided let me catch up. KRISTEN, I CACKLED SO HARD I FLINCHED😂OUCH😂OUCH😂

  • @elizabethfarmer4648
    @elizabethfarmer4648 6 місяців тому +6

    Glad you are back! I have bouts of diverticulitis. I was unaware how painful it can be. Prayers!

  • @andreaewert7204
    @andreaewert7204 6 місяців тому +6

    So glad the recovery from butt surgery went well! Sorry you are having so many other health issues. Hope you start feeling better soon! ❤❤❤

  • @lollypopliz4
    @lollypopliz4 6 місяців тому +2

    I'm so happy to hear the butt surgery did what it needed to do! I also love the dress Kristin is wearing! (It's the small things that help us through)

  • @brooket9055
    @brooket9055 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for posting this video. And know you’re not alone in the madness as i also feel like my warranty was run out with many different health issues coming into light at the same time and 4 surgeries undertaken in the last few months. And at the point where i wanted things to be over and tied in a neat little bow, my body decided it’s time for something else, and now there is talk of another surgery.
    I feel you. You’re amazing.

  • @ultraviolet55
    @ultraviolet55 6 місяців тому +2

    Glad the surgery worked!! I love a good update. Jen’s “you went slip sliding down that mountain of ailments” sent me

  • @MangoMintMickey
    @MangoMintMickey 6 місяців тому +1

    I had surgery recently and I really appreciate you sharing your experiences! We need to share information with each other so we can go forward informed about what realistic recovery looks like.

  • @BuriedErect
    @BuriedErect 6 місяців тому +1

    I am crying laughing at the techtonic shift. I think that could totally work in a stand up routine if it isn't there already. Wishing you a speedy recovery and ideal outcomes! ❤

  • @arielharris8596
    @arielharris8596 6 місяців тому +1

    So happy for some positives! I hope you find your diagnosis. I have dealt with mystery illnesses too and it totally sucks. Keep laughing and being kind to yourself.

  • @combatwombats
    @combatwombats 6 місяців тому +2

    Glad you're recovering! Fingers crossed you keep feeling better. These kinds of videos are good to see. It really normalizes talking about health issues, which people should be able to do!
    Also, good luck with the tonsils! I had my tonsils out at 25 and recovery was very hard, but it was worth it. Make sure you have lots of ice for ice water-- they tell you to eat soup and ice cream, but for me even that was too hard to swallow, and having plenty of very cold water was invaluable for keeping the pain and swelling down. And whatever you do, do not take Motrin/ibuprofen. It increases bleeding and (from experience) that is not fun, lmao.

  • @blondeart83
    @blondeart83 6 місяців тому +2

    Glad to hear that surgery was successful. Hoping your tonsil surgery goes just as smooth. ❤

  • @warriorwolfette
    @warriorwolfette 6 місяців тому +1

    I’m glad you are feeling better! Feeling like garbage constantly just bogs you down, and even bits of small relief is so nice.

  • @blackbird163
    @blackbird163 6 місяців тому +1

    My tonselectomy was absolute hell of a recovery for 2 weeks. Couldnt eat or drink ANYTHING. Swallowing water hurt, so just make sure ur prepared with help. But definitely worth it. Glad ur better! ❤

  • @SC-fw1lm
    @SC-fw1lm 6 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for keeping us updated! I’ve been going through the wringer health wise for the last year and a half. One thing after another. I’m dealing with a severe dehydration issue as well. Not fun. But I’m hoping this is the last ailment I’ll be dealing with for a while. Finger crossed 🤞🏼
    I hope you are into better days as well Kristen

  • @ChloeStAmand
    @ChloeStAmand 6 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for the update! I'm glad that even if there continue to be things that need some attention, at least this one thing is getting better. And thanks for the original video too. It's vulnerable stuff to share, but you're normalizing the human experience of having a body and making so many people feel seen.

  • @msb5775
    @msb5775 6 місяців тому +6

    “You’re talking all the time about your health issues, every 10 seconds you have something else going on” the reality of life after 30 😅

    • @abbyb6958
      @abbyb6958 6 місяців тому

      I’m a decade early🤩😭

  • @XOHaynes
    @XOHaynes 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank y'all soo much for making an update video! Its a beautiful thing to see how y'all support each other in the rough times too. As for the warranty, I do also feel that so much! But, for real though I think our bodies might just be getting tired of having the check engine lights on, and to be honest that sucks. I promise you aren't alone in this! ❤❤

  • @lindamoulton1560
    @lindamoulton1560 6 місяців тому +1

    Kristen you are a warrior! I am so so sorry that you had to go through all that. Hoping you get some answers and the rest of your recovery goes better!!!!

  • @randomripoff123
    @randomripoff123 6 місяців тому +4

    glad you're doing better, the surgery worked, and glad to hear (via your comment) that it's not POTS! damn that dehydration, though, WOOF. definitely good that water & salt are helping you recover from that!
    also oh my GOD though at the nerve thing wearing off after 10 hrs instead of 3 days. anything numbing just doesn't work on me bc of my hEDS, so eugheughhhh fucking figures, don't it? i sometimes think drs are all lying abt how long it's supposed to last just to make us feel bad when it wears off earlier than that or something, idk.
    ANYWAY i'm glad despite that horrific first 3 days and rough first week the surgery has otherwise worked and you continue to recover! here's hoping everything else takes a goddamn chill pill for a long time to let you recuperate and get a new routine in place feeling okay.
    thank you for sharing! it not only allows you to feed yourself etc., but helps spread info & comfort among ppl who might be going through something similar.

  • @mariamoore8025
    @mariamoore8025 6 місяців тому +1

    Don’t worry about the tonsillectomy, I got mine out at 31 two years ago and it was not nearly as bad as everyone said it was going to be.

  • @mostlyh2o233
    @mostlyh2o233 6 місяців тому +1

    SO glad to hear the surgery went well! I just had foot surgery which required the taking of opioids for a few days and I didn’t poop for two days (which is HIGHLY unusual for me) When I finally did: HOO BOY was it painful! Kristen, I had a butt-painful poop ONCE and you had been having that pain for months/years?! You poor baby! I’m SO glad you’re on the road to recovery and can put that behind (snort) you!

  • @gigimm168
    @gigimm168 6 місяців тому +2

    Dude you can’t catch a break! I’m glad the update says you don’t have POTS. I have friends who are basically constantly sick with chronic illnesses, I personally have mental distorters, and know how bad it can derail your life. I’m hoping you get to go to DisneyLand soon!

  • @IraiShikyo
    @IraiShikyo 6 місяців тому +2

    this is by far my favorite video youve posted, i cannot stop laughing. i had a similar poop delivery experience after my c-section. all the laxatives but cant fkn poop + post surgery misery anddd developed a new issue after (postpartum gallstones led to pancreatitis led to more surgery led to ibs!) ya'll are great. lmaooo also had my tonsils out as a kid because they just kept swelling.

  • @ouizeeb7288
    @ouizeeb7288 6 місяців тому +1

    The warranty comment cracked me up! I feel the same way, and my husband (joking of course) occasionally asks my Mom about her return policy. ;) I enjoy these videos, because it's so relatable. Keep up your sense of humour and know that there's some of us out here that empathize so so much with what you're going through.

  • @catherinepattersonmcelroy8336
    @catherinepattersonmcelroy8336 5 місяців тому

    Yesss!! I feel for you so much! In 2019, into 2020 I was about to lose my mind. Everything was flaring up. I came down with full body chronic hives of unknown origin, intense abdominal pain, I was losing my hair, my already fun chronic migraines became soo much worse, and I started having multi month long periods. I finally just started just telling all of my doctors that they could tell me I have cancer or a rare disorder, but I NEED answers ASAP. That's not to say a cancer diagnosis or a rare disorder is good by any means, obviously. But it truly and honestly would've been a breath of fresh air because I would've had answers and could've started a plan. Not knowing was making me have countless panic attacks and spiraling "what if" thoughts. I eventually found some answers but holy shit did it take some time and some exhausting advocacy!! And now I'm basically back to my baseline with chronic migraines 🫠 Bodies are weird and annoying sometimes! I send hugs and love to anyone going through it ❤️❤️

  • @laurenschenck5355
    @laurenschenck5355 6 місяців тому +4

    Your dogs are SO CUTE Jen and Kristin! They love the camera and the attention love it! 🫶🏻💐🩵🩵🫶🏻🌸🫶🏻🩷🌹🌹🌻🌻💛💛🦋🌈🌷🌷🌺🪻🍄🍄‍🟫🌼🌼✨🧡🪻🪻💛💛🩷🌻💙💙💙💐🩵🩵💐🫶🏻🌸🌸🫶🏻💙🌹🌹🌹🌻🌞🌷🦋💛💛🌈🌈🥀🍄🍄🪻🧡🪻🍄🍄🌞🌸🌸🍄🌸🌸🍄🪻💛💛💛🌹🧡

    • @kitchenandjorn
      @kitchenandjorn  6 місяців тому +3

      Aren't they SO CUTE? We are obsessed

  • @alexandria9286
    @alexandria9286 6 місяців тому +4

    Kristin your curly hair looks great! Welcome back!

  • @jchristensen694
    @jchristensen694 6 місяців тому +4

    Well, when I turned 40 I told everyone that my "wheels fell off".... things have continued to fall off every year. Welcome to adulthood 😂.

  • @deannaeakle8680
    @deannaeakle8680 6 місяців тому +1

    Hugs to you Kristin! I really hope you feel better soon! Love you ladies

  • @samanthastirnemann7817
    @samanthastirnemann7817 6 місяців тому +4

    So glad to see you’re feeling okay!! Excited to watch this. Love you guys!

  • @icecreamloversr
    @icecreamloversr 14 днів тому

    My partner had their tonsil surgery at 27, theirs were also huge and touching. The way they explained the pain post surgery was like swallowing glass... so beware of that 😬 I think day 3 and day 7 were hardest, and 2 years out their throat is doing fantastic. Kristin seems to handle pain like a champ, it'll suck but then it will be so much better! Also my partner's voice sounded less muffled after which was a weird cool side effect we didn't anticipate.

  • @donnasmith5680
    @donnasmith5680 6 місяців тому +1

    Glad your butt is better! I had my tonsils out in my 30's, fudgcicles were my best friend. I was surprised to find out they also removed my uvula without advance notice! The surgery definitely helped lessen my snoring. Good luck!

  • @leannadawn6943
    @leannadawn6943 6 місяців тому +1

    I'm so glad to hear that you're doing better! Glad it's not POTS, hug your beautiful wife and puppers. We're here for allll the health videos ❤

  • @heliagrey
    @heliagrey 6 місяців тому +3

    Glad you’re feeling better. Just think of every crappy situation (no pun intended) as a new book chapter. Literally! lol. Happy writing, and hope you get some uneventful time for a change! ❤

  • @lesliemoiseauthor
    @lesliemoiseauthor 6 місяців тому +3

    Oh honey. I'm so sorry you went through this.

  • @lunarlla
    @lunarlla 6 місяців тому +1

    im glad the surgery was a success!! also can definitely relate that one health issue often leads to at least being tested for possible others. it's an exhausting trip every time 😭 i wish you smooth sailing with getting those other issues sorted! 💙

  • @claudiaelodie
    @claudiaelodie 6 місяців тому

    I really appreciate the update and being upfront about what's going on. I know a lot of people who are having lots of issues after Covid infections. I hope you get everything figured out and are feeling better soon! 💜

  • @chase5103
    @chase5103 6 місяців тому +2

    so glad the surgery made a difference!! Standing in solidarity (er, maybe sitting on a comfortable cushion) with you on this health journey from hell 💜💜

  • @LadyLakeMusic
    @LadyLakeMusic 6 місяців тому +1

    Love you guys! Oh hey Kristen I understand trust me! I have had a couple of years of all kinds of BS! Hang in there! Hope you are feeling better soon and more hydrated and less full of… Lol! Wishing you good health and keep up your high spirits! Big hugs 👱‍♀️💖🌹☀️🌈🙏

  • @Betherick1985
    @Betherick1985 6 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for the update! Will be sending you good vibes for your tonsil surgery and recovery. ❤

  • @Issue566
    @Issue566 6 місяців тому +3

    Im grateful you uploaded..both of you are a blessing.

  • @aellalee4767
    @aellalee4767 6 місяців тому

    I've had poops like that.
    I wasn't sick, I just ate a lot of food because work gave us a all you can eat meals for a while and the one day I was 15 minutes late for work because I was pooping all the food I ate.
    I hope your health improves! It sucks feeling crappy and needing surgeries.
    I hope healing goes well.

  • @robinesak7819
    @robinesak7819 6 місяців тому

    We LOVE that your so honest about your health issues. If I ever do a UA-cam channel, it'll be to try to get people more comfortable with some of these awful health things that can happen to people.

  • @JennieSh1986
    @JennieSh1986 6 місяців тому

    I have also had a lot of different health issues since birth and people always accuse me of trying to get attention. Believe me, if I never had to visit a hospital or doctor's office again I would be so very happy. I think some of us just have bodies that require a little more maintenance and care. I'm so glad your surgery went well and I'll still be here watching whatever videos you guys choose to make. xx

  • @caressmonet
    @caressmonet 6 місяців тому +1

    I got a surgery somewhat similar to this once, and I lived alone, so during the healing process I was just screaming at the top of my lungs when I went to the bathroom 😭

  • @emiliastevens3353
    @emiliastevens3353 6 місяців тому

    I had 4 surgeries over the last 2 years in that area and the amount of times I've had nurses offer me a seat then go "oh I'm so sorry you can't sit can you" 😂 they were really kind but it was both funny and sad at the same time, "so I hear you have a sore bottom" like maam please I'm over 30 i cannot hear that exact wording without feeling like I'm either 5 or 95, very much feel Kristen on the awkward surgery dressings that make you feel like you're wearing half a daiper. I'm all healed up now (fingers crossed) so yay!

  • @sarahsparks2649
    @sarahsparks2649 6 місяців тому

    Aw man, I've been on this disabling chronic illness healthcare scavenger hunt roller-coaster for years. I get this. I love how Kristen deals with all this with humor and grace even though I know behind the scenes there have probably been times where they felt like they were dying. Very glad you don't have POTS! Wishing you well and a speedy recovery! ❤

  • @Bumblebeemagnify
    @Bumblebeemagnify 6 місяців тому +1

    This is just totally spot on: "It's like a scavenger hunt...the only thing on the scavenger hunt list is a diagnosis and there's thousands of doctors who could have it and you just gotta pick the one that's figured it out" - and don't forget paying $$$$ for the privelege (and going through being gaslit, belittled, dismissed and fat shamed along the way). Such a fun game indeed! /sarc

  • @hope4serenitykm
    @hope4serenitykm 6 місяців тому +1

    I have multiple chronic illnesses, I too think about my warranty being expired 😂. I am sorry you are going through this. HUGS

  • @AudraLeigh01
    @AudraLeigh01 5 місяців тому +1

    Thank you Kristin for sharing your story. You encouraged me to see my doctor about this same thing. I was too embarrassed and didn’t want to address the issue before (and I work in medicine 🫣).

  • @SquidgeTastic
    @SquidgeTastic 6 місяців тому

    i love you guys. much love kristen. I'm glad things are ok. good luck with the tonsils. my warranty ran out at 38. suddenly i had adhd, arthritis, psoriasis, my teeth were going to fall out from previous surgeries, and more stuff that fails to come back to me. turned out that all those weird things that you ignore finally catch up with you. you go to the doc, and then say, 'while i'm here', and leave on several waiting lists. enjoy the salty water!

  • @tails519
    @tails519 6 місяців тому

    Hey Kristin! Please ignore this if it is not at all helpful to you. But for helping manage your POTS symptoms until you see a cardiologist & a diagnosis hopefully followed by a treatment plan there’s a couple things you can do to help limit symptoms. Increasing water intake is the easiest one, and you mentioned taking liquid IV, which should help w the electrolytes in it. Drinking Tom Brady levels of water really helps.
    Wearing compression socks can also help, since it limits the amount of blood pooling in your extremities. I don’t know your dietary habits or other medical conditions but significantly increasing salt intake helps raise blood pressure and minimize symptoms. Also eating the same amount, just spread over the course of the day in smaller portions helps conserve water and limit symptoms since digestion takes so much water. Again, please ignore this if it is not helpful to you!

  • @CaptPeanutBut
    @CaptPeanutBut 6 місяців тому

    I really wish talking about pooping was more normalized in our society, so I appreciate the good work you are doing lol. I think even doctors are reticent to bring it up, and I think we would all be living healthier lives if more people discussed it.

  • @ZeldaHouseMom
    @ZeldaHouseMom 6 місяців тому

    Getting your tonsils out as an adult is a game changer! Recovery is tough, but it’s so worth it! You end up saying things like, “whoa! So this is what it’s like to breathe!?” Good luck!!! ❤

  • @Laethiem
    @Laethiem 6 місяців тому

    Thank you for talking about this kind of stuff. I deal with a lot of chronic illnesses, so I understand how it goes.

  • @matt11251125
    @matt11251125 6 місяців тому

    Thanks for sharing your experience Kristin. I’ve been def dealing with multiple illnesses lately and it made me feel less alone ❤❤

  • @MatchaChaCha86
    @MatchaChaCha86 6 місяців тому +1

    Tbh…every 10 seconds I got something going on too so I’m here for it. Talk Queens ❤

  • @emilybilbow4990
    @emilybilbow4990 6 місяців тому

    I have very low blood pressure, I dehydrate easily and so I totally empathize with you on this… I’ve also had multiple bouts of hemaroids, although I’m sure your condition is worse… I remember taking a stimulant laxative once!!! I was on vacay and hasn’t pooped in several days… my grandma gave me one and I thought my internal organs were going to come out my butt!!! Never again!!! I don’t know if you will even read this… but I’ll bet your sharing helped some people feel less alone or less abnormal because of a health issue… thank you for being so candid… 😊